Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, November 30, 1824, Image 1

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:w v £ 0 j 22<J VOL. XXII. I..,, 01’ WllMVAGt', STORAGE, 1)HAY. iOfi -iM "MGIILYG, /jV VI-MV.?//, lVs\di\W'C'li Jon. 1824, nnd now in eperntidn. M’llAnFAIil', uru lcr 100 tons, per day ftO rents TUESDAY EVENING, iNOYEMBER 30, 1824. Whole No. 4548. * do and Shipping Country Pro- thirr. ■1 edits. 6 I Do- nvrr , J , Wfsgt , earhbairel Or half do Rico '^oTlndigo* - ' fl .headoftobnceo • . }& lOfofcrt of Lumbar • •« UH» shingles *-0 JflOO feeds ~ jnno Imop poles * * . ” 00 feet of live onk, cedar mi. other lier.vv wood. *ora hy t,.e mbIU ft 374 100busheH of corn, and gram ol ml . ■ Vind. in hulk * t ^ 1(W bushels Umo in bnllc 50 dord of wood - * 2 ® *il«r. lightwood °r other poets, per ■ Acting and Shipping’Goods. jhorofn small size, each - ]0 cents. do GOO lbs. and upwards * ™ do 1200 do hvilsM ri of coffee, pimento, sugar, on< other bug* of such size, (grnm I contcdl each lo.ol grams and all 7T.I !y (til rty til of till m'r. DTEl j|/och| s, fori of Apr i thol iave t ttricU do? 4 ilidu'l I Mall I ItlH'fi All r will * IrfV.tuu I %£ iefit oi| Im'i. ,',3'X tall* aao'f. i will Ac I toftWl anti,/ )W", . ,WJu-- 1 1 |do oV wine*, and nil kinds of liquor (aider executed) dry goods in iasks exceeding 20 gallons, and not over 63 gallons - « I do. Heines or li.iuors hud dry goods 1ft casks onderStt gallons •- oxes of drygoods,andalikindsofboxos under 4 feet square - j do do over4fcatsqnare 6 soap, candles, chocolate, cordials, nil, nnd boxes of like sizo » 2 .do, sugar, oech » * ® fades of torn, pel* 1000 * Si piles, the same ns boxer Cits of osnabdrgs, ltussia duck, bagging 1 canvas, each . • X » lr.*of liquor or any kind of calk*, ox* f cerding 130 gallon* * • 1» Ittlcs, loose, per grow • * Si Itler pots, each • .» Indies of pons, spftdes, fec>«och 2 t»,perl00bushcls - • 25 Jilts not exceeding 500 lbs. each 20 exceeding 600 lbs. not exceeding 1200 lbs. * - 35 exceeding 1200 lbs. • .60 irdsgc of all xinds, per coll • 3 op oven* with covers, and fire dog* per pelf • ■ itu of earthenware * * ? ,jier 100 lbs. * • 2 per cask • * * its,’of 2 wheels * 37 oftwowheel* • • *** ;es, of four wheel* • ?1 00 Windsor and all titling chairs, per dozen • * 1- i, per ton * * * *7 i under 600 tbs. • 25 over 601*, not ovor 1200 lbs «» over 1S<*U lbs. • nbouse* * , • * .empty • * . * 05 s, each * ijobns, each • * |»ks and chests of drawers • *0 ! Wood, per cord . • • *■“ h, per quintal • * •* da of all descriptions (except in bags) 1 per 100 bushels - - 25 ppoirdcr, in bbl*. of 100 lbs. each 12J do. InhaUhbls. • 0| [ do. in kegs of 28 Iba. or under 3 I, window, per 100 feet, in propor tion for smaller • - ** Is. exceeding 130 gallons of liquor or nny kiud of merchandize *•* exceeding 63 und not exceeding , 130gsllons - 8 hrth tile, per 1000 • 25 ■pm per ton ™ es, raw or tanned, per 100 r fj, j y, loose, per 100 lbs. • * 25 S- in bundles, each • 6 mpert of Merchandize, each • 0 >« • of rotators, cacli * A s, each - - .6 or Jugs, each per dozen • t> II, per ton • • 25 i of paint, butter, lord, biscuit, end such sizo kegs 1 shot and lead over 56 lbs. not over 600 lbs - 5 [Jo. liquors of a smaller size than 20 gallons - - 2 e, per 100bushels • hi* per bnrrel - - 4 hs for plastering per 1000 - 10 ' ,‘each - • 85 s, per 100 bflsbels 25 In ropes, per 100 ropes 12J |fs, iron, each - * c Apples; per 100 * ptocs per 100 bushel • 2o *s of gin, brandy, nnd all kinds of li quor, exceeding 63 gallons > 8 do. exceeding'130 gallons 13 |rter casks of wine ond other liquor, 'excepted) und dry goods in isks exceeding 20 gallons not ex- [ecdlng 03 gullons * • 0 pins in jars - • • * I par 100 bushels • Si lletseach - - * 1 |es, quern and grind, ♦ 2 Bermuda, pm- luo - • 25 lurge mill per pair . . 60 last, and other sloiins, per ton 25 > under 200 gallons i-m li » 6. ; over 2lW dr, . - 12, lids ■i ^11 nl d*y ’ rJ exce'' OAStf# brandy, puncheon of ruin, nnd all , kinds of ll)|Uor in cask'scxcccdingOS, nnd not exceeding 130 gallons • 20 Iron per ton, first mid lust week 50 cent*, intervening weeks * -25 • Every other article .wilts at its Kharfttxe. . WHtOlItNQ. Much bill-, or half lib. rice • 0 Hhd. of tobacco srf sugar • -\ 15 Package nt indigo - • • 8 Itale of cotton * - i 6 Each dralt of light g6dds, under lot) lbs. 6 f do do do over 100 lbs. 12ji do do heavy goods ilrtdnr 2tX) oj do do drt over 200 per 100 lbs 3 DRAYAfiF.. ror'hnitllng tin the lllulf to nrt'v part ofthd city, Dr. A. DE LAROCHE. Opposite the Exchange, Savannah. r l constantly receiving fresh supplies of gen uine DRUGS AND MEDICINES, selected