Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, November 01, 1824, Image 1

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iyiiahfage, Wmffi WZaWoi LV s.->r,iss,ui. Xstnbllslied, Jan. 1S2-I, anil imwiin •a (in. • - 1>‘-Mill mu. i , per linv' •d(V 1 ind Shim■' ‘ Country Pro- 5 4 15 RQ '30' 20 J 3,0' 10 cent". B XVII.VK ^seUtmdqrlOO to- —dn V ' M rent Oo. over do. ?»|*5»ry5. , . linrrel or halt do Hi no ' hide Cotton - imeKiigB'.bf Imjfeo. *• Wheadot tobacco {000 feet of Lumber KXKi slaves IGOOisiiisigKS 1000 .•ceils ....•• Util bushels llmo in bulk _ p. Wharfage oa : Unding tint} Shipping OHj .'•ehiirbf ii small fibre, tfeeh , ‘ i„ dOOtbs. nmliip'vqrila or fi 1200 . do . - - feei'ofroffeffj pimento* sygar, m< ’ ” r other bag* of such size, few: et do. of grain and salt' , ' • . Vjjfcf darrelsof united provisionsntt'id stOi os, : brand, applet, putariftii't nil kinds • of barrels except drjr go cuts 'art u ^ ■ do of whirs, and all kinds ofliipior (cidor oxcepletl) dry goods in clicks exceeding 20 tutu not ovgr 63 gallons - ~ ■ 5 r do. n ines or Itotifir* and dry goods ii: casks under 20 gallons , - 2 loses of dry foods,OiidnllJtintis'ofbtpLCS under 4 feet square - .;4 do. do do over 4 feet square . 0 1 do. soup, candles, chocolate,:<;ohlin|3 oil, and boxes of like size ,i ,. - I do. sugar, each ■ - I ades of coi n', per lOibl lies, tlie same ax boxes. •*' ills of osnnburgs', Russia duck, bagging. canvas, each * • 2 Kitts ofliqttor or any kind of cnsks/cx- I ceeding 130 gallons • |Dttlfs, looso, per gross - utter pots, each * * . ' ] undies of pans, spades, Sic. each f bi n, per-lUO bushels - j; - hides not pxcredirtg 600 Ilfs’, each' '< exceeding 600 lbs. Hot fexcodding" , 1200 lbs. 35 exceeding 1200 lbs.' ' r ■ * 60 erdage of all xirrds, pen coil * 3 lump ovens with "covers, and. firo dogs -■ I per pair - 1 y, .puncheon of ram, and utl ,/p kin 1; ill liiptor in e’asksexcccding03,^1' and not ex • din;.' 100 alftttte - . 20 Iron perlon, first and last week fit) Cents, , ■! ,! * iiifepvotling weeks . ‘ Oj Perry other article fame a/tit/ wharfage'. wr.uiiii.vcif •*' lincli .1)1)1, nr half bli. ricu’, , -• " o llhd.'of tulmcco or sugar - ' . by ,, i ; Package of indigix • - * 8 Brxle’oi'cottim.' • > ; , - •’ Knelt draft of light goods, under 10Q lbs. 6,} do- do do over" too lbs. 12i dp do hVnvy goods findrfr 200'. «J ‘h.’ do do , (10 over 200 per 100 lbs 3 -For Muingmn tte Biulf to any part ofthecity, nrtiole.s not herein-cnmnnr.OAd, lor, IfiOO.'pbtmds Weight. •• . - . . - . 60 cents. Under 1400 lbs and not less tlran loO« L 3*4 do liatOdo dp do ,C00 25 For a IfoO tcot.of Ldgiber ’ do lfliW Brick's • -do fcnrd bf.ivoodr ’■ ,Cor (‘Very bale ofcoltoir do libl.of Rice do lihd of T(iBucc.o, do M bill qj' Mlbur $'1 60 'I £d' 1 60 - - 1) • v. tSU ■875 • 64 ' ■2 6 25 15 25 2 25 20-. Iratcs oi earthenware • llieesc.per Kioiljs.-' I do per cask (hairs, of 2 wheels f - parts, of two wheels, [arriagf..*, of lour-xvlicels 8 kalrs, Windsor undull sitting chairs, per 4 I $1 00 duecu pals, perlon , ; fiirnuiiia under .QfjOlbs. 1 dp. over | do. over l 1 .. |amlm:i«'s .'•'Si'll:' ■asks, empty' ,' Tattle, each PenujohiiH, each ■ * fcosks and chests pf drawers tiie IV oud, per cord lish, porqluafai A i hli III 12 12 25 .'•60. 1 00 '•25 2 . ‘it 10 .25 m rah) of all dese.viptiohs (except in bags) per ItHi hushfebi .25“ • , -wJpaV;,^. • .. . v- • _ And every otiier article in thcsaiiid proportion; for lmutibg doVvit the BhUf,.or frohi ohu wharf to'IOfiplhs •• •'« •':< 37* ets;' l.'nder 1500wid ootless tlmn It.O.lbv 25- For ouch, hide of cotton . .. 01 do hiiLUice ' - ... ’ . ia| d() lihd l oligcfco - 31T d(> bbl l’lonr. ■ ' •- . • . V rff ■‘Jnil every il/iflr arlitk in the same proportion. AllKAKGKMKNT ItfATl.ld, A ltd regtlafidhs fir thf (fjjirc, {/ftvan~ nafi K fi<eo.Jmkaxy ,4$S4v' j^eitTjji.nN ma’i, f'kisft ex'dry ddy u( 6-a. h. M *' Due’ do' (Jo do 6 v. m.. do day excepi lo !%■ do ited.' Bcttidbr(,Jafl*i)5boro' and t.’pllins’ fil'dsp —nll uf which are closed tile previous, evening, tit 7 p.’m. ■ >■; a r • ' \ ^VK^i'ftRN^JAii.a.f LCTeorgia rdtite to Angiista tind Ilaniburgh, de- a. at. Tjie c|osi;!.g,ol.tliis mail, to 'At j-.-usIu,, taUes pla^c every Tuesday, Thm-sdaxyhid Sunday* pt 8, 1*. m. excep) ,tl>«* iatennodlptpo'iirie'es'6u^th6* rpute, MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 1, 1824. tWtANkr. SC-rHA.