Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, November 30, 1824, Image 2

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law. ■***({%# attyt+jgr ♦w<r<» ^virov-t FREDERICK ClTV PRIN* FEU*,' MY IMPRISONMENT. fit/ heigh Hunt* kii*t jfot out! v —S;n:»txr.V Starling. this ilav lay Ih?i\>rc our renders an k l’Al’V. II EIGHT DO 1.1. \RS PI. K ANA rkv iwrr.n six doi.i.aks rr.u ann P\Y\Ul.i: IN AIIVANCK. mi now nUveilitcmcaU^plHMif lu both 3.4TA®SfA® I ESI) ‘.V i'.\ r.Mi.NO. Novum n- h 30, 1844 07’Ry the pnclvct ship Jjouisa Matilda, v’ftnK D. Wooi), we have received the .YeW-York National Advocate of tlio 2“d 07" By the arrival of the fast sailing regular jacket sloop Herald, Captain Ilr.ATH, WC have received tho Clmrlos- ton Cimrivr of yesterday morning. It ■furnishes nothing new. la tho absence of otlier matter wo this day occupy a part of our paper with a well written article front the pen of Mr. Leigh Hunt, tlvc editor of the London Ex aminer who has lately been imprisoned for a libel. .. f* 1 . ,-v7 PIRACY. a paper do we open hut we And dciails of some horrible pirtocy on the iin and property of our citizens. In the whole i atnloguc of offences against civili- 2cd society, there is none more atrocious than the crime of piracy. It is a crime nt which the heart instinctively shudders.— tYo think it ruj obligation which one na tion owes to another, ns well from moral as an iutcrestcg principle, to take an nc- ti.e stand against these merciless marau der-, who in despite of right, and despe rately re; klcssof consequence, rniso their hands like Ishnm against mankind, wage o war of ruthless hostility, from tho basest and most mercenary motives.—Our conn try has assumed a high stand among the maritime nations of the earth; itscbarac- “I c Vi i tins ilav lay liel.m-ou article which has appeared in one ol the late numbers of The Eramneri It is an account of the imprisonment of Mr. l.r.tmt 1 luxt, written by himself. That' groat master oft lie pathetic, the eccentric Sterne, has given a picture of the miseries of im prisonment, drawn from the stores of his own vivid imagination. As tho Mufti clico- tuftl mode of producing a powerful impres- ion, ho took u single captive and shut him up in his cell, lie then draws an ideal picture of ihu horrors of the scene. Here, also, we have the ease ofa single captive, and that not a picture of the fancy, hut n natter of fact. The author of the pro- luetion before us details the results of his own experience, and delineates the mise ries ofimprisonment with a degree oftnstc and genius scarcely inferior to Sterne him- clf. The article, we arc convinced, will ho perused with intense interest. On taking possession of my garret, I was treated with apiece of delicacy, which I never should have thought of finding iu n prison. AVlien I lirst entered its walls, I had boon received by the under-jailor, n man who appeared an epitome of all that was forbidding in his office. He was short and vfcfy thick, lmd A honk nose, a great’ severe countenance, and a bunch of keys hangiugou his arm. A friend once stop- pod short at sight of him, and said in n me lancholy tone, “And this is the jnilor!” Iloncst* old Cave! thine outside would have been unworthy of thee, if, upon fur ther acquaintance, I lmd not found it a ve ry hearty outside,—aye, mid in my eyes, a very good-looking one, and «s fit to con tain the milk of human kindness that was in tbec, ns tho husk of a cocoa. His.wife I found to bo ns great a curios ity as himself. Both were more like the romantic-jailors druwn in sonio of our mo dern plays, than real Horsemongcr lane palpabilities. The wife, in her person, was ns light and fragile as the husband was sturdy. She had the nerves pin fino l.ndy, and yet went through the most unpleasant duties with the patience of a martyr. Her voice and look seemed to plead for a soft ness like their own, nsif aloud reply would have shattered her. Upon the whole, such an extraordinary couple, so apparent ly unsuitable, and yet so fitted for one an either ; so apparently vulgar on one side, The jailer