Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, November 17, 1824, Image 1

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jVo. $4 ^ 0L * WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 17. 1824. I TF.S mtAMfcE, STORAGE, DRAY- iMOHwa, m SAI'.WJM, 1B34, and no>v in operation. WHARFAGE. CO cents. 75 hmditfanA Shipping Country Pro- VJWr": itucc. acl, barrel or half d ° Rico | bale Cotton ncknge of Indigo 4 cents. '5 4 15 -30 124 20 30 jowfw* °f Lumber 1000 staves |000!hi"g' c ? 1000 reeds licuvv wood, sold by the solid ft. 374- joo'bus’huls of corn, and gram of all kind, in bulk * •* “ 100 buislicls-liine m bulk ^ gJJ cedar°il'gW' vu0l i or other posts, per ^ VKr a small size, each 600 lbs: and upwards _ „ 5 10 cents. 10 1200 do brandy, puncheon of rum, and all kinds of liquor in cnsksoxceeding 03, - and not exceeding 130 gallops * 20 Iron per Ion, first and last week 50 cents, intervening weeks - • 25 Every other article same at its wharfage. WEIGHING. Ench bbl. or half bl>. rlcu - 6 Hhd. of tobacco jfr silgnr ' * • 15 Package of indigo - - - 8 Bale of Cotton - ■ - - 6 Each druft of light goods, under 100 lbs. rtf do do do over 100 lbs. 124 do do heavy goods under 200 rt j ,do do do over 200 per 100 lbs 3 / - nitAYAOE. For hauling up the BlufT to any pnrt ofthe city, articles dot herein enumerated, lor 1600 pounds weight - - * 60 cents. Under 15QO lbs and not less than 100 374 do 1000 do ” do do 600 25 For a 1000 feet of Lumber . $1 60 do 1000 Bricks . * - 1 60 do cord of wood - - 1 60 For every bnle of cotton - - 8 do bbl.ofRice - 18J do hhd of Tobacco - ;• 374 do bbl of Flour • ’• Of And every other article in tliesnmeproportion; for hauling dowii'the Bluff, or from one wharf to »! of coffee, p’imento, .uBWsnnd nil f othrrbng* of such sise, (grain oxj J rented) each [> otcmiband salt - Vrls«f soiled provisions naval a ores, bread, apples, cider,and all kinds «f barrels except dry goods and o? wines, and all kinds of liquor (cider excepted) dry goods in Fnsks exiteeHiiig 20 gallons, and notover 63 gnHons - . wines or liquors and dry goods- iif-casks under 20 gallons - , of dry goods,und all kindsofboxes under 4 feet square * Ido. do do over 4 fret square o Ido. soap, candles, chocolate, cordials, oil, and boxes oflikfc size - 3 do. sugar, each * ® files of corn, ptf 1000 * 26 rs the same as boxr> ts of osnnburgs, llusslu di/ok, bagging ^ J i-anvas, cacti • * , * |s ei liquor oreny kirtd of casks, ex* | cecding 130 gallons • *“ lie*, loose, per gross * *25 Irr pots, each i * |ili s of pnns, spades, kc. each 3 i, per lnobushcls * • 25 ts not exceeding 600 His. ench 20 eweding 600 lbs, nut exceeding 1200 lbs. » 1 . 85 exceeding 1200 lbs-. i . 60 tage of all xmds, per coil • 3 ovens with covers, and fire dogs per pair * - l i s of earthenware . • • 8 . |sse, per 100 lbs. * * 2 per cask ■* • 4 s, of 2 wheals ■ * • 37 is, of two wheels » - 26 linges, of four wheels • $1 00. 2 fn, windsoi and all sitting cliuirs, per dozen - • • _ 13 Js,per ton - - "12 ons under 600 lbs. • 25 over 600, not over 1200 lbs fit) over 1200 lbs. bbosses -tm . $1 op 25 « '■ * - ‘ $ ijohns, ench - jpi' * s nnd ch>\ ts of drawers * lVood, per i ord • Ipernmnta! (ofr.(i descriptions (except in bngs) per 100 bushels owder, in'bids; of 100 lbs. each In half bbls. in kegs pf 28 lbs. or under , window, per 100 feet, in propor tion for smaller * Jtxeceuing (SO gallons of liquor f 'orqny kindof merchandize exceeding03 and not exceeding 130 gallons 111) tile, per 1000 Ip, pet ton - ■ p, raw-or tanned, per 100 | ionbe, per 100 lbs. in Intitules, each per* of Merchandize, each ofFotuives,each 8, ench - - . . Jugs, each per dozen per ton of'paint, butter, Inrii, biscuit^ und sneh flue 1 10 25 •2 25 124 0.1 3 15 8 ■25. 60 60 23 2‘5, MB such size kegs shot nnd lead over 50 lbs. notover 500lbs V .. ,5 liquors of a smaller size titan 20 state. I slaM MM ml rim i>f 1oo bu per barrel 1 fur plastering per J000 , each s, pcs 100 bushels . f “> rapes, ^ty00 ( rop<*ji a s per 100 bushel of gin; brandy, nnd all kinds of li- iiior, exceeding 03 gallons ' * do. exceeding 130 gallons ’r rusks of wjne. nnd other liquor, ley excepted) und 'dry goods in ** exceeding 20 gallons not ex- '<bng 63 gallons . • •in jars .. . . 1100 bushels pleach . . . qubrn and grind, each Bermuda, per 100 mill per pair , >- •.'.ml other stone?, per ton cr 200 eiilldns ouch er'aiff 33 30 4 10 25 26 ' 124 1 *-24 25 m 5 1 25 1 2 25 50 25' 6.1 124 10 - fl ti Dr. A. BE LAROCHE. Opposite tlic E*change, ‘Savannah, “’"S Constantly receiving fresli supplies of gen 1 . uine DtlUGS AND MEDICINES/ seloctcd for Country Merchants and Physicians, which lie will sell tor cashjhr approved credit at the lowest City price. .fust received, * SULPHATE of QUINLXA. pet ifl UHt * ■ General Drug,Cnemical&Fumily Medicine Ware House. another exceeding 1600 lbs Under 1500 and not leu than 100 lb# For each bale of cotton do bbl Rice do hhd Tobacco do bbl Flour 374 cts. 25 ,a 3 :i And every other article in the same proportion. Committees of Council. FINANCE. 