Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, November 09, 1824, Image 3

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1)A1 ■»a COMYN’S DIGEST ,7S\TT>m\ A YP 5*1 ,#ipwwiiiHbw ?ffl i\ y svnscKtr no.v of the Laws of [•or publishing Comyn’s Digest Enolantl. ami PLAINS RETS IMtll —.nnMtho 6t>: London Edition, enlarged F5Sh Addition* to the Present 1 hue; X TQ WHICH IS ADDED, A Digest of Cases at N ml » n -7„,W1/ Hanmond,E*<1-'villi the ndd.t.onofthe Principal American Decisions, t ” , * n u tUa. toLe catnuleted In b vol- By K 0 /voUin)e, bound in calf. H®S?» uf volutM of this valuable, work is now Jj r ,'' C fo r delivery and the others will follow with ^T.&inv ns possible. The improvements and b» little du . > is t( , this edition will so much X3*V «tf\o ,*rc«d« Biir on's Abriiljt- Who has Just Received, , V ' ,< number of now and valuable .T* ALSO, U.HUMS, elegantly bound in Morocco •ulravos, various sizes and prices. C» 22 ; 77 - Stmrit* l-omkr, Groema, Domestic Goods, eye. 0!\ Whole and lml( kegs Dupont si Powder 50 150 BagsBuck and patent Shot, assorted &00 pounds Bar Lend 2 tons Share Moulds 6o kegs cut Nails, assorted, 20 Bags prime Lagun a tottcc lft do Black Pepper sx^Ssft&sii? S& t SS5,‘» r .jy 16 doz (lask . do do do JOlhdUttds fresh Nutmegs 30 'aba'best London Mustard 10 pipes and 20 barrels Gift >»Bs2®EgagW ’ - e%6fagjmattrac S it Checks rvhich will bfe sold in qtmnti- itoto suifpu.xIusers.anholoWdemarket price, -Market Square.. NOW LJNDIJVG, I 0i\ BARRELS Rutenburgh Gin Inn 16 Pipes do . / do 1 30 Barrels New England Ruth 80 Hogsheads do do , C/s boxes Mould Candles 100 do Soap '60 Bags Prime Havana Coffgh 3 Bales Bleached Sheetings 2 Do brown do 5 Do do Shirtings 6 Cases Plaids and Ginghams, 60 Bnrrels Navy Bread 60 Do Pilot do ' 15 Do Current Wioo "■It Casks Cheese 6 Tubs Goshen Butter . ' Tor sale by ,■ 'S. C. GREENE; . nov l || p202 • , Afoorg^sjEhrirT^ Hugar. IAA BOXES brown Havana Sugar HIUSO" white “ “ 12 bbls brown “ “ I : For sale by GAUDRY h HERBERT. oct27 t!98 . ' Lumber, Factorage Lind .Com- , . mission Business. T HE Subscriber continues tho Lumber, Factor age and Commission Business, at bis old "[stand near the Union Ferry Wharf, and tenders Ida lervices to his friend* and the public. He will also attend to the RF.-PACKINO and 0MPRES81NG of COTTON,his cotton press be tin complete order. Oct 30 201 •* JNO.EVER1NGHAM. L. PETTY, OFFERS FOR SALE, BARRELS Philadelphia Whiskey LtlU 20 Hogshead- do do 60 barrel? Bach’s Gin it, White’s do 100 do l’enniugCon’s Loaf Sugar. 20 hhds St. Croix Sugar 126 bags Coffee 5 do old Java Coffee ' 12 pipes Holland Gin 6 tin Cognac Brandy , 4 do ' Jamaica Rum 1 ; 10 qr casks Malaga Wine 2 palf pipes Greek do 20 casks Shut, assorted r ' . 100 kegs Dupont’s Gunpowder *25 canister do Eagle do 10 bags Black Pepper 10 do Pimento., . • 6 , do Race Ginger »„ , Hysoj? and Gunpowder Tew» SO barrels fresh Flour M half do . do , 13 Tons Iron 3 do PloughMoulds . *00 kcgsNaila, a-sorted - 10 hogsheads Molussej '* , s.t, ; “0 barrels Prime Pork ( , 26 casks Brown Stout 20 dt> Pints, 8 dozen cac& *0 quarter boxes Segars / ' .' 10 dozon cast steel Axes JOO pieoos Cotton Bagging 25 boxes Salts b6 6 ' ■ • Glri Cases, Demijohns, &c. &C. i.200 rplf!'