Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, October 26, 1824, Image 2

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FREDERICK S. FELL, CITY PRINTER. ,4 daily pai-kr EiaUT-JiotLAns rr.n annum. COUNTRY PAPRR SIX DOI.t AHs PER ANNUM. PATABI.R IN ADVANCE. (□’All news and MV advcrt/seraents appear in both TUESDAY EVF.N1NG, Octobkr 20, 1824.. THE VICE PRESIDENCY—Refer ring to die article copied below from the Riclimunu Enquirer, mo arc to laltc it for '_crant,e,(l that Mr. {{alfatin, is no longitr to bo considered as a candidate. It was in otir opinion, a nomination at any time un acceptable and impolitic: unacceptable. | because lie never could command the un* I divided confidence of bis own party; and impolitic, lie cause it paralyzed the influ ence tluit he would have otherwise been | able to exercise in favor of Mr. Crawford. Taking it for granted then, that Mr. THE PRESIDENCY.—In culling the | Gallatin is no longer n candidate lor the attention of our readers to the annexed I Vice Presidency, upon "born will this extract from the National Intelligencer, it I State bestow her vote 1 Before the ques ts a source 6f heart felt gratification to be I tion is answered, let us pause lor a moment enabled to remark that the ncrimony late-1 —It is a matter of the last importance that ly displayed towards our distinguished persons selected for the two highest offices fellow citizen, is no longor to be pcrcievcd, j n ffio national government should be ns since the explosion of tho A. B. plot; un- J nrnr iy a8 possible of the same political less indeed, we except this State, South I p,j MC iples, and at all events free from all ■Carolina, and Illinois, where his enemies. I cor ifli c ti n g interests; putting out of view, -arc rather personal than political. The ^ pro9pect of thc onc 9uccecding to , he mass ol thc peop e, w ho in n t eir a er I aU( j the policy of preserving thc ten- Jations nevorthcloss seldom lose sight of ...... . .. „ . , . - or of thc administration consistent in all rim polar star of political justice, appear! to bo returning to the count? that they for- lts P arts ’ * or ’ thc ' ICC president, if at sook since the Caucus nt Columbia; aud a11 a >uau of talents, will in many eases be full of tenderness for thc patient injuries enabled to carry a third of the Senate of Mr. Crawford, they seem as if they along with him; and us appointments arc were becoming grieved and ashamed nt confirmed in secret session, he mat by cn having been thc dupes of his truducers. bnl and iutriguc, retard, emborrass'or dis- Tliey begin now to understand his cliur- tract thc operations of government through deter; and examiued as it has been by thc I the agency of a small minority.—Added Argus eye of the public, his enemies are to this, thc Vice president should of right fain to seek in Radicalism, in sectional I hold a seat in the cabinet; that, in the feeling and in thc guudy illusions ol mil-1 event effinny of thc contingencies provided itnry glory, something like nn assignable f or by the constitution, he might know his motive for their opposition to his well I bearings; and not In? thrown adrift upon founded and postponed claims,. The I the stormy ocean of Politics, with a chart cobweb meshes with which intrigue has I d j s true in thc records of thc nation, but circumvented him, looped ns they are I y et without either compass or quadrunt. frotaoffico to office, will be carried away Taking , his view of t l ie subject, our iu- hy the blast of popular indignation; pnd dividunJ opiniou hiclinesin fnvor of oM die same envious spirits who have dared raise their voices for the ostracism of Nathaniel Macon, of North Carolina; / the Georgia Aristides, will in their subsc- ,hc ma " of ““P le habits ’ thc frientl t0 ,hc quent self-abasement .do penuce for the r, S htsof