4 LDERMEN Bulloch, Minis, Cnmmiug. A ITUEETS AND I.ANE8. Densler, Milien, Wayne. MAKKET, ’ Morrison, Shick, Oaudry, onv cut,TURK. Waring, Bulloch, Morrison. KEALTII AND CEMF.TRY, ——— Habersham, Jackson, Waring. * ru.Mi*s. ■ Jackson, Densler, Milien. tAstrs. —— Cumming, Minis, W’ayne, ruHi-ic hocks. Milien, tiuudry, Densler. I'.XCIIANOE. . . - Shick, Gnudry, Habersham. RNhlNEt AND FIBE BUCKETS. . " ■ Minis, Jackson, Morrison, ri Buc ——— Harris, Jackson, Cumming. HOOKS AK1> LAT>»tns, ■ Wayne, lluhcrshant, Shick. M. MYERS, c. c In Admiralty. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,) , j each . . . \ s , 01 r, 't kinds, under 4 feet square 4 do over 4 squares - - 6 ° r Clts,< l s .exceeding 130 gallons li-. v i r . or fltMr kinds, of merchandize 15 • brasilleltQ, lignum vitic, und all wotfds, pfr ton - - 25 " per pair . . . ’ 8 is of 4 wheels, (4xvheels) - 50 'll iiw in proportion to thefon goivg ratrs. n nrhcle U not to he found under its vntnc) Pack-tig’. which it is usually Contained. eBfWw 11,111 "hurfmorc than two nights, to .... _/ ” “ " neck's storage, unless landed q»i Sat- Un ' 1 olher evening immediately preceding Ini'® 6 '* J ! >i sue/i eases to tic Removed on the second ^ tlm J thereafter, or be subject to storage as DISTRICT OF GEORGIA John W. Long ) vs. Monition. - Ship Albion nnd enrgo. ) / To tkt Mur shell of said District— GREETINGJ ' GEO. GLEN, Clerk. W HEREAS Johtt W.Long assignee of the un derwriters ill Lloyds in London, in the Kingdom of Great Britain, thq supposed.insurers of the Ship Albion and cargo, has exhibited his libel or complaint, in the District Court of the U- lilted States, for the District of Georgia; stating, alleging and propounding, that the British Ship Albion, laden with Mahogany,Logwood, and di vers other articles, was, outlie, morning qt the 15th September last, by the force of the wind and wuves driven on the beach of Sabit Cutlicrines Island, in the District aforesaid* nnd there almn- dohed by hercrcw ; and thut much of the cargo has flontod out ofthe saidShip, some partofwhich has been taken by. Gporge 11. Johnston, Patrick Houston and George M. Wuldhurg, nnd by divers other persons, to a plnce of greater safety, and that part thenef still lies on- the bench ot said Islund, below high water mark exposed to the sea That the Ageht dt the underwriters fit Lloyds, un der the impression that the said Ship and cargo were insured at Llqyds, has for the benefit of all concerned,'sold the interest of the said underwri ters qforesuid, therein n( publick sale to John W. Long.- But the sidd persons, who lulve removed a pnrt of the cargo to a place of greater safety, fclufth to be entitled to salvage thereon, and pray ing process of,this court to tuke the said^ wreck and the suid cargo, 6r so much thereof, os is to be found within the jurisdiction of tliis Court, inta the custody of the Court for the benefit ofthe said libellant, and allpersons concerned, nnd praying a monition against the said George, Patrick, nnd George, and all other persons, claiming to bo en titled to salvage to appear and establish such their claims and also to all persons interesterfto appear, nnd shew cause whv the said wrack and her cur go shall not be adjudged to the said John w Long, assignee, as aforesaid, of the underwriters! «t Llovds, and for further proceedings. Now therefore, you the said Murslml, are. hereby com manded to attach, seize, tuke, and Bafely keep the remains ofthe said Ship Albion and her cargo, wheresoever within tlir. jurisdiction of this Court, or in'the possession of whomsoever to lie found, to answer the said libel, and yon arc further com manded to cite nnd iqdnionish the said George, Patrick,-and George, and all other persons^ claim ing to be entitled to salvage in this behalf to ap pear before this Court, and there establish such their claim and further to eito uiul admonish all mid every person and persons, whomsoever hav ing or pretending to liuve any right, title, interest, property, claim or,demand in, or to the said wreck or to the cargo thereof, to be, nnd appear at a spe cial Court oi Admiralty, to be held at Savannah, on the Twelfth day of 'November next, to answer the libellant in the premises that right and justice may 1m done in this behalf. And whatsoever you shall do, in this regard certify und rnuke known to the Judge of said Court,nt the time and pined aforesaid; and have you then anil there tliis writ. - Witness "the