Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, December 02, 1824, Image 1

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m I \o. 228 Vol ' ' ''' * /%♦ . ir »' mi siijiffli ,-VCflJvv THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 2, 1824. s j g t *4^'{ii^'' ll Whole No. 4530 Lrrrs of mun WE, STORAGE, DRAY- ‘uX.iVD ifl&lGlUNQ, IN SAVANNAH, LstoVuhtd) ^ al1, and now in operation. WHaufaof.. I A -,- iC 's unrlcr 10° tons, per «tny ' V or- '“ , "" mps* IVoach Imrrrl or htxlt' do Hire n pyer mo.” v '' on .landing and Shipping Country Pro duce. i,ale Cotton Sekage ofIndigo L .j^cad oftobucco loot) feet of Lumber JCOO staves |[r»!lllnglcS OOOreoi' 4 cents, f. 25 2 lyre-1 nake I ! lost N» Eiuv poxes of dry goods,and all kindsofbuxe* ect«. ent to ate mamk 5x'r, • ill lit -ounty at- (l or til .ibtrty nal e?. county credit toTfl ity la rlv cf of tti Im'r. ulloci es, for' ofAl- if /to UqUOTS .... ... do ot wines, and all kinds ofliquof (cidev excepted) dry Roods in casks exceeding 20 gallons, and not over <53 gallons - do. wine* or Honors and dry goods in casks under 20 gallons 2 2 6 25 i’f. i'x. maty, ppliS* court ave W ■trictcl nd east- IBt^ jim t’l. Mtnue net r.l under 4 feet square Jo. do do over 4 feet square d<>. toap, catfdlos, chocolate, cordials, oil, and boxes of like sine do. sugar, each • • Hades ol com, per 1000 Jules, the same as boxes, loluofosnahurgs, Russia duck,bngging canvas, each » luttsofliquorornnykindof casks, ex ceeding 130 gallons lottles, loose, per gross iutler poll, each lundles of pans, spades, fee. each om,perlOObushels lables not exceeding 500 lbs. each 1 exceeding 000 lbs. not exceeding 1200 lbs. exceeding 1200 lbs. ordage of all xinds, per edit Tomp ovens with covers, nnd fire dogs per pair totes of enrthonware • • hcese,per 100 lbs. k do per cask - • hairs, of 2 wheels * arts, of two wheels images, of four wheels hairs, Windsor and all sitting chairs, per - * 12 cals,per ton - • 12 Cannons under fiOOUnr. - 25 do. over 600, not over 1200 lbs 60 1 8 2 4 37 25 $1 00 $1 00 do. over 12' >0 lbs. imbouses ’asks, empty - - 'attle, each 'emljobns, each •esksond chests of drawers ire Wood, per cord *• incus sh, per quintal - * . • ins a P*io ofall descriptions (except in bags) . per 100 bushels - - - 25 npotvifer, in bbls. of 100 lbs. each ‘‘-a do. inholfbbls. . *•„ 0\ a 25 1 10 25 2 do. in kegs of 28 lbs. or under window, per 100 feet, in propor tion for smaller . - * 4 ds. exceeding 130 gallons of liquor or any kiml of merchandize _ Jo do. cxcoeding 63 and not exceeding 130 gallons * 8 earth tile, per 1000 uap, per tort ‘b 1 des, raw ortnnncd, per 100 iy, loose, per 100 lbs. o. in bundles, each 'umpers of Merchandize, each do. of l’otu'ocs, eueli oj.'s, each ars or Jt)gs, each per dozen rop, per ton Kegs ol'-paint, butter, lard, ■ kiscuilj anil Beck, 1 such size kegs 1 ;fit ol Ido. shot nnd lead ovdr 66 lbs. not over ‘ c "600 lbs - & lo. liquors of a .smaller size than 20 MS. wm. , f- y he* to the nrE.-, ltd ba il ion- dm’r. will be | jfClial- urposrt, I cs’atf, ol the id, con-. Islcn-I, rd—and of Land | .l/c/n- idfillrt vUe ■ on conW" luyard. • gallons e,per 100 bushels J per barrel * laths for plastering per 1000 • v -1 ides, each - • ■ nions, per 100 bushels' ‘ I do. in ropes, per 100,ropes , iron, each nc Apples, per 100 • fifnlocs per 100 bushel •. —. ' pcs of gin, brandy, an d all kinds of li quor, exceeding ,63 gallons ' • do. exceeding 13,0 gallons barter casks of wine ahu other liquor, ((cider excepted) und dry goods in casks exceeding 20 gallons not-.ex 1 reeding 63 gallons * • |isins in jars * it per 100 bushels * , filets cuch - * • (lies, quern and grind, Bermuda, per 100 jjt_; large mill per pair ballast, and other stones, per ton Y s under 200 gallons euch over 200 do lecca-‘C”i tv fitted'- 'aH day "''ll exeeutoq STO.V fees .. . . . d eep eneb . ;• . 6 :rces of all kinds (rico excepted) ovcf fto, under 63 gallons - - 6 ■unks of all kinds, under 4 feet square 4 do do.over 4 squares - - O' ’ or casks exceeding 130 gallons li quor or other kinds of merchandize 16 [ood, brasilletto, lignum vitie, and all ldye woods, per ton - .- .'25 Iheels per pair . 8 laggons of d wheels, (d wheels) • 60 GO cents. brandy, puncheon qf rum, and nil kinds of liquor m caskscxcccding(>3, ami not excee ding 130 gallons - 20 on per bm, first and last week 50 cents, intervening weeks - - 25 Event other article same as its wharfage. WEIGHING, •'nrli bbl. or half bb. rico Mini, oftobucco or sugar ' nge of indigo - * Bale of cotton 6 16 8 6 IWfcet ^fiive oak, cnlnr and othor ' liccvy wood, fold by solid it. 37J 100bushels of corn, and gruin of ull kind, in bulk * * an ' anoinisludsliioftin bulk 80 Jtord of wood * * 25 jfedar, light wood or other posts, per ioo* logs * . w ; . . ■ Whnrfuae on Landing ana Shipping Gootfo. I xnckor of a smnll sir,c, each - 10 cents. 