Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, October 16, 1824, Image 4

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V M Administrator’s Sales, jSi/ J. B. Herbert §' Co. ) \'the first Tiiosdi.v in November next, will lie before the Courv-House in this city between tlic usual hours of 10 and 2 o’clock. (in,' tract of land (situated In Rocky Creek, con- Alining one hundred niul thirty-live acres (135) more or less, being the property of Peter M|t are lime deceased. Sold by permission of the Hon. the Inferior court of Chatham county, and by or der of the administrator for the benefit ot the 'boil's ami ere ditors of said estate. ’lVnns casli. •• sept 2 112 , Administrator’s Sales. By J. B. Herbert Co. O N the first Tuesday in November next, ♦ill be sold before the Court-House in this city, 'between the usual hours of 10 und 2 o’clock. Lot No. (118) thirty seventh district ot Milkm an county, containing 202J acres. Lot No. (1-II) twenty seventh district of Wil kinson county, containing 202§ acres. Lo* No. (62) thirteenth district Wilkinson coun ty, containing 202-1 acres. Lot No. (85) thirteenth district \\ dkinson coun tv, containing 20UJ acres. ' All that tot of land in the city of Suvannah, Tsnown by letter W Oglethorpe Ward with the improvements thereon. . , All that Lot of Innd in the city of Savannah known by letter Y Oglethorpe Ward with the mi- provementathereon. , , Two negroes Lcsle and her child Mary, being the property of the estate of A- D. M’Farhuie, do- ceased sold by permission of tbe Hon. the Inferior Court of Chatham county, and by order of the administrator for the benefit of the heirs and cre ditors of the said estate. v gfipt 2 172 Tax Collector’s sales. On ihefirsl Tuesday in JVerember next. W ILL lie sold at the court house in the city of Savannah, between the hours of 10 and . It o’clock, the following property or so much there of as will satisfy the stale and county taxes, anu c'osls, vis r A tract of land in Bulloch county, containing 328 acres, more or less, returned as pine land, le vied on to sntisfy the state and County taxes ol Joseph B. Armstrong for the years 1822 and 1823, and costs; amount ot tuxes $4 43. A tract of land in Camden county, containing 2871-2 acres, more or less, originally grunted t« .Min Pulmcr. Levied on to satisfy the state and County taxes of the estate of Joseph Bcvun lortlie year 1828; amount of taxes $26 60. JAMES EF1TNGER, tccc. ; ang 23 17c Sheriff’s sales. On the first Tuesday in November next, ‘T'XTILL be sold at the Court House In Bryan V 7 County between thepsuoU»aurs of sale. The following negross, Pat and Hester, pointed out nsthp property of John Italston, to satit'y sun dry executions in favor of Wiley Belcher and o- thers, returned to me by a constable. W. W ILLIAMS, d. s.b. c. net 2 ISt Sheriff’s Sales. the first Tuesday in November next,will be sold before the . Court-House in Effingham county, between the usual horn's of sule. Three hundred and seventy acres of land m Ef fingham County, being the upper setstWn of a tract of laud which contains eleven hundred and thirty five acres, adjoining lauds of Treutlan and the Kiver Savannah; levied on as the property ot Benjamin Kennedy to sntisfy executions in favor of llall &. Hoyt, and L G Mannanund others. A tract of land in said couuty containing three hundred n'ore*> originally granted to Benj. Dasher, levied on as the property of J V Bevun to satislyan execution in favorof Benj. Dasher. A tract of land of Five Hundred acres, in said county, adjoining lands of \V G Porter und Shultz; levied on ns the property of Benj. Morel, to satisfy an execution in favor of Hantord Knapp. Two Hundred acres of Innd in said county, bounded on the S. E. and N. W. by laud of Wulter Stewart, originally grouted to James Love—le- vied on ax the property of James Love to Bntlsfy an execution in favor of tlio German Lutheran Congregation at Ebenezcr. • ’A negro man mimed Jitn, levied on as the pro perty ot CharlesTiot to satisfy executions in fa vor of David Gugel, T.B Smith and others. TIIOS. ELKINS,s sc. oct 2 ' 184 • Lot No. 20 and buildings, WntreuwavA, Bound ed cast by Price-street, south by St. Julian-slreet. City Marshal’s Sales. R ESOLVED, That the committee of sales be nuthorixed to instruct the marshal to adver tise that the sales, of lots and houses for taxes, bo postponed until the first Tuesday in November, whin the property, subject to taxes not paid on or before that time, shall be disposod of without fail, according to the ordinances. In Council, 30th Sept. 1824. Extracs from the minutes. M. MYEBS, c. c. jN conformity City Sheriff^ sales. O N the first Tuesday in November next,will be sold at the Court-House, between the usual hours of 10 and 4 o’clock. A negro womnn named Betty levied on ns tnc rn operty of Charles Tlot, to satisfy two executions in favor of David Guglc and Petty fc Greene. Also, a wooden building 20by 22 feel wt tbe Corner of Drayton street and a lane, situated on the South East corner of lot No 6, Hicks Tything, Vercival Ward -with ubout three years unexpired lease, levied on asthe property of Mr* Goldi-inith, by her Trustees, to satisfy an execution in favor -of Peter Dupon. JAMES SIMS, uses. . oct 2 184 | Sheriff’s sales. O N the first Tuesday in November next.wiil he sold-at the court house, in the city ol'Snvan- jjah, between the