Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, November 16, 1824, Image 3

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JfiolJ ItiC m mi U)!un city ^ mini mi,] tills I iblieU in [01 •Cl nan M u, kinds J atiei lUKU DA Y’S COMYN’S DIGEST. C„my«’sDiK<«‘ « f ‘ hc La "' s ol J Knglaml. „ ROM the 6th Londdn Edition, enlarged nml tfSSSBmilothcPrtmt Tunc; X ' T0 Wiucu is ADIJK.n, 4 tMffCst of Cases at Nisi Priiis, HeSSpbI American Decisions, * ri ,}l)nv Esu. to be*completed In 8 vol-* By »S£SMAii bound in calf. . id volume of this Valuable) work is now ^Silvery mid the others will follow with lfty g& passible. The improvements mid nshttledi > t |,. g edition will so much Important VQ j ue a ,^ 0 guperoade Hueon’s Abridge* e > 5«5at»oricc considerably less, meut, ond «“ F \v. T. WILLIAMS. ||7/o has Just Kctrh'rrf, \ number of new and vidimblc • •/. ylivO'A ’* ■ at HT1MS. clooantly hound in Morocco eiitkm'^*! vm'io"s sizes and prices. 8 n ov6 n- 06 2_i l ‘jLwnfs Powder, Groceries, Domestic Goods, fyc. £ - A Whole und halt kegs Dupont's Powder nil ico BapBuck and patent Shot, assorted * 600 pounds Bar Lead <. , v 2 tons Share Moulds 00 kegs cut Nails, ported on Bag, prune Lngmra Coffee • 16 do Wck Pepper 20 ten caddy Boxes fresh I lySon Ten no tw0 pound cunuUtcr imperial do •• lo Basket! fi|WjW s ) vcct PLAINS AND BLANKETS !' ; T11K Subscribers’have received by the |nfe nr« L rivals (Void New-Yprk and Liverpool, their FALL SUPPLY, CONSISTING op • 6*4 and 9-1 London Duffle Blankets <)-'! and 14-4 Rose Blankets ' 1\ Bite, Mixl mid Blue Plains, very low 6*4 Blue and Mlxt Clotlis for servants Fine White Welsh Flannels Do White, Blue and lied Yorkshire Very line Scarlet Cloths and Cassitnercs ■ Superfine Cloths, Cnssimcrcs and Sattinet BombnzeenS and Boihbazefts ■; > 4-4 and 6-4 Black, While and Pink llalian Crapes ! ' Caroline Plaids and SalisburylFlan- . • • nets Linen nml Cotton Bed Tick 4-4 and 8-4 Counterpanes mid tlitills Finn Printed Counterpanes, u now article Furniture, and Garment Dimity Printed Cnmbrtck nml Furniture Chintz Fine. Irish Linen and Sheeting Linen Cambric and do Handkerchiefs Rich Shaded and Figured Silks Buruge dud Colored Florence. Baruge Scarfs and Handkerchiefs Rich Cnslibiere Bdarfs, Shawls and Hand kerchiefs Bnbinett Veils and Tlireud Laces 4-4 add 6-4 Plain arid Fig. Bobinetts do do Cambric and Jnconetts do. ,** da Nainsook and Book Muslin do do Real India Jaconctts and Mull Muslins ; .Flounce Robes and InsertingTrimming Rich Ball Dresses and Head Ornaments , Silk, Cotton and Worsted Hose of all des- crintionf) With sundry other nrtlplrts, too numerous to men tion, all of which will he sold on the niost accom odating terms, by WM. 4-11. ROSE oct 21 qr193 Part M. »■*»«?* v;^ do *do 20 pounds fresh Nulibegs 80 doz best London Mustard 10 pipes and 20 bavrtlsGm *6 BouisNo.’8 arid lOColhn Cardd 10JOOO first quality clarified Qtulls 240 pieces Domestic Cotton Goods SBShaSBKJ^iR^ Stripes, Plaids and Chocks, which will be sold in quanti ties to suit purchasers, at the^ lowest mimkct price, gov 5 11206 Market Square v JS'O W LANDING, *i\ BiMIRELS.RutenburghOin O v 16 Pipe* do do 80 Barrels New England Rum 20 Hogsheads do do 26 Boxpi Mould Candles 2(X) do Soap ' 00 Bags Prime Havana Coffee 3 Boles Bleached Sheetings 2 Do brown do 6 Do do Shirtings 6 Cases Plaids and Ginghams, JS0 Barrels Navy Bread CO Do Pjlot do i • ^ _ 15 Do Current Wine 18 Casks Choeje 5 Tubs Goshen Butter ■/ For sale by S.C. GREENE, Dpv 1 I)r202 Moure'i Wharf. Sugar. AA BOXES browu Havana Sugar 4. DU 20“ white “ “ 12 bbls brown “ “ For sale by GAUDRY k. HERBERT. Oct 27 t!98 Head T HE Subscvibcrlias the pleasured! announcing to the public that his 1 ine ntSTA GES, is now' rT ,- T „ r ,, rj . r , „ in complete operation between this city and Au- the first rat* House* at the North, gusta; that they will continue to leave Savannah No expense has been snared in the fitting np of <> ° clock, A. M. every Tuesday, Thnndny, and the establishment—and he assures his friends, Saturday. 