Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, October 16, 1824, Image 3

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L.RtfsTON, OcU^-Arr. yesterday, Jr. F*.;,i«T Miller. Nassnu 6 day*. A sell/, bc- t)r. A. DE LAROCHE. ^MlHor,'Kas>m. .lay, A sei.r. hr- Opposite the Exchange, Savanntth. W&SdS'ltoUUwi'i.iMuvcen,. dvii«- £3 ^UaUy receiving fresh snpplie. of gen- I 1 ' 'infllum Key during a burrienno on the 12th Land WM supposed to M-lost. . t • die Collector for Key West on board, f.iteri fm Liverpool, of the 1st uH. sny tj' c J Salr, Petrie, would sail for thrsport on the rillLADELNl!A, Oct. 7—Aw. brig Mfttgarot, ittlesoii, 18 days fm Mfttadfcus, with coffeo and DRUGS AND MEDICINES, 4elected for Country Merchants and Physicians, which he will sell lor eush or approved credit at the lowest City price. Just received, SULPHATE of QUININA. oct Id 100 Iron, Steel, and Cotton'Bagging. ’WYva itm*r *_4t *• ** *£.1 _ [Cl’ Kiel' Coin. Burry, Tubbs, Buenos Ayres, rdner, Alvarado. large brig and a iclir. names unknown. g Xb Sherman, 13 ds fm Havana. i„g on the passage. Healthy at Hav,, —Winds on ttie const have been Northwardly neWYOKK Ocl. l 7—Arrived, The ship Clncln- SL, from London, sailed Aug. Ill, w ith dry t’Sp Henry Hill, Post, from Antwerp, and L ron. Flushing. Sn ledi from 1- lushing , 22, in co. with French brig Deux Frcrcs, for 'hfship Columbia, Kurte, 66 days, from Bre- Lhile George, Harris, of Portsmouth, N. II ■ffiSlv, will. 420 tiipcs Brandy. ffilriR Paulina, Bartlett, of l.uxbury, 36 daj| Lif.rdii', South IVulcs, with till, h on, 4 c. ftelri Hebe, Pratt, (of Alcxabdi«.,) 63 days KmCibttt, "itb lead, wine,rater, corkwr~* taies. Sept. 26, 10 leagues IS, S. L. of lies spoke brig Mary, Gnrw.n, -ft) hours Irom K (tapes of Delaware tor Satmiudb. {rim Butch brig An/iaEli*ubcth,Bo|S, 23 day? im Curacao, with salt, logwood;fact lie brig Mntteawun, Coffin, 20 days from Cur- with cocoa, dye wood, indigo and specie. Hie brig Rodney Wiuehcll, of Bnth, 22 day [in Anatto Bay, Jnm. with i ‘ [ JUI nv t bix. e brig June, of Bath, out 20 Ul, |Kingston; and tho^Columbian sdirlnde] Teury Johnson, Mullett, of Bridge- h,22 days froin Jaequetacl, will) logwood, eof- | be * * « 5 . "■ ‘f Llie brig Neptune, of Bristol, R. I, -0 da) s front ivana. i» Charleston. „ , 4 .. ., Beored—Ship Corinthian, Davis, Liverpool, failed—Packet ship Orbit, - for Baltimore, an ; Frances; for South Atacricfti In Council, I4th : Oct. 1^24. hHE following persons have been drawn City L Constables lor Use ensuing year. LV.’U'JJl UVt/vr’,— l*. \> . '1 n:; el:. K.Veenc Word— Morris Doty. :iV,V-lio!.i it Taylor. Reynolds li en!— Lee. mert Wan!— C I.evistoncs. Y)Mun)c Ward—Thos. Young. Wtcktr Ward—Thos} R. Price. ^hiekton Ward—!Vm. Marshall. , /Iromi Ward—Johnston Purkumn. Ptrtival Ward—A, Pratt.’. * Parlij/ H ard—N. Wallace. Columbia Hard—Jos. 1C. Thompson. [At 10 j'rmtkKh Ward— 1 Thos. Cavaughnaugh. hy<MUi Hard—Win. iBhiek. Hard—Juo. Bradley. , , rd-R. M, Goodwin. « B arren Ward—(leo. Robertson, Jr.' rile above named person^ arc required to call [theMayors Office on Monday next, between the purs of 12 and 2 o’clock, mid qtialify for the per- frm-iea cf tLeir duties. The penally for relusal l ,|ualiry■ - — 1 Oct 16 £4 TONS IRON consisting of Axe Bar, Wug- JLv gbn mid Chair Tire undies Hoop Iron do Sheet do do Steel ctinjisling of English Blister, German und(i.) Blister I 60’ jis 42 Ine)i COTTU.Y DAGGLYG. Just received and for side bv Qetol® . |B0 .1.11. il F.RBEUT St CO. go 4t> Bu 30 20 Rank of Darien, OCTOBER 5,1824. I T hnVin'g Urcn satisfactorily shewn to this board that counterfeit!, puriinrtiiig to he change hills of tile Bunk of Darien urc in cimilntinn In., the City of