Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, December 07, 1824, Image 2

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FREDERICK S. FELL, CITY PRINTER. daily rAri:u.......i:iGHT. dollars ren AJIsriw. COUNTllY I'AfUR SIX DOLLARS I'l'.U AN.-tllXl. payable in advance. tPAfl news mid new ndvertisemetits,appear in Loth [inpers..r~n \ l!* 1 .-*— «» ■— TUESDAY EVENING. lh.CEMnr.n 7, S ') (t? ’ YV«- are requested to announce -Hunky J. Valleau as a candidate for Jus tice of the Peace, cm the first Saturday in January next, in the third company dis- irtet, Captain Hayden’s JANUARY ELECTIONS. The Justices of tho Inferior Cfourt, bf this County, have given notice that an e- laction will take place at the Court House in this city on the First Monday in January tint, for Five Justices of the Inferior Court, a Tax Collector,and n Receiver bf Returns of Taxable Property—and on the 1st day cf January next, (Saturday) for two Justi ces of the Peace, in each Captain’s Dis trict. ’ * TJie House of Commons of North Car olina has passed the following resolutions: Resolved, unanimouslyl That the Gov ernor be requested to make such arrange ments for the reception of General Lafay ette, should he Visit this State, ns may comport with the dignity of the State, and the respect due to the illustrious Guest of the Nation; and that he assure the Gene ral of the deep.and grateful sense enter tained by the people of this State, of the value and importance of his services, in ob taining the independence they enjoy. ^ Hi solved, that the Governor of this Stale he authorized to drnvv on the Trea surer for the sums necessary to carry the preceding resolution into effect. From the Georgian of th's morning. The Banks.—To the polite attention of n friend at Millcdgeville, we arc indebted for a copy of the pamphlet printed for the Use of the members of tho Legislature, j\k to rii&hii late is •pqrtn ulaHy s: Ming profits of thO y ;t»u>k; •mod those losses, the .period' is therein al so suggested when in (ill probability the I<•-. ami i - n [iti'in 1 \ theCrtpitai would be restored, A committee of tho Direc tors was appointed in June last to invest i- ’gatC the condition of tho Rank, and to asccrtnin what in alf probability would ho its situation at the semi-annual settlement in October, With a view to obtain from the Hoard before its numbers ware lessen ed (ns many of the Directors iirc absent du ring the summer and fall moths) an ex pression ofopinion nsto the propriety of declaring a dividend oil part of tho profits tit the.said semi-annual settlement in Oc tober, tlftu committee, tiller a deliberate examination rejjorted, that the stock of the hank rit the scmi-annnnl settlement in October should ha considered at par, & further expressed us their opinion, that a dividend should he declared in October, of two per cent. And they believed that moderate dividends might thcrccfter be steadily declared, which report was agreed to bv the Hoard. The operations of the Bank and its officers have confirmed tho correctness of the calculations heretofore made. “ I am now authorised to say tlfiit the profits have reinstated the capital, end from the state of the Hank exliibitcd at the scnii-unnnal settlement to-day, the Direc tors ItaVc declared a dividend out of the surplus profits, of two per cent upon the Capital stock, ■* “ It is with feelings of no ordinary sat isfaction that I nm enabled to state that we have arrived at the result above men tioned, contending as we have been dur ing a long period ofuncommoii embarrass ment and unprecedented difficulty; tiud 1 trust that I may indulge flic well founded hopo that there will bo no future obstruc tion to tho regular declaring of dividends. “ W. H. BULLOCII, President. “ Approved bv the Hoard. ISth Oct. 1824, “ A. PORTER, Cashier.” 