Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, December 06, 1824, Image 1

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* wZ^a^.u'^.iWkP \ ' ,jH ~ 4 ii<‘ r v" ■ /i| n ri”-»-V« WrjaiuNiK IA SAIW.V.W/, * 11 ' j. ^^nn. 1H2-I, and now inoperation. fall mu! wiiakfAgr. , per day CO COUtH. i r UK) ton do. ^ . . . , „,. landing and Shipping Country Pro |k "■/■’•’• due-?. ,,Miwl or lml!'do Rice 4 <:cnt3. , oatll 1,111 *V‘ _ r. y c Cotton - " •Vi’i'.of Indigo - 'i px*itoot ot Lumber _ 30 (WW™J c' ’ . i.)> lOOOiiiitoglos * n “ J m&jutf .iv < : i> jMllve oak, cedar mid other ,! wy wood, .-old by ttie solidlit .374 ptntiMl- of corn, and gram of all . kind, in bulk *. * KK» bushels limo In bulk ■ ■ ^ S2,£iS^:w o‘>> er p° s _ ,? ' p tr 0I I wJt orf Landing and Shipping Goods. EffimulV sin®, rach - » cent,. RtOlw and upwards * ««> 1200 do * a *J,‘ofcoffee, pimento, sugar, and all ’ Other bags of such rizoj (grain ccnt.wl) each • , * . ,0. or train and salt * * ncUd salted provisions navnljtores, blind, apples, cider,and u!l kinds ofWrels except dry goods and ^ Ido oAinck, and all kinds of liquor 1 (oit'.r excepted) dry goods In \A exceeding » gall°«») mid ,mover .13 gallons * 0 ,i 0 . wjes or liquors mid dry goods*., i in sks under20 gallons * * ;o , cs off -goods,andull kindsofrboxea nmr 4 feet square do, do do over 4 feet square Ao.ion| ;oiidles, chocolate, cordials, oil, id boxes, of like sine I Jo. sue, each ilades ol i n, per 1000 iilrs, the mle as boxes, bltsofoidmrgs, Russia duck, hogging | ex’is, each * > - 2 litis of li or or any kind of casks, fcx- co, ing,13t» gallons - ‘ W stiles,) sc, per gross * * 23 inter pi, each Udles pans, spodes, &tc. each 2 ,rn,pf|lOO bushels - - 2i» iblcs ijt exceeding 600 tbs. cneh 20 reeling tiOO lbs. notexcoeding illOO lbs. - • 35 ceodlug 1200 brandy! pun kind, of liquor in casks ixceu mid not ("weeding 130 gallons - 20 Iron per ton, first nnd last week 50 cents, intervening weeks - - 25 Iktrji oilin' article same as its tchurfagc. * Each bid. or half bb. rlcu - 0 (Hid. of tobacco or sugar - . ■ »»:• 15 Package of indigo - - , - 8 | Hale of cotton - g ■ ; ■ *. 8 Each draft of light goods, under 100 lbs. 0) do do ;'.do over 100 lbs. 12*. ' t do do heavy.goods under 200 . 6|, do do do over 200 per 100 His 3 Ou.vv.yoK. ' T<hr Hiillln jWtlie^lnff to any.pnrl oftjio city, articles not herein cimMcmted, ‘fur 1500 pounds weight • - ' ■ - CO cents'. Under 1500 lbs mid not less than lOfS 37-j 6M0 25 $1 51) I, 60 * 1 50 ' ' ■ 8 - .374 0i ilher article in tls; ie pniforlldlf am thnfllnlf. or ft Wotnf^’harf lo ding. (500 lbs **' «37^cts. !i .f- Dr. A. IK : \ KOI’i 1 SO. Opposite tltc Eichan Sumnnah, ■ "S cousta illy receiving fresh supplies of Igcn- . nine •• ■' '• ■ “ ' ‘\- J)UUGS AND MEDICINES, selected for Country Merchants nnd 1'lfyxicinns; which he will sell tor cask.or approved pvbdji 'at. the lowest City price. • - Just received, STJLP1I WE t,f QUININA. , opt 16 ipo ■ /of all xiuds, per coil 'vonswilh covers, and fire Jogs fierpair - * /of earthenware c,per 10O lbs,. per cask • • \ of 2 wheels 3 1" 8 2 4 87 , of two wheels • *25 Jriages, of four wheels . $1 00 lire, windsoi andall sitting chairs, per dozen - * *2 Ui, per .ton * 12 ^noutunderOOOibs. • 25 over 600. not oVor-1200 lbs 50 over 12o0 lbs. ■ $1 00 25 2 35 .1 10 25 2 nbouses , empty * • |/lc, each (lijohns, each band chests of drawers I Wood; per cord 25 12* > OR; -3 vooUj per cord ' per muittul i of all descriptions (except in bags) per 100 bushels powder, in bbls. of 100 lbs, each in halfhbls, , ,, , * ’ , ' in kegs of 28 lbs. or under , window, per 100 foet, in propor* . , tion for smaller : - l-exceeding *i;tO gallons of liquor or any kiu(l of merehhhflizt! ’• 1® exceeding 63 and nyt exceeding 130 gallons - rth tile, per IO00 fp, per ton - • . R, raw or tanned, per 100 U loose, per l<H).tbs. I ip bundles, each lipers of Moreliundizc, cncli Bfifc ’ do 1000 do do do For a : 1000 feet oM,umber do lOOrt Bricks da, cord of Wood ; v . For every hale of cotton do bid. of ttiefe do* Jriid of Tobacco ’do libl of Flour And every other I j for hauling down ,th another exceeding. (5(H) ,1 Under 15(H) and pnticM.tiian 100ll)s For eacli bale of ootton do bill Rich do hhd Tobacco do bhl Flour And ft cry other article in the same proportion. Mmmnii .111 <1*1 I m DI'.MMlOgll' In Admiralh/. | UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, L DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, i John W. Long ) , vs. > Monition. | Ship Albion nnd cargo. ) . To the Marshal of said District*-* | greeting: t GEO. Gl.F.N, Clerk. W HEREAS John Wi Long assignee ot the un derwriters nt Llovds In London, in the 1 Kingdom of Great Britain; the supposed insurers of the Ship Albion and curgO, 1ms exhibited His libel or