Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, November 16, 1824, Image 2

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MC.3Wl>nC.tW. FREDERICK S. FELL, CITY PRINTER. DAILY TAPER KIOllT DOLLARS TF.R ANSUM. Country taper six dollars per ann'um. 'payable is advance. 0_j All nows and now m both papers.pO oincnlsjipponrjln •TUF.SDA'- EVENING, Novembixlp, 1884 The City Council of our City lmve pas sed an ordinance fixing the compensation of the City Treasurer at $000 per annum, and fees; the City Marshal, $000 per an num, and fees; tjie Clerk of Council $400 per annum, and fees; the Kteper of the Powder Magazine, 12 1-2 cts. for odch E-g of 2(5 His. placed in the Magazine,! Covered his spirit, how the squadron cud 0 I - i cents lor each Keg of2$ Ihs. on has left his waters. He has nnnounced delivery. We shall publish it to-inof- tlidif he will make war upon Sardinia tow. . within one month from the 8th of Septem ber, unless that country pay to him the full amount of the tribute which he had Tim OPE \N NEWS. | short time. A wife and six small children | 'We find the follow,n S Euvo,,can news *idorc the sudden anti melancholy exit; , . . .. . ot tins untortunote man.—trank. Un ix the Advocate; winch is evidently ol a later date than vve luivc before received— the paper docs not say bow it was obtain ed^ ' • We think that CharlesX.kingofFrnncc conuneuccs bis reign auspiciously. The following decree takes off the censorship of the press, a prudent and liberal mea* surfit v«*W . " -a.- - y ;*CnAKtE9, etc. “ Not judging it necessary to maintain foru longer period the mensuro which w*hs adopted under different circumstances, against abuses of the liberty of the Jour- nals; r y ’ “ The ordonnance of the loth of Au gust Inst which recalled into vigour the laws of. March 31,1820, and July 26,1821 shall cease to have its effect.” His highness the Dey of Algiers, has ’OUT OF SAVANNAH. G ECUGIA LEG 1SLATURE. "We are indebted to the politeness of a gentleman, who arrived yesterday, from the scat Of government, for some informa-1 tion, of which the failure ol the mail on Saturday, deprived us. The election for Major General, and three Brigadiers, had taken place. The following is the result:— John A. Ilcavd, of Elbert, Major Gen eral, hire General Thompson, removed. W. W. Montgomery, of Richmond, Brigadier General, in tho place of Gen. Glascock, resigned. A. Abercrombie, Brigadier General, vice General Irwin, deceased. Major Dnwson, Brigadier General, in the room of General Beall, removed. Judge Clayton, in the place of Judge Charlton, resigned and J.. Caiftnk, Esq. in the place of Col. Ware, deceased, wore LATENKWS.^ HT By the last sailing sloop Falcon, Cnpt. .. ., _ Cnir.s, arrived lust evening in the short passage of j t,1C UO hours fr->m NeW-York, vve have recciv-d the National Advocate of .Thursday last, containing Philadelphia dates olthc 9th lost. ;Bab ration to Holland, with an injunction to sepernte herself from an alliance with Spain within throe months. He lias dt- timnre, Boston,and Salem dates of the 8th; Port- olared without restriction against Spain, land of the 0th and Providence of the 4th. I The Hutch Admiral commanding in the T11E ELECTORAL VOTE of the Baltic has notified the Spanish govorn- Snuc of New York still remains undccid- ment, that he cannot extend his protec- ed. “Tbe state of parties, in the Lcgisla- tion to Spanish subjects, in case of an at turc, as near as we can ascertain, (says the tack from the Algiers. A squadron of 12 Advocate of the 11th inst.) is as follows:- Grateford 70, Adams 40, Clay 30, Jack-* &on, ifcc. about 18. This is placing the strength of Mr. Crawford in the weakest light—he lias more votes. At the first emucus, although broke in upon b}' men opposed to regular nomination, the friends of Mr. Crawford presented an