Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, December 08, 1824, Image 4

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Administrator's sale. On tin. first Titc-din/ in Juan. r: next, "^■^TiL'Ltic soldjmfbve I lie lTort House in tin * T City of Savannah, the rollov ini; property, Doing thg real estatedf Andrew ApLriari, Into <ii ChntiiHm County, orc'd lorthe 'mile .t of the heirs and creditors, puWunnt to nn order of C'onrl. . (>ne irai't ol land, containing Son nr res odjoin- lilg binds'of Francis Tufts,.!.ones Unsco, ami Mn- rv Shaves, know n u> .loimtlmn and .lidin Fox’* tracts, about 1- miles from Savniiunii. One vacant lot in fee simple, situated in Ewetis- bnrg, on .Margaret-'!.Sn' atftall. lciiQU n by .No. 2S. One Ditto, also fee simple, situated in do. ittlld know n by tlie No. 21, with a dwelling house and other improvements thereon. One i. it in Kicoboroitgh, Liberty county. Tti" purchaser'' giving boqd amf mortgage, piiy- Tililc in an; . t\v o and tlireeycarf.v.itli interest from date and personal ccurity. GKO. GLEN, ti t to got Adrn’r est. Andrew M'l.anc. Atlnmiist rotor’s sale. Oil the first Tuesday in January next. IfH ipcnrrr', dec’d. hy ■nder of tiie 1 Ion. 'tbc Judges of the Court Ol. Or dinary lor the Conntr of Effingham, fo^tlsc bene- at the heirs ami nuitious made 1 iov 9 209 Sheriff's sale aid at tin t fin ian nil lion? ext, the fob On the fiW lowing tlirre ^ Mary, otherw ise known bv the name of Con- itatieenmd her two children Lucy and Kczinh, levied on under it forcch sure of a mortgage as the property of William R. Holland, to satisfy Gatidry i. jiufuure. 1 D’LYON, see. der. ft 229 Oity-Mors!sdi's On l!> i'ii-r 1 v i; 1 Ihceni.-a' next, W iLI. be sold in front of the C mrt House'll - tw. en Jhe UMial hours, the following pro perty iflhit ground r. ill that i- due : ■ Apt paid lie- tore that day. Lot no. 19, Warren We ded east by lot no, 20, s west by-Warren Square, re-entered upon us the pi Win. Wd»dhridgo for 4 q Lot no.22.Wnrren war ed i MB rd,« nth h; krtec* [, (50 lr si by lot no. 21. south by t > Warren Squat:' iv 9A feet, tioun- St.Juliun «trtet; >rtli by Bryan st. of the astnUHtof retit. • 90 feet, bound- tigress st. west north by St. Julian str re-entered upon as the. property of Oep, W M‘Xl- ii-ier. I >.• -o quarters rent...' rW'Rf . l ot no. t, Washington .ward, 90 feet, boundt d ea?t by lot no. 2, south by a tana, w est bv t’cico st, and north by Hay st. tv,-entered npo'n a- He- i ropevly ofT W Wobdbiidgo, for -i ipiur- l.ot no. 2, Washington ward, 60 by 90 iret. I muded'east by lot no. si south by a lone, west by lot no. 1, and north by Bay st ve-enterad noon as tile property of T M Wootlbridgo, for 4 quar ters rent. Lot no. 16, • Washington-wal'd. «»0 by 90 febt, boutitled east by lot tin. lo,'southby, Brynit street, wi st by Price st. and north by a Itute, re-eutcred tqi m ns the property of S Wilkins and C C Coop er. i n 4 quarters rent. Lot no. 24, Washington ward, 6(1 by,90 feet, bounded east by lot no. 26, south hy Congress st. ' west by Price st. and north by St. Julian si. re-en tered upon us the properly of M 15 Barnard, for 4 quarters rent. Lot no. :>■>. Washington Ward, 60 by 90 feet, bounded ( i-t by lot no. 34, sorith by Broughton st. west by lot no. 36, and north by a lane, re-en tered upon as the property of Finny Williams for 4 quarters rent. Lot no 62, Brown ward, 60 hy DO feet, bound ed east by lot no , south by Liberty-st.. west By lot no. 63, and north hya lane, re-entered up on as the property of A. I. D'Lyou for 4 quarters rent. Lot no. 63. Brown ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound ed east by lot no. 52, sorth by Liberty .st. west by lot no. 64, and north by a lane, re-entered upon as the property of the estate of Hugh M’Call, tor 4 quarters rent. I.Qt no. 60, Brown ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound ed east by Mndisomst. south by Liberty-st. west no. 0, trad no. tii Sheriff’s sales. On the first Tuesday in February next, X I TILL ha sold at the court house in the city of \V . Savun imh between the hours of 10 and 4 o'clock. - Is. negroes viz. Charlotte, Baccus. Eve, Tenali, Titus, sum, Naro, Belinda, -Dorcas, Isaac, Be9| Sippio, Carlus, Clog, Peggy, Anue, Betty, uml Monday, levied on by cousent as the proper ly <>. '.. (I. Ituthcrford, under a ft fa on a torreio- fcureni a mortgage in fuvor of the Bank of Darien. R-rq ISAAC D’LYON, s c c. der. 1 230 i « South Broad-street, rr-tJu i ]"...|v .if the e-tut.■ of T ito linrdnqj’, ior I q L it no. 8, Jack! ml cast by lot; lio. !b lot m>. 7. and north by So ctl upon as the jirojierty of quarters rent. Lot no. lO.Jucksnn Ward, 60 by 00 feet, boun ded east by VMiltokcr-st. south !