Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, November 13, 1824, Image 2

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r I (I;?* By tho Eric, wo have received the New-York Connncrcial Advertiser of the r.ih mid Gth inst. Thoir contents were anticipated by the papers received yester day by the Corsair. [By the Corsair.] NEW-YORK, Nov. 5. LEGISLATURE OF NEW-YORK. The Legislature of this State met at A1 bony on Tuesday. Committees of both Houses waited on the Governor to inform him that they were ready to proceed to ‘^’Business. The Governor replied, that as the law pointed out the purpose for which the Legislature had convened, he had no thing to communicate, but should any thing of importance occur, he would transmit it by special message. In the House, a petition was presented for the incorporation of the Palladium In surance Co. in New-York. Also u petition of Christopher Hampton, an alien, and several other private petitions. A communication was received from tho Comptroller and Secretary of State telative to the investiture of certain mo nies belonging to the Common School || Fund, Which was referred to the Commit tcc on Colleges, Academies and Common Schools, and ordered to be printed. The death of Mr. Silas D. Kellogg, a member from Washington county, was announced, and the House resolved to Wear the usual badge of mourniug for tliir- ty days. The house adjourned to Wednesday, 10 o’clock. Extract of a letter from an American gentleman to his friend in this pity. Smyrna, Aug. 17. In the Morea the Greeks have lately been very successful. We have undisputed accounts of three buttles they have gained over the Turks; tjie one on the plains of Marathon, where they destroyed 10,000 ’Lurks—Greek loss 6,000; another 'at Zei- tun (near the Thermopylae) where the Turks lost S,000 men, with avery trifling sacrifice on the side of the Greeks; the o- tlicr at Arte, where the Turks lost 3*2,000 men. The Greek Government is in Na poli di Romania. They have paid off thoir troops with the money remitted from Eng land, aud they are disciplining their sol diers in the Morea.. The Greek cause is gaining ground. The government is in undisputed possession of the direction of both army and navy. All tlic sailors have received thr^e mouth’s pay in advance. The Turkish fleet left Scio ou the 12th for Samos, and as yet we have heard no positive news; the story, however, which, appears the most accredited is that the Greeks have destroyed nearly all the Tur kish transports, and that they have driven the Captain Pacha himself from before the island. There are upwards of80,000 Turks at Scala Nova, waiting to be trans ported to Samos. They are said to bo suffering a great deal from diseases, and there are more than 8 or ^1,000 disabled men in their camp. They all begin to murmur, and in fact we have seen many "of them return here. On the island of Samos the Greeks are perfectly well pre pared to receive the attack, and are deter mined to defend themselves to the- last “We hear, they have ,closed all their wells and poisoned their wineB and spirits. nov. a Yesterday we had heavy showers of rain; the wind was fresh most of the day - from S. E. Between 2 and 3 o’clock, two oftlic most vivid gashesof.lightning, were Quickly followed by tremendous cr&shcs of thunder directly over our heads. On tho second Hush, the electrical fluid spent itself on the lightning rod of the store of Messrs. Hoffman Son &. Pell, opposite the Tontine Coflee House, Several cart horses in the neighborhopd, were knock ed down by the shpek. A CARD.—The Passengers in the ship Augusta, return thanks to Capt. West for his very polite, gentlemanly arid atten tive conduct to them during their passage from Savannah,—Mere. Ado. Canal Revenue and Commerce*—'The Suni of $17439, was received by the Col lector at Albany, for Canal toll during the month of October; and 440 boats clear ed by. him in the same month, having on board oOlfltons of merchandize, besides iron castings,household furniture and sun dry articles not enumerated on the rates of toll.