Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, December 04, 1824, Image 3

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.Just Received, liipGlobts fwm Philndelpljja, c refiaud 1.0'- FCt‘ «.ij Pennington s •'SUGAR , (i do a'i!Si<‘ ,1 " . ,, ,) 0 Lump Sugar \\ wworaa; &©» do i „if iii)i« flour h UAUDUY fk HERBERT rl*y 1.228 Georgia Syrup. best quality—For sole by . . ci.vODHv l Herbert, dec 1 1 ________ WOOD; i . „ ftmxlwlns tvlimi; nt the lowest kOH*®' t 0 i' tii,. best dOullty on npillicution »'«^ rf w |,o solicits from bis friends and tjiC public in gflttetui u share Bpntrsm"c'' j p niyjr riRTK and coloured Plain i, I, ll lion Du 111 a Blankets ““•It" .PLAINS I and riHE ^uhsci-jhare liuvi L rivi ' W.ANKET8 quarts I'Mulish Coni and White Be London Porter, in pints nud Crates assorted Crockery Crates ol Glassware and China And several other liiilky Articles, For stile at reilucod prices by iibv23 - ijfk‘20 tXIlltkW r.trtWh CO. riii 150 ladclpltiu Suycrjim Flour. Glazinii, r IT I IF. Buhsnriher continues to etirrv on the I P.II.VTLVG, (U.AM LX (i and GlLDliXG bosines.s in all its dillerent branches,' nt his old stand earner of Broughton and Bull-streets. Me. keeps cahitaiitjy on hand a gonertfi ussort- nt of ' *■ ' ‘ ' . £ CIT.ASS of nil sizes. • All kinds of 1'AlNT OILS, £c. * ■ .A. BAIN. nov 18 1(1 barrels ami HW bait hbls file by [ ill c 1 .I., i c it,- Virginia chow mg - h PONCE la M I’hilad. snpf. Flour lowing TOB ACCO VCKENZlfi. 11-227 Essences, fyc, White Le;t(l. UST landing from ship F.milv, front Liverpool, n large quantity of U’lU'Fi'. LEAF), of the first quality, in 100 lbs. 50 lbs. amt tjuurter kegs, lor sale by A. BAIN, Corner of Broughton (j* Bidl-strefcts. nov IB t- ill ' ' ■ - ' ’ » Sf Cinnumun, Pejipermint, Auni- 5 - LavcHdcr, Fennel and Sussu- eed,' Clove fr*s 1 llo7.CU Ologno Water ■ . PmuiIc l»y^ A DK LA noCIlI-., Druggist, Oil the Bay opposite the Exchange MWlflfifiyi White Lead, Putty and Glass. 1 ■ kegs White Lead ‘ * JL-5») 500 lbs Putty For sale by Ike 1 l)r. A. JDc Laroche, rAS oi» bond Syrup of Quinine o Sudorific ...» o Sudorific (illlde cuitlnler) it of Lemon of Althea Robanti Together _ > , Drugs and Medicines hidi he offer* for sale on the most leascindble Cat hi* store opposite the Exchange. Idee 1 227 ... i Syphilitic r • with a general assortment of :dh| Crockery* Tiie Subscriber/...* H AS received by lute arrivals, o cuirtfiote and general fueUirfineut.of V* /. M IRON,- r ofiilmost every description,us also ii fresh supply of SHIP CHANDLERY, which will ho disposed of on the most nceommo (luting terms. JN STORE, Fresh superfine FLOUR, nnrt u feW.thou-.and bushel* Virginia CORN. of an excellent quality. The subscriber intends keeping a' constant sup ply of these articles. \VM. .TAYLOR, nov 17 *215 . HERBERT U CO. dee. • Planters Rank. UTURDAY next 4th inst.' being settlement W this Bank will be shut—Paper falling due i that day must be token upon the 3d Inst- J. MARSHALL, Cusbier. dec I >*227 _____ Butter. i TUBS first ouatity Butter nut up expressly I for this market, now lauding and for sale tby M.BOPK1XS. Market square Bee I ■■827 V bison N. York and Exchange frru f a on England. It227 A. L. MOLYNEUX. Flour und Corn. |AA BBLS Baltimore superfine Flour |l/U 8000 bushels Maryland White Corn Jr sale by RALLfcilOYT. hov 30 220 wvm* tilF. subscriber w sale on the most reasonable terms JOSEPH G. BLANCE, hov 26 [|m—fi.222 Williamsoni Wharf. Dissolution. )HK Co-partnership of IVelman if Bryan is this .'day dissolved by mutual consent. F. II WELMAN, hov 30 m226 ALLX’RBRYAN THE IIMTTO'JSS Hit AUGUSTA, Georgia, l under the superintendence of Mr. COS- D1CKINSON and Mr. J. P. DENNEY !of Savannah. fhe House lias undergone repairs; the rooms ( spacious and are refurnished. Persons can h-ninmodated with single rooms, and evcry'ox. Sion will be made to render them comfortable SAMUEL HALE, Proprietor. lMKAL...Al 2( ' , Lime, Herring, &c. X A CASKS fresh Thomnstown Bay Lime - V xz., . superior Herrings 1U0 bblsand jl»bls No. 1,2and3Mackerel iru now binding from brig Sea Island mid forvalc 1*11,11 taken from the wburf by | no., no «*» HOiEHT'Idot-r. Mcgant tfc clioic^JarfumGrv. 