-. Meak\^Mta»y irsfn—L^ pLi'nff yj UNI VERS IT Y Di-tigs, Oyc StWis, Bottles &e. ttlKyrocc i’lu'tiir litifllcs •., Vi • tO 6 do -Wine' I'int dp ,20 barrels tiluuber Salts 6 do' (ftpperuu . ■ ‘tfi ' ' 3 do (tronnd'LogWood 3 do Cliiiit do 2 .-Jo Alum • ' . ■' ., ’ -v 500 Bofllel A’liibrlCait-cold prPssed'Oastor,Oil BOO bottles West indiu 'dolor jihuitutioVi'use, 6Q0 txidloiis Wt^rtcr Sperm Oil of Superior quht- •; ily ■•• . t , r , ForstlolW by . • LAY (t HMNDRICKSON, k J - V Uhauiists and Druggists ' • ■ • . . Shad’s Building*. . mug 13 171 ■ Ol'l'IlV. v. STATE OI' NEW-YORK. Millieaia,' hulni of Quito, &c. f^Uft'K Calcined 5faguesin. . * Balm ofQnho, Pcruvimi Bark ftielto fc I.oi'Hkrdh cut Tvlnlcco t Fj^iBlue,Opiiim, Arrow Hoot,.fee.' , ,• .-Silvar wire Teti'u Brushes 4- Jrtst received and for sale Uy \ ■ ; i»av SiH^NnnrcKSox .Vn. l, Sli'ich Buildings, Cbrncr nf Congress ami Whilaker-strccti, . ; ; - e * - ALSO, .1 ... A fVqsh supply of ’ ■ Coiigpess fcipriifg Wtttep. scp4 137 ; ’ ' . •' t'g^IIIf'rsiginuf coimnit!i-c will receive pro; posnls fur kaephig inVepAlf t';i! city A’lpch niitil the first meeting of ConnellbrJannary riexf. proposals t'or the same-wjfl his loft Wth* Ithqr.uf tlfe undersigned. ClMtlRtiK HJtlCK; J.B.ArACtmV, ■ ' . J. C. liABEHSHAM .sept !'fi. ' 170 College oPpiiYsicijLvsand scug'eojXs. Citjt of Xciv-Yhhk. Aifg. 2iith, 182-1. 7|A!Ji'. College of Pliysjciitftt and Sur coBli will IL' CbntjnonCte their Comso of I,ocfures,.for the ensfiing session, on the first Monday bf.Novembcr next , (the 2d,) at the College in Barclay-sti'eet. pf. Hoiack. 'in the Theory nhd Practice of ■ I‘hyic,nnd Clhiirnl. MctlUine,' Or.' Macncveh, on Clihnislry. Or. Mitc'iikm., on Botany and Materia Mfrftfa. Or- 1'ost, on Anatomy. (Br. Mbtr, o» Surgery. •. • .; j Or.'FtuNcis, oil'Obuetncs imtOhi Diseases-of Women-ehi ChiUrtii. • , . J|tc Bo fed of hereby make it known, ihatt i;v.conformity' With, the ordjnan'cfis of the Uohiirybb; I'm Regents of the Univepsify, and the I'lWsidi )hp State of MeW York, ^ery Student Is •. (••{nicqd to ntpnvi two.fuU cMiiiascqofthe.Lccttire* deliverrjd m this College botbre he be admit General Dnig’j.Oheinioal&Faiinly Metlicine Ware House. LAY A JIRNMtiCKSON, Wholesale and Retail Chemists and Dru,;gipls Ay. \, Shad'; llnil-ii,;• >■, Corner of Congrttis and Hdtiiiikcr'StrectSi Savannah, H AVE constantly on hand u very general as sortuieiitof . s . if ,• >'■■••_■, iiiUTns, MnciCtNEs, , \ > 1)YK H'fL’WV.WD I'AIXTS, h-. -V, bUfiFirMUitlblW'' ^':b, A great varietydf ApathecmiesGlasAVarc.such as.wide und narrowmouth bodies, Iroru 1 gallon to one odiice.compotritlOjiiaiidglass niortars, glass Ia^i|is;nidlampgittue;;sntelliVigs bottics, gra.lua- qures, Apothei;arieH'viiils\vhite<lnd grem. have attended an entice. ,CoArsi‘. of I.ecluresdellv, crediu sumo respcutiihfei.lBohool dr University. Tins paiiijldaifi must, htoo/hay« studied Medicine (throe J em's with kbcie .rcspeetuble nixictictionrr, SurgcOns Instruments—Pocket sets, turnkey trussou, Spring and thumb lances, forceps, sutslus, bougies', catheters, scalds and weights; 4'd. &-C. Patent Jdcdiciacf—of ■ every diverfptioii; x iz S fYciillilss htid Soda, I’owdet's, biiltti utticito, palclri «4 magnesia, Lees, Aiulcrsons, and Hoopers Bills, Stovulms Panacea, Bulsain Houej - ,. Butenmns' und. tlmrclies Cough Drops, Itch oimmeht, *,•<:. '/ All of which arc plfered for sale on tlic nidst lilksrul terms for cash or tredit. ... 7' v . ' ’• (EF E-V11. Having enlarged tli'elr Mhtublish- ---, - ...« ..jspechible pifactictidner, have mriVcii at th ■ age'oftxvetjt.Wbiin- yours, and it is expected that he produce •written testimony in •relafipa to those several,points. *» The Matriculatlpii 'J ieket is life dollars, which .enliUes'thoiiulder to theUsc ofthe A’cillegsLUmuy lor the year. < C " ' By ord*r, * \('m( • i/ewSte iq (J-rngiyj. ,, -iUld&'ECTUS. . „ A CC'CRPJA'fitto an Intii/uti'iii liereloforugivon, ‘ there will be yuhljshed at. (ire Uffipp of. (he National IctclligendciS d.trii)" the,next session' of C»»«gt‘^sllx aVd,if encouraged by the •ajwrpljhljbr* roftlvs Public, lit every scssfoO ibefcaftf if ji lil'.- r GfS'l , Klt <JK>I)i ; 'r>ATMs l.N't.O,N(.if l',s:s,'intend-! 