1 do 6U0 lbs. nnd upwards * lo do 1200 do iBstiofcolTee, pimento,, sugar, awl nil 1 'other bags of such size, (grain ex} Ccntcd) each , do. ot grain and salt * ■ * IBaircl*of salted provision* naval Jtores, I bread, npples, cider,and au kind* of barrel* except dry goods and •h draft of light goods, under 100 lbs. 6.J do do do oyer 100 lbs. 12^ do do heavy goods, unilor 200 C j do do' do over 200 per 100 lbs 3 DRAYAGE. For hauling up the lilulfto nnv part oflhficlty, at tides not herein enumerated, fur 1500 pounds weight • - - 50 cents. Under 1600 lbs nnd not loss thnn 100 374 Dr. A. DE LAROCHE. Opposite the Exchange, Savannah. I S constantly receiving fresh supplies of gen uine DRUGS AND MEDICINES, | selected for Cimntry Merchants nnd l’hysichins, which lie will sell for cush or approved credit ut the lowest City price. Just received, SULPHATE of QUININA. Oct 16 100 Owners nnd Tenants of Houses Tnhc Notice. T IIF, Manage) ' nnd Assistants of Fire Engines will on Mr.ntini/, the 1blh inst. proceed , to innke im cxiuninatioti of Buckets, Ladders, Sic. throughout the City. All persotis not complying with the following'sections of mi Ordinnrice for preventing accidents by Fire &C. will be returned to Council. jVu do 1000 do do do For a 1000 feet oftLtiinber do 1000 Bricks do cord of \yood , • For cycry bale of cotton do# .bbl, of Rice do hlid of Tobacco do bbl of Flour General Drug,CMieniical&Eainily Medicine Ware House. LAY 4* HENDRICKSON, Wholesale and Retail Chemists, and Druggists u. 1. Shad's Ruildings, Corner of Congress and Whitaker Streets, Savannah. TTAVF. Constantly on hand a very general ns < xX sortmentot,' DllUl.P, MEDICINES, DYE STUFFS AND PAINTS, rr.Rj'UMF.nv, <5*c. i^c. A great vnriety of .^putliecnries Glass Ware such nswide anil narrow mouth bottles, from 1 gallon to one ounce,composition and glitks mortars, glass Skc. 10. And be it farther ordained, Tlmt every house within the limits nnd Jurisdiction of till” City, occupied and tenanted, shnll be supplied with buckets at the expense of the owners of said premises, to the number of ut least thr num ber of five-place? in the same, including shell ns are in the out-buildings, and tho said buckets .-hull be equal in goodness unil size to those procured for the use of the City,and painted,011 which shall be painted In visible diameters tho name of the owners of said buckets? nr, din case the owner of I Extract from the minutes this 7th day of June any house or tenement should refuse or neglect 1824. A. B. FANNIN, Clerk. June 17 5tI38 to have the said bucket* supplied agreeably to this ordinance, it shnll and may lie lawful for the I rr~ '{ ■'■: ; y;—rr—~ . tcmtnt to procure the same, deducting It out of i^Upei 101 COlll’t, dint h.tlll COUllty. his rent. I .Tam’auy Term, 182 v nposltionnml ginks [lasses, sinellings bottles, greduft- And every other article in tlie*ame pnqwrtlon; inmpsnntl lump gl for Imnling down the Blull'.or from one wharf to ted measures, Apothecaries viuY* wliltenml’ green, another cxccediug 1500 lhs - 3*4 cts. I Surgeons Instruments— Pocket sets, turnkeys, Under 150o nnd not less than 100.1b* For each bale of cotton do bbl Rice • ♦ do hhd Tobacco •do bbl Flour Jimt every other article in the tame proportion. ****** In Admiralty. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,) DISTRICT OF GEORGIA.'] John W. Long ) vs. > Monition. Skip Albion nnd cargo. ) To the Marshal of said District— trasses, spring nail thumb lances, forceps, satnlus, bougies, cat boters, scales ami weights, 4‘c- 4*c. Patent Medicines—of every ‘description, viz : Seidlitz and Soda roivders, lmliivofUnuo, cidcin nil inngnnsin, Lees, Andcrsons, nnd Hoopers Pllis, Swaini* Paiincea, Balsam Honey, {tatemans and Churches Cough Drops, Itch qjutment, fyc. Alt ot'which are olfered for sale on the most liberal lerip* for ensh or orcdlf. O’ L.ff II. Having enlarged their Establish meet and having inndn-sucli arrangements as to Sr.c. II And he it further ordained, Tlmt the I Aaron Cleveland and Susan C /l owner of every improved wlmrf slmll furnish] his wife, \ twenty bucKets for the building or buildings on such xvhnrf, nnd deliver them to Manngers and Assistants of the Engines, on or before the second meeting of Council in July next; nnd the receipt of nny Manager or Assistant, for such buckets, shnll bo deemed a full compliance with this sec- tlnii, by the owner, for the number of buckets be coutlnually recelviug u fresh supply of good#, | flatter themsclvesthnt none of the kindin this city, —9—.