Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, November 03, 1824, Image 2

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Extract of a letter tinted, ‘‘BERLIN, (Md.) Oct. la# Our Congressional anti-caucus anmli- dutcJDr. Jolm IS. Spence, is thisyfenr elect ed to'slai) at home. His opponent, Robert N. Marlin, is elected by n majority of '-210. It is generally admitted that Major Wil son tlic Crawford candidate for elector will be elected. In Talbot district by a coalition of the friends of Messrs Hay ward and Carr, Col. Emory Jias been dropped, the will be, that Mr. Crawford will get the vote of that dis^ trict.” g (Cr* We are requested to announce Capt. Wilibam T. AViauMs, as a candi date fj(>r Major. DARIEN ROAD.—Wc learn from Mr. rage. the driver of the Darien Stage, that the three bridges on the Darien Road, the South-Newport bridge and the two Sapelo bridges are still unrepaired, but that the road otherwise between this city and St. Augustine, is in goou order, and presents no obstruction to<lic travel ler. The above bridges were destroyed on the 14th September, and although nearly two months have elapsed since, and the whole cost of the three will not be more than $650, yet we are told that is is not probable that either of them will be passa ble for three weeks to come. M’■ Thei elms certainly been great negli gence somevt* «e. GEN. LA FAYETTE after leaving York Town, proceeded to Williamsburg, Greenspriag, and Jamestown, in all of Which places he was handsomely received At Jamestown he embarked on board a Steamboat for Norfolk where he arrived 5, and after being received by the A Georgia paper which, at the request of Judge Woodward, has copied his re murks, originally published in the Nation al Journal, recommending the establish ment of a new Department of - Govern ment, to be called the “Department of Domestic Affairs,” says, that “The sub ject derives additional importance from the fact that the President, at the next session of Congress, will recommend the establishment of such adepartment. ’’This information was doubtless derived from Judge Woodward. Mr. Mudison, it will be "recollected, strongly recommended such a measure eight or ten years age *, and, w’itli a view to a methodical arrange ment of business among the public offices some such measure is almost indispensa ble.-— Nat. Int. LAFAYETTE AT THE TOMB OF WASHINGTON—An Extract. The General having received the Ring, pressed it to his bosom, and replied: The Jcclings which, at this awful mo ment, oppress my heart, do not leave me the power of ntterauco. 1 can only thank you, my dear Custis, for your precious gift, and pay n silent homnge to the tomb of the greatest and best of men, my pater nal frieud! The General allcctionatcly embraced the donor, and the other three gentlemen and gazing intently on the receptacle of departed greatness, fervently pressed his Ups to the door of the vault,while tears fill ed the furrows in the veteran’s cheeks. The key was uowappUedto the lock—the door itary and citizens, visited the Navy I flewopoft,and discovered the coffins sfrrew- d. In the evening he attended a splcn- * d " rtb flowers and evergreens. The Gen. . 1 , | descended the steps, and kissed Uic leaden t S iven In die Custom House, und | cells which contained the ashes of the o’clock at night embarked on board I great Chief and his venerable consort, and team boat for Richmond, where great then retired in an excess of feeling which eparations were making to receive him. ,au 5 ua ? u is !°° desc " bc ’ . , ° 1 Not a soul intruded upon the privacy of noruivo n „ 1 of the visit to tlic Tomb; nothing occtur- NEW-ORLEAiNS,Oct.1 1. L d to disuirb it8 reverential soll-nmtyT- ame Iturbtde and family.