Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, November 01, 1824, Image 3

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LAW. ,nr «nWribcr tenders Ills profe.. . BU \\w MS JB that HP limy nH tunes In; found nt tin <>l- V Messrs. Davits fy Berrien, situated In Hull- kem> ... _ l «fMPf r isbulidln^^uwj Bay. BEVAN. U VAI.I.EN teS^ffslllSloSiit, Georgia Journal,rind l^ington Nows, nrc requested U> t> Lf 3 insertions, weekly. M‘Jntosh Academy. rVNTF.D, for the above institution, n ! ■rp/jcill'li, who can furnish letters of rc- Ircnde hs to qualifications,diameter,&.e, nddrdss- *1 to James Smith, Esq- •> < ■ ■’ '* - T |,e Savannah Republican and Now-1 Ork Wnina P0«l, will give i In- above throe Insertions ‘-"'TiuTmix,.. ht AdniirnlUjt nited static of amen ica, ) imTlUCT OF GEORGIA. ) John W. Long hi Albion Rial caret}. ) 1 .. To the Marshalof saul District— - EET,N ? ! GKO'.VGLEN, Clerk. llEHV.NSJohn W. Long assignee of tho nrt- , del-writers ut London,. in the Loin Of Groat Britain, the supposed insurers <l.« Sldn Albion and cargo, has exhibited his l or complaint, U. the DLUicI Cfaurt of the U- I smtos torlho JJi-lrict of Georgia; stutnig, feeing anti propounding, that the British Ship bfon lndcn with Mahogany, Logwood, und di- rs other articles, Was, on tire UWW oftlw 15lh member lust, by the forco ol the wind mid ,ives driven on the heath of Saint Cutliorines Hand, in the District'nforcsuid, and there abun- Led by bercrciv 5 and that much of the curgO is floated out of the saldShlp, some port ofwjilch »s been taken by George lL Johnston, Iatrick ouston mid George M.W’uldburg, and by divers her persons, to n place hi greater safety, und iat uurt theref sllH lies on tlio bench ol said land, below high water mark exposed to the sea hat the Agent of the underwriters at Lloyds, Uu- fer the Impression flint W* rfuid Ship und, cargo [ere insured ut Lloyds, lius Tor the hencIM/of all ncerned, sold the interest of the said underwrl- s aforesaid, therein ut publick sole to John W. mg. But the ia|df persons, who hnvtf removed mrt ofthe cargo to a pluge of greutcr safety, in to he entitled to salvage thereon, and pray- s pfocess of this court to tuke the said wreck d tiie said cargo, or so much thereof, as is to be nd within the jurisdiction l»f this Court, Into custody of the Court for the benefit-of the said ellant, and ull persons concerned, und praying motion ugninst the suid Geol-go, Patrick, uni rge, and ull other persons, claiming to be eu- d to salvage to appear and estnblisli such their ms and also to nil persons iulcrestcdto appear, . shew cause why Ihe said wreck nnd lier ear shall not be adjudged to the said John W, tig, assignee, us-aforesaid, of .the. underwriters Lloyds, mid for further proceedings. Now refore, you the said Marshal, are hereby com* mded to attach, seize, take, and safely keep the pains of lliri said Ship Albion arid.her cargo ercsoever within the jurisdiction of this’' Court in (lie possession of whomsoever to be*found Inswer the said libel, and you ate farther com ikL.iI to cite and admonish the said George, itrick, and George, mid all other persons, clajin' 1 to he entitled to salvage in this beliulf' to ap*. irbefore this.Court, and there • establish such Ir claim and further to cite arid, admonish ull jd every person and persons, w homsoever lmv nr pretending to ImvQ uoy right, title, interest, party, cluim or demand In, or to the said wreck to the cargo thereof, to be, andnppearnt a spe- ■I Court ot Admlrully, to be held at Savannah, the Twelfth day of November next, to answer ic libellant In the promises that right anil justice ay lie dene iii-thw behalf. And whatsoever you ill da, in this regard certify and rnuko known, the Judge of said Coiirt.ut the time mid place [oresaid; anil basic you then and therp this writ,. Witness the IJon. Jeremiah Cuyler, Judge of Id District, tliis twenty-first day of October, ■'iteeu hundred mid twenty four. , , NICOLI, Si OORDON, 1 ' , Ptoclors fur Libellants. All persons interested in the foregoing Monilfbn ill take iiue notice. . JNO.H. MOREL, m.