Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, November 24, 1824, Image 4

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pfraMi said City Marshal’s Salos. On lit' first Tucsdauin December r.o. 6, r,r.d north ; Administrator s sau On iPttiiuSiltiy the first of Dicembef.lUXI, Y\; IU, btlfoid iitllfelutn residence of Allen W Denmark, dec’ll, nil tlie personal property of said deed; coilsisltpjr ol 3 negroes, ■! head ot Lorsi's, one mule, Cuttle, Sheep, {touts, und hogs. «iul household uritl kitchen hirniture. Also, .1 head Oxi none rarryjog, 1 silver watch, und the present erop ofcorit ana fodder. Condi tions sale Ca-h. R. BURTON. Adtn’r. Oct M IM!> .MARY DENMARK. Am’\. South Broad-street, re.^n- Administrator’s sale, On the first Tuesday in January next, "VSTl!-!- he sold bid ore the Court House in the T » City ot Savannah, the following property, belli!; the real estate ol Andrew McLean, bite of Chatham County, deed tortile benefitof the heirs Blid eieditnrs, pursuant to an order of Court. One tract ot land, contniuing80Q acres adjoin ing muds ol Fruncis Tufts, James fiasco, und .Ma ry 'Inn es, known as Jonathan nml John Fox’s Cruets, about !- miles from Savannah. (Jnr vacant lot in fee simple, situated InEwcns- Ttui g, on .Niai pai et-vt.Savnnmih, known by No. 28. time IVitto, also fee simple, situated in do. anti liJiown by (he No. 21, with ndwclling house und Other improvements thereon. One I .ot in Kicekorom h, l.ihrrty county, dim purchasers giving bond and mortgage, pay- «h!e in one, two and three years,with interest from dale and personal security. GKO- GLEN, Oct Hi* 201 Adm’r cst. Andrew M’f.ane, aid be et, boun- Uncutor's safe, By J. B- I lorbort <$• co On thi-jirst Tuesday in December next, ^Ul.’ILL be sold nt the Court House in this city f » between the usual hours of 10 and 2 o’cl’li. All Ihc.biilldiugs situated 00 the north western comm ot Lot No tliirtc- n Washington Ward,con sisting of a 1 story house with a kitchen'and other lieees-ary improvemt nts being the property oflhe cst. of StiMimmh Miller, dec. sold by permission sit tb • Hon. the inferior Court of Chatham County and by order of the’ Ei'r fur the benefit of the heirs of • state. 1S1 1?y Calvin linker.'. . * tdriiinist Tutor's sale. On ’Hu first Tudsdhy in December next, Will he sold in front of the Court House in this City, at 11 o’clock. All the personal uropertv ofWfn.Muyhow, deceased. ^ Consisting of a D'SVKf.I.IXf; HOUSE, On T.nt No. 31, t.iherty Wnrd and one on nurtofLot No. 2,Jekyll Tything worliy ard,end sundry C.lliPFJVTFKS TOOLS. r of the Administruturs. 194 ^ V tween tli TVoiiV it tlie ground fore’that day. Lot no. l!', Warren Ward, 150 in (led ( a.-t liy lot no. 20, south by tit. Julian street, west by Warren Sqhurc, anil noilli By Bryan st. re-entered upon as the properly of tile estate ot Win. Wohdliridge for -1 quarters rent. Lot no. 22,Wmren ward, <50 by 90 feet, bound ed east by lot no. 21. sbutn by Congress st. west by Warren Square ami north by St. Julian street, re-entered Upon as the property of Geo. W M‘A1- lister, for 20 quarters rent. Lot no. 1, Washington ward, (50 by 90 feet, bounded east bv lot no. 2, south by a lane, west by Price st. and north by liny st. re-entered upon ns the property ol'T W Woodbridgc, for 4 quar ters rent. Lot no. 2, Washington ward, 00 by 90 feet, bounded east by lot no. 3, south by a lane, west by ioLno. I, and north by Hay st: re-enleied upon ns the property of T M Woodhridge, fur 4 quar ters rent. Lot no.- 10, Washington ward, CO by-90 feet, bounded east by lot no. 13, south by Bryan street, west by Price st. and north by a Itine, re-entered upon ns the property of S Wilkins and C C Coop er, fbr4 quarters rent. ; , Lot no. 24, Washington ward, <50 by 90 feet, bounded cast by lot no. 23, south liy Congress st. west by Price st. and north by St. Julian st. re-en tered upon as the property of M E Burnnrd, for 4 quarters rent. Lot no. 35, Washington ward, 60 by 90 feet, bounded cast by lot no. 34, south by Broughton st.'ivost by lot no, 30, and north by a lane, re-en tered upon ns .the property of Fanny Williams for 4 quarters rent. Lot no 02, Brown ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound ed’east by lot no. —■;, south by Liberty-st. West By lot no. 53, and north by a lane, re-entered up on as the properly of A. i! D’Lyou for 4 quarters rent. Lot no. 03, Browu ward. 60 by 90 feet, bound ed east by lot no. 52, south by Liberty .st. west by lot no. 54, and north by a lima, re-entered- upon as the property of tho estate of Hugh M’Cali, for 4 quarters rent. Lot no. 60, Brown ward, 60 by 90 fc.ct, bound ed east by Mudison-st. south by” Liberty-st. West by lot no. 61, and north by a icho, re-entered up on os the property of R. F Williams, for 3 quar ters rent. Lot no. 2, New-Franklin ward, 60 by 90 feet, Administrators sales. On the first Tuesday in December next, \\ ILL hi’^ sold attlie court house in !hecoun< ty of Effingham A tr.-u fi)i land containing 202Aacres, knownbv i" 0 number —(list, lying in the county of a"? 011 * lu * °” ow l{iv -er, twenty five acres of ■vtiu h is cleared, together with some improve- menis tile icon and considered a valuable tract— aolil liv an order obtained trom the hen. the In- fcnor < ourt of the County of Effingham, for the Dei. ('fit ot he’.leu’s and creditors of the estate of Xunuuucl Kahn, late of said County dec." ‘ JACOB GNANN, Junior. ^ , Administrator, ort 2 164 bounded cast by Telfair’s lot, south by Bay-st. west by Montgomery-*!