—The 1 - - - * dential cliuir, on the left of it, the capitol of the United States, and on the right*, tin purse < hung upon a pole, containing, “ *25,000 dollsP pet annum" The area is filled with spectators from all parts of the Union, all real likenesses of some of the prominent partisans of the dillerent can didates, in the charactoristib costume of the dillerent sections of the country to which they belong. The several candi dates are all real likenesses, in the face, and equal if not superior to any we ever saw—the peculiarities of each being laid in bold relief. The bystanders appear footing on, and making, observations^ ac cording to their several partialities. The first is a Kentuckian,—“ How is Clay?” a Carolinian, with the most exquisite su perciliousness replies, “ O, dog cheap"— “ D—n it,” says Clay, “ I cant save tny distance—so I may ns well draw up."— “ Well dont distress yourself," says one in a racer's habit, “ therc’U be some scrub bing by and by, and then you’ll have a chance." “ Hurra for old Kentuck,” says another. “ D—n my leather- breeches," says an old jolly soldier with his breeches tom to rags, and a bottle of gin in his hand, “ if I wont always stand up for the GiN-raA” “ You heed r nt bo so ck-mo- rous there,” says one*, “ your old Ken tuck’s come to a stand still.” * “ D—n me if ho once gets upon all-fours,” says one in a hunting shirt, “ he’ll rfe«/-ish quick take the lead of the whole pack.". Here a sweep, between a spruce French officer, with a snuff 1 box, and an exquisite of the first water, folds his arms, sets bis chin in to prim order in Ins ruffles of soot, and says, “ who cant be a dandy." “ All hnl!” says the French officer, as Crawford hitch es his spur in Edwards’ rear, “ Mons. Neddv, I tink dat kick on dr. back of your side is worse den have no dinner de fourt The foremost fellow shows fnc boltow, says a Jockey; ay, hut the hindmost hns the best bone, says n Tennessean. “Blast my eyes,” says a Virginian with one eye gouged out, '“if I dont venter a small horn of rot-gut on that bald Alley in the middle.” “D—n my wig,” says a Hold headed vnn- kee, “ if I dont bet you.” A little bit of a curled nosed Philadelphian, peeping un der the legs of others, says, “ non’ old hickory cuts dirt.” “Thnt inner-track fellow, •stm — For Now-Yorfc, PORT OF SAVANNAH- um.ow, Colombian armed sclir, Polly Hampton, C»pt.‘ Nutthu, from a cruise, with a prise. S.ULBD, . “-0 ' , Brig ranthen, Bradley, New York. Schr Savannah, l’easc, for Hartford. Sloop Three Brothers, Howland, for Darien. Sloop Rosetta, Somfers, ‘‘ The brig T O N T I N E, Cnpt. Belts. Will su'd on Friday next, the 6th insj. Of freight or pa-«n-;i-, Imvfhg handsome accom modations, apply (o the i-aplain on hoard, at Wil liamson’s wharf, or lo BJ.^SS .It WADSWORTH. nov 3 m20-I The Light House on tha North end of Sapello Island, is again relighted. Among the passengers In the. Clifford Wuvne, nrrived yesterday, the. names of Mr Lamb und la dy, were omitted by mistake. The brigRosoin Bloom,forthls port and Charles ton, was up at New Orleans, 11th ultimo. The sloop Risihg Sun, Chase, for this port and Darien, was up at Provldenre 81st ull. Fortnight Cotillion Parties. tp SUBSCRIBERS to the ubove Parties rtre re quested to attend a meeting to be held nt Lrgt's risstmhly Hall, fO-MORROW (Tliunday) EVE- NING, nt 7 o’clock, for the purpose of appointing Managers, &o nov 3 City Marshal’s Sales. On thejlrst Tuesday in December next, "^^TLL be sold In front of the Court House be tween the usunt hours, tho following pro perty if the ground rent thut is due is not paid be fore that day. Lot No. *i, Frabklln Ward, 60 by 90 feet,bound ed east by Lot No. 1, south by a fane, west by lot No. 3, and north by Bay-st. re-entered upon us this property of tho est. of John Coarse, for 12 qrs. rent. Lots Nos, 17 und 18,' Franklin Ward, 60 bv 90 Ih « » ii] s . ana r / a ! n, &., The