Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, December 17, 1824, Image 1

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b , r - ,,/• wiimifaiie,, dray- f lei:.i.\d initfmwa,/,vsAr.ufjwm, r'uiWi'liciti Jun. 1924, and now in operation. WMAKFACtE. ,1s under 100 tons, per duy 60 cents. over do. do 7o ft^e on landing and Shipping Country Fro• 4 cents. dace. HXh barrel of half do Rice E bale Cotton package of Indigo Wsliead of tobacco 1000 feet of Lumber |0(W staves 1000 shingles 1000 reeds 1000 hoop poles 100 feet of live oak, cedar and other lieuw wood, sold by the solid ft. 374 100 bushels of corn, and grain of all klufl, in bulk - • j[J bids lime In bulk 30 6 4 15 30 30 134‘ 20 30 100 cor#of wood • 2® eejnr.iiahtwood or other posts, per JOOlogs * • • 61 I Wharfage on Landing and Shipping Goode Ichor of a small size, each • Uf. cc Ro (UK) lbs. and upwards - If do 1200 cents. Ivils Li of coffee, pimento, sugar, and all other bags of such size, (grain e»| ccnted) each of grain and salt irrelaof salted provisions naval stores, bread, apples, cider,and all kinds of barrels except dry goods and Miqnnrs • . * • * o of wines, and all kinds of liquor (elder excepted) dry goods in casks exceeding 20 gallons, and noraver <w gallons • |do. n ines or liquors and dry goods iu casks under 20 gallons xes of dry goods,and all kinds of boxes tinder 4 feet square )o. do do over 4 feet square Bo, soap, candles, chocolate, cordials, oil, nnd boxes of like size do. sugar, each • ndcs of corn, per 1000 * pies, the same as boxes. jits of osnaburgs, Russie duck, bagging canvas, each utts of liquor or any kind of casks, ex ceeding 130 gallons ottlcs, loose, per gross - * utter pots, each - * undies of pans, spades, fce. each orn, per 100 bushels aides not exceeding 500 lbs. each exceeding 000 lbs. not exceeding 1200 lbs. exceeding 1200 lbs. * * V>rdiigc of all xinds, per coil rjnp ovens with covers, and fire dogs per pair • * fates of earthenware keese, per 100 lbs. * • do per cask - * hairs, of 2 wheels • arts, of t wo wheels • • urritiges, of four wheels £5 3 brandy, puncheon, of rum. and nil kinds of liquor in cuskscxceedijlg 03. and not r.xcoetUtig 130 gallons Iron per ton, first and Inst week 60 cents, iiiiiTw iim,: .■.■ I y ,. ;j Ilrcro oilier itrliclr tame (U Us vhnrfftg 6 it WEIGHING Mach bbl. or lialfbb. rico Hhd. of tobacco or sugar Raeknge of indigo Bnle of cotton . - - Eafth draft of light goods, under I0o lbs. 6 \ do 1 do , do ’ . ovtr 100 Ibs. ; / 12* do do heavy goods' und* r "200 6j do do dp over 200 per 100 lbs 3 . DltAYAOE."f Tor hauling up the, Bluffto any part otthi ifthncity, D pounds .60 cents. 374 aop . 26 ff 50 ~ 1 60 - 1 6*) ; r 8 -0T i* or hauling up tilt h to any p articles not herein enumerated, for weight - - - Under 1600 lbs nnd not less (ban tOQ do 1000 do do ' do For a 1000 feet of Lumber do 1000 Bricks do cord of wood For every bale of cotton do bbl. of Rice do . hhd of Tobacco • do bbl of Flour >- • _ _ And every other article in theaanmprapqilion; for hauling down the Bluff, or from one wlmrf to another exceeding 1600 lbs • 374'eta, Under 1600 and not lets than 100 lbs 26 • For each bale of cotton - .64 , d® bbl Rice - - . 124 do hhd Tobacco • 31f ■ do bbl Flour • * <4 And every other article in the tame proportion. 3 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Dr. A. DE LAHOCHE. Opjiusi tr I In Fjj cltthifft, Kaominnh. ' supplies of g. mstantlv reccivim iMM tiS V \t» MEDICINES, si iccted for Country .Merchants and Physicians, which 1 - will • !! t‘T cash or approved credit at .y/ /./’// I 7’/; Ql’IMX 1. oct Id IMt 15 4 37 25 $1 00 t 'hairs, Windsor andnll sitting chairs, per dozen • >12 [oils, per ton - . ,13 'simons under 600 lbs. - £4 do. over 600, not over 1200 lbs . 