-a n( l north by lot no. 3, re-cutered upon as the property of Win. Sear’ brougli, for 4 quarters rent. Lot no. 6, New-Franklin ward, 60 by 90 feet, bounded cast' bv lot no. 6, south by Bay-st, west by iot no. 7, and north by lot no ’ 9. re-entered upon its the property of Mrs. Morels, for 8 quur IcrsrcnH Lot no. 7, Notv Franklin ward, 60 by 90 feet, bounded east by lot no. 6, sontlt by Bay-si. wesi by West Brood-st. mid north by lot no. 8, re-en- torcV upon as the property o( E. Cooper, for 6 quarters rent.' ‘ • Lot ho. 9, Now-Franklin ward, 60 by 90 feet, Bounded cast by lot no, 10, south by lot no. 6, west by lot no. 8, and north by vacant lots, re- antcrcd upon ns the property of Wm. Tuy lor, for 4 quarters rent. Lot no. 10, New-Franklin ward, 60 by 90 feet, .bounded cast by lot no. 11, south by lot no, 6, West by lot 9, and north by vacant lois ; re-entered upon as the proporty of M. O. Driscoll, for 8, quurters rent. Lot no. II, New-Franklin, ward, CO by 90 feet, houuded cast by Mojitgomerj-st. sopth by lot no, 4, west by lot no. 10, and north by vacant lots, re-entered upon ns the properly of Wm. Scar brough,for 4 quarters Tent. Eastern half Filature lot, bounded cast by Lin- coln-st. soutli by St. Julian-st. west by west half of said lot, and north by Brynn-st. re-entered up d north by South Rroiuhst re-enter- 0 ipjfn ns thu property of S. Wilkins, for four pmrtei-s rent. Lot no.-10, Jackson Ward, (in by 90 feet, boun- led east liy Wliitnkor-st. south bv a lane, west y lot no. Ik nml north by South Broad-st. re-en- Jrcd upon ns the property off. N. Morel, for 5 junrters rent.'» » . ' . Lots no. 14and 10, Jackson ward, 00 by 90 ■t each lot, bounded e;< t by lot no. 13, south liy Orleans Square, wet hv M’Comb-stroet, nml north by n lino, re-emerril upon us the property if U. 1 labcrsliam, for 4 quarter! rent. Lotiyttn. 17 arid IS, Jackson ward, 60 by 90 it earli lot, bounded east by lot no. 16, south by Ferry-st. west by lot no, 19, and north by n ne, re-entered Upon as the property of F. S. Fell, for 8 quarters rent each lot.; Lot no. 19, Jackson ward, 60 liy 90 feet, boun ded oust by lot no 18, south by Ferry-st. west by lot no. 20,’nnd north byn lnuej re-entered upon ns the property of A. 1>. Abraham, for 4 quarters rent. Lot no. 20, Jackson ward, 60 by.PO feol,boun ded cast by lot no 19, south by Ferry-st. west by Jetfersoii-st. mid north by a laud, re-entered up on as the property of Goo. Glen, for 2 quarters reuf. Lots no. 21 and 22, Jackson ward, 60 by 90 feol each lot, hounded east by Orleans Square, south by M’Douough-stnict, west by Jctfcrsou-st. und north by Ferry-street, re-entered upon tut the property of E. Early, for 4 quarters rent. Lot no. 29, Jaekson Ward, 60 by 90 feet, boun ded east by lot no. 30, south liy u lane, west by JelTerson-st. nnd north by Hull st. re-entered up- onats the property of J. 15. Be.rthelot, for 4 quar ters rent. Lot* no. 27 nml 28, Jurkson ward, CO by 90 feet each lot, bounded enst bv Orleans Squnrc, south by Huli-st. west by Je!fi:rsoti-st. mid north by M’Donough-4 j-e-ent’ered upon ns the property of J. 11. Morel, tor 4 quarters rent each lot. Lot no. 37, Jackson ward, 60 by 90 feet, boun ded east liy lot no 38, south by n’ lane, West by lot no. 36, nnd north by Hull-street, re-entered upon as the property ot Geo. Glen, for 4 quurters rent. Lot no. 47, Jackson ward, 60 by qo feet, boun ded east by tut no. 46, south by Liberty-st. wort hy lot no. 48, and north by n ltiue, re-entered upon ns the property of J. It. M’Kinnun, for 8 quarters rent. Lot no. 25, Brown ward, CO by 90 feet, hound ed'cast by lot no. 24, south by Ferry-st. west by lot no. 26, and north by a lane, re-entered, upon as the property of C. 11. Hayden, for 12 quarters rent. Lot no. 45, Brown ward, 60 by fit) feet, bound ed cost by lot no. 46. south liy a’ lane, west by lot no. 44. and north by Hull-street, re-entered up on ns the property of thecstate of L. lvollock.for 8 quarters rent. Lot no.46, Brown Word, 60 by 90 feet, bound ed cast Jiy lot no. 47, smith by n Innc, west by lot no 45, and north by Hull-street, .re-entered upon as the property of the Misses, Minis’*, fur 4 quar ters rent. Lot No. 2, Franklin Ward, 601iy 90 feet,bound ed east by Lot No. 1, south liy n lane, west by lot No. 3, and north by Bay-st. re-entered upon us the property of the est. of John Course,for 12 Lots Nos. 17 und 18, Franklin Ward, iO by 90 feet each, bounded east liv Jefferson st. south bv St Julinn-sL west by Franklin square, nnd north by HWii Administrator’s sale. XT -E L die CourMTimse^’in ihe and north by Brynn-st. re-entered up- VV County of Effingham; be w ee,, the usual on I “ lhe P^'Pei 'y of R’Smilh. for4 qurelers rent, .■boar.-of s,lie. me usual Lots no. 29 and 30, Columbia ward, 60 by 90 i wo negroes a Fellow nnd n IVench, named Lloyd and Fannv. An ' ' and interest of'William Joseph Spei "in nnd to a negro w oman named J son Tom, and the. j sold as the property of Wm —y j ..... u, i.O by each lot boun led east by lot no. 31, south by a ml also nil lane, west by Habersham st. an. north hy York 1 losenli Snenrer stroc L re-entered upon us the property of the cs- m„°nil"F C w r : and £ tateof fh-Mkinfor dqun.te.s'ren'teacl, lot ,llr Also lot No 14, Columbia ward, 60 by 90 feet, dinary for the County of Effingham, for tho bene ® t ot nrh» and ererlitotjflf the-said dcc’d- Conditions made known on the day of *;di\ -- linv!> -' :> ELIAS REED, . htm'r. 'tu., rtiro lui iio i t, v.oiumuia warn, wnysHJicet, I T StWerdleM W 1 bounJe, l by lot No 13, soutli by State street, Z&ssj&ts. S2J»«*>.*&<!