Savannah, it it ordered, That notice he given by the cashier in the public Unzettcs of t|iis City, and Siiviinimh, that tlvo issue -of the Change Bills of tile Bank be stopped, and that those al ready issued bo forthwith culled in. Extract from (he Minute W- s. * • ■ Oct 16 190 , REES, Cashier. • ” IN COUNCIL. OrronER 14(li, 1R24, T HE City Treasurer having laid before Coun cil the umount of Ground rent due the City for City Lots. Ordered that the same he re-enter ed after due notice indue of the public lianbttes Unconformity with the Orelneiice oTthc City. Extruet from the minutes, M. MYERS, c. i Efimhlin Ward. Ah: amount. urs. due 2 ft 13 Oct 86 8B nd serve is Twenty pound*. ‘W M. MYERS, c. To Kent.* M That large and pleasantly situated House in Broughton street, now occupied liy Doctor.!, il. Read; for term*, apply'to Bulloch b |Dnwody, Factor*. JOHN MOREL. Jot 16 iloo Rent. t 16 To The Tenement in Broughton Street adjoiuingtheone*occupi- ed by the subscriber;’possession given ■ the 1st of November. 6B MYERS. 180 Proposals, . . „ the Bridge between WhUemunh I Wand and Ovtlends, will be received bu- I ten this and the 1st day ol November. For fptculdrs npplv/o ijmothy Barnard, ) Com’rs JOHN SCR1VEN. ’ > Wilming. EDW. F. TATTNALL. S ton Dis t. ct 16 100 Situation Wanted, l ^? lln £ 1311,11 v> 'ho is w'ell acquainted \Villi ifli b «*iness having foiiowed it lane last tlireo yeni-s. lie would uccepta place R^n»spatabT» House. All necessary recom- tBidations can bohud both in town or fro tat the ®'7'fvr ,,qe SP>*ed to |l. M. G. and iclt at ct "‘^ )e particularly attended to. ijifMs, [toth? corner SheltnimUi, Hlntakcr-Strceh, opposite lysajfeste "‘r ss/i Medicines and Garden ■Seeds, I various other hrticles suiting bis line, u c n b- ! vh0 , le atril1 !’' of names of tho igs he otters, and only mentfeinj a f ew w jjj | i not commoidy found in every Drug Store vtai oh Sabmu, Pyrula Umbellata, t , 2 ‘ Begitaus Furpuieiii Scullcap, Hyssop, ^j'lmuiL Leopard’s Baqe, (uriiiuu montanat fe Wt*’ Squirt, ’ a t|ivir - * ES k E#l r! lsl ^l Ess. Tyre, j ut Churcho’s Cough Drons r;»“ r ’ ““‘c viSSE’ llie^lasl 1 but* 1 ni Ul ''' 1 ^ * ast tu 'ticle, he refors rniinn ._ U o nei p_agc of theGeorgiu undSoutli Hina Ah D -,;n n ;7o 1 fita o ; B u a , r ‘; Geo, ' 8iu u,,dSoutl ‘ t' • 1187 I mVn A ssize of Bread. “ rel l9«“| e '9? CC i? fflourbe i n S per bar- ° ?b ™* d f """ n| “ |hs 13 ounces floticu! 1 bak ° r8 a " d sellcr ® of bread tvill take fet-,6 185 ^ I. ROBERTS, c.t. Tlie Library he dcliverv of Book ffieSSjfe of B ? ok9 on Mondu y. .offlWtW Fri(5a y> fl,0iu T,,R EC until •’clock* “£28 ave w ^^HOLJS, & co. ' l CHES ’Jf wkm r, mu.ita , oth&t,^ , G °OVS, •tr Uc, j 0s b‘their lhm qfb 9f business. 4 4 13. 34 28|i 6 4 Ilf 34 28? A 4 13 28 90 7 4 28 Pep 37 60 10 4 13 Oct 25 75 13 128 70 13 ,30 -13 Aug 13 39 13 Ap'l C4 28 13 64 28' 23 Sep 32 16 13 Oct 23 57 23 Sep 21 45 13 Oct 21 44 13 27 88 13 21 43 13 64 32 13 23.68 23 Sept 33 14 23 30 13 Oct 30 13 64 26 11 20 12 4 16 2 17 8 1« B 24 .4 20 4 20 '4 4 29 4 30 4 31 12 4 4 4 4 8 32 33 31 35 36 39 8 13 62 F.lbfel t Will'd. 3 6 Ab. qrt. due amount 351 4 5 12 20 40 7 6 20 20 Warren Wurd. 1 4 13 Oct 21 44 il mu. , 2 Sep 41 02 2 30 65 | 3174 2 33 30 2 37 35 7 Oet 40 75 2 Sep 31 93 2 33 08 5 20 2 Oet 31 60 2 Sop 34 88 2 37 12 20 Aug 88 08 6 Oet 30 2 Sep 31 95 0 Oct 32 45 6 Aug 51 46 15 Sep 28 36 27 63 6 Oct 15 97 15 Sop 33 75 15 £7 '.3 15 27 09 15 Oct 30 19 15 £7 94 r !f Sept 30 £7. 50 30 18 21, 36 42 21 44 15 • 15 19 28 19 28 16 15 16 08 20 36 20 30 20 36 40 27 20 36 20 36 WOOLENS. r rsum!v'if crs ! lav,! *? co ! ved ' thc i r DSUAL Dikiis, Which they-'offer for sale on accommodating terms. coNsisrixr. or White and Coloured Plnlns Ileiivy London Duffle and Rose Blankets 6*4 Servant’s Cloth, Bluo,411nck, Brown and • Mixed Bocking Baize, and Table Covers Welsh Flannel of n superior style IW bite and Colored Yorkshire do • ALSO, ? 