Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, October 19, 1824, Image 3

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limr.n quiet, ahil t lie total sides during tho last two iiluvs are not estimated nt over 2000 bags, r About 2500 East Indies are to bo sold by auction 1 to-ilav, Avlilch has attracted hitber a number of 'dealfiM atui?!>innor« ) biii it isyci too early »<» k,u 'w L v w;hoy Wilt do.—The Truda in Manchester is hire.ttv good at present, and as the slocks in the in- fterior lire very low, we rather expect the trade [will stioti lie obliged to take more cotton than they have done for some time past, hut we thin* (lonbtfdl tf prices advance, much with all tne tnBdeficiencyof import from the 17. Stales. Prices.—Cotton per lb. bowed Georgia 7.1 to . New Orleans 7H a 1 lj; Sea Island, good to >» 2d a Is !>d ; ord. to mid. lid ills Id; "• India, 8 n9! llurbadoes, 8.J a 9.1; Demrrnvii. OJ « Is i L er- [mmbuco Ud a Is; Bahia, 9:jdn l)d; Sdmt.W n Mi Bengal, 6& a 6Jd; Rice Am. per ewt. Ids hd u 5s (idi East India IBs a Ids. : London Market, Sept. 7.—The demand for Cot- )n last week was very limited, tho sales amount* Ig to only 1090. bales. Muscovado Sugtkr has been lit loss request—tin sales to-day arc 800casks; an extensive business mkht he done If holders would submit to nreduc- X of Ud a Is on former prices. W.’ PORT OF SAVANNAH. ■ arrived, Eshin Emily, Webb, Liverpool, 86 days, with a ill cargo of Dry Goods, Hardware, kr. to A Low 1 co, owners, Low &• Wallace, \\ laylor, John pNish, S Wright, W Inglis fe co, It Campbell, 1 $40,000 in sjierie, to A Low k co. I’nsscn- F ,-s, Messrs M‘Henry, Strong, and Harrison— *t. 18, 120 miles S. of Cnpc Clear, spoko brig isgood, Gardner, from tills port for Liverpool, out 8 days. Left ship Pnllns, for this port in 0 days, hip Eolith Boston, sailed 11 dnys beforo tho End* tfichr Atlantic, Gould, Ncw-York, 8 days, with a U cargo, to Colien k -Miller, Ponce 4’ Mtckcn* ft, C B Crane, C Kelsey k co, D B Nichols 4‘ co, IPnUersoi!, 1 W Morrell, Duhamrl & Auze, Bliss RViulsworth, A G Miller, 11 Cassidy <*. eo, T adley Si co, 11 Tuppcr,B Tully, J VV Long, II ‘png, A-B Fannin k co, M’Drrinotl4‘ Blois, N Joore, and ADay. Pus'cnpT-'. Mis I’ayne, Hutchins, Messrs Cook, Candler, Holmes, it, Day, Tully, Glgnillintt, R Ilolmet, Cjark, inig, uml 10 iii the steerage, loop Spartati) Delano* Philadelphia, 4 days & the Capes, with n full cargo, to P M'Ddhnott, uiitl >J nlra oil ml m is! a ■re I foj hen (4 In | dell lit. mil fesii , Messrs Devot nud wife, Bainbridge, Perkins, ly, Cassidy, and Fitzpartrick. steam Boat Henry Shultz. Lubbock, 2 dnvs fm inburg and Augusta, with 70 bales cotton'to 1! [jper, and freight for Charleston. \ Passengers, V Iiamor, lady und children, Miss Walker, isrs F Kennedy, Mullen, Dillon, Lamar, and [Da Costa. [Tho II. S. will leave here for rleston about 0 o'clock tills evening.] ole Boat Adeline, from Augusta, with 828 bales Ron, to G B Lnmnr, Cumtning Si Gwatlnncy, Butler Si co, W Gaston, and Duuharn fit Camp* \ SAILED, Khip Corsair, Porter, for New-York» Pnsscn- I Doct W R Waring, and Mr Wilkins, lehr Flora, Tomasson.Riccboro. Sloops John Chevalier, Chevalier, St-Mury*. I Delight, Cooper, Charleston. The Oglethorpe, Jayne; or nt Liverpool from N rk, previous to Sept. 10. ' ' . Ihc schr Iiaracoa, Reed, from Savannah, for Imlngton, N. C. passed Charleston Bnr on ursduy. ' , ... The, sloop Neptune's Barge, was up at New |k, on the Cth mst. for Duricn, with despatch, 'he Elisa Ann, Baird, sidled from Grenock for nnah, before tho sldp Minerva, arr. at New _x i t [he destination of tho steam ship Robert Ful- I which was Up al'Ncw York, for this'Portland Irlcston, has been chnnged. ft PROM THIS POUT, (t New York, 8th Inst, ship Cotton Plant, Ore* y, 9 days. Boston, 6th inst. brig Almira, Harding, 18 UP FOR Tills PORT, ' ' > It Notv-York Sth inst. pneket ship Mentor, Vf>n, to sail 20th; siiip Tliomns