>*tH order oft lie Hon. the Judes of the Court'of Ore '"T” ° y ,0 ‘ '* ma *°™ U J “ l0 " c > rc-emtcr- (lihara. forthobene- of ^Davenport, fob 8 G 1 City Sheriff’s sales. k N the first Tuesday ir. Decembernext-willbe. sold at the Court-House, between the usual Ijours of 10 and 4 o’clock. All that lot and improvements No. 6, Liberty Ward, in the City of Savannah', subject to a mort gage, levied on as the property of John Crane, to *®V. ,'! n CM CUt i u, i in tu\or of.Iosiah Lawrence. Buildings on Quarter lot No. 35, Greene Ward, levied on as the properly of George Ross, under tn execution in favor of Salma Mnnton. nov f, 207 I VS.W. SIMS, n s c «. Administrator’s sate. J3:i the find Tuesday in December next. ! lle residence of Jacob iT.T iltc ’’ ‘ ec 1 ’ oft ' lc CountyofButloch: «ll the personal property of said deceased, sold lor the benof,t of the heirs nr.d creditors o'f said W M. DELOACII, Adm’r. JANE FUTC1I, A ort 2 1S4 tSImrifF’s sales. ” ' ' On the first Tuesday in December next, W IL .^ I,u 80ld , ut tbe court house, in the city e Yere 'OfStttoouah. betwieetttjic hours of 10 and 4 o clock. A negro woimir. named Ciller levied on as the "jiropcny m raui i. VaWWWr/H^niisfv two execu- xioiistrori a Justices Court in favor of William • ! :ln,s i,nc! Charles Gregory, for use of William Williams, relumed to me by a constable. The southern half of lots No. 39 a nil 40 with the iinprovnmentsthereon in Elbert ward in the City ol Savannah, levied on as the property of benjamin Shcltall, to satisfy an execution in fa vor of James Anderson 8ico. 6t. nl. The following Seven Negroes, viz: Tena, Ester, Jacob, Small, Adam, Daphne and John, levied on as the property of Elizabeth Whiting, to satisfy an execution in favor ofWillis R. Franklin, against Augustus 1\ Durkee, and others. All that wtsSern moiety or half lot of land known as the lot letter Q, in the City ofSavnnhuh, in Oglethorpe ward, containing in the whole lot «7i feet in Width, und W7i feet in length, fogetlr er.with the housea and improvements upon the ^md halt lot, levied on ns the property of Marga- tet Siins, and the legal Representatives of William J. Sims, dec’d under a rule absolute from the lion Superior < ourt, in favor of James Roberts. Tin, southern half of lot No. 10. Yanmeraw.the southern halt lot No. 38, Elbert Ward ; the south ern halt lot No. 32, T’,Ibei*t Ward; and also a tract of laud in Jefferson County, containing 250 acres; southern half ofdot No.-.37, Liberty ward: Sold as the property of the late William Sliaw, dec’d under a decree of the lion. Superior Court of CTiut- U 111,1 County. Conditions, a credit of one and two years—the purchaser giving bond and mort gage on the property. I. D’LYON, s. c. c. nov 6 207 ... sales. s Outiqract of land containing one hundred acres more or less, hounded oil thc nortli by lands of B Midi, St nr. on the cast bv lands of .Mrs Drcgzerc und on all other sides by vacant land, levied on as the property of John Shepard, Senr. to satisfy sundry executions in fuvog of Jo others, nnd turned oyer to mo by „ Also, one tract of land containing two hundred ones, mere or less, lying orf the waters of Beards , ?*-■ ievmdon as the property 6f Vinson Strick ,and,to satisfy mi execution in favor of Elijal Fud^ett and turned to me by a Constable. . E. WAY, s. L. c. novO 207 quarters rent. Aiso Lot no. 16, Colombia ward, 60 by.90 feet, bounded east by lot no 14, south by State street, west by lot no 10, nnd north by a lano re-entered upon as the property of the estate of ThosE Loyd for four quarters rent. Also lot no 19. Columbia word, 60 by 90 feet, hounded east by lot no 20, south liy President st i— '’-• -- 1 [ ) i a Square, and north by state st - U|- --—’ — west by Colum re-entered ;upon n* the property of John Waters tor 4 quarters rent. Also lot no..21, Columbia ward, 60 by 90 feet, bounded east by Price st south liv York st. west hy lot no. 22, and north by President st. re-enter ed upon as the property of J Hills for 7 (matters rent. Also lot no. 25, Columbia ward, <50 by 90 feet, bounded east by lot nt». 26, south by a lone, west by Lincoln st. nnd north hy Yorl; st. re-entered upon cs the property of Steel White for 16 quar ters rent. Lot no. 31, Columbia ward, 60 bv 90 feet, bounded east, by lot no. 32, south' by a ’lane, west by lot no. 30, nud north by York street, re-entered upon as the property of P. Pouriu, lor 4 quarters rent. Lot no. 34, Columbia ward, 90 feet, boun (led east by lot no. 33, south by south iiroud st west by lot no. 36, and north liy n lane, re-enter ed upon us the property of Grunt for two quar ters. Lot no. 36, Columbia wnrd, 60 by 90 feet, boun -Be I cast by lot no 37, south liy South Broad st de l cast by lot no 37, south by South Broad st. west by' lot no 39 and north by aitiiic, re-entered upon us the property of Ann Rodman, for 10 quare On the first Tuesday in December next. W/ lj,; stdd at ^c Court House in Riceboro’ v V Liberty, county, between the usuuTliouis of Lot <io. 16, Greene ward, 00 by 90 feet, bound- tale, the following property, viz: ed cast by Etuit Brood st. south by Slate st. West Jncjtract of land enmnlntnt, nnn hy lot no. 15. and north hv a hum I’dlpni.