Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, November 06, 1824, Image 4

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— .i an « k. Administrator'a sale. On d crfiusi/ai; the first of Deceiiibcmrxl X\ li !. b$sold nCthelale residence of Allen V* Denmark, do • lenmark, nil the personal property Of s In •li'r'dreonsistlpg of 3 negroes, *4 bond of hoi w. one mule,‘Cuttle, Sheep, goats, und hogs, one liouseimldaud kitchen furniture. Also, 3 head Oxen one rerrylo'g, 1 silver watch, and i r present crop of corn ami fodder. Condi tion o; s„lc Cash. R. BURTON. Adjn’r. ltd' M ARY DENMARK, Am’x. Adiftin i st tutor's On l/u first T> II.I. be sold In S’ dvuinmh, tli estate of Audi sale, January next, Court House in tho following property, >\T M'Lcnn, lute of d for tho benefit ofthe heirs III'!/ ! 1C tin Vs City hein_ - the real est Chatuam County and creditor , pumuuit to nn order of Court. One tract ol land, containing 800 acres adjoin in;: lends of Francis Tufts, James Rasco, and Mn- rv Shares, known Jonulhan and John Fox's tr.u t-, about 1- miles from Savaimnlr.' One \ scant lot in fee simple, situated In F.wcns’ bur :, on Mar .mrei-.-l.Savannah, known by No. 28 Unc Ditto, also fee simple,' situated in do. and known by the No.-21, with a dwelling house and other, improvements thereon. : v One J.ot in Kicchorough, Liberty county. . Tho purchasers giving bond and mortgage,puy- id in in one, two nud three years,with interostfrom and pmso«al security. GF.O. GLEN, ct 30 2ol Adm’r est. Andretv MT.nne. In Admiralty. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, \ DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. j John t>". I mug 1 vs. > Monition. Ship Albion and enrgo. ) To the Marshal of said District— cnnuTiNG : GEO. GLEN, Clerk. "TX 7" HERE AS John W. Long assignee of the un- * T derwriters at Lloyds in London, n^the Kingdom of Great Britain, the supposed insurers of tho Ship Albion and cargo, has exhibited lus lit * ....... Camden—Superior Court. Octouer Term. 1824. icholus J-. Bayard ) vs. > Rule'.Yisi. Rag Sands ) O N the petition of Nicholas J. Bayard, stating that Hag Sands, on the fifth day of June eigh teen hundred and twenty-four, tor the better sc- curing.the payment of Ins certain bond or writing obligatory, bearing date the day midyear afore said, whereon lie the suid Hag acknow ledged him self held and bound unto the suid Nicholas .1. Bay ard, in the penal sum of four thousand dollars; conditioned for tho payrnet of one thousand dol, hcl nr complaint, in the District Court of the 'U- lurs on or before the-first day of October then Ifcd States, for the District of Georgia! stating, next, and the further snin of one thoiRuuUaoltars dati Administrators sale. On the first Tuesday in December next. T’j / ILL he sold at the lute residence of Jacob ▼ V FUtch, doc'd, late ofthe Countyof Bulloch; nil tiis personal,property of suid deceased, sold for tbebenefit ot the he'tw and creditors of said ,'Stale. WM. DELOACH, Adm’r. Jane rural, a i-’x. oct 2 184 Administrators soles. w On the first Tuesday in December next, TILL be sold'at the court house in the count ty ofF.flUnehmn. A tract ot the number land containing 202.} acres, known by C2 1 . 1 —tilth dist. lying in the county of Henry, on the Fellow River, fwenty five acres of which i.- cleared, together with some improve* ui. Ms Uu'i i pn and considered a valuablo tract.— I'nld b v mi order obtained from the hou. the In ferior Court of the County of Effingham, for the benefit of (lie heirs and creditors of the estate of Emanuel K;din, late of said County dec. JACOB GNANN, Junior. ’ , Administrator. oct2 184 v Administrator’s sale. w lu . he sold on the eleventh proximo, by order of the Hon. the Court of Ordinary, (-at the residence of John U. Butler, Esq. in Little •Ogeechee District; between the hours of 10 and . 4 clock, at public Auction. . One Horse, Saddle and Bridle, and the remain* ing stock of cattle belonging to the estate of Rich’ch l‘i Hum, dec’d. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of thc,said dec’d. BENEDICT BOURQITN. tiov 2 H303 Temporary Adm’r. Executor's safe, Bj J. B. Herbert 8p co. Oii the first Tuesday in December next> f ILL be sold at the Court Hbusc in this city alleging and propounding, that the'British Ship Albion, bidet with Mahogany, Logwood, and di vers other art icles, was, on the moruing of the 16th September last, by tbe force of the wind and Waves driven on tlie bench of Saint Catherines Islam), iu the District aforesaid, and there aban doned by her crew; and that much of the cargo has Boated out of the said Ship, some partofwhich has been taken by George H. Johnston, Patrick. Houston and George M. Waldburg, and by divers other persons, to u place of greater safety, and that part thetrf still lies on the bench of said Island, below’ high w ater mark exposed to the sea That the Agent ot the underwriters at Lloyds, un der the impression that the said Ship and cargo were insured at Lloyds, has for the buenefit of all concerned, soldthe interest ofthe sold underwri ters aforesaid, therein at publlck sale to John W Long. But the said persons, who have removed n part of the cargo to a plate of greater safety, claim to be entitled to salvage thereon, and pray ing process of tills court to take the said wreck and the said cargo, or so much thereof, as is to be found