Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, December 11, 1824, Image 3

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L ,p Ell nr A N E VE R A T THE IwlW OVCD^Bs I -ili Side of Mariicl-Sijuxirc, next door to *" J. H. At'Kenzie's IT,it Store. tit SottlnQtts very superior at 7r» rent!) llliirk mtrrotv Cloth 02.^ “ . Brown’0-4Cloth very stout $1 •a'liitlilMaius 33 ‘ Colored andwhit? Homespuns 12$ “ j.'i„e white Flannels 60 “ Slhck ami white Calicos 16 “ ' , lied Flannels Caroline Plaids Plaids, Bomliazctts, Gloves, «, Handkerchiefs, Stockings nSSv r.iMfet' of other articles too tedious to ,-tiona" eq ua,1 X cllsh - ' «w 10 ' MHHLainp Oils. ; . I i'kF.SII supply ofphre winter, fall and turn- l;\,,,. r jlrntnet^ Spermaceti LaatpOilt, has been gillie ship William Wallace,ami are offer- j tor sale at the lowest city prh aw ‘" t.av fe For nov. Iains USi: ifW LAY & H I'.NDRICJySON, Druggists. Shad's Building 256 Georgia Syrup. i * ft tierces best quulity—For sale by dee) i- GAUDRY k HERBERT, Just Receivcdy Fer ship Globe, from Philadelphia. O bbb Pennington’s double refined LOAF SUGAR 25« do single do do 15 « do Lump Sugar 80 half bbis FLOUR ,r sale by GAUDRY k HERBERT [dec 2 6 . The Subscribers nc the Commission Btt.iin.cf9 in Liv erpool, under the Finn of ISAAC, LOW CO. ND will at all llpiqs mnkc liberal-advances on . produce consigned to them for sale. Having ships regularly in llie Liverpool trade, owning a convenient ivlmrf, tin which there roomy Fire-proof Stores, cotton will be re lived and forwarded in their own vessels, or osc to their address, free of any commission. Orders for merchandize, will no executed and dy a commission charged, wheu the payment is tisfactorilysecitred. A general assoriment of British l«st received, being bought with Money nnd sa ted by one of tlie partners, they will lie furnish- aslow as by any regular Importing Mouse In ! United States, and on a long credit, for [roved paper. ANDREW LOW k CO. ict 2d 197 W it I t'll and coloured Plains London Daltlc Blankets Rnil-Raisir. .’lamp Begjji English I’.oal ami \\ liilo 1.,-ad London Porter, in pints mid quai 1■■ Cfntes assorted Crockery <'rates ot Glassware and China And several other balky Articles, »ale at reduced prices by !•'* ca220 AXIMtiiw LOWCO. ftl) BTuANICETS T HE Subscribers lmve : received by Iho'Iatoar- ri'ub horn New-York and Liverpool, their FALL SUPPLY, CoepsisTixo or 6-1 and it-1 Loudon Onlllu Blankets 6-1 and 14-4 Hose Blankets M Idle. Mixtund Blue Plains, very low 6-1 Blue and Mixl Cloths for Servants i iiio White-Welsh'Fianmils A Do White, Bine uqd Vied Yorkshire ' cry fine Scaflet C'lnths uud Cassiuieres. Superfine Cloths, Cassimeres and Sattinet Boiubazeens and Bomliazctts , 4-t and 6-1 Black, (White and Pink £«!* ItalianCrapes.,«« Caroline l'laids and Sulisbury-Fluii- • ■ rWM-K... f J.inen and Cotton Bed Tick 4-4 and'8-4 Counterpanes ami Quilts Fine Printed Counterpanes, a new article .Furniture and Garment Limit v Printed Cmnbrick and Furniture Chintz Fine Irish Linen and Sheeting, LjnehiCainbric and do Handkerchiefs Rich Shaded and Figtij'CilSilks. ,r‘ ' , Baruge and Colored Florence i - A Barugc Scarfs and Handkerchiefs Rich Cashmere Scarfs, Shawls and Hand kerchiefs, Bohinett Veils and Thread Laces 4-4 and 0-4 Plain and Fig. Bpliinfitts do do Cnmbric and Jaconetts do do Nainsook and Book Muslin., do do Real India Jaconetts and sMull Muslins - ■ ’ Flounce Robes and Inserting Trimming Rich Ball Dresses and Head Ornaments Silk, Cotton and Worsted Hose of all dos- ■H eriplions, With sundry oilier articles, too numerous to men tion, sill of which will be sold on the most accom modating terms, by WM. 4- H. ROSE. ’ octal ci-l!>3 Leather. 