Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, December 13, 1824, Image 4

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JF91BM4? 8M1B3 Sheri if & sales. On the first Tuesday in February next, W ILL Ik: sold at the court house in the city of Savannah between the hours of 10 and 4 | o'clock. IS negroes via. Chnrtottc, Buccus, Eve, Tonali, Titus, Samho, Nnro, Belinda, Dorcus, Isaac, Bess, Sippio, Cal lus, Cloe, Peggy, Anne', Betty, and Monday, levied on by consent as the proper-' ty of N. ti. Itutherford, under a li fu on a foreclo sure of u mortgage in favor of the Bank of Darien, ICt t^< IVI VftV a n /. ISAAC D'lA'ON, see. dec 4 Glty SheiilHs Sales. On the first Tuesday in January next. W ILL be sold before the Court House in the City of riavaiibah between the usual hours often and three o’clock, Bed Linen Sundry articles of Table. Linen, Plated Ware, fee. Ike. levied on as the property of Omni,Byrd to satisfy two executions for house rent in favor ot ElBjizer Early and assigned to .1 B Herbert Si eo Ml that building on part of Trust Lot letter (A) Darby Ward, bounded south by Congress street, east by the residence ol lieo. Millen, Esq. west by tin store occupied by Mayers it Hamilton, north by one portion o! said lot, levied on as the proper ty ofJolm Willson to satisfy an execution in fa vor of Ann K- Edwards for ground rent. dec 4 ‘-•'hi A. I. D’LYON- c. s. Sheriffs sale. On the first Tuesday in February next, •ytyTl LI, IfFsoTd at th " lowing three .Negroes, viz: .Mary, otherwise known by the name of Con Marn e’ami her two children Lucy anil Keziah, levied on under a forecli sure of a mortgage as the An Ordinance, , To fix peruinnently the salaries and fees of the city officers. See. 1. Bo it ordained by the Mayor and Mdermen of tlic city of Savannah, mid Hamlets thereof in Conned assembled, that from and after the first regular mect- of Council in January next, there shall be paid to the city Treasurer the sum of six hundred dollars and lees of office, per annum, for his services—that he shall re ceive no commissions on public monies which may pass through his hands, hut that he shall receive two hundred and fitly dollars for the completion of the city Hi pest and that tlto security required he ten thousand dollars. Sec.2. Be it further ordained by the an thority aforesaid that from and after the period aforesaid the City Marshal slial he ntitlcd to receive for his services flic sum of six hundred dollars per annum, anti fees of office, and he shall lie entitled to com missions on public sales, under the now existing ordinance. 3. Be it further ordained by the au thority aforesaid,'that from and 'after the period aforesaid, the Clerk of Council shall be entitled to receive, per annum, for hi? ITEAXiTH. F.ALTjl, the. greatest of nil earthly blessings, XI At this s’eiram of the year, wben il is so liigli |y proper anil important to cliyinse the Stomach anrt (towels of roduhduncy of bile, nml all pmii cions and ruinous accUinulutions, tile proprietors of LEE’S most excellent \N II-BIHOUS PILLS, would very l'ospecttully advise the use ot several doses of them, mid thereby ill ninny instmiees pre vent nohd-aclies, sickness ut the stonuieh, obsti nate obstructions of the bowels, scorching fevers, life IB’S NERVOUS CORDIAL, an excellent medicine for all nervous affections, weakness, pains in loins, back, tyo. , LEE’S ESSENCE OF MUSTARD, no medicine ever 'Xi ellcd this in curing rhciimu- ti?m, sprains, brui?os, trosted feet, <yc■ Vc- LEE’S ACIJE AND FEVER DROPS, a never failing cure. LEE’S SOVEREIGN OINTMENT, ■anted to euro the itch, by only one npplicu Store,viz: LEE’S PERSIAN LOTION, an cx- ellent modiciuo lor curing tetters, ring worms, cklv beat; softens the skin, ami improves the uouQiunuBlT'* *’ .Court UuU! the Iiohi-s often and four o'clock, the fob services, the sum of four hundred dollars d fees of oiliee. The Messenger of Cotin- betweeh | feu the sum of one hundred dollars and fees of office, and the Sexton the sum of one hundred and iifjky dollars and fees of oflicc. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained by the att- ENltES, a most powerful Medicine, removes ind destroys all kinds of worms. LEE’S LLIXER, an invaluable medi- ie, it never fails to cure the most violent cold, uid affords instant and great relief, in all obstinate oughs, il also relieves young children from chol- LEE’S INDIAN VEGETABLE SPE CIFIC—\n effectual cure for the Vepereal and iGonorhtsa. LEES’ TOOTH-ACIIE DROPS— torch give immediate relief. LEE’S TOOTH POWDER—Which cleanses and beautifies tile teeth. AUGUST <«. OKillliER, jt yS removed liisDRL'ti STORE, tothocorner ir l. of Broughton and IVmpkcr-fltreets, opposite Col. Shtllmun's Mansion House, where he exhibits for sale, a Choice assortment ol Fresh Jlcdicincs and Garden seeds, and various other articles suiting Ids line. He ab stains relating the