Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, November 06, 1824, Image 1

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■i“ * ; *■ * • • f* " v - No. 2«7 Vol. or' mURF IGE, STORAGE, GUAY- Jiramly,puncheon of rum, and nil °/v/i WEIGHING, IN SAVANNAH, , kinds of liquor »n ensksexcecding 03, fe>D WBfGHINi idbllshed, Jon. 1824, and now In operation. WHARFAGE. lab under 10Clions, par da? 60 cents. l J?Z Landis and Shipping Country Pro- fJ 8 duct, each barrel or half do Itice . ' 4-cents, bole Cotton • * 4 backngc of Indigo • ]£ bfSftlS ; . » S000 staves * 101 SOrtO shingles * __ 20 a . lOOOreeds 30 {Wmafert-jggj-v,. heavy wood, sold by the solid ft. .17A IlOO busnelk of corn, and grain ot all kind, in bulk * * ™ 100 bushels limo In bulk _ 30 eeda°lightwood or other posts, per ^ tOO and Upping Goods. 10 cents. t 16 25 60 cents.' 37J fharfage on L~~ „ lior of a small also, each 600 lbs. aad upward^ 1200 do lofcoffee, pimento, sugar, ajd all btiier bogs of such sire, (grain ea Icnted) each • ‘ “ lot grnin and salt * . i .. * blsiof salted pr visions naval i ores, bread, apples, cider, and all kind. of barrels except dry goods and • o} wines,sind all kinds of liquor (rider cxccntcd) dre goodsi n casks exceeding 20 gallons, and not over 63 gallons • 0 wines or liquors and dry goods , in casts under 20 gallons .* 2 of dry goods,andnll kinds of boxes under 4 feet Square - “ , 4 . do do over 4 feet square 0 b. soap, candles, chocolate, cordials, _ oil, and boxes of like sire . * 2 sugar, each' *, * ® js ot corn, per 1000 * 23 s, the same as boxes, j of osnnburgs, Russia duck, bngging canvas, each * * 2 I of liquor or any kind of casks, ex* cceding 130 gallons * 15', les, loose, pergross • *26 Jcr pots, each tiles of puns, spades, Sic. each s 2 k, per lOObusliels 1 *25 |cs not exceeding 600 lbs. each 20 exceeding 000 lbs. not exceeding 1200 lbs. , • - 35 exceeding 1200 lbs. • • 60 doge of all xinds, per coll * . 3 bp ovens with covers, <uid fire dogs I per pair * • 1 Ites of earthenware . • * 8 lese, per 100 lbs. / ' ■ - *2 In . per cask * • 4 yirs, of 2 wheels . s, of two wheels '• - 26 riages, of four wheels - 51 00 ' s, Windsor andull sitting chairs, per doseh - - - 12 ah, per ton * . • 12 nnons Under 600 lbs. * 26 over 600, not over 1200 lbs 60 over 1200 lbs. * $1 00 nbouses * , - ' 26 , empty * • . - « « e, eactr • » 25 nijohrs, each • * * |»lu and chests of drawers • *0 s Wood,-per cord • . ' ’ ofalidescriptlons (except Ip bags) , per 100 bushels • ' “(j, jnpowder, in bbls. of 100 lbs. each 12£ do. * in half bbls. * do. in kegs of 28 lbs. or under 3 , window, per 100 feet, in propor tion for smaller - - 4 . exceeding 130 gallons of liquor or any kind qf merchandize 16 |0. exceeding 63 and not exceeding 130 gallons * 8 larth tile, per 1000 • 25 Imp, per ton . . 60 |lcs, ruw or tanned, per 100 * 60 fy, loose, per 100 lbs. • • 25 in buiidles, each • 4 apers of Merchandize, each ofpotn'oes, each s,eacb • or Jugs, each per dozen l, per ton * * 25 gs of paint, butter, lard, biscuit, Bnd r such side kegs b. shot and lead over 66 lbs. not over 600lbs - . . .6 liquors of a smaller size than 20 gallons * . . 2 e i per 100 bushels • 30 per barrel - . • 4 1 for plastering per 1000 • 10 les, each * • 25 ons, per 100 bushels . • 25 • in ropes, per 1|00 ropes - 124 iron, each . . 1 Apples, per 100 . 124 toes per 100 bushel ' - 25 cs of gin, brandy, aqd all kinds of 11- quor, exceeding 63 gallons - 8 do. exceeding 130 gallons* 16 irter casks of wine and other liquor, cider excepted). and dry goods in asks exeecding 20 gallons not ex* ecdmg 63 gallons . . ,5 ulns m jars . . .1 t per 100 bushels . * 26 (•lots each ‘ . • * ( nes, quern and grind, each - 2 0 Bermuda, per 100 . 25 ° largo mill per pair - - 60 » W, ( ? ° ther ‘tones, per ton 26 gallons each . * 6* -; s ovc f ;°° do . . • 124 ■ccs . \ \ *, Sft excepted) over . f 8 do f o a ;e?4 n ?qi d s er 4 ^ | huo?S 8e3 i c . ee J din S 130 gallons li- Sod brasillpH kU i- d8 of merchandize: 16 dyewnnrl 10 ’ ’S numvi t®, and all «ye woods, per ton . ' . 