Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, December 14, 1824, Image 3

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_ tin lPER W I V KVKR A Ttm: gmw ffffi&MBa* ri door to y superior ul 7. r i rents ■Untuck narrow tnouj f-h P Cn 0-4 Cloth very stout ?1 f*lU£ SaUinctls vc / «i .1# Hflprnw* ClOlil . SSSiaVlillo l|ij ri'wksVfld Flannels Caroline Plait .-nPlaids, Boinbnzctts, Cloves, '‘mi „nc llnudkai'cliiets, Stockinet, nn amitnber of other nrticWtoo Icdltfus to mention all equally cheap for cash. /' neclO Lamp Oils. FRESH supply of pure winter, full and turn• Druggists, Shud’s Bullili lire 10 ■ 233 ’—’ Georgia Syrup. tierces best quality—For sale by.. ] 2 dec 1 v OAl) PHY k HERBERT Just Received, Fer ship Globe, from Philadelphia, C\t\ bbls Pennington’s double refined LOAF SUGAR 25“ do single do do 15 •• do Lump Sugar 60 half bbls FLOUR For sale by GAUDRY & HERBERT dec 2 l228 Buy iper ( i The Subscribers \Continucthc Commission Business in Liv erpool, under the Firm of ISAAC, LOW Sf CO. ND will at all times make liberal advances on produce consigned to them for sale, Having ships regularly in the Liverpool trade downing a convenient wharf, on whichthr*- 8 roomy Fire-proof Store*, cotton ,will be dved and forwarded in tbcir oltaL*vessels, lose to their address, free of any commission. Orders for merchandize, will bo executed and mlv a commission charged, when the payment is tijfactorily secured. A general assortment of British wwlr ju*treceived, being bougiit with Monty imd se cried by one of the partners. they will bu furnish daslowas by any ttgttlar Importing House in he United States,' and on a long credit, for pproved paper. ANDREW LOW hi CO wt 26 197 Leather. SIDES rigging and sole LEATHER just received aud for sale by GEO. D. CORNWELL, Exchange Whurf. nov 20 m223 For Sale, A SMALL AUGUSTA BOAT, in good 1 cell calculated fur a wood hoot, aov 'W©<®®.«sra» rHITE r.nd.folourcH PlainSt; W London Du file Bl&nkOts Best Itusslu Hemp Baggi ng English Coal and White La London 1’i.rtCr, in pinto and Crates assorted ('rookery Crates of Glnsswarcwid ('liiua And several oilier bulky Articles, For sale at reduced prices liv nov23 .-i220 ANDREW LOW Its PLAINS WbBt AND BLANKETS S 3 HU SubaftrlJjerg have received by the late ms .. rivals from NeW-York and Liverpool, their Squadron Odom 2S from ( Consistingof the. lolloW’inga 'Sortment, via i 2600 l’ots from | to w gallons illM) American Spiders from 9 tji 13 inches I 50 Sots fiat metal Weights from I on. to | ■1 lbs IIP I omliiii Mill is from I to 6 quarts 13t)0 Camp Ovens from 9 to 18 inches 130 untinued Ten Kettles from 1 to Is F..r v <pl sale l>y ■ u2."l Pi M'DERMOTT. FALL SUP PL X, consisting op , • 6-4 and 9-4 London, Dllfiie Blankets .*6-4 and Lb^Rose, Blankets White, Mlxtnml Blue Plains, very low 6-1* Blue attd Mixl Cloths for servants Fine White Welsh Flannels - Do White, Blue and Red Yorkshire' , Very fine Scarlet Cloths and Cussimcres SUperfitih Cloths, Cpstiimercs and Sattinel * ' BombannenS and- Boinbasfnlls 4-4 and 04 Black, .White and Pink •' ** • Italian Crapes ' , • ' .CarolinePlaids and SaUsbury*Flaii- nels ' ‘ i •' . Linen and Cotton Bed Tidk 4-4 and 84 Counterpanes and Qftilts Fine Printed Coipilerpanes, ,a new article Fut nltnre dad .Garment Dimity * Printed Catnbrick and Furtiituro Chintz Finn Irish Linen and Sheeting' Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs Rich Shaded and Figure d,Silks Barugc and Colored Florence Baruge Scarfs and Handkerchief* . Rich Cashmere Scarfs, Shawls and’ Hand* kerchiefs » . • > Bobinelt Veils and Thread Laces 4-4 aud 64 Plain and Fig. Bobinetts * do do Cninbric.and Jaconelts do do Nainsook and Book Muslin- do do