Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, November 06, 1824, Image 3

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fiitir Marshal's sales, V the first Tuesday in December, in front of r..urt*Housc. betwoon the usual hours, [ Jr'sold, the following property, if the taxes 0 P fX id ' New iceds, now known in the . L ° J the city us Oglethorpe ward, bounded oust Il'lVcst lh'oiu-strcct, south by a vacant lot, wes, 1 I,U and north by lot No. I. levied on us the 11 Jf o. L. Cope, tosutisfy his city tuxes for S 1821, 18^2, 1823, and 182-1, amount tax rj'gj 57 and cost Hv'Jh,. city taxes of said estate fertile years 1821 L 1822, amount tax $99 mm cost. 1 „ iltVot No. !•. and buildings, ( urpenters How, 1 ‘‘f tJarden, bounded cast by cast boundary "7 ,uth by lot No. 10, west by east Urnad-st. ,1 north by lot No. 8, levied on as the property of t inns F. Maxhotn, to satisfy bis city taxes tor years 1823 and 182-1, nmountdue tflO. lAn undivided half Lot No. «, Hick’s Irdval ward bounded east by lot No. 7, south [ Slate street, west liv west half of said lot, and [rth bvalano, levied on as the property of Hen- I liVoils, to satisfy, his city tax for the present imniini /Ini* $13 and cost* DAY’S COMYN’S DIGEST., IrnmmMm&Sia.--. FOR PUBLISHING B Y SUBSCRIPTION Comyn’s Digest of the 1 Laws of England. : F ROM the 6th London edition, enlarged and with Addition»to the Present Time; TO wniCH IS ADDED, A Digest of Cases nt Nisi Prius, By Anthony Hammond, Esq. with the addition ofthc Principal American Decisions, By Thomas Day, Esq. to be complotcd in 8 vol umes, nt $(! per vplumn, bound in calf. Tim 1st volume of this valuable work is now ready for delivery and the others >vill follow with os little delay ns possible, The Improvements and editions to this edition will so much e levied on 'ns tfe properly 'of the life estate of D. Leby, to satisfy bis city tax for the years laud 1884. Amount due $25 80 nnd cost, quarter of Wharf, Lot No. 4, Trustee Garden, .nlled east by half of said lot, west by lot 3, th by Fort Wayne, and north by Savannah cr, levied on ns the property of A. L. Hart- re. to satisfy the city taxes of said property tor i yenrt 1821, 1822, and 1823. Amount duo 60 nnd eost. • v building on the south cast corner of lot latter larby ward; levied on ns the property ol Jns. Cannon, to satisfy his‘ city lax for the yoor .3. Amount-due $17_31, and cost, hot and building, Oglethorpe word, bounded by tho estate of Wayne’s lot, south by h»f, west by u lane, and north by enus Mayers’ whnrf lot; levied on as the pro- tv of the estutc of James Clarke, Sen. to satis* aid estate’s city tax for the year 1828. Amount i $16 and cost. x building on Telfair’s wharf lot, known os the I House; levied on as the property of Freder* pTudcr, to satisfy his city tux for the present Ir. Amount due $10 onu cost, jlalflot no. Hand building, Trustee Garden, nt- lliedto Washington ward, bounded east by Rey- ^d's-st. south by lot no. 10, west by lot no. 7, 1 north by lot no. 0 j levied on as the. property Surah Middleton, to satisfy her city taxes for [years 1823 and 1824. Amount duo $0 75, leftst. I • lot letter R, and building, Oglethorpe Ward, [uiled east by St. Gall-st. south by a lane, West i lane, and north by lot letter T; levied on as property of IVm. I. Scott, to satisfy bis city ur toe present year. Amount due $3 75, and i building on lot no. 35, Columbia ward; le- li on as the property of Catharine E. Deveax, atlsfyhcr city taxes for tlie year 1823 and 4. Amount due $27 and cost, ot no. 28'and building, Wurrcn ward, hound- art by lioiiston-st. south by n lane, west by |nu. 27, and north by Congress-st, levied onas [property of E. Swarbrick, to satisfy his city I for the year 1824. Amount due $12 81 1-4, d cost. Building on lot no 32, WaiTcn ward; levied