Fowler, C'und* | to sail lOtli; sloop Scourge, Forest, to sail Lie U. S, store ship Decoy arrived below at 1-York, on the 8th inst. from the West Indies w» imimn U1C ill UILUIUGUII 111. U1C City of Savannah, it in ordered, 'flint notice be given by the cashier in the. public Gazettes of this City, and Suvannah, that the issue of the Change Bills of tho Bank be stopped, and that those al ready issued bo forthwith called in. Exirattfrbin the Minutes. E. S. REES, Cashier, Oct Id 190 ice! | fuh oat I liu- Chorlc-s F. Cotlvvise AND J. W. Bachelder, AVE established themselves under the firm of C. F. CODWISE &. Co. ns itors&Commission Merchants NEW-YORK. tender thblrsorVIbbsto their friends and the in general for the sale of Produce and pur- of Merchandize. References, rs. A. Slaughter&C. Labuzan, ? , JcwAlt, Abell St Co. I Au 8 ustn - lohn VV. Long, Savannah, h. Jewett 4- Halsey, > ,. „ . Mitchell k Blccckor, < ork > Francis J. Oliver, ar Richard D. Tucker, Esqrs. ] Boston ‘ .jeldcr Si Codwisn, Augusta, will make libe ,-nnccs on Gotton shipped to C. F. Cod wise ; Ncw-York. . ■ The Editors of the Savannah Republican ieorgm Journal, will please give the above [sortions, weekly, and forward their accounts 1 oflice. 2 X1S4 . Bethlelieni,—Georgia. I PUBLIC examination in this Academy will I commence on Thursday the 14th ofOctobpr She Continued from day toddy nt the .pleasure ■qnts and guurdians who may be present. Ration* and friends of the young ladies are gtfuliy invited to attend, togetlier with all poring persons, who take pleasure in tlio elc- tof female character. 'I he examination will Ifcc many of the most interesting branches, fO 8 ” , 0 orthography, und those of. f *Bbmen(s; It is hoped sometliing will be W!h Wthnt | tll l^ hest ' n, dllecUnfl attain- 8 . e * c !hsi v e property of no sex. For imSSSSftf ofB P^ talo ! a the students will fcmined in the new Church. [ember; SC8Sioh wiU com n'cnce on’the 18(h 1. ... Term*. ISchnWi, ‘ 0,, "iimAV|isHin g , fire and candles, I Scholastifc yeng of eleven months $130 Jtne session or half year 75 0 books maps,ink un d pencils per session 1 pcs m advance. . Lf!fc rlfnC P t bf music and Panting, tho Pfthp present year continued. ¥ young lady to furnish apuirof sheets and I ’ jt-',, V, X»Vjs : «^‘ 1 lose unacquainted with the character ofthis lo,TT erence C,UI b,! llii,i ‘obis Excellency ‘be President and ollicers, of ' l<> <ll, ‘ B ,v ’Dr. Brown I " Abbot—p r . j 0 i m Gonirdine, or’ Judiro L '* s . rc K"rds houlth und other local a.I- in tl]fi s °utHeAi Country Ithe t' si,nil,ct1 ' In other respects ¥0 patronage 0 . “° tcm,nG tho oXtcnt -ol» m'aa^Ad,no ° f , im provcmcnt will bo In- ahn»l.n ll * 0n ' 1 Ptpulorand nhlo inslruc* B®lX in8,ru K°nt for: th0 benefit of b oy a i,,„ lC '“^'P'isition of music i add if lhos e .J™ undivided attention on t)ie “ bltlierto engaged in the literary de- banding. 200 23. S5£. . Colton R '^ ir - ? begs prime Go«!>en Butter 20 bbls Northern Gin For sale by BLISS Si WADSWORTH, oct 19 m!!>1 St, Hemp tmd Cuimrj Seed, J UST rccoived and for sale by LAY &. HENDRICKSON. Chemists and Druggists, oct 1!) 191 Bh,id's Buildings. Liverpool Ground *Salt, . For Sale X N ipiantities to suit purchasers. Apply to „ JOHN PRITCHARD, (>, t ] P AlOl at A. L. Molvneux's. Bunk State of Georgia, v t VANN AH, 10 th Oct. 1824. rjpiIK Board of Directors having declared a I Dividend of §2 per share, or 2 per cent for the last six months, on the Capital Stock of this Rank, the riimn will be paid 1 to tho respective Stockholder! (hereof, nrto their order, on and nf* ter Thursday the 91st inst. By order of the Board. Get 19 ultH A. PORTER, Cashier. ►Seminary for Young Ladies. M ,!S - ( 'RERINEAU acquaints her friends,and . T1 pnivpts generally, tlmt there are a few vu- qnnrnes in her .Seminary for the ensuing season. .Instruction Is given iii all the various bruhehes oy .duciition taught in other Schools. J lie terms