100 pieces best 42 inch Cotton Begging. JAMES ANDERSON\ Co. Johnston’s Siiutire, oct 12 1.168 Washington Ward. 14 21 Oct 19 28 ID 08 16 28 19 28 16 08 12 06 19 28. J2 86 12 86 17 14 12 86 13 P2 18 21 18 21 18 22 18 22 36 41 18 22 £3 Sept 18 22 23 18 22 13 Oet 10 72 13 10 72 5 Sept 25 13 Oct 17 14 13 Sept 9 65 13 Oet 8 57 13 17 14 40 5 13 12 06 Jackson Ward. 2 4 3 Oct’ 38 64 6 4 17 27 50 7 4 17 £7 60 8 4 17 30 9 4 17 30 1ft a 17 *r « i ■ o- 1 ll 4 17 25 1*> 4 17 30 15 4 17 25 16 4 17 27 00 17 4 17 30 18 4 17 30 £3 4 17 30 24 4 17 30 25 4 17 27 CO 26 4 17 25 1 27 4 17 25 29 4 17 30 31 12 17 75 32 12 17 90 33 4 17 30 34 4 17 25 35 4 17 25 39 4 17 25 40 5 17 34 37 Columbia Ward. l 4 18 Sept 47 48 3 2 18 21 37 4 2 18 26 62 6 4 18 63 65 6 4 19 42 75 8 2 18 25 50 9 4 18 4 7 20 1 It) 4 IS 29 75 13 4 18 67 50 14 8 28 110 10 16 4 IS 40 73 1(1 4 18 69 98 19 4 2 Vug 66 60 33 60 34 08 31 08 40 80 72 60 27 CO 27 44 46 03 55 68 77 76 68 19 33 12 3 Aug 12 21 3 Oct 48 61 84 62 32 48 43 20 86 40 SO 38 S8 27 36 44 16 19 68 60 40 22 66 17 28 17. 28 52 96’ 16 62 3 Oct 22 08 3 17 28 3 17 28 3 39 37 Brown Ward. 420 4 21 7 22 3 24 4 26 10 38 16 ft 4 4 4 4 36, 8 3T 4 38 4 15 26 12 26 8 18 Seji 18 90 2 Aug 86 62 2 Ocf 41 25 3 107 72 18 Sep 205 20 3 Aug 36 67 18 Sep 55 36 18 £8 25 6 Aug 23 18 5 22 60 18 Sep 13 95 39 1562 14 37 68 18 121 62 GrecnoWnrd. 2 8 19 Sep 111 56 19 43 43 19 Oct 46 13 6 Sept 32 22 6 Aug 32 62 19 Sept 45 19 86 60 8 T9 60 30 4 5 Oct 27 8 23 Aug 64 3 19 Sept 18 56 4 * 6 Oct 24 35 6 Aug 16 95 19 Sept 70 20 5 Oct 60 18 19 Sept 19 68 19 21 60 5 19 13 19 66 26 19 29 04 6 Aug 12 20 JNO. 1; ROBERTS, City Treasurer. 3 Oct 61 36 18 48 88 32 34 56 43 12 43 68 58 66 67 20 48 96 38 88 90 48 76 80 26 88 30 36 88 28 32 63 76 ago cash, cotton or rino, and on a liberal credit for. proved paper. By flic ship Emily, expected arrive here in alt this month, there Is to be re ceived an additional supplv, which will make thejr • Fall and Winter Assdrbncnt more suitable and bomplcte, than at any former period, in cottseqiiencn of the selection of the ''Copartnership, T HE Subscriber has associated himself with r ‘ John E. Wgdswodhj in the Commission bust ness, in tliis place, which will hereafter he core ducted under the firm of BUSS Sf WADSWORTH. ELIAS BLISS. oct 14 ^189 To be Leased, Jp OR a number of years, the Southern hnlfof Lot No. 6, Reynolds Ward, otk*thc corner of Broughton and Aberoorn streets, it very eligible situation for a dwelling house. Apply to t A. J. PRATT oct 14 m f«139 • cuch Fresh Spices, <Sfe. -fl AA1.BS. NUTMEGS JlUU 20 do Mnce fin do Cloves 6(10 do Ginger, (Pulverised) It) boxes Starch inlmndlesof 711 150 do Cassia; or Chinaman 150 do Fig Blue (q superior quality) 400 do Pearl Asli 60 doz Lorlilaril’s Snuff 2(Xl do do and Ueillr cut Tobacco Are offered for sale bv LAY {i HENDRICKSON, ( Vic mills and JJrufrgUh, Oct 14 . ISO Shad's lmildim Goshen Butter, and Fresh l,urd» ' GA UDR Y iy HERDER T, Have Just Received <>rv BEGS LARD O vf 60 do Goshen Butter lo Boxes London Mustard 60 Mils prime Pork. Oct 12 188 Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, *yc B Y tlic ship Corsuir thfcsubscriberslmvc receiv ed their ..ill supply of GOODS, consisting of very general assortment of DltUGS, CHEMICALS, UATENTMEDICINES, PERFUMERY, DYE STUFFS, &c. All of which will be cold on the' most pccoim mounting terms for Cush or Credit. Meri hatits Physician*, and.Plnnlcrs are respectfully invited to examine them before they purchase ' t W'C. UlhviYUiriM LAV HENDttlCKbON, Chemists and Druggists, Shad’s Braidings. ALSO, Afresh supply of SULPHATEQAIN1NE, i cuivcd us above. Oci 14 189 15 Sep 130 56 15 63 84 15 62 88 2Augl51 92 15 Sep 137 28 £ Aug 36 3 Sep 29 16 New Franklin Ward 12 2 Aug 45 2 4 6 Oct 20 3 92 25 22 A tig 30 6 Oct 25 135 10 135 06 01 57 67 65 67 5ft. 30 Eastern Half Fila ture Lot. 4 3 Oct 106 In eonf with the above resolution of informity \ /Council, l do hereby give notice that if (he rent of City Lots is hot paid before the 27th Inst, shall on that day re-enter. F.M.