for Country Merchants nnd Physicians, which he will sell for cash or approved credit at the lowest City price. Just received, &ULP11A TE of Q UIXINA. oct 16 loo General Drug,Chemtcal&Fairiily Mcdiciilc Ware House. LAY 4- HENDRICKSON, -.c , . „ vi Wholesale and Uctail Chemists and Druggists a,ii. h , not herein enumerated, for 1500 pdtinds l jYo , shad', llMtJingt, Corner of CongrSt and weight * • t^O cental j Whitaker Streets* Savannah* Under 1500 lbs nnd Hot less than 100 37J 1 TTAVE constantly on hand a very general as do 1000 do do do 500 25 1AJ. For A 1000 feet of-Lufubcr do lOOO Bricks do cord of wood for every hale of cotton do' /’bbl. of ltice do ldid of Tobacco do , bbl of Flour And every other, article its the same proportion} for hauling dbwn the Bluff, or from oUc wlmH' to another exceeding 1000 lbs • 37jk cts. Under 1500 uud not less thun lot) lbs 25 For each bale of cotton • 6i do hblRlce - - ISA do . hhd Tobacco • 31} do bbl Flour • * 61 And every other article ini he tame proportion. In Admiralty. UNITED STATES OP AMERICA, 1 DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, f John W. Long ) ot. > Monition. Ship Albion nnd cargo.) To the Marshal of said District— IflRCCTlNO : GEO. OLF.N, Clerk. W 1ERR AS John W. Long assignee of the un derwriters at Lloyds in London, In'the st>rtmcnt ot ORUCH, MEDICINES, DYE STUFFS AND PAINTS^ PERFUMERY, ffC. §'C- A great variety of Apnthncn.irs Glass Ware such ns wide nnd narrow mouth bottles, from 1 gallon Owners and Tenants of Houses Take Notice. T HE Managers and[Assistants of Fire Engines will on Mnuitin), the 151A inti, proceed to make on cxnntiimtmn of Buckets, Ladders, kc. throughout the City., All persons not complying with the following sections of an Ordinance for preventing accidents by Fire fee. will be returned to Council. Sec. 10. And be it further ordained, That every house within the limits and Jurisdidtinn <1* this City, occupied and tulmtited, shall be supplied with buckets at the expense of the owners of said premises, to the number of nt least the num ber of five-places la tlm same, Including>u!h ns arc in the out-buildings, and tile said Imckelsshidl he equal In goodness and sixo to those procured for the use of the City,and painted,on which shall be painted in vislble'churaclers the name of the owners of said buckets; ar.d in case the owner of any house or tenement should refuse or neglect to have the said buckets supplied agreeably to I j this ordinance, it shall und inuy be lawful for the I rf- tenniit to procure the same, deducting it out of 1 his rent. Superior court--Chatham county. Thomas E. Purse et. al. ) Complaints 1 and IN EQUITY. Richard 11. Cuylcr, ex’r I Win Slmw, deceased. J I N this case, on the suggestion iii the defend ant's answer, that certain persons nut parlies to tills hill, residing in Scotland, elnim to he ell* tilled to u distribution of part of the undivided estate of Will blmw, deceased, tind oil motion, it is ordered that all persons concerned do appear before the Superior Cmlrt of Chatham Courtly in tlio term of January next, then find there to es tablish *tleh their claims; and in default thereof, Ihnt the uudividvd estate of the said Win Slmw, he distributed among the complainants agreeably to the decree of snid Court mid that this rule be published once a mouth until the 'expiration tlitlreof. ituh .Vfj stating tlm ilny *>t‘ May Extract from the minutes lids 7th day of June, 1824. A. B. FANNIN, Clerk, one 17 <grl38 Sutrgeont Instrument*—Pocket sots, turnkeys, trusses, spring und thumb lunccs, forceps, sutalus, bougies, catheters, scales and weights, qc. $-c. Patent Mciliciiic.i—of every description, viz: Scidiitz and Soda Powders, btdm of Quito, citltiu ed magnesia, Lees, Andersons, and Hoopers Pit!*, Swniius Panacea, Balsam Honey, Batemans and Churches Cough Drops, Itch ointment, <^c. All of which ure offered for sale on the mo6t liberal terms for cosh or credit. 1UF L.A-H. Having enlarged their Establish meet and having made such nrrnngcipents ns. lo be coHtinUnlly receiving a fresh supply of. goods, fiatteV thcmselvesthut none of the kiniiin tins city, can toller greater Inducements to dp&tcvs. The .Mcrchnnt, the Planter, nnd the Physician, enn jicra be suppliod with almost every orticlc in the Drug tine, astlieir assortment will bcfdundexten- slve and of the'best quality, tinder no consiilera tlon whatever will the sale of impure or adultera uperior court, Cliatlmni county _ Jasuauv l'Enn, IBS'! Sec. 11 And be it further ordained, That the I Aaron Cleveland nnd Susun C) owner of every improved wharf shall furnish I his wife, ^ ■' twenty bucKOts for the building or