161,563 00 Bit,410 00 60,500 70 P^A'TKKS’ BANK. 11 a. Notes of'h ! s Rank in circulation, im^unt i f capital nceived, Dtis to »'ther Banks, payable in Georgia Dirk N.ites, tine to individual d-positors, £06 833 33 On. for un> claim ed dividends, 9,530 63 —216,413 95 Amount oFdifccou-Ua received, lt,5 : ’8 9a Amount of rcaerved find, 3 j,774 9o 81,305,091 53 •Ranks lor the information of that body, pursuant to law. We have giveu all that is of interest, or necessary to make up an opinion as to the conccrus oF the several institutions. To the statements made by the Hank of Darien and the Bank of Au gusta; in the pamphlets ore added a list of the pnrtics, the drawers and endorsers, of had pape r. The Banks in this city refused a com plorace with the requisition of the atatc to furnish this list, because it was be lieved the interests ol' the institutions would 4Jtffer by it. To cp pita! stork, notes in circu lation paya ble s»t Savan nah, .** do- do. do. at branches, BANK OF HE STATE, nu. l,5C0.CCO 73?, Ml *' D< pns'lsby in dividuals. *' Dividends Oil* chim'd, “ cunnry banks, ** Stfrpfu* fund id April, 1824, * Discount' or . ne t profits las. f months, 575,822 —• —l,0t3143 206,m 1? 1.157 50 262,51 22 314,443 fl 64/.”.7 52 —379,061 ?3 3,36 985 67 jtoeciwin the vaults 4 >,373 23 Mst s Bank U. S. Specie funds at the 33,4 ;0 00 north, ..tank Notes of oth- 86 614 13. * er Batiks, Darien Bank Notes under protest it 78.634 00 in suit. CO (>C0 00 ’.eal estate from wbi’&h it is ex- or.cted to realize 17,274 63 'diking house ami lot, 21.76? CO in a >qcas business, below - „'X 1 V is tho cttnclutling para- of Mr Cumming, the 3.!8,i93 as *38,543 33 S.StiX 01) 21,7 JO 00 ;mrent e*pensca, Oily loan stock, Bills of exchange and discount ed notes, r.inning to maturity 561,^66 9 Bills'of ercii-wg; and bills dis- cotin’ed in su t and under mortgage, considered good, I7\9i9 44 Do-rotwiderecl pro bably doubtful, T)'i considered pro bably bad and to be est ngnighed by reserved fund 32,049 73 43 632 21 . 349 491 S3 353,153 30 jSj discounted notes iiicmlifijg those in r.uit, . 2,258,J|i 92 “ rcai estate, includirg bank ing houses and lots ' *} Stocks, Stale Bank) steam boat and corporation of Savannah, ' M sundry bants, Esc. “ bills Of exchange, &c. *7 cash on hand in bilbof sun- diy banks. 173,750 « U S. bank note?, 27,000' Spebic, 281.699 26 —— 48M99 144,136 62,640 6 CO,6/4 57 83,361,985 67 By an additions Yt 1 able furnisher by the Slai. Bank, (‘ appears that TZu; estimated loss discounted notes in the banks & branch^ tit in real efttatS hv depreciation, Xb-jluCt the eati* mice at Augus ta, as i t is con sidered there will be no loss, 279,325 28 79,1*5 te 8,559 45 -.70,575 7' ailing together an estimated los t of . 349 901 09 The nett profits to thia period,, amount to 379,361 23 Leaving a nett gain of 26 16O We extract the following from the let ter Of the President of the Batik of the 3tate, enclosing these statements— “ It may be proper to observe that the interest arising from the discounted paper held by the bank and its offices, even at the present amount, of that paper, after the reductions which past circumstances' have rendered necessary, insures tho re ceipt of a reasonable income upon the cap ital stock. “In rclcringto my last annual commu nication, it will be seen that the amount of