Hoif. Jeremiah Cuvier, Judge of said District, tliis twenty-first day of October, oighleen hundred nnd twenty four. b NiCOLL Si COUPON, Proctors for Libellants. All persons interested ip.the foregoing Monition will take dneiiojjco. JNO.II. MODEL, Ji.b.o. LAY if HENDRICKSON, .Wholesale and lletailChemists and Druggists Ab. 1. Stool's lluildings, Corner of Congress and Whitaker Streets, Savannah. H AVE constantly on hand n very general as sortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES, DYE STUPES AND PAINTS, PEIIFUMERY, 4’P. 4’* * Agrent variety of Apatliecnries Glass Ware such ns wide and narrow .mouth bottles, from 1 gallon o one ounce,composition and glass mortars, glass ampsand lamp glasses, smeltings bottles, gradua ted measures, Apothecaries vinls white and green. Surgeons Instruments—J’at-kct sets, turnkeys, trusses, spring and thumb 'lances, tureens, sutalus, bougies, catheters, scales and weights, ipe. $-c. Patent Medicines—of every description, viz: Seidlitz and Soda Powders, bnlrn of Quito, calcin ed magnesia, Lees, Andersonx, und Hoopers Pills. Swaims Panacea, Balsam Honey, Uutemans ana Churches Cough Drops, Iteh ointment,^. All of which are offered for sale on the most liberal terms for cash or credit. [EJ’L.d-H. Having enlarged their "Establish meet and having made’ such arrangements as to he continually receiving n fresli supply of goods, flutter tliemsel vesthut none of Die kindin tliis city, can offer greater inducements to denlera. The Merchant, the Planter, and the Physician, can here be supplied with almost everw article in the Drug line, us tii'eir assortment will be foundexten- sive and of the best quality, under no coiiRidera tion whatever will the'sale of impnro or adulter.* ted articles be promoted. The utmost care will be used in the selection of good Medicines and will bp sold nt a moderate profit, it is upon these principles alone thatthcywill endeavor to secure patronage. All orders promptly executed. The Georgia Patriot, and Darien Unzclte, will please to give tliis advertisement six insertions and forward their bills for payment, sept 28 182 Register of Debates in Congress. PROSPECTUS. A CCOTIDINGto nn intimation heretofore given. there will be published nt the Office of the Nntioiiui lnWligoncer, during the next session of Congress, nnd, if encouraged by the approbation of theil'iibHc, at every session thereafter, a RE GISTER OF DEBATES IN CONGRESS, inteuil- edtocomi es on topi Congress,thun has ever heretofore been published dr thnii can be given to the Public through the or dinary and limitedchunneljthe columns of a news paper. This compilation will be of the most nu the.title cast,printed with great rcgqrd to accuracy nnd in n form for durable preservation. Tliis undertaking is not of course intended to substitute or supercede, the Reports of Debates for the National, intelligencer; but rather* by wit h drawing the heavy andexlcnded.Renortstrom its columns, toeftirtile the Ptopriqtnrs of thut Jourmil to furnish, every day, in a comprehensive form intelligible Reports "of the. Proceedings uud Dis cussions in the day preceding, on both Houses. The “Itr.oisTFii" is necessarily un experiment; but it is an experiment the success of which we sec no reason to doubt. Every one who takes nn interest in our political history, us. well n«»ll those who engage in the duties,of political life, must have felt and lamented the want of n Record of Debates in Cpngress, in a convenient form, with indexes which might lead the enquirer to uny suli- ject debated, and to the. nemo of any one who en gaged in debate. Such n work would be an ole mcnlury hook for young-politicians, nnd wc havi uo hesitation in asserting that the possession of such a one, from, the commencement of the exist- ing government to tliis day, would he of immense value to the nation, were it only to shew what has heretofore been said upon questions which are continually recurring for discussion, and produc ing needless consumption of time -by superfluous debate. Wlmt is true of the years that have past, will, ns soon as they are gone, be equally, true ot those in which we live. - . It is not only, therefore; ns a vehicle of present information; hilt also us u hook for future reference —as a Nationnl Political Repository and Text-Book thut we hope this work -will be both useful and ^ From the lowness of the subscription to tins work, it will be seen that if is no part ot our cal culation to realize any present profit from it. On the contrary, we shall, in all probability, lose mo ney by it.forayearor two, hoping that thereafter its established character will ensure it a sufficient patroiloge » mtejtp.oqglk.