—Alb, Adv. ■ “ The Collector of this port.” says our correspondent at Lubec, in a letter dated 25tl» Oct. “ lias received a letter inform, iua bint of the appointment, of Mr Shep- 1c., District Attorney, to come to Lubec to take depositions, and investigate the subject of the capture of American fisher men, in the Bay of Fundy, by the British gun brig Dotterel.” This seems a much w ire: course than an immediate appeal to arms, as recommended Machias paper. NOV. &—evening. A child about two years old, was on the *23d ult. burnt to death in Montgome ry to. (Penn.) by its cloths catching at the kitchen fire, in absence of its parent^, Altered Notes.—Five dollar notes alter ed to tens, of the United States Bank, are Yp circulation PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 0. The Jews who have heretofore occu pied the principal streets of Warsaw, arc commanded by tin imperial Ukase, to re move by the Isi »,f May, into the most re mote streets. '•? The widow of Christpphc, the ancient Chief ofSt. Domingo, arrived on the loth Sept from London at Ostcnd on her way, as is reported,to Italy. She is accompanied by her two daughter’^ and Suite. A London pnpcf remarks that never was so much wealth shared by the actors at one time as in the present day. » Ban nister, Johnson, Muridcn, Brahnm, Kem ble, Kean, Elliston, Matthews, Young, Liston, Macredy, Mrs Siddons, and Miss Stephens arc all supposed to have accu mulated fortunes, and to be able to retire to their Tusculum to enjoy case and inde pendence. We believe there are few per formers on this Wide of the Atlantic who arc in similar circumstances. Tho Madrid Gazette contains a decree of the Kiug, in which .he alludes to the. late diksentions between the French and* Spanish soldiery; and commands all the authorities to use their utmost efforts to apprehend arid bring to summary punish ment,all persons whoqndeavor to promote such dissensions. Thft ceremony of sprinkling the corps of the late King of France with holy wa ter is thus performed^— 1 The Goupiilon (a brush constructed for such purposes) 'be ing dipped in the bely water, passes from hand to hand each throwing from it a few drops, and retiring. Prince Hohenhope has found ttn imita tor in peasant girl of Sweden; but .unlike lier princely prototype, she is not allowed to gull the superstitious with impunity. She has been cited to appear before the High Consistornl Court, in ordot to give an accouut of herself. 1 ' TURKEY. X Placards huve been posted on. the walls of Constantinople, in which Sultan himself is meunccdwith death if he does not let his son, who is now eleven years, old, accompanyhim to the Mosque. It is reported in the Seraglio. that tho young prince ie attacked by the epilepsy, but the Jaanissaries attest that he enjoys ex cellent health, and that it is only a poli tical reason which prevents his being shown to the people. what it is to oppose u popular? iprsjij diet.-, we did so with cravats ami marriage beds; ' but we-cannot blink truth. - .ip . Medical Advihr. When Mr. Wilberforce was candidate for Hull, his sister, an amiable and witty young lady, offered the compliment of a now gown to each * f the wives of those freemen who voted For her brother; on which she was saluted with the cry of “Miss Wilberforce forever!” when she pleasantly observed,* “ I thank yon gen tlemen—but I cannot agree With you, for really I do not wish to be Miss Wilberforce forever, 1 ODE For the tirth Triennial Festival qf the Massachu setts Charitable Mechanic Association. BY CHARLES SPRAGUE. tViiEsffom the sacred garden ditvon, Man fled before his Maker's wroth, An Angel left her place hi heaven, And crossed the wanderer’s sunless path. Twin Art! sweet Art! new radiance broke, Where her light foot flew o'ei the ground; - And thus,ivith seraph voice she spoke, “ The Curs* a Blessing shall be found.” She led him through the trackless wild, Where noontide sunbeam never'blnzed The thistle shrunk—the harvest smiled, And nature gladdened as shegased. Earth's thousand tribes of living things, At Art's cbipinand to him are given, The village grows, the city springs, And point tueir spires of faith to heaven. He rends tho oak—and bids it ride, To guard the shores its beauty graced;, He smites the rock—uphenvrd, in pride, Sec. towers of strcnglh.and