. Subscribers have received by the late ar- JL rivals from New-YorU and Livernool, their FALL SUPPLY, co.NMSTiriu op 0-4 and 0-1 London Duffle Blankets 6-4 and PM Rose Blankets White, Mixtimd Blue Plains, very low 6-4 Bine and Mixt Cloths for Servants Fine While Welsli Flannels Do W hite, Blue and 1‘ied Yorkshire Very fine Scarlet Cloths nud Casiimnres Superfine Cloths. Cnssinleres and Sattinet lioiilllazcen* and Bonibnzelts 4-1 and 0-4 Black, White and Pink Italian Cragka ' 1 . Caroline Plaids ami SatilburytFlan- nels ffk Linen and Coltoli Bed Tick 4-1 and 8-1 Counterpanes and Quilts Fine Printed Counterpanes, a new article Furniture nnd Garment Dimity Printed Cnmbriek and Furniture Chintz Fine Irish l.inen and Sheeting Linen Cambric and du Handkerchiefs Rich Shaded and Figured Silks * Bttrugo and Colored Florence Bagugc Scurfs and Handkerchiefs Rich Cashmere Scarfs, Shawls and Hand kerchiefs •. Bolnnett Veits nnd Thread Laces 4-4 and (i-4 Plain and Fig. Bohinett* do do Cambric and JaconetU- do do Nainsook and Book Mttsliti do do heal India Jaconctts and Mull Muslins ' vV Flounce RoBcs nnd Inserting Trimming Rich Ball Dresses and Head Ornuineuts Silk, Cotton and Worsted Hose of all des criptions, With sundry other articles, too numerous to men tion, nil of which will be sold on the most accom modating terms, by ■ W1U, £ II. ROSE. oci21 cel98 . " r l. 7^ 'MRS. KlMnEftT% mm Ami,j •Ini’s Where are taught , gy j S now open for the reception of she the following branches of education viz:— m:.l!)IXCi, WRITING,, The Subscribers Continue the Commission linsittcSS in Liv erpool, under the Firni of ISA 4 C, LOW 4’- CO. A ND will at all times make liberal ndvnnceson produce-cOttsigned to them foV sale. Having ships regularly in the Liverpool, trade, and owning a convenient wharf, On Winch thei r are roomy I'ire-prQof Stores, cotton ivili bo re ceived and forwarded in Inetr own vessejs, or those to their address, free of unv commission. , Orders for morclmhdlzc, will li6' executed lutll only 4 commission charged) when the payment Is satisfactorily secured. A general assortment of ftriiisfi - ■ jem'f is just received, being bought with .Woneif nnd se lected by one of the partners. Ihoy will be furnish ed ns low as by any regular Importing Honse In tbe United States, and on a long credit, for approved paper, ANDREW LOW h CO. oct 26 1P7 . Heady Made Clollijng, GT' At cost ! • nrilVE subscriber liitendingidleavc this place by 1 the 20th Of this month, ofl’ers hU STOCK OF GOODS AT C0ST.-<^-It comprises a general as- sortlineiitof .... CLOTHING OF ALL SIZES, JOHN P. SETZ, octK , • 3OOliaPHY, GRAM- Milt. I MRROtDERY, TAMBOURING, PLAIN SEWING, ANt> MARKING. Mr,». L. avails herself of the opportunity <>Fcx- pressing her thanks, for the very liberal patronage she i s hitherto received, and pledges herself, tint no endeavors shall be spared, to merit n cotHlnn- ""('® °f *t< Herterms, which are moderate, may he known by applying at her residence in Brough- ton-81root) adjoining the office of Wm.B. Bulloch, Esq. ” ’ , N. B. Three,.-or four pupils can be instructed in the rudiments of MUSIC, on the Piano Forte, on reasonable term*. Apply as above. nov r> * 207 r m mmmm FOR CHILDREN AND HISSES. M ISS SI’AULDING proposesopeningaSchool on Wednesday M ihst. for Children and Mis ses. For terms, application may be mmlc to Miss S. at the School Room, comer of Broughton and Abercorn SlrOets, nearly opposite the residence of Win, B. Bullock, Esq. or to Mrs Orsborns. Reference may be made to Rev. Mr. How or Joseph, Esq. IlHv c203 . ' ' Miss 'Germain A CQUA1NTS her friends amdthp public gene- rally that having rented the hon-i- the resi dence of the. late Mr. Joseph Cnrnitlicrs, she in tends devoting it to the accommodation of young Ladies and children,—She solicits tlie patronage of'pnrents ttfher establishment, and assures them that those confided to her care shall receive undi vided attention. Oct 2(5 f1«7 NEW STORE, North Side of Market Square A NEW STORE hns been opened next door to J. H. JVKcnsie's Hat Store, Market Square^ where a few GOODS will be soldlowforCush, viz : Black Tufeta Ribbon, 1 inch wide 6) cts for turn yard* <' . “ do . Ij " cts per yd.. White Rid Gloyea, very superior, Is fld per pair “ long do do 73 cts do Gentlemen's Beaver Gloves, ,-60 cts do • do do liiicd ' 76 do Caroline Fluids at reduced prices, Tartan, do.,'- do Bombazetts, Calicoes, Ribbons Inserting Trimming -* ~ " Flannel waistcoat patterns very superior ALSO, A.qnantity of ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, from 25 to cents. • Very large imitation Combs , Fancy Handkerchiefs, Waist Buckle's, £re. Sic. nov 6 *m200 '<• FACTORAGE. r|lHl-sul)Scribcr tenders his thanks to liisfriends A and the public for the liberal encourage ment he has received in thc FACTORAGE and COMMlSSlON nusrNEss, ; . •> and trpsts that by a strict attention to the interest of therfanter,lie will meritncontinuance oftheir patronago. For sale. Grundy’s white Flaips I’rliue 42 inch Cotton Bagging. ELIAS FORT, Commerco Row. oct 5. 185 Education, T HE subscriber respectfully announces to his friends nud the public that the exercises of his school will be resumed on Monday 26thInst. The course of instruction embraces the Latin Lari guage, History, Mrijjfl Philosophy, Composition Geography, English Grammar, Arithmetic, &c ho. He pledges himself to give the most assidu ous and Unwearied attention to the'moral and in tellectual improvement of his pupils.—Terms tisunl. G. WHITE. oct 12 188 /Seminary for Young Ladies. ■jV/fltS. GUERINEAU acquaints her friends, and J.TA parents generally, that there are a few va cancies in her Seminary for the ensuing season. Instruction is given in all the various brandies of Education taught in other Schools. The terms may be known on application at her residence York Street near Bolton’s Square. Oct 19 Im19I Classical and English Seminary. T HE subscriberihfoilns Ins friends'and the pub lic thut his Seminary for the instruction of young Ladies and Gentlemen is now open for the reception of pupils.—The Course of Education will cotriprise the Greek and Latin Languages in ad dition to the ranches usually taught at public schools. . Young Gentlemen prepared for entrance, into the Military Academy or tuny College in the U. S. For terms apply to the subscriber at hli * residence corner of Drayton and York Streets, i Oct 25 t-HtOd HENRY MACPONNELL. Mrs. iluniplireys, ‘ R ESFECTFULLY- informs the inhabitants of Savannah that she will open a SCHOOL on the first of November, for the reception of those children, whose parent* may entrust them to her cure. She will teach the solid and ornamental hrunchos of education; nnd after several years ex perience In tlie instruction ofyouthsheflattorsher- self she shall not fail to give satisfaction. '•< ' For, further information please call at Captain M‘T can’s, Lincoln Street. r 29 ,182 ' icco«l [nov 3 C? 3 The gentleman who has in tiniM°lf eS9 lst volume of Russel on witb thc nam ® of “ OWENS" mark: le snm 'l* 0 o. 0VC m so E 00( l ns to relurn |e same to the office of | nov 5 m M.M'ALLISTER i * nu Fi'ivatc Family. ,versed in. the diifereht -nag,.. s °f^ , hglish Education, and the Latin l Cleft kC,mntr >/ Store, esinuH and ° Can >0 ' Vel1 rec ommcnded as a nov 4 n Jo^ compl,,nt ‘ “- 00 WATT h SMETS, A fami c hasf®^v4 pM ilcrt‘1 f House Servants a i’piy d auh[ 3 a offi~ I,orsale “ f0r particularfl n203 loov 2 faSS Bu - tter > et c- 1C,C0 B ‘| iy ct ’;| y wall rcawT ,r«‘ I to tb»| ceJ <,r | is^l rcft* f ® 1 iyli®l 8 anil tctlin] w tor i.ll f»1 V 2n ,/ —■•■■iiui-e Flour ImftSmiSi F «w& Hav,i,lllCoff co “° V4 rfc S. C, GREENE.- WEsub, • f- res to the ™,i!v n< ^ ers b ' s Professional servi- P'ljhat h c m»v iitnli be 8 3 l° llV0 to inform : Sv^ C5 «ls. Davica A, ft”®- b ° foul,d ®* tbe 0f * Vdingso,^* ^ erncn > situated in Hun- BEVAN. ive 1011 ^v ! n **' 1 '’t’ Georgia Journal,and r ' ‘‘^n'Kios »Ubt- qUeStttJ 6“’°" ti* 0 tt Planters Bank. 