Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, November 27, 1824, Image 1

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Yo. 324 You WHARFAGE, STORAGE, DRAY- fflj t °[w Wr.lG>lLXG, LX SAKLXXm, "* jjil^ed, Jan. 1824, odd now iiiapmtioiv W' 4 cents. 0 4 15 30 30 124 20 30 : cho' WHARFAGE. t, under 100 tons, per day ™ «*'><»' nver do. do 7-> tun .landing; hid Shipping Country Pro duce. ench barrel or half do Wee bale Colton * package of Indigo ‘ L.-Jiml of tobacco toort fort of Lu!i|ber • WW slaves * * 1000 shingles 1000cecils 100feJj°of Five ! oak. cedar ond other lieav^ wood, sold by the solid 4- 3«4 j (H i bushels of corn, and grain ol all , kind, in bulk * * Xi KW bushels lime in bulk curd of wood * * ~ J cedar, Ilghtwood or other posts, per I Of), logs • • Wage on landing and Shipping Goods. -r of a small size, each - 10 cents, , 600Ibi.ond Upwards • , 1200 do * ^ 1 of coffee, p’hoei%>, sugar, and nil other bags of such size, (gram e»l , rented) each |>. ol grain and suit * * Lltof salted l>r 'visions nas«ol stores | bread, apples, eider, and all kinds ofbarrels except dry goods ami liquors ** Ido of wines, hml all kinds of honor (elder excepted) dry goods in casks exceeding 20 gallons, and _ not over 63 gallons .* ° do. wines or liquors (tnd dry goods ift casks under 20 gallons • 2 \es oftiiy kinds of boxes under 4 feet square - 4 ,lo. do do over 4 feet square 0 do. soap, candles,chocolate, cordials, oil, and boxes of like size - 2 An. sugar, each • - Jj bales ol corn, per lCKIO - jnlrs, the same as boxes, lulls of osnaburgsj Russia duck, bagging canvas, each * 2 utls of liquor or any kind of casks, ex- cecding 130 gallons laities, loose, per gross 4 utter pots, each undies of pans, spades, &tc. cftcli 'orn, per loObusliels * aides not exceeding 5UO lbs. each exceeding 600 lbs. hot exceeding 1200 lbs. • • 35 - Oil 3 exceeding 1200 lbs. • , * lorilngc ul all xinds, per coil toiupfurhs with covers, and fire dogs per pair * * : {rales of earthenware • • 8 Ihrose, per 100 lljs. » • 2 1 do per cask • - 4 lliairs, nf 2 wheels • 37 lin ts, of two wheels '* • 25 tarringes, of four wheels - $1 00 Ihuirs, windsoi and all sitting chairs, per dozen • .12 loals, per ton • - 12 tannons under 600 tbs. • 25 1 do. over 600, not over 1200 lbs 00 do. aver 1200 llis. • !$1 00 lunbouui) - • • 25 |asks,eofp|y • - • 2 ■stile, each - 25 ’nmljnhns, each * - 1 sks and chests of drawers * W J -e Wood, per cord • .20 lish;.per quiatjrf - * 2 drain of all descriptions (except in hags) per 100 bushels - - n ” unpowder, in bids, of 100 lbs. each do. inliallbbls. do. in kegs of 28 lbs. or under {ass, window, per 100 feet, in propor- , Hon forsmullcr pds. cxcctfding 130 gallons of liquor or ipiy kind of merchandize exceeding 63 and not exceeding 130 gallons arth tile, per lOOO' "lb per ton - es, raw or tanned, per 100 y, loose, per 100 lbs. in bundles, each npers of Merchandize, each • of .Potatoes, each s, each . ' • • )■ Jugs,.each per dozen /per ton of paint, bultciylnrd, biscuit, and such size kegs shot nnd leud over 56 lbs. not over OOOlbs - . liquors of a smaller size than 20 gallons he, per 100 bushels '• per barrel - * hs for plastering per 1CC0 |us, each - . s,per 100 bushels in ropps, per 100 ropes is. Iron, each' ■ • 5 Apples, per 100 Itpes per. 100 bushel . - , p of g|n, brandy, and all kinds of li quor, exceeding 63 gallons do. exceeding 130 gallons per casks of wine and other liquor, Id..r excepted) and dry. goods in isks exceeding 20 gallons not ex erting 63 gallons, jns in jars ... |pcr 100 bushels- • ctscach . - » |*> quern and grind, Bermuda, per 100 large mill per pair Blast, apd other stones, per ton lumleb 200 gallons eucli , ^ over 200 do 124 3 15 8 25 00. on' 25 « 0 2 0 6 20 1 2 30 4 10 25 20 124 -‘-’4 25 8 15 I each 5 1 25 1 2 25 60 25 » 0 0 brandy, puncheon of ruin, and nil ■ kirtd* Of liquor in disks exceeding 63, anil not qxcccding 130 gullons - 20 Iron per ton, first and last week 00 cents, intervening weeks - * 25 Every other urticte saint as its wharfage. WEIGHING. Knell bbl. or half bb. rice - 6 Illid. rtf tobacco or sugar * • 15 Package of indigo - - - 8 Buie Of cotton - - -6 Dr. A. DE LAROCHE. Opposite the Exchange, Savannah. I S constantly receiving fresh supplies of gen uine DRUGS AND MEDICI NKS, I selected tor Country Mercliauts and l’liyslcians, winch he will sell for cush or approved credit at | the lowest City price, i JuM, received, SVLPllA TE of QUININA. oct 16 . 190 K.ucli draft of light goods, under 100 lbs. 0} do do div over 100 lbs. 12.) do do liedvy goods under 200 6j do do do over 200 per 100 lbs 3 DRAY AGE. For hauling up the any part oftho city, i Wholesale and Retail Chemists mid Druggists articles not herein enumerated, for 1500 pbuilds jYu . 