complaint, in the District Court ot tlle.U* uited Stales, for the. District of Georgia; stating, alleging and propounding, that (lie British Ship ' Albion, laden with Muliogmiy, Logwood, and di vers other articles, was, on the morning of the lOtli September last, by. the force of the wind aiid waves driven on the beach of Saint Catherines I Island, in the District aforesaid, had there aban doned by hercrew ; and that milch of (he Cargo hns floated out of the saidShip, some parfof which hns been taken by George H. Johuston 1 ; Patrick | Houston nnd George M. Waldburg, and by divers other persons, to a place'of greater safety, and that part tlioref still lies on the beach ot said Island, below high water mark exposed lo the sea Tlmt the Agent ot the underwriters at Lloyds, un der the impression that the said Ship mid cargo were insured ut Lloyds, but forlhe benefll of ujt concerned, sold the interest of the said underwri ters aforesaid, therein at pnhlick sole to John W Long. But the said persons, who have removed a part of the cargo to a place of greater sotety, claim to be entitled to.sulvnge thereon, and pray ing process of this court to take the said wreck mid the said cargo, or so much thereof, as is to he (mind within the jurisdiction of this Court, into the custody of the Court-fop the benefit of the said libellant, and all persons concerned, nnd preying a monition against the said George, Patrick, and George, and nil other persons, claiming to he en titled to salvage to appear and establish such their claims and also to nil persons interested to appear, and shew cause why tjic -salU wreck and her car go shall not be Adjudged to thq said John W. Lotfg, assignee, as aforesaid, of tile underwriters at Lloyds, atid'for further proceedings. Now therefore,ybii thesaid Marshal, are hereby Corn- martded to attach, seize, take;, and safely keep the rchiatns of the said Ship' Alluoa and h er cafgo, Wheresoever with!A. the jurisdiction of this Court, or in thu^possession of whqmloeycr /o .be founil, SgBjl ' rCl 'i AlltJ .M’O'l ;T0.‘^ M de' W(« 1 ' | ix'li ll*' sctl 1 nd^ W1 tl\o| ty, fo :rtv (or Hj idtcf' ofTota'oeS, each tith.' f*< • Jugs, ( each per dozen .. ; 1 per ton .- , . v ". . of paint, butler, lhrd,' biscuit, mid such size kegs 1 shot and lead over 56 (W. nct over 500lbs . ft > G liquors'.of a smaller size then 20'. gallons - - 2 ,}»cr 100 b p^i banc I near Before this Court, had there establish such I their cliiim nml further to cite and nitmouisb nil ■ rifl'd »very person and persoits,- whonlsCoyer ~lmv, , ing op pre,(entling to have any right, title,.interest; property, claim or demand in, or;to the; said wreck or to die cargo thereof, to be, andappem nt a spe cial Court of Admiralty, (o he help at Savannah, on the Twelfth day, of,Novylnher next, tonnswer the libellant in the premises tlmt right and justice may he done; ill this behalf, . And whatsoever you shall do, in this regard- certify and make, knowri tp the Judge of said Court,nt the time , mid place General Drug,Chemical&Faiuily Medicine AVarc tiouse. LAY fy IIENDllICKSOiV, AVholesftle ami Rcftdl Chemists and Druggist': jVo. t, Shnd’s Jluilili^s, Corner, of Congress hhd Uliilaher streets, Savannah. T‘~|~AVE constantly on’har.d a; very general as II soytment'of DRUGS, MEDIffNES, DVC STUEK8 AND I’AINTSs ^l'.ttrUMEUVvdi’C. fyv,. A great variety of Apathetiaries Glass Ware such as wide pad ticrrow umuth bottles, from I gallon lo Oh'e'oum‘e,rompi>^on nmlglns,vd4)rtars, glasd laiUpfj'iid.tajpp glasses, sniatlint) HflHlds, griidmi- .tedmeasiire^ApoUieCorics vials whitennd green Surgeons /nx/fttnicii/s-s-l'ookct. sets, turnkeys; iru'sses,’spring and thumb lances, lotccns, sntalus, bougies, catheters, scales and Weight*; fyc. i{-e • patent Medicines—of every description, viz i Seidlitz dud Hoda .Powders, bnlixt of Quito, enlein ed magnesiu,' Lees. Andcrsoas’, atid llooftors l’ills tiwainis ftihacca/Batsarii Honey, JJutemnns ant Churches Cough Drops, ltchaointnient, 4' r - • All of which arc-ottered for sale On the most libera! verms for cash or. credit, TJ’ .‘..d-H, Huving enlarged tholr Establish meet and having, made such arrangements hs to be continually: recatvlng afrdsh supply of goods, flutter thomse’lvestluU none of the kimliivthis city, cun oiler ciealer. inducements to dealers. The Merchant, the I*looter, and tbs Physician, can hero be snpplled with utmost ev<;ry article in the Drug llne, as their assorthicnt'wifl bo foiimlei tpn siveand of the best .quality, aider no coushlera tion-whatever will the sale of impure or riuultere led articles be promoted. The ,utmost caro will be used iti the selection of good Medicines nnd will be solid at a moderate profit, ll is uport tlicic princlples-alone thntthey will endeavor to seeure patronage. All orders promptly executede Tlie Georgia Patriot, nnd .Dirimi, will lease to give this iulvevtiseaieu*. six'insertioosarid orward their hills for payment, sept 28 .182,, lieqis ter of Debates in Congress PROSPECTUS. CCORDINOitci art intlmstirfiiharotoforc given. : thefe-wlll be‘published xit 'tW OiSce of the National Intelligencer, during the neat session of Congress; and, if encouraged by the approbation 6f the Public, nt every.session- thereafter, a HE GI8TEH'()!