0 SIDES rigging and sole LEATHER just received uud for sale by lov 26 GEO. D. CORNWELL, Exchange Wharf. st 223 Fo r Sale, SMALL AUGUSTA BOA T, In good order trail calculated for a wood boat, now cm bed as such; burthen from 25 to 30 eordt. forterins apply to K., r ‘ J at Messrs Philbrick 4* Scranton's. |ov 26 ,m223 I'UUNAGUL AR Soap, Rose do. Palin do. Raudann do. Celon do- Alrnon do. Vegltnblc " MyrtH “ Musk “ Low’s Oriental do. Violet “ ’ Transparent “ Windsor “ g ►.Wash Balls Savoiincttc" “ llair Powder, Pomatum, Colics; Hair Broshes, Cloiith Brushes, Teeth “ Razors, Strops of Pomeroys Si Ben 1 jamin, Rogers Pen Knives, Ladies Pencil Cases Lead Pencils, Sic. r »*e ky Dr. DE LA ROCHE ' 26 223 WATCH MAKER, From RoshelVs Factory, Liverpool, ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Sa vannah tliai he can repair Chronomelresl indt, Repenting, Musical, Duplex, Patent , on u/.tmdnll kiltds of CLOCKS and WATCH I'vithtlleutmostdispntch. m His Sliopls next door south of Justich Rus I Bull-street. 222 factorage. MILsuhscriher tenders his thanks to hlsfrieitds 1 and the public for the liberal encourage at lie hns received In tfie pCT OR AGE and COMMISSION _ , BUSINESS, ■rosts that by a strict attention to tlie- interest Tp 1 lanter, bo will merit a continuance oftheir Inagc. “ For sale. Grundy’s white Plains Fntne 42 inch Cotton Bagging ELIAS FORT, t 'g j Commerce Row. OOtfV CAl ‘ ANA SEGARS.juat receiv cd and for sale by „ 2] J. ,B. HERBERT Si CO. b'- 2-1 LAY k HENDRICKSON, Shad’s Buildings. In 10 235 taw ^ j0n ^°n Mustard, LAY & HENDRICKSON. |c io Shad’s Buildings. KK 0 , purchased Stalls In the Mar- filieterm'i'nf' .J lst ' antl have not complied’ L noS^'uV 0 herebyintormod that if IfttfS teWl 0 So before Monday, the lKle'17 P cl! .A. M. tlie Stall will be of- nil the, former-purchaser held lia- ^ STONE, Marshal. Clerks Ofljce, IOTJCF « 10, 1824. iHeaith Tim T h ,lr ' i day next an election for „fsL?® er ’-.l' .Hdrtor Master, for the I i n tuke place, applicants wilJ IthatSy. P1 CUti0ns to *h° Clc ‘ h. on or be 1 10 y0r ^ f0N COHEN, c. c. pro tern. 'Tih)« r't .furor. Fainting, GluxiDg, etc. T HE Subscriber continues to carry on'the PAIjyrrXG, GMK/JVG and business in all its diii'ercnt branches, at Itis old stund corner of Broughton and Bull-streets. He keeps constantly on hand a general assort ment of GLASS of all sizes. All kinds of PAINT OILS, 4 c now 18 16 A. BAIN. White Lead. J l'ST landing from ship Emily, front Liverpool, a large qunntity of Wllltr. LEAD, of the first quality, iu lot) lbs. 50 lbs. and quarter kegsi for sale by r A. BAIN, Corner of Broughton 4- Bull-streets, nov18 Id White Lead, Putty and Glass. ■fl' flf kegs White Lead JL Jtd tF 600 Ills I’utly An assortment of GLASS. For sale by ' A. DF, LAROCHE, Opposite the Exchange., nov 13 16 Prime Pork and Mackerel. PZtA BBLS-. prime Pork, New York City lit tlvl spection 30 Half Bhlsi No. 1 Mackerel 30 “ « No. 2' « For sale by L. PETTY. novj-5 t>2l3 ■• Bills ou N. Vork and Exchange. on England. ^PPLY to dec I M227 A. L. MOLYNEUX. Flour and Gorn. il/A g~\ BBLS Baltimore superfine f^our 4Vf 2000 bushels Maryland White,Corn For.sule by. HALL & HOYT nov 30 226 Dissolution. W"RHE Co-pactnersltip uf llfehnan 4" Bryan is this day dissolved by mutual consent. • F. 11 WELMAN, nov 30 m226 ALEX’U BRYAN. meat, viz rs from !• to 13 i TYclaliti from I ... w -- from 1 to'6 quarts 1.W0 Cump Ovens from 0 to 18 inches 130 untinned Tea fettles from' 1 to ' - I•'" 1 ' v*7*. • ■ v'fpPat&M For sale by P. M’DERMOTT. d»cdh jm29I ' i&wr u U Tlccr.ivr.d pe.r sloop Delight. • A' N4nvp}ce of6*4 U^tfiftrics,: s-,' 1%. Shirtings, Garment Dimities, Frtnoy printed check Muslin. Fancy chintz ^rhitetl Jucoiiet Muslin, Cambric Prints, &o. * by J. B. HERBERT li CO. deed 231 COFFEE, Landing from b rig gov. iiopicins. BADS Sl.Domlfigo Coffee, which will be 1 solo low for cosh by * d^b6 i>m Brandy,' New England Sugar,.