1 ed-tocojhjiyclicmi a hiOre fOTlRojiort of Ute* V'pe-.'ch- es o;i topics oi cdntraP IHtetr^st, in each ffohse.' o£ OoiigressUliiili has ever heft tuftn e fpctrjiBhifeheiV octhuli ean.iiB.given to the JPubllc ihnmgh the dr-» binary uhd limited(•limiiief the’ciibimosof aneves- p.ipei'. . TJblftchm]fllJiiop aid by iif fl'jp 'ttioSf au Uimltw jc.a8J',ptll?t.tHl with grcgfregard'to areuracy, uiiOl'in ufOrjn^iitaliirttbJpfihi's.'.'. vatipn. ■Tliisfitidertakiugis not of pdurso fcfendmlaoX substitute oq superc'ede'ithe Rcpj,Als of Pc bale* for the Nurffuial Jnltilii'encer, hut ' rathdr,"bv xvith- V. 'tidin'POST, M:n. President. .JOllN IV. i'RAAUtd.M.iJ. ht’Aslrar, oct 2 i;1 p i' S ' |{femtdiein,—Georfi'ia. bfitii if : ... .'fij <■■■■■. ■ yt jt'-fprexiSretul guardiiuis WES may tic pn in! relations and frieuds<ofilifiyotiug radlcs arc ivspebti’udy. iixvitgxd•to., attmid^ogether -xvitli nil Rej.jliboring ph(-sdns’ t xvfto take (Mutenra in the dc’ VtiOo'.vx'ffoma!* chriaiiter. ‘l'he.fcNaiiiinationxrlil :ftp liigiie!tt .intellectual' attain- ■nilfi iuesiiay, at 6, e; m. Curoliha route to.Augtisia ami liauibUrgh^cloto on T'ue'sdhy, Thursday mi d'Saturday, at 6, a> m . Uti^) dcpmtwitlitlicjiorthcrn tnuiKut 6, a. m. to l'urys- burgh. . ' - , - . , V ., Due djt Wednesday, Friday* and'Sunday, ot «; .r. M. liy this route, n'moil,is made up each eye-, iiing licfuve its- dcpfcrture’.for' fiobertsvlllc,. Mat- t^exVs Bbllf, Lower Three Runs and Four Miie Branch. ' The mail between CHurlostOH Uiut-i laii)- burgii, gdes direct tltrougli Turysbiirgh ■ pn .’those duy-s, bo'li itp'aud doxWit"' Sc|iarate, {)ommditt:;«f,s nris pro^drd'fpi-tlris purpose, at thy tifticcs of, j furn'isii, every d# it e Digibl exRcpo ii s euV.ions in the. day preceding,'64 bofll Hoifses; ■ r The “Br.hiSi'FK” is lutccssaiily nn expe "jniO'it, but it is up experiment the siiee^s 'of \vlii< b we Churicstpq uod. Aiijusln, whieh mcet’^ael/ other' lunpoxydcr, itt bblsf of iOOlbs. each 1?4 do.; 'in half bids. ' -- ■ ', do. in'kogstif 2k lbs, or under M , wiiidow, per,ll)0 feet, in pmpor- <ihn foj smaller - - .4 hds. extending 1 '130 jgnllo'ns of: liquor orany Iciu.i i ; uu rchandize 15 |do. oxceedin; il.t ;md not, c.\ctied(ng V2J. if 130 _ afthtile, pec 101)0 mp, per ton fies, ra\v or tc.aned, per 100 lyil'dose, nor 100 lbs. - • j. in bunnlcq, each. • , enpia's.'dfMerchandizD, each '-ot.i’ota'yes, each ,.each - . ■s hr Jugs,•.each*per- dozen n, per ton ■ - gs of phjiit, butfer, lard, biscuit, apd . such size kegs shot and lead over OOJbs. not o'vcr otlO lbs - Hi)iuvr.v of, a smaller size than 20 gallons •. u>e,)ifcr lOObuShch, <n per barrel - ' - *, B iths fof .plastering per 1000 lulus, each ’ . • .J ' . (ions, per lob bushels do. , in ropes, per lob rppes. 'Is, iroi), each ae Apples, per. 100 •tatoes per RIO bushel pcaof gin, brandy, and all kinds of li quor, exceeding 03-Rixlions 8 do.'osceeding 130 gallons ' ! 15 awer casks4)f wine and other liciuor, . (cKlcr excpptpci). aud : dry goods in rS CX lo etii , n S " 0 gallons not cx- reeding 63 gallons ■ . . 5 ' wins m jars - ’ ; . i Itper lot) btu'luds . . 05 ''lets each - 8 25 , fib 50 25 ,; r H|L ..... {fiet nortlifmpai't) ah4]\iissi5sippi'*tatns, to. Chcv raw; iif/Bouth Carolina, via Mount,yiiuivgefEdge) fileld, 0. II. Ridgfe, Ccesvilln, Iiexfngtoh, tv. H Columbia and team.den, to.Ciieraxv, will .dose db roct on. the Georgia sldef on Sunday and Tuesday at 7, ?. m. mat outlie Carolina' side on Friday, ui Tfc *!o V fj “S'' ' '•■•»• h ' - j • -4# *•-*■ ' ■ TheAllu dayrw ipL, B^ma'td',HUntayille, 44s. uud West Tmincssec, are fopvynfdcHf'' ' •30 4. 10 :2o m . h ■ 124 25 ) fdo !S It' Ueni ;” ul S vi,ui . each IS® f Wm «dn, per KMi (, ^ r S e .mill per pair . ?ltot, and other s onL . e-.sairs;r r, “ |‘!° °ver 200 do [das . tUdes pep each fill T(| 25 - , 50 26 124 10 6 iVC-1 .6/ under -1 l'ect square 4 rM iniyl deaf said I i 0C'1| reby the | :em- W*{ tbh OflO J> n doo r^.pZs - . a quo? oSmi? ° m ee , dili 6 130 gallons li- in 0 ,i i.y j^.^^uds of merchandize 16 Vu \voo?li U °' 'ka u m vit:c, and,all Ii,.! -’ r crt °n * 25 l™ 6 » PWpafr ‘ . . . g (4 wheels) '1 50 (111 L f, t } )ro P° rtil >n lo the foregoing rates. •wd-,' "!’• , !‘! iC .f° uml vii,hr its --A1% 11 w/ **4. d & usuolh/contained. , illbiictin'Z ° ! ‘ w, ‘<i>f more Ilian turn nights, to day, D r lln ,; Z'i :ek f. borage'unless landed on Snt- liwdau „., r - ‘Wig immediately preceding 4jrig (/ flu , l! Ci mfta be removed on Ihescciml najtcr, or be subject lo Outage as Uhe . c °Wqn, btoraoe. , 1 mSfS-bSiA for the . V ei i it i cr |_ ^ ce k iiuvl for each iutri ' (n Hce.p (1 ' \, - - . 