Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, November 25, 1824, Image 3

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L. PETTY, OFFERS FOR FA EE, I PARRELS Philadelphia Whiskey 111 m H'dfasbe&cU v&HBMrPUIJ l^Yr, SrVcis Bach’s Gin & "<> IM tiff Penujflgton’s Loaf Sugar no lihds St. Croix Sugar 125 bags Gfllfoc 5 do oli! Java Coffee 22 pipes Holland Gin 5 1 do Cognac Brandy 4 Jo Jamaica Hum . • 10 «r ca«ks .MctegaJMo 2 ball pipes Greek do CO casks Shat, assorted ,00 kr"S Dupont's Gunpowdet 1 SSistCC ‘ l0 ‘ 10 bags Black Vepper ■,>*>, G. lo do Pimento fl Jo Kace Ginger Hyson and Gunpowder lc«J go barrels fresh Hour. • ■ W half do do 15 Tons Iron o Jo Plough Moulds •m ket* Nails, assortt'u ' ri j * ► *10 hogsheads Molasses , oft kens Tobacco , ’i ‘ Sf * 1200 buslmlsldvarpool Salt * .... * CO b«rn‘ls l’nmc Pork ., •. . 25 casks brown Stout ■ « Jo l’ints, ,8 dozen each eo quarter buses Segura 10 Mon east steel Axes f ottCu Ungjlug , 25 (Ju ('ales, Demijohns, &oi kc 1200 do |nov 3 iiSxri hHlbndersignccl have resumed tl.eir business ■ du"r old stand, in BtHI street, opposite Ita'cSSiHouse, end will execute Ortfere in 6 neatest manner f6t M«A) C ftlONUMEN l.B, TOMB TABLES, HEAD STONES, PAINT STONES, , CHIMNEY PIECES, • Ieabtii, BUILDING STONES, fee. I Ormty other work in their lino ofbustnoM— Ml order* from the country and city will be Jnuktullv received, and promptly attended to nov 6 ]|208—lm Mg IX'COTTOS.Wn ll'OOIJCN DYER, AND SCOURER> IHANKFOIi for past favor*, takes this method of Informing his Wood* and the public in gen eral that he continue* the above business at hi* I stand, cornerof Bay-lane and Montgomery eet, near tils' Baptist Church Square, where, ghorn, Chip and Straw Hat*, are Dyed, and Pressed litc Chip, Leghorn and Straw Hats, cleaned stoved and.pressed Dtlcmcnsaad Ladies Dresses oi ail kinds dyed ind finished with dispatch allemtn’s Beaver Hats clcuncd, dyed, lined and bound in stiperift atyle. P*Allordersin hiawnyjiunetuully attended to. N.B. Clothes left to be dyed of scoured, can be paired on moderate terras. • * , nov fi 207 » Windsor soap. }AA BOXES Common Windsor Shaving Il/U S0.1P. Justroccived and for sule by • LAY Si HENDRICKSON, I nov 16 .214 « « Shad's Buildings To Sportsmen, SMALL quantity of very superior TOW, suitable for wadding;-just received and for by LAY £. HENDRICKSON, nov 10 214, .' . Shad’s Jktilding t "Pointing,iGljizipg, etc- 11 illH (Subscriber continues to curry on the X FiNG, 111,. F/.LXG mi J (ittPlNB business in nil its dif)',.|vut Inv.ui In s, at Ids old stand corner of BrifUghtdii and Hull - meets. lib .'keeps,constant ly on *lp»n, I u general usqort- inent of GLASS of nil sizes. All kinds of PAINT OlLS.Jjc. J ' nov IS 10 White l.tMtl. J UST landing from sliiji Emily, fro pi Liverpool, u largo ijimmitv ol‘ WltFl'E I.tin), of the fu st-quality, in 100 lhs. 60 lbs. mid quart ei\ kegs; for sale by A. RAIN, ’ Comer of Broughton ^-Bull-streets. Id of GLASS. a, dr L aroche, Opposite the Exchange. White Load, .Putty iuid Glass, •J/Cl /St kegs.White Lead' . ' ‘ JL A »J 600 Ihs.Putly V ' ' C ' For sale by nov IM ■ The Sijijsciiiunits, H AVING united tWir Interest inthu GROCE RY BUSINESS, tinder the Firm of . cn i v r / on &. purse, Alike store formerly occupied by Mr. Ebencstr Jenrltcs, Congress Street, would he thankful to their,friends Ciul tiro piiWui for. a share of their " ;«• - FRANCIS CHAMPION, THOMAS PURSE. PL AT !Yis AND RT.ANKETS ' pl.H’- S’l.b'r -il.c 1-s 1, .■ e r. < i. .J !, v the lute a * nv ' lK N‘’\v-York ‘ 11 ..I i.i,61, i; up pl v. BWWBKW , j its ixtnnah Pcneibks i vm, i'J&iA m215 •.'.I Notibt. T il!'. Copartnership existing between the suh- scrjbcif Wua dissolved by mutual consent on the 2!»lh ulti All per.^insindebted tire requested lo liquidate their accounts, and those having de mands are reoucstod to blind llicmin to H.Cuxm- •nosj who is duly authorised to static the business of the concern. H. CHAMPION, TIIOS. PURSE. , i ior hii*ii conuiiimnt.c, in iiicii r <if.hJfcr.ion ami 'Slat e slrr.cls : •educed prices a'ctimpleto as- tt?