25 ‘ CO - Jen an o.nlul V ™f? Tl } on i . to iae foregoing ratn. {thevnikairp ,*« P f oun d under its name, il , «<ml contained. object to a morc ^“n. two nights, to and not exceeding 130 gallons - 20 Iron per ton, first and last week 60 cents, iUterVjuiliflg weeks - - 25 Every other article same as its wharfage. •- WlilUIIINO. Each bbl. or half bb. rice - 0 TIlul. qf tobacco or sugar' * - 16 Package of indigo - f * - 8 Bale ot cotton * * - 6 Each draft of light goods, under 100 lbs. 6.4 do do • do over. 100 lbs. 12$ do do heavy goods uuder 200 6) do do do over 200 per 100 lbs 3 DRAYAUE. For hauling up the Bluff to any part oftlio city, articles not heAnii enumerated, for 1600 pounds weight * - * • Under 1600 lbs and not less than 100 do 1000 do do do 600 25 Fora loOO feet of Lumber $1 60 . do 1000 Bricks * ,*. 1 60 do cord of wood * * 1 60 For every bale of cotton » » 8 do bbl. of Rice • » l8i d6 hhd of Tobacco * - 37. do bbl ofVlour * - 6, And every other article in the same proportion; for hauling down the Bluff, or from one wharf to another exceeding 1600 lbs Jnder 1300 mid not less than 100 lbs For each bale of cotton do bbl Rice do , hhd Tobacco do bbl FJour - And every other article in the same proportion. ARRANGEMENT OF MAILS, And regulations for the Post Office, Savan nah, Geo. January lsf, 1824. NORTHERN MAIL. Close every day at 6 a. m. Monday excepted. Dne do do ^lo 61*. m. do do - By this route, a mail is made up every day, ex cept Monday, for Cobsawhntchie, Pocataligo, Beaufort, Jacksonbora’ mid Collins’ Cross Roads all of which are closed the previous evening, at >7r.M. WESTERN MAILS. Georgia route to Aqgusta and Hamburgh, de part at 4, a. m. on Monday, Wednesday, and Frlj day, vin.Tucknseeking.Jacksonboro’aud Waynes boro' to Augusta and Hamburgh. Due on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 6 r. »t. The closing of this mail, to Augusta*, takes place every Tuesday ^Thursday, and Sunday, at 8, p. m. except the intermediate offices oh the route, the closing of which takes place at 7, r. m. on the same evenings. From Wuynesboro’, a weekly mail departs every Monday, at 6, a. h. for Birds- ville, Louisville, Shoals otGgeecliee and Shevir’s Mill to Powelton. Returning due every Sunday evening, at Waynesboro’and At Savannah every Tuesday, ot 0, p. m. Carolina route-tq Augusta and Hamburgh, close on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 5, a. st. and depart with the northern mail at 6, a. m. to Pi burgh. Due on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, at 6, r. it. By this route, a mail is made up each eve* ning before its departure for Robertsville, Mat thews Bk'.T, Lower Three Runs and Four Mile Branch. The mall between Charleston and Ham burgh, gobs direct through Purysburgh on those days, both up nud.down. Separate portmanteaus are provided for this purpose, at the Offices of Charleston and Augusta, which meet each other at Purysburgh and nre there shifted, the down to Charleston, the up1o Augusta, tills supercedes the necessity of bringingtbnt mail to Savannah at all and thus expedites it twenty-four hours. The malls for Mllledgeviile, in Georgin, via Lombardy, Wnfreuton, Powelton, Sparta and De- vereaux’s store; also, to Alabama, (except the northern part) and Mississippi states, nnd-Uo Che- taw, in South Carolina, via Mount Vintage, Edge- fiield, C. HI Ridge, Leesville, Lexington, C. H Columbia and Camden, to. Cheraw, will close di recton the Georgia side, on Sunday and Tuesduy at 7, p. M.-nndon the Carolina side on Friday, at 7 v. M. The Athens mail, will also close direct on Sun day and Thursday, at 7 r. sl on the Georgia side By this route, packets lor the northern part of Ala bama to Huntsville, and West Tennessee, are forwarded. The Carnesville mail,viaDarby’sDoubleBranch Lincolnian, Goshen, Petersburgh, Cook's Office and Elberton. will close direct on Thursday, at 7 p. ft. on lb* Georgia side. SOUTHERN OR DARIEN MAIL. Close on Wednesday andSuturday at 6, r. m Due on Tuesday and Friday at 7 p. m. By this route the St. Marys mail goes direct on Wednes day and is due direct on Tuesday. BIRDSVILLE MAIL Due every other Wednesday at 6, p. m.