hours of 10 and 4 o'clock. Lot and improvements No 1 Eyles Tything, lienthcote ward, the corner of Broughton and Bernard streets, levied on asthe property of Wtn R. Holland to satisfy an execution issuing from the hon. Superior Court U) thvorof Paul Wolf. • All the westeni halfwith the improvements there on of that lot of landin Brown wurd In, the City of S'avnnnab, known by the No 11, and those lots in said ward with the improvements thereon, known by the numbers 14,15, and 16; levied on as the property of John Hnnter, under a rule absoture from tile lion, the Superior Court of Chatham County, in fuvor of the Bank of the State of Geor- A negro woman named Cloe; levied on ns the property of Benjamin Alien to satisfy an execu tion issuing from a .1 ustices Court in favor of Ellen Gorham, agent of Wm Gorham, turned over by u constable. Ail the household nnd kitchen furniture con tained in the City Hotel; levied on as the property of Oran Bird under a foreclosure o( a mortgage to Eleuzcr Eurlv, transferred toJ B Herbert k co. I. D’LYON, s. c. c. oct 2 184 Sheriff’s sule, continued. O N the first Tuesday in November next.wiil be -sold before the Court House, in Bryancoun- 1y, between the usual hours of sale. Two negroes, Dorcus and Joe,levied on as the property of Richard T Keating,to satisfy a mort- tgage bond in fuvor of Jas. Anderson Sc co. THOMAS ALBRITTON, ssc. oct 2 18-1 Superior court--'Chatham county. Thomas F.,Putso ot. ul. 1 c "*sr BessM , ■ Richard R. Cuvier, ex’r Wm Sliaw,deceased. J . , I N this ease, on the suggestion in tile defend. ant’s answer, that certain pursuits not parties to this bill, residing in Scotland,^ claim to no en titled to a distribution of part of the undivided estate of Win Shaw, deceased, and on motldn, It is ordered that nil persons concerned do appear before the Superior.Court of Chatham County in the term of Jummry rtrxt, then nnd there tiPes- tablish such their claims ;aml in default thcreot, that the undivided estate of the said Wm Shnw, be distributed among the complainant* agreeably to the decree of safil Court and that tills rule be published once u mouth until the expiration thereof. . , , Extract'from the minutes tins rat day of June. 1824. A. B. FANNIN, Clerk, ci'uu ««u swu , , , iune 17 §t!39 Lot letter I and buildings, Decker ward, houn- -J : * / u..rele,m . miiiiI v ded east by Ellis’s square, south by St. Julian st.' Superior COUlt, Chatham COUlltN west by Jetferson-slreet. nnd north by Brynn-st. Amount due $45 and con One negro man named 1> rank, levied on ns the nrobcrly of Thomas Wilson, to satisfy Ids city taxes ibr the years 1821, 1822,-1823, and 1824, amount tax $120 12. f A building on lot No. 2, Second rythlng Rey nold’s ward, hounded east by lot No. 3, south by a lane, west by lot No. 1, anil north by Bay-street, levied on as the property of Pierce U Oasis to sa tisfy their city taxes for the year 1822 and 1824. Amount due $12 80 and cost. Buildings oil lot No. 3, Sprlnghill, bounded east by West Broad Street, south by Lot No. 4, west by Lot No. 6. and north by a lane, levied on us the property of the r.stuto Thomas D, Porter, to satisfy the city taxes of said estate for the years 1822, 1823, nnd 1824. Amount duo 7 dollars 50 cents and cost. Administrator* sales. ' On the first Tuesday in December next, W LL be sold at the court house in thccoun ty oTEffinglmm. A tgn«t of laud containing £021 acres, .known by 4 the number 225k—10th dist. lying in the county of Henry, on the Yellow River, fxvcnty. five acres of which is cieurcd, together with some, improve ments thereon nnd considered a valuable tract.— Sold by an order obtained from the lion, the In ferior Court of the County of Effingham, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors ol the estate ot Emanuel Rubn, late of said County dee. JACOB GNANN, Junior. Administrator. oct 2 184 ' City Sheriff’s sales—continued, On the first Tuesday in Nor. next, W ILL be soli before the court House in the City of Suvunnuh. between the usual hours of sale. i Buildings on half lot No 8, and quarter lot No JUi-t— IK..U— vd, levied on asthe i satisfy Thomas Gib- ground real.—Sold on uccount and risk of the former purchaser. J. SIMS, o. c.s. bet 9 187 C£ty Marshal's sale, continued! O N the first Tuesday in November next, will be sold before the Court House in the. City of Suvannah between the usual hours of safe, One.Billiard Table, with the cues and tnuces attached to it; levied on as the property of Nes- jer Si Griggs, to satisfy eight executions issued hy the Mayor and Aldermen of the city, for keeping u Billiard Table, F. M. STONE, c. m. with the above resolution of _ Council, 1 do hereby give notice that tlio sale o( property advertised by tne for tnxes is postpone* pd until the first Tuesday In November, when the sale will positively takoiulace.if the iftnounts due is not paid. F. M. STONE, Murshul. *22 1*2 , — City Marshal')} sales, continuer/. O N ihe 1st Tuesday in November next,In front of the Court House, between the hours of 10 A. M. nnd 4 P. M. will he sold the following pro perty, or us much thereof ns will satisfy the City Taxes. • Lot No. 6 and building, second Tything Rey nold's War^,bounded east by lteynohl-streel, south by a lane, west by lot No. 4, mid north by Boy-st. levied on as the property ol'the estntu of John All* lierson, to satisfy the city taxes of said estate for the year 1821, 1822 and’ 1823, amount tax, S105 50 cents and costs. Lot No. — New Leeds, now known In the plan ofthfi city as Oglethorpe word, bounded cast by West Broad-street, south by a vacant lot, west by lot — and north by lot No". 