Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, November 29, 1824, Image 2

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' 1 An net to niter the mode of electing the I Governor of this State bv the Legislature w—i k mm i„. m. FkEDF.UIGK S. FELL, CITY lMlINTEIt..- K IIAII.V I’.M'KU miner OOCXIKV PAl'Kl! SIN rn vhi.i- in >1.1 A Its IT.R il I, A IIS I'KII [Li’Ml news ,Vml new nvl wet iso infills ii|ijirar in SA'TAmtASt i MONDAY LVDIM: N ■ - ^ i • .-a -17—T- 1V1.Mlo.n -'J. Is- I , thcrci’or Govorin n r ticket was signed by hi rgt*. M. Troup on Month n law of the land, w ill he chosen by ■ i e. v excellency last. It is ad our next neral sutl- CONTUU-'.SSIONAL ELECTION. Dire :;ibcr. l’KESIL) K ATI All K LEG1' ION. NEW YORK. from Ihc .Xolioml InhUlgcnrcr, 20,Oi i ist. The political drama in New York has PRESIDENTIAL. The most prominent topics of conversa tion that engrossed Ihc attention ot the community for the last week, were the elections of New York, North Carolina and ()hio. In the two first states the die is east—in the latter the question is still in suspend*. It appears now that the Legis lature of Nc\v>York, have chosen 11 elec- Moildal/, l3fi oANninATt's, RICHARD II. IVII.DE,ofNich’d. Co. WILLIAM C. LYMAN, ofWiikcs. To fill tiie vacancy occasioned by the promotion of THOMAS W . COBBto the Senate. Lars on the Crawford ticket, and 25 on the Adams ticket, the former by a majority of Etc 157 members composing the joint /Meeting, and the lutter by 78 votes, being less than a majority of the number present. j[ii North Carolina the Crawford ticket jins been beaten ; while in Ohio doubts Jet exist; the friends of Jackson and Clay, by the I ist accounts, claiming for each of them small majorities. A few days time Will put an end to the present state of un certainty. As we have before remarked, should .Mr.Clay loose OHIO he cannot get to the house—the contest w ill then be be tween Jackson, Adams and Crawford; when three jxiWerfUl parties will contend against each other, with nilich warmth etui obstinacy. Three of the western, and six eastern states are known to be hostile to Jackson, so is New \ork, .Delaware, Virginia, North Carolina, and Georgia; and without expressing an opinion of the Maryland mid New Jer sey representation, we think that there is still much doubt who will be the next .Prcsidcnti We would therefore some of the good folks who have late ly been extiltingto practice a little of the Indian policy, “never to huzza tmti'1 out of the hushes." Tlte Legislature of South Carolina met on the 23d inst. and made choice of Col. I’Ort as President of the Senate, and J. B« O’Neal, Esip was appointed Speakct of the House of Representatives. To-mor row the Legislature will go intojoiht bal lot, for the purpose of electing eleven Elec tors for President anil Vicc-Prcsidcnt of the United States, all of whom will most assuredly vote for Andrew Jackson and J. C. i ,'aliioun. reached its last act, but not concluded it. All our readers doubtless feel an interest in the closing events of a contest which has kept ardent parti/.ansso long in hrenth- k-ss anxiety, ami we therefore subjoin all the particulars, which ohr Gorrespoiidertt at Albany 1ms furnished us, and which may be relied on. “Albany, .Yea. lot/i, 1834—-- Monday J'jrtning. ‘‘ISENTI.SMKNI Yeti have undouhteilly been informed that,on Wednesday Inst, an Electoral ticket was nominated by the Seuale fricndly to Mr> ('rawfortt. . '1 ho Assembly, after several ipcflbotuAltwats of strength, agreed, on Stiutrdny, to the Adams ticket, which was supported - by several members friendly trt Mr. Crawford, for the avowed purpose of bringing the two Houses to a joint ballot. The effect of consulta the hope ridietilousi One of the three is n\'W in this place, aud yesterday stated hiskletermination to vote for Craw- piivj. if .'loiMi'd. Tha frii'itds Oft lie other two arc pledged tor them.” Thus it seems that the greater part ol the Electoral vine of the State of tw it ork has been lust to Mr. < -rawfonl (if it he lost) by t xvo votes. This closeness in the result shews Hint then: Was reasonable ground for