proposed that I should he al lowed to occupy apartments in his house, anil walk ocCistouallv in th6'prison gar den ; adding that 1 should certainly die if 1 Were not; and Iris opinion Was seconded hv that of the medical men. Telling us, one dnv, how wmjtnlj he had put it to the Magistrates, and insisted tnat I should not survive, he turned round upon me, and, to the Doetor’saslonislunent, added,“ nor. Mister will you.” IbeltcVe it was tin-o pinion of many; but Mr Holmo Stunner argued perhaps front his own sensations, which were sufficiently iron. The. doctor then proposed that I should he removed into the prison infirmary; and this proposal was granted. Infirmary liud, I confess; an awkward sound oven to tny enrs. I fancied n room shared with other sick porsons, not the twist fitted for companions; but tho good-natured doctor undeceived me. This infirmary was di vided into four wards, with as many email rooms attached to them. The two upper wards were occupied, but tho two on the ground floor had never been used; and one of these not very providently {far I had not yet learned to think of money) *1 turned into n noble room. I papered the walls with a trellis of roses; I had the ceiiiug colored with clouds and pkv : the barred windows were screened with Ven etian blinds; and when my hook-ertscs were set up with their busts, and flowers and a piano-forte made their appearance, perhaps there was not a handsomer room on thnt side the water. I took a pleasure, when a stranger, knocked at'the door,.to sec him come in and stare about' him. The surprise on issuing from tho Borough; nnd passing through the avenues of n jail, was dramatic. C. L. declared there was no otlier such room except, in a fairy talc. But I lmd another surprise; which was n garden. The ref wits n littlg yard out side the room, railed off from another bo- longing to the neighbouring yard. This ytirdl shut in with green paili»'gs,^ltdorn- _ ,v. ,. and vet so naturally delicate on hoth; so ter is rapidly advancing and it is peculiar- “Xg thek ^ {liatit)n , and vct f or the imuiiihent upon us if we wish tom-tain „ 0;)( j f ,f others so admirably put there, I a reputation so just and so enviable as ours, to e xert our immediate influence, mTtl to endeavour to enlist the energies of other maritime powefs in the .-oppression of this serious grievance. The govern ment hns done much towards checking these freebooters—but more must be done; 'and the remedies must be prompt nnd ef- . have iicv-:w met with, In-lore or since. It was the business of this woman to lock rent. T ctthtrndic.ied tins report in the tner will) some warmth. I nhickily, Mr. Soldi ray had accepted the office the day before; ami im- vuiiafcquc-ncc • never made his appearance. At tl rldil he did nie tho honor to compare mo with tpn nilie i>esinmi!ina. Ho 1ms since fa voured mo with sundry lectures and cut- tjngs-up for miiiering to his own doctrine. They say he is not sorry. I am sure l am not; and tliAro is an end of the matter. All these comforts were embittorod by unceusing ill-he.ali)i, and by certain mol- anpholy reveries which the nuturu of the place did hot help .to diminish.—'.During the first six weeks tlmsonnd of tho felons chains, mixed with what I took for hor rid execrations or despairing laughter, was never out of iny cars. When I wont into the infirmary, which stood by itself be tween tho inner jail and tho prison walls, ffl'Qx*, PtHIT 01 AVANNAll. stfcr, Altaiv Kl), Ship Louisa Mutiidai 1> ; Wood from. N« \v York. Uf Hull & FIrtyt, owners, cOn- sltneeS I* Si MeK*, Cohen k Miller, H l.ord ^ co, A U Miller..) W Gaston. V a. I’. Worn. 1’ Hill, Johnston, Hills fico, I) C if', .1 Brail lev,!' BdjtevfceAtBiiflentnWf H I ^allowscs were occasionally put itt order iy the side ofmy windows,anduftcrvi'ards set up over the prison gates, whore they were still visible. The keeper duo" day with an air ofniistory, took me into the uppor ward, for the purpose, he said, of gratifying me with a view of tho country front the roof. Something prevented his showing me this; but the spectacle lie did show me l shall never forgct« It wus a stout country girl, sitting in an absorbed Hathaway, It’ Tupper, Miuutry Si Herbert, E Coppee II W Ophmmter, J Cuminlng U Son. J B Herbert Si co. 