Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, November 19, 1824, Image 2

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1 REDBRICK S. FELL, CITY PRINTER. l.iAJI V l-Al'KH KlOltV MtUlil tOCMKY rAri-.n... ....SIX nOlLAHS TAYABt-F, IN ADVANCi run annum. run annum. ttj'All lieu , mill new nilvi both paper I'mciU^nppenr i I’KID At EVENING, November 19, 1824 0?“ We are authorized to state that Col. Wit. Lyman, of Willies County, is a candidate to fill the scat in Congvess vacated by Thos. W. Cobb,. of’late engaged the attention of our lead ing capitalists, we learn that the enlarge ment and deepening of thu lino of canal between Portsmouth and London, so as to make it a ship canal, is one that litis obtained their serious consideration, and is likely soon to become a favorite object with them.—Hannishire Telegraph. From the National Intelligencer. MARRIAGE. I have often remarked the eagcrncssTif all classes of the people to read or hear the accounts of marriages. ‘So! John has taken to lutnsclf a wife,’ cries one. ‘Ah there 1ms been a wedding,’ cries another. ‘Lack-a-day,’ exclaims an old lady, ‘So, Betty has got a husbqptl at last;’und each is anxious to know' all the particulars —who married them—who was there— how i’io bride was dressed, and so on. On such occasions, I have parti c larly no- PIRACY.—Capt. Banks arrived at ticed that men seem to sympathize chielly Norfolk from Havana, bring? a eonfirma- I with the bride-groom, irom the cause lion of the account of the capture of a pi- Probably-that each lias been, or expects 1 I t#*lvn in tin* snmn rlnlinjHo nml lntnrimt liiir >... .... , , t , _. , „ . .. to be, ill the same delicate and interesting 'raticu. -cltr. by the . ■►-. sclir I orpoisc, I s i tunt | ou 0 f the persons for whom their Lieut. Comd’t Skinnlu. The capture I sympathies arc excited. The reason is w as made on the Jlulli ult. and the pi- not difficult to explain. There is no cir- xates succeeded in escaping to the shore. | cumstonce in life half so interesting as Capt. Banks further inf ms. that sevm-i l * ,at of entering into the holy bond of wed , -'jEii; . , 1. i lock. A choice is inude of a companion ral had recently been committed for ^ for good or cvil> for prosp ^ or on the Const of Cuba, among which w as I adversity, for weal or wo, or in the good the briir Laura Ann, of New-York, from 1 0 lj| ^erms of the ceremonial, “forbetter or Misitevideo, with a cargo of jerked beef, i worse.” Then,too,the new clothes, the sb- capturcd on the "Mst-ult. off Port Escon-1 lemn ceremony, the wedding banquet^ tlio dido. After hanging the Capt. ami the onnieless/delights appertaining thereto, , v • .i s , I render this period ot life lar more interes ts.. mat.s, and murdering the remainder ting than any other . Looking forward the crew (exceptone man who conceal-1 too through the kaleidoscope of Hope, it ed hinwdflu low.) they set tire to the ves»| presents to the young imagination an in set. The unhappy man who saved lnm I iinite variety of splendid and beautiful self from perst n;.l violence, left the vessel imagelry, winch charms like illusions of the Persian Gem in the tairy Tales. The dings the present year and the year to nic, than there has been for many Years (iast. ^ "Rock-tt-by baby, on the tree top." 