the. niiticipations of success by tin' friends of MY. Crawford, and that the confidence with 'which these anticipations have been expressed proceeded front hon est conviction, aitd not trom any intention to deceive the public. That the iriettds oi throughout the whole affair. Himself, and that first of men in point ot talent am! integrity in the stale, Gen. float, did Ml oritp keep things, OUt 1 etu'mies rejoice. Let them—>tiiey will tind the old democracy of the country arising in all its force and majesty—they have felt the power ofthe party, uud will again feel it. suppe i t tile Mr Clay should eventually tcrCBt of Mr. Adams was not to have been expected, from nny identity ot teeliiig or sentiment hetw gentlemen; the course which they adopted was doubtless induced by a hope that, it Mr. Crawford fids received th A v ites of rt majority of the Legislature of the great state ol New York. Mr Adams has not rcrc’vcd the Votes ofamajorty ol’-lho mem bers ot the Legislature of the state of New York.—Demo, Dress. G E 01UM A L E G1S L AT 11R E. n the supportersof those I From the. Mdlcdye.villc. Recorder f£id inst. [n Senate—Monday, Mr Swain offered a roi N’OVi 15. kitioii for the the vote ofNew-Yorh should he withheld adjournment of the Legislature sine die on from Mr. Crawford, the giving it to air* I the l$th driy of Dcccnlbcrs non, which Adttnts would exclude the former trom the Was ordered to lie bn the table. Mr. Gillmrd of South Carolina it is said will lose his re-election to the Senate of the United Stales.—Warren R. DavWi Esq. is spoken of as his succcssori Carolina by sending Mr. G. into retire ment will lose an able, consistent and vir tuous statesman. this procedure Was to exclude the OHjy I House of Representatives, and carry Mr. ticket—the Legislature being required, in y j n jjhottltl Itc get the vote of Ohio. 1* ♦ 1...4 ° % .» .1* 1. Tuesday, Nov. 10. — v , _ „ . viaEar ,. . - ^,.. v ......— ^ . Mr Pluckstone, presented the memorial case of disagreement between Uia H'o ’j’his is the most liberal construction whieh i if smulry citizens of Grawford county, on branches,'to choose the electors, oil joint J aan put on their conduct; hut they will the.subject of cutting u cmutl “ to con ballot, out of those Uumcd in one or other cj J that ill this calculation they Inivc | thq western extremity-of our stale will deceived themselves. From tlic N. York Nat. Adr. 18th inst THE ELECTORS. the two nominated tickets. The two Houses met each oilier to-day, for that purpose. Seven of the Crawford ticket were oh • ted. Twenty-five Of the Adtuns ticket arc alleged to have been connect extremity of Our stale with the Atlantic," Which was read and rqlefred'tb the eatmtiittecon Internal Improvement. Mr Stokes from the commiuei We Occupy a considerable portion of rolmortt reported as dtt our paper this day, with the account of | signed by the Speaker ot tin chosen, and four, as admitted on all hands, paper uiw ™ “ • ’ V / . ,ti„i rp,-- . v |..-||. the proceedings ot both houses on the olwfefbisi I. will l,c »o,,,!dmt It is supposed that. Col. Richard J. Man ning, or Gen. Blair wiH be elected Gover nor of South Carolina, yicc the Hon. J. L. Wilson, uhose term of service will expire un nnu me and K^h Tss m! ‘hose immaculate repuhljeans called Ckvj State ot Georgia, which was pro —80 dfthc Senate, nnd.lj.7 o ho As. in m {m c i uipp \i ll)011t an ,i have giv.:n and signed by the t’rostdent ot Sc Kites stood ns follows : | for ; ^ other hn ) imcllhllv r ^ Hl b-1 *“ *to> — “* lican, John Quincy Adams, a federalist of the old school, a reviler of Jefferson, and the Iteail Of what is called the nor!