buildings on I 1 r*. ( llule JYisi such whhrf, mid deliver them to Managers and I Jacob Faltm. J Assistants of the Engines, on or before the second I rvN the petition of Aaron Clevelnhd and Sit- meeting of Council in July next; nnd tho receipt I V^rsnii C. Ills wife, who was Slt<unC.Bona,stnt- of any Manager or Assistant, for sucli backets, I ing that Jacob Falun, before tho intermarriage shall lie decinud a full emnplioncc With this sec-1 of the petitioners, to wit; on the 22d day of June tion. by the owner,. for the number .of bupkets I 1821, did in conjnnctioh with •tine Joseph A. mentioned in said-receipt; And the owner of I Scott, execute a joint bond to th» snld Susan C. i r-» .. v. , .... every stbre in the City, that has no firc-plnce or I in thu penal stun of four thousand dollars condt- . . I •, ' places attached to the same,shall furnish tivo flro- tinned for tho payment of two thousand dollars . . , { .. f/ ’ Imnkots for evofy store of such kind, and under with interest from date, on Of betorc the-first I jWM*. , »j:' ' , such regulations as olheClandJords arc hy this or-1 day of March then next, am! that for the hatter J... ■ .. ■ aiuanco required to do. securing the payment thereof, the snld Jacob tho ,Ull " tc 1 Sec. 13. And btilfuAer Ordained, That every did on the day nnd year first aforesaid make his I .,‘‘ \,, v K .,, owner of a Wooden. Ttouso or houses, brick, or ce.rtnlh indenture of mortgage, whereby he F *' t "\n\|> 5 r j*tone lipiiso f ofhous09 covered with wood,occuni- mortgaged to said &usan Cs*nTl that lot of ground L: —^— ^ edas tlwelliiig-hoiiscs or kitchons, shall provide the known nnd designated ns Garden lot nilmoer Nnheiior COUl't. Clint lltllll CoillltY. cum. tvSflt n uiilVii'tnnt liifhlsvt* in* Iiiivp ii sp.ultlu or 1 lli'iHv niim. \n HU iiiii'.jiUo. that iidioiuiuf? linlfl * , ... * Superior court, Clmthdin county- John Uirtaii f ... . r Nathan tinker. ) O N the petition of Jno. Retail Natlmii linker did on tile first 1822. the belter to secure the payment of hli certain promissory note of that dale for the sum ol two thousand dollars, payable to the inid jolin liman, or order, on or before the 1st day of May, 1884, with interest at 7 per cent per tttiupm, by Ills indenture, itndel - Ids seal, bearing date the day and year first iffdrciilid, mortgaged to the said .Mm Retail, ail the uttdivided moiety 01- half part df nil tlml lot of laud, situate, lying and being in the City of Savannah, and known and distinguished in Iho plan thereof by the number one (l) Tyi.onAety tythlng Darby will'd, together with the npprtrlenunccx, and further staling that the said promissory note remains wisely unpaid, ■ and the said mortgage in full force, mid praying the foreclosure of tins snid mortgage. On motion of IVfW. Gordon, attorney for tho detainer, it is ordered that the said Nathan lin ker do pay into tills chart, within twelve month* of this date, the principal and interest duo on the snld note nml the cost ofllie snid application; or in default (hereof, that the equity of rodemp tion of the said Nntlinn Baker of und to the said mortgaged premises, be thenceforth and torever foreclosed. And it Is further ordered, that a copy of this rule ho served on the said Nuthun Baker, at least sit#months before the time appointed for tin; ent of said money into court, or published * “ ~ ties of this state, nt Until tile time ap- eof, and that such proceedings be had as are in such case iiiuUe and same with a sufficient ladder, ur have u scuttle or j thirty nine, No 38, and-also, that adjoining half door cut through tho roof of such house or houses, I part of another lot known nS lot number forty Ip.fcgtfWough for a Hlan to pass through conve- I two, No 42, containing together eight and :i lmlf uiently, under the penuntly of a imp not otcce- I acres more or less situated to the Cast of the city .. .t t».| — 0 f Snvannah and bounded to the north west of Lot No 26, to the South nnd east by lends be longing to the ostnte of Hampton Lillilnidge, I Marc William Berrie » ding thirty dollars nov2~ 2(<1 J. Shinn’s Panacea JOHN HAUPT, Clerk. nlted States, forthe District of Georgia, stating, j p U ( rolm q e , yj// orders promptly executed. I nil oping nnd pponounding, that tnc limiih Siiirt I xii«Jp.eorgla l’atriol, arid Darien Ciuzettc, will Albion, laden with Mahogany, Logwood,, and cli-1 p| casC givathis ndvertisementsix insertlonsond, vers other articles, was,vm the morning ot the 15th ' foru . Ilr(1 tllcir blIls for payment. I Sopfembcr last, by the force of the wind and | . ^ ig2 1 waves Driven on tho beach of Saint, Catherines ) —I———— Island, in the District aforesaid, nnd