whole string of names of the things lie oilers, mid only mentions a few which are not commonly tound in every Drug Fol. Subimi, I’ynila Umbellate, Degitaiis Purpurea. Scnllcnp, Hyssop, German Leopard’s Bane, (uruicn moutana) Elecampane, (Inula llelenium) Hops, Ergot, Tonqitiii Beans, Squire's Elixir. Daily's Elixir. Ess. Mustard, Ess.Tyre, Jesuit Drop, Churche's Cough Drops, Aromatic Vinegar,Toilet, Vegetable, and other Soaps, Macassar Oil, Phosphorus, Ox. Mur. Potttssc, James’s Fever Powders, lnfautiie Powders, Bead’s Stiptic, Spirits Soap, Fumigiiting. I’astils, Pyroliguious Actil, BlacliDrop. , Respcclingthc utility of this Inst article, he refers the last, butottc, page of the'if ' ,D * Carolina Almanac, of this year. oct9 ^jiuEr ( < F.ORGIA, Chatham < -.unty | VT tiie *ustiees of the lnfertc 1 -By the hon. nor Court, sitting ordinary purposes, To all whom il may concern. Whereas, .1 ohii Dillon administrator of Ed mond Dilion, lute of Chatham county dee. has pc- itidifod the lion, court of ordinary,to be discharg- d from Ids said administration. Now, these are therefore to cite and admon ish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, the file their objcctiins (il any they have,) to the granting of letters dismissory the petitioner, in tin: clerk's office, of the said court, on or before the 11th day of December next ensuing, otherwise litters disinissory will he the petitioner; in Earntt. In the Gtli Circuit Court, U. S. i l)isTtiu: r or Greottau. \ If. Slillllz and C. Brcilhaupl, Complainants, n Tri Hank of the State of -Georgia, and others,’Dci'om ddna.—llctloculory Decree. , J - 66 A T present tills Court cannot proccodt» ./.Jl final decree, hut preparatory thereto- will order and direct that a reference he hud to the register, to require and report the state of ac counts between the MDxinnesuud the State Bunk* upon the loan of $:>.),000, mid by doing so it mx pears by agreement, the Bank Square waspledfi specifically, in part, for tlmt loan, Uiat t linn moil J of sales (hereof, be so applied, also the amount of Witness the hon .foffh Cmmniiu, one of the' Jj’h^ received at the south end of the bridge, f roin Justmes of the said court, this lltli .lay of June, ?Don 8S iS d on!J?' tI » eil ' Behalf, A. 1). 1.82*1. d- M. BOND, c c. o. ' “X , “ “^cotmts as fi.1T Esi June. 12; 130 Coullty—By the hon. the Justices of the* inferior Court, sitting for ordinary purposes. /"A F.UUG1A, Chatham It r ■ ‘ ^ the complainants may insist upon made from tiie saino sum proper to he ’. r . l ' at 1,0 em l uil 'e and report the number of liridge hills now —■ \c >' To nil whom il may concern, Whereas Robert Scott lias petitioned to ornhlc ' the eburt of Ordinary of Chatham Conn of bridge bills now actually out, with the holders iHsr, thereof, respectively, apd such facts tending to Ihnlinn- prQV ® i heM hollcsl tt,ld lj01 ' a holders, thereof lllCIlUll* ,,..,1 I in:u'cnvftimll,. .... i • “wiucii?, IIJLI UUl ach case may severally suggest; also the sums . , .- hatham Lonn- tuken by the complainants or either of them at ty, for letters ot iidmmustralion on the estate und thl . n01 . t f, unil oftlm blU , fl . om effects ol Edward Peftmnn, late ot_ LoAdon in 80 uthend passed into 'he hands of the defendants Eiiglnnd, nu'i elmut, dec’ll, ns principal creditor, or their agent, or any public offieei at their luit' TnCse are therefore to cite and admonish nil and generally the state ol account*between Hen' fore I., and singular tiie kindred ami creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections, (it any they ana generally the slate ol accounts between Hen ry Shultz and tiie Bridge Company; and also re- 100 property of William It Holland, to satisfy Gaudry j t i 10r i t v aforesaid, that the keeper of the L Ihrfaure- revinn tin nntilloil In rr»- der 3 1 U’LYON, see. Administrator’s sale, On the first Tttuday in January next, Hf Powder Magazine shall lie entitled to re ceive for his services, the stun of twelve and nn half cents for each keg of powder, placed in the tnttga/.ine of the weight of WATER—A certain ELIXIR—For I Ol J HI Ulllllllll 1/ II * \ ’ n . . • l . | Id before die Court Iiouso in the Irom twenty five to twenty eight pounds, ivannah, tlie;following property, nt the time of receiving tlie same, and tlu- being tin: real estate of Andrew M'Lcan, laic of further slim of twelve and an half cents Chatham County, dcc’d fortlic benefitnt the heirs f or eachkcgof iiowder twenty five to twen- rsuant to an order of Court. . , & . , 1 J «ml creditors, pursuant to an order ot Court. | , One true.t of land, containing 800 acres adjoin-1 ty eight pounds, at the tunc ot delivering !ng lands of Francis Tufts, James Itnsco, and Ma-1 the same, to the owner anil a like sum in ty shares,known as Jonathan and John Fox’s proportion to the weight thereof, and that trai (s, about lit mil, S horn 8«*mh. hc sludl not ho entitled to any eompensa- 1 . . ... I t ,<>1.1,1, n nnln toUno t, I n i • n ll iilnee coir • One vm iuit lot in fee sim, burg, on .Margiivet-st.Snvanmih, known by No.