Real India .Taconclts and Mull Muslins Flounce Robes and Inserting Trimming • Rich Ball Dresses and HeRd Ornaments Silk, Cotton and Worsted Hose of nil des criptions, \Vlth sundry other nrtlclcs, too numorotts to men-, tion, all of which will bo sold on the most accom modating terms, by WM. H. ROSE. oct21 cplf>3 Painting, Gliizing, etc! wme a- u Received per simp Delight, A N 1 nvoiiv ufd- I ('amln i"-. . Shirtings, Garment Dimities, Fnnfcy printed clipclv Muslin. - * Fancy chintz printed Jaconet Mtlslin, Marseilles Bod Quilts, r- Cambric Prints, be. Forsidoby J. B. HERBERT & CO. dec 6 231 COFFEE, LANDING FROM BRIG GOV. HOPKINS. BAGS St. Domingo Coffee, which tvillbe | solo iow for cash by s 6 (.*881 S. C, GREENE, ^ 22d Novemdeu, 1824. T HE members of the corps of Georgia Hussars are ordered to-assemble at tllo Court House j in the city of Savannah on TUESDAY, the 28tli day of December next, to elect n Captain to com mand the said corps, in tlm room ot Cupt. Stiles, resigned, and also to fill sftcli other vacunfiles as may hen occur. ■ By order * W. VV. GORDON, Adgt, Sqttad. Cav. 1st Div. G. M. Company Orda s. For Norfolk and Baltimore. The schr. , WATERBORO, R. B. Nye, Master, She 19 an excellent sea Vessel, of n- bout 50 tons Burthen. For freight or da rter, up- to Jcnny nnd Douglass, or to tlm.master on joard, at Jones' upper wharf. Ice m t.235 nov 23 FAVORITE, E. D. Courier, Muster, Will sail mi Moudaynext. Fmfreight tjr passage, apply on board, at Mongin's Avliarf Or io > .. --s' ELI VS FORT, dec 10 a235 New Hum, England r, &.c. , S PlPES feoghnc Brandy 4 hhdsand 8 bbls. N. E. Rum 4 do prime St. Croix Sugar 8 casks Cheese 2 bags. Popper 2 db Pimento 1 chest Hyson Tra ' v Georgia, Norlhci n and Sperm Candles, dif- |r ferent sizes No. 1,2 ntnj3 Soap White and fancy do ' ■A' 1 , '' ALSO, '% Cordage, Bale Rope, Russia Diapers and y Sheetings Ravens Duck; Nalls, Wrnppiiin; Paper Playing Cards, Liquor cases, fee. «ic. For side by ' . L. B ALD W t N $■ CO. doc 6 231 . DISSOLUTION rpIIE Partnership herntofordcxistin T HE Subscriber continues to carrv on the PAl/ram, QLAZJtfO and GIL DWG business in nil its differcut branches, at his eld stand corner of Broughton and Bull-streets. Ho keeps constantly on hand a general assort ment of ' - y GLASS of all sixes. ' All kinds of PAINT OILS, A c. A. BAIN, nov 18 16 Petersen, Hammond Co. e^plresby it* own lira- Itatioa on 1st January, 1825, N. M PETERSEN, OGDEN HAMMOND, FRED. JAHNCKK, By his Attorney Onno HAmmosd. All demands against the firm must be rendered, | and all outslandii|gV)uymeiits made to the s'ttbscri- ber who is fully uutltoriseil to settle the same, deed 231 . OGDEN HAMMOND. White Lead. r JST landing from ship Emily, froltt Liverpool. a largo qunntity of WHITE LEAD, of tho first quality, In 100 lbs. 50 lbs. and quarter kegs, for sale by - A. BAIN, Corner of Broughton fy Bull-streets. nov.18 16 order now em bved ns such; Inirtlun from 25 to 30 cord*. Fnrtcrins apply to ; K. TYNER, at Mestrt Philhrickfy Scranton'*. nov 26 m223 ns, at- rURNACUL AR Soap, Rose do. Palm do. 1 Ruudaua do. Colon do. Almon do. Vegltnble “ Myrth “ Musk 11 Low’s Orientul do. Violet “ Transparent “ Windsor “ Wash Balls “ 8avonnette “ Hair Powder, Pomulum, Comb*, Hair Biuslies, Cloath Brushes, Teeth “ Razors, Strops of Pomeroys hi Ben jamin, Mogers Pen Knives, Ladles Pencil Cases. Lead Pencils, Stc. ’ er sale by Dr, D E L A ROCHE, nov 26 223 ■ fT- White Lead, Putty and Glass. 