'C Si (iwathmey, II Bmvdro, 1 Norton,.f Bentley, .1 Metgs, PbllbHsk Si Semtiton, M lloag Si co. C Bilker, G A Hide, D Si It Poltv, O B Luinur, .) P Williuinson, J ll .McKenzie, IV T Willi ,::h, T. H Price, IV .lenner, N Barker, N B Weed, A Bwsett, W t Uiilltcl', V Densler, K. llliis,J Camp- boll, c; Kelsey ^»co. Z DaV, J IV Morn'll’, C Matt* rel, T G Cln»mberfm,F Gillet Si oo. J Blanchard, S B Purkman, A Parsons, V llendiickson,«» Tlilt, 1, Baldwin ^*co. P Marlow, N Cnmpllold, G Newlmll, J B Wick, t. Wright, H <Hr;i...-.l, Mayers ,Si Unniltton, J P Setae, James l’rov6.-l, D Adujm, Shouts, lirig Pnnthea, fin ^ w Pilot boat sehr. Itidiurd Nelson, Johns.Chnrlrs- mtinner, her eyes fixed on the fire. She ton, 1 dnv. Ppssongors; Cuptnlns Cninpodll. nml 4 M’Lnm, uml Me*si5 W t Welghlninn, iv P Setae, Jam nnd H Cjissidy &co. _ . ^ Brig Sea Islund, Atwood, 11 dn\' Imm Boston, to S B Parkiniin, consignee—>assiirtcd cargo to \Y Ilcihlnson, I. H Foy, G Nowhall, Johliston, Hills Si co. T l.ongWorth, J.W Long, A B t’annhi St, cos .1 M‘Krn*ic, O Tuift, L Baldwin St co.. 11 Clelnnd, A St E Wood, M II M'Alisler, RS Cloll’,0 Joluwon, O -Aldcn, \V T Wllllpnls, Thompsi.n It Bouncy, C Kelsey St cq. Pone.oStM , Kenrie, and the master, l’ussengers, Miss Wood, Messrs Wood, ,\tden,und Rodgers. Spoko on Friday just olf Frying Fan For New-York (EST'A RLJSIlEft I jJ£- Thl Inst sailing packet LOUISA. AiATtt txf “ 1>. Wood MostJffi \V ill have immediate do ’ pnssnge, iinving superior nor,„„ lions, apply to Cupt. IV. on bourd, at I,,,,,"' wharf, or to HALL i, nov HO *** ’ li2l) For Baltimore! , Tho sehr. F O ll N A X, Davie, Master, ^ 1 patch. Will have iimncqjutc sage apply to (.'apt. D. on boaril •‘oh <»■ to hall tciiovf 5*40 and (Join. 1115US Bultiihore ,u |*erOiie Flour I or -ah’ b, .uov 30 5.-000 bushels Maryland tVhil’rJ 220 HALLij Hovt .' Jjime, I U-rriug, cVci CASKS./W-d, 'rhoiiliKioivu'jjj luo boxes superior lUrrii,,,, v 100 bbls a,id A bids No. 1,2 a'.ul3MackeL Are now andmg from brig Sea Island and far! low, il takcu from tHe Wharf, by ar i ..o,. ..m ROlil'.IlT S.GOI’M York for Charleston. me up in my garret; but she did it so soft- K;7; !-ai. r tw ilk!. ’**«|**“ , <~5*^ x . . . ,? .sY«ij f, r.« i ou. tree, which I saw-twice in bios I tried it, and found it fastened, She „ r/lllni , : rt : od it with n trellis, bordered it with a thick bed of earth from n nursery, and even ' contrived to have a grass plat. The earth I fillcd-with flowers and young trees. There wns nn npple-trec, from Which we managed to get a pudding tiic second year. As to my flowers, they k were allowed to he perfect. A poet from Derbyshiro-told me lie. lmd seen v no such heart’s ense. Hero I wrote nnd ’lead in fiuo wentbor, sometimes under rin nw-nifig. In nutumn my trelisses were hung with scarlet run ners,which added to the flowery invest ment. I used to shut my eyes in thy arm chair, end affect to think mysclfhupdneds of miles off. But my triumph was issu ing forth of a morning. A’ wicket out of tho garden led into tho large one belong- Thtf latter was only cherry- blossom. I fectunl. l.ct everj - piratical flag be sunk or driven from the ocean; nnd whatever the cxpencc may he, the country will jus tify and support the measure. The fact is the Island of Cuba must be attended to for there the whole mischief is done—if pira cy is not countenanced in this Island, it is connived nt nnd as long as this is the ca?