electoral ticket, on which were Clay men, corres ponding with bis strength in the house. This was done, not only because it was solicited, but there was nothing in it in- vessels, well armed and equipped, were at Algerines,ready for sen on the 8th of Sept. It is bad policy to threaten Algiers with out pinching them a little. The late move ment of the British government, was very inexpedient. The Algiers will become insufferable unless checked. It is stated at Bordeaux, that 'a courier has brought uews frotn Spam of the arri vol at Majorca of a Russion squadron of 25,000 men, from which am officer was despatched to Madrid. A treaty nmy have been secretly made compatible with the character of republi- between lltissia and Spain for the surren- cans. The friends of Mr. Clay demand der of the Balaiic Islands, but we doubt ed more; nay, they went further; aud | whether they can carry it into execution, though not one fourth of the strength of both houses, they wade up an entire Clay j the most cheering, ticket, and presented it to the caucus, where it was rejected. At the caucus, on from Greece dontinues to be The’ reaction occa- Aiuuvcn. Ship .Tomes. Suitor, Portsmouth, N. II. 15 days, to the inn.Mer. Sloop Elciinor, Dean's, Darlwj, 2 days, to the master. ’ •' „ , Sloop Falcon, Gibbs, 9(5 hours from Now-lork —cargo to tho master, Pa-sengers, Messrs Santis, WlthlngtoB, Gamer and Son, and 9 in tho steer age. Steam boat Georgia, Dubois, 3 days from Au gusta, with boats Nos Si and 17 in tow, 977 Bales Cotton and other merchandize to, l’once .Mc Kenzie, B Burroughs, S B Parkman, G B Lamar, Geo Gordon, W Gaston, Peterson, Hammond V co. Cummins G'vathmby, K Campbell, 1* Hill, J W Long, T Butler &. co, and others. Passengers, Messrs Brown & Campbell. or rou 4hib port, At Ncw-York, 11th inst. ship Oglethorpe. Jnyno, to sail with despatch! ship Augusta, Vandyke, to soil on the 13th inst. [By the Falcon.] NEW V ORK, Nov! 11.—Cleared, ships Hanni bal, Wutkinson, S. America ; William, Robinson, Fork;• ’America, Pray, N. Orleuni. Arr. brig Adams, Thomas, of Thomnstown,’ 20 davs from Antigua, with rum and molasses. i’ORTLAND. Nov. 6.—Arr. brig Abeonu, Lew is, fin Turks Island Cleared, brigs .Susan Jane, Ndrris, Havana appointed Trustees of the University of Herald, Prince, do. Georgia. | Sailed, brig* William, $!or*e, Port-tfu-Prince ; Dr. Waddell, hfts resigned the Presi dency of that institution, but has consen ted to remain until a successor was ap- j pointed. For New-York, (ESTA II K TS IT F, I) T, T N F.) The regular packet ship S A V A N N A H, 117?t. Jieebdt Mastefi Will have iip,mediate despatch. For freight or passu e, having elegant accommoda tions, apply to ('apt. B. on board, at Joimtipper wharf, or to HALL &. HOYT., liov 1(1 214 Consignees of Goptls per ship Savannah, A RE requested to (tttond and receive their JA, goods, THIS DAY, at Jones’’Upper Wharf, nov 1ft 214 The Subscribers, HAVE COMMENCED THE FACTORAGE and COMMISSION , .. BUSINESS, ‘ '■ UNDER THE FlhM OF , 1 , . J, ■Johnston & Mackay. T HEIR Counting Room is in Johnston’s Buil dings. JAMES R. JOHNSTON,. W. MACKAY. nov 1ft , , ti.14 ' Justr Received,; >" v ° . i Per ship Savannah ;X/A HALF bbls Fulton market Beef. Ji\j 10 bbls YassaraAle 25 firkins Goshen Butter . For ?r nov Just received, hrfrbarrela fresh Btiok Wheat *r., : to halt do. F. M. Beef 12 do fresh Crackers It) kegs superior Butter 2.0 bbls fresh Flour 10 half bbls do » ’*• — . „ J lowder atid lmpenapfj This )/car's Importation. ■ \ n(f\ten cuttys Gunpowder JLvr*/ 50 do Imperial llcuelved'pSr Clifford Wavne—fo r ,.i„ v I 1)1 >v a J- B. 11 ttftBEHT John T. TtoiVjaiidT /JONT1NUF.S to do Imsims In Jlni.sJ frien cy business g ■Reindeer, Gray, Dcinurara. SALEM, Noy, Arr. brig Plonebr, Ward, 63 dr fm Rid Janeiro. NnVnde f!ir llo.ur at Rio at any price, and large