'Mother Goose. A lato Bellows Falls paper has the fol lowing article: A few evenings since, an inhabitant of a neighbouring village, returning from an excursion to this town, and happening to ho rim1 rihoqtie. genvatus (in English, with his skin full of gin) fell fast asleep in his chaise: , While enjoying nature’s sweet, balm, his horse, attempting to turn, back ed the wheels off the side of a bridge 20 feet high. But mark how fortune favors the sleepy! The chaise lodged in the top of a young hemlock that stood by the bridge ; the faithful steed maintained his ground; andxnir hero’s slumbers were hot disturbed till morning, when he clamber ed carefully out' of his leafy coach, and (jailed the nearest neighbours to help him get his chaise out of the tree top. ' For the. Republican. Mr. Editor : 1 observed in your papor a day or two ago Unit I in ordinance lias been passed reducing the salary ] of some of the city officers, but nothing wns men tioned about the Clerk of the Market; ns the fees of that office, yields a salary, much groater (in I proportion) than the duties that are performed nnd as retrenchment is tho order of the day, let the of ficers alt be put upon an equality, some will haw reason to complain or say that our City Council I have not dour justice to all the different officers— and the city also. ECONOMY. GAUDRY 100 HERBERT, Hove just received) BBLS. Maxalls Kldup panlsli Sugars ' f put uj Dupont s Powder. i for far Deepening Rivers.—Such is the power o( the new machine applied to the deepen ing of the river Clyde, that in tho course of a few days it dug out above 7,000 tons of earth, nnd denied away the batik ex tending opposite Finnieston, to the length of 140 yards and 40 feet. wide, thereby deepening th'e river nearly two feet in all that space. The consequence is a safe navigation where vessels were formerly apt to take the ground. while enveloped in flames and swam to young man hopes his turn may come, and ihc- shore. About the same time those j j da; . c no , «ketcb the picture his' fancy monsters captured a brig, said to be the draws. The girl, from budding fifteen Morning Star, of New-York, and a sclir. through blushing twenty up to ripened wo- aamc not ascertained, and murdered the manhood, feels, as she hears the account ere W.-A brig reported to be the Swiftsuro °j 3 s ‘i ft ,hriI1 ’ " brati »S 11 ke ,. v - . - , . . TT , . , the treble chdra of a piano,through every ol n ew-A ork, bound to Havana, had also nmc of hor suscepti £ lc frame. Her bJ- fli'.h n into the bands ofthepirate, showas som throb8 q U j c ker, she breathes with a capturedhy thcnioffPointYeacos. These hurried respiration, yet not painfully; no pi'acies are said to be committed by open I image-that she need blush forever casts boats, carrying sixteen men, with small I 38 posting form across her pure mind, vet The( ol. mh anscbr.La ?ulma, she blushe . s; hcr T- h ?f h ' 18 ; assume a deeper stain ol the strawberry; she laughs and wonders what ails her, for lifiw id «lin intprrsti'il! Thfi old niurrififl arms. fi.ll iii with four uf 4 these freebooters to the win .I ward of Point Ycacos:t wo of them es- J i, ow ( 9 *he interested! The old married enped iii the chase. The other two ran people are differently affected, nnd yet into a Bay' ip shoal water, whither they j they are affected. Memory is husilycni- Wcrc pursued by the boats of La Zulmn Pj°y ed , brushing tvway the cobwebs of , , , i i i-.i . t i- Time (and that Time is a very industri al:,’ captured 1 of them sunk. 15 of the ous J der) from thc picturc Vtheir con- pirates were ascertained to have been lull-1 nu i,j a | bliss. Thc husband chucks his ed. La Zulma lost 5 of her men in this, demy under the chin, and, instead of ad- cn counter. dressing himself to her as‘Mrs. Moultry,’ A French ship from Bordeaux bound! or whatever hor name be, calls her virgin to Havana, bad been captured by a Co-| name-‘My dear , iuiianoia with a modest caresBt&vhich' lombiunschr. under the suspicion of hav- 8peakg mogt <, lbque ntly of the days gone uig Spanish property on board. by. Meanwhile the old Bachelor nnd old Capt. Banks, understood at Havana, M R id forget the chair is not big enough that: -art of a quarter 1 