Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, November 30, 1824, Image 3

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mis I at- Fresh Teas. J. HEUBERT&. Co. IIAVB CPNHTAMTI.V ON HAN'T) Chests, chests, ten IlilitwVi®? tys nml t apfetcS ■' ■ Ton cuttys.^o cattys and caunifti-r.* Impj nuNi’owtiKU 1k*4 , . „ , X a ui„, t.mkny, sditcllong nml BohBa 1 r. vs (if which (trii of tin: tnlesl importation, in •n i,n Million nccduimodntingterms. sept **» w 2$KH®'Wh»» AUGUST G. OEMLER, ,\S reniov :orncr lpnsitr \lilbits 111 I E anil coloured plain; I.{iiidon Dufllc Blankets Bert Umda I limb llnggi i Kimlisiit Coal uiwflH&fl London Porter, in pints mi Crates assorted Crorkerv Craft') ptGlassware nticf China Alla se'yehil oilier bulky Articles, For salt* al reduced prices by nov 93 ca22P ANDREW LOW.(• CO. Painting* Glnzing, etc. mllE Subscriber continue); to carry on (lie ! B. r.’lL\TL\G, GLA/AXG and QjLDIJfO business in all its different brunches, ut' Ids old stand corner of Broughton and Bull-streets. lie keepsoonslaiitly on hand a general nssort- J meat of. (IT, ASS of ail sizes. All kinds of PAINT OILS. d-c. A. BAIN. iiov IB 16 White Load. j 1 'T I Hiding front ship Emily,from Liverpool. .( large 8unnt|tv’of WftlTE LEAD, of the first (|ua)itv, in 100 lbs..GO lbs. and quarter kegs, for sale by A.B-'.IN, V Corner of BroitglUon ^ Bull-streets. .iiov ift lo White Load, Putty and Glass. "S (Ttt fY kegs White Lead JLjmltJ GOO lbs Putty An assortment of GLASS. For snle by A. PE LAROCHE, i Opposite the Exchange. Iio.v 18 , 16 \8 rt',ii(i" ; dliisDRUG STOKE, loti of BfOUglitOU "nd Whitukcr-SIrceh. Man-aim HmlUt, where he (r sale a choice assortment ol Fresh Medicines and (•amen ' seeds, lvarousolhnr articles suiting lii-; line: Hehb- ^L-'reliidug the whole string of names of the ;h,. oilers,and only mentions a few which not coimnoilly found in every Drug Store, via: 1 Pol. Sabina, Pyrula L'bibellula, PcKilnlis Purpuirn, Sr.ullcati, Hyssop, German Leopard’s Bum. (arnica montann) ricniinpaue, (Inula llcleniuin) Hops, l'niot, Tonquin Bean's, Squire’s Elixir, liiitfv's Elixir, Ess. Mustard', Ess'. Tyre, jpnat Drop. Churclie's Cough Drops, Aromatic Vinegar, Toilet, .Vegetable, .. •• mid oilier Soaps, Mitcnssar Oil, jfehwttS, 0< fijurt PotasAep Tantes’s Fever Powders, ItifniHile Powders, ,'. Be.elect tog the utility of tills Iasi article, He refers to the last, but one, page of IheGeorgia and South Carolina Almanac, of tills yeur. oct9 . n - 87 - ' t ■. **-■ , I .IttON| . Lamp Oils, Lamp W ick, Glass- I dfnlirtosteveVy description,ns also a freih Supply of I C,«, &C. , SHIP CHANDLERY, HE Subscribers have just received per ship which will bedlspdsadofoti the most nefcomino 1 dating terms; tN STORE, Fresh superfine Pi,Obit, mid a few thousand bushels Virginia CORjY, ofiau excellent quality. The subscriber intends Peeping a constant sup ply of these articles. WM. TAYLOR', iiov 17 Mil 5 — ; — ii j PLAINS AND BLANKETS jnHE Subscriber's have reP.elffed by.tlie late or- L rivals from NmV-York ami Liverpool, their PALJj supply, 6-*l and 0-1 London DiifildBlankets 6*4 and 14—1 Rose Blankets White, Mix! ami Blue Plainvery low 6-4 Blue and Mixt Cloths fop servams Fine White Welsh Flannels Do While, Blue and Red Yorkshire Very fine Scnrlet Cloths and Cassimerex Superfine Cloths, Cassliaores and S ittinct Bomlmzeens and Bomlmiietls 4-4 and 6-4 Black, White and Pink Italian Crapes Caroline l’lnids aud Suiisbury'l'Tun- Linen iitid Cotton Bed Tick 4-4 and 9-4 Counterpanes nnd Quilts Flue Prihted Counterpanes, u iiew article Furniture and Gtirment Dimity Printed Camlnlbk und Furniture Chintz Fine Irish Lined add Sheeting Linen Cambric amt do Handkerchiefs IfipK Shaded nnd FigurcdSi'lks Bamge mid Colored Floiv.nce Bnrugo.Scarfs ail'd Handkerciiicfs Rich Cashmere Scarfs,- Shawls and lliind- kerchiefs Bobmctt Veils arid Thread Limes 4-4 aud 6-4 Plain nnd Fig. Bobinetts do do Cambric mid Jaconetts do do Nainsook nml Book Muslin do do Ileal indin Jncoilelts aud Mull , Muslins Flounce Holms nnd Inserting Trimming Rich Ball Dresses and Head Ornaments Silk, Cotton nnd 'Worsted llose of nil des criptions, With sundry other nrtlciris, Ini, numerous