may be known on application at Uor residence York Street near Bolton’s Square. Oct 19 tMlPl To Rent. The Tenement at present oc cupied by Thomas TJ. P. Charl ton, the iiropertyof Charles Harris, . . Esq. hi Broughton Street; und posses sion given on the 1st November. Get 19 191 TO BE LET. The STORE corner of Bay mul Drayton-Strects, now occu pied by J. P. Setge. Possession inuy ■— he Imd on the 16th of this m: nth. For further particulars, apply to Peter Dapon. l’ETEU EVEN! .oct 19 ||191 Fresh vSnices, A*c. -f AA LBS. NUTMEGS -JLl/U 20 do'AIiich 59 do Cloves 500 do Ginger, (Pulverised) 19 boxes Starch in bundles of Y lbs each 160 do CiissiiD or Cinnamon 150 do Fig Bide (a superior quality) 400 do Pearl Asli *' 50 dor. Loriilard’s Snuff 200 do do audltcills cut Tobacco, Are. offered for sulo by <; LAY & HENDRICKSON, Chemists and D/upgists, J qct l4; . , flBP Slmd’s buildings. Bank of Darien, OCTOBER S. 1324. Proposals, I .VOR repairing the Bridge between Whittinanti JL Island and Oatlunds, will he received be tween this and the 1st day ot November. For particulars applv to TI MOTHY BARNARD,) Com’rs JOHN SCR1VF.N. } Wtlinine- EDW. F. TATTNALL. S ton Disk. Ort 10 190 • . ►Situation Wanted, AY a young man wiio is Well acquainted with JL> the Mercantile business having followed it for the last tinge years.- He would accept a place hi spy respectable HoOse, All necessary 'recom mendations can be bad both indown or trom the country. A tine addressed to II. M. G. and lett at tlie Post Oltice will be particularly attended to. Oct 10 a190 WOOLENS. liavo received their USUAL .1. SUPPLY of q SkSsvi a'Ajt.T, ©©(©©i;, M Inch they offer for sale on accommodating terms. consistiso of White nnd Coloured Plains Heavy London Duffle and Rose Blankets G-4 Servant’s Cloth, Blue, Black, Brown and j\lix<!(i Rocking llnizn, und Table Covers Welsh Flannel of u superior style White and Colored Yorkshire do , ALSO, 100 pieces best 42 inch Cotton Bagging. JAMES ANDERSON VCo. .. Johnston’s Siiuai'e, oct 12 t.188 * ’ Copaptncrahip, T HE Subscriber has associated himself with .John E. Wadsworth, in tho Commission hush ness, m this place, which will hereafter be con ducted under the firm of BLISS Sf WADSWORTH .. ELIAS BLISS, oct 14 n189 To be Leased, F OR a number of years, the Southern half of Lot No. Reynolds Wurd, on the corner' of Broughton nnd Ahcrcorn streets, 11 very eligible situation fora dwelling house. Apply to 1 A. J. PRATT. . .oct 14 1st 189 AUGUST G. OEMLEU, H AS removed hisDRUG STORE, to the corner of liroughton and ll'hitaktr-Slrcels, opposite CoL Shelmiaws MansionHouse, where he exhibits for sale, a choice assortment of Fresh Medicines and Garden Seeds, ( and various other articles suiting bis fine. He ab stains relating the- whole string of nuines of the tilings lie offers, and oiily mentions a few which are not commonly found in every Drug Store, viz: Fol. Sabina, Pyrulu Umbeltuta, Degitulis Purpurea, Scullcnp, Hyssop, ■ GeiUiun-Lfopurd’s Banc; (arntcu montanu) Elecampane, (Inuln Heleiiium) Hops, Ergot, Tonquiu Beans, Squire’s Elixir. Daffy’s Elixir, Ess. Mustard, Ess. Tyre, Jesuit Drop, Churcbe's Cough Drops, Aromatic Vinegar, Toilet, Vegetable, and other Soaps, Mucossar Oil, Phosphorus, Ox. Mur. Potnsse, James’s Fever Powders, Infantile Powders, Read's Stiplic, Spirits Soap, Fumigating Pastils, Pyrollgnious Acid, Blnek Drop.' Rcspeetingtiie utility ofthis last article,lie refers to the inst, but one, page of the Georgia and South Carolina Almanac, of tiiis year, i net 9 1187 ;*,* : Assize of Bread. T HE nveruge juice of flour being $0$ per bar-, rel, Rid weifiht, the weight of bread for the present month must b« " l , ‘ 1 ' I24 Louf 2 lbs 13 ounces G.i do 1 do (>.