Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, November 05, 1824, Image 3

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fl’hiskcjp, Blankets, etc. ,,r,m p'hilndrfphiu Whiskey HJSSm LondonLfflo Blankets Cotton tiuR-ing. of =«i- r — I lfi0 c^ltt^ut NnlU, fts 'ortod • ......le Xo l.CastAr Oil $ Barrels wo. i, w . a LORDfc cO. I r«r Mousin'* Nw Buildings. *jydir LANDING, , A BARRELS nutenburgh Gin li);“ ",™ °0 Hogsheads do S Bows Mould Candles ^rn BagsPrime Havana Coffee 3 Bale%Bl pac ^ e ^ Sheetings o Do brown «° r Tin do SFlirting* 5 Cases NaidsnndGnghums, . » 63 Barrels Navy Broad «a i)o Pilot do 15 Do Current Wine in Casks Cheese 6 Tubs Goshen B“«" c GREEN E, For salcby^ Moore's H*harf. Lqy 1 \\vw* ■ Whiskey and Flour. LandingfromSchr.Scourgc, .spsss^M^f! 4 FIRKINS Prime Goshen Butter 42 Kegs Leaf I.urd f, Pines H. Gin 5 IlhdsN.O.Rum Liverpool Cool for Sale} At Eight Dollars per Chaldron. ,Y at the Counting Room of BLANKETS ecelved by the late or. and Liverpool, tiicir l y, noy 2 Corn Afloat. -AA be SHELS Baltimore White Flint "fr 8 ^S 8 ”' _0V 1 ■ »i202 ... ' . ilankets, Cotton Bagging, &c. - BALES LONDON DUFFLE BLANKETS of late importation * 60 pieces Cotton Bagging 100 Casks Cut Nails, assorted 3 barrels No. 1 Castor Oil 60 dd India Point Gin for sale by H; LORD Si Co. oct 87 . . Sugar. i aA BOXES brown Havana Sugar f II120 11 white *• " V 12 bbls browh, !' . 1 For sa ie by GAUDRY & HERBERT. | oct 27 TIPS . — Sugar, Coffee, etc. ' w/\ HHDS Prime St Croix SUGAR JU 76 bids do' do do 76 bags prime Green Coffee 25 bbls Loaf and Lump Sugar 30 crates blue and green edgod Plates 16 Tons Swedes Iron, assorted - 200 Grindstones 40 Coils Bale Rope 4 Cases Twlne For sale by HALL & HOYT. Pet 27 198 i PLAINS r |MlE Subscribe avals from New-Yorl. Tmmm cojisisTijo. or 0-1 and 0-4 London Duffle Blankets fl.'i and 14-4 Ross BlahkeW •*'§*? White, Mitt and Blue Plains, very low 0-4 Mud and Mixt Cloths for servants Finn Wliito Welsh Flannels Do White, Blue and tied Yorkshire Very line Scurlct.Cloths mnf Casslruercs Superfine Cloths; CdSSi meres and Sattliiet Bombnzecns and Boinbnzetts 4-4 and (5-4 Black, Wliito and Pink .Italian Crapes Caroline Plaids npd SaUshUry|Flan- ncls , Linen and Cotton Red Tick 4-4 and 8-4 Counterpanes nritl Quilts Fine Printed Counterpanes, a new article Furniture and Gnrmeut Dimity Printed Cumbrick and Furniture Chintz Find Irish Linen und Sheeting Linen Cambric and do Handkerchiefs Rich Sliadqd and Figured Silks Barugo and Colored Florence Barugc Scarfs and Handkerchiefs Rich Caslimdre Scarfs,- Shawls and Hand* kerchiefs Bobinett Veils and Thread Laces 4-4 and 6-4 Plhin and Fig. Bobinctts do do Cambric arid Jaconctts, do do Nainsook and Book Musllti do ‘ do Real India Jaconctts and Mull . Muslins Flounce Robes and InsertingTrimmlri: Rich Ball Dresses and HeauOrrtamenl Silk, Cotton and Worsted Hose of all des criptions, fl With sundry other articles, too numerous to men tion, all of which will be sold on the most accom modating terms, by WM. fy H. ROSE. oct21 cp193 The Subscribers Continue the Commission Business in Li erpool, under the Firm of ISAAC, LOW dp CO. A ND will at all times make liberal advances on produce consigned to them for sale. arc roomy Fire-proof Slores, cotton will be re- ’ ceived and forwarded In their own' vessels, or those to their address, free of any commission. Orders for merchandize, will he executed and only a commission charged, when the payment is | satisfactorily secured. , A general assortment of British mww [ is just received, being bought with Money and sc looted by one of the partners, they will be furnish cd as low as by any regular Importing House in the United' States, and on a long credit, for approved paper. ANDREW LOW & .oct 26,. 