—Close every other Thursday, at 8, a. m.. By this route ,mails are made up for Statesboro’ ana Millrny, in Bulloch county, Swanesboro’, in Emanuel, and for Louisville and Greensboro’. Dr. A. DE LAROCHE. Opposite the Exchange, Savannah. ‘S constantly receiving fresh supplies of geh* DRUGS AND,ME DICINES, selected for Countiy Merchants and Physicians, which be will sell for cash or approved credit at the. lowest City price. .lust received, . . ‘ • SULPHA TE of Q UININA. oct 16 100 General Drug,Chemical&Fumily Medicine Ware House. LAY «$• HENDRICKSON, Wholesale and Retail Clibmists and Druggists No. 1. Shad’s liuildings, Corner of Congress and Whitaker Streets, Savannah: H AVE constantly on hund a very genoral as sortment af DRUGS, MEDICINES, DYE STUPES AND PAINTS, PERFUMERY, d^C. dfC. A great variety of Apnthecaries Glass Ware such as wide und narrow mouth bottles, from 1 gallon to one ounce,composition and glass mortars, glass lampsnnd lamp glasses, smeltings bottles, gradua ted measures, Apothecaries vials white und green Surgeons Instruments^—Vockvl sets, turnkeys, trasses, spring and thumb lances, forcens, sntalus, bougies; cutheters, scales and weights,-'tyc. ^-c. Patent Medicines—o( every description, viz: Soidjitz and Soda Powders, balm of Hutto, cnlcin ed magnesia, Lees, Andersons, und Hdopers Pills, Swnims Panacea, Balsam Honey, Batemans and Churches Cough Drops, Itch oiutmcnl, ^c. All of which arc offered for sule on the most liberal terms for cash or credit. 03° L. V H. Having enlarged their Establish meet and having made sucli arrangements as to be continually receiving a-fresli supply of goods, flutter themselves that none of the kindin this city, can offer, greater inducements to dealers. The Merchant, the Planter, and the Physician, can liora be snpplicd with almost every article in the Dragline, os their assortment will befoundexten- sive and of the best quality, under n6 considcra tion whatever will the sale of impure or .adultere ted articles be promoted. The utmost care will be used in the selection of good Medicines- and will be sold at a moderate profit. It is upon those principles alone that they will endeavor to secure patronage. All orders promptly executed. The Georgia Patriot, and Dnrien Gazette, will please to give this advertisement six insertionsund forward their bills for payment sept 20 * 182 Register of Debates in Congress. PROSPECTUS. A CCORD1NG16 an intimation heretofore given, there will be published nt the Office of the National Intelligencer, during the next session of Congress, and, it encouraged by the approhutior of the Public, at every session thereafter, a RE Ihs 1 or be subject to storage as 3 storage. fust and’lust weelk and 8 ^ the ■•cningweek “ d for fM» uter- per week * * * Scents, tobacco per week ’ “ * 6 P.'p. ciglnf 5 The Post-Office is opon every day in the weelf (Sunday excepted,) from day light to 8 p. m. and Letters are deliveredtbroughout the day, except from 2 to 3 o’clock, r. M.and during the time of ■openiug and makingup the mails. Persons wishing to pay postage when the office is shut, can enclose the money with the letter, di rected to “The Fo3t Master," and those who keep accounts with the office, and may desire thesame- are requested to say so on an envelope. When the mails which are due on Snturdny, ur rive too late to be delivered that evening, the of fice will be kopt open on Sunday morning from 8 to 9 o’clock, for the delivery only of the letters received by those mails. The inland postage of all letters, directed to be sent out of the United States, except to the Cana das, must be paid when they are left at the office or they caiinnt Kb forwarded. V* Letters must be left at the Tost Office with ’in the time Specified, to insure going in the mail of the day; and newspapers half an hour before that time. As there arc several places of the same name in the United .States, it is necessary that the directions should be particular; the State should be distinguished, und wlipn it might be doubtful Counties. When letters, arenct for a post town the nearest post town ought to be mentioned. Committees of Council. EINAUCK. A LDERMEN Bulloch, Minis, Cumming. STREETS AND LANES. Densler, Millen, Wayne. MARKET, Morrison, Sliick, Guucky. DRV CULTURE. Waring, Bulloch, Morrison. HEALTH AND CEMETRY, rHabersham, Jackson, Waring, ■ *ruMrs. Jackson, Dcnslbr, Millen. LAMPS. Curanilng, Minis, Wayne. public docks. . Millen, Gaudiy, Densler. EXCHANGE. , Sbick, Guudry, Habersham. ENGINES AND FIRE BUCKETS. Mftiis, JncksoD, Morrison. TUBLIC SALES. Harris, Jackson, Camming. IIOoKg AND LADDERS, Wayne, Habersham, Sliifck. ofSmr M. MYERS) e. c. 178 •• session G1STER OF DEBATES IN CONGRESS, intend edtocoinprehendamore full Report of the Speech es qp topics of general interest, in ench House of Congress,than has ever heretofore'been published, or