Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, October 22, 1824, Image 4

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mmi Lot No. 20 nnd buildings, Warren word, bound- Ldministi-ator’s Sales. By .*.«& B.Hcrbcrt fy Co. /~K N 'the first .Tuesday in November next, will XJ bo sold, before the Court-House in this city lietwoen the usual hours of 10 and 2 o’clock. One tract of land situated'In Rocky Crook, con tainiug onu bundre * Supeviorbotirt—C Thomas 1'. i'urao ct. hi. Couniy, being the upper section t oflnrid which contains eleven btindred r five acres; adjoining lands of Trcntlan air liver Savannah; levied on ns the property of ons. in favor Benjamin Kennedy to satisfy excretions und tllirty-live acres (135) I of Hull ti Hoyt, and 1. G Manuan nnd others ig the property of Peter M'rui- A tract of land In said county containing three 1 yioTSo. 1, and north by Bay-street So l t U , y .P 0 "® 1 ! s !™ ““‘iV? I ) lovied ’ on as tl J c rTO porly of Pififce & Case, to sa- One negro min named Frank, levied on as the property of Thomus Wilson, to satisfy Ids city taxes for the years 1821, 1822, 1828, and 1824, amount tax $i20 12. . A building on lot No. 2, Second Tytldng Rey nold’s wiu-d, bounded east by lot No. 3, smith by d O Aihuiiiistralor s stiles. Jiij 11. Herbert Sf Co. N the first Tuesday in November next, will be sold before the Court-llouse in this city, between the itaual hours, of 10 and 2 o’clock. Lot Np.(lln) thirty seventh district of Wilkin son county,'containing. 202^ acres. Lot No. (Hi) twenty seventh district of Wil kinson county, containing 202 V.acres. A tract ot. land o * ive llmidrea acres, in sm.t Buildings on lot No. 3, Sprln enmity, adjoining lands of W H l ortcr and Shultz; east b ^ cstBroftd street, south levied on ns the property g^J' * le, % West by tot No. 0, and norllibya to satisfy an execution in favor ot Hanford Knapp. Ulc 'iiorty 0 f’ the , cs , ttt e Tho the Interior court of Chutlmm county, and bv or- on as the property ot .1 V Bovan to satistyan UslV lh( . ir cky u ^J {lir * ,i ie ycu , 1822 and 1824 dcr bf thc.admimstriitor for Hie benefit.ot the execution intuvorofLonj.Daslieiy .. Amount due* 12 80 mid cost. hows nnd,cradilursot said e.-nite. lerms..cusli. A tract qt. land of Five Hundred acres, in said Buildings on lot No. 3, Springhlll, bounded I edmitv, udjoluing lands of W G Porter and Shultz; | Broiul Street) SO uth by Lot No. 4, by a lane, levied ou Two Hundred acres of land in said county, ]£ MU.&'tKTc^ t»« of sai d «!tate“o?thJ5?a£ bounded onthe S.L. and N. W. by land of Walter ,303 ijfcd, and 1824. Amount duo 7 dollars 50 Stewart, originally granted to James Love-le- celUa mu , cost< vied on as the property of James Lovo to satisly Lot lcUm ,, aud moldings, Decker ward, boun- au execution in favor of the German Lutheran ded eMt b Ellis - g square, south by St. Julian st. Congregation at Ehenetjpt. west by JeSerson-street. and north by Bryun-st. A negro man named J.m, levied on as the pro- lc vied on ok the property of John M. SpCalla, to pci-tyot C.harlcs liotto satisly executions iu ta- satisfy the city tax of said property for the pre vor of David Gugel, 1 BtHOsTfLKIN^ s s c senl yeRr ’ ttmouwl Rn “ cosl oct 2 184 mond Dillon, lute of Chatham county dec. has pe* dismissed from i—“i*™ -> , , , I titionedthe lion.court.of ordinary,to bedlzcharg; D.iviipCnrtcr, TN this case, on the suggestion in the defend- , |Vom |, i9 snid administration. These are nut’s answer, that certain persons not parlies I - - *>>•-- ■ -**•- -- J - 1 - 1 ■■ to this bill, residing in Suotliind, claim to be en titled to a distribution of part of the undivided estate of Win Shaw, deceased, and on mot'em, it lUL . Is ordered that .dll persons concerned do appear 1 to'ti,epe«th>npr,1nlhe clerk’s ollice, of the said bobire the Superior Court of Chatham Comity in I m . t * 0l . before .. <„,urt of tnniiiitur nn*l limit mill lltnm lit AC. I . * .. . the term of January next, then ttnd there to es tablish such their claims;,and in default thereof, that tho,undivided estate of the said Win Slniw, ensuing wanted otherwise granted to the petitioner, ... Witness tho lion. John Camming, be distributed among the complainants agreeably iI(ls Uces of the said court, this Hth to the deoree ot suld Court and that this I A ^ 1824. S. M. B iiiblished once a month until tho expiration hereof. Extract from tho minutes this 7th day of June, 1824. A. B. FANNIN, Cl ’ 1 jiine 17 No; (62) thirteenth district‘W ilkinson coun ty, containing C02J acres. Lot No. (8B) thirteenth district Wilkinson coun- tW containing 202^ acres. All that lot of land in the-city of .Savannah, known by ittter \V Oglethorpe Ward With the improvements tbevcon. All that l ot of land in the city of Savannah known l>y tetter y Oglethorpe Ward with the iin- provcmsuls thereon City Marshal’s Stiles, I"J KSOLV El), That the committee of soles be JXi v ’ authorized to instructtlie marshal to adver tise that the sales, of lots aud houses for taxes, be postponed until the first Tuesday in November, when the property, subject to taxes not paid on or | r ..... ...... ... . . 