Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, November 29, 1824, Image 4

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TO21L2I STILUS AilministTntor’s sale. On iftdnesday the firs! of December next, W 'H.L lie sold ntlllrflate residence of Alton Denmark, dee d, all thr personal property of said de'eM; consisting of It negroes, -f head of horses, one mule, CaUle, Sheep, goats, and hog=. ftnd household and kitchen furniture. Also, 3 head Oxen one carrying, I silver watch, and the present crop of corn and fodder. Condi tions of sale Cash. H. lll'U'lQN, Adm r. Oct H 189 MANY DENMARK, Vrn’x. Administrator’s s;»le. W On Ike firit Tuesday in January next, ILL h»soldUhforethe Court House in the , . City of Savannah, the following property, lining the real estate of Andrew M‘ Lean, Into of Chatham County, dec'll for the henefitof the heirs And creditors, an Order of Court. One tract of lund, containing 8(H) acres adjoin ing lands of Francis Tufts. James llnseo, and Ma ry Shares, known ns Jonathan and John Fox's tracts, about 12 miles from Savannah. S jOtte vacant lot in fee simple, situated in Ihvens- urg, on Margarqbst.Savannah, know n by No. 28. One Ditto, also fee simple, situated in do. and known by the No. 21, with a dwelling house and other improvements thereon. One Lot in Rireboroiigli Liberty county. The purchasers giving bond nmi mortgage, pay able in one, two and three years, with interest from date and personal security. CKO. GLEN, "Oct30 201 Adin’r est. Andrew M‘Lane. Executor’.* safe, By J. B. Herbert <!y co. On f lwjirst r Fu6$(lcty in December next, ■^HTTILL be sold at the Court in this City VV between the usurd hoar- of 10 mid 2 o'd'k. All the buildings situated on the north western corner of Lot No thirteen Washington Ward, con sisting of a 1 story house with a kitchen and other necessary improvements being the property of the est. of Susannah Miller, dec. Sold by permission ol the Hon. the Inferior Court of Chatham County and by order of the Ex'r for the benefit of the heirs of said estate. Oct 2 181 City Marshal’s Sales. , | On the first Tuesday in December next, I -*-1711.1. he sold in from of iiiuCtmi't’V-usc be W tween the usual hours, the following pro perty if the ground rent that is due is not paid be fore that day. Lot no. ID, Warren Ward, <10 by DO feet, boun ded east by lot no. 20, south by S't. Jiilmn street, west by Warren Square, amrnortb by Hryan st. re-entered upon as the property of the estate of Wm. Woodbridge for 4 quarters rent. Lot uo.22.Warren Ward, 'iO hv pit teet, hound ed east by lot no. 21. south by Congress st. west hv Warren Square and north hv St. Julian street, re-entered upon as the pin potty of Cieo. \Y M'Al- lister, for 20 quarters rent. Lot no. I, Washington ward, tit)by 90 fret, hounded east by lot mi. 2, south by a lane, west by Price st and north by Hay st. re-entered upon a-i the property of T W Woodbridge, tor 4 quar ters rent. Lot no. 2, Washington ward, 00 hv 00 feet, bounded cast by lot no. 3, south by a lane, west hv lot ho. I, and north by Hay st re-entered upon as the property of T M YVoodhiidge, for 4 quar ters rent. Lot no. 1(1, Washington ward, 00 by 00 feet, bounded east by lot uo. 15,southl>y Bryan street, west by Price st. and north by a lane, re-entered upon ns the propt rty of S Wilkins and C C Coop er, for 4 quarters rent. Lot. no. 24, Washington word, 00 by 90 feet, bounded east bjjlot no. 23, south by Congress st. st by Price st. and north by St. Julian st. rc-cn- ed upon ns the properly of M E Barnard, for 4 nrters rent. Lot no. 35, Washington wnrd, GO by 90 feet, hounded cast by lot no. 34, south by Broughton lly Calvin Btyfci'. At(ut inistrotor's sale. On the first Tuesday in Deer mite next, Will be s>ddpn front of the Court House in tiiis City, at 11 o'clock. Ml the personal property of Win. May hew, ih ci used. Cons/.'tii)" of (i DWELLING HOUSE. On Lot No. 31, Liberty Ward and 6m i oil purtof l.ol No. 2. Jeltvll Tythini Darby Ward,and sundry C.IHl'l'.-YJT'.lliiTOOLS Sold by order of the AH|uinisti alors. Ori 22 194 Administrators sales. On the first Tuesday i.i December next, W ILL tie sold at the court house in ‘.he conn ty of Elfingliam Atract ofluud containing 202.* neprs, knownbv <hc mimlier 229— 16th dist. lying in the county of Iieury. oil tile Yellow Uiver, twenty live acri which is cleared, .together with some improve ments thereon anil considered n valuable tract.— Sold by an order.i.htiiined from the lion. (lie In feripr Court of the County of Effingham, for tin benefit of the heirs and creditors of the estate of lununutl Kuhn, l&tc of said Comity dec. JACOB GNANN, Junior. Administrator. ort 2 184 Administrator’s sal On the first Tuesday in January next, 1|L be sold ut the Court House, in th .’ointy ol Effingham, between the usua Lours of sale. Two negroes a l'eltow and a Wench, named Moyd'atpi Fanny. And also all the right tit kiid interest of W illiam Joseph Spencer, dee d, in and to a negro woman named Amy, and lie son Torn, and tlie^iossesshin thereof. Thealun .