than can be given to the Public through the or dinary amliimitodchannel,the columnsof a news, paper. This compilation will be of the most au thcntic cost,printed with great regnrd to accuracy ond in a form for durable preservation. This undertaking is not of course intended to substitute or supercede theUeporfe of Debates for the National Intelligencer, but rather, by with drawing the heavy and extended Reports from its columns, to enable the Proprietors of that Journal to ftirnisii, every day, in a comprehensive form intelligible Reports of the Proceedings, ond Dis cussions in the day preceding, on both Houses. The “Reoistfb” is necessarily an experiment, but it is an experiment the success of which ivc see no reason to doubt. Every one who tukes an interest in our poiitieul history, as well nsull those who engage in the duties of political life,-must have felt and lamented the want of a Record of Debates in Congress, in a convenient form, with indexes which might lead tbe enquirer to unv sub jecl debated, and to the name of any 011c whoem gaged in debate. Such a work would be an cla inentury book for young politicians, and- we have no hesitation in asserting Hint the possession of such a one, from the commencement of the exist- ' ic government to this day, would be of immense iilue to the nation, were it only to shew what has heretofore been said upon questions ivbicb are continually recurring for discussion, and prodilc ing needless consumption of time by superfluous debate. What is true of the years that huve past, will, as soon as they are gone, be equally true of those in Which we live. It is uot only, therefore, as a vehicle of present information, but also as a book for futurereterence —asa National Political Repository and Text-Book that we hope this work will be both useful and popular, From the lowness of the subscription to this work, it will be seen that it is no part of our cal dilution to realize any present profit from it. the contrary, we shall, in all probability, loss mo ney by It for a year.or two, hoping that thereafter its established character will ensure it a sufficici'J patronage to make it profitable. ' GALES fa BEATON. i00 LBS. NUTMEGS 20 do Mace 60 do Cloves 000 do Ginger, (Pulverised) 10 boxes Starch in bundles of 71bs each 150 do Cassini or Cinnamon 160 do Fig Blue (a superior’quality) 400 do Pearl Ash * 60 doz Lorlllard’s Snuff 200 do do und-lleills cut Tobacco, Arc offered fbr sale by : ■ LAY fa HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Druggists, Oct 14 189 Slind’s' buildings. i/WY LBS. OUM CAMPHOR . JL vfLf 200 lbs Peruvian Bark .‘10 do Opium (Turkey) 100 do Powdered Jalap 60 do do Rhubarb 200 do Cream Tartar 1000 do Epsom Salts 26 bbls Glauber do , For sale by LAY fy HENDRICKSON, Oct 80 201 Shad’s Buildings. B Y the ship Corsair thesubsoribershave receiv ed their fall supply of GOODS, consisting of a very general assortment of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMERY. DYE STUFFS, &c. All of which will be sold on the most acconl modatmg terms for Cash or Credit. Merchants, Physicians,' and Planters are respectfully invited to examine them before they purchase. . LAY fa HENDRICKSON, A fresh supply of SULPHATE QAININE, re ceived'as above. Oct 14 189 Cotton B&ggingt BP PIECES first quality Dundee Bagging, t for sale by HALL fa HOYT, oct 25 196 Chatham Superior Court. May Term, 1824. , '"1 EORGE Johnston and others, complainants JT w Peter Vanburgh Livingston ami others, defendants, in equity in the Superior court; 01 Chatham county, May term, 1824. It appearing to the Court by affidavit that Pe ter Vanburgh Livingston and Harriet E. Living ston, who arc parties defendant reside beyond the state ofGeorgia, and within the United States on motion of complainants solicitor, it is ordered that the said defendant do respectively appear ntidnn- swer the complaints bill within four months from he date of this rule'. And is further ordered that this rale be published once a week during four monthsfrom this date in one of the public Gazettes of this State. • Extract from the Minutes. A. B. FANNIN, Clerk<- june 8 134 DOZEN of the (rue English Seidlitz Pow OqPders have been received from London, viu New-York, per brig Monroe nud for sale low by _ LAY. fa HENDRICKSON. cT 7 186 riXHlS artfcle is highly recommended for the i purposemf.imparting