Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, November 04, 1824, Image 3

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Whiskey, Bltinkets, etc. HHDS. Philadelphia Whiskey •'J r ‘2 Bales London Duffle Blankets pities Cotton lagging of su|icrior quality 150 Cusks Cut Nails, nssortou *33? No ' 1,C “ t0 |i?0W) & co. n „v7 m202 Monnin’sNe-U' Buildings, ~~ A'OIV. LANDING, *i\ BARRELS RutonburgiiGin I 15 Pipes do do ^ 30 Barrels New England Rum 20 Hogsheads do do ljin*25 Boxes Mould t andlcs X00 do Soap 50 Hags Prime Havana Coffee 3 Bales Bleached Sheetings g Do brown do 6 Do do Shirtings-. 6 Cases Plaids and Ginghams, , 60 Bands Navy Bread 60 ‘ JDo Pilot do If, Do Current W inc 1H Casks Cheeso 6 Tubs Goshen Butter For snlc by . jib v 1 HpSOS PLAINS T S. C'. GREENE, Moore's Wharf. Whiskey and Flour. Landingfrom Scourge, 1 i~ BllLS Baltimore WHISKEY : M f 00 do Superfine FLOUR. Forsaleby ■invl 202e DOUGLA8.S k SORREL. Goshen butter, Lard, etc. Landing from Wm. Wallace, 1^1 | FIRKINS Prime Goshen Butter ' Ai 4 <12 Kegs Leaf Lard 5 Pipes H. Gin 5 Ilhds N. O. Rum 20 000 Spanish Segars. For sale by n ; v i 202 J. 11. HERBERT St CO. Liverpool Coal lor Sale, At Eight Dollars per Chaldron. at the Counting Room of 202 WM. GASTON. PPLY L nov 1 Corn Allont. I-g ^t'SHELS'Baltimore White Flint I I 111 It I CORN. Received perschrScourgc, |" Andforsnlcby CHARLES ROE. nov 1 m2p2 __ ilankcts, Cotton Bagging, &c. BALES LONDON DUFFLE BLANKETS of late importation 60 pieces Colton Bagging 100 casks Cut Nails, assorted 3 barrels No, 1 Castor Oil 60 do India Point Gin for sale by H. LORD k Co. oct 27 108 lam Sugar. AA BOXES brown Havana Sugar . 20 “ white “ “ ' 12 bbls brown “ “ For sale by GAUDRY k HERBERT, oct 27 . t.198 . Sugar, Coffee, etc. 0 HHDS Prime St Croix SUGAR 75 bbls do do do 75 bags prime Green Coffee 25 bbls Loaf and Lump Sugar SO crates blue and green edged Plates 16 Tons Swedes Iron, assorted 200 Grindstones , 40 Coils Bale Rope 4 Cases Twine Forsaleby HALL & HOYT. Oct 27 198 \ND BLANKETS THE Subscribers have reigrond l,v the hit-' ar rivals from New-York and Liverpool, their PALI. SUPPLY, coxsistfifn or 0-4 and 9-4 Loudon Daille Blankets ti-1 and 14-4 Rose Blankets White, Mixtnud Blue Plains, very low 0-4 Blue and Mixt Cloths for servants , Fine White Welsh Flannels Do White, Blue and tied Yorkshire Very line Scarlet Cloths and Casshnorcs Superfine Cloths, Cassimeres and Sattinel Hoinbuzccns and Bombazetts 4-4 and 0-4 Bluqk, White and Pink . '■ ttsdiah Crapes Caroline Plaids and Salisbury|Flun- uels ' , Linen and Cotton Bed Tick 4-4 and 8-4 Counterpanes and Quilts Fine Printed- Counterpanes, a new article Furniture and Garment Dimity Printed Cumbrick and Furniture/Chintz Fine Irish Linen and Sheeting Linen Cmnbrio und do Handkerchiefs Rich Shaded and Figured Silks . Barugc und Colored'Floruncp Burugo Scarfs and Handkerchiefs Rich CHshmcro Scurfs, Shawls uud Hand- kerchieft; AjV" \ ' v.' •' A .V ’ Bnbinctt Veils and Thread Luces 4-4 and 0-4 Plain and Fig. Bobim-tts do do Cambric and Jaconetls do - do Nainsook mid Book Muslin do do Real India Jacouelts and Mull Muslins Flounce Robes and Inserting Trimming Rich Bull Dresses und Head Ornaments Silk, Cotton and Worfeled Hose of nil des criptions, With sundry other articles, too numerous to men tion, nil of which will be sold on the most accom modating terras, by WM. fy H. ROSE. oct 21 ci-193 The SuDsciuiiERs Continue the Commission Business in Liv erpool, under the Firm of ISAAC, LOW CO. A ND will at all times make liberal ndvnuces on produce consigned to them for side. Having ships vegulat-ly in the Liverpool 'trade, and owning a convenient