'jVf OT1CE is liereby- given, that after the first J.1 day of Jattuary next, this Bank will not re ceive for a y debts duo to it, the notes of the Da rien Bank, portlie notes of tiny other batik,which does notyop demand, redeem its paper wjlh spe cie. . Notes and acceptances -deposited'- for eol- lrictioh, 'until further notice, paid jn any of tnf uqtes of the Banks of Georgia, it being un derstood that depositors of su ili paper will be pnid iu the same notes, tlie amount' ol collections made for them, , J, MARSHALL, Cashier, nov 4 t202 Fifty Dollars lie ward, W ILL be paid for the apprehension. and de livery of tlie foiTowing Negioos to the Sub-' scribers, living io Bourke Cnnty, or any safe Jail so we caii get them—or a liberal reward will be given for any part, of them, to wit. Morattari'a bright Mulatto, man, about 36 years old; rather slender made and of keeiiihppreneu9ion; and his wife Hannah a black woman about 45 yeats old, with.a scar on ouesideof h'er face, the property of Joseph Hines—Ben un Africail about 45 years o]d, small and well set and filed teeth, witli a scar Ben and Sylvia, two of the children belong to tin Estate of Smith Stringer, deedi tlie other child and Ben and Sylvia to Abrior Belcher: They broke loose a large Canoe on Tuesday the 28th September last, at Stephen^ Bridge; Btjrke Coun ty, nnd we tiring will aim down the River to the Marshy Country, below Savannah, ns Ben war boright up there and has onceruneWay and got hit wife and children back tliere and were apprehen ded arid put in Savannah Jail, not two years ago; —One ofthe men took off a Glin the other a Pis tol with them. ♦ JO AB oct 14 180 Lip Balsam. T HIS Balsam is highly recommended for the euro of sore and chopped Lips. It is said to give immediate relief—a supply of it can be had at the store of. LAY h HENDRICKSON nov Broiiaijt to Jaikijip I N Savannah on the lst inst. a negro man who suye his name is York, and that he belongs to Henry Taylor, ofBluck Swamp,S. C, and that he runaway about three years and a Iialt ago, he is 6 feet 5A inches high and about 30ycars oi age. nov & 9H ?NO-1* DEWS, /. 0. c f.stAnns' AWt The Subscriber ta!;cr. the 1 iTfliL. HOUSE in the Village of Rice- * IS * fc® boro’, ' recently occupied by Mr. 'JVsKSi Kcmpton, and intends keeping a pub lic bouse, for tlie accommodation of TRAVELLERS and BOARDERS. Those who may favor him witli a call are assured tlyit every attention will be paid to their comfort and convenience, His table will he supplied with the best the country affords; his Bar with choice liquors nnd his Stable with Hie bcsfprovelidcr, and un attentive Ostler—thc rates moderate. ■ , DAVID STETSON, oct 30 20l To Rent. The Tenement ntpresent oc cupied by Thomas U. P. Charl- J jmHW ton, the properly of Charles Harris, 5s3Ss& Esq. In Broughton Street; and posses sion given on the lst November. Oct 19 191 TO BE LET. The STORE corner of Bav nnd Drayton-Streets, now occu pied by J. P. Setzo. Possession may be had on the 15th of this nr nth. For further particulars, apply to Peter Dupon. ' 1 PETER EVEN. oct19 H10I To Rent. Tlie wharf and stores, next above Wayne’s, well calcula ted for a wood or Lumber wharf. ALSO,. The yellow three stoiyBrick buildings in Frank lin Ward—An approved Tenant can have with one.of the Tenements, the Furniture nnd servants by early application to R. F. WILLIAMS nov 4 • || i.205 . ST OF New-York Packets. sun's. mastbks. SAVANNAH, W. Beebe, iOUISA MATILDA, D. Woob, AUGUSTA, D. Van Dv< k. WM. WALLACE, T. Wood, EMPEROR, J,H. Bennett. The above are all first’ratc vessels, with expe rienced commanders, and will continue to sail in regularsucocssion