-28. tion when a sale takes place unless said One. Ditto, also fee simple, situated in do. und I sale is accompanied with a delivery. known by the No. 21, with a dwelling house and oth.-r improvements thereon. One Lot in Rfteborough, Liberty county. The purchasers giving bond and mortgage,pay able in one, two and three years,with intercsttrom date, and personal security. GEO. GLEN, Oct :ki 201 Adm’r est. Andrew M'Lone. LEE’S EYE cure for sore eyes. LEE’S ANODYNE the cure of hcad-nchcs. LEE’S CORN PLAISTER—For re-1 moving and destroying corns. LEE’S LIP SALVE. UrrlNumerous casos of cure* could be nhnex I ed, of the happy and good, elleels tlmt have fol lowed the use of tiie above JUSTLY CELEBRA- El) FAMILY MEDICINES, but the pablislier I Inis not room for them in this paper. Please to observe wfiateeer, and where ever | ,’ou buy none can be la c’s Ge.nuine Faniily Mcdi cities, without the sigunture of the proprietor, NOAH IUDGELY, Late Michael Lee Co. Tiie .nbove famous family medicines iirc f<i GAUDRY A HERBERT, Have just received, BBLS. Hnxalls Flour „ w 20,000 best Spanish Segars 20 linlfbbls corned Beef put up for families 20 do Goslfen Butter CO bags prime Green Colleo 30 bbls do do do 20 boxes wliitc Havana Sugar 20 lilnls prime St. Croix do 00 bbls do do do 40 do do Muscovado do GO do Rye Whiskey do have) in the elerks otftoe of the said.court, on.of |«daiits shall suggrst and give proof of, asnroDcr before the Hth day ot January next; otlierwisc | against tiie complainants or either of them." * Iierhv Shultz, Esq lettevs of administration will lie granted. Witness the Honoraoio John Camming, one .- . , ,i Sir—Please to take notice, that pursuant lo of the Justices ol tiie said court, this .Hit day of j tho above reference, I am ready to receive the Dec. A. D. 1S21. 3. ftl BOND, o c o. necessary statements of accounts and ,'ther infer- dec ft (vIIk jwt, U GORGIA, Clmthum county—By the lion, the 1 od, until tiie first Monday in December next, when Justices of the Inferior Court silting for ordi-11 shall proceed to cxmlune and report thereon. ary statements of accounts and other infor mation, in relation totho matters therein contain- Ailimnistrntor’s sale. On the first Tuesday in January next, NTTCTlLLbe sold ut the Court House, in the V V Comity of Effingham, between the ii3iial bom ---I -uli-. Tivo negroes a Fellow and n Wench, named Llovi land Fanny. And also all the right title and interest of William Joseph Spencer, dec’ll, ol in and to u negro woman named Amy, and her son Tom, ami the possession thereof. The above See. 5. And lie it further ordained by thp authority aforesaid, llmt : all powder delivered to the keeper aforesaid, snail be immediately stowed in the safest powder magazine under his care, and in case of neglect in not stowing the said powder, shall forfeit to Council any sum not ex ceeding thirty dollars, or loss than 10 dol lars, and for the second offence shall be removed from office, Sec. 0. And he it farther ordained by the authority aforesaid, that all ordinances or sale l»y DR. A.PELAROCHE, Senr. Druggist, Savannah Who 1ms just received a fresh supply from Bulti more. , x>’’ *• f ■! • .,c oci 7 isr, , ■ 10 hhds do 0 do N..E. Rum .10 pines Cognac Brandy . , , ' 5 do best Hollands Gin 40 bbls N. E. Gin ’ .{} ’ 20 do prime l’ork 50 . do new Mackerel No. 3 60 boxes yellow Soap 40 do New Bedford Sperm Candles 20 kegs Shot, assorted do Duponts Powder ' “ 60 half kegs do do 10 iiags Black Pepper i’ll II >\is fresh CllOCplatCj'No.' 1 00 kegs Spiced Salmon With a general assortment, of GROGERIES, GAUDRY fcHERBERT. nury purposes. , To all whom it mdy concern. Whereus William Davies, administrators of Mar tini Johnson dec. lias petitioned the hon. the court of ordinary to be discharged from ids' said ud- | minis! ration. These are therefore to cite and admonish nil anil singular the kindred and creditors of snid de ceased, to file their objections (if any they have) in the office of the clerk of the court of ordina ry on or before the seventh day of March next ; otherwise letters disinissory will be granted the petitioner. I am your obd't. serv’t. GEO. GLEN, Clerk. Il'Ji tacto Savannah, 14Ih Oct. 1824. Invils ieiol utl . BT Although it can be nscertainelbythelu,.. if the.Bridge Company, wliat aaount of britK bills are at this time unredeemed, yet it appears ic be necessary from the above decretal order, „tha the rcspocuvc holders thereof should uiso In irrels known. The subscriber therefore respectfully re quests all such holders of bridge bills,to uiiiki know u to him by letter or otherwise, the ainout)l held by them respectively, on or liefore the lav Witness the lion. John P. Williamson; one of Monday in November next, the better to eiinbl- do 100 the Justices of the snid Court, this 7th day of September, A. D. 1821. S. M. BOND, c c o c c. sept 0 175 i 1 KOlUilA, Clmtlumi County—By the lion, the vB“ Justices of tlic Inferior court silling for ordina- I tij purposes, hint to comply with tlic above order. HENRY SHULTZ. Hamburgh, Oct. 20. net 2ft 200 170 ISept s |EUSONS indebted to the estate of Eli-S part f ordinances militating against this inanco be and the same are hereby rc- Ofevery variety und Pattern. solo as tho property of Wiu. J. Spencer, dcc’d. by Order or the Hdlhl’tbe Judges of the Court ol Or dinary for the County of Effingham, for tiie hern fit of the lieirs and creditor's of the said dee’ll.