on' Ithe property of Byotte Favard, to satisfy her ly tax for the year 1834. Amount due $9 25, Id cost. IA building on pnrt lot no. 6, Carpenters Row, p\v attached to Green ward; levied on as the figerty of John F. Duval, Sen. to satisfy his city (. tot the year. 1823. Aniyunt due $7 60, and _ on lot no. 62,Brown ward, bounded i«t by vacant lot, souyi by Liberty-st. west by t no 63, and north by alane; levied on as the 'operty of A, 1. D'Lvon, to satisfy Ids city tax r the year 1824. Amount due $7 60, and cost. I Wharf lot no. 3, Warren wued, bounded east f no. 4, south by Bny-st. west by lot no. 2, Id north by Savannah river; levied on as the lopejty of Peter Kean, to satisfy his city taxes p the years 1823 and 1824. Amount due $25 pd cost. [Part of bpildiiigs on lot no. iG, Carpenter tyth- & Darby ward; levied upon as the property of ,^. aro !?’ lo satisfy Ids city taxes for the 118-dland 1824. Amount due $7 60, and ots no,21 and 22, and buildings, Liberty a bounded cast by Liberty Square, south by k-st. west by HpstBroad-st. nnd north byPres- nt-st. evied on bs the property of Mnrthn Ikins, to.s.atisfy her city tuxest’or the year 1824 ount due $750,and costs. Glidings on south lialfoflot no. 40 ; levied ... property ot Benjemiu Sheftull, to satisfy y tuxes tor the years 1823 and' 1824 5 imtil .i $1760, mid costs, uddmgs on lot no. 24, Elert ward, levied on ua property of J. L Bulloch, to satisfy his city iedln f W0St lmif of lot no - fi > G <-een ward iB2s ™ di824 blldlngi on lot no, 22, Elbert ward; levied W Maria Llllibrige and Sift la d »] * ° f8ft ' a FoP^'ty fob the years u !,..!' An,0unt due . §32 60, and costs. ttthcoftiM.f 0 " ou{ i'- enst «>ttw of lot'no, 6, nroDertv^nf pf’ ^ KC , ke , r ward > levied on as C PC ef Phoebe Johnson, to satisfy herci- bvBcitvtuxrs y r 0f, !u a "" oHe Larouss(! - to satisfy JlSVadcosS. r ,he ->' C “ r Amount du'c important ai enhance its value,os to supercede Bacon’s Abridge ment, and nt n price considerably less. > W. T. WILLIAM?* . Who has Just Received, > A number of new and valuable MW , ALSO, • ALBUMS,,.elegantly bound in Morocco gilt leaves, various sizes and prices, nov 6 m200 Dupont's Poiedcr, Groceries, Domestic Goods, fyc. - PC 4Y Whole and hall kegs Dupont's Powder tl'J 1°0 BagsBuck anil patent Shot, assorted 600 pounds Bur Lead 2 tons Share Moulds 60 kegs cut Nuils, assorted 420 Bags prime Lngirira Coffee 15 do Black Pepper- 20 ten cuddy Boxes fresh Hyson Tea 20 two pound cannister Irhperial do • 10 Boxes Loaf Sugar 10*Baskets first quality Sweet Oil lSdozflnsk- do do do 20 pounds fresh Nutmegs 80 doz best London Mustard ' * 10 pipes and 20 barrels Gin 18 nhds N, E. Rum 0 Boses No. 8 and 10 Cotton Cards 10 000 first quality clarified Quills 240. pieces Domestic .Cotton Goods mprising a handsome assortment of Brown nnd Bleached SHIRTING and SHEETING, Stripes, Plaids and Checks, which will lie sold in quanti ties to suit purchasers at the lowest market pnee, by M. HOPKINS, nov 6 ||20fl . Mnrket Square. Jvow lm'dijyg, Xfi BARRELS Rntenburgh Gin l/Vr 15 Pipes do do 30 Barrels Now England Rum 20 Hogsheads do do 25' Boxes Mould Candles ■100 do Soap . 60 Bngs Prime Havana Coffee • 8 Bales Bleached Sheetings 2 Do brown do 6 Do do .Shirtings 6 Cases Plaids and Ginghams, 60 Barrels NaVy Bread 60 Do Pilot do 15 Do Current Wine 18 Casks Cheese 6 Tubs Goshen Butter . For sole by S. C. GREENE, nov 1 ||r202 Moore's U'harf. Sugar. flA BOXES brown Havana Sugar J.UU20“ white “ « 12 bblsbrown. “ '« Koy sole by GAUDUY St HERBERT. vlOS ■ Lumber, Factorage and Com mission Business. . T IIE Subscriber continues the Lumber, Faetov. age and Commission Business, at Ids old stand near the Union Ferry Wharf, andtendershis services to his friends and the public. He will also attend to the RE-PACK1NG nnd COMPRESSING of COTTON,his ootton press be ing in complete order. Oct 30 201 JNO. EVERlNGilAM. ■VnH'ki’ Hi ran-1 A- ono*| m iter-1 uHl flat J lip J rtcH I | iu»f r hi/, ,(0f| m ;C-il iter four I Dr pre- let- icy j |icd*on asthe^mhPH “V M > Indlnn ' st lia r to sniilr I , ro P e , r, y of the estate of Win. H. !