the States, and a foe toconsolida act while they render thc proper homage government in a country so widely ex- to his vir tuc. I tended, and so peculiarly circumstanced From the National Intelligencer. ns ours:—yet we must net with circum- The election of Electors of President I spection, making matters of less impor jand Vice President ot the United States I tancc, subordinate to those entitled to our draws nigh with rapid pace. As it «p- more 9e rious regard; and as a portion of proaches, wo ore agreeably disappointed I ° 1 ijt finding less violence and vituperation 1 t ic 8 rCft t Republican party, our acts employed, than the early stage of the dis- should be in reference to its principles and cussion had led us to expect towards its I with a view to its pernmnenev. If there- Ijl-bred persons, as there are iu every oth-1 yielding our support to Mr. C lay, it might «r class of life, but it is with great' pieo? I perhaps be advisable to do so ; nnd really sure that we perceive tho jwojtress ot re-1 there is « Kurnriung tiinllnritv in tho his- Ibruumou, as the effect of which more . ‘ , Ar .., ,. . , reason nnd less passion are distinguishable r y * D- L i an lord and Inmsclt. in thc contest. I were yeomen who fabricated their for Our convictions on this subject are not 1 tunes, by transition in thc first place to only unshaken, but stronger than ever, the schoolmaster’s desk, nnd in thc next We are satisfied, more and more, that, to tb „ Bar; both were elected about thc supposing all the candidates for the Pres- , . ideucy to have equal clonus, the success | >amc * imp » “ ,e presiding officers of thc of Mr Crawford would ensure to the coun-1 two houses of Congress, and in that capa- try a more harmonious udmiuistration of I city signed thc act containing thc Dcclnra- »«• lustration would ho less numerous aiid for- I scn * U P 0 ** dijiloinntjc missions to Europe, . fiiidablc, if the course of Mr Crawford, I about the same period; both were oftcrcd open, frank, and unpledged, did not dis-l^miutions iu the cabinet, upon thc acces- ayin it altogether. This ConsiderationLonof Mr. Monroe; and finally'both arc must certainly serve, in the estimation ot disinterested men, to cuiorce the claims, no "’heulI up to the people of thc United on thc score of uniuipeaclied integrity, States for thc highest office that it is in j/urely republican principles, and patriot- their power to bestow. £ public service, which have induced us Wbilc Wo arc „ thig ' of , Ibr many years to look up to Mr Craw- . .... J ’ ford as the fit successor to Mr Monroe. I election of President and \ ice President, When this perferencc was first expres-1' ve would remark that on thc 29th of the sed, we did not inquire whether or not Mr present month, thc choice of electors will Crawford was likely to be elected. V\ c I be made in Pennsylvania and Ohio; Tiavc never iireuicted that he would be. I. , 4 , , . . / 3ut wo limy now venture to say, that there I ss v> 1 i the vicvv of giving an early is at least a probability of his being chosen impulse to the fortunes of Gen. Jackson by the Electoral Colleges. If lie be not, and Mr. Clay—nw, this is policy; and it is certain thut no other candidate will: might be pursued by this State, with nd and it is equuliy certain, by our coniputa- . . tion, that, if there be no clioicc by thc j Electors, the vote which Mr Crawford will Also, we would enquire, r.n passant—in receive from them will place him on sack case, thc place of any elector should be imposing ground in the House of Repre* J contested, has each college the inherent sentatures, sp as to make lus election al- ...... . .. , . , . most certain. This is no waking dream bt to determine thc claim . nnd if not, pf a visionary euthusiast, but the sober re-1 before what Tribunal must the question be suit of