60 do. over I2u0 lbs. - , 03. tambouses r^ks, empty Rape, each Demijohns, each Peaks «nd chests of drawers File Wood, per cord Fish, per quintal -*-■ Grain of alt descriptions (except in bags) per 100 bushels - - 25 Gunpowder, in’bbjs. of 100 lbs. each 124 da. in hulfbbls. - *>1 do". in kegs of 28 lbs. or under 3 Glass, window, per 100 feet, in propor tion for smaller - * 4 Hbdj. exceeding 130 gallons of liquor or any kind of merchandize _ 15 do. exceeding 63 and not exceeding £ 1 10 25 2 8 25 60 60 25 6 6 2 6 6 25 2 30 4 10 25 25 124 1 124 26 130 gallons Hearth tile, per 1000 Hemp, per ton Hides, raw or tanned, per 100 Hay, loose, per 100 lbs. do. bunnies, each Hampers of Merchandize, each dor of Potatoes, each Hogs, each Jars or Jugs, each per dozen Iron, per (on Kegs of paint, butter, lard, biscuit, and such size kegs do. shot and lend oVer 56 lbs. not over 500 lbs do. liquors of a smaller size than 20 gallons - Lime, per 100 bushels do. per 'barrel Laths for plastering per 1000 . , • Mules, each Onions, per 100 bushels do. in ropes, per 100 ropes Fats, iron, each Fine Apples, per 100 Potatoes per 100 bushel Pipes of gin, brandy, and all kinds of li quor, exceeding 63 gallons fdo. do. exceeding 130 gallons Quarter casks and other liquor, (cider excepted) and dry goods in casks exeeeding 20 gallons not ex ceeding 63 gallons - - - kaisins in jars - • < Salt per 100 bushels [ Skillets each - e Stones; quern and grind, d’i Befntudit, per 100 no large mill per pair - - ’V ballast, and other stonc.% per ton Sblls under 20,0 gallons each do over 200 do Sonts . ,. . . Settee's " ' - • ■ vWwSsjdii*'•sLgwSrcJ’vj , fees ofallkinds(rice excepted)over V under 63 gallons - - 5 -*1 miks of all kinds, under *1 feet squnre 4 do do over,4 squares - - 6 tbs or cask- exceeding 130 gallons li quor or oilier kinds of merchandize 15 b ,J| l, brnsilletlo, lignum vita. 1 , nnd all dye woods, per ton - - 25 ucr'ptur - - - ft DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, f John W. Long ) ,W. > Monition. Ship Albion and cargo. ) To the Marshal of said District— GREETING ! GEO. GLEN, Clerk. W HEREAS John \V. Long assignee of the un derwriters nt Lloyds in London, in the Kingdom of Great Britain, the supposed insurers of the Ship Albion and cargo, 1ms exhibited his libel or complaint, in the District Court of the U- nited States, for the District of Georgia; stating, alleging and propounding, that the British Ship Albion, laden with Mahogany, Logwood, and di vers other articles, was-.onthe morning of the 16th September last, .by the force of the wind and waves driven on the beach of Saint Catherines Island, iathe District aforesaid, and there aban doned by hercrew; add that much of the cargo has floated out of the said Ship, some palrtof which has been taken by George. H. Johnston, Patrick Houston and George M. YValdburg, aud by divers other persons, to a place of greater safety, and tliut part theref still lies on the beach of said Island, below high water mark expdscd to the sea That the Agent oi the underwriters at Lloyds, un der the impression that thp said Ship ana cargo were insured ut Lloyds, lifts for the benefit of ull concerned, sold the interest of the said .underwri ters uforesitid, therein at publick sale to John W. Long. But the said persons, who have removed u part of the cargo to a place of greater safety, claim to be entitled to salvage thereon, and pray ing process of this court to tuke the said wreck and the said cargo, or so much thereof, as is to be found within the jurisdiction of this Cobrt, into thqjcuytody of the Court for the benefit oi the said iibcllunt,nnd nil persons concerned, and praying a monition aguinstthe snid George, Patrick, and George, and all other persons, claiming to be en titled to salvage to appear and establish such their claims add also to nil persons interested to appear, and shew