old oaks which grow around the se- Lmted States, Capt. I itch, of pu | cbrc> touched with the mellowed lustre ““.!!!! Iefautumn, appeared rich and ripe, ns the . t% C3 a. i w * | | ci tHHuiuiis ai'ifvuivu > tv-ii auu 1*11)0% uo iuv pt. from iota la Marina, lwv*“g autuimialhonora of Lafayette! Not a J, as pnssciiger8, the widow ot the I muniHir Wag heard, save the strains of so- I', ex ' cm P eror y* 1 exico, and tier lanuiy and U emtl mug i c and the deep and measured, twochdiren.ancphew, wnnd of art ni er y,w hich awoke the echoes two priests, and two servants. Tim ladies j aroundtbeballo 4 ed hcfohtsof Mount Vcr- I of Commodore Patterson and Captain imningham, _who have a summer resi-i ^ donc t tbc aU *st, the most af- rfcnce at that place, urged this unfortunate fcctiug 6cenc ofth “ d drama has clos . stranger (who appeared to be in a very L.i „..?i - V' ! ‘° ^?f >e ?' r 1 e . d t0 be in n ' or - 1 ed, and the pilgrim who now repairs to delicate sUfo of health) to come to New- the tomb of * tht ? Father of ^ cou ^ try Orleans und remain afew weeks until luw findits laurcls moistencd by the t ’ car of health shoula be restored; and through I j ja f avc tte. the polite aid of Captain Cunninghum. I 3 she arrived here on Saturday evening.- ^ Tucsday , 8Cntei)C0 of dcath wa8 Her nephew and one of the priests went... d b Jud ^ Sl Pcrry Antho . d.o ; ehooncr for Alavana, whence they ‘ cortV icted at jlm last term of’the Cir- wull cioitmuc their voyage lor Baltimore. c ^ tCourt ot - th ^T. States of a murder on M e ye ntforqaed hat Capt. F.tch .s ent.- ^ an ve8scl ia tb o Bay of tied to unti-.h credit for his purticular at- Hondura8 . The day appo mted for his tentioi, uad politeness qf tliis forlorn farm- | cxecutioa ^ ^ 21st of December next. feet each, bounded cast by Jefferson'st. south by St Julian-st. west by Franklin square, and anrtii by Bryan-st. re-entered upon as the property of F S Fell, for 8 qrs. euch lot. Lot No. 31, Franklin Ward,60by90feetboun- ded east by' lot Nto.30, South by a lane, west by lotNo. 3J t and north by Congress-st. re-cnUsren upon as the property of Misses Minis, for 12 qrs rent. Lot No. 16, Franklin Ward, 60bv 90feet,bonn ded cast by .hsfferson-st. south by Bryan-st. west by lot No. 15, and north by n lane, re-entered up on as tlie property of the est. of F Doyle for 2 qrs rent. Lots No. 7 nnd 8, Elbert Ward, 60 by 90 feet euch, bounded east by lot No. 6, south by n lane, west by West Brnnd-st. re-entered upon as the property of A Burcluy, for 4 qrs. rent each lot. Lot No. 10, Elbert Ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound ed cast by tot No. II,south by Hull-st. west by lotNo. 9, and north by a lane, re-entered upon us thc property of the ost.ofRemshert, Lot No. 16, Elbert Ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound K> I li st of Letter*-.* t Office Suvnnn,ti,l EMAININC in the 1 jNoWnpber 1st, 1821. Versons wi>hitu( i.etlen from tl [iti'itse ask tor Mvcrti.o d [.titers. A Regimental Orders John Adams , tnrs.Mary Admns Dr Juo It Alio tit 2 Charles Archer mrs E Aikin Jos It ArmUtronn- John Alujiitt, ji\o Sihnncr Vt Arnold An election is hereby or- "irsHcnricUtiAlmy Stephen Arnold dared to bo held ut the Mar-1 * ”* kut House, on tlm twenty fourth \ instant, for a ..lnj.r to the First Regiment, Georgia Militia. The Foil will open at eleven ] o’clock, A. Mi . J. HUNTER, Captain, S. F. iARJIS GIROPON, , Capt. 2d Beat Com. nov 3 204 L. PETTY, OFFERS FOR SALE, BARREl.S Philadelphia Whiskey B E Bourquan nnss L !iBroughton linsa Brown Dr E II Bond Franklitig Brown nil's II C Itutlcr 2 miss Betsy Brtir ^ i dipt Win Britton 9 C A Burton, Ellin^l Jus Byrno ham county 5 Jus B Bishop James Banks A Bointin Wm Black Win Bundy Jno B Burton 2 A Brndherry Myron Bartlett Anmsa Bennett 3 J A Bennett 150 20 Hogshead-, do ~ d< 60 barrels. Bach’s Gin & White's do 100 do Pennington's Loaf Sugar 20 hhds St. Croix Sugar 126 bags Coffee 6 do old Juva Coffee 12 pipes Holland Gin . 