Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, November 08, 1824, Image 4

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I Ji* J j> i ..J sv, vui:um;sU';uor's siiwb 1 i raaB| On ItV.dtiMdqy llit fird of Do■< hvbfo iir.i:,', •\Tyil.ti lie sold »t the late residence of Allen V v ben murk, dec’d, nil the persona!'property of s d dec’d: consisting of3 negroes, 4 liend of on ' mule, Cattle, Sheep, goats, and hogs, isei>old and kitchen furniture. , 3 head Oxen one rnrrylog, 1 silver watch, i present crop of corn mid fodder. Condi- i Cash. It. BURTON. AdmV. 4 180 MARY DENMARK, Aiii’i tfity^farslial's Sales. On Ihe first Tuesday in December tier he sold in. front of the Court IK pc Administrator's sale,' On the first T 'ucJdafy in January next, ILL. Re sold before the Court House in the v j City of Savannah, the following property, being the real estate of’Andrew M'Lciin, lute of Chatham County, dee’d forthe .benefitofthchcirs und creditors, purrtsSut to an order of Court. ^ * / ln<. Inniti ni'lnli^ One tract of laud, containing 800 ftcres adjoin- Ing lands of Francis Tufts, .lames Rnsco, and Ma ry Shares, known as Jonathan and John Fox’s tracts, about id miles from Snvnnnah. One vacant lot in fee simple, situated in Ewcns- burg, on Margarct-st. Savannah, known by No. 28. One Ditto, also fee simple, situated in do. and known by the No. 21, with udtvelling house and other Improvement* thereon. One Lot in Iticcborougb, Liberty county. The purchasers giving bond nnd mortgage, nay able in one, two and lhiveyears,Wltb interest from date nnd personal security. GEO. GLEN, Oct 3(t 201 Adm ! r eit. Andrew M'Lane. Administrator’s sale. On the first Tuesday in December next. TILL be sold at tluflutd residence of- JacOi 7 ty Futch, dec’d, late ofthe County of Bulloch; all the personal property of said deceased, sold tor the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said astute. \VM. DELOACH, Adm’r. JANE FUTCH, A l-’x. . «pru 184 Administrators sales. On thefinl Tuesday in Dictmher next, riTI TILL be sold at the court house in tliecoun- VV ty otEninghom. A tract of land containing 2021, acres, koownby (he number 229—-16th disi. Ivingjn the county of Henry,'' on the Yellow River, fweuty five acres of which is cleared, together with some improve ments thereon and considered n valuable tract— Sold by an order obtained from the hon. the In ferior Court of the County of Effingham, for the benefit ofthe heir* and creditors of the estate of Emanuel Rahn, late of said County dee. JACOB UNANN, Junior. Administrate*. oa(2 184 Ween fha usual hours, the folloiviD^ pro- rty if the ground rent that i.s due is not paid he re. that day. Lot no. IP, Warren Ward, SO by PO feet', boun- id east by lot no. 20, south by St. Julian street, cat by Warren Square, and north by Bryan st. re-entered upon t\s tile property of the estate, of Win. Woodbridgefor 4 quarters refit. Lot no. 22,Warren ward. 60 by 00 feet, bound ed east by lot no. 21. south by Congress st. west by Warren Square nbd north by St. Julian street, re-entered Upon ns the property of Goo. W M'Al- lister, tor 20 quarters runt. y . , Lot no. 1, Washington whrd, 00 by 90 feet, hounded cast by lot no. 2, south by a lane, west (by Price st. und" north by Bay st. re-entered upon as the, property of T W* Woodbridge, for 4 quar ters rent. Lot no. 2, Wnsliington ward, 60 by 90 feet, bounded east by lot no. 3, south by a lane, west by lot no. 1, and north by Bay st: ro-enteted upon as the property of X M Woodbridge, for 4 quar ters rent, Ldt no. 16. Washington word, 60 by 90 feet, bounded east by lot no. 15, south by Bryan street, west by Price st. and north by a lane, re-entered upon as the property of S Wilkins and C C Coop er, for 4 quarters rent- Lot no. 24, Washington ward, 60 by 90 feet, bounded east by lot no. 23, South by Congress st. west by Price st. und horth by St. Julian st. re-eu- tered upon as the property of M E Barnard, for 4 quarters rent. Lot no. 35, Washington ward, 60 by 90 feet, bounded east by lot no. 34, south by Broughton st, west by lot no. 36, and north by a lone, re-en tered upon os the property of Fanny Williams for 4 quarters rent. Lot no 52, Brown ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound ed cast by lot no. —s south by Liberty-sL west By lot no. 53, aud north by a lane, re-entered up on as the property of A. I. D’Lyon for 4 quarters rent. Lot no. 63, Brown ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound' ed east by lot no. 62, south by Liberty .st. west by lot no. 64, and north by a lane,. re-entered upon as the property of the estate of. Hugh M’Cail, for 4 quarters rent. Lot noi 60, Brown.word, 60 by 90 feet, bound ed east by M&dison-st. south by Liberty-st. west by lot no.61, and north by a lane, re-entered up on os the property of ft. F Williams, for 3 quar ters rent. * Lot no. 2, New-Franklin ward, 60 by 90 feet, bounded.east by Telfair’s ldt, south by Bay-st. west by Montgomery-st. and north by lot no. 3, re-entered upon os the property of Wm. Scar brough, tor 4 quarters rent. Lot no. 6, New-Franklin ward, 60 by 90 feet, bounded east by lot no. 5, south by Bay-st. weal Administrator’s sate. ILL be sold on the eleventh proximo,-by order ofthe Hod. the Court of Ordinary, Htt residence of John G. Butler, Esq. in Little Og» ccbde Distriit ; between the hours of 10 and 4 o’clock, nt pulrne Auction. One Horse, Snuale and Bridle, ah’d the remain ing stock of cuttle belonging to the estate of Rich'd Folium, dfic’d. Sold for the benefit of the heirs nig creditors ofthe