* The subscriber returns his thunks to tlie friends of thelnte firm for past'favors and will be grateful for thclr coiitiimaneo, at their former Store Corner oRMBj ‘“ "" where ho offers at ret sortment ofcliolre GltOGElUES, LIQUORS, TEAS, LA,Ml* OIL, DOMESTIC GOODS, &t‘.v&c. nov 17 m2 10 H.ClIAMPfON. * The Subscriber, H AS ifceivcd bylntcfu'rivuls, a complete and general assortment of Iii ON, ofnlmostevery dcscfiptioitjas alsp a freshs’upply of SHIP CHANDLERY, - which will be disposed of on the ; most uccontmo duting terms. .... IN STOtlE, Fresh superfine FLOUR, aim a few thoiisaud bushels Virginia CORA\.o{ an cxcteUent quality. The .subscriber intends keeping u .constant sup ply of these articles. WAJ. T.\YLOU'. Siov 17 N2ir» -. ’■ kW#’ ipi North Side bf Mai kc.t SgftaYc. 4 NEW STORIvUias beori.opened ifextdoprto J. Tf. M‘Kame't Ilal Stcirei Market Square, ivhcrcafew : ' ' GOOD’S will be soldlOwforCasli, via: . . ‘Ribbons of ; every colrirs 2 yards 6j cents Hops,, SMALL quantity of this nrtlcle suitable for medicjnal purposes,'just received and for iale LAY U HENDRICKSON, Shad’s Buildings.., [nov 13 212 , ■ , , t ; ■ ' ' Ink Powder, V 0 Groce Walkdcn’s British Ink Powiier,|just received and by I LAY &, HENDRICKSON, Shad’s Buildings, j nov 13 212 - JHffctfyWyH- ■■■ s’Bouye.r GlovciiV Vest Patterh?'vnripuR,tailor*, Arlifioial Flowers' from 12J to 23 TasttatinfflCfirolina Plaiil* Btimbnzutls. Very fine n(31j ct* Crocker)’ Ware,- 0 Crates assorted CROC, .ERY, seletacd particularly for this market. Just reficiv- | and (or sale by CALVIN BAKER nov 12 211 . Oafieoes, from U\ to 25 Handkerchiefs, from 12.jlo 31.) e.ts. very large'. With q number of other urticles all equally loiy •priced. nnv.lA n213» - ; Ghupovvdev;andlinperial Teas. This.year's Importation. "3 AH '™ cattys Gunpowder JU.\.*0 00 do Imperial ' „ Received per Clilford Wavne—for sale by m»v 2 j. b. Herbert d-co. John T. Uowhnul, ^"'(ONTINUES ,to do busines in Mill.e.dgcvilie,, V>’ Htidtendeta the offer, of. bis services to the friends add (he public, in tlie transaction of agen ; 'ey business .generally." oeU2 ir-H184 i Custom rHouse.* PORT OF SA VANN AII, y . j; Surveyor’s Oppick. UlEfoUowingsectionsof‘< An Actto Regulati . thfc collection (if duties bn imports and tlm- age," ure iiublished for the information of f Ublic, the law WiUbd rigidly enforced—the nj figuorance in no case will he received in fifffir n’ • A. HUNTER a n a* ^mr amt Injector e,f the Revenw. Hoc. 43. And be it further enacted, that the Proprietor, importor,.or cohsignce, or her ’gent, who mqy reOejvo-sgid certificafo, shall, uni >" l!ie sn « " delivery :of any of the’said spiHti bTii,L Th ,j!S liiii ° r r.uiob4 : pnthereof, the ceHifiente or certificates, which K t0 taicpmnauythe same,,on p Mn of forfeit- K.l(i!u.l“ ff ?‘' ‘ >a ?!r Ca?Ii ’ cl,C3t - vess e! or wc iufh which such certificate' shall not bo do- L i : Tfl hfa r y .n ns , k5 ’ ? hpsls - vessels oil C6- t?’. containing distilled •anbelts, wines nr ?enc novfr For Sale, HAMPERS POTATOES 60 Tons CQAL. . Apply to RN H. l 207 JOHN H. REID t <iO. spirits, wines, or ?eas, kh ch by the foregoing provisions ought to be Ca u d .? CCOmpi "' ied ".' lth c e.rliiicntoS, ■ shall' i f,!,1 1C l? os3css ! on 0( >'ny person it.fuccom- CH'M !» a ‘ks and certificates, it shall «presumptive evidence tlial the snme are - liable ifcitarc; and it shall:be lawful for nnv ndirer ljur,,,*. 7 r , w >, acgi -wi- .m any way h|chl?»e B ?y cask,.chest, ve sscl or Cuso, L,.i as been emptied of its contents’ before the f-'iii und numbers, sot thereon pnrs u ant to ijie lllfitvA oforosuitl, shall liiivo been defaced %'j) bn, 5®* * n Presence of any officer'of inspec- l j '.V 1 ‘dfcialj; or who 1 shnl| neglect or refuse Ll l "° certificate issued to accompany the Ciamm i?'i cs , sc * or c,lfie > °f which the marks and I,,:'‘“ve been defaced or obliterated in b q(r alorcsnid, on being thereto required In 1 ^ cl, ° or of the customs, shall for in j j 0 (i 'Y ^ueb oirence forfeit and pay one [ 6 Ov q lars, w ith coda of suit. 