1 hat he has reduced the fare to $10,1 that their comfort and convenience, has been I regularsucocssum throughout the season, leaving which lie hopes will insure him general patronage, consulted in every arrnneerflont. Savannah for New-Yorx on Thursday, ami New* — -* .• *•■*'•».- 1 - n I York for Savannah oh Saturday in each week.— The i&JiisciuiiERS Coniinucthe Commission Business hi Liv- i orpnol, under’the Firm of lSAAC i .LOW Sf CO, A ND will at all limes make liberal advances on proBiico consigned to therii for sale. Having ships regularly in the Liverpool trade, a^d owmrigu convenient wlinrf, on which there uro-roomy Fire-pryof Stores, cotton will he re ceived and. forwarded ip their own vessels, or tho& to their aadress; free of any commission. Orders for merchandize, will be executed and only aeommissiqp charged, when the payment is satisfactorily secured. ’ v . A general assortment of British >masG.| mx is hope ty.« ENW,| LPH, ID, iV.Toi :ce. to Rep s #nd inn of| 1—1\ edlnfi NTEB,| R(k» dumber; Factorage and Com mission Business. ■ T HE Subscriber continues the. Lumber, Factor* agi and Colfimiuion Business, at his old stand near the Union Ferry Wharf, and tenders his Services .to htefriandfand tha public. , J ° w j" aUo to the. RE-PACKING and COMPRESSING ofCOTTON.his coltoit press be iflg In com^loto, order. .Dc.t^O ...201 r - JNO.EV’ERINGHAM. * L. PETTY, “ OFFERS FOR SALE, l "I BARRELS PhiladelphiaWhiskey 14.^11/^20 Hogshead- -do!. do 60 barrel i Bach’s Gin &. White’s do 100 do Pennington's Loaf Sueur ^20 .lihds'St. Croix Sugar 526 ba’gs Coffee > . 6 do. old Java Coffee , 12 pines Holland Gin 0 do' .Cognac Brandy 4 do Jamaica Rum JO qr casks Malaga Winp * 2 half pipes Greek, do 20 casks Shot, assorted ' . - ^ ' • 100 kegs Dupont’s Gunpowder 225 canister: do Eagle do *0 bags Black-Pepper JO do Pimento. , 6 do Race Ginasr • Hy«on aiid Gunpowder Teas 60 baiTels fresh Flour 6o half do do To Hi d6, thill jr his oil ntc,sW , | > »iil lefOtOT Icdeii* tin ot 1 iest,' all not vesseu rinei ( is oug ificatesTj ■son UK, Scates,* ime u* 1 for aay® seize onsei t of ! SSI dot :ed. d, Tbak we, .thepf 0 ! lirits, jflft the. and ci r.3 :e of so] ; who ■ that h ■ cusc,* 1 every Iter or 1 office' 1 ] 26 TbnsTrou 2 do Plough Moulds JOO kegs Nails, assorted 1 30 hogsheads Molasses ■ . 26 kegs Tobacco J?00 bushels Liverpool Sail .20 barrels Prime Pork 26, casks Brown Stout 20 do Pints, 8 dozen each Segwi',- 10 dozen cast steel Axes 100 nieoes Cotton Bagging 25 boxes Salts Gin Cases, Demijohns, &c. &c, l200 ' " ... - - % ’ is just received, being bought with Money and se lected by one of the partners, they will lie furnish ed as low-us. by any regular/Importing House in the United Status, ' and on a long ci'edit, for approved paper. . ANDREW LOW.Si CO. oct 26 197 Ready Made Clothing* - 0^ At cost, !!! *£& . T HE subscriber iritCmlingJo leave tills plncc hv the. 20th of lb!«'morith,' offers- his MOCK OF GOODS AT tQST.—It comprises a geiiural as sortment of CLOTHING OF ML SIZES. JOHN P. SEtZ. oct 7 l66 FACTORAGE. T HE subscriber tenders histlianks to hlsfriends and the public for the- liberal encourage ment hc lias received In the FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BUSINESS, mid trusts that by a strict attention to the interest of tjic Planter, ue-ivllbinqrit a continuance oftlicir patronage. For sale. Grundy’s white Plains Prime 42 inch Cotton Bagglb ELIA oct 6 . 185 FORT, Commerce Row. T JYotice, HE co-partnership heretofore existing under uuder the firm of Clarke & Brow, Is'this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to said linn arc unxntly solicit ed to Call on S. Clai'kc. nnd pay thHcmands a- gainst them; uiid oil those having demands against said firm will please enji on him for payment.— He bei ng duly authorised to settle the business of said firm. S. CLARKE, • GEO. S. BROWN. •St. Man/t, Ut Nov. 1824, V nuvll, '• 210 , 7 ' nov 8 07* The gentleman who has in C l ri,n S p?