Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, November 23, 1824, Image 1

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•m() Vol. XXII. IWKiVlNG, NOVEMBER 23, 1821. Whole 4542. RS 111 iW* i\iUV , WU.1RF.inf; STORAGE, DRAY- SI) WEI DU ISO, I.Y SA FANNA II, liril, Jan. 1H2-1, anil now hi operation. WHARSWOE* lOOJons, per^ilny 60 cents. tf Tin Hiding und Shipping Country Pro- kl J ” ducc. Ififh ,, rr el or halt ito Rice 4 cents. 6 A '■ 16 30 * ‘ 30 m 20 30 11.1,-Cotton ■ l ; v,. T of Indigo ]„ r ;iilot - tobacco ®foet of Lumber 11000 stove* ||o00'd lin e ,cs .■ JOCO reed* >. ^ ^ gfflfc: oak, redar nnd other ujvy wooil, sold by the SolidI ft--37j f ,0 bnHiels of corn, and gram of all kind, in bulk * ' ^ jOO bushels lime In Wilt ^ <or,1 r ®iighiod or other posts, per ^ JZ&hJing nnd Shipping Goo*. “of n small size, each * 10 cents. WOlbs. and upwards 15 1200 <*» * . * 2 p pimento, sugar, and all Ur bags of such shra, (grain oij sntedl each * , * 3 ffihcd provisions nnvalstorcs, bread, apples, cider,and nfl kinds of barrels except dry goods and ^ o? Wines, and all kinds of liquor (cider excepted) dry goods In casks exceeding 20 gallons, and not over 63^allons * " “ wines or.liouori and dry -goods , In eaiks under 20 gallons - 2 les of dry goods,andall kinds of boxer under 4 foei square do do over 4 feet square 0. soap, candles, chocolate, cordials oil, and boxes of like size sugar, each rs ofcorn, per 1000 is, the ntnfe as boxes. of osnaburgs, Russia duck, bogging canvas, each 2 ofliquororany kind of casks, ex* rpuding 130 gallons * 13 is, loose, per gross • *25 „r pots, each - • ; idles of pans, spades, lie. each 2 k per IVObufhcJs * *25 Kes net exceeding 600 lbs. each 20 exceeding 000 lbs. not exceeding 1200 lbs. » - 35 eiceeding 1200 ll»s. • - 60 ige of all xinds, per coil • 3 ovens with covers, and fire dogs per pair - . les of earthenware * * [esc, per 100 lbs. * • per cask - * rs, of 2 wheels •» , of two wheels ges, of four wheels 1 8 3 4 37 25 $1 00 25 124' 3 1, Windsor andall sitting chairs, per doxen - *12 rton • • I® iisuudcr6001bs. - 26 over 600, not over 1200 lbs . 60 over 120011m. • $1 00 ibouscs . • * 26 1, empty ... 2 le, each • 26 s, each * * , 1 Its and chests of drawers * ,10 (Wood, per cord * * 26 , per quintal - • 2 if all descriptions (except in bags) per 100 bushels * owder, In bbls; of 100 lbs. each inhnifbbls. in kegs 6f 23 lbs. or under pi window, per 100 feet, in propor tion for smaller - ’* A . ereceding 130 gallons of liquor orany kind of merchandize 16 exceeding 03 and hot- exceeding 130 gallons • 8 rfhtile, per 1000 - 25 up, per ton > .60 as,raw prtanned, per 100 * 60 r , loose, per 100 lbs. - .25 in bundles, each ... 6 ipcg» of Merchandize; each • 6 0. of Potatoes, each . 2 each - . . 6 tor Jugs, each per dozen ' J 0 1, per ton - 25 :» of paint, butter, lard, biscuit, and Such size kegs . . 1 shot and lead oyer 56 |)w. rigid ver 6001bs . . . liquors of a smaller size than 20 gallons . . e,pcr lOO.bushels •per barrel - '♦•■'. * for plastering.per IOQO * », each , - • •. bper 100 bushels in ropes, per 100 retpes »iron, each - < J Apples, per 100 ‘toes per 100 bushel - ' - s °f gin, brandy, and all kinds of li quor, exceeding 63 gallons ■ do. exceeding 130 gallons uier casks of wine find other liquor, 'ider excepted) and dry goods in mts exceeding 20 gallons'not ex- ceding 63, gallons wnsinjars . i DO bushels • . lets each j t, ; .• . ■ s , quern arid grind, nermu'da, per 100 • 'arge mill per pair - JSSm otl,or stones, per ton |} ! under 200 gallons' each. ' ‘ over 2(K) do ' V"’,; . , 6. 2 30 A 10 26 25 124 1 •-24 £6 fl 15 C "I:' 25 1 2 25 • 60 26 “4 10 6 G o I brandy, puncheon .of rum, ,tn<i all kinds of liquor in cnskscxcccdingfl#, nnd not exceeding 130 gallons • 20 Iron per tun, first nnd lust weckOO cents, intervening weeks - - 25 Every other article same as its wharfage. . V.- tvKiamNcn Each hbl. or half bb. rice * G Ilhd. of tobacco or sugar - • 16 Package of indigo - • -8 'laic of cotton - - • G kwh draft of light goods, under 100 lbs. fl do do do over 100 lbs. 12. do do heavy goods under 200 do do do over 200 per 100 lbs 3 DRAYAOE. Tor hauling up the Bhilf to any part ofthd city, articles not herein enumerated, for 1600 pounds weight , - • - 60 cents. Under 1500 lbs and not less than 100 374 do 1000 do do do 600 65 For a ,1000 feet of-Luiubcr $1 60 do 1(100 Bricks • . 1 50 do cord of wood • • 1 60 For every bnln of cotton 8 do bbl. of Rice * . 18} do hhd of Tobacco • • 374 ,do bbl of Flour • - fl] Arid every other article in thesnmoproportion; for hauling down the Bhiif, or from one whurf to another exceeding I6(k) lbs - 87J cts. Under 1500 and not less than 100 lbs 25 For each bale of cotton • fit , do bbl Rico . - . 124 do hhd Tobacco •• 314 do bbl Flour - • fl| ■And wry other article in the same proportion. Committees of Council. 