- p. o', "ct 36 : , ,2Ul Thb SuiJHOitinjiRS r Continucihp Commission Business in Liv erpool, under the Firm of ISAAC, LOW Sf CO. A ND will Ht all tunes mhke liberal advances on produce. e.onsigned to them for s«ln. Having sliqiH regularly. in Ihe Liverpool trade, and owning u convenient wharf, 6n'which there afo roomy FtVe-prOof Shirts, cotton will be re- eeivOd nod forwarded in ihetr own vessels, or those to their address, frqe of anv polnbiission. Drtlere for met ehandiip, .will be executed und only n commission charged, w hen the payment is satisfactoi-ily secured: A general assortment of British ls just received, being bought with Jfoiisy and se lected by one ot the partni'iK. they' Will lie fnVhisli- cd us low ns, by any regular hnportiug House in the United Slates, uutl oh. a long erpdil, for apprqveif iiapur. ANDREW LOW oet 2i» . .. 197 Fifty Dollars Reward, ,^ ILL be paid for the apprehension nn'd do . livery or the following Negroes Jo flic Sub- liters, living hi Bo.urke Cunty, or any safe Jail hve cun get them-r-or n liberul reward will he ien for any .part, of thorn, to wit: Mornttmi a Ight Mulatto man, nboiit 35 years did,' rather Indi-r made nnd qf keen upprebensibn,'and bis |fe Hannah a black woniau ubout 4b yenrs old, Itli u scar on one side of her face, the pi-ojierty I Joseph Hines—Ben-an African about do ypiirs ll, small and well set und filed teeth, with aiseur oue arm, nnd his wife Sylvia ahput 85 year# of Pi pretty lu-ayy to her hciglit.—Tlicv , took of Children Ben,Dave and Hetty,file children of i and Sylvm, two of the cliildrcii belong to the ate of Smith Stringer, deed, the other child , Leu and Sylvia to Abner Beichnr. TheV ake loose a large Canoe on Tuesday the 28th l , «mf bcr !v t ’ 8t M l r 1 < ,en j s Lridge.JJm-keCoun- Tarn! we thing will aim dowft the HiOmvto the f , y Country,- below Savannnh; ns Ben wus lugut up there mid has oncernmmay and got bis ft- and 'children bnclt there tuid were apprclteri- E Hm l nut In Savnnnidi. Jail,.qot 'two years ago Pne oi ^he men took off a Gun the rfthera ’l'is PQt 14 180 JOSEPH ABNER BELCUlER^ diverfj rlo«ir sa !( J ;ood nislro'l ijnp*. 0» ,, 18341 cch ,rf j cold ' :k m -OSpufj u om 1 ’ Camden-^—^Superior Court.'" R v ®- , > Rule A'wi. >rt,M e p pe ^ ion 1 ofNicholas J - staling timt Lag -Sands, on the fifth duy of June eigh- 052 ■ aM for tlie better L llieafirJ C | aJm - Rllt °. f llls '-ertuin bond or .writing I gafory,. bearing date the day and yenrtufme- IfLlte lt; tlle SI 'M Rag ncluiowIedgoti him K 1 f 1 and boui ‘ d unto the said Nicholas J. Bay sum of four thousand dollurs K ' , cl1 ‘ortho^nayimji 0 f onu thgusaml dol |xt 1,1,i b'efu-st, day ofOclobei- then I the f ‘I 11 ■ 1, ', rs,,m o£ 0,10 thousund dollars fee till' Unt' ">' <, '" li . llu, ary then next, did ii|ort- png and pmcc, or parcel ot luud, lying, IiMV of r UiU r 9,1 <: ‘' ml) crlmid,Island in the httoa dluff" 11 #§> '’>■ On- name of k-s i , Ltjn i t 1 mn l n 6 four hundred and fifty’ thesomh ?*?•" 111C '' 01 ' th % of Shieror, P west bv snft UIU S i 01 Nathaniel Uret:n; and on feces—anil f,! 5? nrsb ’ tfgofher wttib the uppurte- tke said sums of |1I | im:iiii'ii'..- „V P 1 ** the foreolosiire |0n nit , n S lii 'i 1 , 1 !!' ,nn ot the said ling. Ktitior er it I'i' "f ? ordoil » uttorncy for the Viatort,;! onl( ; l -d thntthe said Itng Smidsdo piths from ir" 1 i, ei 'i tl ‘ 1 ' ' :x p’n'ation of twelve Kfte , 1v ■’ ' llr ' ;,,ia '‘‘vcr.'il sums of | b >|6tHerwiii!‘ih 1 y "\' ] "" ul ‘ OM - |t th e f C ‘" orcst and cost, otherwise >d»hhnS y of rci,L 'mption of the said Rag ,m, aiw/r'n 111 '" Wnd ps- ^rrved on i|, , In0lltll -S dr that a copy int >>5 before 1 Slm .‘ 1J . ll S Saruls, „t least six ^ rdlf M>ayn enl nt l 'n U l0I |',° f tlle timo “i 1 !’ 0 ' 1 ' 1 ' ft nt si,oTi fnru 1 t u; saitl Mney into court/ proceedings l.c had as are eii - statute in such case made and pro- r °m the minutes, this 25th Oct. 1824. 