7I1L Suhscritiers have recrived nr l,nV Ann. . Schooner Intrepid and ship Corsair, n fresh |PP|y of Choice Perfumery, cdnsfgtih;; of Otto ol Roses in clegunt gilt bottles of vnri ous patterns Macassar, Russia, Bears and Antique Oils "Pomatum in Pols mid Rolls BosCj'Orunge flower and Lavender Winter Hose, BcnjoiniMusk, Olive, Venacuhir, Pnlm Wcgelublc, Ceylon, Bandana, Transparent, Vnriegiitcrt, und English Windsor Soaps, Wash Balls, Naples shaving Soup in Pots Shaving Cakes, i,-c - <' ‘ • i Pocket, fine teeth und dressing Cumbs, new Patterns < Hair Powder and Powder Puffs Pocket Books and Pocket Wallets, with and without springs r I.k Fayette and Silk Stocks, Elastic Wire und Coburg Stilfncrs, Silver Wire Teeth Brushes with gilt handles, Twinge. Scrapers, . ’ Nail, ('loth, liair mid Shaving Brushes, ®h»s Smelling Bottles, Visiting Cards Metal Shaving Boxes, Moating Tapers of every description, rongum Beans, Musk; Carmine, Court Plaster, Snuff Boses, Chamber Lights and MatchcB, Sugar Box- lmtn!.!, g | C !fn' vil11 * very general and extensive Li r l, ° ^!, u S , i Medicines, Chemicals, Pff. t „m i d c ‘ nes> Sic " of which Imv^ber C ten »on y “ and are offered f - ..i*' f.' C!ist 2 P Per ct. lower than ha- ^ er I 'H • f ,s “>“*61 for cash or crs-W v . ^ cn so,d . * well to coll and *• - jrclia!ers w c - d -aY Si VcNDRtCKSOIf, ’ 196 Shad’s Buildings. nov 18 . An usHortmetitof CLASS. A. DK LAROCHE, Opposite tha Exchange. For Sale, iyi\ HAMPERS POTATOES’ f W Tons COAL. Apply to nov O' 207 JOliNtl.l HElDfcCO. Notice. T O ennlile the assignees of Mr. WilMam Tun, to tntike at an early ncrioda final dm dead; R is-requested that all cluimfi against him be presentod to their agent Mr. Thom is O. Mit.- LEn, by the FI UST DAY OF J.iXUAB YJfEXT, ntherwke they will be debnred; It is hoped that those indebted will see the necessity ol making un immediate settlement. JAMES M<HENRY, tlEORGE REJ.P1I, JOHN IL REID, Assignees of W. Turner. nov 8 . 208 VTtHE Paragon Toll Mill Is now ready to rc JL ccivo Itlce to heat on Toll, at the customa ry rules. Apply to William Kilcatuick at the Plantation or to JACOB HEAD.. nov II rf210 :*ivod uy.llif late nr- I'iim New-York lind Liverpool, their fa l Fmrp. p : L y, KHj CONsisTifUt or (1-4 anfl 0*4 London Dnfllo Blankets": 'oil (1-4 and 14*4 Rose Blankets W bite, .Mist and Blue Plains, very low ii-4 Blue and Mixt Cloths for survmils 1- inc Win to \\ digit Flannels Do White, Blue mid Vied Yorkshire Very fine Scarlet Cloths and Ca^iuleri-.s Superfine ( loth-, CiiSMuii-rcs and SatliiiL-t Bomnaeeens and BomhaxeUs 4-^1 and (>--I Black, White and Pink Itnilan Crapes Caroline Fluids und Salisbury’Flun- nels J ' ' Linen and Cotton Bed Tick 4-4 mid 8-4 Counterpanes and Quilts Fine. Printed Counterpanes, a new article Furniture mul Garment Dimity - Printed Cnmbrick and Furniture Chintz Fine Irish Linen mid Sheeting Linen Cambric and do Handkerchiefs Rich Shaded and Figured Silks Barugcnnd Colored Florence Barugc Scarfs nnd Hundkerchicfs Rich Cashmere Scarfs, Shawls and Hand kerchiefs Boblnctt Veils und Thread Lnces 4-4 and 6-4 Plain nnd Fig. Bobiuetts do do Cambric nnd Juconotts ilo do Nainsook and Book Muslin do do Kcul India JaoonetU and Mull Muslins Flounce Rohrs ond Inserting Trimming Rich Bull Dresses and Head Ornaments Company Orders. An Election is hereby or dered to be held in Reynolds • Square,^. SATURDAVg the 11th dny of Decoiribcr next, for n Second I lieuten ant and Ensign of the 4th Dent Company. The Roll