— Comliiions made known on the dny of sale, iiovil 2l*i El.IAS HEED. .Idm'i pealed. Passed in < Council, ! .">11 i Novi. 1824. AVM. C. DANIELL, Mayor. Attest, Solomon Cohen, clc. dec 2 pro. tent. Administrator’s sale. VX 71LL be sold at tiie late residence of Alien \\ D enmnvk, deed. Into of Bulloch County, on the first Saturday in February next. Tfic following tracts of laud, amounting to 3,- 5H2’. acres, situate in the County of Buttock and immediately on the Milledgeville road, thirty five miles from Savannah, viz : One tract containing one liumlred nerrs, more or less, with a comfortable Dwelling House, kitch en, stables and corn hou-er—Fourteen hundred acres adjoining the above described tract, bein the former residence of the lute Rlajor Stephen Denmark—oil this tract is a dwelling house, ci liou.-e, store liousc and kitchen with good .stall) and an excellent stream and mill site, whereon a mill Ims been for many years, hut out of repair at present: the mill stones and mill irons will be sold at (he same time One other tract udjoining tlic above whereon E F Bunco lately resided, containing five hundred and thirty acres, with comfortable buildings and •out houses, one other wood lurid tract containing eleven hundred acres, one lot in the first District Houston,containing 2n2.f, acres, No. 1 Id, one oth er lot in tiie Kth district Early containing 260 a- eves, No. 231. Terms rif .-ale, 12 months credit with a mortgage on the premises and small notes and approved Security. BOBERT BURTON, Adin r. MARY DENMARK, Adrn’x. dec 4 230 Au Ordinance, Entitled an ordinance to amend the si vend ordinances now in force in this city in u Ihtion to the Mnrkt t. See. 1. lie it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Suvannnh mid Hamlets thereof, that the eity Marshal shall on the third day of December inst under the saperintendancc of the market Committee proceed to sell all the Stalls in the public market contemplated to be sold by the present ordinances now in force until the first Monday in December next and upon such terms as arc required by the existing ordinances. Sec. 2. lie it ordained by the authority aforesaid, that all ordinances or parts of ordinances militating with this ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed in Council, Dec. 2, 1824. WM. C. DANIELL, Mayor. Attest, Solomon Cohen, c. c. V f-, 'isr A- faro. Urn | dec fl 220 jump Oils, Lump Wick, Glass- r l HIE Subscribers have just received per ship X Emperor, ->1'. A general supply of XVtntcr, Full and Summer strained Lamp Oil. Rvettaued Socket Lamps "j Japniiin Disli do Glass tlo do Peg do do Lafayrtte do J Globe Lamp Glasses French Chimney do for Billiard Rooms and Theatres • -fv. tiitft'f).-#' 1 v Lump Wick of every description Together with Tin Lump Feeders, Tin Canisters for lamp Oil, and every other article .suitable for the convenience of Light. The whole of which comprise n more complete assortment than has ever been exhibited in this city, and arc offered for sale at prices to correspond with the times. The public are very respectfully invited to cull and exunjuic them. ’ LAY &, HENDRICKSON, Cite mists and Druggists, Shad's Buildings. nov 11 210 ’ JEiNiNEY DOUGLASS Anciaux’s Wharf, T T.YVE lately received and oiler for sale on ac- XI commodating terms,- Cognac Brandy, Holland Gin Jamaica uml St. CraixRurh 4 UlidsN. E. Ruin , s , •/a '■•’miMi'M’ Coffee, Teas, Chocolate Sugars, Molasses Beef and Pork Butter, die,esc and Lard 80 boxes Sbnp 1 lo “ Tallow Caudles • * 140 “ Sperm nev/ 10 biids best Sperm Oil Hlids mid bbls Train Oil. 40 rcaiiu Wrapping Paper 2000 llis Codfish 20 bbls No-1 Mackerel 20 “ 2 20 “ 3 “ Taylor, belli Fell, late of Chatham county, deer ed, arc requested to make immediate payiueiiit tho subscriber, und those to whom the estuir is petitioned . the lionora-1 Indebted urc requested to exhibit their dcnuim to be discharged from his duly authenticated. PETER*SHICK, Kx'r. To nil wliom it may concern Whereas Linus P. Sage administrator of Sprague] tho subscriber, and those to whom tlic'estuii deceased, has hie court of ordinary to | said udministmtlonsliip. These are therefore to cite and admonish all I ami singular the kindred and