said dec’d. BENEDICT BOURQUIN. nov 2 ||2ii3 < Temporary.1dm'r. P Executor's sale, By J. B. Herbert fy co. On thejirst Tuesrhy in December next, II*tC/ ILL be sold at the Court House in this city V Y between the usual hours of 10 and 2 o’cl’k. All the buildings situated on the north western fo ' corner of Lot No thirteen Washington Wurd, con sisting of n 1 story house witli a kitchen and other ;■ jtecessary improvements being the property ofthe i t • -rat. of Susannah Miller, dec. Soldby permission of UK Hon, the Inferior Court of Chatham County and bv ordiir of the Ex’r for the benefit of the heirs of-aid estate. BH- Oct )8i ft road-street, rr-efi- jf the estate of Thos. f, am! norlli by Soul i upon ns the property for 4 quarters rent. 8, Jackson ward. 60 by 90 teet, hound- , lot no. 9, .’south by a Inue, west by and north by South Brcmd-st re-enter- upoti ns the property of S. Wilkins, for four quarters rent. i Lot no. 10, Jackson Ward, 60 by 90 feet, boun ded enst by AMittakcr-st. south by a'lane, west by lot no. 9, nnd north by South Brond-st. re-en tered upon «s the property‘ofT.N. Morel, for 6 quarters rent, t Lots no. 14 and 15, Jackson ward, 60 by 90 feet each lot, bounded cost by tot no. 13,. south by OMcarts Square, west by M’Comb-strcot, and north by a lane, re-entered upon as the property of R. Habersham, for 4 quarters rent. Lots no. Hand 18, Jackson ward, 60 by 90 feet each lot, bounded east by lot no. 16, south by Porry-st. west by lot no, 19, and north by a lnne, re-entered upon as the property of F. S. Fell, for 8 qunrsers rent each tot. Lot no. 19, Jackson ward, 60 by 90 feet, boun ded east by lot no 18, srtutli by Perry-st. west by lot no. 20, and north by a lnne, re-entered upon as the property of A. D. Abraham, for 4 quarters rent. ' Lot no. 20, Jackson ward, 60 by 90 feet, boun ded east by lot no 19, south by Perry-st. west by Jefiferson-st. und north by a lane, re-entered up on ns the property of Geo. Glen, for 2 quarters rent. Lots no. 21 and 22, Jackson ward, ’60 by 90 feet each lot, bounded east by Orleans Square, south by M’Donough-strect, west by Jefferson-91, and north by Perry-street; re-entered upon as the property of "E. Early, for 4 quarters rent. Lot no. 29, Jackson ward, 60 by 90 feet, boun ded east by lot no. 30, south by a lane, west by Jederson-st. nnd north by Hull st. re-entered up on as the property of J. B. Berthelot, for 4 quar ters rent. Lots no. 27 and 28, Jackson ward, 60 by 90 feet each lot, bounded eust by Orleans Square, south by Hull-si west by Jederson-st. and north by M’ upon ns the property of J. H. Morel, lor 4 quarters rent each lot. Lot no. 37, Jackson ward, 60 by 90 feet, boun ded east by lot no 38,. south by a lane, west by lot no. 36, and north by Hull-street, re-entered upon as the property of Geo. Glen, for 4 quarters rent. Lot no. 47; Jackson ward, 60 by. 90 feet, boun ded cast by lot no. 46, south by Liberty-st. west by lot no. 48, and north by n lane, re-entered upon ns the property of J. R. M’Kinnon, for 8 quarters rent. Lot no. 25, Brown ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound ed east by lot no. 24, south by Perry-st. west by lot no. 26, and north by a lane, re-entered .upon as the property of C. H. Hayden, for 12 quarters rent. Lot no. 46, Brown ward; 60 by 90 feet, bound by tot no. 7, and north by lot no 9, re-entered ed east by lot no. 46. south by a lane, west by lot upon os the property of Airs. Morels, for 8 qnar- tersreni Lot no. 7, New-Franklin ward, 60 by 90 feet, bounded east by lot no. 6, south by Bay-si. west by West Broad-st. and north by lot no. 8, re-en- terek upon as the property of E. Cooper, for 6 quarters rent. Lot ho. 9, New-Franklin ward, 60 by 90 feet, bounded east by lot no, 10, south by lot no. 6, west by lot no. 8, and north by vacant lots, re ho. 44, and nortlr by Hull-street, re-entered up on os the property of the estate of L. Kollock, for- ‘ quarters rent. Lot no. 46, Brown Ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound ed east by lot no. 47, south by a lane, west bylot no 46, and north by Hull-street, re-entered upon as the property of the Misses Minis’s, for 4 quar ters rent. . Lot No. 2, Franklin Ward, 60by 90 feet, bound' ed east by Lot No. 1, south by u fane, west by lot antered upon as the property of Wm. Taylor, for No. 3, and north by Bay-st. re-entered upon as the 4 quarters rthit. I property of the est. of John Course, for 12 qrs. rent. Lot no. 10, New-Franklin ward, 60 by 90 feet, Lots Nos. 17 and 18, Franklin Ward, 60 by 90 bounded east by lot no. 11, south by lot no, 5, feet each, bounded east by Jefferson st. south by west by lot 9, lyidnqrth by vacant jots, re-entered J St Jullftn-st. west by Franklin square, and north upon as the property of M. O. Driscoll, for 8,1 by Bnran-st. re-entered upon as the property of F quarters rent ^ , __ _ | S Fell, for 8 qrs. each lot. Lot no* 11, New-Franklin, ward, 60 by 90 feet, bounded east by Montgomery-st. south by lot no, 4, west by lot no. 10, and north by vacant lots, re-entered upon as the property of Wm. Scar brough, for 4 quarters rent. , Eastern halt Filature lot, bounded east by Lot No. 81, Franklin Ward, 60 by 90feet boun ded oast by lot No.30, South by a lane, west by lot No. 32, and north by Congress-st. re-entered upon as the property of Misses Minis, for 12 qrs. rent. Lot Not. 16, Franklin Ward, 60by 90 feet,boun By Calvin Baker. Administrator's sale. Or. the fir. t Tuudtu in December vexl, V." ill lie solti in front of the Court. House in this City, at 11 o’clock. Ail