19? ,, Ready Made Clothing, &*At cost!. 1 ! «£0 T HE subscriber intending to leave tills place by the 20th of this month, offers his STOCK OF I GOODS AT COST.—It comprises a general as sortment of CLOTHING OF ML SIZES. JOHN P. SET5&. oct 7 , 186 „ . ~ I Elegant & choice Perfumery, &c JA MES A ND EIISON 'ip CO. I -TA^Enseeived.a large assortment of CA * JL t PETIXO, from various Manufactorlc wqlch enable thenpto exhibit an extensive ment of SPLENDID and FASHIONABLE TERNS viz Brussels and Venetian Carpeting Kidderminster and Scotch do Stairdo of all. widths and finalities Crumb Cloths and Printed Baize Imperiai'and common Hearth Rugs With a variety of other Staple and Fancy (foods, - Suitable for the present and approaching Season wl;'.;h they offerforsale low forCash or approved credit. Oct 23 lflft . . . V; Just received, A Half barrel* fresh Buck Whoat McaJ 10 half do. F. M. Beef 12 do fresh Crackers 10 keg* superior Butter 20 bills fresh Flour 10 halfbbls do For sale by GEO. D. CORNWELL, nov 2 u203 Exchange wharf Gunpowder and Imperial Teas. This year's Importation, I tien cattys Gunpowder J.llV 60 do Imperial ' Received per Clifford VVavric—for sale by j. b. Herbert fy © ■ The Subscriber Ims taken the L. HOUSE in the Village of Ricc- Imro’, - rerently ‘occupied by Mr. . ..^IKempton, and intends keeping a pub lic house, tor the accommodation of TRAVELLERS and BOARDERS. Those who may fnvor him with a call are assured that every attention will be paid to their comfort and convenience, His table will be supplied with the best the country affords; his Bar with choice liquors atid his Stable with the best provender, and an attentive Ostler—the rates moderate. DAVID STETSON. oci 30 201 To Rent. For New-York, T g T \ C V V \ E, Capt. Bells, Will sail or. Friday nest, tile Gtb in??. For freight or passage, having handsome accom modations, apply to the captain on board, at Wil liamson’s wharf, or to BLISS St WADSWORTH. nov 3 m204 For i\e»v-York, (ESTABLISHED LINE.) The regular packet ship, WILLIAM WALLACE, v ' T. Wood, Muster, Will ifteet with / despatch. For J ! A V -J- -Jj B, Herbert Up By J. B, Herbert ip Go. TO-.M<>HROVV,Oth inst. at It o'clock. . V. ill be sold before our 6 barrels and 3 cases S SIOJES-. ' ALS'», A general assortment of O R O 0 E R I E S. ' ALSO, 40 bbls Apples • 20 do Potatoes nov 6 202 Terms (Vh. TO BE LET. The STORE cornet of Bay niul Drctyton-Strects, now occu- ied by J, P. Setze. Possession may freight or | For New-York, The fast sailing ship, CHARLESTON, HaLsev, Matter, Will sail on 'Thursday next.—For having superior aecommoda- CO. John T. Rowland, /CONTINUES to do busincs in Milledgdvllle, and tenders the offer ,of his service.? to the friends and the public, in (he transaction of agen cy business generally, oct 2 tip-H184' I tioa'i. apply to Capt. II. on board at Jones’ upper 1 further particulars, apply to Peter Dupon. wharf, or to HALL & HOY i. PETER EVEN. 1 nov 1 202 , oct 19 Hi tsyj TO-MORROW EVENING, 6tb inst. at 7o'clk. Will be sold in his Store, A VALUABLE COLLECTION OF a®®®.®- , Some elegantly bound. Term? Cash. nov 6 202 By Calvin Baker. 