-old cs the property of Wtn. .1. Spencer, dee'll. I order ol the Hon. the Jmigesol the Court of Or dinary for the Countv of Effingham, for the In n,ft:,c hch-UnStJ-ircdUowofthc said dec'd. t onditions made know n on the day of sale, nov 9 209 ELIAS REED, Mm'r. Ci it)' iSliorid’s sales. O N the first Tuesday ir. Deceinlu-rnextpv ill he sold tit the Court-House, between the usui Lours of 10 and 4 o’clock. All that lot and improvements No. C. Libert Ward, in the City of savannah, sub ject to umort gage, levied on as the property of John Crane, satisfy un execution in favor ofJosiah Law relic Buildings on Quarter lot No. 35, Greene war levied on as the property of George Rosa, unde un execution in favor of Salma Manton. nov 6 £07 IAS. IV. S4MS. n i Administrators sale. On the first Tuesday in December next. W ILL lie sold at the iale residence of Japol Futch, dic'd, late ofthe County ofBnih nil the personal property of said deceased; for the benefit'of the heirs and creditors of ostale. WM. DELOACH, Adm’r. 184 JANE FETCH, A I.** no. B. and north by South Broafl-strent, re-en tered upon ns the property of Uio estate of Titos. Gardner, for 4 quarters rent. Lot no. r, Jackson a aid, SO by 90 gS, b<vt»d- ed east hv lot no. 9, south by a lane, west by- lot no. 7,’ mid north by South Broad-st re-enter ed upon as the property of S. Wilkins, tor tour quarters rent. Lot no. 10,Jackson Ward, SO by 90 feet, tioihi- ded cart bv UTiitaker-'t. south by a lane, w est by lot nn. 9. and north by South Broad-st. re-en tered upon a' the property ot T. N. Morel, lor 5 quarters rent. Lots no. 14.\nd 15, Jncksori ward, GO by 90 feet each lot, bounded east by lot no. 13, south bv Orleans Square, west by M'Comb-street, and north by a lane, re-entered upon as the property of It. Habersham, for 4 quarters rent. Lots no. 17 and IS. Jackson wnrd, GO by 90 feet each lot, bounded east by lot no. 10, so-.ltll bv IVrrv-st. west by lot no, 19, and north by a lane, re-entered upon as the property ut Pi S. Fell, for 3' qttursers tent each lot. l.ol no. 19, Jackson ward, GO liy 90 fort, houn ded cast by lot no IS, south liy l’crry-st. w est In' lot no. 20, and north liy a lane, re-entered upon the property of A. I). Abraham, for 4 quarters ut. Lot no. 20, Jackson ward, GO hy 90 foot, houq- -d east by lot no 19, south hy l’crry-st. west by -ll'erson-st. nnd north by a lane, re-entered itji- i ns the property of Geo. Glen, for 2 quart el's nt. Lots no. 21 and 22, Jackson ward, GO hy 90 feet each lot, bound.ul cost by Orleans Square, south by M’DoPough-street, west by Jefierson-st. and north by Perry-street, re-entered upon as the property of E. Enrly, for 4 quarters rent OHy MarshnVs sales, O N the first Tuesday in December, in front of the Court-House, between the usual hours, Will be. sold, Um toiiowtng property, ii' ihc. arc not paid : /"VEORGIA, Chatham County—By the lion. ices of the Inferior Court, sitting VT the Justices for ordinary purposes, To all whom it limy concern. Lot No. niomi Dillon, lata of Chatham County dec. lias pe- New Leeds, now known ih flic I thinned the lion, court of ordinary, to bolwigchai-g- cast liy lot no. 34, west by lot no. 3ti, and north by a lane, re-eu- (le(1 c(lst | )y | ot „ 0 aa> nlnric, west by red upon as the property of Fanny Williams for quarters rent. .ot no 52, Brown wnrd. GO by 90 feet, bound- east by lot no. —, south by Liberty-st. west lot no.’ 53, nnd north liy a lane, re-entered np- as the property of A. I. D’Lyon for 4 quarters on ns the property U ‘f.r';~ 07 nmi os Inelion wnrd. Go In* 00 I south hy Foil \Vaym-, and north by Savannah feet soul 3, Brown ward, GO by 90 feet, bound- d cast by lot no. 52, south by Liberty .st. west by t no. 5-f, and north by a lane, re-entered upon lhe property of the estate of Hugh M’Call, tor quarters rent. Lot, no. GO, Brown ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound- east by Madison-st. south by Liberty-st. west by lot no. Gl, and north by a lane, re-entered up on as (lie property of IL F Williams, for 3 quar ters rent. no. 2, Now-Franklin wnrd, CO bv 90 feet, ■minded cast by Telfair's lot, south by Bay-st. •st by Montgomaty-3t, and north by lot no. 3, •entered upon us 'the property of Win. Scar- migh, lor 4 quarters rent. Lot no. 6, New-Frunklin ward, GO by 90 feet mmled east by lot no. 6, south by Bay-st. west lot i; i. 7. and north by lot no 9, re-entered ■on ns the property of Airs. Morels, for 8 quar r« rent. Lot no. 7, New Franklin Wnrd, 60 by 90 feet mmled cast by lot no. G, south by Bay-si. west , Wi st Broad-st, nnd north liy lot no. 8, re-en- n-k upon as the property of E. Cooper, for G Lot ho.9, New--Franklin ward, 60 by 90 feet unded cart by lot no, 10, south by lot no. 6, st by lot no. 8. nnd nerth by vacant lots, re ntereil upon as the property of Wm. Taylor, for luarters rent Lot no. 10, New-Fmnklin ward, GO by 90 feet, oumk-d east by lot no. 11, south by lot no, 5 rst by lot 9, ami north hy vacant lo.ts,re-entere( ion as the property of M. 0. Driscoll, for 8 ; inrters rent Lot no. 11, Ncw-Frnnklin,wprd, 60 by 90 feet bounded east by Montgomcry-st. soutli by lot uo, west by lot lio. 10, nnd north by vacant lots, entere’d upon ns the property of. Wm. Scar brough,for -1 quarters root. Eastern half Filnturc lot, bounded cast by Lin colu-st. south by St. JoUaucvL West by west hnlf il lot. ami’mirth by L’ryan-st. re-entered up- iii ns the property of ff.