— t—1: -r-.r , ... , ... , , - • ... . , ... .. i further anil Other proceedings be hod ns aro such regulations ns.othcr landlords are by this or- day of March then next, and tlmt for the batter tire , cr ;i, c ,i i, y l!lt . stllt ute in such case made nnd dinance required to do. securing the payment thereof, the smd Jacob 1 ‘ rovi( | R(1 Suo. 12. And be it further ordained, Thai tsveiy did on the day nnd yenr first nlmvanl make In' |- A , frnirt ,| l0 m j mi ;,., this 2.1,1, May. 1824, owner of n wooden house or houses, brick, or I certnin indenture of nioftgnge, whereby he m; , v 7 2 A. It. FANNIN, Clerk. #tone house,or,houses covered with wood.occu^i- j mortgaged to (aid Susan C. all that lot ot ground GEO. GLEN,.C/«4. enn oiler greater inducements to denlers. The Merchant, the Planter, nnd the Physician, can helra be snpplied with almost every article in llte Drag line, as their assortment will be fcfundexteii- Sivennd of the best qunlity, under no consldem to to'"' or udultcra W finnnin . « •*? *• / I BIVC UllU Ol IIIU HUM (IUUIIl> . UllUt l li 11EREAS John W. Long assignee of the un- t j 0l , whatevqr will tho sale of impure dcrwritcraat Lloyds in London, in the te d articles be promoted. The utmost enre will Kingdom of Great Britain,.the supposed instlrers Kjgqjgjj,, j| )0 selection of good Medicines and of the v Ship Albion nnd cargo, has exhibited his wm , |R soU , nt a lno ,| c rate profit- It is upon tliese libel or complaint, in the pistrictCourt ot the U- princip , 05 a | 0 „ c thntthey willondenvorto secure lilted Slates, fortlie District ot Georgia i gating, I p n i rolia{ , e . Orders promptly executed. alleging and propounding, that the British ..Ship I r qho Georgia Fatriot, and Darien Gazette, will Albion, laden with Mahogany, Logwood, and di- 1 - • - • ■ • '■ . , , e.i please to give this ndvcrtiseinenUix insertions and versother articles, was, on the morning of the 15th, torvvm .j t |® e i r bills for payment. September last, by the force of the wind nnd „ e . 1 39 fgg *vnvwi driven on the beach of Saint Catherines I ———.■ —:—-7 Island, in the District aforesaid, and there abnn-1 Register of Debates m Congress. donnd by hcrcrcw; and that much of tho cargo PROSPECTUS. . v UIVOl 3 I xr n .! nnn | 1 idnllirnitnnn itiimnnp flirt nn\I anccioll lloirtton ar.d George M. VVolilburg, nnd cdtocomprehenilamorefullP.qioytaf the Spee cs on topics of general interest,1n each Ijoiise of Congress,thhn (ms ever heretofore been published, or than can be given to the Public through tho or der the impression tlmt the said Ship and ca were -insured at Lloyds, has for the benefit of al concerned, sold the interest of the said underwrl tew aforesaid, therein nt publick sale to John IV. Long. ‘|i| a part claim Ing process 01 tins conn 10 lime me *uu wrecs. 1 This undertaking is ..... - ............ . nnd'the said cargo, or so much thereof, as Is to lie sllb5titlltc or , c „p Prcc detlie Reports of Delmtesf. found within the jiirlsdictipn _of this Court, into National Intelligencer, but father, bv will the custody of the Court for the benefit ot the said j ra ^-; ng the heavy and extended Reports from its libellant, nnd a l persons concerned, and prnylim C0 , X b s Xo e, m hlo the Proprietors ol that Journal a monition ngnnisVthe said George, Patrick, <*»<• I ( 0 fiiVnish gaii L e-—- , evexy. dny, in a eomprehensive form Gooage, and ill oilier persons, claiming to be en- intel „gi bl (, H eports of the titled to snlvnge to appear and establish such their | claims and nlsodo all persons interestedto appear, and shew, cause why the said wreck and her car f o shall not be adjudged to tho said John W. ,ong, assignee, as aforesaid,of .-the underwriters nt Lloyds, and for further proceedings. Now therefore, you the said Marshal, are' hereby coni- |H| nmuded to attach,-Seize, take, and safely keep tile I b ebat{ . s j„ Congress, in a conve remains of the said Ship Albion and her cargo, | n ,| excs which might lend the an ...BProceedings-and Dis u;s!o!i> in the Hnv nt’,)<-cling, on )iotli Houses, Tlie “Rr.nisTFn”'is. necessarily an experiment,, but it is ap pxperimeiit the success of which wo see 110 renson to doubt. Every one who takes an lnterastin our political history,ms well nsall thosii who engage in the ditties of political life, must have felt anil lamented the want of a Record of ■■■■■IPPcnicnt form, with might lead the enquirer to any sub- whomsoever within the jurisdiction of this Court, , 1 0^,.,) nn( j'to the name of any one wl or sn the possession of whomsoever to bo found, 1 gn ged in debate”. Such’n workwonid be m who en v .. , , f .. I gaged m debate, stien aworjowomo oe an ele to answer the said libel, and you are further com-1 mea j al y book for young politicians, and we have manded to cite .and admonish the said Gome, „ 0 hesitaUon in asserting that the possession of P..4U.I- nn.F.11 ntimr nnrsnnc su ch n one, from