°* ,ESS, °. n u !! ,e lst y°J u >n« of Rossel on Wllh ‘'‘e n «nie of “ QWENS’kmaik. KJ? t . he ^ gvc !i w,n !? e 80 eood as to return same to the oificq, of M. M‘ALLISTER. : thattif» i "hv 6 106‘ ^ anted m a Private Family. weU versed jn the different »guage he30fEnSlish ' KdUCa ‘i° n , uud,ho La t in r-1.1 AJm in a Country Store ffcsniiin 'j 10 00,1 be wel * recomme |nov4 nd “ g - 0,nl> ' aut ' 1)205 i ought; recommended as a WATT & SMETS. ,, j of House Servants good character---For sale—for'particulars apply at this office. ” ° n203 [ noy 2 el or ci is, ° r or in, „ vessel of' tMn“t I sen deff \ cet °f 0W' cdompqnj thaBWfW -el,literal nnrl X requ'i, ilonii/ s !' und iro'l 0 Flour, Butter, etc. Baltimore KlotfSr “0 Kegs Goshen Butter 25 Bills N. E. Rum •D do Northern tiin 1° Qr Casks Currant Wins 15 Bags Havana Coffee S. C.'GREENE. ' “ LAW 3 t u t >8 . cr 'd )er tenders his professional servi- !<nn nf . i! j Plt^U?; and begs leave to inform L n’twiA® n l ay ?t a>l times be found at the Of- Oayies <$• Iitrricn, situated in Hun- 'Buildings on the Bay. l«mi n „„ n L VALLEN^E BEVAN. [03> ." '“^Oct. 26, i&24. fashiiit'in,, v ns, ' tu t l0n,, l' s t, Georgia Journal,and P’fr ur<: , ^quested to givo Ibc n y ''« e Hiojra n eckJy. oet 29, Clerks Dliiee. -39th October 1824, rProposais wilfbc received at this Office’untirtlie loth December next, for sup plying the Guard house with wbod jind lights— and keeping the same clean-—-also, for sweeping and keeping in order, the Police office Extract from (Tie miiiutt-s, . SOL, COHEN, c. cffro'tem. oct 29 200 ' ~ Clerics Office, ” 39t)i October, 1824. I N conformity with a resolution of Council No tieo is horcby'giv^n tlmt on the second regular meeting in Nov.,next, Council will proceedtc elect a City treasurer, to fill the vacancy occa sioned hv tho tleceaip of John I. Roberts, ct from the minutes. SOL. COMEN, c. tem. —.—it —1—:—H, Fifty* Dollars. Reward, W ILL be paid foe the apprehension and de livery of the following Negroes to the Sub- siffibers,"living inRourke Cunty, or any safe Jail so we can get them—or a libural reward will iVB m Hannah u blaok woman 'about 43 years old, \vith a Bear on one sidq of .her fuce, the property df'Josepli Hines—Ben;an African about 46' yem-s ,6ltl, suiull and well set and.filed teeth, with n scar on one arm, and his wife Sylvia about 35 years age, prettylicayy to her 'height.—'They, took 3 Childron Bon, Daveaud Hetty, the ciuldl'en Ben and Sylvia, two of the children belong io'tlie Estate of Smith Striugeiydecd.the.otliec child and Ben and Sylvia to Abner. Belpber. They hrok^uloose a large . Canoe on Tuesday the 28th September last, at Stephen’s Bridge, Burke Coun- ty, und ; wo thing will aim down Ihe River to 1he Marshy' Country, beilOw Savannah, as Ben was bought up there and hns onoerunaway and got lrii wife and children back there and were apprehen ded und put in Savannah Jail, not turn years ago, —One of the men todk off a Gun the other a Pis tol willrthem. , . . j 4 . '. * JOSEPH HINES, ABNER BELCHER. oct JI4 . 1S9 . - • . ,.‘ ' *7~ uvfinnrtli mvl Aupistti Line of A . fa ,Ya fC* / The subscriber ha id from the north, ijr return* 2its lehvc jiafl Luf to inform his friends mid former cus- •LOStexaitm tumurS, the almve estalili-iiment is now Open for their reception. The observa tions lie has made during his nlisence the'lnst sitiii- mer, will fenable him to render his house equal to any of the kind in the United States, and in order t<3 make up for the deficiencies of our market, he has mado arrangements to receive from New- York, bv every packet, n supply of the best O YSTEItS that market affords, together with all those little niceties, that are to be obtained, at Established line OF New-York Packets.