‘Smith, fbr.4 qurrters rent, I.ols no. 29 and 30, Coluiiibia ward, GO by 90 ach lot branded east by lot uo. 31, smith liy an", west by ltaberslmm st. nnd north by York -ret, re-entered upon ns the property of the cs tp ot' F. Aikin, !f>r 4 quarters rent each lot. Also lot No 14, Columbia wind, GO by 90 feet, loumlcd en't by lot No 13, south liy Stute street, ■ est by lot No 16 and north by n lanfe, re-enter- d upon os the property of J*. Davenport, for junrtcr.' rent. Also Lot no. 15, Columbia ward, CO by 90 feet, bounded cast by lot no 14, south hy State street, west by lot no 10, and north by a lane re-entered upon us the property ofthe estate ofThosE Lloyd for four quarters rent. pliin bf the. city as Oglethorpe w aril, lumnded east by We.t Bromi-street, south by a vacant lot, west by lot — and north by lot No. I. levied un as the property of (i. h. Cope, tosatisfy his city taxes for the. venr 1421, 1S22, 1823, anil 1824, amoubt tax $187 57 and «®f, Wlmrf lot No. 8, Wasldngtoa ward, hounded east by lot No. 9. smith by Bay-street, west by lot No. 7, and north by 8nvunnuli iiyer. levied on a tlm property ofthe estate ol I’at. 8tantoa, to sat- isfy the fiity taxes of said estate forthn Years 1821. nnd 1822, amount tax !8 , .t , .i and dost. Halfiut No. 9. and tmildin-o. Carpenters Row, Trustee Garden, hounded vast by eastlmiindiiry street,south by lot No. 10, west by east Broad-st and north hy lot No. 8, levied on as the property of Thomas F. ‘Maximal, to satisfy his city taxes for the years 1823 and 1824, nmountdue. $1 An undivided half Lot No. G, Hick’s lythin I’evcival ward bounded east by lot No. 7, soul by State street, west by west lmlf of said lot, and north hv# lane, levied on as the property of Hen ry Lyons, to satisfy his city -tnx for the present year. Amount due :? 13 and cost. One negro man numnil Frank, levied on ns the ed from Ids said administration. Non. these me therefore to cite and ndmon- i all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, the tile their ohjeetiins (if any tlo-y have.) to the granting of letters dismissory to tin- ; elitioner, in the dork's office, of the said court. o;i oc In-fore the 11th day of December next -asuing, otherwise letters dismissory will be jinnt' the petitioner. Wlln'-ss the him John ('iimming, one of the Jinti. es of the said court, this 1 it'.i day of June, T. H 1821. >8. M. BOND, e e. o june 12 13f. t EOlUilA, t Ti oi-din ham County—liy the lion. VT - the Justices of the IulVrior Court, sitting for purposes. 'i'o all whom it may conrern, Whereas Robert Taylor, administrator of Wm ?.l. Ratif y, lalft of Sa'vamiah, merelmnt, d titioned to the honorable the court of Or- iiiia’ry to be discharged from his said lidminislra tion. These nre therefore to citfi nnd ndmonifti nil ami singular the kindred mid creditors ofthe. said 1 . . . dscensed, to file their objections, (if any they property of Thomas Wilson, to- sotisly Ins city I | mV( .) ; n (ke clerks oilier ofthe said eonrt, on or taxe i for the years 1821, 1822, 1823, and ll^fors tlie 8tlrdgv <)f Ik-cejiilit-r next; otherwise tax .sl20 12. letters dismissory will lie granted to the petition Half Lot No, 9 nnd buildings, Second tyUiing gf t Reynolds Wnrd, bounded cast by lot No. It),soutli I Witness the ’Honoraoio- John P. WIMlfttnBon by Bryan st. west by Lot No. 8, ^attd *'y * | one of the Justices of the said com t. this 8th day s. M Bond, e c o. roperty ot E. Enriv, tor 4 quarters rent. w “J’. ■ •' ; ’ f :one m um umnen «> Lot no. 29, Jackson ward, GO byiW feet, botm- l"»e levied on as he property ofthe Ufa Mtateof of j IIJ)f . f A . 1). IM4. ml cast by lot no. 30, shutli hy n lailc, west !»/ ?•?’-bine 8 13JI li’ei-son-st. and north by Hull st. i-c-cntei-eil up- l8--3nnd iB-d.Ampiiiit ^ ,l " 1 > 1 (iORtilA, Chatham ,• of J. B. Bcrthelot, for -1 quar- , A qwtter of Wharf Lot No. 4, Trustee G». den. hounded east liy half of said lot, west by lot 3. unty—lly the him. thr I ust ices ofthe Inferior Court siltin''for ortli nary purposes. ITur- oilrt ad- IN EQUITY. In tho Gth Circuit Court, U. S. i IJcaTfurT op Georgia. | II, Shultb and C, Hrcithaunt, Comnlainma* .. Haul: ofthe. State of Georgia, and Others’Dm 1 U llerlorutnry Decree. ’ A ’ 1 rf'i) 5 Court cannot proceed t n n /.X final decree, but preparatory tfierot.i -i will order and direct that a reference lie' lu,!j Hie register, to require nnd report tlm slate of a-' countsbolwoon llie M'Kinuesand the state |j an !.' upon the loan of $50,000, and by doing so it !■ 1 jn-iirs by agreeineol, the Bank Square was iileih... specifically, in part, for that loan, ihat tlm ai ’’ of sales thereof, be so applied, also tile 111111 count, in l'foper to li t '.ills received at the south end of the bridge, f rn; . the time it was taken possession of in their llehal*" nnd to report also upon such otlier disc, tlie complainants may insist upon mndn from the same sum. ibHj;. That lie enquire and report the tlUmlw ot bridge lulls now actually out, with tile holders thereof, resjiectively, and such facts tomJi,,-1 prove them honest and boim tide holders tli,-i- t . 