1. levied on a* the property of G. L. Cope, to satisfy his city taxes for the year 1821, 1822, 18-3, and 182-1, amount tax $187 57 nnd cost. W'linrf lot No. 8, Warren ward,bounded cart liy lot No. t), south by Bay-street, west by lot No. 7. und mirth by Savannah river, levied on ns the pro perty of the’estate of Put. Stanton, to sullsfy the city taxes of said estate for the years 1821, and 1322, amount tiix $99 and cost. Lot No. 4, Frederick Tything, Darby ward, bounded east by lot No. 3, south by a lane, west by lots, and north by Congress-street,levied onus tlie property of Charles Devunt to sat; 'y Ids city taxesforllie present year, amount duc$17 30 an’d costs. Half tot-No. 6. and buildings. Carpenters Row, Trustee Garden, hounded east by cast boundary street,smith by lot No. 7, west by cast Broad-st. nnd north by lot No. 5. levied on as the property of Thomas F. Maxlimu, to satisfy bis city tuxcs’for the venrs 1823 and 1824. ainoiintdiic $15. Half lot No. 7,Carpenter Tything Decker ward bounded cast by lot No. 8, south by Bryan-strCct west by the west half of said lot, and north by a lane, levied on ns the property of J. M. Jervis, to satisfy his city tax for the present year. Amount due $13 nnd cost. • Lot No. 12, and buildings Warren ward, bounded : east by Lot II, south by Brynn-street, west by Ila- bershum-strect, and north by a lane, levied on as the property of James bilbo,to satisfy hiscitv taxes for the years 1823 and 1824. Amount due $53 93. Lot No. l,und buildings, Second Tything Anson Ward, bounded cast by lot No. 2, south by a lane, cast by Abercorn street, end north by Uroiighton- strect. levied on ns the property of the estate of John Dubell, to satisfy tbe estates city taxes, for the years 1823 and 1924. Amount ofTax, $32 62. Lot No. 6, Columbia, ward, bounded erst by lot No. 7, south by a lane, west by lot No. 5, uod north by Broughton-strcet, levied on as the property of John Morel, to satisfy his city taxes for the years 1322, 1823, und 1824. Amount due $43. Buildings on lot No.40, Warren ward, hounded east by lot No.39, south by Broughton-strcet,west by Hcyuolds-stieet, und north bye lane, levied on as the property of C. II. Hayden, to satisfy his city taxes for the years 1822, 1823,and 1824 Amount due, $109 2-. Lot No. 36, uml buildings,Liberty v.-p.rd,bound ed east by Montgomery street, south by south broad street, west by lot’No. 35, and north liy a lane, levied on as the property of Samuel and H. Goldsmith, to satisfy their city tax for the present year. Amount due $10, and costs. Lot No. 18, and buildings Ewingsburgb, hound ed cast by lot No. 15, south by William-street, xvest by lot No. 23, und north by lot No. 29, le vied on as the property of Paul J. Voliutun. to sa tisfy his city taxes, for the years 1823 und 1824 Amount due $23. Buildings on lot No. 31, Liberty ward, bounded east by lot No. 30, south by a lane, west by lot No. 32, and north by Y'ork-trtrct, levied on asthe property of the estate Wm. Mayhew to satisfy tuxes of said estate for the years 1823 and 1324 Amount due $lll. Lot No. 19, and building, Jackson ward,bound ed east by Whitaker .street, soutli by a lane, wnsl by lot No. 9, and north bv South,♦Broad-street, te. vied on ns the property of T. N. Morel, to sntisfy his city taxes for Ihe years 1821, 1822, 1823 and 1834. Amount dhe $106 50, and cost. Lot No. 3,and buildings, Warren ward, hounded cast by lot No. 4. south by a lane, west by lot No, ,»v.-i by ww.i™........ , levied on us the property of John M. APCalls, to satisfy the city tax of mid property for the pre sent venr, amount due $25 and cost. liulf Lot No. 9 and buildings. Second Tything Reynolds ward, bounded east by lot No. 10,smith by firyun st. west by l.ot N’rt. 8. nnd north by a lane levied on ns tlie property of C. D. l.cby, to satisfy his city tax for tlie years 1823 and 1924 Amount due $25 80 and cost. A quarter of Wlinif Lot No. 4, Trustee Garden bounded east by half of said lot, west by lot 3 south by Fort IVayn*'. and north by Savannah River, levied on as the property of A. L. Hurt- ridge, to satisfy the city taxes of said property (or the years 1821, 1822’, nnd 1S23. Amount due $1400 nnd cost. One small building on lot No., 5, Oglethorpe ward, bounded east bv lot No. 4, south by a va cant lot, west bv lot No. 6, and North by Bryan st. levied on ns tlie property of F.Hns F.. Roberts, to satisfy his city taxes for tlie years 1322, 1823 and 1824. Amount tux $11 75. A small building on lot No. 13, Elbert ward, hounded on the east by lot No. 14, soutli by Per ry street, west by Montgoihery-streut, and north by nlnne. levied oil ns the property of tlie estate oi' Daniel Robbins, to satisfy his city taxes for the years 1323 and 182-1. Amount tux $5. Half lot No. 5, mid buildings, Trustee Garden, bounded east by lot No. 6. south by lot No. 7. west by oust Broad-strec-t, und north by Bryan st. levied tn us the propceRr of tlio estate’ of George F.noc, to satisfy his uHR^xcs for tho year 1823. Amount tax $14, F. M. STONE, c. m, ort 5 185 £4; EORGIA, Chatham Counly- By t|io Hon. tlq- Justices of the Inferior Court, silting