1 FINANCE. A LDERMEN. Rulloch, Minis, Gumming. STREETS AND CARES. — Dcnsler, Millen, Wayne. MARKET, — Morrison, Shick, Gaudry. nay culture.’' — Waring, Bulloch, Morrison. HEALTH AND CKMETBY, — Habersham, Jackson, Waring. PUMPS. — Jackson, Dcnsler* Millen. LAKES. — Camming, Minis, Wayne. PUBLIC HOCKS. — Millen, Gaudry, Dentler. EXCHANGE. . , ' Shick, Gaudry, Habersham. Di\ A. DE LAKOCilE. Opposite tier. Exchange, Sai’nnnah. 'S coiistuAtly receiving fresh'supplies of gen- uinc DRUGS AND MEDICINE^, selected for Country Merchants and Physicians, which he will sell for cash or approved credit' at the lowest City price. Just received, SVLPJTATE of QU1NINA. oct 1G 190 ENGINES AMI Fine BUCKETS. Minis, Jackson, Morrison. public sales. • Harris, Jackson, Camming. General Dnig,Chemicals Family Medicine Ware House. LAY HENDRICKSON, ^ Wholesale and Retail Chemists and Druggists JV*o. 1. Shad’s lluitdings, Corner of Congress and Whitaker Streets, Savannah. I AVE constantly on hand a very general as sortment of • DRUGS, MEDICINES, DYE SCUFFS AND FAINTS, PERFWM E RY, ^*C. A*C. A great variety of Apnthecuries Glass Ware sucli as wide ami narrow mouth bottles, from 1 gullon toone ounce,composition and glass mortars, glass iampsand lahip glasses, smellings bottles, gradua ted measures, Apothecaries viuls white and green. Surgeons Instruments—Rocket sets, turnkeys, trusses, spring and thnmb lances, forceps, satahis, bougies, catheters, scales and weights, £,■<■.. &,-c. Patent Mtilidnet—of every description, <’iz: Seidlita and Soda Powders, bulin ofQulto, calcin ed magnesia, Lees, Andcrsons, and Hoopers Pills Swaims Panacea, Balsam llonev, Batemans uut Churches Cough Drops, Itfh olritmctit. ^c. All of which arc oirered for snie oil the most liberal terms for cash or credit. iCP L.S-H. Having enlarged their Establish meet nnd having made sucli arrangements ns to be continually receiving n fresh supply of "goods flatter tbemselvcsthut none of the kind inthis city can ofler greater inducements to dealers. The Merclinnt, the Planter, and the Physician, can hero be snpplied with almost every article in the Drug line, os their assortment will be fouudoxten- slvo and of the best quality, under no considcra tion whatever will the sale oflmpure or adulters ted articles he promoted., The utmost care will he used in the selection of good Medicines and will be sold at a moderate profit. It is upon these principles alone that they will endeavor to secure patronage. All orders promptly executed. The Georgia Patriot, and Darien Gazette, will jilcnse to give this advertisement six insertionsand 1 orwnrd their bills for payment, sept is 182 . HOuKS AND I.AnDV.KS, — Wayne, Habersham, Shick. M. MYERS, c. c In Admiralty. UNITED STATES OP AMERICA, I DTSTRICT OF GEORGIA. ) John W. Long ' i vs. > Monition. Ship Albion and cargo.) Tv the Marshal of said District— GREETING i , GEO. GLEN, Clerk. W HEREAS John W. Long assignee of the un derwriters at Lloyds in London, in the Kingdom of’Great Britain, the supposed insurers of the'Ship Albion and cargo, Has exhibited his libel.or complaint, in the District Court oi the. U nited States, forthe District of Georgia; stating p e P each . . ' . (rice excepted) over . mmmm - - o I °‘>ill kinds, under 4 feet squaro 4 °.J 0o ycr 4 squares - - ' 0 . im. r C ' IS ^ S cxc,, oding 130 gallons )i. nrl r 1 °. ! ], ,cr idnds of merchandize. 16 .• i^Wlllctti, lignum vita’, and all ; , '" oh . Per ton - - 25 ' e ?jer.pafr . . .. 81 oSons of 4 wheels, (4 wheels) '* 60, ' , ' 'Dry article in proportion to the foregoing rates. f "n article is not to be found under its name. ’*raum in which it is usually contained. “‘P tying on a Wharf more than two nights, to v Cr:f to a week’s storage uiiless landed on Salr her any other evening immediately preceding “WjMh such eases to he removed on the second i s ia H thereafter, or be subject to storage as Pw week,- 8 cents for the .-V. -.-’/i Ve„-' ' u llist week und for each inter- |>Ue fc k i . . Scent!.. ' week ... 6 it ir " cr week - - 20 , Bs * ontaining more than 30gal- * - ■ * 25 molasuc?, Fijto of pin, Albion, laden wltli Mahogany, Logwood, nnd di vers oilier articles, wns,oothe'morliing ofthe 16th Sefitehibcr last, by tfje force of the wind and wayes driven on the beach of, Saint Catherines Island, inthe District aforesaid, mid there aban doned by hercrew; mid that much of the oargo has floated out of the said Ship, some part of which lias been taken by George if. Johnston; Patrick Houston nnd George M. Waldburg, and by divers, other persons, to a place of greater safety, and that port theref still lies on the bpach of said Island, below,high water mark exposed to the sea That the Agent ol the underwriters a) Lloyds, un der the impression that the said Ship ana