Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, November 27, 1824, Image 2

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cLV'l U .&» cU ivl'C ♦ ■ - : 7WFw ■•■-afe—* i-v.s-’,r>brick s. rm.i,, C0f)9 readily licvc.” purliut j i-ArF.u ei'.mT poi.LAns mu an.m m. IUL.M K Y PAP KB SIX 1)01.i. Alls pr.ll ANNUM. pavabi.f. in advance. (□ All news and new ndt-citt both papers.,.)' .lurch believe. 1” He replied | t'lic chtlnth believes what l be- ie otlicr,desirous,to liriiu;hint to m, mioV nioro regained ittqin- i me, ihcn, 1 prav ymi, it i you .d the church both believe!” The lilya’ verthe Collier could give was, ‘Why, 'ily, sir, the church uud I both —believe the same thing.” This is impli cit faith iu perfection, and, iu the estima tion of some celebrated doctors, the sum of necessary uud saving knowledge iu a Christian.—Cbiumitan Star. h\TUBRAY EVENING. Novr.Min.nil7, 1824 presidential Election. A letter from Ibdthnoi'o dated on the evening ol'the 16th inst. to the Editors of the National Intelligencer, says:—“ A .traveller from the West informs me, tliut, at Wheeling,a person had arrived from Co lumbus,bringing news of the election in all the counties but .six, which guve to Clay a majority of 13 votes Land that his inform not met the Sheriffs of the other six coUn ties going on, whose accouuts being com port'd, gave the election in favor of Gen Jackson.” In addition to the above we arc inform cd thot a letter was received in tins city yesterday from the Postmaster General dated at Wuthington on the I9th inst. in which it is stated that intelligence had just arrived there, of the success of the Jack- son ticket in Ohio, by a majority of 250o* Ter the ticket .favorable to Mr. Clay. From the returns of Electors already appointed, it appears that tv Adams has SO vi it .', and tu n. Jackson 82, the II nf South Carolina (whi< hlie willno doubt get) will ncicasc hisitrength to93 votes. It it tui trite that Mr. Clay has lost Ohio iu.- eoiinot get to the Houjc of Representa tive - even should Illinois and Indiana vote for him. Should he, however,obtain Ohio, THE PILOT. The Following very handsome notice of Mr Cooper’s novel, the Pilot, is from tlio Edinburg Scotsman. It is as just as it is liberal.' Character of Cooper.the Amcritan Novelist —Wo have'long fixed our eyes oil Amer ica as the refttge and conservatory of all those principles and institutions Which, under the name of Liberty, comprehend the right of free and fair exertions of nil the faculties and powers of man, the ab sence of all fettering restrictions on indus try and talent, equal privileges of thought Wo Art pleased to find that'there Is yet a probability that the useful and vilutuble services of Dr Waddle,the President ofour I 1 Diversity, may not be lost to the State. fMI reel’ Leather. i! solo TOUT-OP SAVANNAH. nig i ul tor sul. GEO. 1> jE.VfHER just empal ing the condition of the institution | it this time with what it was at the time when it was pla-od under the cluirgo of Dr. W. we cannot but felicitate ourselves AIUUVED. , Lawrence, 14 days from Mur 1 A s> Nutting, 14 ds fin Marblohoad— 1wi upon the fortunate selection which was made of nil Exccntivo head*, itnd it is a maUor of deep regret that the Dr. should have considered it necessary to tender his resignation. We trust, howevor, that under existing circumstances, he will be induced to abandon the idea of retiring fro n the.institution, unless such retiro- Schr Travellet blehead—bajlast Schr SclisnCe, ballast. ■ -Sloop Ann,iHo.dlny, 4 ds fmDnrien—ballnst. Sloop Niuoli,Blankenship,fin Ogeochec— 2000 hushcls rough lice toR fa J Habersham. * - Sloop John Chevalier, CheVnlief, 2 days from St Marys—“coltotl, hides and tallow to A Cl Miller and (he Master. Tne brig hark, Fitzpatrick, sailed from St. Marys for New \ork the 22d lost. Spoke off Ossabaw, yesterday,a sloop from N. Carolina for Savannah. Fussed this mdrniug cOUNWELL, jPW Sale, SMALL JttlUUsf.'l BOAT, In good orde afoul ate