[ do of which nil bakers an d sellers of bread will take due notice. J. I. ROBERTS,' c. t, oct 5 135 ' , • ' > ’ Fifty Dollars Reward, ILL be paid for the appi Wi e paid for the nppijOiension and dc . . livery of tb e following Negroes to tlio Sub- .scribers, living it; Bourke Cunty, or riiiy safe Juil so.we can get thiim—pr n liberal reward will be given- for any part of them, to wit: Mornitan a bright Mulatto ftiun,. about 35 years old, rather slender made und of keen npprehedsiort, and bis wife Hannah a black woman about 40 years old, with u scar on one side of her face, the .property ot Joseph Hines—Ben an African about 46 years old, small and well set and filed tcqth, 1 with a scar on one arm, nnd his wife Sylvia about 35 years of ngc, pretty heavy to her height.—They took of Children Ben, Dave and Hetty, the. children Of Ren und Sylvia, two oi' the children bploiig to the Estate of Smith Stringer, ■ deed, the other child and Ben und Sylvia'to'Abner Belcher. They broke loose a lurge Cnnoe 011 Tuesday tho 28th Seplember last, ’nt Stephen’^ Bridge, Burke Coun ty, nnd we tiling will uim down the River to the Marshy Country, below Savnnnnli, ns Ben was bought up there und lias onccriumwny and got his wifo und children back thcro and were upprehen- ded and put in Savannah Jail, not two years ng< —Oncol the men took,oil’a Gun the other a I'i tol with them* , * JOSEPH II1NF.S, ABNER BELCHER. oct 14 18& Goshen Butter, und Fresh Lard. GA UDR Y 4* IIERBER T, Have Just Received QA BEOS LARD O vF do Goshen Butter 19 Boxes London Musturd 60 bids primePork. Oct 12 188 FACTORAGE. “ rTUlEsnbjcribcr tenders his thanks to liisfriends J. and tile public for the liberal encourage ment lie Ims received in the FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BUSINESSif and trusts that by a strict attention to the interest of the Planter, he will merit a continuance oftheir patronage. For side. 1 Grundy’s white Plains Prime 42 inch Cotton Bagging. EI.JAS FORT, Commerce Row: oct 6 185 ChcesQ, Pepper vfcc. U HZ Casks prime Goshen Cheese S f) 26 boxes 'do do. l(l b' l g* Pepper ’ 10 do Pimento Just received and for sale by L. PETTY. oct 1 m!84 BUTLER «fc SGRANTON, Iluve just received and offcf for sale. A freslt supply of FINE I5EA- VER HATS, of tho first quail ty nnd latest fashion. , 2d quality do do Castor do dp Imitation do do Wool Hut* from ijjil 1 down to 7. ALSO, A fresh supply of SHELL COMBS. Imitation do do All of which will be sold low for cush or good »dr. , Country Merchants will find it to (heir advan tage to call and take a look. , V oct 9 m187 , Dr. A. DE LAROCHE. Opposite the Exchange, SavdnAah. I S constantly receiving fresh supplies of gen uine DRUGS AND MEDICINES, selected for Country Merchants und Physicians, which he will sell for cash or approved credit at the lowest.City price. ; . Just received, SULPHATE of QUININA. oct 16 190 Iron, Steel, and Cotton Bagging. 1 tHk TONS IRON consisting of Axe Bar, Wug' B v/ gon and Chair Tire *8) Bundles Hoop Iron 30 ' .do Sheet do ■ .20 do Steel consisting of English Blister, German nnd (1) Blister 5q ps 42 li/cli C'OTTON liA G OHIO. Just received and for sale by Oct 16 190 JjB, HERBERT UCO, Education, T HE subscriber respectfully announces to his friends and the pubfic'thht the exercises of his school will be resfimed on Monday 25th inst. The course of instruction embraces the Latin Lan guage.; History, Moral Philosophy, Composition, Geography, English Grammar, Arithmetic, Sin. Sic. He pledges himself to give tlui most assidu- qus,nad unwearied attention to the moral and in tellectual improvement of hisjiupils.