quantities of grain from Europe on hand, besides n grent deal of flour fm the IT. S. It was supposed at ltio that there Was about 40,- 000 bids flour"at Buenos Ayres when the Pioneer 25 kegs fresh Lard [ For sale by nov 16 1214 GAUDRY& HERBERT. Windsor Soap. 20Q BOXES Common Windsor Shaving On the* subject of Internal Improve- I tailed. Advices from Baidu quoted flour nominal ov 1(1 ment, we are-gratified to hear, the .best 1 “ “ "" ** feelings existed in both branches of the Legislature—and a disposition was mani fested to make alibcral provision for that object. It was expected that a bill would be introduced at an early period, provi ding, for the appointment of a Topograph ical Engineer, and perhaps a Board of Public Works. SU.iP. 'Justrccelved and (hrsale by: LAY St HENDRICKSON, 214 ahadhi BitUf i 4 SMALL quuntity of ver>' fuporlpr TOW, suitable for wadding; just recclvad and for at 7 mUlreas on shore; sales have been mude. at that. Brig Jeremiah, Endlcott, (Inte Duncan, who re mained behind) from Cronstudt, and 45 ds fm El linear. BOSTON, Nov. 8.—Arr. brig Cipher, Howes, 40 ds fm Copenhagen. - . , Umuttvay during the last week, ' -A N EGHOWomnb named EfiSY; 6|ie Is ulall is a to*! sale by nov 16 To Sportsmen. ntlty of very sup adding; Just rece LAY S. HENDRICKSON, .“214 Shad') Buildindt. 9. )* Id* serviciVl Iri'uul-- unit the public, Iu the ti'au-.iioUmf/- T isiucss generally. ' *J Of-t 2 tP-U184 Whiskey, &c. Landing from on board flic Julius andfor Sale, 20 ”'®M. | PM,rye WhiskeI lo hluls St Crols an 5 bbls Loaf Sugar 5 casesBlb.cministcrsGimp 0 u,i I Oct 28 || “199 PONCE It APK-p\^l JYegro Nhoes, Moldsseslji OAIIfj •/W'kgro shoSsBI 109o do Brogan do 600 do lined and hound do 150 do womens do do ■ 30 hints New Orleans Mold 20 do superior St Croix & 50 do common do dol P s -, 42 .i»ch Cotton ik, cask* Nails, assorted CO bbls Gin _ , Tons Swedes Iron, o For sale on reasonable terms by "■'V(i OjutAV Ti, Ko. 3 Mackaifcl. York fmSt Domlngo. in distress for water; )md | A been 14 ds on the coast. • I -f*- black woman Betow, ship Gen l’ikc, Townc, St Ubes; brig thick white skin or William, 60 ds fm do. left eyo, by winch she cohneRbe mlitaken'. AU *"“ w " . , , J PROVIDENCE, Nov. 4.--Arr. ship Union, 70 persons are pafficularly warned ngalast employ in regard to tne vote of tho electors of I Ivica. 1 * n 3 or IwirboiiAte ^aUl Wench under the penalty of 100 ,,ov 6 m207 Smith'i Builds For Sale, yQ HAMPERS POTATOES nov 6 207 shined by the enpture and massacre at Ipsara has been powerful. At, „ | “The Aiigsburg Gazette of the 23d .of ^Ionday cveumg, (0 or 72 attended-the ^ state3 f tlmt S a pacUe t which left Cor- Clay nier.vvere.strickca from the ticket, I f u on t jj e 2d,arrived at Triestonthe 1-itlu run 1 auentire Crawford ticket rtjade out;jit. was immediately rumoured that the and ah attempt was probably made to elect j Greeks had blown ^ up^ the vessel ofthe it yesterday. We rather think it has, or will' succeed; but it is evident, that if .neither side recede, that no electors will be chosen." ' - - • AVe are by no means satisfied, that this state should lose its electoral vote, al though that vote will be given in the house of representatives. We have always found Captain Pacha. As the letters from Cor fu were not then distributed, thi& intelli gence rests merely upon the . assertion of a passenger, who stated, that an English vessel which had arrived at Corfu from Missolonglii. had announced that Canaris had fulfilled the oath which he took previ ous to his departure from Hydra, and had blown up the admiral’s vessel with the Captain Pacha on bopd. It is added i 1 that Canaris perished in the attempt-— traight forwdra, decisive course, the thus faUing a hi3 own patriotism. fec.'t; the most correct; and, eventually, The Greeks are filled with joy at this news, the most successful. The combined efforts which promises freBh glory to their coun- ?o prostrate the democratic party call for energy and promptness. We hope, there fore, that the friends of Mr. Crawford Will be firm, and do their duty as republi cans.” - State Canvas.