deck of a vessel sap-1 for them. The old codger, whom no one posed to he that ofthe lateU. S. schr Wild P«tf» but every one in turn.laughs htjuta Cat. had been discovered drifting down fu3, >’ g. d bachelor,’ very probqbly, recals b to recollection one whom, in the days of thc r lorida coast. I ynat j,, reciprocated with him the tender- . , , « , , ..., J est feelings of affection; one rtho listened A three cornered Cocked Hat which L Q tbe mus i c Q f bis voice 'with delight; ora e belonged to Gen. Washington, has who watched hiscnming with anxious eye; been presented to the Museum of South | whose ready ear distinguished thc s«und Carolina by Gen. Trios Pinckney. M his foolst€ P from arnon S an hundred; rvlio loved—promised—withered before ihc nuptial hour gave him the right to pil- A Fish Stor,,.—The schooner Trio, it is JiC "our gave me ngiu ru pu- , - •' nT • • . low her throbbing head in tua bosom, and sa d left I ortsmouth, N. H. a short time r d i(.(]. Or the lone virgin, designated by sii.ei. on a fishing expedition, from which the unfeeling world as ‘an old Maid,’ ’ic i ( turned the next day with 60 barrels j may mourn, iu the depth ot suppressed Mackerel, all of which' were caught by a ^ o{ ^ brow f aad . • ° J gallant bearing whom the caverns of the ric: crew (i in number,) in about 9 hours. | o<»p.nn havo pntonibed. or who. dead to liis ocean have entombed, or who, dead to his plighted faith, may have sought in the arms of wealth for that happiness which true love can alone impart. . All, all are interested. But thc world! what docs it enrol those who are intent on gain, who worship gold - JmIsnub Morrow has been recall M (be* G°a and li.,b .».ympalbie. an Governor of the State qf Ohio. Fuel in Nctr York.—On the 9th inst. | ^Liverpool Coal was 17 dollars a chal dron, and common oak wood 2 dollars a] connected with lucre! Verily, they, too, are interested in marriages—-Sitting in i my easy chair, these thoughts were pass- Sign of the Times—A Citizen of Lex- j ng on my mind when I dozed, dreamed imitoii, (Ky) writes to the Editor of thf I a f cagt wa8 getting up, & a large number it TA i tern Carolinan, “that Gen. Jackson’s J wa8 thought, would attend. Hymen enter- pn peels are much more gloomy than | Hghtgd by hig torch ; a croud pressed hi n t'.iore— \\ lien the merits of the dif- to the .door, hut no one was admitted until ferent candidates are impartially canvssed g(Mne satisfactory reason was assigned and laid before the people, they qnani- bowthe person came in Hymen’s compu- mously agree to have Crawford as the ny< • ‘No one will doubt,* said the minis- nian to rule over ^theni. I think I am ter ^ « my right here, for who could have saying, thatthismay be con- performed thc ceremony were I absent ?’ aidcred to be the sentiments of the rcflec- an( j 8eate d hitnsclf iu a large easy chair, tingpart at least.’ j *jviy worship,’ said a justice of tint peace, t ’ ‘could tie the knot as tight as your rever- The Richmond \Vhig x whicli has sup- ence< > A merchant followed, with bills of portedMhc claims of Mr Adams, wjtli stca- rich silks and every variety of elegant dincss and ability, uftcr remarking that 1 p atter ns for wedding dresses—the man- “no doubt exists as to the success of the tua maker and tailor close upon his heels. CuAWFop.u ticket in Virginia,” and stating ‘They must certainly have bureaus,' and its reasons f6r opposing that ticket, pro- probably a cradle,’ said a cabinet maker, ceeds with frankness to observe.