>y a lane, west by lot ho. 9, and northby South Broad-sty re-otl- teredupon a? the jiropcrty o(T. N. Morel, for f> quarters rent Lots no. 14and 15, Jackson ward, 6tJ by D * fcet i eiit*h'!rft,'’hiYfftdeil east by lot tlo. 13, smith by Orlcuns Square, w est by M’Gonih-streflt, arid mirth by n hinri; reentered upon as (ho property of U. Habersham, for 4 quarters rent. Lots no. 17 ajm, 18, Jackson ward, 60 by 90 fed oRch lot, bounded cast by lot mi. 16, south by Pcrry-st. west by lot no,' 19, ‘ and north by a lane., rc-ertiored ujion as the projicrty of V. S. Fell, lor 8 qtmrscrs rent enoh lot. Lot no; 19, Jackson ward, 60 bv 90 feet; boun ded ehM by’lot no 18, south by l l crry-st. west by lot no. 20, mid-north by n lane, re-entered upon as fori [iropdi ty of A. D. Abraliuin, for 4 quarters rent. ' Lot no. 20, Jacks m ward, 60 by 90 fcct; notm- d?d eiist by lot no 19, south by 1‘erry-St. west by JaucrS'tjNst. and north by a lane, re-entered ttp- oti as tub property of Geo. Glen, for 2 quarters rout. Lots no. 21 and 22, Jackson ward, 60 by 90 ,feet each lot,botltidiul rust by Orleans Square, south by M’Donougli-struct,ivest by Jeflforsou-st. mid north by Perry-street, re-entered upon us the property of E. Early, for 4 quarters rent. Lot ho. 29, Jhekson ward, 60 bvOO feet, boun ded cast hy lot ho. 30, snath bv a ltine, west by Jeffet'ott-stMtid north by Hull st. re-entered up on as the property of J. B. Bcrthelot, for 4 quar ters rent. Lots no. 27 and 28, Jackson ward, 60 by 90 feet each lot. bounded cust bv Orleans Square, south by llull-st. west hy JeifersOn-st. and north bv .MT)tmotigh-st.^e-entnred upon as the property of J. II. Morel, lor 4-quarters rent each lot. Lot no. 37, 'Jackson ward, 60 hy. 90 feet, bolin tied cast by lot no 38, south by a lane,' west liy lot uo. 36,'ami north liy Hnll-strecJ, re-entered upon ns the property ot Geo. Gleq, for 4 quarters cnt. V? . Lot no, 47, Jackson ward, 60 by 90 feet, boim util bv lot No. to, West liy east i.roau-si, li by lot No. 8, lev ied on as the property of K. iMaxham. t.> satisfy his'eily taxes for i 1823 and Is_ I, um nintdilc i-Sl-l. (7if;/ Ufar.Ahar? rahs, yv N Hu. in--; Tm '"1'iy in I'.u iu.ibrr, in Irani ol V(J> the ('oart-Hou'e', between utenraqni yoUra, will i)R sold, tile liillowlti.; property, if the taxes are not paid ; Lot No. New '.reds, now known in the .Ian of tin city i’v Ogletli'irpe v. ai d, liOuntlod east ,y West BTOad ■Jroet, south by a vacant lot. west l.y lot — and north bv lot No'. 1. levied on ns the property of d. T.. Cop?, to satisfy bis city taxes for the year 1821, IS »J, fSSBpnnl I'd!, nmoimt tax : 1.- 7 57 ami cost. Willin'lot No, 8, Wasiuhgtort ward, bounded a.t by lot No. 9, south by Bay-street, we?t by lot No. 7, and north by Savannah river. I. the property of the cstato of Pal. Stanton, to sat isfy tile city taxes of said estate fer tile years 1821, and 1322, 'iimount lax .‘$09 and cost. Jlulflol No. 9. and buildings, Carpenters Row* iVitsieo Garden, bounded east by east boundary street,south by lot No. 10; west by east Broad-st. and north by " I'boinas F [the yem's . JB. SB An undivided ftnlf Lot No. 6, Hick’s Tytlung Percival ward bound- I east by lot No. 7, south by State street, west liy west half of snidlot, and north by a lane, levied on as the property ol lieu ry Lyons, lo satisfy his city tax for the present year. Amount due §13 and cost. . Olio.negrt) man nhmed Frank, levied on as th • property of Thomas Wilson, to satisfy l.i- city tnxos.for the years 1821, 1822, 1823, uml 1321. amount tax 3t 120 12. Hal/ iioCNo. 9 hhd huHtBhra, Sv „ Roy.tplds ward, bounded east by lot No. In,smith by Hrynn st. west by Lot No. 8,’ and mirth liy a lane levied on ns tlie property o/the life eslute oi C. D. l.fby, lo sdtisfy llis'city mx i r i,u- . 1823and 1824. Amount due t} : 25 80 and cost. A quarter of WharPl.ot NO..4, Trust' v (i;.. len, bounded east by linlf of said lot. west liv lot 3, south liv I'prt Wayne, uhd north l»y Savannah Itiv^er, levied on as the properly of A. L. HnW- ridge, to satisfy tho rity tuxes of mill property for the years 1921, T822, and 1823. Amount due ?.*I | 6(1 a id vsl. , ..••■H. V , A building pn the sojllli east corner of lot. h'ttiv A.‘Darby ward; levied oii us die property, ol .1 W^fannon, to satisfy, his city tax for the yc 1323. Amount diio fli731|, nun cost. wiircjj HL v cast by the estate of Wa/np’s lot, south, by o'cloik. Vd ;; Cfmt!vi said cmi coutaini ,r rreto fepcrin s sales. On Hu first I <•( ■ i •;/ w J-nviry next, r lL1. l'vsold at tlie courthouse intlic cityof Pov annuh, Li tween the hours of 10 and 4 v parev.l ortrnct of land in the County of in, Siro ofGcor.'.ia, known in the plan of i: tv Gafdcu Lot No. eighty, (80) cast i:.g i l.V acres more or less, bounded on tlie y the Tlmnderb i'i Road ami lands of Jas. uthesouth by lands of Jno. Srriven, and vesf by a road leading to lands of Col Jas. d others, with the appurtenances v ied on ns the property of ite Bli Ttdinihg, lr Iromn, to satisfy n fi fa on a forcclo rtgage in favor of Win. T. Williams. ty-iive.aciTs ofitend and improvements, ImT dist. Chatham Connty’. levied on as tlie | lojiiuty of Jas. Govan, to satisfy an csecu 'i ni in fnvorof Henry 1 leapt, nt. at.' A negvoman named 1 '-ter. levied on ns the property ”i John M 'lnno k to satisfy an execution in favor ol Henry M'Alpin, vs. John Womacknnd IVm M; C. d.:. " i it - . e< nl. Thh'O ririidi-rd cud thirty acres of land more hr less, While jflufT Dist. in CHqtmpn Comity, le j- Ol duo. Jon? to rati'- irof IHjos. Walton. .!*, S|inng iiill with tltetin- t, bounded son'll by lot No. loitli by Oiiko street, and itd on by a constnblc as hnrdson to satisfy several )r of Richard It..well f t al and I. IVIA'DN, s c c. . led onus the pnija "y an eiecqthinin £ Buildings on lot ! spired lease ofsaif 10, east by lot No. S. n i^glt by Franklin-st. lc be property oi Wm R ■ t« tr G jn EOnniA. Cltathatn Connty—Rv M the .Imtu'is (if the liifci'im' Co for ordinary purposes, I o all whom ii may concetti. IVliereas, John Dillon administrator 1 m oild Dillon, late of Cliatham count j dec. I titioiied the lion, court at ordinary,to be ills ed fro|n his said adqtlnulrntlffjji. Now, these are therefore to cite anil adnlou- Ml l 111 i >f Kd- ms pc Isli nil and siiigu the s aid decease they nave,) to tl to the patfBoucr court, on or b ti ensuing, othcru grant'' the P' ar the kimlfcd l. the tile their ohjei e griintili!; of lette in the clerk’s oltiei re tiie I till day ol !) ise letters dismiss 'titinner. 