'UiCDV ' Notice. T O enable the assignees of Mr. WhJ.iam.Tch- KP.n., Jo/n)aks at an early period it final' divi dend; it is requested that all eiuiiws against him, be presented to tlieir agc'ptMr. Thomas G. Mti,- i/En, by the FIRST 8% V OF MNVAR Y NEXT, bthenvise tliej’will be dclmred; It is hoped /that those , Indebted w ill sec the necessity of making nil immediate settlement. JAMES M-IIENRY, ‘ ‘ GEORGE RKI,PH, , JOHN H. REID, 4 , ■ ? Assignees of W. Turner. 1 nnv 8 200 TTtSllE Paragon, Tolj Mill, \s. now ready/to rn- X cptve Rice to beat on Toll, iit tlie. customa ry rates. Apply to VViLuam KliIpATHick ,at-the Plantation dr to JACQB READ. 'Imitation or to nov 11 • pj210 The Library • uue^25 - lfid the cu s tj;i,7ne U n r 1 i?i I:l,e ^for any officer ys opnh for (lie delivery of Books im Jtloqdny ffelted* and if nn„n !r o'r t0 X Wednesday, apd Friday, from tHUbe unti irtilif.!“"“.'fW"Iko tripl,m conseqnenc^of rT VE o’dloek.' • r ^““.renbe owner,or Waiinant.of.-the spirits, ■ ^ 2?.* te “ s « e .‘ zed , shall not prove that the same ercimnsrted.nto the United Slatcsaecording to "flTin 16 duties thereupon paid or sccuiod, l be ftdpidged to be fmfeited. ‘ f ." sec. 44 And be it further enacted, Tlint on'the u 1Xn n , slc ' v.hest, vessel or case, which bus. Ion- )e mn #9 pursuant to tlic'pl ovlslohs ?«i 113 c ” nt!l ‘ning distilled spirit's, wines nr „. MW i>«s been emptied of its eontents, fbe delivery thereof to the purclia’ser,, U thereof, the marks mid numbers, ircei;5 1!1 1 iave been set thereon by or under the ceiI °J l | 0k , l I. l '- v °*hcer of inspection, shall be do- atul obliterated in the presence of some offi- le ..^P^bon or of the custoiiis, who slmll on W ).. v, c f. b e,n B given attend, for that purpose, i mnn „ tlm c the certificate which ought to tic— lie Slu ' ! S&ki c ''cst, vessel or case, shall ul- Iiq ; And every person tv in,, I ebbterate, counterfeit, alter or defuce itctinn ° r nuiI| bcr plqced by an officer of in- ''iiinr Jtlni 11 ! , lny . c . ll “ k , chest, vessel orcuse,con- Ificuto Ik 1 ct i s P l ‘' ltK > wjhes or teas, or any cet- Lm,t» k 7 ,>0 ^’ or " ! 10 shall sell or in any wav m » m . .|jil)Grty%Superior Crtiirt To‘ the Jkrors, ll iirieftci and Suitors * in the same fTtllE Jii(%e bfjbe Superior Courts of the.East- X orb District having boon cnlled to a conven tion <jf the, Judgps at Milledgevillc, the Supe rior Gotift of Liberty County w'ill be. adjourned, on the regtilpr day of the Term, (o'tlie sixtli of De cember, of-w liicli' Juroibj ;Witncsscs, and Suitors •in the same'Stall take, notice, and give their at- tendatfce accordingly. .' 'By order of his Honor Jamfes M, Wayne, Judge of tne Superior Ctmi't. E,BAKER, o.l.s, c. nov 3 , t*20-l ' ■ 6-1 ami 0-4 l.ondon Duffle Blau • '-I ami 14-4 Rose Blankets White,Mixtaftd HhlePlains, ver>- low tl-J Blue and Mlxt Cloths for servants 'I 1 me IVliily Welsh Fltenels ,Do White, Illiie.and RcJ Yorkshire Veiy line Sriuiet Cloths arid'Ca-imercs SUperllhe Cloths, CUssimorc- and Sattiuct ,i '\ Bombnzcens and Bombazetts ' 4-< and (i-1 Black, While und Pink Italian Chapes Caroline 1’lRtdJ and Salisbury'IFlun* . . ' Km* ’ ' • Linen mid Cotton Bed Tick Vi 4-1 and 8-4 ,Coimter)>aues. and Qu'0ts , ■ Fine Printed Counterpanes, a new article Furniture and Gmnient'Dimity Printed Ctimbrick an\l Furnltur# Chintz , Fine Irish Llrielt-and Sheeting, •Linen.Cnnibi’icand'do tlandkercliicfs Rich Slmdo.H and Figured SilkS- Barugu and Colored Florehen Bnruge Sc arts and Handkerchiefs . / Rich Cashmere Scarfs, .Shawls mid Hand- kerchiefs BobincM Veils and Thread Laces 4-4 and d-4 Plain and Fjg. Bohinetts do • do Cambric and Jaconetts do do Nuinsook find. Book Muslin do' do Real India Jaconetts and Mull Muslins Flounce Rohes nnd Inserting Trimming l^ich Bali Drosses and.Head'Ornaments Silk, Colttui and Wonted Hose of all des- criptions, With sundry other arlicles, tno numerous to men tion, all Of w'liich wilbbe sold on tlie most afceom odotittg tnrnis, by WM. £,■ H..ROSE. out: 21 ■ crl&3 A ,^PHAli On your Parade Ground ou FRIDAY NEXT, thc : 2dt(iinst. at 