will be opened at 11 o’clock, A. M. A. I1AIN, Cnpt. nov ‘2'2 4tli Heat Co. (l.M. Squadron Orders. J 22d Novkmobr, 1824. T HE members of the corps of Georgia Hussars are ordered to assemble at the Court House in the city of SaVnnnull on TUESDAY, the ffrilh day of December next, to elect it Captain to com ---■ , - jr— ------ | inund the,said corns, in the room ot Capt Stile*, Silk, Cotton und Worsted Hose of nil dus-1 resigned, and also td (ill such other vacancies as criptlons. ■With sundry other iii-Ueles, too numerous to men- lrt oji,,idl of which will lie sold on the most accom odating terms, by # WM. £ II. ROSE, pet 21 cplO.q' may hen occur. By order W.W. GORDON, npv M Adgt. Squad. Cav. 1st Div. U. M. 220 The THE CO-PARTNERSHIP, •\TtrillCH oxistod in Glasgow, under the Ann of YT Thomat Liuiriultr Co. and in this plnue Conti,iitcthc Comm if Aon Busitim in Ji*>L erpiml, tinder the. Finn of tiie 3ht of August last. ISAAC IjOIV &> CO 1 THOS. LANCASTER, JA.l/lt, BUIkii CIA Per Attorney, J. II. ltziD, A ND will at all-times make lihernl mlvnnccs on J JOHN II.REID. produce consigned to them for snle. I The subscriber will continue the Imsincss on Havingships regularly in the Liverpool trade, I his own neemtht, and attend to the settlement of und owning n convenient wlmrf, on Which there I thcall'uirs oft lie late firm “ - 1 * c " :j, cotton will be re- 1 their own vessels, oi* 'those to tlicir address, ti-ce of any commission. Orcb-rs for merchandize, will be executed and only, u commission charged, when the payment is sntisfnct9rily secured. A general assortment of British nov 20 m218 JOHN ILR1F.D. w mmm* is just received, hei-ig lmiight with Muncy and se lected by one of the partners, they will he furnish ed us low us by tiny regular Importing House In the United Status, und on a long credit, for ■iipprovcd paper. ANDREW LOW t CO. ■ oct 20 197 For New-York, {ESTABLISHED LINE.) The fust sailing packet ship LOUISA MATILDA, |>. Wood Mo$ter, EaJsSs Will haveiminedinle despatch. For iglil or passage, having superior accotnm’dda- ions, apply to Capt. \V r . on board, nt .bine’s upper liaif, or to HALL ^ HOYT. ,- 30 226 light or, •Iliiir.s u Itnrf nov 30 22(5 For Baltimore! The selir. r () R N A X, Daria, Master, Will have immediate despatch sage apply toCapt. (). on boi HALL S For :1 atj IR)YT. Notice. jPgMyye sax a a. _ ‘By Calvin Baker, ON MONDAY, (ith inst. at U o’clock^ A general assortment of GROCERIES. ALSO, At half past 11 o'clock. At his Auction Store, A general assortment of British and -** merieetit dry G OOl)S, Among which are, Fine white plains, London duffle blankets, dd- nieslie negro cloths, striped enssiinercs, 4-4 brown skirtings, inudrus liandkcrcliieis, inaddnp0llum. shirtings, apron checks,funcy calicoes, rod flan nels, colored bombiv/otts, mixt cassimeres. black canton handkerchiefs, S;ixonv printed shawls, vel vet cow, figured cravats, ^-c. k At.SO, 14 dozen Valencia Vests. dec 4' 227 A Steam Boat, witli freighting Bonts will regu larly depart from the Company’s Wharf on Wed nesday and Saturday of ouch week, mul when freight offers to make it necessary, an extra boat will depart during the intermediate periods. JOHN DAVIDSON, 'Agent. oct 25 196 nov 26 Leather. SIDES rigging und sole LEATHER just t)U rccoivcd und for suit by tlEO.D. CORNWELL. Exchange-Wharf. m223 -1 For Sale,' A SM ALL AUGUSTA BOAT, in good order well calculated for a wood boat, now em ployed us such; burthen from 25 to 3i) earth. Fortenns apply to K., al Mittrt Philbridi If tferunton’t. nov 26 m223 CROCKERY. T HE subscribers continue to file prders for CHOCKEB F of any description un advan tageous terms. l'crsons wishing to ortfer lor the Spring would do well to baud iu their orders as curly as the mouth of Jutiunry. - nov 25 222 J. B. HERBERT St CO. Planters Bank N OTICE is-hereby