—Terms as usual. -f G. WHITE, met 12 188 T Sira ims Panacea. HE Subscribers have just received from Phil adelphia a fresh supply of this celebvuted Mc- diciue, and have made such arrangements as to keep a constant supply of It on hand. Persons in want of this ortiele can depend upon jts being gen uine, ns. it comes direct from Mr. Swnim. LAY 4- HENDRICKSON, Chemist mid Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. oct 7 186 ANDREW LOW & co. flTAVE this day received by the shirt Oeer-ia. ol JLirom Liverp'ool, n large supply ol WOOLE V AND OTHER SEA SONABLE DRY GOODS, Which are offered for sale, bv the original pnek* age, piece, or dozen, at a moderate udvimcc, for cash, cotton or rice, and on a liberal credit for ap proved paper. By the ship Emily, expected to arrive here in all this month, there is to be re ceived an additional supply, which will make their Fall and Winter Assortment more suitably und complete, than nt any former period, in consequence of the selection of the whole having been mude by the principals of the nouso* oct 12 183 Ready Made Clothing, KPAt costm^a rTllIE subscriber Intending to leave this place by ,‘b u 2°‘ h of this month, Hers his STOCK OF GOODS AT COST.—It comprises it general ks- sortmeht of h CLOTHING OP ALL SIZES. * JOHN V. SETZ. oct 7 186 L. PETTY, Offers fur Sale. OH MHDSi St. Croix Sugar 20 barrels do do 100 hugs Coffee ■/ . . • T lq do Pimento 10 do Popper 6 do Race Ginger 15 qr chests Hyson Tea 10 pipes Holland Gin 6 pipes Cogimc Brandy 3 puncheons Jnmtiicu Bum 20. tierces London Brown Stout 10 qr casks Muliiga Wine 40 barrels Whiskey 30 do Gin ,25 do Prime Pork 40. do Loaf Sugar IQ kegs Tobacco of un approved brand . 50 boxus Soap 40 kegs supr White Lead 200 bags Shot, assorted 15 Casks Cheese ■ ALSO, 5ft pieces Cotton Bugging * t Imle Twine 15 pieces White Plains, Nos. 1 and 2. oct 5 nl85 Just Received, G entlemens fine calfskin and motocco Boots ,do do Washington Tics do- do Shoes do do Buckskin do Boys Pegged and sewed do Children's Bootees Ladies fine Silk Shoes do plain und figured I’runelle do do Satin do fine Morocco Shoes For sale by JNO. B. WICK. Ort 9 f 187 Drugs, ChemiGtils, Perfumery, B Y tlie ship Corsair the subscribers huve receiv ed their full supply of GOODS, consisting of n very general assortment of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, DYE STUFFS, &c. All of which will be sold on the most accom modating terms for Cash or Credit. Merchants, Physicians, und Planters are, respectfully invited to examine themWfeforc they purchase. LAY &. HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Druggists, Shad's Buildings. ALSO, A fresh supply of SULPHATE QALNINE, re ceived ns above. Oct 14 189 Dunwody, Factors Oct 16 a 190 To Rent. That large and pleasantly situated House in Broughton street, now occupied by Doctor J. B. Bead; for terms, apply; to Bulloch Si For Liverpool. The well known and regular trading ship, GEORGIA, Viirnum, master, II meet with quick despatch.—For freight of 160 bales of Cotton only, apply to ANDREW LOW fc Co. 105 tolls of Liverpool SALT, nnd 38 crates assorted CROCKERY, Rcceive.d by the Georgia and offered for sale low •or cash or on accommodating terms forepprov- d paper if taken immediately from on board the ’cssel at Five Fathom—apply as above, oct 9 187 lOi'lfif.xEfcXJs XfviMi For Darien, The well known sloop, UNION, Will sail immediately—for freight or passage, apply on board, at Mongin’s lower wharf, or to GAUDRY &. HERBERT. oct12 ' Ml88 For New-York, (ESTABLISHED LINE,) Ship All <; 1; S T A, S. W. West, Master, ■ - "Gm* Will receive quick despatch.—For freight or passage, apply to the muter uu board, or to oct 14 139 HALL It HOYT. ESTABLISHED LINE OF Now-York, Packet*. ships. MAsTnns. SAVANNAH, W. Beedr, LOUISA MATILDA, D, Moon, AUGUSTA, D. Van Dyck. WM. WALLACE, T. Wood, EMPEROR, J. II. Bennett. , The above ure nil first rate vessels, with expe rienced commanders, and will continue, to sail in regulnrsucccssion throughout the season, leaving Savninulb for New-Yorx oh Thursday, and New York for Savannah on Snturduy in each week.