1 before that time, shall be disposed of without fail, Two'negroes Lesle and her clilld Mary, being I accordingto the ordinances. |ho property ot the estate of A. D. M‘t m lruir, dc- In Counuil il(nb Se ., t j 8a ceased i iicrhilssion of the Hon. the Inferior ;i{ sold by nc .. , , . Court. ot' Chaumnt county, and by order of tho administrator for Hie benefit of the heirs and cre- ditors-of tho said estate. sept 2 172 ~ Tax €611edtor’s sales. Extrucs from the minutes. M. MYERS, c. c. On Hit Jirst Tuesday in November next ILI. be sold at the court house iu the city w of Savannah, between the hours of IQ end 3 o’clock, the foliowing property or so much there of us will satisfy the stale and coiluty taxes, and •c nets) .viz:'> A tract of land in Bulloch county, containing 328 acres, more or less, returned, ns pine Jand, le vied On to satisfy the statc and l*ounty taxes of Joseph B. Armstrong forthe years 1822and 1823, and costs', amount of tuxes .$4 43. A tract of luml In Camden county, containing 287 1-2 acres, more or less, originally granted to John i’ulmcr. Levied on to satisfy the state mid eimnty taxes of the estate of Joseph Bevan lortlie vear 1823; umount of taxes. $26 60. , JAMES El’FlNGER, r c c c. ang 28 17o I N conformity Council, I do hereby give notice that tbo sale of property advertised by me for taxes is postpone- ed until the first Tuesday in November, when the sale will'positively take place,if the amounts due is not paid. F. M. STO.N E, 1 Marshal. . . — t ,6 18."> . < {tif Marshafis sales, conliiimd. the 1st Tuesday in November next,in front sent year, amount due $26 and cost llulf Lot No. i) and buildings, Second Tything Reynolds ward, bounded cast by lot No. 10,soutii by Bryan st. writ by Lot No. 8, and north by 11 lane levied on ns the property of C. D. Lcby, to satisfy his city tax for tho years 1823 uud 1824 Amount due $25 80 and cost. A quarter of Wharf Lot No. 4, Trustee Gnrden bounded east bv half of said lot, west by lot 3, south by Fort Wayne, nnd north by Savannah River, levied on us the property of A. L. Hurt- ridge, to satisfy tho city luxes of said property for the years 1821, 1822, und 1823. Amount due ,$14 50 und cost. One small building on lot No. 6, Oglethorpe ward, bounded east by lot No. 4, south by a va cant.lot, west by lot bio. 6, und North by Bryan st. levied on as the property of Elitfc E. Roberts, to satisfy his city taxes for the years 1322, 1823 nnd 1824. Amount tux $11 76. A small building on lot No. 13, Elbert ward, bounded on the cust by lot No. 14, south by Per ry street, west by Moutgomory-street, and north by a lunc, levied on as the property of the estate of Daniel Robbins, to satisfy his city taxes forthe years 1823 and 1824. ‘.Amount tux $5. Half lot No. 6, und buildings, Trustee Garden Superior court, Clmtlium county. Januauy Term, 1824. Aaron Cleveland and Susan C > l his wife, J w. [Rule Nisi. 1 non. 1 d ne 3T «ol71 Jacob Fahm. j These are therefore to cite and admonish all I ,—r—1 O N the petition of Aaron Cleveland nnd Su-1 and singular the kindred and creditors of the said |\P, n *S l Wy *“ er “f te 1 apply toTjl snn C. his wife, who was Susan C. Bona, stilt- deceased, to file their objections, (if any they I r 1 -” non. Interior court of Liberty county fJ ing that Jncoh Faliuii before the intermarriage I have) in the clerks olfice of tlie said court, on or I ,V, ,lv , °,. s , tba l**l amt personal property trf! of the petitioners, to wit; on the 22d day of June befdre the 8th dny of Deenmlier next; otherwise ”! n L Baker, doeeused, for the benefit o/uJ 1821, did in cotijundtUm xvlth one Joseph A. j letters dismlssorj&rffdl be granted to the petition- "en-sand eien.ini'i 1 89 Scott, execute a joint bond to the suid Susan C. | er. _ , „ in the penal sum of four thousand dollars condt-1 Witness the Honorable John P. Williamson, a l )nl 7 L . . tioned for the pnyment of two thousand dollars one of the Justices of the srtid court, this 8th day IVT1NE months after date application wilF ‘ M " |J of June, A. D. 1824. S. M BOND, c c o. -Ll made, to the hon. Inferior court of B U || 0 Juno 8 * 134 | county, when silting for ordinary purposes. f» I G UOUGU, Chatham eounty—Hi/ Me lion, the J c,l ve to sell all the real and personal estate ofAl.l Justices of the Inferior Court sitting for orrfi- ! C, J ni‘iiinark,decettsed, forthe benefit of tlJ With interest front date, 011 or before the first tiny of March then next, nnd tlmt for the belter securing the payment thereof, the ^ said Jacob did on the day and year first aforesaid make his certniu indenture of mortgage, whereby lie mortgaged to said Susan C. all that lot of ground known and designated ns Garden lot number thirty nine, No 39, and also, that adjoining half part of another lot known ns lot number forty- two, No 42, containing together eight and a half acres more or less situated to the east of tho city of Savannah and bounded to the north West of 'of the Court House, between the boars of 10 . W>. 0, una umiamgs, irusteo unra' A. Mi,and 4 P. M. will be sold the follmving pro- hounded east by lot No. 6. south by lot No. I .city, or as much thereof as will satisfy the CitV ) vc ? 