withiu the jurisdiction of this Court, into the custody of the Court for the benefit of the said libellant, and ail persons concerned, and praying a monition against the said George, Patrick, and George, and all other persous, claiming to be en titled to salvage to appear and establish such their claims and aiso to all persons interrstedto appear, and shew cause why the said Wreck and her car « o shall not be adjudged to _the said John \V. .one, assignee, as aforesaid, of the underwriters, at Lloyds, and for further proceedings. Now therefore, you the said Marshal, are hereby com manded to attach, seize, take, and safely keep the remains ofthe said Ship Albion and her cargo, wheresoever within the jurisdiction of this Court, or in the possession of whomsoever to be found, to answer the -said libel, and you are further com manded to cite and admonish the said Gqdrge, Patrick, and George, and all other-persons, claim ing to be entitled to salvage in this behalf to ap pear before this Court, and there establish such their claim and further to cite aud admonish r.K and every person and persons, whomsoever hav ing or pretending to have any right, title, interest, property, claim or demand in, or to the said Wreck or to the oargo thereof, to be, and appear at a spe cial Court ot Admiralty, to be held at Savannah, on the Twelfth day of'Novcmber'next, to answer the libellant In the premises that right and justice may be done in this behalf. And whatsoever you shall do, iti this regard certify and make known to the Judge of said Court,at the time and place aforesaid; and have you then and there this writ. Witness the Hon. "Jeremiah Cuyler, Judge- of said District, this twenty-first day of October, eighteen hundred and twenty four. NICOLL fc GORDON, _ Proctors for Libellants. All persons interested in the foregoing Monition will take duenotice. JNO. H. MOREL, m. p. o Oct 30 201 on the first day of January then next, did mdrt. enqe all that tract, piece, or parcel of land, lyjug, icing and situate on Cumberland Island in the countv of Camden, and knowii by the name ol Cotton Bluff,, containing four hundred and fifty acres, bounded oiktho north by liuids of Shierer, on the south by lands of Nuthanlel Green, and on Superior court—Chatham county Thomas F. him el. al. 4 inif-nS?- -' Comiikiints awl i IN EQUITY. Richard R, Cuyler, cx'r Win Shaw, deceased. 1 TN this case, on. the suggestion in tho defend- A ant’s answer, that certain persons not parties lo this bill, residing in Scotland, clnim to Ijo en titled to a distribution of part of the undivided estnte of Win Shaw, deceased, und on motion, it is ordered that all persons concerned do'appear before tho Superior Court of Chatham County in the term of January noxt, then mid there to es tablish sucli their claims; ntul lit default thereof, thut the undivided estate p{ the suul Win Shiny, be distributed among the complainants agreeably to the decree of saiu Court and that this rule be published once a month until the expiration thereof. Extract from the minutes tills 7th day of Juno A. B. FANNIN^ Clerk. §t!38 G eor< . the 1824. june 17 Aaron Cleveland and Susalt Cl between the usual hours of 10 and 2 o'cl’k. All the buildifigs situated on the north western corner ofLot No thirteen Washington Ward,can- sitting of a 1 story house with a kitchen and other necessarjt improvements being the property of the est. of Susannah Miller, dec. Solaby permission ot the Hon. the Inferior Court of Chatham County and by order of the Ex’r for the benefit of the heirs ■of saiu estate. Oct 2 181 ‘ ,r f ' I 'ORGIA—Chatham County— To all whom VS it may concern.—Whereas, Joseph H.Thomp son lius apj.iicd to the Hon. the Court of Ordinary of Chatham County for letters of administration on the estate and effect? of William R. Holland, late of Savannah, Druggist, dec’d in behalf of (be heirs mid creditor?. 1 hose are therefore to cite.^ndadmonish all and singular tho kindred and creditors of the $aid de ceased, to file their objections (if any they have) to the granting of the administration of the estate m the cl. < i-ased to the applicant in the Clerk’s Office ofthe - lid Court, on or before the twenty seventh day of November next; otherwise letters of i.chnini-t i-Htion will be granted. Wliness the Horn. John P. Williamson one of the ticet ofthe said Court, the 27 th Oqt. A. D. 1824. nances—and further slatlng-that money remained unpaid, and pray the foreclosure of the equity of redemption of the said Rag. • Oil motion of W. W. Gordon, attorney Tor the petitioner, it is ordered that the said Rag Sands do pay into this court before the expiration of twelve months from this date, the said several sums of money in the condition ol"the said bond mention-. — - —- •■---» ----- -- , ed, tbgetlier with the interest and cost, otherwise I Ing that Jacob l 1 ahm, before the intermarriage his wife! vt. Jacob Fahm. ’ Rule JYisi. O N tho petition of Aaron Cleveland nnd Su san C. his wife, who was Susan C. Bonu, sfot- ^'petitioners, to wit; on the 22d day of Jmm Sands his heirs, executors, administrators and as- 1821, did in conjunction with ohe Joseph A. signs, of, in and to the said mortgaged premises, bo thenceforth and forever foreclosed. And It Is further ordered, that this rule bo pub Scott, execute a joint bond to the said Susan C 1n the penal sum of four thousand dollars -condi tioned for the payment of two thousand dollars EORGIA, Chatham County—Bp tho Hon lasticcs of the Inferior Court, sitting for ordinary purposcjj^^^^^ESgHEsS^H To all whom it may concern. Whereas, John Dfilon administrator of Ed mond Dillon, late of Chatham county dec.lms pe titioned the lion, court of ordinary, to be discharg ed from Ids suid administration. Now, these nro therefore to cite and admon ish all and singular the kindred and creditors of any they have) in my office, within the than ( T EORGIA, Liberty County—By Elijah p. X ker, clerk of the court of ordinary f u « i? county Liberty. .ctoST” X To all whom it may concern Whereas William Law, Esq. applies i 0 > dismissed from his administration on the estate * Davis Carter, late of suid county, dec. 6 These are therefot-e to cite and admon ■ill persons concerned to file their objections; the said deceased,-the file their objcctilns (If uuy they have,) to the granting of letters dlsitilssory I to the petitioner, iu the clerk’s office, of the said court, oh or before tho 11th day of Decomber next | ensuing, otherwise letters Uismissory will bo granted to the petitioner. Witness the lion. John Cununihg, one of tho Justices of the said court, this 11th day of Juilc, I A. D. 1824 ti. M. BOND, C c. 0. june-12- IBB /;-t,EOROlA, Chatham tiounty—By the lion.! criVed by law; or otherwise the said ’apmtT‘1 will bc dismissed from his said administration Given tinder my hand and seal, lids aj j ofjtfa/, A. D.18J4. K. BAKER, c ef , May 11 110 ’ u iVI'INE months after date application ivili* i. 1 made to the lion. Inferior court of the 6o the Justices of the Inferior "Court, silljng for. ordinary purposes. To all whom It may concern, of Bryan, for leave to sell all tlm real wlaul William Vubbedgt deceased, to be sold for i benefit ofthe heirs and creditors,. \ JOHN CUBBEDGE, Adi« june 17 138 Bryan Cu INK montlis after date application' 1 ivuTtl lui'olh h , - r made to the lion. Inferior court of fcikl! Whereas Robert laylor,. admhilstrator of Win county, for leave to sell tlie real and personal M. Kelley, Into of Savnnmih, .merchant, dec’d, tate olfl0 dowick Laid, late of Tattnall Z kf«P has petitioned 4o the honorable the court of Of- dlhnry to be discharged from his said admlnlstra tion. These are therefore to cite nnd admonish all and singular the kindred and deceased, to file their objections, have) In the clerks office of the i before the Bih duy of December letters dismissory will be granted to tho petition deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and <wl tors.. A E. WAY, Ad$T augSl • §ol71 - ® r,i lished in one of tho Gazettes of this state at least with Interest from date, on or before tho fi«t once a month for twelve months, or that a copy day of March then next, and that for the better & payment thereof, the said Jacob mnnih. tiefnro tlm ntnimtion of the time onnoint-1 did on the day and year first aforesaid make his certain indenture of mortgage, whereby he Witness the Hotioraole John P. Wllllnmson, one of tho Justioes of the said court, this 8th day of June, A. D. 1824. 3. M BOND, c c o. June’8 134 JV'INE montlis nfter date. application will liuilcri months before the expiration of the time appoint ed for tho payraeut of tho said money into court. and thtd such further proccedings hVlmd as ai-c' mortgaged to said Susan C. all that lot of ground pursuant lo the statute in such case made and pro- known and designated os Garden _ lot number • 1 thirty nine, No 39» nnd also, that adjoining half vided. Extract from the minutes, this 2oth Oct. 1824. part of another lot known as lot number forty 0Ct29 200 JOHN BAILEY, Clerk. Swaims Panacea. T HE Subscribers have just received from Phil- adelphia a fresh supply of this celebrated Me dicine, and hove made such arrangements as to keep a constant supply oY it on hand. Persons in want of this article can depend upon its being gcti* nine, as it conies direct from Mr. Sivaitn. LAY if HENDRICKSON, Chemist and Druggists, # Shad’s Buildings. oct 7 s 186 • Situation Wanted, B Y a young man who is weli acquainted with tlie Mercantile business having followed it for the last three years. He would accept a place in any respectable House. " All necessary rceom mcnuatlons can be had both iu town or from the country. A line addressed to H. M. G. and lett at the Post Office will be particularly attended to. Oi-tlG AlflO Jpt'EHSONS Imving claims against the estate of two, No 42, containing together eight and a half acres more or less situated to the eust of the city of Savannah aud bounded to the north west of Lot No 26, to the south and east by lands be longing to tlie estate of Hampton Lillibridge, and the west by the public road leading to Skidnwny island whereon' a brick yard is now established and known by the name of Fahms brick yard- that there is now on the said bond or mortgage obligator)' the sum of eighteen hun dred dollars with interest from the 23d day of January 1823, and praying the foreclosure of the equity of redemption o"f the paid Jacob and his' heirs, executors, administrators and. assigns in and to the said mortgaged premises—On motion of, W. W. Gordon, attorney for the petioners— It is ordered that the principal and interest due on the said bend or writing obligatory rtogelher with the cost of this implication ho puid into this court within twelve