-.t .... ters rent. Lot no. 4, Greene ward, 60 by 90 feet, bounded east by lot no. 3, south by A lane, west by Hous ton street, and north by Broughton street, re-en tered upou ns the property of T M Woodhridge for 4 quarters rent. , I • Lot no. 18, Greene wnrd, 60 by 90 feet,bound ed cast by lot no. 17, south by President si. west by Greene square, and north by Shite ed upon as the property of J Davenport, for quarters rent. . Lot no 36, Greene ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound ed east by Houston si. south by South Broad st west by lot no. 85, and north by a lane, re-enter ed upon as tile property of M Doty, for 8 quurters rent. Lot no. 40, Greene wnrd, 60 by 90 feet, bound ed eust by East Broad st. south hy South Broad west by lot no. 39, und north by a lane, re-entd- e.i upon ns the property of tho estate of Wm. At- kersan, for 8 quarters rent'. Lot no. 5, Greene ward, 60 by 90 feet, Imunded east by Houston st. south hy a lane, west bv lot no. 20, and north by Brougjilon st. re-entered up on as the property of the estate of Geo. Myers, for 4 quarters rent. Lot no. 6, Greene ward, <50 liy 90 feet, bounded east by lot no. 4, south by a lane, west by lot ,i 7, und north by Broughton st, re-entered upon the property of 'J G Wilson, nnd Ann Belclmr, 4 quurters rent. . Lot no. 14, Greene wart,60by 90feet,bounded east by Ipt no. 16, south by State street, west' lot no 13, und north by u lane, re-entered upon as the property of Mory S Atkerson, for 8 quarters rent. * Lot no. 16, Greene wurd, 00 by 90 feet, bound for ✓ - ' ’ . "'-MS., v/ 'awic JSl. "k by lot no. 16, and north by a lane, re-entered tjb-- on as the property of Ann Ilarinun, for 4 quarters rent. , Lot no. 2, Warren ward, (K) by 90 feet, bounded st by lot ho. 3 ; south l>y ft laue west by iot no. irl imvt l In. lint. >.4 .. _ .... .1 ' mjuu ouepam, r. enr. to siiRWy « . »v ,r. ; • ^ awui n uy u.iuae wesi oy lot no. 1, in favov of John Staudly and and hy bay st.' rc-emered upon as the pro- over to mi^ej by a constable. P 0, : X thecstate of Wm. Woodbridge,for4(iuur- r !««ii .. x. _ i...i__ * jer 9 renti 1 east by lot no. 4, soutli by a lane, west by lot 2, und north by Bay street, rn-enterpd upon as property of A I liirilur, for 8 quarters rent. i upon as the property of the estate of Tho*. Gardner, for 4 quarters rent. In will be sold, the toll are not paid Lot No. New i.eed plan of the city ns Ogiplhor by West Broad-street, south hy lot — and north by lot No. 1. property qfG. L. Cop6, tosatisfvl flttf tiltrF SCllt'S, VjT tho Justices of the Inferior tho first Tuesday in December, in front of for ordiimiv pnrpi * P the Co’.!: 1 !- ( *< F.ORGIA, Chatham Countv—By r ’ * ’ ■ * the Hion. Court, .‘■itting the year 1621, 1822, 1623, and 1624, amount tax ^197 57 nnd cost. Wharf lot No. 8, Washington ward, bounded ertst. by lot No. 9. south by B.iy-.-treet, west by lot Np. 7, nnd north by Savannah river, levied on us theproperty of the estate of Fat. Stanton, to sub isfy the city tuxes of said estate fortlm years 1821, #nd 1822, amount lax ;?99 and cost. Half lot No. 9. mill buildings, Carpenters Row, Trustee Garden, bounded east hy east boundary street,south hy lot,No. 10, west liy east Bromi-st. and north liv lot No. 8, levied on us the properly of Thomas F. ’Maximal, to satisfy his city taxes for the years 1623 mid 1824, ainounUlue $13. An undivided half Lot No. <5, Hick’s Ty thing l’ercival ward hounded cast by lot No. 7, south liy State street,, west by wost half of said lot, and north by a lune, levied on nstlio jiroperty of Hen ry Lyons, to satisfy ids city tax for the present year’ Amount due $13 lin'd cost. One negro man named Frank, levied on ns the property of Thomas Wilson, to satisfy his city taxes for the years 1821, 1822, 1823, and 1824, amount tax Half Lot 120 12. i. 9-arid buildings,-Second Tything Reynolds ward, briunded qnst by lot No. 10,south y Bryan-st. re-entered upon as the property of F 1 Fell, for 8 qrs. each lot. Lot No. 31, Franklin Wnrd,60by POfebt boun ded east by lot No.30, South by a 'lane, west hy lotNo. 32, and north liv Congress-st. re-entere'd upon as the property of Misses Minis, for 12 qrs. rent, Lot No. 16, Franklin Ward, <50by 90 feet,boun ded east by Jerturson-st. south liy 15ryan-st. nest by lot No. 13, mid north by a Inno, re-entered up on us the property of the est. of F Doyle for 2 qrs. rent. Lots No. 7 nnd 8, Elbert Wnrd, CO by 90 feet each, hounded east by lot No. fl, soutli by u lane, west by West Broad-st. re-entered upon ns the property of A Barclay, for 4 qrs. rent each lot. Lot No. 10, Elbert Wnrd, 00 by 90 feet, bound ed east by Jellerson-st. south by Ilull-st. west by lot No. 15, and north hyu lune, re-entered upon as the property of Ann Bond, for4 qrs. rent. Lots No. 21 and 22, Elitert Ward, 00 by 99 fi" each bounded enst by Elbert squure,south by Fere ry-st. west by West Broad-st. and north by ftFDo- nough-st. re-entered upon as the property of O. M. Lillibridge, for 4 qrs. rent each tot.' Lot No. 24, Elbert Ward, 00 by 90 feet, bound ed east by Jeti'-rson-at. south by Ferry-st. west by Lot No. 23, uud north by M’Donougli-st. re-enter ed upon us the property of CharioU Bulloch, for 4 qrs. rent. Lot No. 30, Elbert ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound ed enst by lot No. 29, south by a lane, west by lot No. 31, nnd north by Ferry-street, rE-entercd of S. M Bond, for 4 quur upon ns the jiroperty ters rent. ' Lot No. 32, Elbert ward, <50 by 90 feet, bound ed enst by lot No 31, south by a lane, west by West Broad-street, and north by Ferry-st. re-en tered upon as the property of the estate of Win, Shaw; lorFo quarters rent. Lot No. 24, Liberty ward, 60 by 90 feet, boun ed eust by Jefierspn-st. south by York-st. west by lot No. 23, und north by President-st. rc-entcrcd upon as the property of Sumuol Wilkins, for 4 quarters rent. Lot No. 25, Liberty ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound ed east by Jetferson-st. south by a lune, west hy jgt No. 26, and north by York-st. re-entered upon ■Dje. property of the estute of R. Muckcy, for 4 qnniters relit. Lot No. 27, Liberty ward, 60 By 90 feet boun ded east by lot No. 26, south by a Inn*, west by lot No. 