/u rn cr federacy. That the friends of Air Clay have by this movement utterly ruined his o9 votes! prospects, with the old democratic party at least, admits of no doubt. The com- blV. The votes For the entiru Crtnyforil Ticket, us nominated by tbn Senate, With u slight vnrmtlun in oit<> ticket, OSciaioiletl by the o- ntisMon of one ntuhe, anti the tnis-spcllingof imother, Fo# the entire Ailnnw Ticket, as nofttitml by the Assembly, Mixed Tickets, haitoted by the Mentis of Mr. Clay, and select, cd pnrtly from tlid AuarflJi hint partly fromihe CruWford Tick- ct, bill principally from the for. mcr, • * 7C votes on,en- cnrolcd an tT. ofm - an net to niter and change the 2d Section of the 2d article of the Coil uitutioii of tho seated to 'Senate. The hiR to legalize the acts of Deputy* Clerks of the Superior rind Inferior Corn* and Couvts of Ordinary under the age of 21 years, was read the 8d time ami ttass- On motion df Mr Powers—Resolved, that the Joint Judiciary Committee* ho and they are hereby required take shall ren ter it practicable. You mitteu take leave therefore, Lr rp ',. P c ° ! the ioUowing resolution. U| u,iteu Resolved. That tlie r P ,„t,„:3MBW of Ohio, proposing that 1821, he, and tin proved by the I Excellent. ml that I legislature of thi- slaves, passed the 17th day xr'i U ' ou ’ J amtnrxl hereby ill ^ tlr> f S|!i t I . , 'lovciatoV lterohy requested to transmit ac resolution to the Exdeeitlivi Lnitiid Stales,-which was road o . greed to. ' nn,J Mr lilarkshear frdhv'tho coni m i ttnfl the State of the Republic, also , lmt j 0 , following Report—The committee on Stum of the Republic, to whom , Vn g terred a resolution of the State of Jli . °!‘y Oft!,: ot l 'aclt uftj, sippi, expressive of the sense oftliai gislaturc of dim state, on that part „f f hue message of the Presided); of the • Stales to Congress, which amioumvs tl, policy Intended to he pursuediy^u" iu reference to ccrtniii views-iillWcd fc the principal powers of Eitlj%,hay 0 h, the same under tlmir serious dcl\W mi Although tiie course of national oblkvi dicated in tin: in tin "'hi; and nothin td incrciti into the 1st of December next. 7<t 20 votes 73 merciulstates of the north, and the ngri- consideration, the propriety ot providing cultural states of the south, will not support »y law lor tho .support of the Itnn'ilies of him in or out of the house, and it is rca-* persons confined in the Penitentiary, and suitable to infer, that the whole of tlte west I that they report by bill or otherwise. Blanks, * • 2 Jackson ticket-, counted a- a blank, 1—3 It appears by n letter to the Editor of the t harlcston Courier, frrttn New York, that the Banks id that city, which ltayfe beer, in the iiabit for twelve months post of I ponded on the mired tickets. On canvass- . I • . -it < I ........ .Li. ^.xllistrittiv rnctilta itiu Wedni’-sdav, Nov. 17< The Sepntc took up the hill to compel will unite bn Jackson. Where then was the policy, to put aside principle, of giv-. . . . ing the vote of this state to Adams? The I Tax Collectors in the several counties of ... I object however, was to prevent Mr-Crnw-1 this Stuto to attend tho Gencraf Elections Prrtm this statement you wtl at onw f nr d n ott ing to tlte house, and how Is this for the purpose of preventing improper porccivc, that the issue ol the balloting de-1 ® • -? - - - • • - -i .t. .,A_j c lint Wi6n policy iu ;f)nimiimct\tlofl rufor'rcdtu must he cottstderclU as that which isjW eons,stem with the attitude wliicl. tiod ought to h.Ssmnc and maintain actual conditionOftlie w hut what ought, if possibL, and ednfirm thc jitst coufid-nee hitlie reposed in tlte. venerable and illustri: statesman, wlio now athniaistersthe wt enimeiit. \ ot, as the peojtlu of this n’ tton have appointed another medium (lie expression of their. sentiments u questions of ititeniational policy, you comiiuttee deem it most correct and visc.-ihlc, for this Legislature to abstul trom interposing officially,in this and nL other matters pot regularly within til lent scope of their powers. I j a i] Your committee therefore fcspectfuUl the] ecommend the adoption of the follotrii rcsoluttolr. Resolved, As the opiniori of tlic Wi, laturo of the State of Georgia, that ns \v ( to preserve a due distinctness iu the op./ tions of the General from the State-f, nmontsas from an uudinlinished Al (tim cil) arri' that him rex, eaH loM dor c.u pic. hits gw ver, U1H dm kan sen tar Dt In “c< Olft Sir we the bui mg JEx nun latu Th, nnil On Wednesday next,the 1st ofPccem- hcr, the 201 Electors chosen to select a President will meet and give in their vote? •for that purpose in the Capitols of their re.