an elegant gloss to Mahogany Furniture. The large and extensive Cabinet Ware Manu factures jn the northern cities make use of this composition to give, their works a beautiful po' lish. A supply of tliis wax has been received jier ship Savannah. It is put ujvin small pots and boxes with printed directions for use, and for sale by LAY fa HENDRICKSON, aug 12 - 168 1 |>H1S Medicine has been prepared by the New- JL York Chomicnl Manufacturing Company, and is sqid to be equal to ..the celebrated article made by the Messrs. Henry’s. Many persons in this city who have used this remedy give it a de cided preference over all others. Families arfe solicited to give it a trial us it comes much cheap er than Henry’s, beihg neatly put up in bottles at 37 1-2 cents each, and for sale only by LAY fa HENDRICKSON, sept 2 172 BASKETS superior Sweet Oil J. Jai 600 gnlls. winter strained Sperm Oil * 6 kegs Salt Pctre 600 Bottles Castor Oil (in pint Bottles) 300 do Stoughton's Bitters, pints and quarts LAY if HENDRICKSON, Oct 26 19£ Shads liuildings. Washington, September, 1824. CONDITIONS. The publication of GALES fa SEATON’S RE GISTER OF DEBATES IN CONGRESS will commence ps soon as the Debates at each suc cessive Session of Congress shall afford materials to fill a half sheet,(8 pages.) The work will be printed in the octavo form, on a super royal paper, made for the purpose, und on a brevier type,in double columns—each page com prising nearly as much matter as one of the co lumns of the National Intelligencer. It will contain as full and accu -te Reports as can be obtained of ail Debates on main questions, and of all interesting Debates on incidental ques tions; with an Appendix,-colJtainipg a list of the Members of ench House, the-Ypas and Nays in each House on questions which have been the subject of Dclrnte, such Documents, connected with the subjects of Debate, b% may be deemed essential to enable the reader to comprehend them, and proper indexes to the whole. The Debut es of the neXtSessioh, it is computed, will, with the Appendix, make a volume of five hundred pages,-at least, anil will be furnished to subscribers through the Post Office, in sheets, as published, (or reserved at this Office, at-the sub scriber’s option,) at three dollars for the vol ume, be it more or less, tobepaid in advance in all cases of transmission beyond the limitsoftlie city. The sheets will be transmitted as completed, without regard to any particular dnfas, as the pub lication must of course be rcgulatedliy the prepar ation of the matter of which it is to be composed. The Subscription will in 110 cage, unless within thecify, and not then unless specially indicated, he untferslood to extend beyond the vqliime ac tually puid for in advance. To non-subscribers the price will be four dol lars, boundiu boards,foHhe volume now announc- cd» The Debates of the Sessipn of Congress follow ing the next, and of the first Session of every Con gress, will, It is supposed, fill about one thousand pages,, or perhaps more, making oue very large voluino, ortwo of a handsome size—the first Ses sion of each Congress being nearly double the du ration of the second. .. The price, of the Register for the first Session of each Congress, bo its con tents more or less than 100D pages, will be fixed at five dollars to subscribers, and sixto non-subscri bers. V [ Octia .188 J. Shinn’s Panacea T HE subscriirer, having discovered the com position of Swain’s celebrated Punaeea has now a supply on hand for sale-—he has redu ced the price from $3 60 to $2 50, or by the d zen $24. Ail charitable institutions in the United States, and the poor will be supplied gratis. If the citizens of the principal cities and towns will appoint an agent to order and distribute this Medicine to the poor, it will be supplied. This Medicine is celebrated for the cure of the following discuses : Scorfula or King’s Evil, Ul cerated or Putrid Sore Throat, long standing Rheumatic affections, Cutaneous Diseases, White Swelling nn'd Diseases of the Bones, and all cas es generally oi an Ulcerous character, and Cliro- nio Diseases, generally arising'in debilitated con stitutions, but more especially from Syphilis or affections arising therefrom; Ulcers in the larynx. 