•’■'.DEBATES IN CMf«GHE8S, int'eiidl edloeontja-ehendamorefull Reportof the 'tpeprW 'soil topics of general interest, in enc^lldnse of ongrOsSjtlinu lias ever herntofoi e liepti published; . r than can lie given tp the Public thrmigh the -or dinary and limitedelinmiclftlie oolhmnsofa news paper. This compilation will lie of ihn most, au tlxentlc. cast.nfiated with great regard to acemr.ey and in a forift for.durable preservation. 'Pliispnidertaklngis not of eoyrse i'(tended to -substitute or supercede the Reports of I.vh I'es lnr thoA'aUpiihHott-ltigruoer. .ml nithrr, bv With- drawingtthd heavy and extended Reports from its columns, to enable the Pr()]iri(Hors or that Journal lo furnish, every day, in a coinjireheosive form, iiitelligibln Reports of tho lVivedings and Dis cussions in the day preceding, on both Houses*'. The “lteoim'n" Is necessarily un experiment,'' hut it i* an experiment' the success of which we see no reason to doubt. Every one who takes an interest in ourjaditical history, ns well .asnll those who engage ill lhe duties of political life, must bavc'felt and lamented the want of » Record of Debates in Congress', in u conx eaieiit form, with indexes which might lead the enquirer to any sub- ject debated; anil to the name, ofany one wnoen- gaged in debate. Such a work Would tie nu cle- mentnry book for young poPticiaus. and fe have no hesitation in asserting that the possession of such a one', front the eominp neement of the exixt- lig government to this day, would be of immense ridue to. the nation, were it only to shew wluit has .heretofore been said upon questions which aro continually recurring for discussion, and prpduc- A 1 s for nlasteriug pCr fO 1 Js, caoji f- 'f & v _^, |n»,per 1 100 bushels • - in ropes, per 100 roper iron, each Apples, peg 100 ars'per ioodiiishel ol gin, brandy, anil all kinds ol li quor, exceeding 63 gallons do. exceeding 130 gallons^ er casks uf wine and other liquor, (tierexcepted) and dry goods ill As exceeding 20 gallons not exs ding ti3,gallons - • il in jars - er loo bushels *' tscacb - - - s, quern and grind, Hi 1'imidn, per )(K) large, mill pi r pair »"d other stollCS, per toll [under 200 gidUnis cncli over 200 do t, A 25 .'-I" ' o , 25 , «! eighteen hundred urid twenty 1 KI.COLL &,GORI)ON, ■ ■ Vroetprsfor fjlucuuflti. I Ail Persons-interested in the fdregoiag Monition [ will take-due ndtlrfe:.' ' JNO.H. MOREL, m-.d.o: . Oct 30 • . 201 7 i liOiUilA, Chatham Cifuiivy—T'( all whdiii H sJT may cqlicerii. , Whereas Elie Ajoh hns applied to the Hpn. I the Court of ordinary of .Chatham, County, for letters of administration on thp'estate, and effects I of Madam Roldeii do In.Toncberc late of Chatham Cbnnty. dec. jn behalf of the lieirsiand creditf rs,. | .These: are tlierefbfe to Cite 'and admonish all mid siiiguliir-thc ldmlrcd and creditors of the said deceased, to file; theiC objections (if any they liavo) to the granting of the admiiiistrntion of the estate 'oi'tho sdid de'cujised to the npjflieant in the GlerK’s«Oltice Of the, said Court, on or before the fifteenth day of December ne.xt,; otifei’wisp letters of admiriistnition'xyill he graqtet}. Witness (he Hon. ,,,oiie of the I JusticoS of the said,Court,thejofh day of Novem her, A. D,(624. S. M. BOND, c c. o nov 16 . '21,3 P each - . . .'St of nil hinds (rice excepted) over unilenOS gallons - - 5 ks of all kinds, under d feet square 4 do over 4 squares - - 0 0,1 C1 ' s ks exceeding 130 gallons li- r or other kinds of merchandize 15 '»‘"■asillelto, lignum vitie, and all woods, per (on . . - 25 s per imir . . 8 s of 4 wheels, (4 wheels) - 50 article hi proportion to the foregoing rales. ■'i™'" ” * l! •'-***'-*-> - 1 * ! \iinmeV Clerks Office. 29th October 18^4, W OKCET-Proposals will be recoivod at this Office until the 10th December next, foiqsup- plying the Guardhouse with wood umlligbt.-:— and keeping.the same clean—also, fob, sweeping and keeping hi, order, tho l/plicc pffice Eiitraci from the minutes, \ SOL. COHEN, c, c.pra lein >et 20 ; .266 ' . .