^. SHIPS. MASTERS. SAVANNAH, W. Beeue, LOUISA MATILDA, !). Wm,n, AOGUSTA, D. Van Dvch. WM. WALLACE, T. Wood, EMPEROR, J. H. Be v % ett. ' Tlie above are all first rate vessels, With expe rienced commanders, and will continue to sail in For scats apply at the Post Office. JOS. .T. THOMPSON, nov 9 209 Proprietor, ngemont Public dinners, dr .parlies, Of I will be attended to, and gbt up will | despatch. . MilledfcnVille, Augusta, and Ofher. country I friends, whom I have formerly served,' together Third company Election, A« /v., I wllh all others-, are assured timtthelr orders will -loction for first and h )e attended to with punctuality, and executed ribnri I .miltnt-ln vito nn l-...!lt- .1!.. . I * jan 27 21 HALL &.HOVT. second Licutennnts and an Ensigh for the Third Beat, Company, will take place at the office of Justice Russell on Thurs day the 18th of November inst. A draft for the number of non commissioned officers required by law will also take place atthesamc time. . C. H. HAYDEN, Capt.3d Company, nov 1 202 * " with dispatch. JinvB CHARLES H. MIDDLETON. 209.; Regimental Orders ■ An election is hereby or dered to be held at. the Mar ket House, on tho tioenty fourth instant, for a vlnjnr to the First ent, Georgia Militia. Poll will open at eleven A J.ilUNTER, Captain, S. F. i-OUIS GIKODON, Capt. 2d Beat Com: nov 3 204 ' The Subscriber has taken the HOUSE in the Village of Rice- boro’, recently occupied by Mr. Kempton, and intends keeping q pub lic house, for the nr.cominodutioniof TRAVELLERS and BOARDERS. Those who may fnvor him with a call.are assured that every nttentlon will be paid to their comfort and convenience, His table will be.supplicd with I nesduy mm- orpnssag* _ gin’s lower wharf, nov 13 1U212 For Charleston, The regular packet sloop X DELIGHT, , J. Cooper, Master, v VVill sail for tlie above port on \'/cd- yning next, at-9 o’clock. For freight- ily to the master on board, at Mon By CALVIN BARER, On Thursday, isih inst. at 11 o'clock; In front of bis Auction store, A general assortment of G R O C E It I E S. nov 15 213 ' Executor's sale. ON THURSDAY, 25tli Nov. next at \ past 10 <jL clock, will be sold in front of bis Auction store, all the , Household Furniture, Belong to the estate of Hugh M’Civll, deceased.—* Consisting of Side Boards, Bureaus, Dining Tables, '.hairs, Carpets, Looking Glasses, Glass Ware, Beds and Bedding, Bedsteads; and Kitchen Furniture, Together with a quantity of Plated and silver Ware. ALSO, qttarttiiyof Madeira Wine, in botttles. Sold by permission ,of *tln- Ban. the Inferioc Court of Chutiiaiu CciUnty, by order of the ex ecutor. . . '■' . -A. ’ 1 1 Oct is 190 ' ' •: m ■:% For Liverpool. The well known and regular trading slut GEORGIA, Varnum, master, amt conv«mci)cis, nts tolls wifi tiMupplfCa wttn I \»jh X ~r’. 1“ . the best tlio country affords; his Brir with ol.oice " frel 6 1,tof ■ liquors and his Stable wi A the best poovender, ' d cs 0 otton 0Dl y> “Priy I llllii an nltc.lltive Ostlcr—tlm rate* mnrlrrntn. AHURJaYV LOW.&CO. and an attentive Ostler—the rates moderate DAVID STETSON: oct 30 , 201 To Rent. The Tenement at present oc cupied by Tlihinus U. P. Charl ton, the property of Charles Harris, »Esq. in Broughton Street; and posses sion given ou the lst November. Oct 19 191 105 tons of Liverpool 8 ALT, and 38 crates assorted CROCKERY, Received by the Georgia and offered for sale low for cash or'on accommodating terms for approv ed paper if taken immediately from on board the vessel at Five Fathom—apply asabove, oct 9 1.87 MRS. LIMISERT^ "S now open for the reception of sholnr* \^erc : the following branches of education are taught, 1 further particulars, apply to l’etcr Dupon. 