2W ’ JOilN BAILEY, Clerk. CO. Mb- SON} _ AV I’, received q large nssortinctll of t I'l'.TLS (1, trom various Mannl'aclories, Idcll enable litem to exhibit an extensive nssiirt- -iil of SPLENDip ami E ASH ION ABLE PAT- II. It.NS viz Brussels end Venetian Carpeting Kidderminster and Scotch do Statedo of.all widths pnd iiuHlitics Cruinb Cloths lin’d Printed Rai; Imperial and,common llcurth Rugs With a variety of other }' " '• Stajtlc qnd Fancy Goods, Suibdile lor llie [ivesent and approaching Season they olterforsuio lino for Cash otapproved dit-.: Oct 23 195 WOOLENS a-'.i'ix u-bi/ijs, Winch they oiler for Nale on acftouunodaling tenirt. ■ ^ coNsjsi tMo or White and Coloured Plains Heavy London Tlufilc mid Rose Blankets 6-4 Servant’s Cloth, Blue, Black; Brown and Mixed \\ • , Bockipg Baize, nnd Table Covers ' W’elsh Flttqnpl of a suporiAr style White and Colored (Yorkshire do ’ * /. /.V ' v , ALSO, lOO’piece* best 42 inch Cotton Bngijingi JAMES ANDERSON ej-Co, ■*iH. .,.188 * i ****^ 8 r»-v JW.' The Su'in cfjbcr jins taken the jiiFltL in the Villuge of Hiee- IjiitiSag b,-ro’, recently occupied by Mr; emploti, and intends keeping a pub lic house, for. the accommodation of TRA VEIL ERS and ROA RDERS. -Those who may favor him with n call nro nssured tlmt every attention will he paid to tjieir comfort und convenience, Ills table will lie supplied with the best the country affords; Ids Bar w-itli choice liquors und his Stable With the best'provender, and an utteritivo Ostler—the rufes moderate. DAVID STETSON. 0,-1 30 .«• ‘atw^’b*. /•; L S'.-' • roSSfii PLAINS AND IiliANKETiS 1 7tHE Subscribers have received by the late nr- . rivals from Nuw--Yurk nnd Liverpool, their FALL SUPPLY, COSHIsrlNO OK 6-4 nnd 9-4 London Dnflle Blankets 6-4 and 14-4'Rose Blankets ■ White, Mixt nnd Blue Plains, very low 6-4 Blue nnd Mixt Cloths for servants Flue YVhite Welsh Flannels Do White, Blue nnd Red Yorkshire Vmy fine Scarlet Cloths and Cassiinese* Superfine Cloths, Cussimeres Und Sattlnct • Bomhnxeens und Bombnxetts • 4-4 and 6-4 Black, White and Pink ' ' Italian Crppes Caroline Niids and Salisbury'JFlan- .ncls - * Linen nnd Cottoii Bed Ti^k ’ 4-4 and 8*t Cbunlerpnnfei nnd Quilts Fine Priqjthl Counterpanes, a new article VurnUm-emrid Gnrgmnt Dimity, Printed Canibrick and Furniture Chintz Fine Irish Finland Wheeling Lipen CnmbiiMml do Handkerchiefs Ricli Shaded and Figured Silks BariigeiimhColort'd Florence, '-\ Bm-iige Scarfs und Handkerchiefs Rich Cnslnnero Scurfs, Shawls and Hnnd- « kerchiefs*,* Boliiuctt Veils and Thread LaCcit * 4-4 and 6-4Pluin nnil flg. Bqhirtctts da , do Cambric and Jnconetls 'do do •Naiiisftok and Book. Muslin do do* Real India Jnconetts und Mull Muslins ’ - ■ r pounce RobesahdlnseitlngTrln^nlng . 3ril!r.S, Clieimculs, PerluinCry, Ah: Rich Ball DrcssCs urn! Head Oreumenfs -A-v7i t.’ : *1 I • i . i J , I Silk, (Cotton and \\ orsied Hose of all des* Triy the ship lotvmir tlu^ulwcfihfershiy o i:eceiv-1 < crintions ed their full supply of GOODS, consisting of iy-.Ui sundry -other article's,' too numerous to men- u xCry gpnernl us oi-tinciit of, .\ • - - I tion, nil of which will*be sold on the most accom IJnL hfS, , ■ - I modutlng tbi-ras, by 4 , CflEMlCAt^i WM. H. ROSE. The Tenement at pi-oabnt oc cupied by Tholnus u. 1*. Clitirl-. , . ton, the propei ly of Charles Harris, Received by the Georgia and offered for sale low Esq. In Broughton Street; nnd posses- fo , r c "» l1 <lr °n uccoininodaiing terms forapprov- sion given oil the 1st November. «* P'Qwir if taken immediately from on board tlie vessel atFlve Fathom—apply nXnbovc. bet 9 187 v • • • ESTABLISHED LIME TO BE LET. The STORE bornor of Bay I nndlJmvton-'StreCts, now occu- , nihil liy J‘ P. Seize. Possession may. | .. i lio had on the. lotli pf this m nth: Fo'r further particulars, apply tal’eter Dupon. PETER EVEN. oct 19 || 191. . V — To Itoit. S ^1 , '*»»«’* Af-A Tlmt lurve <nul plqiadflitijr AvANNAtt^, jvm® sittmteij House in Rrou^htoti MA1ILDA, J|j» I street, notv occuniedbv Doctor J. B. I AUGUST A Ready Made Clothing UTfit costUf 'M '^ T HE subscriber intending tt> lenv.e tills place by tho 2u;b of tliis nlontli, olljers Ilia STOCK OK GOODS AT COST.