1 ere rliin? ilitors ol (if any , of The - .ini member next iry will be Witness the lion John ('ummiu;;, one of the Justices .of the -a'd rotht; this Mill day of June, A. I). 1824. 3. M. HON'lly c c. o. June' 12 13il / TKORtll \. Cha'Ji nil t 'omit; —By the h.on. '\Jt the Justice! of the Inferior t'omt, sitting for ohlinury purposes. ’i'o all whom it may cofipern, Wliereas Kohert Taylor, admiiii.-trator ot Win ,M. Kelli y. late of Savrnnalt, tiiefelmlit, dge’d. lias petitioned to tin* honnnfide tin* court oi Or dinary to be discharge'll frotn his said ndpiinisl tioii. Ho, slnle r\ EQUITY. Tu (lie. fitli Circuit Court, l). S. , Dts ni'.L'T or Gkohui • i il. Shulls nnd C. llrrUhanpt, Complainants n " uk "J' the stair 0if Oeargia, others,’h , ditnts.—l/trtoCuloTil Decree. its A I piv-eni this Court cannot procet /X final decree, but preparatory p|ci will older mid direct that ii reference Im tlie register, to require and report tl counts ijetwee.ii tile M Kiiiiies and tii. upon the loan of $50,000, and by, doiiV'- Vi pears by agreement, the n ; ,,,l c Square w as speciiieelly. Ill purl, for tlinl loan, dmi . of sales tii -reuf, lip so applied, also || m nMll ' < ills received at the Solitli end of the Hrldfrc (lie time it wits taken possession Qt in tlfpir 1 and to report also upon such offiw disci the cotnplalnntits may insist upon made from the same sum. -illy- Tlmt ho enquive and report t|, e n . of lirid'o' li'dls now actually oat, ui||| jlj n ^ otinb: in riper toil ■prof •rii •III honest llll s i ae'a ease may srv i ikcn by the rouipbi lie north end of the I'-nu sai li fuels d l."UI. fid" fold tallv also i tntUug tliri'i litud tin These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular (Ite kindred and creditors of tlie said deceased, to tile llu'ir objections, (if any they have) in tlie clerks office of tlie said epuri. on or before tin- e'tli day of December next; othci u ise odd T’ything I IciWW dismissnry Will be grunteil to the petition- Witness the llonoranlc, •iShtt 1’. Willfams on, one of tlie .lustiqsf ot tiie said eoiu t. tliis litlt day of .time, A. I). 1821. 3. M BOND, June 8 m feiida ,ccti. quarters rent Lot no. 25, Brown ward, 60 by 5)0 feet, bound cd east by lot no. 24, soutli liy t’erry-st. West by lot no. 26, and north bv a Ia n . rc'[jHtfi»iBtl Upon as the property of O. li. 11 ;yd n. for 12 qui rent. f ' . Lot no. 45, Crowd ward, 60 liy 90 feet, bound ed cast by lot. no. 'Id. soutli bya' lane, west by lot no. 44, and north by Hull-street, re-entered up* ou as the property of the estate of L. Kollock, for 8 quarters rent. Lot no. 46, Brown Ward, 60 by 90' feet, bound ed east by lot no. 47, south by a lane, vycst by lot no 45, and north by Ilull-slreef, roenbtred iipfin nk the property of the Misses Minis’s, for 4 qunr- ters rout. Ltjt No. 2, Franklin Ward, 60 bv 90 feet,bound ed Cast by l.o( No. 1, south by a fane, west by lot No. iJ, uml north |iy llay-st. re-ehtcrctl upon ns tin property of thncst.of John Cottyse,for 12 Lots Nos. 17 nml l8, Franklin Word, 60by 9b , , _ . , ,, , . ,, feet each, hotunled east by Jell'erson st. south hy hy lot 9, mnlnortb by vacantlots, re-entered I J ullan-sf. west hy Franklin square, .and 'florin «s the property of M. O. Driscoll, for 8, j |,y Brvari-st. rc-eiitered upon, as the property of F 9 Fell, for 8 qrs. each lot. Lot No. 31, Franklin Ward,60 hy 90feet boun ded east by lot No.30, South by a lone, west by lot No. 32, and novtli liy Congress-st. re-entered upon ns the property of Misses Minis, for 12 qrs. rent. ’ Lot No. 16, Franklin Ward, 60 by 90 feet,boun ded past by Jr.lFersoti-st. south by Bryan-st. west liy lot No. 15, and northby a lane, re-entered up on Rathe projicrty.of the est. of l’ Doyle for 2 qrs. rent. Lots No. 7 and H, Eibcrt Ward, 60 by 90 feet each, bounded cast by lot No. 6, south by a lade, west by West Iiroail-st. re-entered upon us the property of A Barclay, for 4 qrs. rent each lot. Lot No. 16. Elbert Ward, 00by 90 feet, bound ed oust by Jcllerson-st. south hy llull-st. west by Lot uini building, Ogletlun'piv ward, boiim st by the estate of Wayne’s lot, south: lot, vvfcst by a liitic, bad north ircints Mayers’ wlnuf lot; IcViod ori ustlic p nerty of tba’eslatc of Jnnjos Ctarke, bon. to saliv iv said e.iate’s city tax fur the year ls23. Amount due'$15 and cost. A building on Telfair’s wharf lot, known as (lie Ire House ; levied on ns tlib prunarty- of Freder ick Titder, to satidy his city (mUorthc proient year. Amount due !jtli> and cost. Half lot no. 8 mid Imililing, Trustee Garden, nt- taeliud to tVa-hiii-'toii vvnrd, liounded cast by I’iey- n>ilil’s-«t. south hy lot no. .,Lp» west hy lot no. 7, And north hy hit no. 6 ; lovieil ohns the property of Sarah Aliddlnton.,to satisfy her city tuxes fur tite years lfc’2:j, and' 1824. Amount due $6 76, (.lit letter It, arid bii'ddillgy'pglotlmri>e ward, li nin'! .I easUiy &f..C»nli-st. south by iiltfilr, west by •' 1 mu! m ath by lot letter T ; leviod on as City H I H ‘ILL b t ii-. of ten end Ihrei Sundry nrticl tend’s Sales. iitulnyin January next. ;; . efqno the Court House in the nnnii between tlie usuaNiours ’ Tublc Linen. Bed JJnon 1 on as the projicrty of for Tjonsc sued to J r.. levie fy two execution iizcr 'Early and a* Plated Ware, kc. Or.'Mii Byrd to s 'rent in favor of 1 u 1 ! : 1 ■"i'l {. ei, Ail that building on part of Trort. Lot letter (A) P irhy Ward, hounded south liy Congress street, < n$t by tlie residence of Geo. MtRfri, Esq. west by tlie store occupied by Ma)’erslc ilnmiiton, north by one portion of said lot, levied on as the proper-' ty ol Jcini H illnui to satisfy an execution 111 (n- vor of Vim R. 1 ml wards for ground rent, dec.) 230 A. J. D’LYON, c. s. Adniiiiistrator TILL be sold IJeninark, de baic. dence of Allen lot No,. 