wharf, on which there urc roomy Fire-proof titans, cotton will be re ceived und forwarded in their own vessels, or those to their address, free of any coniraission. Orders for mercliandiae, will be executed and only a commission charged, when the pay meat is satisfactorily secured. A general assortment of British | is just received, being bought with .Money and se lected by one of the partners, they will be furnish ed us low as by any regular Importing House in the United States, uud on a long credit, for approved paper. ANDREW LOW & CO. oct 20 197 Heady Made Clothing,. XT'At cost!!! -=£0 mi IE subscriber intending to leave this place In the 20th of this month, offers his STOCK 01 GOODS AT COST.—It comprises a general us- sortmehtof CLOTIIIjVG OF MU, SIZES. JOHN P SETZ oct 7 186 .aim) I 3, her: and Si , the I atljoi tilth «| hd e their I iyne,J«l follow not, *!• Just Landing TROM OX BOARD TUB OKOKQIA PACKET. I fk/Y BBLS. WHISKEY LUU 160 do superfine Flour 100 half bbls. do 70 lings best Grech Coffee 4 hlids Antigua Sugar 12 boxes white do do 12 do brown “ “ 10 half pipes Lisbon Wine SO qr chests Hyson Top .6 boxes Souchong 4 ‘ 60 bbls Louf Sugar 60 do Lump 19 boxes Chocolate . \6‘ bbls Glue 13 cases wool Hats 2 .“ StruwBonnets 7 “ domestic Goods 7 bales •7 kegs trace chains. With a frcsli supply of Hardware and Cutlery. | Apply to P.M'DERMOTT, oct 25 IlltlPO * Market Square. [umber, Factorage and Com mission Business. HU- Subscriber continues the Lumber,Faetov- n;r< and Commission Business, at Ills old ad near the Union.Ferry Whnrf, and temlershis vicqs to his friends und the public. to the RE-PACKING und IMPRESSING of COTTON,his cotton press be ■[ in complete order. Jet 30 201 JNO. EVERINGIIAM. Fresh Fall Mackerel, 5 BBLS NO. 1 ’ •30 do do 2 15 ha°lf bbhfno l MACKEREL, 16 do do do 2' 16 do do do 3 ... fresh Herrings mg fioin brig Hope from Boston, for sale by [>ct 25 ROBERT S. v GOFF. deli'll - for Wff icr Jail. AMAIL,, BF.ALL| wd> ion s to th van! w£j : Mw ps ort-.u sion, i" 1 J 45j«g the t m belong!] ie othci Icher. Burke 1 ! itiver V i, «* f l ay win £ ,-creapr iwoyf‘i ic other*j tines, klch^l $64 p;'| bread 1° I , read'« !1 •t 29 Elegant & choice Perfumery, &-c T HE Subscribers have received pr brig Ann. Schooner Intrepid and ship Corsulr, a fresh supply of Choice Perfumery, consisting of Otto of Roses in elegant gilt bottlos of vari ous p attorns Macassar, Russiu, Bears and Antique Oils Pomutum in Pots and Rolls Rose, Orange flower and Lavender Water Rose, Benjoin, Musk, Olive, Vcnucular, Palin Vegetable, Ceylon, Bandana, Transparent, . Vuriegatcd, and English W indsor Soaps, Wash Balls, Naples shaving Soap in Pots Shaving (lakes, 4-c Pocket, fine teeth and dressing Combs, new Patterns Hair powder and Powder Puffs Pocket Books und Pocket Wallets, with and without springs La Fayette und silk Stocks, Elastic Wire aud Coburg Stiffners, Silver Wire Teeth Brushes with gilt handles Toungu Scrapers, Noil, Cloth, Hair and Shaving Brushes, Cut Glass Smelling Bottles, Visiting Curds Metal Shaving Boxes,, Floating Tapers of every description, Tanguin Beaus, Musk, Carmine, Court Plaster, Snuff Boxes, Chamber -Lights and Matches, Scgar Box es, kc. Which together with a very general mid extensive assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Pa tent Medicines, fce. ,tc. All of which have been selected by u good judge, and are offered for sale u« least 20 per ct. lowertlmn has ever been sold in this market lor cash or credit. Purchasers would do well to call and examine them. LAY k HENDRICKSON, Chemists aiid Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. oct 26 196 JAMES ANDERSON Sf