Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, December 15, 1824, Image 1

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ML . m ' • apjfp-n n f ^ r; pf WHARFAGE, S TO 111 e, diiay- ./)(, i: ;M weighixg, ix SMi '.ixx.iri, Eiiakii##?^) Jan. 1834, aiul nojv in dfieMtttm. WIIARrAOE. Concents. 70 4 cents. 6 4 15 30 •30 l*i , 20 30 10 cents. 15 2 St Hoc will :utor IIS MIW ICC3S :|X. llioao lime 's. ) the for iy of ,r the o’S' flib undor 100'tons, pm- day. Oo over tin- *0 nkrfage on landing and Shipping Country Pro- po-each barroi or hall'do nice hale Colton - package ol Iinligo - . Iioeshead ot tobacco 1000 fpet of Lumber loot! staves' |()00 shingles 1000 reeds joofectoflive oak.cedarnndotbrr heavy wood, sold by the solid It. 3<i 100 bushels of corn, and groin of all kind, in bulk . * * 2 ;> 100 bushels lime in bulk 30 cord of wood • * 26 cedar, liglitwobdor oilier posts, per 100 logs - < . 61 Wharfage on Landing and Shipping Goods. Miclior of ii small size, each "* to 600 llis. and upwards do 1200 do - - Anvils - - * , jjaet of coffee, pimento, sugar, and all other lings of sucli size, (grain «■> ccptcd) each of grain und salt * Barrel;*/)!' wilted pr visions naval stores, bread) npples, cider,nnd Mil kinds of burrcls except dry goods and o?wincs, and rill kinds of liquor (cider excepted) dry goods in casks exceeding 20 gallons,-and not over 63 gallons do. wines or liquors and dry goods in casks Under 20 gallons poxes of dry gbbds,and alt kinds of boxes under 4 fuel Square ilo. do do over 4 foot square do. soap, candles, chocolate, cordials, oil, nnd boxes of IJke size A • do. sugar, each lodes ot corn, per lt>00 .ales, the sumo as boxes, lolls of osuaburgs. Russia duck, begging rvves, eiicll, Butts of liquor or any kind of casks, ex ceeding 130 gallons Bottles, loose, per gross Butter pots, each Bundles of pans, spades, &c. each torn, per lOObushcls "ables not exceeding GOO lbs. each exceeding 600 lbs. not exceeding 1200 lbS. exceeding 1200 lbs. • ordnge of all xinds, per coll amp ovens with covers, and fire dogs per pair 'rules of earthenware • heese, per 100 lbs. • - 3 do per cusk * - 4 'mirs, of 2 wheels - 37 irts, of two wheels - - 23 irringes, of four wheels - $1 00 hairs, windsui undnll sitting chairs, per dozen - - 12 per ton - 12 Mimns under 600 ibs. - 25 do. over 600, not over 1200 lbs ,.60 do. over 12(H) lbs. - $100 ambouscs ... 25 asks, empty - • . 2 'Mile, each 26 kmijohns, each - * * lesks und chests of drawers * 10 'ire Wood, per cord • * 26 ish, per quintal - - 2 : ra'm of all descriptions (except in"bngs) per 100 bushels - - 25 unpowder, in bids, of 100 lbs. each 12J do. in hull bbis. - 6 1 do. iu kegs of 28 llis. or under 3 lass, window, per 100 feet, in propor tion for smaller - 4 Ihds. exceeding 130 gallons of liquor or any kind of merchandize 15 do. exceeding 63 and not exceeding 130 gallons • 8 earth tile, per 1000 - 25 emp, per ton - - 6" ides, raw or tanned, per 100 - 50 iay, loose,.per 100 ibs. - * 25 da. in bundles, cucli - • 0 helpers of Merchandize, eocli . - 0 do. of Potatoes, eucli • 2 ogn,euch - - • ,6 irs or Jugs, each per dozen - 6 on. per ton - - 25 ‘gs of /mint, butter, lard, biscuit, and such size krigs 1 lo. shot and lead over 50 lbs. not over 500 lbs - . 6 !o. liquors of a smaller size than 20 gallons . - . ° be, per 100 bushels io. per barrel iths for plastering per 1000 ules, each ions, per 100 bushels do. in ropes, per 100 ropes its, iron, each ue Apples, per 100 >tatoes per 100 bushel pas of gin, brandy, and all kinds of li quor, exceeding 63 gallons do. exceeding 130 gallons larter casks pf ivitie und other liquor, [cider excepted) and dry goods in casks exceeding 20 gallons not ex ceeding 63 gallons . ' * dsins in jars - , •' * at per 100 bushfelri ; . • ‘diets each - - °neiq quern and grind, & do Bermuda, per 100 - h ii dfflt pef pair' paltftst, and other stones, per ton ‘ Is under 200 gal Ions each do over 200 do ttces . . ' ^ SO 4 10 25 25 1 -2i 25 8 15 brandy,.'puncheon of rum, and nit kinds Ot'liquor III casksexcceding63,> mul not exceeding 13(> gallons ’- 20' Iron pciMon, first and last week GtMents, intervening Weeks ' - -. }. 23 Every plhcr article name da its wharfage, WUIGIIINP, Onpti bbl. of half bb. rice • 6 Mlitl. of, tobacco or sugar - 1 15 Package of indigo - - -8 Hale Of cotton - • * 6 -lacli draft of light goods, under 10(1 lbs. 6.1 do - do do over 100 lbs. 124 do do' 1 heavy goods under 200- 6,j ■•do over oil cents, m ■ icles not Weight' Under 1500 Ills nnd not less than i(iO do 1000 do do do 600 26 ‘Horn 1000 feet of Lumber $1 60 db "lotto BriPks • . 