Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, December 08, 1824, Image 1

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■t'if<gSp@S^ J t-raH r *h i or 11 II.IIV'.KIE. STOUAGE. ftt/SAWim r > w whig nm,"^w'r’V" *,*• .‘^JW, 1H-1, mu! now ill operation, Winter i . ovrr 50 cents. WITAIU'.U/R. , 100 tons, per day do. do J1 t/aiding Htifl Shipping Country Pro tPR'" ' ' ’ dure. . or tmlf ito Kir.: 4 cunts u 5ljSri>*Kg° ■ ,i rj^ft(loftS»«i«09 ■ A’ , 0 r Eumtyer - '•*) jdiiflii'i ' v . . ;jo IW#™L - - 12J |Wt*W* S - 20 L. |iWI).ee£> s . . '*80 f jflflhMItllOlC* {(W feet jfSSffi.* . 5 ^Siod or other posts, per ^ *** %t.,, ‘"•SCKi- ; » I ecilnr, UUO do fi&»rart£* [ coated) each * inSc&xcoJing 20 gallons, and # ’’'wIi^oHiauorsiind dry goods under4 fret square do do over 4 foot square » .sonii,candles, chocolqtc, cordials, nil, ami boxes of like size * ). sugar, cncli • * " .csflfcorn, per 1000 * *** j, (lie Mime us boxes. Isnfosimburgs, Russin duel;,bagging ^ canvas, each - * w of rnjiior or any kind of casks, ex- reeling 100 gallons - >•? lies, loose, pur gross * * a ® rrpnls, each * * * [lies of pans, spades, kc. each ~ .per UK) bushels * * -*i es not exceeding 500 lbs. each -0 exceeding <500 lbs. not exceeding 1200 llis. * • 33 exceeding 1200 lbs. - * tee of all >.ind», per coll • 3 ip oven? with covers, and fire cogs per pair * * ■ * rs nf earthenware ■sc,per -10O lbs. 4 * “ per rusk * * Jz lire, of 2 wheels - J” , of tw o wheels • *7® iges. of four wheels *, v* w i, windsorundall sitting chairs, ;>or dozen - Jif . 12 25 3 Is,per ton bnonsunder 000 lbs over 600, not over 12001hs 50 15 over 120011*. |lbouses , - - * -? .empty • • * |le, e.nch • "*? lljohni, each * “in as and chests of drawers • l Wood, per cord *1 per ipdntal • • , . * l of all deseriptions (except in bags) J per loO bushels - * lou der, in bids, nf 100 lbs. each 1*4 in half bbls. • , in kegs of 28 lbs. or under 3 , w indow, per 100 feet, in propor- tlbn for smaller - 4 • exceeding 180 gallons of liquor _ Sr any kind of merchandize I. exceeding (18 and not exceeding 130 gallons dli tile, pur 1000 DP, per ton - * , rs,rnw or tunned, per 100 - J , loose, per 100 lbs. in bumites, each * jnpers of Murulmndize, each * of rotates, each gx, each - • * 1 or Jugs, each per dozen 1 per ton V ,. - J of paint, butler, lard, biscuit, and .such (dee kegs Shot nud lead over 50 lbs. not,ovcr 500 lbs - - liquors of a smuller size thpn 20 gallons 1 - . - lb, per 100 bushels } per liurrel' 1 - /-itv.. bs lor plastering per 1000 lea, bpidi - i • Mis’, per' lOObnslicl? b. in ropes, pur 100 rope's I,'non "cairn 1 1 Apples, pe,r 100 floes per 100 bushel f's of gin, brandy, and all kinds oi u- I quor, exceeding 03 gallons • ■ nSw do. exceeding 13b gallons ;s exceeding 20 gull ding 03 gallonk - g m - t fnis in jars • | per, ltK) bushels 4 Bets each - * ' pcs, ipiern and. grind, Bermuda, per 100 - * large mill per pair Nr and other stones, per ton ; audi'v 2oo gallons'cach ■ over $00 do irandy, puncheon of rum, and nil kinds of liquor m cnsksexceediflgt^, and not exceeding I8U gallon? - £0 Iron per toii, first and last week60 cents, . intervening Weeks - *25 Every other article same as it) wharfage. wi:i(,Hi:;<;. Itch Ubh or half bt). rice - 0 Ilid. nf tptmqV.o or sugar - - 15 ’nckuge of Indigo a - - 8 Hale of cotton - - •> Each draft of light goods, under 100 lbs, iij do do do' Aver 100 lbs. Id 1 , do do heavy goods under 200 ; Of do do do over 200 per lOf) lbs S nilAYAOR. For JttluVin'g up the Uluff to nny pnrt ofllie city, articles not herein enumerated,.hjr l5tk) pounds rvoiglit i - - • 60 per' iJmier 1600 lbs lind not less Hutu loo . 