d for a wood boat, now cm plOyed ns shell! burthen from 25 to 30 ronh. For terms apply to K. T YNEll, at Mesm-Phitbrich Sf Scranton's. nov 20 m223 ACUl. Vlt Soap, Hose do. Palm do. W HITE and coloured Plain, London Duffle Blankets Best Russia Hemp Bug-4 n tf If-': Eoglul Coal and Whito London Porter, in pints and ( j U . t „ Crates us$orted Crockery ustl Crates of Glassware and Chinn And several other bulky Anil, For sale at reduced prices hi C,C! ' Roy23 ca221) ANDREW j n.... 38 (0 JitI LAtE FROM TUB fin* f/URN , V Ruudaiui do. CeloiY do. Almon do. TIT ALES of an American Landlord a,., I 1 Recollections of the* VonlnmUIW meat shall l>e consistent with Ins bettor ship QporgV, going to #en. . ,. a I.'-,nr,In- Steam Boot Henry Shultz, Lubbock, 2 duj* interests, southern Ktcoraer, _ ' Augusta to G B l,nm.u--25 bags cotton . .TTTT.wTT4 A- for Savannah, and 875 for Charteston.-— PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 1/. 1 Passengers Mrs Brown, Miss Adams, C ant. Cook, JOHN a. ADAMS. Messrs Cohen, Foster, Blair, Coidqrs, Mlcou’l O'- „ ' , o , , Conhel, and Lawrence, for Savannah, and tS for Jdlin B. Derby, Esq. of Salem, anti Charleston, [the ILS.will leave hero lo-murrcfw James Richardson, a Senator of the State morning, at 2 o’clock for Charleston. of Massachusetts, have sworn and cci tilled that they were repeatedly informed, iu substance,,by Horatio Townsend, Esq. of j Dedham, a political friend of Mr. Adams, that Mr. Adams was a Federalist in prin ciple, and about the timo of his apparently joining with tluj Democratic party ho Imd CLEARED, SliipGeorgia, Varnum, Liverpool, A Low fa.CO. Vegltabld *J 'Myrtli “ Musk Low’s Oriental do, Violet 11 ' Trnusparmtt - Wlapsor.- . “ Wash Balls “ Suvonhetto “ Hair Powder, Pomatum, Combs, llulr Brashes, Clouth Brushes, Teeth “ Razors, Strops of Pomdtoys fa Bcti-'j himin, Itog -i-s Peil Knives, Ladies Pencil Cases Lead Pencils, Sic. j For sip- ny Dr. DE"LA ROCHK. nov 26 223 Ship Julius Ctesur, French, Liverpool, ,V. t Gaston. SAILED, hip Georgia, Vnrmuu, for Liverpool. *„ L. sidp Augusta, Van Dyke, for N. York. Brig Almira,-Harding, for “ Schr Camden, HiseoCk, for Martinique. Shi] r. Com Afloat. klflAA BUSHELS CORN received by the ] ZtHfl 9 Sohnonm-’EHza Ann from Virginia, I which will bb sold low if taken from on board- Apply to [ * AVM. TAYLOR. noV 2.1 m222 Sloop Eleanor, Dean, for Durien- SturteVant, for Darien, Whiskey The sloop Leopard, rleston oi Dl» FOR T1U3 PURT, avoid taking a deep interest in every tiling better suited to the genius and disposition r»/*j cleared at Charleston on Thursday which tends to genornto a budding nation- rom) tri/ than our present constitution al spirit intheir citizens, and awukenj m j Townsend hns written a letter “n- I B Dcm. Press. OAUHD3. riiila.k-lpliia WHISKEV ndiv II binding and for sale by 1 or sale by x . *v«n,-ir k an r. oArinm T . I TT/, DOUGLASS fa SORRELLr nov 21 a222 At New York, 10 inst. sloop Maria, SiioW, 2 or 3 days. nd Indiana he will shut Air. Crawford out by 5 rotei, and the contest will then be bt)tw6en Javkson, Adams and tiny. ' ' The Legislature of Kentucky has elect ed the lion. John Rowan a Senator of the United States for six years from the 4th of March next. The Hon. J. Talbot de clined a re-election. A Mr. Ferdinand Hartman (a German) u.jed 31 years, committed suicide iu New Oi lcans, by sv allowing first a dose of ar- £eniC| then cubing his tbroat, and finally sliootiiL: himself through the head. The Cflarn is said to be grief for the loss ofjiis And this is manifestly one of the objects nearest to the heart ofour author. Wash ington Irving, it mflstbe allowed, has writ ten what will please every where; but failing to perceive or appreciate the high Liverpool Ground Salt. SACKS lnndii “ * — und for sale by ■i.00 landing from sloop Express, DOMESTIC ECONOMY. Sparc not nor spend ^oo much, be this tby; dare 'destinies of his count rv,' lie has fluttered I'Spare but to spend, ond only spend to spare *, the prejudices of Europe ; while Cooper, Who spends too much,may wont,and so complain: in theiSpyand the Pilot, on grounds equal- But be spends best, that spares to spend again, ly patriotic and magnanimous, has been] , Randolph, rousing the just pride and best energies ot nov 27 224 T B.HERBERT & CO. aaxr&xgra 3®stn>®aw Fresh Thomusitown Lime. ~t flf/k CASKS ara expected dailyLfor sale by JL nov21 a222 11. 