0 f as eacli case may severally suggest; also tin- sums taken by tlm complainants or either of them 11( the north end ofthe bridge, from the tj,,,,. .V, south' end passed into the hands of the defendwts or llicll* agent, or any public offieei «t ' -j’ and generally the state of accounts between Uhiu ry Shultz and tile Bridge Company ; unA tdsn n-. I'ttrt upon such discounts or charges, as the iV.(, u (hints shall suggest and give proof of, „‘ s , against t| le coiiijiliilmuils or either of then Hiuvny Sitei/rz, Esq Nr—I’lease, to take notice, that pursuantli the above retcrenee, | am ready to receive t; lc necessary stuteinents of accounts and other infor. matioii, in relation to the matters therein contain- ed, until tin- first Monday in December iu*xt,whi.n I shall proceed to examine and report thereon. I am your obd'l. serv’g >iwoper ‘Savannah, 14th Ocl. 1824 GEO. GLEN, Clerk. lot no. 26', and north by a lane, re-entered upon fc® Ilrxusc ; levied on as the property of I- i-i-der- un, for 12 quarters iok Tudcr, to satisfy his city fok the present II F Although it pan be ascertained by thebookj of the Britlge, Company, xvhut amount of lirid-s I bills are at this time unredeemed, yet it appears to la* ncci-SMtry from the above decretal order, tint the respective holders thereof should also bo known. Tho subscriber therefore respectfully re- quests all such holders of bridge bills,t-< make known to him hy I.i ter or otherwise, the amount held by them respectively, on or before the lust Monday in November next, the botlor to eimblo him to comply with tho ubovu order. , . HENRY SHULTZ. ' Hamburgh, Oct. 20. net 29 200 / t EUltGIA, Chatham County—Hy the lion, the xj Justices of the Infiriur court sitting for Ordina- as the property of C. Ii. Hayden,.... ................ . - , r ‘ year, Amount due $10 nnd cost. Lot no. 45, Brown ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound-: Half lot no. 8 and building, Trustee Garden, at- ry purpuus cd east by lot no. 4G. south by n lane, west by lot tachr-d to Washington ward, boiimled enst l.y liny- To nil Whom it mar concern no. 44, liiid north by Hull-street, re-entered up- noldVst. south by lot up. TO, west by lot no. 7,1 W hereas Linus P. Sngu adinmistralor of Sprague oh ns the property of tho estate of l. Kollock, for and north by lot no. 6; levied on as the property T aylor, deceased, has neUtloncd tho honora- 8 quarters ront* | of Stiruh Mlddlet,nn, to sntisfy her city taxes for | blc couit ot ordinary to oc dischurgcd from his Lot no’.46 p Brown Ward, GO by 90 feet, bound- the years 1823 und 1824. Amount due $6 7.5, said administrnlionship. 6d enst hylot no. 47, south hr u lane, west hylot c09 ^ . . ,1 Those nro tlierfforo to tile nnd •io45, mid north by Hull-street, re-entered 11)100 Lot k-tter R, mid building, Oglelhoroe ward, nnd singular the kindred nnd cn . e .• _ •• 1 * I l.niintlnd ousf hir <sf fjiiil-i# crtliHi lnt n 1-mO timet I Ctllll -iciu Ox iil.x linin' t ilim/'t uxi ndmonish all creditors of the ns the property of the Misses ters rent. Lot No. 2, Franklin Ward, rel cast hy Lot No. I, south by a fune, west hy lot No. 3, and north by Bay-st. re-entered upon ns the cos ' property of theest.of JobnCoiirse,for J2qrs.roiit 1 A PH sory Wll lie grnuled to the npplicnnt. A huildins on lot no. 35. Columbia wnrd; le-1 Witness the honorable Thomas N. Morel one concern, .administrator of John Scott, deceased, has petitioned the honora- ded enst by lot N’o.30, South by a lane, west by the property of E. Swm-briek, lotNo. 32, and north hv Congress-st. rc-cntcrcd I tax tor the year 18i.4. Amount upon as the property of Misses Minis, for 12 qra. I am; cost. _ ,—„.. wn rent. | Building on lot no 3-, AVarren wnrd -.levied on I hie the Justices of the Inferior court,^tobcdischnr- .Lot No. 1R, I*ranklin AA’ard, 60 bv 90fcct,boun- ® t' le property of ByoUe Eavitrd, to .-.satisfy her I g e d from his said administration, ded cast liy Jelfersou-st. soutli by brynn-st. west I c,t y tax f° r “ ,c y enr *334. Amount due -u, I Now these nre tlijrrefort- to cite nnd admonish by lot No. 15, nud north by a lane, re-entered up an^u tyist, _ _ fk all and singular the kindred and creditors of the on as the property of the est. of F Doyle for 2 qrs. I A building on part lot no. fi, Carpenters Low, deceased, to file their amccUohSt (if any they rent. now attechad to-Ureen ward -, levied on as the h ave) in the clerk’s ollico, of the court of ordiun Lots No. 7 nnd 8, Elbert AA’iu d, GO by 90 feel property of John F. Duval, Sen, to satisfy h-.s city r y. on or before the Gth day of December nett each,bounded eust by lot, No'. 6, south by. n lane, I ,ax ,or the ycar 18x3. Amyunt due n-7 Oft, and I otherwise letters dismissory will be granted, west bv West Byoiul-st. reentered upon as the |' C ®*L „ „ , . . Witness the honorable Edward Harden, one property of A> Bnrcluy, for 4 qrs. rent each bit. Buildings on lot no. 52,Brown wnrd, bounded I ofthe Justices of the said court, t!ii< Gtli day of Lot No. 10, Elbert Wurd, 60 by 90 feet, lmund- east by vacant lot. sortlh by Liberty-st. west by MAf, A. D. 1824. 