montlis from this date, or in case of default that tlie equity of redemption of said Jacob Fahm, his heirs, executors, adminis trators and assigns lie from thenceforth forever foreclosed and that such further and other pro ceedings be had thereon, as are pursuant to. the made to tlie lion. Inferior court of _ county, when sitting for ordinary nurpns,, G UUKU1A, Chatham county—flu the lion, the leave to sell all the real and personal estate of, Justices of the Inferior Court siUing for bfetp j jeh Denmark, deceased, for the benefit uf nary purposes. To all whom it may concern Whereas William Davies, administrators ofNJar- tlm Johnson dec. 1ms petitioned the lion, the court of ordinnry to bd discharged from his said ad ministration. These ore therefore to cite and admonish nil and singular the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to file their objections (if any they have) in the office of tho clerk of the court of ordinu- Co mitf, I heirs and creditors. ROBERT BURTON, Adm’r MARY DENMARK, Aihn’j' fell- 28 48 ’ BuUurh ' N INE months after the date hereof, tion will be made to-the Inferior when sitting for ordinary purposes, for Uni,” sell all that lot or part of ground in the district White Bluff, county of Chatham, coolainintj acres, more or less,bounded northwardly end. rv on or before the seventh day of March next; T wn rdly by lands late John Poullens, and nt)i(>PU’)uA IntlAPo fli'amlaenpv lift trr.mfiwl flint 1.** I.Wiiliox-ia . T otherwise letters dismissory Will be granted the petitioner. wurdly by lands of Williams, belonging to the late of James Boyd, nnd'to be sold for the Witness the ItOn. John P. Williamson, one of fit of tho heirs and creditors of said estate. I the Justices of tlie sard Court, this 7th day of I September, A. D. 1824. S. M. BOND, fc c o c c. sept ft 175 may 26 ELIZABETH BOYD, Adm'i 124 a INK montlis utter date, application will rnude to the Inferior court of Lain.-/.! county for leave to sell all the real property ' longing to tlie estate of the late Rov. Jno. if... deceased, lying in said county, for the Watfe them In Admiralty. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 7 DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. J George Woodruff and others, j Charles \V Tebeau are nftiuested to nresent statute in sueh enso made and provided—And it ’ 1 one of the Gazettes of this stato at least once a month for twelve montlis, or that a copy, lib served on the defendant at least six month before the time appointed for the payment of the mon ey into court. Extract from tho minutes, lBtii Jan. 1824. jan 16 13 JOB T. BO LES. payment to the Subscriber—accounts against the said estate to be left with Messrs S. C. §» J. Schenk. F. E. TEBEAU, Adrar. ocf 7 186 1— G EORGIA, Clmtlmm County—By the /ion. I he Justices of the hf/erlor court sitting for urdina ry purposes. . To all whom it mny concern. I JiTe EsSreinftere'ditori Whcrens Linus P. Sage administrator of Sprague | Taylor, deceased, ,has petitioned the honora ble court of ordinary to be discharged from ills said ndministratlonddp. These are therefore to cite and admonish ail and singular tlie kindred und creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections (if nud they have) in the office of the clerk of tho court of or dinary, on or before the 13th day of January next ensuing the date hereof p otherwise letters dismis- sory will be granted to the applicant. Witness the honoral *o Thomas N. Morel one Beck- 'ANN BECK, Adm’i. nprli 16 88 INK mouths alter date, I shall apply to t J. X hon. tiie Inferior court of the comity of! fingham, for leave to sell all tlie real estate I ; to Solomon Onann, dec. of which all ci will take notice. JOSHUA GNANN, eda'i| march 4 -62 jsyj 1NE months after date application nil ion cernc made to the hon. the Inferior Court of IK of the Justices of the said Court this 13th day of I Imm County, when setting for ordinary puq, Monition. Ju oct 27 198 S. M. BOND, c co. |*yEQRGJA, Chatham County.—By the lion, the Justices of the Inferior Court, siUing ,ftrr oedinnry purposes. To all whom it mayooncern. - Whqreus John M‘Nish, administrator of Isaac Bullion, dee. 1ms petitioned the honorable the Court of Ordinary to be discharged from his said administration. Now these are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditorsof the wild file their objections,(if any they have) in tho Office ofthe Clerk of the Court of Ordina ry , on or before the second duy of May next, o tnerwUe letters dismissory will be granted the pe titioner. , Witness tlie hon. JohnP- Williamson one ofthe Justices of the'said Court this second dny of No- ^ S. M. BOND, c. c o. 203 vender, 1624. . nbv 2 Pieces of Mahogany part cargo f Ship Albion J To the Marshal of the District of-Gcorgia— OKEF.T1KG L. 8. GEO. GLEN, Clerk. W HEREAS George Woodruff, Patrick Hous ton and George Johnston and Jacob Wald burg and George WaTdborgand Edward P. Poslell have exhibited their libel or complaint in the Dis trict Court of the United States for the District of Georgia aforesaid, stating and propounding that by me&ni'uf great labor ana exertion of the mana gers, and negro slaves of the said libellants, they have saved and preserved pieces of Mahogany wood, from the wreck of the British ship Albion, which had been wrecked in the gale of Uje four teenth of September last; and was driven