domes of taste. Earth's teeming caves their wenlth reveal. Fire bears his banner ou tiie wave, Web ds the mortal poison heal, And leaps triumphant o’er the grave. He plar.ks the pearls that slu'd the deep. Admiring Beauty’s tap to (ill; He breaks the stubborn marble’s steep, And mocks ills own Creator’s skill. With thoughts that till his glowing soul, He bids theoreillume the page, And proudly scorning time's contronl, Commerces with an unborn age. In fields of air he writes his nnme, And treads the chambers of the sky; He reads the stars, and grasps the flame, - That quivers round the Throhe on high. In warrenowned, in peace sublime, Ho moves in greatness and in grace; llis power subduing space and time, i.inkr realm to realm, and race to race, Schr Cal. Geo.. Aromtjyi, Siev.nif, CliortMton,'' 1 tiny#. * 1 iris Alexander, Dyer, from Halit, was lost on ti t' ot rocks, 15 i(riles to windward of Trinity, irt. Sept. 25- Crew and cargo saved. NOV. 6.—Et> 'ting.—Cleared, shit's Draper, Harris,Turks Island; Hubert Fulton, Chase, New ) cleans; brigs Abeona,Fairchild, Curur.oa; Bi-own, Meyer, Havana; Hero, Cowlings, Tampico; Boy er, Atcany, Port nu Prince; schr Elisa Ann, Phin* ney, Cape Haytinn. , Arr. this forenoon, brig Koht Cochrane, Brad ford, 43 daya fr. Madeira, with wine, fruit, &c. Btfr ® SEn " “** J — with Schr tfe, Guad. with molasses. Schr Angenora,Pike, 6 day* from Charleston, with cotton, &c. Sloop Columbus, Whiteman, of Killlngworth, 20 days from Pensacola. Below, ship, with a star in her foretopsoil, sup posed the Panthea, Bennett, from Liverpool, sail ed Oct. 8th. Also, 1 brig and 2 schrs. Sailed, ships Louisa, Fosdick, Balfnst;. Henry, Kemp, Havre; Virginia, Fosdick, New Orleans; brig Merced, for Gibraltar; schr Emuline, Hut- Acid, for St. Johns, E. F. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. ,6.—Arr. schr Dart, Barclay, 10 days from Soto La Marino, Capt. B. ports that on the 23th nit. in a very henvv squall wind in lot 314, lung 7(5,saw an hermaphrodite brig under sail upsot, and supposed that the ves sel and all hands were lost, as Capt. Barclay, saw nothing of the vessel after the squall. NOV. A.—Afr. ship Tontine, Hayes, MontovU deo, 43, hides, Sic. Ship Carolinian, Ilewes; Charleston. Brig Orient, Cole, Turks Island, 18. salt. Schr Providence, Burns, Havana, II, coffee. Below, ship Bingham, Fleming, from Gibraltar; brigSamoset, of Plymouth, Mass, from Bristol, (flnnred,brig Ellen, Sherman, Havnnn. DIED, Last evening in the 63d year of his ago, Mr. Haanr Lvon, a native Of this city. Washington, Nov. 5. General Alvear, the Minister from Bue nos Ayres, and his Secretary, Colonel Zriartc, left this city last week, to return home, >Vc understand that Gen. Alvear has been appointed Commander in,Chicf of the army ordered to take the field in February next, against the Royalists Spa niards in Peru. Col. Yriartc will also hnva command in the expedition, a9 En gineer ; in which department he sustains the character of peculiar merit. Canadian Canals.—A company has been formed in Canada for the purposo of uniting Lakes-Eric and Ontario by a nav- gablc canal. Two routs are proposed; the one from the town of Niagara passing in a southwest direction till it striked the Chippewa river in the township of Thor- old ; the other commencing at Twelve mile creek on Lttko Ontario and passing in a southerly direction till-it terminates in the same point with the former route. The expence of the former is estimated at 8124,000, and of the latter at 8104,000. In connection with these, another canal is proposed from the Chippewa river in the town of Wainflect to the mouth of Grand River onLakc Erie. Tlic distance is between twelve a nd t hirteen miles. The stock iB limited to 8100,000 of which have already been subscribed, half in Canada, and half in New-Yord. A'canal is also proposed from the Bay of Fundy to- the Gulf of St. Lawrence. t From the New York Shipping List. MARITIME LAW. A case was decided in this city last week in which the owner of a ship was held re sponsible for damage done to a cargo on freight—being eat by IIATS. The principle of the decision has been fully recognis'ed by writers on the Law of Marine, .who