—The Advocate says “the majority for Clinton will not be short of 20,000. Its awful—a new generation has sprung up since the last election. Our troops will go into winter quarters,, and hf Hydra-resisted eight figure, lie would prepare for the next campaign. Wo shall (cut ofhishead. There is no doubt that tr 7- There is every reason to believe that the above is true. An account from Cor fu mentions a naval action between the two squadrons. The Greeks had captured 29 gun boats, 2 brigs, 2 corvettes, and a | frigate. The expedition from Egypt had arriv ed off Rhodes, under the command of the son of Mehqmed Ali, who told his son that this state, for Vice president, nothing cer tain was ascertained—the opinion appear ed to be in favor of N. Macon, of North Carolina. Nothing of general importance, had been acted on, the elections having ab sorbed tiie time of the Legislature. As these however had been concluded, it was expected that the business in preparation, would be acted on at an-early period. The application from the Corporation of this city, for leave to issue change bills, had beem rejected. The bill for the pardon of Hall, now un der sentence of death, in thojail of Chat ham County, had passed the House of Representatives, and had been twice read in Senate.—Georgian. From thc New York Statesman.- LAWYERS. • There arc, at present, six law schpols in the United States. When we reflect upon the number of young men at these schools and under the tuition of private gentlemen, if we do not know that one half must ultimately want success, we should exclaim with him of old, “of strife there is no end.” So numerous is the profession, at thi$ time, and so great is the competition, that a young lawyer’s pfospect is well compared td a contingent remainder, requiring a particular estate to suport it.. In this city, we have, it is estimated from three to five hundred law- PH1LADF.I.PH1A, Nov. 9.—Below, ililp Fac tor, Sbeitil, 107'days fm Cnlcutta; ship Balire, Wilds, 50 days fm Gibraltar; Also, a ship und full rigged brig. Cleared, brigs Washington, Colburn, St Domin go City; Buck. Hutciiingon, Cape Hayden. BALTIMORE, Nov. 8—Cleared, ship Catha rine, Sugemubl, Rio' Janeiro; brigs Rosannu,Wos- ton, Kingston; Jam.; Alfred, Oliver, N. Orleans ; schr United States, Fish, Porto Rico. Art*, schr Fame, Taylor, 14 ds fm Havann. JOl'l&'y.UEIDSiC am ©Wffiisn _ pHE undersigned havo resumed their ira., ,, on ' , , , , X at their old stand, In Bull street, opn 'We rewurd willbc pa d for her npprehen- j„dge Cuyler’s House, nndjvlll execute or4 delivery to tbe subscriber in Savannah. Ltho ncatustmaunerforMaAle 1 t .oil mo a Him ht 1 ^..... a prosecution A'snit [ slon mid nov 16 a‘214 JOJS. S. PELOT. MONUMENTS, TOMB TABLES^ HEAD STONES, PAINT STONES, CHIMNEY PIECES, SEMI-MONTHLY Milium S UBSCRIBERS to, the above) parties are in „ , formed that the first Assembly will take place I ed under his Instructions, he will receive a liberal v. rnrrrrt n r* n irrer/t 1 I ^ ..ntnmuwrn Ceivcd, nnd hopes, thut from his knowledge, und experience In his profession, and the attention he pledges himself to puy to those who may bn p|uc-1 THIS EVENING. For their tickets of admission they will plense ap ply to Mr. Lege, or at the Bookstore ofW. T. Williams’. nov 16 a212 ] Postpoued Sule. The Pews In the Lutheran Church will be rent ed for one yenr, on FRIDAY, 19th Inst, at 11 I o’clock, precisely. CALVIN BAKER, Auct’r. nov 15 213 Terms on the day of sale.. shnre of public patronage., PIANO FORTES tuned at the I shortest notice. . nov 10 t.214 > HENRY U BRASCH. North Side of Market Square. A NEW ,STORE has been opened next dporto J. U MKcnsit') lint Story, Market Square, where a few JS» received by the schr. Robert Burns, and for sale, Anplv in 11211 PONCE It M’fCENZtfc. I Haxall’s Hichniond iSuperiine FLOUR. 