3. GOFF. iimm'3nE»a wd. WATCH M^ItElt, From RoskelPs Factory, Liverpool, p ESPF.CTFULLY Informs tlio Citizens of Bn- 0‘llallomrt, tlie Iitsiii^e'iRohlcffL J Redgnuntlot,2V $2 Sayings mid Doings, 2.V $2 \ Body m,d Soul, 2 v ^i-i The Snaiiifli Daugliter, t v Si Tlio Iliglilaudci', 2 v §2 Letter* from the South and Won *•„ I Kniokorbocker, 2 v.>2 W, wl| Sketch Book, @2 Hlstbry of the North Aihori.-snOM ■ I John .Mmsli:.II.Chl,.|Mu-t;..,,.V; , T Cochrane’s Jourriey tlirou-h ft,')' 1 v J beriun Tart ary, fiora llic rjoot'im'!?r natoRamsohntka, ,S2.f ctl0! ^ fm-rv’s second voyage u North \V est Passage. ^2 1 Memoirs of Dr. John Aikin.-by Ladv, L V;. ‘,7* 11,15 'olumi <3ontai M ,u„ Critical Lssdys on the English C. J Miscellaneous, the Mctnoir, oflfcl field, Pulteney, Priestly nn,i Cinri. Rev. Gem Walker and 0. WakeBtld'l Cowpers Private Cqrfap ,,,,101100 mi u r s. c. & j. gciiENfl Who have lately received ' ] A large quuntity of Letter rtud Foohcap PAr^ vannnli tliut lie can repair Chronometrei, \ S UCH persons as design t„ attend the Binging I Longitude, IUpealiiiK, Musical, Duplcr, Patent, I School to bs taught by the subscriber, or, nro Ihtrison n/.mul all klndsofCLOCKSandiyATCH-1 disposed to encourage an attempt to improve tlio I ES, with the utmost dispatch. . Dir His Shop is next door south of Justice Re present state of Sacpcd Music are informed that a subscription book tins hcon lelt at the Book Store Certainly, if a man will keep of evan I of Messrs'8 Cfa J Schenk . . . ' . 4, i . . t. I Klinttlil si titim America. Li his former work, ho record- h j hi s ordinary expenses ought to be i Slipuld «sulHcient number of subscribers ofter .J. n... .u:«. In< bn^-in tlin I !' . ’ A.- 1 • j j previous to LmirsdiieDtl, iie.-eml,or. llin School sell, Bull-street, nov 25 222 DOUGLASS & SORiSd OFFER FOR SALE. . BAOS Lagnlra ami Havana Coffcsl 14 white Rip 60 bbls refined Sugar 7 pipes Hollarfd (Jin, Stvnn’s branl A few bhR of prime Rams 4 lilids Bacon in fide order 68 pieces Bagging 12 bales p'oroesiic 8Wrtin»t 100 kegs Noils and Brads, assorted« 100 boxes Window Glass « 1G kegs Bimcr, forfnrtiilyuse, &c. liov 2-J ly Dtli December, tlio School the availing of that day. ed some of her glories by hmd; in the 1)Ut t0 t j ip j m jf 0 f Uj s receipts, and if he j [ vl u comnlcnc{ , 0 „ present he has characterised that skill and to wax r i c ], t but to the third part nov 27 1.224 resolution from which her future glories j t ig no baseness for the greatest to dcs- jz—-■ , r . . are to be derived at sen. Smollett nad| cend an( j look into their own estate. Some | A lf < P ast ^ iinr f! 1. L. MASON. been nt sea; but Cooper is body and spirit I forbeaV‘it,* n7it upon nogfigeVcToTonerbrn I 9Tp« E ia behalf of the Church and a sailor. The ocean is truly his element, (j^btiug to bring themselves into Tttelan- j jjJb C*1 l0 ” ^ Cl '’ •*** 1 the deck his house. lie confers reality 1 n a - - • i Baptist u iii-i ,- - . , „ . , . , , Baptist Church, will be rented on SATUR- ilock lus house. lie ®°Btcrs reality c i, 0 ly, in respect they slinll lmd it broken, day, the 4th December, for the ensuing six on all his descriptions. We hear the But wount | s canno t be cured without months, roar of the waves—the plash oi the oars scarchin , r . Hc that cannot look intp fife . T1 ’ e W ' v , iJ ' at half-past three o - —the hoarse language of the seamen. | own cstn ^ c at nll> bath need both choose | tli” U boH° f wh,ch wUbe gneu by the ring- Tin '. ■ wmmi T HE subscriber will keepneonstant Supply for J sale on the most reasonable terms ^ ’ JOSEPIFG. BLANCE, nov 25 ||m—*li.222 ffilliovuoni H’haffi CltOCKFUY. 