losses likely to be sustained by the hank, ifloludina iho.demreoiation on the real os- t,3v5 u9i 5 ■ In addition Jo the profits above stated, the sum of $30,000, duo tothe Bank for interest on good paper, under mort gage and in suit. All losses on real property, taken for debts by this Bunk, have been extinguish ed by the reserved fund. The ninouut in the statement, 17,274 G3, included a nutn- bov of lots in the city of Augftsta, lately the property of Mr Bj M’Kinnic, and which will be spld in next month—of a large and well finished two story house, and two lots in the city Savannah, full}' worth the a- mount for which the item of real estate is put down. BANK OF AUGUSTA an. >'<• ca'pitnl stuck, • Bark notes «id charge bill* in circulation, Dividends unpaid, Deposited, Undivided profits 600,000 By,discount* due the bonk and running to maturity Of which amount is confiAcred doubtful 4 405 94 Do. do. d<abad 3,560 76 £69,C4l 65 7.934 70 ileal estate Banking house and lot -■-.irnce due by other banks op open accounts current B Ils of other chartered banks of Georgia ,180,037 D-i. foreign batiks 4,000 Specie belonging to the bank in the vaults 245,807 37 51,121 25 14 000 44,260 75 U. S. treasury drafts -429.344 ‘7 1,199 47 81 10 967 -'.9 d the rcducl met- periods.’ The follow grtlph of the lettci President. . “Upon the whole, I hope it mrty appear to you sir, lVom these statements which have been carefully prepared, and to the legislature of the state of Georgia, that its interests in the Capital of tho Bank (a sixth of the whole stock) nud flic general interests Of private stockholders also, have have been conducted by the Dirctors, with care and economy: and that the exhibits now presented, of the “ rent state anil con dition” of the Bank, will satisfactorily prove it to be in a safe condition: and that it 1ms been so from its beginning in De cember, 1810,,is further evinced by the constant dividends it has paid from 12 to 8 per cent per annum, and also by the present market nriaeofthe 9tock, ton per ccuti above par. BANK OF DARIEN. * |)ll, Ttxnk Notes ’’slued, 1,836,363 00 Of which are in circulation, 1 713.410 00 t’he remainder oa hand at Darien, 77,8.16 00 Ui'ledjrevilleUraneh, 40 48“ 00 UaHon, 24,628 00 1,856,363 00' P afit and loss account on ac cunuh ing ri-*et-vtJ4iacociit, 161,415 40 Capital ato ’k paid in, 651,175 00 Due to Treturer U.S. 78,586 71 Dj- State Gcotgta, 51.731 74 — ’'0,318 4.4 Dividends unpaid, 5,075 9n Disc’unt and exshange account,, 11,209 10 Dcposttcr, :0,t82 75 M,84V6;« 9U rn. 4 5,907 09 Bv caslt balance Uompn-ici of Dari- en Bills, a 77.836 CO Stvannsh Banks 22,5 0 00 Au;.'tisla do. 2 ’8 00 Specie, 333 340 09 Bank Uniti-d States in. oiliciB, -*ste Bittik ant ofilaea, O.Ti.-es Bank Duieiij f ottii D si-umtcd !,;li« of Exchange, Agencies, Darien E S. 8. Mill, Bank House and lot, Deal estate, and S ock aoccu'.it, GuUtiugeut espe. s.s, -415907 09 , 41)- 2 8,’ 75 899 62 997,'. 49 0.5 1,157.559 >9 109 265 13* 8,591 51 8,596 87 10 UU0 00 34 785 20 3 741 36 The President of the Augusta Bank, re marks: “As regard this Institution,^ beg leave respectfully in its # bohalf, to assure the Le gislature, that it has never felt any motives to conceal its situatian from the freely ac-. knowlcdged right of tho public to inves tigate it—that if has npjrer “ in its issues exceeded tho .chartered lindt”—on the contrary, they have always bdenfar beloav, 2,845,688 SO Tho amount of Discounted paper in sni’ is 345,435 27 Of which is considered bad 41 476 23 doubtful 83,938 <1 . 