15, and north by alone, re-entered upon ns tlie jlflljierty of Ann Bond, lord qrs. rent. Lots No. 2l'and 22, Eibcrt Wnrd, 60 by 90 feet, each bounded east by Elbert square,south bv l’cr- ry-st. west by West feroad-st. and north by noqgh-st. re-entered wiotmis the property of 0. M. Litlilniflgr, ford qrs. rent cnch lot. Lot No. 24, Elbert lVard, (iO liy 90 feet, bound ed east by Jefl’er.von-st. south by (’e.rry-st. west by- Lot No. 23, and nortli tty M-Donough-st. re-enter A building on hit no. 35,,Columbia Ward ; le vied on us tin; properly ql'Chthnrnie • E., D.ivoux,. to sutisly liar city taxes-tor Rib year 1823 and 1824, Amount due >is27 uml cost. Lot no. 28 nqd building, Wurren ward, hound- ] V m "J - J • - I IsUl 11U« NllMil by lot no. 01, and north by a fane, re-entered up (lp( j cagt j, y lot no. 46. soiitfi’by Liberty-st. west Scre.nns Movers’■ whurf'lot; leviotloii us the pro'i on ns the property of R.F Williams, for 3 quar- -I no. -18’; and north by Ailaile, ro-eiitsred '"r r!.. S. 'i’rt.. tors rout. »!*a- . • . ... • . , u'pon as the projicrty of J. R. M’lvinnon, for 8 Lot no. 2, Now-Franklin ward, 60 by 90 feat, 1 1 } bounded east by Telfair's lot, south by Bay-st. west by Alontgbmery-st. aud north by lot no. 3, re-entered u|K>a as the property of Wm. Scar brough, tor 4 quarters rent. Lot no. 6, New-i’ranklin wnrd, 60 by 90 feet, bounded east by lot no. 5, south by Bay-st. west by lot no. 7, anil north by lot no 9, re-entered upon as tlie property of Airs. Morels, for 8 quar ters rfcnt. Lot no. 7, New Franklin ward, 60 liy 00 feet, bounded east by lot no. 6. south by Bay-si. west by West Brond-st. and nortli by lot no. 8, re-en- terek upon as the jiroperty of’ E. Cooper, for 6 tjunrters rent. Lot Ii6.9, New-Franktin ward, 60 by 90 feet, bounded east by lot no, 10, south by lot no. 6, vyest by lot no. 8, mid north by vacant lots, rc- antered upon as the property of Wm. Taylor, for 4 quarters rent. ' Lot no. 10, New-Franklui ward, 60 by 90 feet, bounded cast by lot no. 11, south by lot no, 5, west ’ npoiF quarters rent Lot ho. 11, Ncvv-Franklin, ward) GO by 90 feet, bounded east by Montgomery-st. south by lot no, 4, west by lot no. 10, mid north, by vacant lots, re-entered ujMm as tlie property of Wm. Scar brough, for 4 quarters rent. Eastern halt Filature lot, bounded east by Lin- coln-st. south by St. Jntian-st. west by West half of said lot, and nortli by Bryan-sl. re-entered up on ns tlie property of R. Smith. for4 qurrlers rent, Lots no. 29 and 30, Cobtintiia ward, 60 by 90 each lot bounded cast by lot no. 31, south by a lane, west by Hnbcrshnra st. an ' north by York strefet, re-entered upon as the jiroperty of tlie es tate of F. Aikiq, for 4 quarters rent each lot. , Also lot No 14, Columbia ward, 60 by 90 feet, hounded east by lot No 13, south by State street; west by lot No ’l.j and north by a lune, re-enlor- ctl upon as the projicrty of J’. Davenport, for 8 quarters rent. Also Lot no. 15, Columbia ward, CO by 90 feet, hounded east by lot no 14y south by Slate street, west by lot no 16, and ndrth'by a lane re-entered upon as the property of the estateof Titos E L'oyd for four 'quarters rent. Also lot no 19, Coltmiliia ward, 60 by 90 feet, bounded east by lot no 20, south liy (’resident st. e \ ,,-I t iuitliiun comity—tii/ the lion, the VJT Jnstie.-.: of tin Of rior Court silting for ordi- l!p;.iil whom it may concern. WIicroM \> illiuiu Davies, ndmhilslraiors of Mar ion dec. lias petttipned tlie lion, the court be discharged from Ills said mi ration. tire therefore to cite mid admonish all singular the kindred and creditors of said dr ied, to file their objections (if any they have) 1(111'the office of the clerk of the court of ordina ry tm or before the seventh day of Mnrcli next; 'otherwise letters dismixsory will be grmiled the petitioner. Witness the lion. John P. Williamson, one of the Justices of tlie said Court, this 7th day of September, A. D. 1824. a S. Al. BOND, ccoct It sept 9 ITS G EORGIA, Chatham County—liy tlie lion. Ilic JiaHiet of the Inferior court sitting for ordinit- ry purposes. To nil whom il mny concern. Whereas Linus P. Sage administrator til’Rjinigue Taylor, deceased, Ims petitioned Jtlio Itonorn* hie court of ordinary to he discharged from his said administrntioiiship. Those are therefore to cite mid admonish nil south etui I'.i '.cil into thi: limul, ' or tlieir agent, ei'any jiublic oliii-j;, u( ,, ami generally tlie statu oi ncctnu.M,,'.