1. Shad’s Uni,dines, Corner of Congress and * 0| 8'1* -A ”i!. cents ’ Whitaker Streets, Savannah Unclur 1500 lbs nml not less than 100 , 37i General Drug,Cheinical&Fanuly Medicine Ware House. LA Y A HENDRICKSON\ do 1000 do do do For n 1000 feet nf-Lumber do 1000 lirirks do cord of wood For every bulc of cotton do bid. of Wee do had of (Tobacco do bbl of Flour 500 Ski 5o . 1 50 1 60 8 18^ • 374 61 H AVE coustanlly on hand u very sortment of 'cncral as UllL'GS, MEDICINE?, DYE STUFFS AND PAINTS, PERFUMERY, t$*C. A great variety of'Apalheear! 's Class Ware such os wide and narrow moutli-hottlcs, from 1 gallon to one ounce,composition mid glass mortars, glass And every other article in the same proportion; lumps and lamp glasses, smellings bottles, gradmi- for liuuling down the Blulf, or from one wharf to ted measures, Apothecaries vials while and green. another exceeding 1500 lbs - 374 cts; Under 1500 and not less than 100 lbs 25 For each bale of cotton - do bid nice - • 124 do lihd Tobacco * 31.1 do bbl Flour - - ■ And trery othi r article in the same proportion. hi Admiralty. UNITED ST ATES OF AMERICA, ( DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. ) John W. Long ) . is. \ Monition. Ship Albion and cargo. ) To the Marshal of sujd pi strict— GREETING ! UF.O. GLEN, Clerk. W HEREAS John W. Long assignee of the 1111 derwriters at Lloyds in London, in the Kingdom of Great Britain, the supposed[ Insurers b|> „ Rcd j,, t || e selection of good Medicines and of the Ship Albion and cargo, bus exhibited Ins xy .||| p u sn j ( | m u moderate profit. It is upon these libel or complaint, in the District Court o! me l - principles alone that they will endeavor to se nited States, for the District of Georgia; stating, 1)a , riMmg ,.. -m orders promptly executed. alleging und propounding, that the British Slop 1 Albion, laden with Mahogany, Logwood, mid di- : .. . .1 rat... ini. ers other articles, was, on the morning of the 15th September lust, by the force ol the wind and waves driven on the beach of Saint Catherines Island, in the District aforesaid, mid there alinii cloned by liercrcw; and that much of the cargo has floated out of the saidShip, some part of which lias been taken by George H. Johnston, I’ntriek Houston nml George M. Wnldbtug, nnd by divers oilier persons, to a place of gi-eater safety, and that Is Bs ol all kinds (rice excepted) over I under 63. gallons . A. 5. ks of all kinds, under 4 feet square 4 do over 4 squares - . 0 or casks exceeding 130 gallons 11- P [*' °. t , l ! cr hinds of- mcrchmidize 15 .1 brasilletlo, lignum vita;, and all 6 woods, per ton • . 25 Bs per pair . 1 .• «, y pns ol 4whcids, (4 wheels) . 50 p article in proportion to the foregoing rales. ■'ll!, article is not to be found under its name package in which it is usually conlaini:l. _ * tying pn a wharf more than two nights, to to a week's storage unless landed oh Sat- 1 or any other evening immediately preceding i a y~in such eases to be removed on the second .5 day thereafter, of be subject to storage us Surgeons Instruments—Pocket sets, turnkeys, trusses, spring mid thumb lances, forceps, sutalas, bougies, catheters, scales nml weights, Ve- Patent Mcdicincs-*-o( every description, viz s Seidlitz andBnda Powders, halm ofQuito, calcin ed magnesia, Lees, Amlersons, and Hoopers Pills, Swaiiiis Panacea, (hilsmti Money, Batemans mid Churches Cough Drops, Itch ointment, ^-c. All of which ure o flu red for sale 011 the most liberal terms for cash or credit O' L.4-H. Having Enlarged their Establish meat mid having made such arrangements 11s to be continually receiving 11 fresh supply of poo ls flutter themselves that none of the kintiin this city can oiler greater inducements to dealers. The Merchant, the Planter, mid the Physician, can hern be supplied with almost every urticlc in the Drug line, us their assortment will befoundexten- sive nnd of tile best quality, under no consldcra tion whatever will tin! sale nf impure or adulters ted articles be promoted.! The 111 most care will IN EQUITY. Owners and Tenants of Houses Take Notice. T HE Managers Hnd Assistants ofFiro Engines will on Monday, the lath inst. proceed to make an examination of Buckets, Ladders, fee. throughout the City. All persons not complying with the following sections of no Ordinance for preventing accidents by Fire kc. will be returned to Council. Sec. Id. And be it further ordained, That every house within the limits and'Jurisdiction of this City, occupied mid tenanted, shall be supplied wit 11 buckets at the expense of the owners of said premises, to the number of at least the num ber of livc-ptares In the same, including such as are in the out-buildings, und the said bucketsslmll he equiiliu goodness and size to those procured for the use of the City,and painted,on which shall be piloted in visible characters the name of thn owners of suid buckets ; and in case the owner of any house or tenement should refuse or neglect to huve the said buckets supplied agreeably to this ordinance, it shall and inny lie lawful for the 1 rr : r. .