creditors of the July 13 150 vTlNE month* ufter date application will C| made to tho hon. Inferior court of tlw count ensuing the dnte hereof ; otlienviso letters sory will be granted to the applicant. Witness tho honorable Thomas IN’, Morel one I of the Justices of tiie said Court tills 13tli day of July, A. D. 1824. S. M. BOND, c c o july 13 150 jnne 17 JOHN CUBBEDGE, Adm’r, 138 Bryan County. N INE month* alter date application will li made to tho hon. Inferior court of Libert county, for leuve to sell the renl and porsonu! t —— ■ | tutc of Lodowick Lard, late of Tuttnall ecus! | A KORGiA, Chatham County—By the hon. tls e | deceased, for tho benefit of the heirs and crei VT Justices of the Inferior court, sitting for or-1 tors . e. WAY, Adm’r. dinary purposes. Who«°ifJL»mlv{ Tnvlnr IfhIdnLtmtnv months after date I shqlt apply tn lUereas Alexander M. Jaylor.adralmstratorof i hoB> , nfe| . ior court of Liberty county nug 31 ?o17» 15 half bblS 1 “ 10 “ 2 “ ’ ^’ 10 bbls Rye amrCdrn Meal Pilot and Groat Bread 1000 IIm Hams V V ’ ’’’ 1 Cordage, Corn Brooms—Nails Thin and heavy Sole Leutlicr'fpr ships ust* TI i < t ii-lwxlii mid Itiill' iilile Joint Scott, deceased, 1ms petitioned, the lionora bln tiie Justices of the i nferior court,to bo dischur ged liom his said administration. . Now these arc therefore to cite and ndmonisli nil and singular tlic kindred mid creditors of the said deceased, to file thciro1ijections,'(ifnny they county I leave to sell tiie rcul and personul property Win L Baker,’ deceased, for the benefit of t heirs and creditors. THOS. B. BAKER, Adm’r. april 7 89 CMItl* UVVlUUbU) IHO UHJC 1/UV1I3) ^11 fill Y IIIPT I ■" ■ II ■ ' 11 ... 1 l have) in the clerk’s office, of the court of ordina-1 7VTINE months after date application will ry, on or before the Oth dny of December next; J-N made to tiie lion. Inferior court of Bulk mob .. ” ’— *•■ ■ j 1 county, when sitting for ordinnry purposes, 1 «• leave to sell nil the renl and personal estate oil »• Elegant &, choice PeHinncry, &c! T i s tlierw'isu letters disiuissory will lie granted . .. .. - . Witness the honorable Edward Harden, one | leave fo sell ail the renl and persona! of tlio Justices of tlic suid court, (ills 6th day of len Denmark, deccused, for the benefit of Alny, A. D. 1824. 3. M. BOND, c c o. ’ ’ J " - - ■may 0 106 ' '' ■ . ■ Glauber Sails, first qual.'In bbls ami lioxes KOKGIA, liullocli County—By the lionora- I lerring, 3almou, ’‘'ungues ami Sounds VT hie tlic court of ordinary of said coutily. Flour in whale and half bbls. 250 bids Potatoes heirs and creditors. .... ROBERT BURTON, Adm'r. MARY DENMARK, Adm’i. 43 _ Bulloch Chunk “ ® fell 28 IllE Suliscribers have rcreivod pr brig Ann. Schooner intrepid and ship Corsair, u fresh supply of Choice Perfumery, consisting of Otto of Roses in elegant gilt bottles of vari ous patterns Macassar, Russia, Bears and Antique Oils Pomatum in Pots and Rolfs Rose, Orange flower and Luvcnder Water Rose, Benjoin, Musk, Olive, Veiincular, Pnlm, Vegetable, Ceylon, Bandana, Transparent, Variegated, and English Windsor Soaps, Wash Balls, Naples shaving Soap in I’ots Shaving Cakes, ^-c Pocket, fine tectli and dressing Combs, new Patterns Hair Powder and Powder Puffs White Beans—Vinegar Loudon and American Mustai'd Fine BOOTS add SHOES Coarse do do To nil whom it may concern. Wlierens Robert Burton, ndministratorof the estate of SlophrnvDiinmnrk deceased lmth n TVT1NE months after tiie dnte hereof, npplit , - J x tion will be made to tlic Inferior eoi j ( wben sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave SEAMEN’S CLOTHING, And many otlier articles at Retail. lioV 23 tr221 iedl to the said Court for letters dismissory from sell all tlmt. lot nr part of "round in the district Said administration I M'k.lro ahz. 1 I. i. .ia l'. White Bluff, county of Chatham, containing DAN C1NU AC A DEM Y. These are therefore to cite and admonish nil | ncres. more or less,bounded nortlnvnfdly sndMi and singular the kindred und creditors of the suid wnrdly by land.-, late John Poullens, and 'oul deccassed, to file their objections (if any they Jmve) in the office of the clerk of this court with Jly .. ^ _ tale of James Boyd, and to be sold for the hct^i, e ASSEMBLY HALL—Eruii"liton-Mrett. I }u tiie time pre.-rrihed bv law, otlierwise letters] fit of the licirs and creditors of said estate. ( T IIE subscriber informs ids friends and patrons, dismissory will be granted the applicant. ELIZABETH BOYD, Admi tlmt bis room having becn'tboroiigfily clean- Witness the lionoruble Shepherd Williams, one I ' may 26 124 — ... having bcc'u'thorougfily ... , . . . ed und repaired, \ui Sehool for Ydung. Misses and of Hie Justices ot said court, this 3d June, 1 Misters is now oju-n for tho season. | k_'ELY KENNEDY, cco juhe 4 Having taken into consideration .the present dc- I pression oflnisiness and consequent scarcity., of 132 T HE piilriic is apprised, that the snhsert! irlli has titles to one half of a BO acre tract land on White Bluff, adjoining his and it . . , , . 