1 cast n 1 ! u W hrynr. st. Tuxes * I * eviet * on as ” ie of tho estate of Uebrge Lot No. 6 and building, seCt^rt.I'jthldg fay r , £j^ n f t jJ5S" b ci ' y taXe5 for the >' eur 18 * 3 Hold’s Ward,bounded east bv Reynoid-street, south tSierill’s ^ales. On the fir A Tuesday in November next, * bo sold at the Court House in Bryan oiintv between the usual hours of sale. The following negross, Pal and Hester, pointed out us tin* property of John Ralston, to satify sun dry oxccutions in fnvorof Wiley Belcher and 0-] tliers. returned to me lty n constable. W. WILLIAMS, t>. s.b. «. oct2 184 1 . * 1 Quadrants, one Spy Glass, one silver Watch, one lot of Charts, one walking Cane, nnd sundry otli- i'oV 1'mm,,it tax er urli . cle », belonging to Hie estate of John Collv. City Sheritrs sales. * O N Jhc first Tuesday in N T ovembernext,willbc sold at the Court-Ilcusc, between the usual bows of 10 and 4 o’clock. A negro woman limned Betty levied on ns (lie property of Charles Tiot, to sat isfy two executions iff favor of David Guide and Petty-& Greene. .Also, n wooden building 20 by 22 feel ut titer nrncr of Prayton street and a lane, situate by a lane, west by lot Nq.4, and north by Bay-st. levied on as the. pro|>crty of the estate of John An derson, to satisfy tiie city taxes of said estate for the year 1821, 1822 and 1823, amount tax, $106 50 cents aud costs. Lot No, —— New Leeds, now known in the C lan of the city as Oglethorpe ward, bounded east y West Brbad-strcct, soutli by a vacant lot, west by lot — and north by ' property of G. L. Cope the year 1821, 1822, 1823, and 1824,. amount tax $187 57 and cost. ■ Wharf lot No. 8, Warren ward,bounded east by lot No. 9, south by Bay-street, west by lot No. 7. and north by Savannuh river, levied on os the pro perty of the'estate of Put. Stanton, to satisfy the city'taxes of said estate for the years 1821, mid 1822, amount tnX $99 and cost. Lot No. 4, Frederick Tything, Darby ward, bounded east by lot No. 3, soutli by a lane, west by lot5,and north by Congress-street, levied onhs the property of Charles Devunt to satisfy his city taxes forthe present year, amount due $17 30 and costs. ilnifiot No. 6. nnd buildings, Carpenters Row, Trustee Garden, bounded east by east boundary west by cast Broml-st. oct 5 185 F. M. STONE, c. N. Coroner’s Sale, ON WEDNESDAY, 14th hist, nt 11 o’clock, Will lie sold before our Store, Sundry urticlcs of clothing, one Writing Desk, r B ‘ ‘ — sundry books, one Masonic Silver Badge, two oct 5 fferms cash. enrnur 01 Drayton street and u lane, situated 011 , n-usicc. uaruen, noun the South Easlcorner oflot Nob, Hicks Tything. I street,south by lot No. Fercival Ward with about three years uuexpired I and north by lot, No. 5, levied on as the property of lease, levied on asjhe property ofMrs Goldsmith, Thomas F. Mny.ham, to satisfy his city taxes for to satisfy an Administrator’s Sale—continued. On Tuesday the Utli ofNorcmher next, W ILL bo sold at the court house b'etw the hours of 10 und 2 o'clock. Lot No, 16 (fifteen) in the second district of Early County, Geo. containing 250 acres being the real estate of Robert M. Durkee, deceased, and sold by permission of the Court of Ordinary of Chulhnin County. Also, I trunk wi ?ring apparel and 1 silver watch being the personal property of suid deceased. AUGUSTUS F. DURKEE, Administrator. oct 6 185 by 11 of Peter Dupon. ori2 IfH execution iu favor | JAME3 SIMS, oscs. Sheriff’s 1 'sales. ^^N the first TuesdayinNovembernext,will be tjgicourt house, in the city ofSavan- tmhy between aftc hours of 10 and 4 o’clock. Lot und improvements No 1 Eyles Tytbin: the years 1823 and 1824, amount due. $15. Half tot No. 7,Carpenter Tything Decker wnrd, bounded cast by lot No. 8, g.-ath by Bryan-strect, West by the west hnlf of said lot, and north by n lane, levied on as the property of J. M. Jarvis, to satisfy his city tux for the present year. Amount due $15 and cost. - Lot No. 12, andbuildingsWarren ward,bounded east by Lot 11, south by Brynn-street, west by Ha- bcrslmm-strect, and north by a lane, levied on us Healhcote ward, the corner of Broughton and I the property of James Bilbolto satisfy his city taxes Bumard streets, levied on ns the property of Win f 0i .,h e years 1823 und 1824. Amount due $53 93. It. Holland to satisfy an execution issuing from the Lot No. l,and buildings, Second Tything Anson bop. Superior Court in fuyorol Paul WolL Ward, bounded oast by lot No. 2, south by a lane, AT! the western lmifwiththe improvements there- ensl hv Abercorn street, ami nortli bv Broughton- on of that lot o! land in Brown ward in the City of streo t, levied on as the property of the estate of Savannah, known by the No 11, and those ots in, Jol)1 , Dubcll, to satisfy the estates city tuxes, for said ward with the improvements thereon, known (he years 1823 and 1824. Amount ofTax, $32 62. by the numbers 14,15, und 16; levied on as the L ot No. C, Columbia ward, bounded cast by lot property of John Hunter, under a rule absoture No. 7,south by a lane, west by lot No. 5, and north from the lion, the Superior Court of Chatham b y Brougliton-street, levied on as the property of Courity; in fuvor of the Bunk of the State of Ceor- .