300 SS, nov 12 l||211 PONCE & 'M’Kl-INZltv Savannah Female Asylum. A N Election for qi Matron to this institution, I will take place atihu Asylum House on the first meeting iu February. Application for the above to be handed in, to the subscriber. By order of the board, J5. M. LLOYD, Sec’ry. nov IS 211 yers, and the greater part particularly the most honorable nnd celebrated, are most | ready‘9 je genteely poor. Taking the profession as a body, there is no calling in tho commu nity, in which the expenditures beats so great a proportion to the receipts. No 1 j\ ew Maclicpel, lllim, liUrd, &»C man aquainted with the situation of tho | ^ ^ Boston Rmn X ceive Rice to beiijt on Toll, at the ctislomn- " I rj“rutes. Apply to William Kilpatrick at the l_ 1 Plant ution or to JACOB READ, nov 11 pJ210 fan them in 1826.” CANTER AC KILLED! years of age, 37 inches high, and weighs 34 pounds. Well executed counterfeit $1 hills ofthe | the vicoroy has spies in his pay in Greece. Dramatic Curiosity.—Mr. Stevens, the The following confirmation of the de- j Dwarf, who has been exhibited in New feu; of Cariterachas been received at New York, was to perform Tom Thumb at the York, ill a fetter dated Porto Cnbelio, 18th | Park Theatre on Friday last. He is 21 October. “ VVe yesterday received news from Pe ru.- Bolivar und Canterac have met and hmi u general action, in which the latter I State Bank of New Jersey were in citcu- wai killed and his army routed. Bolivar latiouin New York, hud lo,000 men, and lost 6000 in killed A- white Bear has lately been killed on and wounded. He has possession of the Susquehannah, with tliick soft fur und Lima and Callao—he drives all before j l° n 6 e ^ Ta - him.” J Franklin, (Miso.) Oct. 2.—Santa Fe. vanu touta |A- part of the company that proceeded m, i- , I from this place to Santa Fc'last spring, Fne ship Falcon arrived at Philadel- I merchandize, returned here on the fcl>i i, on the 9th inst. 107 days from Cal- 24th ult. They have been absent a few ctiitd The prosj man aquainted witn tne situation ot tne l a | , 'fc RARRF.LS Bost 0 n Rum profession would take the receipts and j 25kcgg Buttm-(frnsh) -the expenditures for thousands of dollnrs. But it is the broad road to destruction, in which many, vfery many,, go down to the gates of death, before attaining the ob jects of their juvenile ambition. COMMERCIAL. Elegant & clioice Perfumery, &c equence. , . . . I riYHE Subscribers have received prbrig* Ann. i Ragging—A considerablesale by private X Schooner IhtrepliT and ship Cokalr, afresh , has iieeiimade at -94 cts. Hemp yd. 2D a| SU pj,]y of Choice I’erfiimery, consisting of brings the following information. d »7 8 over four months, have enjoyed ex- ct of its eaily termination, The the Mexicans, and were successful. A E; it i<li army had been "drawn from Chit-1 company, of twenty-five separated from tagong, for the purpose of a general junc-1 w aggons, 200 miles this side of Santa „• ce „ . ,'..5 Fe, and arrived there in sixty days* from turn <>l forces m Rangoon, which they t0W0| waggon8 in days. euccceded in capturing.--Rangoon is the We published in this paper last month principal port of the Birman Empire, has that the Indians stole 50 horses and mules from 30 to 40,000 inhabitants, and con- fi om the company, on the Arkansas. (By the Falcon.] NEW-YORK, Nov. 11 . Review of tiil Maiiket. From Ihe Shipping and Commercial List. ■Coal A cargo of. 160 tons Liverpool arrived since our last, has been sold at $16. The retail price continues at $17. Liverpool,chub 16; Scotch —; Virginia, 1.0 a 12. ' • 1 Coffee.