6 uo Cognac Brandy 4 do Jumaica Rum 1 10 qr casks Malaga Wine 2 half pipes Grefck do 20 cusks Sh-it, assorted • 100 kegs Dupont’s Gunpowder 126 canister do Eagle 10 bags Black Pepper It) do Pimento 5 do Race Gingei Hyson and Gunpowder Tens 60 barrels fresh Flour 60 half do . do 15 Tons Iron k 2 do rfoiigh Moulds toil kegs Nails, a sorted 10 hogsheads .MuIussl'S 26 kegs Tobacco 1200 bushels Liverpool Salt 20 barrels Prime Pork 23 cusks Brown Stout 20 do Pints, 8 dozen ci'cli 20 quarter boxes Segurs 10 dozen cost steel Axes 100 pieces Cotton Dugglug 25 boxes Salts {Gin Cases, Demijohns, &.c. Sic nov 3 L200 do capt Johathan Coo- miss Eliza Cooper ■ per messrs lsaucCoiirjo | innj Charltou,Effing- & Son ham county capt Nathl Coojt, mrs Sai-ah Cannon Benj. Cfoun. IW,!. Parris Carey burg S 0 | Nancy Crufford Wm (Tontlon Win Clonmiens • J J C Colletor I Mar/ Cnbbuso Nicholuis Coopet mrs Henrietta Clark Eliz. Crum, Effing, miss Mary* E Copo hum cty. p I .Tunics Davnni John Dyniond I Joliu Davis Antony Dins [ miss Jaiie it Davis Elcuur Docker messrs J Denes &. J miss Mary A Don. Watson ville 2 j John Davis Wm Doud j miss Mary E Darly capt Durer | mrs Hariot Darnell mrs Clcmeucc Dt Josh Dasher John Davis cnpt Job Delano inr Dellcr Bigeron Aumistus F DurJtcJ Wilmington ulau mrs Juliet Eurle , . 1V . • • 1 ed east by Jeffcrson-st. south by Hull-st. west by says a consequential Virginian, | ] 0 t No. 16, end north by n lime, re-entered upon I intende Planter’s Hank. ^^N WEDNESDAY Next, 10th in*t. Thanks- : miss Mariali Fitzsim- mrs M'inucy Furuiil mons whom We suspect lives about tlie Enquirer I HS the jiropcrty of Ann Bond, for4 qrs. rent, office in Richmond,—“ goes so well, tlml J Luts No. 21 and 22, F.lberl Ward, 69 l>y 90 fret, 'r. w S•*«K,! b0 b ' ,,er 01 1 "."TwCffiKTiK the bots. Like enongh, sajs a green nou gh-at. re-entered upon ns the property of O. M. Lewis FT Gibson Tims Garnett gh-st. re-entered upon ns the proporty of O, mountain Physician, “but between you I Lillibridge.Tordqrs. rent each tot. and I—1 dont think he’ll ever get the bet- | Lot No. 24, Elbert Ward, 00 by 90feet, hound . Day} this Bank will bo shut. Notes 'or iliscouut must be offered oil the Mou- day previous dud will be acted on, on Tuesday. Paper falling duo on tlie 10th must be taken up op J Charles Harper the 9th. J. MARSHALL, Cashier. J T Hanford " (,v!j n ‘ 2M - miss J Haupt Lamp Oil reduced in Price. Dims Harper rrtHE best Win' cr Struiuud Sperm Oil, select-1 miss Anil Harmon O * Henry M Grnvbilll If Ora Howard Stephen Ilihbs Corporc W Farn or Putriek Mc'Gbwail ter of the Quincy ” Crawford hits Ed-1 ®d east by Jcfferson-st. south by Vcrry-st. west by tlie use of families, has just 1 Miss .Elvira Harri- * missy Mary Hovail ' hi„p»r-Edw»rd S 1 «»-a »«■ «t ns -uu DHolchU. wards in the rear with Ins spur—Pjitwarns i P( j „p„ nag tlie property of Chnrlott Bulloch, for 4 cries—“ Oh! my honor.” “ It serves | ,jrs. rents nov 3 2p4 Ion,by you right, you stupid Ninny, an so it does for trying to stop him,” says a prim look ing old woman. A broad check’d, corn-fed Tennessean, looking through the crowd at old hickory, exclaims, “ well, that’s not slow.” But wc cannot give our readers F. M. STONE, c. nov 3' 204 LAY Si IIENDRIC:. SON. Shad’s Build ngf. Third company Election, A N ELECTION for first and second Lieuten ants und an F.nsign of the Third Heat Compa ny, will take place at tlie office of Justice Urssr.Li. any think like a view of this exquisite per-1 on Thursday the 18tA of .Xovcmhcr inst. formance ; there is something so inexpres- ii* muni*; , .