-' .ectivc States. What an event to con template on! A great and free nation by he:- servdats, selecting from amidst the candidates a lit person as her chief magis trate, who. is to preside oyer U republic, Whose destinies promise happiness, liberty and power, unequalled in the annals of history. loaning money at six, and sometimes nine nail ten months, harefut down the time ol accommodation paper to three months. It is believed by many, however, that this measure in file Banks will he followed up by :< curtailment in the amount of discounts, ffsuch be tho case, a considerable scarci ty of money in this capital is expected to ensue. Such a measure, if persisted in, will not have any effect Upon tTie standing of firm and Undoubted concerns, hut all those, who from an exuberant spirit of cn- terprize, may have shot beyond thcil - capi tal, Will feel it in a very serious degfec. ing all the votes, the following results ap- appenrcil: Nathnn Thompson prevented ? IfMr Crnwfordobtuins North votes, which was amended, read tho third Carolina, of which there is reason to be- time, and passed by the casting vote of lieve, lie must go in, and should Clay lose the President, Under the title of n‘‘ hill Ohio, which may bo the case, lie cannot further defining tho duties of Collectors qf of the Crawfofd Ticket, had each Uo votes Darius Bentley ; Micah Brooks, I’icrre A. Barker, Joseph. Sibley, Timothy II. Putter,and SaniuelRusfell, , Twenty-live otlipts, oftlie Adams Tick et, had each * * - 1 Francis Granger of of the AdamsTick' et, liad ..... lit votes Ilcin-y Rutger? and 20 othets, of the • Crawford ticket, had each Alexander Shelden of jthe Adams ticket, lmd - - - - 70 votes ho returned to thp house,' even if Mr Craw-1 taxes, ford loses North Carolina. With ull this shuflling, then, it is still in doubt, which Thursday, NovvlS. Mr Dpzepian from the joint committee of the two has the odd trick, tliottgh it is on Banks, to whom was referred the coin- evident the honors arc with Crawford. i muuiuuwu m iau uuyuhui. iciumu « Wfc said that New-York would vote for tho charges of A. II. Powell, Esq. against 73 votes | CraWford—would give from 90 to 100 the Directors of the Bank of Darien, laid votes for him hut we counted upon some on tin* table the following Report—That thirty men, eaWtrtg themselves republicans, I they have eXumiuud the iuiid cominunica- id votes though friends of Mr Clay—they have do- tioii nnd accofopanyipg documents, and ccivcd us and gone over to the enemy. ' ‘ L * 1-4 |j *' 1 munication of the Governor, relative to j are of opinion, that the interests of tlte Gen. Root behaved like n man—like a | State as a stockholder in tho said Bank do not require the same Should bo made the subject of Lcgislativc.itivestigntion. They From tho little interest that seems to he Ynlu-n for the Vice Presidency, there is no ^ottli! that the “young god of war” will alb.; all walk quietly into this dignified rtation. ■ ^ The New Hampshire Patriot veconv ^ncn'ls the venerable Galusha as a lit per- sou to fill the seat of the Wica Presidency exf the U/iitcd Statco. S ^c2Sb^*«dSf^?^ ,0 75v^t I great man, as he truly is. lie was not to Alcxattiler Coffiii, jr. of the Adams’ tick- be bullied or hectored by-faction, and ile- .. ct, tefl _ - , , -. 4 . - - 73 votes oided, that out of 179 votes pie.- i iit, it re- are the more Willing to avoid at this time Pirates Captured.—T!\ui sctiV, Voting Brutus, arrived at Baltimore tho 20th ins! from St. Thomas brings information oftlie capture of a small piratical sloop figged of.. “ After the votes were told nnd report- has passed, we do not oxpccLU different examine into tlte condition of this and oth- ed, the President of the Senate (Liettt. restilt /*, . \ Tl.-- . i 1 f it. y. * f ■ 14 I 77 i Governor Root.) President of the Joint Meeting, dec named duly« in number) escaped to the shove, hut it wtri ty ol nil tlicp er Banks, and report to'the next Legisla- But liotv is tliisyote to benefit -ItfE Ad- turo. As this committee in their exatnin- boat on the South side of Crab Island, by Ujccling, declared the 7 gentlemen first ams? He was in the house, and this Vote Ution must necessarily turn their otfgiUion the L. S. 8i-hr. lleaylr; the crew (cleVcn.I named duly elected, they having a majpri-1 cannot made his condition better.