Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, November 02, 1824, Image 1

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srnn.iar:, nn.iY- ', ■, r/ -s of /fh.n’F. 1, iE, sroh. I Jot Jxd, immuixa, /.vs. stablisM) Jr:K iind ngW ll ? °t ,prQtWn ' lUfctll idm'i (let. | wid | umyJ .pcnjl , ton H, ty o'. 1 sstate I h oli o ,add ihd saidf ust m ll.MirAOE* fiO. cents. •»! i—rr 7* , \ 5 ‘"oil Ltii'diilg and Shipping Country /V«- V llfttRk ' * ■ ,v f’.f 4 cents. 6 4 15 50 124 20 M 1,845s uni’.rr 100 tons, por d'iy no. do ^vjm^ L c nc!i barrel or half do Wi*# 1 bale CntWn _ - prfckjge *>«•£>,. " hnstsfietnl of bibncto [(toofcof pfLilirther [ \m staves lOfttshtoiW* 1 * jnoo (•outm • '"gSl «&i. «*■' <**■' I yno bushels of corn, and ginin *»f ull ^ * land, in bulk ‘ r,' J , ijOti bushels Inne In bulk ’ or J J cord ■af wood *. * ", i- ' '■ l«frdnr,.ligMwoodor other posts, per ^ fnAar/«?c "9* >,bcrol asmttU size, each • 10 cent*. 600 ll*s. ajidMpVyards * ‘N ■ i2«o do * ..|jj . - * * - , of coffee, pimento,'sugar, and "'1 other, bugs of such sine, (gram O f canted) each ' * * * . j). of grain »ud suit * * “ |irelsi'fsalted|>r Visionsnavalstmat, bivad, apples, older,and all limits of lipricis except dry goods ami liquors ' .-• * ’• ° of wines, and all kinds of liquor (cider exempted)'dry goods in casks exceeding 2b gullons, and. not ovci 63 gallons • 0 wines-or liquors and dry goods - in casks nndcr 20 gallons - 2 K ofihy goods,and ail lyindsol boxes . ; , under 4 feet square • 4 / .... do do over 4 feet square G lo. sunpj candles, chocolate, cordials, ► nil, anil hoxe* of like site * 2 p. sugar, each • * & ", ‘ [es of corn, per 1000, ' * * . (lie same as boxes. ' , of osnnluirgs, Russia duck,bagging '* - canvas, each », - 2 fits of Ijquar or any klnfipf casks, ex- reeding 180 gallons • I® tics, loose, per gross * 25 . cr pots, each * • ‘ dlfcs of pans, spades,-&c. each 2 n,per lOOhnshela -• • ’ Sfk les not exceeding SOOJbsi each _ 20 exceeding GOO lbs. not exceeding 1200 11,s. - - .83 exceeding 1200 lbs. • - <60 ilnge of all xincls, peftcoil - 3 ,|i evens w'iut covers, and fire dogs per pair - ( 1 ilrs of earthenware • - - 8 ,pcr 100 tbs. ' - * . - err cask - * * ' 4 ,rs, (if 2 wheels * * 37 . «, of two wheels - - 25 luges, of llinp\v}iee)j, , <’? 1 GO i, wiiidsoramlall sitting choirs, per dozen - • - ; 12„ is,pcrjon - • * 2 noiWUftdcr GOO lbs. i. over 6o»>, pot over 1200lbs lo.. ovor.iijtW lbs* inbftuses - - nijoluif, ehch k? and chests ofdrawei. Wood, per tord/. r .peruuliital - * a of all descriptions (except in bags). per 10(f bushels • ' * ■* . ' 25 powder, i|i bids. Of 100 lbs. each 124 ffi). inliedfbbls. - - ■■'61.'' do. in kegs of 2$ lhs. oruiyler 3 ^ wipilaw, [idr ltAJ feeti in propor tion for smaller' •- - d s. exceeding 180 gallons of liquor oruny kind Of t)fi6rchimdizc 10 • excee’ding 03 and not exceeding 180 gallons - . fi •til tilcp per 10CK) - I 25 p, per ion. iASTOS • ’ 11 tt.iii 1.. imiicheon 6f rura, and 'ail kinds of liquor in casks exceeding 03, and not exceeding 180 gallons - 20 Iron iier toil, first and lust wcetyJO cents, , j intervening w’ceks s 26 livery ulhtr article same as its wharfage* \Vi:iGlIlNO. F.aelrbbl. or half hb, rice - ”, fl g ltpd. of tobacco or sugar - V • 15- I’nckage of indigo, - - 8 Hale of cpt^in - - - G Kftcli-drul^jf light good?, mult!r l00 His. 04 do .do do over'100 Ilia. 12.) do do Iicavy goods under CoO 0) do do .do. over 2tK) pef 100 lbs 3 DR.VYAOR. lfor hauling up the Kluirto hny part oftheydtv, ■"ilrirs not herein omiraoruted, lor 1600 pounds l-weiglit - - ' v. 60 ceuts. Under 1600 lbs and not less than 100 oVl ,do 100i» do do do ; 600 jifor u lotM) febt of Luiriber - do 1000 Bricks do cord of wood I For evdry balp of cotton do hid. of Rice do hhd of Tobacco ' . di> hblof Flour And every other article in Ihesame proportion; for hauling down-the Bln.ll', or from one xvhnrf to nnotlicr exceeding 160f».lhs - 3*4 cts. | Under 1500 and hotlessthtux lOOlhs 25 For each ),mle of cotton, • 64 do -bb) Rice • - 124 do hhd Tobacco - ‘ Sly do hbl Flour - - - Of And (very other nvlitlc in the tame proportion. ARRANGEMENT OR 3fA IU9, | And rcgulatitms for the Post Office, fiutati- nah, Gcgs January lsf, . tfonTHEttN MAIL. Close every dpy at G K. n. Moridtiy cxceptcjd: l)uc do do do G r. m. plv no By this rriutc, n mail is made up every day, ox- leopt Monday, for Copsawhatcble,' I’WntnHgo, I BcMufort, .lacksonhofti’ and Collins’ Cross Roads —all of which urc closed the previous eveuing, ut 7 r. m. Drugs, Dye Stuffs, Bottles &c. OJX Urocc Porter Bottles •. * ■ '' O 0 do Wine Pint do barrels Gluubor Salta d do Copperua 3 do Ground Logwood 3 do Chip! do. ' • 2 do Alum ‘ ' • ^ 6htl Bottles American cold pressed Cxrtor Oil 6lk> bottles' West in din do for plantation tisp GOO Gallons Whitcf Sperm Oil of Superior qual ity •. For s de low by . , LAY k HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Druggists Shad's Buildings. nug 13 . 