&c. 8. C. GREENE. Uuni, { PIPES Cognac Brandy 4 hhdsaml 8bids. N. E. Rum 4 do prime. St. Croix Sugar 8 casks Chccso 2 bags Pepper ’ 2 do Pimento 1 chest Hyson Tea " . Georgia, Northern and Sperm Candles', dif ferent sizes • • No. l, 2 and'3 Soap White aud fancy do ALSO, Cordage, Bale R’Opc, Russia Diapers and Sheetings Ravens Ducic, NalH, Wrapping PnJicr Playing Cards, Liquor discs, &ic. 8ic. For sale by L. BALDWIN 4- CO. deed 231 • DISSOLUTION. T HE Partnership hcroloforoexisting in tiiiscity lietwccn the.subscribers under the firm (if Pete he n, Hammond 4" Co. expires by its own inn-’ itatiou on 1st January, 1825. , . ’ . N. M PETERSEN; OGDEN HAMMOND, FRED. JAHNCKE, By.hls Attorney Qavx.n ilAMMosn. All demands against tile'firm must be rendered., and nil oiftslundingnayments niade to the subscri ber who is fully aullioriscd tp sctlic the smne. dec6 231 , ■ OGDEN H AMMOND. ' For Ncw-Yoi it, The Brig GOV. liOlMvTNS. Capt. Vickery, It meet with despatch.’ For freight passage apply on board at Hire’s wharf or to dead a231 S. C. GREENE. Novr., 1824. riNlIEjn embers of,the corps of Georgia Hussars 1 ( X arc ordered to assemble at tlie Court House in the city of Savunnah on TUESDAY, tlie 28th day of December next, to elect u Captain to com mand the said 'corps,'in the rqnm ot Capt. Stiles, resigned, and also to fill.such other vacancies i may ’ hen occur. By.order W.W. GORDON, Adgt. Squad. Cav. 1st Div. G. M. nov 23 220 , For New Orleans. The sloop BOSTON PACKET, Chapman, Master, will-have immediate despatch. For -wage having good accommodations, rd; t. C. on boa at .lorn- 's upper u li.irl IIALLS: HOYT. Fui'l Baltimore. The sehr. F O K N A X, • Davie, Master, Will have immediate despatch. For Irciclitor pa-age apjilv to Capt. D. on hoard at xellnirs wharf or to ' HALL fcllOYT. nov 30 2‘46 For Norfolk and Baltimore. Tlie scltr.. WATKRBORO, lt.B.Nye, Master, i She is an 'excellent sea Vessel, of a- Company Orders. An.Election is.hereby or dereil to beheld jn.Reynolds Square, on FRJDAY, lire ... 24th ins.tint, for a First hlvd I bout 50 tons' Burthen. For freight or charter, ap- eign of the 4thB^at Conipa- tier, lo , Af, For St. Simons aud Tunic River. “V' . , The Poll will be opened at j 11 o’clock, A. M. A. BAIN, Capt. dec 6 4th Beat Co. G.M.! The regular packet- sloop FAVORITE, E. D Courter, Master, kTelhTCiirWiU sail on Monday next. For frdiglit or passage, apply on board, at Mongin’s Wharf Or dvr It) a235 EL.AS FORT. By Calvin Baker, ON MONDAY, 13th inst. at 11 o’clock, • lit lrbint ofliis Auction store, A general assortment of G R () C E R f E S. ALSO, At half past II o'clock. At his Auction Store, A general assortment of Bzitish and A - mericctn DRY GOODS, ; dec 8 233 ON THURSDAY, next 16th o’cldnt, In front of his Auction Store, * ONE MULATTO WOMAN, about 35 years of age, a good Cook, Washer and IrOncr,—also, her child nboutfl year* of age, and ONE BLACK GIRL, about 15 years old a good House Servant. Being part of tlie personal estate of Miss Ann Morgan^ deed. Sold l<v order of the executrix. ■VcB 234 /• si pined n account of the Weather, SUGAR AND CROCKER Y. By J. B. Herbert & eo. On .MONDAY, 1 3tb inst.’ at 1 1 o'clock, Will be sold On Telfairs Wliarf 30 lilids St. Croix Sugars 20 crate's Crockery Terms at time sale. doc 11 , 236 THE CO-PARTNEltSlIJP, W HICH existed in Glasgow, under tlie firm of Thomas Lancaster i,-Cd. and in this place under thatnf./o/in H. lteid .y Co. was-dissolved on the 31st of Augusflast. "• THOS. LANCASTER, Per. Attorney,.!. If. Reid, JOHN H.RE1D. The subse.riber will continue tlie business on ills .own account, nnil attend to tho settlement of tlie ntliiirs of-tlie late firm. <‘ nov 20 m2 18 JOHN H.RIED. iinttolion Orders. ■ rr ,. ^ ... | p«» uuumri v in uio CinRiisii vtinminer.. irom me Flic Companys composing I manner of bis leaching it. will, he earnestly hopes, io 00th Buttalum are hereby I ensure to burnt portion of patronage.. R ICE will be prepared for Market at the above mill.till tlie 1st of May next, ut tho following rates.