Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, December 04, 1824, Image 4

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9 vf 0i (*> . \ T ■'*4 ' ; ("i i rA t1 ,J>J Arlutmisl nitor’s sale. On fycducsdity Hit first tif December nr.; !, Tl ..ii-sobi'm the lair. resiih-iibi: »t \llcn Y t .*'ou'mui'k, dc-i-d, ail (lie personal properly ol ^,ii.l lice’ll; consisting ,d'3 negroes, 4 head of linh, s, one miile. ( little, Sheep, goals, nud hogs. unH Imus, .mid mul kitchen furniture- .' ;i Ili ad Oxen one carrying, 1 silver watch, mul the pri-seu; crop ol corn and lodder. Condi- limiMif sale Cash. R. lit I; ION. Adtn’r. Oct I I 1*9 M \RV DENMARK, Mil's. City Marshal's Sal On the fir. W!it;r,r« Tucsd U)/ in Dti'cmhc 1C&. I,r next, party it"the grouu lore that duj . Lot no. I'd. Wt ili'U east liv lot u wH by Warren re-entered upon Win. Wbotllnidg Lot no.22,W:i 1 east by lot no y \\ arreii Squui • entered noon inn d tin the following pro due is not paid be Ward. oO bv «M feet, b in- . ,li Administrator s stile, On the Jirsl Tuesdny in January next. W ILL be sold before the Court House in the City ol Savannah,’tin- following property, boiug (lie real estate of Andrew M-I.eaii. late, id eimtiiuiu County, ilce'd tor (he bclielitof t lie heir; and creditors, pursuant lo an order ol Court. One trai l ol land, containing fetOO acres adjoin- ini; lands of Francis Tulls..lames Raseo, and Ma ry slimes. Known as Jonathan and John Fox’s tracts, about Id miles from Savdnnah. %•die vacant Jot in fee simple, siliialed in Ewens- bur.r. on Mnrgarel-st.Savannah, known by No. 23. (>110 I duo, also b known bv tile No. : lln lOUSC and and iinpn One I, The pur ol' 4 date and | pin ei.naeis c nil . tWO .110 ample, situated 1. with a dwell illy s thereon. iviiir. hoiiii uml mortgage,puy- I three years,with intercut front sdiiritv* til.o. ill,l,N, \duVr l. Andrew M'l.mie. r»y > 0:1 I,n ; Executor $ sale, J. i>. ilcrbcrt iy c;o •hr; in Ucconhcr ic Court lion-• in th d hoiii-s of It) and 2 Tat . ih • IT Ot I 'cl k. aledou the nortii western i n Washington Ward, con i' with a kitchen and other I- biting tlid property of the )>e emission f Chatham OlltltV T lyr tiefit of tlio heirs lfl Or. liv ( iihin linker. ftnbusfrtnajrjt sole.. tint In tail id December next, I he sold in front of the ('unit House in thli ity, at i 1 o’clock. All the persona! property TM til. Mayhew, diet u-ed. Consisting of a DWELLING HOUSE, tl i r ft' I-ot No. til, Liberty Ward and one on i artof Lot No. 2, Jekyll Tything d.antl Mimlry C.iI!I’B.VT.liUS TUOI.S. idcr of the Administi-ators. 194 Atiinimstratoi's! sales. On Lht first Taisduy in DtrtmCtr next, % A ’ILL he sold at the court house in thecfHin- V/ !y of Eitiuglium A tract of laud containing 202.’ acres, known by the number 229—tilth diet, lying in the county ileeiy. o i (he Vellnw River, twenty five acres of 'vh. a is eieared, together with some improve ment • then on and considered a valuable tract. Fold by an order obtained from ti.c hoh. tile In ter or Court of the County df^vfltnghnm, for th i»i• it oftlm heirs und creditors oi' (lie t'state of Emanuel Ralin, late of said County dec. JACOB ON ANN. Junior. Administrator. -ort2 184 Admiui&rator’s sale. the firs! Tuesday in January next, ■ l.e sold at the Court House, in the ihnehatu, Between the usual II L he Comity d 1 Fello' in and t- con Ton Squurd, and north by Bryan st. is the pro",erty of tlie eMnte ot ifor 4 qiinHers rent, ren ward, (it) by 90 feet, hound. . 21. soutli by Congress st. west e. and north by St. Julian street, is tl.e rin.m.ww ol lieo. W M'Al- sler; •nt. Lot on ward, 60by IK) feet, 2. soutli by a lane, west' r Bay st. re-entered upon Woodbridge*, for 4 ijuar- i quat 1, Wuslmtj .\iud;-9 enst by lot no y Pried st. and nortii 1 . the property ofT VV •r.s rent. Lot uo. 2, Wnsliington ward, f>0 by DO feet, ottndod east by lot no. 3, soullt Ity a’lnuc, west y lot no. 1, mid north by Burst re-enleied upon S the p ropetty of 1' M Woodbridge, for 4 (juar- Ts rent. Lot no. 16, Washington wnrd) 60 by 90 feet, lontli by BiVan street nittded east by. lot pi west by PriceSt. aml north by a lane, re-entered upon as the property of 3 Wiikins and C C Coop- .for4 quarters rent. ’ V' ; ’’< Lot no. 21, Washington wnrd, 60 by SO feet, bounded east by lot no. 23, south by Congress st. st by Price st. and north by St. .Tullnn st. re-en- Mi: .it' i.V lint'llnr«jl fm* »t terea g i": nt. s the property of M E Barnard, for 4 Lu no. ti'i. Washington ward, 60 by 90 feet, bo a mleil east by lot uo. 34, south by Bfoughtou st. west, by lof no. 36, and north by a luuc, rc-mi- upon ns the. property of Funny Williams for cut. nf>. 0, and north by Toulh Eroad-strce',, tte.-wv l . vril upon as the pr ipi'l’tv ot till' estate of Thus. Gardner. Sfl 4 quarters rent.;'|BlS^iBMK'... irfdMmiBCBJJackstin ward, do Bv DO iocf, iioumU ed east hy lot no. 9. south by n lane, west by lot no T.' and ninth by 36uth broad-sl re-eiiter- i-d upon as tlio property of 3. Wilkins, for four quarters rent. Lot no. li'. -lackson Ward, 60 by 90 feet, boun ded east bv Whilakcr-st. south by a lane, west bv lot no.V, and north by South Rm id-st. re-en tered upon as the property ol’T. N. Morel, for 5 urt-ws rent. Lots no. Hand 15, Jackson ward, 60 by 90 feet each lot. bo lulled east by lot no. 13, south leans Square, p est by M’Comb-strect, and by a lane, re-entered upon as the property of K. Ualiershain, for 4 quarters vent. Lots no. 17 and IS. Jackson ward, 00 by 90 feet each lot, bounded enst by lot no. 16, south bv Perry-st. west by lot no,’ 19, and north byn lane, u '-entered upon as tho nropecty .of -P.. S< II, for8 qnarsers rent curb lot. ft I if of'ir.iJnrFa suits, ' O N tlie frit Tiiesi’.av in Oceemln r, m front of _ the Conr'.