Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, October 25, 1824, Image 4

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listrator’s Sales. Herbert Sp Co. Ad in "J / . 1C tir«it 'nicsimy in lNuveiuucr iiuau »»*« sold, hc.Cdrc the Court-House in this city on the nsaal hours of 10 and 2 o’clock, no tract of land situated in Rocky Creek, con sler of the administrator for the benefit of the hairs and creditors of said estate. Terms cash. sept 2 Vliniiiistrutor’s stiles. Ba J. B. Herbert Sp Co. ^sNtlie first Tuesday in November next, will be sold before the Court-House in this city, between the usual hours of 10 and 2 o’clock. Lot No. (118) thirty seventh districtof Wilkin son county, containing 202.J acres. Lot No. (Ml) twenty seventh districtof '»•!- liinson county, containing 202£ acres. Lot No. (02) thirteenth district Wilkinson coun tv. containing 2024 acres. " Lot No. (85) thirteenth district Wilkinson coun ty, containing 2024 acres. All that lot of land in the city of Savannah, ... known by letter W Oglethorpe Wurd with the improvements thereon. gf All that Lot of land in the city of Savannah known by letter Y Oglethorpe Ward with the im- prevent ants thereon. Two -negroes Lesle and her child .Mary, bring the property of the estate of A. D. M'Karlunc, de ceased sold by permission of the Hon. the Inferior Court of Chatnam county, and by order of the administrator for the benefit of the heirs and cre ditors of the said cstutc. sept 2 172 'fax Collector’* sales. s N the first Tuesday in N _ sold before the Court-House in county, between the usual hours of sale. Three hundred and seventy acres of land in Ef fingham County, being th*> upper section of a tract of land which contains ole veil hundred and thirty five acres, adjoining lands of Treullon and the River Savannah; levied on as the property of Benjamin Kennedy to satisfy executions in favor of Hall & Hoyt, and L G Mannun and others. A tract of land in said county containing three hundred acres originally granted to Benj. basher, levied on us the property of .1V Bov-on to satisfy an execution in favorof Benj. Dasher. A tract of land of Five Hundred acres. , said county, adjoining lands of W GPorteran I .nil*; levied on as the property of Benj. Morel, to satisfy iin execution in favor ofHnnfiu I Knapp. Two Hundred acres of land in sail county, bounded on the 3. E. and N. W.byland ,1 Walter Stewart, originally granted to Janie,: . ,va. In. vied on ns the pjoperty of James Love an execution in favor of the German Congregation at Ebeneaer. A negro man nnined Jim,tevieJ m perty ot Charles Tiot to satisfy cxaiii'i vor of David Gugel.T B Smitliaud oUr i THOS. KumITn ort 2 184 City Marshal’s Sales. Lot No. cd east by west by lot 4s the. prop of said pro[ Amount due snlisfy ullicrnn loo jlYO- is ii) fa ir, rs. INS ,s c c. of A. M. Gray, to for the years 1822, II . land cost. One negro man named Frank, levied on os the property of Thomas Wilson, to satisfy his city taxes for the years 1821, 1822, 1823, and 1824, amount tax $120 12. A building on lot No. 2, Second Tything Rey nold’s ward, bounded oust by lot NO. 3, south by a lane, west by lot No. 1, and north by Buy-street, levied on ns the property of Pierce & Case, to sa tisfy their city taxes for the year 1822 and 1S2-L Amount due $12 80 and cost. Buildings on lot No. 3, Springhilt, bounded east by West Broad Street, south by Lot No. 4, w>ost by Lot No. tl, and north liy a lane, levied on as the property of the estate Thomas D. Porter, to satisfy tlie city taxes of said estate for the years 1822, 1823, and 1824. Amount due 7 dollars 50 cents and cost. Lot letter 1 nnd buildings, Decker ward, boun ded cast by Ellis’s square, south by St-Julian st. west by Jetfcrson-strcct, and north by Brynn-st. levied on as the property of John M. M'Callu, to satisfy the city tax of said property for the pre sent year, amount due $25 and cost. R F.SOLVE*D, That the committee of sales be authorized to instruct the marshal to adver tise that the sales, of lots and houses for taxes, be postponed until the first Tuesday in November, when the property, subject to taxes not paid on or before that time, shall be disposed of without fail, nccordingto the ordinance, lu Council, 30th Sept. 1824. Kxtraes from the minutes. M. MYERS, c. c. On thefint Tuesday in jXovembtr next. ^CTTFILL be sold at the court house in the city \V of Savannah, between the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, the following property or so much there of us will satisfy the state und county taxes, and ■costs, viz: A tract of land in Bulloch county, containing 32S acres, more4)r less, returned as pine lnnd, le vied on to satisfy file state and bounty taxes of Joseph B. Armstrong forthe years 1822 and 1823, and costs; amount ot taxes $4 43. A tract of lnnd in Camden county, containing 287 1-2 acres, more or less, originally granted to John Palmer. Levied on to satisfy the state and county taxes of the estate of Joseph Bevan lor the year 1823; amount of taxes $20 50. JAMES EPF1NGER, t ck c. ang 28 17c ________ Sheriff’s sales. On the first .Tuesday in Morcmber next, irmlty . . Council, I do hereby give notice that the sale ol property advertised by me for taxes is postpon ed until the first Tuesday in November, when the sale will positively take place,if the amounts due *■ not paid. F. M. STONE, Marshal. 