171 MngnOsin, b.nlm of Uuito, <&c P URE Calcined Magnesia. . Balm of Unito', Peruvian Bark , Riclls Si Lorillards cut Tidiacco Fig Bhle,0|iuim,. Arrow Root, fcc. Sic. Silver wire Teeth Brushes Just received and for sale by L\Y Si HENDRICKSON, No. 1. Shads Buildings, Cilrner nf Congress and tnUaltcr-sInets. ALSO, A fresh supply of Congress spring Water. Slip 4 137 , • UNIVERSITY , OF THF, " STATE OF NEW-YORK. COLLEGE OPPIIYSlCI.l.XSond SURGEONS. f ij UlE miileralgned committee will receive pro- A (insals for, k'ebpitig in repair the city Clock, until the first meeting of .Council in .liinuarynext; proposals for the same will be left with eitlief of - the Undersigned. .GEORGE SI1ICK, J. B. tIAKDRV, j. c. Habersham. -sept. 18 179 , Georgia route w'yws’yi” . ■(Nsravii", | p6rt at 4, a. »i. on MondayWednesday, nml day, via. Tuckaimekini;. Jack'spnbbro’aAd Waynes boro’ to AUgo'stii uud liiimbiijf h. ' puc on Tu(;sJriy^Thurs(hfyAnd Saturday; vt G (j*.xt.i'The dosing qfthis ihilil, to Augusta, lakes I place cvdry Tuesday. Tlmrsdny,and Sunday, at 8, r. Xt.except the intermediateoflices on,the route, I tliectosing of which takes iilnce at 7, p'. sit on the sflmA lat’onNwrd Fhrtin MhiSnnaliAnn^ J n loanl/lt' WEST ERN-MAILH. ugustn and Ham burgh, de- XaiEE^i. C2i Fri . V. 25 S 25 : 2 25 ntr M- 25 2 Bes, raw or teui ed, -per 100 rr, loo"., pi r 1, u liis. (. in huutUes/'cach -- f ■ pipers in' Meruliandlze, each of Pota»C8S, ouch each Jugs; daelr pci- dqzcn V fdn m 60 25 ti-'-Jl’. 35 ;.buftdj-,l4i ; d, biscuit, and' .. sucl ,'slioj.L _ • Uipuirs of he,pe.t 1,00 bushels per' Imii el j . is lor pjgsWipg peri MllltoPoweiton.. Returning due gvery Sunday evening, at Waynesboro’ and at Savannah every I Tuesday:, at 6, p. h. I Carolina route to Augnsfo nnd Hamburgh, close on Tuesday, Thursday.nnd Saturday,Ht 'i, A.M.nnd departwitlithe northofn mail at 6, a. m. to l’urys- burgh. t > Due on Wednesday, Friday nnd SuntWy, At G, p. m. By this route,' a, mail is mndo' up em.h eve ning before Its departure for Rdbcrtsville; Mat thews Bluff,. Lwcr-Three Runs and Four Mile Branch- The.mait between Chnrlesiou nnd Ilain- J burgh, goes'direct' through Purysburgh on those I days, both up anil down; Separate portmnntc.mis are provided for this purnoca, wt the olhccs of Charleston and Augusta,*which meet each other atJpiin^rjihurgh utid are there sliifted, the down Jo I Charleston,'the.up to Augusta, this supcrcedi s, the necessity of hriiigin|tliat mail to Savannah at all, 1 and thus.exnoditcs it twen'tjTlour. hours. * I The^ mulis /or Millrdgovilln, N in Georgia, vht j Lorabnrdy, Wanentoh. Ppweltoi), Sjuirta KOd De* fereiiux’s store; also, to Alabama, (except the northern pni tJ and Mississippi states, and to- f lic- South Carolina, via Mount Vintage, Edgi- 1 fiield.C. II; Ridge/LeeWiHe, Lexington, C. H- Coliimbiaaud Cheraw.will close di- rpet on flic Georgia side, o;; Sunday and Tuesday, nt 7, p. m. and 011 tl;e Carolina side.on Friday, at 7 p. m: I Athons mail, will also close direct on S1111- I dnyjmd Tlmisdo)% at .7 p.MTOiithc Georgia side, j By this route, packets lor the northern part of Ala- bsiinhto Huntsville, 4«. and Wcst,"'ennessee, arc forwnrripdj^ TlioCaruc-vi!lemail,viaDnrhy's Double Brnhcli, Lincolnton, GQslien, Petersburg!!, Cook's Office and Klherton, will close direct on. Thursday, at I 7 r. m. on the Georgia side. SOPTHEHN.OIt DARIEN StAII.. j Close onAVudnesiky nndSaturdfty affl, r. m.— LDuo on Tucsdaj’and Friday at 7 p. m. By this route the St. Merys mkil goes direct on Wednes day* and is due direct dn Tuosduy. ‘ ' ’ ■ / mUDSVtU^E MAIL, ' • Due every othor.Wednesday at ii, r. st.