the personal property of Wjn.Maybew, deceased. Consisting DWELMKG HOUSE, iftJLf On Lot No, 31, Liberty Ward nnd one Darby Ward,and sundry CARPENTERS TOOL H Hold by order of the Administrators; Oct 22 194 coln-st. south by St. Juliun-sl. west by west half I ^ed cast by Jefferson-st. south by Brvan-st. west of said fot, and north by Blryan-st. re-entered up- by lot No. 16, and north by a lane, re-entered up on as the property of R. Smith. tor4 qurrters rent, 1 0 n as the property of the est. of F Doyle for 2 qrs Lots no. 29 and 30, Columbia ward, 60 by 90 I re „t. each lot boun ;ed east by lot no. 31, south by a j Lots No. 7 and 8, Elbert Ward, 60 by 90 feet lane, west by Habersham st. an north by York each, bounded east by lot No. 6, south by a lane, street, re-entered iipon as the property of the es- V vest by West Broad-st. re-entered upon us the tate off*. Aikin, for 4 quarters rent each lot. I property of A Barclay, for 4 qrs. rent each lot. Also lot No 14, Columbia ward, 60 by 90 feet, I Lot No. 16, Elbert Ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound- bounded east by lot-No 13, south by State street, e d east by Jefferson-st. south bv.Hutl-st. west by west by lot No 13 and north, by a tune, re-enter- i ot No. 15, and north by a lane, re-entered upon ed upon a* the property of J. Davenport, for 8 M the property of Ann Bond, lor4 qrs. rent, quarters rent.. Lots No. 21 and 22, Elbert Ward, 60 by 90 feet, Also Lot no. 15, Columbia ward, 450 by 90 feet, I each bounded east by Elbert square, south by Per- bounde J east by lot nq, 14, south by State street, ry^t. west by West Broad-st. and north by M‘Do- west by lot no 16, and north by a lane re-entered I uough-st. re-entered upon as the property of O.'Al. upon as the property ofthe estate of TbosEL’oyd I Lillibridge, for4 qrs. rent each lot. for four quarters rent. Lot No. 24, Elbert Wurd, CO by 90 feet, bound- Al*6 lot-ho 19, Columbia ward, 60 by 90 feet, I c d cost by Jefferson-st. south by Perry-st. west by bounded east by.lot no 20, south by President st. Lot No. 23, and north bv M-Donougb-st. re-enter- west by Columbia Square, and north by state st. e d upon as the property of Churlott Bulloch, for 4 re-entered upon as the property of John Waters, 1 or*. re nt. tor 4 quarters rent. _ | Lot No. 30, Elbert ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound- City Sheriff’s gales. the first Tuesday ir. December next,will be Also lot no. 21, Columbia ward, 60 by 90 feet, I ed east by lot No. 29, south by a lane, west by bounded east by Price st. south by York g t, west | tot No. 31, and north by Perry-street, re-entered sold nt the Court-House, between tl> usual houM of 10 and 4 o’clock. All that lot and improvement*. No. 6, Liberty V, urd, in the City of Savannah, snbjectto a inert- pge, levied on nrtbe property of John Crane, to satisfy an execution in favor ofJosiah Lawrence. Buildings on Quarter lot No. 35, Greene ward, levied on as the pruperty.of George Ross, under tin execution in luvor of Salma Manton. nov 6 307 JAS.W. SIMS, dsc*. Sheriff’s sales. by lot no. 22, and north by President st; ro-enter- ,' lp on as the properly of S. M Bond, for 4 «uur- ed upon as the property of J IliU* for 7 quarters ters rent. rent; , , , , Lot No. 32, Elbert ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound- Also lot no. 25, Columbia ward, 60 by 90 feet, e d east by lot No 31, south by a lane, west by bounded east by lot ni>.'26, south toy a lane, west I West Broad-street, and north by Perry-st. re-en- by Lincoln st. and north by York st. re-entered I tered upon as the property of tie estate of Wm. upon a* the property of Steel bite lor 16 qu*r- Shaw, torf2 quarters rent, tew rent. „ , Lot No. 24, Liberty-ward, 60 by 90 feet, boun- Lot i;p. 31, Columbia ward, 60 by 90 feet, I edeast by Jefferson-st. south by York-st. west by bounded east by lot no. 32, south by a lane, west fot No. 23, und north by President-st. re-entered by lot no. 30, and north by York street, re-Ontered I upon a* the property of Samuel Wilkins, for 4 upon as the property of P. Pouna, for A quarters quarters rent. rent. 1 L 0 t flo. 25, Liberty ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound- On the first Tuesday in December netf, TILL be sold at the court house, in the city ofSavannah, between the hours of 10 and •1 o’clock. , v A negro woman named Ciller levied on as the property of Paul I. Vallottcm, to satisfy two execu tions from u Justices Court in favor of William IV illinras und Charles Gregory’, for use of William ’Williams, returned to me by u constable. . The squthern half of lots No. 39 and 40 with tin' iinfirovementsthercon in Elbert Wurd in the City of Suviinhab, levied on as the property of Lenj,iininflijeftalIto satisfy an execution in fa vor of James Anderson & co. et. al. The following Seven Negroes, viz; Tena, Ester, Jacob, Sinah, Adam, Daphne and John, levied on a the property of Elizabeth Whiting, to satisfy an execution in favor of Willis R. Franklin, against Augustus i'. Durkee, and others. . Ail that Avcstern moiety or half lot of land ; nown ns the lot letter Q, in the City of Savnnnaii, iu Uglethorpe ward, containing in the whole, lot, ‘67., feet in width, and 1()7<J feet in length, togeth er v. ith (lie houses, and improvements upon the sai l half lot, levied on ns tne/property of Marga- i'.