| 0 |in Morel, to satisfy his city taxes for the years 1 * ’ *"124. ' * Bottles, Corks, Drugs, &c. &c. C ' RIOlv Velvet Corks, Wine pint bottle Ik5 0>.;. u. Chamber and pocket Lights, Wax Tapers ,,reat vaiiety,) Pure Calcined Magnesiu : Arrow Hoot, Cream Turtar, Starcli, Balsam Co. peiva, Saltpetre, Rotten _Stone, Sic. &c. Have been received prx the William Walluce, und for sale by LAY Si HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Druggists, Congress,corner of Whitukor-streels, + Shad’s Building, au 1 164 Furniture Wax. T HIS article is highly recommended for the purpose of imparting 'an elegant gloss to Mahogany Furniture. G ,a ‘ - - f - UM . A negro woman named Cloe; lcvied on as the property of Benjamin Allen to satisfy an execu tion issuing from u Justices Court in favor of Ellen Gorlimn, agent of Win Gorham, turned over by a constable. AH the household und kitchen furniture con- tainedin. the.Citv Hotel; levied on tis the property naei 1822, 1823, and 1824. Amount due $43 Buildings on lot No. 40, Warren ward, bounded east by lot No. 39, soutli by Broiightnn-strcet, west by Reynolds-sircet, nnd north by a lane, levied on as the property of C. II. I lay Jen, to sntisfv his city taxes for the years 1822, 1823. and i824. Amount due,$lU9 2-. . - — 1—1 ’ Lot No. 36, and buildings,Libertyward,bound- of Orun Bird under a foreclosure of a movtgage to I cd east by Montgomery street, south by south The large uiul extensive Cubinet Ware Munir fucturies in the northern cities make use of this composition to give their works a beautiful po lish. A supply of this wax has been received per ship Savannah. It is put up in small pots und boxes With printed directions for use, and for sale by LAY fc HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Druggists, Shud’s Buildings. nug 12 168 EleazerEurly, transferred to J B Herberts co. I. D’LYON,s.c. c. oct 2 184 h* J/ure Calcined Magnesia, u new Article. oct 2 184 solicited to give it a trial as it comes much cheap J£tmm Henry’s, bcin» neatly put up in bottles id inch,und for.iule only by LAY iii HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Druggists Shud’s Buiidin 172 ’ Sheriff’s sale, continued. N the first Tuesday in November next,will be I w e rtby‘lot No. 23,' and north by ImnSmS sold before Uie Court House, .11 Bryan coun- viod on ^ tbe property of Paul .1. Yollaton, to su. ■■ .etween the usual hours of sale. tinfy his city taxes, for the years 1823 and 1824.1 37 wo negroes Dorcw und Joe, levied on os the I Amount due §23. * 7 1 Z ceuts ettc *. l > pwty.of RUhssi T Keating,to satisfy u n.ort- Buildings on lot No. 31, Liberty ward, bounded ;e bond in favorofJas. AndeKonfc e... east by lot No. 30, south by a lane, west by lot No. 1 HOMAS ALBhli ION, s B o. | 32, and north by York-srteel, levied on ns the property of tbe estate Win. Mayhew to satisfy taxes of said estate for the years 1823 and 1824. Amount due $10. Lot No. 19, and building, Jackson ward,bound ed east by Whitaker street, south by a lane, west by lot No. 9, and north by South-Broad-street, te- vied on as the property of T, N. Morel, to satisfy his city taxes for the years 1821, 1822, 1823 ah'd 1824. Amount dlie $106 60, and cost. Lot No. 3,and buildings; Warren ward,bounded sept i Administrators sales. On the first Tuesday-in December next, WS: bj; sold at the courthouse in thccoun- fioghaqi. A tract of land containing 2021 acres, known by the, number 229—16th dist. lying in the county of Henry, op the Yellow River, fwenty live acres of which is cleared, together with some imfirove- tnents thereon and considered a valuable tract Sold by au order obtained from the hon. the In terior Court of the Comity of Effingham, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the estate of tmanuel Rahil, lute of said County deb. JACOB GNANN, Junior.. Admiuistrator. oct 2 184 valuable Medicine. A NT 1-D1SPF.PTIC FILLS, Prepared by Henry Jollies. A N approved remedy for l)yspt j*in, or Indi gestion, Habitual! Costiveness, and piles, it is well known that Dyspepsia is one of the most frequent and formidable diseases' of our Its commencement is indicate ■ i. T country, east by lot No. 4. south by a lane, west by lot No. I ferent patients by various symptoms, ot which tii 2, and north by Bay-street, levied on as tbe pro-1 most remarkable are— Irregularity of the bowels, obstinate cosi „ ness, hciiduch, commonly called nervous or sic Lot No. 24, and buildings, Washington ward, ly heuduch, yellowness of the eyes and skin, u hounded east by Washington square, south by Con-1 ity of the stomach alter eating,often called }j Complaints and Richard R. Cuyli vym shaw.dec ““ hPI’Hcat er, in the clink’s office, of the said I Given under my hand und Zeal'H'thli 1 m \ I sforq the 11th day of December next of May, A. D. 1824. E H\k'i?o ^ M wise letters dfsmlssory will be Alay ll m, BAKER, c c o,'I L moy cc mm Law’, Esq. applies ns administration on the i id county, dec. to oito, und udirionish I june 12 136 ^t!38 j^TEORGlA) Chatham County—By tho lion. benefit oftlib heirs and creditors. JOHN CUBBEDGE, Ad.n’r -• |lln<8 17 la8 ■ . UryanCouL |VINE months after date •uppucatlon wlli> J.1 made to tho hon. Inferior court of Lil»^ den’ll I count y> for leavto to sell the .real und personnli? - °-“’ I tale ot Lodowick Lard, late of Tattnall * ■ the Justices of the Inferior Court, sitting for | ordimuy nurposes. To nil whom it may concern, . , _ tl1 „ . Whereas Robert Taylor, administrator of Win g^ hty> fo*, | ea ^° t ' () fof t ! l0 . roa i ® M. Kelley, late ot Sav.uinali, uiercliiiut, dee d, I ,, b0 ,.