50 We sec the waters—the ships the man- J xve jj those whom hc employcth,and change ning of the yards—the heavingof the lead t b oru 0 f tcn . f or new ure mo rc timorous —the very cordage of the vessels. Every and less snbtdt n c t | ult can look i nto his movement—from that of the tacking ofl C8tntfl but seldom, it behoveth him to turn the frigate to the IquncJimg of the whale all t0 certainties. A man had need, if he boat—is visible to our eyes, Rnd we actu- j j 10 plentiful in some kind of expense, to be »IK- »«fc» nirt in »Lo nr.lOOPflimrs mid COn- 1 og 8aV j^,g Hgain in 80mc othcr ; as , if he lie plentiful in djet, to be snving in apparel; e valuation and terms, may be previously known, on application to either ot’the subscriber. JOHN SHICK, J. PENFIELD. nov 27. 224 1 N1IE subscriber* continue to file orders for ! . CltOCKl'.ll Yof any description on mlvun- tageous terms. ' Persons wisliing to order for the ! Spring would do well to hand in their orders as J early us the mouth of J anuary. . nov 2 j 222 1 .Mt. HERBERT fa CO. wile in Uecmuai valuable books and papers, a- whichwasa'M. S. copy of the Di- Seve mpnj g. ; !' ilu- Laws of Louisiana, belonging to i no li n. Edwiitd Livingston, of New ■J. loans, v. cve destroyed by fire iuaroom occupied by Mr. L. No. CG, Broadway, New- York. , „„ r I „, (QWtoMlf (QWRWfw*' ally take part in the proceedings und cm- I as gav hig again in sonic othcr: as, if hc lie j rjiHE PEW'S in th'n Church will bo let for one versations of tlio erew. They arc I plentiful in diet, to be snving in apparel; J-' ycau«n THUMD.4Yftext, Second of lie- STJaifeSr 410 f 1 bc p'” ,nh ' ,,l . i " 1 ■'’»'* *»,'» f ;"S sion aod their countrj. b'crj lllin e|j^ the stable, and the like; fbr lie tl^nt isj m en:— isdonv uautically. The descriptions ot I p| en ^f u i j n expenses of all kind9, will I “Rtsolretl, That'allpersons whp lost yenrrent- their various manqauvers—of the sunrise | u m . f ii v u P ^reserved from dccav* I C( 1 pews, be permitted to retain itajm for the ensu- in the Gennun ocean-of, we might say, narclV P ^ jJ ( j j} ((co ». «fty dollar,, Wing the but the piloting of tlie frigatctliroilgti tlte l.{ a b. C careaiftliy estate, which thou slialt 1 nypewsre1inqulshed,asw9ll asidlthnso unrented, breakers and ’ shoals. at midnight—the 1 cvcfi preserve if thou observe three things. 1 slmll bn let to tlmhiglibst bidders, with the privi- wrecking of the Ariel—the fierce sea-fights F -. s /- that thoa know whnt thou hast I lege of retaining them hereafter, at tho asmn- and above all, perhaps, the last hours of p.( ml evcl .y thing is worth that thou hast, m p c r.,mis holding Pcws. iwUl bo Squired '^ nt- the gun captain, ami cockswain, LiOiig 1 a ^ d t oscc that thou art not wasted by tliy I tend, for the purpose of signifying tbeir wishes ei- Tom, and the death' ofthe Sailing Master, gervaat8 nnd officers. The second is, that tlmi- to retain orrelinqinsh their pews. Boltropc —:no given tflth a truth a»d thou never -spend tiny thing before thou tl,eClnu ' ch ljL ‘ ll > Wl11 annQUI,ce force, apd gefeerate such ft breathless in- , uaye ;t . for bonoiYinglff the canker and ^ nbv. Mr. CAjjnuil hns signified ids inten- terest, that De Poe,in some rcs-l deadl 0 f every man’s .estate. The third j tlon of remaining during the whole-ymn-. pects, thrown at a distance- by our author.} ig _ tljat t hou sufter not thyself to be woun- | T. WILLIAMS, Treasurer Munu^ers tind Assistants of En- •rineg—Take Notice T HERE will be a meeting of your Board on I SATURDAY next at your uS'ual place at 7 o’- HALL & HOYT, OFFER FOR SALE,) III1DS. prime and 2d quality St Cr, Sugar « 60 bhH •• " « Sui 70 bag* prime grden Coffee 80 crates blue and greea edged Piute) | 10 tous Hon assorted 6 pipes Cogiinc Brandy 6 " llollandGln 8 lilids Jam. Rum half pipes,qr casks, (md j qrcasbH 30 bbls Loaf Sugar 30 colls Bale Rope 200.Grindstones 200Q bushels Maryland Corri 800 " Long Island White, equal tad gia Flint Corn nov 22 219 clock, P. M. By order nov 25 m222- JOHN HAUPT.'Clerlf. I1AY. -fl QQ BUNDLES prifile HAY, landing from JLOO shipCotton Pluut and for sale by V. HALL fa HOYT, nov 24 . 