—Close ovevy other Thm'sday, ut 8, a. m. By this route I mails arc mode up for Statesboro’ tnid MiUriiy, in Bulloch county, Swuneslioro 1 ',- in Emanuel, odd | for Louisvil(ft and Greeqsboro’. The Post-Office isopen every day§in tjie week, I f Sunday excepted,) from day light ti) 8 p. M- and I Letters arp dtdiVercd,throughput the day, except, Register of Debates in Congress. PRosrEcT‘u$. A CCORDING to an Intimation heretofore given,/ there will he published at the Office of the National intelligencer, during the next session of 'Congress, nhil, if-eiicquraged by the approbation WfthO-Public^t every session theA-nfter, a RE GISTER OF DEBATES IN CONGRESS, intend- edtdcombrehapd u ntore full Report of the Speech es on topics of general interest, in each House/ of Congress,tlimi lies ever heretofore been pwdlslieil, or than can be given totlie Piddle Ihrough the or- dinary and limited channel,the'c<ilumnsuf a news paper. This compilation will he of the most au thoolic rest,printed with great regard to accuracy, and in a forortVdurable preservation! This undertaking is not of courtc intended to substitute or supercede the Reports of Debates for the.Ntttional Intelligencer, hut rather, by Witii- drawing the heavy and extended Reports from its columns, to etmbie tho Prbprlotnrs oi Hint'.Toiirnal to furnish, every dny. ln 0 fiomprehensivc form, intelHgildo Heports ’of the Proceedings and Dis cussions in the day preceding, on both Houses. The “RnaiiTpu” is necessarily an experiment, hut it Is an experiment the sugocss of which we see no reason td doubt. Every one who tekes an interest in our political history, as well as all those who engage in the duties of pohtical life, must have felt and lamented the want of a Record of Debates in Congress, in a convenient foftn, with indexes wlildli might lead the enquirer to any sub- ject debated, and to tlie nproe of any one whoen gaged In debate. Pueh a work would ho an rle- mentnry hook for young politicians, ami we have no hesitation th asserting that' the possession of such n one, from the commencement of the ‘oxistr big government'to this day, would he of immense vulne tlfthe nution, were it only; to shew t^ial lips heretofore been said upon questions wTiieli nre continually recurring frir dicciission, and. produe. inc neotiless consumption df time by sujufrfluoiis deljhte.v VVhnt Is true of the years, that have past, tVHI, ps soon ns.tliey are gone, be equally true of those In which we live. It is not only,therefore, as a vehicle of pfcscht, 'information, bat also as a booldfpr future reference *—as a Natioual Polit ical Repository and Text-Book that wer hope this work will be belli useful und popular.' , /rom the lowness of tho subsciiption^to tliis work, it.wlll be seen that it is no pkrt of ,our cal culation (o realize any nrrspnt pio lit “from it. On the contrary, we shall, in nil prohaltiHty, lose, mo-' tleyliy it fiitn year or two,4fopliig thut tlierentie)’ its' estttM.ished character will ensure it a sufficient -patronage to make it profitable, id if ' GALES St SEATON, el BWifngton, September, 1824. . i CONDITIONS. The publication of GALES At SEATON’S RE- GIST EROF DEBATES JN' CONGRESS will commence ns soon as the'Debnles ut each suc cessive Sessioh of Congress shall aflord .materials to fill n lmlCslieet,(8 pagi^s.) Tlie work Will be printed in.the octavoform, oiiV a supeV royn! paper, made for the|nirpose, and' on. ;a brevier type,in doubla-eoliimiis-T-cnqk pa^ecora-. (rising nearly as mueb mptter, as ope. of the eo- 'umiis of the National Inmliigepcer. it will contain ns lull and ulicuriife Reports tis .lean he obtained of ull Dclm(es on iptiln questions, ensiling session, on the first Monday or November next, (the 2d,) at theCojlegu in Barcluy-street. Ur. Ho sack, on the Tlitory add Pracl\ce : of Phytic, find Clinical Medicine. *Dr. Macnkvcx, on Chetnislry. Dr.. MiTcHKt.L, on Botany and Malcrta Mcdica. Dr. Post, ,«q Anatomy. ■ • Dr. Mott, on Surgery. . • Dr. FranciH, on Oi.'slelricsanitthe Diseaset of ■ W6mai nml Children. The Board nf Trustees hereby make It' known, that, in conformity with the ordinances.of the Honorable the of tip! yiiiver.ity, upd the laws of the State of New York, every Student is required to attend tvVo full coilrsbxof the Lectures delivered in this Cpllego before lie cun he admit fed ns a candidate for the Doctorate; unless said Student shall have previously attended Lectures in said College prior to the session 'of 1822-3, or shall have attended mi entire Course of Lectures deliv er.'din sotjm respectable School or University. The Candidate must, also, have studied Medicine three years with some respectable practictloner, lmvo arri ved ut the age of twenty-one years, and it is expected tlmt lie produce written testimony in relation to those several points. The Matriculation, Ticket is five dollars, which entitles the holder to tlie use ofthc College Library for the year. By order, . WRIGHT POST, M.D.