(■ f.n,i(iwiek I nrd Inti. «f Tnii Ims petitioned to the honorable tho court of Or- d ^ . fur the benefit of thn lieiM "‘"i l0IUlt tl diunry to be discharged from ids said admhiistra- » tU ° We " Chl °‘ th S tion. | rt,', S Bi ^ ,VA *i Adm’r. 1 TH03. B. BAKER, Adm'r, naru ^ *“*”**' I To all whom it may concern. aranv^iTrf^M fnv’ A< * m *' Whereas William Davies,adiniiuslratovs ofMar- MARY DENMARK, Adm’x tlia Johnson dec. lias petltioiied-the lion, tliucourt ten -a - 8 , . llulloeh Co;,;n». of ordinary to be discharged from Ills said ad- TVT1NE months after the date Hereof, up] 77]? ministration. I J. X tlon will bo, made to' the Inferior These are therefore to cito and admonish all | when sitting ‘ ,li 1‘diimry purposes, for Icm,. ,! part of ground in the di.irici of ty of Chatham, contain,w an i,bounded nortli wnrdly'md'i-as and singular the kindred and creditors of suid de- sell all that lot or Lot No 26, to the south and cast by lauds be-1 ciftsett to file tliulr objections (if any thoy have) I White Blulf, couni; longing to the estate oi Hampton Lillibridge, J | n the offiee of the elerk of the court of'' ordinu-1 acres, nuire or less,iioiinded northwardly i4r ^' I and the \yest by the public road leuiling to | ,. y on 01 . bu jQ ri . | be seventh day of March next; I wnrdiy by lands lute John I’oiilleus, nnd Skidaway islmid whereon n brick yard is now I otherwise letters dismissOry will bo grauted tlie I wardly by lands of Willianis, lielotigiiig t,,. I established and known by the name of t uhnis I petitioner. tatc of James Boyd, and to be sold for the I I suul bond .Witness the lion. John P. Williamson, one of fit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. 1 * ELIZABETH BOYD, Ad,„ 26 124 brick yard* that there is now on the said bond or mortgage obligatory the sum of eighteen Iran- thn Justices of tlfc'said Court, this 7th day of dred dollars with interest from tlie 23d day ot September A. D. 1824. irfuy 2 January 1923, nnd proving the foreclosure of the ’• “'cm nnivn „ n r r ~ equity of redemption (if tlie said Jacob and ids sept 9 175 ' ’ ‘ f.J 1HE ] heirs, ^xaeutors, mlministrators mid assigns i tlm sai" uml to'thr said mortgaged prenll of W. W. Gordon, attorney fc It is ordered that tlie principal ou tlie said licml or w riting obligatory together be paid i pulilie is apprised,' that the siil]sr7ihT.| .... ... -..nuTTiT-771 7 77 7 7 7 I ' ,aS UtlCS to'olIC illllf of H 60 UCri! tnilt.vl remises—On motion /_J.hDRGl A, Chatham County—7^ Me/ion. Me land on White Blntf, adjoining his ami !wl for the netioners— I Justices of the InJeriqrcourlsilUngJor ordma- lately John Poullen’s, noiv John Morrill’, til nnd interest due I r U P ur P 03C f- > (St - which tin witli the cost of this application into this ■ - IP) P 1 , .... court within twelve months from this date, or in use of default that tho equity of redemption of aid Jacob Fnlim, his heirs, executors, adminis trators and assigns lio from thenceforth forever foreclosed and that such further mid oilier pro ceedings lie had thereon statute in such case made is further ordered that this rule be published one of tlie Gazettes of this state nt least once month for twelve mouths, or that a copy, be served on tlie defendant at least six month before the time appointed for the payment of tho mon ey into court. Extract from tlie minutes, 15th Jan. 1824. jan 16 12 JOB T. BO , r „ , the administratrix of the late John BteJ .... i .°, 0,1 i vll , om il a,I \y coneern. how applies fordeuve to sell its port of tlmt,« Whereas Linus P. huge administrator of Sprague —his titles are-of prior date and record- Ml Jjl laylor, dreea^d, Ims Petitioned tlie honora- sonsure forewarned not to purchase o. in i,. Iile court of ordmaiy to be discharged from his on the premises. R. F. WILLIAMS 1 junn 17 m—^t!38 llicsc ure therciorfe to cite iindvaHmonisli till ■ . —-. „ IUVI singular the kindred and creditors of the \ n,:, ‘ i f ,lc ’ us are pursuant to the sllitl dec ' ,i,sed . file their objections (if nnd they for t .?.vl iJ ii n °u l f° ttrt .° f i'o * and °p rov hie'i—,\i i d* U '|! lVc) in " ,u ^ Imighie ^§?b^fee 8 of IlieYatiFRov^'jno^Bpfi I ANN BECK,'Adm’i, upril 16 88 < jVTlNE months after date, application wi i. 1 made to tlie. hon. the Inferior Court of .... sgry will lie grunted to the applicant. * Witness the lioiiorahju Thomas N. Morel one of tlie Justices of the said Court this 13th day of July, A. D. 1824. S. M. BOND, e c o. juiy 13 •. 