CO. n AV E reeeived a targe assortment of CAR- • PETLXG, from vurlous Manufactories, which enable them to exhibit an extensive assort* meut of SPLENDID and FASHIONABLE PAT- TERNS viz Brussels anfl Venetian Carpeting Kiddc-rtninsfci- and Scotch do t Stair do of all widths arid qualities Crumb Cloths and Printed Baize ■ Iniperiul anil eonmiori Hearth Rugs TVitli a variety of other * - Staple and Fancy Goods, Suitalile i..r the present und approaching Season which they.offerforsale low forCash or approved credit.' Oct 23 195 Just received, 4 half barrels fresh Back Wheat Meul 10 half do. F.M. Bqef , 12 do fresh Crackers 10 kegs superior Butter 20 bbls fresh Flour 10 haifbbts" do Forsaleby GEO. D. COKNWELL, nov 2 m203 ■ Exchange wharf. Gunpowder and Imperial r Jt'cas. 2'his year's Importation. 1 fh/'h ten cattys Gunpowder JLLP’Lk 50 do Imperial Received per Clifford Wayne—for sale by nov 2 J. B. HERBERT fr CO. John T. Rowland, C ONTINUES to do busincs tn Mllledgevllle, nnd tenders file offer of his services to the friends and the public, in the traniuctlon of ugcnJ cy business generally. ' oct 2 ir-<(tl84 FOR CHILDREN AND MISSES. M ISS SPAULDING proposesoponingaSchooI on Wednesday 3d inst. for Children and Mis ses. For terms, implication may bn made to Miss S. at the School Room, corner of Broughton nnd Abcrcorn Streets, nearly opposite the residence of Win. B..Bullack, Esq. or to Mrs Orshorns. lteferenca; may be made to Ilev. Mr. How or Josimii Cummino, Ksq. nov 2 c203 Miss Germain A CQUAINTS her friends and the public gene rally that having rented the house the rcsi- dence-ofthc late Mr. Joseph Carruthers, she in tends devoting it to the accommodation of young Ladies arid children.—She solicits the patronage of purents to her establishment, and assures them that those confided to her care shall receive undi vided attention-. Oct 20 • $197 Education, T HE subscriber respectfully announces to his friends and the public that the exercises of his school will- be resumed oil Monday 25th inst. The course of instruction embraces the Latin Lnn- S , History, Moral Philosophy, Composition, ^ -aptiy, English Grammar, Arithmetic, &o. ko. Ho pledges himself to give the most nssidu- oiis and unwearied attention to the moral and in tellectual improvement of bis pupils.—Terms us usual. G. WHITE. oct 12 188 {Seminary for Young Ladies. Tl/TRS. GUERINEAU acquaints her friends, nnd JlYjL parents generally, tliut there are a few va cancies in her Seminary for the ensuing season. Instruction is given in all the various branches of Education tuught in other Schools. The terms may be known on application at her residence York Street near Bolton's Squure. Oct 19 tMlUl The Subscriber has taken the JAM HOUSE in the Villafrc oi*R'ice- lioro’, recently, occupied by Mr. =3» KemptOtt, nn.l intends keeping u pub- , for the accommodation of TRAVELLERS and BOARDERS. Those who may favor him witli a call aro assured that every attention will be paid to their comfort and convenience, His table will he supplied with the bust the Country affords; his Bar with choice liquors and his Stuble with the best provender, and an attentive Ostler—the rates moderate. J DAVID STETSON. oct 30 201 T . To Rent. The Tenement at present oc cupied by Thomus U. 1*. Charl ton, the properly of Charles Harris, i Esq. iff Broughton Street; and posses sion given oti the 1st November. Oct 19 191 ic 51 h inst. it* acroin- Wil- TO BE LET. The STORE comer of Bay nnd Drayton-Streets, now occu pied by J. P. Setze. Possession may lie had on the 15th of this m nth. For further particulars, apply to Peter Dupon. PETER EVEN. M oct 19 II191 To Rent. - That larRC and pleasantly situated House in Broughton street, now occupied by Doctor J. B. i Rend; for terms, apply to Bulloch U Dunwody, Factors. JOHN MOREL. Oct 16 a!90 TTT! To Rent. The Tenement in Broughton Street adjoiningthe one occupi ed by thesubscriiicr, possession given the 1st of November. M. MYERS. 