— V 9 per cent, the ownertaking all theoirall. 7 per cent, the oWftcr taking half. 6 per cent, tlie mill taking all the'offall. The custauftry charges for freight and Atoopi^ age fcc. asfornierly. Apply to Wtt.i.tAM iuick at tlioAIill or to JACOB READ. ' dec. 6 . rj-h‘231 CLIFTON MILL. T HE subscriber’s Mill lysing in complete order, will .beat rice og as moderate terms as any o< •her on the river; and every diceommodation af forded persons,-bo send their crops to it. The folibwing are (lie present fixed rntes: : 9 per ct tlie ownor taking all the oft'til 7 «- .< i< half ” “ R “ the Mill , 11 all " “ Apply to Mt 1 . at tlie Mill, or to JOHN r. WILLIAMSON; dec 8 tp—fp233 Company Orders. An Election is hereby or dered to bo held in Market Square on SATURDAY, the 18th Dec. inst. for a Second . . _ Lieutenant, and Ensign of the MR. PHILLIPS, Acetdemy, South Carolina, The Polls will be opened tTAVING arrived la this city, for the purpose at 11 o’clock, A. M. -O. of establishing a School Wr YoOthofboth- LOUIS GIRODON, MXKS t ;be respectfully soliclts.the patronage of the Capt. 2d Beat 60.G. M. p The testimonials t|f his ability, attention, and kindness to the pupils that hayc been placed under his tuition, and their rapid progress in ilie sc vend branches of their education, at tlie examinations, particularly In tho English Grammer, from the ut. i hi Terms of Tuition la tho following branches of education, .950 per Annina English Grammar, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography, Astronomy, History Rhetoric and Composition, Na tural and Moral Philosophy, and the Belle Le.ttrcs, French tind Latin, ,if required, at an additlbnat charge.' . . ' - * Miss PhiUips, will assist in the tuition of the young ladies entrusted to his care. I’ triiS ,>t I . Should Mr. Piuttirs'be so fortunate us to meet 1 M.Jh , , * with a sufficient support, It Is his intention to op j tablish a Boarding School, upon the sunjc -as those of hb academy at Rockville, and niastey to instruct in accomplishments requisite, win provided.' ' ’ . Any lady or gentleman wishing to honor him with their patronage, will imve the kindness to AUGUSTA, Georgia, send their cards to his present place of rcsidenr I S .open under tho supcrintendance of Mr. COS-j at Cnpt. Douyille's JpnnstonVSquarc, and h- will BEY DICKINSON and Mr. J. P. DENNEY, immediately wait upon them. I4te of Savannah. , I dec t> *.m234 'The House Juts itndorgntie repnirs; the rooms, gw spacious and are refitrnisliod.’ Persons can itcenqunoduted vvltli single rooms, and every ex ertion will be made t(> render them comfortable. SAMUEL UALE, Proprietor. noy30 i.lgff Poor House and Hospital. This Property»so well known l.very rcasomtlde prices, ns to need no description, will of every description Notice. mHE Copftrtnorsliip of Nicholas 4^ Neff is dis- JL solved by mutual uonsent—AVilllntn NctT is authorised to settle the affnira of tlie concern. SAMUEl, NICHOLAS. WILLIAM NEFF, dec 9 234 ' t ‘. Carpenters Wanted. T H'REEor four good Carpentersor Mill Wights will find' employment. by applying at the Coquting Room ot It St J. HABERSHAM, deed r,231 • ’ , Crockery. A. Crates low priced assorted Crockery jU\J. Landing this dav, and for salo by J.'B. HERBERT & CO S dec. . ' CottonLost.,, S UPPOSED to be taken from the Steam Boat YurdJjy mistake on or about tlie 20th Nov. Iasi, three bales Cotton, yte:—2.bales.marked J- smith No. 10. 