°! Wfi8tof Fuhm-st tv of Tnvn V s levied on 03 the pro^ year 1823 Am’ tos “ tis ^y bis city taxes for L «)ne $7 nnd posts. Iplnn of thecitv f ) w [ e " 1 sbur S' now brtown in 7 by lot no wni ’ d >boundcd bo 27,a„d n o r lot no ' wcst by Property of ihp t L^ y . MR J earet - 8t levied 0,1 “ 3 ify the dtv f ri ,„ e8 i llte , 0 ^ M a fy Saunders, to y ea r 'W. Amount ^ S’rpo WMd h ?e S v°ind h ' C08t C °fr er of lot no ' 6 > 1 May, to sutisrv n 08 u 'o, property of ’ Um ° unt due $60 and ?ost aXeS ° r H ^ 207 F, M. STONE, Marshal. — •' ■ \ ; ' sales. '■ riLlbe SJ W December next. Lihcrty- CO m. ( I! Court House in Riceboro P of II a <^iSs, b&!&Jng one hundred i [II, Scnr, on the ok'! < ? U V lfi ? ort b by lands U1 .. . 011 all other sido.S^ ands °f Mrs llreggers ho property of,l n |,„ «. vacnn , t ,an d> ilovied on dry executions in r? Sbe Pa rd , Senr. lo satisfy f, 1 *. a»d turned o v [ a r r of , J °hn Standly anil .J 80 ’ dn ° tract oflifnV?-n m ? Vy. a constable. Efe *? orfi or less, lvinl «° n !? ,nbl 8 two l hundred Me, levied on as tL^ ° n ,e ' vafe ro of Bcaids fe ( ° satisfy ah JSte&n/ Vlns* Strick* V> v 9 207 E ’ W AV, i t. c. ^ 4". oct 27 L. PETTY, OFFERS FOR SALE, 1 BARRELS Philadelphia Whiskey JLtHJ 20 Hogshead, do do 60 barrel/. Bticli’s Gin &. White’s do 100 do Pennington’s Loaf Sugar 20 hhds St..Croix. Sugar 125 bags Coffee 5 do old Java Coffee 12 pines Holland Gin 6 do Cognac Brandy v 4 * do Jamaica Rum 10 qr casks Malaga Wine 2 half pipes Greek do 20 casks Shot, assorted 100 kegs Dupont’u Gunpowder 125 canister do Eagle do 10 bngs Black Pepper 10 do Pimento 6 do Race Ginger Hyson and Gunpowder Teas 60 barrels fresli Flour 60 half do do 15 Tons Iron, 2 do Plough Moulds 100' kegs Nails, assorted 10 hogsheads Molasses 26 kegs Tobacco 1200 bushels Liverpool Salt 20 barrels Prime Pork 25 casks Brown Stout 20 do Pints* 8 dozen each 20 nuarter boxes Segnrs 10 dozen cak steel Axes 100 pieoes Cotton Bagging 25 boxes Salts Gin Cases, Demijohns, Sic. feci ov 3 • t.200 PLAINS AND BLANKETS riHIE Subscribers have received by the jute nr- X rivals from New-Ynrk and Liverpool, their FALL SUPPLY, consist'inis or 6-4 and 0-4 London Du file Blankets 0-4 and 14-4 Rose Blankets 11 bite, Mixlnnd Bine Plains, very low 6-4 Blue and Mixt Cloths for servants Fine White Welsh.FlanncIs Do White, Blue and Red Yorkshire Very fine Scarlet Cloths and Cassiinercs Superfine Cloths, Cnssimercs nnd Satiinel Bombnzeens and Bomlmzetts 4-4 and 6-4 Black, VVhlto nnd Pink , ’ Italian Crapes - t - . Caroline Plaids and SalisburyJFlnn- Linen and Cotton Bed Tick 4-4 nnd 8-4 Counterpanes and Quilts Fine Printed Cuuntcrpnncs, u new article Furniture,and Garment Dimity Printed Cnrobrick and Furniture Chintz Fine Irish Linen and Sheeting I/inen Cambric and do Handkerchiefs Rich Shaded amiFignred Silks Bnrtige and Colored Florence Bnmge Scarfs und Handkerchiefs Rich Cashmere Scarfs, Shawls and Hand kerchiefs Robluctt Veils and Thread Lnccs 4-4 and 0-41’lalii and Fig. Bobinctts do do Cambric and Jnconetts do * do Nainsook and Book Muslin do ( do Real India Jaconetts and Mull - -Muslins Flounce Robes and Inserting Trimming Rich Bull Dresses and Head Ornaments Silk, Cotton and Worsted Hose of all dos- > criptions, .With sundry other articles, too numerous to men tion, all of which will be sold on the fnost accom modating terms, by WM. 4' H. ROSE. opt 21 crl93 The Subscribers Continue the Commission Business in Liv erpool, under the Firm of *’ ISAAC, LOW A CO. A ND will at all times make liberal advances