-IImise*hnfwceh the usual hours, will be so! 1 ■ the Following property, if the taxes are not paid : I.,,; No. New Leeds, now kaowit m till) plan of th* city as OglothorpoWard, hounded east liv West lirom’l-s'reel, south by a vacaitl lot, west by lot — and north hy lot No. t. levied on as t he property ot'G. I- Cope, to satisfy bis eitv tnxes for the v ai' l!s2l, 1322, 1323, ami 1321, amount tax • i ,.,.l . Wharf lot No. S. Washington ward, bounded east by lot No. 9, south by H:ty-s|reol, west by lot No. 7, and north by 3iiviinnaa river, levied on as tjio property of the estate of Pat.' Stanton, to sat- isfv the city taxes of said estate forthe years IH21, and 1822, amount tax $99 and cost. Half lot No. 9. and buildings, Carpenters Rotv, s'* EORGI t.te I; for urihiuirv ham C a' the -By the. hon. ittiiie tn the (ith Vi EQT rrv. ('ircuit Oodff, II, g. Wh atom litioli ed in I>il ,i -lilt n.late • hon. i • said i iliiii j to i Trustee Garden, hounded'enst by eastImtmdhry street,south by lot No. 10, west by east brono-st. and north by lot No. 8, levied on as the prnpcrly^nf Thomas F. ■ --• ■•tv . i mounts r. Maxltam, to satisfy ills city,taxes for i.ot no. 19, Jackson ward, ts) hy 90 teet. bonn-1 1 , ycnrs la23 m)(1 1824, mnnnntdue .?I5. •d east by lot no 18, south by P6rry-st. west bv j A > lmdividod |, # V Lot .No. d, lltek’s Tything lot no. 211,'anil north bynlane, re-entered upon p el . clvil | wuril bounded east by lot No. 7, south) ns the property of A. O. Abrnlmm, for 4 quarters h S{nte s „. cp , west by wcS( uff said lot, and rent . - - i. i ' . .. ,. .. ... »fu... . . i . , , north by a iuqe, levied on ns the property ot Hen Lot no. 20, Jackson xvard, tot) by 90 foot.bnun. Lyons, to satisfy His city tux for the present ileil oast hy lot no 19, south by Perry-st. west by | amiutntftia ..nd rost. 4quarte Lot no b2, Brown ward,60 hy 9rt feet, bound ed east by lot no. —, sontlr liy l.)berty-st. west By lot no.’ 53, mid north hy a lane, re-entered op art as the property of A. 1. D’t.yon for 4 quarters rent.. Lot no. Brawn ward, 60 by 9t).\et, bounil- d east by l.)t no.f)2, south by Hiberiy.Rt. west by 4 no. 54, mul, north by a lime, re-entered upon - the property of the estate of Hugh M’Call, lor 4 quarters renf. Lot no. 60,Brown ward, 60 by PO feet, imaiid- 1 east by' Mudis >n-st. smith'by Liberly-st. west y lot ml til, and nortii liv a lane, ro-entered up it ns the property of It. F Williams, for 3 qutu-- •rs rent. Lot no. 2, New-Franklia wnrd, 60 by 90 feet; bounded east by Telfair's lot, south by Bay-st. west by Montgomery-st. and north by lot no. 3. re-entered upon ns 'the properly of Win. Scar brough, tor 4ipmrtc« rent. Liu iio.,6, Nuw-Franklin ward, 6D by 90 feet, bounded cast b'v lot no. o, south by Bny-st. west by (ot no. 7, mul north by lot no 9, re-entered upon i s the property of Mis. Morels, for 8 quar ters rent. ‘.nt uo.7, New Franklin ward, 60 by 99 feet, bounded ea4 by lot no. 0, south by Bay-si. west by West Iiruad-st. and north bv lot ukr. 8, re-en. t • rek upon as the propcity of rb Cooper, for 6 quarters rent. Lot ho. 9, New-Fninklin wnrd, 60 by 90 feet, bounded east by lot no, 10, south by lot no. 6, n es* by lot iio. 8, and north by voenut lots, re- entered upon ns the property of Win. Tuylo.r, for -I oil a lit is rent. I.ot no. to, New-Finnklin ward, 60 by 90 fert, boiinited east by lot no. 11. loath by lot no, 6, west by lot 9, and north by vacant lots, re-entered upon ns the property of M. O. .Driscoll, for 8, quarters rent. I.ot no. 11, New-Franklin, ward, 60 by 90 fect ? hounded enst by smith by lot mi, -1, w est by lot no. 10, nud north liy. vacant lots, rewiitiTi'd upon ns the priipevty of Il'm. Scar brough, for 4 quarters rent. ■Eastern halt Filuturc lot, bounded east by Lin- coln-sl. south by Sty, Julian-st. west by west half id lot, Riiil’nqrth by Bryan-st. rn.cntered up* s the property of Tl’. Smith, for4 qtirrters rent, ife nr\ Ol) ntt«l f'nlitmliSn tninl lit* ( Jclleisoii-st. and'noyth hy a lane, re-entered up on us the property of Geo. Glen, for 2 quarters rent. Lots no. 21 and 22, Jackson wnrd, 60 hy 90 feet each lot, bounded east by Orleans _ Square; south by M’Donongh-stvoot, west by JelFerson-st. and north hy Perry-street, re-eutcr’ed upun as the property of’E. Early, for 4 quarters rent. . Lot no. 29, Jackson ward, 60 Ity 90 feet, houn ded enst hy lot iio. 30,' south by a latte, west by Jeffersou-st. and uorlh by Hull st. re-enteved up- yenr. Amount due $13 and .cost. One negro man named Frank, levied on ns the property of Thomas ;Wilson, to sntfsfy his city taxes for the years 1821, 1822, 1823, anil 1824, amount tax $120 12. _ ,. Half Lot No. 9 and Imildlngs, Second Tything bv Bryan st. west liy Lot No. 8, and (lorth by a la’iie. levied bn ns the property of the life estate of C. I). f.ehy, to satisfy his city tax for the years 1823 and 1324. Amount dim $25.80 anil cost. A quarter of Wharf Lot No. 4, Trustee Garden, 3,) t( 1 und lid He thoy-ln to tlie. yqjiifoner, eourt, ott or befui t-ijiiiing, oliu rwi grunt' > th Witness tin of th A.D.1S&4. judo 12 l»dh on inliiiinistnitor of atlimh cimntv dec. lias p.e- f ordinary,to lie discharg- •trillion. o cite nml mlmon- cl and creditors of mi* objcctiiiH (if any f letters distnissory 's ollicu; of t ie said lay of December next distnissory will bo lie. Wind e tile tli ‘tinting i the fieri lie t hit i • oliu Camming, one of th court, this 1 Itli (lav Of June H. M. BOND, c c. o. V 4 EOllGI'A, I’lmtham County—By the lion. VX the Justices qf the Inferior Court, sitting for Ordinary pnrpo To all whom it may cottc Whereas Rolmit Taylor, administrator of IVm M. Kelley, Ihtc of Sav.vnnah, inercliant, Ims.petitioned tu the honorable tlie court of dinury to lie discharged from his said administra tion. v •■’:•:.?