—; as he passed along. ‘And chairs and set- “We leel disposed to congratulate the teCt » sa ,d the chair maker. At that in- , public that the contest in tbisState is over: I staut a doctor appeared; Hymen declared and we feel equally well disposed to ac- ho cou ld no t conceive how a disciple of quiesce in the will of the people, lie it what Esculapiiis could be considered as belong- it moyg ‘ We prefer another to Mr Craw- iog t0 h ( 8 tra i n . ‘fr J s a gource of rny ford, withont desiring to disparage him ; most profitable employment,’ gravely an- an.h whilst we still like that other best, Leered the doctor. ‘Then I, have a right, wc do not the less admire him.” too,’exclaimed a nurse rushing forward, S . ’ • .. her left arm hearing a piece of diaper.— Frankfort {Germany,) Sept. 10. Louis, \ shout was nQW raised by the shoemaker, Lucion, arid Jerome Ronaparte, are ex- j victualler, the schoolmaster, and-the pectgd at Carlsrube. According to an ae- Lord knows who; among the rest, a prin- couut lrointhat place geems that ter popped his nose in at'tlie door, allured the Princess Catharine of Wurtemburg, by thc delightful savory smell ofthe terrtt- wite ot Jerome, weary of the lrivolous p j n anc j oyster soup—‘it is part of iny and disipated conduct of her husband, is business to publish the marriages,’ said rer ed to seek a divorce. Shelias asked j 1P . Let them nil—let them in,’ 'said Iiy- s . the (fbnsent of her brother, the King of men, ‘fdir it is imposgihlih to tell who is not Wurtemburg, who has sent a confidential j interested, directly or indirectly. Bid pet son to conduct \the - Princess from Trieste to Rome. It.i3 not known wheth- ov p he will remain at Rome, or whether she .will fix her abode in Wurtemburg. m* q^Annlhee them welcome to tlic feastand I a- woke. i , On full consideration, I see that there is abundant reasons for the interest every body takes in a wedding, and I hear it Canal.—Amongst the I whispered by those who understand 'tho SAMUEL SCRAGGLE. A tailoring wight Sam Straggle was, Of Washington’s wide city; And Rachel Rost he loved, becauso This Rachel Ross wna pretty, LoVc’sA delicious thing, you know, It makes one feel all over so. But Rachel Ross did not lovp him, Which griev’d him very badly; His eyes in tears of woe did swim, And sorrow’ snnk him sadly. IIow much do people undergo, From wounds of Master Cupid’s bow! Like his own needle did the'dart Prick him his life ribs under; His gizzard it did swell and smart, As if ’twould burst asunder. Ab! love’s a wounding thing, you know It makes one feel ull over so. His heart was hotter than his goose, As still he thought about her; I see, he cried, it is no use, Fori shall die without her. Never was creature troubled so, Siuce Noah’s flood, long time ago. In Georgetown, Tom the butcher dwelt And be was one of twenty; And Rachel mighty wishes felt, To have fresh meat a plenty. Love’s very food, you know But beef and lamb are better, though Now jealousy had seiz-cd Sam, Which like the grave is cruel 1 Says he, I do not care a damn,— 1’ILkill Tom—iu a duel. „ For those that love will fight, you know And Samuel’s courage proves it so.' But Tom the butclier, having fired A loaded pistol never, Had choice of weapons, and desired To fight Sam with a cieaver. The man that’s challeng-ed, you know With what lie likes may fight his {jpe. But Sam would only fight with ball, -> - And so that matter ended; He then went to the Capitol, And 'to the top ascended. Oh, Lord! how desperate he did grow! How strange that love should work him so. He thought he down himself would throw, But feared he'd alter me it; And folks would all laugh at him so, He swore he would not do it. Indeed much wisdom doth it show, To (‘look before you leap,” you know, i, Some warlike birth he ax-cd for, A naval station gain-ed ; He went and join'd the marine corps, To cure what him so pain-ed. For very well did Samuel know, That If he died he’d—slop his wee. A cold now Tom the butcher took, Which sdon a fever brought