5 185 City Marshal's sales, continued. O N |he 1st Tuesday hi November next,in front r •^jyU.Ebe sold at the Court House in Brynn . . County between the usual hours of side. The following negross, 1’at and Hester, pointed out os the property of John Ruiston, to satify sun- executions in favor of Wiley Belcher and o- S, returned to me by a constable oct2 184 .WILLIAMS, r. s.B. c. of the Court House, betxvecnthe hours of 10 M. and 4 P. M. will be sold the following pro perty, or os much thereof as will satisfy the C Taxes. Lot No. 5 nnd building, second Tything Rey nold’s Wurd,bounded east by ReynCdd-xtroct, south a lane, west by lot No. 4, and north by Bay-st. levied on os the property ofthecstate of Johu An derson, to satisfy the city taxes of said estate for the year 1821, 1822 anil 1S23, amount tax, $105 SO ceuts nnd costs. Lot No. —— New Leeds, now known in the ilan of the city as Oglethorpe ward, bounded east iy West Broan-street, sontli by a vacant lot, west by lot — and north by lot No. 1. levied on ns the projfcrty of G. L. -Cope, to satisfy his city tnxes for the year 1821, 1822, 1823, and 1824, amount tnx $187 57 and cost. Wharf lot No. 8, Warren ward,bounded cast by lot No. 9, south by Bay-street, west by lot No. 7- inh City Sheriff’s sales. N the first Tuesday 111 Novcmbernext,willbc v» — * 1 sold at the Court-House, betweon the usual hours of 10 and 4 o’clock. A negro woman named Betty levied on os the property of CharlesTiot, to satisfy two executions in favor of David Gnglc and Petty & Greene. Also. a wooden building 20 by 22 feet at the corner of Drayton street and a tune, situated on the South Eastcoruer of lot No 5, Hicks Ty tiling, Percival Word with about three years unexpired lease, levied on as the property of Mrs Goldsmith, by her Trustees, to satisfy mi execution in favor of Peter Dupon. JAMES SIMS, d s c s. xiet2 184 Sheriffs sales. O N the first TnesdayinNovember next,will lie sold at the court house, in the city of Savan nah, between the hours of 10 end 4 o’clock. Lot and improvements No 1 Eyles Tything, Heathcote ward, the comer of Broughton and Barnard streets, levied on as the property of Wm R. Holland to satisfy an execution issuing from the bon. Superior Court in favorof Paul Wolf. All the western half with the improvements tliere- •on of that lot of land in Brown ward in the City of 'Savannah, known by the No 11, and those lot* in said ward with the improvements thereon,known by the numbers 14,15, and 16; levied on as the property of John Hunter, under a rule absoture from the lion, die Superior €01114 of Chatham County, in favor of the Bank of the State of Geor gia. A negro woman named Cioe; levied on as the .property of Benjamin Allen to satisfy nn execu tion issuing from a J ustices Court in favor of Ellen Gorham, agent of Wm Gorham, turned over by a constable. All the household and kitchen furniture con tainedin the City Hotel; levied on as the properly of Oran Bird under a foreclosure ol a mortgage to Clearer Early, transferred toJ B Herbert co. I. D LYON.s.c. c. Oct 2 184 Sheriff’s sale, continued. xN the first Tuesday in Novemberncxt,will be sold before the Court House, in Bryan conn Pi, between the usual hours of sale. Two negroes, Dorcas and Joe, levied on as the •property of Richard T Keating,to satisfy a mort cage bond in favor of Jas. Anderson & co. THOMAS ALBRITTON, s n c octS 184 Administrators sales. On the first Tuesday in December next, •r'TTlLL bp sold at the courthouse in the coun VV ty ot Effingham. Alract of land containing 2024aeres, known by the number 229—lOth dist. lying in the county of Henry, on the Yellow River, Twenty five acres of which is cleared, together with some improve Stents thereon and considered a valuable tract.— Sold by an order obtained from the lion, the In ferior Court of the County of Effingham, for the "benefit of the heirs and creditors of the estate of Emanuel Ralin, late of said County dec. JACOB GNANN, Junior. Administrator. oct 2 184 City Sheriff’s sales—continued On the first Tuesday in JYor. next, W ILL be sold before the court House in the City of Savannah, between the usual hours of sale. Buildings on half lot No 8, and quarter lot No 9 Digby Tything Decker wurd, levied on os the property of Louis Girodon to satisfy Thomas Gib- pons on two executions for ground rent,—Sold on account and risk of the former purchaser. J. SIMS, d. c. 0ct9 187 City Marshal’s sale, continued. O N the first Tuesday in November next, will be sold before the Court House in the City of Savannah between the usual hours of sale, O110 Hilliard Table, with the cues nnd maces attached to it; levied on as the property of Nes- Jer is. Griggs, to satisfy eight execution's issued by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city, for keeping a Billiard Table. F. M. STONE, oct$ ,187....y. Administrator’s sale. On the first