1 PETER EVEN. TO BE LET. The STORE corner of Bay . , and Dray tdn-Streets, now 6ccu- I offer for Greenock, and be despatched ns early as nird hy J. P. Seize. Possession may | poss.ble-npply-to \VM. GASTON, tm had on the 15th of this m nth. For For Greenock. _ Tlio first rate packet line sliiu MENTOR, J. L. Wilson, Master, Will take what freight of Cotton may oc)27 198 Notice. oct 19 JKH READING, WHITING, GEOGRAPHY, GRAM- MAR, EMBROIDERY, TAMBOURING, rLAIN SEWING, AND MARKING. Mrs. L, avails herself of the opportunity of ex- _ ressing lier thanks, for the very liberal patronage "she has hitherto received, und pledges horse if, that no endeavors shall he spared, to merit, a contlnu; x rince of it.. Hcrterins, which ere moderate, may-l i- in iv,.Ia be k S 0 -' v '\Ydjo r ffi4 n ito£ Te.,cmahte-,the FurnUure and servants | To Rent. The vliarf and stores, noxt I nhtne. Wayne’s, well enlcula- | : ted for a wood or Lumbpr wharf. i> ^ ALSO, ■& The yellowthree ; (itory Brick buildings in Frnnk- ton-Sti'eet, Ertjr -'L ~ . N. B. Three or four pnpils e»n be instructed In the rudiments of AIUSIC, on tire Piano Fprtc, on reasonable terms. Apply as above. noy6 207 by eariv application to nov 4, ||l20S 11.F. WILLIAMS.* FOR CHILDREN AND MISSES. TVTISS SPAULDING proposes opening aSchool ITJL on Wednesday Utl t'nit.Yor Children and Mis ses. For terms, application may be made to Miss S. at the. School Room, comer of Broughton nnd Abercorn Streets, nearly opposite tlie residence of Wrti B. Bullock, Esq. or to Mrs Orsborn*.' Reference may be made to Rev. Mr. Ilow or Josnrti CumMino, Esq.' , - . , nov 2 - cU03 To refit. . The Dwelling J louse at pre sent occupied by the Subscriber at the east end of tlie Theatre, nnd possession cun be had immediately.' The House is a pleasant one and'the yard-large and dry, With a commodious Garden. JOS. S.PELOT. oct22 a194 A Steam Boat, with freighting Boats will regu larly depart from the Company's wharf on Wed nesday and Saturday of each week, and when freight offera to make it necessary, an extra boat will deport-during.the intermediate periods. JOHN DAVIDSON, Agent. oct 25- 195 7 Fresh Teas. J. B. HERBERT & Co. HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND Chests, half chests, ten cattys.five cat- 'tys and cunnislers Hyson-Tea To Rent. Education, T HE subscriber respectfully, announces to his friends und the public tlmt the exercises of his school Will be resumed on Monday 25tb inst. The course of instruction embraces the Latin Lan guage, History, Moral Philosophy, Composition, Geography, English Grammar, Arithmetic, &c. Sic. .lie pledges himself to give the most ussidu- oUs and unweaiied.uUenlion to tlie moral nnd in- Ten catlys,live cattys and caunistershiPERiAi. and G'onpoivder Teas . Hyson skin, tonkay, souchong and t Bohea Teas All of which ore of fhe lalert importation, and . A House on tlie South Com» , mpn Brown Ward Jms fourl ?" Rooms on the first and three on the i second floors. Possession given on I tlie 16th November—Enquire of Oct 22 >||r.l9-l F. M. STONE. *" For Rent. Tltc House, in Broughton-st. apt 28 AUGUST G. OEMLER, H AS removed hisDRUG STORE, tqtliecorner of Broughton and Whitaker-SIreets, opposite - . Cot. Shetlman's Mansion House, where lie exhibits lately occupted by Mr. Tent.— for sale, a choice assortment of The house corner o^^wgoV and I Fresfi Medicines and Garden tellcctmd improvement of his pupils.—Terms as I Bee. The iiouse on the opposite side York-streets, occupied by The house fronting Oglethorpe occupied by Capt ”■ ‘ ‘ - • of • usual, oct 12 O. WHITE. - J Sqdare, occupied by Mr. Leach. seeds, l,e | and various other articles suiting Ids line. Houb staius relating the whole string of names of the. 12 1a8 - ' - Tl,u . Bouse at present occupied hy Mr. George thin g g he offers> nnd only montfons a few which SpmimirV tnr Yoilnff J/nHies. 1 °PP os ). t ®' ^ Ie Acfttjmny witj m entire Lot, or I are not commonly found in every Drug Store,Viz: ^ mVfrmSjr?! 1 ! ' Ft°/ thplot wouldbe leased-beingagood stand Fol . Sabhm, Pyrala Uml.cllata, rRS GUER1NEAU acquaiuts her fr.cnds,rind for a Grocery. DnHtaltsPiimariA. Sr.,ite» n Hv«nn. M RS GUER1NEAU acquaints parents generally, that there are a few va cancies in he.r Seminary for the ensuing senson Instruction is given-in ftll tire various, branches ofEducutjou taught in other Schools. The terms muy- be known on application n residence York Street near Bolton's Sqiiare. Oct 19 tsiI91 ALSO, * . Several other good dwelling house and the stores corner of Broughton [aud Barnard-streets. ] ion at her I Apply to J. MARSHALL, oct 5 fp* Classical ancTEnglish Seminary* T HE subscrihorinforms his friends arid the pub lic that his Seminary fof the instruction of | young Ladies and Gentlemen is now open for the reception of pupils.