130,414 64 The Committee of this Bank remark, that a large proportion of tho amount of notes in suit, is only otvin» to the many notes laving over merely lor the want of the discount being paid, and which will no doubt,in a short time he renewed and taken from the amount now reported. They further remark, that of the amounts con sidered bad and doubtful, the hank holds, unit will probably recover, n portion on mortgages and collateral securities. I11 the letter, of tho President of the Bank of Darien enclosing the required statements, he says—“ I would barely, re mark that yon will find in the resources of the institution no change. Its specie cap ital remains the same, nnd its ability, 1 Hope, oil investigation, will he found equal to any calls that ought to he made'bn it; provided it continues to receive, as it mor« its to receive, the confidence and patron age of the Legislat ure.” the. to coai This sibn on morous, Syra, Aug. 20. ■Letturs i n- iria^statc tluit the Puclut of l.gypt, sirico tho departure of the expedition, continues his preparations and recruitments for the army of the Moron. We understand the Egyptian fleet has beert dispersed by the north winds; some of tho vessels have arrived at Mncei, nt Rhodes ami at Cyprus. Sicknoss prevails on board the transports. The Greek Ad miral, with <30 Sail; is proceeding to meet this formidable expedition. Repeating Guns.—Castle Garden was crowded to witness the experiments of the repeating gluts. Mr Ellis had three guns, containing *1 charges each, which he fired in quick succession, nt n distance of 25 yards, nt two targets or planks. The Balls passed through, and struck the bulwarks of tho Castle. It was evident, from the case and quickness of the firing, as well as from the effect, that these 21 bulls fired at tibont, with precision, must do considera ble execution—nnd in the space of two minutes. Two pistols, of4 charges each, were also fired. The invention really merits the attention of g overnment. N. F. Nat. A dot Manners and Customs in Holland'. I did not obserye any one stmmking in church, but in the streets and highways, all the tiicn, and n few of the women, Imre their pipes constantly in their mouths. I have seen a little boy, about ten years of age, with a long black coat, silk'brucchcfy his hands ill the pockets of the gamcj sil ver shoe buckles, a tobacco pipe JjPlrtai mouth, and the wjiolo crowned by oblige tlircc-corncred cocked But, Under -which, the young lad moved with a gravity of de meanour hccomitig his great grandfather. The sight of any little girl of six or seven years old, lit,tired in her Simdnylf costumfy is quite sufficient to cxcitqffonc^s, laughter for a month. She move^h’ithin the triuspy folds ofsotne apparently antiquated gown, mid beneath the far spreading brim of a nftpdigious strwwbouUet, with tho grave deportment of a woman of severity years ofnge; and with this appearance Cvery gesture corresponds. During ti short ex cursion in a Dutch stage coneli, may of which arc furnished with three rows of seoitsin the interior, I found myself seated behind a venerable old lady, who seemed so far declined in the vale ol' years tlint she was obliged toholc(the qjm of a do mestic who sat behind her. Oh Urrivi^tg at our destination, t, of course, offered fhy arm, to pssist iter l'cchle and. einaciatcd frame in descending the vehicle. My at tention was first excited by the* infantine benuty of the little hand which wasipresofi- ted to me: and you tnay judge of my stir* prise, when, on raising ipy head, instead of the wrinkled visage of a superannuated woman, I beheld tho smiling countenance of a, rosy child, with bright blue eyes and beautiful flaxen hair. PloopFttlr.on, Gibbs, StUillu, 2 days, with cot ton, to tho muster. Sldop Matthew, Sallo.'vitili, fin Oswlmvv—Son Island cottou oitiU Wood, lo- BiillU'ch Ss Duatvody. Steam boat tleiii’y.Sliallz,Lubbock, Charleston, 36hours, to U B Lamar; l’assongcrs; Mr Moore- ‘cock, lady and servant, Mr Phillips, lady dad .ser vant, Mr l.ntvruncennd family, Mrs Wall, family mid servant, Mrs Agnewnllu Agncw and scrVnitt, Mrs Lawroacb, Messrs. 