- ■ ! Igons pi/ Clerks Offiee, ; :T 29th Octhher, 1824. rN- conformity with uresolutimi of Council No J. lieu is hereby given that on the second regular meeting' in No’v. next, Couueil will proceed to ijlfhtf Oft ct U'hurf more, than Vpiq nights; Id elect a City Treasurer, to fill the vacancy occa- iet to a meek’s storage unless landed on Sal- slotted by the decease of John Roberts. ' ■ Extrac'ufronf tho Ihpiute?. SOL. COHEN, e. Inn not 29 200 . '"'Heir, is not lo be found imdir its r P : , ,% e in ii'hieh it is usually contained. or any other inning immediately preceding /—■•in such ciisn to he removed on the second "H day thereafter, or he subject to storage as inla KTORAGE. ladon, ppr week, 8 cents for the l.""d Inst week and for each intcr- |'% week - - 5 P? e V'M-jjcek -. - - (i J&g. tier week - - 20 ask . of sm orjlaiping more tlmn 30gal- r aiohit'cc?, Pijic of giit* 25 The Uiidersigncd Gpmmitte, I T 'g AVE been instructed by Council to place. 1 h n stn(p of repair the h ire I'.ngines af the cit The'- will rccoivo proposals from any compete I persons to ellect this object, the Engines 1 quiring riqmiis will In* designated On appueutio to either of the Cummiltce. GE0.MT7.LEN, f. MINIS, ildv.17 SfO JA9.MQRRl.50N wiiers and Tenants of Houses 7’/At Notice. itilE Managers and Assistants of Fire Engines L will ori Monday, the 15III insl, proceed to make nil examination of Buckets, Ladders, kic. throughout the City. All persons not complying with the following "sections of an Ordinance for preventing accidents by Fire &c. will be returned to Council. Sue. It), Anil he it further ordained, Tlmt every house within the limits and Jurisdiction of this f.'ily, occupied and. tenanted, - shall be supplied with buckets at' the -expense of the owners of said promises,' (o the- number of at least the num ber of five-places in the same., including dunh as are in the out-buildihgs, and the said buckctsshall be equal in goodness and size to those procured fdr’\lie,u.'e of the City,mid painted,on which shall bo painted in vlsihle’cliaraeler* tho nuine of, the armors, of said buckets ; ar.d in case Uie owner of aiiv house or tenement should refuse or -neglect td'lmye the said buckets supplied agreeably to this ordinance, it shall and may be lawful for thfi tenant to procure the same, deducting it out of liis rest. " - , ‘ , .Sec. 11 And he it farther ordained, That the Auier of every improved wharf shall furnish ^■nty InicKcts for the building or buildings oil ‘1 wlmrf, nnd deliver them to Managers and slants of tltc Engines, on or before the second ing of Council la July next; and the receipt ly Mnnnger or Assistant, for such buckets, l iie deemed a full compliance with this sec- ,hytbp owner, frit 1 the number of buckets tinned in sold receipt; Aiid the owner of ujjy siore In tho City, that has no fire-place or drop* attndheid to the same,shall furnish two lirc- lulkots for evory store of such kind, and under uch regulations ns oilier landlords'are by this or- linbuce required to do. . Ariel: 13. And be \lfurther ordained, That every owiici‘;ofa wooden house or houses, brick, or itWna house,or lionscs covered with \vood,occunl- ?das dfrolling-houses or kitchens,shall provjdethe s.ioie With a sufficient ladder, or have a scuttle or d-Vor oil' through the roof of such house or houses, large euouLli far a man'to pass through conve niently, under the penantly of a line not u-xccc ding tmrty dollars. nov 2 303 JOHN'HAUPT,, Clerk. ftinuTior court—ChiitluiiHcountv. 1 iiomris I', fiprso ft. pi. ) OunpjhipUi IN EQUITV, J. Sliinn’s Pinmcea ! jFlIIE subscriber, having discovered the com A position of Swaim’s eelehrated Panneea hns nnw'a supply on hand for sulc—he 1ms redii cod tm? price Irom $3’ 50 to j$*2 50, or by the d gen'-ffd* 1 All Jharitfthle Instjlulions in tlic United States and tip poor will be supplied gr«/it. If tlfi- .citizens of the principal cities and towns will iiAmint itn agent to order And distribute this Medicine to tho poor, it will he supplied. This Medicine is celebrated for the cure of the following diseases : Scorfula or King’s Evil. (Jl- ccnilcd nr l’utrid Sore Threat, long standing RUe1.u1mt.19 i.tbmtioqs, Ciitiineous Discuses, White Swelling and Diseases of the Bones, nnd all cas es generally ofun Ulcerous character, nhd Clira- niu (lisensaij generally arising in debilitated con- stitulibiis; lmt more especially from Syphilis or affuctious (U'isiqg therefrom} Ulcers in the larynx, 4'C. Mti! tiro dreadful diseases occasioned by a long in-3 oxijesslYC nee of Mercury, v)*c. It is al so use.’ in Diseasesof tho Liver. CERTIFICATES, I liavc within the last two years had nn oppdr- u-;ijLv ui k'eaing several cases of very inveterate, 'If .