cargo were insured at Lloyds; has fertile benefit of nil concerned, sold the interest ol'the said underwri ters aforesaid, therein at publick sale to John W Long. But the said persons, who have removed a part of the cargo to a plnce of greater safety, claim to be entitled to Salvage thereon, nnd pray ing process of this court to take the said, wreck nnd the said-cargo, or so much thereof, as is to be found within the jurisdiction of this Court, into tho custody of the Court for the benefit of the said iibcllnnt, nnd all persons concerned, and praying a monition rigainst the said George, Patrick-, and George, and all other persons, claiming to be en titled to salvage to appear and establish such their claims and also to all persons interested to nppear, and shew cause why the said wreck and her car go shall not be adjudged to the said John W, assignee, as aforesaid* of the underwriters, at Lloyds, and for further proceedings. Now therefore, you the said Marshal, are hereby com manded to attach, seize, lake, and safely keep the remains (if the said Ship Albion and her cargo, wheresoever within the jurisdiction of this Court, or in the possession of whomsoever to be found, to answer the said libel, and you are further com manded to cite nnd admonish the said George, Patrick, and Geprge, and all other persons, claim ing to be entitled to salvage ip this behalf to npr peat before this Court, pnd there establish such their, ejaim and further to cite and admonish all and every person arid persons, whomsoever hav ing or pretending to have Hny right, title, interest property; claim or demand iriy or to the said wreck or to the cargo thereof, to be, and nppear at a spe cial Court of Admlrajiy, to be bold at Savannah, On the Tufelfth day of November, next; to answer the libellant in die premises that l ight and justice may be done in this behalf. Andwbptsoever you shall do', in tills regard certify and make known to the Judge of said Court,at the time and place aforesaid; and have you then and there this writ. Witness the Hon. Jerentiniv Cuyler, Judge of said District, this twenty-first day of October, eighteen hundred and Priority four. NICOLL & GORDON, Proctors for Libellants. All persons interested In the foregoing Monition will take due notice. JNO. 1J- MOREL; M.-n.o. l)cf30 , 201 . .... . . t rEOKUl A, Chatham County—To all whom H rimy copcern. Whereas Elie .Ajon has applied to the Hon this Courb ofOrdinnry of Chatham County, for letters of ndraiBistrao°n on the estate nrfd eriefcts of MadaniRbbieudp InJoncherelateof Chatham County dec, hi behnlf rif the heirs and ferediters. These are therefore to cite and admonieh all and singular the kindred and creditors Of the: snlddepeascd, to' file their objections (if arty they liavc) to the granting of the, administration of tlie estate Of the said deceased to tho applicant in the Clerk's Office of the said Court* on or before the fifteenth day of December next; otherwise letters of ndministration will he granted. Witness tho Hon. . one of the Justices of the said Court, the 15th day ofNoveiP' her, A. D. 1824. S. M. BOND, c p-q. nov 16 213 The Library TS open for the delivery of Books on Monday* A Wednesday, and Friday, from three uriti. five o’clock. . Owners and Tenants of Houses Take Notice. T HE Managers and Assistants of Fire Engines will on Muiuldy, the 161A insl. proceed to mnko an examination of Buckets, Ladders, fie. throughout the City. All persons not complying with tfio following sections of an Ordirtnnce for ircventing accidents by Fire Sic. Will be returned o Council. Sec, 10. And be it further ordained, That every house within the limits and Jurisdiction of this City, occupied and tenanted, shall be supplied with buckets at the expense of the owners of said premises, to the number of at least the num ber of five-places in the same, including such as nre in t he out-buildings, and the said buckets shall lie equal In goodness and size to those procured for tnc use of the City,and painted,on which shall lie painted in visible characters the name of the ownnrs of said buckets; ar d in case the owner of any house or tenement should refuse or neglect to have the said buckets supplied ugrfeeably to this ordinance, it shall and inuy be lawful for the tenant to procure the same, deducting it out of his rent. Sec 1 . 