-t Sitps, and the legal Representatives of William J. Sims, , .dec’d'uudcr a rule absolute from the hon . ’Superior Court, in favor of James Roberts. The southern half of lot No. 10. Yamacraw,the Southern half lot No. 38, Elbert Ward ; the south er:. half lot No. 32,''Elbert Ward'; and also a tract of land in Jefferson County, containing 260 acres; southern half of lot Nto. 37, Liberty ward:' Sold us ;h< proporty of the late William Shaw, dec’d,, under a decree ofthe hon. Superior Court of Chat ham County. Conditions, a credit of one and two years—the purchaser giving bond and mort- g»g • mi the property. 1.. D’LYON,s. q. ci" nov 6 '207 >. Sheriff’s sales. On the first Tuesday in December next TV 1LL be sold at the Court House in Iticeboro 7 V Liberty county, between the usual hours of Sale, tllO following property, vizi One tract of land containing one hundred acres mure or less, bounded on the north by lands of B. Alell, Senr, onthn enst by lands of Mrs Dreggers, uml on-all other sides by vacant land, levied on as the property of John Shepard, Se.iir. to satisfy sundry executions in favor of John Standly and others, and turned over to me by a constable Also, one tract of land containing tWo hundred acres, more or less, lying on the waters of Beards Creel;, levied on us the property of Vinson Stride land, to satisfy an execution in favor of Elijah Fudgctt and turned to pie by a Constable & WAY, f.T.c. qoyO Oil if Marshals sales, O N the first Tuesday in December,m front of the Court-House, between Uio ustml hours, will hr sold, the following property, If the taxps are not paid: , , Lot No. New Loads, now known in the ilnn of tlio city ns Oglethorpe ward, bounded oust >y West Broml-strtit; south by a vnenut lot, west by lot — and north by lot No. 1. loviedon as the lroticrty of G. L. Coiio, to satisfy Ids city taxes for he year 1821, 1822; 1823, and 1824, amount tax $187 07 aud cost. .... Wharf lot No. 8, Wnsliington wnrd, bounded east by lot No. 9, south by Bay-street, west by lot No. 7, and north by Savannah river, levied on as the property of the estate of Pat. Stanton, to sat isfy the city taxes of said estate forthe year* 1821, and 1822, amount tax $99 «nd eost. Hnlflot No. 9. and buildings, Carpenters Row, Trustee Garden, bounded east by east boundary street, south by lot No. 10, west by east Broad-st; mid north by lot No. 8, levied on as tho property of Thomas F. Maxhtim, to satisfy Ids city taxes for the years 1823 and 1824, amount duo $15. An undivided half Lot No. 6, Hick’s Tytldni Percival ward bounded east by, lot No. 7, south by State street, west by west half of said lot, and north by a lane, levied on as the property of Hen ry Lyons, to,satisfy his city tax for the present year. Amount due $13 and cost. One negro man named Frank, levied on as the property of Thomas Wilson, to satisfy hi* city axes for the years 1821, 1822, 1823, and 1824, amount tax $120 12. . Half Lot No. 9 and buddings, Second Tytbing Reynolds ward, bounded east by lot No. 10,south by Bryan st. west by Lot No. 8, and north by a lane levied on as the property ofthe life estate of C. D. Leby, to satisfy his city tax for the years 1823 and 1824. Amount due $26 80 and cost. A quarter of Wharf Lot No. 4, Trustee Garden, bounded east by half of said lot, west by lot 3, south by Fort Wayne, and north by Savannah River, levied on as the property of A. L. Hart- ridge, to satisfy the city taxes of said property ior the years 182.1, 1822, and 1823. Amount due $14 50 Hnd cost. A building on the south east corner of lot letter A, Darby ward {levied on at the property ot Jos. W. Cannon, to satiify his city tax for the year 1823. Amount due $17 31, and cost. Lot and building, Oglethorpe ward, bounded cast by the estate of Wayne’* lot, south by lot, west by a lane, and ribrth by Scronus Mayers’ wharf lot; levied on as the pro- lerty of the estate of James Clarke, Sen. to satis- y said estate’s city tax forthe year 18$3. Amount duo $15 and cost. \ A building on Telfair’s wharf lot, known as the Ice Houso ; levied on as the property of Freder ick Tuder, to satisfy Ids city tax for the present year. Amount due $10 ana cost. Halflot no. 8 and building, Trustee Garden, at tached to YYashington ward, bounded east by Rey- nold’s-st. south by lot no. 10, weit by lot no. 7, and north by lot no. 6; levied on Os the property of Sarah Middleton, to satisfy her city taxes for the years 1823 and 1824. Amount due $6 76, and cost. Lot Tetter R, nnd building, Oglethorpe ward, bounded east by St. Gall-st. south by a lane, west by a lane, and north by lot letter T; levied on a* the property of Wm. I. Scott, to satisfy his cify tax for the present year.. Amountdue $3 76, and cost. A building on lot no. 35, Columbia ward; le vied on ns the property of Catharine E Devoax, to satisfy her city taxes for the year 1823 and 1824. Amount due $27 and coat. Lot no. 28 und building, Warren ward, bound ed east by Houston-st. south by a lane, west by lot no. 27, and north by Cougress-st, levied on as the property of E. Swarbrick, to satisfy bis city tax tor the year 1824. Amount due $12 811-4, •and cost. Building on lot no 32, Warren ward; levied on as the property of Byotte Favard, to satisfy her city tax for the year 1834. Amountdue $9 25, and cost, A building on part lot no. 6, Carpenter* Row. "now attached to Green wurd ; levied on as the property of John F. Duval, Sen. to satisfy his city i ax for the year 1823. Amyunt aue $7 60, and cost. Buildings on lot no. 62,Brown ward, bounded east by vacant lot, south by Liberty-st. west by lot no 53, and north by a lane; levied on os the iroperty of A, 1. D’Lyon, to satisfy his city tax or the year 1824. Amount due $7 60, and cost. Wharf lot no. 3, Warren