3. M. BOND, o c o. .ed east by Jelfcfson-st. south by west by I® 1 no and north by a lane ; levied oh as the inay G 100 lot No. 15, and north by a lane, re-entered, upon j property of A, I. D Lyon, tosatWy; his city tan I ■pTj-tmtii t iiulloeti Cuiintv—Be t! • ho honora■ Lote’No. 2Land 22, ElbertAA'aWIJ 60 hy.90 feet, ]’ WhalfJotJid. *, W«wn Wfle^TfdUBdad east I 7^-™^ ol)“whmn "V mav foSm each bounded cast by Elbert square, south by I'er- j "it W •»«.•», soulii hy iJhy-4. .ves, ay .0. no.-, Whereas Robert Burton ^adrainistratorof the AVcst Broad-st. nnd north by Al‘l)o- j und_north by Savannah^river levied on as the I ” nercns lt0,Jcrt ,u " ,on ’ "'‘'nimstratorot tlie from vy-st. west by Ay est uroau-st. nnu nonn-mr JS»gs | iST-ISI estate of Steplien Denmark deceased hath appli nough-st re-entered upon as tlie property of O. M. property ofl ctcr Kean,to-.atistj lus city wes I ^ . Court for letters di-missorv iron LUiibridgo, ford qrs. rent each lot. for ‘he years 1823 and 1824. Amonnt due $2o “Sd^dmtofatratloT 1 Lot No. 24, Elbert AA'nr-d, 60 by 90 fee^, bound- ant ^ cos t- | saw numim. t.atton. Slicrirt’s sale.-;. On the first Tuesday in Dm ruber next. TLL lie sold at the court house, in the city 4 o’clock. A-pegro woman named Ciller b-viedou ns the 'properly of I’uul I. Ynllotton, to satisfy two execu tions from a Justices Court in favor of William AA’iliiams and Charles Gregory, for use of William AVilliunis, returned to me by a constable. The southern half of lots No. 39 and 40 with the improvemeutsthereoiiin Elbert ward in the City of Savannah, levied on as the property of Benjamin Sheftall, to satisfy an execution in" fa vor of James Anderson tc co. ct. ah I lie foiloiving Seven Negroes, viz: Tena, Ester, Jacob, Simiii, Adam, Daphne 11ml John, levied on ustlie property of Elizabeth AV’hitihg, to Satisfy nn execution in favor of Willis It. Franklin,' against Augustus F. Durkce, mid others. All that western moiety or half lot of land known us the lot letter Q, in tlie City of Savannah, in Oglethorpe ward, containing in the whole lot, <>7i teet in width, nrel 1974 f et 't in length, togeth er with the houses and improvements upon the tuid hnlf lot, levied on as the property of Marga ret Sims, and the legal Representatives of AA'illinm J. Sims, dec'll under 11 rule absolute from tlie hoii. Superior Court, in favor of James Roberts. The southern half of lot No. 10. Yainucniw,thc. southern half lot No. 38, Elbert Ward ; the south ern half lot No. 32, Elbert AA’ard; and also u tract of land in Jefferson County, containing 250 acres; southern half of lot No. 37, Liberty ward: Sold us the property of the late William Shuwj dec’d, under a decree ofthe lion. Superior Court of Chat ham County. Conditions, a credit of one and two years—the purchaser giving bond und mort gage on the property. L D’LYON, s. c. c 207 Slicriir’s sales. On the first Tuesday in December next. *%7[74LL lie sold at the Court House in lticeboro V T Liberty comity, between the usual hours of talc, the following property, viz: One tract of land containing one hundred acres more of'less, bounded on the north by lands of B. Mi'll, Senr. on the. east by lands of Airs Dreggfcrs, and on all otlier sides by vacant land, levied on ustae property of John Shepurd, Senr. to satisfy sundry executions in favor of John Stundly ami nfhers, and turned over to me by a constable. Aiso, one truct 61 land containing two hundred acres, more or less, lying on the waters of Beards Cre- I, levied on ns the property of Vinson Strick- .aiid, (o satisfy an execution in favor of Elijah and turned to me by a Constable. „ E. AVAY, s. l. c. nov8 / 207 L-' • -\k. ■ V... Also lot no. 21, Columbia wnrd, GO by 90 feet, Jwiinded enst by-Price st. soutli by York st. west by lot 110. 22, nud north by President *t..rc-entcr- ed upon as ilic property’of J Hills for 7 quarters rent. Also lot no. 25, Columbia wnrd, 60 liyOOfeet, bounded east by lot no. 26, south by a lane, west by Lincoln st and north by York st. re-entered upon as the property of Steel AVhile for 16 quar ters rent. Lot no. "31, Columbia ward, GO hy 90 feet, bounded ea-:t by lot no.32, south hy n lane, west by lot no. 30, and north by York street, rc-cntcrcd upon as the properly of P. Potirin, lor 4 quarters rent. Lot no. 34, Columbia ward, 00by 90feet, boun ded east by lot no. 33, south by South Broad st. west by lot no. 35, and nortli by a lane, re-enter ed upon us the property of 'Grant for two quar- ■tors. ' . Lot no. 39, Columbia ward, GO by 90 feet, boon- do 1 east liy lot no 37, south by South Broad st. west by lot no 39 nnd nurtii by a lane, re-entered upon os tlie property of Anti Rodman, for 10 quar- ters rent. Lot no. 4, Greene ward, GO by 90 feet, bounded east by lot no. 3,soutli by a lane, west by IIous- ton street, ami nortli by Broughton street, re-en tered upon as the properly of T M Woodbridge for 4 quarters rent. Lot no. 18, Greene ward, GO by 90 feet, bound ed east by lot no. 17, south by President st. west by Greene square,and north hy State ed upon as the property of J Davenport, for, 8 quarters rent. Lot no 36, Greene ward, GO by 90 feet, bound ed east by Houston st. soutli by South Broad st west by lot no. 35, nnd nortli by a lane, re-enter- d upon as the property of M Doty, for 8 quarters rent. Lot no. 40, Greene ward, GO by 90 feet, bound ed east by East Broad st. south by South Broad st west by lot no.