Tuesday in December next. "T A711L be sold atthe late residenceof Jacob VV " Fateh, dec'd, late oftbe CountyofBulloch; s personal properly of said deceased, sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. WM. DELOACH, Adm’r. JANE FUTCH, A I***. oilt 3 184 lull’s levied oh \hn taxes l lin'd 1824. " 5 Superior court—Chatham county. Thomas F. Puree ot. al. ) Complaints Richard'll. Cuylor, ex’r Wm Shaw, deceased. ' N this case, on the si ant’s answer, that cei to tills mil, residing in Scotland, claim to be on 1 to titled to a distribution of part of the undivided estate of Win Shaw, deceased, nnd on motion, it ordered that,all. persons concerned do iippeiir before the Superior Court of Chatham County hi the term of January next, tber nnd there to es tablish such liieirvdmms; nnd in default thereof, tiiat the undivided estate of the said Wm Shaw, lie distributed among the complainants ugrcetmly to the decree of said Court tuul' that this rule he published once a month until the expiration hereof. Extract from the minutes this 7lli day *>f June, 1824. A. B. FANNIN, Clerk, jnne 17 $ri38 lane levied on as the property of C. D. Loby, to * " ’ 1824 satisfy Ids city tnx for the years 1823 und Amount due $25 80 nnd cost. A quartet of Whaif Lot Nn. 4, Trustee Garden, bounded east by half of said lot, west by lot 3, south by Fort Wayne, nnd north by Savannah River, levied on ns the property of A. L. Hart ridge, to satisfy the city tnxes of said property lor the years 1621, 1822, and 1823. Amount due $14*50 and cost. One small building on lot No. 5, Oglethorpe ward, bounded east by lot No. 4. south by a vu rant lot, west by lot No. 6, nnd North by Brynn st. levied on ns the property of Elias E. ’Roberts to satisfy his city tnxes for the years 1822, 1823 and 1824. Amount tux $11 75.' A small building on lot No. 13, Elbert ward, bouudod on the east by lot No. 14, south by Fer ry street, west by Montgoinery-strcet, and nortli alone, levied on us the property of the estate Daniel Robbins, to sulisfy his city tnxes for the years 1823 and 1824. Amount tax $5. Half lot No. 5, and buildings, Trustee Garden, bounded east by lot No. 6. south by lot No. 7. west by cast Brond-streot, nnd north by Hryun st. levied on as the property of the estate of George F.noe, to satisfy his city taxes for the year 1823. Amount tax $14. F. M. STONE, c. oct 5 185 Coroner’s Sale, ON WEDNESDAY, 14th inst. at 11 o’clock, Will be sold before our Store, Snndrv articles of clothing, one Writing Desk, sundry hooks, one Masonic Silver Badge, two Qniulrunts, one Spy Gloss, 011c silver Watch, one lot of Charts, one walking Cane, und sundry oth er articles, belonging to the estate of John Colly, oct 5 185 Terms cusli. Administrator’s Sale—continued. nnd north by Savannah river, levied on ns the pro perty of the estate of Pat. Stanton, to satisfy the city taxes of said estate for the years 1821, and 1822, amount tax $99 and cost. Lot No. 4, Frederick Tything, Darby ward, bonnded east by lot No. 3, south oy a lane, west by lots, and north by Congress-street, levied on as tlie property of Charles Devmit to satisfy Ids city taxes forthe present year, amount duc$i? 30 and costs. Halflot No. 6. and buildings, Carpenters Row, Trustee Garden, bounded east by east boundary street, south by lot No. 7, west by east Dmnd-st. and north hy lot No. 6, levied on as the property of Thomas F. Maxlmm, to satisfy his city taxes for the years 1823 and 1824, amountdue $15. Half lot No. 7, Carpenter Tything Decker ward bounded east by lot No. 8, south by Brvnn-street, west by the west half of said iol,wid north hy a lane, levied on as the property of J. M. Jarvis! to satisfy his city tax for the present year. Amount due $15 and cost. Lot No. 12, and buildings Warren ward, bounded cast by Lot 11, south byL’irnn-strcet, westby Ilu- bereham-street, and nortli by a lane. leYied on as the property of Jamci Bilbo,to satisfy his city tnxes tortile years 1823 and 1824. Amount due $53 93. Lot No. l,and buildings, Second Tything Anson Ward, bounded east by lot No. 2, south by a lane cast by Abercorn street, and north by Broughton street, levied on as the property of the estate of John Dubell, to satisfy the estates city taxes, for the years 1823 and 1824. Amount ofTax, $32 62. Lot No. 6, Columbia ward, boundt-d cast by lot No. 7,south by a lane, west by lot No. 6, and north by Brougliton-street, levied on as the property of John Morel, to satisfy his city taxes for the years 1822,1823, and 1624. Amount due $43. Buildings on lot No. 40, Warren ward, bounded east by lot No. 39, south by Brougliton-street, west by Reynolds-strect, and nortli by a lane, levied on as the property of C. H. Hayden, to satisfyhis city taxes for the years 1822, 1823,and 1824. Amount due, $109 2-. Lot No. 36, and buildings, Liberty word, bound ed east by Montgomery street, south hy south broad street, west by lot No. 36, and north by a Inne, leviedon as the property of Samuel and H. Goldsmith, to satisfy their city tux for the present year. Amount due $10, and costs. Lot No. 18, and buildings Ewingsburgli, bound ed east by lot