298 lbs. No. 14, 290 lbs. an : J JSale 11 No. 46. JJ04 lbs. Whoever may be in posses sion ofthc whole, or u part is requested lo give no tice at tlie Steum Bpat Office. Musters of vessels arc cautioned .against receiving the above collon oil board their vessels, . de.cS si233 JOHN DAVIDSON, Agcftt Lumber, Factorage and 7 tun- mission Business. r| (HE Subscriber continues,the Lumber, Factor- JL .age and Commission Business, nt his old stand near the Union Ferry Wharf, andtenderskis services to his friends aud the public. He will also atteiidto tlie KK-PACK1NG and COMPRESSING of COTTON,his cotton pross-be ing iu complete Order. Oi l 3(6 201 JNO. EVERINGHAM Planters Bank. rj tHE Directors having declared'a. Dividend of X two and a half porcoUt forthe last six months, the same will he paid on and after Thursday next, '"dec 7 ’ m232 w J. MARSHALL, Cashier For Sale, | A BOUT ten thousand feet White Ouk Plank from two to four iuclifts thick - . ALSO, A quantity of Pine reduced prices. ‘■asBSf 232 D. A. STROBHAR.; Wanted to Hire. A FEW good Axincii by the montli or yem— _rV- Apply to \V.‘Ril'd, or D. A Strobhar, Camp - ' • i ‘si to . \ tiffin Officc'of the Marine and-Fire In * surance Company. SAVANNAH, Dec. 2d, 1824. A N adjourned meeting of the Stockholders of this Institution will talcii place at its Office on WEDNESDAY the 12 th. day of January’next, nt wlpcli all.persons interested are desired to ut- tend, either poi son ally or ay attorney—as matters of,importancc,'in relation to the'future operations of tin: Cym|iany, will tljen be discussed and de. cidod, persons representing stock, should bo in vested with full power to vote on all questions tjfnt inuyurise, touching the progress of the insti tution. GEO. SCHLEY, President, dec 3 229 Office of the Marine and Fire In surance Company. SAVANNAH, Dec. 2d. 1824. P ERSONS holding Rills of (liis Company arc. requested lo present them for paynienttbrth-, with, as it is desirablo^fhat theyshonld all be. re deemed .as early as may be convenient. GEO. SCHLEY, President. dec 3 229 ’ Notice. ~ 7 T O enable tlie assignees of Mr, William Ten- Nr, u, to make at an early, period .a fiijul d-vi dead; it is requested that all claims agninst’liim, be presented to their ugent Mr. Thomas Q, Mil- Liiit, by tlm FIRST DA Y OF JANUARY NEXT, otherwise they will be debared; It is hoped that those indebted will sec tlie necessity .of making an immediate settlement, JAMES M’HENRY, GEORGE REI.PH, JOHN H. REID, Assignees of W. Turner. nov 8 208 Jack, or to dec 7 232 R. A. BIRD, Wayne's Wharf. hum Superior Court, iti' Wmtises and Suitors -in the same. ern n-Superior Courts of the East- 0 f „ . having been called to a ronven- 'rtof r» P nt Millodgoviiim the Superior regui.,“J’S'iam County will be adjourned, on illjf 5 ' fY oftl’e Term, io the 13tli of Do- ^? lc hJu ror s, Witnesses, and Suitors “Gordin 4 * U ^ C nctlce > Hn<J G lv,: 'heir attend James M. Wayne, Judge J'drior Cou.t, J3NO..CHARLTON, " m . Clerk. Notice. T HE Subscriber ns, adininistrntor of the late W. ( D. Cooper, .of South CaroKnn, haft in his, hands assets for distribution among his creditors of wlinin the late firm of Way and White,-.were the principal. That firm having assigned till their debts to their credii'ii’s, they arc requested to call nt Mr. Jno. Y. White's Boarding House on Fri day, the 10th day of December next, at 11 o’clock, A. M. to receive proportions to which they may lie severally entitled. JOHN D. MONGIN. novli' cf21£ NOTICE. rriHE subscriber informs Ids friends and the X inhabitants of Savaunalizcnei aily,that he will give instructions on the PIANO FORTE.