3 o’clock. P. M. in complete Uniform, for Drill and Inspection. Byorde'rj , . MILLS, First Serg’t. -. F. nov 20 2J8 The Subscribers Continue the Coinrhission Easiness in Liv erpool, under the Firm of ISAAC, LOW Sf CO. A ND will at nil times make liberal advances on XX prodneu consigned to them for snlc. Having ships regularly in tile Liverpool trade, and qwiiing n convenient wbwf, on which there nrciroomy Ftre-yroo/' Stores,, cotton will lie re ceived and- fonyurded in their own vessels, or those to then 1 address, free of any emnniissibn. Orders for hlerclmndlxe, will be exeouied and only a' co'mtnission charged, when tlie payment is satisfactorily secured. A general assorlmihit' of British 1* just raceiyed, being bought with Money lin'd sc- Icclfd b)’'one of the parluci's. they Will be furnish ed a* low as by aiiy regular Importing Mouse, in the 'United 1 'States', and on u long erod’d, for approved paper. ANDREW LOW it CO oet 2(i 107 • Heady Made ’Clothing, HCP M ■cost,.!?! *£% nnllE subscriber intending to leave this place by X the SOlbof thi/i mouth, olfers his b'fOCK OF GOODS ’ AT l COST*.—It comprises a general as- sortniilot of CLOTHING OF AIL SIXES. JOHN P. SETZ. •oct-7 186 . ' tt . PJl C TO TLAGE. T HE subscriber tenders histlmpk* to hisfriends and the public for the liberul encourage ment lie link received in the v ■ FACTORAQ E and COMMISSION BUSINESS, and trusts tlmt by n strict attention to the interest of the Planter, ho Will merit a continuance oftlieir paironugc. For sale. , Giundy's white Plains l’nmc 42 lii'oJi Cotton Bagging. . ELIAS FORT, GoiUinurco Row Oct 5 185 Prime Poi-.k and Mackerel. >»■<(>, BBLS. prime Pork, New York Cilv In 5U »p#> , 30 Half Bids. Nq. 1 Mackerel 30 “ “ No. 2 •• FArsnleby ’ L. PETTY, nov' 15 r213 . ' - . Notice, ' T HE co-partnership heretofore existing under upddr the firm of . Clarke & Brown, Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to said firm are urgently solicit ed to yiill on S. Clarke, and pay the demands a- gainst the'rii; and all those having demands against said firm will please oall on him for payment.—! He being diily authorised to settle the business of said firm. , , „ S.CLAftKE, GEO. S. BROWN. SI. Marys, 1st Nov. 1824. utiV II 210 Notice. rptllF, Suliscriber as administrator, of the laic X W. D. Cooper, of South Carolina, has in Ills liniids assets, for distribution among Ids creditors of whhin the late firm of Way and Wjjlc, were the .principal. That firm Having assigned all their debts to their creditors, they are requested to call (if Mr. Juo. Y. White’s, Boarding House on Fri day,'the lOtli day of December next, at 11 o’clocki A. M, to receivq nroporfibiis to which they may be severally entitled. •. , JOHN D- MONGIN. nov 17 .cr213 . Eitiiigham Superior Court,- To the Juror.-. Witnesses nml Suitors in the same. rffUIE Judge of the Superior Courts oCthfe.East- . X errt District havihg been, called to a corivcn- tibn of tile Judges nt Milledgevjlle, the Spperior Court of Effingham County Will bp adjourned,'on' the regular day of the Term, to, the 13th qf 'De cember, of wliicli Jurors, Witnesses; anil SititOrs in thesume will take notice, nnd givetheir uttend-. mice accordingly. ; , 15 v order of his Honor, James M. Wayne, Judge of tlie Superior Cou.t. JNO, CHARLTON, n ov 15 t2R5 ■ Clerk. Filty Hollars He Ward, ILL be paid for the apprehension and de . / livery of (lie following Negroes to the Sub scrlbers, livirtg inBourkc. Cmity, or any safe Jail so we can get them—or a liberal reward will be given for any part of them,tdivit. Moruttan a biijgltt Mulutto man, ubout 35 vein's old, rather slender made und'of keen apprehension, andjiis \vife Ilaunah a blnokiVomun about daypars old, Witl| a,scar on oue side of. her face, the property of Joseph Hines—Ben nn African ubpiit jo years old, small and Well set hud filed fepth', with u scar on one urm, apd his wife Sylvia about 35 years of age, pretty heavy to her height.