Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, November 15, 1824, Image 4

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p5Sm© SMBS Acliiiiuistratctt* a sale. On IVeiinudit^ the first of December next, ’VX7U&J. lie sold at dieUto resilience of Allen W Dcmnaik, dcc'd, nil the jiersonal property of suitl-tier'd; consisting of 3 negroes, •! liend of horse?, one mule, Cnttle, Sheep, goats, and hogs, ami household and kitchen furniture.^ Also, 3 head Oxen one curry log* 1 silver watch, nnd tho present crop of corn and loddcr. Condi tions of sale Cash. ft. BURTON. Adm’r. Oct 11 IBP MARY DENMARK, Am’x Administrator’s srtlc, On tht first Tuesday in January next, rll.L be sold before the Court lluuso in tho YV City of Savannah, the following property heing the real estate of Andrew M’Lcun, laic .of Chatham County, dcc'd forthe benefitof the heirs and creditor*, pursuant to mi order of Court, i One trad of land, containing 800 acres adjoin ing lands of Francis Tufts,.laities Uasco, and Ma ry Slnues, known in .1 omnium nnd John Fox's tracts, about 1- miles from Savannah. One vaciltlt lot in tci burg, on Margarct-sl \ _ simple, situated in Ewens- avannah, known by No. -8. One Ditto, also fee simple, situated in do. and known by tin No. 21, with a dwelling house and other improvements thereon. One Lot In Rireborough, Liberty county. The purchasers giving bond nnd mortgage, pay able in one, two a ud tii i ce years,with interest from date und personal security. GKO. GI.EN, Oct 30 201 Adm'r cst. Andrew M'Lane. ’City Marshal'* Sales.- On the first Tuesday in December next, W ILL he sold in front of the CourtHouso be tween the usual hours, the following pro s' if the ground rent that is due is not paid be fore (lint day. Lot no. IP, Warren Ward, 60 by 90 feet, boun ty tot no. au,. south by St.'Julian street, west by warren Square, and north by Bryan si. re-entered upon as the property of the estate of Wm. Woodbridge for 4 quarters rent, Lot no. 22.Warren ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound ed cast by lot no. 21. south by Congress »t. west by Warretl Square and north by St. Julian street re-entered upon as the property of Geo. W M‘A1 i ncvQ, ftnd by tfonth Hroad-Mivct. ro^iv tercet upon ps the property of thu ttta* c; Tim ;. Gardner,for 4 quarters rent. Lot no. S, Jackson ward, 60 by DO tcet, bound ed east by lot no. 9, south by a lane, west by lot uo. 7, mid north by South Broad-st re-enter ed upon as the property of S. Wilkins, for four quarters rent. . . , Lot no. 10, Jackson Ward, 60 by 00 feet, boun ded onst by Whitaker-st. south by a lane, w est by lot no. 9, nnd north by South Broad-st. rc-cn- toredupon ns the property of T. N. Morel, for 6 quarters rent. " > Lots no. 14 and 16, Jackson ward, 60 by 90 feet each lot, bounded oast by lot no. 13, * south M‘Comh.strect, nnd Al" | t,y Orleans Square, west by lister, for 20 quarters rent. f nor n, py n fane, re-entered upon a< tho property Lot no. 1, Washington ward, 60 by 90 feet, 1 0 t"R, Habersham .for 4 quarters rent. hounded east by lot too* 2, south by a lane, west I Lots no. 17 aud 18, Jackson ward, 60 by 90 !>v Trice st. and north by Buy st. reentered upon f cet onc i, j 0 t ( bounded cost by lot no. 16, south us the property off W Woodbridge, for 4 quar- by perry-st. west by lot no, 19, and north by a *—-—* ■ • * —* * ,4 ‘ of p. 8. ters rent. Lot m>. 2, Washington ward „ , , . I lane, re-entered upon ns the property 60 by 1*0 teet, I p e p ) f 0 f. 8 quarsers rent each lot. LrOi no* if usiniijjiuii wuruj u i t ell, toro tjuJirMTS rciii rat bounded cast by lot no. 3, south by a lane, west j j.ot no. 19, Jackson ward. by lot no. 1, and north by Bay st. re-enteied upon de( j on5l \, y i ot no U f T M Woodbridge, for 4 quar- (ot no> ao,' an d north b; as the property of T tors rent. i ward, 60 by 90 feet, boun- , sbuth by Terry-st. west by Lot no. 16, Washington ward, 60 by 90 feet, rent> i by a lone, re-entered upon >0. ’ as the property of A* D. Abraliam, for 4 quarters Jilll HU. lUt IMUUIU^UU -J bounded east by lot no. 15, south by Bryan street. . , . wi west by Price st. and north by a lane, re-entered upon as the property of S Wilkins aud C C Coop-1 cr, for 4 quarters rent Lot no. 24, Washington ward, 60 by 90 feet, I wnt , bounded cast by lot no. 23, sonth by Congress st. Lots no. 21 and 22, Jackson ward, 60 by60 Lot go. 20, Jackson ward, 60 by 90 feet, boun ded east by lot no 19, south by Pcrry-st. west by Jefferson-st. and north by a lane, re-entered up- afGco. r on as the property of Geo. Glen, for 2 quarters Administrator’s sale. On the first Tuesday in December next. **•* 7 ILL he sold at the late residence 5 of Jacob YV Fateh, dob’d, late oftlie Coiinty of Bulloch; all t!ic personal property of said deceased, sold for ilir , ii : hobs and creditor* of said a ate. WM. DELOACH, Adm’r. JANE FUTCH, A !