1 50 djb cord of wood • • 1 60 For every bale of cotton - » 8 do ,l»bl. ofRioe - - 18$ do hlid of Tobacco - • 374 do bbl of Flour - - Oj And every other article in the same proportion; for liaulingHlown the Blurt", or from one wharf to another exceeding 1500 Ibs - 37A cts. Under 1600 and not less than 100 lbs * 25 For ennh bale of cotton do bbl Rifle- do hhd Tobacco do bbl Flour And even/ other article in the same proportion H ee p each 2?5ISBf m ll kinds (rice excepted) over . ' '.'-'r63 gallons - " , 6; gallons ,, --d all kindsj under 4 feet square 4 ,? do over 4 squares - - 6 8 oi; Cnslcs exceeding 130 gallons 11- “or or other.kibds of merchandize 15', 1°, 1 brnsilletto, lignum vjtfc; and all fyc woods, pgr ton ,. - - 25 , "’'uei- miir .. . , 8 • - wheels, (4 wheels) - 60 <n proportion to the foregoing rates, "n article is not to befoun{l under its name', ,ff Package in which it is usually contained. , m.t lying an a wharf more than two nights, to peel lo a week's storage unless lapded on Sat- Jn° r an }> °^ ,CT evening immediately■ preceding such cases to be removed on the second 5* lln h thereafter, or be subject, to* storage as ■ ' STOUACii:. ^ttnn, pp.r weelc, 8 cents for the •• i ami | a st week und for each inter- Seek - . 6 ccnt9. per.week - - - 6 mcen pep week - - 20 B |‘ C!l5 *‘ 'ontaining moro than 30gnl- 25 molasses, Pipe of gin, do do - 200 |>er 100 lbs 3 DltAYAOE. Fqr hauling up. the Bluff to any part.ofth'd chy, articles not herein enumerated, tor 1500 pouqds 124 314 01 In Admiral //• UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ) DISTRICT OP GEORGIA, f John IV. tong ) vs. > Monition. . Slit]) Albion ami cargo. ) To the Marshal of said District— greeting : G130: GLEN, Clerk. W HEREAS John IV. Long assignee,of the un derwriters at Lloyds in London, in the Kingdom of Great Britain, tlio supposed insurers of tile Ship Albion and cargo, hns exhibited-ids libel or complaint, in the District Court of the U nited States, for the District of Georgia; stating, alleging and propounding, that the British Ship Albion, laden with Mahogany, Logwood, and di vers other articles, was, on tbc morning of tile lbtii September last, by the force of the wind and waves driven on the beach of Saint Catherines Island, in the District aforesaid, and there aban doned by herernw ; nnd that much of the cargo has floated out of the said Ship, some partof which has been taken by George H. Johnston, Patrick Houston and George M. VValdburg, and by diveyw other persons, to n place of greater safety, and that part thcr’ef still lies on the beach of said Island; below high water mark exposed to the sen That, the Agent ttt the underwriters at Lldyds, un der the impression thnt this said Ship and cargo .were insured at Lloyds, has for the benefit of nil concerned, sow the inticrest ofiho said underwri tci-s aforesaid, tilt-rein at puhlick sale to John IV. Long. Biit the said persons, who have removed a part of the feargo to a place of greater safety, claim to be entitled to salvnge thereon, and pray ing process of this court to tiike the said wreck mid the said cni-go, or so much thereof, ns is to he found within the jurisdiction of this.. Court, into the custody of tho Court for the benefit of thn silid libellant, nnd all persons concerned, Rnd praying n monition against the said George, Patrick, am. George, uud all other persons, claiming to be en titled to salvage to nppenr nnd establish such their cinimsand also to nil persons interestedto appear, ami shew cause xvhy the said wreck and her citr ;o shall not be adjudged to the said John IV. .on,-r, assignee, as ufnresnid, of the underwriters at Lloyds, ami for further proceedings. Now therefore,you thesuid Murshair are hereby obm- rnnndcd to attach, seize, take, and safely keep'the remains of the said Ship Albion ttnd her cargo, wheresoever within the jurisdiction of this Cotp-t, or in the .possession of whomsoever to be found, to answer the said libel, and you are further com manded to cite and admonish the said George, Patrick, nnd George, and all other pers6ns, claim ing to be entitled to salvage, in this behalf to ap- penr before this Court, and tlieru establish "such their claim nnd further to cite nnd admonish all and every person nnd persons, whomsoever hav ing or pretending to have any right, title, interest, property, claim or deinund In, or to the'said wreck orto the cargo thereof, to he, ondappearnt a spp. cial Court ot Admirulty, to'be hold at Savannah, on the Twelfth day of November next, to answer, tho libellant in the prpmises thnt right and justice may be done in this behalf; Arid whatsoever you shall do, in this regard certify and make known said District, this twenty-first day of October eighteen hundred and twenty four, , N1COLL &, GORDON, Proctors for LibellanH. All persons interested in the foregoing Monition will take ducnoticc; JNO. H. MOREL,‘p. u, o Oct 30 . 