—Those who feel dis posed to encourage him will please make application at the house of Mr. 1’uIcip Bhasch, Corner of Broughton and Drayton-Slreets or at the’ Furniture Store of Mr I. W. Morhall WliittakerStrect. The subscriber tenders liis thanks to tlie citizons of Savannah for the support ho has hitherto re ceived, andhopes, thatfrom his knowledge, and experience in liis profession, and the attention he pledges himself to pay to thosefvho maybe plac ed 'uililerliis instruciiohs, he will recoivc a lif share of public pah'onage. Tcrpis 925 per quarter. (TT PIANO FORTES tuned at the shortestjiotiee. . , . nov 16 i,214 HENRY L. BRASCH. ~| 1)EPSON S having claims against the estate ot _IL .Charles W.'Tebeau; arc requested to present tiioni. and ‘those indebted to make immediate payment to the Subscriber—accounts against the said estate to. be left with Messrs 5.’ C. £ J JF. E. TEREAU, Admr Schenk. oct? I 1S5- tlto 00th ordered to appear on the Regimen- I tal Farado Ground on THIJRSDAY, GOtli Dec. inst. ut Ten o’clock A. M. armed and oqtiiped according to law for drill. ] By order of Isaac D’Lvok, . Lt. Ool. 60th Battalion, G. M. M. W. STEWART, Adj'U 1st llcg’t. G, M. doc 10 235 v lilxecut.or’s siilc, By t. B. Herbert Sf Co. On the First Tuesday ii i'January next, will Be soU ‘before the Court House, iu this cil;,, bilwccn the usual hours of 10 ami 2 o'clock, the following properly, br ing the • PERSONAL ESTATE - of Win. Craig, dec. viz.— One Share Steam-Boat ‘Stock, anil Four negroes, , S&tachoj rorttino, Jack, and Sylvia. Sold by per> A mission ofthc Hun. the Inferior Court and byonMn of the Executor. ’ liuv 17 216 Terms Cu-fi, 'Genuine Scidlitz Powders. A M FRESH supply rccaived per ship’ Corsair, aud for sole ut $1 per Box by / > ; LAY k HENDRICKSON, ; _ •, A. Cliemislsund Druggists, hov 23 220 . ’ Shad's Building^ Market Aauarb. oap 1 h227 , ■ Philadelphia Superfine Flour. 150 20 . For sale by dee 1 barrels and 100 half bbls Philad. supf. Flout i.:j227 PONCE k ing TO i MAC KENZ1E. >VOOI>, TN OR saloon Goodwins wliarf; at. the lowggt J. rates and of the best uunliiy on 1 appliU&Tlpii lo Win. A. Moore wlio solicits from liis friends and former customers aud lite public in general a share- of patronage, dec 2 }i-2‘i7 T HE Subscriber returns'liis ,sincere, thanks to his frioiids and the public for past favours, and inform* them that lie hte fetnoved'liis Shop to ; Col. Shad’s Buildings, next door to Lny k Hen* drlcksoh’s Druggist, where every thing in ins line will be made in the most fashionable style ami at Abo, military uniforms be offered at public sale with the out buildings npd every thing belonging I to It, at the Court House on tlie first Tuesday iu I January next, if not previously disposed of. at irivate sale. Applications in Urn mean time may ie made to either of tho undersigned Committees. G.W. OWENS, ) Com. of the FRANCIS SORREL. ( Planters Bank. NORMAN WALLACE,) Com. of Marine | F. 11.,WELMAN. • < k Fii dec8 (233 dec 3 H229 JOHN M. COOPER. Tro Ins. Co. Plantation Rnd Negroes for sale. Tho Plantation helouging to the Ostate.of the late Fleming. Akin, situated qn the little Qgeechee, known by the name of Mcuibnll, con taining 1100 acres—a large proportion of which is first quality Rice nnd Cotton land, With convenient Dwelling, No- gro and gin Houses—stables, _ ilsHB corn nn( j cotton houses in complete order. Together with a gang <>f twen ty pripie field hands—for sale upon veiy liheral terms. Application to be made to Mr. James Brown on tlie place geo. tv. McAllister, pStrathy Hall, Bryan,county, or C^V . ROCKWELL Si Ci>. , Savannah, ■nov 18 416 HALL & IIOYT, , .. J >; OFFER roll SALE, IIHDS. prime and 2d quality St Croix »JvJ* Sugar 60 l)bls “ “ “ Sugar , 70 .bags prime green Coffee 30 crates blue and green edged flates 10 tons iron assorted 6 pipes Cogntto Bmndy. 