190 & Oct 16 tn sham, oct 9 To Rent, The dwelling IIou^c of the Subscriber is offered for Rent, for one year from the 1st of Novem ber next. Apply to R. 4* J- Haber* RICH. W. HABERSHAM. 137 §4: Copartnership, T HE Subscriber has associated hlmself with, John E. Wadsworth, in the Commission busi ness, iir this place, which will hereafter be con ducted under the firm of BLISS A* WADSWORTH. ELIAS BLISS. oct 14 ' n!89 (/ lassical and English Seminary. T HE subscriber informs his friends and tlife pub lic that his Seminary for the instruction of young Ladies aud Gpntlcmen is now open for the reception of pupils.—The course of Education will comprise the Greek nud Latin Languages in ad dition to tiic ranches usually taught at public schools. Young Gentlemen prepared for entrance into the Military Acudcmy or any College in the U. S. For terms apply to the subscriber at his residence corner of Drayton und York Streots. Oct 25 1.1| 196 HENRY MACDONNELL. Mrs. Humphreys, R ESPECTFULLY informs the inhabitants of Savnnnali that she will open n SCHOOL on the first of November, for the reception of those children, whose parents may entrust them to Iter care. She will teach the solid and ornamental branches of education; nnd after several years ex perience in the instruction ofyoutli she flutters lier- seifshc shall not fail to give satisfaction. For further information please call at Capluin M'Lean’s, Lincoln Street. sept 28 ,182 MTntosh Academy. W ANTED, for the above institution, TEACHER, who can furnish letters of re ference as to qualifications,character,Sic. address ed to James Smith, Esq. O’ The Savnnnnh Republican and New-York Evening Post, will give the above three insertions und forward their accounts for puyment. To Kent. The Dwelling House at pre sent occupied by the Subscriber nt the east end of the Theatre, und possession can be hud immediately. The House is a pleasant one and the yard large and dry, with u comraodious-Gnrdcn. , JOS. S.PELOT. oct 22 a 194 To Rent. A Houso on the South Com mon Brriwn Ward has four Rooms on the first nnd three on tho second floors. Possession given on tbb 15th November—Enquire of Oct 22 ||l 194 F. M. STONE. For Rent. The House in Broughton-st. lately occupied by Mr. Tcfft.— The house; corner of Drayton and York-streets, occupied by Mr Gofl'.— The house fronting Oglethorpe oocupiodby Cant, Bee. Tho house on the oppasito side of th< Square, occupied by Mr. Leaoh. The House at present occupied by Mr. George, opposite to the Academy with mi entire Lot, or part of the lot would be leased being a good stand fora Grocery. ALSO, ' Several other good dwelling house and the stores corner of Broughton fond Bamard-streels. Apply to J. MARSHALL, oct 6 $r» y To Rent. The three story brick build ing on the Bay, lately occupied by JamfsDickson 4* Co. ns a Whole- > sale Dry Good Store. A pply to C, W.ROCKWKLLfrCO. sept 28 182 ’ For Rent. The brick house in South Broad Street, belonging to the est. Tiros. .Gardner, dec. At present For TVcw-Ynrk. The briir T O ;\ T i N E, i Capt. Betts, Will sail oh Friday next, the For freight or passage, liuvihg humisome modatjons, apply to the captaiu on fj "uinson’s wharf, or to BLISS k WADSWORTH, nov 3 m204 For NeW-YoTU. (ES TABLISHE D LINE.) Tho regular packet .