11 And be it further ordained, That the owner of every improved‘wharf shall furnish twenty bucKuts for the building or buildings on .such whurf, arid deliver them to Managers and Assistants of the Engines, on or before tli.e second meeting of Council in July next; und the receipt of any Manager or Assistant, for sacli buckets, shall be deemed a full compliance with this sec tion, by the owner, .for the number of buckets mentioned in said receipt; And tho owner of every store in tho City, that lias no fire-place or daces attached to the same, shall furnish two fire- mrkets for every More of such kind, - and under sucli regulations ns other landlords nre by this or dinance required to do. Sec. 12. And he it further ordained, That every owncrofa wooden house or houses, brick, or stone house,or houses covered with wood,occupi ed ns dwelling-houses or kltchena.shall providethe same with a sufficient ladder, or have a scuttle or door cut through tltft roof of such iiouse or houses, large enough for a man to-puss through conva niently, under the penuutiy of a fine not excee ding thirty dollars. nov 2. 203; JOHN HAUPT, Oicrk. Register of Debates in Congress. PROSPECTUS. A CCOitDlNGtoanintimationhcrctoforegiyen, there will be published at the Office of tho National Intelligencer, during the next session of Congress, and, if encouraged by the approbation bfthePublic. at every session thereafter, a RE. GISTEROF DEBATES IN CONGRESS, intend edtocompreheudamore full Report of the Speech- cs on topics of general interest, in each House of Congress,than itas ever heretofore beon published, or than can be given to the Public through the or- diuary mid limited channel, the cohunnsof a news paper, This compilation will be of the most au thcntic cast,printed with great regard topenumey and in n form for durable preservation. This undertaking is Mot of course intended to substitute or supercede the Reports of Dehates for the National Intelligencer, but father, by with- •drawing the hriavy and extended. Reports trom its columns, to enable the Proprietors of that Journal to furnish, every, dny, in a comprehensive form intelligible Reports of the' Proceedings and Dis elusions in the duy preceding, on both Houses. The “Register” is necessarily an experiment, but it is an experiment the success of which we soe.iio reason to doubt. Every one who takes an interest iii our political history, as well as all those wjio enguge in the duties of political life; must have felt and lamented the want of a Record of Debates in Congress, in a convenient form, with indexes which might lead the enquirer to any sub jec( debated, and to the name of any ono who eft' gCged in debate. Such would be an ele' mentary book for young politicians, and we have no hesitation in asserting that the possession of -sucli a one, from the commencement of tho exist ing government to this day, would be of immense value to (he nation, were it ouly to shew what has hhret$bre been said upon questions, which arc continually recurring for discussion, nnd produc ing needless coqfumption of timo by superliuoiis debate. What is true of tiie years that have past, will, ns soon as they are gone, be equally true ~ those in which we live. It is noionly, therefore, as,a'vehicle of present information, but also as a book for future rqterence —asa National Kolitical Repository and Text-Book that we hope this work will Ije both useful and popular. From tho lowness of the subscription to this work, it xvi 11 be seen that ft is no part of our cal culation to realize any present profit, from it. On the contrary,'WC shall; in all probability, lose mo ney by it for a year or two, hoping that thereafter its established Character will ensure it a. sufficient patronage to make it profitable. GALES Si SEATON. Washington, September, 1864. CONDITIONS. The publication of GALES Si SEATON’S RE GISTER OF DEBATES IN CONGRESS will commence as soon as the Debates at each suc cessive Session of Congress shall afford materials to fill a half sheet, (8 pages.) The work will be printed in the octavo form, on a super royal paper, made for the purpose, and on abreviertype,in double columns—each page com prising nearly as much matter as one of the co lumns of the National Intelligencer. It will contain as full and accurate Reports as can be obtained of all Debates on main questions, end of all interesting Debates on incidental ques tions; with an Appendix, containing a list of the Members of each House, the Yeas nnd Nays in each House on questions which have been the subject of Debate, such Documents, connected with tho subjects of Debate, as may be deemed essential to enable the render to comprehend them* and proper indexes to the whole. The Debates of the next Session, it is computed, will, with the Appendix, make a volume of five hundred page's, at least* and will be furnished to subscribers through the Post Oflicc, in sheets, as . I 1 • I I / ■ ' J _ 1 J1.! Aill .. I 11, ntill J. Shinn’s Panacea T HE subscriber, having discovered the com position of Swaim’s celebrated Panaecn has now a supply on hand for sale—he has redu ceil tlie price from $3 60 to $2 60, or by the d zenf24. All charitable institutions in tlie United States, and the poor will lie supplied grain, If the citizens of tlie principal cities