201 G EORGIA, Chatham OountA«—To all whouCit may concern. Whereas Eiie Ajon has applied- to the Ilori the Court of Ordinnvy of Chatham Corinty, for letters of administration on the estate and effects of Mndan) Robieu de la Joncherc lnte of Chatham County dec. in behalf of the heirs und crcdilcrs. These are thci'e/bre to cite and. lulinouixli all and singular the khidreid and creditors of the said deceased, to tile their objections (if any they have) to the granting of the admjnistratiob of the estate of the said deceased to the applicant in the Clerk’s ptfice of the said Court,.on or, before, the fifteenth c)ay of; otherwise letters of administration will be granted. Witnesgtbe'Hon. one of tliq. Justices of thfe said Court,the 16thflay ofNoveiu her, A. b. 1824. S, fit? BtiND, ccoj nov 15 . 213 , Clerks Office. 29th October 1824, 7VTOT1CE—Proposals Will lie received at this i. 1 Office until the loth December next, for sup plying the Guard hopsc >\'itli wood and lights— upd keeping tho same clean—also, for sweeping and keening in ordgr, tho Police office Extract from tl/e minutes, , SOL. COIVEN,- b. c. pro tern. oct 29 200' . ' j, Clerks Office, 29th October,* 1824. I N conformity with a resolution, of Council NV tibe is hereby given that on the second regular meeting in Nov. nest, Council will proceed to, elect n City.Treasurer, to fill the vacnqcy ■ occa sloped by the decease of John I; Roberts.’ Extract from the minutes. SOL. CpHEN, c.'o tern. oct 20 200 ;. . - • Tlie Untlersighed Comniitte, T T AVE hepn instructed by Council to place in ’f a stale of repair the Fire Engines of the pity; They will receive proposals from any competent persons to etleCt tills object.—The Engines re quiring repairs \x ill be designated on application to either of the Committee. GEO.M1LLEN, Pf#. l MIMS, nov 11 210 JAS. MORRISON, Owners and Tenants of Houses P Take Notice. T HE MnriacerA aitd Assistants of Fire Engines will on Monday, the \t>th ilist, proceed to makean examination of Buckets, Ladders, kc. throughout the City. All persons not complying Wlth-the following sections Of itn Ordinance for li-evhntiiig accidents by'Fire kb. will bo returned to Council. f Sue. 10. And be it further ordained, That every bouse within the limits und Jurisdiction of this Or. A. DE LAROCHE. Opposite the. Exchange, Savannah* I S constantly receiving fresh AippHus of gen uine drugs and Medicines, selected for Country Merchants and Physicians, which lie will sell tor cash nr approved credit at the lowest City price. Jusfrcceived, SULPHATE of QUIN IN A. oct 16 i too Medicine Ware House. LAY 4* HENDRICKSON, lVliqlesnlc and itethll Chemists and Druggists Xo. 1. Shad's Ruildings, Corner of Congress and ll hilakcr Streets, Savannah. H AVE constantly on Imnda very general as sortmont of.. V DRUGS, MEDICINES, DYE S-rUI FS AND PAINTS, PERFUMERY, 4'c. 4*c. A great variety of Apothecaries Glass Ware .such ns wide and narrow mouth bottles, from 1 grilloii to one ounce,composition and glass mortars, glass lampsand lamp glMfeS, smellings bottles, gradua ted measures, Apothecaries vlaW white and green. Surgeons Instruments— Pocket sets,, turnkeys, trasses, spring nnd thumb lances, forceps, sntal’as, bougies, Catiieters, scales and weights, .g-c. Patent Medicines—of every description, viz: Scidlitz nnd Soda Powders, balm of Quito, eulein ed magnesia, Lees, Andei-sons, nnd Hoopers Pills, SwaiihX Panacea, Balsam Honey, Bateinnns uud Clim-ehes Cough Drops,Itch ointment, ^-e- offered for sule^Sn'llio most All of which are offered for sale liberal terms for cash or credit. (CT L. A" H. llavirig enlarged their Estuhlisli ineet anil having imuic such urraugements as to lie continually receiving a fresh supply of . goods,, (latter thdmsxdvcsthat none of the kindin this City, can offer, greater Inducements to dealers. The yierchlinb the Pjanter, ami the Physieinn, cun' icra he snpplicd ivitli nltaost every article in the Drag line, as ll)cir assortment will be fouridexten- sive mill ofthe bout quality, tinder no consiiieru tion whatever Will tlie snle bf impure or adultefe ted articles lie promoted. The utmost care will be the selection of good Medicines and will he sold at a moderate profit. It Isalpon these principles alone thattlu-y will elulcaVor to shcuWi patronage. All orderf 'promptly e.rcnUcd. The Georgia Patriot, und Darien Guzcttc, will please to give tills advertisement six iusertionsmid forward their bills for payment, sept 28 182 to liavo tile said Imukcts supplied incii eiihly to this ordinance, It shall and maybe luwhil for the tenant to procure the same, deducting it out of llis rent. Sr.c. II And be it further ordained, That the owner of every improved wharf shall furnish '.verity bnc-tets for tho budding or buildings oil such wharf, and deliver them to' Managers , ani | Assistants of tiio Engines, on or before the second iiioeting of Council in July next; arid tlie receipt of any Manager or