to meu- Appeals for Dcfaulu Dcfmiltors not having np- pcnml on Parados of Compd- iiy Drills, in the Hr/ Ih ut Otim pani/, lit till Battalion, bcidro the 1-t day of November last,arc in- formed that nl'ourt of Appeal will ho held ntdilstipd Bussell's Office oil IVcdncsday, 1st December, 1824. By order, II. J. VALF.AU, i ’ 1st Serg’t. nov IB m2 18 Gompaiiy Orders: Ail Election is licreljy or dered to beheld in Reynolds Square, oii SATURDAY*, the 1 Itli day bf Dceemher next, For a Siibolid Iiieiiten- nnt and Ensigii of thb 4th Beitt Cotniianv. For fflcw-Yorfy Tile regular packet ship C O T T ON P I, A N T, AI. Fa;l), Master, Will sail mi V/ciiiotiiiiv. . Forsfi i iiht passage, apply on hoard, or to GEORGE GORDON A2‘2r, For Liverpool. The regular packet ship SOUTH BOSTON, Alex. If, Campbell, Mauler, i ( (Coppcrccl and cupper fastened,) is now ready to receive her cargo, and will meet will) despatch. For.frcighl or passage apply to the Captain on board, nr to PETF.R3EN, IIAMMOND & CO. nov 19 217 For Greenock. The first rate packet ililo ship MENTOR, .1. L. Wilson, Master; Will takd what freigut of Cotton thay \> j: T •• r t r*t i5vJ. i>. Herbert. & eo. TO-Mob bow, i spBavraWi , 'The SuuscriheRj E rAS re«Divcd tiy. Intfc hrrivnls, a complete and Uf n - «) 1 ® f which will he sold on tlm most accom- L griiefal aisqrtinent of modating terms, by W\1 11 o’clock, A. M. possllile—apply to WM. GASTON A., BAIN, Onpi. ,ocj87. , .193 nov 22 4tii Beiit Co. G. M. | Notice. G eorgia Volunteers. COMPANY ORDERS. Ail election is hereby order fed to He held at the Exchange, on the third day of December next, (Friday) ior an Ensign bf the Georgia Volunteers, to oct 21 crl93 T ! Emperor, , A geiicrnl supjdy of Winter, Fall and Summer ft rubied Lamp Oil. Brcttaned Socket Lamps ') Japanla Dish do Giass do ■ • do Peg do dq Lafayette do Globe Lump Glasses Of every variety, and l’uttcrn. For Globe Lump Glasses | )®y/\ HAMPERS POTATOES French Chimney do for Billiard Rooms nnd f H GO Tons COAL. to ■ “ " ' “ fOHN ILREIll SlCO. Tlida treJ nov 6 207 NoRfc. lo of whicli I f|AO enable thb assignors- Of Mr. Wii.i. I AM nt than has A Nkn, to make at an early* period a final Ore offered dend; it is reipiested that till rhilltis ugtlliist Tun- divi- hlm, Together With Tin Lamp Feeders, Tin Canisters for lamp Oil, and every otlidr article suitable for the ctinvehlbnte of Light. The Wliole comprise a more complete assortment erer befell exhibited in this City,-and .are c ,, - „ for sale ut prices to correspond with the Units. V? prevented to their itgent Mr. Imomas G. Mu.- 'fhe public are very respotlfu’.iy invited to call | tsiijliythe iMbf pA; pt J.Ij\ LAL Y J\L\ 1, and examine them. LAV &. HENDRICKSON, v . Chemists und Druggists: ShutJ’s Buildings. nov 11 . . 2lH ncd| lore itSh with! it 251 heb bee. m 0 CJ tard| B ir bu , ovj con Elegant &. choice Perfumery, &c T HE Suhscrihers hove refefeVvfed pr brig Ann. Schooner Irittejild and, slop Corsair, u fresh supply of Choice Perfdmery , consisting of Otto of Roses iri ciegunt gilt bottles of Vari ous patterns Macassar, Russia, Bettrt and Antique Oils I’omntum in Pots aiid Rolls Rose, Orange (lower and Lavender Water Rose,Betyoin, MItSk, Olive, Venaculnr, Pnlm, Vegetable, Ceylon, Bandana; Transparent, Variegnted, nnd English Windsor Soaps, Wasli Halls, ■Naples shaving Soup in Pots Shaving Cukes, £-c Pocket, fine teeth and dressing Combs, new ' Palltrnt Ilalr Powder and Powder Puffs Pocket Books nnd Pocket Wallets, with and wlthoutlprings La Fayette-ond-Silk Stocks, ' Elastic Wire nnd Coburg Stiffners, .Silver Wire Teeth Brushes With gilt handies, Tounge Scrnpers, Nail, Cloth, Hair and Shaving Brushes, Cut Glass Smelling Bottles, Visiting Cards, Metal Shaving Boxes, Floating Tapers of every description, Tonguin Beans, Musk, Carmine, Court Plaster, Snuff Boxes, Chamber Lights aiid Matches, Segar Box es, & c. 1 Which together with a very general and extensive | assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Pu- i tent Medicines, fee. &C. All of which have been 1 selected by a good judge, and are offered for sate |atifeast20per ct. lower than has ever heen sold I this market for cash or credit, Purchasers w t .d ) do well to call and examine them. LAY & HEN DR1CK SON, Shad’s Buildings. oct 26 , „ ioa , * Custom House. P OR T OF SA VANN AH, \ BunVF.voa’.s Office, j tlie Uiiifoll. Stnti UllienviM' »lit? v Will HU Ut'imreUf ll I3*IIVII»U lllUV I ^ I those indebted will see tile lieccasity tif liiakitig l .