5 rents. tobacco ,, [r w, t . • WmMk t °r cusl; ihnil? i • - 20 - Ions ' ll ' lm, ig more than 30gal-. ' 25 ' Aim nf irir bulit toair experiment . see no'rCasoir to dottbl. t£verv 09c tvlio tubes »n ! v> .. , Debates in Congress, in u convenient form,; xy‘th, jii'dexrrfyviiifii might teadthA un'qtArerti) an’v.sub. 6‘ectiielUitc.d, and fo'tbcfiidijfref city cue. who 111- gngKO'mdobr.te'.; HucIi.kwOrk'A'onid bean eliy fnentaiy oo5.k'fnf'-yi»H.'.g j) >i;!ici,;ns. Xnjl xvc-ieive no, iiesltrtiioa iti asserting, that Ib'e' possession of su'civi. aiyiffvSSttUeJcpmhv nejithent of the cxisv in^govci'iirpent t-ntliis day, xybupl-lmbf juimcnyi caiiicb) life, nation, ivejtelt 'oi«N t> shew what has beVefafdrc lificix saiikj4j|ro.n. .pmstiobs xvliich' avn cfinirhuafiy rel-ui ring n» divufrdonv.niKf j I’l'o.duc- ii>|niirdlfls‘1 cr'iisulniAkonai,titnn.hy superlluous 'dCrv *' ' '**" ' J! ' ’ ■MfiliiBBMMBHlMlMiliHta j legislation upon 'jUapy oftbe subjects contained in it.-. In the preseut'c- difion, such alterations igs were! rendered necessa ry by subsequent enactments, iiuve bcCn niado th'o additional.matter'indorpnrated,ami several oinis- ‘•MrFrinics Digest being how in general use',' references thereto have been substituted ipfi those which wego heretofore madeto. Murbury'^ Cratv- ford’s add Clayton's Digests, and the annual pain- llpmt'S , don^'to siisiv.' tfaiit tt: Imtnts ui'e tirts cwdnsive pixijiorty of ftp sex. Ffit' tin* aec’imruortutloti pf specQitors the student* will •be examin! ifin llie'Vicw.Churcb'. *' 3fjj8 winter session,will howmence oiijthe 15th 4>fNpva«bcr. -V ’ , . Tthiss. ' * •Br>arj3, tuition, lodging,xvasliing,-fire andtandles, for Clic Sfehqjastld'y'eiih of eleven month* ■ @13t) '1 brithe scssiiiiiof Half-year;'. _ ,V ; >i> 75 Usfi' pencils per session 1 sious in the prigb.ial work supplied. All f'ies hi advance. “Mr Brinies Digest being' now in In the deparlinent.of music nnd painting, the- .levins oftbe. presentyeur continued. , iloch-youug furiiish a pair pf sheets and toM eis. i- » ■ •■•',' ’ A' .. By. those 111'mcqunintnd with the character of this institution, rcftsre.iicc',can be had to his Mxdcileucy ioyernpr. Troup—to the Pr'esideut uud'ofiionrs, of’ the, yniversity of Gtiqrgia~to the Rev.Dr. Broxvn. —Dr.'.locj Alilibt—D'r. .lotui Gorurdiue, or- Judge Wayne.—As regards health and other Total sul- antages,no Insjub can,lle more favor ills fpi the .public to jetorm claims ip patrorage. . . 'Oiii; former rn'cn'ns of improvedfent xvill be In- crcasc'd by ah arlditiomil pqphlftrojtd able'instruc tress; . By enotjfer in»tr,umont lor' the - benefit of those engaged in,mo; acquisitiou of nuisio: and ' if . josslble, fly U more undivided mtention ,pn the part of ibosc hitherto engaged; in the literary do-- partment. oct 7 , 186 ipfiirmkflCraTbutmlso as'a'bobkToi; foturcreiiSr* tfco '-Htsii-National follticalRnposiipttj’ahdT'fex’sBeok tnaf \Vo hepe this weir wi<: ).<•• bar,) useful and popular, •. Trod) the- lbu iii ... __'iif'ihe su^||<tptiihtdto*thj*' xvork. ftxyili be Steti tjjfrf it is uu : port of, our, pnti) iulatfoii in-realize any.p.csmi^prqfu tydnl ir. , Cty Thd coiitiary. we siiulf. fu all pfblia(>.UUy,'t<^io'-ujo-. ney by it'fora'y*r jii; pXo.diopiniyftiut 1 hereafter, its'pi.tnlilishfcd ch'arscfertriii lore pi T'r.Ai. on'the Georgia siue. j}i ariyy'u i» r 6a fiAnijfk maix... patrobage toTnakcit nioiiia'Tc. v ) ' v . ■ '■ . .GAFFS St .SEATON:- Washington, 1 September, 1824'; • . Vo* - i j rriyfiB,:; . . .. lil V* *• I ! \ „ . ^ ... ... , . .Closer an Wednesday andBntyrdaj^^-at Due on Tuesday and 1 Fridiiy'dt- H n. 'm: Bj-, this ' 7l " St. M’nrys.maUkocs direct on AYeanes- iVrfettdnTui rout® day audis diie-riii'fettpn?jfu:esaey v BiluisviLfip 1- .". ; yqjher Wednesday «4'<3i Clc (fiOSP; every otiicrTliursday,-at8, a’’ m,.