-STONE, Marshal.' oct 14 189 ' Cheese, Pepper &e. -8 Cask* prime Goshen Cheese a f) 25 boxes do rlo 10 hags Pepper 10 do Pimento Just received nnd for sale bv l. Petty. oct 1 m.184 I1UVC BUTLER & SOKANTON, Have just received and offer for side, A fresh supply of FINETJEA YER HATS, of the first qiudi ty and latest fashion. 2d quality do do . Castor do do Imitation do do Wool Hut from $11 down to 7. ALSO, A fresh supply of SHELL COMBS. Imitation do do All of which will he sold low for cash or good paper. Country Merchants w ill find it to their advuu tngc (o call nnd take a look, oct 9 m187 Just Received, G ENTLEMENS line Calfskin and’ Morocco Bools do do Wnsliington Ties do do Shoes do do Buckskin do do • Boys Pegged and sewed Children’s Bootees Ladies line Silk Shoes do plain nnd figured Friimdlc do do Satin do fine Morocco Shoes For sale by JNO. B. WICK. Oct 9 187 Smtinis Panacea. rjXHE Subscribers have just received from Phil udclphian fresh supply of this Celebrated Me dicinc, and have made such arrangements us keep a constant supply of it on hund. Persons want of this article can depend upon its being gen uine, ns it comes direct from Mr. Swaim. LAY £ HENDRICKSON, Chemist and Druggist Shad’s lSuildings. oct 7 186 The Genuine Improved Scidlitz Powders. Q|T|i DOZEN of tho true English Setdlitz Pow <5 vPders have been received from Loudon, vis New-York, per ln ig Monroe and for sale low by LAY ii. HENDRICKSON. Chemist mid Druggists, Shad's Buildings. el 7 180 In Admiralty, >REW LOW & co. is day received by the ship Georgia. Liverpool, a latgo supply of, ' LEN AND OTHER SEA- WABLE DRY GOODS, iH» nrc ofTered for sale by the Original pack-* , piece, gr dozen, at a moderate advance, for it PMhi- GEORGIA, Vnrnum, master, Will meet with qtlick despatch.—For freight of lot) kales of Cotton onl v, apply to ANDREW LOW & Co: 105 tons of Liverpool SALT, and 88 crates assorted CROCKERY, Received by the Gborgla and offered for saje low for cash or on accommodating terms for approv- K r If taken immediately from on board the t Five Fathom—apply a* above. cd whole having beert made by the principals of the house. oct 12 188. Ready Made Clothing, tt7" At cost!!! AH vessel at Five Fathom—apply a* abovi oct 9 187 For Darien, Tlic well known sloop, UNION, rpHE subscriber intending to leave this place bv A the 2i)tli of this month, offers his STOCK OF lower whu <1001)3 AT COST.—-It comprises a general as sortment of . CLOrill.YG OF ALL SIZES. JOHN P. SETZ. ort 7 lRrt L. BETTY, .... Offers for Sate. HHD8. St. Croix Sugar sU\J 26 linrrels do do 100 lings Coffee 16 do Pimento 10 do Pepper 5 do Race Ginger 15 qr cherts Hyson Tou 10 pjpos Holland Gin 5 pipes Cognac Brandy 3 puncheons Juimiicu Rum SO tierces London Brown Stout 10 qr cusks Malaga Wins 40 barrels Whiskey 30 do Gin 25 do Prime Pork 40 do Ldaf.Sugar lo kegs Tobacco oi' un approved brand 00 boxes Soap 40 kegs supr White Lead 200 lings Shot, assorted 15 Casks Cheese ftP ALSO, 50 pieces Cotton Bagging I bale Twine 15 pieces White Plains, Nos. 1 and 2. oet 5 nl85 For New-York, (ESTABLISHED LINE,) Ship AUG»US TA, 3. W, West, Master, Will receive quick despatch.