hnvfe also held that ;he mas ter and owners are exonerated 1$; having C ATS on board. A French snrgeon lately produced an ox’s brain before the Society of Medicine. It was not only petrified, but had acquired the hardness offlint. The butcher,- with all his might, could nett cleave it asunder. It appeared dike a piece of rnek-work. Whnt -is here remarkable, thisox was both fat and vigorous so as to break lootfe four times from the butcher; whereas the only instance of a petrified ox’s brain on record iri that of Barthilin’s 0*1 killed at Stock holm? but that ox \vas very lean, appeared sickly, went always with bis head down, which determined the owner to part with him... Plum Pudding.—Tliia is one of the relics pf barbaronS cookery—a compilation of grossn&s, gpstronomicalfy unscientific, and pre-eminently unwholesome. Sugar, dough, and fat, are its bases, and in such proportion, that its lighter' ingredients have not power to redeem its crudity. No wonder John Bull is dyspeptic, hyp ochondriac, and suicidal, when plum pud dings and malt liquor occupy his stonrmeh so often Boiled dough is the food' of his youth-—soiiid, stone-like dougU— and when be gro ws up, he mollifies his mpss with su gar and raisins; scarcely a day passes without a wddge of his favorite dish—plum pudding; and.then be mopes and drinks his ale, until a'sufficient quantity of co- culus indicus, or opium—the parcotic por tion of his beverage—nods him down to sleep. Yet John wonders why he suffers from indigestion! Leave off plum pud- dindg. The French, who knov better, than we do the science of cooker^, laugh . at us for still patronising it.. \Yo knp COMMERCIAL. “Liverpool, Oct. t, 1824. “We-have again to a(ivis5 a continuance of the dutness in the Cotton market, mid farther, that irices have fallen in the past month about .fd per b. It is remarkable that the import to this port is less by 80,000 bags, and of American by 130,000 bags, than ut the same period of lost year, but com pared with the year 1822, the import of this year is of about equal exfent. “There is a general complaint of the unprofita ble stute of the Cotton trade, in consequence of which, as the spinners and manufacturers are un der the necessity to hold considerable stocks of Yarns and Goods, they are, in many instances compelled to hold very light stocks of the- raw material. The dealers also arc averse to holding much cotton, as they have suffered by the almost constant decline which has been going on for so many year*. The public opinion then appears to be unfavorable to cotton; there is an expectation of a large crop in America next year, but in any* event, no one apprehends a scarcity of the article. The owners have generally declined pressing snips, but there are no purchases upon speculation, and indeed many speculators are selling out in stead of buying. We,quote, Upland, ordinary, 7d; middling fair, 7jj; fair 7:ji good fair, 8,1; good and fine, 84 a 9. N. Orleans, ordinary, 8; middling fair, 84; fair, 8.j; good fair 1>4; good, 10; fine 11J. Tennessee and Alabama, 7 a Ud. Several cargoes of Egyptian. Cotton arrived here during the last month; others for this port arc now under quar antine at Milford, and several large ships have lately been taken up, to load Cotton at Alexan dria. The price of it may be quoted here at-9d a 104<f, but there is considerable difference in the quality, und stmie ordinary has been sold in Loir don at S.'fd. The stock of sweet American flour ip bond much reduced, hut the price continues at 20s •23s per barrel. Thnayerage price of wheat is 33s 1 Id per qr. Rice 12s Ad a los Ad per cwt. Montreal pot ashes of the lutest import arc held at 34s ; but there is very little demand, and pur chasers are offering 33s, old pot ashes 31* Aifu 32s Ad; pear) ashes 37s Ad a 38s, and several of the holders decline selling, urtder the expectation of short supplies. United States’ pot ashes, if quit* fresh, would brings 40s, otherwise 38s a 39s Ad according to theircondition; pearl ashes 39s. The arrivals of Turpentine have been very heavy,'!: having been shipped in the Packets for want/of o- ther freight, and it may be quoted 7s Ad a 11» Ad per cwt.' Tnr 12s Ad