*• >'•••»» These tire therefore to olto and ndmonish all and singutntf the kindred mul creditors of the said dwensed, to file their objections, (if any they have) in the clerks ollice of the said court, on or bufore the 8th jluy of Dccetnlibr next’; otherwise Ictlefs dismissqry will Ho granted to the pelition- Re.yoolds ward, bounded enst liy.lot No. id,south t,-V fg 1 Qfconi.i, I! li. SnUtl: imil C. UrciHinnpt, Coniiitainnnts I llnnl; nj the Utah' of Georgia, a/t« o//icr.?,'/j ( | ilnnlr—llcrlueutnry Decree. <4 AT present this Court cannot procIcJ 1 A. final dcct'cq, hut pvepartitory t'e r • will order and direct that n reference he 11 the register, to require and report the stab! Donats between tin .Vl'KimieS mid (lie Stni). !• upon the loan of $."ni,(HX>, and hy tlotifb 5 • pears by agreement, thb Batik Square iva nL spectlicitlly.Tn part, lor that lmm. Unit !'•»„ of sides thereof, he so app.ittl, also p... 11 * .ills received at the math raid ol'llie the time it was taken possession of in lilt and to report also upon such otlu the complainants may insist upon ■ made from the same sum. -'by. 'flint lie enquire ami report t i,„ nilm | of bridge lulls now aetiiall v oat. u-ith the | m ,f pectiycly, mul such f„,.| s prove tl,ein a niest and boim fide holders tl, ■ soVorailj) suggest; also (lie $ inphunniib or m .ilge. Fi-pm the tiritn tue lninilsof the del'eiuhj il tliei '•"it Ik-I ri:s .1(11 proper tJ l. ri tligi us each cu e lllii taken liy tile c the north end of the south end passe help agent, i Inch i pahlin all'll:, Witness (lie. 1 lonttranlo John P. Williamson, one of tlie JnslireS oi' the said court, this 8th tiny net of Juno, A. D. 1824. * S. M BOND, c c.o. Juno 8 „ _434 and gmicrnily Hie state ol i ry Shultz and the Bridge Co port upon such discounts or dunts shall suggest and giv against the complainants or. llrtxnv, Esq -Sir—Please to take notice, t )„. f pursuant! the, above .reference, I am ready WroXO necessary statements of nccounts and other imi illation, in relation to tile mntters therein cant , nrl nntil tl.r. R»i n t ’! 'Donatsbetween Id iiMinny and also ClMIgeMijthe e proof of. ns pro either of fheni,". on ns the proporty of J. U. Bcrtlielot, for 4 ens t by half .if said lot, west by lot *3, tors rent. • Vah iVnv-ne. imd nni'ili liv SiivniKinii tors rent. Lots no. 27 mul 28, Jnekson wnrd, 60 by th) feet each lot, hounded east liy Orleans. Square, south by liull-st. west by Jelferson-st. mul north by M’ upon as the property- of J. H. Alorel, (or 4 qimrters rent each lot. • Lot no. 37, Jnekson ward, 60 hy Do feei, lmurt- deduast by lot no 143, south hy n lane, west'liv lot no. 36, mul north by Hull-street, re^ontcrod nppn us the preperty ot Goo. Glen, for 4 quarters rent. Lot no. 47, Jackson wnrd, 60 by IK) feet, boun ded east by hit no. 46, south by Liberty-st. west by lot no. 48, nnd north i»y a lane, re-entered upon ns the. property of J. R. AFKiimo.ii, for 8 quarters rent. . 25, Brown word, 60 by 90 feet, bound-’ . 24, south bv Porty-st. west liy cd fifist by lot no. lot rent. ed a n as (hr Older of the It. ilin’nry for the Con lit of the heirs and Conditions made k m:v9 2o9 a Wench, named nnny. And also all the right titl ■ t H illi.itn Joseph Spencer, ilec’d, c • i l woman named Amy, mid her •ad llia'posses-ion thereof. The above property ot Win. J. pencer, dcc’d. by fudges of the Court ot Or- of KfGngham, forthe beno- litors of the said dcc’d.— n on the day uf sale. ELIA 8 REED, jhhu'r. ( itv iSlirriH 's suit’s. O N t! e first Tuesdux it. iSjcembci'he'.t. will he seld at tho Court-Hpuie, between the usual hours of lo and 4 o’clock, \ll I ed lot nnd iiiqiioveinents No. 6. Liberty AVnrd, in the City of savunnnTi, subject to a mort- gtigc. levied mi m the property ot John < ranc, to satisfy uii executionln favor ofJosiali Lawrence. Buildings oil Quarter lot No. 35, 'dreciic ward, lei icd on ns tlie properly ofGenfg ' luOSS, under an execution in favor ol Salma .Viniitoii, nov 6 207 I AS. U •'i.vlS. oscs Administi cUord 'Oil the first Tnruhii/ in De ■ 57 II. 1. be Sllld lit sale. er next. "A ILL be said at the late resilience, of Jacot, *' V I 'vtch, dcc’d, i.ite ol the i ouatybfBuliocb; Anil the personal property of said deceased, sold for the benefit in the i i-irs and creditors of said astute. WAI. DELOACH, Ailm’r. JAM: FF'JCfl, A h X. oct 2 184 Shorijl’s sales On thefrst Tuesday in D\ -yT ILL he soldi ember next, . rt house, in the city , between the hoars of It! and :) ' jW',. ■ A negj’" woman named Ciller levied on ns the property ofl’did I. Vallotlon, to satisfy two cxecit- tio;" from n Justices Hi) t ill favor of V'illiam IV iUjiiins :iini Charles Gregory, for use of V» iiliain Wijutftis; returned to mo by a constable. The sou'hern half of lots No. 39 anil 40 with luuTinprovemehtstlierepn iq Elia-rt ward in the City ot SnyuijtmJl, levied mi as the property of Bciiijrtmiii.xShcitall, to satisfy in execution in In* James Anderson fc eo. « I- al. The following Seven Negroes, viz: Toiin, Ester, Jacoli, Small, Adam, Daphne and John, levied on ns the j Voperly of E'izahrth Whiting, t > satisfy mi execiilioii in lavor of Willis R. Franklin, against Augustus F. Durkoe, and others, All that western mob half lot of land known as tlie lot letter in tlie (.'ity of Bgyantiah, in Ugletlionie. ward, roiitaining in the whole lot, 07A teet in width, and 107 l . feet in length, togeth er with the houses and improvements upon tli said half lot, levied on ns the property of Miirgn- ret Sims, and tin; legal KcprcsJjjuatives of William J. Situs, dee’ll tinder a rule absolute from the lion. Superior Court, in favor of James Roberts. 