—n 7— tenant Uqirocure the same, deducting it out of I ftlipCPlOl' COUl't, UiHlttliini COUllty. his rent. .Tanfary Term, 1624 Sec. II And hr it further ordained, That the | Aaron Cleveland aud Susan C Superior court—Chatham county. ■Thomas F. Purse et. al. I Complaints and > Richard R. Cuyler, cx’r Win Shaw, deceased. J I N this case, oh the suggestion in the defend ant’s answer, that certain persons not parties, to this bill, residing in Scotland, claim to be en titled to irdistribution of part of the undivided estate of Win Sliuw, deceased, and On motion, it is ordered that all persons concerned do appear before the Superior Court of Chatham County in the term of .tanunry next, then und there to es tablish such their claims; und tn default thereof, tlml the undivided estate nf the said Win Shaw, be distributed among the complainants agreeably to Hie deeree of said Court and that this rule be published once 11 mouth until tile expiration thereof. Extract from the minutes this 7th day of June, 1824. A. B. FANNIN, Clerk June 17 (.t!38 owner of every Improved wharf shall furnish twenty biiCKCts for the building or buildings on such whurf, and deliver them to Managers and Assistants oftho Engines, on or before the second meeting of Council in Jnlv next; mid tlu; receipt of any Manager or Assistant, for such buckets, shall ho deemed u full compliance with this sec tion, by the owner, for the number of buckets mentioned in said receipt; And the owner of every store in the City, tjmt bus no fire-plnce his wife; ’ Rule J\“isi Jacob Falun. O N the petition of Aaron Cleveland and Su san C. his wife, who was Susan C. Bonn, stat ing that Jacob Fulim, before the intermarriage of Ihe petitioners, to wit; on the 22d day of June 1621, did ill conjunction With one Joseph A Scott, execute u joint bond to the said Susan C I in the penal sum of.four thousand dollars condi idtree' attached to the. same,shall furnish two lire- I tinned for the payment of two thousand dollars buckets for every store of such kind, and under l-witli interest from date, oh or before the first such regulations as other landlords arc by this or- | day of March limn next, mid that for the better securing the payment thereof, the said Jacob cry I did 011 the dny mid Jrear first aforesaid make Ji* s owner of tf wooden house or houses, hrick, or I certain indenture of mortgage, .whereby he st-'uo. house,or houses covered with W0oil,0ecupi-1 mortgaged to said Susan C. all tlmt lot of ground edits dwelling-houses or kitchens,shall,[Irovidctne known and designated us Gulden lot number same with u sufficipnt ladder, or have a scuttle or thirty nine, No 39, and also, that adjoining half door cut through the roof of such house 6r houses, part of another lot Jmown us lot number forty Superior court) Chatham county; John Retan ) , vs. > Rule JYisi. v Nntlmn Bakeh. J , O N the petition bf Jno. Retan stating tlml Nathiin Baker did on tlm first day of Mav 1822, the bettor to secure the payment of liU certain promissory note of that date for tile sum * of two tliousarid dollars; payable to tile saldJoiui Retan, ol ordeh, on or before the 1st day of May, ! 1824. with interest at 7 per cent per annum, i»y t liis Indenture, Under his seal, bearing date lli’d f day nnd year first aforesaid, mortgaged to ’the *• 'i ; said John Uetan, all the undivided moiety or \ ji half part of all that lot of .land, situutc, lying 111.d ' being in the city of Savannah, and known mid distinguished in the plan thereof by the nmiilu r one (1) Tyi onnell tylliiiig Darby ward, together with tllfc nppurtennnceS, ami furtlier stating that the said promissory note rcimiius ivliojy uiqml'.U mid the said mortgage iii full force, ana prayi: • the foreclosure of the said mortgage; ( Ou motion of W. AY. Gordon, nttorhey for tl;i-. f petioner, it is ordered that the said Natlian ker do pay into this court, within twelve inohth i of this date, the principal and interest due pi. the said note nnd the cost of the said application, or in default thereof, tlmt the equity of reddnip tion of the said Nntlmn Baker of mid to the said mortgaged premises, bo thenceforth and lol'cm foreclosed. And it is further'ordered; that a copy’of this rule be served on the said Nntlmn Baker, at least si#months before the time appointed for .the patient of said money intd court, or published 111 one of the public Gazettes of this state,, id least once in' every month, until the time a.| - , pointed for tVi payment thereof; nnd that sm'.‘; further nnd other proceedings be had as v.i r prescribed by the statute in such case made mi ! provided. Extract from Hie minutes tills 24th May. 182-!. ..may 7 2 A. B, FANNIN, Clerk. 