—It comprises u generaf as sortment of 1 ' ' . > " ', ’ . ■ Cl.OTmrtG OP AIJ, SIZES. odt 7 186 , JOUN p. SETZ. PATENT MEDICINES, . PEttFCMERY, \' v PYE STUFFS, stc; - , All of which, Wilt-la! suld'oti tin'- ifinst accom modating terms for Cash Or Credit. Merchants. Physiciiins, und ITinjters «ce respectfully inviled to exumine thcpi before they purchnsei f LAY &. HjiNDUlCKSOxN, Chemists mid Drnggi.'ts, ' ■ Shad’s Buildings. •i • ,1 Af SO, . , ./ r " , A fresh supply of SULPHATE QMNfNE, re-1 ceiVed'ns above. . Oct 14 1 ,189, ocUH cpR)3 '.LFresh spices, A*c. CYCV LBS. NUTMEGS a v ?1 f CO do Mace , 60 do Cloves 5tKI do Ginger, (Pulverised) 111 boxes Starch in bundles o(Jlbs each I lot) , do Cassia; or Ciuniunon;' l , 160 do Fig Blue(u superior quality) ,400 'do Pearl Ash Ao doz Lorillai-d’s Siiuff 800 do do nndReills cut Tobacco, | Are offered for sale by LAY it HEN DMCKSON, . ,r , of: Chtmitlsond Drupgisls, Oet 14'' 189. , Sliiui'a Imildiiigs. Elegant & choice Peid’uinery, jSlC T HE Siibscriliers have received pnbrig Ahn. Schooner Intrepid mid ship Corsair, n fresh supply of Choice Pnrfmncry, cnnslslin# of • Otto, of Rotns in eleguut gilt bottles of vari •• oUi patterns ♦* Mncassar, Russia, Bears nnd Antique Oils Pomatum in Pots and Rolls '• Rose, Ol ange flow er and Lavender Water , Rose, Hen join, Musk, Olive, Venacijlar, Palm Vegetable, Ceylon, Bandana, Transparent, Variegated, and English. Windsor Smins, IVash Balls, Naples shaving Soup in l’ots ■Shaving Cukes, JJ-c . , V , Pocket, fine lentil iuul< dressing Combs, new Patterns , Hair Powder and Powder Puffs Pocket Books and Pocket Wallets, with and without springs La Fayette and Silk Stocks, Elastic Whv anal Coburg Stlffners, Silver Wire Teeth Brushes with gilt handles, Toungo Scrapers, "Nall, Cloth, Hair und Shavhig Brushes, Cut Glass Smelling Bottles, visiting Cards, Metql Shaying Boxes,.. John T. RtmlUiuh /''CONTINUES to do huslues in Millcdgeviile, V/’ H|id tenders the offer of his servife-s^o tlie ossortment of’Drugs, ijedicTnes, ( friends und the public, in the transaction of ugen- teiil-Mcdiciiicji; itc. Sin. All of wl cy lrtisinejs geueraljyi < Lsclected by u good judge, and arc « qct-2 ft 184 Cluvthain AcatiCiiiy. r|Tin,S lnstitution will again Open for the re- jL caption ot pupils, oil MONDAY, Ihe first das/ of-Jterenibcr next? tinder.the sniierintqiidiHi.or-, us lieVetdfo'ni, oi the Rey, Mr. CAiirKn; who will fto issisied by eouipetent tenchers,ih the iFemaie Slid ■Muir ^epurlments. . Tickets-ofadmiiisibn must lie obtained from the undersigned; and no scholar will be permitted to l-eiuuiu after the liipse oft(irce dnys/withoilt one '' Terms. BOY'S SCHOOL. ' ;j 1st. Ci.ass—Spelling.mui Reading per qh §8 00 ^d, CtASs--WiUt Writiiig, Geogiijpliy, Grainar, and ArithmqticV 3d. Class—Do, With ftliithemutics, niuf- * * Lutiii, and GreeksLhngunges, lk, GfitL'S SCHOOL. /Chamber Lights und Matches, Sugar Box. es,' \Vhicli together with n vei-y general nnd extensive — ’ Clioinicals, 'Pa- imh have lieen | HHH offered for sale at Ieast20per Ct. iuwer than has ereriRnen sold in this market for cash or credit/ Purchasers would dp well to call obd examine, them. ■ LAY &, HENDRICKSON, , Chemists and Druggists, ... , Shad's Buildings. oeti26 , 196 .'I 1 -: to 00 60 Oo^artiicrsliip, T HE Subscriber lins iissoqinted himself with .lolin L. Wiidswoi'tli, iir'thri Commission lnisi-’ ness, in this place,’-whim will hereafter he con ducted finder the firm of' k /•> . BLISS 4- WADSWORTIf. ^ , ELIAS bliss: ftfct 14' s nJ89 FrfCTOEAGE* ~~~ nr il/E subscriber tenders iiis.tjmnks’to hisfrittids A aqd tlie. public for the liberal encourage ment he hiwregilyed in the' FACTORAGE and COMMISSION Tollent. For Greenock. The first rule packet !iac ski M ENT OR, .1. I.. Wilson, Master, Will take wfiat freiglit of Cotton may bffer for iroenock, und be despatched ns curly a possible—apply to WM. GASTON. oc|27 193 For Liverpool. The well known and regular trading ship, GEORGIA, Vanillin, muster, Will me t with quick despatch.—For freight of 150 bula^of Cotton only, apply to ANDREW LOW k Co. 105 tons of Liverpool SALT, and 38 crates assorted CROCKERY, . W: T/E'Vf: - v By J. i». 1 ferfeert iScCO \ On WEDNESDAY 3d iiist.ut I l o’clock. ’ Will be sold bcfuh} our Store, A general assortment of CROC E R I E'S, .fee. 1 Cm 1 do' Bag- nov 1 202 e 2 doz Iluls 10, iiia; Twine I’enns Cash. Baker. mber, at 11 o’clock, Oct 19 191 OF New-York Packets. MAHTEUS. V. Reeue, street, no'w occupied by Doctor J. B. . Head; for terms, apply to Bulloch k Dunwodv, Factors. r ’ JOHN MOREL. Oct 16 AlOO D. Wood, D. Van Dyck. T. Wnon, J. II. Bennett. By Galvin ON THURSDAY, 4th Nov At hi*Auction Store Li, i- .1 general assortment of British ami American . 