« . our flying squadrons will be of no avail. Property robbed from our vcsrcls, is open ly exposed for ; ,alc, and pirates known as cuch. walk the streets of Havana with im punity. If the. authorities of CUBA cn- cotirage thesr; depredations upon the com merce and lives of people at peace with Spain the Island must answer for it. If the authorities < aniiot'rnfi.rcf the laws, ubd the Island becomes an asylum for pi rates, u ho depredate upon all nations, the AourcC nnd origin of the mischief must he resorted to. The only course to be pur sued by Congress will he to compel the au thorities of Culm to put at) end to piracy by an immediate resort to theLExTALio- ' Ni3, in:capturing mia' eimdeiiniifig every vessel sailing under the Spanish flag from Havana to Matnnzas. War was declared by the United States, to enforce the snfety and protection of persons and property tinder the American flag, and the came ■iqiuscs, yet, under stronger circumstan ces, urge the adoption of vigorous meas ures against the pirates. Longer forbear uncc would be a crime; and it is to be hoped that Congress will turn their iramei dime attention to tile subject. Our nation al honor require their interference—and the cries of poor suffering humanity calls cut for relief and protection. Con. La Fayette, has signified Ills in tention of visiting Clmrleston in January, The Charleston Patriot of Saturday evening received at the office of the Geor gian, furnishes the following information. A letter received at Louisville from Illi nois, states that Mr. Clay had received heard me os she; was ; going down stairs, and stud the nextday, “Ah, Sir, I thought I should have turned the key, so as for you not to hear it; hut l found you did.” The whole conduct of this couple towards me from first to last, was of a piece with this singular delicacy. My bed was shortly put up, and I slept in my new room. It was on nn tipper story, and stood in n corner of the qund- runglc, on the right hand ns you enter the prison-gate. Thj windows (which had now been accommodated with glnrs. in addition to their “excellent .-huttr.>' ) were high up, and barred; but the room was large and airy, and there was a fire place. It was designed for a common room for the prisoners on that story; but the cells were then empty. The cells were ranged on either side of the arcade, of which the story is formed, and the room opened at the end of it. At night time the dom was locked ; thin another on the top of the stair-case, then a fourth at the bottom, a fifth that shut up the little yard to that quarter, and How many more beforc you got out cf the gates, I forget; but I do not exaggerate when I say there were at least ten or eleven. The first night I slept there, 1listened to them one after the otlier, till the weaker part of my heart died within me. Every fresh turning of the key 1 seemed a malignant io- suit to imwie of liberty. I was alone and away from my family; I who have never slept from homo above a dozen times in my life, and then only from necessity Furthermore the reader will hear in mind that I was ill. With a great flow of natu, ral spirits, I was subject to fits of nervoos ness, which had lately taken a continued shape.' I felt one of them coming on, and having learnt to anticipate and break the force of it by Sudden exercise, I took stout walk of I dare shy fourteen or fifteen miles, by pacing backward and forwards for the space of three hours. -This threw me into a state, in which rest, for rest’s sake, became pleasant; I got hastily into bed, and slept, without a dream till morn ing. By the way, I never dreamt of pris on bat twice nil the time I was there, and my dream was the same on both occa sions. . I applied to the Magistrate for permis sion to haye triy wile and children with me, which Was granted. Not so my re parcelled out the ground in my imagina tion into favourite districts. I made a the vote of that state by an overwhedtning rndjhritv- This fctr.te givc« three votes. A jr.irurt from Kentucky gives all the Voles, (M) to Gen. Jackson. Nothing from Ohio, The state of Nermont contains about two hundred and fifty thousand souls. The expense of its government is thirty- six thousand eight hundred nnd ninty-six rjoljuvs—its income fifty two thousand pine hundred and twenty-nine—leaving a balance in the treasury of sixteen tbou- . sand and thirty- three dollars.