waed, bounded cast by lot no. 4, south by Bny-st. west by lot no. 2, and north by Savannah river; levied,on as the property of Pater Kean, to satisfy his city taxes or the years 1823 and 1824. Amonnt due $26 and cost. Part of bpildings on lot no. 10, Carpenter tyth ing, Darby wurd ; levied upon as the property of Win. Lebaron, to satisfy Ids'city taxes for the years 1823 and 1824. Amount due $7 60, and cost. , Lots no. 21 and 22, nnd buildings, Liberty ward bounded cast by Liberty Square, south by York-st. west by West Brond-st. and north byPres- idpnt-st. levied on bs the property of Murtha Wilkins, to satisfy her city taxesfor the year 1824 Amount due $750, nnd costs. Buildings on south halfoflot no. 40 ; levibdon as the property of Benjemin Sheftall, to satisfy his city taxes for. the years 1823 and 1824. A' mouot due $17 60, am) costs. Buildings on lot no. 24, Elert ward, levied on EORGIA, Chatham County—By tin' of the Inferior ■Ron; Court, sitting I the Justice for ordinary puiposes, . T ’» To all whom it may concern. Whereas, John Dillon administrator of Ed mond Dillon, Into of Chatham county dec. has pe titioned the hon. court of ordinary, to be 'discharg ed from his said administration. Now', these urc therefore to cite nnd admon ish all nnd singular the kindred and creditors of I will order RQUITV. ' In tho Gth Ci u Court, U. S. * „ -V I SBjfil^tlUCT OP GborcHa. } V: Complainant,.’ think ofthe Slah oj Georgia, and othrr, ’ A dams."—iCcnocufory Decree, U A r 1 ’ , ; i T ,t (ll ‘ s Court cannot proceed i n ./i. final decree, but preparatory thereto uml direct that a reference 1„. { ! Of] tho said deceased, the file their ohjectiins (jf any I tho register, to require and report the. state 7 they havo,) to tho grunting of letters dismissory counts between the M'KInnos and the State ft to Uio petitioner, in the clerk’s office, of. the said upon the loun of $50,000, and by doing 6r) •, court, on or before the lltli day of December next pears by agreement, the Bank Square was n |„.| ensuing, otherwise letters d’ismissory will be .specifically, in part, for thnt loan, ihnt theamn granted to tho petitioner. of sales thereof, be so applied, also the amouw Witness the lion. John Ciimming, one 6f the | tolls received at tho south eml of the brill™T. Justices of the said court, this Uth duy of June, A. D. 1824. S. M. BOND, c c. o. june 1:1 136 ' /"I EORU1A, Chatham County—By the hon hjtttU V the Justices of the lnferior Court, sitting lor ordinary purposes. To nil whom it may concern, , ,, of the bridge d the time it was taken possession of in their beh v and to report also upon such other discount ^ the complainants may insist upon as proper tnk made from the same sum. tot 2djy. That he enquire and report tho nn»i..M< an bruiiro tolls now nrtnnllv not. will, «i.. l 0 > of bridge bills now actually out, with thn UQIfl . w . thoreof. respectively, nnd such facU tendl n . Whereas Robert Taylor, administrator of Wm l ,rovc , thc,n ll0nes ‘ Ql;d V, ona fidu holders, the, 5 . . A r. J 7 . > 1 1 I 1 lid nniHl men tnntr e.ii'oenl 1 1 M. Kelley, late of Savannah, merchant, deo’d, I ,ls each cuso may severally suggest ; also the 5U has petitioned to the honorable the court of Or- }{* kcn bv the complainants or either oftlt eni t SS£» “ ** a “ k “ s ” d f ”““ “! ^ js$lito fcfitey; These are therefore to cite and admonish oil I UlV 1(,n ’ ,:ei 1 at their si^l and singular tho kindred and creditors ofthe said 0, _ Q F C0Un ^hrtwjenBi deceased; to file their objections, (If any .they I have) in the clerks office of the sold court, ttn or dls ^ 0U1 " a or cliaiges, as tlio de before the 8th day of December next; otherwise ^“",^.,1,“’ 8*y' e . P ruof 'm proi letters dismissory will Be granted to the petition- g ^mplainonts or either of them,” your obd't GEO GLEN, Clerk. Savannah, 14th Oct. 1824. G OORGIA, Chatham county Justices ofthe Inferior Court nary purposes. To all whom it may concern. Whereas William Davies, administrators of Mar tha Johnson dec. has petitioned the lion, the court i » , . °i r .tz“ to fa " h " “ id These are therefore to cite and admonish ^ and singular the kindred and creditors of said de- u de !'’ ... di„ u„... nr i „\ the respective holders thereof should a s ry on or before the seventh day of March next; ?'® S ‘* h L Lhllwf m[t \ ’ WltnoM Iho lion. John V. Wllllnm.on, on. of !£KSrf5tSS'S:w"'"“'"“I the Justices of the said Court, this 7th day of l“m to comply with the above order. September, A D. 1824. | ^ S. M. BOND, c c o c o. I Hamburgh, Oct. 20. ept 9< ^ 176 - I a PERSONS indebted to tke estate oTli^l ■beth Fell, late of Chulham county, decru. I ’ J Justices the Itflrior court sitting for ordina-1 ry purposes. I ed, are requested to make immediate psyinent to I WhereI in»ip WnUlrelnrlffqnrnmlo tl,e * ubscr > l) ef, and tllOSe to whom tllC CllMt J T*vlot rC der««l.adminIslrfttor of Spreguc indebted are requested to exhibit their detAthfl luyloi, deceased, has petitioned the honora-1 . j nuthpntirntpd PPTPtt QMirv vJI. * ble court of ordinary to lie discharged from his d L 3 ^." it LR SH K ’ Eir Id admliilstrationsliip. s — These are therefore to clto and admonish all iVTINE months alter date application will and singular the kindred and creditors of the I made to the hon. Inferior court ol the coui, said deceased, to file their objections (if und they I 1? se B H P the real estate < have) in the office of the clerk of the court of or-1 dinary, on for before the 13th day of January next I onsuing the date hereof; othenvise letter* dismis-1 sory will-be