dispassionate observation of passing brought? eyents. All tliut necessary, it appears to (From the Richmond Enquirer.) Ms, to secure the election of Mr Crawford, I The N* York Statesman has given cur ls, that his friends in the several states Ire rency to a strange nn idle story: viz. firm, temperate above all, and vigilant. I —“That there are three members of Let them not be influenced by the repre-1 Congress in that city one from Virginiu, sentatious of thc state of tilings, adverse one from Maryland, und one from Penn- to tlioir wishes, elsewhere than in their sylvania,having with them thc resignation own sphere, because those represcutu-1 of A. Gallatin us a candidate for the Vice lions are often deceptive, and sometimes Presidency; and who arc authorized by intentionally so. Iu a battlo field, those the friends of the caucus cuudidatc to no- ' whose stations are in different parts of it minute- Mr Clqy for Vice President of thc can only truly know , what bcfals their United States.”— own corps until thc buttle is over. So, in | The Statesman adds that they met Hn election, the result can only be known some of Mr Clay’s friends iu JV. York, when the votes are collected and corapar- “who promptly refused to accept these ~j«I; Let every citizen then discharge his overtures,” duty at tlie polls as does the soldier in the This story is utterly false. It is not fiold of battle, without reference to what true, thut Mr G’s resignation has been others are doing or saying, but with refer- j forwarded to New York. It is not true, cncc to vyhat he ought to do. If he con- j that it is made at all. Mr,. Gallatin has scientiously discharges his own duty, he no wish to continue upon the Crawford will at least be able to regard the result, ticket, if it is to do the smallest injury to whatever it be, without, the pain of self- W. II. C. lie has remained perfectly reproach, and to submit toit with the cheer-[passive through the whole contest—his Mr G. has not entered into any negotia tion, any arrangement, with Mr Clay or any of Mi friends. Mr Ci. mil scorn to ciiiir into any negotiation. Nor will Mr. Clay himself enter into any such arrange ment. Let Mr G’s resignation come when it may,(if it come at all,) and it will come free from all convcnants,ull compromises, all suspicious of them. Whilst wo arc upon the subject of fulsn reports, wo seize the opportunity to con tradict another statement from S'. Jersey, published in thc Columbian Observer, a Jacksonian paper in Philadelphia; viz. that Mr. Clay’hud addressed a letter to a ;entlemim in Fredericksburg in which “Ite says, that he had given up all ex pectation of getting to the House of Rep resentatives as n candidate for the Presi dency, and that consequently (fat. Jack- son will obtain tho Electoral votes of all the UVsfrrn States, nnd if he should not succeed by the suffrages of the Electors he will receive the support of all those States in thc House.” It is certain, that Mr. Clay lifts recently written no such letter—expressed no such sentiment—on thc contrary, Mr Clay will not withdraw—and his friends in Kentuc ky have expressed tho opinion, that in thc event of his not getting to the. H. of II., Mr Crawford will certainly get tho .vote of] Kentucky. ~ SOUTH CAROLINA.—The editor of I thc Charleston Mercury has all along been pleased to inform tho public, that Mr. Crawford was wholly unacceptable to the citizens of our sister State; and to i ‘nmkc assurance doubly sure,” gave us thc result of a Presidential election held on a muster ground in York District; whore Judge Smith has been lately cliosch a Senator and Mr. Gist (also a friend of Mr. Craw ford) equalled, jn the number of votes that] lie received, those of the two opposing can didates for congress.—We perceive also that Geo. David R. Williams and Joseph Black, Esq. are elected to the Senate from thc District of Darlington and Ab beville.