on the beach of the Island of Saint Catherines, in the said District, andnrnying a reasonable salvage or allowance therefrom. And whereas the Judge of the District Court for the District aforesaid, bath ordered and directed the Twelfth day of Novem ber next, for all persons concerned, to be cited to appear at the Court Hou e, in the City of Savan- nan, at ten o’clock of that day, and shew cause if any they have, why judgment should not pass os prayed: You are therefore hereby authorised and enjoined, to cite and admonish all persons, whate ver, having, or pretending to have, any right,title, or interest, in. or to the said Mahogany, libellec against as aforesaid, to be, and appear, at tbe time and place, aforesaid, before the Judge aforesaid, to hear, abide by an4 perform ail and' singular such judicial acts as are necessary and by law required to be done in the premises; and nirtber to do and receive whatuntolawand justice shall appertain, under the pain of the law and con tempt thereof, the absence and-contumacy of them and every of them in any wise notwith standing. And whatsoever you shall do in the premises you shall duly certify unto the said Judge, at the time and place Aoresuid, together with these presents; Witness tbe Hon. Jeremiah Cuyler, Judge ofthe said District Court this twenty-uinth day of Octo ber one thousand eight hundred and' twenty- four. DAVIES & BERRIEN, Proctors. IN EQUITY' In the 6th Circuit Court, U» S. ) thsTRicT or Geokoia. j II. Shults and C. Brtilhnupl, Complainants, vt. the Bank ofthe. Stale of Georgia, and others, Dcfen• danls.—Iterlocutory Decree. »IT present this Court cannot proceed to a -lIl final decree, but preparatory thereto, it will order and direct that a reference be bad to the register, to require nnd report the. state of ac counts between the M'Kinnesand the State Bank, Upon the" loan of $50,000, and by doing abut ap pears by agreement, the Bank'Squai-e was pledged specifically, in part, for that loan, that the amount July, A. D. 1824. . July 13 15?» S. M. BOND, c c o. Superior Court, Chatham county John Retan ) vs. > Rule .VUl. Nathan Baker, j O N tbe petition of Jno. Retan stating that N&than Baker did on the first day o 1822. the better to secure the payment certain promissory note of that date for the sum of two thousand dollars, payable to tlie said John Rctan, or order, on or before the 1st day .of May, 1824. with interest at 7 per cent per annum, by his indenture, under his seal, bearing dute the aforesaid, mortgaged, to the G ? EORGIA, Chatham County—By the hon. the T Justices of the Inferior court, siBiiigfor or-\ dinary purposes. To all whom it may concern. for permission to sell the following real for tlie benefit of tlie heirs and creditors i estnte of N. S. Bayard, deceased, viz : One undivided fourth of a tract of land, cm tabling about 500 aeresj on Cumberland I Camden County, known as Plum Orchard an undivided fourth of a certain Tract of Whereas Alexander M. Taylor, administrator of ,„7"j n 7 n / r n ,,“ ihft Scott, deceased, hns netitinned the honorn- hltua * u . °. n s u ^ Hland, i rtuinmg about (Ml of »l.. Ihireof; bo m nMl'd, «l»> Iho omoool of | Jg «Tf"o*'«;idMlleTinolMy "or John Scott, deceased, has petitioned the honora ble the Justices of the Inferior court,to be disciiar ged from his said administration. Now these are therefore to cite and admonish all und singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections, (if any they have) in the clerk’s office, of tlie court of ordina ry, on. or before tlie Otb duy of December next; otherwise lettors dismissory will be grunted. ores, originally granted to Gen. Lackland Mel. tosh, and bounded on the south by the said Fla Orelmrd Tract. Also, a tract called Lottery Hi!! situate on lit Ogcechee Road, 3 miles from Savannah, conti ing about 600 acres. N. J. BAYARD, Adin,r est. N. 9. Bay&M. ] may 20 211 Witness the honorable 'Edw'nrd Harden, one A LL persons having any demands ofthe Justices of the said court, this 6th dny of I the estate of Francis Jalintau, c the time if was taken possession of in their behalf, and to report also upon such other discounts as tlie complainants may insist upon as proper to be made from the same sum’. 2?fly. That lie enquire and report the jiutnber of bridge bills now actually out, with tbo holders thereot, respectively, and such facts tendiitgto being in the city of Savannah, mid known and May, A. D. 1824. may 6 106 S, M. BOND, c c o deceit distinguished in the plan thereof by the number EORGIA, Bulloch County—By the hunuru. one (l) Tyi onnell tything Darby word, together \y ble , he eourl 0 f ordinary of said county. with the apjmrtennnces, and further slatiug that the said promissory note remains wholv unpaid, and the said mortgage in full force, ana praying i ear-»'■ »*• the north end of the bridge, from the time the 1 ° . „!. • I On motion of W. XV. Gordon, attorney for the also me sums i u i. .i,.. tx. .