the commencement of the. exist- Patrick, and George, and all other person*, claim' ing »ob.e entitled to salvage in this behnlf to np- pearbeforc this Court, nud there establish such thelr-claim and further to cite and admonish all and every person and persons, whomsoever hav ing «r pretending to have nny right, title, interest, ing government to this day, Would be of immense I value to tho nation, were it only to shew what has heretofore been said upon questions which are continually recurring for discussion, and produc ing needless consumption of time by superfluous property, claim or demand in, or to tho said wreck. jjf )ate< \yhat ; s „f the years that have post or to the cargo thereof, to be, and appear at a spe- w ju ns soonas thoy are gone, be equally true of I csnK'ourt ot Admiralty, to be held nt Savannah, thos ’ e in w hlcl) \ve iivc. ; on the iwelftli'day of Noy— 1 1 day of November next,- to answer nj g not 0 „{ y therefore, as a vehicle of present ItiA nromiROc fnn< pirrhl nml inctirn .1 . .. * . t 1. r. _ Superior court—Chatham county. I Superior court, Chatham county* Thomas K. 1’itrsC et. al. 1 John Retan . ) IN EQU1TY» Complaints and Richard ,R. Cuylcr, ox’r Wnt Sllaw, deceased. ) , t N this case, on the suggestion in the defend* ant’s answer, tlmt cei tiun persons not parties to tills bill, residing in Scotland, claim to be oil- | titled tp a distribution of part of the undivided estate of Wm Shaw, deceased, and 011 motion, it is ordered tlint all persons concerned do appear before the Superior Court of Chatham County in the term of January next, then and then; to es-1 tnblisli smeh their claims; mid in default thereof, I tlmt the undivided estate of the .said AVm Shaw, lie distributed among the complainants agreeably to the decree of snid Court and Hint this rule be published once 11 month until the expiration thereof. [ Rule .\‘isi Jaeob Fnhm. • j O N the petition of Aaron Cleveland nnd Su san C. his wife, who was Susan C. Bona, stat ing that Jacob Falun, before the intermarriage of the petitioners, to wit; on the 22d day of June 1821, dill in conjunction with one jlo-rph A. mentioned in snid receipt; And the owner of 1 Scott, execute n joint bond to the - id Su-,m C. every store In tho City, that has no fire-piace or I in the penal sum of four thousand doilm's eondi- iluccs attached to the seme,shell furnish two fire- Hatred for the payment of two thousand dollars nickels for every store of such kind, and under | with interest from date, on or betorc the first ^ Rule Kisl •* Nathan Baker. ) O N the petition of .tho. Rolan stating tha Nathan Baker did oil the first day of May 1822, the better to secure the payment of his certain promissory note of tlmt date for the sum of two thousand dollars, payable to tho said John Retail, or onlci', on or bcfoi'c the 1st. day "f May, 1S24, with interest nt 7 per cent per annum; by his indenture, under his seal, bearing date the day and year first aforesaid, mortgaged to the said John Retan, all the undivided moiety or half part of nil tlmt lot of land, situate, lying and being in the city of Savannah, and known and distinguished in the plan thereof by the numbe) one (1) Tyi-onncll tything Dnrhy ward, together .With the appurtenances, nnd farther stating that the said .promissory note remains wholy unpaid, and the saiil mortgage In full force, and praying tho foreclosure of the snid mortgage. On motion of W. W. Gordom attorney for the lietioner, it is ordered that tho said Nathan Ba ker do pay into this court, within twelve months of this date, the principal and interest due ou llm said note and the cost of the said application, or in default thereof, that the equity of ivdeinp tion of the said Nntlmn Bilker of nnd to (fie said J mortgaged premises, be thenceforth and mrever foreclosed. And it is further ordered, that a copy of tliiS rule be served on the said Natlum Baker, at len t t! if month* before the time appointed for the pn^flient of said money into court , or published in one of the public Gazettes of this state, at least once in every month, until the time ap pointed for tlie payment thereof, and that such edns dwelling-houses or kitchens,shnll provldclhe known nnd designated as Garden lot number Supei'ioY COlll’t, Chatham C.'otllit)’- sntilq with n sufficient ladder, or have n scnttle or | thirty nine, No 38, and nlso, Iliat ad,Joining Jiall | 1 Mahon, I82L i rude door cut through the roof of such house or houses, j part of another lot known 11s jot number forty large enough lor n tnan to pass through conve- two, No 42, containing together eight and a half niently, under tho penantlyofa fine not excee- J mires more or less situated to the east of the city ding thirty dollars. of Snvannah and bounded to the north west of