« By^l^i.s Due, every _Tex-yptjihfi, ... m ,.JPI ttriw . moils are miide,uji for Statesboro’ andAlillrdy,*ih Rullocli county, Swariesbore’tAn Kmanuc.l, and for Louisville and Greensboro’." : • ■ 'if, ti I’ost-Oilice iso|fen eyervday in the \ycck, (Sunday cxtc|)li;d,) from d‘ny|igiit tp $* r. M. and' Ucttcrs’me doliveredthroughout ftie' (jay, .except frbmdJto 3 o’clock', rqM.and during the time of opening and makiogup; the mails, i’crsons .wisliiiig tp pay pdstngc. when the office close tiic.inpndy' xvuli the letter, dir PikSi. STn'sfei* I* niiit'lliAco Who Li>i)'d GLST Mix Of j ——"--■fliuuii as JOV weuiui'V ri tfctV afibrd'materials ill )>n piloted injhp-ociavp.i.'ira), dp ipytdj'tip/‘i', madj: for tbcpuiyibsc. sad'm rflVi ex'ier t’ype.i.i 46'al-le ciilutncti^-oacb page com- .prisiug ncprjy as,tQ-.idi matter, irf."cn«'''.af.dUe- c,o iii't^hs or,thP''Naijo'i:ftl InWlijfcricer.c v It will contain:(is fid] Slid .iirCin Dtc Bi'p'ori* r.i can be obiained of cli jlababi* rt .n DMd« qucxtiqnst orsoiisAvisliir ^ js'shut, .cun enclose rented to “.The Bosi filasleyT’aiidilioseAyho kedp .account* with the plfioc,,nndmajrdesiru tbcsiyne, are icqueslcd to sny soo’nuit'cnvclop.e. . y j. When (he iiinils which arp dtfuen baturddy, ar- i 1 lvo too lute to be delivered that eyeniixgj the. ot- lice will be kept open on Sunday.imorning .from •8 to-!*o’clock, for ibe delivery only of the (etffcrs 'received by those m’uijs, , V .' - Tlic inland postage of all letters, directed to be lent but of the United flutes, cxcerit to (he Cana- sent put of the.United States, except,fo the Cana das, must be paid whenthey are left at life , office; or they caiinut be tbrxvakdM. )..y ' t -fC • V fiVK — r7 “-'’ u -' - ‘-'“HjHJ time. ' As tliere, .nro several places bCflio same. nunie.iif tlie l niled States, if.isTiecessary that the' directip lie distil Co)int{o., ,-c5r-rs.Tr.1-—I, T ~ the nearest,post.toxvn ought ;mentipj)i-.d.' < .oimiiittecs* of' t'oiincil. Tii&aRtkJe < lfiPDj8j6.feobrMI His ( 9 un i»niJ)g. .. sTitKfcfq and iiAnus. .... J* .> fY- Densler, Milled,.Ytjayue. Morrisou,-Shick, Guiidry. ptlY QVf WfiK - _ - W-uring; Ilullbch, Morrison. .yHHAirrn«v, llalierslmm, Jackson, Waring. ronrs. ". •; ——- Jackson, Donslef, Mill'en. 1.AMPS. . • ■? . ' '»>'4 Gumming, Minis, Wayne. I' docks., Milieu. Gnudry, I)ensler. r.XCIIANOF..- Shick; Gnudry,;Habersham. liNfil.NT.S AX II PIKE llUCRF/rS Minis, Jaekson, Morrison. l'OBMC BAI.ES. Harris, Jnekson, Gumming, ■ sept 16 HOOKS AND LADDERS,: . - Wuyne, llaberslmin, Shick.' ' • , M.' MYERS, c.c. A •Thenulilicttljon'.ct'ftAt Fir, >;t;A'T0.N',4 RE^ KHOF'i T)l?i'.AT.i'.;S iN..< . TN..( ON<.T!K.-.-'wii| 'Drba,frs at icaoli'- •56c* Sora-, thens, iUJth Oct. 1834; (URGANT lo a fuso.lutiou of Uie.Seimtus Academieiis -qf '18*6* tipi -Bi'csideut of the University of Georgia rWjnests the Senators elect, in the several comities of this State, to report up« on” the-y iindUion nf their. Gounty.uciftiemies •• Tiie Scnatus Acadtimicifs will, convene in the SqnVite Chamber on the 2(l%l0ni|ny in November next, tvlihre the reports.wilj be received. f the. Bresidentiof the University.. A- HULL, Sec’fy. .. ^tjgjista;'Gbronfel ■ Kind oct;26 ’ r 102 liV-iCTHOiai'Y ui'no > ',b*!'it wore, or,less,tobepaid in.ii'd-Vaahp.i'a all eases*t)f tfai'.smissiob bcyontlTlie Ita'iitsuf (he'Cjfj. ‘The sheets vvilt b<j. truiisapticd/as complnferi. licatipi: etiou'ot,..., w , t . The subscription tvlfiik fio cass, unless whbui tlte citw, iind riot thiiif unfcss specially iiujiculed, lie xiti^erstpod to extend'e vojmne ac; tu«4ypai(l t(>i>in nilvdiice,"' . ■ ' " ... (iT’o iton-Mibsc.ribcrs thc pricc will-bc' FOt;R r dijl- ku ; s;bouudjtj bouitls,foi;fhe volniue no.w unnOune- cd. ;• 3 'Tile Debnlos-of the,Session of Congress follow ing Ijremext, and ofthe lirst Session pieveyy Cop;; g'i'ess r \vill, it k supposed, fill about oiie thuus'uud pfigqs.or perhaps uiore,';inyking due very; Jorge- volume; ol ; tx> p of a liandsbiio size—-the first bes tents.inore orlessTljnn 10Jit> pages; will be fixed at five doliurs to subscribers, uud sixtonon-subseri- bere, ., Oct 12 188 'j’cii Dollars Gewarti, jj.yffp'ify Ipm Uie snb-civcr rib6yfetfij|%gf of the present month,-niy .mulatto negro wo man 1’liGG Y. She is 25 years in' age,' u.bdfut 5 feetti inelies liigli, squiuc built, .when sponeil 10 talks very quick, bends much torwnrd xvhen she walks; she i> very artful and sensible, and no- doubt will endeavor to puss as a frep'woman. The' above reward untlull expences jiaid for her de livery to me in (Iroeusboro’, or.'j'U 1 it secured in aiiy jail in this stuto so that Ivan ged in’.!The Editors of the Augusta Chronicle and Savannah Republican, are give the dbdvb tw o insertions and forward their accounts, V - •* \ . 