No. 16, south by Witlinm-street, west by lot No. 23, and north by lot No. 29, le vied on as the property of Paul J. Vollatoit, to sa tisfy his city tnxes, for the years 1823 and 1824. Amount due $23. Buildings on lot No. 31, Liberty ward, bounded east by lot No. 30, south by a lane, west by lot No. 32, and nortli by York-srteet, levied on ns the property of the estate Wm. Maylicw to satisfy taxes of said estate for the years 1823 and 1824. Amount due $10. Lot No. 19, nnd building, Jackson ward,bound ed east by Whitaker street, south by a lane, west by lot No. 9, and north by South-Broad-street, le vied on as the property of T. N. Morel, to satisfy his city taxes for the years 1821, 1822, 1823 and 1824. Amount dhe $106 60, and cost. Lot No. 3,and buildings, Warren ward, bounded east by lot No. 4. south by a lane, west by lot No. 2, and north by Bay-street, levied on as the pro perty of Alexnnder Hunter, tosatisfy his city taxes forthe years 1823 and 1824, amount due $31 25. Lot No. 24, and buildings, Washington ward, bounded east by Washington square, south by Con gress street, west by lot No. 23, and nortli by St. Julian street, levied on as the property of Jacob Fahm, to satisfy his city taxes for the years 1823 and 1824, amount due $31 26. Lot No. 7 and bTiildings, Jckyl Tything Darby ward, bounded east by lot No. 8, south by Brynn* street, west by lot No. 6, and nortli by n lane, le vied on ns the property of Worthington Gale, to satisfy his city taxes for the years 1823 and 1821, amount due $41 25. Lots Nos. 20 and 21, Yumacraw, bounded enst by t lot No. 19, south by Pine-street, west by Fahm street, and north by lots Nos. 8 and 9, levied on as On Tutsday the title of.Xorember next, W ILL be sold ut the court house between tlie hours of 10 nod 2 o'clock. Lot No, 15 (fifteen) rn the second district of Early County, Geo. remaining 250 acres bcin the real estate of Robert M. Durkee, deceusct. nnd sold by permission of tlie Court of Urdiuury of Chatlinm County. Also, 1 trunk wearing apparel und 1 silver watch being the personal property of said deceased. AUGUSTUS F. DURKEE, Administrator. oct 5 185 Superior court, Clmthmn county January Term, 1824. Aaron Cleveland mid Susan Cl Ids wife, J vs. ( Itule JSui. Jacob Fulnn. J O N the petition of Aaron Cleveland nnd Su san C. his wife, who was Susan C. Bona, stat ing that Jacob Fuhm, before the intermarriage of the petitioners, to wit; on tlie 22d day of June 1821, did in conjunction with one Joseph A. Scott, execute n joint bond to the said Susan C. in the penal sum of four thousand dollurs condi tioned for the payment of two thousand dollars with interest from date, on or before tlie first day of March then next, and Hint for the better securing tlie payment thereof, the said Jacob did on tlie day und year first uforesnld make Ids ccrtuin indenture of mortgage, whereby lie mortgaged to said Susan C. all that lot of ground known Hnd designated ns Garden jot number thirty nine, No 39, nnd ulso, tlmt adjoining half part of another lot known as lot number fort; two, No 42, containing together eight nnd a ha! acres more or less jUunteu to tlie east of tlie city of Stivnunah and bounded to the nortli west of Lot No 26, to tlie south and cast by lands be longing to the estate of Hampton LllUbrldgu, and the west by tiie public road leading to Skiduwny island whereon a brick yard is now established und known by the nnme of Fajuns brick yard- taut there is now on the said bond or mortgage obligatory tlie sum of eighteen hun dred dollars with interest from tlie 23d day of Junuury 1823, and praying tlie foreclosure of tlie equity of redemption of the said Jacob und ids heirs,” executors, administrators and nssigns in and to tlie said mortgaged premises—On motion of W. W. Gordon, attorney for the petioners— It is ordered that tlie principal nnd interest due on the said bend or writing obligatory together with the cost of this application bu paid into this court within twelve months from this date, or in ease of default that the equity of redemption of said Jacob Falun, his heirs, executors, adminis trators nnd nssigns be from thenceforth forever foreclosed und that such further nnd other pro ceedings be Imd thereon, as are pursuant to the statute in .such case made and provided—And it is further ordered that this rule be published in one of the Gazettes of this slate at least onco a month for twelve months, or tlmt a copy, be served on tlie defendant at least six month before the time appointed for the payment of tlie mun ey into court. Extract from tlie minutes, 15th Jan. 1824. jan 10 12 JOB T. BO EES. Bottles, Corks, Drugs, See. &t\ s, Wh S UPERIOR Velvet Corks, Wine pint bottles Oxy . in, Chamber mid pocket Lights, Wax Tapers (u great variety,) Pure Calcined Magnesia Arrow Runt, Cream Tartar, Stureli, Balsam Co peiva, Saltpetre, Rotten Slone, kc. kc. llav been received per the William Wallace, and for sale by LAY k HENDRICKSON, Chemists nnd Druggists, Congress,corner of Wliitaker-streels, Shell's Building. an 1 164 Furniture Wax. rjtHIS article is highly recommended for the purpose of imparting an elegant gloss to Mahogany Furniture. The large und extensive Cabinet Ware Manu facture's iu tiie northern cities make use of this composition to give their works u beautiful po lish A supply of this wax lias been received per ship Snvnnnnh. It is put tip in smnll pots and boxes with printed directions for use, and for sulc by LAY k HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Druggists, Shad's Buildings. nog 12 166 properly of Seaborn Jones, to satisfy his city taxes for the year 1824, amonnt due $9. Spring Hill, itli by S; A small building on lotNo. 