1 (IP kegs White Lead -2L 600- lbs Putty An assortment of GLASS. For sale by A. DF. LAROCHE, . Opposite the Exchange. nov 18 16 BBLS. prime Pork, spcction Bills on N. York and Exchange on England. ^PPLY to dec I m227 WATCH MAKER. From Roslcelfs Factory, Liverpool, RESPECTFULLY Informs the citizens of Sa- BI.S Baltimore superfine Flour mil 2000 bushels Maryland White Corn For sale by nov 30 ... .1 vann that lie can repair Chronometers, “* mifude, Repeating, Musical, Duplex, Patent, ™ r oriso» a{,and all kmdsof CLOCKS und WATCH- S, with the utmost dispntch. O* His Shop is next door south of Justice Rtts- H, Bull-street, nov 25 222 Dissolution. y |4HK Co-partnership of Wtlman fy- Bryan is this ?y FACTORAGE. 1HEsubscriber tenders his thanks to hlsfriends . and the public for the liberal encourage peat be has received in the [FACTORAGE and COMMISSION ,, BUSINESS, r.i tt ’biT tllfttl >y 8 "trlc.t attention to the interest l the Planter, he will merit a continuance oftheir ptronage. For sale. Grundy’s white Plains Prime 42 inch Cotton Bagging - ELIAS FORT, . , Commerce Row. loot 5 185 1.4000 CABANA SEGARS,justreceiv :E, ivliarf- i nov 24 ed and for sale by J. B. HERBERT h CO. 221 roner| mil English Rose Watt r. • SUPPLY ot a very superior quality, just reed Lper Wm. Wallace, and f >r sale by DAY hi HENDRICKSON, ., Shad’s BuildinTs. I dec 10 235 ill , or lo niton. iondon Mustard, TARRANTEl) Genuine, reed, rier ship Wm Wallace; and for salc by LAY hi HENDRICKSON. , ' Shad’s Buildings, dec 10 235 ileiCti; 1 h, or to station. c cor<!' ) U Swaims Panacea, I “3T received and for sale by f crfil, I 4V C. T_1 Y,'lvTrvT>l^ old i'l 1.0 W rfcCo - ov Notice. IRBY. jEHSONS who purchased Stalls in the Mar*, in. .l on ^4 ^d Inst, and have not complied th the terms of sale, are hereby intormed that if 7 do n °t Ch i| and do so before Monday, the rder, a J a * len o’clock A. M. the Stall will be of- ,r at W ’ Cl1 ‘or sale and the former purchaser held liu* dec 10 235 F. M. STONE, Marshal. awMi’nissr® 1 TILL be given to a steady, active man, who , W 'U undertake to distribute the Savannah rlk lcan to its subscribe rs, in the Western part N f '£‘own. Apply to the Editor. ^ LAY fc HENDRICKSON, old jd’j v5t_ • | Druggists, Shads building*. [M supply of lee's genuine bilious '^9, juit received from the Patentee. dec q Spanish Segars. 50 Sfao j Spanish Segars, .Lie* .. 1 • . , > . •’'ist received per Globe and forsalcby < ® c » 230 ' J.B’, HERBERT &( HERBERTS CO/ THE CO-PARTNERSHiP, W HICH existed In Glasgow, under tlie firm of 'Thomas Ijmcrtstef (,• Co. and irt (Ills' place under that at John II. lUid fy Co. was dissolved on the 31st of August last.' ■’ THOS. LANCASTER, Per Attorney, J. H. Reid, JOHN H.RF.ID. The subscriber will contlnu? ‘the . business on his own account, and attend to the settlement of the nflairs of the late firm, nov 20 m213 JOHN II. RJED. we. Prime Pork and Mackerel. New York City In 30 Half Bbls. No. 1 Mackerel 30 •• « No. 2 For sale by nov 15 r213 L. PETTY. A. L. MOLYNEUX. Flour and Corn. 220 HALL & HOYT. day dissolved by mutual consent. f. h welman; nov 30 »i226 AT.LX’R BRYAN- Notice. rriHE Copartnership of Nicholas 4'Neff is^is- S. solved by mutual consent—Willmpi Nfetf js authorised to settle the ufi'uirs of the concern 4 SAMUEL NICHOLE WILLIAM nEfV„ : deep 234 ... . ; 20 Crocked Crates low priced assorted’ Landing this dav, and J. B. *" dec. . Cotton Lost'. CtUPPOSBD' to’ he taken from tye Steam Boat Yard by mistake on or about 'the ?0th Nov- last, three bales Cotton, viz:—2 bales marked- Smith No. It). 298 lbs. No. 14, 296 lbs. an • 1 bale H No. 45. 304,lbs. Whoever maybe in posses sion ofthc whole, or a part is requested to give no tice at the Steam Boat Office. Masters of vessels are cautioned.iigninst receiving the above .cotton on board their vessito. »c8 si233 JOHN DAV1DSQN, Agent. Lumber, Factorage and com mission JBtcsiness. 