there uban- . doned by hercrew; and that much of the cargo has flemtod out of the said Ship, some partof which has been taken by George H. Johnston. Patrick Houston and George M. WaMburg.'nnd by diver* T HE subscriber, huvittg discovered | position of Swaim’s colebrated has notv* n supply | ’ ' ccd the price Iron discovered the com Panneeit other persons, to a place of greater safety, and that part theref Mill H6s oh tlid bench of said Island, below high water mark exposed to the sea That tiri Agent ot the Underwriters at Lloyds, un der the impression that the said Ship n, *‘^ - I es on toriups pf K«ncral intcrestj in each House of were insured at Wovds, has forg^MLof Jtt iV «ver heretofore l.eenmul.lished, concewted, sold1 the Mt*KBt«fj*e '1“*^’ qrtliun can he given to the Public Ihroilghthe or- | ters aforesaid) therein nt publick sa 6 to Jn W- , | iln f edchuiinel.the columnsofnnews- ,,g. But the said persons, Who hav e removed “ ? This compilation will I Register of Debates in Congress. PROSPECTUS. A cCORDINGto an intimation licretofonigivcn, xV therh will be published at the Office of the National lnteiligencpr, during thfe noxt session of Congress, and, i( encouraged hy the approbation oflhe PffbUc, al every Session thereafter, a HE- GISTER OF DEBATES IN CONGRESS, inteUd- cd to comprehend u more full Report of tho Speech- Long. But tticsuu persons, WTO pay* I pa ^r'. This compilation will lie of the most an a part of tlm cargo to a place, ^ thentlc cast,printed with great regard to acc.drac)', claim to be Amm. ftiid und in afol .^ for durable preservation, lug process of this court to' take ^ This Undertaking is not of course intended to nnd the snid cargo, or so much thci cof, (IS is l c 1 substitute or supercede the Reports of Debates for found vvithln the jurisdicllpn ot this Court, into „ le Nnt j 0|ml , |ltell . i nteri ))Ut rM |, e r, by vyitti- the custody of the Court for the benefit of tlu. Said lhe hAvy ext endcd Reports from It* libellant, nnd all persons conccrhcd, "J? columns, to enable the Proprietors ot that Journal a monition against the said Goccge, Patrick, a i furnish, every day, in a comprehensive form, George, and nil Dther portions, claiming to _bp ei - lnlcllj ibl ’ c j tep ' V|8 y of ttl( , p ror ‘,..edln titled to salvage to appear and establish such their | ,1., ^,., mid tlie west hy the public road leading to Skidnwny island whereon a brick yurd is now r - ( - . established and known hy thft name of Fnhms . on liaiid for sale—lie has roqu I yrielc yard- that there Is now- on the said bond | 'om ij!3 00 to 2 50, or by llip d I or mortgage obligatory the sum of eighteen bun. zencaH it ^ y. . I dretl dollars with interost from• the 23d day of All charitable institutions in thc Ulilted States, Jamnuy 1823, and praying the foreclosure of tin- nnd the poor will' be Suppliedgra/i>. equity of redemption of the said Jacob nnd Ids If the Citizens of the pririclpal cities and towns bu i« executors, udminirtrnlors and assigns in ill appoint 1111 agent to order und distribute tills I aniflo the snid mortgaged jiremia-s—On motion Medicine to the pooy, it wllljm Supplied. loflV.W. Gordon, ationnv for the petio:i>-rs— This Medicine is celebrated for the cure of tlie j s ordered that the principal and Interest due following diseases; “Scoi-fttln or ICing's Evil. MR j on-tliU said bendor writing oMigntnry togetlu-r cerated or Putrid Sore ThrofiE long Standing with the cost of this npplie.ition be paid into thi- Rheumdtic dffeetions, CntaneoikDisease-. While ,. 0 urt within IwelVe moHths from Ibis date, or in Swelling nnd Diseases of the Boiie = . and all en» ,.,.^e of default that the equity of redemption of •s generally of an Ulcerotu character, und Chro-1 .1 ;„•<»: Falun, id- loir-, executor-:. :nh-iia:-> nic Diseases, generully arising In debilitated cou-1 trntorsi.nd assigns bb ffom them , forth forever Stitutions, but more especially from Syphilis or I forcblosed and that such fusilier and oilier pro affections arising therefrom; Ulcere in the larynx, C eedi,m: be had thereon, a* are pursuant to the ^c. and the dreadful diseases occasioned jff'® l»tHtutc lastKli rase ntiflo and firavlpld—And it long and excessive use of Myrcui^r, ^c. Ills al- ; s fmiher ortlercd that this rule he published in so used in Diseases of the Liver. one ortho Gazettes of this state at least once a CERTIFICATES, I month for twelve months, or that n cnipy, be I have within the last two years had an oppnr-1 served on the defendant at least six month before tnnity of seeing Several cases of very inveterate | t)| C (} mR appointed for tbe payment of the mow Ulcer*, which having resisted previously the ro of treatment, were healed hy tiie use and Dis- 1 .