and towns will appoint an agent to order and distribute this Medicine to the poor, it will lio supplied. This Medicine is celebrated for the cure of the following diseases; ScorfuW or King’s Evil. 01- cemted or Putrid Sore Throat, long standing Rheumatic affections, Cutaneous Diseases, White Swelling and Disenses of the Rones, and all cas es generally of an Ulcerous character, and Chro nic Diseases, generally arising in debilitated con stitutions, but more especially from Syphilis ot affections arising therefrom; Ulcers in the larynx J>-c. and tlie dreadful diseases occasioned by 1 iortg nnd excessive use of Mercury, 4' c> It is al so used in Diseases of the Liver. CERTIFICATES, I have within the last two years had an oppor tunity of seeing-several cases of very inveterate Ulcers, which having resisted previously tile rfe- gulnr modes of treatment, Were healed by the use of Mr. Swaim’s Pnnacen, and 1 do believe, from what I have seen, that it will prove nn important remedy in Scrofulous, Venereal rthd Mercurial diseases. N. CHAPMAN, M, D. Professor of the Institutes and Practice Of Physic, in the University of Pennsylvania. I have employed the Panacea of Mr. Swaim 1 numerous instances, within the last three years and Jia've always found it extremely efficacious especially in secondary Syphilis, and Mercurial Diseases- 1 have no hesitation in pronouncing it a Medieine of inestimable valuu. W GIBSON, M. D. Professor of Surgery to the University of Penn. JOHN SHINN, Chemist. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1823. Each publisher of n newspaper in the U. States, is requested to publish this advertisement once s month, for one year, and send their accounts for payment. Superior court—Chatham county. Thomas F. Purse ct. al. ) - Complaints I and > IN EQUITY. Richnrd R. Cuyler, cx’r Wm Shaw, deceased. J N this case, on tlie suggestion in tho defend ant's answer, that certain persons not parties to this hill, residing in Scotland, claim to he en titled to a distribution of part of the undivided state of Wm biiaw, deceased, and on motion, it s ordered that all persons concerned,do appear before tlie Superior Court of Chathnin County in the term of.Inintary next, then and tliel-c to es tablish sucli their claims; and in default thereof^ that the undivided estate of the said Wm Slunv, he distributed among the complainants agreeably to tlie deeree of said Court and that this rule lie published once a mouth until- the expiration thereof. ' Extract from'the minutes this 7th day of June, 1824. A. B. FANNIN, Clerk. June 17 1 frr!38 Superior court, Chatham county. January Term, 1824. Aaron Cleveland and Susan C,'! his wife, , < vs. f Rule Nisi. Jacob Falim. J O N tlie petition of Aaron Cleveland nnil Su san C. his wife, who was Susan C. Bona, stat ing that Jacob Fuhm, before the intermnrriagc of the.petitioners, to wit) on the 22d day of Juno 1821, did in conjunction with one Joseph A. Scott, execute a joint bond to the said Susan C in tlie peqal sum of four thousand dollars cortdi tinned for tlie payment Of two thousand dollars with interest from date, on or bplore the .first day of March' then next, and that for tlie' better securing the payment thereof, the said Jacob did on the day and year first aforesaid make ins certain indenture of mortgage, whereby ho mortgaged to said Susan C. all that lot of ground known and designated os Garden lot number thirty nine, No 3d, and also, that adjoining half part of another lot known as lot number (qrty two, No 42, containing together eight and a. half acres more or less situated to tlie cast of ,the city of Savaunnh nnd bounded to the north west of Lot No 26, to the south and east by . lands be longing to tlie cstute of Hampton Lilllbridge, and the west by the public road lending to Skidaway island whereon a brick yard is npW established arid known by the name- of Fahms brick yard-, that there is now on the said - bond or mortgage obligatory.the sum of eighteen hun dred dollars with interest from tlie 23d day of January 1823, and praying the foreclosure of the equity of redemption of tlie said Jncnb und Ids heirs, executors, administrators and assigns in ami to the said mortgaged premises—Or motion of W. W. Gordon, attorney for the. pelioners— It is ordered that .the principal and interest due on tlie said bend or writing obligatory together with the cost of this application he paid into this court within twelve months from this date, or in nose of default that the equity of redemption of said Jacob Falun, his heirs, .executors, adminis trators and assigns be from thenceforth forever foreclosed and that such fuslher and other pro ceedings be had thereon, a$ are pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided—And it is further ordered that this rule be published in one of the Gazettes