^.,.' ry Slitiltn arid tlie Britlgc Coihpiuiy . nmi pdrt ttpdu.siicli discounts ort»harge«Ad^ n'.,' dants shall suggest and give proof of, H , mo , against the complalnmils or uitUer of then, ” 1 Hunuv Sut’i.TZ, Esq Sir Please to take notice, that jninnant« the above reference, 1 am ready to receive tiw necessary statements of accouiits'nnd otlmr in J motion, In relation to (tie mailers therein contidJ ed, until the first Monday In December nextoviiJ 1 shall jirocced lo exnminc and report thereon 1 mn yourohd’t.scrvT. GEO. GLEN, Clerk Savannah, 14iA Oct. 1824. (TT Although it enn he asccrtnlnelby (hoboob of the Bridge Company, what mtuuut of brifc hills are nt this time unredeemed, yet It nnntar! to he nccessnry from the above decretal,order, tld the resjiertivo holders thereof should also l known. The subscriber therefore respectfully * quests all such holders of bridge bills, to mil. knbwn to liiiu by letter or otherwise, the emonij held liy them respectively,' on or before the [si .Monday in November next, the better to cnabii him to comply with tho above order. HENRY SHULTZ, lli'inhurgli, Oct. 20. net 29 200 179 Ifieplt and singular the kindled mid creditors of Hie said deceased, to file their objections (if nndthey y ii—/ij.'.- ... i have) iii the office of 1lu> clerk of the court of or- tii" pr iwerty ol \l m. 1. oc'ftf, to satisty ms city I dinary, on or hcforc the 13th dny of Jnminry next tc.\ mi’ i.ic present year. Aiiiuunldne $3 <5, and | ensutinp; the date hereof; otherwise letters dismis sorv will lie granted to the applicant. (Vilaess the lionornhln Thomas N. Morel one of the Justices of the said Court this 13th day of July, A. D. 1824. S. Al. BON’D, c c o. 1824. Amount duet tv>, and cost. I julv 13 150 Lot no. 28 nndbuilding, AVurren ward, hound-1 , . v Tr~n~ ed east liy Ho|iston-st. south hy ujauc, west l»y V oulll 7 lot no. 87, and north In', Cbngruss-st, levied onus I Justices of the Inferior court, silt in the,property of E. SwuVhrjck,-to satisfy his city dimry purposes. tax-fortubyenv 1824. Amount due $12 8. li, ("1 ou syu<o m s M-wuem Lot No. 23, anil north by Al Donougli-st. re-entcr- u est by Columbia Square, and north by state, st. I L . { j I q 1 buas the jiroperty ofClittrlott Bulloqh, fur 4 rc-enlcrcd ujion as the jiroperty:of-John Witters, 1 , irs . ,V„t. tax (or'tlio year 1824, Amduiit due $12 81 1-4, and cost. ' -‘f Building on,loj, no 32, Wnrrcn ward ; lnvim] on ns the propprfy.of Byottp Fnvard, to satisfy , her city tax for the yurir 1834’. ArrioinU due $9 26, and cost. , ' ' , ', ’’ \ . A Iiuiblingori part lot no. O, Carpentci's Row, now attached to Green wftrd ; levied qn as (he jiroperty of John F. DiivaU Seti. to satisfy his city Jay for the year 1823. Amynht due $7 5ti, and cost. - BltiUUngson lot no. 62,Brown ward, hounded east hy.vriennl lot, south by Liberty-st.. Vest by Jot no’53, mid north,by u lane.; levied op ns. Jlie property-of A, I. D’lryon, to satisfy.-his city tux fur the year 1824. Amount due $7 6f>; arid cost. Whnrflotno.' 3, Warren wood, botiildedceast by tot no. 4, south by Bny-st. west by lot' iiq/Jt, and north by Savannah rivqrlevied on as tllp [ •roperty of Peter Knnn,.to satisfy bis city taxes or the years 1823 and 1824. Amount duo $25 and cost.. Part of lmildinrs on lot no. 10; Carpenter tylh- ng, Dnrliy ward ; levied upon ns the jiropcfty of lion, the sitting for or dinary purnoses. 'To all whom it mny concern Whereas Alexander M.Tnylnr, administrator of John Scott, deceased, has petitioned tlie honora ble tlie Justices'of the Inferior court, tube dischar ged from his said administration. Now these are therefore to cite nnd ndmonish all mid singular the kindred und creditors of tin said deceased, to file their objections, (ifnny they have) in the clerk’s office, of the court of ordina ry, on or before the fitli day of December next [otherwise letters dismistory will be granted. Witness tlie honorable Edward Harden, one of tlie Justices of tlie suid court, this fitli day of May, A. D. 1824. S. AL BOND, cco may 6 106 tor 4 quarters rent Also lot no. ^1, Columbia ward, 60 by 90 feet, bounded east bv Price st south by York st. west by lot no. 22, aild nortli by Pr'esim nt st. Ve-euter- c'd upon as the jiroperty of J Hills for 7 quarters rent. Also lot no. 25, Columbia ward, 60 by 90 feet, h<.muled east by.lot ii... 26, south by ii lune, west It’S' ■ , Lot No. 30, Elbert ward,60 by-90 feet, bound ed east by lot No. 29, south tiy n lane, west hy lot No. ill, and north by Perry-street, fE-jjntrired Upon a;; tlie jiroperty of S. M Bond, for 4 quar-’ ters rent. . l,ot No. 32, F.lbert will'd, CO tiy.90 feet, bound ed east by lot No 31, south l»y n bine, west by West .Broad-street; arid nbrthhv Perry-st. re-cn- Wni. Leimrun, to satisfy his city taxes tur tlie I decen'ieil, to file their olijertions (if any they years 1823:»nd 1824. Amount due $7 50, und j have) in the ofiiee of the clerk of this court with in tlie.time prescribed hy law, otlierwise lette dlsmjssory will he grouted the applicant. Witness tlie honorable Shepherd Williams, one of the Justices of said Court, this 3d Juno, 1824. ELY KENNEDY, c co n c. l.y Uncoln ?t. and north by York st re-entered torrd Upon as the piojierty of the estate of \V upon os the pro|>erty of bteel White lor 16 qu-r- <<(„., V) /<„.-•> quarters rent, ter? rent. ’ . Lot No. 2d. Liberty ward, 60 by 90 feet, houn- Lot no.-31, Cpliimlnn ward, GO by 90 lect, * - ■ - - .bounded east by lot no;32, soiitli by alane, west by lot no. 30, mid- north by York street, re-entered upon as the property of P. Pouria, tor 4 quarters ed cast liv JefTerson-st. south liy Vork-st. west hy lot No. 23. nnd north by President-st. ro-entercil, upon as the property of Samuel Wilkins, for 4 quarters rent. , , | Lot No. 25, Liberty ward, 6(1 by 9(1 feet, boiuid- Lqt no. 34, Columbia ward, 60By 00 feet, bouM 0( j cast by Jelfersori-st. south liy n jarie, west by. cost.,. Lots j;o.2L nnd 22, and liuiiditigs, Liberty ward bounded IJlierty Square, south by York-st. west by WestBroad-st. and nortli bv'Pres- idenf-st, levied on bs (lie jiroperty of Aii\rtlim| Wiikint. to satisfy tux.esfor tiic yeaul82J. | '.mouill due $7otl, and ensts. Buildings on south liulfpf lot no.40 ; lqvledoti ustlic property of Benjqmin. ShefluLI, to satisfy*!' ’’■roi: his city taxes for tiie venrs 1823 anil 1924. A-.