11‘ge enough for a man to pass through conve niently, under (he penimlly of a line not excee ding thirty dollars. nov 2 203 JOHN HAUPT, Clerk. Tho Georgia Patriot, and Darien Gazette, Will please to give 1 his advertisement six insertions,llid forward their bills for payment. sept 28 182 Register of Debates in Cungreps. PROSPECTUS. A CCORDING to an intimation heretofore given, there will be published at the Office of tile National Intelligencer, during the noxt session of Congress, and, if encouraged by the approbation J. {Shinn’s Panacea rrVHE subscriber, having discovered the com L position of Swaim’s celebrated J’nimceu inis now a supply 011 bund for side—he lias re ' ced the price from tJ3 50 to #2 60, or by lilts zen.sil. All charitable institutions in the United Slates, and the poor will lie suppliedgi'f.'/iJ If the citizens oftho principal cities and towns tic I tli" Oiiiuii tu»s "I — were insured at Llovds, lias for the benefit ol all . ,; on rt , s ' S|t | ulll i ms cverhoi etofoi e been published, concerned, soli tiie interest of he said underwii- f)rlluin ca|1 giwi) tot he i’ulilic through the or- ters atorcsaul, tiieroin at public!, sale to . o . ■ jj uiu .y nnt | Hinitetlc-hmittel, the* coltnniisofa news- ,ong. But the. said perspn*) Avho hnyc rcimn ed j - J llls coinil -,titli 0 „ Will lie of the most ou tlientic cost,printed with great regnrd to uccuracy, - ... - - . ■ y , . 1 1 and in a form l'or'duniMe preservation. lug process of this court to take tlm said wreck q'],i s undertaking id not of course intended to and the said cargo.-nr so nnicli thereot, as is to Be g „^ stttutu or suprt-c.sde tho Reports or Debates for found within the jurisdiction ol tins Go'irt, Into the Nutionul Ihtelligencer, but rather, by willi- Ihe custody of the Court fur the benefit ol the su I ,. avv ;,,t|, ( > heavy and extended Reports Iron) ils n " eoneernedi nnd nruvmc I , ^ t0e ,mhlc the l'ropri<4ors ol Hint Journal irnisli, every day, in a comprehensive form, * ; 1 imelligildc Reports of the Froceediiigs mid Dis- titled to salvage to appear and establish such then in (hu (Iiiy receding, on both Houses, chums and also tonll persons intercstcdlo-appem, I ,j,| lc j s necessarily an experiment, and shew cause why thq said wreck and her cm* | J(1 , p j s ml jjxpariuicn.t the success of which we go shnll not be adjudged to the said John • see no reason to doubt. • Every one who takes an Long, assignee, ns aforesaid, of the underwriters interest in our political history, as welt nsall those at Lloyds, .mid tor. further proceedings. ”°' v I who engage in tlic duties of political life, inUst therefore,you lliesnul Marshal, nro hel'cby ^°' n * I pave folt and lamented the wnnt of a Record of tnamlcd to attach, seize, take., and safely keep the j n Congress, iii a convenient form, with remnins of the said Ship. Albion nnd Iter cargo, I jndoxes-whicli might lead fhc enqiiircr to any sub- wheresoever within tile jurisdiction ot this Court, I t e( J Rnljated, und to the name of any one. wliocii- or in the possession ot whomsoever to be toundi 4a«»dqti (lebnie/j Such n work would lie nil eio- to answer the suid libel, und you are turtner coin- , non tJfy book foV young politicians, and wd 1 Imvc mantled to cite and admonish the said Renege, |1(1 | u , s iti\tioii in asserting that the possession of Patrick, ami George, and ail other persons, clean ing to be entitled to salvage in this behalf to ap pear before this Court, and there establish such their claim and further to cite and admonish all ond a uiuiui uiimtiiiuc) I hercloiore Been sal . every person anil persons, whomsoever liav- cn|ltiniuUly Pe( ., lrr i t or aretemllng toImvq any right, title, interest, in co „ su , party, claim or demand 111, or to the said wreck Whatistr mg or property, 0H0 tlic cargo thereof, to be, and appear at a spe- fcial Court of Admiralty , to be held at Savannah, on the Twelfth day of November next, to answer the libellant in the premises that right und justice ting tlmt the possession of such a one, from the commencement oftho exist inggovernment to'this dny, would be of immense value'to the nation, were it only to shew what has heretofore bee'll said upon questions which are eurring for discussion, und produc* onsumption of time by superfluous is true of the years that have past, will, as soon its they ure gone, be equally true of lliose in which we live. it is not only; therefore, us a vehicle of present information, Imt also us a book for future reference may lie done in this behalf.. And whatsoever you I flgll National Political Repository mid Text-Book shall do, in this regard certify and make, known (Km we hope this work will be’both useful and to Hie Judge of said-Court,at the time mid place. )u t ur aforesaid; and have you then and there this writ. I From the lowness of the subscription to this AVitnessthc Hon. Jeremiah Cnyicr, Judge of I -work, it will be seen (hut it is no part of our cnl- said District, this twenty-first day of October, jhjlatjon to realize any present profit from it. On eighteen hundred tuld