—As this actual state of things is not quite consistent with the speculations of tho Mercury, wo shall look with longing (which will increase in geometrical pro gression every moment that it is ungmtifi- cd,) for an improved edition of his com mentaries upon thc South Carolina cam paigns. NEW ORLEANS, Oct. f. Tlte Sitkncss.—For two duys past thc weather has been cool, and our bill of mor tality is not so largo as it lrns been. Although the disease seems to be check ed, it still exists among us, as new eases continue to occur. Wo therefore would advise absentees not to coino into the ci ty until they shall receive assurances tlmt they may return with safety.—Lou. Ado. The emigration of colored people to Ilnyti, is now going qn with spirit. Three vessels sailed from this port this week, and two or three more will snil in n few days. Onc vqssel sailed from New York on Wednesday, und we understand, six have been engaged at Baltimore for tho con vention of the colored persons ready to sail.—Phil. Sentinel. JAMAICA PAPERS. Wo arc favored with Kingston, Jamai ca papers .to thc loth ultimo, inclusive, brought by the Cadmus.—The selir. Fun, had arrived from Clmgrcs, with accounts to the 1st of September. Thc corvette Santander, which wns run away with from Panama, was tinder command of John Green, an American, who wns formerly her gunner. It wns supposed she would become a pirato nnd cruise off San Bins for several vessels rich ly laden, Which were to have sailed from Guayaquil the latter part of August. Thc corvette landed 300,000 dollars ut Pana ma, before thc drew took possession of her. Tiiii SunscititfwRS , ' ; ! Continue thi Commission .Husincss in Liv- crboolt wider the Fi,r:n of rSAAC, LOW b QO. A ND will utull times nmko liWul advances on produce consigned to Ilium Ibr snle. Having; ships regularly In the Liverpool trade, mid owning u convenient wharf, on which there urn roomy Fire-proof Stores, cotton will be re* roivftd end forwarded in their own vessels, or those to their address, free of any Commission. Orders for merchandize, will be executed nnd only a commission charged, when thc payment is satisfactorily secured. A general assortment of Britith just received! being bought with Money and se cted by one of the partners, they will be furnish 1 us low ns by any regular Importing House iu s United 'states, and on a long credit, for approved paper. ANDREW I.OW Si CO. ort 2d 107 : Elegant & choice Perfumery, &c T HE Subscribers lmvo received pr brig Schooner Intrepid nnd ship Corsair, a supply of Choice Perfumery, consisting of Otto of Roses iu clcguiit gilt bottles of fulness whiqh becomes a good citizen. The question has been taken in Rhode Idund upon acceptance of tiie new Con stitution framed by the Convention at New port, in June last, and from the returns received, it is considered as next to cer tain that n majority of the people are in favor of that iiistrumei#. dearest object, to promote the good of his Country; the great means at present, to secure the election of W. H. C. Whether Mr G, will withdraw from thc contest, we cannot take upon ourselves to predict. It is possible that such au event may hap pen. But one thing'wc take upon ourselves to prouQMpce wiiUlltc utntost confidence. Mr Benton's Pamphlet.—We have seen a letter from a gentleman who was an of ficer in thc “Indian Army” under Gen. Jackson, ut thc time thc six militiamen were shot, in which he says—“I was pre sent to witness thc cruelty of Gen. Jack- son—the account given by Mr. Benton is substantially correct, with onc exception; it was the old veteran Gen. John M‘Intosh who dared to save the life of the wounded young man, instead of Gen. Flournoy. I sat up with thc lad until 2 o’clock in the morning on which ho died.” LA FAYETTE AT YORK. Thc richmoud Enquirer of thc 10th inst. says:—“ Our city was alive yester day with thc note of preparations. Thc incessant question of thc day was“ Are you for York ?” “ It is said that at least 3GG0 persons have already nsscmbled at York. The frigate John Adams,'now at Philadelphia, destined for the Mediterranean, is ordered by the Secretary of the Navy to repair to York.