Assistant, for sunli buckets, shall be deemed.afuU'cnmpliance with this sec tion, by the owner, for the number of buckets mentioned in said receipt! And, the owner of every store In the City, tiiut has no fire-place or ibices attached to thn same,shall furnish 1 wo fire- nickcts for every store of kind, nnd under, such regulations ns other landlords urebythis or dinance required to, do. { Sec. 12. And be it further ordained, That every owner of a wooden house or houses, brick, or stone bouse,or bouses covered with wood,occupi ed as dwelling-houses nr kitchens,shall providethe same with a sufficient bidder, or have a scuttle or door cat through the roof of such house or hpuses, large enough fora man to pass through conve niently, under tlio pennntly of a fine'not excee ding thirty dollars. nov2 203 , JOHN HAUPT, Clerk. Register of tfcUates in Cniigtess. PROSPECTUS. A CCORDlNUtonniutiiimtionheretOforegivon,' there will be published at the Office of the National lotelltjp-ncer, during the next session of Congress, nnd; if encouraged by the anprobation of the Public, at every session thereafter, a RE GISTER OF DEBATES IN CONG HESS, intend- cdto compNilicndn more full Repbrtof thii Speech' Cson topics of general in(eresl, id each (louse of CoiigresS.tlinn lias eVer heretofore been published, or than cun be given to the Public through the or- (linary ami limitedehmmel, the cotririinsof a news paper. This cotn]iilation will Im oft be most an thetilic cast,printed with great regard to accuracy, unit in a form tor durable preservation. This undertiikingjs not of course intended to substitute or sujnqT.ede the Reports ofJJaliutes for tlie National liiteiligcpcer, but rather, bv xvitli druWiug the heavy’imcj extended Reportsffojn its columns, to enable the Proprietors ot tlmt Journal to furnish, every day, iii a eotnprelteilsive form, eltigible lii-porls of the Pro (‘endings nnd Dis cussions in the day preceding, on both I looses. The*‘fte«i!»TKa” is necessarily un experiment, but it is ail experiment the siieeesS of which we see no reason to doubt. Every one, wito tnkes an Interest in our political history, as weirnsull tliqSn who engh'ge in the duties <)f politiqui life, must have and lamented llm want of a Record of Debates iu Co'ii-rt-ess, in, a eonvenient fm-in, with indexes which might feiujKe enquirer to tiny snb- ject debated, nnd to the name ofa'nv qne wlioni- gngod in debate; Such a work would lie n:i ele mentary hook for young piiihiciuns, nnd -we have' up lie ( situtlon in asserting that the possession of such a one'; from the eommericemeiit of the exist ing government lo this of iriiniense value to the nation,were it only to shew what lips heretofore been said upon questions which are continually rficurj-ing fpj- discussion, .and ' proditc- ingheedle’ss c.nnsitfnptipnof tiine by su|)eVfiuous deliate. What is true of,tile years tlmt hftve past, will, as pool) ns tliey tire gone, he equally true oi those inWhich iv.e live. It is Uot only, therefore, as a vehicle of present information, but ulpo us a hook for lqturureferenco -Wsu National Political Repository nmlTott-Book that we hope this work-will-be both useful arid n iuiar. ''rom the lowness of the subscription to this ivork, it will be seeiithatit.isno pftrt of our cal- cuiation to realize nay nYescnt.pi ofit from it. On the contrary, \ve shall, iu alt probability, lose mo- noyby it for a yearor two, lioping that thereafter its established character will a shfficieat patronage to lfinke it profitirlile. GALES & SEATON. Washington, September, 1824. ,. , CONDITIONS. The publication' of GALES fc SE ATON’S RE CISTER OF. DEBATES IN CONGRESS will commence ns soori as the Debates ut .elicit suc cessive Session of Congress shall.afford- materials to fill a half sheet, (8 pages.) Tlie ivork will be printed in the octavo form> on a super royal paper, made for the pUrposp, and ori a brevier type,in double columns—each page com prising'nearly as.mugh mutter" ns one of the co. iumns of the.National Iriteiligfcuccr. It will contain ns fall and accurate Reports ns can be obtained of all Debates on main qucjitions, uiid of all interesting Debates on incidental ques tions', with an Appendix, containing n lipt of the Memhersofenoh House, tlie Vcas and Nays, in ench House on questions which have been tlie subject of Drbate, such Documents', iSonnec.ted with tlie subjects of Debate, as may be deemed essential to enable the reader to comprehend them, and proper indexes to tlie whole. Tjic Debates of the next Session, it is computed 'will;'With the Appendix, make a volume of five hundred pages, ut least, arid will be furnished to subscribers through the Post'Office,-in sheets, as published, (or reserved at this Office, at the sub scriber’s option,) ut tiihkf, !