— For freight or passage, apply to the Captains on board nt Jones’s Upper \\ Imrf, or to HALL fc IIOYT. jnn 27 21 Apples. Pif \ BBLS prime Apples landing per schooner tHI Eclipse—for sale by DANIEL CARNEY, Jr. oct 2 clS4 Genftine patent Family Medicines L F.ES Fun Churches Ess. Mustard Anderson* do Things worm Lozenges ^Hoopers do Thompsons teeth paste James do do eye water Churches cough drops Rogers vegetable Anderson* do pulmonicdCtergunt Balsoin Honey Hcarlcmoll. Audlcrslenutive British oil Opodeldock , Ilenryseanc’d magnesia Squires elixir Batemans drops* 4‘C Saits Lemons v . u; ; v >> , Can constantly be had uttlie store of LAY 4- HENDRICKSON; Chemists and Druggists, Shad's Buildings. sept 28 > 182 Fresh Teas. J. B. HERBERT & Co. .HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND, Chests, half chests, ten cattys.five cat- — tys und cannisters Hyson Tea Ten cattys.five cattysand cannistersl.irEtUALand Gunpowdeu Teas Hyson skin, tonkay, souchong and Bohrn Teas All of Which are of the latest importation, und will lie sold on accommodating terms, sept 28 183 ' V ‘ ’ By J. B. Herbert & co TO-MORROW, 20lli inst. at 11 o’clock, Will be sold becro our store, . I General assortment of G It O C E R I E S, A I,SO, 10 Boxes SgKMlsh Srgnrs 8 doz. Coliigne Water 1 box Sewing Twine 39 kegs English White Lend Also—At 12 o'clock. A. valuable collection of Books, Consisting of ubout 150 vols. I Flute l Fusee Oot 19 191 Terms Cash. JOHN MOREL. To Rent. Tlio Tencnicnt in Broughton Street acljoiningthe one occupi- 'ed by the subscriber; .possession given the 1st of November., Oct 16 ^ 190 M. MYERS. To Rent, The dwelling House of the Subscriber is offered for. Rent, for one year, from the lstofNovem- her next. Apply to R. if J. Halier- 1UCII. W. HABERSHAM. 137 The Genuine Improved Seullitz Poicdcrs. DOZEN oftlie true English'SeidlitzPow- O vzdershuve been received from London, via' Ncw-York, per brig Monroe and'for sale low by LAY k HENDRICKSON. Chemist and Druggists, Shad’s Building!;. oct 7 186 Iii Admiralty, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, > DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. ( To the Martial ui the District of Georgia, Grf.kting— GEO. GLEN, Clerk. W HEREAS a libel hath this day been filed, in (lie District-Court of said District, by Richard Marcellhi, praying salvage ugaiqst the British brig WEST INDIAN und cargo, for mari time services rendered'the said brig and cargo when In distress and great peril on' the high seas, as are particularly set forth in said libel. Now these are to cite and admonish the master of said brig and nil others concerned jn tfie premises, claiming said brig ond cargo, as enumerated in *nid libel, or holding proceeds,of the sale of the same in liis or (heir hands, or any part or pnrts thereof, as agent or agents, auctioneer or auc- tioneers—and the said master and others concern ed, a$ ,agent or agents, auctioneer or auctioneers as aforesaid, are hereby cited and admonished, to be and uppear bqfo;-e n special District Court, to be held in and for said district, on the 26th inst. at tlie Court I-Ipuse, in the City of Siivanpah, at 10 o’clock, A. M. df.timt day, to shew cause, if ony, he or they have, why salvage should not be de creed tlio Libellant as prayed/or.. Witness the Honorable Jeremiali Cuyler, Judge of said Court, this l lth of Oct; 1824. CHARLTON k SHEFTALL, Proctors. AH persons interested in. the above monition will take due notice. JNO. II. MOREL, m. d. 0. oct 12 m Market square Notice! The celebrated stand, for the side of Boots and Shoes, nt pre sent occupied by R. L. Milling, will, .— . be for Rent on the Uth inst. Appli cation can be made to Thos. R. .Price; merchant* in the same Square, or to the undersigned. GEO. PENNEY. oct 5 185 For Rent. The House in Broughton-.*t. lately occupied by Mr. Tefl't.— The house corner of Drayton and York-strcets, occupied by Mr Goff.