28, and north hy York-st. re-entered upon as the property of the estate of R. Mackey, for 4 quarters rent. Lot No. 31, Libel ty wnrd, 60 by 90 feet, bound ed east by lot No. 30, south hva lune, west by lot No 32, und north by York-st.” re-entered upon us property of the estate of John II. Deubcll, for 12 quurters rent. Lot No. 32, Liberty wnrd. 60 by 90 feet, bound- ed cast by lot No. 31, south by a lune, west by West Broad-st. nnd north hy York-st. re-entered upon as the jiroperty of the estHte of John 11. Dtfiibe!!, for 12 qinirturs rent* Lot No. 35, Liberty ward, 60 by 90 feet, boun- ed cast by lot No. 36, south hy South Broad-st. west by lot No. 34, und north by a lane, re-enter ed upon ns the property of kumucl Wilkins, for 4 quarters rent. Lot No. 0, Columbia ward, <W by 90 feet, boun ded east by lot No. 7, south by a lane, west by lot No. 5, und north by Broughton-st. re-cntcreJ nn- on as‘ho property of John Morel, for 4 quurters rent. Lot No. R, Columbia ward,60 byOOfeet, bound ed enst by I’rice-st. south by a Jnne.wust bv lot No. 7, uud north by Broughton-st. re-entered 'upon as the property of Mrs. S. Dryadul, for two quar ters rent. 1 Lots no. 9 and 10 Columbia ward, 60 by 90 feet each, bounded east by Frice-sti eet,southbv S'dte-st. west by lot no. 11, mid north hy a laiie of R. Sc re-entered ujion us the property 4 quarter rcut. inne, cott, for Lot no. 13, Columbia wnrd, 60 by 90 feet bound d east by Habersliarn-st. soiit.i by Slate-sl. west by lot no. 14, and north by a ianc, re-enter ed upon us theproperty of J. Davepport, for four quarters rent. F- JVL STONE, c. m nov6 207 warn, Mounded mist by lot no. iti,si>n by ’Bryan st. west by Lot No v 8, and north by l.uin levied pit tis the jiroperty of the life estate of 0, I). J.cby, to satisfy his city tnx for the years 1823 and 1821. Amount don $25 80 nnd cost. A quarter of Wharf Lot No. 4, Trtfstee Garden, bounded east by half of said lot, west by lot 3, south by Fori Wayne, and nortlf by Savannah River, levied on as tho property of A. L. llart- ridge, to satisfy the city tuxes’oi'said projiejty tor the years 1821, 1822, und 1823. Amount” due &14 60 and cost. '■ . * A building oh the south east corner of lot lelteh A, Darby word; levied on as tho property ol Jus. W. Cannon, to satisfy Ids city taxfor the year 1823. Amount due $17 31, and cost. * Lot ami Imilding, Ogletliorpe ward, hounded oast by the estate of Wayne’s lot, smith hy, lot, west by a’lane, uml north by Scrcnus Mayers’ wharf lot; levied on as tho pro perty of the estate of James Clarke, Sen. to satis- 1 v said estate’s city tax for the year 1823. Amount, ne $15 and cost. A Imilding on Telfair’s wlmrf lot, known §> the lee (lotno ; levied on a* the property of Frodur- itk Tudor, to satisfy Ids city tax for the present year. Amount dim $10 and cost. Half iot no. Siyul Imilding, Trustee Garden, nt- taehed to Washington ward, hounded east by Rey- nold’s-st. soutli by lot no. to, west by lot no.”7, nnd north liy lot no. <5; levied on ns the projierfy of Sunlit Middleton, to satisfy her city tuxes for tlicycare 1823 and '1824. Amount due $6 75, nnd cost. Lot letter R, nnd building, Oglethorpe wnrd, hounded oust hy St. Gall-st. south hy tiliuie, west by a lane, nnd north liv lot letter T ; levied on as the property of Wm. f. Seott, to satisfy his city tnx for the present year. Ammmtdue $3 75, mill cost. A imilding on loj no, 33, Columbia word ; le vied on ns the projierty of Cnthnrine E Deveax, to satisfy her city taxes for the yeur 1823 und dun ' 1824- Amount due $27 nnd cost 'W Lot no. 28 uud Imilding, Wqrrifn wnrd, liound- cd cast by lloustoii-st. south hy a lane, west by iot nq. 27, and north hy Congrcss-sl, levied onas :itv 1-4, tax tor the yeur 1824. Amount due $12 81'1 and cost. Building on lot no 32, Warren ward ; leyied on ns the projierty of Bvotte Fuvurd, U» satisfy her city,tax for the year 1834. Araonnt due S9 25, and cost, A building on part lot no. 6, Carpenters Row, now attached to Green ward; levied on as tho property of John F. Duval, Sen. to satisfy his city tux lor the year 1823. Amyunt due $7 60, and cost. Buildings on lot no,. 52,Brown wnrd. bp6nded cast by vacant lot. south by Liberty-st. west by- lot uo 53, and north hy a lane ; levied on us the, property of A, l. D’Lyon, to satisfy his citv,lnx for the year 1824. Amount due $7 60, and'eost Whnrfiot no. 3, Won an wacd, bounded.,.^', by 4, south by Bay-st. west by lot no. - 2, and north by Savannah river; levied on ns the property of Peter Kean, to satisfy his city taxes tor the years 1823 and 1824. Amoifnt JunTOtn and cost. I’arFof buildings on lot no. 10, Carpenter tyth- mg, Davliy. wnrd ; levied upon ns the property of Wm ' D& c,mron > to satisfy his city taxes for the yours 1823 mid 1824. Amount dtie $7 50, und cost, f Lots no.21 nnd 22, nnd buildings, Libert# ward hounded east by Liberty Square, couth by York-st. west by West Broml-st and nui^Ji by Fres- rdeiit-st. levied on b* the property of Mnrtlm W ilkins, to satisfy her citv tnxesfor the year 1824. Amount due $760, and costs. Buildings on south hnlt'of lot no. 40 ; levied on ns the property of Benjamin Sheftall, to satisfy Iqs City taxes for the venrs 1823 and 1824. A- inoupt due $17 50, ami costs. Buildings on lot ho. 24, Elert wnrd, lovied on as the property of J. I. Bulloch, to satisfy Ids city* taxes for the years 1823 and 1824. Amount due $33 43, and costs. Buildings on west half of lot no. 6, Green ward;, levied on as the jiroperty of Ann Belcher, to sti- t»»ty her city tuxes for the years 1823 nnd 1824 Amount due $16 6, nnd costs. to sntisly the taxes ol said property for