221 14000 nov 24 Gabatia Hcgaps. dABANA SEt.ARS, just receiv ed and for sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO. 221 JENNEY g* DOUGLASS Anciaux’s Wharf, nov 27 The boy who escaped from the Laura JVnn, lately destroyed by the pirates on the flonit of Cuba, is stated to have discovered n cave crowded with goods, supposed to- u jiuve been deposited there by the .pirates-a 1 He went on board the U. S. schooner Por poise, when hc arrived at Matanzas, in or •der to pilot her to the place. . . . , ... _ , thcR thou sufter not thyBclf to be woun Yet nothing isjover wrought. Instead of j ded f or other men’s faults, and scourged obvious siruiQing, ah air of rough freedom j f or -other, men’s offences; which is, the su-1 n^=> The Subscribers trvthe SA —sometimes appreacbmg, but never we t for ^,0^. f 0K 4{here b y millions of . ^ _ , , ' , j- « .1—I j . . . , I vnnnah I roe School Spcjety, arc requested to rSABELLA BARRON, Scc’ry. 222 The Governor of Virginia has issued a proclamation announcing the election of Xbc. 24 (Crawford) Electors, and requiring them to assemble at Richmond, pursuant to law, on the first Wednesday in Decem ber, to give their votes for President and Tice President of the United states. think, amounting to coarseness—is thrown | men have been beggared and destroyed, wl _ . ,... . , 1rt . !niv .. over tlieavhole; but under all this app«* pa yi„g the reckoning of other men’s riot, ' ft ? 0ND 4 y ’ th f rent.ease, a responsibility may bc traced and tll0 c ] )ar{ , c of (Jt }, cr men’s folly nnd “; Hh in8t 11 ° c ' n J’ A ; M ’ for / hfi P u T 0Se °f io deep,-as if the honor of an infant repulv prodi{ ,, lIity . ij' t i 10U Hrnart , smart for thine I aBoiu-d of Du-ectres^ for the euxuing ic, in lmr first struggles-with the gigantic I owft fi j n s, and-above all things, be not j V !,ir ' y or ..i o o <mu, and confident power of Old Empire, d*-'- j mtt( j e au ass i 0 carry tile burdens of other n . tended on the exertions ofevery individual. mcn , 1 nov - a The bravery and skill of England, howev- j t - any f r i ctl j d c3 j rc t iice to bc his sure- er, arc not underrated; amp superiority in Ly, give him a part of what thou hast to the Americans is ascribed to fortune and spare;-if.te.ptife thee father, fie is not their sense ot the cause in which they are I s jj y fj-icntl at all, for friendship rnthcr ertgnged. The characters, generally | ch 00 ?etli lmrm to itRolf, than ofTereth iL If thou be bound for a stranger, thou art n fool; if for a mcre’ siut, thou puttest thy estate to lenrn to swim; if for n church man, hc hath no inheritance; if for a law yer, lie will find an evasion by a syllable Jamaica papers to the 1st instant re ceived lit Baltimore, furnish the following intelligence* “On the 12ifi October flic Colombian brig of water Eagle, Captain Donaldson captured a Spanish Guineaman with a -cargo of dry goods, bound to the coast of Africa, add ordered her for La Guayra. “Tlit ship Lancaster, arrived at Barba dos lrorn Liverpool, fell in, on the 20th August, inlat 35, Ion 18, with a French fleet, couaisting of 14 sail viz. two lino of cattle ships, eight frigates, two brigs and qwo schooners. Captain Wilding repor ted, that in consequence of the illness- of his mate, he put out a boat intending to ask the assistance of a surgeon from one £»f the ships to bleed his mate, but that tlie Lancaster’s boat approaching, and de termined to prevent any communication, a boat was instantly despatched to prevent her from boarding them. Assistance'was tei used, unless Captain Wilding would wuit until the morning, when the officer suiU, tho request would be made known to tlie Admiral. Capt. AV., however pro- Ccedcd on his voyage.” f Implicit Faith has been sometimes ludic ■'fously styled Jlecs corbonaria, from tho #tory of one, who, examining an ignorant Collier, on his religious principles, asked him what it was that lie believed ? lie answered,I believe what the church be- Ufivwst,” Tfiff otfipy *ey>irp:d, ”What then speaking, are ndmirifbly brought out.