^ & Washington* September, 182-1. CONDITIONS. The publication of GALES SEATON’S RE GISTER OF DEBATES IN CONGRESS will commence as soon'us the Debates at each suc cessive .Session of Congress shall afford, materials to fill a half sheet, (8 pages.) The work will he printed in, the octavo form, on a sitper royal paper, made for the purpose, and on u brevier type,in double columns—each page com prising nearly as much matter as oiie of the co lumns ofthe National Intelligencer. It Will contain ns full und nucuratc Reports ns can bo obtained of all Debates on main questions, and of Ml interesting Debates on incidental ques tions; with nu Appendix, containing u list ot the Members of each House, the Yeas and Nays in Owners and Tenants of Houses Take Notice. r llE Mnnngcrs mid Assistants of Firo Engines Will oil Monday, the lo/A inst. proceed to make nn examination of Buckets, Ladders, be. throughout the City. Alt persons not complyttig with the following sections of an Ordinance for preventing accidents by Fire Sic. Wilt be returned to Council. < Sec. 10. And he it farther ordained, That every house within the limits and Jurisdiction of tills City, occupied und tenanted, shall bo supplied with buckets at the expense of the owners of said premises, to the number of at least the num ber of five-places In the same, including such as arc in the out-buildings, and the said buckets shall be equal in goodness and size to those procured for the use of the City,and pnjntcd.on which shqll be painted in visible characters the name of the owners of said bucket* i ard in case the owner of any house or tenement should [efusc or neglect to have the said buckets supplied agreeably to tills ordinance, it shall aiid may be lawful for the tenant to procure the same, deducting it out of Ills rent. Sec. li And he it farther ordained, That the owner of every improved wharf shall furnish twenty bur.nets for the building or buitdings on sucli wharf, and deliver them to Managers and Assistants of the Engines, on or before the Becond meeting of Council in July next; and the receipt of any Manuger or Assistant, for such buckets/ shall'lie deemed a full compliance with tills sec tion, by the owner, for the number of buckets mentioned in said .receipt; And the owner of every store in the City, that has no fire-place or ilnces attached to the same, shall furnish two fire- juekets for every store of such kind, and under such regulations ns other landlords ureby this or dinance required to do. Sec. 12. And he it farther ordained, That every owner of a wooden house or houses, brick, or stone house,or houses covered with wood,occupi ed us dwelling-houses or kitchens,shall provide the same with a sufficient ladder, or have a scuttle or door cut through, the roof of such house or houses, large enough for a man to pass through conve niently, under the penantly of a Coe not excee ding thirty dollars. ,rov 2 203 JOHN HAUPT, Clerk. Superior court,, Chatham comity John Retail ) t*j. > Rule .Visi. Nathan Baker. ) O N the petition of Jlio. Rptan stating that Vntlmi, *!■*! nn llwt .ll.t. .. f \ 1 „ OetSf) 201 ( I ■riy , ol l lor |!,J I jpitMi, STORAGE , . . per week,- 8 cpnts for .the " n KM e( S f " ilIl d for each infer* | e P«r week " - j. t cc ® Per week s Mt ‘gaining more than 30gnl "Wu, mclosse?, Pipe of gin, 5 cents, ft, 20 25 The Library I S'ppeii for the delivery of Books on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, from three until i ivi: o'clock. uug 26 160 - ,, , EORG1A, Chatham Comity—To nil whom it may concerfi,, Whevo«s Elie Alpfi hns' applied to the I.Jpn the Court of Ordinary of Cinifham County, tor letters of administration, on the estate and ellects of Madam Rohicn fleja Jimcjjere late orChnthufn Coufity dec. in behalf of the lieir> and croditc rs. These nio therefore to cite end admonish all and singular the; kindred nnd creditors of the said deceased, to tile theii- objections (.Buny they have) to the. granting.orihe administration, of tuc estate ofthe snid deceased to the applicant in the Clerk’s Otlieo ofthe said Court, op or before the fifteenth day of December-next; dtnerwise letters of udministratimi Will lie granted.; , Witness the Hon. on? of the justices of (lie suid. Court.the oi Novem her, A. I). 1824. S. M- BOND, c c of 1 TI0Y13 2t3 . Superior court—Chatliam county Thomas F, Purse et; nl. ) ' ' Complaints 1 mid \ } INEQUITY, llicliltrd R, Cuylcr, ex'r p ,' ;Mti£ Wm Shaw,deceased. J . , I Nntliaii Baker did on the first dUv of Mny I N this case, on the suggestion in the defend-1 1822 H^lieufTlo secure tho .myment d his Rnt^ fwiswcr. tlmt certain persons not parties ce riai n promissory note of that dnt»* tor tin* snm to this lull, residing in Scotland, clninl to be en- thousand imllnrs, payable to tlu* ssiiil .lohu titled to b dwtnlmtion of part of the undivided Uetan> dr OP(ler> on or before the 1st dnv <>i Mny eMate of Win Shaw, deceased, and on motion, it }g-24. with interest at 7 pnr cent per annum, l.v IS ordered that all persons cohLcrned do appeiu- his f ndentllrCi under hls soa , benri , d .