Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, December 01, 1824, Image 2

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W X nm Z7—77—^ FRF.DERR’K S. IDLE, CITY Pit INTER. mi.v papf.k.. r.lunr nou..Mts i'i a asm m. II'.NTKV PA t* Kit SIX null,Alts ITU ANNUM. PAVAM.K IN ADVANt It. Ml news ami new advertisements Both papers. fj) «I>pl'« r111 WEDNESDAY EVENING., I. 1824 iff’ I*y tlic ship Gl/iltr., Ciipt. Hamilton, M’c have receive! Rhihulclphia papers to the 23.1 ult. mid 6ft (Ulfcsrioll, Rogue Caught.—A young man call himself Jacob Rodrigues, w as hmuglit •ae Justice ViiTiNOF.u this toion inn.elu c.i -a ith having broken open trunks ; , to omitted several thefts in tliis city, hi-; cxhuiiuntiph he made a fit • mu stated tiiat he had iatelv brokenotit of the Jail in Edgefield Distriel, S. C, in com pany w ith another person* from whence }yr proceeded to Augusta, and afterwards o this pluce, where lie arrived on Thurs day Inst. Ho has since made an attempt to leave r re for Providence, Imt the vessel beiug dejainod by bond winds, lie returned to • ovij, and in consequence of sotno suspi- crons being entertained by the captain, vas apprehended, and is now lying in Jail, j.e Had. ^ An nffiav took place on Sunday after* .noon la.-t, between Gavino D’Llikcc and .An irony D'liunihru, in which the latter • o,dieted a wound on the former with a J-Jiifc about Id or 11 inches in length im- ini iliately under his short ribs in his right •>! !c. D’Lukce expired last night between io and 11 o’clock. A jury of inquest was this day held over his body—verdict that the decl ined caiue lo bis death by a wolmd .-allioted by Anthony D’Liuabru. Tin pi ipetrator of this crime lias been coin- mined to prison, to await his trial at the -next session of the Superior court in Janir vSW V '< ■m v next. TIIIS DAY at Id o’clock the electors of iJ.bc diifercnt states assembled at their rcs- jacctiuA 'apitols,& ballotted,(as theConsti- .i.itioii prescribes) for President and Vice President of the United Stateswii^. :rilE SOUTH AMERICAN CAUSE. has been received at New i'ork, that liolivar had reached Upper Pc- jru in pursuit of the flying Royalist Gen. f antierac, and then formed u junction witl the residue ot his forces. All the troops Auivc acknowledged the independence of Jlitlivar* the liberator. The proclamation rrora that great antt-magnanimous cneiny that k\ ashiugton of another American rc _yn;!iiic, published in another part of tlii jyqicr, deserves to he read with marked ^attention, Gen. la Favf.ttf. arrived at Baltimore in the 23d ult, for the purpose of bein ^present at the cattle show and Agricultu ^■al I-uir which was to take place the next dav, near that citv. ThOjElectoral Bill is A et before the Ci ther lloimo. where it oriitinatcd, and 1 should not he surprised if they squabbled oi long about it, as to have it uiulotennin- >d on the during the present session. The great point ofdillteulty seems to he, whe th er a majority or a plurality sliall govern. To me it seems, that it is a ri . ’it belong ing to the people,and they ought tohaved. No report litis vet been made on the sub ject of internal improvement; but nothing -more is contemplated* than such an ap propriation as will he fully adequate to the employment of some man of first rate tal- lents, to examine the state with tiyiew to Canals, and i\\uke a report for the next l.egislalnre. It is one of those subjects in which every thing depends upon making tin; first step sure.