*- Those of Long Tom and Boltropc are un-1 rivalled... Barnstable—in his attachment to the Ariel and her crew in particular, is also excellent; and in Griffiths, and per- " Garlitk in bunches, I XL’ST received'und for sale. Jiy ■ |J - LAY HENDRICKSON, Shad’s Buildings. nov 11 210 lnrp3 still more- in the mysterious Pilot, I or wor{ ; to abuse thee; if for u poor man, Paul Jones, the author displays great skd! J t jj OU mus t pa y jt thyself; ii’for a rich man, and power. There is, indeed, genuine I d nee( | no t; therefore, from suretysliip, ns talent throughout: and although a fnztidi- ( rorn a manslaycr or enchanter, bless thy- oiis taste may find some things to carp at, se ]f. f or ti ie best profit nnd return will the reader who cannot rdish these vol- | )C (j dg) t } ia t if thou forc6 him for whom umes, is cither the slave of authority* or j t bou art bound, to pay it himself) he will wants the qualities which enable others to 1 become thy enemy : if thou use to pay it appreciate what, under the impulse ot I thyself, thou wilt be a,lieggcr. genius is preceived by an udsopliisticated What virtue soev cr thou hast, be it nev- liead, and poured.out trom an open, man- cr 80 rnanifold if thou be poor withal, tliou ly, and generous heart.—Scotsman, *; | ant j thy qualities shall be despised; besides, poverty is oft times sent as a curse of God: The following incident of the last clays I it is a shame amongst men, an impripon- of Louis XVIII. of France, is stated upon ment of the mind, a vexation of nv cry wor- good authority. thy spirit; thau shalt neither help thyself “The'King’s hculth gradually declined, I nor others, thou shall drown the in all thy yet it was thought good policy to produce virtues, having no mpans to show them; him as usual on state occasions, so that thou shalt boa burthen ami ah eye-sore to neither the regular receptions of his own thy friends; every man will .fear thy corn- court, nor of the foreign Ministers, were I pany; thou shalt bo driven basely to beg ever suspended. He even held his regu- and depend on others, to flatter unworthy lar levee on the 7th September, for the re- men, to make disbonest shifts, and, to con ception of tlie diplomatic corps. Although elude, povejfty provokes a man to do infa- he was jhen in a dying state, he was strap- j tabus and detested deeds. Lot no vanity, liis wheel chair to prevent his fall- therefore, or persuasion; draw thee to that ing forward, his head sunk entirely on his I worst of worldly miseries, breast, and his chin concealed in the blue I If thou be rich, it will give thee pleasure riband of the Order of the Holy Ghost ; in health, comfort in sickness, keep thy his hat, fringed with white feathers, lying mind and body free, save thee from many on bis lap, and his hand upon it,. Fora perils, relieve thee in thy elder years, few minutes he appeared to be asleep; at rolicvo'thp poor and thy honest -friends, length, he gave tokens of existence', and and give mcartsto tby posterity to live and tho Baron Lalive, conductor of the Am- defend themselves and thine own fame, bassadors, named them according to the Where as, it is said in the proverbs, ‘‘That order in which they stood in the circle, | he shall be sore vexed that is surety for a and each advanced to salute hia At two or three of the first King muttered something but unintelligi bly ; he then relapsed into the lethargic state, and the Ambassadors withdrew. At this levee, the Count D' Artois, his succes sor, appeared in perfect health, vigorous and abtive, os if lie were not above forty, or fifty yeara of age ” UIU vuvav; I **V uw •»*'**-' * V»vw otiui- v>tJ XWi