>,•. ■■■ 107 an linmcdii'te 'iettleliieiit. 1 JAMES M'ftENRV, GEORGE KELPH, JOHN Il. REID, Assignees 6f'W. T drner. hov8 208 • < rTIHI'i Paragun Toll Mill is now ready t6 rg- .1. ceivo lticti to heat oii Toll, at ilie eustoma-1 ry raleS. Apply to Wii.i.iam lCii.i'Aj'Bici^^nt 4h Plantation br to JACORKKADi iiov 11 fe$210 ** The Suiiscitiuiius Continue the Commission Business in Liv erpool, under the Firm of ISAAC, LOW bo. A ND will nt nil times make flberal advances On | praditdc consigned to them for sale. Ifav'lngships rfeguWly in the trade, rtnd owning a convenient wharf, on -Which there •omiiy I'irr-pronJ' ■‘itnrcL cotton will bo re ed and fo'rwartfed in tlicir own vessels,, or I those to their address, frefe of any commission, y Orders for inerchiimlino, will lie executed nnd i only a commission (iliarge.d, when tlife payment is | Stttisfucitirily secured. A general- assortment of British mmt is juiit received, l.eing bought with Money aifd se lected by one of the partners, they will lie fdrnish- oB as low as by any regular Importing House in' *’ - 'o^-. and on a long credit, for ANDREW LOW Si (JO. Will In- sold before out Store, .1 Ge>t<!ral assortment of C 11 0 C E R 1 R > , &c. • r> hhds St.'Croix Sugar 5 casks Cheese ib ill*. Casks Malaga Wine • v -Mu id l»l>!s Hams,&c. ALSO, 7 rases and trinila Shoes. ALSO, I enns fiastL *’ 44 kegs English green paint ‘ 82 do do l»lne ‘ ALSO, 20 hags coffee. Terms at time of sale • ALSO, 10 boxes Prime Bacon. Oil SATURDAY, 4th Dec. tt \ 1 o’cloCii 12 cases port wine, Rory s brand 1 do dry Maloga ^ , k i - - i 5 Vff ‘ f 4 demijohns 1.1* Mnde ra Of direct importation and mi icrior quality 4 pieces 42 inch cotton bagging. an invoice of clothing,; onsistingof 1 Short Jackets and Trowscrs, f ’es Mtmkcv Jackets and Due is, Flannel Shifts, k Trowscrs. . A Steam Boat, with freighting Boats will regiF liirly depart from the Company’s wharf oii Wed- fill the vactitlcy occasioned by I «c»dny and Saturday of each week, and when J,. a If | frelglit oilers to make it necessary, an extra boat the resignation of Mr. S. II. | wU f deimrt durlng the intermediate |,eriods. JOHN DAVIDSON, Agent, oct 2G 196 . I’uy. C. A; HIGGINS; Cnpt. Ga; Vol’ts. nov 23 220 {Squadron Orders. -j— 2 writing desk: •nov 30 22t ALSO, and 1 stove id pipe. Tennis nlc, 50 SIDES receive ~ -Z.m^trv-fiR?" 22<1 NovEMncn, 182'it wmm* ■ T HE Sithserlbeh will keep a constant supply for sale on the mast reasonable tertns JOSEPH G. BLANCE, nov 2."> ||ji— ti.222 WtlllbMiom Wharf. Leather. ■igging and solo LEATHER just i mid for sale by GEO. D. CORNWELL, Exchange Wharf. siSfol ... For Sale, A SMALL AUGUSTA IIOAT, in goad order well calculated for a wood limit,. now efu- I ployed us such; biirtllen from 20 to 30 rank. * Fortenns apply to K..TYNER, nl Meuri Philbrick Serration's'.. ■ nov 26 •. ji22;1 , , . s sold Fold .nov 24 Hetv dv Slade (Nothing, • ter At cost!!'*® . T 1IF. subscriber intending to fonve tirts place by the 20th'of this month, offers his STOCK OF GOODS AT COST.—-It comprises a general as sortment of CLOTIIIXG OF ALL SIXES. JOHNP.SETZ. oct 7 186. CROCKtillY; T HE subscribers continue td file ordufcs for'' L'ltOCKrMYpf ally description oh advan^ | tageous toj'ui!?. Persons wishing to order for the Spring would do well to lmud iu (lieir oiflers us curly ustlic m.inlh of JanimrV. *. nov 25 , 222 ; J. B. HERBERT fc CO. Planters Bank. 