-l jj 0| j^ Oom at the iat cd. late of Bulloch County, on (lie fust Saturday in next. t lie following tracts of ininl, amoiinlirig to 3, 5S2J acres, rftfiate in tlie County of Ruilock mid immediately on the Milledgeville road, tliirfy five miles from Savannah, viz : One tract containing one hundred acres, riiorc Ujr less, with a comfortable Du eiling House, kitch en, stables arid corn houses'—Fourteen hundred acres adjoining tiie above described tract, being the tormer residence of the late Major Stephen Denmark—on this trad i- a du 'Bin • i,< u : .coni bon .e, store house anil kitclien with good stables, arid an excellent stream and mill site. Whereon a mill lias been for many years, but but of repairs at present: the mill stones and mill irons will be Hold at tlie same time One other tract adjoining the above, whereon E F Dunce lately resided, containing five hundred und thirty acres, with ('omfortaliie Dili! iiii"-' and out houses, one other wood land tract containing eleven hundred acres, one lot in tiie first District Houston, containing 2ri2J acres, No. 110, one otfi ei lot in the 8th district Eurly containing 250 n- cm. No, 231. Terms of sale, 12 months credit with n .mortgage on tlie premises and small notes ami approved ded east by lot no. S3, south by South Brand st wcstby.lot no. 35, and nortli by a lane, re-enter ed upon as the property of' Grunt tor two quar ters. '' v ' Lot no. 39, Columbia ward, 60 by 90 feet, boun- dqJ east by lot no 37, south jiy South Broad si. west by lot no 39 and north by n iune, re-entered ujion as tlie property of ;Ynn Rodman, for 16 qimr- tertt rent.' Lot iio. 4,Greene ward; 60 by 90 feet, liounded ist by lot no. 3; ? south |iy a lane, west by Hous ton street, arid north hy Broughton street, re-on- ... . - . . rd earthy lot No. 30, smith bv a 'iimc, west by east by lot no.-l,southJ.y a lane, west by Hons- N«.3>!«d north i»v York-st. ve-eritered npor. ton street, and north by Brougbtou street r«.-on : property of (he estate of John II. Denbell, fori‘12 tered upon ns the property of 1 AJ AYooubridge tor | ( ji,arU:fs letit. lot f No.’26, mid north by York-st. re-entered ojioir asthe property of the estate of R. Mackey, for 4 qriurtersreiit. Lot No. 27, Liberty ward, GOIiy 90 feet bimu- dod cast by lot No. 26, south by a lane,, wef t by Ed No. 28, mid north' hy York-st. re-entered ujloii ns tlie property of the estate of R. MacKey, lord quarters rent. Lot No. 3T, Libe ty ward, 60 liv OO fett, hn'.ind- ’ " lot upon us Security. ROBERT BURTON, Adrn’r. M ARY DENMARK, Adm’x. Lot tlo. 40, Greene, wardj.60 by 90 fe.ct, bound ed east by East Broad st. south by Botith Broad st. west hylot.iio. 39; and north by a lane, re-enter ed upoii us the property of the estate of AVm.At kerson; lor 8.qnartersiront. Lot lio. 5, (ireene ward. 60 by 90 fee*, bounded east liv ilr.usfon st. soiitli by a'lunc, west by lot no.26, and north' by Broughton st. rd-entnred ttji- ntras tlui -properly of thestate of Geo.-Myers; for 4 quarter i cut. Lot no. 0, Greene wrird)60by 90 feet, bounded LJ1W rpHE subscriber tenders ids professiomil servi- J. ces to the public *, and Inh-nv In intvri'i them, that lie may at nil times be found at the Of fice of Messrs. Davies 4* Jhrricn, situated in-Hun* fer’s buildings on (he liny. ’ JOSEPH VALLENVE BEVAN. Savannah, Oct. 26, 1824. tLY' The (.'(institutionalist, Georgia Journal,and ashtpgton News, are requested to give tlie a hove 3 insertions i ecklv. —— lianatYct) timing the last vfee!':, A NEGRO omaniiamcii Kl.SY\ Slie is a tall black woman about the age of id and has a thick while skin or film which entirely covers the left eve, by wliipb she cannot be mistaken. / persons are particularly warned against e.tiiplo ing or harbouring said wench under the penult v u pros, cuti oi. "■varil will he paid for her appri he •W . • to the subscriber in Nivm.t.ali. tfdvlO 4214 JUS. S. J’ELoT. 4 quarters rent. . . I Lot .No. 32, I.ibnrly ward. 00 tiy tfOfeet.hrf’uml- Lofno.18 Greene ward, 60 by 9/1 feet, bound. Lp r!1 , ( bylotNo. 31, sontl, by a lune, west by cd cast by lot no. 17,south bv Erestdelit st. west V VcstBroad-st. nnd’north Bv York-st. re-entm mf by Greene .square, mid north hy State *1-re-enter. ,, ^ of ,fi a cs(aU , of Joh;i jj, ed upon a?,the property of j Davenport, for 8 Dcuh"!!. for 12 quarters rent. quiirteis rent. • • • 1 - Lot no 86, Greeneword, 60 By*90 fefct, bound- Lot No. 35,1 itterty ward, 60 by 90 feet, imun* o*l oust by lot No. 36' south by South Broud-st j' 5. v .! i . "ii cum oy kit mi. .to,; souin oy .->omn uroun-st. ed east by Houstoni st south by South Broad st. wbK , , iy , J ot No . and rioi th % a lane, re-enter- nest by lot no. 3o, rind north by a l.ine, re-enter, edupr.u as the property pf Laiquel Wilkins, f"r4 4!(1 upon as tlie property ol ALDoty, lor 8 qnarters q uur t t .rs rent. qriurters Lot No. 6, Coltlrnliia ward, 60b>'9() feet, houn ded east by lot No. 7, south by-a lane, west by lot No. 6, and ijortli by Hroiigbtoii-st, ixi-entero i uji on us'Jic property of John Movel, for 4 quarter, rent- Lot No. 8, Columbia ward,60 by 90 foot, bound ed cast l>y I’ricf.