the years 1823 and 1824. Amount due, $32 50, and costs. A building on the south-east corner of lot no, 5 Hcntlicofe tything, Decker wurd; levied on ns the property ot Phoebe Johnson, to sutisfy hat-ci ty tuxes for the years 1833 and 1824. Amount due $3 6, nnd costs. A building on lot no 26, Green wa»l jlevied on as the projierty of Jeannette Lifreussc, to satisfy her city tuxes for the year 1824. Amount due $2 50, and costs. A small building on Mr. Stilq*' lot, Indinn-st levied on us the property of the estate of Wm. H Joiner, to satisfy the city tuxes for they cm- 1823 Amount duo $6 52, and costs. iff A small building on lot no. 8,'ivcst of Fahm-st and north Hide ol Indiun-tft. levied on us the pro- perty of Jmnns Keys, to satisfy his city taxes for the venr 1823. Amount due $7 and costs. One third lot no. 22, Ewensburg, now known in the plan of the city as Oglethorpe wurd,bounded cast by lot 110.19, south by lot no. 23,„ west by lot no. 27, and north by Margrirct-st. lev! ml onas .Property of the estate of Mary' Saunders, to ilty laxes for the year 1824. - Atnouitt due $4 12, and costs. ' A Building on the south cast corner of lot no. 6,‘ Oglethorpe ward, levied on os the property of John May, to satisfy |,is city taxes (or the yean 1824, amount due $3-60 and cost. - F. M. STONE, Marshul. nov 6 207 T HE undersigned committee will receive pro- i Ji° S r * Hk ke ®n m K, i " iWm ,he oily Clock, umil the first meeting of Council In January next- proposals tor the same will he left with cither of the undersigned. GEORGE SIIJCK »w* 8 qu Lot no 7, Jackson ward, 00 hy OO fecLbound- ed east bydot no. 8. south by a lane, west bv lot W ILL he sold on the first, T uesday in |) e . cember next, in front ot the Court House, betwemi toe i6uul hours,if the mnountpf fines im- ,y cou,lcil not paid, the following pro- Two small biddings on the west half of lot let- ter lLOglcthoipe ward, hounded cast by east tmlfof said lot, west by a lnne, north by ZubJcy- street, and south by lot letter F. levied on as the property of.Mary Garnett, to satisfy 9 executions issued bv the mayor of the city, against Mary Garnett for entertaining negroes on Sundays, anil retailing liquor without having a iiccnco A- monnt of fines, $270, a nd cost. nov 0 ^' F.M. STONE, Marshal. J. B. GAUDRY, T L. HA— J C. HABERSHAM. sept 18 170 ^NE months titter duttf, application will ¥e made to the Honorable the Justices of the wim^ire 0 ." ■’ ° r lpaV( ; t0 sel1 “JDWIU estate of U illiaW Hotchsti-askcs, deceased, for the benefit of Iho heirs and civditor.s. lu ‘ JAMES MORRISON, Ad’^f nov 3 20(i ’ Dutiscrllicr hns r f ' ' hubKcnp, h„ s assoc,uted luinself with J. John E. W adsworth, in the Commiirtoh lmsi- ness m tins p uce, wind, will hereafter be con- ducted under the firm of BLIShi Sf lyxiVbSWOKTH. oct 14 KUAS BLISS. Jolfti Dillon administrator of Ed- n. late of CTmtlmm county dee. Ims pi>- I1011. court of ordinary,to lie discbarg- Snid ndjrihitHiration. iow, these are therefore to cite nml ndntoh- ish nil nml singular the kindred mid creditors of the said deceased, the file their objectllns (if any thev.huvo.) to the granting of It tiers disndMory a tlm petitioner, in the clerk's office, of the said ourt, on or before the 1 ltli day .of December next nstiing, otherwise letters tllsMlsaory will be grant’’ ' the petitioner. Witness the Inm..John rmniyintr. one of tlie Jttsli.,rs of the said court, this 1 ltli duv of June, A. i). 1624. 8. M. BON'D, e c. o. June 12 ' 3(5 EUllGlA, Climhnnl t'ounty—By tlm lion. ■ _ . . . . . ...... x., LSf tlu* Justices of the Inferior Court, sitting for ordinary purpose^. To all whom it may concern. Whereas Robert Taylor, administrator of Win MfKellry, late of Savannah, merchant, dec.’d, hns petitioned to the honorable the court of Or dinary to btidlschnrged from hi* said administra tion. . These nre therefore to cite anil admonish all nntf sltigular the kindred mul eretutors of the said deceased, to file their objections, (if tiny they huve) in the clerks office of tho said court, on or before the 8th day o£ December next.; otherwi vlft letters dismissoty will be grunted to tin: jiclition- Witness the Hotiornblri JOim P. Williamson, one of tho Justices Of tho snid court* tins 8fli day oi'.lune, A..D. 1824. r .8. M BOND, c c o. June 8 134 QGDBGEV, C bathum county—Jiy the Aon. the. Justices 0/ the Ihferlbr Court fitting J'nr ortjj- nary purposes. * + ... ‘ £ V To all \vltorn it may roucern. IVlicreus iVlilimn Daviespulmiiiistrators ofMar- thn Johnson dec. has jietitioiied tlic.hon. the court of ordinary to he diselmrgdll from ids snid ad- ministration.’ I# fThekc are therefore to Cite nnd ndinonish nil nnd singular tile kindred mid creditors of said de ceased, to' tile their object!ons'(if any tjiey have) in the office of the clerk of thu court <if ordina ry on or before the scventli day of Mart'll next; otherwise letters dllniisspry will be granted the jiotitioner. • “ ^Witness the boq. John P. Williamson, one of the Justices of (be said Court, tide 7th day of tpteuiiiqf, A. D. 1824. n .. * , S'. M. BOND, e e o c c. sept 9 $ 17(3 G EORGIA, CTmtlmm County—liy the hull, the Justices of IhPIiifcrlor court sitting fur ordina ry purpose To rill whom it mny concern. t «*»• »» »uin II amiy ( t Win felts Lluils P. Sage administrator of Bprngne T’nylor, deceived, hits jictltloned the hnnora* hie court of ordinary to be discharged from Ids said administratlonsldp. T lie* nre tlieMfore to cite nml admonish all nnd singular the kindred rind creditors of the said deceased; to.file. tlielf objections (if und they nave) in the olHrc of the clerk of the court of or dinary, «n or lnitore the 13th dny of Jatiuury next ensuing the dutc hereof; otherwise letters cllsnds- sory will bn'grnntcd to the nppllrant. AVUncss the honorable Thomas. N. In the IN EQUITY. Oth Circuit Court; U C. lircil/iauptf Cmplaina i //. Shill I z mul tsrcurwupif U£m / Dunk of the Slain of Georgia, and oth£’ •Imits —IlerlociUifry Decree. ' 1 T l V timil will order ami tlm register, to require an counts between tlm M'Ki upon the loan of B^ri nt this Court cannot pi-oc.