*•*»• oct 2 184 1 . * r i ■ Administrators sales. Oil the first Tuesday in December next, XT TILL he sold at the courthouse in thecoun* YV ty of Effingham. west by Price »t. and St. Julian st. re-en- fc rt cncb | 0 t, bounded cast by Orleans Squarc : tered upon as the property Of M E Barnard, for 4 I sou th by M’Douongh-sUeet, west by Jefferson-st quarters rent and north by Perry-street, re-entered upon as the Lot no. 36,-Washington ward, 60 hy 90 feet, I property 0 f E. Early, for 4 quarters rent, bounded cast by lot no. 34, sonth by Broughton st. west by lot no. 36, and north by a lane, re-en, Lot no. 29, Jackson ward, 60 by 90 feet, boun ded east by lot no. 30, south by a lane, west by tered upon as the proparty of Fanny Williams for I jefferson-st. and north by Hull st. re-entered up- 4 quarters rent. Lot no 62, Brown ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound ed east by lot no. —sonth by Liberty-st. ryest By lot no. 63, and north by a lane, re-entered up-1 f fc ( _ on as the property of A. 1. D’Lyon for 4 quarters | south rent- ... Lot no. 53, Brown ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound ed cast by lot no. 62, south by Liberty .st., west by lot no. 64, end north by a lane, re-entered upon _ 2 <r— — ■ on as the proporty of J. B. Bertkelot, for 4 quar ters rent, T ,> , s'i EORUIA, Chatham County—By the flou City jUtwSlUZKS ^ -j Vi" the-JOstlefi of the Tnferior Court, silting O N the first Tuesday in December, in ffOnt Q1 thu Court-House,between the usual hours, will be sold, tho following properly, if the luxes arc not paid: , , hot No. New Leeds, now known in the Ian of the. city as Oglethorpe ward, bounded cast jy West Broad-street, south by a vacant lot, west by lot — and north by lot No. !• levied on ns the tor ordinary purpose To all whom it tuny’ concern. Whereas, John Dillon administrator of Ed mond Dillon, late of Chatham county dec. has pe titioned the lion, court of ordinary,to be discharg ed irom his said administration. Now, these urn therefore to cite and ndmon lit EQUITY. In the 6th Circuit Ootm, U.,8. i District ok Georgia. | B. Shulls and C. Brcithnupt, Complainants .1 « . Bank of the State, of Beonrla, und others' dunts.—ttcrlorulory Decree.' V*" ^ A* P l ‘ es ? nt Court cannot proccodton XA-fnuil dpcri-o, but preparatory thereto u ish nil and singular the kindred and creditors of will order ami direct that a reference be hod 1 il..» nitlil ilrtii<sh.'»,l 4 lli* Ml* flinln nliiiiAlSStia t SI* nmr 1 itin Vniriciiin 4rx rmiu!i<ii r*««.l it. ** property of G. L. Cope, to satisfy his city taxes tor t j 10 all jj deceased, tile file their objuctiins (if any the veur 1821, 1822, 1S23, und 1824, amount tax I jj 1C y | 1BLV e,) to the granting of letters dismissory r 57 and cost the register, to require ami report the state oTn'p U counts between the M'Kinnesund the State Bank IV rlnShi* m —v • ■ l * Wlmrf lot No. 8, Washington ward, bounded coul . t hi petitioner, in the clerk’s office, of tho sniil upon the loan of $50,000, nnd by doing so it 0 ‘‘ rf, on or before tho 11th day of December next pears by agreement, tlie Bank Square was pled-, 1 ) No. No the property Isfy the city , und 1822, amount tax $99 nnd 'cost. Half lot No. 9. nnd buildings, Carpenters Row, A. D. 1824. juno 12 136 EORUIA, Clmthmu S. M. BOND, c c. and north by lot ino. leyiea an ns uie pi upn wu ■ uurDOscs. Thomas F. Maxham, to satisfy Ub city taxes ^ , lotto ..rtA lOOii imutnntrbir> I .. ffiuuum. vunumiu CoUIlty*—By tllO llOKl* i the Justices of the Inferior Court, sitting for the years 1823 and 1824, amountdue $15. An undivided half Lot No. 6, Hick’s Tything " . 7, south <1 may concern, nnd to report also upon-such other discounts n! tho compluimmts may insist upon as proper to b 0 made from tin- satno sura. e 2dly. '. rimt ho enquire and report the numVr of bridge bills uow actually out, with the ho|,W, thcrool, respectively, and such fuels tending to prove them honest mid bbna fide holders, thereof ffffAlt i nl#n iVio lp.9 OF ]igeM halilislif Whereas Robert Tayltir, udmlulsti’afor of Wm ^ jA.,t»|»mnrnmssmm«4*n-lfSTSf"?*• ry Lyons, to satisfy His city tax for the preseht t,on ' 1 year. Amount due $13 and cost. One negro man named Frank, levied on as the LlSnml' K. ove [fagt o egro i property of Thomas Wilson taxes for the these are therefore to cite and admonish 1 and singular the kindred nnd creditors of tho suld deceased, to file their objections, (if any they each case may severally suggest; also the sm m kon by the complainants or either of them at c north end of the bridge, from the time th#' southend passed into the hands of the defendants m'lliitlto iiirnnf /in !imr txntillA nfflnn. *1. • . * 1822, 18-3, and 18-1, befo ,4 lhe 8U , ny , of December next; otherwise ‘ "ti. . ,' tts 1 ', ro f er Tvihiiic I md*F*mr* H "> >"• I *2 &£&&* ° r “ ,bt "' ars 1821, amount tax $120 12. . Hnlf Lot No. 9 and buildings, Second Tything j Rcyiiolds ward, bounded imst by lot No. l«,sout i I witness the Honorable John J*. Williamson, i ..u nv ., i’nm Wi'ATTI “ lane levied on aV the property ofthe life estate of of B lh ® the neeossarv statements of accounts otheMnS’ • ' r, t.k,. .oti.fJiiia nitv tut fnr the vearx I ol ,“"”’3' U ‘ m ■* c co | raa tion, hi relationito the matters therein contain. $9Mr BtitJLTE, Esq Sir—Please to take notice, that punuantto C. D. Leby^ to satisfy his city tax for the years 1823 and 1824. Amount duo $25 80 and cost. I boun couth by Fort relation to Hie matters therein contain- cd, until the first Monday In Dcceipbdr next,tvhea mnu JOB4..iniOUlU UUI! .J-U ou omiwH. I . ,■ ■ .1 — ■■ ... I v-u, ussiii »Kov tuui.ui.j hi .l/ccuhjuit 116X1 AVI quarter of Wharf Lot No. 4, Trusteo Garden, I GUiUll A, Chatham county—Bv the hon. the I I shall proceed to cxutn'me und report thereon. Pled cast by half of said lot, west by lot 3, vT Justices ofthe Inferior Court tilling for ordi- I am your obd’t. serv’t. >y l Wayne, and north by Savmmnh I nary purposes. T "— 1 To all whom it by M’ upon as the property ofJ.H v Morel, tor 4 quarters rent each lot. Lot no. 37, Jackson ward, 60 by 90 loot, boun ded east by lot no south by a lane, w r est , , . . iio 3.