3TA do 1000 do uo flo ‘ 5of) 25 For a HKHl'feel of Lumber $1 50 do itRlO Bricks - - 1 50 do rord,of\vood * » 1 50 For every bale of cotton ? 8 do bill. ol'Jtipo - • 18.1 do bhd of'Tolmcoo. * - B7A do bbl of Flour • - And every oilier article in the same proportion; for hauling down the BlulV, or from one Dr. A. DB LAHO(JIIG. Opposite; the EfehTmgr, Savannah. I S constantly receiving fresh supplies of gen uine DRUGS AND MEDICINES, selected for Country Merchants arid Pliysicinhs, which lie will sell lirr Rail or npprbved credit At llie lowest City price. .Iu4t received, SULPHATE of QUININA. ns inn ^S ET)NE>SDAY GYENING, DECEMiV oct 1() another exceeding 1600 lbs- „Uridir 1600 and liut less limn 100 lbs 25.. For eacli bale of cotton. • do bbl nice - 131 do liltd Tobacco r 31-f do bbl Florir * • ’ <! {' .find retry other the-tame proportion, ■eaBBniM—Wq Ueiieral l)r.lif»’,ClH!inical&.i < 'aniil)’ Medicine Ware House. LAY te HENDRICKSON., Wholesale arid Beta It Chemists add DnVggists i'o. 1. Shad's lluiltlings, Corner of Congress and iniilakcr Street), Savannah. ifTAVE constantly on hand a very general ns JL sortmejit of DIU70S, MKtlICtNr.8, DYR STUl’1’8 AXU 1’AtNTS, PKRFUMHItY, tfC. A great variety of Apatlmcarics Glass Ware such nswide and Harrow mouth bottles, from 1 gallon . t tonne ounce,composition and glass mortars, gloss ■oportion; lumpsum! lamp glasses, sinellings bottles, .gradua wlmrf to I led measures, Apothecaries vials white anil Owners and Tenants of Houses Take Notice. T HE Managers and Assistants of Fire will on Monday, the \hlh inst. proeeci make an examination of Buckets, Ladders, fcc. throughout the; City. All persons not complying ...i.i..i._r^ii__.!?. -c *--- Ordinance for with the following.sectious of nil preventing accident? by' Fire &c. will be returned to Council. • Skc. 10. jhed he il further ordained, That every house within the limits mid .liirlsdiclinli nf this City, occupied and tenanted, shall tie supplied ■with buckets at the expense of the" owners of said premises, to the number of nt least the num ber of five-places in the same, including such ns arc In the out-buildings, and thesnid buckets shall be equal in goodness and size to those procured for the use of tho City,nnd painted,on which shall, be painted in visible characters tho name of the owners of sniil buckets i nr d in case the owner of any hoUso.or tenement «ho.uld refnso or neglect to have the said buckets supplied agreeably to this ordinance, If eh all aifil hiayhelnwul fjr the tenant to procure the same, deducting it out of his rent. Sac. It‘And he il further ordained, That Hie owner of every improved wlmrf slinll furnish twenty bucKcts for tiie building or buildings on such wharf, nnd deliver them to Managers nnd INEQUITY. Superior court—Chatham county. Thomas F. Purse et. nl. \ Complaints and Richard U. Cuvier, ex’r Win Shaw, deceased. I N this case, on the' suggestion in the defend ant's answer, that certain persons riot parties to this bill, residing in Scotland, claim to lie en titled to u distribution of part of the undivided iState of Win Shaw, decerned, mid on motion, it Is ordered (hut all persons concerned do appear before the Superior Court of Clndham County in the tei'iil of .fiirinnry next, then nnd there to es tablish such their elnlnis; and in .default (hereof, that the'undivided estate of the snid Win Shaw, Superior court, Chatham county. John Retan ^ Hale A'isi. Nathan Baker, j O N the petition of Jno. Uetnti feinting Nathan Baker did on the, first day of 1822. the bettor to soe.ure the payment i certain promissory noli: of that date for the Mia May f his sum be distrilmtc'd'Rmone tliee.omplainanls agreeably to the docrcc of said Court and' that this rule lie expiration published month until the thereof. Extmot ftoin llie minutes this 7th dav of June, 1624. A. B. FANNIN, Clerk, line 17 $t133 of two thousand dollnrs, payable to the said John Retail, or order, on or before llie 1st day of May) 182-1. with interest at 7 per cent per annum, by liis indenture,' under his sonl, bearing date the day and year first aforesaid, mortgaged to the' safe John Retail, all the undivided moiety cr half part of all that lot ofland, situate, lying and being in the city of mwanuah, and known and distinguished in the plan thereof by the number one (1) Tyr onnell tything Darby ward, to;., tin r with llie appurtenance 11 , and further staling that the said promissory mile remains windy unpaid, and the said mortgage in tull iorCe, and praying (lie foreclosure of llie said mortgage a On motion of W. \V. t.ord in, attorney for the f Superior court, Chatham county, netionor, it is ordered timtthe said Nhiitgi ^ 1 . Tai«6«v ivrm kerdo )my into UiHcrnm, within turlND month! . r ,t / ' 1 B s ' *** I of this date, t!u* principal and interest due »r * | ;‘ nron Clevolnndnnil Susan CA j t j |e 5R j ( j . m ,i cost; of the said application liis wife, V). Jneob Falim., llnfe-Ml. mind green. I Assistants pf the Engines, on or before tlio second z^N the petition of Aftfon Cleveland and SU- *’ r Surgeons Instruments—Rocket sets, turnkeys, „ie C (i„ c 0 f Council in Jutv next; and the receipt I Vrsuti Ik his wife, who was Susan C.Jlnna, slat- ”, . ‘ f "* -A._ —IfiA* I ■' - O'- * * * 1 *" * _!.*_< .. I ! — _ ilt.l t.'.l.n* I. n f,.Mn (111, Sn(nHin^|'|ljlllPa I. /\I|(1 II I s 111 if 1821, iliilx in conjunction with one .fosepu A or in default thereof, that the equity oi ivdeniji Ron of the said Nathan Baker of and to the said . I mortgaged premises, be thenceforth and tbrever I ShaH’be decined a frill compiiiincc with tills see-1 of tlie petitioners, to wit; on the 22d day of ,tune | l !''. , lie I.. • . • r . .1 1 1 ... -f 1... _ I 1 ml I .11.1. !.. min In further ordered, tbht n copy of this rved on tin: Raid Nathan Baker, »t least si)/months before the time appointed for tlfb In Athniralh). UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,) HA. f bonmpSjCfttlieters, seales and weights, Patent dfcdieines—of every description, 4i»: I tiori, liy the 1 owner, for” the number of buckets Seidlitz nnd Soda Fowdcrs, balm oi Quito, ealeiii mentioned in said receipt; And llie owner eil magnesia, Lees, Andersons, nnd Hoopers Fills, pverwttore in the City, tlmt lips no fire-place Swnhns Fnnncea, Bnlsum llortey, Briterimiis and p |M. s n ttnciicd to the same,slmll furnish two fi..- . „ 0 , ht «iJ tor tne navment, tnareoi Churches Cough Drops, itch ointment, (y-c. fmekets for every store of such kind, and under with interest from date, on or bciore the fitat IK* ' , L- 1 " " 'ids arc by this or- day of March then next, and that for (he better All of which are offered for side on tliomost such regulations ns other landlords the SWSSTAr-W prescribed by the statute in such case DISTRICT OF GEORGL John W. Long ^ I liberal lerai(fi»r casli nr Credit. Idiimnce required to do. i secunng ino puyuieiu mu,™, o.u„ .........., ■ . •, , OjT Ti.fcH’. Havin'; enlarged their F.slahlisli Skc. 12. And lie it further ordained, Tlmt every did on Hie day and year first aforesaid make I ,1S 1 1 i-'v.r»ot from Die minutes tliis 21 • hfn tvnoilnn house or houses, brick, or I certain indenture of mortgage, whereby he | „ „ A lt i-x be bad as are made and I merit and having niHilc sucli arrangements as to owner Itb May; 1824. VlVltV. ,L- .Monition. ' Ship Albion mitt cargo. ) To the Marshal of said District— GREET!NO : W GF.O. GLF.N. C1crh>. 