150 iviil hi Brel i vs I I'dKci \ TmTTgaa —/. a . rr I un Cou,| ty, for leave to sell all the real estate iil i?: --. |U- J youm-liy the h 9 n. the Saridl jypKindly, late of Bryan County dec. J Superior court, Chatham county, dinarfpufpos/s ’ 1 " Jirtor cuur ’ >,ll, "tsf° r or * the benefit of the heirs mid creditors of suid | John Retau > M whom it mnv coneern. I „ ***** ^ tetan ) > Rule Nisi. Nathan Baker. ) O N the petition of Jno. Retail statin; Nathan Baker did on the first dny oi 1822, tlie better to kecure tlie payment of bis certain promissory note of that date for the sum of two thousand dollars, payable tf• tlie said John Retail, or order, on or before the 1st day of m un >wiuin il may concern. I a Whereas Alexander M. Taylor, administrator of I —■~ p - ng that at May John Scott, deceased, lias petitioned the honora- INE months utter date, 1 shall apply to hie the Justices of the Inferior court,to be disclmr- l,on ‘ wforl* court of Chatham county, ged from Ris said ndiniiilstration. leave to sell flic real und personal property Now these are therefore to cite and admonish biicliltind Ilnmilton McIntosh, deceased, for Ik ull and singular tiie kindl ed nnd creditors of tile * M ‘ ne, ’ ,t of tho heirs. John I said deceased, to file (heir objections, (if any they I May, I have) in the clerk’s office, of the court of ordinu-1 march 9 Adm’i. 1824. with interest nt 7 per cent per annum, by ry, on or before the 6Ui day of December next; his indenture, under his seal, bearing date the | otherwise letters dismisaory_will lie granted tV, INE mouths utter date, I shall apply to \>,t| j .i j...... . ... .. . ' Harden, bne I JLi day and year first aforesaid, mortgaged to tin* I Witness tlie honorable" Edward Harden, one I hon. the Inferior court of the county of said John Retail, nil the undivided moiety or of the Justices of the said court, this 6th day of finghum, for leave to sell all the real estate half part of ull that lot of land, situate, lying und being in the city of Savannah, and known and distinguished iu the plan thereof by the number one (I) Tyrconnell tything Darby ward, together with tlie iippurtenunces, and further stuting that tlie snid promissory note remains wlioly unpaid, nod tlie said mortgage in full force, and tlie foreclosure of the said mortgage. On motion of W. W. Gordon, Attorney for the clioner, it is ordered tlmt tho- said' Nathan Ba er do pay into this court, xvithiu twelve mouths of this dutc, the principal and interest due on May, A. D. 1824. may 6 106 S. M. BOND, c c o. ^ KURUIA, Bulloch County—77y the honora• to Solomon Gnann, dec. of which all coi will take notice. JOSHUA GNANN, adm’r march 4 62 ble the court of ordinary of said eounty, To all whom it may Concern. I INE months after date application will Whereas Robert Burton, udministrntorof tlie I 11| made to the lion, the Inferior Court of Chi estate of Stephen Denmark deceased hath nppli- ham County, when setting for ordinary purpos ed to tlie said Court for letters dismissory from | for permissioi said administration. setting for ordinary puq for permission to sell the following real eittl for tlie benefit of the heirs and creditors of till These me therefore to cite nnd admonish all estute of N. S. Bayasd, deeeused, viz : and singular tlie kindred und creditors of the said One undivided fourth of a tract of land, ronl deoeussud, to tile their objections (if any. they turning ubout 600 ueres, on Cumberland Utaaij tlie said note nnd the cost of the said application, i bave) in thc officR of thc c & vk of this court with'-1 Camden Co.mly, known as Plum Orchard or in default tliereof, tlmt the equity of redemii' tion of the said Nutliau Baker of and to thc said mortgaged premises, be thenceforth und forever foreclosed in the time prescribed by law, otherwise letters I an undivided fpurth of a certain Tract of dismissory will be granted the applicant. situated on said Island, containing nlioiA 600 Witness the honorable Shepherd Williams, one cres, originally granted to Gen. Lhchtand Mel of tlie Justices of said court, this 3d June, 1824. tosh, und bourn' ‘ ELY KENNEDY, e e o b c. june 4 132 t i EORGlA—Clrntlmm County—to all whom it Kr And it is further ordered, that a copy of this nile bc served on tlie suid Nathan Baker, at least six months before the time appointed for tliq payment of said money into court, or published iu one <if the public Gazettes of this state, at I V-* may concern least once in every month, until the time np- Whereas Benedict Bourquin Ims applied to tl|c pointed for the payment tliereof, and that such I Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Chatham further and other proceedings' be had ns ure County, for letters of administration on the estute prescribed by the stututc in such case made uud I a *'d effects of Richard I’ellum late of Chatham provided. | County, planter, deed, us principal creditor. tosh, und bounded on tlie south by tlie suid flu 1 Orehurd Tract. Also, a tract called Lottery Hill situate on tkj OgeecheciRoad, 3 miles from Savannah, con ' ing ubout 600 ueres. N. J. BAYARD, Adm,r cst. N. S. Bayard I may 20 211 A LL persons having uny demands again the estpte of Francis Jalineau, deeqaq i - - i > | are requested to deliver them in properly utKitl Extract from tlie minutes this 24th May. 1824. _ these are therefore to eite and admonish all nnd .ed,on or before tlie first day of Oct. next. .411 I may 7 2 A. B. FANNIN, Clerk, singular Uje kindred aiid creditors of (lie snid dee. counts not brought forward before that day mill