—Thc Nortli-Curolina, ship of the line, is preparing with the utmost expedi tion, bv a large number of workmen, for the celebration at Norfolk. Tlicccromo- nies of the 19th October must be striking —the landing on tho 18th will be singu larly affecting nnd impressive. Meantime our arrangements for the visit to Richmond are advancing apace The triumphal urclics are rising at the three upper gates of thc Capitol Square For u general ball, tlie whole area of thc Eagle Yard is to be floored over, cano pied with cunvass, and embellished in a style of great neatness and simplicity, Thc whole ball is to be on a scale far sur passing any thing that wc in our compar atively small town have ever witnessed. Paper.—A substitute for rags, for pa per making, has been discovered in France. It will make the best of paper, at onc half the present price; and it is sup posed the secret will be purchased by the trade, both in France, England and A- merica. jjjtkFirc at Providence.—On Sunday mor fling, the building owned and occupied by tlie Providence Iron Foundry Company, with about fifty cords of wood, consumed by fire. The adjacent building occupied by thc company as a store, and containing the castings and greater part of tlie pat terns, was saved. Loss estimated at $3000. The match race (four mile heats) yes terday, terminated in favor of Count Pi per, a Jersey colt, three years old. Iiis opponent was an Eclipse..cplt of similar age, called Lance.—The two heats were well contested. The first ficat was run in 8 minutes and 25 seconds; tho second heat in 9 minutes und 30 seconds.—Count Piper came in each heat ubout three lengths a head. Each horse enrried 120 pounds. The English kalender does not produce any thingjequal to the first.heat, weight considered.—xZV, y. Q aXf Mrs Moulton and Mr Adams. Some lit tlo matters will leak out shortly, concern ing thc lady who writes affidavits so well, exculpatory of Mr Adams and the note allair. As sir Peter Teazle, say, “ this is n d d lmd world, and tbc fewer we praise in it the better.”—Nat. Ado, " THU PIU.VTK8.—Cupt. Rhode! of Hartford, Conn, who wns pome time lmck in the hands of the Cubs pirutes, states Unit they appear to he u well organised body, r.ountenhnvcd, if not aided by thc Spanish government. Those into whose hands he fell he represents as being men of be tween 20 and 25 years of age, well dressed, torn pernte, and persons who from their lungjmgc nnd manners must have been in thc habit of nssocla ting with respectublc society. While Cnpt. It wus unloading his cargo, there came on board daily one or more men to purrhuse, who appear ed like rcgulur bred.merchants or planters. Messrs. Stanley, Wortlcy, nnd Dennison, mem bers of the Hritish l’arliamcnt were in Boston on the 12th inst. At a late term of the court of common pleus nt Westchester, N. Y.a young ludy recovered of a young man by the name of Reuben tireen, for u breach of promise of marriage. Tlie Xutchez “3Iississippinn" of thc 10th ult mentions tlmt Natchez continuad thru “In n state of uninterrupted good health.” Some cotton of thc new crop had come in, lmt ant enough to war rant any definite conclusion* as to price, or ipinii- lily to arrive. From Constable’s Edinburgh Magazine. THE EVENING STAR. I ronie from tlie pluce of my rest, When day has gone down to the deep— When its glory hath pass’d through tlie gates of the west, And tlie smull breeze bath sighed into sleep. I come—and my path in