'the southern half of lot No. to. Vamacraw.thc southern hall lot No. 38, Elbert Ward ; the south ern half lot No. .32, Elbert Ward; and also a tract of l.oul in .leib rson Connly, containing 250 acre southern half of lot No. 37, Liberty ward: Sold as the property of the late William Shaw, dec’ll, under a derrecofthe hon. Superior Court of Chat ham County. Conditions, a credit of otic and two years—the purchaser giving bond and mort gage m: the property. 1. D’LYON, s.c. e. nov 6 2o7 . ... . Lots no. 29 Mil 30, Columbia ward, 60 by 90 each lot boun ed east by IqI no. 31, south by a him;, west .by Habersham st. tin ■ uortli hy York strfcet, re-entered Qnan as the property of’lhc es- tnte of )•’. Aikiti, for 4 quarters rent each lot. Also lot No 14, Columbia wnrd, 60 by 90 feet, bounded east by lot No 13, south by State street, west by lot No 15 and north by a lime, re-enter ed upon ns ,thc property of J. Davenport, for 8 quarters rent. Also Lot no. 15, Columbia ward, 60 by, 90 feet, bounded rnst by lot no 14, south by State Street, wc-t by lot no 16, nnd north by a l.itui re-entered upon us the property of the islnte of ThosE L oyd for four fpiarters relit. Also lot no 19, Columbia wnrd, 60 by 90 feet, bounded cast by lot uo 20, soutli by President st. west by Columbia Square, anil .north hy state st. re-entered upon as the property of John Waters, turd quarters rent. Ai-o lot no. 21, Columbia ward. 60 hy 90 feet, bounded curt liv Price st south by York st. west by lot no. 22, and north by Pi’csiit nt st. re-enter ed upon iis tlie property of J Hills for 7 quarters rent. Also lot no. 25, Columbia ward, 60 by 90 feet bounded east by lot no. -6, south by a lane, west by Lincoln st. und uorth hy York st. re-entered upon ns the property of Steel White for 16 quar ters rent. I.ot iio. 31, Columbia wnrd, 60 by 90 feet, bounded ea t by lot no.32, dmitirby a lane, West by lot no. 30, nud north by Yorkstreet, re-entered i os the propertSfol P. Pourin, .or 4 quarters vnt. Lot no.34, Columbia warcUCOby DOfnrttboun ded i -.-t i.y lot no., 33, south by Soutli Broad sL t liy lo{ no. 35, and nortii by a lane, re-enter- d upon as tlie property of Grant for two quar- I.ot go- 39^.Columbia ^vanl, CO by 00 feot,boun de i east liy lot no 37, south by. South Krnnd st, west by lot 110,39 mid north liy a luuc, re-entered upon a% the property of Ann Hudinan, for 10 quar- ters rent. ,.t no. 4, Greene ward, 60 liyvDO feetj bounded Shfiyill’s sales. On the first Tuesday in December next. "NK Tt jTlJ.J. lie sold at (lie. Coiirtllouse in Riccboro Y V Liherly county, belweeti the usual ho urn of talc, tile following property, viz: One tract of land containing one hundred acres U»ore nr less, houndedon the north hy lands ofB JJifH, Senr. on the eicst by lands of Mrs Dreggers, gild on all other sides liy vacant land, levied on asthe property of John Shepard, Sent', to satisfy tundry executions in favor of John Stundly and nthfirs, and turned over to me by u constable. Also, one tract of land containing two Inindr acres, more or less, lying on the w aters of Beard, Creek, levied on as the property of Vinson Strick land,to satisfy an execution in favor of Elija' Pod rejt,ui;.U turned to um by a Constable. I E. WAY, s. i.. c. ft-v.'d 207 msl by Uu no. 3,south by a lajie, west by llods- on street, and north by Brougliton street, re-en ered upon as the properly of T M Woodbridge for I quarter- rent. l ot no. Its, Greene (vard, 60 by 90 feet,bound- d east by lot no. 17, smith by President st. west by Greene square, mid iidrth by Slafe sbre-enter- 1 upon a. the’property of, J Davenport, for junrters rent. ..' i v ',- - f Lot no 3f>„Gre.etie ward, GO liy 90-fpct, bound ed east by i joiislon r.t.,so|itli by. South Broad st west by lot no. 35, and norih hy a lane, re-enter- ' upon as the properly of i\I Doty, for 8 quarters I .ot no. 40, Greene wurd, 60 by 90 feet, bound ed east by Ea t Broad st. south by South Broad st, west liy lot no. 39, mid mirth hy ii lane, re-enter- e: upoit as tin-property oftjie estate ot Win. At- kersoii, for 8 quarters rent. Lot no. 5, Greene ward, 60 by 90 feet, bounded east by Houston st. sppth by a latte, ' west by lot no. 26, and,north hy BrOughton<),iip* onus the property of. tin: estate of Geo. Myers, for -I quarters rent. I.ot uo. a, Groeite ward,60 by ,90. feet, bounded east by lot no. 4, south by a lniie r west by Ipt no 7, and north by JlrbiiglitoiFst, re-eptcred upon nt the property of J G Wilson, nnd'Ann,Belcher, for l .quarters rent. Lot no. 14, Greenewaf-: ,60 by 90 feef,bounded east by lot no. 15, south by Stgtc, street, west by lot iio 13, mul north by- h bine, re-entered upon as (lie propprtjf of Mary 8 Atkerson, for 8 quarters rent. Lot no.. 16, Greene ward, CO by 90 feet, bound ed cast by East Broad st. south by State st. west liv lot no. 15, and north by a lane, re-entered up on as the property of Ann llnrinnu, for 4 quarters rent. Lot tio. 2, Warren ward, OOliy 90 feet, bounded gijtby lot iio.3,south by ti lane wort by lotno. 