on produce consigned to them for side. Having ships regularly in the Liverpool trade, and owning a convenient wharf, on whlth there Wrc roomy Fire-proof Stores, cotton will be re ceived nnd forwarded in their own vessels, or those to their address, free of any commission. Orders for merchandize, will he executed nnd 'only a commission charged, when the payment' is satisfactorily secured. A general assortment of British is just received, being bought with Money and se lected, by one of the pnrtnerx. they will be furnish ed as low us by any regular importing House in the United Slates, and on a long credit, for approved paper. ANDREW LOW &.CO oct 2(5 197 Beady Made Clothing', tt?“ tit cost!!! -£0 rrHIE.snhseriber intending to leave this plate b; A the "01 li of this month, offers his STOCK Ol GOODS AT COST.—It comprises a general as sortment of CLOTHING OF ALL SIZES. JOHN P. SETZ. oct 7 186 *■ .' NEW STORE, North Side of Market Square. A NEW STORE has been opened next door to J II M'Kensie's Hat Store, Market Square, where a fewGOODSwill he sold low for Cash, viz- Black Tafcta Ribbon, 4 inch wide cts for two yards M do 14 “ 6J cts per yd. White Kid Gloves, very superior, Is (id per puir “ long do do 75 rts do Gentlemen’s Beaver Gloves, 50 cts do do do ■ lined 75 do Caroline Pluids nt reduced prices, Turtnn ^ do do . ; Bnmbazctts, Calicoes, Ribbons '* ' Inserting Trimming Flannel, waistcout patterns very superior ALSO, A qunntlty of ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, from 25 to 37-i cents. Very large imitation Combs Fancy Handkerchiefs, Waist Buckles, Sip. Sie. nov 5 *m2(i<> (C?* The gentleman who has in in his possession the 1st volume of Russel on Crimes, Sic. with the name of “ OWENS" mark, cd upon tho.cpver, will be so good as to return the same to the office of M. M'ALLISTER. nov 6 106 .Wanted in a Private Family A TEACHER well versed, (in the different branchesof English Education, and the Latin Also, in a Country Store, A Cleric who can he well. recommended as salesman und accomptnnt.. ' dov 4 m205 WATT Si SMETS. o*. A family of House Servants fVF ^aott character—For sale—for’particulars V-F apply at this office. noV n203 50 . Flour, Butter, etc. BBLS Baltimore Flour 20 KegS Goshen Butter 25 Bills N. E. Rum 81 do Northern Gin 10 Qr Cusks Currant Wind 16 Bags Havana Coffee Fdrsalehy S. C; GREENE, nov 4 r||205■ LAW T IIE subspriber tenders his professional servi C.cs to the publio; und begs leave to inform (hem, that he may at ull times he found at the. Of fice of Messrs. Davies &• Berrien, situated in Hun ter’s buildings oil the Bay. ' JOSEPH VALLENelE SEVAN. Savannah, Oct. 20,182-1. (p* The Constitutionalist, Goorgia Journnl.nml, Washington News, arc requested to giro the Hi hove 3 insertions, weekly. The Subscriber has taken the HOUSE in the Village of Hice- horo’, recently occupied by Mr. Keinpton, and intends keeping a pub lic house, for tire accommoda.ion of TRAVELLERS and BOARDERS. Those who may favor him With n call are assured thut every attention will be paid to their comfort and convenience) His table will be su|iplied with the best the country affords; his Bar with choice fjijiiors and his- Stable With tho-best provender, und an attentive Ostler—the rales moderate. DAVID STETSON. oct 30 201 ' To Rent. • The Tenefnent at present oc cupied by Thomas U. P. Charl ton, the property <« Chnrles Harris, Esq. In Broughton Street; and posses sion given on the 1st November. Oct l!i IP! ' TO BE LET. The STORE oorner of Bay and Dray ton-Strects, nbw occu pied by J. P. Setze. Possession may lie had on the 16th of this m ;nth. For further particulars, apply to Peter Dupon. , ^ oct IP ||191 ‘ ; To Rent. That large and pleasantly situated House in Broughton street, now Occupied by Doctor J. B. Bead; for terms, apply to Bulloch te Dunwody, Factors. JOHN MOREL. Oct 16 a IPO fill • To Rent. The Tenement in Broughton Street udjoiningthe one occupi ed by the subscriber; possession given the 1st of November. Oct 16 190 M. MYERS. To Rent. The wharf and stores, next above Wayne’s, well calcula ted for a wood nr Lumber wharf. ALSO, The yellow throe story Lrit-k buildings In Frank lin Wurd.