U iis Majesty, stranger, and he that hateth suretyship is numes, the | sure.” It is further said. “The poor is hated even of his own neighbor, but the rich hath many friends. Sir Walter Raleigh. James Morrison, W ILL be found in future at liis office the counting rooa of Calvin Baker.. Gun Powder, Qg? < l r - Cus ' i!i , - n< l 133 lntlfqr. Casks Rd- I AOD sers’ Unluge Gun Powder for sale by ] H. LORD fa Co. N. B. This article copies very - highly recom-1 lnoiidcd-and is Warrantee! in uli respects equal to | the best English I’owd ;r berctoffire imported. DuniQip are invited to cairund examine ihe sam ples. nov 11 »i2l0 Elegant & choice Perfumery, &.c rflllE* Subscribers have, rcccivcff pr brig Atm X Schooner Intrepid-ufid ship Connir ii fresh supply of Choice Perfnt/cry, consisting of . Otto of Roses iu elegant gilt bottles of vuri- ous patterns/ - *' Macassur,:llu«m, Bears and Antique Oils Tomnbim in /ots nnd Rolls - V Rose, Orange flower and Lavender Water * Rose, Benjpln; Musk, Oliye, Vcnnculur, I’lilm, Vegetable, Ceylon, liandium, Transparent, Variegated, mid English Wimlsor'Soups, IVush jsalls, Naples shaving-goup in Pots Sharing Cake*, Spa. ■ V* . l’qcket, fuic teeth and dressing Combs, new Putterni Hnir Powder and Pow-der Puffs Pocket Books mid Pocket Wallets, with and withoursprings La Fayette .and Silk Stocks, Elastic Wire nnd Coburg Stiflhers,' . Silver Wire Tcelli Brushes wilfa gilt handles, Tourige Scrapers, Nail, Cloth, Hnir nnd Shaving Brushes, Cut Glass Smelling Bottles, Visiting Curds, Metal Shaving Boxes, Floating Tapers of every-description, Tonguin Beuns, Musk, Carmine, Court Plaster, Snuff' Boxes, Chamber .Lights anil Matches, Segur Box* Whidi together with a very general and extensive assortment of Drug*, Medicines, Chemicals, Pa tent Medicines,.fac. .All of which! have been selected by a good judge, and nre offered for sale ntlsast 20per ct. lower than has over bee/ sold' this market for cash or credit. Tm-chosefs w< ifid do well,to cull and examine them. LAY fa HENDRICKSON, Chemists.and Druggist*, * i Shud’s Buildings. oct2fl 106 ■ rAVI! inteiy received nud offer.[or sale on ae* commodating terms, Cognac Brandy, Holland Gin Jamaica and S't. Croix Rum, Wines, .Coffee, TcaarChncolato Sugars, Molasses Beef and Pork Butter, Cheese nnd Lard 30 boxes Soap 10 “ Tallow Candles .140 “ Sperm “ new 10 hhds hosl-Sperm Oil Hilda uml bills Train Oil 40 reams Wrapping PiiFT 2000 lbs .Codfish 20 bbls No. 1 Mackerel 20 “ 2 “ . 20 “ 3 “ 15 bifff bbls I “ 10 “ 2 “ ' 10 bbls Rye add Corn Men! 1000' lbs Ilunis Cordage, Com Brooms—Nails Thin and henvy Sole Leather for abipsitse Flour in whole rind half bbls. 250 bbls Potatoes *. . Glauber Salts, first quid- in bbls'and boxc. Herring, Salmon, Tongues aad Sounds White Boniis—Virtegnr London and American Mustard Fine BOOTS mid SHOES Comfcp <lo do SEAMEN’S CLOTHING, And ninny other articles tit Retail,. nov 23 , fp2-21 I Committee will recJlve pro. sugar, ■tf tTirk BOXES brown Havanp.Sngar. 1UV 2, )'“ white, “ “ 12bblsbrown For sale by net 27 G AUDRY fa HETOD GAUHiiY & HE Have just received, -jt BBLS. Hfexalls Flour 20,001) best Spanish Seyar* Just Received, Per ship Savannah. HALF bbls Fulton market Beef, dmiVf 10 bbls Vas-m-sAIe 25 firkins Goshen Butter. 25 kegs frtsli Lard For sale by GAUDRY fa HERBERT, nov 10 t-214 rpHE undewlgnJ X posals until (lie 10th of November lor w-qrk dn the Exchange which includes Slating, l’liiis-1 teiilig, Coppering und (ilazitig, Persons wishing to contract will make application to either of the Committee forpacticulars, GEO SHICK, J. B. GAUDRY, Oct 21 193 J.C. HABERSHAM Overseer Wanted, F OR a Cotton Plantation in n healftiy - situa tion, who understands the culture of tjolton, 20 half bbls corned Beef pulvfivrhti 20 do Goshen Butter CO bags prime Green Codec hi) bills ilu (ill (hi 20 boxes white Havana Signs 25 lilids prime St. Croix W 60 bbls do ilo 40 'do do Muscovadodo CO do Rye Whiskey 10 lilids do do r. do N. EsJtam .My 10 pipes Cognac Inanity 5 do . best Ilollaiub Gin ■- a 40 bbls N. E. Gin 20 do prime Pork „ 60 do new Mnrtkerel No..4 * 00 boxes yellow Simp ,, 40 do New Bedford Sperm Canal 20 keg* Shot, assorted .100 do Dupont* Powdcf 00 half kegs do dot TO bags.BInck Pepper , , 20 boxes fresh Chocolate, Ao- > 60 kegs Spiced Salmon j 'With a general assortment oj GROCERIES, GAUDRY fa HERBEI 'nov 16 n2I3 JL llOIIj WIHI UilULl.SiHiidH UlO CUUUlC 01 ^011011) I -Jvr it/J i # 1 |?mr| and who cun produce good recommendations for I i j6W iTltlCiCcrcl, Iv-Utn, # " d '"dnstry—ajiply at this office. | BARRELS Boston’Rum uov24 l221 Genuine Scidlitz Powders. , A FRESH supply received per ship Corsair, und for sale at $ 1 pfcr Box 1 by nov 23 LAY fa HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Druggists, 220 Shad's Buildings i Fresh and * To the Electors resident in cant. 01 I i 60 t loo, 20 I 186 I 5 121 6- 4 10 2 SO 100 125 10 10 0 60 CO J6 2 100 111 'M 120C 2( 81 St hov' 8tf lattl I Judge 0 [the neat M T II r c ilEAI Or ft« All c timnktv and ex nov 6ILK, UL tTS tin), .til I tiliHta I Street, [ Lcgbql I White iGcntle Senile ST lepmi Independent Presbyterian] Church. T HE Paws in the Independent Preihytt Church, belonging to the Trustee!, wU Rented on FRIDAY the 3d December, en« The terms will be declared on the day of ing. The Trustees, will commence offering I at 11 o'clock, A. M. and announce it by the i ing of the bell. The Pews held iu fee simple, 90 which mfcnt* are due and unpaid,jvill be also rent by failure, having beeu forfeited to the Coq tion*. * ' By order Oftht Board of Tnotttf JOSi CUMMINO) Chairman. | CALVIN BAKER, nov 22 219 / !0 ^Wanted in a Private. 1 TEACHER well Versed in the J\_ brnnehysof English Education, midtidj anguage. AW, in a Country Store, A Clerk who can bc well rocomtncn&f salesman and nccoinptaut. nov 4 m2u6 WATT fa SMRj P iJ.fiKf] m Se Girodon's Beat. jTbavingbccn rumoured that lam no candidate ] for Justice of tiic Pence, ; and as life report may herstrength, from my having beeri confined for tlio last three tveekfl by severe illness. I beg leave,! to state that lam a caiidichite for Justice of the 1 Pemm, and .will be thankful for the support of the Electors on the first day of January next. a220 R. W.M‘K1NN0N, Plnnt.ei‘8 Bank. „ 20 keg* Butter (fresh) 25 kegs new Lt-afl.urd 20 barrels No - 1 Mackerel ] 50 do No 2 do TOO do No 3 do v. 80 half do No 1 do 30 halfdo No2 do 30*halfdo No 3 do . j , . 600. reams, single, double size aii« gets Wrapping Pn P^„ . Pfl „ er I 1(100 reams Cap, Pot and Loiter P i I 100 packages Glass, of all descriptions | 30 boxes Windsor Glass ZJiinMto 100 kcgs'Diipont'sandChclmsfordOuni 2 cases'Playing C&§L ^ CoUon( 10 ciises Whittemorcs No I 100 boxes No 1 Soap ‘ 1 Her . nov 23 100 do smoked Herrings , . ..VihoriSP i.nqding from schr. Laurel, and ship for sale 011 accommodating fiermsjjy g Gd ff l T’KTO'n:'F, is hereby given, that after the first J-3 d uy of January next, this Bank will not re- ' R0BE1 nov 13 m212 ceivc for ai-y debts duo tci it, tlte notes of the Da- Lumber,, PactOl'dge ricn Bn id(, nor the notes of anv other bank,which vninsion Business does not, on demand, redeem its paper with spe- ' fmSSlQJl . r ..Jttf cie. Notes nud iicceptnnccs deposited for col- I Subscriber continues tliej rf jfi lection,"until further'notice, may be paid in any 1 and Commission AiUinetf,. of,the.notes of the Banks of Georgia, it bolne -.iii- stand near the Union 1 erry Winn i, llfil’fltniTft flint rlonnoif n»*'a r*f «•«..{! ««—- ...liri' _ I S^rVlC^I his fricilds lUld tUG . !* He will also attend to the HR* COMPRESSING of COTTON,his g In cb Oct 80 dV frst 1 derstnod that depositors of such paper will bo services to his friends and the J?', ,,%JlS r * j paid in the same notes, the amount of collections He will «>»° t “» e, ldI' 1 ® J\ SJ co tlo«J ie!, | made, tor them. . .' | COMPRESSING of CO l J ON,Ins I big in cdrapleto order. * ' noy 4 r202 f ’ | Oct 80 Ml JIHLEVLo