1 and north ,by bay st. re-entered upon its the pro pertv of the estate of Win. Woodbridge,ford quar ters rent. ,T,ot no. 3, Warren ward, 60 by feet,Bounded enst by lot no. 4, south by a litnc, west by lot no, 2, and nortii by Bay streej, re-entered Upon ns the projierty of .-V Hunter, for 8 qiiurtei-s rent. Lot no 7, .Iuckson ward, Oil hy 90 feet,bound ed east by lot no. 8, couth by a lane, tveSiby lot no. 26, and north by |i lane, re-entered upon by | the property of C. il.,Hayden, for 12 qtmrter.-i Lot no. 45, Brown Wnrd, 60 by 90 feet, botinil- I east by lot no. 46. south by n* lane, west by lot no. 4-1, ami north hy Hull-street, re-entered up as the property of theestute of L. Kolloek, for I finiler* rent. .ot no. 46,' Brown Ward, 60 by i»0 feet, liotmd- cd east by lot no. 47, south by a latte, west by lot no 45, and north by Hull-street, in-entered upon as the property of the Misses Minis'*, for 4 quar ters rent. Lot No. 2, Franklin Wnrd,60liy OOfcet,hound ed east by l ot No. I, south by a lam-, west by lot No. 3, ami north hy Buy-rt. re-entered upon us the property ot the est'. of John Course,for 12 Lots Nos. 17 nud 13. Franklin Ward, 60 hy 90 feet each, hounded cast liy JefTcrson st. south liv St Julian-st. west hy Franklin sqiint-e, and north by llrvun-sl. re-entered upon us tlie properly of F S Fell, for 8 qrs. each lot. Lot No. 31, Franklin Wnrd, 60 by DO fret boun iled cast by lot No.30, South by a lane, west by 1 lot No. 32, and north by Oongress-sL re-entered • upon as Hie |rropcrty of Misses Minis, for 12 qrs- ut. Lot No. 16, Franklin Wnrd, 60bv90fect,boun- ded east by Jefi’erson-st. aouth by fei-yan-st. west by lot No. 15, and north by n lane, re-entered up on as the property of the est. of FDoyle for 2 qrs relit. Lots No. 7 mul 8, F.lliert Ward, 60 by 90 feet eneb, bounded east liy lot No. 6, south by a lane, west by West Brond-st. re-entered upon as the property of A Barclay, for 4 qrs. rent each lot. Lot S’o. 16, Elbert Word, 60 by 90 feet, bound- d east by JetVer*6u-st. south by Hull-st. west by- lot No. 15, nnd north by a lane, re-cntcreil upon as tlie property of Ann Bond, ford qrs. rent. ' Lots No. 21 and 22, Eibert-Ward, 60 by 90 feet, each bounded east by Elbert square, south byl’er* ry-st. we*b y West Broml-sl. and north by M‘D<>- nough-st. re-entered upon us Hie property of O. M- Lillibridgc, ford qrs. rent each lot. Lot No. 24, Elbert Ward, 60 bv 90 feet, bonnd- ed enstby Jeffcrson-st. south jiy^’erry-st. west by Lot No. 23, and north by M’lWmongh-st. re-enter ed upon us the property ofCbnrlolt Bulloch, for 4 lira. rent. Lot No. 30, Elbert ward,60 by 90 feel, hound- ed east by lot No. 29, south hy a lane, west by lot No. 31, and north by Perry-st rent, rr.-ehtereil upon n* the property of S'. M Bond, for 4 quar ters rent. Lot No. 32, Elbert ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound ed cast by lot No 31, south by a lane, west by West Bro'ad-slrnat, and north hy Perry-st. rc-eti- tered upon «s the property of the estate of Wra. Shaw, for y 2quarters vent. Lot No. 24, Liberty ward, 60 hy 00 feet, boun-, ed cast by'south by York-st. west by lot No. 23, nnd north by President-st. rc-ontc.rcil upon as tho property of Samuel Wilkins, for 4 qusirters rent. Lot No. 25, Liberty ward, 60 by 90 feet, hannd- south by Fort Wayne, tuuLnorth by Savannah River, levied on ns the property of A. L. Hurt-, ridge, to satisfy the. eitv taxes of said property for tlio years 1821, 1822, and 1823. Amount due £ 14 50 nud cost., A building on tlio south oast corner of lot letter A, Darby Ward ; levied on as the property ol Jus. W. Camion, to satisfy his city tnx for tlio year 1323. Amount due #17 31, ami cost. Lot and building, Oglethorpe -watal, bounded cast hy the estate of Wayne’s lot, south by- .lot, west by a lane., and north by Serenas Mayers’ wharf lot; levied on as tlie pro- lcrty of the estate of James Clarke, Sea: to satis- V said estate's city tax forthe year 1823. Amount ,title ;$!•'> anil cost. A huildiug on Telfair's wharf lot, known ns the tee House ; levied on ns the property of Frcdcr-; iok Tttder, to satisfy his city tux for the present venr. Ani'iimt due. i$K> mul cost. llalflot no. 8aml building, Trustee Garden, at tached to Washington ward, hounded cast by llcy- nnld's-st. south by lot no. 10, west by-,lot no. 7, and north by lot no. 6 ; levied on as the property of Surah Middleton, to satisfy her city taxes for the years 1823 and 1824. Amount- due !fW 75, uml cost. Lot letter R, ami building, Oglethorpe ward, botr.- lcd cast by St. Gall-st. soutli by n Inue, west by a lam), nrtd north by lot letter T; levied du ns tho properly of Win. I.-Scott, to snlisfy his city, tax tor (tie present year. - A-mouutduc §3 75, and cost. A building on lot no. 35, Columbia ward ; le vied on as the property of Cntharino E DoVCux, to satisfy, her city taxes for the year 1823 and 1824. -Amount duo 827 und cost. 1 Lot no. 28 and building, Warren wtird, bound ed cast liy llouston-st. -south by a lane, west by lot no. 27, nnd north by Congressrjtt, levied on as the property of F., Swai-briek, to satisfy Ids city tor the'year-1824. and cost. Building on tot no 32, Warren ward; levied on • «'<?» until the first Monday in December nuxt.wh i' A t ig UK t Clmtluvm coutity*— Ity the kan, llit 1 I shall proceed tii oxamina nml rcporUliereon, VX Juifice^of the Inferior Court sitting for ordi-\ I am yoai*'obd’t. sorv’t. tinry putnims, t ’ To nil whom it may concern. Whereas William DnVins,ailrriluistratora ofMnr- tlm Johnson dee. Ims petitioned the hon. the court of ordinary to bu discharged from his sold ad ministration, Tli6se are tlterefore to cite nml admonish nil nnd sirigulnrthe kindred nml creditors ofsnid