1- K, cun o.fer greatpr.ihitueements to diidyfs. The sdi .1.^ ^ j -L-xT* ii ni..'.vtkAhAi< J 4k v« tiie Di'U, slx-c and pf the best'iimilty, Under no consideVd tidu whatever xviljUie sale of impure or adulters TA'd iuticleshe promoted. Thu utmost curt- xvid bo used iu the selection of good Medicines anil will be syld'at a inoderitfo profit. J t is upojflhesp- liriiieipies.altinotlu.Ubi’jpvvillendj'avoptpsecure, patreiiiige. All orders promptly, executed. [ > . Tiie Georgia Patriot; and Darien Gazette, vril) pleasC-to '^jve this udvortisementsix iusertionsuhd torward their bills ^oc payment. " ’ ,sppt 28 jYElf-AJS D EA'LAUGED EDITIO.X OP THE Georgia Justice. rN.the press, and will be publishctT in Octoberor J. Novcrnbbf liu'kt, pt iiuiiRecoixler Office, a HeSv and euluraeJ edition oi the . .; . ' GEOll^IA JUSTICE. The ihiprox’oineiitsin this .very useful book, are Lpieily noticed In the following' extracts t'roln tjjC prt'lueo of tiie new edition. iShijm’s Panacea. r llE positioriot bWAi.M celebrat upply on hand for safe—he tiom $3,^>2 50, or nils now n d tbi-'q zenxi!24. 5 Mi charitable institutions in the Unit' and The poor will be .-uppjiqd grlifis. Jf tho citizens of the. principal cities i wlil ailpoixt an u^c'it It i r.ler and .aisle tUe pbor, it, will 1> i ®i is eelebrstod 'ibroat Medic j'his'M following dLea.K-a eerated or t’ntrid UbcnmatiexfiTeetions, Gutai Swelling imd Diseases of lli s generally of mi Ulrcrous .in Diseases, generally artsl tilutiotis, but more espe. iu .tl'ectidu* arising tlicrcii oW,; ,-e. uml llie-iireudfui diseor ong and excessive u^s of ft so used in Disease > oi tiie UVer. c;..;rude inis, I have w itiiin t!:i I a si tu o v ears tutiity of teeing several eases of Ulcers, w hich haying resisted pr gular modes, of treatment^ were Ii of Mr. Swuim’s BSmacea, ixiirt 1 ih •what iTiave seen, that it will pro renjedylu Scrofulous, Venereal met an oppor- very mv rutt vujtjwy i,,,'. re- cuied by ti.e use o lieliex’e, froth ye un important MereP.iial Nf rt'.M AN, disease*.- Pfijfaiotofihc la !i! ‘,'.i s rod I r..eti i in ther UnicerAty of Peansi/lcani.i. . I hive employed the PaifilCe.i of MjxftSw numerous instwiee*, within the last three an'(|'imvo ulways;found it c-xtrciucly efii.: ;espoeiiiUy iitseedntfertr/ftgdiUis, - and Me Diseases. • i hayc no hi-sitation-in pronouncing -11 a Medieihe of inestimable value. •*. qy aL&VV.JSjK tv;pjB»ON. m. d. iftiriol Proftfsor. of SurgeTy to IheVi •Eae|f|aililiiltv'r .pf a m ws^apiirin tla- U,' tales, js'renufisteil fbpublish tl i • atlyVliseiiu ..t once a inonlli, for one year, uud send theip i«? paymeut. , SIIINN'S' PA NACE As , ack ubmitte^l to.tlio public ; now I cdg0tl Uti I it / w i 11 cknoxviettgint utility will lie found to be' iucreas- d by the foregoing circumstance*.” • ■ inr The price oCthe Ixiok, neatly bound, in calf will be Fix-e Dollars, putable on'delivery. .Any number.—-yubshription papers Vviil . be furngihud to gontlemen xvhp piaybe (wljjlrig to teike charge of (hem. - **;' f,,. v*-', • 1 t- "h. i * # * Tliefdifferent newspajKrs fh this stdle, xvilf please, givg (he foregoing hipinsertion, • AJilledgoville, August30. >pt 28 182 • Funiiture Wax- By order of JET The. Georgia Journal UJ. 'IllB uCOrglH dUl|ludlj AugUolU ( t d Saviinnah Repardicanj xvill please insert'fbe ave.till 1st of Npyediber^ , . ,-A.' VC. "f , „ . . ve, amend mid continue, in forecan' _ utitled an act, to extend to time of to-; king out grayts on surveys made, on head rights- arid.liouyiy‘warrants. " ; '•■ • < ‘ Be it iinacteiyjy the^enate and lionise,of Rc- pr^sentitives oft'ue.'state of' Georgia,' in General Assr'mbitvmatiidndjt'yi'f'lwreby .enacted'by tire" aiitltbiit^ .dfthe same, Thatwhere any pfirsun or i0ii6Hs r have' heretotbre ,liad‘ sarveys mhde oii «ppi; 'ma at miy'tfftie ..previous to,the 25th'of Oetohdr. 1824,‘piv iirtymout of tlip,usual fees.. ’ Bee’ 2* And lie ii furtfler ;eBaetbi ijtr ttfanotmid TK:d txrltni’ivui eoaetild by the uuthor- iirjd in tlic event of i 'ou or : pear tiie .me i rtlpet-e rtj(ibg iio"'d-4imant . . .... ... lupji tafife thus res.ufveyed, such notice shall-he. ifertVcteil’by giving'Uiree'mouths: npti.ite IjS’ i>ub-\ rv\iff^-r>rrtui'mput at the '-Goilrt • Mouse of tifi* cv>dyei;ijseinent, at the'•Godrl. 'House pf tlfe eouitty wiiere such Trui'iFttiny lie, and in. one of (he.'ptiblic' tlris 8(b$PV>' . * y .' •' • ; iLSeo.