tirenty four. tiie contrary, we shall,in all nnrijabiUiv, lose 1110- NICOLL fc GORDON, )R , , j( f 'year or two, hoping that thereafter Proctors for Libellants-. . |{g eS ( n blished’clmracterwill onsure it a sufficient Al! persons interested in the foregoing Monition p f tr0UUKe to Sau j| pi idilabie. will take due notice. JNO. II. MORLL, m.u.c. v GALES k SEATON a Get 30 201 ■ Washington, September, 1824. r ' EOUti 1 a, climhum County—To all whom it CONDITIONF. V? may concern. . n The publication of GALES & SEATON’S RF. Hhcrens E,c Ajon has applied gRJTER OF DEBATES IN CONGRESS will he Cburt of Ordinary ol Chatham County, foi coll1n , t ., 1C e Us soon as tlm DelmB-s at each sue icttefs of admimslralion on the estate aiifc&ectx ® Session of Congress shall afford materials of Madam Rolnen de In Jonchei e late ofChalhum i ( fg nazes V County dec. in behalf of the heirs an.L ci editc i s. | i These are therefore to cite and admonish . , , The work will be printed ih the octavo form oil »n.i „i . ie '; re , ‘°P“ e amn n 1 a supnrrovnl paper, made for' the purpose, mid ou ■ 1 5 Aguiar the kindred nhd creditors of the R brevier type,in double columns—each pagocoin- ki d .iS d ’ u ” t' 1 ®**' obj. etions (if any they f hs _ dch miltt er as one of the eo- have) tortile granting oi the adminisiration ot the | } umlls S 0 f thc 'Nutioni.l Intelligencer, estate oftho said deceased to .the applicant In the Clerk’s Office of t he said Court, on or before tile liileeuth day of December next; otherwise letters of administrqtioil will be granted. AY i I ness the lion. , one of the Justices of the said Court,the lotlfdny of Novem ber, A. I). 1824. pi M. BON’D, c c o. pqv 15 213 two, No 42, containing together eight nnd a .half acres more or less situated to tiie east of tiie City of Savannah and bounded to tiie north west of Lot No 26, to tlic. south, und east by lands be longing to the estate of Hampton Lillibridge nml the west by the public road leading to Skiduxvny island whereon a brick yard is now established uml known by the name of Fuhms brick yard* that there is now on tlm said bond or mortgage obligatory tiie sum of eighteen hun dred dollars with interest from tiie 23d day of January 1823, and praying tiie foreclosure of the equity of redemption of tiie said Jacob nnd Ins heirs, executors, administrators and nssigns in ill appoint an agent to order and distribute this im ,i | 0 t| 1(! gakl mortgaged premises—On motion Icdicine to tlie poor, it will be supplied. 1 of.AV. AV. Gordon, attorney for the petioners— t his Medicine is celebrated lor tlin cure of the it ordered tlmt thc principal ami interest due following diseases 1 Scorfiila or King’s Evil. Ul- P n the suid bend or writing obligatory together cerated or l’utrid Sore Throat, long standing I with the cost of this application be paid into this Rheumatic nffeelions, Cutaneous Diseases. Hliile court within twelve months from this date, or In Swelling and Discuses of the Bones, and all cas ease of default that Hie equity of redemption of cs generally of mi Ulcerous.character, and Chro- su i,i Jacob Falun, his heirs, executors, ndininis- uic Diseases, generally arising in debilitated.coil- irators and assigns be from tlicncefortli forever slitutions, more espeeially from. Syphilis or foreclosed and that such fusilier and other pro- affections arising tlierelroni; Ulcers in the larynx, ceedings lie hnd thereon, as are pursuant to the $-c. nml the dreadful diseases occasioned by a | statute in such case made and provided—And it long and excessive use of Mercury, 4 -c - It >* al so used ill Diseases of the Liver. CERTIFICATES, I have within tiie last two years Imd an nppor (unity of seeing several eases of very inveterate Ulcers, which having resisted previously the re gular modes of treatment, were healed by the use of Mr. Swaim’s Runaoeo, and 1 do believe, from what I linvo seen, that it will prove an important remedy in Scrofulous, A’enereuI and Mercurial diseases. jV. CHAPMAN, M. D. Professor .of the Institutes and Practice of Physic, in the University of Pennsylvania. I have employed the Panacea of Mr. Swaira i numerous instances', witllill the last three years and have nlwuys found it extremely efficacious especially in secondary Syphilis, and Mercurial Diseases. I have no hesitation in pronouncing it a Medicine of inestimable value. AV. GIBSON, M. D. Professor of Surgery to the University of Penn. JOHN SHINN, Chemist. Philadelphia, Xov, 17. 