-'lap, willi am Wallace, T. Wood, Master, Will nicct with despatch. For freight or passage, having clagjffit accommoda tions, apply to Capt. W. on hoard, at Jones’ up per wharf, or to HALL k IIOY’T. nov 1 202 For New-York, The fast sailing ship, CHARLESTON, ^, Master, Will sail on Thursdny next.—For freight or passage, having superior accommoda tions, apply to Capt. II. on board at Jones’ upper whnrf, or to HALL fcJlOYT. nov 1 202 For Greenock: The first rate pneket line ship MENTOR, ■iiifiB "*■ AVIIsorx, Master, > Will take what freight of Cotton tnay offer for Greenock, nnd be despatched ns early i" possible—apply to 0 \VM. GASTON. oc;27 198 For Liverpool. The well known and regular trading ship, GEORGIA, Vnrnum, master, Will meet with quick despatch.—For freight of 130 bales ot Cotton only, apply to ANDREW LOW & Co. 105 tons of Liverpool SALT, nnd 33 crates assorted CROCKERY, Received by the Georgia and offered for solo low for cash or on accommodating terms for appiov- ed paper if taken immediately from on board the vessel at Five Fathom—apply as above, oct 9 187 ESTABLISHED LINE OF New-York Packets. Gl!tl>8. MASTERS. SAVANNAH, W. Beebe, LOUISA MATILDA, D. Wooi>, AUGUSTA, D. Van Dyck. WM. WALLACE, T. Woop, EMPEROR, J. II. Bennett. The above are all first rate vessels, with expe. rienced commanders, and will continue to sail io regulorsucccssion throughout the season, leaving Suvnnnah for New-Yorx on Thursday, and New* York for Savannah on Saturday in eueh week.— For freight or passage, apply to the Coptuins on board at Jones's Ur per Wharf, or to HALL it IIOYT. jan 27 21 Koticc. I Plains and Spanish segars 1A Bales WHITE PLAINS Just received and tor sale by Of(0 CALVIN BAKER. Whiskey, ' •••;! ding from on boardthe Julius Casar, [ft HHDS \ ld ^ r 8alti I'J 100 bbis \ Phil.RYE WHISKEY. “ bbla S Sa?sl!gur nd MuSC ° Vado Su 6 ar 128 lETBnm?' i, nah nndit. , the lni, ie s of Savat.. t f crns f or the Season, 1‘esandGemirm °‘ T ncw MMOMS.—Mso, lies SashC nmMv a - r r> FAYETTE GLOVES, ■jps of all cofow Vuist Bands > apd Gentlemen’.- i 10 bs-'st mannnr "i, nnd ^ rc “ ^^gborn Bonnets |^ f ' ,r tha?pui‘ nepUrchasud U prcii3in fc H98 [EEsr*niF atcrit FamiI y Medicines j Andersons,)^ Churches Mustard ItjHoopers v-hings worm Lozenges James Thompsons teeth paste. , Ghurchcserm^i. j 1,0 eyewater Anderson-) 6 !'if r0ps Ro P ors vegetable |B'dsom liom-v O pulmonic detergent 1 A'ullers imS Hearlcm oil lu l ’"'kido(| t l '° . ,i I 1 ' ilis > 1 oil rKs elixir cunc’d mngnesia L*Sfet »“»•?*.*** I I !Sfe fi*e storo of I Chemists tmdn I 1 H . E NDRICKSON, I' isa rH Sg^ts, Shad’s Buildings. FACTORAGE. T HE subscriber tenders his thanks to hisfriends and the public for the liberal encourage ment he has received in the FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BUSINESS, and trusts that by a strict attention to the interest of the Planter, ho will merit a continuance oftiieir patronage. For sale. Grundy’s White Plains . * Prime 42 inch Cotton Bagging. ELIAS FORT, Commerce Row. oct 5 185 Hr. A. DE LAROCHE. Opposite the Exchange, Savannah. I S constantly receiving fresh supplies of gen uine DRUGS AND MEDICINES, selected for Country Merchants and Physicians, which ho will sell for cash or approved credit ut the lowest City price. Just received, SULPHA TE of Q UININA. oct 16 190 Cotton Bagging. ft ft PIECES first quality Dundeo Buggihg, for sale by ■ HALL & IIOYT. oct 25 196 Fresh spices, $»c. ,yi •fi ft A bBS. NUTMEGS XUU 20do ( Miice 60 do Cloves 600 do Ginger, (Pulverised) 10 boxes Starch inbundlos of71bsea'ch 150 do Cassim or Cinnamon . 