-^ south by as the property of tl»e estate of Hugh M'Cali, for I int.uo. 36, aud north by Hull-street, re-entered 1 upon as the property ot Geo. Glen, for 4 quarters rent. Lot no. 60, Brown ward, 60 by 90feet, bound ed east bv Madlson-st. south by Liberiy-st. west I $14 60 and cost A building on the south east comer of lot letter \ n * | A, Darby ward) levied on as the property ot Jas. I W. Cannon, to satisfy his city tax forthe year “ 1823. Amount due $17 31, and cost. mnycoocern. < Wlierea* William Davies, administrators of Mar tha Johnson dec. has petitioned the hon. the court ] or ordinary to be disclit ministration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all | and singular the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to file their objections (If any they havo) | in the office of the clerk of the court oft . DEO. GLEN, Clerk. Savannah, 14Ih Oci. 1824. JD* Although it can be ascertained by the books nt of bridge ofthe Bridgo Compuny, what amount of kridw bills are nt this time unredeemed, yet it appeantj be necessary from the above decretal order, tin| the respective holders thereof Should also be Lot and building, Oglethorpe wnrd, bounded I In the office of the clerk oftlie court ofv.brtlidto-T quests J all>sUCh holders of bridge bills, t' make east by the estate ot Wayne’s lot, south by ry on or ^efore the seventh day of March next, 1 | { „ OW n to him by letter or otherwise, the amount lot, xvestby ajfttoe, and north by I othenvise letters dismissory will be granted th® I- j, 0 |d by them respectively, on or before tho it-t Screnus Mayers’ wlmrt’ lot; levied 6n as the pro-1 petitioner. .1 —.— —........c t—1- ei-j,. 1 Witness the lion. John P. Williamson, one oil known, The subscriber therefore respectfully re . Lot no. 47, Jackson wnrd, 60 by 90 feet, boun- Monday in November next, the better to enable perty of the estate of Jnuibs Clarke, Sen. to satis-1 Witness the lion. John P. Williamson, one °‘. j,jui to comply with the above order, fy-snld estate’s city tax for the year 1823. Amount the Justices of the snld Court, tins 7th day of ' HENKY SHULTZ b^lti by an order oblaineu from tuc non. me in- fenor Court ofjhe County 6f Effingham, for the Mu-fit oftlie heirs and creditors of the estate of mcl Hahn, late of said County dec. 4 JACOB GNANN, Junior. Administrator. re-entered upon as tha property of Wm. Scar-1 | u ( , 10 .26*, and north by a lane, re-entered upon Eumiiuc oct 2 184 uni brough, (or 4 quarters rent. Lot no. 6, New-Frauklin ward, 60 by 90 liounded east by lot no. 5, south by Bay st. west id north by lot no 9, fitie $15 and cost. . . A building on Telfair’s wharf lot, known as the l, y I (cn House : levied on as tlie property of Freder- ,nn 1 ick T’uder, to <satlsfy his city tax for the present September, A. D. 1824. sept 9 175 S.M. BOND, c c o c c. f . •* P~P«rty of C. II. Hayden, for 12 quarters Ainount duo $10 mid cost, •cei-1 rent. I* -I'.... by lot no. 7, arid north by ' 'Mi Administrato/s sale. . f . i Ilir 'ccmrM^use^ln the I nounaeueasi dv ioi no. o.souin oy County of Effingham, between the ^ ^ ep ^ toursofsaie. Two negroes a Fellow and a Wench, named Lima end Fanny. And also all the right .title «ud interest of Willinm Joseph Spencer, Uee’d, ot in nmi to a negro woman named Amy, and her son Tom, antHhe possession thereof. The nbove •old as the property of Wm. J. Spencer, dcc’d. by Ytrder of the lion, "the Judges ot the Court ol Or- Upon as tht property of ten rent. Lot no. 7, New-Franklin ward, 60 by 90 feet, bounded east by lot no. 6,south by Bay-si. west by West Broad-'st. and north by lot no. 8, re-en 1 terck upon as the property quarters rent. Lot Iio. 9, New-Franklin bounded east by lot no, ' west by lot no. 8, and 1 antered upon ns the property 4 quarters rent. Lot no. 10, New-Franklin ward, 60 by 90 feet, lo rs. Morels, for 8 quar-1 „ 0 . 44. (IU <1 north by Hull-street, re-entered up-1 (m( j nort j, Unv^ . , ,t Halt lot no. Sand building, trustee Garden, at- ry punotet. lot no. 45, Brown ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound- tached t 0 Washington ward,lounded east by Rey- To all whom it ntay concern 1 cd !?i "?;/ 1 . ,i • 3 . a . ut . l . , ^ ya . la " e ’_' V . v ?l'. y ..