- Ec-ither say nothing of the •absent or speak os a friend quest to move into the jailer’s house, Holme Summer, on occasion ofa petition from a subsequent prisoner, told the House of commons; that my room End a vifcw over the Surrey hills, and that I was very well content with it, I could, not feel ol>- liged to him for this postUminous piece of enjoyment, especially when I remem bered that Mr Holme Sumner lmd done all in Fiis power to prevent my removal out efthc room, precisely (as it appeared to us) because it looked upon nothing but the felons, and because I was not Conten ted. In fact, you could not see out of the windows at all, without getting in' a chair - and them, all that you saw was the miser; able men, whose chains had been clanking from day-light. The perpetual sound of these chains wore upon my spirits, in a manner to which my state of health al lowed me reasonably to object. The yard also in which 1 exercised was very small. Mr point of dressing myself as if for a loug walk; nnd then putting on my gloves nnd taking my hook under my nnm, step forth, requesting my wife not to wait din ner if I wns late. I entered prison the third of February nnd removed to my new apartments the lGtbof March, lmppy to get out of the noise pf the chains. When I sat amidst my hooks, I saw tho imaginary sky over heqd mid ipy paper roses about me, I drank in the quiet at my ears, ns if they were thirsty. The little room wns mv bedroom. I uftcrwnrds made the two rooms change characters, when my wife lay in. Permission for her continnnce with rpc at thnt period was easily obtained of the Magistrates, among whom a new comer made his appearance. This was another good-nntured man. Tho late Earl of Rothes, then Lord Leslie. He heard me with kindness,>nnd his actions did not belie his countenance. The only girl I have among seven children \yiis bprn in prison. I cannot help blessing her when I speak of it.—Never shall I forget my sensations; for I was obliged to play the physician myself, the hour having ta ken us by surprise. But her mother found many unexpected comforts ; and during the whole time she was in bed, which hap pened to he in very fine weather, the gar den door was set open, and she looked upon the trees and flowers. A thousand recollections rise within mo at every fresh period of my imprisonment, such as I can not trust myself with'dwelling upon. These rooms nnd the visitsof my friends, were the bright side of my captivity, I. read verses without end, and wrote almost os many. When I was fairly settled in them, the jailer—(I beg pardon of his in jured spirit—>1- ought to have called him Governor /—could hardly express his spleen at my having escaped his clutches his astonishment was so great. Besides, though I treated him liandsomly, he lmd a little lurking fear of the Examiner upon him; so he contented himself with getting as much out of me as lie could, and- boast ing of the grand room which he would very willingly have prevented my enjoy ing. My friends were allowed to be with me tiflTO o’clock at night, when the ua der turn-key, a yonng ntAn, With his lan tern, and rnUcli ttfnbitidus gcntillity of deportment, came to sec them oht. I believe we scattered afl urbanity about the prison, till then unknown, I must not omit the honor of 6 visit from the venerable Mr Benthnnv, who,is justly said to unite the wisdom of a sage with the simplicity of a child. He fcflrid me playing at battledore, in which he took apart, and with his Usual eye towards improvement, suggested an amendment in the construction of shuttTc-coeks. I re member the surprise of the governor at his local knowledge nnd vivacity. “Wfiy, Mister,” Said he, “bis eye b every where at once.” It was intimated to me that Mr South ey intended to pay men visit. I showed a proper curiosity to see the writer who had helped to influence my opinions in was handsome, nnd lmd a little hectic spot in either cheek, tho effect of some gnawing emotion. He told tne in a whis per, thnt she Wns there for the murder of her b;i»tnrd child. 