cause why the said wreck and her car go shall not be adjudged to the said John W. Long, assignee, ns aforesaid, of the underwriters at Lloyds, and for further proceedings. Now therefore, you the said Marshal, are hereby com manded to attach, seize, take, and safely keep the remains of the said Ship Albion and her curgo,' wheresoever w'ithin the jurisdiction of this Court, or in the possession of whomsoever to be fouud, to answefr the snid libel, and you are further : com manded to cite and admonish the said Geofge,i Patrick, and George, and all other persons,' claim ing to be entitled to salvage in this behalf to ap pear before this Court, and there establish such their claim and further to cite and admonish ,all- and every person and persons, whomsoevei' hay- ing or pretending to have any right, title, interest,, property, claim or demand in, or to the said wreck orto the cargo thereof, to be, andappeara( u spe cial Court of Admiralty, to be held at Suvannuh, on the Twelfth day of November next, to answer the libellant imhe’ premises that right and justice may be done in this behalf. Aud whatsoever you shall do, in this regard certify and make ...known! to the Judge of said Court,at the time and- place aforesaid; and have you then and there this writ. Witness the Hon. Jeremiah Cuyluv,. Judge :pf said District, this twenty-first duy of October; eighteen hundred and twenty four. - NiCOLL Hi GORDON, r Proctors forf.ibellants. All porsons interested In the foregmhg Monitlon will take due notice. JNO. ll. 'MOREL, u. c.o. Oct 30 201 ixtiiicnil Dni_f,< 'itenuctiLv i’'umitV lil txlieiiK! Ware i Iuit^e. lay x irnXiJitH’Kso.y, ,• Wholesale and RctiulCjieuiisiifaiul Druggists 01. I. Via,/ l: ••l.lii,:'.'. r nj 1 ftse ailal Hkilike.r Streets, Savannah. 3 r wr. constantly on liand a-ToVy general as JL sortineut'bf ' . . vURtds, MEDICINES) DYE STUFK8 AND IWtNTS, I’nUI'liRlKRY, dj’Cj . ■ Agrcat variety of Apat lmeurics Glass Ware such wide and narrow mouth bottle?, from 1 gallon ;p pneouneq,composition and glass,inortiHV glues urtipsand lamp glasses,'sthdlliiigs boUlijs, gradua ted measures, Suirgcuns Instruments—i’opket. a ■, tUrpt^ysi trusses, spring and jliumb lances,.forceps, stdulas, Hoagies, catheters, scales, and weiriits; ^c. ^-c. Patent. Medicihee—of every description, viz: Scidfitz and Sodul'owder.s, balin of Quito, •enlciu > ml rnagncsiu, Lees, Anderson?,aud Hoopers Pills, Swidms4*ttiiacen. BalsamHoney, Batemans tnitn Churches Cough Drops, itch oinimcnt, 4 c.. All of which ure, offered fur sale 011 the most* liheral terms for paslnor credit.. ' , ,• ID” L.wH. Having enlarged their Establish moot and lmviiig made such amujgeme'hts 9s to Via ■•nnnivSnir W feneli eimnltv <•»(’ nnml.. be continually receiving afresh supply of .goods, flutter thcmselvesthnt none of thij kijulin this city; can oiler greater insdueciuenUi to doajurs. 'J im' Merchant, the Planter, und the Physician, can* herabe snpplicd with almost every -'article, in .the Drug line; as tlihir assortment will be jpuiid esten-' sive and.of the, best quality, - under no considera tion whatever will thebaic of impupe, or. adultera , ted articles he promoted. The utmost bare will be used in the, selection of good Medicines und will bo sold at a .moderate profit. It isnppn these principles Ulone that they wlll endeavor to secure patronage. All ordertptomplty executed. \ ■ The GeorgiaTatrioti and Darien Gazette, Will please to-give tills advertisement six insertions and forwnVd.thcir bills for payment. . , pt 28 - 182 . . y. . 60 25 12A 10 6 6 Wat 1 w heels, (4 wheels) ji f 61 '.'