—The smallest failure in the outset, would raise prejudices a- irnins it, and defeat the measure cntirelv. Outlie subject of a Court of-Error there is little hope of doing any tiling. Since! liuxo been here, it has been suggest* d that nothing could be done until there ns tm amendment of the Constitution ; fid this is to be proposed ;—1 doubt how* if even this can be accomplished; there seems to be a .settled hostility to the measure. <;EOF*GIA LEGISLATURE. f)nr accounts from Millcdgevillc arc up /■j Friday lust. YVe learn that Gov. Troup Ju.w been dangerously ill; but that he it .'w in a convalescent 6tufe, and has rc- • the dutiesofhisolliee. Col.Myers -tops introduced a bill into the House of Representatives, to extend tho limits THE ELECTION IN OHIO SET* TLB!>. By. lust nights mail we received Official accounts' of the result of the Presidential lection in Ohio. * V the Governor has issued his proclama tion announcing the election of Win. II. Harrison and the other gentlemen com posing the Clay ticket of electors. Tho aggregate o die ini rcturns - 'of votes, takes from tho office of the Secretary of State, are as follows— , Clay, Jackson* Adams, 19,*253 18,469 12,280 Clays majority over Jackson 760 Clays majority over Adams 6,075 KENTUCKY. A letter to the editor of the National In telligencer dnted r Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 12th says—We havo received from Ken tucky, several partial returns, which de cide nothing. Wo have never doubted, however, that the whole vote of this state would be for Mr. Clay. The only electo ral candidate voted for, nre favorable cith er to Mr. Clay or Gen. Jacksou. In Louis- illc, the Jackson ticket received 405, nnd the Clay ticket 231 votes. In Frankfort, the Clay ticket received 347,* and the Jackson'ticket 105 votes. We have no other returns from this state worth men tioning. No returns have yet -reached us from any other ‘Western State. Mississippi—From'the papers received by yesterdajr’s mailpwecopy the result of the poll in three counties for the choice of Presidential Electors, .which is as follows Adams'County—Jackson ticket 323 Adams Wilkinson County—Jackson Adgms Claiborne County—Jackson Adams In addition to the above, the Natchez Missisaippian learns, that the Jackson ticktt had obtained small majorities in Warren and Jefferson, and large ones in Pike and Amite; and that the Adams ticket obtained a small majority in Frank lin county. There is no doubt but the Jackson electors have obtained, in the whole state, more than two thirds of all the votes given in. f Tru.isiakd fvr ft. t -V. :/• York Rai.’.v .Hi rtisrri] Froni the ofticial Gazette of the Depart- PERU. TO THE LIBER ATING ARMY. Soldier*.—You air going to complete tho greatest undertaking ever intrusted to men. that of saving a whole world from slaveiV*—Soldier.*! tno foes you nre about to destroy boast of fourteen years of tri umphs : they therefore must WswonliY of me isuring their arms with yogis, Which shone in thousand combats. Soldiers! Pom and all America expect from you peace ax the fruits of Victory, mul libcrtd Europe herself fixes with delight her eyes upon you, because the liberty of tho now AVorld is the hope of tho Universe. Mill you disappoint her! No! No! \ou arc inviuciblc. BOLIVAR. A letter from a respectable individual at Pasco, tif the Htli of August, contains the following: “On tho Gth an engagement took place in the meadows of Jtlnin, near the spot called the foot-stool of Incan. * * * * Bolivar' and Cantcrtic com manded personally in the action. The bravery of the Lihertador tvas such as to approach very near the ranks of the ene my. The brave Colombians havo behav ed like horde?. The curasters, now called the hussars of Junin,havc borne themselves brilliantly. They ftre the most distinguish ed corps of Peruvians for achievements in the field. Tho cnctny have been so com pletely dispersed, that it nppears to me impossible that they can ever again form two squadrons; while wo have ten full squadrons, in high spirits and full of entltu jinno •»Ciintl*V CAntMC dlcr that the F.loctoral vote