= ™ ¥ . CT ...u R D w „ A draft for the number of non-comiuissSoum) of- sibly humorous throughout tho wbo l c required by law wdl also take place atthe piece, so characteristic, and so time to na- 1 ture, thnt we feel our power nt description Lip Balsam. T HIS Balsam is highly recommended for t e euro of sore und chopped Lips.. It Is said to I givii immediate reli f- - a supply otit can be had at the store of. LAY &i HENDRICKSON, nov 3 ■ David Hcnnis mrs .Sarah A IIo] Jaspar Hcrnandcrs Purisburg T * ‘ ^ Wing Howlapd John Hetfrcd I mrs Mariu llvncs mrs Peterllyues R A Hill nov 1 C. II. HAYDEN, Capt. 3d Company. 202 absolutely defied.—Edit. Put; 75 Dollars Reward. Liberty Superior Court. To the Jurors, Witnesses and Suitors in the same. T HE Judge of tho Superior Courts of the East ern District hnving bi;en culled to u conven tion of tlie Judges at MlUedgcviUe, the Supe- E Jackson John Jackson Eliza Irvin Sarah Humphry. James Hudson ♦ / -capt 01ms Johnson | Wm W Johnson John Koehler John Keller James Keys Commodore DAVID PORTER,commander nt j the Naval forces of the United Stntns, in thc West Indies nnd on the Coast of Africa, leaves town tills morning, to repair to Thompson's Is'niuJ.. He W ILL be paid for tlie apprehension and de I rior Court of Liberty County will bo adjourned, James Kennedy livery to the Subscribers, of the following | on the regular day .ot tho Term, to the sixtlijil De- Negroes. Blaster J A ly ah their passage. They left Soto la Marina on the 16th Sept, We further learn that it is the intention of Madame I. to remain a few weeks al Mr. Zacharie’s plantationi to proceed Boston Patriot. Mi Extract of a letter frnm Lisbon, Sept. 4th. I “Political affairs arc worse than ever— > most the governmant can do, is to en- avour to pacify or soften the asperities cosioncd by tho family intrigues, 'which ve got to the highest pitch against thc ing.—Not only in Lisbon do things Idolc ick, but in tlic country generally dicon- at exists, and is expressed in loud cries ;ainst the ministry. Spain isin a perfect rment at present—strong bodies, com- nnded by able officers, have occasional broke out against the French, and have ught well. From present appearance, ailing can save these two countries from lother Revolution.—You may expect ion to bear of events, which will astonish fo “Oar market is miserable, owing part, to the misery of tlie place—in thecoun- y it is worse. A law making Lisbon ktee port, is agreed upon, and we ex act to see it published every day—shall nmediately forward you u copy, — Hztract of a letter from La Rochelle France, Sept* 4, 1824. “Ihave opened my letter aga > insert the following as some thing cun- us. It is from a Bordeaux paper, “L’ Etoile."—A wood-cutter lately felled, in lie forest of Ardennes, a very tall and ged oak, wlifoh had concealed in its runk some remains of vessels used for acrifices, and some mcduls. These have cea recognized as belonging to the Sanmitcs, and extended as far hack as 276 ears lie lore the foundation of Rome.— fhe age then of this tree, which nt that poch rtiight have been 60 or 80 years oust be about 3,600 years! ■— — PRESIDENTIAL FOOT HACE. Wo have just hqil a glance at one of the inest pieces of caricature engruving that entirely recovered ill heultlibrought on him by the baneful climate to which he has been exposed in.tbe discharp” ~ r the hazardous duly for which he voiunteere services, and by which tho counl the loss of so many valuable lives ting on the 28th inst. set apart and appro priate Wednesday, the 10th of November, as a day of PUBLIC PRAYER AND THANKSGIVING to Almighty God, for the very great share of health with which He has been pleased to bless the Inhabitants of season—And whereas bounden duty of State disgraced by a ratification of the ® ver tl ‘ rctv ' th? risiblea of human native currupt bargains of a few office holders I ' ntf | convulsions. It is a “ foot race,” and office hunters;—Bost Statesman, * '* 41 ’ designed and executed, we arc authorised to say, by p. C. Johnson, of the Theatre, T!Anfrnrwnn-*oa I ,atel y of now of Boston. The KALhiuH, N. C. Oct. -9. several candidates for the Presidency are Political Prospects.