5 .Y IDA i- 1&1 7 To Rent. That larged and situated House in pleasantly Broughton street, now occupied hy Doctor J. B. „ Read; for terms, apply to Bulloch it I offer for Qreenock, and be despatched as early as For Greenock. The first rate packet line ship MENTOR, J. L. Wilson, Master, Will take what freight of Cotton may Dunwody, Factors JOHN MOREL. Oct 16 A190 . ■ To Rent.". pdssible—-apply to 1 0?)27 109 WM. GASTON. For Liverpool. M 1 FOR CHILDREN AND MISSES. ISS SPAULDING proposes openingo School on Wednesday 3d iml. for Children and Mis ses. For terms, application may be made to Miss S. at the School Room, corner of Brouglitdm and Abere.ofn Streets, ncnrly opposite-the residence of Wm. B. Bullock, Esq. or to Mrs Orshorns. Reference muy be made to Rev. Mr. How or Miss Germain A CQUAINTS her friends and the public gene rally that having rented the house the resi dence ofthe late Mr. Joseph Cnrruthers, she in tends devoting it to the accommodation of young Ladies and children—She solicits the gatrpnage of parents to her establishment,.und assures them thnt those confided to her Care shall receive undi vided attention. Oct 26 (197 Education, T HE subscriber respectfully announces to his friends and the public tlmt the exercises of .his A Oct 16 The Tenement in Broughton Street ndjoiningthe one occupi-1 ed by the subscriber; possession given 1st *“ Ihe 1st of November. 190 y. MYERS. The well known and regular trading ship, GEORGIA, Varnum, master, Will meet with quick despatch.—For freight of 160 bales of Cotton only, apply to ANDREW LOW St Co. To Rent. ' ' I I®® tons of Liverpool SALT, arid n n , mt.p wlmrf nnd stares iic?ct I *18 crates assorted CROCIvERY, , THe wharr and stores, next Receive(1 by lhe 0eorgiB o(reped tor sale low jlSTTfi* above Wayne #, well eaicula- I f ot . ca ah or on accommodating terms for upprov- IliBfrrli * ct ^ ^ or * ' voo| J oj Lumber wharf. j e< j paper if taken immediately from on board the ALSO, I vessel at Five Fathom—ajlply as above. oct'9 187 ESTABLISHED LINE IJl ted for a wood or Lumber wharf. i ALSO, The yellow three story Brick buildings in Frank lin Ward.—An approved Tenant can have with one of the Tenement?, the Furniture and servants I by early application to R. F» WILLIAMS. riov-4 || t.205 T3 M : ■j 1 Just Landing FROM ON BOARD TltF. OEOROIA PACKET, * Aft. BBLS. WHISKEY 1UG 160 do superfine Flour 100 half bbls. do 70 bags best Green Coffee 4 hhds Antigua Sugar . 12 bodies while do do 12 do brown “ “ 10 half pipes Lisbon Wine 30 qr chests Hyson Tea - 6 boxes Souchong “ 60 bbls Loaf Sugar 60 do Lump 10 boxe^hocolate 6 bbls olue 13 cases wool Hats. 2 “ StraxvBonnets 7 11 domestic Good* 7 bales “ “ 7 kegs trace chains, With a fresh supply of ' Hardware and Cutlery. Apply to , r. M’DERMOTT, oct 26 ||m106 f Market Square. T HE Subscribers liuve received pr brig Ann. Schooner Intrepid and ship Corsair, a fresh pply of Choice Perfumery, consisting of Otto of Roses in elegant gilt bottles of vilrl ous patterns. Macassar, Russia, Bears ahd Antique Oils Pomatum in Pots aud Rolls Rose, Orange flower and Lavender Water Rose.Bcnjoin, Musk, Olive, Venacular, Palm Vegetable, Ceylon, Bandana, Transparent, Variegated, and English Windsor Soups, Wash Bails, Naples shaving Soap in Pot* Shaving Cakes, <Vc Pocket, fine teeth and dressing Combs; new Patterns Hair Powder and Powder Puffs Pocket Books and Pocket Wallets, with arid without springs La Fayette and Silk Stocks, Elastic Wire and Coburg Stiffners, Silver Wire Teeth Brushes with gilt handles, Touuge Scrapers, Nail, Cloth', liair and Shaving Brushes, Cut Glass Smelling Bottles, Visiting Co Metal Shaving Boxes, Floating Tapers of eve Tonguhi Beans, Musk, Court Plaster, Snuff Boxes, Cards, description, eiy , Carmine', school will be resumed on Monday 25th inst. The course of instruction embraces the Latin Lan guage, History, Moral Philosophy, Composition, Geography, English Grammar, Arithmetic, &c. Sic. He pledges himself to give the most assidu ous und umvenried attention to the moral nnd in tellectual improvement of his pupils'.