of the New York, l'or the Picsideney, mnoy Adams, tin II. Craw fund, 11 isiou, which coulirined th votes to Mr Adams, appears to us to hen eqttiilly coni ran to i arc some what nph'fehcu- ;' ’ the gall For F o l* V o 25 have and to client. W of that uproar and elamfir 1 rics which lias become a reproach ! Le siasin. The enemy’s infantry seems also ruined; because those who hod concealed themselves in their inarch from Pasco to Reyca, ore disabled by having their feet extremely swollen. Those who were com idled to retreat beyond Tnrmn arc doubt less still worse. The booty wc jmve found thus far. is abundant. Some soldiers have taken more than thirty doubloons. Nc- coclica and Miller have behaved bravely. Another letter from Iluaras,'4ug. 2*2d, says: Yesterday I arrived from Janja- our army is beyond Iscuclutca, or rather by tltis time must be on the roadtoGunnhnga. The Goths are flying in the greatest disor der. The number of prisoners and desert ers come in ie incalculable. I sny nothing of munitions, ammunitions oT all sorts; not to bo tedious, I firmly believe,.ftoht Avhnt I have seen, that the war is at nn end. From a letter from Truxillo,' of '2Stb Sept.—The consequences of the victory seem incredible. The enemy have ahan dnned rhe rich valley of Janja, leaving in our possession all their magazines welt filled with provisions and untouched, for getting in the confusion, to destroy them On the 13th the Liberator was ot Huun- cayo with the first division; about that timeaforce was coibingdown against Cal lao, which, as I told you, contained n very small garrison. On the 16th Rodil caus ed the itorsc to leave Lima, to unite with tho remainder of the fugitive arrtiy, by the road of lea, nnd shut himself in the-castle of Callao with the infantry to prcpnrO him self for a siege which is to be bommchced immediately. The dispersion of the ene my is so entire, that I do not 1 exoggorpte when I soy that 1 believe the boasting Cnn- terac will enter Cuzco alone. On the 1st Sept. Gen. Lafuentc, Col. Perez and some other officers will leave this place for Li mn. Scnoti TJnanuc has political command of the capital. A letter from Truxillo of Oct. 1, states, on the authority of letters from the Moun tain ofYouricocha, that 200 dead bodies, 100horso8,aml 600 lances have been found beside those mentioned in the official, nc,- oounts of the battle, Tho chiefs March- la ami Bedaya were killed. The enemy flies* o precipitately, that they travelled^ leagues in four hours after their defeat. They ettme out to meet us wqlt. so much confidence, that they left at Jnnjqapd Tnr- i ':e city of Savannah one mile beyond the : -" ;c .Q'- extent—property .to be exempted \ ‘.'u city ta.w-i-. .. A bill bus passed allowing a single Jus tice of the In. Ct. to grant a Habeas Corpus ^qovided the offence is not embraced in ^ke Peuitcutiary code. It is stated that' "the bill lo divide the state into Congres- -V-tial, election districts wifi !.e warnilv discussed' and opposed—and that the Lc- ^islative session will be prolonged beyond 5-jic time anticipated. Extract of A letter from a member of tlie Legislature, to his friend in this city fluted, Miu edge-vidle, Nov. 21, 1624. “'i'lie Governor is quite ill; hehas.bccn ponfined to his chamber during all the ses- -.xo.n; and two or three days since, was .considered dangerousho was better ymterday. Li my former letter, I omitted to men- tiou to you why I had not as they request- •cd Jind some ofoyr friends appointed p,‘o- tarics public. By an act of the last scS- pion, you will find that ibis business islod- getl exclusively iii the Inferior Courts or Corporation of the State:—and as seve ral applications of the kind have been tnaoe to me, 1 think you had better have the matter noticed in the Republican. 