11 Rose, J Rosu nnd ser vant, Bourdon,, Rutledge, Mloon, Smith, Hull, Pritchard, and 15 for Augustd. The Steam boat Pendleton, from Charleston, for Auflnstn, passed rip tits river yesterday. The brig liiiaa Morrison, (of Savannah,) John- son, Was at St. Thomas the 9th Ult. jtlst urrived fAttn Boston. A 4thifl] sBspirilqus vessel arrived at St. Thom as, on thb bight of tho 6lh ult.—the next morning she was 'taken possession of by the authorities there, Iter rudder unhung, and the crew imprison ed. Tho U. S. schooner Grampus Lieut. Sloat', Was nt St. Thomas on the 1'lh ult.—all well. pfO t . . . _ ■ ,e m %3 Matin, (l Sent Celebro, dans l^Kslissa Catho- which he oflew for sale on the mostrotAnn.Lul terms at Ills store opposite the Exchanee 4 l ®| dec 1 «o» 6 ' ■ f ■* lii|ue Romaine do cette villc, un Sertico.fdnebrD, pour le Roposide Paine, dii feu Rol LOtfis XVIII, nous lnvitous touteslns personht-5, <pii dvtrient y pmticcper, et specialCmcnt Messrs les fraucais de cctte vale, a Lc Joindre a nous, pour donner u Sn memoire, cette marque tie Respect. Et liMoiideinaiu 10, dp irieinu mots, a 8 hears ^ dti matin, nous uo«s resctilrons de noUvcitu dans la inline Eglize, pour a.drusser autout puissant, des Vocux, pour lu prospeVite’ du Regno de S. M. Churles X. et do la fruncc. Le vice Consul de Franpe. THOMA9SON. dec 7 a232 "^^■Euic requested to state, that James Eitin- . . ur.n, is a candidate for fife Odioe of Tax .Collactdr, at the ensiling olCctiOn. I dec 7 232 Prcsh Prunes. J..C I Swnlins Panacea, J UST received and for sale By LAY it HENDRICKSON Druggists, Shads builfflL AI.SO 6 ' A fresh supply of LEES CtEXULVE till fm-J PILLS, just received from the Putcrtec 1 dec 4 SpuuiBh Sugars. 30 lSdMo \ S i mnish Se ea», Just received per Globe and for snip l„. doe 3 229 J. B-mp»S5S;/V_ J. B, IIERBBHT itHco, H Dr. A. De Laroche, AS-,oii hand Syrup of Quiulnc Sudorific of'j.eraon (dildCCUitlnIc ^ “ . of. Althea Robnnti Syphilitic Together with q general nsiorlnwnt of Drugs and Medicines, 227 Essences, tyc, TfitI SSF.NCE of Cinnamon; Peppormlnt, Anni.l m seed, Cloves, Lavender, Fennel anj'sJJ frus 60 dozen Cologne Water For sale by dee 1 A. DE LAROCHE, Dnittii On the Bay opposite the Exc'mng'e, J Planters Bank. T HE Directers having declared a Dividend of two nnd a half per cent forthu last six months, the sume will he puid on uud after Thursday next. <lnr. 7 M-23-2 J. MARSHALL, Cashier. For tSale, ^^BOUT ten thousand feet White Ouk Plauk from two to four inches thick. ALSO, A quantity of Pine flood, at reduced prices, decs 232 D. A. STKOBIUR. Wanted to Hire. A TEW good Axincn bythe month or yoar— ' Apply to W. Bird, or D. A Strobhnr, Camp Jack, or to R. A. BIRD. m _ ' Wayne's Wharf. dec 7 £32 ■wm rr.ESIDBNTIAL ELECTION. [Returns, so fnr ns they arc known,] Erom the Jftic York jitefiaii'ilt .Mvrrliscr. From S/iiyrna, direct.—We ora indebted to the Editors of the Boston Palladium.for Smyrna newspapers of Aug. 23, to Sept. 11th, nnd the following exti acb.