—Terms as usual. G. WHITE. net 12 188 Seminary for Young Ladies. M RS. GUERINEAU acquaints her friends, and parents generally, that there are u few va cancies in her Seminary for the ensuing season. Instruction is given in.all the vnrious branches of Education taught in other Schools. . ThU terms may be known on application at her residence York Street near Bolton’s Square. Oct lt> tMl91 . Classical and English Seminary. T HE subscriber informs Ids friends and the pub lic that his Seminary for the. instruction of young Ladies and Gentlemen is now open for the reception of pupils.—The course of Education xvill comprise the Greek and Latin Languages in ad dition to the ranches usually tuught at public schools;. Young Gentlemen prepared for entrance into tlie Military Academy or any College in the U. S. For terms apply to the subscriber at his residence corner of Drayton and York Streets. Oct 25 i,||l»6 „ HENRY MACDONNELL. ‘ Mrs. Humphreys, n< R ESPECTFULLY informs the inhabitants of Savniinah that she will open a SCHOOL on the first of November, for the reception of those children, whose parents may entrust them to her care. She will teach the solid and ornainentnl branches ofeducatiort; and after several years ex Rent. The Dwelling House at pre sent occupied by the Subscriber I at the cast end of the Theatre, and ' ipossession can be had immediately. The House is a pleasant one und the yard largo j und dry, with a commodious Garden. 3 JOS. S.PELOT. oct 22 a!94 , To Rent. A House on the South Com mon Brown Ward has- four Rooms on the first and three on the i second floors. Possession given on the 15th November—Enquire of Oct 22 ||l104 F. M. STONE. M l s OF Ncw’-York Packets. SHIPS. MASTERS. SAVANNAH, W. Beebe, LOUISA MATILDA, D. Wood, ; AUGUSTA, D. Van Dyck. WM. WALLACE, T. Wood, EMPEROR, J. H. Bennett. The above arc all first rate vessels, with expe rienced commanders, and will edntimie to sail in regularsnccession throughout the season, leuviug Savannah for New-Yorx mi.Thursday, and New- York for Savannah dn Satdrday in each week.— For freight or passage, apply to the Captains on board at Jones's Ur per Wharf, or to HALL U HOYT. Jan 27 21 Notice, Fop Rent. The House ia Broughton-st. Intely occupied by Mr. Tefft.— The house corner of Drayton and York-streets, occupied by Mr Goff.— The house fronting Oglethorpe occupied by Cnpt. Bee. The house on the opposite «ide of the Square, occupied by Mr. Leach. . The House at present,occupied by Mr. George opposite to«lhc Academy with an entire Lot, or pnrt of the lot would be leased being a good stand tor a Grocer). • I* A Steam Boat, with freighting Boats will regu- AI.hU, I larly depart from the Company’s wharf on Wed- Several other gobd dwelling houst , and the nesday and-Saturday of each week, and when stores corner of Broughton [mid Burnard-strccts. I freight offers to make It necessary, an extra boat Apply to u J. MARSHALL; j \yill depart daring the intermediate periods ON MONDAY, the 8th inst at 11 o'clock, . * At his Auction Store 1 The Brick Store, at present. mibi occupied by Jonathan Meigs, on the Bay, corner of Barnard Street, sSfcon Lot No. 1, Digby Tything, Deck er Ward, With three-eights of said Lot, subject to it ground rent of $200 per annum,-under a tease front January, 1822, for five y«.irs ; at the expira tion ofthe lease, the leaser to' pay for tnft ljuildiiig at a valuation. - ■' V. ALSO, • • • .j“«B A general amrtment of seasonable DRYGOODS. ALSO, In front of hi! Auction Storo A general assortment of'. GROCERIES. _nov 5, . 