0,1 Monday (to-morrow) i shall intro- i.'H'!' the hill t esting the escheated proper ty Of Hibernians in the Societyfor 2 { S ht t5 >atl have discovered, Utopoit will Y' v i£r capture of G.arataln, and the other dissen- tions among the Spanish ofticer.s in the south, which wc heard of two days ago by way of Buenos Ayres, and are'now fully corroborated by way of the Pacific. Up per Peru is no v in the hands ofthe Patriots, and Bolivar had not go to meet with unexiiccled friends in revolted Spanish of ficcrs*/' f 3SEi to the character of the Suite win gislaturc is thus permitted to 1m insulted with impunity. Being ma.E, h t not the decision he disturbed. !Vc arc lutOwn to prefer Mr Caawi ord for the Presidency, hut we would rai her oven witnesothe de feat of this high claims, than see our Gov ernment shaken to its foundation by such a contest ns would bo occasioned toy open ing before Congress the question winch hnsbeen, in our opinion, so erroneously decided m.thn Legislature of the State of New York. Wo hope to bo believed when wo declare, that qur opinion on tho lega lity of this decistop is not at till influenced by the effect of that decision oh the Pre sidential Election, importunt ns it may he. Upon the rosult of the contest in New York, wc forbear to moralize, though surely never was an occurrence more abundant ofinstruction. Never was the old pmverb, that “Fear betrays like Trea son,” more fltlly verified than in the con sequence of that .dread pf responsibility which induced two or three gentlemen at Albany to withhold the expression of their sentiments, which the subsequent event has proved to have been favorable to the candidate to whose ii\jury their Motes op erated. II ad they voted at first ns they did at last, Mr Ouawfrod would have re ceived the whole electoral Voto of tlie State of New York., A few general observations, on the pros pcct before us, arc deferred to our next. Front the Same 23d uh. Things as thci/ are.—The information how;before us enables us to ussurd our readers, first, that tlie result which we Imve so much deprecated, in regard - to tho dlection of Presidont, will occur, viz;' that the election will devolve On the House of Representatives.; and. that Mr Adams Mr Cn.uvFoirtD, nnd Goneral Jaokson, will ha the three gentlemen presented as candidates for the suffrages of that hotly. This is the stute, of things whiqlti tho’ ho ping for a different result, thore has been for sbme time past, renson to apprehend The next thing established, by,-our pre sent information, is, that! in numerical order, Mr CaAwrons: will not be first, but thirdiontho list of.candidates totho House of IlepreseutativcH. This we had cortuin- lynot anticipated; nor coidd it have, so happened but for nn act of indiscretion on the part, of one or two individuals, un exampled 1n the history of our govern njent-j, or perhaps of the world. We a I lude, of course, to the conduct of those members of the Legislature ot’New York, who misrepresented their omn schtimlnts, by. playing$»tH their votes, under ml itn- pression (a correct one, in our opinion, though otherwise decided) thnt their .fcoh- duct> in giving blank ballots, could, at worst* only have tlie effect to lqad to a Second trial by ballot. Thoir contrition , for their error was sufficiently expressed by their votes on the last ballot, which es tablished the fact that Mr Crawford would have had thp whole vote, hnd the eledtion been legally conducted. The moral in fluence of this vote, as it may bear upon Mr Crawford’s prospects in the ftoiise of Representatives, is paecisely the same, under tlie cire-umstances, its if. the whole thirty-six votes of New York had been given in his favor. In North Carolina, too, we. think it. probable tlie vote, which was relied up on in favor of Mr CraiVford, has been lost, but under such circumstances as to leave little cause of triumph to his adver- /napmiored out of fifteen, and gambled out of twety-five of them. These .observations nre made out of no Sort of disrc.tipccjt Vo the just claims ot the two other candidates. These candidates, General J.vkson and .Mr Adams, present tin* votes whieli they will aeluallv receive us their Creileiitinls for tulmis.