1 could have knocked .Uie fellow down for his imfcclingncss in molting n show of her: bht, after nil, she did not see us. She heeded us not, There was no object before her, 'but what ■ pro duced the spot in her cheek. The gallon's, on which she was executed, must have been brought out witbiii her hearing;—but mrhhpH sfic heard thut as little. To <re- iiqve the reader, I will {five him another instance* of the delicacy of my friend the undeb jnilor. lie always used to cqrry up her food to the jkior girl himself, because as lie said, he did not think it a fit task for yortilgcr men. Thiswas a melancholy ease. In general the crimes were not of, such a staggering description, nor did . the criminals .appear to take their situation to heart. 1. found by degrees, that fortune showed fairer play than I had supposed to classes of men, nml those who^cemod to. have most reason to be miserable, were" not nlways so. Their criminality Was generally proportioned to their Want of thought. My friend Cave had^hccoine a philosopher by the force of j^isr situation, said to me one dny, when a tlflW batch of prisoners came in, “Poor ignorrtnt wretch es, Sir!”--—At evening, whcil'they went to bed, I used to staud in the prison gqrih-n listening to the cheerful song with Wnicl the felons entertained one another. Th<T heaters of hemp were a still ifierrier race. Doubtless the good honr^and simple fare ofthc prison contributed to lnuke the blood of its inmates run better, particularly those who were tore.ed to take exercise. At last, I used to pity the debtors mure, than the criminals, yet even the debtors had their gnv patties *nd jolly songs. Many a time (for they were my neighbors) have I heard them roar out the old ballad in Beaumont and Flctche^:— “l/c thnt drinks nnd goes to betf when '• , I-’ulls, ns Uie leaves on, und- dies in QulntaT." To say the truth, there wps an obstreper- ousucss in their mirth tlmt looked more . melancholy than the thoughtlessness oftlie lighter-feeling felons. On the 3d of February,1824,1 was-free.' An illness of a longstanding, which requi red very different treatment, had been by this burnt in upon me by tho iron tliat en ters into,the soul of the captive, wrap in it flowers ns Im may; nnd I am nsliaiiid to say, that after stopping n little nt the hous of my friend A., I hud not the courage to Continue looking at the shoals of people passing to & fro,as the coach drove up to the Sturic^ Tlie whole ImisnesB of life appeard to me as a hediousimpertinence.The first pleasant sensation I experienced wa* when the coach turned into the Now-road, and I beheld the old lulls of iny affection stan ding where they used to do, and breathing me a welcome. -Rqtftri g u n, O A Wood, Milne and''bench. Left sehr Morning Slhr to sail first Wind. - Off the Bor, Inst evening, n bri^ und.-mlilt! ^ulirhound in. A sloop hound up; bml tliii revenue Glitter Gal let tin, nt an chor in Coclispur. A ship nnd brig bound out, were nt anchor bflow Long Island lust night. Sehr Thorn, Vehiai'd, Darien, 3 days, with cot 4 toil, to J M‘NiA. ' ...» Sehr Foi-rmXf Baltimore; 10 days with flour nnd c6rn to Hull &. Hoyt. Regular packet sloop Iicrald, I tenth, 12 hours fm Chdrlastoii, ivillicriitcs, (‘be, sntt, &c. to .1 B Herbert Ai co-/P Hcvillars, CInland ii Fraser, J Gni-diucr, and tlie muster. .Sloop tloWn’rdand JnuicS; I.i»cc,l>ds fin N.Bed- ford,—eurgb to A Bassett, nud Clagborn, Bradley & Wood. 1ft ruSwngers Postponed sale. /T|HE sale' of tho STALLS in tho MARK] 'A postponed to Friday next, nt 11 o’clock F; M. STONE, A L J‘ ibose who ate indebted to Hector I ■£*- Donald late of Suvannah, In .Volu, ttillt, end open Accompli, are requested Iol immediate payment to AND’W SMlTHl novil tL22i5 jj,,;"' 1 THE wood, iu nussengers. Brig Bureilai, Knight, 14 ds fm Martinique, with (Busses; logwood, wine ntiil Specie, to Bulloch 2 ds molassesi Si Dumvody.., m SloopTlu-ee Brothers, Howland, Darien to N S Biiynrd. Sloo|i ?l Mwys, Nye,Darien, 2 ds lo the master. Slqpp Good ilo’urn, Bates, Darien, 2 ds to the ’mtttur. ■ Steam boat Carolina, VVrny, 3 ds fm Augusta, Wltlibonts Nos G and ) iu tow, 1400 halos cotton, mid either merchandize to G Gordon, Ponce Ik M-Kenzir, Taylor k Dims, lVtersen, Hammond co. Vv Gaston, C L Lawrence, J Camming k. Son,- It Campbell, G B Lamar, Duhnmcl Ik Aiure, I, Baldwin &co. P Iliil, B Burroughs, S B Park man, orikr, arid other's. Passengers, Messrs Mud den Afillike, Itisley, Turner, M-UoimelL [The Cato liqa l.