Snrfprinr i-nurt fllinthsnn t Vumtv' to phjections, (il any thoy have) to the be refused payment by the undersigned e«td«| CSUJiCl lOl COUll, ^Uillliain l^oilllty. I gmutipg of tiiBradmliustrution of the cstateoftho I • 5VM. GASTON. M A nr If Tv.HM. IRQ4 I vtliH (loconcftrl ir\ llm lumlSnani in iVin f'l/ral/’a Hdinn I ' J..1 Irt t 4n Majicii Tea si, 1824. William Bcrrie ) vs. > Rule Nisi. John Qliristopher. ) O N the petition of William Bcrrie s?uting that one John Christopher, of the county of Camden, Iwfing indebted to one Henry Sauhir or order in u note of limid, dated St. Marys in said county, on tlie 9lh Octojier 1822, in tlie sum tom ™ iir'lf i Wilh inU ;:' e5t I / l FOKGIA Chatham t'onnty—lty the hon. the " 1‘& iWSZJte W M. V*. MHk si, At M said deceased to tlie nppliciint in the Clerk’s Office of (lie suid Court, on or before the nineteenth day of November next; otherwise letters of adminis tration will be granted. Witness tliu lion. T. N Morel one of the Jus-1 (ices of tlie said Court, tlie 19th day of October A. D. 1824. S. M. BOND, c c o. oct 20 192, july 10 149 persons indebted to tiio estate of Ah' ,, | dor Murtin, late of Liberty County, deccs ed, ure requested to make immediate payment. R.F. BAKER, )r Vrl W. II. MARTIN,) may 10§112 ^j^LL persons having demands against the <>| next ensuing, did mortgage to the suid Henry Ids n ,, r „ uurnoses/ '.‘ hR *,r“y me " t 0{ibB I . % all whom it may concern. Whereas Richard R. Cuyler, executor of Wil- . ps _ _ note aforesaid with interest on tlie snmi: ™“ | <• “ *•*"** f ™“ «»• These are tliernfore to cite unil ndmonish all and singular tlie kindred and creditors of tlie tatc of the Inte Hugh M'Call duceuse'i, ml rCouestcd to hand them in for payment, uinltM*| indebted to said estate will pleuse make. imi»| diatc payment. THOS. ftl'CALL, i P. BltASCH, < july 13 150 • Ex’rt' City SheriffB ijsol^r-COhtum^i^lLtffi:SmS ?ekyI. T ything-Darby soutli 100 feet on St. Marys Street, thence north to Brynnt St. cust to C. Hays’ land thence south to tlie beginning, with tlie margin attached Jo the same on .the 'south side of St. Marys or "by st. being a hundred feet on the street und running from thence, directly to the river St. elation, depression of spirits, 8tc. o,t ilf I "v..a-, -; u,i„ s iiui uj | Files being connected with indigestion und cos- W tt^Ti. m3^ m u ’ • .t. ward bounded east by lot No. 8, soutli by Bryan- tiveness, are eertuiniy and speedily removed by ILL be sold before the court House m the street*, west by'lot No. 6, and north by a lane, le- these pills. 1 > > City of Savannah, between the usual hours vied on as the property of Worthington. Gale, to A supply of tlie above valuable Medicine, has ; Siinp on h.lf lot No 8, rnnl No S&UhSM T 1823 “ d ’»“• t&gZX&S? ’’T M ““ , lllghy fylh!j| PoeWr .vnn.l l.-Vind „„ .. , J ”,?o“ No , S. At/UnUm,, l.ouo.tal 1 •* •’“» 4* property ot Louis Girodon to sutistv Ihomas Qib'- l, y ] ( ,t No. 19, soutli by Pine-street, west by Falun ; bons on two executions for ground rent.—Sold 1 --- --- ■ ^ . ... J . oil account and risk of the former purchaser. SIM J. SIMS, vllci'g., octO 187 - City Marshal’s sale, continued. O N the first Tuesday in November next, wjll be so|d before the. Court House in the City of Savnnnnh between the Ubuul hours of sale, street, and north by lotsNgs. Sand 9, levied on ns | property of Seaborn Jones, to satisfy his city tuxes j for the year 1824, aiponnl due $9. A small building on lot No. 15, Spring Hill, bounded cast by Franklin street, Soutli by Spring ■street; west by lot, No. 18, and north by lot No. Id) levied on as the property of Elsey W ilson, to sa tisfy her city taxes for Qm years 1820, 1821, 1823 fa 1824. Amount tax $27 31. appointed agents for the Stute of Georgia. LAY Si HENDRICK SON, Druggists and Chemists, Shad’s Buildings. 175 sept 12 Mrs. Humphreys, R ESPECTFULLY informs the inhabitants of Suvnnnuh that she will open a SCHOOL on , , - - . . the first of November, forthe reception of those Buildings on Lot No. 8, Iiidian-slreet, bounded children, whose parents may entrust them to lief ' east by lot No. 7. sontji by a lane, west by lot No. care. She will teach the solid and ornumentul One Billiard Table, with the eucs and maces attached to it; lev-fed ofras tlie property of Nes-. east by the^Tayoi^and AMeramf oflh^dtvXrkeeping I 9 ’ an *. h 01 ) 1 ’ Iiidian-slreet, levied on os Die I branches of education; nnd after several years ex it iiil Hurt! Tabic ' ’ ^ ® property of John Myrick, to satisfy his city taxes perience inthe instruction' rtfyoutli sheliatters lief- aBiuiaiu audio. for the years 1823 aud 1824. Amount due $9 75 self she sf " ‘ - ‘ and cost. Forfoimci uiiouuijmm Lust half Lot No. 5, Hick’s Tything Percival M’Lenu’s, Lincoln Street, ward bounded east by iot No. 7, south by State sept 28 182 street; west by west half of said lot, and nortli by a F. M. STONE, c. m. oct 9 , 187- ■.;, ,, ; Administrator’s sale. : shall not fail to give satisfaction For further Information please ‘call at Captain hT.Afln*u< I* iiwinlti (ihlAnf L he sold at tlie^Iute residence of Jacob u d - S rt ie I ,ro P 1 crt y of Hewy Lyons, -pLMONSF hav ng claims vgamst the estate