given, that after the first day of January next, this Bank will not re ceive fora y debts doc to it, tlje hotnuoftbe Da rien Bank, nor the'notes of upy other bunk, which does not, on demand, redeem Its paper with spe cie. Notes and acceptances deposited for col lection, until further node?, inny be paid in any of llio notes of the Bunks of Georgia, it being un-’ derstopd that* depositors.of sifrli puner will ije paid in Ihesumc notes, the amount of collections inode for them. J. MARSHALL, Cashier. ntjv.,4 1.202 ~ Ready Matte Clothing’, <rr\flt cost!!! 0 T HE suhscrilier intending^toleave this plncc by the 20!h bf this month,dlfers his STOCK OF GOODS AT COST—it comprises a general as sortment of CLOTIIISQ OF ALL SIZES. JOHN I*. SETZ. oct" 186 ’ FACTORAGE. T HE subscriber tenders Ids thanks to hisfriemls and -the public for the liberal encourage ment he has received in the FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BUSINESS, Plantation* and Negroes for sale The Plantation belonging to the estate of the late Elemin^ Akin, situated on the little Oirceqhec, _ known by tlienamcof.Menllmll. con- iiiing 1100 acres—a large proportion of which is first quality lticu nnd Colton land, With convenient Dwelling, Ne gro and gin Houses—stables, cam und cotton houses in complete r £&> order. Together with a gang of twen ty prime field bunds—for sale upon veiy liberal | terms. Application to bo made to Mr. Juuies | Brown on the plncc <Jeo. w. Moallister, Strathy llall, Brynn county, or C. W. ROCKWELL k Co. Savannah. nov 18 116 »at3K»mia®T* V UUNACUL Alt Soap, Rose do. I’alm do. Raudana do. CqIou do. Almun do. Vegitabln “ MyrtW “ Musk “ Low’s Oriental'do. Violet “ Transparent t l Windsor “ AVhsIi Bulls “ Savonnettc “ Hair l'owdor, I’oinutum, Combs, Iiuir Brushes, CTontli Brushes, Teeth “ Razors, Strops of I’omeroys h Ben jamin, Rogers Pen Knives, Ladies Pencil Cases Lend Peucils, be. For sale by Dr. DE LA ROCHE, nov 26 223 The Subscriber has taken the litlUL ROUSj{ in the Villngu of II ice- lioro’, recently occupied by Mr, Kcinpton, and intends keeping a pub- WATCII MAKER, From RoshelPs Factory, Liverpool, R espectfully inform* the citizens of Sa vannah that he can repair ChrotlomHres, Longitude, llcpealivK, Musical, Duplex, Patnit, Uornon «/,nndnll-kfiidjofCLOCKSund WATCH ES, with tiie utmost dispatch. (CP His Shapis next door south atJustice Ru---- sell, Bull-street. NscmLE nov 25 222, ' lie house, for tilt- accouimodntion of TRAVELLERS and BOARDERS. Those who may favor him with a call lire assured . , , , . . that every attention will he paid to their comfort and trust* that liy n strict attention to the interest I , m j convenience, llistiihlc will be supplied with of the Planter, lie will merit a continuance ot their I (| le („, s ( t| ic country affords ; liis Bar with choice -atrortago. I liquors mul Ills Stable with tiie best provender, FOr sale. I and an attentive Oilier—the rates modomte. Griindy’s Wliito l’lnln* , I M1 DAVID STETSON Pfime-12 inch Cotton Bagging. 1 oct 30 . -Ol ELIAS FORT, Commerce Row. oct 5 183 Genuine Seulhiz Powders. A FRESH supply received .per ship Corauir, and for sale at SI pcrBox by L.\Y b HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Druggists, nov 23. 220 Shatl's Building* To the Electors resident in capt. Giro don's Beat. I T having been rumoured that Lain no candidate for Justice of the Pcucu, nnd ns the report tuny gathersti-eiigth, froiq my having been confined for the Inst three weeks by severe illness, I beg leave to state that 1 am a candidate for Justice of the Peace, und will be thnukful for the support of the Electors on the first duy of January next. hov23 x a220 R.W.MKINNON. Notice. rTtllE co-partncrship hcretofore existing under I X under the ffrm of Clarke & Brown, Is this dny dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to said fiffni are urgently solicit ed to call on S. Clarke, nnd pay .the demands a- gainst them; mul ull those having demands ngnlust said firm will please call on him for payment.