-mvs here for Augusta to-morrow afternoon ut 4 o’clock With bouts Nos. 10 und lo.] .ARRIVED FROM THIS.PORT, At Jf. Y.,22d iust.sbip Wm Wallace,Wood,10 ds CT.EARF.n FOR THIS PORT. At N.Yorlc 44d inst. sloop Marin. ■ UP Fon THIS PORT, At New York, 22d Inst,ships Oglethorpe?,Jayne dtfpgtyh ; M'm Wallace, WooU/jii Buturday next sclir Retrieve, Tefft. The sloop Good Intent, arr, fit ChnrlcstKn, frill Hayfordy-esterday, with goods to saudry persons . in '-(vannull. late of Savaiiiinh. The House lias undergone repairs; ure spacious and are refurnished. 1’e ncconnnodateU with single rooms, and ( lion will bo rnado to render them cumfc SAMUEL IIALK, l’roi nov 30 ll2« * ? Notice. Semi-Monthly lUBSCRIBERS t6 the above pm-ties, arc? iu- JlVirmcd that the second nsscqibty will taku place THIS EVENING, tho 30tli inst. For their tickets of admission, they will please ni to JVT.-. Lege, or ut the Book-Store of W. T. limns. iiov 30 220 . ' ^J AVl.NG united tlieip interest in tlie GROCE RY JrtJSlNIiSS, under the Firm of CHAMPION PURSE, At (he rtol-c iqrmerly o-ecnpieil liy Mr, FJiencctf ftnrlam. Congress S'rcei, would he tlmnkful to theii frioftds und the public for -n share of theli patronage. FRANCIS CHAMPION nov 17 rs213 THOMAS PURSF Notice. riYlTF. Copartnership ■xistin^betweem fbe sub J. scrUiors wiis dissolved by mutual consent oi the 2tHh’ult. - All persons indebted arc requested to liquidate their accounts, und those having de mands aril hand them iu to II. Cn ah- pios; wlio is ouly nuflioi-ised to settle the business of the concern. II. CHAMPION, TIIOS. PU/tSE. Use law.and physic only in cases of necessity; they that uee them, otherwise, abuse tliemscives into weak bodies and light purses. Experience is the best adviref, but it is better to learn be others thau our own, SONG. The man in theirioon look’p dowA one tnglit, Where a lad and his Inss were walking; Thinks he there must lie very huge delight In this kissing and nonsense tulking. And so there must, (’tis n well known ease,) For it lasts both late and early, So they talk’d him down till they covered bis face They tir’d his patience fairly. Then up foso the sun in bis morning beams. And push’d back bis night cap to greet them, Says lie- 4 -' 1 As you boast pf your darts and flames My darts nnd my flames shall meet them— He scorched them both through the live long day, But they never once seemed to mind him.; But laugh’d outright as he skul’d away, And left a dark world behind him. Then the map in the moon look’d down itia pef, And said,! 1 1 believe I can cure yot(; Tho’ my brother has fail’d, I rauy conquer yet, It not, I.must try to endure you." “ Go-home," cried he, “ qnd attend to ray rillos, And banish all thoughts of sorrow, Then marry at once, you couple of fools, And you’ll both be wise to-morrow." COMMERCIAL. havre Market. , A letter fyom Havre ofthe 16th October, quotes pfond cotton at 21a 24s; sea island 33 a 60s, .lee 2D a 39f. The business gennrnlly had been pretty active; upland cotton had been In free dc mn nil, ‘ but without the leiist aitefjajqn in price sales two weeks 68000 bales—import 3000. It . . ... added, ifit had not been for thegreat imporlati favor pfliberty; but in the mean time there n-om Egypt, U. S. cotton would huve been in good was a report that h<? was to be ?oet Lau- dwcoud The Subscribers, '{CP Thp -Subscriber returns his thanks to the friends of tliolgtc firmfqr past favors nnd w ill Be. gfciteful for their conjinmmce, at their former Store Corner of Jtfftrronanfi Stale streets : where he offers nt reduced pricqp a complete as sortment Of choice ' " GROCERIES, LIQUORS, TEAS, LAMP OIL, DOMESTIC GOODS, &c. &c. nov 17 m2 is n. Champion. Notice to Pilots. A LT; pilots who have not complied with the 14tl> rule of tlie cotrfniissioiiels of rilptage, nre hhreby required to do so, by the next regular meeting o*f the Bom d, (18tli inst.) In case ot fe ure; each one will lie lined live dollars, By order, JOHN G. HOLCOMB, Sec'ry. U f 207 nov 6 sswwiitm . -PlSSOLUTION; I ^IIi-. 