nov2 203 JOHN HAUPT, Clerk. \ Lot No 26, to the south nnd east by liimi ; be- tsi i» I longing to the estate of Hampton Lillibridge, . fellinu M J finacea I an ,f t bo west by tho public load lending lo T HE subscriber, having discovered the com I Skldawny Island wliercfln n brick yard is now position of Swaim’s celebrated Panacea established and known by the mnne of Fnlims William Bcrrio • . ’ ■ John Christopher O N the petition of William Benie stating that one John Christopher; of tlie county of Camden, beftig indebted (o one Henry Sadloi* or order I11 a note of hand, dated St Marys in snid county,.611 the t)th October 1822, in the sum 11 of Five Hundred Intercsl has uow n supply on linnd for sale—holms redu I brick yard- that there is now on the said bond I f lt j m q;, e ,] a t C on the In' ilnv of Jauunrv tlieil ceil the price from $3 50 to $2 50, or by die d or mortgage obligatory the sum of eighteen hurt- next ensuin'', did mortgage to the said Henry bis zen 4>24. . dred dollars with interest from the 23d day ot , u ,‘ d . ( N , 0 s „ cm . e the payment of tUo All charitnblc institutions in the United Stales, January 1823, nnd praying the foreclosure ot llm n0(f; . l f nrPS;l ' u j w i t h interest on the same—a eer- nnd the poor will be supplied gratis. I equity of redemption of the said Jacob and R is I jj,;,, ; 0 t of laud in the town aforesaid being part If the citizons of the principal cities and towns I heirs, executors, administrators and assigns ,n F n|' i 0 l No 1 beginning at tlie west eonier of a will nppoiut nri ngent to order nnd distribute this an d to the said mortgaged premises—O11 motion 1()t belorfcing to one Calvin ilayes, thence iun- Medicine to the poor, it will be supplied. ^ ^ j nf W. W. Gordon, attorney foif the pwprtcrs— | - ng J0Ul b 10^1 feet on St. Marys Street, tl, nee nrgin attaclicil | I,, ,, . . .,„v ™,.. u ...^ St. Rheumatic nffeetlons, Cutaneous Diseases, White court within twelve months from this dute, or i' 1 I j; ny s t. bein 'a hundred feet on the slreei und Swelling and Diseases of the Hones, nnd all cas I case of default tlmt tlie equity of redemption 01 I mnninV froiU thence directly to the river St. cs generally of un Ulcerous character, mid Chro- sa id Jacob Falun, Jiis heirs, executors, attp- j to'.itlier with all and .singular every thing nic Diseases, generally arising in debilitated con-1 trntors nnd Hssigns be from thenceforth forever I j|, epel „ np>,ertijniiig,that the said Ilenrv Suloier, stitutions, but more especially from Syphilis or I foreclosed and tlmt such feather nnd other P™* ] id whoro and to wliose heirs and assigris the sh’il iifFcctious arisingtherefrom; Ulcers i|i tlie larynx, j eeedings be Imd thereon, as nre pursuant to W I mortgage was outlie 21th of Sept. 182 ^*c. und the dreadful diseases occasioned by n I statute in such ense innde nnd provided—And it j u j y as si„ ne ,i |, v deed, said mortgage toil., pe long nnd excessive use of Mercury, 4'C. It is al-lUfurther ordered tlmt this rule be published in j titioner, tiiere is now due on said mortgage the so used lu Diseases of the Liver. I one of the Gazettes Of this state nt least once a j gH|n oX j,- ivu j 1 undrnd Dollars with interest from, CERTIFICATES, month for twelve months, or that a copy, be j )llB lst j anU ary 1S22, and praying for the ii'i eelo I have withip the last two years lmd nil oppor- served on the defendant at least six month before suvco f tlio eiiuitV of redemption,"in,tlie said John tnntly of seeing several cases of very inveterate the time appointed for the payment of tho moii- j chrisloplier, his heirs and Ulcers, which Imviiig resisted previously the re-1 cy into court. * gulnr modes of treatment; were healed by the use Extract from tho minutes, 15th,Jan. 1S24. - L _” *- ‘-"--re 1 jnn io 12 JOBT-BO LES Medicine to the poor, it will be supplied. of W. W. Gordon, attorney for the pettoners— 1 j n _ sou1 i,Yjoi) f ec t on Et. Marys S This Medicine is celebrated for the cure of the it is ordered that the principal nnd interest due ® ( b t0 jj, vant st. cast to C. Hays’ following diseases: Seorfuln or King’s Evil, Ul- on the said bend or writing obligatory together I S01l th to the In -inning, with the nnn cerated or .Putrid Sore 'lhrnnt, long standing with tho cost of this application be paid into this (() t j ic saul( , soul h side of! the. be of (llr- Swnim’s Pnnacen, nnd 1 do believe, from what I have seen, tlmt it will prove an important remedy in Scrofulous, Vcnorenl nnd Mercurial disenses. N. ClIAPijlAN, M. D. Professor of the Institutes and Practice of Physic, in the University of Pennsylvania. I Imvo employed the Panacea of Mr. Swaim i numerous instances, withiti the lust three years and have always''found it extremely efficacious