of ‘utdh, dec’d,late oftbe CounlvofBulioclr to satls V h, £, clty tax ,or th 6 preseiit year. A- 1 ChnrlesW. lebeau, are requested to present leiwual property of said deceased sold m ‘, , .V nt ,. e ^ 1; 7_andcost. tjiem, and those indebted to nfake immediate jenefit of the lieu-s and creditors of snirl Two-thirds of lot No. 7, Yamacraw, bounded payment to the Subscriber—accounts against the " 01 \vM DELOACH Adn?’r eftst b 7 lot No ’ 6 > south by a lane, west hy lot No. | «/d estate to be left with Messrs £ C. fy J. -mm JANE Fy.TCII, A by**. all tlie for tlie. estate. oct 2 184 north by Indian-strcet,levied on us the pro- l-Schenk. Lperty of R. Richardson, to satisfy his city fax for 1 Uie present year, amount duo $27 W an/costs. oct 7 186 F. E.TEBEAU, Adnir. said deceased, to file their objections (if any they have) in the office of tho clerk of the court’of ordinary on or before tlie 13th day of January next ensuing the date hereof, otherwise letters ti:.', there is now due on said mortgage the sum ot Five Hundred Dollars with interest from the 1st January 1822, and praying for tho foreclo An Act, To establish an office for Recording thc Birth the Citizens of this Stale, in each County of 11 State. W HEREAS mucli inconvenience has experienced in this state, from tW. culty of obtaining testimony oi persons intere' i Cl to questions of right hetorc ouv courts,and ' A '| ie V us embarrassing difficulties frequently imp 1 ™' ., correct administration orj'ustice on this subjech For remedy whereof, “ 77c il enacted by the Senate and House of 1=1 Tliut from and immediately after the pnssing J ail lie made the duty of tbe Llerk* !.i| sure of the equity of redemption, inthe suid jolin llm couni y silting for ordinary purposes. Christopher, his heirs and assigns in the L U . # y C0H i eh, - f ^ I this act, it shall „e mane me nuiy o. in*- ; mortgaged >* premises and that the same he \\bearas Charles Gregory executor of Thomas . he Co m ts of Ordinai-v in eacli county respect foreclosed according to law. 0. Davis late ot Chatham county deceased has ^ nil , i„ a in I e kept On motion of Belton A Copp, attorney for pe- petitioned tiie honorable the court of ordinary to r the r u! V. t I • I III* (ltQ|l|l<ll>nr<ul fen m 11 8 <■ atti t el r.»l.!.. I 10(11 liM’tt'l titioner, it is ordered that the principaf urid'in-1 discharged from his suid executorsliip. . . .. direst due on thc said mortgage together with These are therefore to, cite, und ndmonish nil i, v their^ntkOTwm^la^a^arwelTm atf * w the costs of his applicants lie paid ipto this court ,U ‘.‘ J singular, the kindred and creditors of the JL ma ybe hfirealleHjorii vvithfq thesftidcocj 1 within twelve montlis from this date, otherwise ja.d deceased, to tile their oh ections, if any thoy IdSo Lrted ®B&esKpo» 1,1 that tlie equity of . redemption of the said John "> ll >«’ &W of the. court oi' Z„t beiiTmade ^ affidavit o. oath to the , Christoplier his heirs executors, .administrations oj duiary on or before the 7th day of March next, Sf the said Birth • and that the said Clerk shall and assigns be iroin thence forever foreclosed otherwise letters dismissory will bo granted the " , ^ ed t, ' k ’ a n d ' “e ve for each and that such other proceedings takeplaee as are P a > >9*ier. wh «'’he slmH beB&SSBto make * i pursuant to the statue. , Witness the honorable George I. Cope, one of I ° And it is further ordered that this rule be pHb- I <lle Justices of the said court this scvonlli day oil y ct ' nl3, lished in one of the Guzcttcs of this state at least September, A, D. 1824. once a month for twelve inonlhs to the time ap- S ‘ M. BOND, c c o c c pointed for the payment of said money into sep 9 175 Court ‘ . . , , , , . TViNE months alter date application will , He A true extract from the minutes. Il made to.tlie hoii. Interior court of Chatham , „ , JOHN BAILEY, Clerk. county, for leave to sell all that lot In Savannah Jqffefson, 15th March, 1824. | known by tlie No. 1, Ellis square, Decker ward : purpose, the names of all'persons who m art tfiemselvfes to him, or who maybe repoo , tho B^ 01 GEORGIA, ) CHATHAM COUNTY. ) Clerk’S Office of the Court of,Ofd%mf)> , IE citizens of Chatham County are T HE citizens of Chatham County notified, that in pursuance of act “ P cd — | ... . • . - . . — . Legislature of.thiB state,passed tho lOtliofP®®®^ PERSONS indebted to the estate of Eliza-1Y 11 * li the improvements thereon : and ull that lot I her, 1823,thelii'stsectionof which is recited^ belli Fell, late of Cliatbam couniy, dcceas- 1,1 Savan ' t ia » known by tiie No. 23, in Liberty a hook is prepared for the rcghti-y of births in , are requested to make immediate payment to | yWP , hereon, being th'e,| county, Office hours from nine, A. M- Ultra the suhscriher, and those to whom the estate is I ‘' oa l estate of .tohn Smith, deceased, toe the nefie- indebted are requested to exhibit' their demands 95 ■ le heirs, - : duly authenticated. PETER SHICK, Ex’r. ’ FREDERICK HERB, Adm’r. july 13 , 150 | n»»y ^ ”4 els B. k/h| I f('“ lew Ibal 119 riot Il’Af fchor fils i of I nth |ag< 10 r lijol |\V. SAMUEL M. BONDi - Clerk of the Court of Ordinary of Chatham w | sent 4 06