throughout the season; leaving Savannah for Ncw-Yorx on Thursday, and New- York for SuVannah on Saturday in each week — For freight or passage, apply to the Captains ort board ol Jones’s Ur per Wharf, or to HALL h HOYT. jan 37 21 Passage for Neio- York. [ESTABLISHED I.INE.j The regular packet ship WILLIAM WALLACE, T. Wood, Master, Will sail to-morrow. For passage only, having excellent accommodations, apply on hoard, at Jones* upper wharf, or to HALL h HOYT. nov 8 208 -W cS-sssSaii \ rent. The Dwelling House at pre sent occupied by the Subscriber at the east end of the Theatre, and possession can be bad immediately. The House is u pleasant one and the yard large and dry, with a commodious Garden. JOS. S. PELOT. oct22 a194 , > To. Rent. A House on thc South Com mon Brown Ward has four Rooms on the first and three on the second floors. Possession given on the 16th November—Enquire'of Oct 22 || r. 194 F. M. STONE. M ! f For Rent. • The House in Broughton-st lately occupied by Mr. Tefft.— The house corner of Drayton and 1 York-streets, occupied by Mr Goff.— The house fronting Qglcthorpe occupied by Capt, Bee. The house on the opposite side "of the Square, Occupied by Mr. Leach. The House at presentoccupied by Mr. George opposite to the Academy with an entire Lot, or pnrt of the lot wouldbe leased bcinga good stand for a Grocery. ALSO, Several other good dwelling hpusc , and tbe stores corner of Broughton Jan d Barnnrd-stif cts Apply to J. MARSHALL. oct 6 fr* To Rent. Thc three story brick build ing on the Bay, lately occupied by Janes Dickson 4* c ° as a Whole salt Dry Good Store, Apply to’ C. W. ROCKWELL i* CO 182 A sept. 28 'M‘lntosh Academy. VKrANTED. for the above institution, a V ▼ TEACHER, who can furnish letters of re ference as to qualifications,character,&c. address ed to James Smith, Esq. . ; (O’ The Savannah Republican and New-York Evening Post, will give the nbove three insertions and forward Iheir accounts for payment. “ Oct 30 m2(H „ ; : A, B. POWELL. Evening school, Near the Catholic Church. T HE subscriber will recommence hix Evening School on the first Monday ip October.— Those .young gentlemen who wish to prepare themselves for the Counting Hduse; or Mechanics, )4ill please to make early application. KT* Four children rimy be acoommddated with board fyoi in the subscribed family, sept 28' 4f»182 PETER HYNES • DANCING ACADEMY. ^ ASSEMBLY HALL—Brdughton-slrcct, rilHE subscriber informs Iris friendsandpatrons, X that his room having been thoroughly clean ed and repaired, his School for. Yomg Misses and Masters is now open for the season . Having taken into congideratioriRt’e present de pression ofbusiness and consequent scarcity of money, he has determined to lower the price of tuition accordingly. The terms will hereafter be TWELVE.DOLLARS per quarter-. The school for genticmert is" also open in the evening. , ID* persons wishing to see the Subscriber will lease call at hiS dwelling, corner of Drayton and Itate Streets. JOHN C. LEGE. nov 1 r||202 ’ ... AUGUST G. OEMLER, H AS removed hisDRbG STORE, to the comer ■ of Broughton and Whitaker.Slrcels, opposite Col. Shellnutn’s Mdnsidn House, where he exhibits for sale, a choice assortment of Fresh Medicirieis and Garden seedSi and various other articles Suiting bis line; Re ab- staiq? relating the whole String of name* of the things he offers, and only Mentions a few which are hot commonly found itl every Drag Store, via: Fol. Sabina, Pyrula Uriibellata, Degitaiis Purpurea, ScuHoap, HyssOp, German Leopard’S Bane, (arnica roontana) ' Elecampane, (InulaHeienitiiri) Hops, Ergot, Tonquin Deans, Squire’s Elixir. Daffy’s Elixir, Ess. Mnstwd, Ess. Tyre, Jesmt Drop, Churche’s Cough Drops, Aromatic