'jVTOTlCE iS hereby given, tluit after the fir|t I .Ll day of January next, tills.Rank will not raid • ceive for a y debts due to it, the notes of the Da rien Bank, mu' the notes Of any other batik,whicli docs not, on demand, redeem its paper rylth sjie- cie. Notes and acceptances deposited fqj- col lection, until‘further notice.'idi^’ be p»5«t in any of tlie notes of the Banks of Georgia, It being un derstood that depositors of sunn pupc'Mvill be paid in the same notes, tlie amount ol collections made for them. J; MARSHALL, Cashier. nov 4 1.202 under tlmt of John It. llcid fy Co. was dissolved on HE subscriber tenders his thanks to hisfriends the 31st of August Inst. * ' " TIIOS. LANCASTER, Per Attofney, J. 11. Rr.ib, JOHN H.RK1D Tlie subscriber will continue the business on liis own account, and attend to the settlement of (he affairs of tlie late firm nov 20 rt21$ JOHN I1.RIED. FACTORAGE. T HE subscriber tenders his tlmnks t( and the public for the liberal encourage' tnent lie h|i* received iu the FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BUSINESS, and trusts that by a strict attention to the intrvpst outlie Planter, lie will merit n continuance aftlteln patronagg. For .sale. Grundy's white Plains . - Prime 42 inch Cotton Bagging. ELIAS FOtlT, Comme rce Row oct 5 185 ^ Rriine Fork and Mackerel. BBLS. prime Pork, New York City In Ovl;. spectinn T HE mernbcril of the corps of Georgia Hussars _ ^ ure orilcred tp nssembte iit tlio Court House AHURNACULAR Soap, Rose do. I aim do. in the city of Suvaniinlt on TUESDAY, the 28th I * Rtmdana do. Celon d®- Almon dq. day of Decciriber next, to elect n Clijtlafn to com mand the said corps, iu tlio room ot Cant. Stiles, resigned, and uiso to fill such other vacancies ns muy lieu occur. By order W. W. GORDON, Adgt. Squad. Cav. 1st Div. G. M, nov 23 220 THE CO-PARTNERSHIP, W HICH existed in Glasgow, under the firm of 1 p or s *i|'e”hy Thonuit Lancaster &,• Co. nnd in this plnce I nov oq 3 Executor’s By J. B. Herbert, Co. 6nthe First Tuesday in January met, will b before the Court How:, in this citi,, brl'ct the Usual hours of 10 and 2' o’clock, the fnllodiing properly, being the PERSONAL ESTATE , dfW'iniCr aig,' dec- viz.~ Onr. Share Stram-lim.ii Stock, i * NEGROES, Snnclin, Fortune, Jack) nml Sylvia: S<,!.l by prf mission of the Hon. the Inferior Court a v! by nrder .of the Ereeutur, ' Term* Cmh. nnv 17 .2T6 ' • A Notice,——Administrator's sale, Postponed. rjTIIF.saic oftlie estate 4" Kichd I’elium fl. which was td have'.vkea pi..ce tit 'Sr G. B\itlcFs, thh.djiy, is postponed, and tl periy advei-tised for sale, viz. one horse, nnd bridle, 1 cdtv and culf, 1 •piaffing wh* severhi small articles, .will he sold iu front in Baker's Auction store, Iff Savannah, r, day tlC. 2-d o/.Yor. insl, l;i;Nr.:.i( r i;nv:::,n ,..ndv 11 .210 Tentpdf ny Vcgitnhle '* Myrth “ Musk I.ow’s Oriental do. Violet ' Transparent “ Windsor M'ush lialis “ Savonnette “ Hair Powder, Pomatum, Combs, ltair Brushes, Clontli Brushes, Teetli “ Razors, Strops of Pomeroys SlBern jniffin, Rogers Pod Knives, Ladies Pchcil Cases Leud Pencils, Stc: , Dr. DE LA ROCHE. ,223,. . „ mm) WATCH MAKER, From RosJccll's Factory, Liverpool, R ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Sa vannah that ho can repair Cltrononuitrct, Longitude, llcpealing, Musical, Duplex, Patent, Horizon al, ami all kinds pfCLOCKS and WATCH Half Bldg, No. 1 Mackerel 30 “ “ No. 2 “ For Aale liy nov 15 p213 L. PETTY. Genuine Scidliiz Powders. A FHF.SH supply received’ pet 1 ' ship Cgrsuir, and for sale at $1 per J3ox by ’ LAY fa HENDRICKSON,* ' . Cherqjsts and Druggists, • nov 23 220 ,x Slnul’f buildings Yi ii/ . ~ '. • . 'j I ed to feail on S. Clarke, rind pay tlui demands a- / O tlie L'jLectors VCSluent in j giunst tliem; and all those having demands against Gir bdon'sBcat, » Plantation and Negroes for sale, es.wuu the utmost dispntch „„ ,,, .... OCT llis Shop is next door south of Justice Rus The Pliuittition belonging to 9C || f Bull-street, thn ostntc o’f the lute Flouiing nov 25 222 Akin, situated on (lie little Ogefichee, I ' «,sisv'yw/*»,SST known by the name of Menilinll, con-1 J* v y‘4UE, ^ Xi at-res—a large propfertii/n Of which [ fry 1 if. PEW'S in this is first quaiity Uicc and Colton land, . * ML year on THUJISDAY .V«t, Second, of Dc- I With convenient Dwelling, Ne- | eembtr, at Tin o'tkck,A. M ill conformity With gro nnd gill Houses—stables, the following resolve of the Wardens and* Vestry corn nnd coltffn houses in complete [men :— ... - order. Together with a gang .iftwen-1 “HcJbli-eil, That nltpersona who last year rent- ■ cd jiews, he permitted to relnui them for tlie ensiv iitg, upon tlie payment of fifty dollars, being sum assessed Upon those held i|i fee sipipleq half cash,the other in U note at three months. A- ny pews relinquished, ns well as all thoscunrented. shall he let to tlie highest bidders, with the privi lege of retaining them hereafter, at the assess' meat.’ - ty iJrjme field hands—for sale upon vciy liberal | termsi ApnlicalUm to ho made to Mr. James Brown on the place GEO. IV McALLlSTER; Strathy Hall, Bryan county, Or C. W. ROCKWEI.L k Co. Siivaunuh. Notice. T HE c'o-pnrtriershiji heretofore existing under under the firm ot ClAiike & Brown, . . ... ,. . Ml -J •; * ■ — — Mi' Personi holding Pews, Wilt be required to at- (olicit- tend, for the puifpose of sigffifyfng tfietr wishes fi nds a- ^ w* | tlicrttf retain or Relinquish their pews. Is tliis day dissolved by mutual consent persons in'deb'ted to'*nid firm are urgently solid nov 18 f!6 rjNHE following sections of “Air Act to RCgnlntq JL for Justice of tlie Peafee^ond as the report limy -l.'tiie collection of duties on imports arid tons gnthetstrengtll, from my iiaving been confined for Tinnrp. ” uvr» nlililielmfl Frre «lw. i.... I t Ito (ItwmllVlipl'tt ’ jmi said firm will please call on hint for , . He being duly authorised to settle the business Of I T having been ruiffonffed thabl am no cniulidntc j 9a j d j* lrjn . S. CLARKE, for .TiiSlioe of tlie Pcafeegmd as tlie report tday | ^ GEO. &; BRQJVN. by severe illness. I beg leave audidale for Justice of tlie unkfiil top the siqiport of tlie Electors onjlie first day of Jagiiury next. npv.23 a*220 R. W. M’KINNPN. SI. Marys, 1st Aar. nov 11 210, ’reived it . ... .. ... . ...... A.HtmfER/ ,, • SurEtjjdf MnA Inspector of ihctRevenue* Sefe. 43. And he it farther enacted, that tlie proprietor, importer, or consignee, or Ills or her agent, who may .receive snid certificate, shall, up on the sale or delivery, of any of the snid spirits, wines or-teas, deliver to tlie purchaser or purcha-1 w *)f , .. *nrs thereof, the certificate or eeriiftentes, which expfenence uqd imlustvy—apply at tins office. M,i.„ ..X.. -V I < nov 2-t The Subscriber lias taken the HOUSE in <he Village,of Ricc- horo’, recently occupied by Mr. i Kcmplon, and intends keeping u pub- [ iio house, for the accommodation of travellers and boarders. I Those who may favor him with a call ure assured that every attention wilt be paid to their comfort lelinqnisli their pi Tlie ringjnp of the Church belt, will airnoun cc the time ot snle. •,, • Tffe Rev. Mr. Ca rerun, has sfgnific'd Ids inten tion of remaining during the whole year. IV. T. WILLIAMS, Treasurer. nov.27 1 224 ec’d, vc J. pvo- idJlC , alld f Cul- Oity J^lieriU ’s sale—contimted- On the first I’uesdpy in Deecmbt r m ~i. W ILL be sold before the Court lloarr., in ilia city of Savannah i>etween the usual hour*, pi A negro wouinn named Betty levied on ns tlie irnperty of CliarlesTiot, to satisfy tv, > ev'ci' ions ii favor of David Gugle and Petty hi Greene. -•>-24 221 A. I. D’LYOiS c. s. NOTICE. O N Wednesday next tlio 1st Dec. at 10 o’clock A. ’.Kwiil be leased nt the Market House in Decker ward all the. Stalls of snid Market. Leased under the supcrintendnnc ' of the Mar ket Committee. . F M. STONK, MnrshnR N. !!. No persons hi'! t. ill be t k :i v. ho ; .< indebted to the <"ity for Heal, nov 25 222 nnh, Sheriff s sales—continued. On the first Tmsdayin jieccmbtr W ILL "bo sold at the courthouse,in between the usual liquf j of sale, Five negros, Maria, mid 4 children, Lohdoni lie my, Robert and Jane, levied on as.the proper ty ofWni. A. Mottre, to satisfy an execution in fa vor ndm’rs of Batt Jones. Sold at the risk ol’ the S 'ormer purchaser. , . The following negros Snlh- and hot three chil dren, Mary, Dnyid and Eliza: DaRfn; ami her a children, LUcirida,' Mary,nnd Anthony, levied on listin'; property 01 Klc'nxar Early, I" sm - y airexc- cutibn in favor of the Bank of the Unilfed States Sallv and kef tl)rec children, sold on account o’ the foriticr purchaser. A ifegro iriaff nunfied .loo, ,’of .1 c big the sum of $%) for each disk, Khest,' vessel or case, wltli which sqcii certificate shall not be dc. livered;—andlf any cnsliS, chests,- vessels or ca ses, containing distilled spirits, wines' or Wlilch by the foregoing provisions ought - NOTICE.