—Our information seen in the foreground, “ at full speed;" from every -part of the state, is of the Adams a little ahead, Crawford, a head’s most animating and encouraging kind, length behind; Old Hickory, close haul miot doubt thc success of Mr. Craw- upon Crawford; Clay appears in the rear, Vo hazard but little in the pre- scratching his head, & exclaiming, “ D—n that the 4th of March 1825, will it, I can’t save mv distance—so I may as rs liis long and faithful services re- well draw up." In the back ground, at ibnl by a grateful countiyv J the end. of tlip course, stands the Prcsi- camber, of which Jurore, Witnesses, and .Suitors FRANK, tie properly of G. B. Lamm', a large I >» tlie sume will take notice, and givo their at-. nil LlanL rnlliMv annul 9?» vnora nf »»/»/» iu u l!t. I tftllflntUlft IlCPHI'lllRffJv. I TOR Judge J mrs Lathrop Barrel Luthrop mr O Lnry . yiggs—lie runaway aDout the liitlvot | urouglit to Jail. 1 1>tdip Lee July last, and has'since been frequently heard ot | -|-Ay Snvnnnnh on the 1st Inst, a negro man who K Ely Kennedy, Bui lock county miss Ann Kimblel John II Kembell JL Lath- mrs Mary Leboy Wm M Leigh 2 Wm Loyd Math Lufburrotr tnrs Sarali Luck 0 f I in the neiglibourhood of Purisburg und Ebenezer |jj s I HANNAH, the property of Muj. James Bnnll, a I IS unruiinuii VII MIDI* a iuiui *vuv I x T* A.T n his nnma is York, nnd that lie belongs to] " os L iVlnXWeii Henry Taylor, of Black Swamp, S. C. and that lie I John Martin d a, i by which the courdry has to lament I large woman about-o years Of age, the niece of | mniA wtty about throe years^itid a half ago, he is 5 | messrs J J many valuable lives.-—JS m nt. Inf. \ rank, who runaway at thc same time, mnd is no I 5^ inches high and ubout 30 years of age. 1 «. r XV 1_ IdottbtwiUiJnm. .1 nov 3 204 JNO. I. DEWS. j. o. c. L ** U ,; V , ... ■ i }• ,fiy dollars will be pnrd for the delivery of I ! James Mel fty dollars will be pahl PROCLAM A TION. 1 Frank to his owner in Savannuh Whereas the board of Aldermen of the ddive""'m City of Savannah, did at their regular sit-1 Richmond’County, or in the Augusta Jail. oct 22 ca$194 «. B. LAMAR, JAMES BEALL. Ion 3‘ mrs Eliza J W Mil- A P McCahvnync I leu O Miller Fifty Dollars Reward, ILL be paid for the apprehension i livery ot the following Negroes to the Sub- this City during thc past I scrihers, living in Bourke Cunty, or any safe Jail 1 liotise within the limits and Jurisdiction of tins I 'hereas it is at all times thc | 80 ' we cun g et them—or a liberal reward will be j City, occnpicdand tenanted, shull be supplied. r.e n „„,i I given for eny part of them, to wit: Morattan a 1 with buckets at the expense of the owners of ot amoral sna religious I f, r j g | )t Mulatio » I ...t.i—,,..i„. „r mr Noycl Jus Nevill mr Ncwgon mrs C Newman ■N JosC' Newbtiv Hannah \owlaui | Jus Nock A Oglesby Susan E Patterson Dr Jos Purks , , . , i • , j | — - man, ubout 35 years old, rather I said premises, to tlie number of at least the num- people to acknowledge their dependence slender made and of keen apprehension, and his I her of five-places in the same, including such ns upon a benevolent Providence for all their wife Hannah a black woman ubout 45 years old, I are in tlie out-buildings, and'tbe said bucketsshall eniovments— Anri wherem the extraordi- ' vi ' h a scnr on one si, le of her face, the property be equal in goodness and size to those procured nf , W* of Joseph Hines—Ben an Africa., about 45 years for tlie use of the City,mid painted,on which shall nary degree of health with Which wc have oklj gm ' all and we „ set and fi|cd touth) with t f S( , nr be paintpd in visible characters the name of the , been blessed the past season, requires of I on one urra, and his wife Sylvia about 35 years of ownere of suid buckets i and in case tlie owner of J Wm Peck us an especial and public manifestation «ge, pretty heavy to her height.