of this state at least once month for twelve months, or thnt a Copy, served on tlie defendant at least six month before the time •appointed for the payment of the nion ey into court, * Extract from tire minutes, 16th. Jan. 1824. jan 1 fl 12 JOB T.SO LES Chatham Superior Court. ■ oasps of transmission beyond the limitsof the city. The sheets will be transmitted as completed, without regard to any particular days, ns the pub lication must of course be regulated by the prepar- atibn 'of the. matter of which it is to be composed. The subscription will in no case, unless within the city, and not then unless specially indicated, be understood to extend beyond the volume ac tually paid for in advance. To non-subscribers the price will be pour dbl- lars, bound ip bodrds,for*he volume ririw announc ed. ■ The Debates of the Session of Congress follow ing the next, and of the first Session ofevcvy Con gress, will,.it is supposed, fill about one thousand pages, or perhaps more,- making, one very large volume, or (wo of a handsome size—the first Ses sion of-each. Congress being nearly double the du ration of the second- The price of the Register fertile yirri Session of each Congress, be its con tents more or less than 1000 pages, will be fixed nt five dollars to subscribers, end sutonoti-subscri- bors. , ocus m G EORGIA—Chatham County.—To all whom it may concern.—Whereas, Joseph R.Thompr son lias applied to the lion, the Court of Ordinary of Chatham County for letters of administration on the estate and effects of William R. Holland, late of Savannah, Druggist, dec’d in behalf of the heirs and creditors. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all nnd singular tlie kindred and creditors of the said de ceased, to file their objections (if any they have) to the granting of the administration of the estate of the deceased to the applicant in the Clerk- Office of the said Court, on or before the twenty seventh dny of November next; otherwise letters of administration will he granted. Wlinees the Hon. John P. Williamson one of the Justices of the said Court, the 27th Oct. A. D. 1824. oct 27 1»S S. M. BOND,c co. Si EORGIA, Chatham County.—By the Hon. \J tlie Justices of tlie Inferior Court, sitting for oedinary purposes. To all whom it may concern. Whereas John M'Nish, administrator of Isaac Baillon, dec. has petitioned the honorable the Court of Ordinary to be disehargedfrom his said administration. Now these are therefore to cite and ndmonish ull nnd singular tlie kindred and creditorsof the said (lie their objections,(ifany they have) in tho Office of the Clerk of the Court of Ordina' ry, on or before the second day of May next, o therwise letters dismissory will be granted the pc titioner. Witness the hon. John P. Williamson one of the Justices of the said Court this second day <|f No vember, 1824. . S. M. BOND, c. c. o< nov 2 203 Superior court, Chatham county. John Retail ) vs. > Rule Nisi. Nathan Baker. ) O N the petition of .Tno. Rctnn stating that Nathan Baker did on tile first !,•■■ y •22, tlie better to secure the payment of his rtaln promissory note of that date for the -inn two thousand dollars, payable to tlie said John dan, or order, on or before the 1st day of May, 182-1. with inlcri-'t at 7 per cent per annum, by llis indenture, under his seal/ bearing dale the day and year first aforesaid, .mortgaged ito tlie SRld John Retail, all tlie undivided • moiety or half part of all 'that lot of land, situate, lying amt u ill the city of Savannah, ami known mid distinguished in the plait thereof by the number ono (I) Tyr oiincll tyllibig Darby ward, together witli the ap[iurtenmiccs, and further staling that tlie said promissory note remains wliolv Unpaid, and the said mortgage in full force, ami praying tlie foreclosure of tlie said mortgage. On motion of W. W. Gordon, attorney for tlie iclioner, it is ordered that the said Nathan Ha ter dq pay into this court, within twelve months of tins date, the principal and interest dm- 011 the said note and the cost of the said application, or, in default thereof* that the equity o( , •alp tion of tlie suid Nathan linker of and to ! ■. > - • d mortgaged premises, be thenceforth and forever foreclosed. ■ And it is further ordered, that a Copy cf this rule lie served on the said Nathan linker, at I'-nst six months before the time appointed for the inyiiieiit of said money into court, or published 11 one of the public .Gazettes of this state, nt least Once in every mouth, until tlie time pointed for the payment thereof, and that further nnd other proceedings he, had ns prescribed by tlie statute in such case made provided. Extract from tlie minutes this 24th Mnv. 1824. may 7 2 A. B. FANNIN, Clerk. May Term, 1824. G EORGE Johnston and others, complainants vs Peter Vanbargli Livingston nnd