grunted to the applicant. Witness the honorable Thomas N. Morel one! of the Justices of the said Court this 13th day of I fuly, A. D. 1824. S. M. BOND, c c o. inly 13 156 ( ' EuRGI/f, Chatham County—By the hon. the I deceused, for the benefit of the hein and mi vX Justices of the Inferior court, sitting for or- tors- ’ . ... E. WAY, Adm’r, dinary purposes. aug31 ^o!71 To all whom it may concern. I IVJ IN E months utter dale 1 shall apply in Whereas Alexander M. Taylor, administrator of I -Ll lion. Inferior court of LiBertV county I John Scott, deceased, lias petitioned the honora- leave to sell the real and personal property i ble the Justices of the Inferior court,to be dischar- WmL Baker, deceased, for the benefit of J) Lot no. 34, Columbia ward, 60 by 90 feet, boun ded east by lot no. 33, south by South Broad st. west by lot no. 36, and north by a lane, re-enter- I ed upon as the property of Grant for two quar ters. , Lot no. 38, Columbia ward, 60 by 90 feet, boun ded east by lot no 37, south by South Broad At. west by lot no 39 and north by a lane, re-entered upon as the property of Ann Rodman, for 10 quar ters rent. edeast by Jefferson-at. south by'a lane, west by lot No. 26, and north by York-st. re-entered upon os the property pf the estate of R. Muckey, for 4 quarters rent. Lot No. 27, Liberty ward, 60 by 90 feet boun ded east by lot No. 26, south by ft lane, west by lot No. 28, and north by York-st. re-entered upon as the property of the estate of R. Mackey, for 4 quarters rent. Lot No. 31, Liberty ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound Lot no. 4, Greene ward, 60 by 90 feet, bounded I ed east by lot No. 30, south by a "lane, west by lot east by lot no. 3,south by a lane, west by Hous- No 32, and north by York-st. re-entered upon as ton street, and north by Broughton street, re-Cn- property of the estate of John H. Deubell, for 12 tered upon as the property of T'M Woodbridge for quarters rent. 4 quarters rent. ' ’’ Lot No. 32, Liberty ward. 60 by 90 feet, bound Lot no. 18, Greene ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound-1 ed east by lot No. 31, south by a lane, west by ed east by lot no. 17, south by President st. west West Broad-st. and north by York-st. re-entered by ureene snuare, and north by *State st.rc-enter-1 upon as the propeHy of the estate of John H ed upon as the property of J Davenport, for 81 Deubell, for 12 quarters rent, quarters rent. ^ ^ _ Lot No. 35, Liberty ward, 60 by 90 feet, boun Lot no 36, Greene ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound- e d cast by lot No. 36, south by South Broad-st ed east by Houston st. south by South Broad st. west by ldt No. 34, and north by a lane, re-enter- west by lot no. 35, and uorth by a lane, re-enter- cd upon as the property of Samuel Wilkins, for 4 ed upon as the property of M Doty, for 8 quarters quarters rent. W}*; A , Lot No. 6, Columbia ward, 60 by DO feet, honn Lot po. 40, Qr^ene^ ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound-1 ded east by lot No. 7, south by a lane, west by lot ed cast by Last Broad st. south by'South Broad st. I No. 5, and north by Broughton-st. re-eutere. up. west by lot no. 3J, and north by a lane, re-enter-1 on as he property of John Morel, for 4 quarters ea upon as ofthe estate of Wm. At-1 rent. kerson, for 8^quarters rent._ Lot, Columbia ward,00 by 90 feet, bound Lot no.5, Greene ward, 60 by 90 feet, bounded j e d east by Price-st. solith by a lane,west by Jot No. east by Houston st. south by a lane, west by lot 17, and noHh by Broughton-st. re-entered upon ns no. 26; and north by Broughton st. reentered tip- the property of Mrs. B. Drysdai, for two quar- the property of the estate of Geo. Myers, ters rent. for 4 quarters rent. _ 1 Lots no. 9 nnd 10 Columbia ward, 60 by 90 Lot no. G, Greene ward,60 by 90 feet, bounded I feet each; bounded east by Price-street, south by eastbv lot no. 4, south by a lane, sVest by lot i;o. Slate-st. west by lot no. 11, and north by a lane, 7, and north by Broughton st, re-entered upon as I re-entered upon as the property of R. Scott,'for the property of J G Wilfon, and Ann Belcher, for 14 quarter rent. ’ 4 quarters rent . - J Lotno. 13, Columbia ward, 60 by 90 feet , Lot no. 14, Greene ware,60by 90 feet,bounded I bound djeastby,Habersham-st.gout:i by Slate-rt. east by lot po, 15, south by State street, west by west by lot no 14, and north by a lane, re-eiiter- lot no 13, °nd north by a.lane, re-entered upon as I ed upon as the property of J. Davenport for four Maty S Atkerson, tor 8 quarters quarters rent. Lotno. 16, Greene ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound ed east by East Broad st. south by State st. West nov 6 207 F, M. STONE, c. m. by lot no. 16, and north by a lane, re-entered up-1 sold on the first Tuesday in on as the property of Ann Harman, for 4 quarters I » V cember next, in front of Ilia Court Ho De reht. ; * | between the usual hours,If tho araountof fines im Lotno. 2, Warren ward, GO by 90 feet, bounded P° scd by council are not paid;, the following pro gst by lot no. 3, south by alane west by lotno. 