-" WSvhich having rcftislbu previously the* re- ,fiflir i»TOU'es' ()( tismudent, w ere bunted by the use of Mr. Swaim’s 1’nnncen, and I do believe, from lmt ('have seen. (Imt It will prove an important iriedy iu Scrofulous, Venereal and Mercurial diseases. N. CHAPMAN, M. D. Professor if the Institutes and Practice of Physic, in the University of Pennsylvania. I have employed the Panacea of Mr- Swaim i numerous.instances, within the last three years and have always found it extremely efficacious mecially in secondary Syphilis, and Mercurial Diseases. I have 116 hesitation in pronouncing ! * Medicine of inestimable value. W. GIBSON, M. D. Professor of Surgery to the University of Penn. f ‘ JOHN S1HNN, Chemist. Philadelphia, Moy. 17, 1823. 1 Each publisher, ofa newspaper in tlie'U. States, requested to puldish this advertisement once p month, for one year, and send their accounts for payment. ' ' ' — continually recurring ing needless consumption of time by superfluous dolmte. What is trail of the years that have past, [vill, as soon as they are gone, be equally true- of those iu#A'bich'\ve live. Itisnotonly,therefore.,asa vehicle of present infonnntioi), bul also as n bpoK for future reference —as a National Political KepfAitory and Text-Book that w.e hope this work will be. both' useful and popular. ’ . From the lqwni'sx of the subscription to this work, It will he seen that it is 110 part of our cal culation to realize any present profit from it. On tlm contrary, we shall; in all probability, lose mo- it for n year or two. Imping that thereafter its established character wiii ensure it a sufficient W$, t SEATON. Washington, September, 1824. CONDITIONS. The publication of .GALES-I; SEATON’S RE- G1STEROF DEBATES IN CONGRESS will commence iq soori qs the Debates at each suc cessive Session of Cringrcss shall afford, materials to fill a half sheet,(8 pages.) The work will be printed in the'oetavo form, on a super royal paper, mude for the purpose, uud on a brevier type,m double coliimils—each page com prising pearly us much matter ris. one of the co- t AJ'-i. W it muy concern.—Whereas, Joseph R. Thomp son has applied to the Hon. the Court of Ordinary of-Chathmn County for letters of administration on the estate and effects of William R. Holland, late Of Savannah, Druggist, dec’d iu behalf of the heli’s and creditors. - ‘These, are therefore to cite andadmonish all and Jngular the kindred and creditors of the said' de ceased, to file their.objcctions (if arty they have) to the granting of the administration of the estate of the deceased to the applicant in the Clerk’s Office of the said Court, on or before the twenty seventh day of November next; otherwise letters of administration will be granted. Wlinessthc lion. John F. Williamson one of the Justices of the said Court, the27thOct.A. D. 1824. ' oct 27 123 S. M. BOND, c co. and of all interesting Dohntes on incidental ques tions; with «" Appendix, containing a list ot the Members of'ejich House, the 1 eas and Nays 111 tench House oil questions w’liich have been the subject pf Debate, such Documents, copneoted with tlie subjects of Debate, as may bo deemed' essential to’ enable the reader to. comprehend them, and proper indexes to the whole. The Debates of the itoxt Session,Tt is computed, will, with the Appendix,'rnuke ii vollpue of five hundred pages, at least; nnd,,furnished to subscribers through thq Fdst Office, ill sheets, as : niblislied, (of reserved at this Office, at tlie sub scriber's option,) at tiiukk. oom-ahs. for the vol ume, be lt more or less, to be paid in advance in all enses of transmission beyond the liraitsol'tlie, city The sheets will be. transmitted tts' eoiaplqted Without regard to any pnrtiqular days, ns the pub licatidn mustof oortrse be regulated by-the.prenur- ntiiin oftlie mutter of which it is composed- The subscription will In no case, unless within the city,.and not then unless specially indicated, be understood to extend beyond the volume- acr luully paid for in advance. * • To non-snl)scribt‘.i s the price w ill be TOUR dot lars, boundin bourdsjfor'he voluine now unnounc 0,(1. The Debates of the SdVsion of Congress follow ing the. next, mul.pfthe lirst Session uf every Con gress, will, it is supposed, fill about one thousand pages, or perhaps more, making one very large pages, or perhaps - c volume, or two ofa handsome size—-tlie first sc sioi.i of each Congress being nearly ilouhle the du ration of the second. ’Jfhe-priee ot the Registe for the first ^efiston of each Congress, he its co tents more or less llinn 1000 pages, will be fixed 1-ivk dollars to subserilicrs, and sixtonon-sobscr hers. Oct 12 c ]iartiq Richard R. Cuyler, ex‘r Win Slmw, deceased. J 1"N this case, on tlie suggestion in the I ant's answer, that certain, persons 110 to this bill, residing in Scotland, claim to lie en titled (o a distribution Of part of tlie undivided estate of Win Slmw, deceased, nnd on motion, it i- in i led all pi-r-on- i'"’n --nicl do epr- u- before the Stipcrior Court of Clmthem County iu the term of,January next, then niiil there to ev tablish.such their, claims; nnd jn default /hereof; tliat the undivided estate of the siiid Win Shilv, be distributed among-the complainants agreeably to tlie decree of said Court and .that this rule he published once a month until the expiration thereof. \ ‘'’"'.