150 do Fig Blpe(n superior quality) 400’ do Pearl Ash " j '■ 60 doz Lqrillfti'd's Snull’ 200 do do and Beilis cut Tobacco,' Are offered for sale by _ LAY & HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Drugmtfu Oct 14 188 Stud’s buildings. occupied by Tlioinas Butler, Esq. For terms, apply to H. KIRBY', sept 28 1.182 ToRent. The Store nni-Dwelling Jolin- ston’s Square, lately occupied by Mr. T. Walton, und Mrs. Blogg. .Apply to M. GRIFFITH, Market Square. oct 7 r!86 Oct 30 m201 B. POWELL. Evening school, Near the Catholic Church. T HE subscriber will recommence his Evening School on the first Monday in Those young gentlemen who.wish themselves foi-tne Counting House, orMechahics, will please to make early application. . CP Four children maybe accommodated with board the subscribers family, sept 28 {l*182 PETER HYNES DANCING ACADEMY. ASSEMBL Y IIALL-Broughton-strcct. T HE subscriber informs his friends and patrons that his room haying been thoroughly clean ed and repaired, his School for Young Misses and Masters is now open for the season. Having taken into consideration the present de pression ofbusiness and consequent scarcity of money, he has determined to lower the price bf tuition accordingly. The terms will hereafter be TWELVE DOLLARS per,quarter. The sclipol for gentlemen is also open in the evening. i Oi? Persons wishing to see tho subscriber will hjeuse call at his dwciiiug, corner of Drayton und State Streots. JOHN C. * ^ nov 1 * r||2G2 , v. ' Chatham Academy. T HIS Institution wilt again open for the re ceptioii of pupils, on MONDAY, the first day of November near!, tinder the supe'rintendiNice, us heretofore, ofthc ReV.Mr. Cahteh, who will be assisted by competent teachers,in the Female and Mule Departments. Tickets of admission must he obtained from the undersigned, und no scholnryvill be permitted tc remain after the lufise of three days, without one TERRIS. a ' . BOY'S SCHOOL. 1st. Class—Spelling and Reading per qr. 2d. Class—With YVriting, Geography, Gramar, and Aritlimctic, 3d. Class—Do. with Alathnmatics, and LttUu, and Greeks Languages, GIRL'S SCHOOL. 1 st Cl ass—--Spelling andRcading,per quarter $8 00 2d Class—Do with Writing nndArithmetic 10 00 3d Class—Do with Geography, Astronomy, History, kc. - - - 13 60 4th Class—With Drawing, Painting, kc. 16 00 W. T. WILLIAMS, Treasurer, Oct 21, 1,-103 & \ I. ROBERTS, o.r. oct 7 To Rent. Two dwelling Houses on State street, Columbia Ward. Apply to JNO. F. LLOYD. rl87 To be Let, The well known STORE in Whitakor-Strect, at present oc cupied by Messrs Hazard Sf Denslow, ns n Paint nnd Oil Store. Possession given immediately. For particulars apply to LAY HENDRICKSON. oct 25 r.196 To Rent. A HOUSE in Broughton- L Street, opposite the residence **? of Mr. Mason, enquire of Mrs. ELIZA LLOYD. m197 A Steam Boat, with freighting Boats will regu larly depart from the Company's wharf on Wed nesday und Saturday of eacli week, and when freight oilers to make it necessary, an extra boat will depart during thd intermediate periods. JOHN DAVIDSON, Agent. oct 25 190 , Third company Election. An Election for first and second Lieutenants and an Ensigh for the Third Beat Company, will take place at the office of Justice RussELron Thurs day the 18th of . November inst. A draft for tho number of non commissioned officers required by law will also take place at the same time. . C. H. HAYDEN, Capt. 3d Company, nov 1 202 Regimental Orders An election is hereby or dered to be held at the Mar ket House, on th ;, twenty fourth instant, for n .Aaj-.r to the First Regi'i-cnt, Georgia Militia. The Poll will open at eleven o’clock, A. M. J. HUNTER, Captain, S. F. L.OUIS GIRODON, Capt. id Beat Com. nov 3 204 Bij J. /$. if<r be ft Co. On SATHRD tV, 6th' inst. »(. 11 o’clock. Will be sold before our store. 