— I4o being duly aillhoriBcd to settle the business of said firm. S. CLARKE, 1 GEO. S. BROWN. SI. Mary*, 1 *1 Abe. 1824. nov 11 210 * Overseer Wanted, -g-xOft a CoRon Floatation in a healthy situa .1? (ion, who understands t|ie culture of'cotton, nnd wliocan. produce good recommendations for cxpei-icnce and industry—apply at this office nov l221 NOTICE.. T HE subscriber informs his friends and the inhabitants of Savannah generally ,thal he will give instructions.on the P/jiA'Q FORTE.—Those who feel dis posed to eiicourngc him will please miike application nt the house of Mr. Brascii, Corner of Broughton and Drayton-Slrceti ,or ut the Furniture Store ofMr l. W. Moniutt lilt it Inker-Street. The subscriber lenders his thanks to the citizens of Savannah for the support lie has hitherto re ceived, and hopes, (hat from bis knowledge, nnd experience in Ids profession, and the attention lie pledges hinisc|f to pay to those who may be plac ed under his instructions, he will receiver liucrul share of public patronage, Terms §25 per quarter.. ay P1ANO FOR TES tuKcd at the shortest notice. nov 16 l214 Henry l. brasch. Runaway tN the 26th ult-a fellow fellow (naraedTOM) " belonging to Prince Candy a colored man ad Cooper in this place. Tom is about 5 feet 10 -ehes high, visibly pitted in the face with gun- Ipowdcr, resembling »mall pox, and about 25 years |ohl. Information nas buen lodged that ho .is bnr- oured on board a fishing smack offTybcc. .hUiisrnlreward will be given fertile apprehen- of Tora, or sufficient testimony to convict ,u 'a whose employ he may now be. SA3PL STILES, Guardian. |' ( L2t6 •A’ r ’% ^ ; '■ ' DANCING ACADEMY. ASSZMRZ Y IIALL-Broughtofi-strect, rrirlE subscriber informs his friends and patrons, X that his room having boon thoroughly clean* ed and repaired, his School Jbr Young Misses and Masters is now open for the season. Having taken into consideration the present do presrion'ofbusiness and consequent scarcity of money, be inis determined to iowbr the price or tuition nccordinglv. Tiie termsAvill hcreufter bo TWELVE DOLLARS per quarter; • . the scliool for gentlemen is also open in the evening. , , IO’Persons wishing to see the silbscnbcr wil please call at hl-S dwelling, corner of Drayton nnd klate Streets. JOHN C. LEUE. •’ll 2 , T nov 1 Savannah Female Asylum. i N Election for a .Matron to this institution iV-w ill take place at this Asylum House on the first meeting in ‘February. Application for the above handed in, to ^be subscriber. By order of the bntrd, 1 eTm. LLOYD,. Scc’ry i-BOV Ul ill Prime Poik and Mackerel. BBL$. prime Pork, New York City III ' spection 30 Half Bhls. No. 1 Mackerel 30 “ No. 2 “ For sale by I,. PETTY, nov 15 i*213 ' TO BE LET. Tiie STOR E corner of Bny nnd Druyton-Strccts, now occn- ded by J. P. Seize. Possession may lie had on the loth of this m: nth. For further particulars, apply to Peter Dupnn. PETER EVEN. oct 19 J1101 jjl I sept 28 oRcnt. The thren story brick build ing on tlio Bny, lately occupied by J.'i.MK.sDicKsyNCo as a. Whole sale Dry Good Store. Apply to C.W. ROCKWELL 4-CO. 182 Notice. T HE Subscriber as administrator of tiie late \V. I). Cooper, of Soutli Carolina, lias in his hand* assets for distribution among his creditors of Whom the |atc firm of iVay nud M’hltc, were tffe principal. Thkl fiini liaving assigned nil their debts to their creditors, they are renii at Mr. Jno. Y. White’s Byarding ll day, the 10th dixy of December next, t A. M. to receive proportions to which they muy be severally entitled. JOHN D. M0NCIN. nov 17 cp216 ' To Rent. A Two Story House in one of the most healthy parts of Sa vannah, containing a