a 16s Ad per Barrel. We reTespectliilly, your obedient servants,s' THOS.fcJNO.p.THOKNELY. PORT OF SAVANNAH. - ARRIVED, Schr Erie,;Patterson,4 days from New York bound to Charleston—nut in on account of head winds, having run part her port in (he night—full cargo for sundry merchants in Charleston—40 passengers. r . Schr Laurel, PcttengiUrtt day* from Boston, to R S Goffe-emgd to WT Williams, S CfcJ SfcHfcnk, G Newhall, Jno W Long, R S Goff, and P Hill Passengers, Messrs E James, and Dennison. Left ship Emerald and brig Sea Island, to sail for this port in a few days. The ship Pallas, Britton, bound to this port, ... •- ' * ■ -i | of September, put hdek to Liverpool on t leaky, The brig Hiram, TVertj, f , , „ , Wert, from New York, 8'days has arrived at Darien. from TKts PORT, At’New York, 0th inst. schr Atlantic, Gould, days. At Philadelphia, 6th inst- brig Joseph S. Lewis, Caldwell, 8 days. At Dnridh, sloops Three Brothers, Howland Rosetta, Simons; Mathews,Nichols. [By the Corsair.] . NEW-YORK, Nov. 3^-Cleared ships Carolina Ann,Baush, Belfast: Douglass, Brown, Curacoa ’ Diana, Drew, Pacific Ocean. .Arr. brig Martha, Barrow, Amsterdam, 46 day* from the fox el, with gin, oil, steel, dry goods, Sic. Brig Helicon,Barnard, Turks Island, 19 days with salt. ’ NOV. 6.—Cleared, ships Leeds, Stoddard, Liv erpool; Draper, Harris, Turks Island; brig Abeo na, Fairchild, Curacoa. Arr. ship William, Wibray, from New Orleans, Oct. 17th, and 16 days from the Balize,with lead pehress, shot, cotton, deer skins, beeswujL tic. Ship Niagara, Crane, Charleston, 6 dnp. Brig Emitie, Scott, Bahia, 38 days, with hides, 4-c. ' (Brig Free Ocean, jBukup, Cumpeachy, 28 days, with logwood, wine, tic. Schr Sally Ann, Magneto, TonJpJcoj S3 days, with fustic, tic^ Velvet Corks. A FEW Groce of Superior Volvet Corks; just received and for sale, by LAY & HENDRICKSQN, 12 211 SliaiVFBuildinas. NZfr. ilaxutl s Kichinoiid Superfine / FLOUll. |AA BBS. received by the schr. Robert HJU Burns, and for .sale. Apply to nov 12 l||2I1 PONCE Sj. M'KF.N Savannah L’emalc Asylum. A N'Election lorn Matron to this institution, will take place nt the Asylum House on the first (Deedin' in February. Application for the above to be handed in, to the subscriber. By order of the board, • E. M. nov12 211 For Charleston, Tin 1 regain packet liuop v DE LIGHT, J7 Cooper, Master, TTiT*fliili5i Will nail fnr tir above port on Wed nesday morning next, ut 9 o'clock. For freight or passage, apply to tho master oh board, at Mon- glh’s lower wharf. nov-13 m213 " ■ .. ! SEMf-MOiYTRLY Mim QUBSCRIBERS to .the ahoVe parlies are in- L^formed that the first Assombly will take placo on TUESDAY EVENING next, tho llith inst. For their tickets of admission they will please ap ply to Mr. Lege, oral the Bookstore ofW. T, Williums’. * nov 13 a212 ■ Vew Mackerel, Ruins Lard, sVc A A BARRELS Boston Rum 25 kegs Butter (fresh) 25 kegs new Leaf Lard 20 barrels No 1 Mackerel' 50 do No 2 dd iOO do No3 do (Fresh and ttcitn- 3A half do No 1 do ing 20 days since 30 half do No 2 do 30 half do No 3 do 600 reams, single, double sice and iron mon gers Wrapping Paper 1000 reains Cnp, Pot and Letter Paper 100 packages Glass, of ail descriptions 30 boxes Windsor Glass 100 kegs Dupont’snnd ChetmsfordGunpowdcr 2 cases Playing Cards lo cases Whittcmores No 10 Cotton Card* 100 boxes No 1 Soap 100 do smoked Horrings Landing from schr. Laurel, and lhip Chariot and for sale on accommodating terms by ROBERT S. GOFF. noy 13 >1212 ' I tops, A SMALL quantity of this artlcio suitable for mediuinul purposes, just received and for tale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, > Shad's Buildings, nov 13 212 LLOYD, Scc’ry. Crockery Ware, OA Crates assorted CftOC..EHY, selected Ov particularly for this'market. Just receiv ed and for sale by CALVIN BAKER nov 12 211 im»W T HE Paragon Toll Mill is now rendy to re ceive. Bice to beat on ’Toll, at the customs- f rates. Apply to William Kilpatrick at the luntatinn or to JACOB READ, nov 11 r(2IO Lutheran Church. T HE Pews in said Church will he sold for oue yertr, on Monday the Ifith inst. at 10 o'clock nt the church. JNO. IIAUPT, Scc’ry. nov 8 208l Clerks Office. 