—They took of 3 Children Ben, Dove and Hetty, the. children of Ben and Sylyia, (wo of the cliilaron belong to the Estate of Smith Stringer, dptd. the other cliild nnd Ben und Sylvia to Abriei- Belcher. They broke loose a large Canoe on Tuesday the 28th September last, at Stephen's Bridge, Burke Coun ty, iind tt'C thing will aim down tijc River to the Marshy Country, below Suvannuh', Bs Ben was bought iiptherj apd has on rerun away atid got his wife and children back there slid were apprehen ded and put in Savannah Jail, pot two, years ago, x-One of the men took off a Gun the other a Pis* tol wilh tlicni. ... . JOSEPH HINES . ABNER BELCHES, ■'..oet 14’ Notice to. Pilots. A LL'pllots who have not complied with the 14th rule of the of Pilotage, arc hereby required to do so, by tlie’next regular meeting of the Hoard, (18th in*t,) Jncaseol tail ure, ouch one will he lined five dollars, . By order, JOHN G. UCLCGUMn, FitVy. novG Hf307 y . ■ 'jjPWj -Proposals, TTt OR repairing the Bridge between IVinteinarsh x ’ Island anil ffauailits, ‘mu, be received be tween this mid the'1st day’ 6t November.- E ’"" For r TTMOTHY BARNARD,) Cbm’rs JQHN.SCRlVENi . / AYiliningf- EDYV.'F, TATTNALL. ) ton DisT. ' Octid .- !<>0 ■ f'j Ilaxull’s 'Hiclimoucl iSuperiiue mom: x\ UBS. ..reqhived by the schr. Robert fiUU liurns. ami for sate. Apply to nov 43. s.J;2Q. PONCE.-fcAUKENZIi'.. For Ncw-Yorl-, Tlie regular packet ship COTTON P I, A N T •'.jrW v- 1 “ s ;:’ Ms f ter » -fWiim Will have immediate despatch. 1- or Ireight oi passage, having handsome accommo dations, apply oil board, of to GEORGE GORDON nov 2-1 m221 0t.t&mion! Appeals for Default. \- V.» Defaulters not imving ap peared onParnriesof Compa ny Drills, in the 3d Beat Com pany, 60(/i Battfdiim, before the 1st,November last,arc in formed that aCoUrt of Appeal will he held at Justice Russell’s Office on Wednesday, 1st December, 1824. By order; . ll.J.VALEAU, 1st Serg’t. nov 18 m21$ Company Orders. An Election is hereby or dered to be held in Reynolds Square, on SATURDAY, the 11th day of December iiext, forn Second Lieuten ant and Ensign of the 4th Bent Company. The Poll will bo opened at 11 o’clock, A. M. A. BAIN, Capt. nov 22 4th Beat Co. G.M. Georgia Volunteers. COMPANY ORDERS. An election is hereby order cd to be Isold at the Exchange, on the third day of December next, (Friday) for an Ensigu of the Georgia Volunteers,, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Mr. S. H. Fay. C. A.HIGGINS. Cnpt. Ga. Vol’ts. nov 23 220 Squadron Orders. — For Liverpool. The regular packcl -hip South, boston, Ahr. ft. Campbell, Master, (Coppered and eopper fastened,) Is u>'»v r."<nly to receive her cargo, and will meet with despatch. For freight or passage apply to the Captain on board; or lo l’ETERSEN, HAMMOND fc CO. nov 1 !* 217 For Liverpool. The well known nml regular trading' ship, GEORGJA, . -Vx-.srwTi Vnriimn, maslo.r, "ill I "idi ipiiek i!i -piireli.— For freight •'" 150 bales of Colton only, apply to * ■■ ' '• :’ ■'' ANDREW LOW &z. Co. 105 tons of Liverpool SALT, and •IS crates assorted CROCKERY, Received by the Georgia nnd offered for sale low for cosh or on accommodating terms for approv ed paper if tuke'n iannediiitely. from an board the vessel at Five Fathom—apply as above. oct» 187 For Greenock. The first rale packet line ship MENTOR, J, L. Wilson, Ma-ter| Will take what freignt of Cotton may offer for Grcenoek, mtd be despatched ps early as possible—apply to WM. gAS'IO.N. oc 127 103 ' I'-' Notice. > t- 't-'* .' -.J \ 'V X 13y J. 5i. slerfiert cf> "On S.VTt'kD.AY, 27tii; inst'iit i o'cieik, Will be sold before oiir Store, A Crctteral assortment of GROCEUI E S, deg. Men, ■ j- Dlfri: ited 1 containing ible Ink. Lik l’owder. Ink und Sealing Wax., 5 cases Shoes. 222 Terms cash Lxecutor’s sale; Ihf J. Ii. Herbert. Sf Oullir First Tuesday in Jitiiuitry next, will he sold. Iitfori. Hie. Court Ifnlisr, in this rih,, between the usual Iwurs of 10 ana 2 o'rlork, the fullaieing properly, lain.: tin: PERSONAL ESTATE of Wm. Craig, dec. vie.— One.-Share Sf> -.j-tiuai Stab/:, and Fat(r NEGROES, Snnclio, Fortune, jack, imil Syli'iu. Sold, by per mission of the Hoit. the Inferior Cour> and by order of Hu tie centor. Terms Cash. 216 Notice, —AdministraloF **- s sale. P& tponed. Hp HE salt of the csl ute Ol K'idiid 1’ell unt, d.'