>pi,i.ARs for the vol- iilfio, be it more or less; to be paid in n.dvnnee ift all cases of transmission beyond tlie limitsof tlie city The sheets will liq transmitted gs • cortipieted without regard fb any particular days, as the pul)' licatiqn must of course be regulated by l'he prepur* ution of the matter of which it ii to be composed. Thosubsci'iptibnWrll in no case, unless within, the city, nnd not then unless Specially indicated, bn understood (0 extend beyOhfl the volume ac tually paid for. in. advance.' 1 ' ! To rion-subscfibers.the prjee \vill be four dol lars, boundin bOufds.fbrtlve voltimo now announc ed. The Debates pf tho Session of C6ugres3 follow expense .. said premises, to the number of at feast the num ber of five-places in the same, including such as are in the oiit-tmildiags, amt the said buckets shall lie equal in goodaesS and size to those procured for tho uie of the City,and painted,on which shall bo painted in visible characters tile name of tlie , ownei-s ofsalti buckets ; nrdin case the owner of {SuperiorCOlll’t—(JiiatluiniCOUlitA . any house or tenement should refuse or neglect Thomas F. Purso ct til. ’ r llE undersigned liave resumed their business at llieir old stand, in Bull street, opposite Judge Cuyler’s House, and will execute ofucls ill the neatest manner for Marble MONUMENTS, ‘ i Tomh TABLED, , HEADSTONES, FAINT STONES, CHIMNEY PIECES, HEARTH, BUILDING STONES, &c. Or any other wrirk in their line of business— All orders from the country mul city will be tlmnklrilly received, arid promptly attended to, and executed bn short notice. MOORE & LYMAN nov fl ||208—lm loinns F. Purse Complaints .• anil IM EdUlTV Richard R. Cuytei 1 , exfr IVtn Sliaw, deceased. I N this case, on the suggestion In tlie defend ant’s answer, that certain persons not parties to tills bill, residlng-ia Scotland, claim to lie en titled to a distribution of partof the uiidix'ided estate of Win Shaw, deceased, tind on motion, it is otderpd tlmt all persons concerned do appear before the Sttperidr Court of Chatham County in the term of Jnnunry next, then and there to es tablish such their claims; and in default thereof, that the undivided estato of the said Win Shaw, lie distributed among the complainants agreeably to the deerec of said Court and that this rale be published once a mouth until tho expiratinn thereof. • , ‘ i Extract from the minutes tills 7th day of June, 1824. A. B. FANNIN, Clerk; juae U7 . 3t139 1 Superior court, Chatham county John Retail ) vs. > Rule Xisi. Nathan Baker. ) ?. /AN the petition of Jno. Retail staling tlid Nathan Baker did on tlie first day of May 1822. the better to itecurc the payment of Ins’ certain prmiiissory note of tlmt date for the sirin of two tlioiisand dollars, payable to the said John Retail, or order, on or before the 1st day of May, 1824. with interest at 7 per cent per annum, liy llis indenture, under his seal, bearing date the day and year first aforesaid, mortgaged to the said Jolm Retan, all the Undivided moiety or half part of all tlmt lot of land, situate, lying mid being in of Snvutitliih, and known nnd distinguished in the pimi thereof by the number one (1) Tyi onnell tything Diirby ward, together witii the appurtetiunecs, and further stating that the Said promissory note remain, ivhdlt unpila, nnd the said mortgage in lull force, mid phiying the foreclosure of the said mprtgage. On motion of W. IV. Gordon, attorney for the etibner, it is ordered that the said Nathan Ba rer do pay into this cdurt, within twelve months of this date, the princ pal and interest due on the said note and UiAiost of the said application; or in default thereof; Wat the equity of redenip. tjbti of tlie said Nathan Baker of mid to the said mortgaged premises,- be thenceforth. 1 mid torever foreclosed:- ' ‘ And it is further ordered, tlmt a copy of this rule he served on the said Nathan Baker, at least si:/nionths before tile time appointed for the pnyfnent of shld money into court, or published in one of tlio public Gazettes of this state, nt least pace in every month, until the tim pointed for the payment thereof; und that further and other proce edipgs hb Ii prescribed by the statute in sucli case made provided. Extract fronf the minutes this 2-itii May J. Shinn's Panacea T HE subscriber, having discovered tlie corn position of Swaim’s celebrated i'nnaeei has now h sujinly ou hand for sale'—he 1ms redu ced the price irom $3 60 to $2 60, or by the d ' ceil $24. All charitable institutions in the United Stutes, and the poor will be supplied grafts. if the citizens of the piincipul cities and towns will appoint an agent to order nnd distribute this Medicine to the poor, it will bo supplied. This Medicine is celebrated for the cure of the following diseases i Scorfula pr King’s Evil.' Ul : cerated or Putrid Sore Throut, long standing Rheumatic affections, Cutaneous piseuses. White ‘Swelling and Diseases of the Bones, and all cas qs generally Of an Ulcerous character, and Chro nic Djseases, generally arising in debilitated con stitutions, but more especially from Syphilis or affections arising therefrom; Ulcers in the larynx. 