-President. JOHN W. FRANCIS, M. D. Registrar, net 2, 1.184 Bethlehem,—(Teorgia. A PUBLIC cAmiuntion In this Academy will . comm'cnao on Thursday tlie 14th ofpetoher, iiiid he continued from dfty to day at the pleasure of parents and guardians "who may be present. The relations and friends of the young ladies are respectfully invited to attend, together with nil neighboring persons, who take pleasure in the ele" vat ion of feumlc character. The examination will embrace many of the most interesting branches, between the student of orthography, apd those of Humes Ebiincnts. It is hoped something will be done, to shew that the highest intellectual attain ments urc the exclusive property of no sex. For tlie accommodation of spectators the students will ho examined in tlie new Church. The winter scssiou will contWnco on'thc 16th of November. General Drug,CIiemicaliS^Family r * Medicine Ware LAY 4* HENDRICKSON, VVholesalo mid RetuiK'homisls and Druggists No. 1. Shad’s Buildings, Corner of Congress and , , . * Jl : hitakcr Streets, Savannah. TTAVE coiistnntly oil hand a very general as J. jL sortmunt of <,»*• f >‘r. • DRUaS, MEDICINES, DYB STUFFS AND PAINTS, rEnFuMuny, 4*c. 4’ r * A great variety of Apntliecnries Glass Were such' a$ wide and naiTmv month bottles, frotri 1 gallon to one ouhccjComposition Hiid gliisS mortars, glass lampsuiid lamp glasses, stiielliiigs bottles, gfadua- led measures, Apothecaries vials whitearu! green. Surgeons Inr'runierils—Pocket sets, turnkeys, trusses, spring and thumb lances, forceps, salafos, bougies, catheters, scalesand weights, 4 c - 4'°- Patent Medicines—of every, description, viz: Scidlitz und Soda Powders, balm ofHuito, calcin ,ed magnesia, Lues, Andcrsous, and Hoopers Pills, Swaimi Panacea, Balsam Honey, Batemans and Ch A 0 H B, V e «.m 0 fc g i Dr0 ip' tf,” , j luiiiiy of seeing sexVral c. ito”of very” Otixit^n ^ C 0,1 ^ lc mosl J Ulcers, which h.tx ing resistedpreviou-lv the i libmltormsfor cuKorcradit, 1 gulvr modes of lr="*tuient,.were.tea'<*d by ti.u use 11 I f cu, “rs ed t|wjr. of Mr. Swaim’s Punimu.., tell 1 do believe, Horn meet a id haying-tnhde such arrangements us to wim# , lmve sen „ , llilt ;i win nn im , ol ,„ lt hc corttinuftlly receiving a fresh supply, of goods, | re « Bdvkln gcrofub-i.;. Veneraal m„l M«a..ri.U J. Shinn’s Panacea rpHE dhhscHber, having discovered the (tom .L position of Swaim’s celph'rut ul Vanaeea, Itas now a supply on hand for sale—lie has icdu cod the price iron'- $3 50 to *2 60; or by the d Z(h.tf24. All cliaritahle institutions in tlie United Steles, and the poni will be syjmlieagrms. If Hie citizens of the principal cities and towns will appoint an agent lo order and distribute this Meuiciue to the poor, it will be supplied. This Medicine is celebrated for the cure of the following discuses ; Scortula or King's Evil, Ul cerated or Putrid Sore Throat, long slanding l. 1 ii• 111;i:■ ■ i:• . ,v. I'tinm. > ut uicous Discuses, White -u rlling nnd Diseases of tile Bonc3, and all cos es generally of an Olcepms character, and ( hro- nlj: Diseases, generally arising in debilitated con-'u us, but more especial!' dr ■: > Syphilis or uifedudils arising therefrom; l.'lcer-- in the larynx, 4*0. and the dreadful diseases occasioned by n long and 'excessive Use of Mercury. ,ye. 11 is al so used in Diseases of the Liver. CERTIFICATES, I have within the lost two yean s had r.n nppor- ito liera be supplied with almost every article in tlie A U HR I ... »/ rttwwlww I Have employed the Panacea of Mr. Swnlrii i numerous instances, within the lust three ~ ’ >iri. Drug line, as their assortment Will be found e-xteu siveard of the best quality, urider no M J and have nh\ avs foil,:! it cxtrc.nelv'"cir, 4c i-Vui ion who ever tydi the sale of Impure or mlultera iully m secondary Syphilis, und Mercurial ted MUfebt promoted. Me aim >st care will j have i.obesltAlion in pro„ou..'ci„g it he used in the selection of good Medicines and , v , cdlc . ill0 0 t i.ieatiiuuhte value ‘ Will be sold at a moderate profit. It is upon these 1 principles alone that they will endeavor to secure patronage, All orders promptly cxuuledl ■s- The Geoi ‘ “ * “ ““ w GIBSON; Mj4>. rrofessor of Surgery to the University of Penn. r 1 JOHN SUlNiN, Ch'.mist. Philadelphia, Nor. 17,1823. Each publisher of a newspaper hr^the U. States, ’is requested to publish this advertisement.Once n mouth, for one year, and send their accounts f^- payment. ,/ V SIIINN’S PANACEA: ‘ ' . ,C HRTI FICAT^S. ’ ' ; ' I have beeii labouring under a,disease'for'along time, as swellingin the bones, loss pf appetite. 1,,-s (H'llesh and loss of sleep. Noticing an advertise- the. lor it by.ltv .