1)RY GOODS. • ' : ’’f ALSO, In front of his Auction Store A gem rat assortnu nt of GROCER I E S, &ei oet 30 201 - vv •, i ' Ad nit ni afro tor'a safe. /• On the first Tuesday in Decemberm xl, Will be sold in front of the Court House in this City, at 11 o’clock. All the personal properly of Win. Muylicw, dceeiised. if Consisting of a •v‘v-0 l>U VAslslM't HOUSE, On Lot Noj31, lnbocty Uar i tiolono 1 on partol’Lot No. 2, Jekyll Xfthing Deri-. *\ oil I -ntidry <//.'/'L'.VI'l.lls TOOL'. Sold by order of the Administrators.! Oct 22 - ’ 194 ^ ♦ '0<j 16 To Rent. the 1st ofNovembeh 190 WM. WALLACE, EMPEROR, .Ap„ T ^., ■The above are ail first rate vessels, with expe rienced commanders, and willasoiithiue to sail In >»| ‘ Si x;gu\nrsuccession throughout the (ctison, leaving ' Saxunnah fo[ New-youx on-Thursday, und Neiv- M, MYERS; ■ion-87 21 HALL fiuHOYT. sham, net 9 To Rent, . - The dwelling House' of the ! •Subsdriher is ottered for Rent, "for one yenrfroftj thb 1st o'f Norcm- j • her next. Ahply to R. JrUalier- 1UC1I. W. HABERSHAM. ' 137 To Bent. iNotice. Excciitor's sale. lly (’airin' Baker. ON THURSDAY, 25th Nov. icxi at 1 past TO o'- .clock, Will be sold iu front of his Auetiuu store, all the Household Funiit are, on | Belong td the e;taie of Hugh M‘Cn!l, deceased.— , Consisting of Side 'Boards, Bureaus, Dining Tables, Chairs, Carpets, Looking Glasses, Glass Ware, Beds and Bedding, Bedsteads, and Kitchen Furniture. Together with u quantify of Plated and silver AVare. H * > ' ' ALSO, , t -. >;/• A quantity of. _ ^ Madeira 'Wine, in botttles. . c,-. r> f iniii!..(» n n . ♦ ,,| ■ f Sold by permission of lh»; IIoil. the Inb.Tior larly cteJariTromiht£SSSrt oS “^tkmCuuiity, by order of U, Ex lesday and Saturday of each week, apdWheg L Get 10 I'lO . —- sary, an extra-bout I , idiate periods. f Marshal’ m. The Dwelling Hons* pre' sent cKjcupied bj-'thc Subscriber I freight offers to make it neccs at tlm .cast end of the Theatre, and I will depart during the intermediate periods, possession can be bad immediately. | JOHN DAVIDSON, Agent- < oct2a ' 196 ' . . ' k The Hohse. is a pleasant one and the yard large, anmdry, with a commodious Gnrfien". JOS. S. PELOT. ct 22 a 191. ■ , , , ■ To Rent. A*House on the South Com mon Brown WArd hns four Rooms on the first aijd three o.n the second floors. Possession given on tlie 15th Novemb'er*-Enqiiire of Oct -22 ||l194 F. M. STONE. Lumber, Factorage . and Com mission Business. T nE Subscriber continues tiie LunUc/, Fac/or-TSiiVcJ f, age pnd Communion Business, at his old I Forbes. ■ I stand near the Union Ferrv Wharf, and tenders his I oet 29 stand near the Union Ferry Wharf, aud tenders his services to his friends and the public. lie will also attend to the BE*PACKING nrid COMPRESSING of COTTON,his cotton press be ing in corbplete order. Oct 30 201 JNO. EVERINGHAM. , ““I- kitely occupied by Ml. Teflt.-»- j j j Andersonsdo Chingxworm Lozenges ^Hoopers do Thompsons, teeth paste James do do eye water The /house corner of Drayton and York-streets, occupied by Mr Goff.— The house fronting' O^Ii-thorpa occupied by Cap!. Bee. The house ’ on the ’ oppasite side of the Square, occupied ,liy Mr. Leach. The iloiise at present occupied, by Mr. George opposite to the Academy xvkh an entire Lot, or part 0Jf the lot would be leased being ii good stand for u Grocery. *' . /ALSO,- Several other good dwelling konst», and the stores corner of Broughton fand Barnard-strcets. Applv to,-:. . J. MARSHALL. oci 5 Jr* , ■ . - To Rent. 1 ~ The tlifpo story Wrick huild- ingripjilie Bay,Jutcly occupied by Jamf.sDicksox’4- Co. as a Whole- | isalt Dry Goad Store. Apply to C. W.ROCKWELLf ICO. sept 28 . 182 ' For Rent., ~ The brick house in South Broad Street, belonging, to the . est. Tlios. Garijtiw, dec. At present • occupied by Thomas Butler, Esq. For terms, ripply to II. KIRBY. '•sept-28, T.iSa : . Tollent. Churciies congli drops Rogers vegetable' Andersons do pulruonicdetergcut Balsom Honey Hearlein oil Andlcrs lenntive British oil ' ■ * . ^ Opodcldock Ileniys canc’d magnesia Squires elixir Batemans drops, fyo Snlts Lemons Can constantly be had at the store of LAY 4’ HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. sept 28 182 ~ Fresh Teas. ’ V J.' B. HERBERT & Co; HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND, ’heats, iifilf chests,ten cattys,fi ve cat- tys and cannisters Hvson TeT-iy Ten cattys/ive catlysuml connisteis 1 mperiai. and l and liy orderof the Ex’r fur tl sale, , ON TllURSDAY, 4th November ut half pnst 11 - o’clock, ITill be sold al the Auction Store of Calrin Bukcf, '• ■ A quantify' of - DRY GOODS. SuVed from the wreck of the schooner Martha JNO: II. MOREL, m. d. o. 200 Exccutoi-.s .sale. , Bv ,T. B. Herbert &co. Will be sold on Monday. 