15, bounded east by Franklin street, South" by Spring street, west by lot No. 18, and north by lot No. 16, levied on as tlie property of Elsey Wilson, to sa tisfy her city taxes for the years 1820, 1821, 1823 and 1824. Amount tax $27 31,. Buildings 01rL9t.N0. 8, Indian-street, bounded cast by lot Nq'. 7r south by a lane; west by bit No. 9, and north .by Indian-strect, levied on as the of John Myrj(jlc, t& satisfy his city taxes *1824. Amountdue $976 for tlxp years 1 aiid cost.' . ' ' East Wf Lot No. ward bounded east 6, Hick’s Ty lot No. 7, log Peroival . , uth, by State street, wert lowest half of said lot, and fiorth by a lane, leyffed .0* as the property Henry Lyons, to satisfy his city tax for the,.present year. A- mount dun,$13 and cost. Two-tbirds of lot No. 7, Yamacraw, bounded east by lot No. 6, south by a lane, west by lot No. 9, oua north by Indian-street,levied on as the pro- jperty of R. Richardson, to satisfy his city tax for the present year, aootmt duo $£7 GO ancf costs. Pure Calcined Magnesia, a new Article. T HIS Medicine lias been prepared by the New York Chemical Manufacturing Company aud is said to be equal to tlie celebrated article made by tlie Messrs. Henry’s. Many persons in this city who have used this remedy give it a de cided preference over all others. * Families are solicited to give it atrial us it comes much cheap er than Henry’s, being neutly put up in bottles ut 37 1-2 cents each, and for sale onlv bv LAY k HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Druggists Shad's Buildings. sept 2 172 Valuable Medicine. ANTl-DlSPEPl'IC PILLS, Prepared by Henry James. A N approved remedy for Dyspepsia, or Indi gestion, Habitual Costiveness, und piles. It is well know'll tlmt Dyspepsia is one of tlie most frequent and formidable diseases of our country. Its commencement is indicated in dif ferent patients by vurious symptoms, of which tlie most remarkable arc— Irregularity of tlie bowels, obstinate costive ness, headach, commonly called nervous or sick ly lieaduch, yellowness of the eyes and skin, acid ity of the stomach after eating,often called heart burn, Ihitulcnce or wind in the stomnch, bittei taste in the mouth in the morning, fentid breath drowsiness after dinner, debility, lassitude, emu cintion, depression of spirits, kc. _ Piles being connected with indigestion und cos tiveness, are certainly and speedily removed by these pills. A supply of the above valuable Medicine, has just been received from tlie I’atehtee, and can be obtained of tlie subscribers, who have been appointed agents for tlie State of Georgia. LAY k HENDRICKSON, Druggists and Chemists, Shad’s Buildings- sept 12 176 Mrs. Humphreys, R ESPECTFULLY informs the inhabitants of Savannah that she will open a SCHOOL on the first of November, for the reception of those children, whose parents may entrust them to her She will teach the solid und ornamental branches of education; nnd after several yeurs ex perience in the instruction of youth she flatters her self she shall not full to give satisfaction. For further information please call at Captain M‘Lean's, Lincoln Street. ’ sept 28 . 182 IN EQUITY. tion in the defend- persons not parties Superior court, Chutlmiu county Joint Retun ) rs. > Utile JXisi. Nathan Baker. ) O N the petition of Jno. Retan stating that Natlmn Baker did 011 tlie first day ot May 1822. the better to secure tlie payment of ins certain promissory note of that date for tlie sum of two thousand dollars, payable to the. enid John Retan, or order, on or before tlie 1st day of May, 1824. with interest at 7 per cent per annum, by his indenture, under Ids seal, benring date the day and year first aforesaid, mortgaged to the said John Retail, all the undivided moiety or half part of all tlmt lot of land, situate, lying and being in the city of Savannah, and known nnd distinguished in the plan thereof by the number one (1) Tyrconnell tything Darby ward, together with the appurtenances, and furtlior stating that tlie said promissory note remains wlioly unpaid and tlie said mortgage in full force, and praying the foreclosure of the said mortgage. On motion of W. W. Gordon, uttorney for the nctioncr, it is ordered that the said Nnthnn Bn- tier do pay into this court, within twelve months of this duie, tlie principal and interest due on the said note and the cost of tho said application, or in default thereof; that tlie equity of rodem|)- tion of the said Natliun Baker of nnd to the said mortgaged premises, be thenceforth nnd forever foreclosed. And it is further