—For freight or passage, apply to the master on board, or to HALL k HOYT. net 14 189 ESTABLISHED LINE FACTORAGE rjTllE subscriber tenders Ids thanks to ids friends nnd tlic public.for tho liberal encourage merit lie Ims received in the FACTORAGE an-I COMMISSION BUSINESS, and trusts that by a strict attention to tho interest of the Planter, he will merit a continuance of their patronage. For sale. Gntnd l’rirnc ELIA® FORT, Commerce Row oct 6 185 ily’twhite Plains ; 42 inch Cotton Bnggin Paper, and School Books. S. Cs Sf J. SCHENK, H AVE received by late arrivals u quantity of Letter anil Footsedp PAPER, and .: great va riety of SCHOOLBOOKS; which they offer for sale on accommodating terms. Oct 12 m188 HEALTH. JJJEALTH, the grcntcit cf all earthly blessings. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ) DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. J To the Marshal el the District of Georgia, Greeting— GEO. GLEN, Clerk. W HEREAS n libel hath tin's day been filed, in the District Court of said District, by Richard Marccllin, praying salvugc against the British brig WEST INDIAN and cargo, for mari time services rendered the said brig and cargo when in distress and grent peril on the high seus, as are particularly set fortli in said libel. Noxv those are to cite and admonish the master Of said tliis season of the year, when it is so high ly proper and important to demise tho Stomach and Bowels of redundancy of bile, nnd nil pern! cions nnd ruinous accumulations, tho proprietors m LEE’S most e reliant ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS would very respectfully advise the use. of severe doses of them, and thereby in many inrtur.cea pro vent head-aches, sickness at the stomach, cbstl nalo obstructions of the bowels, scorching fevers kc. LEE’S WORM DESTROYING LO ZENGES, a most powerful Medicine, removes and dpstrovt nil kinds of worms. LEE’S ELIXER, nn invaluable invtli rino, it never fails to cure the most violent cold and affords instant nnd great relief, in all obstinate coughs, it ulso relieves young children from cliol ics, 4*c. LEE’S NERVOUS CORDIAL, nn excellent medicine for all nervous affections weakness, pains in loins, back, LEE’S ESSENCE OF MUSTARD no medicine ever excelled tliis in curing rheuma tism, sprains, bruises, frosted feet. M c - A’ e ‘ LEE’S AGUE AND FEVER DROPS a never failing cure. LEE’S SOVEREIGN OINTMENT, warranted to cure the itch, by only one applica tion. LEE’S PERSIAN LOTION, nn ex cellent medicine for curin'; tetters, ring worms, prickly beat; softens the skin, and improves the complexion. LEE’S INDIAN VEGETABLE SPE C1FIC—An effectual cure for the Venereal and Gonorha.-ii. LEES’ TOOTH-ACIIE DROPS— which give immediate relief. LEE’S TOOTII POWDER—Which cleanses and beautifies the teeth. LEE’S EYE WATER—A certain cure for sore eyes. LEE’S ANODYNE ELIXIR—For the cure of head-aches. LEE’S CORN PLAISTER—For re moving nnd destroying corns. LEE’S LIP SALVE. tfj’ Numerous cases of cukes couid be annex' ed, of the happy and good effects that have fol lowed tile use of the above JUSTLY CliLEBRA TED FAMILY MEDICINES, but the publisher has not room for them in this paper. *,* Please lo observe whatever, and where ever you buy none can lie Lee’s Genuine Family Medi cines, without tlie signature of the proprietor, NOAH RIDGELY, iMle Michael Lee Co The above famous family medicines ure for snle by DR. A. DEI.AROCHE, Senr. Druggist, Suvuiuiah, Who has just received a fresh supply from Balti more. oci 7 186 brig and all others concerned in the prctniscs claiming suid brig and eurgo, us enumerated in lai said libel, or holding proceeds of the sale of the snrne in Ins or their bunds, or any part or parts thereof, ns ngent or agents, auctioneer or auc tioneers—and the said muster and others concern ed, as agent or agents, auctioneer or auctioneers aisi aforesaid, are hereby cited and admonished, to be and appear before a special District Court; to' be held in and fqr said district, on the 26th inst- at the C6urt llfjpse. in tliq City of Savannah, tit 10 o’clock, A. M. of that day; lo shew Cause; if any he or they hftvc, why salvage should not be de creed the Libellant us prayed for. Witness the Honorable Jeremiah CtMer,Judge of said Court, this Uth of Oct.