Chatham Superior Court. May Tr.nM, 1S24. jf~i FORGE Johnston nnd othor*. complainants assign mortgaged premises and that tlie foreclosed according to law. On motion of Belton A Copp, attorney for pe titioner, it is ordered that the principal and in} terest due 011. the said mortgage together With tho costs of his applicants be paidjiuto this court within twelve months from this date, otherwise VX w Peter Vanlnirgli Livingston amt others, tliat-thc eqoity of redemption of the said John defendants, in equity iu tlie Superior court, of Chnthnm county, May term, 1324. It appearing to the Court by aflidnvit that Pe ine W GIBSON, Mi D. Professor of Surgery to trie University of Penn. J JOHN SHINN, Chemist. Philadelphia, Nov. 17. 1823. ^ I lio datc of tiiis rule. And is further ordered tlmt Each publisher of a newspaper jn tho U. States, 1 ihls rule be puhlirhed, once ri week during four is requested to publish this advertisement once a | mnnthsfrom this date in one of the public Gazette" ninnti, r.ii- nnn vmir. und send their accounts for 1 -r,i.; 0 qtoi,. ChrislopbeV hfs beire executors, ndminlstrntioux and assigns be from thence forever foreclosed and tlmt such other proceedings take place as a pursuant to. the statue. . And it is further ordered thal this rule be p ft Jislied in one.of the. Gaze.ttes of this state at * onCc a month for twelve months to the time nrfi nto pointed for the payment of said money into motion of complainants solicitor, it is ordered that the said defendant do respectively appear artdun- swcrtlie complaints bill within four months from I Court 1 _ . -r.l.-—»- !. r-->i.".. 11.*», A true extract from the minutes. JOHN BAILEY, Clerk „ |—— . Jefferson, iruli March, 1324 montn, for one year, and send their accounts for j 0 f this State. pay c'tnt. jdne8 G i EUltGlA—Uliutlmin County .—To all whom S' ft may concern.—Whereas, JoscphB.TIiomp- son bos applied to tho l ion, tbc Court of Ordinary of Chatham County for letters of administration on the estate and effects of Willinni R. Holland, late of Savanunh, Druggist, dec'd injjehalf of the These arc therefore to cite andudmoliish all and | Nicholas J. Bayard ^ Extract from the Minutes. A. B. FANNIN, Clerk* 134j Camden—Superior Court. October Term; 1824. Momlm III Admiralty. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ] DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. I G6orgc Woodruff and others, A rs. ( Pieces of Mahogany part enrgo ( Ship Albion j To the Marshal of the District of Georgia--^ OllEF.TING :— L. S. GEO. GLEN, Clerk. ceascu, 10 me men- onjeciioiis X ii uuy i {be netition o'f Nicholas J. BaVard, stating I NkTrUEREAS George Woodruff, Patrick Ilciusf' ion nnd there this writ. r r Tvmnthe lowness of the subscription to this EfhHf'hSof t ‘ c / u ' 11ln , l j S *™ t 0 J'clerk’s I Otlmt Ray Sand?, on the fifth day of June cigh-1 ’ ’ tOiYnni GeorgeJohnston mal-Jacob Wald-' liah. Cuylcr, Judge of W ork,Hwillbe seen that it is no part of our cal- gLg£ a f Um^aUl Court oftr before the twenty tcen Hundred and twenty-four, for the better *c- burg and George Waldburg and Edward V VdAcl to tbe Judge 6f safd Court,ut the time and plane, : | ' , p “'’ B Y ar 1 aforesaid; nnd have you then and there this writ, H WHnesstjic Hon. Jeremiah ‘ said. District, this twenty-first Oay ot October, I culation to realize any present profit froi eighteen hundred and twenty four, the contral y i in-nl! probability, lose mo- J7tCOLL & GORDON, - I ney by it tor a year or two, hoping that thereafter Proctors for Libellantt. its established character will ensure it a sufficient Altroersons interested in the foregoing Monition I patronage tp make it profitable, ili take due notice. JNO.H, MOREL, M.p.o. , b GALES & SEATON. Oct 30 201 Washington, September, 1824 G . F;oKGi a, Clmtimm County-—To all whom it CONDITIO NS. I may concern. .. I The publicntio* of GALES & SEATON’S RE singular the kindred and creditors of the said de ceased, to file their objections (if any they have) Ray Sands ^ Rule Nisi. the ft, } ‘.ri',*: , ... i The publientloa ot GALES to sfatu.vs jik- YMieri asKlie Ajonhas applied to the Hon. qjsteR OF ^DEBATES IN CONGRESS will e Court of Ordinary of ChathanUCounty, for * .. D , , , . suc . 1 .. . . . , .r mtmam x-ouni>, i r C0mra ence as soon as the Debates at each sue- a dminis1ration on tlie estate and c ^ e ® ts s ivc Session of Congress shall afford materials of Madam Robien do la Jbnchere late of Chatham I ... . ntf /o nn S p ,\ C There d are in i? >Cl11 ° f l, . le "JJj ^tnnnirh Thework will be printed in the octavo form, .