for ordinary purposes, To all whom it may concern. Whereas, John Dillon administrator of Ed mond Dillon, late of Chatham county dec. has pe titioned tlie non. court of ordinary, to be discharg ed frdm Ids said administration. # Now, these are therefore to cite nnd ndtnon- Ish all ami singular the kindred null creditors of the said doccnsml, tlie file their olijectiins (If any they have,) to the granting of letters dismlssory, to the petitioner, In tlio clerk’s office, of tite said court, on or before tho 11th day of December next ensuing, otherwise letters disuiissory will be granted to the petitioner. ** Witness tlm lion. John Camming, one of tlie Justices of the said court, this 11th day of June, A. D. 1821. S. M. BOND, e e. o. June 12 136 county Liberty. ' 1,1 ’t'o ell whom it ntny concern . Whoreas William Law, Esq. appliila to I j dismissed from his administration on tlie (cstat»/d Davis’ tarter, late of said' county, doc. Those uro therefore to cite nnd idinormd all persons conecrnod to filo their olfJtWtlonwitl any they have) in my office, within the l Lie n ro , oribed by law; or otherwise tlio snld tiiplL'j will he dismissed frrim iiis said udtnlnlsli 'ntiou ■ Given under my hand and seal, this 3d ' of May, A. D. 1824. ’ E. BAKER, x K . May 11 IIP T ' rk, (’orouor’s Sale, ON WEDNESDAY, 14th inst. at 11 o'cl Will lie sold before oor Store, Sundry articles of clothing, one. Writing Desk, sundry Books, otto Masonic Silver Badge, two Quadrants, one Spy Glass,one silver Watch, one lot of Charts, one walking Cane, and sundry oth er articles, belonging to the cstatfcof John C olly. oct 5 18.5 ’* .Terms cash. Atlmini#rntor s Sale—continued. On Tuesd.iy the Bth of November next, W ILL be sold at tho court house between the hours of 10 and 2 o’clock. Lot No, 15 (fifteen) in the second district of Early County, Geo. containing 250 acres being the real estate of Robert M. Durkce, deceased, und sold by permission of the Court of Ordinary of Chatham County. Also, 1 trunk wearing apparel and 1 silver watch being the persoual property of said deceased. aUgus'tus f.dfrkee, J a mu AM Tkusi, 1821. Aaron Cleveland and Susan Cl his wife, * rJ . f itule Aist. Jacob Fnhm. J O N the petition of Aaron Cleveland mid Sit- sen C. Ids u iff, who wits Susan C. Bonn,stat ing tlmt Jacob Falun, before tho lutermurringe of tlie petitioners, to wit; on tlie 22d day ot June 1821, did in conjunction with one Joseph A. Scott, execute u joint lioud to the said ,Susan C. in tlu* pf*nal sum of lour tliousmuji doll bis (uiuul tinned for tlm payment ot two thousand dollar.' with interest from date, on or betore the first day of March then next, and that ior the better securing the payment thcreot, the said Jacob did on the day and year first aforesaid int’ke his pertain indenture of mortgage, whereby lie mortgaged to said fSiisno C. all that lot ot ground known and designated as Garden lo^t number thirty nine, No 39, and also, that nrjaining half part of another lot known ns bi number forty two, No 42, containing together eight nnd u half acres more or less situated to the east of the city of Savannah and hounded to tho north west of Lot No 2d, to the south and east by lands be longing to the*'cstate of Hampton Lillihridge, and tho west by the public road leading to Skidawuv island whereon u brick yard is now established mill known by the nntne of Fall ms, brick yard- that there is now on tlm said bond 1 or mortgage obligatory the sum of eighteen hun dred dollars with interest from _lho 23d day ol January 1823, and praying the foreclosure ot the equity of redemption of the said Jacob and Ids heirs, executors, administrators and assigns in and to the. said mortgaged premises—On motion of W. W. Gordon, attorney for the petiouers— It is ordered that the principal and interest due on tin' said bcnjl or writing obligatory together with the cost ol tills application lie paid into this court within twelve months from this date, or in enso of default that tlie equity of redemption of said Jncbb Fnhmj bis'heirs, executors, adminis trators and assigns he from thenceforth forever foreclosed und tlmt such further and other pro- eeedings be had therein), as are pursuant to the statute ill such ease made and provided—And’it is further ordered tlmt this rule he published in one of the Gazettes of this sti te at least once a month for twelve months, or that -ji cnjijP, he served on the defendant atleustsix month before the time appointed for the payment of the mon ey into court. Extract from the minutes, 15th Jim. 1824. jan Hi 12 JOB T. BO J.F.3. Ct tlie Justices of the Inferlor’Couft, sittiug for ordinary purposes. To all whom it may concern, Whereas Robert Taylor, administrator of \Yin M. Kelley, lute of SaViMiimlt. merchant, doe'd, bus petitioned to the honorable the court of Or- dlnnev to he discharged from ids said administra tion. RP These are therefore to cite nnd admonish nil und singular the kindred und creditors ol'the said deceased, to file their objections, (if iuiy they have) In the clerks office of the said court, on or before the 8th day of December next; otherwise letters disuiissory will be granted to the petition er. Jt Witness tlie Ilonor.dile John R. WilUmnson, one of the Justices of tlie said court, this Htli day of June, A. D.V824. S. M BOND, e c o June 8 134 Administrator. 