on; •And life next Thursday him forsook, 'Twos what he had not thought on. A cold’s k dreadful thing, you know ; By cough or fever, pop we go. Sam Scraggle then to Rachel said, Iii sober doleful ditty; Since Tom the butcher now is dead, ' Won’t you on me baVe pitty ? For Samuel Scraggle did riot know What change her mind might undergo. Says she, I’ll never be your wife, So don’t you ax me, prithee ; I would not have you 'pon my life, And eight more tailors with ye. The ladies alwayslove to show Their crucl-ty to men in woe. Then grevious-ly did Samuel grunt, Grew sick and hourly sigh-cd,, But got, ’lore long, the better on't, Or else—he might have di-ed. When love begins to better grow, ’Tis not so bad to bear, you know'. Rachel, in time did change her mind, Lest she should die a virgin; To marry Sam she felt inclined I ' Indeed ’twas very urging. That love’s capricious this doth show-** What changes it doth undergo! . Pray ladies, ha’n’t you found it so t Says Sam—I WON'T—in great disdain; ‘Dol’d how she was surpris-ad— She learnt, too late, that tailoring men Are not to-be despis-ed. Lovp’s a strange kind of filing, I trow', It makes one feel all over so; It movetli us ull to and fro; ■ -iff!’.. It wounds the high nnd smites the low, As Bonaparte's match doth i! show; And lib old wife’s sad overthrow And Itaeliel'.s unexpected woe ; And Samuel Scragglc’s pride—olso otu? mrott <*> PORT OF SAVANNAH. ARRIVED. Ship Edward, of Portsmouth. N. H. Cormerlcs, I master, 5 days Irom Hampton Roads, to Samuel Wright. CLEARED, Schr Orbit, Beers, New York, .Cohen &. Miller. FROM THIS FORT, At Charleston sloop Express, Hammett, 1 day. The pndHet ship Leeds, sailed from New York for Liverpobl the 8th inst. Among the passen- 1 gors is Mr. R. Agnew, of Savannah. 20.000 bust s SO Imlf bids corned Bci 20 do Goshen Butter CO lings prime GrCcn Coffee 30' bins do (hi do 20 boxes white Havana Sugar 25 lilids prime St. Croix do 50 bills do do do do do do Muscovado do 50 . do Rye Whiskey 10 Ill] ds do do 5 do N. ,E. Rum 10 pipes Cognac Brumly 5 do best Hollands Gin dO bblsN. E. Glu 20 do jnlino Pork 60 do now Mackerel No. 8 60 boxes yelloiv Snap do do' New Bedford Sperm Candles 20 kegs Shot, nssorted 100 do Duponts Powder 50 half kegs do do 10 bags Black Pepper 20 boxes fresh Chocolate, No. 1 60 kegs Spiced Salmon With a general assortment of GR OCERIES, GAUDRY & HERBERT. BOV 15 t«213 Domestic Goods, &>c. ‘ 50 Dupont’spowdtr 000 nlSfttf patont9h °t.MiOrt!i tons Share Moulds 5° kegs cut Nalls, nssorted fingi prime Lnguiru Coffee do Black Pepper 20 ten caddy Boxes fresh Hyson Tea 20 two pound (-minister Imperial do 10 Boxes Loat Sugar “ 10 Baskets first quality Sweet Oil 16 doz flask do do do 20 pounds fresh Nutmegs ' 30 doz best London Mustard 10 pipes and 20 barrets Gin j 18 lilids N. E. Ruin ’ 0 Boxes No. 8 and 10 Cotton Cards 10,000 first quality clarified Quills ' 2-10 pieces Domestic Cotton Goods Comprising u handsome assortment of Brain... B eached SHIRTING and SHEETING sw? Plaids and Cheeks, which will be sold in tics to suit purchasers, at tho lowest mart.i „. 1 by M. HOPKINS 1IIKe > 11206 Market Wtt nov 6 Haxall’s Richmond Super FLOUR. JYO U’ LANDING, ROO r^ 8, recc ;r J l , ,y tho ,chr ' iww Burns, ami for snlc. Apnlvtn " nov 12 l||21 1 PONCE k W‘Kf, N Z„,. 50 BARRELS RutcnburghGln For Liverpool. The regular packet ship, HOUTH BOSTON, A lex. H. Campbell, Master, i (Coppered and copper fastened,) is I now ready to-receive her cargo, and will meet | with doapatch. For freight or passage apply to | the Captain on board, or to rETERSEN, HAMMOND & CO. nov 19 217 , Pipes do 7 do 30 Barrels New England Rum 20 Hogsheads do ' i 9 do 25 Boxes Mould Candles loo do Soap » jO Bags Prime Hava* Coffco 3 Bales Bleached Sheetings J 2 Do brown J do 6 Do do Skirtings 0 Cases Plaids 60 Barrels Nav; W Do 15. Do Currc lg'.CasksCIi, New Mackerel, Rum, Lard k 40 B ARRELS Boston Rum MARRIED, Last evening by the Rev. Abinl Carter, Peteh I Guekahd,Es(|. to Hahkiot, daughter of Colonel | Richard Dennis. 