—The raaricet has exhibited some nn'mia- tu>n’since onr last notice. _About 1000 bogs St Domingo have been sold at 15J <ents, 4 months, and about 600 bags at 16J cents, cash.. . In other descriptions there have been no transactions of u- ny consequence Colton Contract 21; Flax, 17 a 18. Cotton.—'Our market continues in the same in active state as noticed in our last publication, There is no demand tor .export; ana 1 the few transactions that take place, arc with the l.nanufac- i urers. A lot of 60 bales prime old crop Georgia, las been sold at 15J cts. 4 montlis; 40 bides, liew’ crop.ct IS cts.90 days; aboutOO bales Alabama at 15 cts. cash; and 20 bales at 14J cts. Our quota tions for Sea Islands are nominal. Wo have va- ried our rates ar little< Tbc import, sineo our last, amounts to 1871 bales, viz fm N. Orleans 26; Flo rida 3Georgia 838; S,. Carolina 770.; 1$. Caro- linaOP; Virginia 161; Curacoa4. Total since 1st 6fov. 2077 bides, Export from 1st to 0th Noy. 954bales. Sea isKnd, lb. 24 a 28; Upland, fej a 15i; N. Orleans, 15 a 174; Alabama, 134 “ l&4l Tcnnntsec, 13 a 14. Ace—Tne demand is confined to small lots 26 keg* new Leaf Ldrd 2ft barrels No 1 Mackerel ’ 60 do No 2 do 100 do No 3 dp Fresh nnd swim 80 half do No 1 do ing 20 days since ' 30 lialfdo No 2 do 30 half do No 3 _ do 600 reams, sipglejjloublc sfee and iron, mon- ] gers Wrapping Paper 1000 reams Cap, Pot and Letter Paper 100’packages Glass, of all descriptions 30 boxes Windsor Glass 100 KcgsDiipdnt’snnd Chelmsford Gunpowder 2 eases Playing Cards 10 cases Wliittcmores No 10 Cotton Cards 100 boxerNo 1 Soap \.. 100 dp ' smoked Herrings Landing from schr,Lnnrel,.and' ship Chariot and I for sale on .accoiiliriodrtting terms by- ROBERT S. GOFF. nov 13 • m2I2 NOTICE. T HE subscriber informs Ids friends and tbe j inhabitants of Savannah generally,that be will j | give instructions on the PIAJVO FORTE-—Those I who feel dis posed to encourage him will please HEARTH, BUILDING STONEil make application at the house of Mr. Philip ■ 1 1 Bkascu, Corter o/ffropK/don o»id D«iyfon-Slref|j, I AU or(lers lroin ulv C oumry ana cityi 'Hie subscriber, tcndei-s hls thunks tothe c tteens j|j lnn y u jj rece i vo j and promptly attest of Savannah for the suppbrt he has hitherto re: { wxec ^ tc d 0n short notice. moore Si nil nov 6 (1208—1 in SILK, COTTOlYAyn WOOLEN Dim - SCOURER, rrillANKFUL for past favors, takes ttot .1. of informing bis friends uml die publics oral, that he continues tbe above busium i old stand, corner of Bayjunc ami Mou Street, near the Baptist Church Square, Kill Leghorn, Chip aud Straw Hats, ale D«; l Pressed ' ." ' ^ 1 White Ciiip, Leghorn and Straw Hats, ■ slovod aud pressed Gentlemens and Ladies Dresses ol all kinds J and finished w|ti» dispatch Gentlemen’s Beaver "Hate cleaned, dyed, ij and bpund lu siipenor style. 1 I (CP All orders lu his way punctually attend N. B. Clothes left to bo oyed ornsourc^sj repaired on moderate'-terms, nov 6 207 Notice, T O enable the assignees of Mr. Willi neii, to make at an early period at I (lend; it is requested that all claims ag« be presented to their agent Mr. ThohasCJ leu, by tho FIRST DA V OF otherwise they will be debared; It is 1 those indebted will see the necessity c un immediate settlement, .. • ' „ JAMES M'HENRl,| GEORGE REf.PH, . or * ; JOHN H. REID, f Assignee* of tV. Tn nov 8 ' .{ 208 r ' Custom House. . FOR T OF SA VANN Ali ’ Surveyor’s Office. « AnJcllo Ref GOODS will be sold low for Cash, viz: Ribbons of every colors 2 yafds 6.1 cents White Kid Gloves, very superior, 3lj *' Undressed very strong colored Kid 25 “ Long white Kid Glove*,_ . 