1 I-IE Subscriber continues,the Lumber, Factor age end Commission IluSinessy at his old stand near the Union Ferry Wharf, and temlerphis lifs friends and the public. ‘ lie will also attend to the RF.-PACK1NG atid COM P UESS1NU of COTTON,his cotton press be ing in complete order.-. - \. Oct 30 ,20i JNO. EVERINGHAM Planters Bank. . 1UE Dir etors linving declareila Dividend J- two and ii half pcrceutforthe last six months. V same will he paid on^and after Thursday next, dec 7 M232 J, MARSHALL, Cashier. For Sale, A BOUT ten thousand feet White Oak Plank from two to four inches thick. ALSO, '■ A quantity of Pine JFood, at reduced prices, deo 8 232 D. At STROBHAR. Wanted to Hire. jgood Axihert',bjttlie month or year— Apply to W, Bird, or D. A Strobhar, Cump Jack, or to IL,A. BIRD, . f ,• Wayne’s Wharf, dec 7 233 Notice. rpIIE Subscriber as administrator of the late A W. D. Cooper, of South Carolina, has in his hands assets for distribution among his creditors of whom the late firm of Way and VVhitc, were the . principal. That firm having assigned all their debts to their creditors, they are requested to call nt Mr. Jno. Y. White’s Bourding House on Fri day, the 10th day of December next, at 11 o’clock, A. M. to receive proportions to which they may be severally entitled. . ... JOHN H. MON GIN. .■ nov 17 cr2ld An election is hereby order ed to be held nt the Labora tory on FRIDAY the 17th December for a First Lieutenant of the Chatham Artillery, and also to fill nil vacancies which may occur. The Members ofthc. Corps will appear on their parade ground in full unlfurni on tne day <>{ election at 3 o’clock, P. M. for tbe purpose of giving their votes. PETER BL01S, Capt. Chatham Artillery, dec 11 23(5 lilnthiiclty , between tho .subscribers under the firm of) Company Orders. An Election is hereby or dered to ho held in Reynolds * Square, on FRIDAY, the Q4th ins.ant,'for a First aud Second Lieutenant and Eu sign of the 4thBcat Compa ny- The Poll will ho opened ot 11 o’clbck, A. M. A. BAIN, Capt. dec 0 4tli Bent Co. C. M. Company Orders. An Election is hereby or dered to be held in Market Square on SATURDAY, the (8th Dcc. inst. for a Second Lieutenant, and Ensign of the 2d Bent Company. The Polls tyill ho opened nt 11 o’clock, a. M. LOUtS GIRODON, Capt. 2d Beat Co. G. M R ICE will be prepared for Market nfithe above mill till the 1st of May next, at the following | rates.— v ' 9 P w cent, the bwnertaking all theoffnll. 7 per cent, the owner taking half. 6 per cent, the mill taking all the offnll'. The custumary charges forjceight and cooper-1 ;c hie. us formerly. Apply to Wit.uam Ku.r.v- j ngc thick attha Mill or to doc. 6 rt-fipgBI JACOB READ. Battalion Oi’Hdrs. The Company? composing the 60th Battalion arc hereby ordered to appear on the Regimen' tal Parade Ground on THURSDAY, 30th Dcc.inst. at Ten o’clock A. M. nvmcd and equiped according to law for drill By order of Isa ac D’Lvon, - ’ Lt. Cnl.tWtliBattalion, G.M. M. \t. STEWART, Ad ft. Ul Rcg’t. G. M, dec 10 235. T CLIFTON MILL. 1H.E subscriber’s Mill being in complete order, . .will beat rice on as moderate terms as any a- llier on the tiver; and every accommodation af forded persons, who.send their crops to it. Tiie lollowing arc the present fixed rates: 9 per ct the owner taking all the olfitl 7 . “ “ half “ “ 6,. * « tbe Mill “ all “ « Apply to Mri Oliver Dudley at the Mill, or to JOHN P. WILLIAMSON, dec 8 tr—i.i’233 .■ . TgE mm i.SS FoP Baltimore. 