. in proportion to the foregoing rates Mi im article is not to be. found under its vane f£ f the puckngc in which it is usually contained. J Coo if lying on a wharf moreihan two nights,, to ‘’■subject to a week’s storage, unless landed on Sat u f‘.y, or any other evening immediately pcm/lhif. “ holiday—in such eases to be removed on the second ’Kjrking (tay thereafter, or be sallied to storage tworiv STORAGE- eplton, per week, 8 cents for the ' u ‘t aml last week and for each intcr- v en'mg week - - - 5 1 •> fire per week ... ■. ti icco per week - - 20 cask ontuining more than 30cul- jon* . - - 25 On Hut jp! sugar, molo65cs, Pipe of gin, G eorgia, chuiham Comity—To all whom it inay, • Whereas Klie Ajon 1ms applied to the Horn the Court of Ordinary of Guatbam ■ Cdunty, for letters of administration on tbe'estatc and . lin ts of Madam Robieti de la .ToncItere' late of Chat ham County dec. iii behalf of the heirs and credit* i '. These are tlierefore to cite: and - adinonkli all and singular the kindred and creditors 0) the. said'dfigftised^to file their.ohjeotions (if any-they have) to the granting of - the administration of thp estate of the said deceased to the applicant'in the Clerk’s Gtlice of the said -Gqurt, on or before the fifteeritlrday of lSeceriibef next; otherwise letters ofaihnihistratidnVill lie granted. Witness the H011. v i g'-'~ one of the Justices pf (lie said Court,tin' 15thday of Novenl' her, A. D. 1824. Si M. BOND, c e, 0. npv 15 213 A*'* 1 1. ' unci Tenants of Houses Tuke Xofice. Ill', Mnnnaers and KssWiants ul Fire Engines will on Monday, the Wh hut. proceed to make an fiduiriftatfoo of Bndtrats Ladders, .kic, thrompumt tin City, kll persons not complying w - i!ii the follow ing sections Ordinance for prevent in ; accidenlsby L'ijc No. will be returned to Council. Si;*. 10. Add be it forth,orrlnincd,. That every hou-e within tho,l|mil3 and Jurisdiction of this City, (/coupl'd and tenanted, shall he supplied with buckets at the expense of the owners of suid premises, to the number of ntleast the num ber offi\'u-plac , '« sxilie same, including such as arc in jhe out-bni.-tTugs, ami the said lmckctssliall be equal iii goodness nhd size to those procured for lliq use of the City .and painted,on which shall be painted in visible character? the name of the owners.of said buckets ; nr,din base the owner of any house dr tenement should refuse or neglect to have t)ie said buckets supplied agrecaldy to thisordiimnee, if slinll and tuay be law tul for the tenant to procure the same, deducting; It out of his rent. f ' / •' . - Sec. II And 6e it further ordained,' That the owner of cyejy improved wlinrf shall furnish twenty buckets for the building or buildlugs on such wharf, ud dblivoi tliem to Managers and Assistants of the Engines, on or before the second meeting of Council iii July next; mid the receipt ofiiny filnnager or Assistant, for such buckets; hall it a deemed afull compliance with this sec tion, by the owner, foe the number of buckets mentioned in said recehit; And the owner of every store in the City, that has no fire-place or daces attached to the same, shall furnish two lire- jnekets fot every stpre of such kind, nnd under siieh regulntiohs asotherlnndlords are by this or dinance required to do. * " i_ t ^ • > Sxc, 12. And,beitfUrlher otdained, Thalevery owner of a wooden houee or •houses, Hrick, ''or elque. house,or houses covered with wadd.ocouni- edfts dwclling-lioti-cs or kitelioh's.shall provldcthe sariio with, a suificieiit ladder, or have it scull te dr door cut lhrough the rpofofsach'houxe or hOuses; large enough for a man .to pass through conve niently, under tlie pcnantly (if a fine not excee ding tlilrtydrttltti's. , iiov 2 203 JOHN IIAUPT, Clerk. Register,of Pcbaf cs in Ctinghss. PROSPECT!jsl * ,■ g; - ■ \ A CCORDING to mi Intiinatidu hereloforeglven, there will be published'at the of the National Intelligencer, during the next session of Cougress, and, If encouraged by/the approbation of the Public, ut every session thereafter, n RE GISTER OF DEBATES