—An approve'd Tenant enn linve with one of the .Tenements, the Furniture nnd servants by curly application to R. F. WILLIAMS, nov 4 II 1.205 & To Rent. The Dwelling House at pre sent occupied by the Subscriber at the east end of the Theatre, und possession can be had immediately. The House is u pleasant one and the yard large and dry, with a commodious Garden. , JOS. S. PELOT. net 23 a 194 For New-Yorkv The brig TONTINE, Capt. Betts, Will sail on Friday next, tile 6lh inst. For freight or passage, having handsome accom modations, apply to the" captain on board, at Wil liamson’s wharf, or to BLISS & WADSWORTH, nov 3 m204 . w For New-York, (ESTABLISHED LINE.) The regular packet ship, WILLIAM WALLACE, ’ T. Wood, Master, Will meet with despatch. For freight orpussnge, having elegant accommoda tions, apply to Capf. W. on hoard, at Jones* vm- per wharf,-or tu It ALL fc HOYT, nov 1 202 For New-York, . The fast sailing ship, CHARLESTON, v. Master, 1 Will sail on Thursday next.- Will sail on Thursday next.—For freight or passage, having superior accommoda tions, apply to Capt. H. ou board at Jones’ upper' wharf, or to HALL h IlOYT. nov 1' 202 .For Greenock. The first rate packet line ship MENTOR, t ' J. L. Wilson, Master, Will take xvhat freight of Cotton may offer for Greenock, and be despatched as early possible—appfy to WM. GASTON. oc(27■, 193 . ; For Liverpool. The jvell known and tegular trading slnpj GEORGIA, Varnum, muster, Will meet with quick despatch.—For freight of 160 bales ol Cotton only, opply to ANDREW LOW h Co. 105 tons of Livcr()ool SALT, and 38 crates assorted CROCKERY, Received by the'Georgia and offered for sale low for cash or on accommodating terms for approv ed paper if taken immediately from on board the vessel at Five Fathom—apply as above, oct 9 187 By Calvin Baker. ON MONDAY, tlie 8tli inst nt J1 o’clock, ' i At-liis Auction Store _ The Brick Store; nt present BiiCSk occll P‘ C( l by Jonathan Meigs, Ji 1 0,1 P |e Bay, corner of Barnard Street, xr^aii on Lot No. 1, Dljjpiy Tything, back ward, with throe-eights of said Lot; subject to<\ ground rent of $200 per annum, under a lease from Jununry, 1822, for five years ; at the expira tion of the lease, the leaser to pay for lli, building.- at a vutuation. ALSO, A general assortment of seasonable DRY GOODS. ' . also, ■ f ^ x » "In front of his Auctiou Store A general assortment of GROCE RIE S, ■ ( '• < ALSO,* : V 3000 ll)s first quality Bacon. nov 5 204 . ESTABLISHED LINE M : I To Rent. A House on tho South Com mon Brown Ward has four Rooms on tlie first and three, on the second floors. Possession given on the 15th Novcmber->-Enquire of ' Oct 22 || i.l94 F. M. STONE. A: Bk For Rent. Tlie House in Broughton-st. lately occupied by Mr. Tefit.— The house corner .of Drayton and York-strects', occupied by Mr Goff.— file house fronting Oglethorpe occupied by Cant. Bee. The house on tlie opposite side of the Square, Mr. Leach. Tlie House nt present occupiud b.y .Mr. George opposite to the Academy With an entire Lot, or partof the lot would be leusod being 11 good stand of a Groccrj’., * ALSO, Several other good dwelling house -, nnd the stores corner of Broughton 'and 'liuuiHrd-slreets Apply to J. MARSHALL, oct 6 Ip*. ' . ’ V- ’" OF ; New-York Packets. smrs. ■ MASTEns, SAVANNAH, W. Beebe, LOUISA MATILDA, D. Wood, AUGUSTA, D. Van Dvok. WM. WALLACE, T. Wood, EMPEROR, Jill. Bennett, The above are all Best rate .vessels, with expe rienced commanders, and will continue to sail in rcgularsiiccession throughout tlie season, leuving Savannah for New-Yorx on Thursday, and New- Ynrk for Savannah on Saturday in each week.