— The house fronting Oglethorpe occupied by Capt, Bee. The house on the opposite side of the Square, occupied by Mr. Leach. The House at present occupied by Mr. George opposite to the Academy with an entire Lot, or f iurtof the lot would be leased being a good stand or a Grocery. ' ■ ALSO, ' Several other good dwelling houses, and the sto^s corner of Broughton [and Barnard-streets. Apply to J. MARSHALL, oct 6 tr*' To Rent. The three story brick build ing on tlie Bay, lately occupied by James Dickson 4* Co. as a IVhole- 1 sale Dry Good Stbrc. Apply to C.W. ROCKWELL 4* CO. sept 28 .183 For Rent. The brick house in South Brond Street, belonging to the est. Thos. Gardner, dec. At present IsBBl.occupied by Thomas Butler, Esq. For terms, apply to H. KIRBY, sept28 1.183 . ’ oct 7 To Rent. The Store and Dwelling John ston’s Sqtrnre, lately occupied by Mr. T. Walton, and Mrs. Blogg. Apply to M. GRIFFITH; Market Square. i486 oct 7 To Rent. , Two dwelling Houses on S tate 'Street, Columbia Ward. Apply la JNO. F.-LLOYD. p19? Sugar, coliee, cotton Bagging, soap, &c. -fl f)A BBLS.MuscovadoSugnr I Al\ f 8 hints do do 00 bugs prime Havana Green Coffee 40 nieces Cotton Bagging 100 linif boxes Soap 2 bales Oznaburghs 25 boxes Mucatel Raisins 5 bales Domestic Shirtings and Sliect- For sale by U ' oS CALVIN BAKER, sept 28 182 JL. G. salt, and Salmon. OAG 'BUSHELS L. G. Salt, afloat Ol/UU 8 boxes Salmon just received INSTORE, 50 bags prime Green Coffee 10 hhds St Croix Sugar • 10 do Jam. Ruin 6 do N, O. do 75 bbls prime Pork 10 tons iron 20 crates crockery 60 bbls Hour 25 qfeusks Malaga Wine so bbls Union Gin „ 3 cases Hats 6 Trunks Shoes 4 fN-W '■ 60 bbls Loaf Sugar 26 do prime Baltimore Hams .30,000 Spanish Segars An assortment of Castings, and Waggon Boxes For sale by J. B. HERBERT 4-CO. sept28 182 Corn. 1000 bushels Corn are offered for sale on sept 26 .reasonable terms by m!82 EBEN.JENCKES. Whitc Jfcad, 4 . .. . kegs White Lead, landing fm ship Wm. A YlLf Wallace, and for sale by sept 28 182 CALVIN BAKER. John T. Rowland, C ONTINUES to do busiiies in Milledgeville, mid tenders tlie oiler -of his services to the friends and the public; in the transaction of ugenv cy business generally, oct 2 tMtlS4 ByJ. J5. Herbert co. ■ ; ITo-morrowmh in.a. Will on sold before our store, for account of nil ■ t eodeemed. . -Fxjpy- the interest ol’theundcr- "Titers nt Lloyds’ in the Ship Albiop; Capt. Stevenson,mulliercar- go, (except sucli ns has already been brought to Savannah and sold) wrecked bn St. Calheriues Bnr in the gale of the 14th Sept last: Consisting principally of Mahogany and Logwood. A part of which is said to bo saved oil St. Cath erines and elsewhere. Sold by order of John II. Iteid, Esq. ageiit for Lloyds. , Oct 19 190 By Calvin Baker. ON THURSDAY, 21st inst. at 11 o’clock. i> v* Ill front of iiis Auction .Store, ^ A general nxortment of GROCERIES, oct 19 191 ON MONDAY, 25th inst. nt 11 o’clock; In front of his Auction Store, The Schr. ALEXANDER' About fifty tons burthen, with her - T tackle, apparel, fcc. ns she now lies, on the snut,: east point of Long island, near Cock- spar, nnd sold for account of the Underwriters. ^ jr Inventory can be seen at the Counting oct 19 191 W Notice. ILL be sold at tho City Pound 00 Saturday ncxt.nt tO o’clock A. M. the folio wing. Cows ■ r Mnhii 111111, - is.1... I If il.... _ ... ■ « - . «• in«. luiuiG 111- \ ,o\VS having been impounded, if they nrc nut taken a- Wiuy before that day. One red Cow, marked in one cor with a crop and hole in tlio other, unda piece cut from the uu- derpnrt. One red Cow, marked in both cars with the un- derpart cut out. y One dun Cow marked in one enr with the up per part cut out, in the other ear with a slit and the under part cut out. One brown and white Cow, marked in one ear with an underfill and in the other ear wltli an up- perbit. ‘ A F. M. STONE, Marshal, oct 19 191 Evening school, 1 Near the Catholic Church. T HE subscriber will recommence his Evening School on the first Monday iu October.— Those young gentlemen who wish to prepare themselves for tho Counting House, or Mechanics, Will please to make early application; EF Four children maybe accommodated with board'4-c. in the subscribers family sept 28 tr>i« n*T'i»i ti.