1 The schr. ) R V A X, Davie, Master, m Will have imuirdiate despatpll >ight,.i . mage apply toCapt. D. on hoard at ilBIt's wuarf or to HALL St HOYT, nov SO 226 For Ry Calvin Bpkor, ON THUDS DAY, 1,6th Inst: at 11 o’clyc^ In front of his Auction store, A general assortment of GROCERIES. ALSO, At half past 11 o'cloe/c. At his Auction SJjire, A general assortment of fit.' i and A\ mcrican H DRY tfO O i) S, * dec 8 233 Bfi j’or St. Simons and Turtle River. ^ The regular packet sloop A©iN.IE>UM^ MR. PHILLIPS, Of Rockville Academy, South Carotina, T T AVI NG arrived in this city, for the purpose JUL ofcstablishine a SciiudL for Youtiiof jiuth sexes, he respectfully solicit* the patronage ofthc public. The testimonials of his ability, attention, and kindness to the pupils that.bavc keen placed under his tuition, and their rapid progress 1h the several branches of their education, nt tho examinations, particularly In , the English Grnminer, from the manner of hi* fcnching it, will, he earnestly hopes, ensure to him a port ion of patronage; . Terms of TuilBin in tho, following branches of education, $50 per Annum ' English Grammar, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography, Astronomy, History, ' Rhetoric and Composition, Na tural and Moral Philosophy, and the Belle Lcttres, French andLatin, if required, at an additional charge. Miss Pmtjtips m n ^-fist in the tuition of the youfig ladies entrusted to* his care. Should Mr. PiULLirs be so fdrtunate as to tnect with a sufficient support, H is his Intention to open school on thedhird of January, and further will tnbhsha Boarjlini School, qpon the same terms as those of his academy at Rockville, and masters to instruct in accomplishments requisite, will be provided. - ... Any lady or gentleman wlshiftg to honor him with their patronage, will nave tu c kindness to send their cards to his present pluce of Residence at Capt. Douvillo's Johnstbn’s-Squurc, and he Wil immediately wait upoii them, dee 9 *m234 •' . 1 .'AiLt,- 1 1 o‘c.1 iV r and- , and ON THURSDAY, next 16th liv In front of his Auction > ONE MULATTO WOMAN about 35 years of age, a good Conk, Was 1 Ironcr,—also, her child about rf veers of u) ONE BLACK GIRL, about 15 years old a good House Servant. Being part of the personal estgto of MiSs Amt Morgan, deed. Sold by order of the executrix, dec 9 234 H I X By .F. B. iierHcrt ON AVHDNF.SDAY, 15th Inst, nt 11 Will he *old bofore.ottr gftirc A Gefmral assortment of GROCERIES, .y, dec 13 237 Ten cs> lis (je.-lf. On THURSDAY 16th Inst.’ will be sold ,t To, store of Dnlianiel Auze, ontlm ; 1U> 20 boxes white Hnv.Sugur ofdSepm ior qua; 4 “ Brown “ “ dec 14 Terms at time of ole. 1 ' to. By J. B. Herbert S?'Co. Outlie Firtl Tueiday in January next; noli before the Court IIoU*e, in this city, air, the usual hours of ,10 anti - o'clock, the following propt.n/, Iflmjr the PERSONAL LIST A IF. of Wm. Craig, dec. viz.— One Share Stcam-Bodt Stock, NEGROES, M tSancho, Fortune, Jack, and Sylvia. Sold to, mission ofthc Hon, the Inferior Court anti bo of the Executor. ' Terms Cu nov 17 216 Four T HE Sfibscriber return* his sincere thanks to hisfrictids and the public for past' favours', nnd informs theai that he has removed his Shop to Col. Shad’s Buildings, next door to Lav & I fen- drickson’s Druggist, where every thin:: in his li will he made in the most fashionable style and very reasonable prices. Also, military unifor of every descript ion. JOHN M. COOPER dec 3 r)22!