—The course of Education will comprise the Greek nnd Latin Languages in ad dition to' the -ranches usually taught at public schools. Young Gentlemen prepared for entrance into the Military Atademy or any College in tlie U. S. For .terms apply to the subscriber at bis residence corner of Drayton nnd York Streets. Oct 25 l||196 HENRY MACDONNELL. To Rent. The three story brick build- tag on the Bar, .U, oceapied | : S2RS5K«S!SB5' liy James Dickson fy. Co. os a Whole, Fumigating Pastils, Pyroligr a im. uuuniiif » jiixui t/iuiit;i|UlUy Degitalis Purpurea, Scullcap, Hyssop, German Leopard’s Banc, (arnica montana) Elecampane, (lnnin Helenium) Hops, Ergot, Tonquin Beans, Squire's-Elixir. Daffy’s Elixir, Ess.- Mustard, Ess. Tyre, JesUit Drop, Churche’s Cough Drops, Aromatic Vinegar, Toilet, Vegetable, - and other Soaps, Macassar OH, Phosphorus, Ox. Mur. ■ Potasse, James’s Fever Powders, Infantile Powders, sopt-28 sale Dry Good Store. Apply to v ELL v CO. 182 C. W.ROCKWI For Rent. The brick house in Sotitfi Fumigating PasUls, Pyroligriious Acid, Black Drop. Respeclingthe utility of thjs last article, he refers to the-tast, but one, page of the Georgia and South Carolina Almanac-, 6f this year. oct-9" 1187 ~vt Mrs. Huinpln’eys, R espectfully informs the inhabitants of | Sava Anah that she will open u SCHOOL on tho first of November, for the reception of those ohildren, whose parents may entrust them to her I care. She will tearh the solid arid ornamental branches of education; nnd nfter several years ex perience ill the instruction ofyouth she flatters fieri I self she shall not fail to give sutisFiiclionr i I For further information please, call at Captain I MfLeSn’s, Lincoln Street. * 1 sept 28 182 sept 2$ Broad Street, belonging to the I GciluluCpRtcn^ clllllly Medicines est-. Thos. Gardndr, dec. At present | T - ELS Pills • Churches Ess Mustard Andcrsous do - Cliings worm Lozenges Hoopers do . Thompsons teeth paste •' I “ - ' ' i, . presentlTi - occupied by Thomas Butler, Esq. For I -Li , apply fo H? KIRBY.' r.182 Lip Balsam. T HIS Balsam is highly recommended for tlio euro of sore and chopped Lips. It is said to givo Immediate relief--a supply of it cun be had at the store 1 of. N? V<S'. v ; • LAY & HENDRICKSON, nov , ■ ' Brought to Jail. TN Savannah on the lst inst. a negro man who X says his name is York, and that ho belongs to Henry Taylor, of Black Swann),S. C-. and that he rnnawuy about three years and it half .ago, hc is 6 feet 54 inches high and about 30 years of age. UiiV 3”. 2H JJiUJ. DEWS.fve.c.. Evening school, Near the Catholic Church. rnllE subscriber will recommence his Evening X .[School on the fu-st Monday in October,— Those' young gentlemen'who wish to prepare themselves for tlie Counting House, or Mechanics, I will please to make early application. Four children maybe accommodated [With board Arc. in the subscribers family, sep iL*182 PETER HYNES’ DANCING ACADEMY: ASSEMBL Y HALL—Broughton-sired.- T HE subscriber informs his friends and patrons, that his room having-been thoroughly clean ed and repaired, his School fur Young Misses and Masters is now o£pn for the season. Having taken into consideration the present de pression of business and. consequent scarcity of mo'ucy, he has determined to lower the price of tuition accordingly. The terriis will hereafter be TWELVE DOLLARS per quarter. Tho school for gentlemen Is also open in tlie evening. O' Persons wUhiag to see tlie subscriber Will please call at big dwelling, corner of Drayton and State Streets. JOHN C. LEGE, nov 1 ~ p||202 , * To Rent. Tlie Store and Dwelling John ston’s Square, lately occupied | by Miy T. VValton, and Mrs.tBlogg. Apply to, M. GRIFFITH, '•Market Squares rl86 To Rent. Tavo.'dwelling