«9, and north by a lane, re-enter ed upon as (lie property of the estate of AVin. At- kersoii, for 8 quarters rent. Lot no. 5, Greene ward, GO by 90 feet, bounded east by Houston st. south by a lane,- west by lot no. 20, and north hy Brou^Jiton st. re-entered up on as the property of the estate of Geo, Myers, for 4 quarters rent. Lot no. G, Greene ward,GO hy 90 feet, bounded east by lot no. 4, south by a lane, west by lot no. d north by Broughton st, re-entered” upon as the property of J G AV'ilson, and Ann Belcher, for 4 quarters rent. Lot no. 14, Greene ware,GO hy 90 feet,bounded east by lot no. 15, south hy Slate street, wqst by lot no 13, and north by n lane, re-entered upon as tha property of Mary S Atltci-son, for 8 quarters rent. '. . j v I.otno. 16, Greene ward, GO by 90 feet, bound ed east by East Broad st. south by State st. w by lot no. 15, and north by a lane, re-entered up on as the properly of Ann I bu inaii, for 4 quarter rent. Lot no. 2, AA’o'rren ward, GO by 00 feet, log. ride g st by lot no. 3, south by 11 lane west by Ionno. and nortli by bay st. re-entered upon us {he. pro party ofthe estate of AY in. AVoodbridge,for<l quar ters rent. june 4 132 edenstlsy ^lot No. 29, south liy 11 lane, tvest by I Lois no,2. and 23, and building., Liberty I “-.y -ill I- granted The applicant, lot No. til, and north byJ’crry>fcet, rn-entereS | wardjjf^S^'fe^urlrM Ju^T&T ters rent. 1 menj-st. levied on ns me property of Martha I ^ KENNEDY, c c o n c Lot No. 32, Elbert w ord, GO by 90 feet, bound- w ilkins, to satisfy her city taxesfor ihc year 1824 nil earthy lot No 31, south {By a lane, west jiy' Amount due $770, and costs. West Bread-street, and mirth by l’cirj’-rt. re-cn- Buildingson south lmlfofiot no. 40 ; levicdon tered upon us the property ofthe estate of AVm. as of Benjetniq Sheftall, td satisfy Slmw, loif 2 quarters' rent. I his city taxes for the years 1823. and 1834. A Lot No. 24, Liberty ward, 60 by 90 feet, boan- inouot due $17 50, aiid costs ed mny concern AVlicrcns Benedict Bourquin has npplied to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Chatham PHH H I PPB CoUnty, for letters of administration on the cstutq east liy JefTerson-st. south hy York-st. west by I Buildings on lot no. 24, F’.lert waril.h* ied on ns I effects of lliobard t’ellum late of Chatham tot Nq.2»fead north PresWeiil-st. re-entered the property of J. I. BuUj> yatfafy-his, city bounty, planter, deed.». principal creditor, upon ns the property of Samuel AYilkins, for 4 I taxes for the years 1823 and 1824. Amount duel I hese are therefore to <4te and admonish all and quarters rent. I $33 43, anil costs. I singulnr the kindred and creditors of the said dec Lot No. *25, Uhertyftonl, GO liy 90 feet, hound- Buildings on west lmlfofiot no. G, Green wnrd; to file their objections, (If any they have) to th oil cast by Jefferson-st. south liy a lane,west hy levied on us the property of Ann Belehcr, to sa- granting of t!:r. administration, of the estate of the lot No. 2G, and north by York-rt. re-entered upon I tisfy her city taxes for the years 1823 and 1824.— said deceased to the applicant in tlm Clerk’s Office as the property ofthe cstflfc’dfK. Mackey, for 4 | Amount due $16 6, and costs. of thb said Court, on or before the nineteenth dny quarters rent. Buildingson lot no, 22, Elbert ward ; levied on of November next; otherwise letters of adininis- Lot No. 27, Liberty ward. GO by 90 feet boun- as the properly of Maria Lillibrige; ond children, \ trutiop'will be granted, ded enst hy lot No. 26, south by a lane, west 'by | to satisfy the tnxes of said property for the years j YVifnoss the Mon. T. II"Motel one SS t».n »as- lot No r “' f * 1 -1 .. 1. L . I 1 an-i .....1 1 on I * .: , .1.... &>n.t n, Lot no. 3, AVarren '.vara, GO by 90 feet, bownde . "-‘ 1 * ’ riU/wcstbj ‘ ’ east by lot no. 4, south by a lane 1 , west by lot no 2, and nortli by Bay street, re-entered upon as th property 'of A Hunter, for 8 quarters rent. Lot no 7, Jackson ward,(id by !Ki feet, bound ed east b/lo;no. 8, south by a lar.e, we.ri k; / Y KOKG1A—Chatlinm County—to all whom it Vs 18eytx 'IVERSONS indebted lo the eslulo of Elba. J. btth 'Fell, lute of Clmthnm county, deers. ed, nre requested to innko immediate paymenttij tlio subscriber, and those to whom the ostale iJ indebted nre requested to exhibit their demntjil duly authenticated. PETERTsHICK, Ex’r. 1 July 13 150 IN E _ months after date apidicatmn will i«| made to the hon. Inferior court of tlie enuxtf I of Bryan, for leave to sell all tho real estate cf I n'illiam Cubbedgt deceased, to be sold for the | benefit ofthe heirs