7-UF.nEAS.I61m derwriters nt | sivc nnd of the best quality, under no considera * ^. on f» assignee of the un- j t j ()n ( V | in t(jver will tiie sale of impure or nduitera Lloyds hi LoiuTmi. in t.itf rj^n-yrticlesbc drofhiotcd. The utmost care will | ding tiiirty dollars, liov 2 203 JOHN HAUPT, Clerk. Kjngdont of Great Britain, the Piipposotl insurers j | JC .n"od bi tliiv sblcctioiV’ of rvlsruiciiios and of the Ship Albion ntnl sin hdfe i^didutecy his | vv m yj, so |j moderate profit, it is upon these | ! .J. Shinn’s Panacea rj"5IJE subscribe, having discovered ilic coni celebrated Panaeou s—lie has reilu by tiie d of Savannah nnd bounded to the north west of Lot No 2(5, to the south ruU cnsl by ^ lands be longing to the •- — ami the west , . .. John i N tiie petition of William Barrio -sfntini that one John Christopher, of the Comi'y indebted to one Henry Btulicr estate of Hampton Lillibridge, by the t^Wlc' S5SKv tn!fi&c of bnnd, ,h,t, d St Ma . in I Septcmber*VasV, by iftfe ‘4<cn of Hie wiml and I ' U “' waves driven on tile bench of Snmt C ullicrmeS - Island, lathe District aforesaid, and there nbn» 182 dotted by hercrew* and (Wt much of the cargo has Honied out of tiie saidSli'O, some pnrt of Which United Slates, j JninmrV 1823, nml pniymgtlie loreciosure oi roe i ;::7”Jimere-t r ami llie poor will bo_ supplied eralh. equity of redemption of.the said Jacob nnd ins mi ,Tot of tWit! in the town ulon sai.i being par' If the citizens .of the prmcifml cities nnd town* I hairs, executors, ndinmistrators and assigns in I , hf'nnin^ «t iho west rorn • <•' * will appoint an agent to order mid distribute this !in d to the said mortgaged premises—On motion 55 blu . i -Alvin Hayes, thence n Medicine to tiie poor, it will be supplied. , ,, |ofW. \V. Gordon,, attornej’ for r fine sotUlt 1(M) t h«'. on si. iM.-.rv? Mreet,ti. nee C) dins' bind tin-neb Register of Debates in Congress. ' •' , PROSPECTUS. 4 CCORDINGto mtiiitimiitiiin lieretofore; the OUict the next tlmt part tliernf still lies on the lisncli oi I l’lililie'/i'itVvei v sesRliin thereafte'r, a RF,- Sw elling and Diseases of the Bones, nnd all cus. I case of defnult tlljtt tho equity of redemption of I Islund, below high water mark expooed to the »oh 0 | STKn 0I ,> DEROTfiS IN CONGRESS, intend- es generally of ail .Ulcerous churncler, mid Cliro- sald'Jtfbob Falun, his heirs, executors, ndminl- I M j,,..,,].,.,. wnl | a nd singular every thing i£{lmi,SionMml'S r S h^^M^« , «^fi'ti%IV) , tofth^S ! we c h ; [nm mscascs.^^ll^ngtn debi^^ l^^^gjulm^^enielmth -r, were iasu ed nt Lloyds, bus for the benefit of all agHOSSl concerned, sold the interest of the said undent re rt , ■ „ „.!.. rn ( ters nforesnid, therein nt public!; sale to John \t. I ,- , i:k.,.i..t. ay st. Being i running from tlienr" to the river St. Professor of the fast Holes and Practice of Physic, in the University of Pennsylvania. mployed (lie Panacea of Mr. Swnlm i numerous instances, within the lust tliree years re always found it extremely cificucious . * i r« I 1 At uiJ.I XI »tTobu I terest due on the said mortgage toi ether with 61x1 ii.tiM, is- . ctJs(8 „f l,i s n.'iMicntits lie paid into this eotlrt G EORGE Johnston nnd others, coniplainahts I w ; ( j )in Uv . ]vi . mo „(| ls from this date, V-llfhrwlsti vs Peter Vnnbnrgh Livingston^ and others, I the I’ljiiity nf redemption in the said eolin I defendants, in equity in the Superior