4-c. and the dreadful diseases occasicyied by a long and excessive use ot Mercury, Vc- It is al so used in Diseases of ttie Liver. *. CERTIFICATES, 1 have within the last two years Imd an oppor tunity of seeing several cases of very inveterate Ulcers, which having re'sisled previously the re gular modes o(treatment, were healed by the use of Mr. Swaim’s Panacea, and 1 do believe, from what 1 have seen, that it will prove an important remedy in Scrofulous, Venereal und Mercurial discuses. N. CHAPMAN, M. D. Professor of the Institutes and Practice of Physic, in the University of Pennsylvania. I have eiriployed the Pnnucea of Mr. Swaim i numerous instances, within the last three years mid have always found it extremely efficacious espeeiully in secondary Syphilis, ,and Mercurial Diseases. 1 have no'hesitation in pronouncing it a Medicine of inestimable valiu'. W GIBSON, M. D. Professor of Surgery to the University of Ptnn., JOHN SHINN, Chemist. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 182.3. Each publisher of a newspaper in the U. Slates, is requested to publish this advertisement once a month, for one year, and send their accounts for payment. .• An Ordinance, For granting License to persons for re tailing sptritousliquers or vending goods, wares and merchandize, in the Streets, Lanes, Squares or alleys within the limits of die City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof. Sec. 1. Bo it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah in Council assembled, and it is hereby or dained by the authority of the same, that all applications for license to retail spirit- ous or malt liquors within the limits of the city of Savannah and Hamlets thereof, shall be in writing, and addressed to the Mayor, and which application shall con tain the names oftwo or more suritiesand upon such application the Mayor is hereby authorised if he deems proper,at all times upon the applicant giving bond, with two or more sumicstobc npproved of by him, in the sum of two hundred dollars, condij turned for the due observance of the ordi nances of the city to grant the license re quired—and should the Mayor upon such application refuse to grant a license,'the applicant shall huve the privilege of ap pealing from the decision of the Mayor, to Council-the said license not to continue in force for a longer, term than one year. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained by the Authority afofesaid that it shall not b<? lawful for the Mayor to grant any licenses to retail spiritous liquors of auy discrip- tion or to vend goods, wares or merchan dise in any street, lane, sqarc, alley, lot, •or wharf within tholimits of the city of Savannah and Hamlets thereof to any persons elected to any office under the cor poration (Port Wardens excepted.) Sec. 3. Be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid, that it shall be the du ty of the Treasurer, to make a fair and just entry in a book to be kept by him for that purpese of the names and places of abode of all such persons, ns shall have taken out license, and also of the sums of money and the names of the surities who have been received for the same, arid loy a statement of the said persons to whom Licences have been granted, together with the sums re ceived for the some and the names of the securities so taken bqjore Council once in each month or more frequently if so re quired to do, Sec. 4. Be it further ordained by the au thority aforesaid, that, the form of the li cense to be granted by the Mayor shall be os follows viz: “This is to certify that lias given bond and security according to the ordinance of the city for two lmridred dollars, for liis faithful compliance with the laws of the State, andthcordinanfce of the city, which now are arid which may be enacted, and of force in this state and city, respecting taverns, punch houses, and re tailers of spiritous liq tors so far as the same relate to the city of Savannah and the hdmlets thereof, therefore the said is hereby nnthorised to retail i,rt the house where he now resides, ,— street NEW AAD EKLAltQED EDITION OF THE Georgia Justice. I N the press i.nd will be published in October or November next, at the Recorder Office, a lieW and enlarged edition oi'the ’ , GEORGIA JUSTICE. The improvements in this very useful book, ate briefly noticed in the following extract^ from -the preface oi the new edition:— <jf Several years have elapsed since the publica tion of the Georgia