29th October 1824, N OTICE—Proposals will bo received nt this Office until the 10th December next, for sup plying the Guardhouse with wood and lights—• and keeping the same clean—also, for sweeping pml keeping in order, the Police office. Extract from the minutes, sof,. CGHkn. c. c. pro tern. net 29 200 Clerks Office, 29th October, 1824. TN conformity with a resolution of Council No- X tiec is hereby given thnt on the second regular meeting in Nov. next, Council will .proceed to elect a City Treasurei* lo All the vacancy occa sioned by the decensc of John 1. Roberts. Extract from the minutes. SOE. COHEN, q. tern. net 29 200 Gun Powder, "I Qlx Clwlcs and 133 hulf , l r ‘ Casks Ro JL OU gers’ Orange Gun Powder for sale by If. LORD & Co. 'N. B. This article comes very highly rceonv mended and is warranted in nit"respects equal to the bejst English Powder heretofore imported, Dealers are invited to cnll and exumine the sum pies. nov 11 m210 Notice. T HE co-partnership beretofore existing under under the firm of Clarke & Brown, I» this day dissolved by rauthal consent. All persons indebted to said firm are urgently solicit ed to cull qn S. Clarke, und pay the. demands a- guinst them; and all those having demands against said firm will please cnll on him for payment.— He being duly authorised to settle the business of' said firm. . s. CLARKE, „ ,, GEO. S. BROWN. St. Marys, 1st Aov. 1824. nov 11 - 210 Notice to Pilots. A LL pilots who have not' complied with the !4th rule of the commissioners p£ Pilotage, are hereby required to do so, by the next regular meeting of the Board, (18th inst.) In case of falb ure, each one will be fined five dollars, . . -- By order, . « ' nov A JOHN G. HOLCOMB, Sec’ry. ||r207 7 '•*- *#*• Lump Oils?, Lamp Wick, Glass l ;V es, <fcc. TlJin ^" bscriber ‘ have jyst received per ship A general supply of Winter, Pall ana Summer strained Lamp . Oil. Brettancd Socket Lampe! Japania Dish do . Glass ' do V Of every variety do Peg do { and ^“cre do Lafayette do J , Globe Lamp Glasses , French Chimney do for Billiard Rdoms and Theatres Lamp Wick of every description Together with Tin Lamp Feeders, Tin Canisters fos iamp Oil,,and every eth’r article suitable for the convenience of Light. The whole of which comprise a morc^complete assortment than has ev^r been exhibiteddn this city, and are offered for sale at prices to corres|>ond with the times. Hie public are very respectfully invited to call and examine them. ' LAY It HENDRICKSON, ' Chemists and Druggists, „ Shad’s Buil"' nov 11 210 lildings. ~ r i^aiTot for sale. rrtHE best educated and largest Parrot that , ever came from Jamaica to America, is offer ed for sale-price 26 dollars. Enquire at this Of fice. nov It W210 Just received, % . *9 A bum-K fresh Buck Wheat Meab Jj-JC HI half do. F. M. Beef. C U 12 do fresh Crackers 10 kegs superior Butter 20 bbls fresh Flour 10 half bbls do For sale by nov 2 John T. Rowland, ^ C ONTINUES to do businos in MillsdxsVA, and tenders the offer of his sorvlccs to i/I friends and file public, in the transaction of cy business generally. "' 1 ‘ oct 2 ir-ltl84 Ink Powder,. "| 4Y Groce Walkden’s British ink Powder, just i U received and for sale b >v 13 ! oy LAY it HENDRICKSON, rijrad’s Bnildimrs. 212 ^ her in’s Sales—contiRueu. On the first Tuesday in December next, W ILL be'sold at the courthouse,in Savaqnnh, between tho usual hours of sale, Five negros, Maria, and 4 children, London, Henry, Robert and Jane, levied on as the proper ty of Wm. A. Moore, to satisfy an execution in fa vor adm'ra of Butt Jones. Sold at the risk of the former purchaser. The following negro* Sally and her three chll dreq, Mary, David and Eliza: Delita, and her 3 children, Lucinda, Mary and Anthony, levied on astbe property of Elcattar Early, to satis'y an oxe cution iu favor of the Batik of the United States Sally and her three children, sold on account ol the fociiirr purchaser. A rmXp man named Joe, leVlpd on a* the pro- icrty rinosephC. Uahorslmih, under a fl ia on orectosure in favor of Davis ti Berrien, Also all the household and xiteben furniture contained in the City Hotel, levied on as the pro perty of Oi;an Bird, under a foreclosure of a mort* 'age to. Eicazer