thc skies Is hail’d by tlie incense of even ; To inn doth tlie hymn of all nature arise, And Boar in its sweetness to Heaven! Forme wakesIhcnightingale’s song, From her bower of the sheltering leaf— The cuckoo sighs lonely, the dim vale along, A strain like thc music of grief! I look on the land and the sou, When eve pours Iter tears and her sighs; Tlie ocean and dew-drop are mirrors to me, Fra imuged in Beauty's bright eyes ! When she. walks in the gloom, I impart A ray to Iter path through the grove, And list with delight to tlie beat of her heart, V\ lien she heurs the soft footsteps of love ! O’er heaven unrivall’d l reign, A gem of the ocean I shine, .My glorious altar’s earth, island and main, Ami the worship of worlds is mine! vari ous patterns Macassar, Russia, Bears and Anliquo Oils Pomatum in Pots and Rolls Rose, Orange flower and Lavender Water Rose, Benjoin, Musk, Olive, Venacular, Palm, Vegetable, Ceylon, Biiiiduuu, Transparent Variegated, and English Windsor Soaps, Wash Balls, Naples shuvlng Soap ill Pots Shaving Cakes, ^-c Pocket, floe teeth and dressing Combs, nets Patterns Huir Powder nnd Powder Pulls Pocket Rooks and Pocket Wallets, with and without springs La Favelte nnd Silk Stocks, F.lnstic Wire aud Coburg Stitrnnrs, Silver Wire Teeth Brushes with gilt handles, Tounge Scrapers, Nail, Clolh, Hair and Shaving Brushes, Cut Glass Smelling Bottles, Visiting Cards, Metal Shaving Boxes, Floating Tapers of every description, Tnnguiii Beaus, Musk, Carmine, Court Pluster, Snufl' Boxes, Chamber Lights und Mutches, Segar Box es, fcc. Which together with a verv general nnd exteusive assortment flf Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Pa tent Medicines, fce. (kc. All of Which have been selected by a gaud judge, and uro offered, for sale at least 20 per ct. lower than has ever been sold in this market for cuslt or credit. Purchasers would do well to cull and examine (item. LAY & HENDRICKSON, Chemists und Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. ort 2d 10(i Just Lauding vno't ox no aud the oeorgia AA BBLS. WHISKEY Cif£ l jL'Lfvf 150 do superfine Flour 100 half bills. do 10 liags’bost Green Coffee 4 ithds Antigua Sugar 12 boxes while do do 12 do brown “ “ 10 liulf pipes Lisbon Win# B0 qr chests Hyson Tea ■> 5 boxes Souchong 50 bbls Loaf Sugar 60 do Lump 10 boxes Chocolate 5 bbls Glue 13 cases wool Hats 2 “ Straw Bonnets 7 " domestic Goods 7 bales “ “ 7 kegs trace chains, Willi n fresh supply of Hardware ana Cutlery, Apply to I*. M’DEIIMoW oct 25 ||m I iKl Mnrhi» ’ Lard and Jiuttei\ ffJAKKGS LEAF LARD ijt 9 25 Kegs Goshen Butter Received per Louisa Matilda, for snb i... I J. B. HERBERT a, l oct 25 1D« t.Jc Vssr [ ad Cotton Bagging. (Z.f\ PIECES first quality Dundee! vF for sale by HALL tkll oct 25 HM) Fresh m Mackerel maokere «ovl Corn. Ol HA BUSHELS CORN.—The cargo of ^2 JLvr v" selir Susan, fm Elizabeth City. For sale by ROBERT S. GOFF. Sweet and Sperm Oil, «&e. The subscribers offer for sale. J BASKETS superior Sweet Oil B ffji /itmi galls, winter strained Sperm Oil 6 kegs Suit Petre 60S Bottles Castor Oil (in pint Bottles) BOO do Stoughton's Bitters, pints und quarts LAY S,- HENDRICKSON, Ort 26 107 Shads Ituildiiigs, . Seed ltiee. T HE subscribers will engage to deliver any quantity of Seed Rico, prime Riveror Inland Swuinp. Early applications will be necessary us it will lie pounded out, if not engaged iu all Novem ber. ALSO—For sale. Two Prime Negroes, one a smart active Boy 15 years old ; and tlie other -32 or 34 an excellent Gardner und Fisherman. BULLOCH it DUN WODY, Oct 26 Factors, Jones'JhiUilings, -il BBLS NO. 1 fl «1 30 do do 2 65 do do 3 15 half bbls no 1 15 do do do 2 15 do do do 3 _ luO boxes fresh Herrings Landing from brig Hope from Boston, fur ROBERTS, oct 25 MUM P. 3I‘L)UlU10fi; H AS just received by tho brig Joseph S. ] from Philadelphia,and other recent anil which lie direr* for sule on thc most uccom® ting terms, 150 kegs Dupont's Qua Powder,FFILF! * FFOyFFFG. 