others, defendants, in equity in the Superior court, ot Cliathnni county, May term, 1824. It appearing to the Court by affidavit that Pe ter Vanburgh Livingston and Harriet E. Living ston, who are parties defendant reside beyond tlie state ofGeorgia, and within tlie United States on motion Of complainants solicitor, it is ordered tlinl the said dcfepaanl do respectively appear andan- swor the complaints bill within four months from he date of this rule. And is further ordered that this rule he published once a week during four monlhsfrom this date in one of the public Gazettes of this State. , Extract from the Minutes. A,,B. FANNIN, Clerk* june8 134] G t EORGIA, Chatham County—By the howira-. T ble the Justices of the Inferior court of Chath am county sitting for ordinary purposes. To all xvhom it may concern. Whearas Charles Gregory executor of Thomas G. Davis late of, Chatham county deceased has petitioned the honorable the court of ordinary to be discharged from his suid executorship. These are therefore to cite nnd admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections, if any they, have, in the office of the Clerk of the court of ordinary on or before the 7th day of March next, otherwise letters dismissory, will be granted the petitioner. , v Witness the honorable George L Cope, one of tlie Justices of the snjd court this seventh day of September, A. D. 1824. S. M. BOND, c c o c c Sep9 176 , ' ' Swaims Panacea. rnHE Subscribers have just received from Piiil- X adelplviaa fresh supply of this celebrated Me dicine,,and have made such arrangements as to keep a constant supply 6f it on hand. Persons in wnnt of this article curi depend upon its being-gen. nine, as it comes direct from Mr. Swaim.. : LAY fy HENDRICKSON, . Chemist and Druggists, SWe Buildings. ool 7 Camden—Superior Court. October Term, 1824. Nicholas J. Bayard ) vs. > Rule Nisi. Ray Sands ) O N the petition of Nicholas J. Bayard, stating tlmt Ray Sands, on the fifth day of June eigh teen hundred and twenty-four, for the better se curing the payment of his certain bond or writing obligatory, bearing date the day and yenr afore said', whereon he the said Ray acknowledged him self held and bound unto the said Nkholas J. Bay ard, in the penal sum of four thousand dollars' conditioned forthe paymel of one thousand dpi: lars on or before the first day of October then next, und the further sum of one thousand dollars on the first day of January then next, did mort gage all that tract, piece, or parcel of land; lying, being and situate on Cumberland Island in the county of Camden, and known by the name of Cotton Bluff, containing four hundred and fifty acres, bounded on the north by lands of Shierer, on the south by lands of Nathaniel Green, and or the west by salt marsh, together with the appurte nances—and further stating that the said sums oi money remained unpaid, and pray the foreclosure of the equity of redemption of the sttid Ray. On motion of W. W. Gordon, attorney for.tlie petitioner, it is ordered that the said Ray Sands do pay into this court before the expiration of twelve months from this date, the said several sums of money in the condition of the said bond mention ed, together with the interest and cost, otherwise that the equity of redemption of the snjd Ray Sands his heirs, executors, administrator* and as signs, of, in and to the .said mortgaged premises', be thenceforth and forever fore'closed. Arid-ft M-furtherordered, that this rule be pub lished in one of the Gazettes of this state at least a month'for twqive' months,'or that a copy be served on the said Rbv Sands, at..least,six- months before the expiration of the time appoint ed for ((re payment of the said money into court, and that such further proceedings he had as are pursuant to the statute'in such case made and pro vided. Extract from (die minutes, this 26th Oct. 1824. : JOHN BAIEEY, Clerk. oct 29 ,200 up- udi nd Superior court,ChatiumiCutuifv. ‘ 1 ' . . • JV March Term-;. '824; William Bcrrie J 1». Rule Nisi, John Christopher. S O N the petition of William Borric slating that one John Christopher, of tin; enmity of Camden, boing indebted to one Henry 8m!ler or order in a note of hart fl, dated St JImysin aid county, on the t>t!i October 1822, in the turn of Five Hundred Dollars, payable with interest from the date on the first duy of Jmnmry then next ensuing, did mortgage to the said Henry Ids heirs and assigns, to secure the payment of (lie note aforesaid, with interest on the same—11 cer- aitl lot of land in the town aforesaid being part of lot No. 1 beginning nt the west corne r of a lot belonging toone Calvin Hayes, thence rmi- ing south 100 feet on St. Marys Street, ti.vncc north to Bryant St. cast *.t* C, Hays’ hind llience south to the beginning* with the margin attached to the same on