76 a Gentlemen's Beaver Gloves, 60 '* Vest Patterns various colors, Artificial Flowers -flora 12J to 25 “ Tartifn nnd Carolina Plaids. Bambazetts, very fine, at31^ cts Calicoes, from 124 to 25 “ Handkerchiefs, from 124 to 31j cts. very large With a number of other articles all equally low priced. , nov 15 m213 ■_ , Prime Pork and Mackerel. S'BBLS. prime Pork, New York City In- speetidn 30 Hftlf Bbls. No, 1 Mackerel 30 “ « A'n. 2 For sale by nov 15 r213 L. PETTY. GAUJDIIY & HERBERT, Have just received, A AH B BLS - Haxulls Flour B X lx r20.000 best Spanish Scgars 20 do Gosbeu Butter p.i.iui.mi f nt . a,* inforinatma of| U 60 bngs prime Greep Coffee 30 bbls do do do’ 20 boxes whife Havana Sugar 26 hhds prime.St. Croix do 60 bbls do do do 40 dq do Muscovado do ,60 do Rye Whiskey 10 hhds" do do 5 do N. E. Rum .• 10 pipes Cognac Brandyy v • 5 do best Hollands Gin 40 bbls N. E. Gin nage," publio, the law will be i of ignorancc in no case will 1 ■’W. 4 tains some Christian missions; among They lost only 26, which were frightened away by buffaloes; two afterwards went them, one of the American Baptist Socic- away with the wild horses, which are tut ty.—The Birmcse, taking advantage.of I mcrous; and ohe or two strayed, olthc withdrawal ofthe British force, had Fatal Accident.—-On Saturday evening approached Chittagong, with an army of J I a9 f a dray horse took fright yvhile stand ing in Chesnut-st. he ran with great speed down thcw’harf. Thu dray man, with great intrepidity, seized the reins, but unfortunately got.entanglpd in them, was prostrated to the ground, and crushed by the horse and dray going over him. . . Dr. Coates rendered him immediate re-, lief, without effect; he was sent to tho hos pital, dircctty, tahoto he survived but a upwards of50,000 men, but hearing of the full of Rangoon, retired towards Ava. The British army rescued many of the missionaries, who had been ordered to ex- Z V'. ■ edition by the Birmcse commanders.— The publication of the official accounts of the wa? h&4b&cn suspended ct Calcut- moaily for the West India market. Snles,pf prime fresh beat were made, yesterday, at $4, at 4 months.’ The import has been from Savannah 20 tes; Charleston, 192; Richmond, 10. Total, since 1st Nov. 281 tcs. Export, from 1st to 6th Noy. \‘233 tierces. TUce,350u4. „ , Spirits—We have beard of no sales ofBi-andy. Whiskey js ipore plenty, several considerable par cels from .Philadelphia having reached the mar ket. " Sugars—We have no transactions to record. Teas—Hyson skin has declined about 6 cents perppund. . ' - Tobacco—We hgve no sales lo notico. Exchange*—Bills on London, 00 days, 9,-} a 94 prom; France, 616 a 5 124; Amsterdam. 41; Bos ton, at sight, par a i dil;, Philadelphia, do par a 4 dis; Baltimore, do, \ a 4 di*i Richmond, do, J. a 1 dis; North Carolina, 4 ; a 44 dis; Charleston, do 2 a 1 dis; Savannah, do, 24 a 3 dis; N. Orleans, do. par a 4 dis. Am. Gold ( 2J «3 prem; Eiig. do, 24 a 3 prom; Doubloons> 16 80 a 16 90) do Patriot, 16 60 a 1570. supply of Choice Perfumery, consisting __ Otto of Hoses in elegunt gHt bottles of varb pus palterns Macussaf, ilusfla, Bears and Antique Oils Pomatum in Pols and Rolls Rose, Orange flower and Lavender Water Ro«e,Bcnjoiif, Musk, Olive, Vcnucular, Pal.ra, Vegetable, Ceylon, Bandana, Transparent Variegafed ; , and English Windsor Soaps, Wash Balls, Nuples shaving Soap in Pots Shuving Cakes, ire • N’ Pocket, fine teeth and dressing Combs, new Patterns Hair Powder and Powder Puffs Pocket Books and Fd&cct Wallets; with and without springs La Fayette and ,Silk Stocks, Elastic Wirejind Cnbiirg.Stiffners, Silver Wire Teeth Brushes with gilt handles, Tonnge Scrapers, Nail,-Cloth, llnir and Shaving Brushes, Cut Gloss Smelling Bottles, Visiting Cards, Metal Shaving Boxes, Flouting Topers of every description, Tonguin Beans, Musk, Carmine, Court Pjaslcr, Snuff Boxes, Chamber Light* and Matches,. Segnr . Box es, kc 20 do priipe Pork 60 do 1 new Mackerel No. 3 60 boxes yellow Spap • 40 do New Bedford Sperm Candies 20 kegs