^ut having no- “ Several years have elapsed since the piiblica-1 thing liut lnv labor to depend on fnfn.livi. tionof the Georgia Justice, during which time | not being ablFto Work for a.fcpfrppil,'got so that tiiere lias been addi The Georgia Patriot, and Darien 'Gillette, will i (lease tj give this udvcrtiseuieutsis insertions and 'orwurd their bills for payment. '! . sept 28 v '182 NEW A.\D ENUllUiED EDITION UF THE Georgia Justice. - , ' TN the press and will be published in October or i November next, at the Recorder Office, i and enlurgcd edition ofthc GEORGIA JltSTICE. Terms. Board, tuition, lodglng,^washing, fire and candles, for the Scholastic year of eleven months $S13(l For the snssion or IibKyear 75 Use of hooks,maps,ink and pencils per session 1 . All fees in advance. lu the department of music and painting, the terms ofthc present year continued. Each young lady to furnish a pair of sheets and towels.. By those unacquainted with the character oftliis institution, reference can he had tohisExcellency ■Governor Troup—tothe President and officers,of i|ic Uqiyersity of Georgia—to the.Rev.Dr. Brown —Dr. Joel Abbot—Dr. John Gerardine, or Judge Wuyhe,—As regords health and . other local ad- vnntagej,no institution in the Southern Country can be’morc favorably situated. In other respects itis foi the public to detertiilnethe extent, ol oui claims to putronage. Oltr former means of improvement will be in .created by an additional.populurand able instnic tress. By unol^ur.instrumcnt for the benefit of lliose engaged m the acquisition of music: nnd if possible, iiya more undivided attention. on the part of those hitherto engaged.ip the literary de pertinent. or 17 <•- 186 -: . ' J Athfiils, 12th Oct. IS2.4, P URSUANl' to j[ Resolution of the Senatus icre lias-been additional legislation upon many 11 was notable to pay for it. Suin'! m mbs after of the subjects contained in iti In the present c- ltliis, 1 heard ofn Mr. ••••Iiinn’s having made Sl’a- dition, such alterations as were rendered necessu- j rfa'cea, siqtcd to bethels one us Mr. &w..:p»’«,’T n ) v ry by subsequent enactments, have bcen^made-tho l plied to him nssfl sin'.'* d my cn-cmid (•:;•. um-'r.ncf - additional matter iiicorparatcd,aud several omis-I and found liim disposed to timii'fit in cl 1 rave sions in the origiiml work supplied. j me the mediciue lively, aaneid i mi ot ( ny for it ‘Mr Princes Digest befug now in general use, I whenever I, got ebla ; and I fomul, by taking tiie ... lj - L ’** by.jt as by Mr. ■ for the' benefit of plilets contaliiing.the'ldws ot'tho state. A copious l otiiers that.should stand in need of Sljiun's Pjsuu- Lndexbas also'been furnished and the woYk [cea,andcouslderit a,yeiy .valuable im I,ri;:,'. -is submitted to the public,-under a belief that its I ^Mr,' . S. Si'ELLER,*4; ^ acknowledged utility will he found to be ihcreas-1 Dnke-street near front, Northern Llherow" ed by the foregoing circumstanpes.’’ I Philuddlphia, April SO, 1824; r , : (ET 1 The price of the book, neatly bound, in calf I Philadelphia,'April 21,192fcr v •Will bo FivcDollara, payable on "delivery. Any I 1 certify that 1.have liecti.tor many.yean wliet person payiu'g for twenty copies willbe entitled to led with rhfeumatlsin, Above five yia<\rs ego. t tw'enty two,and in that proportion for . a smaller I was attended l>y ti respectable Physi number.—Subscription papers will be furnished j city, \ylio put me under Reouv.-e <% merrnry, "uxo to genllcmen who may be willing to take charge which time l.htwe been worse ; my disoriferibnv ■ oft hem. J ingbMn accompanied. l)y»ev!*re p-' -.i.i'.,u.;hray whole system- Andiast winter my right tupve's much swelled, and so much contracted, timi I. could scarcely put my toes to the groiind.and was “ obliged to" walk with a crutch.- In Febride y last I bought some of J.v Shinn’s 'Panacea, and’a.'ter taklug tbrce boltles, fiad that I am (f ob tn m pain, Sti nnl u »*nl non V The; difTcrcut newspapers in tills statq, will please give the foregoing an iusertiou. Milledgevillc; August 3U. ' , sept 28 183 - Furniture Wax; recommended for the 4ng an elegant gloss to ‘bis, per lptt bitfihejs . . 25' from 2_to 3o’clock, I'. M. iuid during the lime of o. unqpos, per 100 ropas. ■ RJJ ~ .opening ainl mukingup the mails. Y - . i PersoiiH wishing^lo pay postag(F|;herf the offiep fe A PP|p'b per l«f> per 1(10 biifliL'l t of gin, brandy; and hli kiib quor, egfceedjngGy gallons, , do- TiXceeding j30*ullpns ' 10 (^nctrr cesks of wine arid othdr jinuor, and dry .goods.-jh k CJt«*edjng SO.lgqUons not ei' if' £«*1 untyffl 1\ the »inter. ,aud.vv rinipc; his •m i (he- " fe. y refpo 08," o«au Jnhid iid, up l to lh path Ae.thff ritdini t>3, gallons '[■ P !s ‘n.8 in jars, • , , j I’.; If lW bnskela/''* V . ,. . Wscacl, ; I . v JWMpi^E iitjd grind, each ., - ;Wn,per ;UiO . , ... !fuc3, : . . . cep’flacli' : ‘V . "" . . ; . 