- v ' ircn-'InnHE subscriber informs his friends and the tens, I JL inhabitants of Savannah generally .that he will . , ,, .. to lie (giv.e inslractions on the PtAA'O FOOTE.—Those jnnrked and liccompumed with certificates, shall who feel dis posed to encourage liirrt-will please he fpmid in the posScSsioff ol'miy person nnaccom- iqojfe eppliention at tlfc house of Mr.. I’i "i' Over^wr..Wanted, I pOR fi Cotton Plentation in a healthy silna . tion, who understands the culture ot cotton, I de ^,| 9 j 0 tjleir crediloix, they are requested to call andwitpcanprouucegoourecoiiiii.emiabvns ,ot | ld Mr. Jno. Y. White's Boarding House on Fri- "" i- .ii—' ..........i nin me duy,lhe JOtli day of December next, nt 11 o'clock,• A. M. to receive prnfi'ortious to which they niay be severalty entitled. JOHN D. MONGIN. nov 17 cr215' i£21 Baptist Church• NoticC. FW ®vcty atrention will be paid to their comfort I rarr»TIE Sffliscriberr’in behalf of the Clmrcli dnd rmTIE Subscriber administrator of the late j Rnd convenience j I liMnblc will lie supplied with ^ Congregation,* give notice, that the jSewsin Tw D Cooper, of South Carolina, has in his |! ,e L 4? est the cpxmtrjr afttjrds; Ins Bar with choice t)le jj,,ptq s t Church, will he rented on SATUR- X W. U. t ooper, soutn V'V'iino, | „ and , lls stable witli the boat provender, DAY } he 4th Decorflbcr for , the ensuing six and an attentive Ostler—the rates mailerate. I , no ; nths , Aai DAVID STETSON I The Pews Will he offered at fraff-pastthree-o’- oft - ’’ ’ ^ .■ ■- clock, notico of which will he given by the ring- I’ll R|? I |< ,r P » } ing of the boll J w l ' l ‘ AiLiX. | q| l(! valuation nnd terras, may bfe'previously H t „ , - - ?, jovieii oa as tka pro-, p'ci'ty oiJoseph C. liaiim-ohaiii, uinh i' a li fa on TorccIosuVe iu favor cY Davis Berrien. Also all the household and xitcllcu fm uiture contained in the City Hotel, on ns tod pro perty of Oran Bird, under a foV. i'los ire of a mort gage to Elcazer F-nrly. transferred tp.J. I:. Her bert SiCo. Persons wishing to pjijfghnsc will please call and examine tlie uhovc furniture. I. O’LYON, s. c. c. nov 13 212 Tlie Lun’ory "B'S Open for (lie delivery of Bonks on J'. mday, X Wtsdtwqlay, and Friday, from t:i: ; . until five o'^lork. •.mg 26 169 • . • - - - W. D. Cooper, of South Carolina, has in his hands ussets for distribution among his creditors of wlmin the lute firm of ,Wuy and White, were tlie principal. That firm haying assigned all ttieir im.1i' ?«4 id leta^' cjetd* jit iq ■ Conti with®- herfoM m m L0,« lny , !! 0, fj iff law ™ mu, jtlnW ,vavAc«>j iROlUf Fifty Hollars Reward, •VX7TLL be paid for the apprehension uiid de- W livery ot thV following Negroe#to tlie Sub scribers, living irfBourke Cuuiy, or any safe Jail . , „ , , • . ,-— of Mr I. W. Mokhaj-l, | go we cun gel (licni—or a-liberal reward will be to iorfeiture; and it shall he lawful for nny-dflicer fF/«7(n/;er-67ri:e/. given f67 any part of them, too'it. Morattan a (a the custorrt* or of inspection to seize them as I The subscriber tenders his Blanks to tlie citizens r briglit Mulatto man, about 35 veaix old, rather torfeitea; and if upon the trial in cortsequence of I of Savannah fof the support he , lias hitherto' re-1 slender, made urid of keen apprehension, ami Ids “ 1 “ ’ v " ‘iw* ■ ■ 4 ■ ..*... .c. Jinnied wifbspch tnafeks and, certificate's, it shall Biiascii, Corker of broiigliton and brayUm-Strccty be presumptive evidence tlmt Miff same are liable or at the Furniture Store oft Ll tl.