Justice, during which time there has been additional legislation upon many of the subjects contained in it. lu the present e- dition, such alterations as were rendered necessa ry by subsequent enactments, have been made the additional tnatter incorparated,and Several omis sions in the original work supplied. "MrPrinces Digest being now in general use, references thereto have been substituted for those which were heretofore made to Marbury Craw ford’s and Clayton’S Digests, und the annual pam phlets containing ihe laws of the state. A copious lndex<has also been furnished and the work is submitted to the public, under abelief .that its acknowledged utility will be found to be increas ed by the foregoing circumstances.’’ 03“ The price of the book,.neatly bouud, in calf- will be Five Ddllars; payable, on delivery. Any person paying for twenty copies will be entitled to twenty two, and in that proportion for a smaller number.—Subscription papers will be furnished to gentlemen who inay be willing to take charge of them. ... ' V The different hewSpaperS in this s(ate,- will please give the foregoing an-insertion; Millodgeville, August iJO; J / s'ept 28. t. . E „... J ames Morrison, ILL be found in future at his office fiver the counting room of Calvin Bakiif* ward arid in no other place what ever in Savannah, from the -—- day of in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and * —, until the day of next ensuing. Given under my.liandaud the sekl of the City the day and year first above men tioned; 4 . c. c. v. . Mayor 1 .' Sac. 6. Be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid that it shall riot be lawful for an)* person having obtained a license tb retail spiritous liquors in more places than one, under the_penalty of surq not exceeding thirty dollars, or in any other place than the one designated in said license without first having given notice to the clerk of Council qfhia, her.or their reriioval, whereupon the clerk shall obtain frpm the Mayor, and in his absence, the Chairman a certificate on the back of such license, specifying the removal 6f and place of abode—and if ally person' or per sons shall neglect or refuse to returft their license, to the. Mayors office, at the expir tion of the time for which the tame were granted, or to return them for a certificate in case of removal as before required;-110, she, or they so offenditfg shall forfeit arid pay a stun riot exceeding thirty dollars; Sec; 6* further ordained by the au thority aforesaid, that if any person 01 persons shall sell to tiny purchaser of li quors three gallons, or upwards, arid de liver the same.iri .small quantities'arid at different periods of times, he, she, or they convicted of delivering 8 less quantity at any one tiirie than t&ree galloris,_ shall be fined in , a sum not' exceeding thirty dol lars; Sec.-t. Be v if.further ordained by the au thority aforesaid, that every person, hav ing taken out a license for the retailing of spiritous liquors, shall have plainly paint- ,ed in tetters riot less than three inches : ~ th on some conspicuous place over tliri door, on the outside of tin- shop, or; and fronting the street, lane, or square herein the spiritous liquors arc sold, the name at length of the person, so licensed ether With the following words, “Li censed td retail spiritmis liquors” andfucli and every person or persons violating this section of the ordinance shall he fitted for each week after the expiration of tetrclays from tlie time of having taken out Ins, her, or their license, in a sum not exceeding d0 dollars. SeC. 8. Bo it further ordained bv the authority nforfesaid, that if there shall be , found in the shop or enclosure of any retailer of spirituals' liquors with 11 this city after drum beat at night aiiy person or persons of colour,not the property of the owner of the said shop or retailer of the suid liquors, and whp have riot been sent there by their owher or guardians hud who have not a written ticket to that effect, the person of persons so harbouring or enter taining "such persons of colour shall be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars * —and the marshal, city watch, &. consta bles are hereby authorised to tenter the premises where sitch persons of colour are harboured anil commit them to the common jail from which they shall not he dischar ged until they