-1824. CHARLTON to SHEFTALL, 1’rOctors. All persons interested in the above monition will tuke due notice; JNO. H, MOREL, *r.p.o. 6tli2 188 Fifty Dollars Reward, W ILL be paid far the apprehension and de I lively of the following Negroes to the Sub scribers, livinglu Bourke Cmity, or any safe Jail so tvo can get them—of a liberal reward will be given for any port of them, to wit: Morattan a bright Mulatto man, about 36 years old, rather slender made and of keen apprehension, and his wife Hannah a black Woman about 45 years old, with a jlcnr on one side of her face, the property of Joseph Hines—Ben an African about 46 years old, small and well set and filed teeth, with u scar on one arm, and his wife Sylvia about 36 years of age, pretty heavy to her height.-—They _ took 3 Children Ben; Dave and Hetty, tho children Boh and Sylvia, two of the clijldren belong to' the Estate of Smith Stringer, deed, the other child and Ben and Sylvia to Abner Belcher. They broke loose a large Canoe on Tuesday the 28(h September last, at Stephen’s Bridge; Burke Coun ty, and We thing will aim down the River to the Marshy Country, below Savannah, as Ben was bought up there and lias oncerunaway and got his d children back there and Were apprehen wife an . ded and .put in Savannah.Jail, not two years agi —One ol the men took off a G(m the other a Pi: tol with them. .., JOSEPH HINES; abnbrbelpher. oct M 189 For Liverpool.- Tho well known and regular . Herb' AY Will be sold before our con All the writers at Albion, Cn] go, (except brought to Savannah and Catherines Bur in the oct 12 Will soil Immediately—for freight or npnssage, apply on board, at Mtmgin’s rf, or to GAUDRY to HERBERT. m188 Mahogany ami Logwood. A part of which is said lo be saved on St. Cath erines and elsewhere. Sold by order of John 11. Reid, Esq. agent for Lloyds! Oct 16 190 G R O C E ALSO, 30 ps. Cottoh Bagging, pnrtinlly injured oct 16 190 , . fo. Executor's sale. OF Netv-York Packets. snips. AVANNAII, LOUISA MATILDA, AUGUSTA, WM. WALLACE, EMPEROR, _ Tlic ubove ui o all first rate vessels, with cxpU rlcnccd commanders, and will continue to sail in regularsuccession throughout the season, leaving MASTERS. W. Beede, D. Wood, D. Van Dyck. T. Wood; J. II. Bennett. Savannah for Now-Yorx on Thursday, and New- York for Savannah on Saturday in each week.— For freight or passage, upply to the Captains on pnssuge, board at Jones’s Upper W’liaif, or to HALL to HOYT. inn 27 21 Apples. P? /VBHLS prime Apples landing per schooner Eclipse—fursulcby DANIEL CARNEY, Jr oct 2 cl84 Genuine patent Family Medicines L EES Pills C'lmrchcs Ess. Mustard Andcrsons do filings worm Lozenges Hoopers do Thompsons teeth paste James do do eye water Churches cough drops Rogers vegetable Amlcrsons do pulmonic detergent Hcnrlem oil British oil Henry* cuuc’d magnesia Batemutis drops, ^-c Balsom Honey Audlers lenative Opodcldock Squires elixir Salts Lemons Can constantly be had at the store of N LAY 4* HENDRICKSON, Chemists arid Druggists, Shad’s Duildings. rept 26 162 ■ Fresh Teas. J. B. HERBERT & Co, HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND, Chests, half chests, ten rattysjive fcat- tvs and