185 Bottles, Corks, Diti£s, &c. &c. CSl'l’ERlOR Velvet Corks, Wine pint bottles, rj Oxygin, Chamber and pocket l,ights, Wax Topers (u great variety.) Pure Calcined Mnguemi, Arrow Ryot. Cremu Tartar, Starch, Balsam Co- icivu, Sultpeire, Rotten Stone, kt. fcc. Iluve cn received per tlie William Wallace, and for site bv LAYHENDRICKSON, Ciiemists nnd Druggists, 'Congress,corner of tVliifakcr-streets, Shad’s Building. 1 164 Fm’nitui’e Wax. T HIS article is highly recommended for the pinposcof imparting an elegant elosi to Mahogany Furniture. The large and extensive Cabinet Ware Manu factories in the northern cities moke ure of this composition to give their works u bcau^ful po- jisli. A supply of this wax lias been received prr ship Savummli. It 1* put up in small pots and boxes with printed directions for use, and for sale by LAY k HENDRICKSON, Chemists uml Dfiiagisi*, Shad’s Buildings. g12 168 ort 9 187 Administrator’s sale. Oil the first Tuesday in December next. 7ILI. he sold at the late residence of Jacob / Fateh, dop’d, late ofthe County ofBulloch; personal properly of said deceased, sold benefit ot the heirs nnd creditors of said WM. DELOACH, Adm’r. JANE FUTCH, Adm'x. j* * ■ • -J m.ivpivcniyiuun,, 2, and north by Buy-street, levied on ns the pro perty of Alexander Hunter, tosatisfy his city taxes tor tlie years 1823 ami 1824, Rinoun’t due $31 25. Lot No. 24, and buildings, Washington ward, hounded east by Washington square, soutli by Coir grass street, west by lot No. 23, and north by St Julian street, levied on as the property of Jacob Falun, to satisfy his city taxes for the years 1823 and 1824, amount due $31 25. Lot No. 7 and buildings, Jekyl Tything Darby ward, hounded cast by lot No. 8, south by Bryan- street, west by lot No. 0, and north by a lane, le- vied on as the property of Worthington Gale, to satisfy his city taxes for the years 1823 and 1824. amount due $41 25. Lots Nos. 20 and 21, Yainacraw, hounded cast by lot No. 19, south by Pine-street, west by Falim street, and north by lots Nos. 8 and 9, levied on us property ofSeuborn Jones, to satisfy* his city taxes for the year 1824, uinonnt due $9. A small building, on lot No. 15, Spring Ilill, bounded east by Frauklin street, Soutli by Spring street, west by lot No. 18, and north by lot No. 10, levied of as the property of Elsey Wilson, to sa tisfy her city taxes for the years 1820, 1821, 1823 an’d 1824. Amount tax $27 31. Buildings on Lot No. 8, Indian-street, bounded east by lot No. 7. south by a lane, west by lot No. 9, and north by Indian-street, levied on as the property of John Myrick, to satisfy his city taxes tor the year* 1823 and 1824. Amount due $9 75 and cost. East hulf Lot No. 6, Hick’s Tything Percival ward bounded east by lot No. 7, south by Slate street, west by west half Of said lot, and north by a fane, levied on as the property of Henry Lyons, to satisfy his city tux lor the present year, mount due $13 and cost. Two-thirds pf lot No. 7, Yamacraw, bounded ' ' "ot No east by lot No. 6, soutli by a fane, west by 9. and north by Indian-street,levied on as the pro fpierty of R. Richardson, to satisfy his city tax for ' s present year, ameefat due $27 59 and eesU. G liuRUfA, Chatimm county—Du the him. Iht Justices of the Inferior Court silting for ordi nary purposes. To all whom it infiy concern. WheWns-William Davies.udmiiiiiitralois nf Mar tha Johnson dee. lias petitioned the lion, tlie Court of ordinary to be discharged from his said ad ministration. These arc therefore to cite and admonish nil ami singular tlm kimjred and creditors of said d< ceased, to file their mijections (if mis'they Imvi in the office qHlie clerk of tlie eourr of .ordin; ry on or bciiire the seventh day of .March next ; otht'rti he letters dinnissory will he granted the petitioner. ' Jj k - J , Witness tlio hon. John P. Williamson, one 'the Justices of the Said Court,, this 7th day September, A. D. 1824. S, M. BOND, c c 0-c c, sept 9 175 t 1 EUR til A, ChathaifT County—try the hon. .the VI Justins ofthe Inferior court sitting far ordiud- ry purposes. ■ To ail wlmm it may concern. Whereas Linus P. Sage administrator ol'Spmgi Taylor, deceased, Inis petitioned the honor! Ide court of ordinary to he diselmrged from lift, said udminislrationsliip. Tlieso are therefoVo to cite and ndinouhh and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections (if end they have) in the olliro of the cleik ofthe eiliirt of or- clinniy, on or before tlie 13th day of January next ensuing the date (icre'qfa otherwise lettersahmis- sory will lie graritod to the applicant, . Witiie.