Vinegar, Toilet, Vegetable, , and other Soaps, Macassar Oil, ■' Phosphorus, Ox. Mur. Potasse, • James’s Fever Powders, lnfuntile Powders, P end’s Stiptic, Spirit* Soap, mnigating Phstils, Pytolignious Acid, t luck Drop. BSpectihgthc utility oftlris last article, he refers to tho last, but one, page of thc Georgia and South Carolina Almanac, Of this year- v oct 9 1187 . Fop Sale, A VERY capable Negro Man, about 24 years of aee, a waiter, hostler and Drammey. ' nov 6 IIm^O? ... . _ J. MARSHALL . Liberty Superior Court. To the Jurors, Witnesses and Suitors in the same. T HE Judge of the Superior Courts of tbe East ern District having been edited to a conven tion of the Judges at Miltedgeville, the Supe rior Court of Liberty Comity will be adjourned, on the regular day of the Term; to the sixth of De cember, of which Jurrirs, Witnesses, and Suitors iu the same will take notice, and give their at tendance accordingly. By order of his Honor James M. Wayne, Judge of the Superior Court- E.BAKER, c.t.B ~ uov»3 ra# For Rent- Tho brick house in South Broad Street, belonging to thc ... est.Thos. Gardner, dec. At present HSaai occupied by Thomas Butler, Esq. For terms, apply to H. KIRBY, pt 28 l182 oct 7 To Rent. The Store and Dwelling John- stpn’s Square, lately occupied by Mr. T. Walton, and Mrs. Blogg. ‘ Apply to M. GRIFFITH, Market Square; rl86 Mi « c tT To Rent. Two dwelling Houses on Stqtc f street, Columbia Ward. Apply JNO. F. LLdYD. 1*187 . To he let, The well known STORE in Wliitakcr-Streety at present oc cupied by, Messrs Hazard Denslpw, i ns a Paint and Oil Store. Possession given immediately.. For particulars apply to LAY 4-HENDRICKSON; oct 26 1,196 * oct 26 To Rent. A HOUSE in Broughton Street, opposite the residence of Mr. Mason; enquire of Mrs. ELIZA LLOYD. m!97 T HE Subscribers having taken that Well known house, the Georgia Hotel, will accommodate steady boarders and transient persons, on the most reaSondblri terms. Their table will be supplied with the best the market affords) and every atten tion will be pnid to those who may favor them with their company.. ,, . They have also trikeh the, extensive Stables at tached to that building, where they cah nccomino- date a large number ol horses, either by the month or any shorter‘period. . * DOPSON & MURPHY oct12 . »p!88 - , To be Leased, F OR a number of years; the Southorti half of Lot No. 6, Reynolds Ward; on the corner of Broughton and Abercorn streets; a very eligible situation for a dwelling house. Apply to A. J. PR oct 14 Jm189 PRATT. Assize of Bread. T IIE average price of flour being $64 per be.i re), 196 weifiht, the weight of bread for reserit month must be. 124 Loaf 2 lbs 13 ounces 6| do , 1 do 6j do of Which all bakers and sellers of bread will take due notice, oct 5 185 Genuine patent Family Medicines L EES Pills Churches Ess Mustard Anderson* do Chingswprm Lozenges Hoopers do Thompsons*teeth paste . James dd do eye water Churches cough drops Rogers vegetable Andersdns do puTmoiiic detergent Balsom Honey Hearie’m oil Audlcrslenative British oil Opodcldbck Henrys canc’d magnesia Squires felixirz Batemans drops; tyc ' Salts LemoiJS Cari'constantly bo bria at the store of LAY 4- HENDRICKSON; Chemists and. Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. sept 28 183 For Liverpool. The well known and regulnr trading' ship, Y GEORGIA, Varnum, master, Will meet with quick despatch.