« ... , . .... _ I cussions in tlie dav oreeedinc, on both Houses. claims and also to all persons iuterestcdto'hppcor, I ^- be hRhuisti-r'’ ; s necessarily on experiment, | and shew cause why the sold week opd^lier car I b||t b nn LjtermtBijt tho success of which wc 1 sec no reason to doubt. Every ol}n who tukes an 1 those must Record of go shall not be adjudged lo the said John W- manded to attach, seize, take, and Dchatos in Congress, in a convenient forin, witli I remains of the said Ship Albion and her ciuto, I Indexes wldclt might lend the enquirer to ar.y sub- wheresoever within the Jurisdiction <*t this Court, , ect dcbate ,i nn j t0 t be name of any one whoen- or In the possession of wltomsofever to'be' gaged in del,ate. Such « work would be ai j to answer the 6ald libel, and you are further com* manded to cite und admonish the said George, Patrick; and George, and aU other persons, claim* 1 9Ucb a “ onC) f rom tbc commencemdnt of the exist ing to bo ontltlqdto salvage in this bcha f to ap- , ng g 0Vernmcnt t0 tills day, would be of immense I value to the nation, were it only to ^w'vhathns | heretofore been said upon questioos which arc continually recurring for discussion, nnd produc their claim and furthert to cite and admonish all I heretofore bocn said upon questioos which aro nnd every person nndpersons, whomsoever hav- upntimially rccurr - m g f or discussion, nnd produc- ing or pretending to have any right, title, interest, I . (| nec jj^j, coiisunv.nioii of time l>v superfluous property, claim or demand in t or to tlie said wrcijk I What ts trlIC 0 f tb( . years that have past, or to tho cargo thereof, to be, mid nppearnt a spe- ng soonag t | 1C y arc gone, be equally true pf | cial Court ol Admiralty*to be hold ut Snvannuli, dl0| ’ e in whlch wc f ivp 6 1 It is not ofllv, therefore, as a rrbidc of present I the'libellant in the preinises Unit right nnU justice tnformatlon.Eut also as^book for future reference) may lie done in thwbclinlf. And Whatsoever you i a i tt N ot i 0 ialPolitlcnlHepositoi , v arid Text-Book shall Mo, in this regard certify and make known faul we fa0 thig work wH | be both useful arid to tjieJudgc'of said Court,at lhe time and place Jv, onu | ar . 1 1 aforesjiid; audJiaveyouUjTO ^^d th^rc lhi8jvpiL | p ro jn the lowness of the subscription to thi/ ■' i' - John Christopher. , O N the petition of William that one John Christopher; of Cuimlcn, being IndlWmjfi to or or order in u note of lmnd, dut snid county, on the Ulh Oct: of Five Hundred Dollurs, ]) from the date on the first duy < next Cnsiiing, did piQrtgngc to tl heirs and assigns, to secure -the note aforesaid with interest on tli tain lot of land in the town nfori-si of lot No. 1 beginning ut the \m- lot belonging to one Calvin Ilnyi ing soutli 100 feet ott St. Marys north to Bryant St. east to C. Ilny Rule, Bnti-ii' slnti . 1111 tv mu >f th- c.i llf-m-y r 1 St Mh !>i-r li)22, in tli ynhle with intere y of jauimry the - said ilenry Ii |.uyment of tl p.n 16 gnlar modes of Mr. Swaim’s Panacea, ond I do believe, from what 1 have seen, that it will prove nn important remedy in Scrofulous, Venereal and Mercurial disense*. Ji. CHAPMAN, M. D. I May Tcnst, 1824, Professot of the Institute* and Practice of Phytic, f.ORGF. Johnston and others, complainants tn the Umvcrnty of Pennsylvania. \J* ts Teler Vanbnrgh Livingston and others, 1 hat-o employed tho Panacea ot Mr. Swmin 1 I , . . «, c\. numerous “— and hnv ipecialiy Diseases. a Medicine of inestimable value. W GIBSON, M. D Professor of Surgery to the University of Penn. J JOHN SHINN, Chemist. Philadelphia, .Vor. 17. 1823. ^ a, - Ench'publisher of n newspaper in the U. States. I this r|l1 „ , )c ,,„hlished Slice a week during four j is requested to publish this advertisement once a mon ti,.,f mm till, date in one of the public Gazettes month, for one year, and send their uccounts for 0 f tb j s g tatP . ■ uinr.—a cer- lid being part t corner of u. thence I'un- Slroct, ll.fiice I* land Illeuco soutli to the beginning, with the margin allac.lit-d to the snmo on the south side of rit Marys or Bay st. being a hundred feet on the street arid running from thence directly to the river it.- Marys, together with nil mid singular every lliing thereto appertaining,that lhcsai.illrnn • >.rr, to whom and to wiiose lii-ir- ■ d I r ;ss;-v;r % **, f ^ «• , 1 .1—. .1.:. _.i!. 1 l i:..i„. 1 I July u-igncd by fceii, , m , ,*«• titiorfer, there is now dtte 'oR sui-.l .... 1:.• .lie. sum of Five Hundred Dollars-with interest t|-qm, tlie 1st January 182-2, and praying for the foreclo sure of the equity of redemption, injhc -ala John . ■ - , Christopher, his liei.s and H .