—- For freight or passage, apply io the Captains' on board at Jones’s Urper Wharf, or to > •1IALL & HOYT. jnn 27 21 Notice. FACTORAGE. T HEsubscribcr tenders his thanks to his friends and the public for the liberal encourage ment he has received in the FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BUSINESS, nnd trusts that by a strict attention to the -interest of the Planter;lie will merit a continuance ofthelr patronage. For sale. Grundy’s white Plains Prime 42 inch Cotton Bagging. ELIAS FORT, Commerce Row. oct 5 185 Planter's Bank.* f~vN WEDNESDAY Next, 10th inst. Thanks- vJ giving Day, this Bank will he shut. Notes intended for discount must be offered on the Mon day previous and will be acted on, on Tuesday. Paper falling due on tlie 10th must be taken up pii the 9th. J. MARSHALL,' Cashier nov 3 m204 Planters Bank. N OTICE is hereby given, that after the first day of January next, this Bank will not re ceive for a y debts due to it,, the notes.of the Da rien Bank, nor the notes of any otlierbauk,which does not, on demand, redeem its pnper with spe cie. Notes and acceptances deposited for col lection, until further notice, may be paid in any of the notes of the Banks of.Georgia, It being un derstood that depositors of such paper will he paid in the same notes, the amount of collections made for them. j. Marshall, Cashier nov 4 1.202- Fi% Dollars Reward, W ILL be paid for the apprehension and de livery of the following Negroes to the Sub scribers, living in Bourke Cunty, or any safe Jan so we can get them—or a liberal reward will be given for any part of them, to wit: Morattni) a bright Mulatto man, aboijt 35 years old, rather slendqr fnade nnd of keen apprehension, and bis wife Hannah a black women about 45 yearn old, with u scar on one side of her face, the property of Joseph Hines—Ben an African about 45 years old, small and well set and filed teeth, with’ a scnr on one arm, and his wife Sylvia about 35 years of age, pretty heavy'to her height.—They took of 3 Children Ben, Dave and Hetty, the children of Ben and Sylvin, two of the children belong to the Estate of Smith Stringer, deed, the othei’ child and Ben and Sylvia to Abner Belbher. The; broke loose a large Canoe on Tuesday the 281 September lust, at Stephen’s Bridge, Burke Coun ty, nnd we tiling il ' Marshy Country, .... . Ige, ty, nnd we thing will nim down the River to tlie Marshy Country, below Savannah, as Ben was bought up therohm! has efneerunaway and got his wife and ohildrcn back there and were apprehen ded andjput in Savannah Jail, not two years ago, —One of the men took off a Glin the other a Pi: tol with them< JOSEPH HINES, ABNER BELCHER. oct14 1B9 To Rent. M The three story brick build- inffon the Bay, lntely occupied by JamesDicksox 4* Do us a trhole- sale Dry Good Store. Apply to C. W. ROCKWELL 4-CO. sept "28 182 ” 7 ~’ For Rent. The brick, house in South Broad Street, belonging to tlie est. Thos. Gardner, dec. At iifosent occupied by Thomas Butler, Esq. For terms, apply to ’ H. KIRBY, sept 28 t.182 Jill: oct 7 To Rent. The Store and Dwelling John ston’s Square, lately occupied by Mr. T. Walton, and Mrs. Blogg. Apply to M. GRIFFITH, Market Square. rl86 HI oct 7 To Rent. Two dwelling Ilotises on Stntc street, Columbia Ward. Apply JNO; F. LLOYD. rl87 To be let, The well known STORE in Whitaker-Strect, at present oc cupied by Messrs Hazard Denslow ns a Paint aud Oil Store. Possessioii given immediately. For/particulnrs .apply to LAY 4- HENDRICKSON. oct 25’ 1.196 A : 1 ■Mb oct 26 To Rent. A HOUSE in Broughton Street, opposite tho residence of Mr. Mason, enquire of Mrs. ELIZA LLOYD. m!97 , T HE Subscribershaving