-JWjffiBttM Extract from (he minutes this 7th dnyof .imi, . 1824, A. B.FANaNIN, Clerk. ,junel7 ^t!38 | . Superior court, Cluitlmm county. Januarx TiiRsi 'll-J'l Aaroh Clcvclnnd and Susaii C 4 his wife, f vr. , q ' ■ f Rule .Xisi. Jacob Fahm. J O N the petition of. Aaron Cleveland and Su san 0. hls'wifo, who was Susan’C. Bonn, stat ing that Jacob Ftihm, before tlie intermarriage of the petitioners; to wit; oil the 22d day of June 1821, did iu conjunction with One, Joseph A. Scott, exeeule ri joint bond to the said Su-an C.' iu the penal sum of four thou-and dollars romli- tloncd for the pnyment;of two thousand dollnrs with interest from date,; on or bolOrh the first day of March then next, and that fqjf the better securing the payment' t)iei“eof,' tI the shiiI Jacob did on the day and year first aforesaid make his. pertain indenture of mortgage, whereby he mortgaged to said' Stfsmt C. aft that lot of ground kno\Vn nqd designated as Gdrdcn lot number thirty nine, No 3‘J, and afso,. tlmt adjoining half part of another lot known as lot. number forty, (wo, No 42, cpbtnlning together olght’and a half acres more.or less situated to the east of the city of Savannah and hounded tb the north west ,of Lot No 26, to the south and east by lands be longing to the estato of Hampton I.illihridgc, ahd tho. West .by. the public’road leading to Skldawny island whereon n briok yard is now established and known by the name of Fahnis brickyard- tlmt there is now on the said hpiid or mortgage obligatory the sum of'eighteen hiui- dred dollars With interest frorti the 23d day of January 1823, and preying the foreclosure of tlie equity of redemption o’f the said Jacob anil, hu lieh-s, executors, adiiiiqistrators nnd assigns iu and to the said mortgaged premises—On motion of W. W. Gordon, attorney for (lie 'netfoners-r- lt is ordejed thnt the principal end interest du o r Superior court, Chatham county* John Retail / rs. :• link Aisi. Nathan Baker. ) N (lie petition of Jno. Retan stating tha Natlqui Raker did on the first day ol Max 1822.- the heller to seeure the payment of hi; certain promissory note of that date for the sum bftwo thousand dollars, payable to tlie saidJolm or before the 1st day of Ma\. U 7 per cent per annum, by ■ his seal, bearing date 11.•* (fore-aid, mortgaged to the 11 the undivided moiety or ill that lot ofland, situate, lying a,ill ciiv of Savannah, and known 10 -I t in the plan thcrijofhj the millit er rdc Retu I -^2 i with into his indenture, 1 day anil year I set'll .lolni Hell half part of all being in the cit distinguish!- me (.1; will the tltc fc On motii petioner, it kcr do |>ay of this dale tltc raid mj Darby uard, together furl tier stating that note remains wiioiy .unpiiut. 1gnge in full force, aup proving f the said mortgage 1'yi onnell tythin ■ appurteiiupeeSL, a add t losai uf \V. ordei the p, \V. Gordo ed that tin ttorney tor II10 lid Nntlutn B(t- Iwelve months -rest due ot. 1 npplicatioin in! or in dt*fa lit (lie •eiif, that the equity of retlem ii(i!i ofth sV» J s'atlmn I’.akei of and to the sa nioil^n^u Iprctn isfis, be theiu t-fortb and torev foreejf^ ; tiier And it rule be i si^mont puyrhent' ot said mo In one of \he qmbii least oniji; in every pointeil for the pay, further and other prescribed liy'thc at provUled. u , Extract froi.i tlit- may 7 2 - ], that a copy of lh'.: lo said Nathan Baker, at least llte tittle apoaiinted for t!ie any into comt, or pjthlisluil gazettes of this state, at ontli, tiqlil the time nJi lt thereof, end that suet) pr. brt had ute in suelt litis » it . B. F O 1 Ma MN ale and a If :h Ckrk. on tlie said bend or writing obligatory together with the cost of this application be paid into tills court within twelve months from tins date, or in case of default that the.eqnity of redemption of said Jacob Fahm, his InjirV,. executors, adminis trators and assigns hfc from .thenficfoilli forever foreclosed anil that such fusilier and other pro ceedings he had thereon, as are pursuant to the statute in such case made arid provided—Arid' it is further ordered that this rule be published In one of the GazettesVof tfiis-qatc at least once 4 month for twelve months, or that'a copy,'be served on the dofendniitat least six month before tho.-tixre.'RppolntodXbr tlic pajxrieirt of, the mon- ey into court/ . SrWjjWpi.