204 . ' . • ■ ■■ . Marshals sales. W ILL bo sotdbefore the Court House in the City of Savannah, between the hours-of 10 and 2 o’clock,on Friday the 19th order of the DLstrict Judge of Georgia. ‘ The ship ALBION, A* shq now lies a wteck off St Cath erines Island, with all her material^ and cargo remaining on board. ALSO, , The materials saved or iying on thq Beach of St, Catherines and on the main, viz. i 0 213 pieces-Mahogany, on the Beach ofc high water mark, do do in Beach Creek do do in Point Creek do do ori Mr. Postelis plan-, tatiori, Harris’ Neck, McIntosh County 93 pieces Logwood ill possession of - Mr. Harris of St. Catharins Islaud '22 pieces on the Beach above high wa ter mafk 23 pieces on the Island . 14 do in the possession of Mr. Po - tell at Harris’ neck 1 pair of Jackscrews 1 small graplin on the Beach 1 Quadrant,.1 pf Pistols, 7 Block? ' 1 piece Parclin, I Topmast • I whipsaw, 1 Tarpaulin, 1 pr Stilvards, 2 large chains, 2 pitch Ladle#, I Axe, 8 Auger,<3, 2 large chisels, 2 scrapers A sniall lot of ctJpper » . 2 Grooving Plains, 1 hand saw, A lot of Lead, 1 lot of running ri|i 1 wentch . . * , , . Terms Cash Bankable Money. nov 4 J. H. MOREL, m. d'. c. 21 32 15 oct 6 tP ,t A sept 28 ,4; CO. Lumber, Factorage and Com mission Business. T HE Subscriber continues the Lumber, Factor age and Commission Business, at his old Stand near the Union Ferry Wharf, and tenders his I at least 20 per ct. lower thun has evi services to his friends and the. public. 1 this market for casli or. credit. Pui at * ei >d to the RF..PACK1NG and I do well to call and examine them. COMPRESSING of COTTON,his cotton press be Ing in complete order. Oct 30 201 JNO.EVERINGHAM. r , , , T „„.i \, n - v perience in the instruction ofyouth she flattbi's her- Chamber Lights and Matches, Segar Bpx-1 l e , rshe A>1 , notfail t0 give s J ttt Action. es, &c. Which together with a very general and extensive assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Pa tent Mediciqes, Sic. iic. All of which' have been selected by a good judge, and are offered fpr sale ‘ -•* ’— ever beeti sold in Purchasers would oct 26 LAY St HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Druggists, Sliad’s Buildings. 196 MACKEREL, Fresh Fall Mackerel, I £ BBLS NO. 1 XO 30 do do 2 65 do do 3 16 half bids no 1 15 do do do 2 15 do do do 3 100 boxes fresh Herrings Landing from brig Hope from Boston, for sole by ROBERT S. GOFF. _°ct 26 m196 White PlflinAnn/l Snonioh IrTUlE subscriber tenders his thanks to hlsfriends lL 1 ,air *sana Spanish segars | and the public lor the liberal encourage- Copartnership, T HE Subscriber has associated himself With John E. Wadsworth, in the Commission busi ness, in this placfe, which will hereafter be con ducted Under the firrii of BLISS dp WADSWORTH. ELIAS BLISS^ oct 14 iiisij FACTORAGE. 1 A ® a,CR WHITE PLAINS “■ Y J®® Qr.hoxes Cabanas Segars J ust received and for sale by n . CALVIN BAKER. 200 VVhiskey, &c. Landing from on hoard the Julius Ccesar, _ and for Saic,- 20 loo’bbis} Phil.RYE WhlSKEY. uu St Cro > x on< l Muscovado Shgar 5 bli|4 Loaf Sugur Oct 28 ii c “® s21b -cartnister« Gun PowderTea “ ^ PONCE ti M’KENZIE,.; All’s. E. Ileaularflj ment he has received in the FA CTORA GE and COMMISSION BUSINESS, and trusts thptby a strict attention td the interest of the Planter; lie will merit a' continuance oftheir patronage. Foi 1 sale; Grundy’s White Plains . Prime 42 inch Cotton Bagging. ELIAS FORT, Commerce Row; oct 5 186 igned committee xvill receive pro- osals for keeping in repair the city Clock, Until the first mooting of Council in January next; mu FTm>« a , — — I proposals.Ibr th'e punie will bejefi with either pf hah a, d-t ICr .