'Co-parlnersiiip idll'clmim ^-Tlr k duy dissolved by mutual consent. 1-II weiman, | ALKX’RBRYAnI nov 30 M-22G ■30 926 Notice. & A t'GUSTA, Georgiiti B open under the auperintendancc of Mr (I BEY DICKINSON and Mr. J, P, DD1 then A BOX indrkeil‘'John Nesbet, Athenr, i h liere iu the ship Julius Caesar, front diia, und remains unclaimed nt the C loom of Win. Gaston: Any person heal may liaVe a Bill Lttding fur the suine, is r to call for it, ‘ nov 30’ c226 O’ lianaway N file 26th ult. n fellow fellow (niuneiJ belonging to Prince Candy a colordl nnd Co'oper in this place. Tuni is iboutSlr Inches high, visibly pitted in (tie face powder, resembling small pox, andabouLbl old. Infdrmatlon ha's been lodged that be ir Loured on Ward a fishing smack otTTybee. A liberal reward will be given for the a sion of Tom, or sufficient testimony lo those in whose emptov he may new be. SAM’L 9TILE3, Gw nov 30 ||r.526 ' niwfcf J T HE undersigned have resumed their hi « ' “ " ■“ “ . their old stand, In Bull street, Judge Cityicr’s House, and will execute o: the neatest manner for Marble MONUMENTS, TOMIt TABLES, HEAD STONES, PAINT STONES, CIItMNEY PIECES, HEARTH, BUILDING STON Or any. other Wdrk in their line of busi All orders front tlie country end " thankfully received, and pro'inptly and executed on short notice. MOORE & LI nov 0 ||203—tin. “Vl ci'.'l JENNEY DOl/GLA! Anciaux’s II VK lately received mtd offer tori«Je*j commodating terms, Cognac Brandy,TIolInndGia Jamaica ami St. Cr6ix Hum d hhdsN.E. Rum Wines, . Coffee, Tens, ChocoIaM , Siignrs, Molasses Beef ami Pork Butter, Cheese ond Lnror 30 boxes Soap 10 " Tallow Canale# 170 “ Speftii ,? new 10 Sperm Oil Iil/ds and bbls Ti-ain_0d. ^ 40 reams Wi-o 2000 lbs Codfish .20 bbls’Nbi 1 Mackerel ail I ersons as design tii intend the'Singing Seho’ol to lie tnuglit t/y tlie siil)scriber,pr, arc disposed to qrneo-urnge nu littcirqitio improve the present state of Sacred music are informed that n subscription book lies been lull ut the Book Store of Messrs S-C& J Schenk.- " Should a snfircient nunrbef Of stibscribefli offer proyious to Tum-sday Rth December, the Scliool will commence on the evening of that duy. .... nov 27 1.224 L. MASON; New Mackerel, limn, Lard, fyc 40 BARRELS Boston Rurat Fresh and swim ing 20 days sinco 25 kegs Butter (fresh) 25 kegs new Leaf Lard 20 bapi-clsNo 1 Mackerel' 50 do No 2 do JOO do' No 3’ do 30 half do No, 1 do 30 liolfdi) No 2 do 30 half do No 3 -do . COO reams, single, double size nnd iron mon gers Wrapping Paper 1000 reams Cap, Pot ami Latter Paper 100 packages Glass, cf all des'eriptions 30 boxes \Vindsov Glass 100 kegs Dupont’s and Chelmsford Gunpowder 2 cases Playing Cards 10 cnscs Whitu-mm-cs No 10 Cotton Cards 100 boxes No 1 Sonp- 100 do smoked Herrings Lauding from sehr. Lnui-el, ami ship Chnriot and for sale on accommodating levins by ROBJOIIT 9. GOFF. nov 13 m213 20 » 2 20 44 3 “ i5 half bbls 1 . " 10 •' 3 “ „ , 10 bbls Rye and Corn Meat Pilot and Great Bread 1000 lbs Hams *' Cordage', Corn Brooms^-'-) 8 f Thin nn'd heavy Sole LmJW" Flour inf wliole and half ebb. 250 bbls Potatoes . Glauber'Salts, first fpial.ih Herring, Sul moil, Tongue 3 5 1 White Beau's—Vinegar , 'I London und American Mb- Fine 1500TS and SHOES Coarse do «no" SEAMEN’S CLOTH I NO? a, And many other articles at™ 8 nOV 23 tt-221 1 T! scliot Education, HE subscriber respectfully friends and tlie public that the.J ool will be resumed on JnoW yA course of instruction embni cc3 k oJ J gnige, History, Moral Philosophy, J Geography, English Graniinnr, 4 He pledges himsclt to g' vt - luC |B |J ous and unwearied attention to tw 1 JjJ tellfic.tual ampi-ovemcnt of his P U 1"J, on usual. bet 12 1S9 VP The person J second volume ofthc l’OBf *■ ' lice of tlie Repulilicaii, is reqiu- vvitliout delay.- ■ • nov 17 216 ' F ROM tho Suhsci-ilier on u SORRELL MARE, l^ r , ,'.iie properly ofMaj. Bulloch. - - ... - '". 10 .v turn the said mare, or give inOff may lie found, shall be suitably^ ,'^g expences paid. ' nov9>l oKft