taken that well knotvn bouAe, the Georgia Hotel, will'ucoommodute steady boarders and transient persons, on the most reasonable terms: Their table will be supplied with the best the market affords, nnd every atten tion will be paid to those who may favor them with their Company. They have also taken tile, extensive Stables at tached to that building, where they can accommo date a large, number of horseS, either by the month or any shorter period. ' . DOTSON & MURPHY, oct 12 «f188 Lip Balsam. T HIS Balsam is highly recommended for tlie ciiuj of soro and chopped Lips. It is said to give immediate relief—a supply of it can be had at the store of. nov 3' x LAY &. HENDRICKSON. To be Leased, F OR a dumber of years, the Southern half of Lot No. 6, Reynolds Ward,.oil the corner of Broughton nnd.Abercorn streets, a very eligible situation fq^.a dwelling house; Apply to , A. J. PRATT oct 14.,;- tM-igg;. ' ■ ' . . 'Assize of bread. T HE hvernge prite qfftour being $64 per reh;196 weifibt, the -tvelght ol bread fin r brr for rexent .month must be ’- ^ 124 Loaf • 2 lbs 13> ounces ti.} do ' 1 do 6Jt do of Vvhiich. all bakers and sellers of bretulwUl tnke due' notice. • • oct 6 . WS I i A Steam Boat, with freighting Boats xvill.regu larly depbrt from the Company’s wharf on Wed nesdny nnd Saturday of each..week, end when freight offers to make it necessary, an extra boat wil» depart during the intermediate periods. JOHN DAVIDSON, Agent. oct 25 196 Third company Election^ An Election for firet and secoiid Lieutenants and an Ensigh for the Third Boat Company, will tnke place nt the Office of Justice RuSSr.Lt. on Thurs day the I8lh 6f November inst. A draft for the number of norl commissioned officers required by law wilt uiso take place at tlie same time; ; , C. H. HAYDEN, Capt % 3d Company. v>. i nov 1 202 1 Regimental Orders v An j election is hereby or dered to be held at the Mar ket House, on th« twenty fourth instant, fur a Major to the First Regioteut, Georgia Militia. The Poll will open nt eleven o’clock, A. M. J. HUNTER, . Captain, S. F. L.OUIS GIRODON, Capt. 2d Beat Com. nov 3. 204 Fresh Teas., J. B. HERBERT & Co; HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND Chests, half chest A, ten cattys,five cat- tys and cannisters Htson Tea , Ten cattysjive cattys and caniiisterSIuPERiAL ahd Gonpowdeb Teas Hyson skin,tonkay, souchong iind Boiica Teas All of w hich are of the luttst importation, and will be sold on accommodating terms, sept 28 182, ■ •-' , Clerks Office. G9th October 1824, TyrOTICE-^Proposiils will be .'received at this 11 Office un'tiUbe 10th December next, for sup plying the Guard house with wood and lights— and keeping the same clean—also, for sweeping and keeping in order, the Police office. Extract from the minutes, SOL. COHEN; ci c. pro tern. oct 29 200 By J. B. Herbert Sc co. TO-MOlUtOW EVENING, 6th inst. atto’clk. Will l jc sold in hi* Store, A VALUABLE COLLECTION OE ■*. • Some elegantly bound. Teritls Cush. nav 5 202 , Marshals sales. , W ILL be soldbefore the Court House io the City of Suvaniinlii*between the hours of 1(1 mid 2 o’clock, on Friday the 19th order of the District Judge of Georgia; 1 The ship > ALBION, As she now lies a wreck o(f St Cath erines Island, with all her materiutj' and cargo remaining on board. Also, The ifiaterinls saved or lying on the Beach of Ri'. Catherines and on the main, viz. 213 .pieces Mahogany, on the Beach at high water ma&< 21 do do in Beach Creek 32 do do in Point Creek 15 do do on Mr. Postclls plan tation, Harris’ Neck, McIntosh County . 23 pieces Logwood in possession of Mr. Harris of St Catharins Island 22 pieces on the Beach above high wa ter mark. 23 .pieces on tlie Island 14 do in the possession of Mr. Po«y tell at Harris’ neck 1 pair of Jackscrcws 1 small graplin on the Beach 1 Quadrant, 1 pr Pistols', 7 Block' 1 piece Parolin', 1 Topmast 1 whipsaw, 1 Tarpaulin,. 