-s tlus houoruble Thomas N. llrorel l.SE mouths after date application wliTiH . made to tho lion. Inferior court of tli treoiioid Bryan, fm leave to soil all the real e;\i 0 H William Cubbtdue deceased, to be sold far | 1 benufit of tlie heirs and creditors. , JOHN CUBBEDG1', Ad m’r, jnne 17 138 Bryan l i, m/y (VJ INE moutiiH alter date application x^lITC X 7 made to tlm lion. Inferior court of Lilim county, for leave to sell thu real and per (anal X, tato of Lodowlek Lard, late of Tattnall I counij deceased, for the benefit of tho heirs an i croud ,Ur "' m E. WAY, . IJinV,' aug 31$o!7l N INE months after date I shall apply "TTiha hon. Inferior court of Liberty cmiity fil leave to seU the. real and personal proi erfy U in I, Baker, deceased, for tho benefit of tls heirs anil creditors. V aprll 7 T1I0S. B. BAKER, AdmY; ■‘lyriNE. morSiis. mter dafe^ applicalimi HiiTtl 'll made to tho lion. Inferior court of iIxllacd county, wlmn sitting for, ordinary nurpo i' 0 J Icavo to *nl[ all tlio roul and personal estaH ofAU fan, Deniqprlf, doooased, for tho benefit «f f ‘ ° ROBERT BURTON, AiViv MARY DENMARK, Adih ,. ButtorJi lifili’S nnd feb 28 48 KTIN’E months after tlic date liPrcof, .3 tion will ho made to . the inferior car| dion sitting ior ordinary purposes, for leAvei •I! all Ihal lot or part of ground in the dlxHiitU; Into Bind, cuunty ol Cliullmin, Contain'■»;; ' ;ss,hmindcd northwiirillvanb laic John l’dulfens, and scuij., creditors of said cstato. ZABETI1 BOYD, Ad 6’i. •; public is apprised, tlmt the stlbTsfe hus titles to one hulf of n 50 ncro tr. *t it land on While Ulilff, adjoining his amj U lately. Jolm l’oulleii’s, now John .Mnrrill’f^un tqr wjileh tlm adiuiiii.-trtilrix ol't'.ie late John Boil now nnpjtes for leave to sell as part of that'«!(' —lift titles are of prior dale and record- A/l[ suns are' forewarned not to puvc'iase, or trisou on the premises. It. F. Wll.i.lAi t). ' 8/ ' tn ° '. months alter date, application _ . AUe to the Inferior Court ot Ell comity tor (Clive to sell all the real flropci tv ,| longing to, the esttite of the fate tkcv teased, lying in sniil county, for the tit this Justices of the said t’ouit this IRtli day of July, A. 1). 1824. S. M. BOND, ten. july 13 l.ji* Fure Calcined Magnesia, u new Article. T HIS Medicine hus been prepared by the New- Y’nrk Ghemlcul Mnimt'r.etnring Company, and is said to he equal to the celebrated article md'.' by tiie Messrs. Henry’s. Many person? in this city who have used this remedy givs it a de cided preference over ail others. Families arc solicited tp give it a trial as it comes much rlicup- r than Henry’s, bc-inp neatly put up in bottles at 7 1-2 cents each, und for sale only by LAY & HENDRICK SON, Chemists and Druggists Shad's Buildings sej,t 2 172 Superior court, Cluithaiii county. John Retail ) cs. s Rule Nisi. Nathan Bilker. ) O N the petition of Jno. Retail stating that Nnthan Baker did on the first day of May 1822. the belter to secure tlie payment of ins' Certain promissory note of that date for the sum of two thousand dollars, payable to the said John Retail, or order, on or before tlie 1st day of May, 1824. with interest at 7 per cent per iumpm, by Us indenture, under his seal, bearing date tile day nnd year first aforesaid, mortgaged to the said John Retail, nil the undivided moiety or half part of all that lot of land, situate, lying and being in the city of Snvunnafa And known and distinguished in the plan thereof by the number one (1) Tyrcotinell tything Darby ward, together with the appurtenances, and further stating that the said promissory note remains v. holy unpaid, and the snid mortgage in full force, ami praying the foreclosure of the said mortgage. Cn motion ol’W.AY. Gordon,•attorney for the petioner, It is ordered that the said Nathan Ba ker do pay into this court, within twelve mouths, of this date, the principal und interest dun on the said note und the cost’of the said application, or in default thereof, tlmt the equity of redemp tion of the snid'Nnthnn Baker of and to the said mortgaged premises, he thenceforth and forever foreclosed. And it is further ordered, that a copy of this :ile lie served oa the said Nathan Baker, i.t least six months before the time appointed fur the my merit of raid money into court,' or published n one rff the public Gazettes of this state, lit least once in every month, until the time up- pointed for tlie nuyment thereof; and that such further ami other, proceedings he had os are prescribed by the statute in such case made anil provided. Extract from the minutes'this 2-!th May. 1824 may 7 2 A. B. FANNIN, fink. G EORGI A, thallium County—By the lion, the Justices if the Inferior court, sitting for or dinary purposes. To all whom it may concern. W Ijcreas Alexander M. Taylor, administrator of John Scott, deceased, has petitioned the honora ble the Justices of the Inferior court,to he dischar ged from Ids said administration. Now these ure therefore to cite and admonish nil and singular the-kindred imtl creditors of the said dcceasod, to tile their objections, (if any they have) in the elerk’s office, of the court of ./ordina ry, oil or before the 6th day of December next; otherwise letters dismissqry will be gninffd Witness the honorable Edward Harden, one of tlie Justices of tlie said coart, thfaAith day of May, A. D. 182! S.,M. BUND, c c’< may6 f t EORGIA, *ullocli Comity— By the Imnora- VJ Ole the court of ordinary of said county. To all whom it muy concern. Vuliuiblc Medicine. A NTl-PLSPEI’TIC PILLS, Pnpurcd by Henry domes. A N approved remedy for Dyspepsia, or Indi gestion, Habitual Costivoncss, und piles. It is well known that Dyspepsia is one of the tnor.l frequent and formidable diseases of onr country. Its commencement is indicated in dif ferent patients by various symptoms, of whiiil the most reinurkuble are— Irregularity of tlic bowels, obstinate costive ness, licmlaeli, commonly called nervous or sick ly heudiu-h, yellowness of the eyes and skin, acid ity of the stomach after eutiuyoften called heart burn, flatulence or wind in tiro stomach, hitter taste in the month in the morning, feetid breath drowsiness lifter dinner, debility, lassitude, ema ciation, depression of spirits, fee. Piles being connected with indigestion nnd ens- tiveness, are certainly and speedily removed by these pills. A supply of the above valuable Medicine, has just been received from the Patentee, and can be obtained of the subscribers, who have been appointed agents for the State of Gcorgiu. LAY k. HENDRICKSON, Druggists and Chemists, .Shad’s Buildings. sept 12 175 N ine mouths i HP muds' to the lam. | AdriV] tc, application u“ . Inferior Dourt of Rs] mi Futility, for hmVo to sell uU tbc real Mill i Sarali M'Kindly, faffi of Brvan Comity de* i, tiie benefit of thu heirs nnd creditors of stid i] inte.ty: - JAMES BUTLER, Aftn'r. upilg 'i $«J7 >- v -|. 