6 “ HplinndGln 8 hhds Jam. ltnm half pipes, qr casks,and J at casks Wine 30' bids Loaf Sugar 80 coils Bale Rope ' 200. Grindstones 2000 bushels Maryinnd Corn ; 800., “ I,9ng Island White, equal to Geor gia Flint Corn ' nov 22 219 50 dec' 4 Fresh Prunes. -^SpO Ijoxc!) fres!. Prime'—just received [ r hr Francis—for sale by GAUDRY 4:■ HERBERT. M230 * G' T HE co-partuershi] under tlie firm o Notice. heretofore existing under N EOaGi'A, ( llarfiHii) L .iijil)—3y lliev i;->(•. istices of the Inferior Couth qitipg for ordinary juirp is t, Lj To all wlioin tt (nay conform Whereas, John Dillon administrator of Fd- momiOiFon, late of Chatham county uiuoitug pc - titioiied the lion, court of ordinary,to bo dischar^/ ed from liis said luiministvotiom -Nips, these nre tlierel’ore to cite nnd adtnon- r.i aln'.nr! U,,. q,,.,| atu l creditors of the said .1.. r.i. .1 ,,,, 1 they have.) to the granting of letters nisiui sory to the petiUouer in the clerk’s office, ot the aid court,’on or before tho 1 ltli clay of December life'xl ensuing, otherwise hitters dismissory will be grant - " tlie petitioner. Witness tb.e hon fohn Cummin ., one ot tlm J'.stioes of the su'd coilrt, this l ltli dav of June, A. D. 182« lS. M. BOND, c c. p. jiine 12 136 ,f ^ EOiUiLY, Chatnam County—By the Imu, VC t!.e J list ii-,-a uf tin- lufe.ior Court, dlting tor ’ordidai'y I'Urp - . ■> - * To all whom it may concern. Whereas Robert Scott has petitioned tolheiiou orable the court of Ordiuury t-f Chatham (.'oitn» ty, for letters of adminisiriitioii on the estate and ell'ects of Edward L’cnman, lute of, Loudon iu England, merchant, dec'd, us principal creditor. Tliese arc flirvclbre to cite and admonish ali and singular tlie kindred and creditors ofthc said deceased, to file their olijcetions, (if any they have) in the clerics office of tlie said court, on or before the 8th day of January next; otherwise letters of administration will be granted. Witness tlie Ilonorume John Gumming;'win of the Justices oi lhe said court, this 'Jill (i iy of Dec. A. Di 1824. S. M BOND, c c o. dec 9 2S4 Clarke & Brotvn> Is this day .dissolved hy mutual consent- All j persons indebted to said firm aro urgently solicil- | edto cail on s. Clarke 7 , and pay the demands a A Tfr'fW'WIt-XIfk ■ gamst thempandall those having demands again t , U I said firm will please call on him for payment— -Bratft:’ The Subscribe i" has takenThe I He beine duly authorised to settle thhbusi HOUSE in the Village of Rice- boro’, recently occupied by Mr. Kemptoii, und intends keeping’a pub lic bouse, for the accommodation of r TRAVELLERS and BOARDERS. Those whio may favor him with a call are assured that every attention will lie paid to their comfort fltxrl enm'onlrmoo I4ia iahln tlrlll tin citnnllnrl tiTiil, He being duly authorised to settle the bu siness of said firm. S. CLARKE, GEO. S. BROWN. St. Marys, lit -Vor. 1824. . . nov 11 210 . • Notice ' , A LL those Who are indebted to Hectoi* Mac Donald late of Sayaniiah, in Notes, Due nov6. and convenience, His table will be supplied with Lipnatu iqtc 01 aavannt the best tha-country atlbrds; his Bar tvitli choice 1, 3 ’ °P en Accompls, are liquors and bis Stable with tlie best provender. l 'mmediate pnyment to and an attentive Ostler—the rates moderate. DAVID STETSON oct 30 . 201 TO BE LET. ti.226 Essences, $»c, bested to make m SMITH, Assignee•. The STORE corner of Bay and Drnyton-Streets; now occuy pied by d’ P. Setze. Possession may be had on the 15th of this in :nth. For further particulars, apply to Petqr Dupon. PETER EVEN. oct19 H191 TrTJ SSENCE of Cinnamon, Peppermint, Anm-j viiijl seed, Cloves, Lavender, Fennel and Sas?a-: fras, I 1 . 