° I nold’s-st. sonth by lot no, 10, west by lot no. 7, | Whereas Linus 1*. Sago administrator c has iry to iship. t urn , .ot no. 46, Brown Ward, 60 hy 90 feet\ bound' ed east by lot no. 47, south by u lune, west by lot the years 1823 and 1824 I and cost. Lot letter R, and building, 0| .... — .7 ..v V, v n b rA.. I ,,n, i “ureri by lot no. 6.;, levied on os the property j Taylor, deceased, Has pi on os the properly ol the estate of L. konock,toi | n f Surtth Middleton, to satisfy her city taxes fori ble court of ordinary to be discharged from his Amount due $6 70, “ * ■ ‘ ' ward, I Hamburgh, Oct. 2Q, oct 29 200 ■ , 179 IflKpf f G EORGIA, Chnllium County—% the hmi. ihe |-*KU90NS indebted to tl~«tatc »[ Blws- Justices of the Inferior court sitting for ordtna-1 lt(h FM , nte of Chatham county, liecras. ed, are requested to make immediate payment to the subscriber, nnd those to whom the estate Is indebted qre requested to exhibit their demand, duly authenticated. J july 13 150 ■ - ppllcath . Sage ndmf deceased, has petifioned of Sprague I tlie honora- said ndniinlstrntinnship These are therefore to qite anil admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the (ifnndthcy 'or- noxt ismis- PETER SH1CK, Ex’r, will riel property of theesl. of John Course, for Lots Nos. 17 nnd 18, Franklin Ward, 60 by 90 ,1,,. rMmnlv nf FfWblm ibr the bene- boi:nde ‘ i eastbylotno. ll, south by lot no, 6, feet each, bounded east by Jefferson st. soutl (l,n to tlu » uni) ot i.lUnglKtin, lorine oene- j , >v |nt 0 * Jn , trt |, hv vnpnni i^i I a. 1... „■,! r fit of the hrirs and creditors Conditions made known 1 nov 9 209 y IS th b' nnd north property of F vied on us the property of Catharine E. Deveax,, ■ *" **““ '0 to satisfy her city takes for the year 1823 an, ;di Executor's sate, jjBr J- B. Herbert fy co- On the first Tuesday in December next, bounded cast by Montgomery-st. south by lot no, 4, west by lot no. 10, and north by vacant lots, re-entered upon as the property of Wm. Scar; brough,for 4 quarters rent. Eastern half Filature lot, bounded east by Lin roilicr of Lot No .thirteen Washington Ward,con i-'.ing of to 1 story, bouse, with a kitchen and ether nrcs-ary improvements being the property ofthe cst. of Susan nuh Mil|er, dec. Sold by permission oftlie II011. the Inferior Court of Chatham County 'and by order of the Ex’r for Vie benefit of the heirs of *aiu estate. Oct 2 181 ’ 57- Lots no. 29 and 30, Columbia ward, 60 by ‘J 111 by t.’nhin linker. Administrator's sale. On tlir first Tuesday in Dteember next. Will be sold in front of the Court House in this each lot bounded east by lot no. 31, south lane, west by Habersham st. an north by York street, re-entered upon as the. property of the es tate of F. Aikin, for 4 quarters rent each lot. Also lot No 14. Columbia wnrd, 60 by 90 feet, bounded east by lot No 13, south by State street, west by iot No 15 and north by a lane, re-enter- - of J.Di ed upon os the property quarters rent. ! Also Lot no. 16, Columbia ward, 60 by 90 feet, | bounded east west by lot no 60 by 90 feet boun ded east by lot No.30, South by a lane, west by IdtNo. 32, and north by Congress-st. re-entered upon as the. property ot Misses Minis, for 12 qrs. rent- , Lot No. 16, Franklin Ward, 60 by 90 feet,boun- Tryan-st. west re-entered up 2 qrs. rent. , Lots No. 7 and 8, Elbert Ward, 60 by 90 feist cachrthounded oust by lot No. 6,south by a lane, wost by West Broad-st. re-entered upon os the property of A Barclay, for 4 qrs. rent Bach lot. Lot No. 16, Elbert Ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound ed east by Jefferson-st. south hy llull-st. west by lot No, 16, and north by a lane, re-entered upOu avenport, for 8 a5 R, 0 property of Ann Bond, for4 qrs. rent. Lots No. 21 and 22, Elbert Ward, 60 by 90 feet, 1824. Amount due $27 and cost Lot no. 28 and building, Warren wnrd, bound cd east by Houston-st. south by a laqe, west by lot * ~ “ the the year of the Justices of the said Court this 13th day of I July, A. D. 1824. S. M. BOND, c c o. ‘ ' " 16P 1 July IT ^J^KORUiA, Chatham Cbunty- IVi INK months after date J. 1 made to the hon. Inferior court of the couaty of Uryau, for leave to sell all the real estate rt William Cubbedat deceased, to be sold for ito I benefit ofthe heirs and creditors. JOHN CUBBEDGE.^dm’i 1 , juno 17 138 Bryan County. TV! INK months after date application wilVR 'J.Y made to the hon. Inferior court of Liberty county, lor leave to sell the real and personal» tate of Lodowick Lard, luto of Tattnall cocon deceased, tor the benefit of the heirs and cn& tors. *. E. WAY, Adm’r. aug 31 $o!71 ‘|\TINE months alter date i shnll apply tp tit ll lion. Inferior court of Liberty county f« 1 Aon- the „o. it, HU Ml b, «.<• I XtarSM 1 ’** ^ ** '****’ ~ iiropt-rly ot a WbH.k (o ...Wv U. H may concern. tax/or the year 1824. Amountdue -pi- 1 -‘,1 Whereas Alexander JU. Taylor, administrator of . „ , And cost* - J t fils it ilpiMMtqpd liria nptitioned tlit honora-1 tOftve to sell tliO' roul and pcrsoniil property cl Building on lot no 32, Warren ward; levied on 3 1 » Justices of the Inferior court,to be dischar- WmL Baker, deceased, for the benefit of tto **“P r -°P* rty 0fBy0 0 lt o e . Fa Z‘,’n, gedfromhissaid administration. ' " ,! ““ x for tlie j car 1834. Amonnt due $ -5, | ;q ow tbfiS0 are ti, erc fore to cite nnd admonish all and singular, the kindred arid creditors of the suld deceased, to file their objections, (if any they 2 'Krvrrr "i” ’ 7'AT' 1 have) in the clerk’s office, of the court of ordinn-1 ± Y made to the hon. interior court oi uuiioq prqportv ot Jphn F. Du al, n, to ® y m ,a I ry, on or before the 6th day of December next; I county, when sitting for ordinary purpose!, !. a */ 0r t lC yCar Aroyunt u ® ’ j otherwise letters dismissory will be granted. | leave to sell all the reul and personal estate ofAI- Witness the honorable Edward Harden, one THOS. B. BAKER, Adm7. qpril 7 89 ■jVI INE months at'ter date application wiln I | J.Y made to the hon. Inferior court of Ku!loa| cost. r* .»