Early, transferred to J. B. Her- Jert bCo. Person* wishing to purchase will please call and examine the above furniture I. D’LYON, *. c. c nov 13 212 English Mustard, -T^ABRANTED. • Just received and for sale 210 by nov 11 LAY ti HENDRICKSON. Elegant & choice Perfumery, &c T HE Subscribers have received pr brig Ann. Schooner Intrepid and ship Corsair, a fresh supply of Choice- Perfumery, consisting of Otto of Roses in elegant gilt bottle* of vagi ous patterns Muounur, Russia, Bears and Antique Oil* Pomatum in Pots and Rolls Rose, Orange flower and-Lavender Water Ri)so,Benjoin, Musk; Olive, Venacular, Palm, Vegetable, Ceylon, Bandana, Transparent, Variegated, and English Windsor Soaps, Wash Balls, Naples shaving Soap in Pots Shaving Cakes, 4*c Pocket, fine teeth and dressing Combs, uii» Patterns Hair. Powder and Powder Puffs Packet Books and Pocket Wallets, with and without springs Ln Fayette and Silk Stocks, Elastic Wire and Coburg Stiffners, Silver Wire Teeth Brushes with gilt handles, Tounge Scrapers, . Naii, (loth, Hair and Shaving Brushes, Cut Gluss Smelling Bottles, Visiting Cards, Metal Shaving Boxes, Floating Tapers of avery'description, Tonguin Beans, Musk, Carmine, Court Plaster, Snuff Boxes, Chamber Light* and Mutches, Segaf Box cs, &c. Which together with a very general and extensive assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Pa tent Medicines, |tc. tic. All of which have bean, selected by, a good judge, and are offered for sale ut least 20 per ct. lower than lias ever been sold in this market for cash or credit. Purchafprs woul,d do well to cull and examine them. LAY -b. HENDRICKSON, Shad’s Buf&ihga oct ?fl r- " ' EALTH. H EAI.TH. Me greatest of all earthly blessings. At this Season cf the year, when it is so high ly properrwd important to cleunse iho Stomach ana Rowels of redundancy of bile, and all perni cious and ruinous accumulations, the proprietors of LEE’S most excellent ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS, would very respectfully advise the use of several doses of them, and thereby in many instanocs pre vent head-achcs, sickness at the stomach, obsti nate obstructions of the, bowels, scorching fevers, .LEE’S ELIXER, an invaluable mcdi< cine, it never fails to cure tho most violent cold, and affords instant and great relief, in all obstinate coughs, it also relieves young children from chol- ics, 4^.. ’ ' . . LRE’S INDIAN VEGETABLE SPE CIFIC—An effectual cure for the Venereal atfd Gonorhfcn. LEES’ TOOTH-ACHE DROPS— which give immediate relief. LEE’S TOOTH POWDER—Whicl cleanses and beautifies tho teeth- LEE’S Bye WATER—A 6crtain cure for sore eye*. LEE’S ANODYNE ELIXIR—For the cure of head-aches. LEE’S CORN PLAISTER—For re moving and destroying corns. LEE’S LIP SALVE. ^Numerous c«*cs of curbs could be annex-, ed, of the happy and good effects that- have fol lowed the use of the above JUSTLY CELEBRAi TED FAMILY MEDICINES, but the publisher has not room for them in this paper. / V Please to observe whatever, and where ever you buy none can be Lee’s Genuine Family JUtdi cines, without the signature of the proprietor, NOAH KIDGEtY, . „ Late Michael Lee Co. The above famous family medicines are fit sate by DR. A. DELAROCHE, Senr. ... . , Druggist, Savonnnh Who has just received a fresh supply ftotn Belli more, oct 7 180 m203 GEO. D. CORNWELL Gunpowder ami FmptTrmTT^:'; This year's Importation. ■fl \ ten enttys Gunpowder Ax./'LF 60 do linni-riai Received per Clifford Wayne—for sale bv ' -»»v 2 -L B. HERBERT i-rn Whiskey, tec. Landing from on board the Julius Caser and for Sate, ’ 20 !Ki,}VMl.RYE WHISKEY. 1 SlSiur^u 1 jr dM ” t0,, ' bs *i» 'W^TBtegaiaps Negro Shoes, Mohisscd, &T aooostensf 1 ' A00 do llneaand bound do * 160 do women* do do 30 hhds New Orleans Molasse. 20 do superior St Croix Sug« 60 do common do- do 160 ps. 42 inch Cotton Bagrinr *22 «“ ks Nalls, assorted ? 60 bbls Gin 60 Tuna Swedes Iron, assorted For Sale on reasonable terms by nov A 0207 ' ORRAYTArT. No. ^ Mackorel. 