.-’J, 1 which t(J iuii ■ e tukeo place ut *6(juiru J t G. Butler’s,, is jiostponed, an. 1 t liC pros perty udver tiseil lor si de, viz. one hoi rse, smlillo and bridle, 1 cow and calf. 1 spinning ' ivheol, and several small articles, will be sold in fr not of Cal- vin Baker’s Auction s lore, in Suvaunnl ty OR MOlt- day the 22d of Nov. ins: : r, ,A> BENEDICT BOB! i;,iv II "In T. tv m ; i'l Kjilllimiilltfir A Steam Boat, witli freighting Boats will regu- larty depart from the Company’s whjiri'on Weil- ueidny. and Saturday of each week,, apd when freight offers to make it necessary, an extra boat wili depart during the intcrmedinle pcriods. JOHN-DAVIDSON, Agent, oet 26 196 • • Fresh Teas. J. B. HERBERT A* Co. HAVE CONSTANTLY ON IIAXI), Chests, half chests,ten cattys,five cat- SSCTBK tys and cnnnlslcrs Hvso s Tr. \ Ten catlys.;(ivc cattys and ennnisters bum iuai. and Gekro'wnEn Tiias Hyson skin, tonkay, souchong and Boliea Tr as.. All of which are of the latest importation, nnd will be soldohaccommodating terms.' ‘rj r*-A sept 28 182 V : .■ . v1 22d. November, 1824. T HE mombers of the corps of Georgia Hussars are ordered to assemble at. the Court House in the city of Savannah on TUESDAY, the 28th day of December next, to elect a Captain to com mand the said corps; in the room ot Capt Stiles, resigned, nnd,also lo fill such other vucaneics as may hen occur. By order • W. (V. GORDON, Adgt.'Squad: Cav. IstDiv. G. M. nov 23 220 TilE CO-PARTNERSHIP, ■\7S/TIICH'Cxisted in Glasgow, under the firm of Y V Thoiiias LancnsUr Sf Co. and in this piaoo under that ot'JShn //. Rvidtp Co. wits dissolved on the 3tst of August last. TIIOS. LANCASTER, ’ Per Attoriiey, J- H. Reh>, JOHN H.UE1D, The subscriber will continue the bultiness on his own account, nnd attend to the settlement «f the affairs of the late firm. noV 20 m218 ; JOHN II. RIED. Plantation and Negroes for sale. The Plantation belonging to the estate of (lie late Flcmiijg. Akin, situated on the little Ogoechfee, known by the name of Meniha,II, con- taiiihi^ 1100 acres—a large proportion of which is first quality Rice and Colton land, With convenient Dwelling, Ne gro and gin. Houses—stables,- corn and cotton houses in complete n order. Together witii n gang of twen ty prime- field. Imnils—(or sale upon very liberal terms. Application to be made to Mr’ James Brown on the'place geo. w McAllister, Stratliy Hull, Bryan county, or . / C. W. ROCKWELL k Co. Savannah. nov 18 . }16 The Stibscrilier lifts taken the HOUSE ii( the -Village pf Ricc- ‘ boro’, recently occupied by Mr. Kcmptoh, arid intends keeping a pub lic house, for the accommodation of TRA VELLERS and BOARDERS. Those.who may favor him \yith n call are assured tliiit every attention will he pnid to their conrfort and convenience, His table will lie supplied witii the best the .country affords ; his Bar-with choice liquors and his Stable with tlie best proveuder, and anatteritive Ostler—tlie rates moderate, DA"VID STETSON oc(l30 201’ TO BE LET. The STORE corner of Bay and Drayton-Sireets, now occu pied, by J; P. Seize. Possession may i be hail on the 15th of this m nih. For' furtherSirtieularSj apply to. Peler Dupon. 1 PETER EVEN. on 10 ... 11.191 ^ To Rent. The three Story brick build ing on fhoBay, lately occupied ’ ,by JAMK.sDrcnsoN'4' Co as a Whole- sule lirii Good Siarc. Apjiiy to' " '■‘"EEL. sept 28 182 G^v.