pnrbr nnd two bed rooms on the first floor, and three rooms on the second, with u -pump, carriage house, and stnble all la complete order Enquire at this office, nov 19 |(2J7 LAW T HE subscriber tenders his professionnl servi ces to the public ; ond begs leave to inform Fifty Dollars Reward, W ILL be paid for, the apprehension nnd do- livery ot the following Negroes to the Sub scribers, living in Bourke Cunty; or any sufc Jail Savannah, Cct. 26,1824, O’ The Constitutionalist, :Gcorgin Journal,and .Washington News, are requested to give the a liove 3 insertions * cekly. I On tins FIRST TUESDAY iu He cumber, c.t U o’clock, will hu sold ill front of the Court House, lu this city, ONE NEGRO EELEOSY, ubout 24years o! age, a good field bund, ALSO, ONE NEGRO WOMA-N, dec 2 2dri CROCKERY. By J. B. Herbert A co. TO-MOBROtV, 4th inst. at 11 o’cloqk. Will he sold before our Store, 18 crates aborted crockery, just landed. Terms at time of sufA 1-U AI.8CJ,' 12 Cases port Wide, tlory’s brand 1 du ury MolUjth “ •l demijohns L P Madeira of direct importation apo superior qiiulity 4 pieces42 inch cotton bagging. ALSO, a i invoice of clothing, consisting of Short Ja-kets nud Troioscis, Vests, Vlanntl .S'iiijjs Monkey Jackets and Dark Trowstr*. v * , also, 'y 'ef-'y-gB?. 2 writing desks olid 1 stove antlpipe. ■ ALSO,. AOrwr -' ■ -->• of groceries,' 10 hbls Prime l’ork. ALSO, j An elegant BAROL’CHI', and I1VUNF.-54 and fi pair oi.young HURSEi* gentle and -mnd. dee 3 r 220 Ti rn^ Cash. ■ Executor's sale, By J. B. Herbert S,- Go. | Onthe First Tucs :layx, before the Court IU -, will l,c sold between AUGUST G. OEMLER, H AS removed hisDRUG STORE, tothccorner of Broughton anil U'liitakcr-Slnct*, opposite Col. Stallman’* Mansion House, where he exhibits for sale, u choice assortment of Fresh Medicines and Garden seeds, and various other articles suiting his lint, Ik ab- Mnins relating the whole string of names of the things he offers, und only mentions n few which arc not commonly found in every Drug Store, viz: Fob Sabina, Pyrala Umbellntu, Dcgitulis Purpurea. Seullcap, Hyssop, German Leopard’s Bane, (nrnicn montann) Elecampane, (Inula Ilcleiiium) Hops, Ergot, Tonquin Beans, Squire’s Elixir. Dulfyls Elixir, Ess. Mustard, Ess. Tyre, Jesuit Drop, Churchc’s Cough Drops, Aromatic Vinegar, Toilet, Vegetable, and other Soaps, Macassar. Oij, riiosptioi-us, Ox Mur. I'otnsse, James’s Fever Powders, Infantile Powders, Read’s Stiptic, Spirits Soafi, Fumigating Pastils, Pyrollgulous Acid, Black Drop. J.i Kcupcclingthe utility of this lust BrtiuiP» hu refers to the last, but one,.page of llieGcorgiuandSoiitli Carolinu Almanac, of this year, net 9 1187 - Liberty Superior Court. To the Jurors, iPihictses und Suitor* in the same. nnllE Judge of the Superior Courts of the Eust- i ern District having been called to a conven tion of the Judges at MiUcilgoviile, the Supe rior Court of Liberty County will be adjourned, onthe regular dny ofthe Term, tothc sixth of De cember, of which Jurors, Witnesses, and Suitors in the same will take notice, uz.d give their at tendance accordingly By order of his Honor Jnmes M. Wnyne, Judge of the Superior Court. E. BAKER, c.l.s. c. nov-3 ("204 Runaway during the last week, ll’/ / _ Hr /„ so we con get"them—ora liberal reward will lie I iMk White’skTn'or (ihn which cnlirnlycov : (<rsthc given for any part of loom, to wit. Modfttffiivft -.left eye,by wltichifoe cauliot bo mistaken. All Bight Mulatto hiOIU about 35 years ohl, rather persons arc narticulnrly'warncd against employ, slender made and of keen apprehension, and ins {„» or harbouring said wench under the penalt y of wife Hannah u black woman about 45 yeai-s old, I n p rosccut { oni f * with: a scar ou one side of her faee, the property a suitable reward will be paid for her r.onrehen of Josepli Hlpes—Ben an African ulibut 45 years • - * * ** *•-----* ^ 11 old, small and well set and filed teeth, with a scar Effingham Superior Co/art, To tlu Jurors, H’.iltWttt-and Suitors ,V the unite. npHEJudgc .ofthe Superior Canrtt of the I-’.ast- X ern DUtricl having been called to a conven- lion of the Judges at Milledgevjile, tin- i-i.