1 On B ? L u‘ L ^ n ’ lUn 5 fr °ra ship Chariot,fo sale by R.CAMPBEr.1. nov 6 m207 . Smith's Buildi™ * For Sale, HAMPERS POTATOES nov A 207 SR'Ii.r JOHN H. REID lea -i T HE undersigned have resumed their busines at thoir uld stand, in Bull-street, opposite Judge Cuyler’s House, and will execute order* ini the neatest manner for Marble MONUMENTS, TOMB TABLES, HEAD STONES, PAINT STONES, CHIMNEY PIECES, HEARTH, BUILDING STONES,&& Or any other work in their line ofbiuiiiesj- All orders from the country and city villi* thankfully received, and promptly aUendtito. and executed on short notice. ' MOORE b. LYMAN. nov 6 1)208—lm SILK, COTTON AND WQOLBN DYEh.M SCOURER, ] milANKFUL for past faVors, takes this methoi JL of informing his friends and the public in pi] ei-nl, that he continues th* above business at l old stand, corner of Bay-lane and Montgomer, Street, near the Baptist Church Square, wn^re.'l Leghorn, Chip und Straw Hats, are Dyed, i Pressed • White Chip, Leghorn and Straw Hat*, cleu stovod and pressed GcntlemeAs and Ladies Dresses oi all kinds i * and finished with dispatch Gentlemen’s Beaver ’ Hats cleaned, dyed, I and bound in superior style. IE?* Allorderi in his.way pun'ctudlly attendedl: N. B. Clothes left to be uyod or*6Pured,CM|( repaired on moderate terms, nov 6 207 \X Notice. rpO enable tho nssigne|s of Mr, Wjui*xi X her, to make at an early period a final d dend; itis requested tWjafl claims against hi be presented to tbeir nge/nt Mr. Thomas (i f tER, by the FIRST DAY OF JANUARYM otherwise they will be qebared; It is hopedli those indebted will see the necessity ot an immediate settlement. JAMES M’HENRlf, GEORGE RELPH, JOHN H. REID, Assignees of \V. TurSf‘4 nov 8 208 Custom House. POR TOF,SA VANN All I Surveyor’s Oto"k. I fllliE following sections of “ An Act to Kegula X the^ collection of duties on import* ana, to] nage,” uj e published for the information tl public, the law will be rigidly nnforeeA—the pll of ignorance in no ease will be recclveainfutul A. HUNTER, 1 Surveyor and Inspector of the R»» enW See. 43. And be it further enacted, that | proprietor, importer, or consignee, ft .all or I agent, who may receive said oertiiicate, s’■ on the safo or delivery of auy of tho said wines or teas, deliver to the purchaser ofp“«™ sers thereof, the certificate or carUflcaW,*“| ought to accompany the same, ou pain oi to 1 ing the sum of $60 for.eaob cask, chest, cuse, with which Buch nerllficate shall livered;—and if any casks, chests, vessels or scs, containing distilled spirits, wines or which by the foregoing provisions oug" 1 marked and accompanied with certificate!, he found in the possession of any person unsw named with such marks and certificates, 1 , he presumptive evidence that the same are * to forfeiture; and it shall ho lawful for any ® of the customs or of inspection to, sei* e ’ forfeited; and if upon the trial in conscrF” gpeh seizure, the owner orclnimnntof the wines or tons seized, shall not prove that in were imported into the United States accoro law, and the duties thereupon paid or « “1 they shall be adjudged to be forfeited. 1 Sec. 44 And "be it further enacted, Th« «'] sale of any cask, chest, Vessel or. cose, . been or shall be marked pursuant fo the pto” aforesaid, as containing distilled spiriWi teas and which has bpon emptied of its and prior to the delivery thereof to the F“ or any Femovai thereof, the pjWks r~ which shall have been set thereon b,.. . direction of any oflioer of inspection, faced and obliterated in the presence of so cer of inspection or of the customs, who s due notice being’glVen fifterid, for that r at which time the (certificate ’which oitgi» company such cask, chest; vessel or caser so be returnpd and cancelled I And eve who shall obliterate, counterfeit, niter any mark or number placed by nn on sijuction upon any cask, chest, vessel or toinlhg distilled spirits, wines or tea., or W tificatl thereof; > who shall sell« alienate or remove any enjk, chest, v*s» which has been emptiedoftfs content*, ® , mfcrks and numbers, set thereon P u ''* u j e f 3 t provisjons aforesaid, shajl have bcen obliterated, in presence of any, 0 ®®. cr c # 0 r/ tion as aforesaid; or who shall ne S}° apaD ' manner aforesaid, oh boing thereto rt^ }| an officer of inspection or of the custotos.^ each and every such offonee forfeit hundred dollars, with costs of stflK qov 6 PW*