1823. Eaeli publisher of a newspaperin the U. States is furtlier ordered that this rule he published In one of tiie Gazettes of this state at leiist once a month for twelve months, or that a copy, lie served on the defendant at least six month before tiie time appointed for the payment of the mon ey into court. Extract from live minutes, 15th Jan. 1824. jail 16 12 JOB T. BO LF.S. Chatham Superior Court J May Tenst, 1824. G EORGE Jbllnston and others, complainants vs Peter;.Veiiburgli Livingston and others, defendants, 111 equity in the Superior court, ol I Chatham comity, May term, 1824. It appearing to the Court by affidavit that Pe ter Vunburgh Livingston mid Harriet E. Living ston, who nro parties defendant reside beyond the state ofGeorglu, and within the United States on motion of complainants is ordered that the snid defendant do respectively appear and an swer the complaints bill within four months from lie dale of this rule. And is furtlier ordered that . , , <■ I this rule he published once a week during four is requested to publish this advertisement once a mnntlisfrom this date ill one of tiie public Gazettes month, for one ycur, aud.send their accounts tor | 0 j thi s State, payment, jrl EottUlA—Chatham County.—To all wit am \J it may concern.—Whereas, Joseph R. Thomp son 1ms applied to the II011. the Court of Ordinary of Chatham County for letters of administration on tho oslato and effects of William It. Holland, Into of Savannah, Druggist, dec’d iu behalf of the heirs and creditors. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred nnd creditors of Ihe said de ceased, to’file tiieir objections (if any they Imve) to the granting of the administration of Hie estate of the deceased to . the applicant in the Clerk’s june 8 Extract from the Minutes. A. B. FANNIN, Clerk* 134J Superior court, Chatham County; March Teum, 1824. AVillinm Berrie i vs. > Rule Msii •:. John Christopher. S O N the petition of AVillinm Berrie stafffti* that one John Christopher, of the oouliiy ft of Cainden, beiiig indebted to one Henry SadhV or'order in a note of hand, dated St Marys in . said county, 011 the. Olh October 1822, iii the s'ir.i of Five Hundred Dollars, payable with inter.•“( . from the dale on the first day of January theft ’ next cniulng. did mortgage to the said Henry Itis , heirs anti assigns, to secure the payuieut-of the. note nforesaid with iuterost on tl^e same—a cer tain lot of laud in the town aforesaid being.part' of lot No. 1 beginning at the west corner of a lot belonging to obe Calvin Hayes, tlienre rail ing south lOO feet on St. Marys Street. Ihaurii north to Bryuat St. east to C. Hays’ land tlicned ■' soutli to the begriming, with the margin attached to tiie same on the soutli side of St. Marys ok Bay st. being a hundred feet on the street aiH* running from thence directly to the river SR Marys, together with all and singular every tiling, thereto appertaining,Hint tliesaidileMi'y “(tdaJeVy to wlidm and to whose heirs nml assigns the sa d mortgage was made on the 24th of Sept. 182 July assigned by deed, said mortgage to li.. pcT titioncr, (here is now due on sajil mortgage (hh . sum of Five Hundred Dollars with interest from, tiie 1st January 1822, and praying for the I'orenlo- sure of tiie equity of redemptiart/ in.the said John Christopher, his heirs und assigns in llid mortgaged premises and tlmt the same bb foreclosed accoWing to law. On motion of Belton A Copp,- attorney for pri* titioncr, it is ordered that tlju principid" and id terest due on the said moijgage together with the costs of liis applicants Weiiaid into this com b within twelve months (rolMMis date; olheruisc that the equitj* of redemption of the said Joliii Christopher liis heirs executors, udministratidus and assigns bij from thence forever .foreclosed and thut such other proceedings, fake place as'a " pnrsiiRnt to the,sfatuc. And it is further ordered^tbat this rule bo p p lisiied in on.e of the Gazettes of this siata at > once a,month for twelye'Montiis to the time ftw pointed for the'payment of suid money iuFr, 1 Court. , A irue extract from the minutes. JOHN BAILEY, Clerk. Jefferson, 15th March, 1824 NH Camden—Superior Court. October Term, 1824. Nicholas J. Bayard j Rule Nisi. Ray Sands ) O N tiie petition of Nicholes .1. Bayard, statin; - - tlmt Ray Sands, on Hie fifth day of June eigb Office ■flfthTsald'Court, on or before tiie twenty I teen hundred and twenty-four, for the better se- seventh day of November next; otherwise letters l '" ri 'ig the payment of bis certain bond or writing of administration will be granted. obligatory, bearing date Hie day und year aforc- Wliness (he Hon. John P. Williamson one of the sank whereon lie the said Ray acknowledged him- Juslices of tiie said Court, tlie27tliOct. A. D. 1824. self held and bound unto the said Nicholas J. Buy out 27 198 S. M. BOND, c c o. lard, in the penal sura ot tour thousand dotlars- 1 conditioned for the pnymet of one thousand dol, I ill's on or before tne first day of October then next, and the further sum of one thousand dollars on the first day of Januury then next, did mort gage all that tract, piece, or parcel of (and, lying, being and situate on Cumberland Island, in the county of Camden, and known by the name of Clerks Office. 