1st Noveinbar nt ll o’,- Olock/ut the late residence of Mr. Wil liam Craig deceased, Brough-' toii-Street His entire stock in trade, consisting ot a choice selection of Wines, Gin. Brandy, Porter I limbf kc.tu;. 0?’.' •' r (A A hnndeome assortment of ‘ - J j Shop t'lirniturc Sold bv permission orthe llononible the.Couri of Ordinary of CJmtham County. ... oct 21 t \ 193 Term); rash Executor's safe, My J. B. Herbert co. On the. first Tuesday in December next, XTETILL be sold at the Court H 0 V V between the usual hours of use in this city 10 and 0 ’d’k. All the buildings situated on (he north we • i»‘m» odmer of Lot No thirteen Wnshiu; gton Wind, , fct Bl sistingofu 1 story house with a kit icligrt and 1 ither uepesmry improvements being thc ; property « i/t lie' est. ,of Susannah Milter,;dec. So! laity itertnj "ion of tlie lion, the InferiorC IstC.i-ASft—Spelling und Rcudingqier quarter ^8 00 2d Clasv—Do witliWritingrind Arithmetic IQ 00 |. BUSINESS :i ‘ l Ci.Airt-Do’ivithGeography,Astronomy, _ - I h n4l tl „sts that by a'stricUattentio’q' to the in ’ Wl T. WlUllAMst Treasurer. | 5 interest OeX?i ir I of the rimiter f howill merit acontinunrii^e oftiieir 10 1 patronritte,. i * ^ F«r sale. Grupdy’s .wliite Plains v Prime 42 irrpli Cfottun Bagging. V.* \ :. *■ v .fact,6: 185 FORT, Commerce Row.' ■ Nib? i In Admiralty. United states of America, > • DISTRICT OT GEOBGM. \ • Georgri Wodjfrirffan'd otborivl Piece! of Mahogany purl Cargo | *Afo?ii/to«. To the Marshal of ihe District of Georgia—- , . . , ■•, ...., ..•„ . , oiiKirrifin :— , TS coifslantlyTeteiving Iresh supplies of gen- J,, S. GKO.-.GLEN, Clerk, f 11mine •\TTHEREAS Gedfgri Woodfuff,Patrick'lTons- . '|)5,UGS’A?@). MEDICINES*; ' v V ton and George Johnston and Jacob Wald-1 selected for Country Mpi-chunts und Pliysicians, ■ cash or npprovrid credit fit iiuic OAiiwiicu wwi rtBPlir-irniUW-ifftHI-°?r T * lWo ‘"-'-a 1 aw i trlct Court of the Ut'kild States for the l)Utriet pf Georgiaafdreaald ' iHriunS of greut lu; oteWqud negro slave’s have saved nnd .preserved..pieces of Mahogany wood, from the wrock of the British ship Albion 'which ha A been yrrec"'" teenth of Sspleinber loBt: Mid £*£*«* on Uie 1 s ^ 0 7,i |,ri refemed on Monday 86th ‘insti, Tlie Jslaii,d o| ; ^aint CattlSnn<w,-.itt the I Ymucsri oi''iris'trucilori uuibi-n’ces the 'Latin..Lpuv • BE LABOGIIli , I Opposite the Exchange, Shnanndh. ie United States lor the District pf I , Just received, id,-’stating and piopouildirig that by SULPHATE of Q UINlNAi labor-and exertion of the mnnn-1 "oct-ld - 190 *' . / .v siaves'of the said lilwllonls, they I —■ —? —r—i rr ’ 1 preserved .pieces pf Mahogany I . *,'• * I^UllCpllOJl, , preserved ,pieces pi Mahogany I . L Ijiuuoai iuii^ , ivi-ccKiol the Britijll ship Albion,, subscriber respectfully rinriohiices to his wrecked in the'gale of tfia four-. X frie „dsoud flip (mblic tlmt the exmeises of his liber lost, and was Mv on on Uie I RC } 100 i w (|[ bo resumed on Monday 25th inst: Tim . l u| .^ .w a, "k Cathririnos, m the I ■ pfr‘instnietlon embraces the Latin Lpui 9istricl.undpray^ing a reiisonublp, salvage I ciiaeo, History., Mo'rakPhilosophy, 'Composition, allitwaiicetliorefroln. Andwliereaslhe Judge,of ^eogii'inliy, English*Grumi)mr,,Arithmetic; &e. tlie-Pisfnct.Coui t for thcDisinetf aforesaid, hath ^ , jj„ pledges himself to givri the most- nssidu- ordered au^directed the'Jwelfrh day;‘of NoVein* I .. , A . _i„j _..„,i„_ ,..