ile- ennseti, to file their objections (if nny they have) in the odice of tlie clerk of the court of ordina ry oil or-linfore the seventh day of March next otherwise letters dlsmissory will be granted the petitioner. Witness tlm lion. John P. Williamson, one of the Justicos of the* 1 said Court, this 7th day of September,-A. D. 1824. S. M. BON'D, c c o c c. ept 9 175 . . r 1 EDIUilA, Chatham County—Hy the. linn, the \ lX Justices nf the Inferior court tilling for ordina ry purposes. T» nil whom it mny concern. ’Whereas Linus P. Sage administrator of Sprague Taylor, decerned, Ims petitioned tho honora ble court of .ordinary to be discharged from his said administration-hip. These m-e therefore to cite mid admonish all nud singular (he kindred nml creditors of the ed east by Jell'crs 0D -st. south by a lane, west by lot No. 26, and north by York-st. re-entered upon as the property of the estate ot It. Mackey, for4 L L'i, ns tho property of Byotte Favnrd, to sntisfy her city tax for the year 183-4. Amount due §9 25, and r.hf-t. A building on part lot no. 6, Carpenters Row, now attached to Green ward ; levies! on as the property of John F. Duval, Sen. to satisfy his city tax for the year 1823. Atnyuut due $7 50, and cost. Buildings on lot no. 52,15(o wn ward, bounded cast by vacant lot, south by Idberty-st. west by lot no53, and nurtliby n Inne ; levfcil on ns the property'of A, I. D’Lyon, to sntisfy his city tax tor tho year 1824. Amount due #7 50, nml cost, Wharf lotno. 3, Warren wnet>, hounded cast by lotno. 4, south hy Bny-st. west by . lot no. 0, anil north by Savannah river; levied on us the. property of Peter Kean, to satisfy < his city taxes I'm- tho years 1823 and 1824. Amount due $25 mill cost. I’nrt of buildings on lot no. 10, Carpenter tyth ing, Darby ward ; levied upon as the property of Win, Lebnron, to sntisfy his City taxes for tlie years 1823 nnd 1824. Amount due $7 60, und. cost. Lots no. 21 and 22, and buildings, Liberty ward hounded east by Liberty Square, south by Yotk-st. west by West Brond-st. anil nortii by Pres- iflent-st. levied on bs the property of Mnptlm Wilkins, to satisfy her city taxesfor the year 1S24, Amount-due $750, and costs. Buildings on south Imlfoflot no. 40 ; levied on as t|iO property of Benjcmiii Sheftall, to satisfy his city taxes'for the,years 1823 nnd 1824, mount dtie $ 17 50,' and costs. Buildings on lot no. 24, Fle.rt wnrd, levied on ns tho fn-opevty of J. I. J-Jqllot-ii, to sntisfy his city taxes forthe years I823tltiid 1824. Amount due $33 43. and costs. "• Buildings on west Imlfoflot no. 6, Green wnrd levied on as the property of Ann Belcher, to sa- -s 1823 and 1824.— quarters rent Lot No. 27, Liberty wnrd, 60 by 9:) feet hotin- ded east hy lot No. 26, south by u* lane, west by t No. 28, and north by York-st. re-ent- red upon Buildings on lot no, 22, Elbert ward ; levied on ns (lie properly of Marin Lilllhrirn unit c.liititri'p to satisfy the taxes of said propdi-ty for the yenrs d823 and 1824. Amount due, $32 50, and costs. A building on llic'soutli-cnst corner of lot no, 6 ns the property of the estate of R. Mackey, for 4 ' c"", 1 0 " iV 5 t • T ’ quarters rent. 1 J Ilenthcoto tythmg, Dcckpr ward; levied op. Lot Nil. 31, Like ty ward, 60 by 90 fact, bound ed cast by lot No. 30, south hy a lane, west by lot 7,'X*. ” V 'No 32, a ml north by York-st. re-entered upon as IW property of the estate, of John II. Dcuhell, for 12 .. , dl IL'II’.r the property of IMnjeho Johnson, to sntisiy her ci ty tuxes for the years 1833 and -1824. Amount qiiurlers rent Lot No. 32/ Liberty ward. 60 by 90 feet, bound ed east by lot No. 31, soutli by n lane, west by West Brond-st. and north by York-st. re-entered upon us I lie property of tlie estate of John II. Dcuhell, for (2 quarters rent. Lot No. 85, Liberty ward, 00 by 90 feef, bonn- ed enstJiy lot No. 36, south by South Broud-st. ■ . , . .... ... - , west hy lot No. 34, arid north by a lane, re-enter- ' - nol j, 9f Indmn-st. -levied on ns the pro- ' Samuel Wilkins, for 4 {W °[ **)'»• to ' s«Hsfy his cily taxes for lot no 26, Green ward jlevibd on ns the property of Jeannette Lnrousse, to satisfy her city taxes for the yeir 1824. Amount due $2 50, and costs. A small building on Mr. Stiles’lot, Indian-st levied on as the property of the estate of Win. H. Joiner, to satisfy the city tiixes for the year 1823, Amount due $6 52, and costs, A small building on tot no. fi, west of Fnhm-st. ed upon as the property of qunrtors rent. Lot No. 6, Columbia ward, Of) by 90 l'eet, boun. tlie year 1823. Amount due '$7 and costs. One third lotno. 22, F.wonsburg, now known i yom* obd’t GEO. GLF.N. Savannah, 14th Oel. 1824. DT Although it can be ascertained by theb of tho Bridge Company, what niiuunt of 1 bill* urc nt this time unredeemed, yfit lUaricaf be necessary fretn the above decretal order l tho respective holders thereof should >!» t known. The subscriber therefore resnertf* quests nil sutdi holders of bridge bills, to* known to him by letter or otherwise, tbe held liy them respectively, on or before the l Monday in November next, the bettor to cni him to comply With the above order, Wm, , , HENRY SHULTZ.I Hamburgh, Oct. 20. * net 20 200 179 isra, J^liltaONS imlelrted to (lie estate Of /,'li beth Fell, late of Chatham county, dcceL ed, are requested to make Immediate payment] the subscriber, and those to whom tlie cstuij indebted arc requested to exhibit their di-imT duly authenticated. I’ETER' 8HICK, LVrl july 13 150 1 IN Ik months alter date application uif] made to the hon. Inferior court of tint. of Bryan, for leave