-of u Stnyr- ua letter ofSept. lOtlffC'first rate source.”) “The Dervish Paclia has been obliged to retreat after the battle of Snlona, with the loss of all his army, nnd save himself with only 20 tacit. At Negropont, the Turks liaye been defeated—nnd all over Ilomelia 1 he Greeks have been successful. A Military Academy has been established at. Napoli de Romani, and Sclioojs in all the principal cities. Wc have reports that gome Turkish ships have again been burnt by the Greeks at Budram, where the combined Ottoman fleets were at an an- cltor.—P. S.—A n order has just been re ceived by the editors of this Gazette,from the French Ambassador at Constantinople, to suspend the publication, or to change it —it being too liberal, the Porte com plains.” From. l1ie Smyrna Tapers. Smyrna, Aug. 28.—A11 article tinder the bend of Scala Nova, 19th Aug. gives the particulars of the late defeat of a division of the Turkish fleet by the Greeks, near the island of Samos. The Turks were anchored between the island and the continent, inn safe; position; and the Captain Pacha on the approach of the Greek squadron, was induced by the clamour of the Turkish sailors, contrary to his judgment, to order a divisiori of bis fleet to advance and attack the Helenes. The Mahometans bore down upon the en emy under full sail. The Greeks remain ed immoveable in their position. Three fire ships were sent to attack the frigate which led the Turkish division. The rig ging caught and immediately the frigate run for the main land, enveloped in flames. At this sight the Turkish fleet took to flight and the Greeks pursued^—in the midst of this confusion the explosion of the frigate was heard, and panic seized the hearts of the Mussulmen; the fleet dispersed in all directions, some put to son, others rUn on shore, and the ships were burnt by their own crews—one vessel only (abrigof.Bar- bqry) was captured by the Greeks.— The Turks lost in this' affair ri frigate, a corvette; and two brigs-—most of tlie people on board these vessels perished.- The Captain Paclia could not move from his position between Samo» and the Mairi, Without endangering the safety of *0 ■ STATES. Electors. 17 (O 1 9ff k 0 Crawford. [Jackson. 1 Maine 1) 9 0 0 0 New Hampshire 8 8 0 0 0 Massachusetts 15 lo 0 0 G Rhode-Island 4 4 0 0 0 Connecticut 8 8 0 0 0 Vermont 7 •'7 0 0 0 Ncw-York :i() 2 5 t-/ 7 4 0 NeuvJersey j 8 0 0 0 ' Pennsylvania 28* 0 0 U 28 Delaware 3 1 0 -2 0 Maryland 11 3 0 I 7 Virginia 24 0 0 24 0 North Carolina. 15 - 1 0 0 0 15 South Carolina'' ii 0 O 0 11 Georgia . 9 0 0 9 0. Kentucky 14 0 14 0 0 Tennessee 11 0 0 0 11 Ohio 1(5 0 10 0 0 Indiana 5 Illinois 3 Missouri 3 Mississippi 3 0 0 0 , 3 Louisiana 5 Alabama r> L° 0 0 5 261 CONGRESSIONAL ELECTION. On Tuesday the 13th Inst, an election will take place in this State, for a Representajive to Con- gross, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the elec tion of Mr. Cobb, as Senator. The foilowinjfgen- tlpinen are the candidates. RICH ARD II. WILDE, of Richmond County WILLIAM C. LYMAN, of Wilkes. COMMERCIAL. NEW-ORLEANS, Nov. 6. [fiutm wim.ib’s mice cuhrent.]. Cotton.—The sales since our Inst amount to 986 hales, all of Louis, and Miss, at thcrfollovving rates 99 at 16 cents, 7 at 14?,,687 nt 14,10 nt 13}, 22 at 13/, and 101 at 13 cents; theremp some purcha sers who do not feel willing to venture at those rutes, in hope* ol a reduction; whjlo nt the same time holders.expect the present prices will be fully supported, if not improved. Arr. this week of Lous, and Miss. 1080 bales, from Florida 6. Tobacco—We have no arrivals, sdles, or dear- once.