and creditors. JOHN CUBBEDGE, Adm’r, Juno 17 138 Rryen Ctmifr, INF’, months alter date application will Is i\ made to the hon. Inferior court of Liberty county, for leave to sell the real rind persoml t> tntc of Lodowiok Lard, lute of Tattnull cnaori deceased, for tlie benefit of the heirs and cret» tors. E. AVAY, Adm’r. nug31 fol7> 1NE months after date I shall apply to tixj hon. Inferior court of Liberty county ful lenye to sell the rent nnd personal property ifl AVm L Baker, deceased, for the benefit of tlif belts and creditors. TH0S. B. BAKER, Adm’r. npril 7 89 1NE months after (lute application wifi Tel IN made to the hon. Inferior court of Bulloch county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the real and personal estate of Al len Denmark, deceased, for the benefit of tbs heirs oud creditors. ROBERT BURTON, Adm’r. MARY DENMARK, Adni'i. feb 28 48 Bulloch County. INK months ultor the date hereof, iq.plic*. -IPIIIPHPBII ■ .I.T Hon wjU be made to the Inferior court I wiicn sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave tel sell nil that lot or port of ground ill AVhite Bluff, county of Chnthnm, containing 5)1 acres, more or le.",bounded iiortlnvnrillyMiiUj '-l Yvardly by Innds late John I’oullens, nnd Mtitl-I wardly by lands of AA’iliiams, belonging totlirel (ate of James Boyd, and to bo sold for the l)C«j| fit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. ELIZABETH llOYD, Adm'j. may 2G 12-1 rptlE public is apprised, that the suhswik X lias titles to one half of a 50 aero tract 1 land on AVhile Bluff, adjoining bis nnd lately John Poullen’s, now John Morrill's, »|4 for which the administratrix ofthe lafe JobnSnW now applies for leave lo sell ns part of that erta* I —his titles are of prior dato and record- All p*** I sons nre forewarned not to purchase- or on the premises. ft. F. IVJI.UAAL'. june 17 m—jrl.'lfl INK months alter date, applicationMirtll& irnidc lo the Inferior copit of county for leave to sell all the real properly longing to the estate of the late Ban .leceased, lying in said county, tor toe hrnent 0 tlie heirs and creditors. , ANN BECK, Adm *• 83 — t No, 28, nnd north by York-st. re-entered upon 1823 and 1824. .Amount due, $32 50, arid costs, tilts of the said Court, the 19lh day of Oc the property of the estate of R. Mackey, for4 A building on the south-east corner of lot .no',' 6, D. 1824. im-ters rent. I Fleiithcote tythiug, Decker wapd ; levied on ns I S, M. BOND, of October A. quarters 1 ... . , , „ pi.. , LotNo. 31, Liberty ward, GO by 90 feet, bound-1 the jiroperty of Phoebe Johnson, to satisfy lierci- ed enst by lot No. 30, soutli by u lane, west hy lot f loses for the years 1833 and 1824. Amount No 32, and north by York-st. re-entered upon as I <m c ? : 4 G, and costs. property of the estate of John II. Deubcll, for 12 I A building on lot no 2G, Green ward ;1evied on quarters rent. as the property of Jeannette Laronsse, to satisfy | oet 20 192 ^rt^EORGlA Chatham County—lly the lion, the lusliccs of the Inferior court sitting for ordi nary purposes. riNE 'months uiler date, 1 cfl IK lion, tho Inferior 'court of the coumy » AB iigliam, for leave to sell all the rta . ‘^1 longing to Solomon Giiann, dec. otwlurin •* ccrued Yvill take notice. JOSHUA GNANN, ntW r - march 4 52 — will Deubell, for 12 qunrtcrsTent. I Joiner, to satisfy the city taxes for the year 1823. 'KKJjliP ... , , . , „ Lot No. 35, Liberty ward, (50 by 90 feet, boon-1 Amount due $6 62, and costs. I i-drnonisli n.l ed east by lot No. 36, south by fi » " v "‘ J! -- ed upon as the property of Samiiel Wilkins, for 4 perty of James Keys, to satisfy his city taxes for I nave) n* the office_of the clerk of the court of quarters rent. theycar 1823. Amount due $7 and costs. I ordmafy on orbefore the l.ith day <,f .lunua.y LotNo. 6, Columbia ward, 60 by 90 feat, boun- One third lotno. 22, Ewerisbu'rg, now known in cnsuing .., . e dote hereof, otherwise letters ded east by lot No. 7, south-by a lane, west by lot j the jilftn of theoity as Oglethorpe ward, bounded | 1 V^gfohte d,Jo the petitmner. ^ ^ \fINE months after date ap licution1 • I IK made tothc hon. the-InferiorCourt of - 1 bnm County, Yvlicn setting for qrdmary p j' ' for permission to sell the follow ing res for the benefit of thr heirs and creditors state of N. S. Bayaud, deceased, viz : l One undivided fourth of a tract ol 1,1 '? a ’.Lf taining about 5(H) acres, on Cumhcrlan 11 No. 0,1111(1 north hy Broiighton-st. re-entere n up-1 east by lot no. 19, south by lot no, 23, \yest by | ,T U , S ,. e ttonorameinoma-.s. Monb on( ‘ on ns Tie property of John Morel, Tor 4 qunrtei-s lot no. 27, and north by Margarct-st. levieil onus f mo Justices of tho said Court, this l.ili day of rent. , - the property ofthe estate of Mary Saunders, to ' ”‘ y '. A ,’,, D ’ I82 | rll S M. BOND, o c o. ^ N t a fi rnliimliin wnwl fin TivflO font, linntirl I sntifffv’llip ftlt.V fine hr fnri*llin f vahp Aiftniml ' Lot No. 8| Columbia wnrd, 90 feet, hound j satisfy tlie city taxes for the year 1824. Amount ed cost by Pricc-st. south by a lane,west by lot No. | due $4 12, and costs. 