—They took of I any house Or tenement should refuse or neglect 1 Willson Poi«5 of our grateful thanks to the Supreme Ru- I s Cbl ldren Ben,Dave and Hetty, the children of to huve the said buckets supplied agreeably to Inr nV the T T nivr>r«. 1 | Ken and Sylvia, two of theehiiilren belong to the 1 this ordinance, it shall and muy be luwful for the I T i . , , * , . _ jEstute of Smith Stringer, deed, the other child 1 tenant to procure the same, deducting it out of I John Rctun I therefore do hereby issue this my Pro-| and.Ben and Sylvia, to Abner Belcher. They | his rent. I inrs Margret Risk Abraham' Ricker O mrs C Odell P Wm Porter John M Pope Win Poythreaj Sr.c. 11 J.hid be it further ordained, That the owner of every improved whurf shall furnish I . a. to ADner Bclchcr. They clamation calling upon the Reverend the broke loose u large Lunoe on Tuesduy the 28th Clergy and our Fellow-citizens generally, I Septcmber.lnst, at Stephen’s Bridge, Burke Coun- to repair to their respective places of pub lic worship on Wednesday, the 10thproxi-1 uougnt up mere aim has oncemnnway and got liis I Assistants ot the Engines, on or bfctor'e tlie second 1 Wm Richardson mo, to Unite in Praise and Thanksgiving I wife und children back there and wereapprehen-1 meeting of Council in July next; and tlie receipt 1 c, lln i •Ri,,t 1 , 11 .,i u to God for his distinguished mercies to .us and P at in bavannali Jail, not two years ago, of any Manager or Assistant, for sucb buckets, I oulnl Iiwnarason and especially for thc continuance of the |~P n «?‘.‘ hcmentookofJ ' a Gun the other a Pis-1 shall t,e deemed a fullI compliance with this sec | .• nn j ’ I ty, and we thing will aim down the River to'the twenty bucKets for tlie building or buildings on I Patrick llild^ 1 I I Maraliy Country, below Savannah, as Ben was such whurf, nnd deliver them to Mnnagers aud I Sarah Renjald in proxi- j bought Uj> there and has oncenimiway and got liis | Assistants of tlie Engines, on or bfefoi’fe tlie second | Wm Richtti dso Health of this city, and it is expected that all persons will suspend their ordinary bu siness on the appointed day and join in the expression of general gratitude—and. I dp hereby require the city Marshal and city Constables to preserve order. WM.C. DANIEL Mayor, Attest, Solomon Cohen, c. c. pro tctfi. Police Office, City of Savannah:) ...... ~ ^ ~ 7 to! with them. or.t 14 189 JOSEPH HINES, ABNER BELCHER. I compliance with tion, by the owner, for thc number of buckets S Jacob Sailer, Efl ham county vner, ior me nninner, oi Djicxeis ry e nlla „ v mentioned in suid receipt) And the owner of-l cvery store in the City, that has no fire-place or I Chas Handers places nttucdied to the same,shall furnish twb fire- mrs H A Shearman Abram Scott ; ; / „ „—; | buckets for every store of such kind,, aucf under Sami Steele • D A Strobnr ^ Chatham county-*5y /ftc lion, t/it I g|ji*t] rciiuhitiuiis os other lttiidloi'ds lire bv iHIm nr. I . , r .. . _ , n F Justices of thc Inferior court-ofChatham coun-1 clintinee required to do. ^ John Singleton Lewis Strobnr * ty sitting for ordinary purposes. \ Sec. 12. Md be itfurther ordained, That every I mi ' s Ann Stibbs miss Amt Scott 30th October, 1824. COMMERCIAL. CIIARLcSTON, Nov. 1. Cottosst-Thpre is but little coming in and sales are very limited. Uplaiids of the best quali ty bring 14 a 144 for Northern factories. Foreign, exports very smail, Kick—Is in littleRequest, a few sales are making for the North at 2J a 3 dolls. * Corn—Curgo sales ut 50 cts; thc large supplies' lately received will cause it to decline lurther. Flour—Best brands 64 a'flj, for city use; but! Ihesc prices cannot stand much longer! Cotton Bagoino—Best 42inch 24 a 25 cts. NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 11.