-,, to notice thisweek. i-’touK-—Arr. 1850 bbls. This article has im proved a little since our lust, mid fresh now sells in small lots at SjjH 60 to4 76; for sour we contin ue former quotations. The transactions in both desp’s, have not been stf extensive this week as tiie week previous. tVhixkcy.—We hnve heardofa sale of 200 bids, at 27 els. and several small lots at the same price. There is still some in store held at 30 a 31! ctS/— Arr. this week 110 bbls. 'w'- Haxall’s Richmond Superiiife FLOOR. FJ>£\6\ BBS - received by the sejir. Robert »> vX r Burns, and for sale. Apply to IS mV h M‘KENZIE. noy Georgia Volunteers. You will attend a Company Meeting of the Corps, without arms, at SEVEN O'CLOCK, THIS EVENING, in the Ex change Long Room, io elect non—commissioned Officers. Punctuul attendance Is re quired. By order of the CommnriA’t. A. WADE, Acting O. S. dec 7 232 Valuable Medicine. ANTI-DISPEP TIC PILLS, Prepared by Henry James. npnroyed remedy for Dyspepsia, or Indi- It is well known that Dyspepsia is one of the most frequent and formidable diseases' of our country, lis commencement is indicated in dif ferent patients by various symptoms, of which the most remarkable arc— Irregularity of tin bowels, obstinate costive ijcss, lieadadi, commonly called nervous or sick ly hendnch, yellowness of the eyes and skin,acidi ty of stomach after eating, often called heurt bum, flatulence or wind on the stomach, bitter taste ip the-mouth in the niurifmg,fu3tldbreutb, drowsiness after dinner, debility, lassitude, emaciation, do nrewlnn of spirits, ^C- 'icing connected with indigestion nnd cos- Ijifcsgjo tile pills. supply of (lie nbpvc valuable Medicine has jtfttLeen received from the Patentee, and cun be 'obtained of the Riihsfcribels, who have, been ap pointed agents for the State of Georgia.' lay & Hendrick son, Druggists and Chemists, .Shad's Buildings. doc 7 j 232 Pure Calcined AJagnosia, a iie\v Arjjjgle. T HIS Medicine lias been prepared by the New York Chemical Manufacturing Company, and is said to he equal to the celebrated article made bf the Messrs Hcniy’s. Many persons in this city who havnus -.d this remedy giye it a de cided preference over nil others. Families are solicited to give it a trial as it comes iririth cheap- ei than Henry’s; being neatly put up in bottles at 374 cents euch, and for sale only by LAY h HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Druggist-/,- Shud's Buildiu'gs.- dec 7 232 GAUDRY & HERBERT, Have just received, Tj iYfl BBLS. Haxatls Flour JB. vr” 20*000 best Spanish Segars . 20 half bbls corned Beef put up for families 2(Jdo Goshen Butter 60 bugs prime Green Coflqe 30 bbls do do d» 20 boxes while Havana Sugar • 25 hluls prime St. Croix do 50 bbls do do do , 40 do do Muscovado do 50 dp Rye Whiskey 10 lihds do do 6 do N. E. Rum 10 pipes Cognac Brandy ft Jo best Hollands Gin 40 bills N. E. Gin 20 do prime' I'ork 50 do new Mackerel No. 3 50 boxes yellow Soap 40 do New Bodford Sperm Candles 20 kegs Shot, assorted 100 do Duponts Powder 60 half kegs do do 10 bugs Black Pepper 20 boxes fresh Chocolate, No. 1 60 Icegs Spiced Saltqon s With, ei general assortment of GROCERIES, GAUDRY L, HERBERT. ridv 16 n213 Genuine Seidlitz Powders. A FllESH supply received per ship Corsair, and for sale at $1 pep Box by LAYS/. HENDRICKSON, nov 23 | 220 Shad^uildings Crockery. on c ro lM,ovv l" ,,c<il1 assortod Crockery jMXJ Landing this day, and for sale by J. B; HERBERT h CO, dec. • ■yet Butter. rt/X TUBS first quality Butter put up cxpmsfr sm\f for this market, nUw Ihiidlnz and ferule’ low by oop 1 m227 tig and for nlfl M, HOPKINS. Alarkct square. Philadelphia Superfine Flour,1 20 kegs Virginia chewing TOBACCO For sale by PUNCE & MACKENZIE J dec 1 i.