Shot, assorted *i» 100 do , Duponts Powder 60 half kegs do do 10 bags Black Pepper 20 boxep fresh Chocolate) No. 1 ' 00 kegs Spiced Salmon / ’ . \, With a general assortment of GROCE RIES, GAUPRY &.HERBERT nov 15 »213 if enforced—the I receivedhiuil S? S unity or and Inspector p/the jtemr Sec, 43. And be if further enacted.,^; proprietor, importer, or consignee, or n. i agedt, wlio mav receive said certificate,- »J on the sale or delivery of any ofthe «’-P J wines or teas, deliver to tho purchasewy j sers thereof, the certificate or certiacaWb I ought to accompany tho same, oh paw e 4 I iug the sum of $50 for each cask, chest, m j cose, with which such certificate shall w J livercij;—and if any casks, chests, ves 1 scs, containing distilled spirits, ff,n ” , I which-by tho foregoing provisions i I marked and accompanied with certinc i j I be found in tho possession of any P®” 0 '" rxnrtinfl wStli stmh mnfks Hlld. C6rt»BCttl j Hops, A SMALL quantity of tills Article suitable for medicinal purposes, just received and for sale annul with such marks and cen u e presumptive evidence that the j to forfeiture; and it shall be lawful V>t,T of the custpnis or of inspootion to sea forfeited; nnd if upon the trial in con 5 9 . sucli seizure, the owner or claimant oi r wines or teas seized, shall not prove tnu , were imported into the United States s —1 Jaw, and the duties thereupon pnid 0 they shall be adjudged to be forfeited, c for Sec. 44 And be it further enacted, U by nov 13 ( 1 A Qroc1e Ifalkden’i IU received and for i irpo LAY -k HENDRIC Shad's 1 212 Ink Powder, :soN; iuildings 'sale of any cask, chest, vessel or case, " I been or shall be marked pursuant toMMi a. I aforesaid, as containing distilled sp 1 ^’ .Jj - tens and which has been emptied ot u and prior to the delivery thereof to tne P or any remoyal thereof, the marks nnd nov 13 Shad's Buildings. 30 l-cer cf inspection or of the customs, who s q due notice being given attend, itoirt ail' at which time the certificate wbichoUg^ company such cask, clmst,<wsal9f fJj I so bn returned und cancelled; . 0 r il ’ ^rockei^ Warie, ~'i _ Crates assorted CROCKERY, selected I H0 i,’e returned undcaucelied Ol/ particularly for this market. Just recoiv- w lio sliuli obliterate, counterfeit, niter y ed and /or sale by CALVIN BAKER. „ ' ° Q or number placed by an nov 12 211 spection upon any cask, chest, vessn ^ Enel isll Mustard. taining distilled spirits,Winestor teas,^ ^ JJSBjBjfSfif “,P7IXT7"AUIIANTED. JuM rtejhr.d and «ala aiS,.’),'"” mi«J any chest, »<>»!,'' I-AYfcHlsSBKICKSON. mnh>ntfir\ hv « rr/,r»rl i _ 1 "V : 11 V ^ VL “ * n,,£ ^ DUDlDfilS, 8CI tllCrCOH ,) A fact' Gun Powder, I "I Qi? qn. Casks and 133 half nr.. Casks Ro- I J. OU gin’ Orange Gun Powder for sulc by 1 Itr LORD & Co. N. R. This article comes very highly recom mended and is warranted in all respects equal to the best English Powder heretofore, imported. Dealers arc invited to call and examiao the sum- . ■ , ,1 , ....... mnvu im.u uuuu ■rejected by u good judge, and arc offered for sale at least 20 per ct. lower than has ever been sold in this market for CL.h or credit. -Parcbasers woul‘ :ll to call and examine them. LAY & HENDRICKSON, Chemists hitd Druggists, Shud’s Buildings. do well oct26 196 James Morrison, i j ZVlftBsl be found in future, at his office | Vt tho counting room of Calvin Baker. office over | pies, hov 11 M210 marks and numbers, ! ' | provisions aforesaid, shall lm yc - o/ - w obliterated, in presence of any olhcu^ fC ’■ i tion as aforesaid; or who slia-H « ^® 0 mp an >' to deliver the certificate cask, chest, vessel or c » se '’“ numbers shall have, been dcfac n , (|ll j rc manner aforesaid, on ' )Cin S f , ' ls j om s-, sh al au officer of inspect on or dmmgfrf each and every suc.h oirencc fo lcX hundred dollars, with costs ol sun. nov 0 •s&i*