IN CONGRESS, intend- edtocoinprehendamore fullR<portq(the Si'ieech- es on topics of general interest, In each House of Cougress,tlmu lias ever heretofore becn published, or than can he given to the Public through the or dinary and limited channel, the cplumnsofa news paper. ’ This compilation willbc of.the most aii tlientic cast,printed with great regard to accuracy, mid in a form for durable preservation. This undertaking^ npt of course intended to substitute or supercedcAlie Reports, ofPcbates for the National Intelligencer, but rather, by with drawing the heavy npd extended,Rcpdrts from its columns, to enable the Proprietors of that Jonmul ilumns, toenahle the Proprietors of that Jonmul .furnbh,cvcry - itelligible Report* ot the PMecedmgs and Dis- intelllgible.Rppori* of the Pijbceetlings and Dis missions in the day precedln;:.-< 1 i,. t!. II aises.’ The “REoisrra” is nedes?arily an experiment,; but it is an hxperjlnenttbe success of which we see no reason to doubt. Eyery ; dne wbn (akestn Interest in. our political history, i. - . w;ell a sail those who engage in th^ duties'ut p*)litic/il life, must have felt and lamented tin'w ; nt of a Record of Debates in Congress, in a convenient form, with indexes which might lend life enquirer to any sub ject debated, and to the nmno ofaiiy one whoen- gaged in debate. Such n w ork would tin dn ele mentary book for young politicians, and we have no hesitation in asserting- that the possession of sueliu one,, from (lie commencement of the exist ing government to this (Jay,"ottld.beof immense due to. the nation; were it Only to shew jvhttt lias heretofore bcen snid upon questions which are wdl,as.soon uslliay are.goue, be equally t those'in which AVp Il*?;. - ' • It ismot only, therefore, as alVehicle of. -present information, but also us a book for future reference —asa National.POlitlcalRepository and Text-Book that we "hope this wgrk will be ; both useful and popular. - "From the lowness ,q( the subspription t«- this \vork, it w-illho .seen that it isno partof our cal culation to realize any.presetit profit from it. On the contrary, we' shull, in all probability, lose mo- ndy by it far si year pr tw;o, hoping thut thereafter its established .ciiaracVVr.will ensure it a sufficient patronage to make it profitable. ;. a - . :'v GAI.ES,81 SEATON. WashingtonSeptember, 1824. conditioxs. The publication of GALES & ^EATON’S RE GISTER OF DERATES IN CONGRESS xvill epmmence a? ncioii <us the Debates each - : suc cessive-Sc-si on of Congress ishull afford materials to fill nhall'*!u i‘t,(8pages.) ■ ■ - Tliewmrk will be printed in the octavo fot™, on a super royal paper, made for the purpose, and on ft brevier type,indduble columns— com prising neftrly as mueli nuitter ns - one of the co lumns of the Rational Intelligencer*' • ft will contain as full und accurdtc Reports as Crip be obtained qf all Debates on main questions, and ofiall interesting Debates pn incidental ques tions; w ith an Appendh,; containing a list of the Members ftf each House, the Yeas and Nays in each llpusc on . questions -which' have been the Clerks Ofiiee;. 29jh October 1S2'F, jYT.OTICI>—^Proposals w ill be received at this lx Office until &e loth December next, for sup plying (lie Guard house with Wood and lightf-7 and keeping the smile clean—also, fob-sweeping mid keeping in order, the Police office Extract from the minutes, SOL. C’Oli.EN, c. c. pro tcm. put 29 200 i'Vv ' T/ 4 ( 'In ks < EOlh October, 1S21. I N conformity with a resolution of Council No- j tice is hereby given that on the second regular meeting in Nov." next. Council will proceed to elect a City Treasurer,'to fill the vnpmicy occa sioned by the decease of John 1. Roberts. Extract from thp minutes. SOL. COHEN, c. tew. oct 29 ‘- >lln The l iHlersisiTied Committe, | u AVE been instructed by Council to place in JL J a stale of repair the Eire Engines of the city. They w ill receive proposals from any competent persons to effect this object.