hourt,' o» Christopher hi? lo irs riv-cutors. admin:- trr.tiptB Chatham county, May term, 1824. _ arid assigns be from them e forevel :•>' «-losi-d It appearing to the Court by afiumvit tlmt _Fe- n)i j suc |, 0 jj, e r proceedings take plaee as a especially in secondary Syphilis, ami .Mercurial Wict E. Living Sffit to the Discuses, rhave no hesitation in pronouncing it st0I)) w | m nre parties defendant reside beyond the 1 " Aml - |g f urt | lt . r .,. a Medicine of inestimable Vn ' ut ' state ofGeorgla, and witliin the United States on i; f { ict i ; n „f tiie Ouzel | Patrick, and George, all other pei-sons, Qluiin-1 n OI1 - jSSSjUthe ing to be entitled Ui salvage in this behalf to ap- I »“ pU "• ol ^' l101 " eiUHiut tliis rifle.'bo \V GIBSON, M. 1). I motion ofcomplainnnts solicitor,it is ordered that I on^c 'a'montH for twelve months to tiie time r.p Professor of Surgery to the University of Penn. tho sui j Jefendant do respectively appear imdan- no inted for the naj menl of said raonev into JOHN SI UNN, Chemist. swer t | le complaints bill within four months from ‘court Philadelphia, .Yor. 17. 1823. I he date of this rule. And is further ordered that ’ A true from the minute possession ot | Each publisher of a newspaper in the U. Stales, t this rule be published once a week during four JOHN BAILEY, Clerk. ommenei-meut of tlie exist- t is requested to publish this advertisement once a I monllisfrom this date in orte oftlie public Gazettes 1 j e g- el .„ in j ,->t 11 March, ir'' I month, for one year, nnd send their accounts for 0 f t |ii s state. • 1 ‘ and every person anupersons, ? uo.i.M,o,«r ««.- rccufrmg ... ing or-pretending to have nny right, titic, liiteiest, . needless consumption (if time, by superllumts propmty, claim or demand in, or to the said w reek v ' - 1 • • • - payment.^ Z A EoilGIA—Clmllmm County.—To all tehum orto the cargo thereof, to he, and appear nl a spe cial Court of Admiralty, to be, held nt'Savnniiali, I on the Tw l ii'tb day of'Novefnliti' nest, to, answer I the libeilnut in the premises tliaf right and justico I mny'lm done in tliis li'elmlf. And w hatsoever you Wlmt Is trui-nf tin* years Mint have past __ p may concern.—Whcrcns, Joseph R.TIiomji- so'n has applied to the lion, the Court of Ordinary >f Chatham County for letters of administration june 8 Extract from tho Minutes. A. B. FANNIN, Clerk* }84| In Admiralty. ‘ ‘ ' • . ‘ t' I *11 vllliliintii vjt/umy ixm u-in will, iis soon ns they are gone, he eqiunly true ot Qn -fj, B es tate and effects of Willinni R. Holland, those in which wo ip e-.' . • | n te of Savannah, Druggist, dcc’d in behalf of the It i> not only, tiwreiore, a.) a vrihicje of pi esept 1creditors. infonnfition ; liut also us abpolcfdi- l'ndirerefereric -asilNatioilfd I’olitii ul Ki-posit Thesis arc therefore to cite andadmonish all and ’V 1i m (1.1, ~,rn«1 .•erllfv and make knriwn I—*“') ieAt-BisokJ sinfil ,| ttl . tiie kindred and creditors oftlie said de- I that we h.qie .his work w.if bo both .■ml and r J^ fi|e their Sections (if any they have) to the Judge of said Court.n’t tli’o time and j tided, aforesaid ; anil litive you then uml there this writ. WitnesS4lic Hon. Jeremiah Cuyler, Judge of said District, this twenty-first day of October, cigliteen hundred and twenty foyr. b NICOLL& GORDON, ? ■ Proctors for Libellants. Ali persons ihiprcsled in tin- foregoing Monition .ill take duenotice*. JNO.,11. MOREL, M.n.