- Extract from the minutes, 15th Jav-1324. / jari 16 lp JOB T. 110 I.E3. Superior court,Clutllumi (’omitt - William Berri liule Aisi, \\ Be [oph, r, of. 1 to one 1; d, dated ! John Christo O N. the petition, of that one John Ch of Camden, being indcl: or order in q note ol I said county, on the tfili Octol of Five Hundred Dollars, pqt frojn the dataon the lii-3 day ol .tamiaiy next ensuing, did mortgage, to the said Hell e th. paynii at - t on the sumo— heirs nnd nsrigns, to note aforeteid will tain tot ofland in,1 of lot No. 1 bt-gini lot belonging to 01 ing south l6o. feet north to Bryimt St SOtlth lo tin- begini • stating count v v Sadh'r Marys in the smn interest ev then till) id. I H to tlie <11 tie . with tl luth sidt cornev tlnmjri irxs .-'(leet, tl.-'li Ilavs.’ land then le ot a rnn- Chatliam Superior Court. ' _ - Mav Tkiui, 1S24. EORGE Johnston.nnd others, eomplnimidts VT rs Peter Vanhurgli Livingston ahd otliers, defendants, in equity in the. Superior court, ot Cliathnm,county, Muy term, 1824. It appearing to the Court by aflidavit tlmt Pe ter Van burgh I.ivingston and Harriet E. Living ston, who are parties defendant reside beyoad the state ofGeorgin, and,-within tlie, United States on motion of comnlaiflauls solicitor, it is ordered that the said defendant do respectively, appear and an swer the coriiplaints bill .within fopr months from he date of this rule. And Is furtbev 01‘dered that this rule brt published once a week during fpur nionthsfrom this one of the public Gazettes of this State. .... Extract from the Minutes. A. B. FANNIN, Clerk* june8 134| l EORGIA, Chatham County.—% the Mon. 1 JT the Justices of the Inferior Court, sitting for oedinary purposes. To all whom it may concern.; Whereas John M'Nish, administrator of Isaac Bnillon, dec. has petitioned the ..'honorable the Court of Ordinary to be discharged from his said administration. •• Now these are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditorsof the said file their objections,(if any they have) in the Office oftlie Clerk ofthe Court of Ordina ry! on or before the second day of, May next,- o thei wise letters dismissory will be granted the pe titioner. . Witness the hon.JohnP. Williamson one ofthe Justices of the said Court this second day of No vember, 1824. - S. M. BOND, c. c. o nov, 2 203 EOH.GIA,.Chatham County—% the twnoris- ble the Justices of the Inferior court of Chath am county sitting for ordinary purposes. * 'fo,all. whom it nmy concent,-- , Whearas Clmrlc.s Gregory executor of Thomas G. Davis into of Chatham cpunty,deqensed has teiittoned the honornble.the cijurtof ordinary to jc discharged from his saift executoi-jhip. These are thoreforc to - cite and. admonish all .aiid singular, the kindred and creditor^ of (lie said deceasod, to file ,their objections,-if any they have, in the office of the Clerk, of the; cohrt of ordinary on or before, the 7th day of Mnrcli next, oJJierwi?.e letters disniisspry will be. granted the petittoqer. , . IVitnessjhe honorable George L Cope, one ot tho Justices, of the said court this sefenth .day of September, A. D. 1824. 1 S. M. BOND, c c o c c ! *S•waims Panacea. .-,,4 • . ■ T IIE Subscribers have just l’cceivccl from F1)U adelphinu fresh supply of this celebrated Me diclnc, and have made such arrangements as tc keep a constant supply of it oil hand. Persons in want of this article can depend iqion Us being gen uine, as it cmnes direct from Mr. Swaim. \ LAY q- HENDIUCK'-ON, Chemist and jprdggisti), Shad’s il'ujjdings t v-* 7 flay. st ; being a hundr running from thetlce Marys,Jogetlicr with 1 thereto ■appcilainingrt to whom uud to riiios mortgage wus inmle 0 Jidy assigned by fleet titioner, there i- now um of Five; Hundred 1st January 1H22, sure of the, equity of 1 Christriphtoq . his li mortgaged premises roclosed according; On motion of fleltr titioner, It is ordered terest due on tin- sa the Cost ■ of bis a] 1 iii within twelve monl! iat tlie equity 01 r« bristoiiher his heirs and assigns be from and tbnl such other p ■pursuant to the stalu.i And it is further or lished in one of the 1 ■ once a month for two pointed for the jiayi Court. A true extract Jefferson. 15th Mai if bt. Mr tlie Stir -l and Camden—Superior Court. October Term, 1624. Nicholas J. Bayard ) , JM vs. } Rule Aisi. ' f: f Ray Sands ) O N the-petition of Nicholas J. Bayard, stating that Ray Sands, op the fifth day of Jrihe eigb-, teen hundred and twenty-four, for the better se*' curing the payment of Ins certain bond or writing obligatory, bearing'date tlie,,d year, afore said, whereon He tho said Ray acknowledged him self held and bound-unto thesnid Nicholas J. Bay* md, in the penal sum of.fpiii’ 'thousand dollni’s- ■ conditioned for the paymet of one thousand dol. lars on or before the first day of October then next, and the further slim of one thousand dollars on the first day of January then next, did mort gage all that tract, piece, or parcel of land; lying, icing and situate on Cumhealand Island in tlu- County of Camden .and known by therimne of Cotton