■*• ^ * . ge% l./iimiioii I Yfimeos uic •nonoiarjitj ii«uworu tinruiui* our i ien UcnniArKs neci l;.h hv T.n,eriv.,*.'we S t d U d of the Justices of the said court, this 6th day of heirs nud creditors. personal Ien Denmark, deceased, for the benefit of tbt| cast bv vuennt lot, south by Liberty-st. west by I i lot no 53, and north by a lane ; levied on as the | ,,,^y |j ‘ \\ 106 S. M. BON’D, c co. property of A, 1. D’Lyon, to satisfy his ;city tax**.#—rr~n—, h——r for the year 1824. Amount due $7 60, and cost. /^EORGIA, Bulloch County—% the honora *— J, bounded east | V* ble the court nf ordinary of said county. * >• 15, Columbia ward, 60 by 90 feet, I eac h bounded east by Elbert square, south by Per- ' . /. J Savannah river s levied on by lot no 14, south by State street, ry .„. west by West Broad-st. aid north by 5l‘Do- X,erre of P e tefKoto to ^bfv hta c?W j 16, and north by a lane re-entered | nough-st. retentered upon as the property ot O. M. | Fn”L«« 1h2» ..nrl ’lfl24. Amonnt dui upon ns tbe property of O. J Cii\. at H o'rlo.-!.. All the personal property J upon as tbe property ofthe estate of Thos E LioydJ LHIm ridge, for4qrs. rent each lot. of Wm. Mayhcw, deceased. Consisting of a DWELLING HOUSE, On Lot No. 31, Liberty Ward and one ‘ 2,Je for four quarters rent Lot No. 24, Elbert Ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound- Wharf lot no. 3, Wmren wacd, bounded by lot no. 4, south by Bay-st. west by lot no. 2 ; ■ ■* ' * ’ "** ’ * ' asjbe j taxes t'or the years 1823 und 1824. Amonnt duo $25 and cost. tU To all whom it may concern Whereas Robert Burton, adiniuistrotorof the estate of Stephen Denmark deceased hath appli ed to the said Court for letters dismissory from said administration iN ROBERT BURTON, Adm’r. | MARY DENMARK, Adroi. fob 28 48 Bullock County INE months alter tho date hereof, appilSJ tion will be made to the Inferior wet mu sell all that lot or part nary.. . 1 of ground in the districts] on parfof Lot No. 2, Jekyll Tything , Tlarby Ward,and su ndrv C.l HP ENTERS TOOLS, ’ o? 1 ' Sold by order of the Administrators. ed east hv V r _-,_ -l gfi - r White Bluff, county of Cnatham} containing # acres, more or less,bounded northwardly and tut These are therefore to cite nnd admonish all I wardly by lands late John Poullcns, and JOiitl by lands of Williams, belonging to thed Boyd,- and to be soidfor the btetl d« “ ' Lot No. 30, Elbert ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound- Oct 22 bounded east by Price st. south bv York st. west 1 by lot no. 22, and north by President st. re-enter- rent. City Slier ill’s sales. O N the first Tuesday ir. Decembernext.willbe sold at the Court-House, between the usual "hours of 10 and 4 o’clock. All that lot and im Ward, in the City of .gage, levied on as the property of John Crane, to satisfy an execution in favor of Josiah Lawrence. Buildings on Quarter lot No. 35, Greene ward, | ! )0 “ n , ue “ "J ' 101 '* levied on as the property of George Ross, under hy lot no.30, and north W an execution in favor of Salma Manton. | u P“ n M tbe pr°pertyot B. noy6 207 JAS.W. SIMS, Dies. ed upon as tlie property of J Hills for 7 quarters | ters rent. ed east by lot No. 29, south by a luno, west by lot No. 31, and north by Perry-street, re-entered ,fs. •• ‘ ' upon as tjje property of S. M Bond, for 4 quar- Also’.otno. 25, Columbia ward, 60 by90 feet, bounded east by lot no. 26, south by a lane, west _ improvements No. 6, Liberty I by Lincoln st. and north by York ,t. re-entered J te^j mm.7as ihe'pri . of Savannah, subjeetto amort- “P° D “ lhe property of Steel White for 16 qu*r- shaw, M quarters rent ' - • - I firs rent. I Lot No. 24 L Liberty ward, 60 by 90 feet, bonn- ' Y< Lot No. 32, Elbert word^OO by 90 feet, bound ed east by lot No 31, sooth by a lune, west by West Broad-street, and uorth by Perry-st. rc-en- property oftlie estate of Wm. ters rent. „ _ warJMSSVtt 5 sa I S'wSSr I I Lots v no.21 and 22, and buildings, Liberty ward bounded east by Liberty Squure, south by York-st. west by West Broad-st. aud north byPres- idant-st. levied on bs the property of Martha Wilkins, to satisfy her city taxesfor "the yeur 1824. Amountdue $750,and costs. Buildings on south half of lot no, 40 ; levied on as tho property of Benjemin Sheftull,. to satisfy his city taxes for f .j years 1823 und 1824. A- mouot due $17 50; and costs. prescribed by dismissory w;ilt be granted the applicant. Witness tlie honorable Shepherd Williams, one of the Justices of snid court, this 3d June, 1824. ELY KENNEDY, c c o B c. june 4 132 and creditors of said estate. i ELIZABETH BOYD, Adm’t 124 ■ ■ j may 26 IlllE public is apprised, that the ( I EORGIA—Chatham County—to all whom r " „ has titles to one half of a 