1 scarcity, of I ^ I'OiKUA Cliatlmui Countv to all whom it I lately John Poullefl’s, now John Morrill’s,,m .. . ... - money, lie lias determined to lower the price ot I Q concern 1 * for which the administratrix of the late John Bo; 1 P0Cfcet " allet '’ W,th and I rm be c JoWno Masterson lias applied lo tiie now applies for leave to sell as part of timl. esta Slferiff’s ales. On the first Twsdayin January next, ILL be solii hi the court iiou-r. in tiie city of Savannah, between the hours of 10 nml 4 o'clock. All that parcel or tract of lam! in the comity Chatham, State of Georgia, known in the plan of mid county as Garden Lot No. eighty', f8u) east Containing 1 l.t acres more or less, bounded on tlic norili by the Thunderbolt Rond ami lands of Ja Bilbo.on tlirsouth by lands of Jnn. Striven, and on tiie west by a road leading lo lands of Col Jas. Johnstons and others, with the appurtenances thereto appertaining, levied on as the property of Thomas B.’Brdpm, to satisfy afi fa oil :i foreclo sure of a mortgage in favor iff Wm.T, Williams. Seventy-live aerrs ofland and improvement?, White Bluff d:st. Chatham County, levied on as the property of Jas. Govan, to satisfy an execu tion in favor of Henry Haupt, et. at. ’ A negro man named J.ester, levied on as the property of John Womack to ’satisfy an execution in fai or of Henry M’Alpin, vs. John Womackand Wm M. Craig, security, et al. ’J hree hundred and thirty acres of land more or less, Wliitc BlnlflJist. in Chatham County, le- vied on as tlic property of Clms. B. Jones to sulis- ft' an execution in favor of Thus. Walton. Buildings on lot No. !l, Spring llill with ttic un- expin d lease ot said lot, bounded south by lot No. 10. east by lot No. 8, north by Oake street, and wesi by Franklin-st. levied on bv a constable as the properly of Win Richardson to satisfy several executions in favor of Richard REwcll et al and turned over to me. I, D’LYON, see. dec 4 230 Fifty Dollars Reward, W ILL be paid for the apprehension and de livery of the following Negroes to the Sub- tribers, living in Bourkc Cunty, or nny safe Jail so we can gyt them—ora liberal reward will be LAW rWMIE subscriber tenders his professional servl- X ces to tiie public ; arid-bags leave to inform them, that he may at all times be found at the Of fice ot Messrs. Davies .y Berrien, situated in Hun ter's buildings on the Bay. v JOSEPH VAI.FENCE BEVAN. Suvannnh, Oct. 26, 1324. Tr The Constitutionalist, Georgia Journal,and Ah ushington News, are requested to give tlic a Tpcve 3 insertions eokly. tTuro Calcined Magnesia, a now given for nnv part of them, low it. Monittnu blight Mulatto mail, about 35 years old, rather slender made and of keen apprehension, and bis wife Hannah a Mack woman about 45 years old, with a sear on one side of her, face, the properly of Joseph IIlnes-^-Kcn an African about 45 years old, small and well set ami filed teeth, with a sear on one arm, and Iii.q wife Sylvia,about 35 years age, pretty heavy to lice lieightv—They took 3 Children Ben, Dave and Hetty, the children lieu and Sylvia, two of tiie children belong to the Estate of Smith Stringer, deed, the otlier child and Ben and Sylvia to .Abner Belcher. Tile; broke loose a large Canoe on Tuesday the 281 September last, nt Stephen’s Bridge, Burke Comi ty, nnd we thing will aim down the River to tiie Marshy Country, below Savannah, as Ben was bought up there ami bus oucerimnwny nml got liii wife anil children back there and were apprehen ded and put in Savannah Jail, hot two years ago, —One of tiie men took oil' a Gun tiie other a r toi with them. JOSEPH HINES ABNElt BELCHER. oct 14 189 without I.a Fayette and Silk Stocks, Elastic Wire and Coburg Stijfncrs, Silver Wire Teeth Brushes with gilt haudics Tounge Scrapers, / : •* Nail, Cloth, Hair and Shaving Brushes, Cut Glass Smelling Bottles, Visiting Cards, Metal Shaving Boxes, Floating Tapera of every description, Tonguin Beans, Mnslf, Carmine, C'ourl Blaster, Snuff Boxes, Chamber Lights and Matches, Segnr Box es, Sic. r-.r , >: ytjsgf,"’ Which together with a very general and extern ive assortment.of Drugs; Medicines, Chemicals, Pa tent .Medicines, kc. fee. All.of which have been selected by n good judge, and are offered for sale al least 26 per et. lower than lias eyerbeen iCld this market for cash or credit. Furchasers w ■ id do well to call ami examine them, LAY ks HF.NDIHCKSON oaf 2ft 196 r y riVliU'E DOLLAR#per quarter. The school for gentlemen is also open in the evening. F Per line Mastcrsoli liasapplied Honorable the Cburt of Ordinary of Chatham County; for lettej's of gclministratlen oti the estate \ effects onYilliftm Mnstereon 1 ape and Bj’ Person ? wishing to sec tiie subscriber will i i , ,, , , ., e , j .lease call at his dwelling, corner of’Dravton and " U ,V, ston,! ^';Uer deed.,as widow of the said dec. 