the south Jude of St. Marys or Buy st. boing a hundred feel on the street and running from thence directly to tlie l iver St. IRafys, together wjlrt nil nnd singular every thing thereto appertaining,thnt tllcsaidllenry fc t; Utter, to whom und to whose heirs und assigns the su’d inortgngc was made on tint 24th of Sept. IBS July assigned by deed, said mortgage toll, pe titioner, there is now due on said inert * arc t lie sum of Five Hundred Dollars with interest from, the 1st January 1822, and praying for the fori-do sure of tlie equity of redemption, in,tlie said J .fin Christopher, Iris heirs and assigns in til* mortgaged premises and that the same Le foreclosed according to law. On motion of Belton A Copp, attorney for pe titioner, it is ordered that the principal and in tercst due on the sidd mortgage together with the costs rtf his applicants be paid ipto this rood, within twelve months from this date, otherwise that the equity of redemption of the said' John Christopher Iris heirs executors, admini-Urr'ama nnd assigns be from thertce forever vjfcifc-'.’ostuf and that sucli other proceedings take place us a pursuant to l!m statue. And it is further ordered that this nile hr p ft iished in one of the Gazettes of this state at r oiipe a month for twelve months to the time pointed for the payment of said money'iuiti- ,G0Uft‘ . ^ .-VV: ' A- true extract from the minutes. JOHN BAILEY, Clerk. Jeffngson, 15th March, i821 ;/. In Admiralty. ,y ‘ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ) DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. $ George AVopdtuff and others. ) Pieces of Mahogany part cargo t Monition- Ship Albion j • To the Marshal of tlie District of. Georgia - : GllEXTIXG :— L. S. GEO. GLEN, Cl.rt W HEftEAS-George Woodruff* -Patrick I tomb ton and QftOrgp JoiniStrtli qpi^J.acyb, Wuld- burg and George AYaldiitlrg and Edward PaPosteU have exhibited their libel or complaint in the Dis- frictCrthrt of the United Staffs forthe District of Georgia aforesaid, stating and prupoirndiug lhat by means of great labor njtd exertion of the mtpm GcnuinepatentFaniilyJVledichies X EESPiljls Churches Ess Mustard Xj Andersons do things worm Lozenges Hoopers 1 do Thompsons teeth paste James do do eye Water Churches cough drops Rogers, vegetable Andersons ; do pulmonic detergent Balsom Honey Hcnrlein oil Audlerslenative British oil Opodeldnclc Henrys canc’d magnesia Squires elixir Batemans drops, Salts Lemons / ' Can constantlv be had at the store of 1 , ’ LAY HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. sept28 183 . which had been wrecketfftuthe' gale of •W&;-P»|K’ teenth of September l.a'st; 'end was driven off tho beach of the Island of Saint Catherines, in . the suid District, ami praying n reasonable salvage or allowance therefrom. Atid whtrCa's the J ridge qf the District Court for tlie District afcrosairi,. lyitlt ordered and directed tlie Twelfth d(iy of Novjenr* her next, for all persons concerned* iq lib'citeil to appear atthe Court Home, hj the CTty pf Sayan- linn, nt ten o’clock ofthayiiiy, and'sbew caifoj if any they have, why judgment should. t:o( .pass ,'us prayed : You are therefore hefel>y'aiithoriseri and enjoined, to cite arid udnioqisli a}l parsbite, wfgBc ver, having, oi'pretending to have. my. right.Liie, or interest, in or to the .said Maltogany , .JUjfiilcd against'ns aforesaid, to be, and apppur, at'tiic limn, and place, aforesaid) before the'Judge .afqi vuid, to hear, abide, by and perform all and .-:in;r'.:l,nr sucli judicial actri as are'necessary and briflaw. required to be.-done in the prehiiises ; and liirtiiV r to do mid receive whutuiito law and justice : iu'!i appertain, tinder the pain of the iaW an.'i daiv tctnpt thereof, the absence nnd-oolite.hat.y of them gndevery of-them in any wise notv.ith- slanding. Arid whatsoever you shall do Iff, the promises you shaft duly certify uuto the said Judge, itt'thc time and jilace, aforesaid, together with these .presents. . , .. WjfhesS the Hon. jegemiffb Cuyler,' Judge of tho laid District,Court tlris't'wenty-tiiiith day of , to iler one thousand eight hundred. ; anrl twenly- fofir. ’ .DAVIES & BERRIEN; Factors.- Ail persons interested in tit; fdragoing Monition will takedqenotice. JNO. H. MOREL,, m.d. Oct 29 200 •Vr-INE months after date, application will bs J. 1 made to tbe hrtn. the Inferior Court o' Rry- an County, for leave to sell all the real esta'* of Sarah M’Kindlv,date of Bryan County dec for tiie benefit of tlie heirs and creditors of; said es tate., JAMES BUTLER, Adm’r. apil 2 §o“7 P ERSONS having claims against the ate ol Charles VV. Tebean; are requested to • •;;{ tiiem, and tiiose i 11 d> b H to make ;»;■ jiaymentto tlie Subscribe-.-—acemints against iiic said estate to be left with Messrs S. J) Sctieuk. . F.E.TEBF.A.U, Adtol Oof?