60 asre tract« land on While Bluff, adjoining his and to . _ I lately John Poullcu’s, now John Morrill’s, u»| it I for which the administratrix ofthe late John fiopl may concern. I now applies for leave to.sell us part of that eM> • ■ »Whereas Benedict Bourqnin has applied to tlie I —his titles ate of prior date and record- All Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Chatham I sons are forewarned not to purchase or tresf County, for letters of administration on the estate I on the premises. R. F. WILLIAMS Buildings on lot no. 24, Elert ward, levied on as | and effects of Richard Pclium late of Chatham | june 17 h—$t138 rent. Pouria, lor 4 quarters Sheriff’s sales. On the first Tuesday in December next, ~ A VTIJi be sold at the court house, in the city I ea u i Y V ofSavannuh, between the bouts <5f 10 and | tc ”' 4 o’clock. A negro woman named Ciller levied on as the property * " tions' Lot no.34, Columbia ward, 60by 90feet,boun ded east by lot no. 33, south by South Broad sj. west by lot no. 35, and north by a lane, re-enter ed upon os the property of Grant for two quar- upon as the property i quarters rent. . Lot No. 25, Liberty ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound- icd east by Jefferson-st. south by a lune, west by lot.No^2C, and north by York-st. re-entered upoii [ as the property of the estate of R. Mackey, for 4 quarters rent. Lot No. 27, Liberty ward, 60 by 90 feet bonn- Amount due $16 6, and costs. Buildings on lot no, 22, Elbert ward; levied on I as the property of Maria Lillihrige and children, ANN BECKj Adm’J. Lot no. 38, Columbia ward, 60 by 90 feet, boun-1 ded Vast by' iofGoV^, a lane,' west by I - f " th ® y * a " ..I onal l«r Inf nn fW7 cnilfh hv Kniriis Urno A C< I i I rtn _• 1 J X l. L.. xr 1. -x J _ I IBijUfUl 1824, A fTl OUHI Qllt j *f | D- « Tltr „„ „» . de.t east by lot no 37, south by South Broad st. I |., t No. 28,"and north by York-st. rc-ent -red upon troperiv ofPuul I.Vallotton, to satisfy two execu- w 'cstby lot no 39 and north by a lane, re-entered Us the property ot the estate of R. Mackey, tor 4 ions from a Justices Court in favor of William u P° n 08 property ol Ann ltodman, for 16 quar-1 quarters rent. ,Vniiams und Charles Gregory, for use of William , Lol ?,°;/! 1 I I d bC o ty "'“M • Pgory. Willlaius, returned to me by a'constable. The Miuthern half of lots No. 39 and 40 with i,otNo. 31, Libe ty ward, 60 by 90 feet, i>ound-1 . east by lot No. 30, south by a lane, west'by lot 7^ > 32, end north by York-st. re-entered upon ns 1 " u ,33 43, and costs. I singular the kindred and creditors of the said dec. : nf r.. i.. ve to sel i „n t i. e res l property. be-» •“ Buildings on west half of lot no. 6, Green ward; to file their .objections, (if any they have) to the , • y , u.. ,, stute of t i. e i a(e R e v. Jno. BeckM ° levied on as the property of Ann Belcher, to su- granting of tlie administration of tbe estate oftlie I t-vt-,, gft ij mnntv.'for the benefit dp ' tisfy her city taxes for the yeur* 1823 and 1824.— I said deceased to the applicant in the Clerk’s Office. I’ y , -rpditors } I ' * 1 ofthe said Court, on or before the nineteenth day tlie he,rs aUU ciea,lor *' of November next) otherwise letters of adminis- lf tration will be granted. * -—2 Witness the Hon. T. N Morel one of tbe Jus tices of the said Court, the 19th day of Octobfer A. I D. 1824. 3. M. B0ND,c c o: oct gO 193 Lot no. 4, Greene ward, 60 by 90 feet, bounded ° uu ....... v,, ... *. . , east by lot no. 3, south by a lane, west by Hous- | ,1111 the imnrovementsthereon in Elbert ward in tbe I ton *l re ®l> and north-by Uroughton street, re-en- j pmperty of the estate of John H Deubeil, for 12 City of Savannah, levied on as the property of I u I> on to* lhe property ol 1 M W oodbridge lor 1 quarters rent. - - — - ■ 4 quarters rent. 1 • u* «*-' •« Lot no. 18, Greene wnrd, 60 by 90 feet, bound ed cast by lot no. 17, soutli by President st. west by Greene square, and north by State st. re-enter Benjamin Sheftull, to satisfy an execution in fa vor of James Anderson &. co. ct.' nl. . Tlie following Seven Negroes, viz: Tena, Ester, Jacob, Sinali, Adam, Daplme und John, levied on •as the property of E'iaabcth Whiling, to satisfy an exccntion in favor of Willis II. Franklin, against Augustus F. Durkee, nnd others. knf^oUMte m rfiS CRy of Savannah, I w f Rl by fot "»■ 35 > a, ' d "fj, 1 by ■ re-enter-1 ed upon as the property of Samuel Wilkins, for 4 I P£" ty • ,a '” e * fnininpin the whole i ot ed upon as the property of M Doty, for 8 quarters num ters rent. rY L- , , . V' f 7 , tainlng^n trie^prile ^ *. T. I q n r«i«mW.w«*4. 