—*Is he j to those points on which the charges arc hut'itwn4 tyofall the persons who hail voted; andhe ealcululittgupoti reversions? How is Itc founded, the joint committee bog, IcaVe to Thci Fayetteville Observer remarks, had opr Electoral ticket been for Adams it Would lmvc had a majority of 10,009. Although most of tiie North Carolina {•lectors have expressed a preference for GiJackson, they have done so with an avowed belief that his chance, for success We i Letter than tiuit of any other candi date opposed to the caucus; and it ro- ma '.is to he seen, whether they wiii take into consideration the recent events which .hi.v- improved the prospects of Mr. Ad am .nd diminished those of Gen. Jackson by tin- apprehended loss of Ohio. Thus it would seem that although the ticket friendly to the General has prevail ed, stilt a majority of the people of North Carolina are opposed to his election. So iflutcb for a coalition. ship of the line add sloop of w&r had nrriv- reetiob. This occasioned a prdtraoted and [be President. The friends of Mr Craw- the State oftlie R«ri e l off Callao, and raised the blockade pf rather disorderly discussion—thh friends ford dh not despair of his still going to the ro fcrml the conm.u...u«wu.. nort At Pannmo nn the 10th Oeto- W* Adntns.insisting that those of their I house, and in the house ho is safe; but if, cc il e hey the Governor, and the m . 11 rti - tanatra, n tci ticket (25 iii number)-who .had received 7$1 contrary to tho just expectations St wishes nying resolution .oftlie Legislatur on uhlie, to whom was communication' of Jlis ex tccompa- oftlie her, fifteen large transportswere taking on VG t cs , wore duly elected, and some gpntlo- of the detn ocratic party* Crawford shoulcj state rtf Oltio, oh the subject of the aboil board the 60fi0 troops from Colombia, go- tnen-maintaining the opposite opinion. I fail in being returned to Congress, his ti on ofslaVciy haring had the same mi in**- to n.inforeO Bolivar. Tjic ship Minor- I Tltctaudiencc in the lobbies and gallery as- I friends we think, will be better able to der consideration, ask leave to report n of N York, and an American brie ^mcd tlic prerogative, which lias lately unite on Gen. Jackson* who is no apos-. That tiro 'bonstitutional guaranty made to na.oi.x. lorn, ana nn American or»g> J i JCCt> rt lc f ush ionnb,d. in this nistee.of Dissirijc, 1 tatc$— Notwitbstandiug the ertmhinatiortof the iacksonites, the Adamites and the Clay- *tes, Mr. CraWford received 15*396 votes a:i North Carolina out of 34,000 Which proves positively that Mr. C. is the strong- * flttV'v.rtf the candidates in tlrat State, and should he'g|et to the House he will Unques tionably receive her vote. It is [Stated in the Philadelphia Observ er tha.t four electors friendly to Gen. Jaek- «ott have been elected by the state of Ken tucky. The editor does not say how he obtained this information. put, and othcra-dcclared out of order, until Oapt. West at Philadelphia from Guay- at length, Gen. Root und a majority of the tatrt—nohnemy of the southern states, nncij the states holding slave.,"is not less sacred ■.I—--, —. —*•*•— -*■ - -Ol*. of the states ummpair cd those rights, since tlte causes Which ex . „ - . Tho resolution offered, in the sehate, tractcd the sonstilittional concession on aquilj reports that there were 5000 troops Senators retired to the Senate Chamber ; that the.32 electors, not properly chosen, this subject continue to exist in all their j* A *1 - - . » |i X.J11/.3I-U. | UllO Dt4ti|t LI Ll/ltllU'IO IW 1-AtOl III till I 111-J Panama, ami more expected, to join tuid the Assembly soon after .adjourned be confirmed, passed in the affirmative, force. Your commiuce are therefor Bolivar Without taking any Vote on the subject. and both houses proceeded to ballot for the I constrained to view the resolution of the C.,. . Lt. -i -it Norfolk from Carthnn-e-1 “Here the matter rests for the present, j additional four, wheu John Lmising, jun. I Legislature of Ohio as calculated to in , i t o . Mjiat will be the result cannot he predict-1 Benjamin Bailey, Samuel Bmitli, and j fringe the rights of tlfc state of Georgia it banco he sailed 27th (Jet.