6 do do in canisters 300 Bags Patent Shot, assorted 2 Tons Bar Lead *10 tlo Share Moulds 90 Buffi heavy Black Penpcr 50 bbls Loaf Sugar, small slttj 40 do Lump “ do 4 pipes Holland Gin 8 uu Schiedam do 2 tlo Old Peach Brandy 100 bbls Rye Whiskey 40 Ithds do 100 nieces Cotton Bugging 100 kegs Cut Nalls assorted 00 tia^.*. best Green Coffee 8 hints St Croix Sugar 10 boxes WliiUemoru's CottouCtudf, J ami 10 2 cases Shot Guns, of a superb qualittl 0 bales heavy Loudon Duflle uullf Blanket* 150 doz baskets Salt 12 bbls Copperas With a general assortment of Hardware, Dry Goods and ccries. Oct 25 Ml96 LAW. T HE subscriber tenders Ids professional servi ces to the public ; apd begs leuvo to inform them, tlmt he may ut atl times be found nt the Of fice of Messrs. Dorics i,- Berrien, situuteil in llun ter's buildings on the Rav. JOSEPH VALLENvE BEVAN. Savannah, Oct. 20, 182-1. B"T The Constitutionalist, Georgia Journul.und Washington News, are requested to give the u hove 3 insertions, weekly. MARRIED, At thc Isle of Hope, on Saturday 23d inst. by the Rev. Mr. Ilow, Mr. Wihbebi.y I. IIuntjsh, to Miss Ann G. Bulloch, daughter of A. S. Bulloch, Esq. PORT OF SAVANNAH. AttltlVED, Selir Susan, Wright, Elizulietli City, N. C. 4 days, with corn to It S Golf. Sloop Mury Jane, Mttrcellln, Darien,0 days, to the tna ter. Steam Boat Henry Shultz, Lubbock, Charles ton, 36 hours, to G B Lamar.—Passengers, Miss Currie. IMuj. ilomilton, O IV Turpin, H Turpin, Messrs O’Conner, Buizcmorc, Wilson, Elliott, \Nhite, nnd Robinson. Passed Steam Boat Maid of Orleans, 0 miles this side of Beaufort. Below—A ship and a brig, names not known. SAII.KH, _ Ship Augusta, West, fur N. York. Passengers, F B Dickson, G Johnston, R A Steele, T W Hud son, H Agnew and Cnpt Vandyke. ShipRebecra, Hurrington, for Providence. Brig Rolla, Brown, do Brig Joseph S. Lewis, for Philadelphia. Selir Isabella, M'Mttllen, for Beaufort. Sloop Spartan, Delano, for Durien. A fleet of vessels for this port, wns expected to leave New York on Wednesday lust. FLOATING LIGHT OFF SALTEES. with three musts, on two of which lights will be hoisted. John T. Rowland, C tONTINUES to do busincs in Milledgcville _ f and tenders the oiler of his services (to the. trie.nds and the public, iu the trunsactlon of Aged- cy business generally, oct 2 tr-H184 Situation Wanted, B Y' u young man who is well acquainted with the Mercuntilo business having followed jt for the last three years. He would accept a plucb in any respectable House. AU ..necessary reeom mendations can be had both in town or from thc country. A line addressed to IL M. G. nnd lett at tho Post Office will Jic particularly attended tp, Oct,16 aIQP • Miss Germain A CQUAINTS her friends und the public gene rally that having rented the lintisa the. resi dence olThe lute- Mr. Joseph Carruthers, she in lend* devoting il to the accommodation of young Ladies and children.—She solicits the patronage of parents to her establishment, nnd ussttres them that those confided to bet 1 care shall receive undi vided attention. Oct 2d {107 oct 26 To Kent. ^ A HOUSE in Brou^htqfi- Street, opposite tins residence of Mr. Mason, enquire of Mrs. ELI/A LLOYD. m 197 Notice. P ERSONS) having any business with Davies k. Berrien, during their nbsensc from this City, will please apply to JOSEPH V, BEVAN, Esq, who will be found ut their office, oct 26 I|p107 N otice. T HE undersigned Committee will receive pro. posnls until the 10th of November for work on the Exchange which includes Slating, Pluis- tering, Coppering und Glazing. Persons wishing to contract will make application to either of the Committeeforpurticulnrs. GEO. SHICK, . J. B. GAUDIIY, oct 2i m j. c. Habersham White Corn. 900 BUSHELS Wblte Fllnt C0!fi Oct 26 board sloop Scourge. For salrlj 196 Hall kill Classical and English & T HE subscribcrinforms bis friends iWth| lie that his Semiuury for the iuitnt young Ladies aud Gentlemen is now opot reception of pupils.