-.- Court of-EffmgTiain Connty: vill lie ndjtiurhcd, on the regular day ofthe Ter.m, to the 13th of De cember, of whichJuro;,5 l Witnesses, and Suitoi in the same will take, notice, and give their attend ance accordingly, t By »irder e.Y his Honor Janies M. IVhyfle. Judge of the Sup erior Con.t. JNO. CBAKiAw. nov ’,5 . . 1213. VI' rk. January w >sc,-inthis\. the usual hours vf 10 amt 2 <I'c/oek, the ftillowinu properly, Ining tin: PERSONAL ESTATE of Wtn. Craig, ucc. viz — One Share Steam-Boat Stuck, and F< NEGROES, Sanoho, Fortune, Jack, and Sylvia.' S»fit hy per- miision of ttie. lion, the Inferior Court and by ordiy' of Hu I'eerutor. Xcrfie. Cash. ~ nov 1J 216 \ ..ucc,—,iilininistrator\s sale. Postponed: rjYllEsiile ofthe estate of IUchd I’clhmt, dcc’iM .1. whifch vVastohavb taken place at 'Squire /. Ct. Butler's, this dny, Is postponed, and the pro perty advertised for .sale, viz. one hor.*i\ sa,iKjJtr- andIll-idle, 1 cow nud calf, 1 spinning wheel; and several small articles, will be sold in iron! ot t.’nb vin Baker’s Auction store, iilSirvanaaii. on Mon-, lbn/ the -2d of.'iov. inst. BENEDICT BOURQUIN. nov 11 210 ’ Temporary Ada V. Pity Sheriff hs salt;—contiimed. On the first Tuesday in ■a-xriLLhe sold lieforn the Court JIou:>e. in tiie | YV city of Seymiuahlietwecn tiie usual hours. , Anciru woumn iiuincd Betty levied on in the property of Chnriesiyot, to satisfy two execution ? in favor of David Guglo and Fetty fc Gn.-ene. nov 24 221 A. I. D'LYON < «. She riff’s sales—c out i mie t!. Onthe. first Tuesday in December next, ILL lie sold tithe court house, ill qavunnpfe- between the ustml liuur* of sale, Five ffegros, Maria; and 4 children. London, Henry, Robert and June, levied on us the proper* tv of Win. A. Moore, to satisfy uu execution in t:.' vor ndm’rs of Bait Jones. Sold at the risk of tin former pm-cliaser. The following negros Sally and her lljroo chil dren, Mnry, David und Eliza': Delilu, and her !> cliildrcn, Lucinda, Mary nnd Anthony, liivind on osllic properly ol EloaZiu! 1'iirly, to saiis v un - \e- cution in favor of the Bank nf "tin* United fjtaJis Sully nnd her three children, sold on acton tint o the former purchaser. A negro mn,i named Joe, levied on as 'hr pi-o. nertyoj Joseph Cv Huborsham, under a fi la on foreclosure iu favor of l)avi< ic IJerrleni ■Vi30 all the household und xitehen lurnituru contained in the City Hotel, le'vied-on as the pro* pcVty of Oran Bird, umlt-r u fdrec'lttsnre ot u iiion- gngc to Eleazer i-lnily. truusfened to.). Ii. 11 er - hurt S* Co. Persons wishing to purchase u ill pieasr* cull iiliu examine the I.boyn r„r..itute ■S-j ©3r?. w n'ov,J3 " : gtd 1. b-EY'oja on one ann, and liis wife Sylvia about 35 years of ago, pretty heavy to her height.—They took of 3 Chlldreii BenyDave ond Hetty, tiie children of Bfcii and Sylvia, two ofthe children belong to the Estate of $niith Stringer, deed, the other child and Ben and Si’lvla.'to Abner Btdcher. Tliev broke loose a large Canoe on Tuesday the 28tn September Inst, at Stephen’s.Bridge, Iturkc.Goun- ty, mid we thing will aim down the River to the Marshy Country,^ beloiv Savannah, ns Ben war bought up there und has oncerunawny and got lfh wife und children buck there und were .appreUfen. doil and put in Savannah JaU, not two ycm-4 ugo, —One ofthe men took off a Gun tue other a Pis tol with thorn. JOSEPH HINES ’ ABNEUBELCHER. net 14 180- - . ; sion and delivery to tho subscriber In javannnli. nov 16 a214 JO^.S.PELOT. Proposals, F OR repairing the Bridge between Whitcmarsh Island