-h ’Aujl be it ful'flfer euacted,. That it shall be the duty of a'lFflurveVin's .who shaft mak;e any. oiueh fe-yjryey,' to vertify dir his return to the sur- y’iiyprPonenii, t^iitt- du'c notice according to the pro?/isj<}jts pf tllt^: rgTlilS article Is-highly for the X .purpose hi' iippartin'g an cieghnt glow (6 Mahogany Furniture. The largo nnd extensive Cabittet liyaire .Manu factories in tire northern cities make use ,©f (his composiliou to givq their works a beautiful po- lLsll. .•* v : A supply ofthlfityax*ha* been received per ship ixaHpah. It is puLiip In small pots mid boxes with prihled direetjons for use, and for sate by LAY k HKNDRICKSON, ,, v '• Chemists and Druggists, WmiSd. 'rit-Uf. ’ " . Sh'a.d.^ Ilqildings. aug 12 g~ 168 Pure e Calcinutl IViaguesia, u ue'w Article. HIS Medicine has been prepared by the New- _ York- Cheihieai Manufuctnring Cduipuny, yrnd is said to be’equal tw tlic 'pdelimtpd .article- 'made by the filessrs'. Henry’s. Many;pvrsons in rtliis ‘city who haye. used ihis-reinddy jiva it- a., de cided preference over ali others. Fuiiulh . ;#;e |uHefted t6 give it a trial os it comes much i.beitp- ejr'.thanjHouj-y’tf, being neutU’ v 'pat up'iu bottles at II l-£ cents efieh, and for sale 'only by > t .t v 5,‘.u -.’-enijii-e-cfvjc CEItl'irtCATKs. ' I have been lulmmin under a dise»>e for a ion r lime, as swelling iu the i>one», loss- ofappi-:it .loss of flesh and loss of sluep. Noticing an. a.! : l fiso- ihent of Swaim s i’anaet a, to be a cin e foi-'rthc abbvc.discusc, F^rt some by paying the ita-ii.- to'# it,and found agreat benqiit But baviiigho- 'llmig lmt my labor to daperld-pA fuf-u vlving, uud not beifig able.10 work for a long limej e’it Jotfirit 1 was notable to pay for it. Bdme m.mtHr (jiici this,' 1 heard of u Mr. ' liimi's aaviHi a. Bax iiucya, stated to be tile -aim as Mr. Sw aim's, i ap plied to'bim and Stated my a,. ■; cii ciiin-•, ><cr nhd feun'd him disposed a. benefit me. lie gave me Che medieme freely;, and said 1 might pay i<n*i: xvheneVbr Igot able ; and 1 found, by taking I Iif same quantity, as much.benefit by it as by Mr Swjiim’s; . ; • . I have given this certificate for the benefit o. ptbttf^that should stand in peed of Shinn’s- l’aua- ceuj and consider it a very valuable medicine, •> '.*• S, ^TELLER,’ .7 Duko-street near Front, Northern. Libc rties. Philud.diphiu, April 2t), 182-1. 1 . . >)*-'•. 5 Philadelphia, April 2 ; ! -g' I certify that I have been tor many years atiliet ed with ■rheumatism. Above five years . go, ] as attended.liy u respectable Bbysieiaii grthu city, xyho pat tpe. under a course of niercuiy. sum- which time-Ihavdbeeu worse ; my <ii- .1 :Vr ing been uccpmjtaiiieilby severe RBin.xthrdu h m-, Whole system. And last winterjiiv ri;*>t lee u. -- much ainelled, and so much contracud. that B could scarcely put imyjto - to the grouni! and -a 1, obliged towalk with "a irii'cb. In Fpbrnory I; - 1 bought some of .T. S'liiiin s Vamu'ea, aud af’.e. taking tiiree bottle-. ini 1 1 .• t I am free ’’>■ iu pub and .that my; leg Isrestpreil to its natural us.' ;jt 1 am indnred to make do-public for g), bujhef. of the alilicted. . ‘ CHAS. BARIAS. \ ■ -i • MaU-Alfey, I’iiitau-.-lphic PI. ; dad tpkin. .•!>•> H 17, It-ig. This will certifythUt my son, John liimus, am • 10 years, whs eonfiiiBu'last winter/ iti .(he Aimi house in thb city, with rb'euntaiism in !q»\*iioui dors and arms', t ap.piieri to sdtinn for sum • c<* ids l’p.iiaoea, mid olitmiic .i <"ie bottle, xyfiteh et. tirely remtnvd his gouiplidut. he iu s: binoveti to the country.-otherwise he would huve sigm... thiscertificii^-.' ‘•cpl 2 its each, and tor sale only by > DAY -HENDRICKSON, . , Chemists and Druggists .'n'-'i'y Shad’s Building*. ' .172 ' • ' ' The Genuine imprin-cd tieirfHt: Vil\Z:Y.Jfyic'&er8. v ' i- j. OA DOZEN oftbe tYuu English-Seidlitz Bow 5-3 Vf dors have been received from London, via New-York, pert brig'JVlenfoe and for sa!ej low bv LAY. &• HENDRICKSON. ’ . 1 GKqutist-ani} PfjBgists, yk w4": 1 j ;«bp-»'Shad'S’JJuu(fl&s. oct 7 186 r V aluable Medicine. "^N’Ti-'D^PEBTiC PlLLS, ' • e#i c ’ iroi h^r ANN C. r < HUMES PLiladelplda ATius-IIqUsft. •-• A, ' \f:.; '‘rt.V - Ptiiz.'