„i „..a bef neoit, for all persons cqncerued, tc 1 appear at the (faurt Hoti‘C,'in the CiP rtuui, nt ten o’eloiik of that day, mid si v _ r any they have, why judgment should not pass ns < ppuyed ; You.arc therelore hereby apUiorised and per bnr- for the -Mract L Pet 29 rii.i. hi,- Un ?? Morrison, * thc «ttnlil l " f " llu '° ut Ilis °llioe over “cuBk room 0 f Calvin Baker. ppaycdi You.rifc therefore hereby autiiorised.and I ' ' Assize of Bread, onjoined; t9 mte and admonish all persons, whnte- m]^; avei-agri price of flpur being $fl ver, having, or pretending to have; uhy right,title, j 196 woiflht, tlie weight ot brei or interest, in or to the said Mabo'gahy, libelled j. est . nt month must*be iiguiustns aforesiiid, to be, appeur, at tlie time I 124. Loaf 2 lbs 13 ounces und place, aforesaid, before Him Judge1 aforesaid, J (jj’do 1 dp. <5$ do toheur, iui - '*"" J snob judie ^ required lo he done in tiie premises . to do and receive whutuntoliriv and .rustlce shall | ( , oct 5 185 appertain, under the puiu of the law and cop- l ** tempt; thereof, the absence and contumacy; 6f tlibm find every of them |n any wise nOtwjth- — standing. Anil wliiUsoevcf you shall do.«jri thc | X Wednesday^ and inday, from three until ace, -aforesaid, before the Judge aforesaid; }• <U* do 1 dp 6j do r, abide by mid perforin nil aud sirigalnl- of which idl bakers anti sellers of.breridwin tnke ■pal nets as are necessary, und by Jaw *duo notice. echo lie done in tlie premises ; apd further-^1 JiLROBERTS, c.t. ^'lie Librfiif^ I S opeti f6i- tiie delivery of Books on Monday. IVednesdayv and r“ premises, you ahull duly certify unto fiie, said I KivK o’cloek. Judge, at the time und place aloresuid, togqtliet aug 26 Iffi with these pre-cuts. mill; umleiMmied Committee will receive pro- il the 10th of November for work Witness the lion. .Torcraiah C’uyler, Judge of the said District Court this twenty-plinth day qf Octo her one thousand eight hundred ' and twent- four, f DAVIE3 &.BERR1KN,- Proctors. All persons interested in the foregouig.Monition will take due notice. JNO. BvM01U'<L,M.o. d. «Oct 29 3., »(> TT posals untl Comuiittecforpurticulurs.. Oct 21 GECLSHIOK, .1. li.CAI’DKY, J. C. HABERSHAM by Mr.,T. Walton, qnd Mm- Blogg. Al. GRIFFITH, J&L i Apply to "Alailfet Square. oet 7 Gnfl!-ownrn.Ti;A‘s Hyson skin, lonkay, soiicliongjuid Bohea Te+s AH pf which are of Die latest importation, und will be sold on accoininodaiiug' terms. sept 23 182 • : 'Miiiimi, -• AUGUST G. OEMLER, H ASretijovedhisDRUG S PORE,tothecorncr 'oiBrtivghlpnanU trhitakcr-Strccls, opposite Coll ShclIman’a Mqusion Rouse, w-hcre lie exhibits Thc JStorcArid Dwelling Jolm- I fov 8afe *» choice'assortment of ston’.s Sc|uar«r lately otioupied \'Frcslt JUedichics and Garden \ - SfcdSy <!■ ri nnd various other articles suitirig his line. He ab stains relating the whole string of names of the things he offers, and only mentions a few which arc not commonly found in every Drug Stoi c, vis.: Fol. Sabina, Pyrala Umhcllntn, Degitulis Purpurea, Scnllcap; Hyssop, German Leopard’s Bane, (ai nicu montaim) Elecampane, (Inula Heleniiun) Hops, Ergot, Tpnqriin Beans, Squire’s Elixir. - Daffy’s, Elixir, F.ssV Mustard, Esst Tyre, Jesuit Drop, Churchc’s Cough Drops, Aromatic Vinegar', Toilet, Vegetable, arid other Soaps, Mncussar Oil, Phqsphorus, Ox. Afur.- ‘ Potassc, Janj'es’sFfever Powders, I i-.fantile Powders, .Read’s Sliptic, Spirits Sonp, Fumigating Pastils, Pyrolignious Acid, Black Drop: ’ , Resiieptingthcutjlitj'ofthis last article,.Ife refers to the last, but one, page of theGeoi-gia andSo.utb Carelina Almanac, of this year: oct 9 1187 . of said estate. Oct 2 - 181 of C'.Kiib.imCounty benefit of Jin- b< ii iNotice, , J ILL bri’soldut (In Cili Pm W ILL be next,at IQ o’clock A. M» tb crop, To’Rent.' Two dwelling Houses on State street, Columbia Ward. Apply 10 ' <»- L! ■'' t , JNp.F: LLOYD. rl87- . .... Ind on Saturday following Cows having been impoitnde way before that day. Oue red'Cow,.marked Hi <»u.- \\ il’.i and hole in tlia other, nnd a piece ctitfiom tlio uti der part.' Onri. rdd dotv, narkediii both eai-s v. it!i the un deipurt cut out. , , One dun. Cow marked in one ear with life up! per port cut out, in the other car with u slit nnd the under part cut, out. One brown arid white Cbw, marked in one eai witli an underbit and in the other ear with an up- perbit.' ., .