-f..! -I aU..II 1... fnM Antf.AfllnnH I ttTI.IjM ». f. The STORE corner of Bny I kncnvn, 6n application to either of the subscribers nnd Drnyton-Streets, now occit- pied by J. P. Setze. Possession may lie lmd on tlie 15th of this m nth. For further particulars, apply to Peter Dupon.' PETER EVEN, oct 19 . || 191 , - , ricrv 27 624... JOHN SHICK,’ J. PENFIELD. j were imfforfed into tlie United States according to pledges niiuselt to. pay to those who may bepti | law, pijil the' doties thereupon paid or sfecured, | ed under ins instructions, he will receive a liberal " ru 'HBHM old, smull and well set and filed teeth, with a scar on ode arm, und his ,wife Sylvia about 35 years of — . ., . age, pretty heavy to her height,—They took of FORTES tuned at the I 3 Children Ben,Dave und lletty, the. children of Ben und Sylvia, two of tlie children belong to the Estntu of Smith Stringer,’ deed, the other cliild nnd Beil and Sylvia to Abner Belcher. They ' rooilis " “ ‘ 1th. ra _i(ol)e forfeited. share of public patronage’, sec. 44 And bo it further endctcd, That on. the Terms $25 per fjffartnr'. Isale of any cask,-chest, vessel or case, which has I PJ/tNO tbeen <>r siu,u be marked pursuant to tlie provisions I £ n txL inforesmd, as containing distill,ed spirits, wines or ‘ '... • m.-x-wV r im AQrTT tens and whichhas bcoffcnifftfed of its contents, 1 P 0V J 1 r ~ 1 IIENRA L. BRASCIT. land poor to- thd dff NVfery t&srepf Uj (He purchaser, I . •hA’Mf'TOft A A lATPTM V I broke loffse a large Canoe on Tuesday tlio 28(1 r .V I V 1 °,y nl t,lcre 6f) the marks and numbers, | li AIN LE’ xx iVY/YlJ’ljiVl x . September last, at Stephen’s Bridge. Burke Cotm- ' mi-nn.'A 111 r have b £ en thereon by or under the A .ex?EMJ1L Y HALL—Bf oiurhtan-strcet W- we thin S will aim da*wn the River to tlie direction cf any officer of inspection, sliall be dc AOSljMJSJa X Jiiougmon sircei. Co , nil . ry) ,,olow Savannah, as Ben was laced and obliterated m the oresence of Some ffineL mfffi subscriber informs his frionds nnd patrons, | bought up thfere and has oncefiinnway and got hit Hi ‘ * HHI' - (,r SspocScnr or.of the custoniS, whff’ shall 6n VJl that bis roffin having been thoroughly clean- j wife nnd children back there and were apprehen- due notice being given attend, fdrfhat purpose, ffd and repaired,, bis School for Young Missis and ded and put in Savannah Jail, not two years ag~ at which time the certificate which Ought to ac Masters is now open for the season. —One of the men took off a Gun the otiiei’ a company such cask, chest, vessel or case, shall al- . Having taken idto consideration tlie present de- j tol with them; to be returned and cancelled; And every.person Who shall ohiiterntp,, counterfeit, niter or deface pression oflmsiness and consequent scarcity of .. .... . deface I money, he has determined to lower the 1 price of I any mark or number plaocd by an officer of jn- tuition accordingly. The terms will liffl'eaftei 1 'lie I spection upon any cask, chest, vessehorcase,con TWELVE DOLLARS per quurteiv tnimiig distilled spirits, wines or teas, or any cer- .The school for gentlemen is also open in the tincate thereof; or who sliall sell or iu any way evening, alienate or remove any cask, chest, vessel or enso, | Qj’ Ft Winch has beep emptied of its contents, before the marks.and numbers, get thereon pursuant to the fi'iMO. ft i° I ‘ csa id, shall. haVtf been’ defaced or ^{ihlt(<''nifc dv fn presence of ffny officer of inspcc-’ tion us aforesaid f or'vviio shall neglecf of refuse to dcllvor the certificate issued to accompany the ( ask, chest, vessel or case, of which the marks and liumbers shall have been defaced or obliterated in i uin'tocr aforesaid, on being thereto required by I an officef ;>f inspection or of tlie customs, siinll for I «a«U ami every sitcl) offence forfeit and F handled dollars, with costs of suit. f m 0 iun»? ‘ - oc,ti4 189 JOSEPH HINES ABNER BELCHER.' Proposals, I Tjl OR repairing the Bridge betwi'on BTu’/cmiiMft O’ forsons wishing to seethe subscriber will' I'JP Island and Oatlands; vr\\\ be deceived be- pleaae call at his dwelling, corner of Hraytoff arid tween this and the ’ ‘ J1 ’’ State' Strcetsi JOHN C. LEGE. particulars apply to I nov 1 r||2 : 1 1’IMO 1st day ot November. For Savannah Female Asylum. A N Election for a Mutron to this institution ! will take place at the Asylum House on the I first meeting in February. Application for the ubove to he hnnded in, to the. subscriber. By order of the board, E. M- LLOYD, Sco’ry. nov J3 , (; V . C.y:™*” Oct 16 190 l Laxall’s Richmond {Superline FLOUR. QAA BBS. received by tlie schr. A'obisrt • Svlw Burns, aud for sale. Apply to nov 12 dj|2U: FONCE & M’KENZfE.' sept. 28 To Rent.. The