^ockWi ,frCO. mk ■ AiTimamtL. AUGUST G. OEMUEft, H AS removed hisDRUG STORE, tothcc6rncr of Broughton and Whitalur-StrciH, opposite Col. Shcllmun's Mansion House, where he cxliibib for side, a choice assortment of Fresh Medicines and Garden Seeds, and various! other articles suiting liis line. He alu stains relnting the whole string of names of tlie things he offers, and only mentions a few which are not commonly found iii every Drugstore, viz: Fob Sabina, Pyralii Uinbeltatn, DcgitttUs Piirpiil'eft, 3cullcap, Hyssop, German Loopard’s Bane, (arnica moutaim) Elecampane, (Inula Helonirim) Hops, Ergot, Tonquin Beans, Squire’s Elixir. Daffy’s Elixir, Ess. Mustard, Ess. Tyre, Jesuit Drop, Ghurclic’s Cough Drops, Aromatic V'iuogar, Toilet, Vegetable, and-other Soaps, Macassar Oil, Phosphorus, Ox Mur. Pdtnsse, James's Fever Powders, InfaatilePovrdere, , Read’s Stiptic, Spirits Soap, Fumigating Postils, Pyrolignious Acid, Black Drop. ' . ' i i ' RespectingthC utility of this Inst article, Ba refers to (hn last, but one, page of the Georgia nnd South Carolina Aimnrinc, of tins octO 1187 5 year. and Pattern. Lamp Oils, Lamp NV ick, Glass- ? - es,, &c, rTTHE Subscribers have just repcived per ship X Emperor;. A genefal supply of Winter, Fall and Summer strained Lamp Oil. > Brottaned Socket Lamps'] (SS” kD “ Ji do Peg do j do Lafayette do ’ J Globe Lamp Glasses French ’Chimney do for Billiard Rooms and Theatres \ » Lamp Wick of every description Together with Tin l.ainp Feeder , Tin CasiiRcrs for lamp Oil,-and every other article suitable for the convoulence of Light. The whole of which Comprise a. more complete, assortment than has evetbeen exhibited in this city, ahd : are offered for sale at prices to correspond with the limes. •The public are very respectfully iuvitod to cnll and examine them: . .. LAY k HENDRICKSON, • ‘ ' Chemists and Drusgists, .' V •' r Sliad’s Building: nriv 11 210 . , . Educatibn, rrtHE subscriber respectfully anriounens to his X friends and the publicthat.thc exercises of his school will be resumed on Monday 25(b inst. The course of instruction embraces the Latin Lan guage, History, Moral Philosophy, Composition; Geography, English Grammar, Arithmetic; Uc. kc. He pledges liimself jo give the most 'assidu ous and unwearied attention to the moral and in tellectual improvement of bib pupils.—Terms as Usual. G. WHITE. . oct'.ta . 188' v . —- " * Shei'ili' 'ti .sule—cuuti i Un the firs! Tuesday in Dtccittjicr ne. TXT.I.Lbc.sold before \Bd Court Hqils, 7 V city of 3avann,di hetwi cri the iw u A negro woman munod Detty tevi.d or property ofChurJes'I'ioi, lo sati'iVlwo exi in fitVoV'df DttvidGugle and I’etty ot Giv, nov 24 221 A. I.'DT.YO. intlie j.iUTlii B stites—Eoutmueu. On the first Tuesday in-iJeccmon-next, W ILL be sold at the court house,in Savannah, between the usual huUis of sal?,. c- Five negros, Maria, and -1 children, Lonilori, Henry, Robert and Jane, levied on as Lie propcr> ty of VVm. A. -Moore, to satisfy im etecutfnn iu fa vor odm’rs of Batt Jones. Sold at the risk bf thp fogherpurchaser.' . ' ' The following ne/vi).. biiily and her thr. n chit-' dren, Maiy, David and Eii/.i: Delila. toid liv-iR children, Lucinda, Mary nud Anthony, levied oq» a-the ]>• •)],;.■,; v q ■ j J c- Cutioll in 1; vo;-,.1' 11n- Bunk of the United Mates Sally and h» fi icu: cjiildren, sold <0t ( 'uocohu: o tho former purchaser. ' A negro ni.T. named Joe, levied on us ».■»» pro perty of Joseph C. Habersham, under a fi la <0“ lureclosurc in favor of Dave to Bcmen. Aha all the iiouscholil und xilchen *-i-.i > ir«- Contained jn the City Hotel, levied on as the pro/., perty of Oran Bird, under u foreclosure of a mort gage to Elcuzec Eurlv, tri.m-fenvil to I. bertkCo. Pc rsons wishing to purchase will plea ;p-- call and examine the above furniture . A *aSBSw *• . nov 13 212 HEALTH. n EALTII, the grtr.lcs. of At. this season, of the ye :h OUU HANGING ACADEMY, ASSEMBLY HAL L—Broughtonstrcet. T HEsubscfiberlnformsliis fricndsandpalrons, ■ that liis room having been thoroughly clean ed andrepaired, ids School for- .Young Misses tfipd Masters h rtow, open for the season. ; Haviiig taken into consideration the present de pression ofbflsiness and consequent scarcity of monOy'j lie fins tlolarmiRed to lower the price of tuitirin accordingly. The'terms will hereafter be TWELVE HOLLARS per,ouarter. The school'for gentlemen i$ also open in the evening...' ."■'•''•' I’ ; 05* Persons wishiijg (o see the stihseviber will please cull at his dwelling; corner, of Drayton and State Streets, JOHN C, LEGE. ^.r. 1 .. Tp Rent. A Twoi Story-House in one of the most'healthy parts of Sa-. vannali, containing a parlor aud two bod.I'oonis oil the first floor, and three rooms on the second, with a pump, carriage house, imd sluhlo all'.lu complete order.