> • W ILL lie Sold at the Round oti Wediir-dtiy nest, the 16th Inst, at ten o’oioek'. A.'Jf. the fobowing cattle, if their owners do not laluy! m away before that day. One black aud AyMte Cow, marked In due ear with a silt, the other has no mark. ’ One, white Cow with a calf,.the Cuu 1} mmkctl in each car with nil under bit. £ One dark frosty Cow, marked in mm *■■■-. wi'.li > prop cud under bit, in thu other \vhk i.v r .part cut off. T. M..STONE, Marshal. • dec 11 239 ^ H ALL & IIOYT, 50 AVGUSTA, Georgia, I S open under the .siiporiutendnnce of Mr. COS- BEY DICKINSON and Mr. J. P. DENNEY, late of Savannah. The House has undergone repairs ; the rooms arc spacious and; are refurnished. Persons can accommodated with single rooms, nnd every cx- Carpcfciers Wanted. JR nfflHREEor four good Carpenters or Mill Wights ertion will beknade tp render them comfortalile fi - WMI Cn,I ..innLunw.nt l.v nnnlvirtc at tho 1 .SAAlUtL HALE. Pronrictor. nov30 t.126 c231 Counting flic 6 *v Poor House and Hospital. Office of the Marine and Fire In-1 Tliis’ well known xnranrp Efimnaiiv. ns to ncetl no description, will Siuanco 4>QmpaDy. IS he offered, at public sal r with the out- iu it SAVANNAH,.get.. gd, 162 . . I buildii.^. and every thing Belonging Nalipurned meeting.of the Stockholder^t of fo „ nt the ebuft House on the first Tnesday ia 4t.tutmn Will take nlacc at its Office I ja BMar y- ncitf jf not previou-ly disposed of at iviitesttlo. Applications in the iiiean time may institution will take place at its Office )NE.iDAY the 12th, day of January next, Clarke Sc Brown, Is this day dissolved by ’ mutual consent. All ■persons indebted to said firm arc urgently solicit ed to call on S. Clarke, and pay the .demands a- gaiust them; and all those having demands against said firm will please call on him.' for payment.— He being duly authorised to settle thp business of said firm. 1 S. CLARKE, GEO. S. BROWN, St. Marys, let Aba. 1824, nov 11 210 ,rr,, ,, pnvate sate. Applications in me mean time may i r . , u . at which all pertonsmiterosti^d me di 5 uod to - j )£ , mQ( j c t(J either oftlie undersigned Committees. 1 Ciockery ,«a tcnd,pitherpersonallyorbyaUorney— as matteis G. W. OWENS, ) Com. oftlie mZfl rn of.importance, in rejj^on to thetulme operations FRANCIS SORREL. \ Planters Bank. E - * C0 ot the Company, will then be discussed and de- BORMAN WALLACE, ) Com. of Marine elded, persons representing stock, should be in- F jj wiiLMAN. ' vested with full poy'erto vote on all ouestions I ■- -- ’ that may ai’ise, touching the progress of the insti- tution. GEO. SCHLEY, President, dec’8 229 F. II. WFLMAN. deofl *2,18 -tie- ■ • •——- . Fire Ins. Co. Plantation and Negroes for sale. The Plantptiou belonsin? to the estate of the late Fleming Akin, situated on.tlie little Ogeechee, known by the name of Mcidhdll. con taining 1100 acres—ii largo proportion of Which is first quality Rice and Cotton land, With eonvenioht Dwelling, Ne- Ftt ffr° and gjn Houses—stableh, Sgfit corn and cotton bouses in complete order. Together with n gang of twen ty prime field hands—for sale upon veiy liberal terms. Application to bo made to Mr. James Brown on the place , geo. w. McAllister, Strathy Hall, Bryan countv, or C.W. ROCKWELL &. Co. Savannah. nov 18 $16 Office of the Marine and Fire In surance Company. SAVANNAH. Dec. 2d, l! 1824. P ERSONS holding Bills of this Company m o requested lo present them for payment forth with, U9 it is desirable that they should all be re. deemed as early as niay be convenient. GEO. SCHLEY, President. dec3 229. Notice. mo enable the assignees of Mr. Wir.r.i.uiTuR- f seb, to make at an early period a final dh'i- dend; it is requested that all claims against him, ho presented to their agent Mr. Thomas G. Mit- EER,by the FIRST DAY OF JANUARY NEXT, otherwise they will he debared; It is hoped that those indebted will sec the necessity of making an immediate settlement; - ■ JAMES M*HENRY, GEORGE RELPH, JOHN H. REID, Assignees of VV. Turner, nov 8 ( 208 . „ The Subscriber has taken the nxn. HOUSE in the Villagd of Rice- | )( jj'o', recently eccupied by Mr. Kempton, arid intends keeping ft pub' lie house, for the accommodation of TRAVELLERS and BOARDERS. . WOOD, :;|£ . TNORsale on Goodwins wharf; at the lowest I Those who may favor him with a call are assured JJ rates and of the best quality on application j that eVcry attention will be paid to their comiort td Wm. A. Moore Who solicits from his friends and Hlu ] convenience, His table will be supplled with former customers and the public in general a shafe tlie best the country affords ; Ins Bar with choice of patronage. liquors and’his‘Stable with the best provender, tr227 HIE subscribe!