4*0. and the dreadful diseases occasioned by a long and excessivo use of Mercury, (j o. It is al so used in Diseases of J!ie Liver* uly i CERTIFICATES, is? | i have within the hist two years rind an oppor tunity of seeing several ric es lif very inveterate Ulcers, which having resisted previously the re gular modes of treatinerit, were healnl by theuso of Mr. Swuini’s Panacea, and 1 do believe, li-nm viiiat 1 have seen, tlmt it will prove an important remodv in Scrofulous, Veneren! and- Mercurial diseases. N. CHAPMAN, M. D. Professor of the Institutes and Practice of Physic. ’ - in the University of Penniylrania. I have employed the Panacea of Mr. Swaim i mpnefous instances, within tlie lost three years and have nlwqys found it extremely efficacious 1 especially in secondary Syphilis, and Mercurial Diseases.- 1 have no hesitation in pronouncing ii a Medieine of inestimable value. W. GIBSON, M. D. Professor of Surgery to the University of Penn. JOHN SHINN, Chemist. ■ Philadelphia. Xov. 17. 1823. Encli publisher of a newspaperin the U. States, is requested to publish this advertisement once a 'month, for one yenr, and send their accounts, for payment. V ' ' G EORGIA, Chotimm County,—By the Hon. the Justices of the Inferior Court, silting for oedinary purposes. To nil whom it may concern. Whereas John M'Nish, administrator of Isaac Raillon; dec. has'petitioned the honorable the Court of Ordinary to he discharged from his said administration. Now these'are therefore to cite nnd admonish nil and singular the kindred mid credilorsof-the said file their objections,(ifany they have) in the Office of the Clerk of the Court of Ordina ry, on or before the second day of May next, o- tlienvlsc letters dismissory will be granted tlie pe titioner. . ’ Witness the Hon, John P. Williamson pne of tiie Justices of the said Court this second day of No vember, 1824[ S. M. BOND, c. e. o. nov 2 203 1 ' :> Superior court, Chatham county January Tkiim, 1824 Anron Cleveland rind Susan C) his wife, } vs. f Rule Xisi Jacob,Falun. ) O N the petition of Aaron Cleveland arid Sti- sail C. ids wife, who was Susan C. Brina, stat ing tlmt'.Tiinob Fnhm, before the intermarriage of the petitioners, to wit; oil the 22d day of June 1821, did in conjunction -with one Joseph A. Scott, execute a joint bond to thn said Susan C in the penal sum Of four thousand dollars condi tinned for the puyment of two thousand dollars with interest (Torn date, on or betoA; ihe first day of March then next, arid thnt for the. better securing tho payment thereof, tlie said Jac.ob did on the day ,ni|d yenr first aforesjiid make his certain indenture of mortgage', whereby he mortgaged to said Susan C. all.that lot of ground known nnd designated ‘ as Garden lot nmribt thirty nine, No 39, and also, tlmt adjoining hall part of another lot known ns lot number tori two, No 42, containing together 1 eight and a hai acres mote or ; less situated to the east of the city of Savaiinah and bounded to the north yest of Lot No'26, to the south and east by lands be longing to the estate of Hampton Llllibridgti, nnd the west by. the public road lending to Skidaivny island wlicreon n brick yard is now estulilished and known by the nnmo of brickyard- tlmt there is now on tHe said bond oiuiiDrtgnge obligatory the stun of eighteen' linn- tired'dollarsxvitli interest from tho 23d day of Jamiary 1823, nnd praying the foreclosure oi' (he equity of redemption of the said Jnenb aqd Jiis heirs, executors, administrators and assigns in and to the said mortgngpd promises—On motion of W, W. Gordon, attorney-for the petioners—t It is ordered thnt tho principal and interest 'due nuuui mm.o iuun,wrviu,ij mis utnu, Ol* in case of default that tlie equity of redemption - pf said Jacob Fnhm, his heirs, executors, adminis trators and assigns be from thencoforth -forever foreclosed arid thnt such fusilier arid .other, 'pro ceedings’ be Imd thereon, us are-pursuant to tin; statute in such euse mndo and provided—And i it is further ordered that this rule he published in one of tlie Gnzoltcs of this state at leust once a month for twelve months, or that ,a copy, be served on the defendant at least six month before the time appointed for the payment of tile mon ey into court. Extract from the minutes, 15th Jan. 1824. jan 16 ' ; 12 JOB T. BO I.ES. Effingham Superior Court, To the Jurors; ll’itnems and Suitors, in the same. It HE.) ridge of the Superior Courts of tlie Kast- jl ern Disti ict liaving'been coifed to a conven tion of the Judges et Millodgeville, the