| T n !fJ C . f r ?i Gierefore to cite and admoniEh I & super p aper) mat | c f or t hc purpose, and on 1 n ,' C ‘ ed n?i! P v a brevier type,in double columns—each page com- saiddecetwed, to file their objections (if any they p r j s j n g nearly ns much matter as one of the co- have) to the granting of the administration of he f uinns 6 0 f the National Intelligencer, estate of the said deceased to the appheant in wi u cont ain as full and accurate Reports as J^rilraia 1 cft « be obtained of all Debates on main questions, fifteenth day of Decembci next, otherw isc letters nnd Q j- al j interesting Debates on incidental nues- 0 ^re-li n,n,St ,K tl( w rt W1 W ® r8tlted ’ r I tions; witli an Appendix, containing a list ot the Witness_the Hon. Members of each House, the Yeiis and Nays in Justices of said Court, the ICthdav ofNotrera- cach House on questions which have been the ber, A.D. 18-/1. S. M. BOND, c c o. j su bj ec t of Debate, such Documents, connected ■ ild . witli the subjects of Debate, as may be deemed Clerks Office. essential to enable The reader to comprehend 29th October 1924, ! them, and proper in d ^es to.the whole seventh day of November next; otherwise letters of administration wii! Shgrantcd. ■ Wlinessthc Hon..JohnP.Williamson Justices of the said Court, the 27th Oct.. oct 27 198 S. M. BOND, „ — . . . — I conditioned for the G EORGIA, Chatham County—By the Hon. pars on or -before the first day ol sat** hAtawssKa ws J P Toall whom it may concern. all tlfaUract, piece, orparcelofland’yin* Whereas Jolm M‘Nish, administmtor of Isaac being and spat* on Cumberland Island in the Baillon, dec. has petitioned the honorable the I county ot C wood, from thd wreck of the British ship Albion which bad been Wrecked in the gale of the font** of September last; and was driven 611 the' beach of'the Island, of Saint Catherines, in the llo , said District,imd praying a reasonable salvage or den, and known by the nittnn of I allowance therefrom. AWd whereas the J udge of T •’—-* r ‘ r ‘- * th'e^District Court ftfr the District aforesaid. Imtii said dec.t<Tfiie_their qbj_ectioiis,(if any the^have) | foreclosure 1 any they have, wh; nov 15 The Debates of tlie next Session, it is computed, TVTOTICE—Proposals will be received at thi* w ;ji with the Appendix, make a volume o'f five jOffice until the 10th December next; for sup- ,^ n ;, red pages ; at least, and will be furnished to plying the Guard house with woodland lights— subscribers through the Post Office, in sheets, ns and keeping the snme clean—also, for sweeping published, (or reserved at tiiis Office, ot the sub- order, the Police office scriber’s option,), at Timni; oottARs for the vol- Extract from tho’minmes, • jtmOTe orless.tobepaidin.advancein nn SOL. COHEN, c, tern. I.cases of transmissioiibeyond the UraUsof the city oct 29 200 (The sheets will'be transmitted as completed. ClnrlvS Office. without regal'd to any particular days, as the pub* V^u-XIXD v/xi.v-v., lioation must of course be regulated^by the prepare in the Office of the Ckfrk of the Court of Ordina- I money remainee1 unpaio^l""" 5"^ ,UDjr —’V sb - 0U,d %*.V' ry, on or before tlio second day of May next, o of the equity of redempttori of 1 t ”® i S a S' tLwise letters dismissory wilt be granted the pe- gES?®® BLj. ve*, having, orpretending to hiivejany right,title, Member 0 1824 eSa dCOUlt S S M C BOND y c°q o' 0 money in the condition of the Said bdrid mention- and place nfcresKid, before the Judge aforesaid, vembfer, .1824. i>,c.c o I ed) together with the interest and cost, otherwise to hear, abide hv andpeiiorm all and singular nov i Mi ^ that the equity of redemption of the said Ray such judicial afcts ns are necessary and by law G EORGIA, Chatham County—By the lionora- Sands his heirs, executors, administrators and as- required to be done in the premises ; and farther bit the Jiistieei of the Inferior court of Chath- I signs, of, in and to the said mdrtgaged premises, I to do and receive wlmtunto law and justice shall .... ..... r j;—1— — . 1 • -- e — -j---— 1 appertain, under tlie pain of the buy and con tempt thereof, tho nbsence and contumacy of ‘ jVl ' 1 Wise notVvith- diall do in the be thenceforth and forever foreclosed. And it is further ordered, that this rule be pub- am county sitting for ordinary purposes. To all whom it may concern. . ra .„. v ..— r - ,— r Whearns,Charles Gregory executor of Thomas i', s bcd in one of the Gazettes of this State at least them and every of them in any wi . Davis late of Chatham county deceased has once a month for twelve months, or thit a copy I standing. And whatsoever you shat ;e illllUS* Grcriy article in proportion to the foregoing rates, ben an article is not to be found under its name, [,V ie P flc *®e in which it is usually contained\ I Goods lying on „ wharf more than tico nights, to I subject to a week’s storage unless landed on Sat- l r!i° r Un y °^ ter evening immediately preceding polulay-^in such cases lobe rnnovid or.the second rking day thereafter, of be subject to storage as on or before the 7th day of March next, x ; n innJ • noauon must oj com-sc oe reguiuivu uy ,uc pspi- otherwise letters distoissory will be granted the 29th Octobcly 1824. ation of the matter of which it is to be composed. Petitioner Jo- ' Ttift K,il,sei-inlinii will in no case, unless Within P e . l !