6 barrels and *3 cases SflO ALSO, A general assortment if 6110 O E R I E .S. Terms Cash, nov 4 202 By J. ]>. Herbert vVkco. On SATURDAY EVENING, Otii inst. ct ToVIk. Will bo .sold in hi< Store, A VALUABLE CUU.ECTION OJ* Some elegsmlly bound- Terms Cash, nov 4 202 . . By Calvin Baker. ON MONDAY, the 8lh inst at il o’clock, At his Auction Store ^ The Brick Store, nt Mj-sont occupied by Jonathan Meigs. *AI)0S on ^ l0 bey, corner of liarnArd Street, <;n Lot No. 1, Digiiy Tytliing, Deck er Ward, with three-eights of *ald Lot subject to a ground rent ot $2oo per nnnum, under a it -■ Vom January, 1822, for live years : nt the expire, lion of the lease, the looser to pay for th • baihli.-tg uta valuation. nov -I 204 Marshals sales. W ILL he soldbefore the Coitrt,II.iuse in tho City of Savannah, between the hours of ti mid 2 o’clock, on Friday the 19th inshby order oi the District Judge of Georgia. ^ /• The ship ]V _— . A I, H I <) N, As *he now lies a wr.-ck off St Ckiih- erines Island, with all her lnatcriuls and cargo remaining on board. The materials saved or lying on the Ecirb of St. Catherines und on the main, viz. 213 pieces Mahogany, ou the Beud> ut. high water mafk. 21 do do iu Beach. Creek . 32 drt - do in Point Cr*t-<-k 15 do , do on Mr. Posti-i! ; plan tation, Harris’ Neck, McIntosh County “Y ' 23 pieces Logwood in possession of Mr. Harris of St. Catlmrius lulunil 22 pieces on the Reach above high wa ter mark , .L'y-m 23 pieces on the Islund 14 do in the possession of Jlr. Ur tell at Harris’ neck 1 pair of Jackserews 1 small grnplin on the Bead 1 Quadrant, 1 pr Pistols, 7 “ 1 piece Parclin, 1 Tophtast 1 whipsaw, 1 Tarpauliu, 1 pr Stilynrds, 2 lai •ge chains. 2 pitch Ladles, 1 Axe, 8 Augera 2 large chisels, 2 scrapers A small l6t of copper 2 Grooving Plaius, 1 hand saw, A lot of Lend, 'Wh ! 1 lot of running rigging • 1 wentcU nov 4 J. H. MOREL, m.d. r;. Notice. ON Thursduy next, tho 11th in 4. I N front of the exchange between the bom s cf 10 and 11 A. M. will be leased for one yarn- The Rooms in the Exchange. Leased under the superintendence of the Ex. change Committee. 'P.-M. STONE, Marshal. nov 4 ,S02 By -Calvin Baker. Administrator's sale. On the first Tuesday in Deccir,l ~. Will be sold in front of the Court Hous in this City, nt 11 o’clock. All tho personal pr.iporty ofWm.Mayhew, deceased. Consisting of a DWELLING HOUSE! On Lot No. 31, Liberty Word omi one i on rmrtof Lot No. 2, Jekvil Tytliing Darby Ward,and sundry CARPENTER S TOOLS. oct 26 $8 00 10 00 13 60 T HE Subscribers having taken that well knou n houso, the Georgia Hotel, will accommodate steady boarders aud transient persons, ou the most reasonable terms. Their table will be supplied with the best the market affords, and every atten tion will be paid to those who may favor them with their company. • They have also taken tho extensive Stables at tached to that building, where they can accommo date a large number of borses, either by the month or uuy shorter period. DOPSON k MURPHY. oct 12 *rl88 ; LAW T HE subscriber tenders his professional servi ces to the public; and begs loave to inform them, that he may at nil times be found at the Of fice of Messrs. Davies Berrien, situated in Hun ter’s buildiugson the Bay: JOSEPH VALLENvlE BEVAN. Savannah, Oct. 26,1824. O’The Constitutionalist, Georgia Journal,and Washington News, ore requested to give the ~ bove p insertions, weekly; ! To be Leased, fTsfilt a number of years, tho Southern half of JD Lot No. 6, Reynolds Ward, on the corner of 'Broughton and Abcrcorn streets, a very eligibl situation for a dwelling houso.. Apply to A i, PRATT. oct 14 ot Win. Ala Ilk' Fresh Teas. J. B. HERBERT & Co. HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND, Chests, half chests, ten cattys,five cat- ’ tys and cannistcrs Hvson Tea Ten cattys,fire cattys and cunnistcrsIurr.RiAL and GnNrowBER Teas Hyson skin, tonkay, souchong and Bohea Teas All of which are of; the latest importation, and will be sold on accommodating terms, sept 28 182 Clerks Office. 