- infprojs his friends and the Tinhabitrats of Savannah generally .tliat he tvill give instructions on the PIANO FORTE.—Those who foci disposed to encourage him will please make application at the house of Mr. Philip Buascii, Corner of Broughton and Drayton-Slrccls. or at the Furniture Store of Mr I. W. Morball, Whillaker-Street. liquors and hjs Stable with the best prover andanattchtivo Ostier—the rates moderate. DAVID STETSON octSO 201 TO BE LET. The STORE corner of Bay and Drayton-Strccts, now occu pied by J. P. Setze. Possession may —- . be had on tho 16th of this m:nth; For The subscriber tenders his thanks to the citizens 1 ;■ ti ip r particulars, apply to Peter Dupon. of Savannah for the support he has hitherto re- | PETER EVEN, oct 19 1|191 -. . .. . ; tlPPBR FOR SAM:, HHDS. prime aud 2d quality St Croix Sugar . 1 60 bbls 11 “ “ Sugar 70 bags prime green Coffee 3Q crate* blue and green edged Plates ^ 10 tons Iron assorted •- ' 6 pipes Cognac Brandy 5 “ UollandGin 8 hluls Jnm, Riim . halfpipc9,qr casks,and j qrcnsks’Wine 30 bbls Loaf Sugar, 30 coils Bale Rope 200 Grindstones' 20Q0 bushels Maryland Corn 800 “ Long Island White, equal to Gear gia Fliift Corn nov 22 219 Notice. T HE co-partnership heretofore existing under under the firm of Notice A LL those who urc Indebted to Ilcctor Mac Donald late of Savannah, in Notes, Due Bills, nnd open Accbmpts, are requested to Inake immediate payment to AND’W SMITH, nov 6 tiJJ26 Assignee. ■ * Essences^ tyc, m SSF.NCE of Cinhnmon, Peppermint, Anm seed, Cloves, Lavender, Fennbl imd Sassu- fras 50 'dozen. Cologne Water For rale by * J .. Dr. A. DELAROCIIE, Druggist, On the Bay 'opposite the Exchange, dec 1 227 NiierilT’s sulcs—CDiititni^i t. ^ On the first Tuesday in January . ext/. I VY riLL be sold at the courthouse, hi SavnanqKj X % be'.'. P.':i l 1 -'- us'l.i! Icui's '>i -1 <■. The following negros , Delilii, and iier ;; cliiidrcn, Lucinda, Alary and Anthony, luvi :<l cat_ .stlio property of Elenzur Early, to satis,y • ii «xt- irutioii in«.i* of I he Bank ui tin- United States^. A negro man immed.Joy, levied or, as the pro- ■ ivly oi Joseph <H.ilirr intin. ii.i ! 1 a !i 1:1 •>.: t. .Vf .1 >«ure in lavor of I ‘a\ i • ic Bi ri i.-:i. Hie following Seven Negroes, viz: Tqha. C - le" Jacob, Sinali, Adam, Daphne and John, levied on asthc properly ofK'izabcth Whiling,to satjsfy att execution in favor oCVVillis R. ITaulclin, ngaiusi Augustus F. Darker, and Elizabeth Whltfftir The southern half of lot No. 32, Ejbcrt U'urd; sotttUtrn half of lotNo. 37, Libert , w ard:-Bold us the property of tlic late Williani " haw, d/i.c'd,- P**.ler a decree oftlie lion, Superior Court of u.t- nam County. Conditions, a credit of, buy and two years—the purchaser giving Komi and mort gage on the property. L D’LY f*A, s. c, e. l dec 11 236 •I Clerks (.fiuct.’, ; - •. • DKpMDr.u it. TYTOTlCr—On 'i inusday npxl an eleelioTt for . i Health OClear and */Imlior Mas!. <•- io City of Savannah, wlll take jilacn, apnltv*Ats-v. ill band in their applications to the Clerk, on or lie? •>re Uiatdfty. ‘ ‘ : ‘'' -.’2■:'&*! SOLOMON COI1EN;-cv C. pro l...n. dec tO , . ?35 ' , \ , . .vi C -oqt v—py Lit' Inferior