ordered, tlmt n copy of this rule be served on the said Nutiian Baker, ut loast six months before the time appointed for the naymeut of said money into court, or published 111 one of tlie public Gazettes of this stute, at least once in every mouth, until tlie time ap pointed for tlie payment thereof, and tlmt sucli further and other proceedings be Imd as are prescribed by tlie statute in sucli cose made nnd provided. Extract from the minutes this 24th Mny. 1824. may 7 2 A. B FANNIN. CM:. C burt, sitting G eorgia, chnthn the Justices of for ordinary purposes, To Ml whom it may Whereas, John Dillon administrator of Ed mond Dillon, late of Chnthnm countydec. lms pe titioned tlie lion, court of ordinary,to be discharg ed from his said administration. Now, tlieso are therefore to cite and admon ish all and singular tlie kindred and creditors of the said deceased, the file their objectiins (if any they have,) to tlie granting of lcttors dismissory <0 tlie petitioner, in the clork’s office, of the said court, on or before the 11th day of Decemboriioxt ensuing, otherwise letters dismissory will be granted to tlie petitioner. Witness the imn. John Cummlng, one of the Justices of the said court, this lltli day of Julie, A. D. 1824. S. M. BOND, c c. 0. Juno 12 136 G EORGIA, Liberty County —By Elijah Br ker, clerk of the court of ordinary lor iu county Liberty. qe To ail xvhotn it may concern. Whereas William Law, Esq. applies t 0 i„ dismissed from Ids administration on the estate ,i Davis Carter, late of said county, dec. • 1,1 These are therefore to cite and admonl.l, all persons concerned to file their objections m any they have) in my office, within tlie time mat cribed by Irw ; or otherwise the said nnnlLh, will be dismissed from his said adiulnislratioii Given under my hand and seal, this 3d riu of May, A. 1>. 1824. E. BAKER, 0 c t May 11 110 ’ | ^TEORUIA, Chatham County—-By the liqit. the Justices of tho Inferior Court, sitting for ordinary purposes. To all whom it may concern Whereas Robert Taylor, administrator of Wm M. Kelley, late of Savannah, merchant, dec’ll, lias petitioned to the honorable the court of Or dinary to be discharged from Ids said administra tion. These are therefore to cite nnd admonish nil nnd singular tlie kindred and creditors of tlie said deceased, to file their objections, (if any they have) in the, clerks office of tlie said court, on or before the flth day of December next; otherwise letters dismissory will be granted to tlie petition- Witness the Honorable John P. Williamson, one of tlie Justices of tliu said court, this 8th dny of June, A. D. 1824. S. M BOND, cco June 8 134 ^4 GORG1A, Clinllmm county—IIf/ the ban. the. Justices of the Inferior Court stlting fur ordi nary purposes. To all whom it mny concern. Whereas William Davies, administrators of Mnr- tlia Johnson dec. lias petitioned the lion, thecourt of urdinnry to lie discharged from ids said ad ministration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all censed, to file their objections (if any they have) in the office of the clerk of tlie court of ordina ry on or before (lie seventh day of March next; otherwise letters dismissory will he granted the petitioner. September, A. D. J824. ept 9 175 S. M. BOND, c c 0 r c. ^^EOlUilA, Clint hum County—Hy the lion. J ust ires of the Life rior court silling for ordina ry purposes. To nil whom it may concern. Taylor, deceased, hns petitioned the hoiiora lile court of ordinary to lie discharged from said adininistrnlionsnip. licctious (if nnd t have) in tlie office of tlie clerk of the court ol diunry, on or before tlie 13th dny of January 1 dis ensuing the date hereof; otherwise letters< sory w ill be granted to the applicant. Witness the honorable Thomas N. July, A. D. 1824. July 13 150 S. M. BOND, cco. C 4 EG KG I A, Cballiimi County—Hy the lion, the f Justices of the Inferior court, sitting for or dinary purpose*. To all whom it may concern. gedfrom Ids said administration. ry, on or before the Oth day of December next otherwise letters dismissory will be granted. May, A. D. 1824. may (1 106 S. M. BOND, e e o. G blc the court of ordinary of said county. To all whom it inuy concern. said administration. Ms P ERSONS having claims against the estate of Charles W. Tebeau, are requested to present them, and those indebted to make immediate payment to tlie Subscriber—accounts against the said estate to be left with Messrs S. C. & J, Schenk. Superior court, Chatham County March Term, 182-t. William Berric ) > Rub John Christopher. ) O N the petition of Williuin Barrio stuting tlmt one John Christopher, of the county of Camden, being indebted to one Henry Sadler or order in a note of l>n r ,tl, dated St. Marys in said county, on the Bib October 1822, in the sum of Five Hundred Dollurs, payable with interest from tlie dutenu tlie first clay of January then next ensuing, did mortgage to the said Henry his heirs and assigns, to secure the payment of tho note aforesaid with interest on the same—a cer tain lot of land in the town aforesaid being part of lot No. 1 beginning at the west corner of a lot