to sell nil the real estate ] said deceased, to file their objections (if ami they U'iltiam Cubbcdge deceased, to be sold have) in tlm ollico of the clerk of tbe eourt of or dinary, on or before tho 13th day of Jnmmrvnext | ensuing the date hereof; otherwise lettersdisinis- sory will be granlcil to the npplicnnt. Witness the Inmaralile Thomas N. Morel one 1 of the Justices.of the said Court this 13th day of July, A. p. 182-1. S. M. BOND, c c o. july 13 150 benefit of the heirs and creditors. JOHN CUBBEDGE, Adm’t, \ 138 Brytvi (' Juno 17 jVi tisE months utter date applientimi willl JlY made to the hou. Inferior court of Libel ^M_EUtlGlA, Cliiitbam County—tty the lion, the \ Justices of tlie Inferior court, titling for or dinary purposes. To all whom it mny concern. Whereas Alexander M. Taylor, administrator of John Scott, deceased, ims petitioned the honora ble the Justices of the Inferior court,to be dischar ged ftom his said administration. Now these are therefore to cite nnd admonish all nml singular tho kindred and creditors of the county, for leave to soli the reul and pcrsomll tuto oi Lodowick Lard, Into of Tattnall cot] deceased, for thu benefit of tlm heirs and tors. E. WAY, Ad nug31 §n!71 iViINK months after date 1 shall apply tod .Lx hon. Inferior court of Liberty count;] leave to sell thu real and personal propettf] WmL Bukcr, deceased, for the benefit cl] heirs and creditors. ’ THOS. B. BAKER, Adod! pril 7 89 said deceased, to filo Hwirohjectioiis, (ifnny they T\j lA E im)»Hi* utter date application mill have) in the clerk’s nlfiro, of the court of ordinn- 4-N '"“Jc to the hon.-Inferior court of Built ry, on,or before tho 6th day nf December next; county, when sitting for .ordinary purposes, otherwise letters disraissory will be granted. I leave to sell all the real and personal erttteo Witness the honorable Edward llarden, one lcu Denmark, deceased, for the benefit ol of the Justices of the said court, this 6th day of| Heirs und creditors, 1 May, A. D. 1821. S. M. BOND, c c o. may-6 TOG m DRGIA, Bulloch Gounty—Ity tlie honora ble the court of ordinary of said county. To all whom it may concern. Whereas Robert Burton, ndmiuistrntorof tlie estate of Stephen Denmark deceased hath nnpli-1 cd to the paid Court for letters dlsmissory from I said administration. These-'are therefore to cite nnd admonish all and singular the kindred nnd creditors of the said deceassed, to filo . their objections (if nny they hnvo) hr the olfice of Hie clerk of this.court with in tlie time prescribed by law', otherwise letters dlsmissory will be granted tlie applicant, Witness the honorable ShVpWd AYilljnms, one of tho Justices of stud oohit.thtsSd June, 182-4. ELY -‘KENNEDY, c c o b c. juire 4 132 feb 28 ROBERT BURTON, Adm’tl MARY DENMARK, Aihn's 48 Bulloch Com faj INK months niter Use (Into hereof, npj tion will be nsnde to tho Inferior when sitting for ordinary purposes, for lea, sell nil that lot or part of ground in the distri White BlufT, county of C'bntham, containM ncres, more or less,bounded northwardlyBodq wnrdly by lands lute John Poullens, uml r svurdty by lands of Williams, belonging lot Into of James Bovd, and to be sold for the I tit of the heirs and creditors of suid estate. ELIZABETH BOYD, *<Wt| may 26 124 ■ rjAHE public is apprised, that tho ^u'b- G KORGlA-i-Cbnthnm County—to all whom it piav concern. ,, , . Whereas Caroline Mnsterson hasnpplied to the —histitles are of prior date and record- AH IM Honorable the Court of* Ordinary of Chatham 90n *m-c fon-tvnrncd not,to pttrrfor or (r«j>6 has titles to one hull' of a 60 acre I laud on Wlute Bluff, ndjoining hit And. b lately John Pouileu's, now John Morrill’*, < for Svhiuh the admitustratejx. of tho late John B( now applies for leave to sell ns part of that cit Co nifty, for letters of mhninistratipn on the estate I ml the premises. R. f. WILLIAMS and effects of \yillia,m MnMeraon 'Into of Sevan- _ J unc m—Srl38 ““** **“ Ji “ J ,J * ■ 'jVriiNE niflitth* after date, apitlic-inonJ 1 ' 1 " 1 J.x nmile to the Inferior rouit ,ot Effin nnh, stone cutter, i|6cd. ns widow of tho sn.ii! dec. These are therefore (o cite nnd admonishall and 1 , singular the kindred nndcrcditors of (he said dec. county for ieavo to sell all tin, real property to file thoir objections, (if any.- they lmve>to the, longing tp the estate of (he late Rev, .too. I granting of the niliuihhtralion of the estate of the deceased, lying in said cotinQVfor the bcncfJ said deceased tp the applicant in the Clerk’s Office the heirs and creditors, of the said Court, on ot before the second day of January next; otherwise letters'of administra tion will be granted. npril-16 88 ANN BECK, Aito'il Witness the Hon- Edward Harden, rfne of the j\f INK' months alter date. 1 shall uppi) Justices pf the said Court, the 2d dny of Decora- J-N' hon. the Inferior court ot (in- county - , .. - r s. M; BOND, c eo. b c, rp n t um her, A. D. 1824. dec 2 227 fihglinin.'foFleave to sell all the rent rsl; longingto.Solomon Gnann. dec. ofwlnc /G EORGIA Chatham County—By the hon. tlie \X Juslitfisffflhc Inferior court siitina for ordi nary purpose (. To -ujl whnm it mny concern. AYhcreaS Richard R. Cuyler, executor of Wil- liam Shaw deceased, has petitiohed (he hon.court- of ordinary, (o be ditjcliargcd from his said exc- cut'irslilp ' . These ard therefore to cite nnd ndmbnish' nil earned will take noli ■ march A JOSHUA GNAN’N.ihff-, Mill INE months aflcr ditto ap 4icnU0P made to tlio lion, the Interiort oiirtfil hntn County, wln-n setting for or^lnpry'r |ir f’- for pormission t-i sell tlie lollowing rf fi ' £ for tlie benefit of the heirs ami creiRtors o, estate of N. Si Bnya-ti!, (Teccesea, viz J nnd singular the kindred nnd ciediiois"of" the I , mmi Ar^^CitnKr'as” aft® !