.oci.rniA, March tilth, If-2-1. I certify, for tlm bearQt,.t*(the'#(5fetid, feat haverbecn, for -c . mi v. ars he t p: ■:. nilii : the liveh.Compknnt. dm ii: -; wlrieii fite‘: iit.v,. i ci ;i (•Utetided by several physicians, but received >,«. iiermanent oeiiclti. Hearing of Mr,v$v. elm’s j uacea, 1 applied to him for some of it ; being pok and uilablt' to pay tor itai tiie. time; Ire it at tb .could not obtain any. . 1 next applied to J. Hiim and received some a id- Pm.uc- a. which m-emix ! . liefitfeii me. The pain mid sorem ?s of my side \vi removed, aha 1 was again n) Ip loxv'orki.fmv irp.d t I i ARLES BOU MAN* s German Strcetj SquthvvmT:. This is to'certifyJlia't. my. apprentice boy J. Mo ri.-on. aved lb yi ars, ii-- h.-en several yt-i rs nffit« led i Ii .'he dm... - ex'... i.Tem'ed w it 1 an e• ic sive ulcemicin oVer the body. acute pain, f: Jmmaiy last,! ln-afd.of J. Shiin.'s Penaic;.. ;u obtained for him flirt— bottles, vehicle l-fic'cti d j entire uiiu c injdcte cure,'and lie,is now in gt. ‘health, and'work :d his irndc. ''¥.r S T|fii /v- Ah I-’.X’R It A NK F.Xif : T ! , Front street, above This is to ccrtit j . tlmt on the 16th of lane, aril, ti It |s.'well known Unit Dyspepsia is .one df the most frequent add formidable diseases of ojn- counti-y. Its couimenemrieht is' iadicRt- d ip. dif ferent patients I'y.vurionssjrtnplorak/of .which the ; Inegulafity ofthe lrowels, obstinate imsfive-' ness^lteadach, cnutfoonlV caIledjV< , f''o | is «r .sick ly .Ijeadaeh. yebow qess : of the eye* apd sliinj'acid- ily of tlie stomach a;iprea)ipg,gtfeh.viilfed he: rt- burii, llutuleuee or AVindf in the - .slomaeji, bitt. r taste in the mouth’lit. the frpiriijng,.foetid breath, drowsiness after dinner, debili'yj 'lassitude, eir.n- ciatipu, depres-jion x»f spirits', $ic; . , Piles bmiig comieclod w ith in-digesti’on and eos- .tivencss; are certainly and speedily removed by *,t4ege;pijis.; " .uboye'niAntd JpintAioiTisoii. appeared !.- anflixui, xdminatioii, do believe ih* u-ets. t - rv.u in the above cm ifieafc, are insi mol i-vie. : '>'.'• -, ; II. PRO'BASC'O, •' Justi;i at thi Peace i’bil ni: Ipliin conn: ■ 1 certifj‘,lhut I have been atfijoti d .. i;it rhci.t- .tisin inrtn.y .siioaLder for three Real's, iron, w hie.: iiavi' beeii reihryed by faking a few bottles o. Shinn’s Panacea. ’ . JA.Vi's DOFt.f. M'S. ,-f t l' / j:-;. } /. f.’JeV rtn” Moj'amens)ug I’oor-h-A and the same are hereby repealed. DAVID ADAMS, v Speaker of .the house of,representatives STHOMAS STCiqkS, -A : President of tiie Senate. Assented to Dee. 21823. ' .C TROUP, ;' , Governor;^ jflppThe foregoing to be.publishcii. n Jy, un- tihNoW;, nisxt, in-.'t.Sfe' “ GonstitutibealW’ and “Savannah Republican.” A-supply of the above'viiiua'.Te .Me'dicipe, Ip-.s jqsLbeeii •received from tin- i’atVntee, and cai- lie obtained of the subscrihms, tv ho have been uppomted ugents for the State of Georgia: LAY fcf 1IEN1XUCKSON, sept 12 Druggists and Chemists, Shad's Biiil-dincs. Bottles, Corks, Drug's, etc; tVc. Ql'l’F.R!UIt Velvet pint bottle-', fS Oxygin, Chamber and pocket Li.vhts, Wax Tapers'(^great j - riety,) Pare Calcine.] ftlagneeii*; Arrow Root, Cream 'I m tav, Starch, Balsam Co-, peiva, Saltpetre, Rotten Stone, Sec, &,c. Mat e been received per the William Wallace, and for sale by LAt fc HENDRICKSON, Chemists uml DriKtdst.f, -Congress,corner of Wliitaker-styects, ■ Shad’s Building sMX-; Just rec'c’rted per ship Florida, the celebn.n PANACEA, prepared by John Sliinii, Chcm". i’iiiniuel'.M . win, I nr appointed tb" • ni>.- tv 'agehtfor Sgvaiinuh audits vicinity. The Painn * w ill lie sold at tin- redtu-ed prfe'e of S2 50 ee... pep bottle, or $24 per dozen. . ; rt.': VVfil■ c. CUTIIBEHT,sAgent ,may 25 ' 'f it tl F.. C/utlham Superior Court. May Tehm, 18:F s~e EORGE Johnston and othev-. eOhiplaini 9.45 V3 Peter Vatiotirglf Livincsidn and nth defendants, in equity in the. .Superior court '.Clmtlmm coiutty, May term, 1824. t "It appearing jo the Cotii;t by nfiidav ter Vanbhrgli t'.rvingston and Harriet ston, xvho are parties defendant reside state ofGeorgin, mid witliid the 1 nitc motion of eoiuplainuuts solicitor, :t is. tlfe said defemiant do respectively appear t ' -wvr the complaints bill within four month . : he date of this rule. And is fiirtlm; < rdered • this rule he published once a week dprint - morilhsfroni this date in one of the public Art" »■:!. aiftliis State. ..;- *'.« • '» , '7'. Extract from tiie Minme.-,. /' A.-B. FANNIN, Cfel61