-c, ''Vrom the lowness of the sukrcriptimi -to ibis wbrli. It will bo c don that it is nn pT t oj wr cri uiliitiou td'rritilizc any juewnt pimi- trom it. tiie contrary, we slfrili. t:i all bfoechnity. lose in noyby it for it ye (if oy two, liopiiigthol I'tereoft its established character w ill eiisliie tl’ft "Pficie On mo- will take duenotice* 1 Oct. 30 201 _ _ , dished _ pntl'onnge to muke if profit u GALES fi SEATON. Washington, September, 1824. CONDITIONS. iertt to the granting of the iidiniiiistration oftlie estate of the deceased to the applicant in the Clerk’s Office of the said Court, on or before tiie twenty seventh day of November next; otherwise letters of administration will be granted. \Y I incss the lion. John r. Williamson one of tiie Justices of the snid Court, the 27th Oct. A. D. 1624. oct 27 188 S. M. BONDj C c o, Camden—Superior Court. October Term, 1824. Nicholas J. Bayard ) vs. > Ray Sands > O N the petition of Nicholas J. Bayard, slating ! that Ray Sands, rin the fifth day of June eigh- tluU Nisi. UNITED STATES OF i MF-R1C A, J DISTRICT OFflTOULU. J ' George Woodruff and bthers "1 Pieces of Malioeuny.tort cargo f •■‘ Ship Albion ’ J To. tho,Marshal of the District of Georg a~J c.iir.r.Ti.iG :—• . r„ S. GEO. GLEN. Clerk. "CT THERE AS George Woodruff', I'utri.--k Ilgufe. V V ton and GcorgeJohn?lon iiiui Jm-o’n H aid* „ l »y nl the m mi 1 libelliihts, tlidy EORGIA, Chatham County.—By the Ifon. the letters of filmlam County This- nn- ti,cm lore to cue anil, nuiiiipiitn i - — --- all and singular the kindred ami, creditors of the. a super royal pup b • ■ m „ * each" mice Cf said, to file their objections (if any they havjtf) to tho granting of. the, ndiniuistration of the »»istng ne»i >'* ’''S , ' ( °„ t |i; '. n ). pr estate oftlie said deecrised to the the I lmnns ot the IN^lioiml In e g -I j dlorli’s Olfice of the said Court, on or before tile 11 wilII contain us In-l| k • F rg «tJS 1 fifteenth dny of Dec'cmlier next; otherwise letters can be obtained of a 1 tnekleutnl ones rsKSSw?"^«^ -„. rf Js * Justices of the said Court, Ac 15th dav ofNovem- Members oi each House, I her, A D. 1824. S. fll. JBONl), c c o. | chcIi House on questions .which have been tiie nov 15 213 '(jl the Justices of the Inferior Court, sitting for may concern tidrnh ‘ petitioned the 7 ..... ¥ _ vjuui gtu iiiui Ljaiui siuiro^ seif held nnd liound unto the said Nicholas J. Bay- means of great labor nnd urd, in tho penal sum of four thousand dollars- j gei'5, and negro siavefe ofUu conditioned for the-pnvmet of one thousand dpi, J have saved ani'’ P resepveif , ct ___ lars on or before tiie first day' of October (lien w;ood, from the wreck of the British ship At next, and the further sum of otic thousand- dollars which limibecn Wrecked in the mile <>t the 1- ur on the first day of January then next, did niort- ,e«nth of-Septomber bi-t ; midw a-driven on tins gage nil that tract, piece, or parcel of land, lying, | |ipnch of tlie Inland of Saint t ndrninistrator of Isaac I being and situnte on Cumberland Island, in the j said . . . „ ft (lie horioralile the county of Camden, nnd known by. the name oi .dlownnce thefefi^m. Am! wberealitMB^^H i District, and praying n reasonalde salvage o disoharecd from his said Cotton Bluff, con'aining four hundred and fifty the District Court for t::r > 'istric! aforesgid; ! ® * acres, hounded ori the north by ltinds-ot Shierer, I.ordered,and directed the i w'-i! 1 '.! day H N. rip each ... 6 ces oi all kinds (rice excepted) over *i under 03 gallons. - - 5 nks of all kinds, mider 4 feet square 4 i do over 4 squares - 6 s or casks exceeding 130 gallons It-', fciior or.othcr kimls of merchandize 15 pod, brarillctto, lignum vittc, and.all flye woods, per ton - - 25 ner-pair . - ) . ' .) 8 PCS"..- i wheels, (-1 wheels) - 60 .g: in proportion to the foregoing ntics. Clerks Office. 