—Cotton—No sales were effected during tlie week. The arrivitls (to yesterday inclusive) uinoimtcd to about lfllObnl. s the greatest part ot which,were from Mississippi. Tobacco—No sales duringthe week— no urrivals. Flour,—The first quality continues very scarce und sells from 9J to$10< • ^ \v, *10 u . l ' v b°»i q may concern. owner of a wooden house or houses^ brick, or miss Margret Shick John Strobar <)b Franklin kIT£c hw MtCed °th2\ln |‘ 0,, f«’ or - house!1 ^vefea with wood.occupi. H ev Allen Swcett Jas Scolcs 2 door cut through the roof of such house or houses, I J°h n L felullitig Steplierf* Skut lurge enough for a man to pass through convex Peter Shick 2 nientlgjsnndei; the penuntly of a fine not excee-1 J us Smith Rev II Smith mrs M C Smith administration. These arc therefore to cite, and admonish all and singular, thc kindred und creditors of the said deceased to file their objections (if any they have,) in the office of the office of the Clerk of the court of ordinury, on or before the 7th day of March next, otherwise letters, dismissory will be grunted the petitioner. ding thirty dollais. nov 2 203 JOHN HAUPT, Clerk. Witness the honorable John P. Williamson, oedinury 'purposes. {2.EtiRGIA, Chatham County.—% the Hon. Whiter Smith 2 m ' ■ Itti* P lLst Lt Aiwi'am one of the Justices of said court this 7th day of September, A. D, 1824. 1 S. M. BOND, c. c 0 c c. sep 9. 165 D the Justices of Lfit Inferior Court, sitting Jbr mrs A Scrags Jas Scruggs John Shuman, fingliam cty THos Syllivun , Mu lick >V ieW O' 61 M Dr George Milk'll P Morin Maxwell mrs II Munrbe Waters 2 0 Munroe delivery of I *" *" I James Meldrim ‘miss A L Munrc h n hdl—(uTd t\vcilty five’dob I Owners and Tenants qf Houses Havid Metzgor _ . Daufuskec i of Hannah tn her owner, in TltliC Notice, t miss LijrnchuMiJil-Daniel McEiicturi| ' m m . I ten J 1 James McOill T il F, Managers and Assistants of Fire Engines [ will on Monday, the 16th inst. proceed to moke an examination of Buckets, Ladders, fcc. ] throughout the City. All persons not complying with the follow ing sections of an Ordinance for preventing accidents by Fire Sic. will be returned to Council. Sec. 10. rind be it further ordainctl, That every capt Allen McbVafll 151 For tov t R mrs Mary Ryan Richard Itodgcrso«| miss B C Robert Wm Rodgers M N Robeml Jus B Ross jVf lNE months utter date application will he JL 1 made to the hon. Inferior court of Chatham county,forloave to sell all that lot in Savannah I said“file their objections,(ifany they have) I V Sd.1.- '“i" ,soi * 11 Viote7 .„ Ic.OboMy t^erwiaelettersdlimliwiry wllfbocraniedtiihu.- JL S. , irL lo all whom it may concern. . Joseph Tillman John Thomas^ Whereas John M'Nish, administrator' of Isaac m j. u c ltKnn niiV. Wes- mrs Eliza Tonirt* Bullion, dec. has petitioned the honorable the \ S ®av lAlw W TImrbctf Court of Ordinary to be.discharged Irdm his suid bury limmons Ldw W I / administration. Charles B Towner John Turol .J No>v these are therefore to cite nnd admonish JohnS Towner Nicliol Tartil )Ull ' ! | ull and singulur the kindred and credltorsof the ' ward, with the buildings thereon, being the reul estate of John Smith, deceased, for the bene fit of the heirs. •' KfPV!.* FPiEDEIUCK HERB, Adm’r. IM moy 1& Wardrobe ,»taMergwOT Witness tile lion. John P. Williamson one of thc Polly Wan ‘ damson Justlcni.of the suid Court this second duy of No- Beni Wnllinw 2 Jos Wiggins | vember, 1824. nov 2 203 bv 1 B0,0 bv 1 150 loo kuk It 27 |ct27 It21 It 3