7, arid north by Brouglitori-st. re-entered upon ris A Building on the south cast cornel- oflot rio. G, tlie property of Mrs. S. Drysdal, for two qurir-, Oglethorpe ward, levied on ns tha property of ters rent. »• ; . . . ) John May, to satisfy Iris city taxes Tor the. yi Lots no. 9 rind 10 Columbia word, GO. by lio 1824, amount due $3 50 and cost. year i eel each, bounded enst by Price-street, south by Itatc-st. west by lot no. |l, nnd north by a lane, re-enteredupon us the properly of R. Scott, for 4 tninrtcr rent. Lot pp; 13, Colurpbia ward, GO by 90 feet, ’ '» 03 nov fl 207 F. M- STONEj Marshal. bound -d east by Habers!mm-st. -out 1 by S’ ale-1. rjAllE undersigned committee will receive pro posals for keeping in repair the city Clock. | until the first meeting of Council in January next; west hy .lot no. 14, and north by a lnae, re-enter- p r „p„. s j||s for tho same will lie left with either of ed upon as Ihc property of.L Davenport, for four, t |, c undersigned. GEORGE SI1ICK, . ... ' ' 1 J. B.GAljDfffiLTis' J. C. HABERSHAM. quarters rent, nov 6 207 F. M. STONE, c. M . TLL be sold on the first Tuesday ir? Uc- W comber next, in front of the Court House, between the usual hours,if the nmomitof fines im posed by council are not paid, tlie following pro perty : Two small biddings on tlie west half of lot let ter H. Oglethorpe ward, bounded east by oust half of said lot, west by a lane, north hy Zuliley- street, and south by lot letter F, levied on a-■• the property ofMuryGarnett,to satisfy 9 executions issued 1/y the mayor of tlie city, against Mury Garnett for eatertaining negroes on fjmulay.s, and retailing liquor without Inning a licence. A- mount, $27®, and cost. nov G F. M. STONE, Marshal. __ sept 18 179 TVJTNE moiiths after date, application will be JL1 made to the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court, fop leave to sell the real estate of AVillian Hotchstrasses, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. y ' JAMES MORRISON, Ad’mr nov 5 206 rglliH Suiisorihcc has associated himsc.jf with J_ Jolui E. Wadsworth, in the Commission busi ness, in this place, whicJj will hereafter he eon- dueled under Die firm of BUSS Sf WADaWORTH. ELIAS BLISS; ■ oet 14 * Ml89 ; M'ORGiA Clmthnm county—lly IP oc*., Ha wjt Justices of tlie Inferior court ‘ '* of the Inferior court of Chatham coun ty silting for ordinary ptuposes. To all whom il mny concern; AVb crcas AA’iUinm Davies administrator of Ja cob 1-'ranklin Kcal dec. has petitioned the lion court of Ordinary to be discharged from his said administration. These nre therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors ofthe said deceased to file their objections (if any they hriVc,) in the office of the office of the Clerk of the court of ordinary, on or before the 7th day < March next, otherwise letters dismissory will be granted the petitioner. Witness the hbjforable John P. AVilliamspn one of the Justices of said court this 7th clay of September, A. D. 1824. Si M. BOND, c c o c c. sep 9. IBS TV] LNE months after date application will I J-xl made to the hon. Inferior court of ClihthiUh county, for leave to sell nil that lot in r'avunmd known by (lie No. 1, Ellis square, Decker wan with the improvement/; the,-coil -. nail all ihat Ml in Savannah known by the No. 23, in Libel ward, with the building* theicnii, being l! real estate of John Smith, deceased, for (lie hen fit ol the heirs. DERICK HERB dm’r. npril 1G amdeii County, known as P!um__0rcbo^^^. ldividcd fourth of a certain Tract ..11 uniuviiieu lourm oi u unium "'N' . ,/fiOO i-1 situated on said Island, containing , | oll 7i jfclD-l eras, originally granted to Gen. l.achlttW,pu ;J I tosh, and bounded on the soutli by the s> Orchard Tract. del Also, a tract calledI Lottery Hill Ogecchee Koud, 3 miles from Savnnanj ing about 609 acres. N. J. BAA Adm,r est. N, S may 20 211 . bayard- A LL persons naving any ■ , the estate of Francis Jnlmeav,* ^.1 nre reipinsted to delivnr tliem in propt' 11 ) id-, on or before the first dny of Oct. new • | countsnot In-ouglit forward hcior.-t tbnt iJS | be refused payment, by the riridewip'rijJ^jj; • july 10 14p ol may 10 , persons having ubinaads ngj 11 ' 1 - j,31 Lie of The. Into>futh M‘ Cn1 ' 11 , ,,'clt^ _/V talc ofthe. late Muili M‘T- 1111 - <Jl rtF [ . ( j(Ei4 rc(|ucslcd to hand llicm/n forpnyinen ^ imlcbled lo said estate frill tt diatc payment. TlloS, vu , C.\',j,, (yjl ftjpft’VsCJJ, ) ■ July 13 I'O, [j —^T?T! ■|\i INK months mm- date, 1 siiaiT*if l Iw IK hon. Inferior M url <>l L'e.ithaai leave to self the nff nnd )icrA»!j« f r , ': ar Luehlaiid HamiiuM aiclntoilii ^ ceit5fl 1 ‘ i'ff.s ;1G l fata' Jpo. l/tar/J Fo: W Iffy Incliol [do 1 Ido Invils ligiid W oft cot lio. ot larreld do do. ojesi Ido. s' Ido. 1 Mrt k/cs, I tits cc kttlcS liter indie hrdn; fcmji Ido (isirr, rts, t lsls,[ limot itfie, k-nuic !.k.( s\V I 1 )) I r..i p np He. PS-S Sgs do. s K1 r Kths pies. A 1.J-personsinaomeo to uujcsim. -- ,„ ct ai der Martin, late, of Liberty Conn y . :il, arc requested to make immediate p ) R. F. BAKER, (&(■ YV.H. MARTIN.) 5142 benefit of the heip march 9 [ilSAN A