throe story brick build ing on the Bay, lately occupied by James Dickson /> Co ns n' Whole sale Dry Good Store. .Apply to C. W. ROCKWELL 4- CO. 183 • To Rent A Two ^toryTIouSe ih one of |; tiou tlie most healthy parts of. Sa vannah, eodtnining a parlor pdd two 1 lied rooms on the first floor, arid tlire the'second, with a pu'ffip,' carriage ..n rEnquire Independent Presbyterian Churdi. , , T tfe' Pevfe iW the Indepen'ilcn't PrtSbVtctinn Ctiiirch, belougi.ffg to the Trustees, will he Rented onFRIDAY tlie 3d December, ensuing. Thu. tdfms will be declared oii the day-'of: rent ing. Tlie Trustees will commence offerina them aVll o’dlffck, A.' Hi. and aiincunce it by the ring ing of the bell. , The Pews held in fee simple,'6n which assess ments are due and unpaid,will bo also rented, ns by failure, having been forfeited to the Corpofa- By otdtr of the- Board of Trustees. . dOS. 'GUMMING, Chairman. , CALVIN BAKER, Auctioneer, nov 22 219 ; house, arid stable all in'complete order, at this office; • .Jtovl9 „- , J217- LAW Liberty Superior Court. To the Jurors, Witnesses and Suitors in the same. T HE Judge of the Superibr Courts of the East* ern District having been called to aegnven- .1 • P #nt „w hi nt ° n ‘he regular day oYthe TeWn, to the sixth of D.c- diem, that he may at nil times be found at tlie Of- ceml)e » f whic ,( v Jurors witll ' csseSi a|ld Sjutors flee, of Messrs. Davies fy Berrien, situated in Hun- ,, fae ’ ^ wU , tftke ll0 t' lC e, aad give their at-’ tersbuildings^ntho Bay. L - „ y N tendance accordingly ' , , ,, , JOSEPH VALLE- EB ■ | jjy ordel , 0 f his Honor Juffi63 «i.AVayn,c’(Ju(fge Ctpr - ’A-'-----* - 4* - wm . JOSEPH Savannah, Oct. 26)'1824. UT The ConstitutiQnalist, Georgia Journal,and Washington News, are requested to give the . a boyc3insertions 'Jeekly. . of tfie Superior Court, nov 3 .1*204 E. BAKER, c.ff.s. c. RaiYavvoy during the last week, A. NEGRO Woniari named ELSY: She is a tall _fX black Woman’ about the age of 40, and has a . .. 0i ., pipy ing or liiirbotiring snid wench under the penalty of ja’prdsecution ' ,A‘ suitable r slbrl and delivery libV IB' a«14‘ Effingham Superior Court., [' To the Jurors, Witnesses and Suitors, in the same. T HE Judgff of tlio Superibr CouVts’.of the East ern District having been called to a conven tion’of the Judges at blilledgeville, the Superior •■'ill be adiourneil/oii o the 13th of De- finesses, and Suitors attend 01 ,ip the sume will tiilcii notice, und give their " , * -v, , t • (- ahceaceoi-uingiyl, *, . ifflM (reward will be paid for her apprehen- : By m . dcl . Honor Jan ivery to thn subscnUeiMn^av|mmh. ; J.^ the Superior Cmi.t. I no* FA im lilies M. Wayne, Jud NO. CHARLTON, Cprh Lumber, Factorage aud com mission Business. T HE Subscriber eoutiuu. s (br lumber. Factor age ffrtd' Cohtmission ‘ Budi'-nn, at Isis old stand near the Unldjfl i'ffiry U liarf. mid tcudersiiis serVicestdhisfriendsdndtlieriubbc- Hi) willbVsd atteqd t(,e BE-FACi. iJ- : • mid COMPRESS!,NG q,f COTTON,hi- cotton pres; be. iiig iff complete order. be.!201 / o, . OOUOL.VSS & SOKHHI,, 150 .. OFFER FOR SALE, BAGS Laguirn and Havana Coffee 14 “ white ltio “ 50 bills refined Sugar ' 7 pipes Holland Gin, Swim’ brand A few libls. of'prime Hams 4 liluls Bacon in iiae ord -r CS pieces Bugging 42 bales Domestic ShiHi 1 TOO kegs Nails and Bi'ink. • size 100 boxes Window Glass 16'kegs Butter, for family n: r\ kr. a.219 GAUDILY A. ppCRBERT, Have-just received, d AVA BBLS. Haxalls Flour AvriJ* 20,000 best Spanish Sugars . 20 half bids corned Beef put up for families' 20 do Goshen’Butter 60 bags prime Green Cofl'ee dt) . do do do 20 boxes white flavann Sugar - ■ 25 Idids-prime St. Croix do 50 bids do do do 40 do do Muscovado do 60 do Rye Whi-koy '* 10 hhds do do . 5 do N. E. Rilin' ; 10 pipes Cogffac Brandy 5 do best Hollands Gin’ . 40 bbls N...^. bin ip do prime Pork .. . 4 50 do' new Muclierel No. 3 50 boxes yellow Soap ; 40 do New.Bedford Spirm Can.lies 20 kegs Shot, assorted 100 do .Duponts Powder CO half kegs do .. do 10 bggs’Black Pepper 20 boxes fresh Cliocolute, No. 1 60 kegs Spiced Salmon ’ With, a general assortment of ' GROCERIES, GAUDKV ii HERBERT, nov 15' n213 ■ ;