cannisterS Hyson Tea Ten cattys.fivc enttys amt caunisterslumiiAr.and Gunpowder Teas llyson skin, tonkay, souchong nnd Dolica Tea* All of which are of tho latest importation, and will he sold on accommodating terms, sept 28 182. Sugar, eofl'ee, cotton Bugging, soap, &c. -ft OA BBLS. Muscovado Sugar liflU 8 lihds do do 50 bogs prime Havana Green Coffee 40 pieces Cotton Bogging 100 naif boxes Soap 2 bales Oznaburghs 25 boxes Mucatcl Raisins 6 bales Domestic Shirtings and Sheet ings For snle by CALVIN BAKER, sept 28 fB2 L. G. suit, and Salmon; QAA11 BUSHELS L. G. Salt, afloat 8 boxes Salmon just received LY STORE, 60 bags prime Green Co'ffca 10 lihds St Croix Sugar 10 do Jam. Rum 6 do N.O. do 75 bbls prime Turk 10 tons iron 20 erntej crockery 60 bbls flour 25 qrcusks Malaga Wine 30 bbls Union Girt 3 cases Ilnfs 6 Trunks Shoes 50 bbls Loaf Sti^nf 25 do prime Baltimore HJims 30,000 Spanish Segars An assortment of Castings, nnd Waggon Boxes l'or sale by J. B. HERBERT 4- CO 28 182 — ■■ Corn. i bushels Corn nrc offered for sale on H AAA 1 JL 4./ Cf 'U' reasonable terms by sept 28 ml82 EBEN. JENCKES. White Lead. •ft ft~kft~l| kegs White Lead, landing fm ship Wm B " ’ Wallace; and for sale by sept 28 182 CALVIN BAKER. John T. Rowland, C ONTINUES to do busines in Millcdgevilld, and tenders the offer of his services to the friends und the public, in the transaction of ugen cy business generally, oct 2 ti*-ltl84 Evening school, Ntjflr the Catholic Clutrch. T HE subscriber will recommen’Ce his Evening School o'ii the first Monday in .October.— Those youug gentlemen who wish to prepare themselves for the Counting House, or Mechanics, —ill please to make early application. ' IT Four children maybe accommodated With board 4* c -' in the subscribers family, jept 28 „ fr»182., PETER HYNES situation YV anted. PERSON wlio is well acciuainted with' the A x-jnhoviin who is well acqu management of a RiCe Mill, of rice, wishes to obtain u Situation in the vicinity of Savanna}}, as ah Overseer— 1 he is' willing take a moderate salary . Apply at this Office. O.ct 12 m188 ! rjNHE Subscribers having taken that weft known JL house, the Georgia Hotel, will accommodate toady boarders and transient persons, on the most reasonable terms. Their table will be supplied with the best the market affords, and every atten tion will be paid to those who may favor them with their company. They Have also taken tho extensive Stables tacheu tp that building, where they can accohrmo date a large number of horses, either by the month oC Opy shorter period. DOPSON to MURP.HY ootl2 *rl88 CO. h inst. for account of all t of the undcr- ’ in the Ship in, arid her car- already been' recked on St. rlhcrincs Bar in the gale of the 14th Sept. las:. Consisting principally of gany and Lo ; liich is* 4 *41 j Bv Calvin Baker. 5 y * ON MONDAY, 18th inst. at 11 o’clock, In front of his Auction Store, A general assortment of ~ ~ ' R I E S. By Calvin Baker." IS DAI ON THURSDAY, 25th Nov: next at j past 10 o’- clock, Will be sold in front of ills Auction store, oil tho Household Furniture, Belong to the estate of Hugh M’Call, i Consisting of Side Boards, Bureaus, Dinhlg Tables, Chairs, Carpets, Looking Glasses, Glass TFare, Beds bind Bedding* Bedsteads, and Kitchen Furnitures W. ■■ = ‘ f Together with a quantity of . Plated and silver Ware. ALSO, V quantity df Madeira Wine, in botttlos. SoW’by permission of tlic Hon. the Ihfdriot Court of Chatham County, by order of the Ex ecutor. Oct 16 190 '. rift m Executor's Sa/a, By J. B. Herbert co. ,,, On thefirst Tuesday in December next, W ILL be sold ut the Court House l/i this city between the Usual hours of 10 and 2 o’cl’k. All the buildings situated on the north