1 pr Stilyards, 2 large chains, 2 pitch Ladles, 1 Axe, 8 Augers, 2 large chisels, 2 scrapers A small lot of copper 2 Grooving Plains, I hand saVr, A Idt of Lend, 1 lot of running rigging 1 vventch ; Terms Cash Bankable Money' H nov 4 J. H. MOREL, m. ri. a. , ' Note. ’ ON Thursday next, the Uth inst. I N front of .tlie exchange between the hours qf, 10 nnd 11 A. M. will be lcfised for one year , The Rooms in the Exchange> Leased Under the Superintendence, of the lix: change Committee. F, M.STONft, Marshal. nov 4 202 By Calvin * Baker- Administrator's sale. Oq the first Tuesday in Decem ber next, Will be sold in front of the Court Hqus ■ in t’ui- City, at 11 o’clock; All the personal property ofVVmiMayhewi deceased! Consisting of a DWELLING HOUSE, On Lot No. 31, Lmerty Ward arid onf on partof Lot No. 2. Jekyll Tvthing Darby Ward,nnd sundry CARPENTERS TOOLS, Sold by order of the Administrators.! Oct 22 194 ofWmiMa i4- ( Executor's sale. ON TlIURSDAY, 25th Nov. next at 4 past 10 o’ clock; will be sold in front of his Auction store, all the 1 . Household Fiiruiiure, Belong to the estate of Hugh M'Call, deceased.— Consisting df Side Boards, Bureaus, Diyirig TabUi, Chairs, Carpets, Looking Glasses, Glass; Ware, Beds and Bedding, Bedsteads, and Kitchen Furniture. Together with a quantity of Plated and silver Ware; ALSO, A quantity of Madeira Wine, in botttlcs. ' Stild by jicrinissiori of the Hon. the Inferior Co,urt of Chatham County; by order of tlw Ex ecutor. ,0ct 16 190 Liberty Superior Court. To the Jurors, Witnesses and. Suitors in the same. rpHE Judge of the' Superior Courts of the East- I cm District having been called to a conven tion of the Judges at Milled^eville, the .Super rior Court of Liberty County will be adjourned; on the regutar day of the Term; to the sixth of De cember, of which Jurors, Witnesses, ,and # Suitors in the same will take notice, and-give/thelr , at tendance accordingly. v , ---'i By order pf his Honor James M. Wayye, Judge of the Superior Court; E: BAKER, c.i.;s. c. .noy''3 . .t*204 _ ■ , , , PF ra • Clerks Office, , 29th October, 4324. I N conformity with a resolution of Council No tice is hereby given that oft the second regular meeting in Nov. next) Council will proceed tc elect a.City Treasurer, to fill the vacancy occa- sioned by the decease df John I. Roberts'. Extract from the minutes. SOL. COHEN, c. him oct 29 200 , Wanted to Hire; rjlfiN or fifteen prime field hands for wlioiii lib eral wages willbe given.- Oct 21 || 183 ' BOND. [fit to Jail. I N Sttvam ilaVs his mime is Henry Taylor, of Eli rarittway about 9 iian who belongs to fedt 64 i ; and a half ago? he and about 30 years 1 JN9-L DEWS, ifo. c; AUGUST G. OEMLER, « AS removed hisDRUG STORE, (othcconic-r of BrbagHton and Whiiaker-Sirccts, opposite Col. Shellman's Mansion Ifouse, where he exhibit.-# t'or sale, a choice assortment of Fresh Medicines and Gar dm secdsi \ and variou? other articles suiting his line. If’ab stains relating the whole string of names of tin? things he offers, and only mentions a few which are ftdt commonly found in every Drug Store, vizi Fob Sabifta, Fyraia Umbellata, Degitalis l’urpuren, Scullcap, Hyssop, German Leopard’S Bane, (arnica montana) Elecampane, (Inula Helenium) Hops, Ergot, Tonquin Beans, Squire’s Elixir; Daify’s Elixit, Ess. Mustard, Ess. Tyre, Jesuit Drop, Churehc’s Cough Drops, •Aromatic Vinegar, Toilet, Vegetable, ' and other Soap's, Macassar Oil, Phosphorus, Ox. Mur. l’otasse,- 'James’s Fever Powders, Infantile Powders,- Read’s Stiptic, Spirits Soap; Fumigating PasUls, Pyrolignisus Acid, Black Drop. Respnctingthc utility of this la-t article, he refers 0 the last, but one, page of the Georgia aud South Carolina Almattao; of this j-enr, *“ ’ oct? my. HK