29th October 1824, OTICE—rroposnls will, be received at this r»rt‘ . . j*t it!., lltil. T\,.aAiv>1ia4. nnv( ' X 8 Office until tlic.lOth Decendier iiext, for sup plying the Guardhouse with wood end lighfs- suliject of Debate, such Documents, connected with the subjects of Uebnte, as may be deemed essential to‘enable tiie reader to comprehend them, nnd proper indexes to the. whole. « The Debates oftlie next Session, it is computed, will, with tiie Appendix, make a volume of five hundred pages, at least, and will be furnished to tilionef. Witness the lion. John F. M illiamson | Justices of the suid Court this second dny vember, 1824. S.-M.BOND, nov 2 203 S'\ EOKGIA, Chatham County—By the honora- \.T ble the Just ices of the Inferior court of Chuth* . . - . , , ° .-?■'e 1 ■ subscribers throiiEh tiie Post Office, in sheets, as ?.!®!!'!!?J!! e ™“?- e iHfeSffiS S " eeping published, (or reserved at Office, at the sub- I scribcr’s option,) at thump, dqi.i.abs lor the \el and keeping in order, the Police Extract from the minutes, ' SOL. COHEN, c. c, pro lent. oct 29 200 . ; Clerks Office, 29th October, 1824. rN conformity with n resolution of Council No? ume, lie it more orless, to be paid in advance in all cases of transmission beyond tbe limitsofthe city. The sheets will be) transmitted as completed, without regqril to any particular ilnys, as the pal), lication tnust of course bc.regulated by the prepar ation of llie matter of which it is to be composed. The subscription will in no ease, unless within (the _ i TricTirhereby’giveir.tlmt oii tiic.secpnd regular (the city, and not then unless specially iridiented, an article is not In lie found under its name,, mdeting in Nov. next, Council will proceed to hg understood to extend beyond the volume ac? ■ package in uhirh it is usually contained. c i ec t a City Tfegsurer, to fill the vnouncy occa-1 tunlly'paid for in advance. mwg on a wharf more than two nights, to i6l j, y {j,„ fleccafee of Joint I. Roberts. to non-subscribers the. will be rotm dol* ! to a week's storage unless lauded on Sul , or any oilier evening immediately preceding ohday—in such cases to he n moral on the second rl 'ing-ilay thereafter, or be subject to storage as Extract from the minutes. SOL. COHEN, c. tem. oct 29 ' 200 , ' STORAGE. ; cotton, per week, 8 cents for the 'i.’stund last week and for each inter- i P)Jtg week ... ' tl re per week - jars, bound iii boards,for) l)e volume 119W announc- ed. ? The Debates of tiie Session of Congress follow ing the next, nnd of the first Session ot every Con- grccs, will, it is supposed, fill nboiit one thousand pages, or.perhaps more, making onewery largfe volume, or two of a hamlsome size—the iirst Ses- aicro per week lous - ' orlt,vi,li "i !hd. of sugar, wolais < !8 i of g !rt > The Undersigned Coniniitte, T"5'AVE becninstructeiUiy Council to place in Jfl a state of repair, the Fire F.ngines of the city. 1 volume, or two 01 a immwuipo 'J’hev will receive proposals from any competent slon of each Congress being nearly i.ouble the du- 1 I persons to effect this object*—The Engines ro- rution of the second. The price of llie Register H qHiring repairs will be drsignafed on applicntibn j for the first Session of eggh<?obS rc 3^be l it; fcrij- !l1 ' tusk ’ontaining more than 30gal- 20 to cither of the CorciniUee. 