- brings a w i v j, certainty* Mv-nwn 5mnie R aii.n. >.,1 e..:. Jj.. ..i*l *?.. A., • •, , ° nn, w confirmation ofthe defeat of Cantcrac s® C M cd wivh certainty. My own impression, I Demon Cady, Worii chosen, ali friends of common with other states, similarly situ- and however, is, that the two houses will tb-1 Mr Crawfoyd.—The vote of Now-York is I ated m this particular, and as indelicate fufence in tlte present Chief Magistrate] the Union, they deem it inexpedient tot on the resolution transmitted from f State' of MissiSsippi-“wliieh was rcadt agreed to. Saturday, Nor. 20, Notice fW leave to report a bill viz: By Mr. Davis—To roppul au act tor gulate the intercourse between tho Bui incorporated by tho General Assoinblj,{ the State of Georgia, and the Bank oftr U. States aud the Branches thereof, as f as regards the demands which may! made for Specie by the latter on the foj mcr, and exempting the bills and notes] the Bauks incorporated by tho Generf Assembly from bearing iuterest whcutlij shall be collected, acquired, purchased] received or deposito by the Bnuk of thclj States, on the Branches thereof, if f said Bank or the Branches thereof sit demand the same to be redeemed in sp{ cie. The bill to authorize a partial Mute < consideration to bo pleaded, tras read tli| third time and passed. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES w * Monday Nov. 15,1 The bill to niter ahd amend an act,f revise,- amend and Oqotitiue in force and to extend the time of tnlciug- out grantsi surveys made on Head Rights atiJ !i -4 Warrants, was rend the 3d time mid fj .-•cu. , .- -x Tuesday Nov It Dm Hou?c Concurred irt the rtsolu of Senate, requesting the Governor 11 pen a eugrespondetuu: with the Gtn-I Governinent, and tiie Governmeutolfl rid a if necessary, on the subject ot’ 1 ] tablishing premane'titly the lino divii this state And Florida. g-'Ti- AVtinxnsn.iv, Nov.l/, Notice for the appointment of ciAnuid tecs to prisparc uud re|)ort bill?, By Mr Myers To,alter tlic times? holding tlte Superior courts in tlieEasU-tl district'. f The Speaker laid before the fim lsc letter from Asbury Hu//, Secretary to t| Senatus Adademicus, which was t ea' referred to the comrmUcc jpn.Public cation nnd Free ScheoVi;, Thursday, Nov. is I Mr Fort. ofTwigg.-t.laid on the taw f resolution,topennit Editors of u u '' 3 l l £' to examine arid ttdie notes oftheffj j of the House in tho office «» mgs Clerk. and troops, under command niez, in fine order, were to emb days for Chngres, to proceed to . While yrtUr coirtmittcc contemplate with icy Will tiot hq of 'no ordinary eiimtiaiis tho ameliorated Adams, as jt is cqiidition of the slave in the southern court he oyvcs liis votcifl to the friends try, they view with regret, this unneees- of Mr. CJav, after all, have given to Mr. i 0 f Mr Clay,’ os his force never exceeded , DUi , , m ,;, JUip ico O, <1,0 mil.nit. Mates Adams the principal part of the vote of this 52; and as there is a determination arising state, so well SSSC TC* State.,', r *fc™. n gentlemen elect- outpfwell known political events & unite trciptitions and hopes of the slave, amt to ed from the. Grawfordt.cket, were nomm- i0 opposition to Mr Adams, at till hazards, impel him to those acts, which, instead of HEAR HIM;—The editor of the Bos- Con Patriot observes that if Gen Jackson is made President by the electoral college it will be owing to the support that the •Adams party gave him in North Carolina. Ah, ha! “arc you there old true penny?" The committee nppointeil to adopt measures for the erection of a Slulue of Washington, in tlic city of N York, have reported that an equestrian Ctatue in bronze, 1 can be erected for $-10,000, and <hiH subscriptions have been ppenedin tho difler- tfct 'vaxij-for «■ A letter from Porto Rico of <l tliiit a large French fleet tietiveeii tiie Islands of St. Lucie and Dominique This is piobably the fleet mentioned in the new? from Jamaica, tvhjch we published Saturday sary interference on the part of a Sister ‘ calculated to excite the an- Fr.iiiAY)' Nov.WJ Tiie Speaker having obtained l absence, tlte House proceeded to t tion of Speaker pro tempore, nndu being received nnd examined, it u PPm that Irby ffuiLon Esq.