-ion into the House of Representatives, the authority bf Which We do not undervalue, by the suftgeifious wo huv.o made of the strong claims of Mr Crawford. To what avc havesaitl oil that head might, be added mutiy other sugQsliouk favorable to the u:so of Mr Crawford viz. that, wherever there Ayns an opposition to Mr Adams, in the Eastern ■ {Slates, Mr Crawford only vas thought of us his competitor, and, where there was no use in opposition, and none was'mode toother candidates, tin- votes of thousands of the friends of Mr C. have gone to swell the lists of votes for others. In New Jersey, for example, this was unquestionably the fuct. So far front seeing any reason for tho friends of Mr Crawford despairing of hit cause, thore is every motive for adhering to it that heretofore hus existed, with the additional quo which generous mind- will always find in tho pleasure of resisting pcsocution, and disappointing political ar tificoaud combination. There i- no w ell informed muu Avho reads tlie c lines, win does not know that if M r Ctnw'ford had not been lately afflicted by the hand of Providence, he would have recoived, |f not tho majority ofthe electoral votes, ut least the largest number of them : and if, since his recovery, his hcolth had not been ptisyepresented tho most assiduous industry, huwqttld still have had a plural ity of the votes. If, in/ addition tq nil this, gn iinpqsjtion had notf'hben practised upon the couutry by. the decis ion in ;hc Legislature of New York, he Avottld now be scc6nd on the list of can didates. As it is, Mr. Cra' placed before th^Houso of<lteprcacnt\itives on, ground as strong, in tile eye of 'reason, as if he had received an equal nuinber of votes With either of the other candidates. Phihuldphth Superfine I 150 burrals and Inn Imlf Mils t’Uilttd. sv .‘>0 dozen Cstlpaun Water 1-'or r ide by remains for the members of that body, in the exercise of the high trust reposed in them, to decide between him and his com petitors, upon thoiv responsibilitg to their country and their oohscicnccs. llALrEGII REGISTER, Nov.2G.| The IF/ cither.—rGohlsmith’s .beautiful idea of “'Winter lingering in tho Inp of May,” is at this time eoropletol^ transposed in our climate, for May is smiling in the n'rmSof November.—Our Thermometers are 30 dcgrees.iibove the usual freezing point of the sensoq, mid a bright sun and a clear sky, invitingly tempt tlie pedestrian to hislfavorito exercise; Wo congratulate our Lcgislators upon this favorable wea ther, for - ’ totany. of thetp, accustomed to juoi^sc, can now plcitsantly enjoy thoir jv.mtdd habits- 1 ma all the preparations for celebrating the victory. Tlie Liberator has t/btpod the wounded and prisoners in the mwk.ttobie and. generous manner. He ordered that they should lie treated like our otvh. men,’ indeed like himself. The prisoners are undeceived and astonished. In the retreat from Janja to Conception, the enemy lost ISO of their infantry by fatigue.—.They shoot any one that gets* tired, tvlulc our officers give their horses to those,who are fatigued. Canteraclms ordered the flints to be taken from the guns of the corps of Burgos, Caftre and Centre. From the Notional InlcfflgenOtr, 22 ult. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION, Albany, Tuesday P. M. ) , November 16, 1824 ) Resolutions were offered this moaning in each branch ofthe Legislature, declar- in the 7 Crawford and 25 Adams Electors, mentioned in my last, duly elected. They were passed almost unanimously, and the tivo Houses immediately met for the purpose of choosing four additional Elec tors. The result was as follows: Crawford ticket. John Lansing, jr. Benjamin Bailey Samuel Smith HcmanCady Adams ticket. Francis Granger Alexander Coffin, jr. Alexander'Sheldon Richard Townley Sonic misspelt, and scattering. “So the four Crawford Electors were declared duly chosen. “The result of to-day’s ballot shows ivbat could and ought to havei hcen’ done, in regard to our whole eloctoralvUl o. It On the 22d ult. the Legislature of North Carolina, re-elected the venerable Nathan iel Macon to the Senate of tho U. S, for the term of six years from the 4th March next ensuing. ; -. The U. S. Ship North Carolina, of 74 guns, Capt. Morgan, was towed down from the Navy Yard at Gosport, on tho 20th inst. by two steam boats, and moored at the usual anchoring ground of our nation- vessels, between Forts Nelson and Nor folk. She' is destined for tlie Mediterra nean where she -will hoar the broad pen dant of Com. John-Rodgers. -' NEW-YORK, Nov. 20. THE PATRIOTS TRIUMPHANT IN The Gazette ofthe Isthmus of Oct. 10th with which wc have been favored by a friend, is filled with the most interesting intelligence concerning the Victory <»f Boli var over Gen. Canterac, nnd itsconsequen- es, ofAvliich we ]tublished the official nc-- ount some time ago. I( now appears that the reiterated reports avc have sinco Receiv ed of a Subsequent and more general en- gngement, were unfouuded. ’ C'antcrac’s defeat, however appears to he as decisive :u !' V ' vi ' ni u,kcn “* 50 81 .81 79 74 75 .75 75 voted the Crawford ticket. Had tlicv done so yesterday, the triumph-here would have been complete, and itsinfluenee else where probable decisive. But is H use less to fatigue you with jeremiads now— the thing is done, and cannot be retrieved As it is, our eleven votes ivill tell." So it appears, from the letter from our attentive and obliging correspondent at On Saturday, thn 27th font. Miss Leer Swar- mu:r.K, in fhe fuiirUi.yeiiruf her age, only child of Cupt. Luward SWnrbrcck, of this city. DIED, POUT OF SAVANNAH. :1 ARRIVED. Ship Globe, I fiimilion, 0 ds fin Philadelphia, to W Giistou—P M'Dormott, A Parsons, JCumming, sarics. A more ingenious mode of defeat ing the popular will hns seldom been re sorted to, than thnt wjftjeli lias united tho fricnds.of tivo other candidates in opposi tion to Mr Crawford, inducing each vor ter to believe lie was voting Ins own ticket, ivhcn in fact he was assisting a candidate to whom, in all probability, he might have preferred Mr CraAvford, against whom he in fact voted. Tiur number of votes taken in at this election in North .Carolina was surprisingly large ; and out of tlie whole forty or fifty thousand votes, the two tick ets combined against .Mr Cranford, have not obtained a majority of more than .one- twentieth ofthe whole nuinberof votes giv en in. More than that number of votes, wc ai‘e justified in saying, lie Was robbed of by means of ungenerous advantages ta ken ofthe state of his health. Even un der this great disadvantage, the vote he: hds received in North Carolina is larger, by'odds, than that Avhich avas;intendedJo l)e given to either ofthe other candidates, between whom the majority of tlie .votes has been gained against him, The mor al effect of the election in North Carolina also is, therefore, favorable,' rather than adverse to Mr Crawford. He has ob tained a plurality of the votes, though ho. nmy have lost the election. Mr Crawford, ns far ns avc now have information,will receive 47 votes, (iri New-' .York 11, in Delaware 2, in Maryland 1, in Virginia 24, in Georgia 9)' wliiqli, en sures bis return to . thq House, and