„ 0 tho befoft the Superior Court of Cbathdm County in d nnd ycnr fib , t nforcsaU | m9rt gag,,,l to the the term of January next; ‘hen and there to cs- sai ,| j 0 | ltl Uetan . ^11 the undivided moiety tablish such their elnims; hod in default thereof, | ia j£ D f a |j jh n ^ 0 f tand t situntc, lyiiu; and tlmt the undivided cstfite of tlic said 'Virt I IteiAg in the cltJP df Savaminli, and known amt be distributed among the complainants agreeably dist i nRlli .,h P ,l in tho plan thereof bv the number t0 , U ,V\.‘H eree of *T Co ?, n 1 th,s one (1) Tyi .onneli H tiling Darby Ward, together piihlishnd once a“ month until the expiration I w j tb ,| |B i,|,jhirteii«nces, und furtlier stating that thercot. , ... ; ,. I the said promissory note remains w-liOly unpaid. Extract from the minutes this 7th day of June, ai(d t)l0 ^ mor tg*fce in full force, and plat ing 18 ? 4, „ . A. B. FANNIN, Clerk. I the foreclosure of the said mortgage. ’ k juiie 17 $t!38 I On notion of AV. \V; Gordon, attorney for tl Superior court, Chatham county. I petioner, It is ordered that the said Nathan Bn- r January Term 1824*^ * ter P a Y * nto t * lls C0Ul- 1. within twelve months Aaron Cleveland and Susan CM ‘ I °. f thi " dRte ; tI ”' interest dm on hls wife 1 I ^“ c sa, d note nnd the cost of the Find application, Fl. ’ ( Rule JYiii. ° r in dafa ^ It ^ tlm equity of rcdmnm Jacob Fahm * J I l * on sa, “ Nathan Baker of nnd to the said N the petition of Aaron Cleveland^ nnd Su-1 m^aged premises, be thenceforth and forever * 3sail C. his wife, who was Susan C. Bona, stat ing that Jacob Fahm, before the intermarriage of the petitioners, to wit; on the 22d day of June 1821, did in conjunction with one Joseph A, Scott, execute a joint bond to the said Susan C J. Shinn’s Panacea rpilE subscriber, having discovered ibe com ! position of Swaim’s celebrated Panacea tins now a supply on hand for sale—hr has redu ced tlie price from $3 60 to $2 50, or by the d zen !Jl24. All charitable institutions in the United States, and the poor will be suppliedgrotii. If the, citizens of the principal cities nnd towns will appoint an agent to order and distribute this Medicine to the poor, it will he supplied. Tliis Medicine is celebrated for the cure of the following disenses: Scorfuia or King’s Evil, Ul cerated or Putrid Sore Throat, jong standing Rheumatic affections, Cutaneous Disenses, AA’hite Swelling and Diseases ofthe Bones, and ull cas cs generally of an Ulcerous character, and Chro nic Diseases, generally arising in debilitated con stitutions, but more especially from Syphilis or affections arising therefrom; Ulcers in the larynx, 4-e. aqd the dreadful diseases occasioned by t long and excessive use of Mercury, ^-c. It is al so used iu Diseases of the Liver. CERTIFICATES, 1 hove within the last two years had nn oppor tunity of seeing several cases of very inveterate Ulcers, which having resisted previously the re gular modes of treatment, were healed by the use of Mr. Swaim’s Panucea, and ) do believe, from what t have seen, thut it will prove an important remedy in Scrotuious, Venereal and Mercurial diseases. • N. CHAPMAN, M. D. Professor 'of the Institutes and Practice of Physic, in the University of Pennsylvania. I have employed the Panacea Of Mr. Swnim i numerous instances, within tho lust three years and have always found it extremely efficacious espcciilly in secondary Syphilis, and Mercurial Diseases. I have no hesitation io pronouncing a Medicine of inestimable value. \V GIBSON, M. D. Professor of Surgery to tht University of Penn. JOHN SHINN, Chemist. Philadelphia, JYor. 17. 1823. Each publisher of a newspaperin the U. States is requested to publish tins advertisement once 8 month, for one year, and send their accounts for [inyincnt And it is further ordered, thnt a copy of tliis rule be served on the said Nathan Baker, ht least six months before the time appointed lor the payment of said money into court, or published in-the penal sum'of four thousand dollars condi-1)" °J\ e t ! ic ‘ public Gazettes of this state, nt tioned for the payment of two thousand dollars I least once m every month; until .tlie time np- with interest from date, on or helore the first |? 0 ‘ t | tcd for the payment thereot, and that such day ot March then next, and that for .the better I turtherand otnerproceedings be had as an* securing the payment thereof, the said Jacob presonbed by the statute in such 6uso made und did on the day and year first aforesaid make his I P r ?, . , - ccrtuin indenture of mortgage, whereby he I Extract from the minutes tills _4lli Mny. l824: mortgaged to snid Susan C. ufl that lot of ground I may 7 A.B.I-ANMN, ( hr!,-, S5^ p n,ilf %S*:«;£.