- was duly wfio thereupon: took his scat, , ' SATURpAYi -T/'A Mr Copp lnjd on the tatficaa't 1 ^ in stfiicting the committee'on enquire into the expediency « ‘ •, J ing tho purchase of throe hit)' 1 ' 1 ' 11 and dollars of U. States fivopeG . T with apart of the fundslyit'c 1111 Treasury. . . Bell’s (London) Weekly the 4th tilt, observes that “ the { of Connecticut, of whom 11 Benjamin Jmirdaii, ofiPiitnara County, publishes proposals in the Milledgcvill pa pers, of a Geography and Atlas of the j tion that some, Or till of tinm, are claim nted as decidedly favorable to the election of that gentleman, and wc have tio good reason to doubt the fidelity of any one of them. Nevertheless, it is proper to men- state and the different, counties—the lat ter to he constructed from actual survey —the former to consist of tin octavo vol ume of between 3 and 300 pages-—neatly bound k dollars.—Georgian. Human Stature.—Mr. ifnnnsn, of the French Academy, wrote an elaborate treaties to prove (hat our primngoiitor Ad am, measured 123 feet, and Eve 118 feet; and the hunian statute was gradually di- minis king, ed by the friendsof Mr. Olay. We also infer, from the course pursued to-day, that an understanding tnay exist that a part of the Adams ticket shall vote for Mr. Clay; but on this head We have no positive infor mation.” In regard to the rumor that the seven successful Electors on the Senate’s ticket are favorable to Mr. Clay, nubthtjv private letter from Albany says—“.The friends of Mr. Olay express hopes that a part, say three, ofthe seven, will Vote for him, hut I Nhotiid the tumotlr prove true, .that Mr bettering hie condition, must augment his Clay has lost Ohio, arid thus he excluded misfortunes. Your committee therefore Irom the house, what have itia friends in consider'tlic resolution ris violative ofthe this state to offer in extenuation or jtisli/i- due dictates ofhtimairitv, arid thi cation, in haying sacrificed the party to supported by a contrast of the slave popu- Atlams? '•'•■ h.i. i .i - i i . , liition ofthe south, with the wretched and ilowcvr.j*, it will till work right in the miscrghlc condition ofthe free people of seqt'itl. Mr Grawford will he rcuirned to color who crowd the firiuses of punishment HI-JUPHIPilBlllf» ; P | WpWIBl „„ .. T ^ wr — r punisl the House ot Representatives, and if so, | and correction in some of our Sister States the game played in this .state cannot he repealed tiiej-e. Uewill be dcctid. Me have much more to ?ay on thin sub ject. Our triends stood firm and atid did their duty.—None ltriv'c hecrt so nutc bused and vilified tis Mr Van Ituren, and we owe it to truth and justice to say, that L, in tho South, they do not revel in filter ty, they arc at least, supplied with the ne cessary wants ol’life. Georgia claims tin: right with her Southern Sisters, whose sit- -1 nation' in this regard is similar, of niovin, this question when an enlarged system of benevolent and philanthropic exertion iu lie acted coolly, consistently and-honcjtly | consistency with her right,; r>tjd interest speak in such high terms, are^ tv; displayed unbounded enthitf* 35 " visit of La Fayette.” , The same paper says: “ »* 1 'j ,,, city of France and every oillCl yl on the continent, could he sws- system like that of Amencir, ^ no one would hesitate to g 1 ' l! ' m ere nee as a more free. T? as less costly system.” . t ],j« Tlic numbers of the pup 1 ‘ great classical schools^ J j"-.jiL these; At Eton,about SoO ‘LfflSj Gliarterhouse, 450; at \Y# hci arid at VfcKtminister, 280. In September last thirtcc-t ^ g6 \,• employed in -getting i‘‘ t,ic field belonging to the House j ,1 in the Isle of Wight, « made exactly one tlwustw 0 / con uni tna ft mj vit itt| ble :nc it ii nt pus Kltri [lie Ere Iron sol