western corner of Lot No thirteen Washington vVard, con sisting of a 1 story hoaso will) a kitchen and other necessary improvements being tho property, of the est. of Susannah Miller, dec. Sold by permission of the Hon. the Inferior Court of Chutham County and by order of tbc Ex’r for the benefit of the he lid of said estate. Oct 2 18L SherifTs sales continued. O N the first Tuesday in November next,wift he sold before the Court Hoiise in Savannah, between the usual hours of sale. Six negroes, viz: Joe, Henry, Robert, Monday, Jane ana London, le'vicd on ns the property of Wm. A. Moore, td Satisfy an execution i.i far or of the administrator of Bati Jones; deceased. Also, the following 8 negroes, viz ; Sally and her 3 children, Mary, David and Eliza, Della and her 3 children, Lucmdcr, Maria and Anthony, le vied on as the property of Eleuzar Early to satisfy an execution in favor of the Bank of the United States. One negro fellotV named Joe, levied nn under a fi. fa. on foreclosure in favor of Davies to Ber- ridn, against Joseph C. Habersham. Orte undivided eight of two undivided thirds of all that wharf-Lot No. (8) eight, in the city of Sa vannah, Darby ward, commonly called Rice’s Wharf, levied on os the property of Thomas W. Rice to Satisfy an execution in favor of Wm. DaJ vies. Also, aft that Southern half part of Lett No. 6, Belitha Tything; Henthcofc ward with the im provements therconi, hounded north by a iano, east by mi adjacent lot, south by South Broad street, and west by Barnard street, levied on un der a foreclosure of a mortgage front George L Cojie to Wm. Whitfield. Wm oct 9 187 ISAAC D’LYON, s. c. e, To Rent, The dwelling House of the Subscriber is offered for Rent, ™ for ond yearfrom (heist ofNovem- ' ’ to U. 4- .!. i'.ai. r- HABJ3RSHAM. ber next: Aj RIC 137 — — Market square Notice! The (Jelebriited stand, for the sale of Bodts ttnd Shoes, at pre sent ochupted by R. L. Milling, will lie for Rent on the 11th irtst. Appli cation tan be ifmde to Thos. R. JMce, merchant, in the same Square, or to the umlmslgned.. . GEO: PENNEY: oct 5 185 . . I&; m . For Rent. The House in B rough ton-»t. lately odfqpied by Mr. Tefftfi- The iioiise corner of Drayton and York-sfreets, occupied by Mr Goff.— Tho house fronting Oglethorjia occupied by Copt;. Bae. The house on the opposite- side, of the Squafc, occupied by Mr; Leach. * " y Mr. George entire Lot, or A: UI|UUIV; XIUVUJIII.M Uj IS 1X . X4V4Vllt The Ilouse at prcsentoccupied by 5! opposite to the Academy with an enti: part of the lot would be Icuscd being a good Stand for a Groccfy: 1 . Several other j stores corner of Apply to oct 0 Ip* . ALSO, id dwelling houses, and tho oiighton and Bartiard-streets. . J. MARSHALL. aept 28 To Rent; . The three story brick builcU . || ' ing on the Bay, lately oecu pied * fty James Dickson 4'.Cd. ns n Whole sale Dty Gobd Store. Apply to C. W.UOCKWEt 182 ^ South For Rent. The brick house in jlllJSL Broad Street, belonging to the. iiiijw est.Thos. Gardner, doc; At present. ■XJMBeiikL occupied by Thomas Butler, Esq. For terms, apply to Jl. KIRBY. ,scpt28 , l!82 .... :• io Rent. oct 7 Tlio Store arid Dwelling John ston’s Square, lately occupied by Mr. T. Walton, ami Mrs. Blogg. Apply to M.GJUFFfTH, 8 ■ Market Square. rl86 Education, riiHE suiiscribor respectfully announces to 1 ! i friepds and the public that the exercises of school will be resumed on Mondii;. course of instruction embraces t guage, History, Moral Philosophy, Coiuposifio.i, Geography, English Grammar, Arithmetic, toe; toe; He pledges’ himsclfto give the most assidu- .. and iu- ous and unwearied attention to the moral mu.... tellectual improvement of his pupils.—Terms as usual. G. WHITE; oct 12 . 18S