26 } < nov 11 CIO GEO. MILLENy I. MINIS,, 10. MORJUSOS'. tents more or less tlinn 1000 pages, will lie fixed at Vive dollars to subscribers, and sixtonon-subscn -berslh ^'*&**&■ J ' Oct 12.,» am county silting for ordinary purposes To all whom it may concern. Whenras Charles Gregory executor of Thomas G. Davis late of Chatham county deceased lias ictitioned the honornble the court ofordiuary to le discharged from liis said executorship. ' These "are therefore to citu and admonish all nnd singular the kindred and creditors of the. said deceased, to file their objections, if -uny they have, in the office of the Clerk of the, court of ordinary on or before tiie 7th day of March next, otherwise letters dismissory vy'dl be grunted the petitioner. • . Witness the honorable George ,L Cope, one of the Justices of the said court this seventh day 1 of September, A; D. 1824. 1 S. M. BOND, cc occ 175 vMmm Swaims Panacea. T HE Subscrihers have just received from Phil ndclp.hin a fresh stipply of (his celebrated Me dicinc, and have made sucli arrangemf'iits as to keep a constant supply of it on hand, l’nrsons in 'want of this articlc can depend tip.011 its being gen- ¥ -ie,~" 1 **<• ■-« nine, as it comes difect from Mr. StVaim. LAY 4-HENDRICKSON, Chemist and Druggists, 3}ir<ii’c J.idMriigj) oet 7 138 m that the equity of redemption of the said RnV | such judicial acts ns are necessary Sands liis heirs, executors, administrators and1 as- required fobe dorie ill the premises signs, of, in nnd to the said mortgaged premises, I ; 0 ( l 0 a „d receive wtiatuiitolm- ami justi'-r 'mill lie thenceforth nnd forever foreclosed; ’ appertain, under, tbe pain of the law and mm And it is further ordered, that this rule be pole I tempt- -thereof,' the ahsencf and coutiimary 01 Fished In one of the Gazettes of this state'-at. least them and every of them, in any u ise uotwith- once n month for twelve mantlrs, or tlmt n copy l.slandingi Anil Whatsoever you shall do in tho be served on the said Ray Sands, at ; least .sitA Remises you shall duly certify :mto tiie said months before the expiration of the time appoint- j judg,., tt t the tithe anil place aforesaid, together ed for the payment of the snid money Into court, with these presents. and that such further proceedings be had ns are Witness the Hon. Jeremiah Cnyb-r. Judge of the pursuant to the statute in such'dase made and pro- said District Court this twenty-ninth day of Oeto- vided. ',Vj IhDr.'.dtae thousand eight hundred and twenly- Exti’act from tho minutes, this 20th Oct. l824i-l four. ..DAVIi'.t ic lilll l-'.N, I'roclors. ■ JOHN BAU'EY, Clerk. All persons interested in the foregoing Monition oct 29 200 t I Vvill tako duehotice. JNO. H. MOREL, m.0.0. Oct 29 200 ' ' Gcniune patctttl annly Medicines. ;'.y ine months after date, application will be T EES Fills ■ Churches Ess Mustard Ln made to the hqn. the Inferior Court of liry I 1 Andersons do Chings worm Lozenges an County, for leave to sell nil the real estate of Ilooncfs do Thompsons teeth paste Sarah M‘Kindly,-Iato ot Lrynn County dec. lor James do flo eve Water I the benefit of tiie heirs and evcduoi ? oi .snid ea- Clmrcheseotigli tlrdp3 itogera vegetable tated JAMES BUTLER, Adm’r, AndeVsons - Ho pulmohicdetergcnt apil 2 §o7, ‘ Balsoni FlpHfcy tteiirlem oil ; -» - - - 1 British oil I -T*jK'RSON.S having claims agumst the estate ol llcnrys canc’d magnesia I -J? Charms .W- Teoeau, are. requested to present Batemans drops, f,-e Audle'rslenative OpdtleltlOck Squires elixir Salts Lemons ; , Can constantly ho had at the store of LAY,4* HENIJRICKSON,. Chemists and Druggists, Shad's Buildings. S£$t28 ’ "HjjKRSONS having .a/ Charles W. Tehran, are ruipiested to pri them, and those indebted to make immeiliata payment to the Subscriber—accounts again,t they said estate to lie left with Messrs S, C‘« fy 3 SchSnki ‘ ’ oct 7 F.E.TUBEMJ, AJ^|