*182 PETER HYNES Situation Wanted. A PERSON wlio is well acquainted With- the management of a Rice Mitt, and the culture of rice, wishes to obtain a situation in tlie vicinity of Suvannuh, os an Overseer—he is willing to take a moderate salary. Apply ut this Office. Oct 12 m! 88 T HE Subscribers haying takeu that well known house, the Georgia Tlotel, will accommodate 'steady boarders and transient uersons, on the most reasonable terms. Their tablo will be supplied with the best the market affords, and every atten tion will be paid to those who may favor them with their company. \ They have also taken the extensive Stables at tached to that building, where they can accommo date ii large number of horses, eit her by the month or any shorter period. ’ DQFSQN & MURrilY. oct 40 *i*188 Executor's shtc* By Calvin Bakor. ON THURSDAY, 25th Nov. next at l past 10. o’ clock, will be sold in front of his Auction store, nil the Household Furniture, Belong to the estate of Hugh M’C'ull, deceased.— * Consisting of Side Boards, Bureaus, Dining Tables, Chairs, Carpets, Looking Classes, Glass TYe&e, Beds and Balding, Bedsteads, and Kitchen Furniture. Together with a quantity of Plated and silver Ware. ALSO, A quantity of . J H . Madeira Wine, in botttlcs. Sold by,permission of the Hon. tit,- inferior Court of Chatham County, by order of tlie Ex ecutor. Oct 16 190 Executor's sale, V ByJ. B. Herbert tS’co. On the first Tuesday in December next, W ILL be sold at the Court House in tlii3 cit between the usual hours of 10 mid 2 o’cl’l All the buildings situated on the north wester corner of Lot No thirteen Washington Ward, cor sistiqg of a 1 story house with a kitchen mid othe necessary improvements beingthe property of th est. of Susannah Milh r, dec. Soldby pennissio of the Hon. the Inferior Court of Chatham Count and by order df the Ex’r for tile benefit of the hell of said estate, • Get 2 181 Sheriff’s sales continued. O N the first Tuesday in November next,will b sold before tlie Court House in Suvannai between the usual hours of sale. Six negroes, viz : Joe, Henry, Robert, Mondai Jnno and London, levied on as the property i IV in. A. Moore, to satisfy an execution in favor 1 the administrator of Batt Jones, deceased. Also, tlie following 8 negroes, viz ; Sally an her 3 children, Mary, David?and Eliza, Delia nn her 3 children, Lucinder, Maria and Anthony, h vied on as the property of Eleazar Early,to salist nu execution in favor of the Bank df the Unite States. : One negro fellow named Joe, levied on undt a fi. fa. on foreclosure in favor of Davies & Be rien,.against Joseph C. Iiabershnm. , One undivided eight of two undivided thirds < all that wharf Lot No. (8) eight, in the city of Si vnnnnh, Darby ward, commonly called Rice Wharf, levied on as the property of Thomas V Rice to satisfy an execution in favor of 'Wm. D vies. ’ ./. Also, nil that southern half part of Lot ;No. 1 Belitha Tything, Heathcote ward with the? in provemenls (hereon, bounded north by a lan east by un adjacent lot, south by South Bros street, and west by Barnard street, levied on ui dcr a foreclosure of ir mortgage from George 1 Cope to Win. Whitfield. ISAAC D’LYON, s. c. c. oct 9 187 Administrator’s sale. On Wednesday the first of December next, W ILL be sold at the late residence of Allen Denmark, dec’d, all the personal property of said dec’d; consisting of 3 negroes, 4 head of horses, one mule, Cottle, Sheep, goats, nnd hogs. Also, 3 head Oxen one enrrylog, 1 silver watch, and the present crop of corn and fodder. Condi tions of sale Cash. R. BURTON, Adm’r. Oct 14 189 MARY DENMARK, Arfx. The Library I S o'pen for the delivery of Books- on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, from three until five o’clock. aug.26 169 H. B. NICHOLS, & co. n AVF. just received Rodger's KNIFES A. FORKS, Ivory handles, in sets of 61 pie, ALSO. WATCHES, JEWELRY, MIL 17 R¥ GOODS, artd dther articles in their line or business, oct7 a186