50 dozen.Cologne Water For sale by Dr, A. DE LAROCHE, Druggist, On tlie Bay opposite tlie Exchange, dec 1 227 rul Tjie subscriber, JLOltent. I Ty AS received by late arrivals, a coriplcte rind The three story Jhr’ipk build- J-i general assortment of ing on the Bay, lately occupied 1 li O N, bv Jamf.sDickson 4' Co. os a Whole- ofalmostevfery description,as also a fresh supply of salt.Dry Good Stare. Apply to SHIP CHANDLERY, C. W.ROCK VV ELL 4' CO, | xvill'jbe disposed of oh the most 'necummo _ _ dating terras.- ’ ’ • rr’-- • ;<) Refit. > f • V : y; ■; ■. " :IN. STORE, ATwo Story House in OnQof , Fresh superfincFLOUR, and a -few thousand ii ^^-1 . iFi • v p c bushel? Virginia CO/2JV, of un excellent (iiiahty. the most healthy .parts, pi ,-tt- The’subscriber intends keeping a constant sup-, vannah, containing a purler and. two „iy of these urticles. WAI. TAV LOR. bed roomS'on the fin iloor, add three I n ov 17 n215 sept 28 rooms on the second; with a pump, carriage house, and stable all iij complete order Enquire at thiiolfice. ■ jF-'y nov 19 pi7 ■ SuMvnnah Female Asylum. A N Flection for a Matron fd this institution, will take place nt (lie Asylum House on the first meeting in February. ’ Application fur the above to be handed in, to the subscriber. By order of the board, E.M ILQYD, Bce’w. urU flJX Assize of Bread, T HE average price of Floitr being $6 1‘2 per bm - rcl 196 lbs weight, the weight of Bread for j the present month must be " " t-Wj Isiteiloajf ‘Uv- 2 liis, 13 oz. . 6j •• “ 1 lb. 6J.oz., Of which all BakCrJ-and sellers of bread will take due notice. Vf ; v -,M. W. STEWART, . City Treasurer deoO .' yi GORGIA,.Chatham countj - —By the. hua. th' XX Justices ofthc Inferior Court silting for unti- nary purposes. To all whom it may .concern. Whereas William DlivSes. administrators of Mal tha Johnson dec. has.pctitjoupd the lion, tlm coni', of ordinary to be discharged from ids said ad ministration, V T " - These are.tlierefore to cite ami admonish all nnd.singular tin- kindred and preditpte o^sai'l de ceased, to’file their objections (if any they Imve) in the office of Jhe clerk of the court of ordina ry, ion or before the Seventh day of March next; othenvise lelters dismissory will be granted tho petitioner. Witness this hon, John F. Williamson, ohe of the Justices of the said Court, this 7th day of September, A, D. 1824, ■j" .-.■vS. M. BUND, cent c. sept.9 . 175-., xgfv'vJIf ^■'1 EORGIA, Clmtham County—Ry the. hon. the AJT Justices of the Inferior court sitting for ordina ry purposes. To nil whdm it may concern, Whereas Linns P. Sage administrator of Spragite Taylor, deceased, has petitioned the honora ble court of ordinary lo be discharged from Ids said ndmiiiistratiouship. These are therefore to Cite, and admonish all and smgblar the kindred anil creditors of the said decease^; to file their objections (i&md they have) in tlie office of the clerk of the court of or dinary, on or before the 18th day of eijsiilngthe date hereof; otherwise letters dismis sory will be granted to the applicant. Witness the honorable Thomas N. Morel 0110 of the Justices of the said Court this UStli day of July, A. D. 1824. S. M. BOND, c c o. july 13 150 v I EORGIA, ('hath am Comity—Uy the. hon. the iX Justices of the Inferior court, sitting for or dinary purposes, , mB To all whom it may concern. Whereas Alexander M, Taylor, administrator of John Scott, deceased, has petitioned the honora ble the Juslices df the Inferior court,to be dischar ged from liis said administration. New these arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors oi the said deceased, to file their objections, (if any they have) in the clerk’s office, of the court of ordina ry, on or before the 6th day of December next; otherwise letters dismissory will lie granted Witness tlie honorable Edward Harden, ona of the Justices of tlie said court, tliis titii day of May, A. D. 1824. S. M. BOND. c C 0. may 6 106 . m