6 TtibjGos. For salF by nov 1 II *’262 100 SI ri^HE Subscriber proposes to open an evening] JL School tor Vocal Music. It being a principal object witli him to eneour- Ginghams, ad i kegs Butter (fresh) 25 kog9ncw Leaf Lard 20 barrels No 1 Mackerel • 60 do No 2 do 100 do No 3 do 30 half do No 1 do 30 half do No 2 do 30 half do No 8 do - 600 rcums, single, double size and iron gers Wrapping Paper , - 1000 reams Cap, Pot and Letter Paner ion nl.... _(• ..n J .1. 1 Frcdi and K J tng- 20 dayi 8 Butter S. C. GREENE, Moore'tiVharJ'. 100 packages Glnss, of all description* boxes Windsor Glass wO Havana Sugar i brown “ “ GAUDRY &, HERBERT. 30 boxes Windsor Glasd' 100 kegsDnpont’sand ChelinsfordOunMilfl 2 cases Playing Cards ^ f 10 cases Whlttemorcs No 10 CottouCari) 100 boxes No 1 Sonp 100 do smoked Herrings Landing fi^m schr. Laurel, 4nd ship Chariot sUh for sale on accommodating terms by r ROBERTS. GOFF. nov 13 m2 12 Whiskey, &ic. ngu ana cultivate this pleasing accomplishment, \ Landing Jt'rom oil board*thc Julius Cuisar, j anil to improve an iiitcrcsting and important part | J and for Sale, of Public Worship, the terms of admittance will | iiilDS ) ... .. ...... [ be hxed nt a sum merely sufficient to defray the ^0 I jp,I Ll»is ( Flul.RY E WHISKEY, necessarye\(ien&es. 1 ** : - - - - - I Tne School will be bold at' the Academy on I Monaay and ThtirsdUy Evenings ; to commence | early in December. . L. MASON, nov 19 217 | Lumber, Factorage and comj mission Busims. T HE Subscriber continues the hunfw.Fid, age and Commitsion Dusineu, at hit cl I stand pear the Union Ferry Wharf, amhendtni To Rent. A Two Story House in ono of the most henlthy parts of Sa vannah, containing a parlor and two ■ bed rooms on the first floor, and three on the second, with a pump, carriage I house, and stable all in complete order. Enquire ] at this office. nov 19 H—17 : ing in complete order. ' 1 Oct 30 201 JNO. EVERINfiH AH I l HEALTH. I-JJEALTH, Iht grcnleitof all earthly 6Iejm’ng*.-| O 28 |||m1D9- PONCE k M’KENZIE JYvgtro Shoes, Molasses, &c. PAIR NEGRO SHOES 1000 do Brogan do 600 do lined and hound do 150 do womens do do 30 hhds New Orleans Molasses 20 do superior St Croix Sugar 50 do common do do 150 ps. 42 inch Cotton Bagging 100 casks Noils, assorted 60 bbls Gin r < ’ i 60 Tons Swedes Iron, assorted For sale on reasonable terras by nov 6 b207 ORRAY TAFT, Wanted in a Private Family, i A TEACHER well versed in the A|fl branches of English Education, am) iheh^ | language. Aho, in a Country Store, A Clerk who can be well recommeiidtUi] I salesman and accomptont. nov 4 m206 WATT k8MHd Flour, Butter, etc. At this season of the year, when it is so high I ly proper nnd important to cleanse the Stomach anil Bowels of redundancy of bile, and aH neroi- cious and ruinous accumulations, the proprietors of LEE’S most excellent ANTl-BII.IOUS PILES, would very respectfully advise the use of several doses of them, nnd thereby in many instances pre vent head-aches, sickness ut the stomach, obsti unto obstructions of thc bowels, scorching fevers, °LEE’S NERVOUS CORDIAL, an I excellent medicine for all ^nervous affections, weakness, pains in loins, bade, LEE’S ESSENCE OF MUSTARD, I no medicine ever excelled this in curing rheuma tism,-sprains, bruises, frosted feel, ty-c. 4»o. “ E’S AGUE AND FEVER DROPS, | a never failing cure. LEE’S SOVEREIGN OINTMENT, I warranted to cure the Hcb, by only one applica tion. CJo. 3 Mackurel. BBLS Baltimore Flour fJ\J 20 Kegs Goshen Butter