£ri55 r r| superi«w court, CMaAam Ooufifi^ part ot another lot known ns lot number forty two, No 42, containing together eight and a half acres more or less situated to tlie east of the city of Savannah and bounded to the north west of Lot No 26, to the south nnd east by lands be- longing to the estate ot Hampton Lillibridge, nnd tho west by the public road leading to G EORGIA—Chatham County'.—To all whom it may concern.—Whereas, Joseph R.TIiomp- son has applied to the Hon; the Court of Ordinary of Chatham County for letters of administration on the estate and effects of AVilliam R. Holland, late of Savannah, Druggist, dec’d in behalf of the heirs and creditors. - These are therefore to cite andadmonish ail nnd singular the kindred und creditors of the said de- censed, to file their objections (if any they have) to tlie grunting of the. dministration ofthe estate of the deceased to the applicant in, the Clerk’s Office ofthe said Court, on or before tlie twenty seventh day of November next; otherwise letters of administration will be granted. Witness the Hon. John F. Williamson one of the Just ices of the said Court, the 27th Oct. A. D. 1824. net 27 198 S. M. BOND, c c o. each House on questions Which hove been the. subject of Donate, such Documents, connected with the subjects of Debate, as may be deemed essential to 'enable the reader to comprehend them, and proper indexes to tlie whole. The Debates ofthe iiuxt, Session, it is computed, will, with the Aiqieiullx, make a volume of five hundred piiges, at icusi. nnd will hq,furnished, to subscribers through the Tost Office, in-sheets, as published, (or reserved'at this OlliCe, ut the sub scriber's option,) at TintF.r. noi.i.a its for the vol ume, be it more or less, to be paid in advance in all cases qf transmission beyond the limitsof the city. The sheets will bo transmitted as completed, Without fegard Io uny particular days, as the pub lication must of course be regulated by the prepar ation ofthe matter of whim it Is to lie composed. Tlicsubscription.wiil in tto case, unless within tho ciiv, nnd not then unless specially indicated,- be.uiidorstood to extend beyond tlie volume no ♦unity paid for in lidvance. To nOo-subscribers the price will he Fo<Jh ( dbU lnrs, bound in boards,forOic voluine noW announC- ed,. -> The Debates of tho Session of Coligr^Fs follow- ing the next, mid ofthe first Session of every Cop gross, will, it is supposed, fill about one thousand pages, or perhaps more, making one very large volume, or two of n handsome —tlie first' Ses sion of each Coingress being neatly double th^du; ration ofthe. second. The price „of the Register (jor-the .first Session of each Congress, be its cbn- tenjfe more or less tlmu 1000 pages, will he fixed at five dollars to subscribers, and sixtonon-subsqri- hers. ' * . Oct 12 ICS e t EURG1A, Chatham County.—By the Hon. I the Justices of the Inferior Court, silting for oedinary purposes. , To all whom it 1 may concern. Whereas John M'Nish, administrator of Isnac Baillon, dec. has petitioned the honorable the Court of Ordinary to be discharged from his said administration. Now these arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditorsof the said file their objections,(If ally they have) in the Office ofthe Clerk of the Court of Ordina ry, on or before the secorfd day of May next, o iherwise letters dismissory will be grunted the pe titioner. , . AVitness the lion. John P. AVillinffison one ofthe Justices of the said Court this second day of' No vember, 1824. S. M. BOND, c. c. o. nov 2 203 March Term, 1824; AVilliam Berrie J Rule JVtfi. vs. John Christopher. „ O N the petition of AVilliam’; Berrie slating flint one John Christopher, of the county of Camden; being indebted to one llehry Sadle r Skidaway island whereoh n brick yard is now I °r order in a note of hand; dated St Marys in established and known by tlie name of « a 5 d fo““‘y.« n t > October 1822, m the sunj brickyard- that there is now on the said bond of Five Hundred Ddiiart, payable w.t|i interest or mortgage obligatory the sum of eighteen hun- fram the date on tlieTirst day of January then dred dollars witn interest from the 23d dav of ««t ensuing, did mortgage-to the taW Henry Ins January 1823, and praying the foreclosure of the heirs and assigns, o secure the payment ot tire equity of redemption of life said. Jacob and l lis I note^oresaid with interest on tin- sume-;. cer- heirs, executors, administrators and nssigns In j lotof l*ndI inithe b * ,n 8 p ? rt nnd to the said mortgaged premises—On motion J No -beginnhig_at^n Wfcst comei ot a of AV.AV. Gordon, attorney for the petionors— j ] ot m n "‘* It is ordered that the principal and interest due ,ng jj““ lh R 1 ^ *?' ien ‘‘ e on the said bend or writing obligatory together nol ( '^}° ,?