have paid the texpencc of commitment. Sec. 0; Be it fiirther ordained by the authority aforesaid, that it shall not be lawful' for the Mayor to grhnt atly liefcrisc to any person or persons who are Stew or who lieretofo're may have retailed liquQi s without a license until tlu; applicant shall; have paid into tlip city Treasury, the a- mount dite the corporation for the time he so retailed without n license at the rate o; thirty five dollars per anntini; Sec. 10. Be it further ordained by the authority uforefuid, tlpit ftctm and immedi ately after the passing of this ordinance, there sbull be paid to the Treasurer of the .' city of Savannah and hamlets thereof by each retailer ofspiritious or malt liquors the sum of thirty five dollars for each license. Sec. 11. Be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid that it shift! not he lawful for any persen or persons to ped dle or vend any goods wares or merchan dize in any street square lane; or mlleyrin this city until the person so vending such goods wares and merchandize shall ;hnVe obtained from the Mayor in the ntaane# heretofore pointed og.- for obtaining licen ses for retailing ofliqiiocS, a license for that purpose and which license shall con tinue ih force fof one yerir and no longer and at tho tiriite of rtectetvihg such liccse he she or they Shall pay to the City Treasury the sum of fifty dollars; Sec. 12. Be it further orddirited by the authority aforesaid that if any person or persons shall expose or offer for sale, or vend any goods wares or merchandise in unystreet lane square wharf, impr< ved! lot, 6r alloy in this city without having previously obtained such license he she or they shall be finpd in a srim not exceed- ingthirty dolls, for ench and every offence Sec. 13. Be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid that "it shall not be- lawful for any peddler or vender of doodsr wares arid merchandize as aforesaid to occupy with tables, benches or any other thing pefmanaritly, any part of the streets, squares, lanes, alleys, or wharves or to spread his; her or their articles of mer chandize On the ground—and every per* I son, or persons violating this section shall be fined for each offence in a sum not ex ceeding thirty dollars. Sec; 14. Be is fw- thef ordained by the authority aforesaid that all licenses here tofore grouted, be arid the same are hereby .duly valid*. Sec. 15; Be it further ordained by the authority nforesaidthat all fines arid pen alties imposed by this ordinance shall bo levied and recqyerod in the usual manner arid applied as follows, viz: one half to lire use of the informer and the other half td the use of the fcity. ", ■; 1 ' Sqc. 17; Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of Ihe City of Savannah iri Council assembled, aud it is hereby order* ed by thte authority orthe same, that from and immediately after the passing of this ordinance; if any person or persons within 1 the limits of the City bf Savannah, or Hamlets thereof, hot being duly licensed according to the terior Of this ordinance,' shall at any time keep a tavern, iriri, ordi nary, punch hoOso, porter house, ale or beer house or shall retail'ariy wine, bran- d)\rum, gin, porter; beer; eicldr, punch, spiritous liquors dr strong drink under any name whatsoever, iri ahy quantity less, than three gallons, be she or they So of fending, arid being thereof teorivicted be i I f kilun/ivl f nvi/l fore tile City- Council, shall forfeit and pay n*silm not exceeding thirty dollars for each and every offence; Sec. 16. Be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid; that, “ an ordinance for granting License Co pevsons Keeping Billird Tables or retailing spiritous liquors xvithin the limits Of the city of Savannah and hamlets thereof, and for other pur poses mentioned” and the Several ordin ance, amendafofy of the same, and “an ordinance to oblige persons Keeping an Equality or E. O. Tables or other instru ments of similar constructiori used or in tended for the purpose of gambling to take out license for the same and for other pur poses therein mentioned” and “ tin ordin ance to Compel peddlers within the city of; SaVanriah to take out licenses and for im posing restrictions relative to'them” be and the same are hfeYeby repealed. Passed in Council lGth Oct. 1824. WM.<-. DAN IF. LL, Mayor. AtfOst, M.-Mvnns, eve.-