It AO BvlLS. Landing from ship Chariot, lor lyU sule by R. CAMPBELL. pov 6 m207 _ Smith's Buildings. < Just received, £% A linlf barrels fresh. Buck Wheat Meal 10 half do. F.M. Beef 12 do fresh Crackers 10 kegs superior Butter v 20 bbls fresh Flour 10 ImlfWbU do For rale by GEO. D. CORNWELL, m203 Exchange wharf. English Mustard, 'WTARRANTEO. Just received and for sale ! ; VY by LAY k HENDRICK SON. mjv II 210 ' 25 Bids N.E. Rum 31 do Northern Gin 10 Qr Casks Currant Wine 16 Bags Havana Coffee . For sale by S. C. CREEM] nov 4 p||206 LJIW SEINUKw. T HE Paragon Toll Mill is now ready to re ceive Rice to beat pn Toll, nt the cusloma- cellent medicine for curing tetters, ring worms, |rj[ ra } es ; Apply to William Kim-atiuck nt the pplcklyheat; softens tiic skm, nnd improves tlie P lantntlon or to JACOB READ, compibxion. I >jovl! r‘,210 fine of Messrs.- Davies if Berrien, situated is ft ter’s buildings Oii the Bay. , 1 JOSEPH VALLEN-4 BEWl Savannah, Oot. 26,1824. OjP The CoDslitutionallst, Georgia Jounw Washington r^ew s, are requested to give t-| bove 3 insertions •> eekl^. ’ improves. | compibxion. LEE’S WORM DESTROYING LO- ] Z CAGES, a most now-erful Medicine, removes and destroys all kinus of worms. LEE’S ELIXER, an invaluable medi- I cine,'it never fails to cure thc most violent cold, and affords instant and great relief, in all obstinate coughs, it also relieves young children from chol- ics, A-c. LEE’S INDIAN VEGETABLE SPE- | CIF1C—An effectual cure for the Venereal' and | Gonorhwa. LEES’ TOOTH-ACHE DROPS— | which give immediate relief. LEE’S TOOTH POWDER—Which | cleanses and beautifies tbe teeth. - LEE’S EYE WATER—A certain [ cure for sore eyes. LEE’S ANODYNE ELIXIR—For 1 the cure of heud-aclies. nov 11 07** The person who tooH] second volume ofthe PORT FOLIO,fronbi lice* of the Republican, is requested to rtt::| without delay, ncrv 17 ,216' Gun Powder, "IQ/* qr. Casks and 133 half or. Casks Ro-1 X O 4J 1 gers’ Ora nge Gun Powder gers’ Orange Gun Powder for sule by - H. LOltD&iCd. fiN. B( This article comes very highly recom mended and is warranted in ull resjiecls equul to, tne best'Englisli I’oWd:r heretofore imported. ■)ealors are invited to cull and examine the sarn ies. nov 11 m210 Elegant & choice P6rfuineflj T HE Subscribers have received prbrij ; ] Schooner Intrepid and ship Comir.i* supply of Choice'Perfumery, consisting « Otto of Hoses in elegant gilt botlfci*' DANCING ACADEMY. WSSEMBL YIIA LL— Broia rhtnn-strcet. HE subscriber informs his friends andpatp>n*} ,; that his room having been thoroughly, clean- d and repaired, his School for Young Misses and I Maslers is now open for the season. 1 Havirig taken into consideration the present de pression oflmsiness and consequent, scarcity of LEE’S CORN PLAISTER-For re- be ivmff and rhiufunu'imr nni’na (I TIPPI T/P 71HI r ,inc> '..i moving and destroying corns, LEE’S LIP SALVE tCT* Numerous eases of euni'.s could be annex ed, of the happy and good effects that have fol-J lowed the use.of, the above JUSTLY, C'ELEBRAj TED FAMILY MEDICINES, but the published has not room for them in^this paper.' %* Please to observe whatever, and where ever you buy none can be Lee’s Oen'uine Family Medi. nines, without the signature of the proprietor, NOAH RIDGELY, Late Michael Lee tf po. I The above famous family medicines are f<« s&lc by * I 1 DR. A. DELAROCHE, Scnr. Druggist, Savenbuh Who has just received a fresh supply from Bath 1 more. oct 7 186 TWELVE DOLLARS per quarter. The school for gentlemen is also open in the I evening. „ - ICF Persons wishing to see the subscriber will please call nt his dwcflihg,'corner of Drayton and State Streets... JOHN C. LEGE, nov 1 r||202 REMOVAL. DR. L. II. FUR Til, H AS removed to tho house In York-Street f he longing to I. Minis, three doors east of Jeffer- oiiB'patterns , . , Macassar, Russia, Bears and Antique | Pomatum in Pols and Rolls r Rose, Orange flower and Larriw* »> Rose, Bcnjoin. Musk, Oliva, | Vegetable, Ceylon, B|n4 fl »i^ m " 5 !