-w.i, ■ •'I iriMiee Ins |„ JEkl, mid by <£>lnir,„i 'I Rears Uy ugrri-mant, the Bank Square Wik .iI l^' spoeifieolly. in part, for that loan. .1., of sales therein, he so applied, also the . ... tolls received nt the south end of the hriil'' , ^ ' tlie time it was taken possession of in their I* (71 ami to report also upon such oilier disc tlie coinplniimuts may insist upon made from the same’aim. 2dly. That lie enquire uml report tli c , of hridge bills now actually out, wit h the l,!?5 thereof, respectively, and Such' prove them honest and bona fide lie as each case may severally suggest; ag taken by (lie complainants or either 1 the north end of the bridge, from the south end jmssed iuto the Bands of thtjte or their ugent, or miy pijblUj officci at t|,l '"■! and generally (lie state of (t&ifouhtl between it 1 IS ’ibnltz niitl tlie Bridge Company; mul a i J* port upon such discounts or charges, as the d uailts Shrill suggest and give proof of, ns ■ against the eomphiiinints op citlier of tilhtfL'” IIk.miv .Siiei r/., ! | ‘ Sir Plcnso to take notice, that mirvinu I tlie uhove reference, I inn ready to reci'mx necossnry statements of nccouritil and othctl J matiou, in 1-rilhtjdfi'tt) the 1 tend!,,. em,»! thno tin mmion, 111 relatmn to tlie mutters therein cor/. ' S^; j*?® 'be first Monday in December nesuCi I I stmll jiroeecd to cxitmiiic andrenort thcrrnn . ...j und report 'thereon I urn your obd't. serv’t. c ^ GEO. GLEN,Clerk Savannah, 14th Oct, 1824. ICT AlUiongh it can be ascertained by the boot, of lie Bridge Compnny. wlmf amount of K Mils nre at this time unredeemed, yet it un M um necessary from the above deeretril ordcr^ wry tr< the respective holders thereof should known. The subscriber therefore respectf*^ (juests all such holders of bridge bills,tS by Idler or otherwise,1he uram ^ held by them respectively, on or before the In! Monday in November next, the better to enable him to coinjily with tho above order. , • . , HENRY SliULTZ. Hamburgh, Oct. 20. qct 29 200 1*9 lbept s P EIthO.NS indebted to the estute nt tide.. belli Jell, late of CbtUhom county, dfeuxt- ed, nre requested to make immediate rmvmrni i. eipiestcd to mnke immediate uiiymcnl ti the suhecriher, nnd those to whom-the estate is Indubtod arc requested to exhibit their demands duly authenticated. l’ETEit” SII1CK, Ei'r July 13 150 \yncss the honorable Thomas N. Morel one of tire Justices bf the said Court this 13th day of July, A. D. 182?. 8. M. BOND, c c o. jilLv 13 lar* V Clmthatri (xiunty—By the lion, the yjtQJuslxccMfJhe Inferior court, sitting fur or- - - .. • - itting fur dmary purposes. To nil. whom It may concern. Whereas Alexnndor M. Taylor, administrator of John Scott* deceased, has petitioned the honora ble the Justices of the Inferior court, to be disclmre gedfrom Idssuid ndministmtion. N8w these, nre therefore to cite nnd admonWh a.l and singular the kindred and creditors of the said dccciiscd, to file their objections, (ifmiy they nave) in the clerk’s office, ot tlie court of ordinn- ry, on or before tlie 6th duy of December next otherwise letters-dlsinissory will be granted. Witness the hnnornbli? Edward Harden, one of the Justices of the suid court, this 6th dav of fttny, A. D. 1824. S. M. BOND, e. c o. may 6 106 G EOHUEV, iiuiloch County—/(v tht'hunwa- hle. the mart nf ordinary of said county. Jo all whom it may concern. Whereas Robert Burton, pdhijuistratorof thd estate ot Stephen Denmark deceased hath appli ed to the said Court for letters dlsinissory from said administration. 3 These are therefore to cite nnd ’-admonish all mnd singular the kindred arid-creditors of tlie said (leceassed, to file their pldpctions (if any theV liax’iA in tho office of-thc - c tfie time t#c rk of this court w ith Vscnbed by law, otherwise letters 4 .^ELY KENNEDY, c c o 11 c. ( < KORGI A—CTiutlmtA County—to all whom it a mny concern. Whereas Beifedict Boiirquin has applied to tlie Hbnornblc tlie Court of Ordinary of Chatham County, for letters of administration ori the estatof nml ( tfecls of Riclmrd Pellum inte of Chatham County, planter, deed, as principal creditor. <J liese pro therefore to cite and admonish all nnd smgular.tliD kindred nnd creditors of the snid dec. to Tile their objections, (if any they have).td the. granting of tlm administration of the estate of the said deceased to the applicant in tlie Clerk’s Office nt the said Court, 00 or before the uinetcc Buildings on lot no, 22, Elbert ward ; levied oivL of Noveriibar next; otherwise i‘etter«"of admiH^ s the property of Maria Lillihrige and children, billion will iie grantcd. Witness the lion. T. N, Morel onefi^thc Jus- ofijc said Court, the 19th day orOctobt^A. S. fl. BOND, of 4 oct 20 192. EORGIA Cliutlmm County—LV the hon the XX Justice, of the Inferior, coirtrittifgfdr ordi- Justices of the inferior, court silting for ‘iiary purposes. “ J 10 ?U ' v h°m it niny concern. Whereas Riciiard R. Cuylor, executor of Wil- imm Shaw deceased, has petitioned the hon. court 'cutorahljr 7 ' t0 b ° d,l,cbar 8 ed from ,lis »aid exc These are therefore to cite arid admonish nil and singular tlie kindred und creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections; (if any they liave) in the office of the clerk of the court Of ordinal on or before the 13th day of Januoro next ensuing the date hereof, otherwise letteis dtsmissory wiKTie granted,to the petitioner. Witness the honorable Thomas Ni ftlorel, one lpo 1, ‘! l . . wll om it may Concern. Whereas Wiihnfn Davies administrator of Jn- rl nf n n r k ®^f’ l ‘ as .Petitioned the hon. bB ' 1 ^* Cl,ar8ed {tC>mhh 8aid These are therefore'to, cite and . admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors 0 f the snid deceased to file .their objections (il any they | , . nvu -) ‘h. 0 °jficc of the office of the Clerk of the court oi ordmary, on or before the 7th 1 day of Witness the lionoruMe Join, P. WHIinmVn. «,». .106 iw .mouths utter diifu uppljcpti made to tlm hon. Inferior court of Ohilthsmi county,for leave to sell all that lot c,„„ —p known by the No. 1, Ellis soute^&kTffi the iiiiprovemenls thereon : ami all ||„ t 0/ in bnvumiuh known hy tl 10 No. g.'j ; ‘ ,.'2 word, xvitii the ptiljdliigi thereof beim. .ifk fii'of nl': 1 r„'!.: foh, ‘ #•’ decfe »MWti>oi£ fit of the heirs. m DERICK dm'r, N ine months after date npplication willli made to the hon. Inferior court of the entmtt "f Brynn, for leave to sell all the real estate rf William Cubbedge deceased, to he sold tor (>, benefit of tab heirs nnd creditors. JOHN CUBBEDGE, Adm’r, June 17 138 Itrymn Cvunlj. "jV INK months afterdate application wiilT* -Lx inndc to the hon. Inferior court of Liberty I county, for leave to sell tlie rent und personal e> trite of Lodowick Lnrd, lute of Tattnall coins* deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and tree ,or *- . E. WAY, Adm’r. nng 31 §ol71 'IVTINE months after date 1 shall apply to |t*l -Lx tion. Inferior court of Liberty county (or I lenve to sell the real and personal -property il I WtnL Baker, deceased, for the benefit of tbs I heirs and creditors. Tims. B. BAKER, Adm’r. npril 7 89 . TVl IrtE months otter date application will be l -L- x mudo to the hon. Iiil'erinr court of Ballot) county, when sitting for ordinary , leave to sell all tlie real and personal estate ofM* 1 tun Deniimrk, dcecnscd, for tlie benefit of tbs I liens nnd creditors. ROBERT BURTON, Adm’r. ' M MARY DENMARK, Adtn'x. feb _3 48 Hulloch. Coua/y, '■ |\J ,E months alter tlie dutoThereof, applth-] Lx tmn will he made to the Inferior coat J when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave s ( that lot fir part of ground in the distrkbl | White BluiT, countvof Chat ' Bo atham, contaittinHt acres, moret>rle««,T>0!mded j!0rthwardlya8iisf wardly i>y lands lajc John Poullens, mid M- wm-dly by lands of Willinriis, belonging totkl- tatc ot James Bovd, nnd to be sold for tlie lw| I fit of tlio heirs and; creditors of snid est'nte.” 7 , ELIZABETH BOYD, Ado'i. may 20 12-1 | T HE public is ujiprised, (hut the suhstnh' has titles to one half of of a 60 acre tract 0■ I itind.on White Bluft’, adjoining his iuiii land I lately John Poullen’s, now John Morriil’s, a«i I for which Hie administi'atrlx df the late John BoyS, I now applies for leave to sell ns part oftlbatejfee’l -r-iiis titles are of prior date and fccQnl- ; Ailpcr* I sons are forewarned uot-to purchase or (retpati on the premises. R. F. \V1U|.4M5. jun 0 17 ■ n—^t138 t N INE mouths alter date,' application iW it he pindc tp the Inferior court of i'Mngbtun coprityjor leave to snll.all the rest properly be- ltfhging to the estate of' tho Intc'Rer. Jno. Beek, deceased, lying in said cdunty,forthc benefit oi theTieir* and creditors. ‘ " f . ANN BECK* Adm’s. | npril IB"'"’ , jSp~ ' ^ h1\3>>'E months utter date, I shall apply •" Sf- J. X| tioii. the Inferior court of the county of Ef fingham, forJcuve to sel! to $Oll longingto Solomon Gnat cerned will take notice. JOSHUA GNAgN, adm’r. county 1 the real c5 ' a,e l ec. of which all con* march 4 52 "fvrlNE months after date apy licatictTi will be J x m'riilc to (he hop. the InferiorCourt of C|ist* hnin County, when setting for ordinary purposes, permission to sell the following real estate, for for tlie benefit of the heirs nnd creditors of th*' estate of N. S. Bnyrud, deceased, viz: V * One undivided fourth of a, tract of land, con taining about tiOtt acres, on Cumberland Islond, Camden County, known ns Plum Orchard'®] nn undivided fourth of a certain Tract of Land situated on snid Island, containing about 500 a- cres, originnlly granted to Gen. Lachland aft" tosh, and hounded on-the south by the saitf Plum Orehnrd Tract. Also,, a tract cnllcd Lottery Hill situate on w® Ogeechee Rond, 3 miles from Savunmih, contus ing about 600 acres. N. J. BAYARD, Adm,r est. N. S. BayorO’ may -20 211 A LL persons huving any dcmnmls ng a ' n ’’ A the estate ol Francis Jalineau, decent™, are requested to, deliver them in properly ed,on "orbeforc the first day'of Oct. next- All*®’ -forward before that day «'!" ju)y 10 149 )C refused payment by the undersigned executor WM. GASTON A LL persons indebted to the estate of Alcxan:: tier. Martin, late of Liberty County, dcccM od, ai'e requested to make immediate payment* R.F. BAKER, W. II. MARTIN, l h may 10 ^J2 A t,), persons h uvine (lemnnils agninstJJte ( “ tutu of the lute Hugh Al'Ciili deceaKil, 06 anV tho** requested to hand them in forjiaymcnt,ar, Indebted to sniil estate will please mal-c lot® 5 '- dlate payment. THOS. M'CALL, ? r-vH V. BRASCH, l Umy 13 150 IV i.N’E liiontiis alter date, J shull apply 10 J x lion. Inferior coiirt of Chatham county, nve to fell (lie real nnd personal property chlnnd Hamilton McIntosh, deceused, tor 'cnefil of the heirs. „ SUSAN A G.M’INTOSIL march 61 , ‘ tho thu