tliis numfter may he enhirgod by returus yolt received from other States. If there had been no trickery in the election in NcAWYork,, he Avpuld have received 25 votes irtofc, which, as far as the influence ofknoAvn popiilar opinion goes, , may he set doAVn for. him ; which would have swel led his vote to 72. If the sentiment of North Carolina hud been expressed upon the principle Avliich regulates all her otli- clcctioiis, (that of plurality of votes over the opposing candidates) he would huv< received the vote of that 8tutc also, Avhicl would have run him up to 87 Amins. W. consider the ground on Avhicli MrGit.uv- Fopp ivill stand in the House of Represen- taUven ns,strong, in fact, ns if he had re ceived those 87 votes; .instead qf being Ponce Jt Den id s K i..l Iliilit'i .ilmin .1 B Herbert 4* co. J ShoflVr, \V T Wiltlums, fi Parkniuti, M Lyons, Dulnum 1 £i Auzc, P Wjlf bergh, Jr. G C Ryerson, G Jones, JohuStou, Hr'- feco. JiP Henry, tV II t'uylur, B tV Morrul, Glen, J Kopmun, P Vdn Pelt;nnd order.' .Pnsfien gers, Judge Jones, lady, child unj servant,' Mrs GutM'.-n, .Mi'sSmitli, Mrs Glqn, Miss Glcrr, Mrs Wm Ti’liiiir, MhA B nnd M Telfair, Miss' ititchic, Mr A’aii Pelt and Indy, Miss Bryan, Miss Magee, mid Dr H ; tt Waring. : ; Sclir Umnhli i , l ‘ Sheldon, 6 ds fra ProViaence, to P Hill—assorted cargo to O Taft. Henry &, Tarn or, A if K Wood, S C Greene, H AVnterman fc co J Child; G W Mu.soo,P Hill, E Wtfey, S Doggetf and the master. • Passenger*, Messrs Pay, Mason, Child, Groemvood, Monro, Hamilton,’ Poggctt. [Tile.'.passengers present their tltuuYs to C.'.ijitam Sheldon, lor his polite utlcntion and good man' agCuieut of the vessel during the passage:] Sloop Mercy, Bolles,' B ds fra Itie,eboro’—but task Sli up Maria; Siitva., 7 tis fii, N. A’ork—vnfiutv' W Lippitt. 'Passengers,.Miss Wing, Messrs Sears, Hudson,Tierce,/Ssnith and M'Cuuiuer. AT FOUR MII.E FOtNT, SI bop Flora, Briggs, 7 ds fih l'fi York,'bound to Harien. ' ; .coming uv, AShip, unknown. TflrifflWni'nm uhewing To nt|j ■ - . n - JltAt'.rnl ,y - ^J’ONCEJt MACKKv/jJ Essences, t^c, O'-ACIi of China,noa, Peppermint eeJ. Cloves, 1 .avender,’ Pen,] Dr. A. DF. LAROCHE. f) ni ,. { 1;u >' opposite tlie |}r. A. L)« Laroche, I AS on hand Syrtlp of (tnininc “ SudoriAo “ (dildeoulllnlerA “ ot l.emnn / “ of Althea ttoiiaiiti Sypliilitir logetiier with a genc-u) aeortniontof Or un s and Medicines, wliieii lie / terms at his c J Ibirs for role on tW mo ,t store opposite tlie Sitctuin (A'ockcry. pYYY t rates low prired assorlld Otoclr Landing tins day, mid fur uSt, J.’B. HERBERT L 1 I Freight for llartibrti and JIa, (icorgi a. The new boat'Nance v, will leave in thd abovfe places, Saturday. .Freightivill, and forwarded to go lu her.ifapplication this day, ‘ - * - - dee 1 Darin, I ALL i S Planters Bank. ATURDAY next 4th Inst, being settlei day, this UanlM ill bo shut—I*Hpfrfalli« on that day, must be taken up bn the 3. 1 • J. MARS dec. I • ' m227 tSHALL, 0 iost.l Butter. £yrk TDBS first quality Butter Aiiix f for this market, now Ian low by dec 1 m227 M. liOl’ff/AS^ Market squ. S. M. Bom! will be imicluASl ml if the writer of a note signed “Jack Se wilt cull on him. dec 1 227 Bills on M. York and Exchi on England. . A. L. MOLYNE PPLY to A 1 dec l m227 Flour uud Oorn. £%jT\F\ BBLS BaUinibre superfine I il/v/ 2000 bushels Maryland Wtj For sale by HALL it l nov SO 220 Lime, Herring, &c. p* .pv CASKS fresh Tlminastown Bay ll X tJ 'Lf 100 boxes superior Herrings 100 bblsnnai bbl» No. l,2tmdoM,\rVj Are now iumling from brig Sea Island tunl fj low, if taken from the wharf, by •. !i. ROBERT S.