* 1 Variegated, nnd Eriglpi Windwr 8oaW Wash Balls, Naples shaving aoupmfoh , Shaving Cakes, <$-c ro.,, 1 *. J pocket, fine teeth ° nA drcxsine Co 9 Patterns _ Hair Powder and Powder Pairs B ; Pocket iBooks and PocKet Wallet 1 , ^ without springs ’ ' La Fayette and Silk Stocks, Elastic Wire und Coburg . Silver. Wire Teeth Brushes witk g |l|D .Tounge Scrapers, . _ „ Nuil, Cloth, Hair und Shaving Cut Gluss Sinellipg Bottles, Visitin 0 L Metal Shaving Boxes, , .. Floating Tupere of every dcscnpUO". . Tonguin Beans, Musk, Carmine, • Court Pleister, Snuff Boxes, _ ' J Chamber Lights and Matches, FI cs, be. Which together with a ver 1 son-Street. nov 6 t(207 , Just Received, Per ship Savannah. ,AA HALF bbls Fulton market Beef. 10 bbls, Vassars Ale 25 firkins Goshen Butter . 26 kegs fresh Lard I For sale by . GAUDRY &, HERBERT, nov 16 i.214 G EORGIA Chatham county—By the hon. .lupin s of the Inferior court of Chatham a I ly silting for ordinary pujposes. To all whom it may concern. Whereas Williapi Davies administrator of Jla- | cob Franklin Real dee. has petitioned the court of Ordinary to be discharged from his Add adniinistratihu. ' These arc therefore to cite and admonisl all and singular, the kindred and creditors o the I said deceased to file their objections (if any they have,) in the office of the office of the Clc k of , the court of ordinary, on or before the 7th d y of A f Gl ' 0, '“ of Superior ydvet Corks; just — L —‘ ,-i.— j,.„, • v ] jtx rebeived and for sale by icralsnf assortment of Drugs, Medicines, tent Medicines, Sic. &c. AH of selected by a good judge, and arc ci^ji at least 2Q per ct. lower fliun has^ovet this market for cash or credit. rmWB. do »oll to 0.11 Chemists andDsw Shad’s B 111 oct 26 196 , : March next, otherwise letters disraissory w granted the petitioner. 9B t'X'.jfx, Witness the honorable John P. Wlllianson, I one of the Justices of Said court this 7th t ly of September, A. D. 1824. 1 1 S. M. ll'OND; c c*o c. sep 9. 166 Garlick in bunches, J UST received nnd for sale by LAY 8f HENDRICKSON, Shad’s Buildings. 210 ■ ' Velvet Corks. nov 11 . Parrot for sale. . T HE best educated M'Iar|c s ^J ever came from Jninaiea to Aw ed for sale—price 25 dollars. Ln J r lice. nov 11 m2I0 LAY k HENDRICKSON, 211 Shad’s Buildings. •noy 12 Proposals, JjlOR repairing the Bridge between Wliitsmarsh mn mount, jVTlNE months after date application Will bo ] ±N mude to the hon. Inferior court of Cl/atlmm comity, for leave to sell all that lot in Snfsinnnb known by the'No. 1, Ellis square, Dcckcn ward, with tlie improvements thereon : ami all unit lot I in Savannah known by the No. 23, in Liberty wurd, with the buildings thereon, beiig the renl estate of John Smith, deceased, for t lie bo'nc- i fit of the heirs. , ' 1 DERICK HERB din’r. Island and Oatlamls, will be received be tween this and the 1st day ot November. For particulars apply to TIMOTHY BARNARD, ) Com’rs JOUNjSClUVEN. \ Wilming- EDW/ F. TATTNALL. S ton Dis’t. Oct 16 19a J tu irary j S open for tlie delivery of Books on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, from Tnntx; until I in F‘v| o’clock'. ' ‘ uug 20 1-19 For terms, app'm“‘ - - f Bro ugi>‘a S. at the School Room, corner e ., {)ie ^ Aberoorn Streets, iitim-ly JI j 0r5 t.#J of Win. B. Bullock, Esq. jftfMSJv. m Reference may be made to W | Josia’ii Cii.mmh‘0, Esq. . Iinv2 Savaniiali Fetiut'^ * N Election for a 0s* .A.will lake place at the first meeting in s ,jLcril ,fr above to be handed in, to t - By order of the boar^. .» BU nov tO