-u pay into this court, witliin twelve months of this date, .the principal and interest due on Owners and Tenants of Houses Take Notice. T HE Managers and Assistants of Fire Engines will on Monday, the )oth insl. proceed to make an examination of Buckets, Ladders, iu. throughout the City. All persons not complying with the following sections of an Ordinance for preventing accidents by Fire fee. will be returned to Council. i' Sec. 10, And he it further ordained, That every house within the limits and .Jurisdiction of this City, occupied and. tenanted, shall be supplied with buckets at the expense ofrtbo owhere of said premises, to the number of at least tlie num ber of five-places in tbc-same, including such as are in the out-buildings, und the said bucketsshall be equal in goodness and size to those procured for the use of the City,and painted,on which shall lie I minted in visible characters the name of the owners of said buckets ; ur.d ih Case the owner uf any house or tenement should refuse Or neglect to have'the'tild buckets &ipplif/d - agreeably to thivordinance, itsball und maybe lawful for the ti-niint to procure tlie same, deducting it out of his rent. Src. 11 And be it further ordained, That tho owner of every improved wharf shall furnish twenty buckets for the building or buildings on a(SSthe'^idnKd'ihe"^‘co^ofthe* S ald appHcklion. Hen-1 * h . e r* 0 ?’ that tlie equity, of redemp : ry Shultz and tlie Bridge Company; and also re* port upon such discounts or charges, as the defen dants shall suggest and give proof of, os proper aguinst tlie complainants or either of them.” Hexrv, Esq. .Sir—Please to take notice, that pursuant to tion ofthe said Nuthan "Bakei r of and to the said mortgaged premises, be thenceforth and forever foreclosed". And it i* further ordered, that a copy of this served on the said Nuthan Baker, at least six months before the time appointed for the the above referenceT I =dy to Eve the necessary statements of accounts and other infer-1 ! n one pu c s t ! 1 9 slate » at mation, in relatinn to .the matters therein contain’ ed, until the first Monday in December next, when I shall proceed to examine and report thereon. I am your obd’t. serv’t. GEO. GLEN, Clerk. Savannah, 14th' Oct, 1824. least once in every month, until the time ap pointed for the payment thereof, and tliat such further and other proceedings be had as nre prescribed by the statute in such case made and provided. Extract from the minutes this 24th May. 1824. may 7 ■ 2 A. B. FANNIN, Clerk. (CP Although it can be ascertained by the books of the Bridge-Compuny, what, amount of bridge bills arc at thi^ time unredeemed, yet it appears to be nepessary from the above decretal order, that the respective holders thereof slioulg also be known. Tlie subscriber therefore respectfully re quests uperior court, Chatham County, M.akch Term, 1824. William Bert ie 1 t J. > Rule JYisi. John Christopher. ) All penons interested in the foregoing Monition 4nown will take due notice, Oct 29 200 JNO. IE MOREL, m.d.o. wn The subscriber therefore respectfully re-the petition of William Berrie stating sts all such holders of bridge bills, t make that one John- Christopher, of tho county wn to him by letter or otherwise, the amount oi Camdffii. being indebted to one Henry Sadler I hv thpin rpttnpr.tivp v. r»n ni* hotnrp trip lacf 1 __ ; rl .. i j. i i n. /’ GEORGIA, Chatham County—By the lumora- XX ble the Justices of the Inferior court of Ctuith- of {he Inferior court of Chath am county tilling for ordinary purposes. To all whom it may concern. Whearaa Charles Gregory executor of Thomas G. Davis late of Chatham county deceased has petitioned the honorable the court of ordinary to be discharged from his said executorship. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections, if any they have, in the office of the Clerk of the court of ordinary on or before the 7th day of March noxt, otherwise.letters dismissory will be granted tlie petitioner. Witness the honorable George L Cope, one of the Justices of tlie said court this seventh day of September, A. D. 1824. r S. M. BOND, c c o o-c - sep 9 175 held By them respectively, on or before the last Monday in November next, the better to'enable him to comply with the above' order. HENRY SHULTZ. Hamburgh, Oct. 20, net 29 200 1 ’ 179 lBqpts Valuable Medicine. ANTI-DISPEPTIC pills, Prepared by Henry James. A N approved remedy for Dyspepsia, or Indi XjL gestion, Habitual Costiveness, and piles. It js well known that Dyspepsia is one of the most'frequent and formidable diseases of our couiftry. Its commencement is indicated in .dif ferent patient? by various symptoms, of which the most remarkable are— Irregularity'of -the bowels, obstinate costive ness, beadach, commonly 'called nervous or sick- or order in a note of hand, duted St. Marys in said county, on the Dili October 1822, in the sum of Five Hundred Dollars, payuble with Interest from the date on thfe first da^ of January then next ensuing, did mortgage to the said Henry his heirs and assigns, to secure the payment of tbe note afoiesiiid.with interest on the same—a cer- tain lot of land in the town aforesaid being part of lot No. 1 beginning at the West corner of a lot belonging to one Culvin Hayes, thence lull ing .south 100 feet on St. Mluys Street', thence north to'jjrynnt St. east to C. Hays’ land thence south to the beginning, with' the margin attached to the same on,the smith side of St Marys or Bay st. being a hundred feet on the-street and running from thence directly fo the river St. Marys, together with all nnd singular every thing thereto appertaining, that the said Henry Saddler, to whom and to whose heirs and assigns the saicl mortgage was made on the 24th ot Sept. 1823. July assigned by deed, saijd mortgage to the pe- of ordinary of said county. Tq all whom it may concern. Whereas Robert Burton, administratorof the estate of Stephen Denmark deceased hath appli ed to tlie said Court for letters dismissory • from said administration. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors ofthe said deccnssed, to file their objections (if any they have) iu the office of the clerk of this court with in the time prescribed by law, otherwise letters dismissory will bo granted the applicant. Witness the honorable Shepherd Williams, one of the Justices of said court, this 3d June, 1824. ELY KENNEDY, c cob c. june 4 132 G i EORGIA—Chatham County—to all whom it f may conoern. Whereas Benedict Bourquin has applied to tlie Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Chatham County, for letters of administration on the eslutc and effects of Richard Pollnm .late of Chatham | County, planter, deed. As principal credltpr. These are therefore to eite and admonish all and singular the kindred und creditors of tlie said dec. to file their objections, (if any they have) to the grunting of the administration of the estate of the said deceased to the applicant in the Clerk’s Office of the said Court, on or before the nineteenth day of November next; otherwise letters of adminis tration will be granted. . Witness the lion. T. N Morel one of the Jus tices of the said Court, thc lOth day of October A! D. 1824. • . S. M. BOND, c c o. oct 20 192 are requested lo deliver them in proporly #«» cd,on or before tlie first day All* counts not brought forward before that day *! be refused payment by tho undersigned execute WM. GASTON: | juiy 10 149 LI. pereoufindebtedto the,estate of Alcui der.Martin, late of Liberty County, dceei ed, are requested tp make immediate payment R.F. BAKER, W. H. MARTIN, ( may 10 §112 LI. persons having demands against tlie A l „ „ PPM tnte of tbe lute Hugh M’Call deceased, si requested to band them in for payment, andthil indebted to said estate will please make irawl diate payment, jnly 13 150 THOS. MiCALL,) P. BRASCH, ) Ex’u.! &£&!'*, •*** <*•»wsarwi nury purposes. To all whom it may concern, Whereas Richard It. Cuyler, executor of Wil liam Shaw deceased, has petitioned the hon. court of ordinary, to be discharged from his said exe cutorship. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular tlie kindred and creditor* of the , said deceased, to file (heir objections (if any they have) in tlie office of the clerk ofthe court of Gl'riiridFtr /m /.i. *1... iOit. j e it GEORGIA, ordinary on'or before the 13th day of January \ CHATHAM CO TJJVTV next ensuing the date hereof, otherwise letted 1 COVJYTY. each v ‘An Act, To establish an office for Rceording the Birth ft tlie Cititens of this State, in each County o/r'* Statt. W HEREAS much inconvenience has bwI experienced in this state,ffom ihr via eulty of obtaining teslimony.of persons iu tei.iteo to questions of right betore our courts,and where-1 as embarrassing difficulties frequently impcdclhW correct administration of justice on this subject!! For remedy whereof, L ' “ Be it enacted 1y the Senate and Ilom oj presentatives of the stale, of Georgia, in General sembly met, and it is hereby enacted by tht-MWl ofthe same:- 1 ,1 That from and immediately after the passiaj «I this act, it shall bemudethe.dutyof tho CletM l tlie 000148 of Ordinnry, in each county rcsnttW*' I ly, to enter and register,'in a book to be kept W,| ly beadach, yellowness of the eyes und skin, acid- ^ ity ofthe stomach alter eating,often culled lieiirt-1 titioner,There is nowdiieonsaiTmoilg'Scr (he* hum. (liifu piirr gp whirl Sh (!ip afninurlt (■Wiur U .. M 11 i 1jtt .ii *xi. July, A. D. 1824. july 13 150 day i S. M- BOND, cco. thiill lie deemed a full coinpliaiice with this sec- tion, by the owner, for the' number of buckets uwntionedin• said receipt; And-the owner of every store in the City, that has no fire-place p'r nluceS attached to the same,shall furnish two fire- uuckets for every store of such kiitio, nnd under micIi regulations as other landlords are by this or dinance required to do. Sec. 12. And belt further ordained, That every owner of a-wooden house or houses, brick, or None house,or .bouses covered with wood,occupi ed dwelling-houses or kitchens,shall providetfje r im, w itli u sufficient ladder, or have a sduttje' or door cut through (lie roof of such house or houses, • 1 irgd enough for a man to pass through conve niently, under the peuunlly of a fine not excee ding thirty doliuri. 40 v a 203 tiy of a fine hot excee. JOHN IIAUPT, Clerk. Bank state of Georgia, SAVANNAH, 19tfi Oct. 1824. T HE Board of Directors having declared _ Dividend of $2 per share, Or 2 per cent for the last six months, on the Capital Stock of this Bank, the spme will be paid to' the respective Stockholders thereof, or to their order, on and af- r Thursday theSlStinst. By order Ofthe Board. Oct 19 m!91 A. PORTER, Cashier . Bottles, Corks, Drugs, &c. &c. burn, flatulence or wind ih Tjie 'stomach,, bitter I sum of Five Hundred Dollars with interest fi-ofe in the mouth in the morning, fcetld breath, the 1st January 1822, and praying for the foreclol EORGIA Clmtlmm county—By the hon. "the Justices of the Inferior court of Chatham coun- T HE citizens of Chatham County arc - - notified,-, that in pursuance of act ot » Legisla ure of this state, passed the 19tli°/J , ber, .0 3,thefiret section of which is recited «i> ' a book is prepared for tlie registry 01 births to 1 ' hoprs from nine, A. M- until ot * | drowsiuess af(er dinner, debility, lassitude, emit- sure ofthe equity of redemption, in the said John l y for ordinary jmposes. ciAtmn. <lf»nre.qgion nf <tnirif«. foi*. I uf« l^l.i i # .. J o all whom it may-concern. Wliereas William Davies administrator of Ja cob Franklin Keal hec. has petitioned (he hon. S UPERIOR Velvet Corks, Wine pint bottles, Oxygin, Chamber and -pocket Lights, Wax Tapers (a great variety,) Pure Calcined Magnesia, Arrow Root, Cream Tartar, Starch, Balsam Co- pejva, Saltpetre, Rotten Stone, fee. fee. Have been received per the Willitun- Wallace, and for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Druggists/ Congress,corner of Whitaker-streets,. L Shnd's Building, N made nn County, Sarah M'Li the bCifefit (ate. upil 3 i niter dute, .np|i!icn(7on will be -the Inferior Court of Bry- ' ’I all tlie real estato of ^County deb. for S °M es- JAMES BUTLEttS^ ciation, depression of spirits, fee. _ Piles being conducted with indigestion and cos tiveness, arc certainly-and speedily removed by these pills., A supply of tlie above Valuable Medicine, bus t ustbeen received from the Patentee, and cun le obtained of the subscribers, who have been appointed agents for the State of Georgia. * " LAY fc HENDRICKSON, Druggists and Chemists, Shad's Buildings. sept 12 175 Proposals, TTt OR repairing the Bridge between Wliilemarsh J? Island and Oatlands, will be received be tween thtri and- tiie 1st day : ol November, particulars apply to/ TIMOTHY-BARNARD,) Com’rs JOHN SCRIVEN. > Wilming- ED.W. F. TATTNALL. ) ton Dis't. Oct IQ 100 Christopher, his heirs' and assigns in the mortgaged, premises nnd that the sutne be foreclosed according to law. Oiumotion of Belton A Conp, attorney for pe titioner, it is ordered that the principal and in terest due on the said mortgage together witli the costs of his applicants lie paid into this court within twelve months from this date, otherwise that the equity of redemption ofthe said John Christopher Ids heirs executors', administrations | and assigns be from, thence forever foreclosed and that such other proceedings take plaee as are pursuant to the statue. And it is further ordered that this rule be pub lished in one of the Gazettes of this slate at lenst once a month for twelve months to the time a nmnfprl fni* tVin nnirman! . county. Office P.M. SAMUEL M. BOND. Clerk of the Court of Ordinary of Chatham C< sept.,4 (66 For pointed for the payment of said money Into 1 Court. ' administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of tlie said deceased to file their .objections (if any they have,) in the office of the office of (he Clerk of the court of ordinary, on or before the 7th day of March next, othewise letters dismissory will bo granted the petitioner. ' . ’ Witness the honorable Jpjm P, Williamson, one of the Justices of kald court this 7th day of September, A. D. 1824. „ S. M. BOND, e c'o c c sep 9. 165 , court of Chatbum coimtyi leave to'sell ihe real and personal, prepen). Luehland Hamilton Mclntosh/deceased, l° r benefit, of tho hoiys. , SUSAN A.G. MTNTOSH, Adm j- bale who may be hereafter born within the said county j and vt lio may be reported as aforesaid, upon proof being made by affidavit or oath to the «»l of tlie said Birth ; and that the said Clerk sli»]l™| entitled. ti> take and receive for eocli regOT which he shell be called upon to make, the a® 1 twenty-five cents. hop loot loot iVmreli 9 66 loot loot 100 h 100 k 100 cori ccdi Hag« (>po r Base lew, d m,!) nnon aboi 1 nrov do do Clerk's Office of the Cpurt of . iTNE monliis after-date application will be T S THE public ia apprised, that the sa, -'? cr . c || X has titles to ono half of a 60 acre jl, jl laud on White Biulf, adjoining his aust lately John roullen's, now John Morn IV for which tiie administratrix of tlie late John now'applies for Icavo to sell as part °HW* mi —his titles pre of prior date and record- * L,l sons are forpwarned not to ^urehase^ffl|TO TheLibrarv^ I S open for the delivery of Books on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, from tiAeij until uivn nbilrt/il* five oiclock, aug 20 109 A true extract from tbe minutes. , , --— «... . .. ■ JOHN BAILEY,'Clerk made to tlie hoq. Inferior court of Clmtlmm on , tlle praimsoe. Jeffdrson, 16th March, 1824. county, for jeavo to sell oil that lot in Savannah I Juno 17 j . m—§t!33 . EUSONS indebted to the estate of Elba. bclh Fell, late of Chathum county, deecas- ed, are requested to make Immediate, payment to the subscriber, und those to whom the estate |o indebted arc requested to exhibit their demands duly authenticated. PETER SIJICK, Ex july 13 KW kthe No'. J, Ellis square, Decker ward with thc improveincnls tlioreon : and ail that lot m baVannoh known by the No. 23, in Liberty ward,'with 1 the luilldings thereon, J , „... VWM . being the real estate of John Smith'; ddeeased, fertile bcur- fil of the heirs. may nj FREDERICK IIKRB, Adm’r. 114 finl-lE undersigned Committee'will 1 '° c f ® ive ljdil J posais until the 10th of November for « fl - on tho Exeliunge which include^ ‘ 1 - B [,!r terine, Coppering nnd Glazing. 1 el ' ^| 9 . 0 ( to contract will make application to dW Committeeforparticulars. V iV'.-aijdrY. I Fit to] Oct 21 193