( nov 30 A220 Dissolution. TTRUn Co-partnersliip of It'elman fy Aryan JJL day dissolved by mutual consent. ■ ■ F. h welManj nov 30 »i226 ALLX RB«VA,S| THE - AUGUSTA, Georgia, I S open under tlus superintcndance o£ Mr^ BEY DICKINSON and Mr. J. P. DE late pf Savannah. The House lias undergone repairs; tl are spacious and arc refuruished. Pen luvumuin.I.Ucil ivilii -„i ;I>• ri> >m ■ ertion will be made to render them corafor SAMUEL HALE, Pri ' nov 30 r.126 The SunscRiriEus, H AVlNO united their injerpst lathe Gft RY BUSINESS)'under the Firm of CHAMPION &. PUJISI ■ (Jjaidf-I At the store formerly occupied by Mr. Jentgts, Congress Street, WoulJ, ju dw their friends und.thc public for a fhnre of I, patronage. FI! \ M' 1 ' 1 'I' 'b"/ j nov 17 m21,» THOMASITBSiV; Passpngprs in the Louisa Matilda, reported yes terday— lft(rvcy iiull and lady, Mrs Brasdhl Miss Hutbaway - , Gmi II Wanen, KM Pete r set J, Ran. J Jewit, S W West, Mr Nile.-, Mr Phillips, and master W Robjnspn. . , The brig Amstul, Dennis, from St Marvs, N. York on the 20th ult. On tlie 11th, in a gale, sprung,the main-mast, anu was obliged to throw .ovarbourd upurt ofthe cargo of Lumber. 14th, lat 30 23, lot) 74 30,'sjrw a steiun boat. Air. at Darien on Saturday, brig Venus, Latti- mur, Key West, i4 days.. ARRIVED FItOM THIS PORT, ^At Hartford, lotlfinsL sclir Savannah, P«n*e. At Darien,gloop Neptune, Prclile. iHet ff’HE PEWS in tliis Chiirelnvill be let for one JL year on Tf IU11S DAY A'cxt, SteSnd of lh- ccnilicr, ut Tcn p'c.lock, .1, .If. in conformity with tho following rcsolve.of tiiu Wardens and Vestry men “limited,. That all persons >ylio last vear rent ed pews, be permitted to retain thorn forthceiisu- ing, ijpon life payment of fifty dollars, the sum assessed upon those,held in fee simple ; one hiilf,cush,tlic otlu;r in a note at three mouths. A- nypews relim|uished, us well as all thoseuurenled, shall be lot to tlie highest bidders, with the privi lege of retaining them hereuflcr, at the inent.” tVii(“SmW I’l.TiSoiisbolding, Pews; will bo Toquifed to at tend, for the purpose of signifying their wislies ei ther to retain of relinquish their pews. The ringing ofthe Church Bell, will announce 1 1" I "I lie The Rev. Mr. Catitj:ii, bus signified his inten tion of remaining during the whole year. W. T,WILLIAMS, Treasurere nov 27 224 (‘osiponed sale. o( the STALLS ill the MARKET j pusljioned to TW<faync.i;tj at , 11 i.’eb.rk ' V. ihfPOlgj jiov 30 5226 ItjtoBriil ’■* id Notice... T HE Copartncrshlj) existing between I scrihers WU3 dissolved bynfOtuai conse: tlie 2‘Jtli ult. All persons indebted arc reqa lo liquidate their accounts, and those “AY*® inanas arc requested to iunultheininto ll.t pion; wiio is duly authorised to settleAlic, bwl aftiis mmsim: . •» Tlios. FUKSfc f (T.r The subscriber rctinjJ thainks to the friends of thclutc firinfot^**PI and will he grateful for thoir continual former Store Corner of Jefferson tout _ | u here he olfers at I educed prices u > i "1 sortincnt of choice „ _ rr r> u| GROCE HIES, LIQUORS, LAMP oil; DOMfito^ 0 GOODS, . noV 17 m215 tru r * * 3 JE3SNEY Sf DpU^Esfl Anciaux’h \W n AVE lately received and oiler forsah 0 ’^ comrhoduting terms, Cognac Brandy,Holland (on JamaiCa.und bt. Croix Ruin 4 birds N. E. Ilum Wines, Cfaffee, Tons, ,Clioco|utO : Bltgai'.i, WjHWWfy^Vr^;\'.’ Beef and Pork Butler, Cheese and Lt‘fd SO boxes Sotrp It) “ -'Fallow Candles' ■ 140 ' “ Sperm “ iterv 10 Iilrds best Sperm Oil Ilhds and libls Train Oil 40 reruns Wrapping Pup® 2000’ lbs Codfish’ 20' libls No. 1 Mackerel 20 “ 2 “ 20 “ 3 “ l o Imlf bids 1 ‘ 10 ” 2 “ . 10 bids Rye. and G(*n McbS Pilot and Groat Bread KKH) lbs Hams .. Cordage, Corn Brooms—"!- 1,1 # Thin and heavy Sole Len h‘ trfo ^ Flour in whole and halt hbb- 250 bills Potatoes . .11> Glauber Salts, first quid, in bbl- ^ Herring, Salmon, Tongues B' 11 Wliltd Beans—V inegur , l.oniion anil American Mint Fine BOOTS und SFlOtm Coarse do SEAMEN’S PBOTIIIN&, And many other-articles a; .. * nov t!3 te22 J