-igus in tho cy into court. l n . I inortgn-i d premise- mid th ;'. tl.c -uim- I c ■Extanctfromthominutcs, 15tlt Jan. 1824. forec foscdaccdnii. r 1.. Uv ' l0ln ' n ° LC .° . On motion of Belton A Cphp, Chatham Superior Court. I tltioner, it7atoni« red that the principal 1 tcrest due on the said mortgage togeth the costs of his applicants he paid into tli ijUnmaiils | w ;thj„ twelve months from this dale, oil; attorney for pa. that the equity of. rc Oil'" state ofGeorgia, mid within the United Stales I motion ol'eoinplninanl- solicitor, it is ordered that | the said defcftilnnt do n-spectively appear and an swer tlie complaints hill within four months from he date of this rule. And is further ordered that ] li-lied iii oile of the Gazettes of this si; once a. month for twelve month 1 t-i the time nu pointed for the pnyincltt of said money into Court. A true extract from the minuter. JOHN BAILEY, Clerk. JcfibFsnrt, 15th Mirth, 182-! pnyment. junfe 8 Extract from the Minutes. A. B. FANNIN, Clerk* 134j EORG1A—Chatham County.—To all whom ] J it may concern.—Whereas, JosepllR.Thomp son has applied to tho H011. the Court of Ordinary of Chatham County for letters-of administration on the estate and effects of William R. Holland, late of Savannah, Druggist, dec’d in behalf of tlie heirs nnd creditors. ■ , , , „ . , These are therefore to cite and admonish all and J Nicholas J. Bay aru j singular the kindred and creditors of tlie said dc- I '’»• ( JlUle ceased, to file their objections (if any they have) | Ray Sands \ Camden—Superior Court. October Term, 1824. In Admiralty. UNITED STATES OF AMEBIC A,) DISTRICT OP GEOui.IA. < \ mm m George Woodntfi'and ( ><Jf Prottorsfor Libellants, \ All persons interested In ttic foregoing Monition | will take due notice. JNO.H. MOREL, m.d.o. • Oct *30 201- | u \ I.oki.ia, CliutlmmCounty—To all whom it xJF may concern. Whereas Ei ic. Ajon has applied to the Hon. the Court of Ordinary of Cliatkam County, for I otters of administration on tlie estate and effects mo ney by it for a year or two, hoping tin* thf- r.-rflcr its established c.hnrertor will ensure it a sufficient patronage to make it profitable. GALES fe SEATON. Washington, September, 1824. CONDITIONS. The publication of GALES fe SEATON’S RE GISTER OF DEBATES IN CONGRESS will commence as soon as the Debates at each sue- C’. mnty d«c. in ta-haif of the heirs and creditcr* ^ 6c t aVof«rm, on these arc ihm on to cite a "J? “ „| a super royal iiaper, made for the purpose, and oil re) to the granting of tile administi-atioii of (lie P' ism r> •* . y • m . ate of the said decease,1 to the applicant in the lumns of the Natmnal jntclllgwcar. irk’. Office of tiie said Court, on or before Hie U wiUeontam as lull and accural Clerk’s Oifice of (he said Court, on or before the fifteenth day of December next; otherwise letters of administration wilt ho granted. Witness tlie Hon. . one of the I Juslices.of the said Cqurt,the 15thday ofNovcm. I her, A. Di'1824.. S. M. BOND, c c o. gov 16 ' 213 , Clerks Office. 29tli October 1824, rcriJ- eiit,' 111 ” * each - *» 0 fes of ajl kinds (rice cxceptod) over 1 under 63 gallons - • 6 l;s of ail kinds, under 4 feet square 4 do over 4 squares . 6 [or casks exceeding 130 gallons li- pr 07 other kinds of merchandize 16 ’■■rnsi!!“ <, °. Mjjnum.vitas, and all “* , r ton * - 25 b woods, pv. • . g bis per pair » , ‘ eg kons of 4 wlieels, (4 wheels) * 0 fry article iy proportion to the foregoing fries. ' an article is not lo be found under its name, package in which it is usually contained, as lying on a wharf mart than two nights,. to lycrt lo a week's storage sinless landed oil Sat- 11. nr any other awning immediately preceding fduy—in such rases la he rt man it on the si nmd day thereafter, or be subject to storage as STORAGE. |Jtnii. per week, ti cents for the "and h'xt week end for each Intor- H week - - - 6 cents. r fitr week ... 6 'acco per week • - 20 cusk 'oiitaining more than 30 gal- 8 . , * - - 29 of sugar, teolasstsj P*po of gin, accurate Reports as can lie obtained of nil Debates on main questions, and of all Interesting Debates on incidental oues-, tions; with an Appendix, containing a list of the Members of each House, the Yeas und Nays in each House on questions which have been the subject of Debate, such Documents, connected with the subjects of Debate, as may be deemed essential to enable the reader to comprehend them, and proper indexes to the whole. Tlie Debates of the next Session, it is computed, to the granting of the administration'of the estate I (Th^ the-peWlon 6f Nicholas J.