25 1 ,• • ‘t, • :< v SsV: uiL-iiercq e',T.!, v ' ic ’ ovw '* 4 fet squovif + n do over 4 8 q uilrt . Si - - , t) uor 6k oO 1 i , c .'' l '‘ ii! >SYS0 gallons 11- . :b/€ 4# d < °f merchandize . 15 Ive'u- ''6 nui u vita!, and all ■ m ' ! in mihriit- I‘ ro Vnrlionla the fore going rates. Hit pael-nf e - V n ?‘ 1,1 ,lr f vu nd and, r its name, 'ooitlJ^ " l u 'Xich It is Usually ednliiie.ed. iihitemi 0,1 more thaiUwo nights, to, •Me !n nil, ,wuUd 0,1 Sl!l - iidnfl^A J'y cven ^ immediately preceding , kinzrfn,. „ ucil to be removed on the second is shut, can enclose the money Witli the letter; reqtcd to ‘«3TifS Post Master,” and those who keep accounts with Gieblfice, and may desire tliesamo, 'ure say eo onan envelope. When the pi’dls Which are’uuc on. Saturday, ar rive too jhte to t^e delivered that evening, the oP fice kept open.oji Sunday moinjng from 18 to 9,o’clock, lor- the delivery only ofthc letters ■■ilr■ * r * w ** P -“- I .by those mails, ana r | receive .. — , , The ipjand postageofojl letters, directed to be [ seiltout of the Lnityd States, except to tho Cana; ' are leit ot'tho office, t the post Office i-^Tthi' j in the tupcspecified, jto insure going in the mail of I the day; ubd newspapcri jinlf un hour before that ./J tithe.':*Ad Mifris arp seVchil places of tficisume 1 mmie in tlie United States, itis necessary that (lie direction!;should he particular-; the State should lie distinguished; mid when it might h&.do.uhUul, I Coumiif. YYhjcn lel(crs, iireuot for a jiost town, the lieurbtpost Wwn Plight to he nieiuioned. ('oiiimitteGSoilomicil. ;••( '.EiNANCm,' • tT*® A LDERMEN Bulloch, Minis, Gumming. , sriraris• AithttedEs; l Icnslpr,; Milieu,- YVnyiie. 'XIARIJET, > v ' ' Morrison, Shick, Guudry. nhy ciu-TUitE.: ', Wui'ihg, Bulloch, Morrison. Ifl.Ar.Tfr'XMJ CEHCTRV, 1 Iiubevsham, Jackson, Waring. Y |ir0 of act . pthofDej rocilcdp' f blrtiis i« 111. until ti flONPi ,' r Touage, ■■ 8'<;c nts foi . t , (0 J 'hint ySi,' v rck luidfor onohintei « ; f< ' °1 CllSk c ° n, uining more than 30 gal." 0 d ‘of sugar, . -h ■ 25 ■■ ■ FVfilPB;*. -*V ~ ' , —— Jackson, Dpnslcr, Millen. ft r • r.AMrs. • Camming; Minis, Wayne, ? l'OBI,lC DOCKS,. Millen, Gaudry, Donsler.. .< EXCHANGE. ' Shick, Gandi^v Habersham. HNOINI.8 AND FIRS BUCKETS. Minis, Jackson, Morrison Tbilliic SAI.Esi ' Masses, ripe cf gin,' sept 1G -'Harris, Jackson, Cummlng. HOOKS AND LADDERS, - Wayno, liahcrsliam, Shick. ■ M. MYERS, c. 17^ each House on questions which lulve' been the subjoot of Debate, such Documents, ’connected with the mtlijefts of Debate, ns may' bo'deeined essential to enable tlie reader to comprehend them,.find proper indexes to tlie Whole. The Debates of the next Session, ft is computed, will, withThe Appendix r make7H volume of five, hundred; pages, at least, and ’dill Be furnished’t6 subscribers through t|ie Post Office, in sheets', as published,.'(Or-reserved^^at this,Office, at the shb-.. ’sprjbcr’s optloD,) at thiu-.e nom-AKs for the vol- j ——, be it more or less, to hepuid in adv.unec In nll ,.,.^3 of transmission IJfeyondthe'liihUsof the city, Tbtf sheets will he tiwnsmittfld as completed, Without regtpid fo any purticulut* days, as the puli- lication muslof course be regulated by the prejiar- atioft bfthe mutter of wlitcli it is to be- composed. The subscription will iti iiO' case, unless Withih die city, and iiot then onless specially indicated, be understood to extehdihoyond^-,th'c volume ae- tunlly paid for in advanopf To lion-subscribers thq prico will be four dol lars, bound'm boards,foVtheyolUmc noxv aouounc- oil. 1 The Debates of the Session of Congress.follow ing the next, and of,the- first Session ofcyery Con- gress, will, it Is supposed,'fill ubout ope thousand f&igfs; or perhaps mole, making one. veiy. large volume, or two of a handsome spTe—the first Ses sion of each Congress being hearty double the du- 'A'cademicus of 1820,' the' President of tlie tJnjyersitv of Georgia rObfUestt the Senators elect, in the sex'eral counties of this Siiite, to report up on tho condition of their County academies • The Scriotus Acaticiuicus will convene in the Scnatfi Clmmber 011 the 2d Monday In November next, where the reports w'lll be received. By order of tho President of the University. • A. HULL, Scc'ry. tD’ 1 ' The Georgia Journal, Augusta Chronicle,: and Savannah Republican, will please insert the above till 1st of November. A. H. ) oct '21) 192 BY AUTHORITY. ‘ . -AN'ACT. ' T O revive,' amendppi continue in force an act entitled an iict,.to extend to time ofta- kipg qut gfantB on surveys made on head rights and bounty warrauts. Be it cimeted by tlie Senate and House of Re- prepentatlvOs of tlie state of Georgia, in General Assembly met, and'it is hereby 'enacted by tlie authority of thc same, That where any person or persons have heretofore shad surveys made oil bead rights tlierobn have not' been obtained, it shalFdnd mayJ;c lawful for such person ov per-' sons to apply far and obtain suph.grant or grants, at any time previous to the 25th of. 