BluffV containing four hundred and fifty acres, bounded on the north by lands of ghiever, on tlie south by'Taqds n - J —* the west by salv mnrsh,1i „ nances—kand further stating that thfe said sums of money remuinod unpaid, rind pray ll>e foreclosure of the equity of redemption of the said Ray.. ’ Ori motion of W. V\’. Gordon, attorney for the, petitioner, It is ordered that tlie said Ray Sands do pay into this court before the .expiration of twelve months from this date, the said several sums ni money in (he.condition of the said bond riiention- together xvitli the Interest arid,cost, otherwise t the equity of redemption Of the said Ray LM thenceforth aiid And it is further ordered, that this rule be pub lished in one ofthe Gftzetles Of this state at mast once a mpnth for twelve months, or tliata cony he 'rori’ed oh the said Rqy'Surids, at least six months before the expiration of the tinie appoint ed,for the payment of the said money into court, and that such further proceedings lie had as are pursuant to the statute in made aiid pro vided. . j. !l . ■■■ . Extract from the minutes, thi3 2oth Oct. I St-4. * JOHN BAjHiEY, Clerk. oct20 200 L ees i-iiis Ari.derSons do 1. said 1 A Gopp, at that tin- prii 1 mortgage 1 anu be j rid i csecutor', ant tlieqce fdreve o urn lines lake i(‘|it. 1152 the foreclosed ibiee as a Sir. .1 th<; ale he tifhx a the in in rites. Ul.N BAILEY, Cleric. In AtintirniUjl UNITED STATES 0 DISTRICT 0 George Woodntlf a Pieei AMERICA.) GKOllGIA. ) J tl others,’) rs. Munition.. 'Genuine patent Family Medicines Cburiihos Ess Mesiurd C-'ings worm Lozenges Hoopers do Thompsons teeth paste. James do dp eyewater Chm'cheaeo-' gh drOptt Rogers vegetable Aiu'.er.-OHS do pulmonic detergent Bulsora H 01 lev Heat'lcm oil j Adlers lenatR'8 British oil Oj)odc-lit-ii4i ilemyscanc’d magnesia SquIFers elixir Batemans drops, ^-e . ball* ; in- 'iiS . . Clin toustanlly kd had at the store of ' LAY -$/ HENDRICKSON, ists and Druggists, Sheri’s lluildingii 1® of Mahogany part ear Ship Albion J To the Marshal of the District Of Georgia^* ■ ■ , S. GEO. Gr.F.N. Clerk. HE RF. Aft George lYoodniir, I'.-trick I louts ton and George Johustou and Jacob V. abb burg tnui George Wnldlmrgand Edward I', l’ostell have exhibited tiieir libel or coifiplaint in the D'f- rt of tlie United States for tlie District of ^.ia aforesaid, stating arid propounding that by [iinf vrent labor .and exertion of .tH<CjllRRSferi. ;«rsVrind negro slaves ofthe Said iibelb-nts, they 1 ,:i\ i- ,-uv, d ami prrsetved pieces ol Mahogatiy' wood, from the wreck of tlie British shiji Albion which bad been wrecked in the gale of the tour- teenth of September la-t : and was driven on the ’:eiieli ofthe Island of Saint (Vhentow. i-" 'bo Sriid District, and praying a reasonable salvage o ■ low mice therefrom. \i , w t eas tlui jtivg of die District Court for tin-Dittr i idovesaid, bath ordered and directed the In ill) day nt Novem ber next, for all persons concerned, to be cited lo appear r.t the .Cotirf Hon e, in tlie City of Savan siuii, at ten ri’eloek of that day, and shew cause if any they linve. u Itv judgment should not [lass as prayed : You are thi-refor-.- hereby authorised and rijoirteil, to cite and admoriisp ftp persons, ivigjte ■-•r, liavjrtg; or jiretending to have, any right,title, •r interest, tool 1 to the said Mahogany, tibeilad against as aforesaid, to tie,and appear, at the time and place, aforesaid, before (lie Judge aforesaid, to lleur, abide by and perform all and singular stu b judicial acts as arc necessary and by law qtiired to be'done in flip premises; and wither do, mid receive whatuutolawand justi- e .'ball appertniii, under tl)e pain of the law tied c-m 'tempt thereof, the abscuee arid contumacy of them tmd every of them in any wise nqtwilh- sttriulmg. Arid whatsoever you shall do in tho |)reinise3 ypu slmll duly certify unto the said Judge, at the time and place aforesaid,' together with these presents. Witness the Hon. Jeremiah Cuyler, Judge of tho said District f our; this twenty-ninth day ot Drlo- ber one thousand eight hundred and twenty- toilr. DAVJEa Si BKRIUEN, .Prortorr. Ail persons Interested in the foregoing Mon. t ion will takeduenotice. JNO. H. MOREL'; »i d. a. Get 29' ■ 200 ‘ ' ' p • 'Wl ?X,i (NE mouths after date, epjdication will lie ; T made, to the lion, the Inferior Court ot I try an County, for leave to sell all the real estate of Sarah M’Kfedly,date of Bryan County dec. tor the benefit qf the heii‘3 and creditors of said es- (ate. JAMES BUTLER, Adiii’r. opil 2 §577 Che mis *fc|>t28 P ERSO .. Charles W Telman, are requested to p.ielent them, atid those indebted to make immeoiuto miyment to the Subscriber—accounts a.<rn!nst th» said estate to be left with Messrs 9. C. 3 sd!enk ‘ S\E.TEBEa*,AiM&3 opt 7 .140