1 i\* liNK •'''mtii.-s uiler (idle, i slmllHipply tTt' li boa. lui'-ribr court of Chatham conn tp, l leave to soil the real and personal pronpriy Liu'hlaiid Hiunilroil Melutosh, deceuse' > r ‘ r U benefit of the bclr'n. SUSAN A.G.M’INTOSHl . AdWi.l inarch 9 56 |\| INK month!* alter date, t shall apply X i lion, the inferior court of tho county (| fingham, for leave to sell all the real esta i longing to Solomon Gimnn.dcc. ofvvhlch a < eerueu will tul;c notice. . JOSHUA GNANN, ad$Y. march 4 62 Mrs. Htiniphreys, R ESPECTFULLY informs tlie inhabitants of Savannah that she will open a SCHOOL on the first of November, for the reception of those children, w hose purents muy entrust them to her care. She will teach tlie solid und ornamentul brunches of eilucution; and after several years ex perience in the instruction ofyoutli she flutters her self she shall not full to give satisfaction. For further information please cull at Captain M'Leau’s, Lincoln Street, sept 28 182 P ERSONS linving claims against the estate of Charles W. Tcbeau, are requested to present them,'and those indebted to make immediate payment to the Subscriber—accounts against the said estate to be left with Messrs S. C. Sf J* Schenk. F. E. TEBEAU, Admr. eel 7 Wd> (superior court, Chatham County. March Term, 1824 William Bcrrie j) rs. / Rule. Nisi. John Christopher. ) O N the petitiou of Willfam Beriie stating that one John Christopher, of tho county of Camden, lining inrii bted to one Henry Sadler or order in a note of hand, datnl St. Marys in said county, on the 9th October 1822, in the sum ot Five Hundred Dollnrs, pnynbie with Interest train the date on the first day of January then next ensuing, did mortgage to tho said Henry his heirs and assigns, to secure th'- payment of the note oforesuid with interest ort tlio same—a cer tain lot of lund in the town aforesaid being part of lot No. 1 beginning at tlie west corner pf a Jot belonging to one Calvin Hayes, thence rim ing south 100 foot on St. Marys Street, thi-ncc north to Bryant St. oust to C. Hays’ land thence south to the beginning, with tho margin attached to the same on the south side of bt. Marys or Bay st. being a hundred feet on tho street and running from (lienee ■ directly to the river St. Marys, together with all and singular every thing thereto appertaining, that thesuidfloppy Saddler, to whom and to whoso heirs and assigns the said mortgage was made on the 24th of Srpt. 1823, July assigned by deed, said mortgage to the pe titioner, there is now due on snid mortgage tlic sum of Five Hundred Dollars with interest from, the 1st January 1822, and praying Cor, the foreclo sure of tlie equity of redemption, iri,the said John Christopher, his heirs and assigns in the mortgaged premises nnd that the sumc he foreclosed according to law. On motion of Belton A Conp, attorney for pe titioner, it is ordered thut the principal and in terest due on the said mortgage together with the costs of his applicants lie paid into this court within twelve months from this date, otherwise tlmt the equity of redemption of the snid John Christopher Ins heirs executors, administrations and ussigns lie from tlicnce forever foreclosed and that such other proceedings take place as are pursuant to the statue. And it is further ordered that this rule lie puli lislicd in one of the GuzetteiC'of this slate at least once a month for twelve months to the time up- pointed for the payment of said money into Court. A true extract from the minutes. JOHN BAILEY, Clerk. Jefferson, 16lh March, 1824. Whereas Ruben Burjoiii-udmihlxtmtorof the estafe of Stephen Denmark deccuscd hath appli ed to the said Court for letters dfatntssory train siiid administration. These me therefore to rite and admonish all and singular tho kindred nnd 'creditors of tlio -said dccenssed, to file their objections (if any they have) in the office of the clerk of this court w illi- in the time prescribed by law, otherwise letters dbmissory will be grunted the applicant; Witness the honorable Shepherd Williams, one of the Justices of said court, this 3d Julie, 1824. ELY KENNEDY* c c o u c. jnne 4 132 / t EUKGiA Chnth’nin County—By the hon. the VJT Justins of the frfiriur court silling for ordi nary purposes. To nil whom it may concern; W huretts Richard 11. Cuyler, executor of Wil liam Shaw deceased, has petitioned the hon. court ot ordinary, to Le diselmrged from his said exc- cutmship. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections (if any they have) in the office ot the clerk of the court of ordbmry on or before the 13th day of Janunry next ensuing the dnto hereof, otherw i3c letters dismissory will he granted to the petitioner. Witness the honorable Thomas N. Morel, one of the Justices of the snid Court, this 13lh dny of July, A. D. 1824. S. M. BOND, c e o. July 13 150 i ' l ORGIA, Chatham County—By tlie hunorn- VX hie the. Justices of the Inferior lourlof Chath am county silting for ordinary purposes. jVj INF. months after date application J. x made tothc lion, the InferiorCourt i hum Cfiunty, when'setting for ordinnry pii for permission-to sell the following real I for 4ho benefit of tlic heirs anil creditor 1 osluto of re 8. Bayiud, deceased, viz : One-undivided fourth bf a truejt of fail tnlnlng ubout 600 nereis, on Cumbcrlnmr Camden County, known as Plum Orcliq an undivided fuurth of a certain Tract < situated on said Island, continuing about! eras, originally granted to Gen. Lachfaml tosh, and bounded on the south by the sul Orchard Tract. Also, it tract called Lottery Hill situate i flu| Ogeechee Roud, 3 miles from Bnvannnlt,c Mia jng ubout 600 acres. N, J. BAYARD Adm,r cst. N. S. Ba rff. may 20 211 A LL persons having nny the estate of Francis Jtilincau, de mi, are requested to deliver them in properly rH cd,on orbefore the first day, ilaf counts not brought forward before- that da be refused payment by the undersigned cxi si-'l WM. UAST'f f july 10 149 both Fell, late of Chatham county, deeeni- ed, are reouested to make immedinte payment to the subscriber) and those to whom the astute is indebted arc requested to exhibit their demand* duly authenticated. PETER 8UICK, Ex’r. july 13 1W To all whom it may concern Whcarns Chai les Gregory executor of Thomas G. Davis lute 61 Chatham county deceased lma ictilioncd the honorable the court ofori'inury to >e discharged from his said executorship. 'J hose arc therefore to cite nnd admonish ail and singular tho kindred and creditors of tlie said deceased, to file their objections, if suiy they have, in thu office ofthe Clerk ofthe court of ordinary on or before the 7th day of March next, otherwise letters dismlssory will be granted tlie petitioner. Witness the honorable George L Cope, oue of the Justices of the suid court this seventh day of September, A. D. 1824. 8. M. BOND, c c o c c. sep 9 175 f t EORGIA Clmthiiui'coufily—By Ihe hon. the VlT Justices of Ihe Inferior court of Chatham coun ty silting for ordinary piuposes. To all whom it muy concern. Whereas William Davies administrator of 'Ja cob Franklin Keal dec. hus petitioned the hon court of Ordinary to be discharged from bis said administration. These are therefore to cite nml admonish all and singular, the kindred mid creditors ol’the suid deceased to fifa their objections (ii any they have,) in tlie office of the office of the Clerk of tlie court of ordinary, on or before life 7tli duy of March next, otherwise letters dismissqry will be grunted the petitioner. Witness the honorable John P. Williamson, one of the Justices of said court tills 7th duy of September, A. D. 1824. S. M. BOND, coo c o, sep t), 166 ’ IV lNE months alter dute application will be X1 made to the lion, inferior court of Chutlmm county, for leuve to'sell all tlmt lot in Savannah known-by the No. 1, Ellis square, Decker ward, with the improvements thereon : and all tlmt lot in Savannah known by Ihe No.,28, in Liberty ward, with the buildings (lien-on, being the ruu 1 estate of John Smith, deceased, for the bene- lil' of the heirs. may 16 FREDERICK HERB, Adm’r. 114 demands A LL persons indebted to the estate of .A B»i der Martin, fate of Liberty County, < * f( od, avo requested to ninke immediate pnyn ut il. F. BAKER, J r , H W.H. MARTIN, may 10 §113 A LE persons having demands against tie tute 'of tiie late Hugh M'Call deccasi i,ij requested to hnnd them in for payment, um ihj indebted to said cstato will please make « diute payment. TI108. MICA'LL, ? r« I ’ I*. BRASCII, r july 13 150 An Act, To establish an office for Recording the- BM the Citizens of this (Hate, in each County "J Slate. ■\\7TIEREAS much inconvenience I'-" 1 ▼ Y experienced in this stnto,from tin' culty of obtaining testimony of persons liitesejl to questions of right betore our courts,ami't« 0 l ns emhoriussiug difficulties frequently Wf! ccnect mlministralion ol justice on this iu6jij For remedy whereof, “ Be it enacted by the Senate awl How f 1 present olives of the" state of Georgia, in GciW semhly met, and it is hereby enacted by the M ofthe. same : e That from nnd immediately after tlm PP*1 this act, it sliuil be made the duty of the EletH tho Court* of Ordinuiy, in ouch county 1C, J U '3 ly, to enfer and register, in a book to be tlmt purpose, live names of all persons Wn«J report tiiemsclves to Iilin, or who may bn rep by their parcnU or guardians, os well; as #u who muy lie hereafter horn within the said c mid who may be reported as aforesaid, up® 11 ] proof being made by nfliduvit or,oath to i*j e 3 ot the snid Birth; and tharvlio said.Clerk entitled ti> take mul receive tor each r 9 \vhicli lie shall be called upon to raakii,ffi e twenty-live cents. GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY. , ,, „ CtcHc’s Office of tlie Court of OrdviVV . n.« fr'W..f'n.mttr nr6 *•*: n faULinniuuu hi iiii9 niaib) Husnvu ,. j«i her, 1823, the first section of which is rccflc a boolfis prepared for tlio registry #1™',, cdmily. Ulliee hours from nino, A. M- un l’.M. SAMUEL M. B(- Clerle ofthe Court of Ordinary of Uhath<p» m sept 4 63