—For freight Of 160 bales oi Cotton only, apply to ANDREW LOW h Co, 105 tons of Liverpool SALT, find 38‘crates assorted CROCKERY, Received by the Georgia and offered for sale low for cash or on accommodating terms for approv ed paper if taken immediately from on board the vessel at Five Fathom—apply asabove. oct 9 187 For Greenock. . The first rate packet line ship MENTOR, J. L. Wilson, Muster, Will take what freight of Cotton may offer for Greenock, and be despatched as early as possible—apply to WM. GASTON, oc )27 198 mi « By Calvin Baker ON THURSDAY, the lltli inst at 11 o’cloclf, At hie Auction Store A nenerni Assortment of seasonable D It Y GO p 1) S. ALSO, ; III fr out of his Auction Store A general assortment of G R O C 11 It I E S. nov 9 201 10 Oj- etion - o 1 a; Ault Executor's sole., ON THURSDAY, 25th Nov. next at \ past Clock, will be sold iu front of bis At all the lj^L ) . IIouschoM Furniture. Belong to tlie cslutcol Ungli Sl‘Call, decease*! Consisting of Side Boards, Bureaus, Dining Too Chairs, Carpets, Looking Glass Ware, Beds and Bedding, Bedsteads, Kitchen Furniture. - -; ’ f •' . Together witli a quantity'of Plated and silver Ware. ALSO,; * . . • A quantity of Madeira Wine, in botttles. Sold by permission of the Hon. tin-. Infcrtot Court of Chatham County, by order of the Ex ecutor. Oct 16 190 " sales. Court House in the fs ->i 10 For New York. The regular and fostsailingcoppcred had copper fastened ship CLIFFORD WAYNE, I. White, Master, will have immediate dispatch. For balance of freightorpassageharingelcgaiit accommodations. Apply to Capt. White on board at Anderson’s Wharf. « nov .6 207 ' For Augusta and Hamburg. The Sjcam Boat. HAM BURG, TS expected to arrive here front Charleston, on 1 WEDNESDAY tho 10th, She will take freight nnd passengers for Hamburg arid Augusta. Apply to . - • PONCE 4* MACKENZIE, nov 8 *208 Marshals W ILL be sold before tli City-of Savannah, be and 2 o’olui:k,on Friday the 19th ordt;- */j‘ the District Judge of Georgia. ) . The ship ALBION, As slid now lies a wreck off St Cath erines Island, with hit her materia ft und cargo remaining on board. ALSO, The materials saved or lying on the Beach of Catherines and ou tlie main, viz. 213 pieces Mahogany, on the Beach at, high wntor.inark. 21 do do in Ilcach Creek 32 do do in Poiut Creek 15 do ch> on Mr. Postells plan tation, Harris* Neck, MelntosL County 23 pieces Logwood in possession of Mr. Harris of St. Catharins Island 22 pieces on the Beach above liigli wa ter mark • 23 piucea otl tile Isltind 14 do in .the possession of Mr. Cos tell at Harris’ neck 1 pair of JuckscrewB 1 small graplin on thq Beach 1 Quadrant, I pr Pistols, 7 Blocks. 1 piece Parcliu, 1 Topmast 1 whipsaw, 1 Tarpaulin, . > t 1 pr Stilyards, 2 large chains; 2 pitch Ladles, 1 Axe, 8 Autrci^, 2 lat-ge chisels, 2 scrapers v A small lot of copper 2 Grooving Plaius,*l hand saw, A lot of Lead, 1 lot of funning rigging . 1 wentch Terms Cash Bankable Money. nov 4 • J. II. MOREL, m. d. g.' Notice* A Steam Boat, with freighting Boats will regu larly. depart from the Company’s wharf on Wed nesday and Saturday of each week; and when freight offers to make it'hecessary, an extra boat will depart during the intermediate periods. JOHN DAVIDSON, Agent. oct 25 196 Third company Election, An Electibn for first and second .‘Lieutenants and an Ensigh for the Third Beat Company, will fake place at. the Office of Justice Russell on Thurs day the lSth of November inst. ' A draft for the number’of non commissioned officer* required by law Will also take place at the same time. C. H; HAYDEN, Capt. 3d Company,' tioV 1 202 Regimental Orders An election is hereby or dered to be held at the Mar ket House, oh tin! twenty fourth instant, for a .laj' r to the First Regi'i'cut; Georgia Militia. The Poll will open hi eleven Vclock; A. M. ' J. HUNTER, . Captain, S. F.' lOUIS GIRODON, Copt. 2d Beat Com. nov 3 204, Fresh Teas. j. B, HERBERT & Co. HAVE.CONSTANTLY ON HAND, Chests, half chests, ten cattys,QvO cat- tys and cannistcrs Hyson Tea Ten cattys,five