'state Streets. b JOHN C. LEGE. ***, nov 1 r||2 now nppu t » —his titles are of prior date and record-• An P °- sonsare forexvnrned not to purchase w n'fotc of'SnVan-1 «' n the premises. R. F. nlLLlAMX £ of tiie suid dec. | jnne 17 m—$t138 —, 0 INF. months after dnte, application wijT made to the Inferior court of F.ffinrha^ w r I singular tlic kiiidi cd and creditors of the said dec. . . — . io File their objection?, (if any tliey have) to the | county for leave to sell all the renl properly ting of the administration of the estate of the longing to the estate of the late Rev. Jnn. nei IN CAY Mackcrol Ktrni . Lard' M' nn{in S Ot.tlie administration of the estate of the ■ ,L " 4UclCKLlt.I, XVltHI, LutlCl, ‘5 C l uill deceased to tiK-apidicunt in the Clerk’s Officp A j k BARRELS Boston Rum I of the said Court, on or before tiie second day 25 kogs Butter (fresh) 25 kegs new X,cal'Lard 20 barrels No 1 Mackerel ■ 50 do No 2 do IO0 do . No 3 do 30 half do No 1 do 30 half do No 2 do - 30 half do No 3 • do 500 reams, single, double sj gers Wrap|)ing I'uper " ana Li deceased,* ly iiig Vn said county, for the benefit I thehei,-sand creditors. ^ ^ ^ npri! 10 88 INF..months after date, I shall apply M Fresh- and- swim ing 20 days since of January next; otherwise betters of administra tion will lie granted. "'s™ s; ”• c e c - VF.|»6ix : v: non. me lqienui v,,w v * l* n ». ' fingbam, for leave lo sell nil tiie retd; cl longing to Solomon Gnann, dec. of which nuc to and iron mon- V alujible McJicinu. ANTI-DISPEPT1C PILLS, Prepared htj Henry James. A N approved remedy for. .Dyspepsia, or Indi-' gestion, liahituai Costivcnoss, and Piles. Planters J3ank. N OTICE is hereby given, that after the first day of January next, this Rank will not re ceive for any debts due to it, tlic notes of the Da- It ;s well known m >st frequent and country. Its commcnci ferent potion's by most remarkable are Irregularity of th. bowels, obstinate cosltve- ness, iicadacli, commonly called nervous p*sick- ly hpadaph, yellowness of the eyes and sldiqacidi- tomacli fi' ' ’ ' ' ” ' 1000 rcatris Oft|CjPot atjtl Letter Paper 100 packages Glass, of al] descriptions 30 lioxes Windsor Glass 100 kegsDupontlsand Chelmsford Gunpowder 2 casts Playing Cards 50 bases VVhil'temorcs No 10 Colton Cards lOO ,boxes No 1 Soap 100 do smokpd Herrings nary purpose Kptircs of the Inferior court sitting for ordi- 'mi.*. . fjfv' ’ To all wliom it may concern. corned will take notice. » JOSHUA GNANN,adrafl march 4 62 in au wuom n may concern. I IVtTNE montlis after date ap licntion will 1 Whereas Richard R. Cuyl<r, executor of Wil- to tiie lion, the Inferior Court of limn Siiuw deccused, has petitioned the lion, court j„, m County, when setting for ordinnry pm of ordinary, to be discharged frpui his said .oxc- f or nennissfoV to'sell the following real t* cutorsliip. for the benefit of the heirs and creditors ot ’lliesc are therefore to cite nnd admonish all ostntc of N. S. Baytud, deceased, viz and singular the kindred and crediloi-s of Hie Ont ' - " ■ --- :oafd deceased, to file their objections (if anv they tainin )ne undivided 'fourth of a tract of land Cumberland bl'1 Plum Orchard- 11 ] Trarf of ripn Bank, nor tiie notes of any oilier bank,which drn-s not, on demand, redeem it? paper with spe cie. Notes and acceptances deposited for col lection, until further'notiee, may be paid in niiv of the notes of tiie Bunks of Georgia, it being un derstood that depositors of sn ;ii paper paid in the same notes, tiie amount ol collections made for them. J. MARSHALL, Cashier. no / 4 r.202 - tyof stomach after eating, often called heart burn, , , ■ - v - , — flatulence or wind on tiie si in I.iiier taste fn di.sposed to encourage an attempt to improve the ■sons ns desigri t., attend I he Singing School to lie taaglit oy the subscriber,or, are ! Witness tlic honorable Thomas N. Morel, one of the Justices of the said Court, this 13th day of July, A. D. 1824, S M. BOND, c c o. ‘‘■'v 13 150 Rana’vvay O N tiie 2f>th ult. a yellow tellow (nnmed'i'OM) Iiefpbging to Prince Candy n colored man >3 Article. rvtlHS Medicine lias been prepared by the New J. V ork Chemical Manufacturing Company, , . - —.... *>«,, company, and is said to hc equal to the celebrated article Blade oy the Messrs Henry’s. Many persons in this city who have used this remedy give it a de cided preference over all others. Families are solicited to give ii a trial as it comes much cheap- t'Mhuu Henry’s; being neatly put up in bottles at eintr eucli. and for sale only by I.AY k HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Druggists, 'fh ad’s Buildin S&. gmg to rnnee l arruy a colored man all'll Cooper in tliis place*. Tom L about 5 feet inches high, visibly,pitted in tha face With gun powder, resembling small pox, and about 25 years