Houses on State oct 7 James do , do eye wate:, Churches ediigh drops Rogers vegetable Audersons do pulmonic detergent Balgom Honey Hearlem oil Audlers lenative British oil Opodeldoc’k Henrys canc’d magnesia ' Sqpires elixir, . Batemans drops, Salts Lemons Can constantly be had at the store of • • LAY- fy HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Druggists,^Shad’s Buildings. sept 28 '182 Marshals sides. W ILL be sold before the Court House in the City of Si>vdnuah L between tin- hours of 10 und 2 o’clock, on Friday tlie 19lh order of the District Judge of Georgia, The ship ALBION, As she now lies a wreck off’ St Cath erines Island,With all her materials and cargo remaining on board. ALSO, * The materials saved or-lying on tlie Beach of Catherines Qnd on the main, viz. 5213 pieces' Muhopany, on the BpaCh uf high water mark.. < 21 do do in Bench CJrcck 32 do do in Point-Cteek 15 do do ou Mr. J?ostell9 {lairii, tution, Harris’ Neck, McIntosh County * . .. J 23 pieces Logwood in possession of Mr. Harris of St. Caitliarins Island 25 pieces on tlie Beach uiiovc high wa ter mark 23 pieces ou thd Island 14 do in the possession of Mr. Po^ iell at Harris’ neck 1 pair of Jacksorcws 1 small graplin on the Beach 1 Quadrant, 1 pr Pistols,? Blochs I piece Parclin, 1 Topmast 1 whipsaw, 1 Tarpaulin, 1 pr-Stilyurdsj 2large chains,. 2 pitch Ladles, I Axe, 8 Augers, 2 large chisels, 2 scrapers 1 ’ A small lot of copper 2 Grooving Plains, 1 hand saw, A lot of Lead, 1 Ipt of mailing rigging 1 tvetitch > • 4 - Terms CnshBa nbnblrMoii nov 4 J. II. MOREL, M. n f Mar,skats safes, On Tuesduy 0*e ICtli inst. W ILL be sold before the stole of N. Jr- Bay* • ir'.m 12o’clock, .s . •• ’-^u 4 bbis Fish Oil 2 AnChorri 1 Hemp Cabljl . Saved from tltc Wreck id the ’selir hlartha Forl. e‘ ! —sold by order of the District Judge. '■ ' J NO. U. .MOREL, m. n. o. " ftov 11 21g . i. Postponement. T HE Renting of the S.TORES In the EX- CHANGE is postponed till Tuesday, the IfSth. List, between the hours of 10 and 11 o'clock, when. It will take place in front of the building, nov 11 210 F. RL STONE, Marshal. Notice,—A dint nistrator's snh . Postpom’d. T HE sale oftiic estate of Richd Fellum. deejd, which was to have taken place at 'Squire J. G. Butler’s, this day, i s postponed, nnd the pro perty advertised for rale; viz. one horse, saddle and bridle, 1 cowand calf, 1 spinning wheel, end sovei-al sjrmill articles, vvill'be sold in front ot b'al-. vin Bakul-’s Auction'store, in Savannah, on Mon* day the 22d dfNdu. inst. BENEDICT BOUTIQl.iN. nov 11 2l0 Tt-mparnry.. Wj.-i’r. Sheriff’s sales—continued. bn the'first Tuesday in December next, 'YTSTILL be sold at the courthouse,hi riuvannah, V V bettvricn the usual hour-, of side, Five negros, Maria, and 4 children, Lob oa, Henry, Robert and Jane, levied on as the,proper? ty of \Vm. A. Moore, to'satisfy an execution ,l fa vor adm Vs of Batt Jones. Bold tab the risk of the former liurchaser. Tho following negros Sally and her three eliil- dren, Mary,David and Eliza: DetUa, and tei* 3 children, Luoinda, Mary nnd Anthony, lev 1 . -I on astbfe property of Eleaziuf Early, to satis v an txe’- cution in favor of the Bank of the United k es* Sally arid her three children, sold on account of tlie fonner purchaser. * A negro nlan named Joe, levied on us the pro perty ofJoseph C. Habersham, under a fi ia 011 foreclosure in favor of Davis &. Berrien. Also ail the household and xitclleti furniture contained in the City Hotel, levied on as the pro perly of Oran'Bird, under a foreclosure of .1 triorf- street, Columbia Ward. Apply Lamp Oils, Lamp YVick/ Glass- to^ r:-N^fsu. \ ’ . cs, &c. JNO. F. LLOYD. .oct 7 r!87 T HE Subscribers have just received per ship Emperor, ' j .. ' A general supply of 'Zpto idfff The well known STORE in I Winter, Fall ixtuTSummer strdin,cd Lamp Whitakcr-Street, at present or.