^BAyttrdj- stating of the deceased to the applicant in tho Clark’s \Jtliat Ray’ ..nnds, on tin fifth c.n) of • me cig Office oflhe said Court, on or before the twenty teen hundred and tWentv-fonr, fm l»te better so- burg and OftOrgc W a , fin seventh day of November next; otherwise letters curing the payment of Ins certainbond Oi writiBf | have exhibited fhen- Id of administration will lie granted. I obligatory, bearing date tnc day mid vrar nlori-- Wlinesslhe Hun. John 1*. Williamson one ofllie said, whereon he tlie said Ray acknctwlcdgcd him- Justices of the said Court, tiic27lhOcl. A. D. 1624. 1 sn>. ..g... and bound t|ht° &16 a>iq»* oct 27 1!» S. M. BOND,c c o. nrd, in the penal stint rtf four tliousahd dollmv I conditioned for the naymet of one thousand do! 1 EORGlAy Chathrim County.—fly the Hon. hirs on or before the first day of October then T the Justices of the Inferior Court, sitting for nnxt > Bn ^ l 'ic Of otic thousand doilarr nnlinam mirnoit*. ■ °n tho' first day of January then next,, did mort ' V * To all Whom it rflgy corfficm. , ffago dll that trufct, piece, of parcel of land, lying. Whereas John M'Nisli, administrator of Isaac being and situate on Cilmherlaiid Island in tlife Rnillon, dec. has petitioned the lionbrahle the county of Camden, and known by the name of C6urt of Ordinoiy to he discharged froln his said Cotton Bluff, coil tuning four hundred and fitly ^ministration. J b acres, bounded oil the north by lands of Sliterer,' Now these are therefore to' cite and admonish on tbe south by lands of Nateauiel Green, and on ail and singular the kindred and creditors of the the West hy salt lnnrsh, together vyith tlie appurte snld file, their objections,(if any they have) nances—and furthef stating thqt the said si ms if in the Office oflhe Clerk of the Court of Ordiim- money remained Unpaid, and nray the forcdosuie ry, on of before the second day of May next, o I of the equity ofredemption ofthesnid B a > • tjjervvheiettors dismissory will be granted the pe- that {he’said Ray^ands do Witness the hon. John P. Williamson one ofllie P<W Jntowls courtbefore the expirntlon of twelve Justices of the said Court this second day of No* I months from tins date, the.said Several sums of vii ifd-i N OTICE—Proposals will be received at this • ‘ . a volume o'f five Office until the 10th December next, fur sup- j iun ^ re( j pa g eij| a ( leust' and will he furnished to plying the Guardhouse with ^ d fo ° r n ^’ , 1 subscriber through the Post Office, in sheets,a* nml keeping the sainc clean—also, for sweeping j b , ished (or reS 8 e . ved at this Office, at the sub- mwl Lonnnitr itf npiinr. the rolice otiiCC I 1 .. , • \# » ^ r *l. i and keeping itl order, the Police office Extract from the rajnutes, . SOL. COIIEN, c. c.- pro lem. oct 29 ,200 Clerks Office, 29th October, 1824. scriber’s option,) at Tinir.E dollar* for the vol ume, be it more or less, to bepnid in advance in all cases of transmission beyond the liraitsofthe City . The sheets will be transmitted as completed, without regard to any particular days, as the pub lication must of Course be regulated by the prepar ation of the matter of Which it is to be composed. cirte, unless within specially indicated, ■■■■■■■■■■■■ cyond the ac- meeting ttt i^o>i vacancy occa-1 tunllv pnidfor in advance. elect n City TrearoWjfcJ t j. Roberts. To non-subscribers the price will be roUa dol a,oncd ^^° ct ^““ tb omf„utes. , j lars, bound In boards,forthe now announc oo eoo 801 " 1 ° HEN ’ L ' C ‘ P> ° CM j ° The Debates of the Session of Cptiffete follow- ct .^ — ■— ; n! ; the next, and oftlie first Session otevery Con- TliP TJlldorsi»'HCd Coimnitte, gross,will, it issupposed, fill about one thousand A 11C UUUts^uvu L ’• ~12MuA more, making one very large r rhp I innersmuea vvuiiiiiiittvj cress,wm, u»» t=i AW,s 1 rsons to effect tins object. The 7 bb 1 Session of each Congress, bo itfc con- i i'pnirs will be designated on application 1000 pn J, will lie fixed at cither of the Committee. M1LLEN, five dollars to subscribers, and eutonon-subscri- 1. MINIS, I «rs. JAS. MOlUUSQNi j Oct 13 183 *■ hovll vember, 1884. nov2 203 S. M. BOND.c. c. money in the condition of tlie said bond mention ed, together with the interest and cost, otherwise that the equity of redertiption of the said Ray G < EORGIA, Chatham County—fly the honora- Saridshis heir*, executors, administrators and ns. F bit the Justices of the Inferior court of Cliath- signs, of, In and to the said mortgaged premises, Pieces ofMnliogany part cargo Siiip Albion J To the Marshal of the Ih • id of Georgia V Giir.F.Tixti :— L. S. CEO. GLEN, Clerk W HEREAS George Woodruff, Patrick IF ton and George John-ton mid J.