6hhvflfifo«t.b«,',».l One third lot no. 22, Ewensburg, nowiknpwn'in i sat .... _ _ _ WS ed upon, ns the property of J’ Davenport, for 8 I Deuijell, for 12 quarters rent, quarters rent. . j. ... . I Lot no 36, Greene ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound " half lot of land I ed east hy Houston gt. south by South Broad st. I wes t by Lot No. 32, Liberty ward. 60 by 90 feet, bound- edeast bylot No. 31, squill by a lune, west'by West Broad-et. and north by York-st. re-entered upon as the property of the estate of John -H. ~ eubell, for 12 quarters rent. Lot No. 35, Liberty ward, 60 by 90 feet, bqun- ed east by lot No. 36, south by South Broud-st. •* lot" — 'mg' 1823anil 1824. Amount due,' $32 60, and costs A building on the south-east corner of lot no, 6, Heatlicote tything, Decker ward; levied on as s property of Phoebe Johnson, to satisfy Her ci- taxes for the years 1833 pnd 1824. Amount uc $3 6, and costs. A bnilding on lot no 26, Green ward ;)evied bn as the property of Jeannette Larousse, to satisfy her city taxes for the year 1824. Amount due $2 50, and costs. ' A small building on Mr. Stiles' lot, Indian-st. [VfUNE mouths alter dale, 1 shall apply <» .1 JL Y hon. the Inferior court of the county «.1 fingham, for leave to sell all the real'estia I (ringing to Solomon Gnann, dec. of which w' I cerned will take notice.^, ... I C t EORGIA Chatham Counly—I)$ the hon■ the I * Justices of the Inferior court silting for ordi- JOSHUA GNANN, adm’r. nary purposes. To all whom it may concern., ,■ Whereas Ricliurd " " * liam Shaw of ordinary 'IV'TN'E months olW date application wiiH made to the hon. the Inferior Coy rt otu« liam County, when setting for ordinary j* u 1101 ” ” No. 34, and north hy. a lane, re-enter- it' in Oglethorpe ward, containing in 67i feet in width, und 1074 f eet > n length, togeth or with the Jiouses und improvements upon the 4'ftid half lot, levied on os the property of Marga levied on os the property of tlie estate of Wm,' H. °‘ ora ! n ® 1 Joiner, to satisfy the cite raxes forthe year 1823.1 cutorship Amount due $6 62, anu costs. I these A small building on lot no. 6, west of Fahimst. a,, i* and north side of indiun-st. levied on its the^pro- .. , pefty of James Keys,- to satisfy his city tsBHw- for I have) m the office ot the clerk of the court of ■■ $7 and cosi line ui ... . "'voju, ““““'"i . One undivided fourtli of a tract ot * aad ’ are therefore to cite and admonish all tabling ubout 50«.aercs, ori Cumberland m 11cii* tha 1/iri/ii.Ail i..I #ima#1U/«m« /.I* tftw. I .. * /* a 1... Dlttm itF(i — ' • singular the kindred and creditors of the Camden County, known as,Plum OrchariH ,1 deceased, to file their objections (if any they j nn , uu divided fourth of a certain Tract - - |m * - - ‘about wj; Lot no. 40, Greene ward, 60 by 90 feet, bouhd- I cd east by East Broad st. south by .Soutli Broad st. Lot No. 6, Columbia ward, 60 by 90 feet, boun ded east by lot No. 7, south by a lane, west bj lot | | Nd. 6, ana north by Broaghton-sl. rc-entere up- i property of John Morel, for 4 quarters I the' plan of the city ns O; jamnuu iui, it:vuni on as ine property oi marga- ,77 , . ... . • , - — * iet ijims, and the legal Representatives of William I w ’ est by 30, an “ n( l r , l y a . uue r ’ , r , a * ent ?r on as ' 1* e P r 9| J.Hm.s dcc’d under a rule ahsolntc from the lion, ed upon as the property of the estate of Wm. At- rent. „ , v _ . aa p . u- L'uperior Court, in favor of James Roberts. I kerson, fur 8 quarters rent. I Lot No. 8, Columbia ward,60 by 90 feet, bowfid - - - 1 Lot no. 6, Greene ward, 00 by 90 feet, bounded er ] east by Price-st. south by a lane,west by lyt No. east liy Houston st. south by a lane, west by lot I 7, an d north by Broughton-st. re-entered upon as I _ ^ *'-uiKiingo no. 26, and north .by Broughton st. re-entered up- the property of Mrs. S. Drysdal, for two quar- VT » < V f ' e ' on as the property of th ; estate of Geo. Myeis, I ters mit. ' I M “ y ’ Tlie southern half rijf lot No. 10. Yamacraw,thc southnrn Iiulflot Nd. 38, Elbert Wnrd ; the south ern half lot No. 32, Elbert Ward i and also a tract of land in Jefferson County, containing 250 acres; southern half of lot No. 37, Liberty ward: Sold iis the property of the late William Shaw, dcc’d, under 11 decree of the hon. Superior Court of Chat- 1mm County. Conditions,’ a qpedit of one and two years—the purchaser giving bond and inort- I. D’LYON, s.c.c. jage on the property, nov 0 207 Sheriff’s sale?. On the first Tuesday in December next. ‘^j^'ILL be sold at the Court House in Riceboro’ lor 4 quarters rent. Lots no. 9 and ,10 Columbia ward, 60 by 90 Lot no. 6, Greene word,60 by 90 feet, bounded I feet each, bounded enstby Price-street, south by east by lotenO. 4, south by a lane, west lq 1 ' .. . ... d north b 7, and north by Broughton st, re-entcrei "“Wi rilson, and Ann Belcher^ for the property of J G 4 quarters rent. Lot no. 14, Greene ware,60 by 90 feet,bounded by lot no. Stute-st. west by lot no. U;und north by ft lane, d upon ns j re-entered u|)on as the property of R. Scott, for east by lot no. 19, south By lot no. 23, west by lot no. 27, and north by Margaret-st. levied onus the property of the estate of Mary Saunders, to satisfy t|.e city taxesfor the year 1824. Amount due $4 12, nnd costs. A Building pn the south east corner of lot no. 6, aid, levied or, as the property of 1 satisfy his city taxes for tlie year 1824, amount due $3 50 and cost. ' F. M. STONE, Marshal. nov 6 207 , „ . court of Uituated on said Island, containing about ordinary on or before the 13th day of January cr es, originally grunted to Geri. Lachlam; * vianown in 1 next-ensuing the date hereof, otherwise letters tosii, ond‘bounded on the south by the sail * ie^warii,bounded I dismissory will be granted to the petitioner. rent. 4 quarter Lot no. 13, Columbia ward, 60 by 90 feet; | -iberty county, between tlie usual hours of iulo. the following property, via: One irftet ol lnml containing one hundred acres more or less, bounded on the north by iands ofB. Moil, Sour, on the east, by lunds of Mrs Dreggrirs, and 011 all other sides by vacant land, levied on the property of John Shepard, Senr. to satisfy sundry executions in favor, of John Stundly and others, and tftrned over to me by a constable. Also, one tract of land containing two hundred an cs, more or less, lying on the waters of Beards Creek, levied on us the property of Vinson Strick- hmd, to satisfy an execution in favor, of , Elijah Yadgctt and turned to uic by a Constable. 