29th October 1824, TVrOTICE—Proposals will be received at tl -Lx Office until the 10 th Defiembcr next, for su, plying the Guard house with wood nnd lights— und keeping the same clean—also, for sweeping and keeping in order, the Police office. Extract from the minutes, SOL; COHEN, c. c. pro tens. oct 29 200 _ Clerks Office, 29th October, 18?4. I N conformity with.a resolution of Council No tice is hereby given that on the second regular meeting,in Nov. nest, Council will proceed to elect a City Treasurer, to till the vacancy occa sioned by the decease of John I. Roberts. Extract from the minutes.. SOL. COHEN, o. c. pro/cm. oct 29 200 Dy v 1 . _ r Sold by order of the'Administratms Oct 22 194 Executor's sale. ON THURSDAY, 25tb Nov. next at past 10 o’ clock, will be sold in front of his Auction slurs, all the Household Furniture, Belong to the estate of Hugh M'Oail, deceased.- - Consisting of Side Boards, Bureaus, Dining Tables, Chairs, Carpets, Looking Glasses, Glass Ware, Beds and Bedding, Bedsteads, and Kitchen Furniture. Together with a quantity of Plated and silver Ware. ALSO, A quantity of . - Madeira Wine, in botttlcs. ’ Sold by pcrmissioi; of the Hon. the Iuforior Court of Chatham County, by order of tin- Ex ecutor. ' T' Oct ip 190 , * Administrators sales. On \he first Tuesday in December nexfj TTriLL be sold at the court house in thecouu- V T ty orEOingham. A tract of land containing 202.’ acres, known by tiic number 229—10th dist. lying in the count of Henry, on the Yellow River, fwenty five uc. of which is cleared, together with some ■ iniprovv- nients thereon And considered a valuable. 11 :■ .-t.— Sold by an ordcrobtainod from the lion, the In ferior Court of the County of Effingham, for the benofit of tho heirs and creditors of the estate of Emanuel Ualin, late of said Comity dec. JACOB GNANN, Junior. Administrator. oet 2 1S4 ■ 1 : I Administrator’s sale. ^^ILLbesold on tho eleventh proximo, by ... Wanted to Hire. rpEN or fifteen prime field hands for whom lib- X crul wages will he given. Apply to Oct 21 || 193 S. M. BOND. Brought to Jail. I N Savannah an the 1st inst. a negro man w|io says his name is York, and that he belongs to Henry Taylor, of Black Swamp, S. C. und that lie runaway about three years und u half ago, lie is feet 5A inches high and about 30 years of age. r.ov« 204 JNQ. I DFiV~~ order of the Hon. the Court of uicbnarv, at tile residence of John G. Butler, Esqe in Little Ogecchee Distiict ;■ between the hours of 10 and 4 o’clock, ut public Auction. One.llorse, Saddle.and Bridle, and tho remain ing stock ofcattle'belongingto the estate i if Kick'd Pellum, dec’d., Sold for the benofit of the heirs and creditors of the said dec’d. BENEDICT BOURQFIN. nov 2 ■ ||203 Temporar V Adm V. Executor's sale, ' . By J. B. Herbert ^»co. On tlicjirst Tuesday in December next, W ILL he sold nt the Court House in this city between the usual hours oi 10 and 2 o el k. All the buildings situated on the north western corner of Lot No thirteen Washington Ward, con sisting ol'a 1 story house with a kitchen aud other necessary improvements being the property of tho est. of Susannah Miller, dec. ' Sold by peruihdun of the Hon. the Inferior Court of Chatham County and by order of the F.x’r for the- Irene fit of the heirs of said estate.