29th October 1824, TVrOTICE—Proposals will bu received at this J. si Office until the loth December next, for sup plying tiie Guardhouse with \yp<)d and lights— _ mid keeping (be same clean-also, i’rr sweeping I pubHsVird^Coi' i^ ^mce, at the sub- ami keeping in order, the Police office seribers option,) at tiiuke dollars for the vol- Vvl rn ni fnnm illO minllf AC I • ' 1 . 1 .1 11 It will contain as full nnd accurate Reports as can be obtained of all Debates on main questions, and of all interesting Debates on incidental ques tions; with an Appendix, containing a list ol the Members of each House, tlic Yeas and Nays in each House on questions which have been the silbject of Debate, such Documents, connected with tiie subjects of Debate, as may be deemed essential to enable the reader to comprehend them, and proper indexes to the whole. The Debates of the next Session, it is 'computed, wifi; with Hie Appendix, make a volume of five lmhilfed pages, at least,,nnd will be furnished to subscribers through the Post Office, in sheets, as s"\ EORGIA, Chatham County.—By the lion. V.® the Justices of tlic Inferior Court, sitting for oedinary purposes. To all whom it may concern. Whereas .John M’Nish, administrator of Isaac Tlaiilon, dec. lias petitioned tiie honorable tlm 1 - ✓ - - ... ,, , . 1 ... Court of Ordinary to be discharged from liis said Cotton dluft, containing four hundred and fitty administration. acres, bounded on the north by lands <n Shlerer Now these are therefore to cite and admonish I °, n W 0 ,south hy lands of Nathaniel Green, and on idl a,id singular the kindred niul creditorsof Hie the west by salt marsh, together with the appurte said tile (heir objections,(if any they lmve) nances and further stating that the said sums of in the Office of Hie Clerk of the Court of Ordina- money remained unpaid, and pray (he foreclosure iy, on 01 before the second day of May next, o <>f the equity of redemption of the said Hay. therwiSe letters dismissory will be gi'Unted the pe- 9*1 mot, uu °f ^ Gordon, attorney tor tiie tilionur petitioner, it is ordered that the said Ray Sands do Witness the lion. John P. AVilliamson one of the t»y into Uiis court before the expirdtibri of twelve Justices of the said Court this second day of No- I *r*°nths from this date, the said several sums ot Extract from the minutes, SOL. COHEN, c. o. pro tern. got 29 200 ' Clerks Office, time, be it more or less, to be paid ill advance, in all cuses of transmission beyond Hie limits of the city. The sheets will be transmitted ■ as' Completed, without regard to any particular dayS, us the pub lication must of course beveguluted by the prepar ation of the mutter of which it is to be Composed. Tiie subscription will in'no case, unless within STORAGE. ; {Iten, per week, 8 cents for the aim last week and fof each intcr- n 8 week . . ; fiet'week . ... ^ Cc a her week . . . ' ttslt /ontuining more than 30gal-’ "' ear, molasses. Pipe of’ gin, ^ 5 efcnts. C 20 29th October, 1824. I N conformitv with absolution of-Council fJo - , . , lice is hereby given that on the second regular thn city} and not then unless specially indicated, meeting in N'ov. next, Council will proceed to bo understood to extend beyond the volume ac- elect a City Treasurer, to fill the vacancy ocJa- tuully paid for In advance, sioned liv the decease of John I. Roberts. To non-subsoribers the price will be four, dol Extract'from the minutes. lnrs,boundinboaids,forHievoIumenowaniiounc- SOL. COIIEN, c. c. pro tem. ed. oct 29 200 The Debates of the Session of Congress foliow- - —— ing the next/and of tiie first Session ofevery COn- The Undersigned Comniitte, gress, will, it is supposed, fill about one thousand TTAVE been Instructed by Council to place in pages, or .perhaps more, making one very large H a state of repair the Fite Engines of the city, volume, or two of u handsome smo-the firsit See, mrwill receive proposals from any competent sin f l °f <’ach Congress baing nemly double tiie persons to effect this object,—The Engiitos ^ ratipnotthc sebond. Ihe pnee of the quiring repairs will be designated on application | tor the fa* Session of each Congress, be its con .tonitlicr oftho Coiriniltee. GEO. MILLEN, nov 11 210 ft MINIS, JAS, MORRISON. tent's more or less than 1000 pages, will be fixed at five dollars to subspribers, and sixto non-sijhscri hers. 0c.M8 188 vember, 1824. nov 2 203 S. M. BOND, c. c. o. money in the condition of the said bond mention ed, 'together with the interest hnd cost; otherwise that the equity of redemption of the said Ray Sands ins heirs, executors, administrators' and as signs, of, in and to the snid mortgaged premises be thenceforth and forever foreclosed. And it is further ordered, that this rule be pub- G EORGIA, Chatham County—By the honora ble tlic Justices of the Inferior court of Chath am county sitting for ordinary purposes. To all whom it may concern. AVlicaras Charles Gregory executor of