[j227 II L It 5S- Tiie subscriber, JJAS received by late arrivals, a conqMts general assortment of I R O N, ofalmost every description,ns also a frcslisupplyf SHIP CHANDLERY, which will lie disposed of on tho n ost nccon»| dating terms. IN STORE, Fresh superfine FLOUR, and a few tbouj bushels Virginia COILV, of an excellent <pr-l The sabscriber iutemts keeping a constat ply of these articles. “ nov 17 k2)6 lov l VVM. TAVLOiJ AUGUST G. OEMLER, NHF. [ nni !nt he F.1C H AS removed hisDRUG STORE, totbecoruj of DroUghlon a1ld Whitakct-Strccts, •ii I Col. Shellmnn’s Mansion House, where he exi for sale, a choice assortment of • Fresh Medicines and Gan seeds, end various oilier articles suiting his line. stniil3ydating the whole String of names things he offers, and Only mentions a few arc not commonly found iri cvery Drag Sir Fol. Sirbiim, I'ymla Urabellatn, Dcgitnlis Purpurea, Sctjllcap, Hyssop, German Leopard’s Bnne, (arnica tuoii* F.lccnm.-ane, (Inula llelcnium) Hops, Ergot, 'fonquin Beans, Squire’s Elixir. Daffy’s Elixir, Ess. Mustard,- Ess. Tyre, Jesuit Drop. Cburchc’s Cough Drops, Aromatic vinegar,Toilet, Vegetable, nud other Soaps, Macassar Oil, Phosphorus, Ox Mur. Potnssc, James’s Fever Powders, Infantile Poirdcrj, llcud’s Stiptic, Spirits Soap, Fumiguting Postils, l’yrolignious Acid, Black Drop. Respectingthc utility of this i/ist ar/iVfe, be to tho*last, but one, page of IhcUcorgiaiiud' Carolina Almnnnc, of tliis year. oct9 f 137 dtrust I tiie PI irons; bet 6 sot St 11 HIE Subscriber returns his sincere tb™ _ bis friends an-il the public for pnst and informs them that her hits removed 1^. to Cot. Shnd’s Buildings, next door to drickson’st Druggist, xybere every tilingm will be made in'the most fashionable style very reasonable prices. Also, military ur of every description. 1 JOHN M. dec 3 - rt289 . lllfc un . COOffl WOOD, F OR sale on Goodwins wharf; ntftr rates and of the best quality on % ■ibjm:#:Moore Wlio M'diciUfronrias former customer.- ami ihopublic ui gvi bf paironnge. ’ • ■', dec 2 Jr227 .vv | this ■ons' 1 to i list I , 1 fa s llniltf bd lira' , 81,1)1/ nerf 1 * ip 1HS inli UCH persons as design to aUenil t^“ K*) Schoor to be taught ny the subscriber, subscriber,^ disposed to encourage an iittempfia.' 111 ^^ present state of Sacred MU9ic are infi>£ n , subscription liook has been left at of Messrs S C if J Schenk. . .Should a sulHchmt tiumhcr of g, previous to Tnuysday 9th Deeeinbf: ( , v will LCinmonee on the evening oitr- s ..^ 1.224 ■ Ual Ittl I pice [ip PASCjl I at i Sift, tiie M-e The KSavj .-.-’I nov iyi Liberty SuperiorCourt j To the Jurors, IVilnestes uhil raiHE Judge of tiie. Superior Coitrls b ( lived B'eirV HI rflHE Judge of tiie . J. eru District having been J „ M |a tion of the Judges nt MilleJfi® -’ t rior Court of Liberty County Vjl . on the regular day of the i cember,oi which Jurors, IV itn<- >, in' t'fre'snme will take notice,- an o tendance accordingly- ■ Af ,vni By order of his llonor ( of the Superior Court. E. BA nov 3 4*204 , - m -, Effingham Superior L<j, To the Jurors,■ mnesses atidjm^ T HE Judge ottheSupene'O^, |0 , < - -rn District-having hecn t$f u - .’em District lion of the Judges at M Court of Effingham County j, the regular day riftlioTenp.-te ,, , ccmber, of which Jurors, in the same will take notice, endf of the Superior Cornt. W nov 1ft • 1210 , r- fOTK I (lay for benlianl r n ct not, F? Not ggttbn, ii tlttt no itgod ! inti I for {Dv-J