“ oner '.. u ^ iperiy rt tor tl,e 8TORAGE. - rotten, per week, S cents for the l'” ' in(l last week and for each inter* f e !"'ig week r M conformity with n resolution of Cbuncil No- The subscription will;in no case, unless Within ticc is hereby given that bli the second regular I the city, and not then unless specially indicated, mcetin" in Nov. next) Counoil will proceed to j be understood to extend beyond the volume ac- clect n°Citv Treasurer, to fill the vacancy oCca- tualty paid for in advance. . s ioned bv the decease of John I. Roberts. j To non-subscribers the price will be four dot- Extrapt fi'oiri tho minutes. I lars, bound in boards.forthe Volume now announc* SOL. COHEN, c. c.pfo tem. led. , ■ .,, oct 29 200 ‘ 1 The Debates of the Session of Congress follow- ; I ing. the next, nnd of the first Session of every Con- The Undersigned Coinniltte, gress, will, it is supposed, fill about one thousand G. Davis late of Chatham county „ . . letitioned the honorable the court of ordinary to be serVed on the sold Ray Sands, at least six le discharged from hi? snid executorship. _ I months before the expiration of the' time appoint- Theso are therefore to cite and admonish nilIc'd for the payment of the said mornty into court, and singular the kindred and creditors, of tlie and (hat such further proceedings be had as are said deceased, to file their objections, if any they pursuant to the statute iu siich case made and pro- hnve, in the office, of the Clerk ;of the court of I vided, - ordinary on or before the 7th day of March next, I Extract frdni the minutes, this 25th Oct. 1824, - y ' '--s*-’-' JOHN BAILEY, Clerk. .... .... .. v , . , . . 'bct29 200 ’ ' ''' ^ 1 - Witness the honorable George L Cope, one bf SepfemS A/fe this seventh day of I Genu i ne p at e ntFam i ly Me di C in e s * S. M. BOND, ccoec j «- F.E8 Fills Churches Esr^Mus'tard | I i Andcrsons do Hoopers do premises you shall duly certify unto the snid Judge, at the time and place aforesaid, together with thesC.prescnts. Witness the Hon. Jer'fc'miah Cuylcr, Judge of the said District CoiirttHistwciity-ninfh day of Octo ber one thousand eight hundred and twenty* four. DAVIES fc BERRIEN, Proctors. All person* interested in the. foregoing .Monition will take dudndlice. JNO. 11; MOREL, m.d.o. Oct 29 200 sep 9 175 Swninis Panacea. H AVE beon instructed by Council to place in pages, or perhaps more, mnkiiig one very large n kmtp of rmaipiAe Fire Engines of the city, volume, or two of a handsome .size—-the first Sls- tivoDOsals froiiumy competent sion of onch Congress being nearly double the du- per week 3H. Atiiii'B-' 5 cents. lit •ip WCc ? ,>er wcc ' { - - 20 loiis <llEk ou, a'ni n g more than 30gnl- 1. of sugar, molasses, of They will receive proposals from nny competent sum ot oacn Gongi-ess any uuami *W J tViis ntiinct The Engines re- ration of the second. The price , of the llcgistti to either of the Committee. MH.LEN, five dollars to subscribers, and sixto non-suhscri- 1. MINIS, «' bers. nQV u 210 JAS. MORRISON; I Oct 13 »8& T HE Subscribers havd just received from Phil-1 adelpliia a fresh supply (if this celebrated Me dicine, and have made shell arrangements as to keep a constant supply Of it oh liana. Persons in want of this urtiele can depertd upon its being.gen- uinc, ns it comes direct from Mr'.- SSFaiin, LAY HENDRICK SON,- ■ ^ Chemist and Druggists, iftart’# itiiiidingj. oclT 18|[ Thompsons teeth ptoste James do do eye water Churches cough drops Rogers vegetable Andersons do pulmonic detergent Ealsom Honey Hearlem oil Audlers lenatiVe' British oil OpodeldOck Henrys cauc’d magnesia Squires elixir Batemans drops, 4'C Salts Lemons Oftri constantly be. bad at the store of LAY fy HENDRICKSON, Chemists and DruggistShad'* Buildingsi iftf<9» Wi ■ TINE months after date, application will bo \| made to the lion; tlie Inferior Court Of Bry , Cl.h'igs worm Lozeh^c* I an Ctfimty,_for leave to sell all the real estate of Thomnsons teeth niisto I Sarah M'Kmdlvvlate of Bryan County dec. for the benefit of the Heirs and creditors of said es tate. JAMES BUTLER, Adm’r. apil 2 §o77 P ERSONS having claims against the estate of Chai'lcs W.- Tebeau, are requested to present I them, and those indebted to make immediate payment to the Subscriber—accounts against thr» | said estate' to be left with .Messrs S, C. (y J Schenk; F.EkTEBEAV. AdlM betr- 4*6 *