Thomas I lisiied in one pf the Gazettes of this state lit least G. Davis late of Chatham county deceased lias I once d month for twelve, months, or that a copy petitioned Hi ■ honorable the court of ordinary to be served on the said Ray (tends, at least six be discharged from liis said, executorship, months before the expiration of the time hppoint- Tliese are therefore to cite and admonish all cd for the payment ot (he said money into court, nnd singular the kindred and creditors of the and that such further proceedings be had as are said deceased, to file their objections, it any they I pursuant to the statute in such cash made and pro- have, in the office of the Clerk of the court of vided. ordinary bn -or before the 7th day of March next, Extract fro'fa the minutes,' this 25th Qpt. 1824, otherwise letters dismissory will be granted the . , JOHN BAILE¥;4'le,rk petitioner. | oet2(f 200* - Witness the honorable George L Cope, one of thiB:SeveDth da y° f GenuinepatentFamily Medicities S. Mi BOND, c c o c c In Admiralty. ’ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ) >' { DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. J George AVoodruff and others, ^ ' I. Fieces of Mahogany part cargo ? MonitwF s Ship Albion J , To the Marshal of the District of Georgia 4j . * gref.tino L. S. GEO. GLEN, Clerk. ’ W HEREAS George AA'oodniff, Pati'ick HouS I ton and GeorgeJdhnstoh and Jacob AV>dd; | burg and George AValdburg and Edward P. I’o'stell' have exhibited their libel or complaint in (lie Dis trict Court of the United States for the District r,t Geo'rgia aforesaid, staling hnd propounding that by. means of great labor and exertion of the mami I gera, and negro slaves of the said libellants, they have saved and preserved pieces of Mahogany wood, front the wreck of the British ship Albion which bad been wrecked in the gale of the four teenth of September last; and was driven on tho beach bf the Island of'Saint Catherines, in Hie said District, find praying a reasonable salvage*;r. / allowance therefrom. And whereas the Judge of I Hie District Court for the District aforesaid, l/irli 1 ordered and directed the Twelfth day; of Novem ber iiext, foY all persons concerned, to bo cited to uppearnttheCoiirtHou e, in the City of Savab- , nan, at ten o’clock of that day; and shew cause il any they have, why judgment should not, past bs A prayed: You are therefore hereby authorised ami enjoined, to cite and admonish all persons, whate ver; having; or pretending to have, any right,title, or interest, in or to the said Mahogany, libetb-ij / against as'aforesaid, to be, and appear, at ,Hic f in;in and place, aforesaid, before the Judge aforesaid, { to hear, abide by and perform all and singular; /; such judicial acts as are necessary and by, law 1 S* required to be done in the premises ; and forther to do and receive whatiiiitola.wand justice shall appertain, under the pain of the law and con tempt thereof, the absence and. Contumacy of them and every of them iii nny wise notwith standing. And whatsoever you shall do in the premises you shall duly certify, unto the snidj Judge, at the time and place aforesaid, (ogetliqt' with these presents. ' . AVitness the Hon. Jeremiah Cuyler; .Judge of the ; said District Court this twenty-ninth day of^Octo ber one thousand eight hundred, and twenty- . fohr. DAVIES it BERRIEN, Proctors. All persons interested in the foregoing Monition will take due notice: JNO. H/MOREL; »i. d. 0; Oct 29 ' 200 sep 9 175 Sicairns Panacea. T HE Subscribers have just received from -Phil adelphia u fresh supply of this celebrated Me dicine, and have made such firrangements as to keep a constant supply of it bn hand. Persons in want of this article can depend hpon itshbinggen- utic, as it comes direct from Mr: Siifaiin: LAY fy HENDRICKSON, . , < ! Chemist and •Druggists; , , oct 7 m I T« EES Pills Churches Ess Mustard I I i Andersorts do’ ' Chiitgs worm Lbzenges Hoopers' do' Thompsons teeth paste Jhrnes dd , 'do eye water Churches' cough drops Rogers vegetable Andersons do pulmonic detergent Heariemoil British oil „ ; Honryscanc’d magnesia Batemans drops, fyo Balsoin llbhey AuHJers ieniitive Opqdeldock Sqbires elixir " Saits Lemons CatrCbnstaiitly-behad-atthe store of....... ... LAYfy 11ENDIUCKSON,'. Chemists and Druggistj; Shad’s Buildings) *&*•* 189 V’ ■ TVJINE njpnt.hs after date, application will be -LY iniide>tp Hie hop, thelnferigr Court of Biy an County,, for leave to sell ail the real estate of Sarah M'Kindly/ fote of Biiyan County dec. for the benefit bf the heirs and creditors of Said es tate., ' JAMES BUTLER, AdmV. apii2' §o77 P ERSONS having claims against the estate of Charles AY. TebCau, are requested to prescut theni, rtiid those indebted to make immediate payment to the Subscriber—-accounts against tho said estate" to' bb left with Messrs S, C. JF Schenk., ™ , F. E. TDBFiAV, AdmrJ net? m v" ■