1, perty ; und north by bay st. re-entered upon as the pro-1 Two 8m ® d bttldings- on the west half of lot let- perty of the estate of Wm. Woodbridge, for4quar- ter H* Q§lethoipe ward, bounded east by east ters rent. half of said lot, west by ft lanp, north by Zublcy- Lot no; 3, Warren ward, 60 by 90 feet, bounded street, and south bv lot letter F. levied on as the east by jot no. 4, south lane, west by lpt no. property ofMary.Garnett, to satisfy 9 executions 2, und north by Bay street,-'re-entered upon as the I >» sued by the mayor of the city, against Mary property of A Hunter, for 8 quarters rent. Garnett for entertaining negroes on Sundays, and Lot no 7, Jackson ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound-1 retailing liquor without having a licence. A'- :d east Iq' lot no. 8. Couth by a Line, west by lot mount «f fines, $270, and cost. 1 nov 6 - T.M.BT0NE, Marshal,. the property of J. 1. Bulloch, to satisfy his city taxes for the year* 1823 and 1624. Amount due $33 43, nnd costs. Buildings on,west halfoflot no. 6, Green ward, levied on as the property of Ann Belcher, to sa tisfy he!’ city taxes for the years 1823 nnd 1824.- Amount due $16 6, and costs, Buildings on lot no, 22, Elbert ward ; levied on as the property of Maria Llllibrige Hnd children, to satisfy the taxes of said property for the years 1823 und 1824. Amount mie, $32 60, and cost:} A building on the sonth-eust corner of lot no, 6, Heathcote tything, Decker ward; levied on the property of Phoebe Johnson, to satisfy her ty taxes for tlift years 1833 and 1824. Amount due $3 6, and costs. A bnilding on lot no 26, Green ward ;levied on as the property of Jennnctte Larousic, to satisfy her city taxes lor the year 1824. Amount due $2 50, nnd costs. A small building on Mr Stiles’lot, Indian-st levied on as the property of the estate of Wm. H Joiner, to satisfy the city taxes for the year 1823. Amount due $6 62,. and costs. A small building on lot no. 6, west of Fnhm-st and north side of Inciinri-st. lev ied on us the pro perty of James Keys, to satisfy his city taxes for theyear 1823.» Amount doe $7 and costs. One third lotno; 22, Ewensbiirg, now known in the plun of the city as Oglethorpe wnrd, bounded east by lot no. 19, south by ]qt y no. 211, west by lot no. 27, and north by Mnrgaret-st levied on as the property of the estate of Mary Saunders, to satisfy the city taxes for the year 1824. Amount due $4 12, und cqsls. A Building on the south east corner of lot no; 6, Oglethorpe ward, levied on us the property of John May, to satisfy his city taxes, tor the year 1824, unfount due $3 50 and cost. F. M. S'fONE, Marshal. . nov 6 • 207 A Witness the Honoreme John P. .Williamson, .. l “ kc , n ° li,:c ’ , th f tWatotJ one of tlio Justices ofthe said court, this 8th day ^ e “ b 'fy e reference, I urn ready to receive tbs of June, A. D. 1824. S. M BOND, oco. * l “ te “ len, » ? f "ccountsand other infoi tune w 134 1 matlon, in relation to tho matters therein cont.iCI —-— j ed, until the first Monday in December next nlu.r y—Ry th* box- the j g j, a |j proceed to exumino.and report thereon 1 urt sitting for ordi-\ I am your obd’t. serv’t. Ivils HENRY SHULTZ, Ido. x ■Its 01 William Ciibbedge deceased, to be sold for I | benefit ofthe heirs and creditors. JOHN CUBBEDGE, Adm’r, june 17 138 Bryan Count), Idles, liter; ladles •iVTINE months after date application will | _Lv made to the hon. Inferior court of Libeit] county, for leave to sell the real and personal e tate of Lodowick Lard, late of Tattnall couch ged from Ids said administration. Now these arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of tlio said deceased, to file their objections, (if any they have) in the clerk’s office, ofthe court of ordina ry, on or before the 6th day of December next; otherwise letters dismissory will be granted Witness the honorable Edward Harden, one heirs and creditors. .airs, rise april 7 89 THOS. B. BAKER, Adm’r, , , a 1NE months after date application will hi T made to the hon. Inferior court of Bultocf county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, leave to sell uil the real and personal estate oi ... . ,| len Denmark, deceased, for the benefit of of the JusUcesot tho said court, this 6th day of heirs Rnd cred ’ |toPg . i< j <mb,I iamTor i do. S. M. BOND, c c o. May, A. D. 1824. may 6 106 sTT EORGlA, Bulloch County—By the honora-1 Vjr ble the court of ordinary of said county. To all whom it may concern. Whereas Robert Burton, administratorof the estate of Stephen Denmark deceased hath appli ROBERT BURTON, Adm’r. MARY DENMARK, Adm’x. feb 28 48 Buttock County.] 1NE mouths alter the date hereof, [araboi isliSjl Rpiilid JN tion will be made to the Inferior when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave . .s „ . - , - f r . sell all that lot or pnrt of ground in the district ed to the snia Court for letters dismissory from White Bluff, county of Chatham, containing said ndmimstration. . . .. .. I acres, more or less, bounded northwardly and ei These are therefore to cite and admonish all wardty by lands late John Poullcns, nnd sojid and singular the kindl ed and creditors of the said ward | y by lands of Williams, belonging to then deceased, to Dio their objections (if any they hate of James Boyd, and to be soldfor the best have) in the office ot the clerk of this court with- fo ofthe heirs and creditors of said estate. in the time prescribed by law, 1 otherwise letters dismissory will be granted the applicant. . Witness the honorable Shepherd Williams, one of the Justices of said court, this 3d June, 1824.' ELY KENNEDY, c o o n c. june 4 132 •emijo tesks a fire W fish, p, ■rain o |unpr< do ELIZABETH BOYD, Adra’i. | 124 may 2< S , 'It)', public "is apprised, that the JL has" titles to one half of a 60 acre tract i land on White Bluff, adjoining his and lanll lately John Poullen’s, now John Morrill’s, aril l’... ...L ? -I. 11. — 1 -h.2 M ..f thn 1 qI/k fotill' fInVfl I [ do. peart! Hemp (1.EORG1 A—Chatham County—to all whom it I Srwbfeh'th*«du5»SlriittI* ofthe late Jbhii Boyd I VXraay concern._ . f now applies for leave to sell as part of that oslail Benedict Bourqulnhas applied to Ihe _ llis titles are of prior date and record- Ml per-1 “ 0 al ! 