'October, 18,24, 011 payment of the usual fees. , ' ' • Sefi 2 And bo it further enaetod by^the author ity-aforesiud, Tiiaf where aiiy surveys have bor4 fo/ore Ueon made on liead rights or. bounty War- rents", ahd grantsthcrebn have not been obtained, such land shall not be ^ibjoct to a resurvey un-, til tlii'cc months (roin und after Jhp person Or - erebns claiming uiifier. the original survey slmll avc liefln hotifiOd fliat such re-sUrvev is intqnd- 0d.t9.b0 made,.and that in all cases, the persons claiming under the original survey, shall he On- titled' to the preference of making such re-sur- ;vey, untll the expiration of three months from the time of suchmotification: and in tlfe eirept of- there.being no claimant residing on or near jlip land to' be thus resurveyed,' suou notice shall be perfected by giving tlu'ee months notice by pub lic advertisement, at the Court House of'tlie county where such land may lie, and In one of the public Gazettes of this State. a. 'Sec 3 And he it further enacted, That it shnl) be the duty ot all suiveyore who' shall make any such fersurvey, to certify On bis return to the suw veyor Gerteral, that due notice according to the provisions of this ,act- had been, given, and no grant obtained on such re-survey shall be varied, unless accompanied with such certificate : Pro vided,'nothing .in Ibis act shaH afteet the rights of oiqtbans or "persons under the age of 2Ryears, ’ II be allowed one T HIS article is hi| purpose of imp Mahogany Furniture. . SL-y—JIT. —nt... 'i’hc large, and extensive Cabinet' Ware Mmiu- facturies in the northern cities make Use" ojf this Composition to : give their works a beautiful po. lish. >; * A supply of this wax inp been received per ship 1.40 years, was confined hf- Savannah. -Itis put up in smut! pbtB and boxes house In this city, with rh with printed directions for .use, anti fop sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, ' c • Chemists and Druggist*,-,, ,• . ..“ : i Shad’s Buildings. ',augl2 108 Pure Calcined MagWesia, a new Article. HIS Medicine ,lias been, prepared bv tlie New- Y'ork Chemical Manufacturing Colnp'niit’, equal to tho cerebrated inrticre madebythe Messrs.' * ti|l3 ci cided intderenee over all others. Families solicited to/glve it .a trial'as jt cornns much cheap er than Henry's, being neatly put up in .bottles at 37 1*2 cents each, and for sale-only by lay k hendricks6n, Chemists and Druggists " v •' Shad's Buildings.' 172 ■ " ■ •■■ ! s and tliat-my leg is restored to its natural us;*. L am'induced to make this public for tho benefit of the allUcted. , _ CIIAS. RARIAS.. '- ; Malt-Alleyfl'iiiIadeIfiHJu- F!il’:ui' i/iliia. i ,. (. This will certify that my .-on, John Hu os; aged hi.*-! winter in the 7ftmi- heumatism in lit:; slMtul- vei-y quick, bends much forward N wheii she st she is very artful uml sensiblq, and no doubt will endeavor to paisas a free woman. Tho above reward ami ull expances paid for liqr de livery to me in' Greensbofo’, or$lQ if secured iu uuy jail in this state so that I can get lier. mi iTlio Editors of the Augii^u Chrau'iclo uud Savniiruill Repiiblicnn, are requested to give the ubovp two insertions and forward their uccounls. k. V. K. oct 12 188 fin'd that all such persons shall be allowe year alter they arrive at- the age of 21 years to take out thoir grants. > . Sec 4 And be it further enacted, That it shall be the ditty qf the Governor to cause this act to bp published in one of the newspapers Un Mil- ledgeville, Augusta and Savannah, once in each .month, until th^ expiration of the time appointed by tlie same for taking out grants. Sec 5 And be it turtner epacted, that all laws and parts of laws militating against this act be and the same are hereby repealed. DAVID ADAMS, 1 Speaker of the house of representatives . .* • THOMAS STOCKS, President of the Senate. Assented to Dee,21823. G. M. TROUP, Governor. , QTrThe foregoing to be published monthly, un til Nbwi next, in the <* ConstStutionalist". and “Savnnnali RepabHean." march 10 ders and anns. "1 applied to .1. .