•> . • ’ ■ '"A, F, Af STONE, Aburiial. oct 19 ^ 19 i }, To be Jpet, The well kfiown (STORE in WhitnkorrStreot, At present oc cupied byMessrs Hazard Sp Dcnslow, as a Paint aud jOil Store., Possession given immediately.. For oarticidrirs ntiply to | laYVrendrickson. I oct 25 r.190 oct26 To Rent: A HOUSE in BroughtO.n- L-Stfect, opposite^ the residence * of Air. Alhson. enquirri of, Airs. ELIZA J.LOVD. m 197 Evening school, Near the Catholic Church. T HE subscriber will recommence his Evening School on tlie first Monday in OctoVcr — AdDiini,stratt)rs snlo. On the first Jmunry next,.. ■ W ILL be sold lu''limv )V >»* Crtui-t • loose ill, the City, fallowing " By, being the'realestnle qf Amlrow U, ute of Cliatfibm County, (lei-' ! fortiic benefit of '.h-aft-irs and creditors, pui'S'rtmt to nn.oritef of Ciiu. t. One tract of land, containing 800 ceres adjoin ing lands of Frnnei- Tufts, James Kasqo, arid Mu- r'y Shares,knqwu os Jonathan and 1 olm ' ox's 1 tracts, uliout 12 njllefap-nm Savauimh. j Onevaenntlot in fseaimpl{LntaiitedffiExvens- Kurg, on Margurct-st.Sii.-u uinli, known by So -W. One Ditto, also fee simple, situated in do. mill known by tiie No; 21. with a dwelling i .a- and other improvements tboreoii; . One Lofin Uiccbor.-* igb, Lilirii-tjneounty. The purchasers giving biqid anil mortgage, pay able in one, two and thre*y'ears,witli''iiitcr'ef (ram date and pecsoiiul security-. G CO. G!,EN, Oct 2|) ( "i, 201 Adin’r est. Indrew Ari line.- rrUIE'Subsor.ibrirsliavingtriken tbritwell knoxvn will pleniso to make early application. A- ± house, tht Georgia’ Hotel, will accdtoimtdatc , CF font children maybe accommodated with , j? a I hni*rd At., in the subscribers imnilv. • HYNES board ^-e. in the snbscribei-s family sept 28 ir.*182 . PETt steady boarders and transient persons,■ oil the most reasonable terms. Their table will, tyri’-supplied W'V 1 * thfjmarket^ftords, and every ; ; - ^teaims PtinaCeti. raay ' V ° r 1 itWE'SuhscriliersIiave just received frok Phil- The) have *L taken t^e taehed (o that building, where they eon accomipo N’Emnoutlis niter date application will be made to the bun. Inferior court of Clnnliam ounty, for leave to sell all that lot in Savammll known by the No. 1, Ellis square, Decker ward, 1 I with tin- improve).in,1 - In- reoe : and all riiet lot in known By lac No. 2.;, in l.d.erty Ward. With the buildings pieroon, being the' real estate of John Smith, deceased, for tlie bene* fit of ihe heirs. '• ■ FREDERICK HERB, Adm’r. may 15 ' '114 oct 12 *r.I88 POPSON k MURPIIY. To be Leased, ‘(TiOR a Jfumhcr of years,Jhe Siiutliefii half of J; Lot N0T6, Reynolds lVard, on .flu,, corner of Broughton, and Abcrcorn streets, n very . eligible situation for a dwelling house. . -Apply In’ f - A: J. PRATT: oct 14 (3il89 Mrs. Humplireys, . ... . ... , t , beinggen- (time, as it comes direct from Mr. Swaim. PAY.^ HENDRICKSON, Chemist and Druggists, I 1 . ' Shad’s Buildings. nct'1 V 186 • ~ , Situation \V a nted, B Y a young n)ari who is v eil acquainted with . the Mercantile business Inn ing followed it for t!lio last three years. He would accept a piuco in an mcrii er date, application v. ill lie XN made to fi:c lion, the Inferior Court of Bry an County-, tor leave to sell all the real estate of Sarah Al'Kindly, late of Bryan Comity dec for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said es tate. ii|nl 2 §o77 JAMES BUTLER, Adm’r. ly reSpectuble -Hotise. All necessary reeom dations can be had both in town or from thc TV] 1'NJC month* after date, l shall apply Xl I1011. Inferior court of Chatham com' leave to sell the real and personal prope IiXchlarid Hamilton McIntosh, deceased, li benefit of the heirs. - SUSAN A.G.MTNTOSH country. A line addressed to II. Al. G. mid lett at march 9 din’x. TTI ESPECTFULLY informs the inhabitants of the Post Office will be particularly attended to, JL%< Savannah Unit sin- will open ri SCHOOL on | Oct 10 a!90 66 the first of Nox-einber, for the, reception of those . ...... children, \yhoso parents may entrust them to lier XjERSQN.S...having claims against care. She -will touch the solid untl ornamental | X Cltarles W.-Tebeau, are requeste branches ofeducution; and after several years ex In ‘ ' the estate of , requested to pfdgent them, rind those indebted to make immediate T HE public is apprised, that the su iins titles to one half of a 50 acre . mer I of land on AVliite Blufi’, adjoining his and land lately John l’dullen’s, now John Morrill’s, mid for which the administratrix of tlie late John Boyd now applies for leave to sell us part of that i-sIhIo All per- tvespasa fiLLlAAlS.