-'jt. south by a luni'.wcsl by lot No. 7, and north hy Broujliton-sl. rc-cptcreil upon us tlie property of -Mrs. 8, Drysdtil, for two qnnr. ters rent.; I/ots no 0 and 10 Columbia wtird, 60 by 90 feetegch, bounded ujist by Price-s|me,l, soulit by 's J’s’Ssk *vB: * ■1 quarters rent. Lot no. 14, Greene war .lot 4 (|uartcr . Lot no. 13, Columbia xvnrd, .60 bv • 00.,feet bound tl eiist by Halicrsham-st. sout i fiy Slate-sl Lot no. 16, Greene war 1, C 1 by 90 feet,bound-1 - 0 ,. - I . M. STONE^.c, m. "il cast hy F,a-I Broad st. s’ou'tli by Slate st. west I ■ by lot no. 15, and north by a lane, re-entered up- ' on asthe property of Ann liurmari, for 4 qnail'ers rent.' "* - 207 Jl.Llie soldon tin: first Tuesday in VV ceinljer )iexl, in front of (lie Cortfi t iioii'c, betweert the riximl hour.-,if the muountol' linr- bllo'wing Lot no. 2; Warren ward, 60 by 90 feet, liounded l )nsl ’d by council qre not paid, tlicit g st by lot 110.3. south by a lane west bv lot no, 1, l ,,, rjy : aud nortli by bajj st. re-entered upon a« tiie pro- u o ' bplditlg* on tho west Ii pei'ty ot (he estate ol D in. \i ()odbridge,for4 qyiu ter-s rent. Lot no. 3, Warren ward. 60 by 90 feet,bounded t by lot no. 4, south by a .lane, west by lot no il north by Buy street, re-entered upon as tlie projicrty of A Hunter, for 8 quarters rcn(. Lot no 7, .liicliM.n ward, (in by 90feet,bonjjd- edenst by lot no, 8. south by a "lane, west by lot half of jot let If, Oglctli.orpe ward, bounded cast by .me biitfoi' ‘ iiiil lot, west by a lajjc, nortli by 5CiibIt-y street, and south by lot ietfer F. levied on as tin property nf Mniy'Garnett,to satisfy 9 fcxecuMdri issued hy the mayor,of this city, ngaiust Mary GanieH'ior entertaining negroes on Sumlnys, anil retail!':;' liijnor witliout having a lice,lice, A mount of tines, $270, and cost, nov (i F. M. BJONE, Marshal G EORGIA, Bulloeh County—Sy the honora ble the court of ordinary of said county. To all whom it may concern. Whereas Robert Burton, adiniuistrntorof the estate of Stephen Denmark deceased hath appli ed to Urn said Court for letters dismissory from ,suid administration. 'These are therefot'e to cite and admonish all and singular tlie.kindred nnd creditors of the said jit no. 4 EuRG I A- 132 mouot due $i'7-50j nncl costs Bitildingson lot no.24, Elert ward,levied on ns l ''’V 1 tiio jivoperty of j. 1. Bulloch, to satisfy liis city bufss.for the,yean 182!)aud 1824. Amount due $3't 43, nnd costs, ;j Buildiogs ou .west half of lot no. 6, Green ward; ’(■viedoii asthe property of- Ann Belpher. to *a* tisfv her city taxes for the years 1823 and lSiM.— Amount due $16 6,and costs, , x,.Biiiliilngs on lot no, 22, Libert ward ; le vied on as the property of. Marin Lillibrige and ciiildi'Cit, to satisfy the faxes ofsnid property for (lie years 1823 myl 1824. > Amount due, $32 60; and costs. A imilding on the south-mist eqruor of lot no, 5; Ileutiicote tything, Decker word ; levied on ns (lie property of Phoebe Johnson, to satisfy her ci- tytiixci for tlie years 1833 and ^1824. 'Amount' dtie $3 tyundt costs. '• Vimilding'on lot no 26, Green wnrd levied oit tlie Jironerly of Jeannette Lt.VousSe, to satisfy iiei'city {fixes for the j-ear 1824/ Amount due V2 50, tintf'co'fs, ■’ ■> A small imilding -on Mr. Stiles’lot, Indian-st. levlcij on as (lie property of the estate' Of Wm. IT. •Toiiier, to satisfy the for the year 1823. Amount due $6 52, tun! costs. \ small building on lot no. 6, west of’Fahm. and norlli side of judien-st. levied on ris the p jicrty of James Keys, to satisfy his city taxes for llieyear 1828, A mount due. !jt7 rind costs. One third lolno. 22, F,weii8lmrg,,now known in n- 'm| - m ' ei .Cimtimm County—to ull whom concern. !nr;6!ine Mnstcfson has applied 1o tho f^j' Court of Ordinary of Chatham r.loUers of administration on the estate s jof William Masterson late of Savnn hi stbne ptUter, deed, as widoAV of the said dee Tliosesiro.tifcrefoie to rite nod admonish all nnd singnhu the kindred and ernditors of tlife Said dee.^ to file their oijjcctions,.. (if any tiiey lmye>totlie granting <)f tile administration of ilie estate of tin? said Scccased to the qpplioaiit in.tiie Clerk’s Oflic9 oftliesaiijiCouj't, oil or before the second (lay of January: next; 'otherwise letters of adtnltiirt.ra- tion will be^tra,riled. ., Witness (lie lloni Edwaru Harden, one of tlm fuslicfs of the sujd Court, f|tc 2d dny of. Decnm> her, A. D.'f824. 8. M. BOND, c c o.-e’e. tlfcc 2 227 ■ IJKK8UN3 Indebted to the estate of jL belli Tell, lute of county, deed ed, are requested to make immediate payment I the sttbseribor, and those lo wliom the estate j indebted are requested t» exhibit their Reramd duly autheiiticnted. l’ETElt SHIRK, Ex'r.j inly 13 150 j^jlNE mouths afterdate a|i|ilir.atinn J. 1 made to the lion. Inferior court of tlie conj of Bryan, for leave to sell all the real cstau t William Cubhedge deceased, to be sold frii benefit of the heirs and creditor*. JOHN COBBEDGE, Adel, junn 17 138 Hrynn C'»ul;.j jVj INK mouths alter date iqijiliciilinii win I _L 1 made to the lion. Inferior court of Lilntj county, for leave to sell the retd uml jicrsimiil j tate of Lodowick Lard, late of Tattnall ok\ deceased, for tlie licn'elit of tlie heirs and ert tors. E, WAY, Adm’r.