belonging to one Calvin Hayes, thence tun ing south 100 feet on St. Marys Street, thence north to Bryant St. enst to C. Hoys’ tend thence south to the beginning, with the margin attached to tlie same on the south side of St. Marys or Buy st. being a hundred feet on the street nnd running from thence directly to the river St. Marys, together with all and singular every thing •thereto appertaining, tlmt tlife said Henry Snddlor, to whom and to whose heirs unci ussigns the said mortgage was made on the 24th of Sept. 1823, July assigned by deed, said mortgage to the pe titioner, there is now due on said mortgage tlie sum of Five Hundred Dollars with interest from, the 1st January 1822, arid praying for the foreclo sure ot the equity of redciuplion, injhe said John Christopher, ins heirs nnd ussigns in the mortgaged premises and that the same lie foreclosed according to litw. _ On motion of Belton A Coup, attorney lor pe titioner, it is ordered that the principal und in terest due on tlie said mortgage together with tlie costs of his applicants bn puid into this court within twelve months from this date, otherwise thut lhe equity of redemption of the said John Christopher his heirs executors, administrations ami assigns lie from thence forever foreclosed und that such other proceedings tuke plane us are pursuant, to the statue. And it is further ordered that this rule he pub lished in one of the Gazettes of this slntn at least once a month for twelve months to the time ap pointed for the payment of said money into Court. A true extract from the minutes. , * JOHN BAILEY, Clerk. Jefferson, 16th March, 1824. )ERSONS indebted to tiie estate of Eliza- oct 7 18B F, E. TEBEAU, Alton belli Pelli late of Chatham eoqnty, deceas ed, are requested to make immediate payment to the subscriber, and those to whom the . , .. — - estate is indebted are requested to exhibit their demands duly authenticated. PETER SHICK, Ex’r. July 13 IOO dismissory will be granted the applicant. of the Justices of said court, this 3d June, 1824. ELY KENNEDY, c c o n c. junc 4 132 t i EORGIA—Chatham County-to ull whom ■"may concern. iter, deed, as principal ci‘C;!jff)|'. therefore to cite und admonish al County, planter, deed, as These lire said ; tration will be granted. D.1824. oct 20 192 S. M. BOND, cco. nary purposes. To all whom it may concern. VTINE months nltor date application wib ' r 7 .1 made to the hon. Inferior court of the co\ v of Bryan, for leave to sell all tlie re.ul estuk)t IVilliam Cubbedge deceased, to bo sold for (u benefit of tlie heirs and crediiora. 9 JOHN CUBBEDGE, Adm’r June 17 138 llryan Counh, IN E months after date application wiiTTS _ .1 made to the lion. Inferior oourt of Libcit, county, for lenve to sell the real and personal J tate of Lodowiek Lard, late of Tattnall o CH1I Z deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and mil tors. E. WAY, Adm’r* aug 31 §ol71 (YpNE inonths after date 1 shall apply i.1 lion. Inferior oourt of Liberty county leave to sell tlie real and personal properly „/ WmL Baker, ileum,sed, for the beuefit i/ik, heirs and creditors.. TIIOS. B. BAKER, A,l m ’ r npril 7 89 IVjTNE months after date application will b, i. 1 made to tlie lion. Inferior court of Bullock county, when sittlog for ordinary purposes, ( cr leave to sell all the rcul and personal estate of A|. Icn Denmark, deceased, for the benefit of tbe heirs and creditors. ' ROBERT BURTON, Adm’r MARY DENMARK, Adai’^ fell 28 48 Bulloch Comito. IVt INE months after the date hereot, applied _Li thin will be mndc to the Inferior rourt when sitting for ordinary purposes, for (cava to sell all that lot or part of ground in the district of White Bluff, county of Chatham, containinc 50 acres, more or less,bounded northwardly and cut. wnrdlyby lands late Join, Poullens, and south wardly by lands of Williams, belonging to the i -. tate of James Boyd, and to be sold Tor the bent fit of tlie heirs arid creditors of said estate. ELIZABETH BOYD, Adm’s. mny 26 124 riTHE public is apprised, that the subscribe -L has titles to one half of a 60 acre trad n/ land 011 White Bluff, adjoining his and ksd lately Johu Poullcn’s, now John Morrill'?, uj for which tlie administratrix of the late John Bovi now applies for leave to sell us port of that cstitt —his titles are of prior dnte and record- All yer- sons are forewarned not to purchase or frespa« on the premises. R. F. WILLIAMS, jnne 17 m—$t188 TV] INli months lifter date, application will be i.1 made to the Inferior court of Effinglmin county for leave lo sell all tlie real properly be longing to the eslute of the late Rev. Jno. Beck, deceased, lying in said euurity,for the benduf the heirs und creditors. ANN BECK, Adm’s. npril 16 88 TV INE months after dale, application will 1* i. x made to the lion, the Inferior Court oi Iin uu County, for leave to sell all the real estate 0 Sarah M-Kindly, lute of Brynn County dec. f# tlie benefit of the heirs nnd creditors of said 0 tate. JAMES BUTLER, Adair. npil'2 §o77 •|V| INK months alter date, 1 shall upply tu Id _L1 lion. Inferior court of Chnthnm county, 6 leave to sell the real