old. Information iias been lodged tlmt he is har boured on board a fishing smack oITTybee. A jiberal reward will be given for the apprehen sion of Tom, or sufficient testimony to convi ' those in whose employ he may now be. SAM’L STILES, Guardian. nov 30 the mouth in the morning,fuffid breath,drowsiness after dinner, debility, lassitude, emaciation, de pression of spirits, 4-e. Piles being connected with indigestion and cos- liveness, are certainly and speedily removed by Die pills. ,'f.Hi * A supply of (he above valuable Medicine ha? just been received from the Patentee, und cun be •$}*! ' pointed agents LAY k HENDRICKSON, Druggists and Chemists, Shad's Buildings. glee 7 232 present state of Sucre!) Music are informed Inat a subscription book him been lelt ct the Book Store of Messrs S C k .1 Schenk. Should a sufficient number of 'subscribers offer previous toTnursduy 9lh Lieccmbcr, the Scltool will mmetice on (lie ovonlHg of-tliat dny. nov 1-224 L. MASON. st been received trom lie Palentec, and cun lie v: IN.E immll.s after date, application will be .tamed of the subsctibers, who have been ap- l\ nm dc to (he Honorable tile Justices of the intcd agents Inferior Co'urt, for leave to sell the real!estate of U'illian Hotchslrasses, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. J \MF.S MOIIRISON, Ad’,-<. nov 6 200 .Genuine patent Faniily M edicines j EES Pills Clmrciu-s E?s Mustard Aj AuiltTSons do Cliings wor Hoopers do Thompsons lcelli-,piiste James do do eye water Churches cough drops Rogers vegetable Andersons do pulino t-ROCKERY. rjlIIE subscribers continue to file order.? fm -L CHOCKLBYof any description on advan tageous terms. lVrsons Hisliing to order for Spring would do well lo hand in their orders early us the month of January. Bnlsom Honey Audlcrs letmliye Opodeldoclc Squire? elixir Saits Lc’mVniS Can constantly be had n't life 'store of LAY HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Druggists, .‘Shad’s Buildings. rjJIJE Subscriber lias associated himscll with J. John E. Wadsworth, in Die Commission Inisi- in Lozefiges ness, in tliis pluce, which will hereafter be con- ' 1 ' ducted under the linn of BLISS $ | VA Des WO II TH. •' ELIAS BLISS oct 14 k1S9 pulmonic detergent Ilenrlem oil Britisii oil Hcnrys canc’d magnesia Batemans drops, .)-c | Mil-i iindi-rsigned connqitlee will receive pro posals for keeping in repair the city Clock. until tjie first meeting of Council in Januarv next; proposals for the sumo will be left with cither of the undersigned. GEORGE SiliCK J. B. GAUDRY, ’ J. C; HABERSHAM. / ' LORGIA- Uliatlimn county—-By the him. .lie G* Justices, of the Inferior court of Chatham coun- ti/ sUlipg for ordinary jnuposcs. To all whom it may concern. Whereas William Davies a'dminisjrator of Ja* cob I'rmiklin Keal dec. lias petitioned the lion; court of Ordinary to ho diselturged from his suid administration. ThMh arc therefore to cite and ndmoninh nil and singular, the kindred nnd creditors .of the said deceased to file their objections (if nny lliey have,) in the office of the office of the Clerk of the court of ordinary, on or before the 7th day of March next, otiiorwisc letters dismissory will be granted Die petitioner. Witness Die lionoralde Jolin P. AYilliamson, one of tlic Justices of said court tliis 7tli day of September, A. D. 1824. S. M. BOND, ccoe c. sep 9. 165 TVjlNE montiis after date application will be -1.1 made to Die lion. Inferior court of Clialhain comity, for leave to sell all that lot in .Savannah known by the No. 1, Ellis square, Decker ward, with the improvements thereon : and all that lot in Savannah known by tiie No. 23, in Liberty ward, with tho buildings thereon, being the real estate of John Smith, deceased, for the bene fit of the heirs. DEIUCK HERB dm’r. eves, originally granted io .ran. jEpWjJ Josh, and bounded on tho south by Di e s ' 1 Orebard Tract. , .. i] Also, a tract called Lottery HiU s,t,m Vi tfl .®. J Oge'eclieeRoail, 3’miles from Savannah. I ing about 600 acres. N. -I-BAVABR. , \ Adm,r est. N. 11 may 20 .211 -—rj demands T \ T,T, persons having any detnan ,/v the estate of Frunris Jattiwav, 1 are requested to deliver them in propel ) r ed,on or before the first day of Oct nex ^ CQiinlsnot l.rougiit forward liefore flint 'hj- J be refused navment bv tile uni ''gAS’lO-'J lie refused jmymcnt by tiie july 10 LL persons indebted to the estate of 1 der Martin, late of Liberty ^ u "Bjiieiil| ed, arc requested to make iminedia - R. F. BAKER EsT j ' may 10 AV. ll. martin, 6112 _ A LL persons Imving deiunndR ,l ¥!’ in ^ s( .f tale- of the late Hugh M‘C ^ „,|tl,l § make icsteil to hand them in foi'pey 111 ''’"* imlebted to snid estate will diate payment july 13 1>. BRASCIL L)0 montlis niter i^n^CoW senal 1\ 'lion."inlV.rior court of Cliatl^n leave to sell Die real and Lachland Hamilton Mclittoali, deceas benefit of the 1-cire. ^^ A o.^TOSIj' march 0