^ n . nks to tllc ,adie8 hf Suvttii- | thd.undersigned. GEOR.GE SH1CK, sept 18 1.79 J. B. GAUDRY, J. C. HABERSHAM. 75 Dollars Reward. I -^^riLL be paid for the apprehension^ and de fife* Patterns for the Season, J-adiesan4rvlTi ent of nc>w MBBOJfSr*-Also, taSMU FAYETTE GLOVES,, , I badges of all coi n oL WRStBandS ’ a " d Gent,eraenV livery to the Subscribers of the following >n the be?! m^ cien,l L an ? i Lefekorn Bonnets | IQUNK, the property of G. B. Lamar, a large Machine fnr. 4 r ’ hav,n 6 P urCbase< l a pressing 1 stout black fellow, uoout 35 years of age—is a ht- oct 37 v that P“ r po?o. *. tie cross-eyed, and has holes in his ears for rings, P19B Which he usuully wears. He has been employed Jj Aodorsnno ^ Churches Es^ Mustard or Frank Twiggs—He runaway about the 15th of Chlrigs xvorih Lozenges July last, arid has since been frequently heard of Thompsons feeth paste in the heighbourhood of Purisbui'g and Ebcnejer. Churches ren t, a ■ ‘ lo water HANNAH, the property of Maj. Janies Beall, a Andersnn« C ° U ® j^ ro P s Kogers vegetable l large woman about 26 years of ago, the niece ol Baisom H onn „ d6 „ phlmonic detergent Frank, who ranaxvay at the same time, and is jjo Audlerslnn^ Hearlem oil doubt xvith him. , , , r^„!, c ?, len . a hve British oil - Fifty dollars xvill bo paid for the delivery of Henryscane’d magnesia Frank to his owner in Savannah, or for lodging n-4 , » 1 him iti the Savannah Jail—apd twenty five dol lars forth# delivery of Hannah to her owner, ip Richmond County, or in the Augusta Jail. G. B. LAMAR, JAMES BEALL. oct 22 CAjiUM For further information please call at Captiiin M’Lean'rt, Lincoln Street. sept 28 182 ; ^ M‘Intosh Academy. ; W ANTED, for the above institution, a TEACHER, who. can furnish letters of re ference as to qualifications,character,&c. address^ ed to James Smith, Esq. EF The Savannah Republican and NewA ork Evening Post, will give tlie above three insertions and forward their accounts for payment. Oct 30 m201 A. B. POWELL. —j Evening scliool, Near the Catholic Church. T llE sdhScriber xvill recommence his Evening | School on the fit'st Monday in October.— Those young gehtlcmen who wish to prepare | themselves forthe Counting House, orMeehanics, xvill please to make early application. EP Four children maybe accommodated with board d'C. in the subscribers family, sept 28 tL*182 PETER-HYNES DANCING ACADEMY. ASSEMBLY HALL-Broughton-stmt. T HE subscriber informs his friends amlpidrons, that his room having been tiioroughjy ojehn- ed and repaired, his School for Young Misses mul I Masters is now open for tlie season. Having taken into consideration tlie present de pression ofbus'moss and consequent scarcity of money, he lias determined to loxvcr tlie price of tuition accordingly. The terms xvill herbufter be | TWELVE DOLI.ARS per quarter. The school for gentlemen is alsri open in the j evening. , .. O’ Persons xvishing to see the subscriber xvill please call at his dxvelling, corner of Drayton Und Slate Streets. JOHN C. LEGE; nov 1 p||202 , ,. . To Rent. ’ The three story brick build-1 ingonlhe Bay, lately occupied by Jam *s Dickson Co as a Whole-1 sale Dry' Good Store. Apply to C.W. ROCKWELL 4-( - 182 For Rent. The brick house in South Broad Street, belonging to the est. Thos. Gardner, dec. At present i occupied by Thomas Butler, Esq. For | terms, apply to H. KIRBY. , sept 28 I.1B2 To Rent. oct 25 JOHN DAVIDSON, Agent. 