and personal property Laclilaml Hamilton McIntosh, doceasod, for tin SUSAN A. G. M’lNTOSH, Adin'i. march 9 66 j\f INK months utter dale, I shall apply to Uu .L1 hon. the Inferior court of the county of £ (Ingham, for leave to sell all tlie real estate Is longing to Solomon (Joann, dec. of which all cos cernud will take notice. JOSHUA GNANN, adm’r. inarch 4 62 IV s.NE months alter (lute application will Is ll mude to the hon. tholnferiorComt of Chat ham County, when setting for ordinary purpose for permission to sell tlie following reul cstat* for tlie benefit of the heirs and creditors of III estate of N. S. Bnyiud, deccused, viz : One undivided fourth of a tract of land, cot tniniug about 500 ueros, on Cumberland lsW Camden County, known us Piun, Orchard—an an undivided fourth of u certain Tract of Fan situated on suid Islund, containing about W cres, originally grunted to Gen. Laclilaml Mcl tosh, ana hounded on the south by the said l’lu: Orchard Tract. Also, u tract called Lottery Hill situate on tj Ogecchee Road, 3 miles from Savannah, contai ing about 600 ucres. N. J. BAYARD, Adin,r est. N. S. Bayard. may 20 211 A LL persons having any demands again ii. tlie estate nf Francis Jalineau, deceit are requested to deliver them in properly idtf- 1 cd,on or before the first day of Oct. next. Jibe counts not brought forward before that day'™ be refused payment by the undersigned executor WM. GASTON- july 10 149 A LL persons indebted lo iiie estate of Mi'- j\, der Martin, lute of Liberty County, deer 1 ed, arc requested to make immediate payment. ILF. BAKER, ) p.. n II, MARTIN, r may 10 {112 A LL persons having demands against the <* ii tate of the late Hugh M'C'all deceased, *- 1 reiiuestcd to hand them in for payment, and tiie* indebted to said estate will please make init® diute payment. THOS. M'CALL,) P.BRASCH, july 13 150 ........ j, umoizujgcu 11 wm him sum exe cutorship. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said decensed, to file their objections (if any they have) in the office of tbe clerk of the court of oidinary on or before the 13th day of January next ensuing the date hereof, otherwise letters dismissory will be grunted to tlie petitioner. Witness tlie honorable Thomas N. Morel, one of the Justices of the said Court, tin's 13th day of July, A. 1). 1824. S. M. BOND, c c o. July 13 150 EORGIA, Chulhaui County—Hy the honora ble the Justices of the Inferior rourtof Clutth- am county sitting for ordinary purposes. To all whom it may concern. Whctmis Charles Gregory executor of Thomas G, Davis late of Chatham county deceased has .petitioned the honorable the court of ordinary to be disfcharged from Ids said executorship. cite and admonish nil These arc therefore to and singular the kindred und creditors of the suid deceased, to file their objections, if uny they have, in tlie office ol tiie Clerk ol the court of ordinary on or before the 7th clay of March next otherwise letters dismissory will be grunted tlie pel dinner. Witness tiie honorable Gcor tiie Justices of the said court September, A. D. 1824. S. M. BOND, ccocc scp9 Ji'gc L Cope, one of this seventh day of 176 IV 1NR months after date application will be ± x made to the lion. Inferior court of Chatham county, for leaVe to sell all tlmt lot i n Savannah known by the No. 1, Ellis square, Decker ward, with the improvements thereon : and ull that lo in Savannah known- by tho No. 23, ii, Liberty ward, with tlie buildings therein,, being the real estate ot John .Smith, deceased, for the bene fit ot tbe heirs. may 16 FREDERICK HERB; Adm’r. GEORGIA, A11 Act, To establish an office for Recording the Birth 1 'I the Citizens of this Stale, in each CoimW' 5 "* State. '^j^rl-IEREAS much inconvenience ha* ^ r | experienced in this state, from tilt culty of obtaining testimony ol persons intoI to questions of right belorc our courts,and as embarrassing difficulties frequently IjnpedetMJ correct udiniuistrullon of justice on this subjeetll For remedy whereof, I “ He it enacted by the Senate and House ff w\ presentalives of the stale of Georgia, in Geitert"-"I scmlily met, and it is hereby enacted by tlie nf the same : J That from nnd immediately after the puss'u-S this act, it shall be made the duty of the Clerk**! tlie Courts of Ordinary, in each county respaetd | ly, to enter and register, in a book to be kept" tliut purpose, the names of nil persons who report themselves to him, or who maybe 1 ' C P°."J by their parents or guardians, as well as all l |l0 T wiio may bo hereafter born within tiie said c0U 3 und who may be reported os aforesaid, upon ^”,1 proof being made by affidavit or oath to th® of the said Birth ; und that the said Clerk sliwi , entitled to take and receive for each regiwj which he shnll be called upon to make, the M” twenty-five cents. 1 CHATHAM COUNTY. Clerk’i rjAHE Legislature qf lliis stole, passed tho i9thotTtec e ®j her, 1823,lhafirtt«ectioi, of which Is recited a»o l a hook is prepared for the registry of births ju ‘“"I county. Office hours from liino, A- M. until J" I 4’. M. 1 SAMUEL M. BOND, Clerk of the Court efOrdina- >'<"« sept 4 05