- Enquire at this office. •. ' y nov li) (]247 LAW T HE subscriber leridtrs liis professional .servi ces to (he public ; and begs leave to iifforui them; that.he. may at all times be found at the. Df- fice.of Blcssre. Davies l,- JJerrien, situated in Hun ter's buildings on the Bav. JOSEPH VALLENOE BEVAN, Savannah, Oct-, 26,1824., ID The Constitutionalist, Georgia Journal,and Washington News', are requested to give the n bttva.3 insertion^' "•• -') '-jf '’™ja r?;f earthly bit r, when it U si ly proper end iin11.1rtn111 n, c!. an;e tin .-tueiach and RoWcls of redundancy of bile, uc.rl ail ji—rui-- .cious arid ruinous acc'uciululion;, tlie proprietors pf-LEE'S mdsi e..cellcnt ANTT-lilLIOUS FILLS,' would very respectfully advise the use of several doses of them, mid thereby in many instances pre vent head-nche.s, sickness at the -.toaiach. ul sii^ nate obstructions of the bowels, ecorgbutg Cavers,- kc. ■; ■ f LEE’S NERVOUS CORDIAL, an. excellent ingdicine for ull nervous affections,, weakness, pains in loins, b.tck, C/c. / I,EE’S ESSENCE OF .yic.-lT no medicine ever ilxcclled this in ctiring rln unio:. iiwii, spiailis. hniises. fro-led feet, i . .< i. LEE’S AG EE A N 1> FEVER Di’.t AS*. a never fuiling cure. LEE’S SOVEREIGN OINTMENT, warrunte.l to cure the itch, by only one appllCa* tion. g| "}Ane '••.'vytanffiiyi LEE’S PERSIAN LOTION, nil ex cellent medicine lor curing tetters, ring worms, prickly heat; softens the skin, und improves tin* complexion, -. • LEE'S WORM DESTROYING LO ZENGES, a mi ist jmwerfu! Medicine, remove*., und destroy; all kinds of worms. LEE’S ELIXEH, an inviilimblelnqdi- ciiiC, it never fails to cure the most violent i old,-, and affords instant and great relief, in all ohstir.iite coughs, itulso relieves young children from chol- ics, At. fl LEE’S INDIAN VEGETABLE SPE- CIFIC—An elfectuul cure for (he Venereal and Gonorhajn. LEES’ TOOTH-ACHE DROPS— which give immediate relief. IEEE’S H'OOTU POWDER—AVliieJi cleanses and beautifies the teeth. LED’S EYE WATER—A cure for sore eves. LEE’S the cure of head-aches. LEE’S CORN PLATSTER-^-Fqi moving and destroying LEE’S LIP SALVEx^jgpg’^g^.: [CFiNuineriius c-isl .- oi'/.-;-.;i-.s could he annex ed, of the happy and good cfiects tiiqt have (oj- ' )wed tlm use of the above HJSTi .Y CEi E!’,LA THI) FAMILY Mr.DlCiN!'.-. hut the pu .i-her jias not room for them, in this paper. V Please to- observe udioUi-tr, and tr here ever you buy,none can he Lee’s Genuine Family MedlJ «iic#,->Vitlil)Ut th‘e signature of ’the proi iii tor, NOAH KlDHHi.V . ' '■ Lute Jfirh i.i Lee Co* The above famous family mcdiciiics are ffjf safe'by ' ' ... , ' >■ DR. A;DELAR0C'1 IScnr. ijf . .. ' t f ' Druggist. :iinuh Wiio iiasjust received a fresh supply from i >lti niore; ’ •' • . ' ' ' • o'ct 7 . lBii NOTICE. ~~ rgTlIE subscriber informs his friends and tho- X inhabitants of Savannah >/ Mierally.tlial lie v ill give instructions on the FIANO FURTF..,—'! i:nsc wlio feet dis posed to encourage him will huise make application nt the house ot Mr. Bkascii, Cornerof Broughton and Drayton- Streets. or at the' Furniture Store of Mr I. W. MqmiAi.i., Whillakcr-Strrrt. , Tho subscriber tenders liis thanks toth'e citizen* of Savannah for the support he liar hitliei"" re ceived, and hopes; that from liis kimwlqdge, mid experience in Ills profession, nnd the attentimi ho pledges himself (0 pay to tiioso who may hi- ptne- cd under liis iustrhctions, he will receive a liberal share pf public patronage. Terms »25 per quarter. Opr” PIANO FOR TES Uiricd at the shortest notice. ' , ■ nov 16, u2!4 HENRY L. BRASCH. r<j tHE undersigned Committee will receive pro- S. posals until the 10th of November for work on the Exchange which includes- Slating, FlaiB- tering, Coppering and Glazing. Persons wishing to contract will make application to either’of the CommitteefoTpsiTiculars. <• E<) SI tit « Octal 10D A C - HJi R WS H A %t,