196 Third company Election. An Election for first and second Lieutenant# and'an Ensigh for tlie Third Beat j change Coiridijlee nctv4 m Notice. ON Thursday next, the 11th inst. I N front of the exchange betxvcen tlie hours oj : 10 and 11 A. M. xvill be leased for one year , The Rooms in the Exchange. Leased under the Supcrintoiidaucc of tho Ei; ill oct 7 Tho Store and Dwelling John ston’s Square, lately occupied j by Mr. T. Walton, nnd Mrs. Blogg. Apply to M. GRIFFITH, Market Square. el86 A oct 7 To Rent. Txvo dxvelling Houses on State street j-Columbia' Ward. Apply to JNO. F. LLOYD. rl87 . To be Let, The xvell knoxvri’ STORE in | Whitiikcr-Strect, at present oc cupied by Messrs Hazard 4' Densloxv, j ns a Paint and Oil Store. Possession given immediately. For particulars apply to LAV 4- HENDRICKSON; * oct 25 , l196 ' To Rent. » A HOUSE in Broughton- Street, opposite the residence of Mr. Mason, enquire of Mrs. El ' m!97 Mrs. ELIZA LLOYD. . 4 * J AbdorsonSdd Hoopers do do U lI c .^? eoU Eqnrops not refs v6l detergent ■■““'ot lenat’’ “"“'“"ini Opodeldock pSalomans drops,^' Can conatanHy b c hod at t ho stor( , „ r Chemists anting H . EN ORICKSON, '9Ppt'2S Shad's Buildings: Company, will take place at the j office of Justice Russf.ll on Thurs day the \8th of November inst. . A draft for the number pf non commissioned officers, required by I law will also take place at the same time; C. II. HAYDEN, Ciipt. 3d Company, hov 1 202 RegitnOntal Orders An election is hereby or dered to be held at the Mar ket House, on the twenty fourth instant, for a ’/later to the First Regi ent, Georgia Militia. Tlie Poll will open at eleVen o’clock, A. M. . J. HUNTER, Captain, S. F.' LOUIS GIRbDON, Capt. 2d Beat Com. hov 3 204 Fresh Teas. J. B. HERBERT & Go. HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND, Chests, half chests, ten cattys,five cat. tys and cannisters Hyson Tea ' Ten cattys,five cattys and cannisterslMPEniAL and Gunpowder Teas Hyson skin, tonkay, souchong and Bohen Teas All of xvhich.are of the latest importation, and will be sold on accommodating terms. v sept 28 182 Clerks Office; 29th .October 1,824, "[YfOTICE-—Proposals will be received at this JN Office until the 10th December next, for sup- iplying the Guard house vith xvood and lights— F; M. STONE, Marslial. Mi oct 26 msmn® I . , T HE Subscribers having taken that xvell knoxvn I arid keeping the same clean—also, for Sweeping J them, that lie may at all times be found at tlm Ot- housc, the Georgia Hotel, xvill accommodate aud keeping in order, the Police office; flee of Messrs/ Davies Up Berrien, situalecLin: Ilua- steady boahieni and transmit persons, on the most • frrtm ika nitnntn*. ki.ii,iih«n n iii»ii»» • . reasonable terms. Their tnble will be supplied By' Calvin Baker. Administrators sale. On the first Tuesday in December next, Will be sold in front of the Court Ifbus ■ in t’nj- City, at 11 o’clock. All th'e personal properly of Wm. Mayhexv, deeqasede Consisting of a DWELLING HOUSE, On Lot No. 31, Liberty Ward and orrr- on partof Lot No. 2, Jckyll TyWiing •; Darby Ward,ana sundry CARPENTERS TOOI/H. Sold by order of the Administrators.j ** *■ Oct 22 194 iUxecittor's sale. ON THURSDAY, ‘25th Nov. next at 4 part 10 flV clock, xvill bo sold in front of his Auction store., #11 the . ' ' Household. Furnitu re. Belong to the estate of Hugh M'Call, deceased.