^ nt with the cost of this application be paid into this * out h to the beginning, with the mnrginatladifd court within twelve months from this date, or in to the same on the south side of P .urys ur case of default thnt tlie equity of redemption of Bn y baltl g a hundred feet Mr the street nod said Jacob Fahm, his heirs, executors, ‘adminis- running from thence d.rectiy to the river St. trators and assigns lie from thenceforth forever t°gethcr'uth nll and sing ilHr- tiling fdreclosed nnd that such further nnd other pro- thereto appertaining,that ‘heraldHenry ‘--,1m r ceedings be had thereon, as are pursuant to the ‘O whom a “ d to whose hens and ossimi.the sad statute in such case made and provided—And it j . l " ttd , B t n . is further ordered that this rule he published in 1 •‘ u )y wsigrted by . deed^sald mdH|^gi|jjgji^ one of tlie Gazettes of this state at least once month for twelve months, or lliat a copy, be 1 served on the defendant at least six montli before the time appointed for the payment of the mon ey into court. Extract from tire minutes, loth Jan. 1824. jan 16 12 JOB T. BOLES. titiuner, there is how diie «n said mortgage the slim of Five Hundred Dollars with interest*frnm»- the 1st January 1822, and praying for the'fovrch, sure of tlie equity of redemption, in,the said Joint Christopher, his Heirs and assipiy in t® mortgaged) premises and that ti foreclosed according to law. On motion of Belton A Conri j tltioncr, it is ordered thut, r terest dtie On tbh said mortgiq, Chatham Superior Court. ay Xerm l8i*4 /N EORGE Johnston nnd others, complainants If 03 . ts °/ ,n ® a PPl icfl ’?^J , '- P 1 ' {jTvs Peter Vanburgi, Livingston and others, wRhin twelve months from tn, defendants, in equity in the Superior court, of Chatham county, May term, 1824. ... ^ It appearing to the Court by affidavit that Te- ( an , ^ s, ^ ns L e .,f rom tc r ter Vanburgh Livingston and'Harriet E. Living I T 3 & ston, who are parties defendant reside beyond the A.-rt it,) state ofGeorgii, and within the United State, on .. And A ^further ordered tht motion of complainants solicitor, it is ordered that ■ ' is ' ied ,n one ofthe Gazettes oi, tile said defendant do respectively appear and an swer the complaints bill within four months from he date of tliis rale. And is further ordered that this rule be published once a week during four monthsfrom this date in one of the public Gazettes of this State. Extract from the Minutes. A. B. FANNIN, Clerk* June 8 134] once a month for twelve moot) pointed for the payment of > x,.-.e* : Court. , A trite extnibt from tlie JOHN 1 ;. -X Jefferson, 16th March, 182-^ In Admir | UNITED STATES OF. AMF DISTRICT QF GEO George AVoodruffarid otln Pieces of Mahogany part car . , Ship Albion *? J To the Marshal of the District of Georgia— Camden—Superior Court. • October Term, 1824. Nicholas J. Bayard ) vs. > Rule Ifid. Ray Sands j O N the petition of Nicholas J. Bayard, stating I okeetinq , that Rny Sands, on the fifth day of June eigh- ; - g „? E ?’ teen hundred and twenty-four, for the better se- TA?" “ ERE A S George AV oodmff, F atnek Hou curing the payment of Ins certain bond or writing- v Y ton nnd George Johnston and Jacob AA aid obligatory, hearing data the day and year afore- I burg arid George Waldburgand Edu ard P,PosteIi said,'whereon he the said Ray acknowledged him- have exhibited their libel or complaint m the Dw- self held and bound unto the said Nicholas J. Bay- trict Court of the Ijnited States tor the District of ard, in the penal sum of four thousand dollars- Georgia aforesaid, stating and propounding thut by conditioned for the paymet of oiie thousand dot, means of great labor and exertion of the mnmi tars on,or before the first dayof October then gars, pnd negro slaves of the said lilmllanls, thr; next, and the further sum of one thousand dollars have saved and preserved pieces of Mahogany on the first day of January then next, did mort-,J wood, from the wreck ofthe British ship Albion, sage all that tract, piece, of parcel of (and, lying, which hddbech wrecked in the gale ot the fonre iing nnd situate on Cumberland Island in the Jeentli oi September lust; and was driven on the. luhty of Camden, and known by the name of beach of the island of Saint Catiierinai, in the G i EORG4A, Chatham County—By the honora- r hie the Justices of the Inferior court of Chalk- am county sitting for ordinary purposes. To ull Whom it may concern. AVhcaras Charles Gregory executor of Thomas G. Davis late of Chatham county deceased hns retitioned’the honorable the court ofqrdinary to ,e discliftrged from his said executorship. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular tho kindred and creditors ofthe suid deceased, to file their objections, if any they have, in-the office of the .Clerk ofthe* court of ordinary on or before the 7th day of March’ pest, otherwise letters dismissory will be granted the petitioner. ’ i AVitncfcs the honorable George L Cope, one of the Justices of tho said court this seventh day of September, A. D. 1624. , ^ S. M. BOND, c c o c c spr9 175 , Swaims Panaceas / .jubscribcrs have just received from Phil ndelphia ft fresh supply of this celebrated Me dicine; and haye made such arrangements as to keep a cpnstant supply of it on hand. Persons in want of this article cuii depehd upop its being gen Mine, as it comes direct from Mr. Swnioi. ’ LAY-4-HENDRICKSON, . r Chemist and Druggists; ShitU's Buildingl: 6ct 7 isii county I Cotton Bluff, confining four hundred and fifty acres, bounded on the north by lands of Sliierer, on the south by lands of Nathaniel Green, and on the west by salt marsh, together with the appurte nances—and fqrther stating that the s&id sums of money femuined unpaid; and pray the foreclosure of the equity of redemption of the said Ray. On motion of' W. AV. Gordon, attorney for the petitioner, tt is ordered that the said Ray Sands do pay into this court before the expiration of twelve months from this date; the said several sums of money in the condition of the said bond mention ed, together with (he interest and cost, otherwise that the equity of redemption df the said Ray Sands ills heirs, executors, administrators and as signs, Of, in and to the said mortgaged premises, be thenceforth ana forever foreclosed. And it is further ordered; that this rulo be pub lished in 6‘Ue of the Gazettes of this state at feast- oncC a month for twelve tho'nths, or that a cojjy he served on the said Ray Sands, at least six months before the expiration of the time appoint-/ ed for the payment of the said money into edurt; afid that such further proceedings he had Us are pursuant to the statute Ju such case made and pro vided. ■ • ■ • Extract from the minutes, this 25th .Oct. 1824. JOHN BAILEY, Clerk. oct29 200 said Oismct; and praying a reasonable salvage o; allowance therefrom. Andwhei-easthe Judge of the District Court for the District alort-aid, hath ordered and directed the Twelfth daj- of Novem ber next, for all persons concerned, to be cited to appear at the Court Hotr-e, iii the City of Sayap- nan, at ten o’clock of that day, Und, shew cause if any they have, why judgment should not pass a-< prayed: You urc therefore hereby ailtliarisod umi enjoined, to cite anil admonish all persons, whate ver, having, or preteuding.lo have., any right,: it to, or interest, inortothe said Mahogany, Ube.'icd against os aforesaid, to be, and appear, at tlie time and place, aforesaid; before the Judge Sfcre aid, to hear, abide by and perform all and siti.rular sucli judicial acts as are necessary and by law required to be done in the premises ; ivpd Bi-. t;,i-r to do ahd receive whatuutolawand justice .-!iSl! . Proposals; TJTt OR repairing the Bridge between ivhitemarsh ..Jr Island and ; Oailands, will be received be tween this and the 1st day. o'i November; For particulars apply to TTMOTHYBARNAfeO',) Com’i JOHN SCRI VEN. > Wiiinin-- ., v El>W- F. TATTNALL. ) Oct 16 190 " ▼ ton Dis’t. r’JTHE undersigned Committee will receive pro- X posals until tlie 10th of November for work on the Exchange which, includes Slating, I’lais- tering, Coppering and Glazing. Persons wishing to contract Will make application to either of tiio Committee for particulars. GEO. SHICK, W J. B;GAL'DRgB Oct2I m J; C. B AJJER^H A M, stutiding.' And whatsoever you shall do in tlic premises you shall duly, certify unto tlie said Judge, at the tiriie find place aforesaid, together with these presents; AVitness the' Hon. Jeremiah Cuyler, Judge of'!i« said District Court this twenty-ninth' day of Octo ber one thousand eight hundred and twenly- four; DAVIES & BERRIEN, Proctors. All persons interested in ihe foregoin:' Monition will tuke due notice. JNO. H. MOREL, v..n.c. Oct’29 200 ' .. . . montli3 after ejate, application will he _ made to the lion, the Inferior Court of I’-ryK an County, for leave to sell dll tlie real estate oi Sarah M'kindly,.late of Bryan County, dec. for tlie benefit of the heirs and creditors of sniil e-e tate.' JAMES BUTLER, Adm’r; r>apil 2 §o77 P ERSONS having claims against the estate ot Charles AV. Tebcau, are requested to preseh* them, and those indebted to make immediate payment to tlie Subscriber said estate to be left Scheme. ocl 7 accounts against the itli Minssrs S. C. &■ JS.