-Iiinn foi some ot his Panacea, and obtained one bottle, whk-h en tirely removed hi- eoniplaint. He In. • removed to the country,' otherwise lie would have signed this certificate.. . - ■ """ ■ " her ' ANN C. ^ HUMES, • - •■■F i' i: -%&■' mark. Philadelphia Alrns-Honse. i-iuJ-'.'z* \ riui.ADr.i.rHiA. March 10t,!i, 18C4. .Iccrlijy,for thq benefit ofthe nffiicttd, that ■ septa. The Gamine Improved<Scidlitz QA Df57.EN-of tho true English Seidlitz Tow-1 ted with the King's evil, atiended with uii OTFdershave been received/TOm Rondon, via 1 — 5 a ™ & **' x; '' 1 New-York, per brig Monrde and for sale low* by. LAY k HENDRICKSON. • • ! ,t»N f : - Chemist ajfd Druggists, ’ ■ f Shad’s 'Buildhigs. ' oct 7 180 • 4 k. pennuneiit-benefil. ;.Hearing of I naceh, 1 applied to him for some of it; being popr and'unable to. rrny for-it at the lime, for it ut tho could not obtain any. I next applied to .1. iiinn, Landrece!yfdsnmeu(hi*Panaeeia ; which gTcat'.yiie- nefittcdnle. Tho pairi and soreness of my Ade y, removed, and I was again able to wOrkat my trade CHARLES UOU'M VN, German Street. S^outhwnvk. This is to certify,that mV'apprentice boy J. Vrnr- rison,aged 18 yearn, has boon several years illic ted with thp King's evil, atiended sive ulceration over the body, with acute pain., tv January last, I heard of J. Shimt's Panacea, rind 'obtained ibrUnm three bottles, which effected tut entire and complete cure,and lteo's now in gdod health, and afilu to work at his trade. : ' ALEX’RRANKEN, ' A' ** Front street,above Poplar lane. Thisisfo certify, that on the 16th of April, tlie •ibov. ''.-mu-i .l"liu Morrison upprureil befo.i uie und on'exaraination, do beliere the fact3, as rtafi ! Valuable Medicine. ANT1-DISPEPT1C PILtS, Prepared by Henry domes. U •su’ano.ouxtxainiiiauon, up neimvc me /acts, ; NapproyefTrOuredy. Ibr.vDyspepsiK,, jn the above certificate, are just ami true. L geation, Habitual C ostiveness, ami piles. 11 PROBASCO X fs Weil known that Dyspepsia is one of the Justice.of the Peace, PKiladelpKia county most frequent and iormulable ; diseases bfrdnr pcertify, that I have Been afflicted w i-h rlcnm'.:- country. Its opmOieiicfnient is mdicrtotl m du- | tfsirn iu my shoulder for throe years, from tvhic-h f ferent patients by various symptoms, of which the I hhvo beep relieved by taking a few hollies of J. irregularity <W, l ’<>>yels ) ''ohslinat , c costive- SSi,m ?Panac<-... j AMES D0DGIA ' S s, of t! ncsS, hoadach, commonly calledneiVmis or stclf-'l , 1 . , Movarnensin■* Poor-luii* 1 (y l\ 5'eHownesSofthc)8yesanJ sltii^aci' 1 * *■- .-.7x: _ :•** ' 5 *' “ ityofthlestoraachrafter’eatihg.oftqn’called Iieht T „ burn, flatulence or ■wind, in (be stomaoh', biUer L ' Ju^t rec^veo per ship Florida, the celebrnR il tasto in-tlie mouth iu the morning, fetid breath, [:£4N-^CEAi, prepared by Join Shinn. Cheniist, " owsiiiess after dinner, debilj.tyi lassltvde,^' 4 enifi- 1VnJ«Mletphia, wbo has appoint* a tho sub^-i ition, depression of spirits, kc. vf ■ Riles being conne.cteu with indigestion am ... tivenesS, are certainly apd ( speedily reinoved-by [.per oottle, these pills. ' , - ' . . ' . ' ' A supply Of 'the above- ValualAe Medicine, has,I may 25 just been received from the’Patentee'f and cap bo obtained of. tho subscribers, who -have been ^appointed agents for tlie State of Georgia. .. LAY' & HENDRICKSON, Druggists and Chemists, . V. , Shad's Buildings, sept 12 175* Battles,'Corks. Dm«s, <&c. &c. QUI’ERtOR Velvet .Corks, Wine pint bottles, Oxygin, Chamber*and pocket l.ight<. Wax Tapers (a great variety,) Pure Calchied Magnesia, Arrow Root, Cream Tartar, Starch, Balsam Co- peiva, Saltpetre, Rotten Stone, kc. kc. Have' been received per the William Wallace, ahd for sale by LAY k HENDRICKSON, Chemists cud Dm'.mists, Congress,corner of Wliituker-streets, Shad’s Building Chatham Superior Court. .. v . , . . May, 1824. /~t -EORGE Johnston nnd otliers, .comnlainnht^ is Peter Vmiburgh Liviut'‘-!nu and < tlicrs, defendants, in equity in the Superior court, ot Chatham county. May terra, 1S2*I. It appearing io tlie Court by affidavit that Re fer Vanburgh Livingston and ’Harriet 'E. Living ston, who are parties defendant re-mle jjeyiuid life state ofGcorgia, and within tlie United 'States on motion is ordered that the said defenoant (|o respectively appear iind an swer the complaints hill within four inphtli’J' fmrn he date of this rule. And is further ordered that this rule^e published once a‘Week during four monthsfrom this date'in one of the public < lazcttcs of 111i*- btatc. Extract from tin Minufi jth 1 161 .inne 8 134} A. B. FAN Nlr», Clerk 1 .