- 1 I cupledby Messrs Hazard.4* Den slow, L Brctlnn / d Socket, LampsA Of every variety- anil Pattern 1 . OTlCE is hereby given, that after, the ftrst | to Mr. William Taylor, or . JL^I day of January next, this Bank’ will not re J " “ ceive for riGyidebtS due to it, the notes Socket,Lamps Japaniu" Dish do - Glass do do ;, Peg do do Lafayette do J Globe Lamp Glasses »' # French Cliimney do for' Billiard Rootifs and r Theatres . Latnp Wick of every description Together with Tin Lamp Feeders, Tin Canisters for lamp Oil, and every other article suitable for the convenience of Light. The whole of \yhicli rp n ,rt/. I ebmprise ft'more complete assortment than has xu ever been exhibited in this city, and are offered The Wharf and Buildings I for sale at prices to correspond with (he.times, thereon belonging to the sub- The .public are vety -respectfully invited SCrlber,.Itu.t.a“ nd k HENbBlCKSO!,, : ’ ' Chemists und Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. nov 11 210 as a Puirit and OiJ Store. Possession given immediately. Fof particulars apply to LAY fy HENDRICKSON. '•pot25 /; Ll96 ^ To Rent. A HOUSE in Broughton- Street, opposite the residence of Mr. Mason, enquire of Mrs. ELIZA LLOYD. opt 26. m197 ber establishment and the wharf belonging to the estate of Meyers—to a good tenaftt the rent will be very moderate. It is one of the best situated wharves in the City for Wood business. Apply noy 11 ||ca210 R. M. GOODWlN. To the Liberty Siiji'erior Court. Jurors, Witnesses and Suitors in the cTlieUndersigned Cominitte, dnos not, on demund, redeem its paper With spe* 1TTAVE been instructed by Coriricil to place in cio. ’ Notes and acceptances deposited, for col- same. of tlie F.ast- I TTAVE been instructed by Coriricil to pi | XX a state of repair the Fire Engines of tlie city. lection, until further notice,- may be paid in any I They will receive proposals from any conipetcnt of-tho notes of the Banks of Georgia, it being tin- | persenjs to effect, this object.-^The Engines rc- derstood tlmt' depositprs of su.:h paper will be puid in the same notes, the amount ot collections mado for them. . J. MARSHALL; Cashier, nov 4 f.20? ring un* I personp ^ will bo quiring repairs designated on application to cither of the Committee. nov U 210 GEO. MILLEN," I. MIMS, J. AS. MORRISON*- rpHE Judge of the Superior Courts of t X ern District haying been called to a conven tion of the Judges at-Mtilodgeville, the Supe rior Court of Liberty County Will be adjourned, on the regular day of the Term, to the sixth of De cember, of which Jurors, Witnesses, and Suitors irt the sime will take notice, aad give their-at tendance accordingly. By Order of his Honor James Al. Wayne, Judge of the Superior Court. K, RAKER, c.l. =. c. nov 9 fSIri nov 13 ,212 I. D'LYON, s. fc. .’Gurlick in bunches, t J UST received find for sale by LAY 4' HENDRICKSON, nov 11 210. Shad’s Buildings. Ojjicti of the Marine ■an^J.'irc Insurance Company, SAVANNAH,'9th No- .1824. I N pursuance of a'resolution pi'tlie Directors of this-.Conipany, a meeting of the SiuckluitdvrS is requested on Wednesday the 24th of .Novem ber inst. for the purpose of receiving u statement of its affairs, and adopting such measures ns they may deem'expedient for the interest of the in «i- tution.-r-Perapus representing stock not their own, .will be'required tb lurnisb evidence, of their trust. GEORGESCHLEY, Preside it. no - 'i :2fr9 * . • — iuiiingiiam Superior Cf otirt, To the Jurors, Witnesses and Suitors in the same. rip HE Judge of the Supreme Courts of the Last- . .fi. ern District having been called to n conven tion of the Judges al Milledgeville, the Sun rior Court of Effingham County will be adjourned,'ton the regular day of the Term, to the 13th of De cember, of Which Jurors, Witnesses, and Suitors in tho same will take notice, nnd give their attend ance accordingly. ‘ of his By order of (lie Superior Cou.t nov 15 1213 his Honor James M. Wayne, Judge • ^ ‘ JNO. CHARLTON,': Clerk. Velvet Corks. A FEW Groce of Superior Vol vet Corks; just received and for sale by ' , LAY fo U'ENDlEUCKSON, tfovlS 211 Sfutd’s Cuihings..