Court. s"* EORGiA. uliatitait L)T the JusGces of lii for or.lin.ii v'pns «, To pJl whom it may concern. Wiiercns, John Dillon administrator mtjhd Dillon, late of t.'liatliam county dee titioned the lion, court 01 brdininy,to iie e ed ilia -fd admi-i-trati n. Now, these ure'therefore to cite and ish all and ‘Jugular the kindred and erd the saiii deceuseii. life lilt their objec'tiii. tliev have.) to the granting of letter., di: to (lie petitioner in the glerk’s office,' pi court, ci. orTieforethe lltli dayof Deecm i>ilSuiiiS).,otliefwlse .letters disiuis-ory igrant' . .the netitioner) Witness the lion' John Cummin., oiie Justices of tile su'd court, .this lltli day o A. fi. 1824. F ~ . - S. M. BOND, juno 12/ 136 ■* id:"! A- l’ e - dmou* ii I - Of : any • s.n-y -aid ernext •ill lie if (iie June, This subscriber, H AS received by late arrivals, a complete and general assortment of IRON,. ofalmost every description, ns also n fresh supply of SHIP CHANDLERY, which will be disposed of on the most acuommo- datiug terms, INSTORE, Tesh sqperfine FLOUR, und a few' thousand bushels Virginia CORN, of ah excellent quality. The subscriber intends keeping s constant sup ply of these articles. Wftl, TAYLOR, nov 17 n215 Some time in tlic curly of last week a B E A V Id Hi! A f, Ivoui a Negro Boy/the ‘ 1 i'-r b> prov ing property and pwfflg i r i 1 - ad- vertlsetiieut, nmy take possession of the feiuic.—■ Applv at this office. dec 8'*. m2S3- ' ‘ Assize of Bread. ■ * T HE average price of Flour, being §56 1-2 per barrel 196 lbs weight j the weight of Bread for the present month must he l2i cts, loaf 2 Hi-. 13 oz. flj “ •< 1 lb. 64 oz. Of which all Bakers and sellers of bread wdll take due notice. M. W. STEWART, dec 9 234 dm City Treasurer. N otico. A N Election willbo held atthe Court House in (lie City 'of Savannah, on SATURDAY, the fifSt imy of Janmuy next Cur two Justice: - ir Dr. A. De Laroche, AS on hand " . . ' Syrup of Clnininc , “ Sudorific • “ 'Sitdorilio'(dildi: cuitinier) .“ of Jiemon of Althea j Robanti Syphilitic ** Together with h genemd assortment of • Drugs and McMcinfiS, which lie offers-for - dr on the most r •.i-u-iabl.s terms at his store bf^Osite (lie Exchange, dec 1 227 Genuine Seidlite P/fi&d.r-vs. FRESH supply received" par ship Corsair, , 1 p.ev,Box.hy . • LAYfe IJENDIUCKSON, ; A. aud for sale at §.J p^ox’by nov 23 220 oap 1 Cliehi’islsand Uruggi.t“, Shad's. r : uildivcp Market sqiiare'. • ceived, mid hopes, that from his knowledge, and | experience in his profession, and the attention he pledges himself to pay to those who may be plac ed under his instructions, he will receive a liberal | share of public patronage. Terms $25'per quarter. PIANO FORTES tuned, at the shortest notice. ' noy id tffj'l HENRY L. BRASCII- sept 23 To Rent. The three story brick build ing on the Bay, lately occupied by JamksDickson 4- Co ns a Whole sale Dru Good Store, ‘Apply to C, W. r.0CKWW*frCO. 18* of the' Peace for the Third Company Beat. I’ollswill be opt ncd pvecisely at 10 o'clock. Three Freehold ers arc competent lo preside. JAMES MORRISON,"I FRED’KDENSLER, x P. BRASCII, T; N. MOREL, G.W. ANDERSON, JAMES M'HENRY. N. B. Qualification of voters the same as for Members of the Legislature—to ho a ressdent of theBcat. des> 4^ Fhiladdpltia Superfine T ntr-. 150 20 kegs Virginia chewing 1 OR At ', 0 Forsalcby PONCE & -MACK ENZtEi dec 1 . 1.H227 , Fresh Prunes. W /x boxes fresh Prunes—just rCceivi fkl I Francis—-for sale by GAUDRY & HERBERT. ad pr b: dec 4 230 „ JPCharles W.Tebeau, are request them, and those indebted to mul payment to the Subscriber ii, of I to present imipeqinta i a^i ill® - C SfS aid estate to be left with Sche.nk. f.E.THBEAU, Adnjr oct 7