Sifperior , u -... i ■ . . iu the siiriie will take notice,and givo their uttend mice accordingly. By order of his Honor James M. Wayne, Judge of the, Superior C.ou.t. JNO. CHARLTON, nov 16 4213 Clerk. Chatham Superior Court. Mav Tersi, 1824. f \ EORGE Jphnston and bthei's, complainants \X vs Peter Voriburgh Livingston and others, defendants, in equity'in the Snperibr court, ot Clmtlmm county, May term, 1324. . . . ■ • It appearing to affidavit that Pe ter Vanburgh Livingston and Harriet E. Living stori, who are. parties defendant reside beyond tlie state ofGflorgiu, and .Within the United States on 1 motion of complainants solicitor, it is ordered that tho said defendant do respectively appear nnd an swer tfiri cpmplainisbill within four months from he date' Of this rule. . And is fm-ther ordered that this rule be published, onee a week during four inonthsfrom this date in one of tha ptiblic Gazettes -of this State.. . , ' , • Extract from the Minutos. AVE. FANNIN, Clerk iune 8 134 ... 1 Camden—Superior Court. October Term, 1824. voTuinn/oVtwo'ofu handsome size—tlio first Ses sion of each Congress being nearly double the. du ration of the second. The price of tlie Register for tlie first Sessipn of each Congress, be its con tents more or less than 1000 pages, will be fixed ut five,dollars to subscribers, and stxtonon-subscri bers. "' « ■ Oct 12 «§ EOllGIA, Chatham Coiiiity.—By the hohora- T ble the Justices of the Inferior court of Chath- dm county sitting for.ordinary purposes. To all Whom it inuy poncern. IVhearns Charles Gregory executor of Thomas G; Davis |ate of .Chatham co'unty deceased Ims petitioned the honorable the. court of ordinary to be-discharged from his said executorship. These are therefore' to cite and admonish all' rind singular the kindred and creditors of,the said deceased, to file' their objections, if any they have; in the office of tl/e - Clerk of the'- court of ordjnary On or before the 7th day of March next, otherwise letters dismissory will be granted the petitioner.' : v ' k '-'.' Witness the honorable George L Cqpe, one-of the Justices of tlie said court’ this seventh day,of S'eptcriihcf,' A. D. 1824. , . S; M. BOND, c o'o c c sap 9 175 ' : ' 1 :—- Swaims Panacea. r ft HE Suliscrihers hnvff jjfsf fe'Ceivod from Phil- J. udclphia a fresh supply of this celebrated Me dicine, und have made such arrangements os to keep a’ constant supply of it on hand.' Persons in want of this article can depend upon its boinggeji- uinc; as it comes direct from Mr. Swaim.' LAY 4- HENDRICKSON,' ' ? Chemist and Druggists,*/ ' Shad's BuiUirtaf.- oct 7 1.8{t *■ ap- uch d as lire nid may 7 1824. ANNIN, CUrk... i Supcrioi‘ courtfClnithatriCounty; , ■ March Ter*, 1824. t William Bcnie i ... /Sf . vs. > Rule Xisi; ■ . ".v John Christopher. ’/-V' jt ,V'?T| O N the petition of Willinqi Bcrrle stating that .one Joint Christopher, of the county of Cetnden, being indebted to one ii. n y .-miter or order in n note Kf hand; dated St-Marx sin said county, on the 9th October 1822. in ‘lie sum of Five Hundrfed Dollars. payable witi) interest from tile date on the firsl day of January then next ensuing, did mortgage to,the said-Henry his heirs and assigns, to secure the payment ol the note.aforesaid with interest on the seme—;i cer tain lot of lahd in the towiGnforesaid being part of lot No; 1 beginning at 7lic west cm her of a lot belonging to one Calvin Hayes, inn ing sputh (00 feet on St. Murys Streep li.--nee north io Bryan). St. east to C. Hays’ land tlienco sotith to the bffgintiing, with the iniiv in attached to the same on the south side of St Maiv. or Bay st. being a hundred feet on tlie street und running from thence directly to the river St. Marys, together with all mid singular every thing thereto appertaining,that thesaidHenry Q lddftr, to whom and to whose heirs nnd assigns the sifld mortgage was niride on the 24th of Sept. 18 * July nssigned by deed, said mortgage to tl pej titinincr, there is now due on said mortgage the sum of Five Hundred .Dollars with interest from, the 1st January 1822; and praying for tlie pircclo- sure of tlie equity of redehiplion; iri the said John Christopher, his lieirs and assigns in tho mortgaged promises' anti tlmt the same he foreclosed according to law. On motion of Belton A Copp, attorney for pej litioner, it is Ordered that the principal and ini terest'due on the said mortgage together w ith the costs Of Ills applicants be paid into this court within twelve months from this date, otherwise "hat the equity of redcmpiion of the.said John' Christopher his lieirs executors, administrations nnd assigns be from (hence, forever foreclosed mnl 111ai such other proceedings take plaee as a pursuant to the statuo, And if is further ordered that'this rule he p i 1 lislieel of the Gazettes of this slate at r . once-a montli foh twelve months to tlui time apj pointed for the payment of said money into A true extract from the minutes. •• JOHN BAILEY, Clerk. Jefferson, l5th March, IS24 In Admiralty. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ] DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. ( George Woodrudf and others Rule Xisi. Nicholas J. Bayard , vs. R(riy $arids ...... . . . . , r .. . N thri petition of Nicholas J. Bayard, Stating ’tlmt Ray Sands, 6a thn fifth day of June eigh teen Imndred and twenty-four, for the better se curing the payment of his certain bond or writing nrd con lars next, t^ciQ BT)u oounp Uiiio in© s_fuu i\^cnoiu3*». Day* , in. the penal sum of fotir thoasand dqlluis- idltloried for the payrriet ; of ohe tlioiisand doli, ori 6r lieforp the first day ofrOctober theri , and the fiVrtlici'sum of one thousand dollprs county of Camden, arid kndwti hy the nume of Cotton Bluff, cotrtnining four liuiidrhd and fifty acresplmunded on the porth by lands of Sliierel', on the sonth by Inncjs of Nathaniei Green, and on the west by salt muesli,-together with the apjmrte nances—aiid further stating that the said .suiris'.of -•»—-» -- J - ii ".tH<fitn , eclosure' : . r . (be-, pCUtioncr, it is ordered Hint the said;Ray r Sands <lo pay into this criurt before ihe expiration of twelve montlisfrom this date,j the said several sulns of money in the condition of the sri'id bond rneolion- ed, together with the interest and cost, otherwise thnt the equity of rederiiptiori'6'f (lie said Rav Sands Iris lieirs. erieputors; administrators and as signs; of, ip I’ndto the said nlortgfe'cd premises, be thenceforth and forev'erforeclosed.'. And it is further ordered,’ thnt this rule lie pub lished in ope of the Gazettes of (Iris state at least onep.. d mouth.(ot tVtrelve..riipnths,.pr that a copy be served ori the' said RUy Sands, at least six Pieces of Mahogany part cargo ^ Monition. Ship Albino To the Marshal of the District of Georgia^ GREETING 1 Li S. . GEO. GLEN, Clerk. ■VTTHEREAS George Woodruff, P nfrirk I!ous : 7 1 ton and George Johnstori iindJaeob nld-i burg and George Wuldliurgurid Edward P. F’o-fell have exhibited their libel or compiaiiitiri-thtiDis- trfet Court of the United States.for the District of Georgia aforesaid, stating and propounding thnt by means of great labor arid exertion ol the. mann which lriiilRepn wrecked in the gale of the four-; tcentli of September (nsf j nnd was driven ori tho beach of the .Island of Spint Calheeines. |n the sriid District, arid rirayiiig a reasonable salvage o allowance IherefAin-. And whereas the Judge of the District Cpurtitor tlie,District aforesaid, hath ordered arid directed (he Twelfth dny«of Noveiri- h^'r neM, ftfr-all p|reptis (iurio,e : ;fsid..'to.h5 «ii d to appear at the Ctiurt iii the City of. Sayan nan, nt ten otclock of that day, and shew cause if liny they. Imve, wliy judgriiciit shrmlil not i-ass a? prayed: Yori are tlieiel'orejherel y auihori „ ml cpjoined, to,cite .and ajjipoiiisll all persons, v. I^ie ver, having; or pretending to .have, any right, litje, or interest^ ill or to the said 'Mahogany, libelled against (is' Ii6;ani] appear, at the time and pl&'ce, aforesaid, liefore the Judge afore-,rid, tohear. abide by and perform nil and si': go Jar such judicial acts un nr.e necesrnry arid b> law reqiifrea lo he doiie in tlie premises ; nnd fm-ther to do and receive wlintiintolaivnnd' justice shall appertain,'tinder the pain of the law and con - tempt thereof, tlie absence und contumacy of them and every of them in any wise notwith standing.' And wiia!-.'.lever yen shall do in tlie premises you shall duly certify unto the said Judge, at the time ami place aforesaid, together with these presents. Witnessthe Hon. Jeremiah Ciiyler, Judge pf the said District Gourt this twcety-ninth day of Octo ber, one th'o'ucnm: "iglit hundred ana twenty- four. D'AVlEs Si BF.1UHEN, Prpctors. All persons interested in the foregoing Mono ion will take due notice.' JNO. H. MOREL m.d.g. •Oct 29 . . . 200 . . ../ ■ ' ' ho mid (hat, sfirib'titfffi'p! „ . ... pursuant to thA'Statutri in such case made and pro vided. - . Extract from<tbe minutes, this 25tlrOct- 1824. JOHN BAILEY, Clqrk. ; 6'6t2?’ '.'-I i .NE mouths utter date, application v.. i. ). made to the lion, tiie Inferior CoiVrt oj mi County, tor leave.(6 -ell rill tin real vstr Sarah M’Kindly, late ofBvyiui County ffei ti e benefit of the heirs rind croditeas of sei tate. JAMES -BUTLER. Adi upil 2 . - §oTl. Kanawa.} iduriiig-tliei last wet a. NEGRO' WomanrimneO ELS i'.■ black woman alicuYthe uge of 4<>, und tliick white skin ot film w hich entirely cov- r [eft eye, by wlticli she empipf be mistak-w personsai-o isu tieul i\ w» m d i ins pr harbour.ii;; smdwcncl: under the peiml c a'prosCeutiun. nov 10 Aim JOB S FELOT, tnir tl