-inol) W> nnd Edward F. Fortell r complaint in the Dis trict Court oftlie United States foMhe Di.-.ii( t ,ot Georgia nforetaid, slating arid hropouriding that by liieBiis uf greui luhuT Und lixfciiinii id nil'*umi K ers, and lu-gi-o slnvet of the said llbCllaiita, they have saved nnd preserved pieces of Mahogany wood, from the wreck oftlie Britisli siiip Midori which had been wrecked in tin* gale of tlie fpofS nth of September Inr.t; ami was driven on (lie tn-aeh of the rsiniid of Satat ‘ "he iid District, and praying a reasonable salvage ev liowauce tlieri-lrem. An-I w lu-iv,- - ill.- ut tlie District Court for tlie District aforesaid, jiatii irdercd and directed the Twelftii day of Noveiii- ber next, for all persons concerned, to lies ciled ta appear at tlie COm-t Hoire, in the City of bavmi- iiuii, at ten o’clock (if that day, and shew cause if any they have, why judgment shjteld not pus n> prayed ‘ You arc tiierciore hereliy auilioi-iscd attdj lijoiaed, to cite nnd {idmoiilshnil persons, wly^ie.- er, having, or pretending to have, any righfttiile. or interest, in or to the said Midiogany; lihbltcd against as aforesaid, to be,rind appear, at the time amt place, aforesaid, before, the Judge aforesaid, to hear, abide by and perform alt and singular such judicial acts as are necessary nnd by loafer* required to be done in tlie premises ; and further . , . fo do and receive whatunlolatvSnd jus'tiw- shall out bounty sitting for ordinary purposes. ’ I be thenceforth and forever foreclosed. - * appertain, under tlie (rainof ihc law am) eoii- T0 ull whom it may condcrn. _ I And It is further ordered, that this rule bo pub- tempi tiiorcoi, the ahsem-c and, contiiinncy ot Wheara* Charles Gregory executor of Thoinns I Hsheil in one of the Gazettes of this stale at least diem and every of them in any wise notwitli- ^ G. Davis inf? of Chatham county deceased has puce a month for twelve months, or that n copy Landing. Aijo Whatsoever yon" =im!l do in tin-, petitioned {he honorable the court of ordinary to be served on the said Ray Sands, at lettMsix.1 Premises you slndl duly certify unto the. said >e discharged from bis said executorship. | months before the expiration of the time appoint- I Imlgc, at ihe time uml place aforesaid, t - lie;- Theie ure therefore to cite und admonish all I R d for the payment oi tlie said money into court, I with tliese presents.. and SihgUlar the kindred and creditors of tlie 1 and that such further proceedings be bad as arc Witnes ; die Hori. Jeremiah Cuyle'r, Judge of tHo’ said deceased, to file their objections, if any they I pursuant to the statute in sucli case made and pro- s »i^ District Court this twenty-umth d j- havej in of the _Clerk ofths courtof | vided. . .' . *>._ i_._ _ L _. _ | her one thousand eight hundred ordinary on or before the 7th day of March n<5xt, otliertvfae letters dismissory grunted the petitioner. Witness tlie honorable George L Cope, one of Hie Justices of the said court this seventh day of | September," A. D. 1824. S. M. BOND, c c o c c sep 9 176: Extract from the minutes, thl4. 26th Oct. lfe24.1 f 0llr . oct 39 200 JOHN BAILEY; Clerk. I).’ and i fe UERRl F.N. Proctors. Su aifns Panacea. : ; T HE Sulisci ibers have just received from Phil adelphia a fresh supply of this celebrated Me dicine, and linve made such arfaiifijetncnts as to keep a constant supply of it on liana.’ Persons in want of this article can depend upon ifo b'omg gen uine, ae it comes direct from Mr. Swajm: LAY HENDRICKSON,- '■' und Druggists, - Shud’s Buildings: i 9J* W % Genuinp patent Family Medicines Churches Ess Mustard (Things worm Lozenges Thompsons teeth pnste. do riye water ■ops Rogers vegetable r - r pulmonicdetcrgcnt Ilenrlcin oil British oil , Henrys canc’d magnesia Batemans drops, 4‘C All p-mOR-interested in the foregoing Monition, will takeduenotice. JNO. II. MOREL, m. n. C Oct 29 ■*>(*> L ees Pills Andersons do Hoopers do James do Ohurclics ctfugli Andersons" di Eslsom Honey AudlnrstenatiVe Opodeldock Squirgs ellitjf Salts Lemons ; Cfiri coustiurtly bfc brid al tlie store of . LAY 4> HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Druggists Shtid'e Buildings: fttfinr if* ' 1NE months after date; application will in County, for leave to sell all tlie real estate af Sarah M’kindlypiate of Bryan County doc. for tlie benefit of the heirs and creditors of said es tate. James Butler, Adm’r. apil 2 §o77 PS liarles \V. Tcheau, are requei them, and those indebted to 'm: payment to tlie Subscriber—accoi said estate .to be left with Met bclteuk. V ed to pr< sent ke immediate its against the. a's S. C. ttf .T oct 7> j* F.n.TEBE.VUj