—Tho course of Edit ja comprise the Greek and Lulin Languageslj ditloa to the -ranches usually taught at ■ schools. Young Gentlemen prepared for cntranci] the Militury Academy or any College in f For terms upply to the subscriber nt his r corner of Dravton aud York Streets. Oct 25 i.|| 1116 HENRY MACDONNEi ' For sale y^N Elegant PIANO FORTE, low lor i Ot: Apply :t 25 at this office 196 Chatham Academy. T HIS Institution will again open for the re- # caption of mplls, on MONDAY, the first day of Mor ember nexi under the siiperinteuduncc, us heretofore, of fits llev. Mr. Cahteu, who will be assisted by coinpitcnt teachers,in the Female and Mule Department'. Tickets of admission must be obtained from the undersigned, nnd no scholar will be permitted to remain after thojripso of three days, without one ) TERMS. BOVS SCHOOL. 1st. Class—fipellitg nnd Rending per qr. ®8 00 2d. Ci.Ass-AVitli Writing, Geography, Grap)or, und Arithmetic, - - 10-00 3d. Clas^—Do. with Mathematics, and I.atir, and Greeks Languages, 13 f,n / GIRL'S SCHOOL. lstC^ss—SpeningaridReading,perquartcr$8 00 2d Class—Do with Writing and Arithmetic 10 00 3j)-Ci. ass—Do with Geography,Astronomy, / History, &c. - - - 13 60 4th Class—With Drawing, Painting, & c . 16 00 • YV. T. YV1LL1AM-S, Treasurer Oct 21 n193 Assize of Bread. bar- the- 3 * L a 5 i >» <m oct P J.KQREirrS, c.: . Stray Horse, S TRAYED from thc subscriber lust even| Grey HORSE. Said Horse blind. A nt Ide reward will be given for his delivery a Millen Esq. Stable, wear the Baptist 0 Square, J. BLANCH.^ ort 25 " a*19G HEALTH. H EALTH, the greatest of all earthly M At this season of thc year, when it bn ly proper and important to cleanse the Stj and Bowels of redundancy of bile, and r" eious und ruinous accumulations, the | of LEE’S most excellent ANTI-BILlOfi/! would very respectfully advise the iwots doses of them, and thereby in muuy tnA»»w| vent head-pebes, sickness nt thc stom»(M nate obstructions of the bowels, scorchinsw LEE’§ WORM DESTROYISGI ZENGES, p most powerful Medicine, r«f und destroys nil kinds of worms. LEE’S ELIXEIt, tin invaluable! cilic, it never fulls to cure tlin most violent nnd affords instant and great relief, in all old coughs, it also relieves young children fr ies, 4*o. V . • LEE’S NERVOUS CORDIAL excellent medicine for all nntvqus weakness, pains in loins, buck, 4*e.' LEE’S ESSENCE OF MUSTM no medicine ever excelled this in caring da tisui, sprains, bruises, frosted feet, frc. $*• LEE’S AGUE AND FEVER W u never failing cure. L LEE’S SOVEREIGN OlNTMFJ warranted to cure the itch, by ouly one «i’i| tion. LEE’S PERSIAN LOTION-a cellent medicine for curing tetters, n n 8 ' prickly bent; softens tbc skin, and in 1 P tovel complexion. C L LEE’S INDIAN VEGETABLE!j CIFIC-—An effectual cure for the VcnerewB Gonorliieii. LEES’ TOOTH-ACHE DR 01 1 which give immediate relief. LEE’S TOOTH POWDER- cletmses and beautifies the teeth. LEE’S EYE WATER-A cure for sore eyes, LEE’S ANODYNE ELIXIR' the cure of head-aches. ,, . LEE’S CORN PLAISTER-* # | moving and destroying corns. LEE’S LIP SALVE. , O’ Numerous oases of cures could be i ed, of the happy and good effects thatB6* lowed the use of the above JUSTLY CEW TED FAMILY MEDICINES) but the has not room for them in this paper. V Please to observe • 9*1(1 lf.^1 you buy none can lift Lee's Ocnuint tines, without file signature) of the propriri^l NOAH niDGELY, f Late Michael Lee -y t The gbove famous fumily medicines t sale fey , DR, A. DE-LAROCHE, Senr.l Druggist, Savahnaf YVho has just received a fresh supply from F' I morc, 1 oct T m