cattys and cannisters Imperial ahd Gunpowder Teas Hyson skin, tonktfy, souchong arid Bohed Teas All of which are of the latest importation, and will be sold on accommodating terms, sept 28 182 Clerks Office* • * 29th October 1824, TVrOriCE—Proposals will be received at this' _L x Office until the 10th Decemher next, for sup plying the Guard house ivith ' wood and lights— and keeping tbe same cleans—also, .for sweeping and keeping ih order, the Police office. Extract from the minutes, SOL. COHEN, c/ lefts; U' oct 29 200 Clerks Office, 29th October, 1824. I N conformity with a resoldtion of Councd No tice is hereby given that on the second ipgular meeting in Nov; next; Council will proceed to elect a City Treasurer, to fill the vacancy occa sioned by the decease of John I. Roberts. Extract froth the minutes. SOL. COHEN, c. teni. bet 29 200 V Wanted to Hire. T EN or fifteen prime field hands for whom lib eral wages will be given. Aritiiy to - Oc.t 2\ j!KC H M. ROND. Notice. ,<"7 ON Thrirsday ne*t, the 11th inst. I N front of the excharige between tho hours cf 10 oad 11 A. M; will be leased for one year The Rooms in the Exchange. Leased under the superirtteutiance of the Ex^ change Committee.' F. Wi’STOIJf r., Marshal. nov”4 202 Elegant & choice Perliimen t HE Subscribers have received pr birig Ann. Schooner lutrepid and ship Corsair, a fresh supply of Choice Perfumery, consisting of Otto of Roses in elegant gilt bottles of varL-„ ous patterns Macassar, Russia, Bears and Antique Oils Pomatum in.Pols and Rolls Rose, Orange flower and Lavorlrier Writer Rose,Benjoiri, Musk, Olive, Venaculor, Palm; > Vegetable; Ceylon, Bandana, Tratispareht, 1 Variegated, and English'Wiildsor Soaps/. Wash Balls, Naples Shaving Soap iu l ots ■ Shaving Cakes, fye Pocket, fine teeth and dressing Combs, nm Patterns Hair Powder and Powder Puffs Pocket Books arid Pocket Wallets, with aud without springs La Fayette and Silk Stocks, Elastic Wire and Coburg StiffrterB, Silver Wire Teeth Brushes Witk gilt handles, Tounge Scrapers, Nail, Cloth, Hair and Shaving Blushes, Cut Glass Smelling Bottles; Visiting Cards, Metal Shaving Boxes, Flouting Tapers of every description, Tonguin Beans, Musk, Carmine, Court Plaster, Snuff Boxes, ' Chamber Light* and Matches; Soger Box es, slot Which'together with .a very general and extensive!; assortment of Drugs, Medicines; C.liefni&als, • I’aJ tent Medicines, &.u. Sib. All pf which hav« been selected by R guodjiidgt, and are offered for -ale at least 26 per, ct. lower than hits ever been sold in this market fqi 1 cash of credit; Purchasers would do well to call and examine them; > LAY Sc HENDRICKSON, oct 2<J a..;t r - 196 Chemists and Druggists, Shad’s Buildii idings. REMOVAL- DR. L. H. FUR Til, H ASfemoved to the house in York-Stvnet,be longing to I; Minis, three doors east of Jeffer- Son-Street. nov 6 ff207, - 1 Notice to Pilots. A LL pilots who have riot complied with the ,/jLl4th rule of the coii)missionci.s of Pilohige, are hereby required to do so,-by.the next regular meeting ofthc Board, (18th inst.) In case of fail ure, eaeh one will be fined five dollars, By order, . * JOHN G. HOLCOMB, Sec ry. bov6 lix-007 ^ JAMES AN DERSON Sg .CO. H AVE received a large assortment of C1R- PETING, from parlous 1 Mnnufactoiii s, which enable them to exhibit an extensive assort ment of SPLENDID and FASHIONABLE PAT TERNS via Brursels and Venetian Carpeling Kidderminster and'Scotch do • Stairdoof all ividtbsand qualities . Crumb Cloths and printed Baize Imperial and common Hearth lings With a variety of other Staple and Fancy Goods, Suitable for the present and approaching Season which they offer for sale low forCa-h or approved credit. Oct 23 195 4'V'. h- m’v! ¥7 "J