1 : Ei WAY^.t.c. 20t fllHE nndefsighed commiitee will receive pro- J pr/sals for.kecping in repair the city Clock, until tlie first meeting of Council in January next; __ j t t ... proposals tor the.same will be.left with either of lot no' 13, .and north by a lane, re-entered upon us I upon as thq properly ot J. Davenport, for four I the undersigned. GE.ORGE SI1ICK, the property of Mary S Atkerson, for 8 quarter* 1 quarters rent, 1 , F. M. STONE, c. M . nov 8 207 ... bound 'd east by Ilabersham-st.soutii^y S'ateist. cast by tot no. 15, south hy Slate street, west by. west by lot no 14, and north by alane, re-enter- rent. I ytno. 16, Greene ward, 60 by 90 feet, bi ed east by East Broad st. south by State st. 90 feel, bound- west sept 18 J. B GAUDRY, J. C. HABERSHAM. by lot no. 15; and north by a lane, re-entered up on as the property of Ann Harman, for 4 quarter? ■rent. ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in De-1 r next, in front of the Cou^t House, Lot no. 2, Warren ward, 60 by 9Q feet, bounded | posed by council are not paid, the following pro- V V a " g st by lot no. 3, south by a lane west by lot no. l.perty: the hens and fnrdrtors. Willian Hotchstrasses, deceased, for the benefit of and north by bay st. re-entered upon as tlie pro- Two small buldings pn the west hulf of lot let- pertyofthe,cstateofWm.Wpodbridge,for4 quar- ter H. Oglethorpe ward, bounded eust by eust ters rent. | half of said lot, w'e Lot no. 3, Warren ward, 60 by 90 feqt nov 6' 206 JAMES MOfeRISON, Ad’ipr. Witness tlie honorable Thomas 'N. Morel, one . Alg0 a ww cauea i.u of the Justices of the said Court, this 13th day of Oeeechee Road, 3 miles July, A. D. 1824. S. M. BOND, c c o 1 • 6 ■ july 13 160 . , . Orelmrd Tract. . <V|| Also, a tract called Lottery Hill situate 0 I - ~ ' “ 'les from Savannah, con^j ing about 600 acres. N. J. BAYARD, t i EORGIA Clmtham county—By the hon. Hit ■ Justices ofthe Inferior court of Chatham coun ty sitting for ordinary purposes. To nil whom It may concern. Whereas William Davies administrator of Ja may 20 211 Adm,r est. N. LL persons having any demftfws the estate rif Francis JalmeaU, d nre requested to deliver them in property .. i> v* — v. ■ on oi' lisforp tli0’fi • diiy of Oct* next* cob Franklin jjfeal dec. has petitioned the hon ; | CO untsnot.brought forward before that court of Ordinary tri be discharged from his said L e re f U sed payment by the undersiepedex^" administration. . ^VM. GAai u - WfML .... . March next, otherwise letters dismissory will be granted the petitioner. Witness the honorable John P. Williamson,, one of the JiiBtices of said Court this 7th day of | September, A. D. 1024. S. M. BOND, c c o c c. Sep A, 165 W.H. AIARTIN, east by lot no, 4, south hy a lane, west by ..i -v 2, and nqrth by liny street, re-entered upon as the property of A Hunter, for 8 quarters rent. Lot no 7, Jackson ward, 60 by 90'feet, bound icast byJot r *— • t - u — i '-- ' half of saidlot, west by a lane, north by Zubley-1 i._„ i„.„ , . .. pt,bounded street, nmi soritli by lot letter F. levied on as the r _i' v Wadsworth in the f i' 1 -’ thy lrit no. property ofMary Garnett, to satisfy 9 executions * J ° ,n ,®' £.TfttbPenn‘ nnnn.n.flm I jssu'ed bj, lhe mayor of the city, against Mary I nes8 ’ ‘- n Ul - P - L - whic -“ W,U heieattor be eon- Garnett tor entertaining negroes on Sundays, and ... retailing liqbor without having a licence ""T-ltb by a ljne, wtfSt by 1.9»t mount of fmes, $270, und cost. • J • * 1 nov 0 M " ^NE, Marelud, A- ducted under tlie firm of BLISS 4- WADSWORTJf. ELIAS BLISS, obt M »'**' TV INE months after date application'will he I I* made to the Iron- Inferior court of Chatham j - July 1? county,for leave to sell all that lot in Savannah ■ uiuiy *y 1 y; - j . ||.q A LL 'persons havlng ^ an J a ““ 3 . JA tate ofthe late ] ‘ u ? b C a , m „ nt aVidll' 1 . **^questocl to bind (hem Taforimyn ■ > g (lehted to said estate win rdeas^ ■ late nuvment. THUS. M CALL, jpif in diate payment. T. BRASCH, known by the No. 1, Ellis square, Decker ward, with the improvements thereon : rind all thut lot W 1 INE months ufter dute, l shnn a l l l^ n ly,1 hon. Inferior court of ClinUiam in Savannafi known by tho No, 23, in Liberty I L cav l f 1 to mfiim! 1 Mclntosli, deceased, |or ward, with, the buildings thereon,’ being , reul estate of John Smith, deceused, for tlie bene- benefit ol the a. 0. M’lNTOS^^ FREDERICK HERB, Adm’r. | ^ Q fit of the heir*. «*M 00