■ 1 Camden .County, known ns I’lutn OfcliattM an undivided fourth of a certain 'I rn 1 ' 1 01 ' orditinry bn or before the 13th dny of JaniiAvv . i :,t; . ihout next ensnihtrfhri .lMn Wrenf. ....'./J situated on said Island, coat ,.no i.tii-xo. o, X/Oiumptn waroj onoynuieei, noun. ; , V. I A , •■*»»» siwnn in iled east by lot No. 7, south hy a lane, west by lot I 10 t, ", Hie city as Oglethorpe ward, bounded No. 5, and uortli by Broiighton-st. rc*entero I •’■“ , by lot n0 .19, soutli by lot no. 23, west by :rty of John .Morel, for -1 quarters "’>• -7, ii"d north by ,Mi,rgnrct-*t. levied on ns on as he property of John rent the property of the. estate of ,Mary Saunders, to Lot No. 8, Cofoml/m ward,60 by 90 feet, holme] I takwfor'th'e year J824. Amount ed east liy l’rice-st. south hy a lane,west by lot No. 1 1 u ? , 11111 7, and north by Bronghton^t. re-critored upon as I „ , ‘toi'dmgon the soi cres, originally granlcil to GCp. Lacltl^ -pfjj • ’ ' ’ the south by tltc^b" 5 ! next ensuing the date hereof, otherwise letters dismissory will lie granted to the petitioner. i. ,- -i,, Witness the honorable Thomas Nf "Morel,' one “J^-ir 1 of the Justices of the said Court, this ,13th day of U^liard J r-ict. ^ Tlill sitm !c on y>- <f> m . »«;*#>.-?. -■>: I ggassJeggsaa -■ - - -—- thiijn-operty of -Mrs, 8. Drysdal ters rent. Lots'no. 9 nnd 10 Coliqnhin , , v . feet each,'bounded east by Price-street, south by Stnte-st. west by lot no. 11, nnd north hy a lane, re-entered-upon as the property of It. Scott, for 4 quarter rent. I.ot no. 13, Colmntea ward,- 60 by 90 feet, bound il earthy lfa!ipir|mni-st.sont'i.Oy S'nte-st, wi-st liy lot no 14, arid nortii by a luge, re-enter ed upon us the property ol J. Davenport, Tol- four quarters rent. F. M- STONE, c. tit. hov'O 207 “ " ' ' "" ‘ south east corner of lot no; 6, dal, for two .haar-1 O^ctHorpc ward, levied on as. the property of -John May, lo satisty his city taxes fpr the year ht ward, 60 |, y i, () 1824, amount due $3 So and cost., nov 6 207 F. M. STONE, Marshal. riAHE undersigned confiriitlee >vil| receive pro- .1 - posals for keeping,in repair the city Clock. IfllUll ftm finiil tn/iolSnrr !1 t. . until the first meeting of Council inJnnuary next- proposals lor thn sumo will bo left with either of the undersigned. GEORGE SHICK, J.B.GAUDUY, • J. C. HABERSHAM. 179 sept 18 Wthe cS('miffcA WSoto Hie*if 1 'o d ii e ’ ,‘u Rpli / :a ' l - 0ri " il1 i: ' linfu'Ann tlii> luiinl lihnrc I . . niflUfV t tllO TloilOTUljIc the «TustlCCS of llto between the usual 'hours,ifthe ambuntof fines im posed by council an: not paid, tin: following pro perty : Two small buldiugs on (he west half of lot let ter H. Oglethorpe wnrd, bounded east by east half of said lot, west by, a lane, nortii by Zitbli-y. street, and south by tut letter F. levied on as the property nfMal-y.Garnett, to snii.-fy i) execnliiiiis issued by the tjihybr Of the gity, against Man Garnett for entertaining negroes on .Sundays, niid retailing liquor without liavittg a licence. / mount of lines, $279, and cost. «<W 0 F. Al. STONE, Alarslnd. Inferior Court, for leave to sell the ri-mostau- 1 'o*f Williau llotchstrnsses, dcccused, for tlm benefit nf tin: heirs und creditors. 206 JAMES MORRISON, AdV- -uhscrlber has associated tiimseU with Juliii I.. Uadswortli. in lit-; Commission bu-i- m-ss, in fills place, which wiil hereafter be con ducted under the linn of Bpist? iV WADvWonrif. ELIAS BLISS. oct 14 :;189 ORGLV Cli'nlliam county—By the hou. lit \ Jwticr.s ofthe Infer lop eonrl ofChdthpm colift- ty silling for ordinary purposes.- - To all wbOin it-intiy concern. .Whereas AVillinni Davies ailmiri'istrnfor of; '.In- cob FrnnkKh Keel dee. has petitioned the hon. court of Ordinary to -be discharged from his' said administration.- These are therefore lo' cite and admonish ail nnd singular, the. klitdred and -creditor", of the said deceased tojde Hieir objections (if any they Ogcechop/Road, 3 miles from fipvhwisjJ ing about 600 acres. N. J. BAW 11 Adm.r est. N- " may 20 A 'LL' portions bnvufS any dpiiiso • f3l the estate of Brunei*■.Jahneav. • are. requested to deliver llicm in prop?' 1 ) cil.on or before the fiijt day pfOctTM ■ countsnut brought forward bcfore_ to - be i-pfijscd payment by tlm nndew^^ inly 10 ■ 149 .. .. a,in nn mmnpij,es Itnye,) in the office of the, office of the - cct huts Ichor Ivih *i of OtJj irrets do I do. , (lo. I An. Jo. Ilnde |;drs pits mlt lu,b :!1 I m frjtAlM til‘1 i- | iO'rt • I A L'L pgrnohs Indebted to the eslat- levkijOt I act- Martin, Into of Libnrly Co September, A. D. 182-1, s. M. BOND, e co c c, sop ft, 165 ( INK months aft. date application will be made to the hbi|. Inferior ebuitofClintHatfl county,for leave to sail all that lot i n Savaitnidi known by the No. I,(Ellis square, Decker ward, will) the improvements thereon : uml all Hint lot in Savannah Itnmvn/ by Hie No. 23 in I i|;rrtv ward, with the bu/lding:; there,m/ holbg tli’i reul esluie of.lolin /niilli, deceased, for the fit of (he heirs. DERJCIf HEiUi dm’r may A LL rtei-sons having, late of lite late Hugh M-( all 1 ' n ,nii requested to bund them in fflgpuyrm ’ j )a mc- iiultibied lo 5rt>d estate will pl-ia-e u . ^ diate payment. THUS. MR AI< at fix P. BRASCIi, july 13 159 llliS Sr » tofei 1 cr cu’uiiYtj tho.I after d tl- eourt of < liirtliniit - loavto st-!! Hie real and pet solid Lnchlar.d li.'iimlt'on McIntosh, deera 31 ' ’ march 9 6B