11 Cou r rt , of . Ordinary of CImtlmm WRjtl , forewarned not to purchase, or tresnartf County for letters of administration on the estate ,, .l p rem i seg . ft. F. WILLIAMS, and, effects of Richard Pellum late of Chatham \-5t138 County, planter, deed, us principal creditor. 1 ■ ■■tTg ^ r. _*u n tvilTbil These arc therefore to cite aix) admonish all and jV 1NE month, alter date, application wll^oj ------ rW I In made to the Interior court ot btiing/itm | county for leave to sell ajl the real proncrty be- ANN BECK, Adm’i. singular the kindred .and creditors of the said dec to file their objections, (if any they have) to the I "al.r'ur, Wk. granting of tlie administration of the estate of the fy"g'»g to the ebtrfte of the ‘ a ‘e R ev Jna. said deceased to the applicant in the Clerk’s Office ^ceased, lying m said county,for foe beneM ol the said Court, on or before the nineteenth day I th° heirs and creditors, of November nftxt; otherwise letters of ndminis- ■ ■ ' „„ •ration will be grunted. april 16 °° Witness the Hon. T. N Morel one of the Jus-1 1V.TNE month* after dale, 1 shall apply to tM l ices of foe said Court, foe l9th day of'October A. | i.1 D. 1824. . S. M. BOND, c c o. oct 20 . 192 linn a tli G EORGIA Chatliam County—By the hon. the Justices of the Inferior court silling for ordi nary purpose!. To all whom it may concern. Whereas Richard R. Cuyler, executor-of Wil liam Slmw deceased, has petitioned foe hon. ftourt of ordinary, to bft discharged'from his said exe cutorship , hon. the Inferior court of the county of ff - fmgham, for leave to sell all the real estate »• longing to Solomon Gnann, dec. of which all con cerned svsli take . , : JOSHUA GNANN, adm’r. march 4 62 . •• ■ | - i\i IN K months after date application vviTTb* J.N made tothe hon. the HiferiorCourt of Chit’* t ham County,' vvhen setting for ordinary PW’fr’Mdo for permission, to sell the following real estate, for the bonefit of the heirs and creditors .of T HE undersigned conlmittee will receive pro posals for keeping in repair the ftilv Clock, until the first meeting In January next; proposals for foe same will be left with either of the. undersigned. GEORGE 8HKJK J.B.GAUDUY, . , a J HABERSHAM, sept 18 , 179 estate of N. S. Bayaid, deceased, viz : , ... , , . , „ i One undivided fourth of a tract of land, w*'l J liese arc thereffore to cite and admonish all about 503 acres on Cumberland IslanD|l and singular the kindred and creditors of the I ^In County knowii as Plura Orcbard-«"'i| said deceased, to file their objections (if any they _ un dlvidecl fourth of a certain Tract of Land! ofij on hfelL IS dly‘of ^ Witness the honorable Thomas N. Morel, one . A . „ tr , cu |i ed Lottery Hill situate on t^l 13 iw S - M - B0ND ’ CCp - I ing about 600 acres. N. J. JJAYAUD, _^ | cej Raisi j»iy »R t V. F.ORGI A. Chatham^county— Ry the horn ike I t Justices of the Inferior court of Chatham coun ty sitting for Ordinary purposes. , To nil whom it may concern. Whereas William Davids administrator of Jn- mny 20 211 Adm,r est. N. S. J N INE months after date, application will be made to the Honorable the Justices of the InforiorCdtirt’/or leave to sell foe reril estate of Wilhan Hotchstnuses; deceased, for foe benefit of nov 5 206 JAMES MORRISON, Ad’mr. himself with John E. Wadsworth, lr , the Commission busi- ness, in this plade, which will hereafter be con ducted under foe firmpf BLISS Sf WADSWORTH. ELIAS BLISS. oct H «189 col) Franklin Kdal dec. has petitioned the lion, court of Ordinary to he discharged from ltis said ad/ninistrqtinir. These an}Therefore to cite and mlmonish all 1 add singular, the kindred and creditors ofthe srdd file their objections,(If any they A Wdecess-l h*vr .) in the office of the office,f.f the C|e?k 0 f da Martin, late of I o,„ —.<■. i i -I c-d, aye requested to make immediate payiu . ■ A LL persons having, any demands again ■ the estate of Francis Jalineau, dec***ol are requested to deliver them in properly *[ I ed,on or before the first day of Oct. next. Al .ml counts not brought forward before that «M| be refused payment by the und ®y^ n Q A gq^ ] MilyfP 149 arsons indebted to the estate of tie court of ordinary, .pp «r before foe l 7th,day of, March next, otherwise letters dismlssofy will be I graifted the pelitioinfM'. , « 'I 'Witness the honorable Jdhn P. 'Wiliiamson, ^. one of the Justices of said court this,7th day.of ~ Septeinhcy^ A. D. 1824. 1 S. M. BOND, c c o c c. ; R. F. BAKER, ? E x ’ r a, W.II. MARTIN,) , , may 10 ^ ■ / §112 IMilsMafeMasiH *»-p9- m " r ' 7= I foadbfod to said estate will please make TViTNE months after,date application will be llmt e payment. p. BBASCil, , J * 1A made to foe hon. Inferior court of Cliftthum folv 13 160 county, for leavfc to sell nil that lot, in Savannah ,;l J * ‘ ■ -—-r—y* tho known by the Nd. 1, Ellis square, Decker ward,' \\ 1NE months alter date, s > «I’Kyk y , with the improvements lliereoh : and ull that lot ll hon- Inferior com! of !'• nro J®B in ‘.Savannah known hy the No, 23, in Liberty ioave to sell the| real mid I"' ■- ward, with the -buildings thereon, being the I Lachland Haindton Mclntic. , ' ’ real estate of John Smith", deceased, for: the bene- benefit of tho heirs fit of the heirs. i ' • foil may V6 FREDERICK HERB, Adm’r. SOSAS A-G'-MW-TOSII^ march. 0 56