— Consisting of , Side Boards, Bureaus, Dining 'Tahirs, Chairs, Carpets, Lootcing .Glasses, Glass- Ware, Beds and Bedding, Bedsteads, and. Kitchen Furniture. . Together with a quantity of Plated aiid silverWare. ALSO, . • ; A quantity <jf Madeira. Wines, in bqtttles. Sold by permission of tbe Hon. the Inferior Corirt of Chatham CoIl. 1 ty, by order of the Ex ecutor ; ' -.fd Oct 16 190 V i “ ' ' LAW . - ' T HE subscriber tenders his,professional snrvi- : ccs to the public.; and begs leave to inform Chatham Academy* T HIS Institution will againi open for the re-1 " They have "nfso taken the extensivo Staples at- ception of pupils, on MONDAY, the first day tnc i )ec f to that building, svhere tliey euiinecbmmo- xvith tlie best the market affords, and ex-ery atteti- tion xvill be paid to those xvho may favor tiienl xvitli their-company. also lake of November next’, under tlie sUperliitendmicc, as heretofore, ofthe Rev. Mr. Carter, xvlio will be assisted by competent teachers,iii the Female and Mule Departments. . Tickets of admission must be Obtained from the undersigned, and no scholar xvill be permitted to remain after tlie lapse of threo days, xvithout one. TERMS- ’ BOY'S SCHOOL. 1st. Class—Spelling and Reading per qr. $8 00 2d. Class—With' Writing, ^eograpliy, . Gramar, and Arithmetic, - 10 00 3d. Class—Do. with Mutliematics, and Latin, and Greeks Languages, 13 50 GIRL'S SCHOOL. date a large number of horses, either by the month or any shorter period. DOP80N & MURPHY.. oct 12 ... *i*l89 1 - To bo Leased, F OR ft number of years, tho Southern half’of Lot No. 6, Reynolds Ward, on. the Corner of Broughton and Abercorn streets; a very eligible situation for a dwelling house. Apply to A. J. PRATT. oct 14 ,, tiiit89. ' Assize of Dread. T HE average price offlour being $6J pec brr- rel, 196 xveitlht, the weight of bread for, 2d Class—Do xvitSWriting and Arithmetic 10 00 I '’espnt month must be Extract from the minutes, SOL. COHEN, c. c.prb tern. pet 29 200 . Clerks Office, 29th October, 1824; I N Conformity With a resolution of Codncil No tice is hereby given\Jbat on the second regular meeting in Nov; nest; Council xvill proceed to elect a City Treasure^, to fill the vacancy occa, sionedby tho decease of John I. Roberts. '- Extract from the minutes. , SOL. COHEN, c. 6. pro tern. pet 29 200 —-■ Wanted to Hire. rj5EN or fifteen prime field hands for whom lib*' eral wages xvill be given. Oct’ 21 11193 BOND. 2d . 3d Class—Do with Geography, Astronomy^, History, £ic. • ' 5? 4th Class—With Drawing, Painting, &c. 15 00 W. Ti WILLIAMS, Treasurer. Oct 21. Brought to Jail. I 'N Savannah on the 1st inst. a nej says his name is York, and that Henry Tavlor, of Black Sxvamp,S, r 2S«;w iS hntrer* nnA fiMler? of brand will take I ranaxvay about three years and a half ago, he is 5 of which all bakers, and sellers.ot bread W01 take inches high and about 30 years of age- due notice. -■ n0 v'3 204 /NO. I. DEWS, r. cue. gsto m . . • i ter’s buildings.on the Bay. JOSEPH VALLENCE BEVAN. ' Savafinah, Octj,26,1824. , . . ! O’ The Constitutionalist, Georgia Journal,arid Washington Nexx's,-are requested to give the uj bovc 3 insertions, xx'cekly. . ,. c ; Li[) Balsam., T HIS Bnlsam is highly recommended for tlm cure of sore' apd chopped Lips. It is said tr> give immediate relief--a Supply of it caii lie had at the store of. . LAY & HENDRICKSON, nov 3 ' ■ • , ;I Liberty Superior Gchirt. To the Jurors, Witnesses and Suitors in the same. T HE Judge of the Superior Courts of tho east ern District jmx-ing been Called to a qeriven- j tion r.f- the Judges at Millodgcville, the Supe rior Court of Liberty County xvill be adjourned. 124 Loaf 6i ,do lbs 1 do 13 ounces 6.i do tendance . By order of his Ho“nor James M. Wayne, Ju of the Superior Court, f E. BAKER, e.r .s novij t*2kH