| uttg 31 jo!71 '|V INK months utter date I shall npjily to II J. x hon. Inferior court of Liberty comity t leave to sell the real mid jiersonal propeity WmL Baker, dqccused, for the benefit ot f heirs and creditoni, THOS. B. BAKER, Adm’r. npril 7 89 TVT'INE months after date npficatlnn will I i. 1 made to the hon. Inferior coort of Hollo county, when sitting for (irdiimry ntirjioscs, ( leave to sell all the real nnd |)er!on»S estateof^ len Denmark, deceased, for the benefit of '' heirs and creditors. ROBERT BFBTON, Adrn’r. MARY DENMARK, Adm’x. | feb 28 48 BuUoch Con ■|\1 INF. months after tiio date hcrcot, up J.1 tion will he made to the Interior when sitting for ordinary purposes, for lean| sell nil Hint lot or part of ground In' the < White Bluff, county of Chatham 1 , containir acres, more or less,liounded northwardly Mila wardlyby lands late Joint Poullenst and xri wardly l»y lands of Williams, bolon^ingtalM late of James Boyd, and to be soldtorthr k fit of (lie heirs and creditors of said estate. ELIZABETH BOYD, AdiaK mny 26 124 Lit ME public is apprised', tout the sum I has titles to one half of n 50 ncro lW land on White Bluff, adjoining In's and lately Joint l’oullen’s, now John Ahirrili'sD for which tlie administratrix JojT now an plies for leave to sell as jrwt of t —his titles are of jtrior data and.record- sons are forewarned not to joirchesn nr tipm on the nremjscs, ft L. \ULLIAMei.\ jtine 17 ' m—^'rl3W t J j\> iNE mouths after date, innilu.iUan ’*'• V 'JI X T made to the. Inferior chart oi UntiSI coiuity for leave to sell all the'feftl Wapenj longing to the estate of the. Into Vlero .hi'). tleeoased, lying in 8uld.county,fortnc the heirs and creditor. * ANN BECK, njiril 16 88 ' lirii® | I Adtt /Ti EOHTGIA Chatham County—Hy tliii lion, flic nJ Justices of Hie Inferior court sitting for ordi- nnrirpin-pofy.'' : > - j- To all whont it may. concern. Wliei'nns Richard R. Cuyler, executor of 'tV’H- l'mm Shaw deoettsed, Ims petitioned the hon. eonrt. of ordinary, to bc discharged fiOm Iris said exe-' cutorsliip. *■' , These- are therefore to .cite nr,d n'dmonis!) nil- .'nt.™ » an< t B ingular the kindred and creditors, of the xSlZ&. 'Weascd, to file tlicir‘objections (if any thriv j have) in tho office of the clerk of foe (.,mit of ordinary on or heforo the 13th day of Jnminry next ensuing the dn,te hereof, otherwise letters due 12, end costs. A Bi'iiblingon the south east corner ot inf no. Oglethorpe ward, levied nr. as, the properly qt John Mfty, to satisl’y liis city (axes for the year IR24, tbnounl due $3 6(1 and cosl.. nov 0 207 F.fti; STONE, Marshal: ■ , .0!.tG4 A Cliuthritn cquntj'— Hy the. ; . Justices of the Inferior routt of Chulham courf ty sitting, for ordinary piuposes. , : To .all vvliiitu ll'inhy concern. Wliereas WiUitqn Davies tidininistfator of .In, col< Franklin Ke»l jlee.'Ims petitioned the hon. court of Ordinniy to bo diselmrged from hil said admlfajstratiqn* ■' . 'i liekp nra tbereforn to' cite and admonjslrnl.l iii'ii o r,.. '(r • . and ringulrir. the kindred and r.fodifa*rs of foe the u'nderfSgned. GEORGE SI if CK, T HE trinlersignod eoniiUitlee will receive jjpB pnsals'for kenning jn'raprimfoe'mty Clock. (lifs fii'ilt nmolli,,, s.f !•> f,. sept IS 179. J. B. GAL'DRY. J'. C, HABERSHAM. TVflNE months after diitc, implication will be ,Jai made to the Honorable foe JUnticpq of thf !nfi rior Court, for leave to sell tho real ertiite of Williuu Holclistrnsses, deceased, for tho benefit of the heirs and creditors. granted foe petitioner. , ,,. M ., ^ , •Witness Inc .Iionomlilo. JpJm. P, ,'Willinmann, ohe'ftf the Justices of said court this 7th day o ' hejileinbcr, A.,D. I8!M. S. M. BOND, e c o c sep 9, . 105 nov 5 JAMEff MORRISON, Ad'.- ductcii under foe fiVm of BLISS fy WADbWOl-.Tff. \ ' 1M r ELIAS BLISS.' oct 14 tr!80 INF. myndiR icier dale wnnijfatidii will be miulc to the lion, fnfcrioi'.eourt of C lnitlmm comity, tor U »v • to sell 11!! thnt lot in Srivnftmili e ,'mi.,1, ElITs'lqilnre, Decker mire vctiienlg tin- co,a : and nil lliol b iioWn l>y tiie No. Crt, ill I.ilicity wi(JV the uRiblings thereon, being 1I1 0 r njith, deceased, for (he berfc I of the heirs. ' ' DERICK HERB drill mny i 1 ‘* -TV INF. months after date, 1 slmil.opp 1 ) . x nSm'tiie Inferior court of the c0lin, f finghom, for feitvo to soil oil tlie, longhi.T to Solomon Guana, dec. off"' inarch 4 52 ' ’ J v71 NErtupiiths.after date 'ap; llcnfio* ^1 mnaCiotlte hon. the Inferior Court oniitv, wlipn tetllhg for ordinary mission to sell tiie following ■'« benefit oV the Itoirs and crrditur xsfote of N. S., dneenred, vtet a : One undivided fotirfh of a foaot of bn .] .ainlttgaiiiiul 600 acres, on -Purtfej** Clmiden County, known ns Plum 'Bn- 11 an undivided fourth of a certain Tract situated on said fsfond, contiiining .0"® ,j eres, originally granted to, Gen. Laclila ■ tosh, qpd boqnded oii tlie south hy |lie Orefoird Tract. 1 'f.,i Alko, a tract called Lottery Hill u ,D Ogeerihee Road, 8 miles from Savant' 3 ”' ing about 600 acres. N- r V ' 1, a Adm,r esl. N- a ) • J may 20 911 i t. nnnnm Imvine- uriV dam 8 ?*’ • tilt estate of Trirncis Jalintau, are requested to deliver them in .jxcnj.c^ ed,<)it : orbefore the first day ofOci E '.'jfff ' - • - ' d before that »iu c undersign™'. a | W31- < ;A ’ I ('.ontits not llrouelit forwai be refused payment by <1 jlily 10 1-19 A LL persons indebted to theestflllfc 3 ' (for Mmtin, late of Liberty Coi«J; { oil. lire miuestcd to make imn"” 1 ■" , ■ ' ’ R. F. BAKLR. N Jfd l l \V. IT MVR'I jmay ,10 Sill i,|. jiersnm li 11 vi 111; deinomk’, 11 f’"' s f 1113 imims *'*’■*»tin Ii ileCf^ f\ fate of the late Hugh M'< f 1 ' 1 r(1 f,nn^ reipie'ted to hand them ijl;fo r P J Ujake 1 iniielited to said estate w ill ). ilbrasch, diate payment, ill'v 12 m .['' I .'inferior court leave to sell the roa! tft Lri'ciiland Uiimittpp McIntosh, do • march 9 66