and Oatlunds, will be received be tween this nud the 1st day ot November. For particulars apply to TIMOTHY BARNARD,) Com'rs JOHN SCIUVEN. > Wilmiug- EDW. F. TATTNALL. ) ton Dis’t. On 14 190 ; - '-’■yrT IlaxaU's Richmond Superfine flour: t W\ BBS. received by the schr.' Robert Burns, uud for sale. Apply to ,iov 12 <2i;. PQflCjS&M-KENZIL. ■■ _ •'th LATE FROM THE PRESS. T ALES of on American Landlord, 2 vol. #3 Recollections of the Peninsula, §1 0‘Haliorun, the Insurgent Ohief, 2 v §2 , Rc-jgaunthit, 2 v S2 viayings and Doings, 2 v ^2 Body mid Soui;'2 v §2 The Spanish Daughter, 1 v $!1 , The Higlilandor, 2 v $2 . Letters from the South and West, 98?J Knickerbocker, 2 v ^2 Sketch Book,‘$2 ' History of the North American Colonies, by John Marshall, Chief Justice U. S; 1 v 924 Cochranu's Journey thraugli Russia und Si berian Tnrtary, from tile Frontiers of Chi na to Knniscliatktt, 924 Parry’s second voyage for the Discovery of a North West Passage, $2 Memoirs of Dr. John Aikin, by Lady Aikin, 1 v. 92:!—Tills volume contains, besides Critical Essays on the English Poets ami Miscellaneous, the Memoirs Of Drs. En- >> *,-.field, Pulteney, Priestly and Currie, the • . Itev. (Ii-o. Walker nnd (i. Wakefield, B.A. Cowpers Private Correspondanecj 92 25 For stile by S. C.-St J. SCHFiNK) Who have lately received A large quantity of Letter i»4 Foohcti'i PAPER, nov ItJ. t-2lD iG*’ The suhscriber retuvus his thanks to the friends of tin- laic firm for past fii vOrs nAd will be grateful fortheiroontlir.i im 1. at their former Store Corncrof Jefferson and Stale streets : where lie orfci-s at rcduCed'pricCs a coiiiplete uk- sortment of choice . . GROCERIES, LIQUORS, TEAS, LAMP OIL, DOMESTIC GOODS, &c. &c. nov 17 m2 15 H. CHAMPION: 14000 C - VBAX ' V S1 ' X; A I ^ij u sti-eceiv- J221 24 itod and for sale by J. B. HERBERT fc CO. 221 q2**M •. -i- ; 'I. Now Mackqrelj Rum, Lard, BARRELS Boston Rum Fresh -lind swim fug. 20 days since 25 kegs Butter (fresh) 25 kegs new LenfLnril 20 -barrels No 1 Mnckeriil 50 dd 1 No 2 do 100 do No 3 do *7 30 half do No l ,do 30 half do No 2 do 30 half do No 3 do , j j 500ireams, single, douiild size mid iron mon- " " r . gers Wrapping Paper 1000 teams Cap, Pot ami Letter Paper 100 packages Glass; of all descriptions 30 boxes Windsor Glass 100 kegsDupont’sunii Chelmsford Gunpowder 2 cases Playing Cards ’ - •; 10 cases Whim-mores No jO Cotton Cards 100 boxes No 1 Soap 100 do smoked Herrings Laiiding from sclif; Laurel, and Ship Chariot and for sale on accommodating terms bv ■ ROBERT 6; GOFF; nerv 1.3 1 : !■ Tin' Library r s open for the delivery of Book > ton Monday,. Wednesday, mul Friday, from r/tiu:i: until rivr. o’clock, wig ICO Lumber, Factorage ami com* missi0 n Iiu sin ess. J 'lIiE Suhscriher continues the l.umlicr, Factor-. . age and Commission Business, nt his old stand near the Union I-’gfn- Wharf, and tendersbis - Services,.to liis friends and the pitbiie. He will niso intend to the KK-l'At.'KlN'G ami COMPRESSING of COTTON,his cotton pres; be iug in cnhiplete order. Oct 30 201 JNO. IWEKINGM AM. GAUDR Y & D Ell BE LIT, litre just, received, Tl tiBLS. lltoxuils i'lour JLLFLF 2(r,000 licit Spnnisl) Scgars 20 half bbls corned Beef put up forfiunin :. 20 do Goshen Butler ’ 50 bags priin? Green Ccdl’cc 30 bbls do do d* 20 boxes white Havana Sugur 25 Jilids prime St. Croix do 00 bhls do do do 40 do do Muscovado do 50 do live Whiskey ' I 10 hints do do • - • 5 do N. E. Rum r 10 pines Cognac Brundy f> (Id best Hollands Gia *40 bbls N. E. Gin ,.. 20 do prime Pork 50 do new Mackerel No, 3 60 boxes yellow Soup 4Q ; do Now Bedford Sperm Cundlcs 20 kegs Shot, assorted .lOO do Duponts Powder 50 half kegs do do 10. bags Black Pepper 20 boxes fresh Chocolate, No. 1 * V - 00 kegs Spiced Salmon ’ Wit ka general assort.'Herd of . groceries, *. ‘ • nv - novlo uWi ■ .v Vt 1 v