—The Engines re quiring repairs will be designated on application to either of the GEO. M1ELEN, I. MINIS, uov 1 )r 210 JAS. MORRISON. witl esseptiaL. . them, and proper indexes to the whole. The Deludes of the next Session, it is computed, will, with the Appendix, make a volume of livo hundred pages, at least, and will be furnished to subscribers through the Post Office, in sheets,' ns piiblished, (or reserved at this Office, nt the sub scriber’s option,) at tiikee iiom aus for the > vol ume, lie it more or less, 16 be paid in advance in all eases of transmission beyond thc'liraitsof the city Thu sheets wilt b’e transmitted as completed without regard to auy pariiculitrihiys, as the pul) liculion must of course bfc regulated liy the prepar ation of the. matterof w liieh it is to be composed, The subscription .will In 110 case, unless within the eitv. and not then unless specially indicated lie miifersloiu! to extend beyond the volume ar tunily paid for in advance* , To non-subscribers the ]iriee will be men tlol Ioj'a4bimndin boards,fortlie volume now unuonfte T JL at their old stand) in Bull Judge Cnyler’s House, and will 1 test manner for Marble MONUMENTS, TOMB TABLES, IIE \D STONES, PAINT STONES, CHIMNEY PIECES, HEARTH, BUILDING STONES,&c. Or any Other work in their line ol liusiness— AH order? from the country and city w ill be thauktally received; and promptly attended to, and executed on diort notice. MOORE k LYMAN. nov 6 H208—-tin IN EQUITY. i stion in the defend- II persons not parties til, J. Shinn’s Panacea ! jplir. xubscrihcr, having discovered the com 8. position of Swap’s celebrated Fanaeea has now a supply on hand for sale—ho has redu ced the price Iroin !J3 60 to i* - 2 60, the d ■ •" ff- ' j..,, V: All charitable institutions in the United States, nnd the poor will bo supplied graft j. If the citizens of the principal cities nnd towns will appoint an. agent to order and distribute this Medicine to the poor,-it-'will be supplied. This Medicine is celebrated for the cure of the following Oiseases': Scorluln or King’s Evil, Ul- oeratiad'oF FutrhU Sore Throat, long stnndin Rheuiiliitic affeeiions, Cuttmebus Diseases,’ White Swelling and Diseuses of tlie Bdnes, and nil ’* 'CB - .geiierallyi/>f1ui Ulcertitia i', and iiic Diseases'generally arising in debilitated con stitutions, but inoie especially from . ByphfKs or affections afiiiing’tlicrefrdnr, Ulcurs in the larynx. &f<s. and the dreadful diseases occasioned by a long and excessli'e use of Mercur/; ye- H *■ al- so used in DLeftsfes of the Liyeh ' - j v CEUTIFICATES, ^ I have within the last hvo years had an oppor tunity of seeing several cases of very inveterate Ulcers, which having resisted previously thu re gular modes of treatment, wcre healed hy the use of Mr. Swnim’s Panacea, and I do believe, from what 1 have seen,'-that it will prove an important remedy in Scrofulous, Venereal nnd Mercurial diseases. N. CH YI*M \N. M. D. Professor of the Institutes and Practice of Physic, in the University of Pennsylvania. 1 have employed the Panacea of Mr. Swaim i numerous instances, within the last three years and lmve always found It extremely cllieaeious especially in secondary Syphilis, and Mercurial Diseases. I have no hesitation in pronouncing it a Medieine of inestimable value. W. GIBSON, M. D. Profissor of Surgery to the University of Penn. JOHN .'-IIEN'N, Chcnid. Philadelphia, AW. 17. 1823. Each publisher of a newspaper in theU. States, is requested to publish this advertisement once a month, for one year, and send their accounts for payment* - Superior court—Clmtlmw county . Thomas (■'. Pnrja et. al. ) CoqtplftnltS and Richard R. Cnyler, ( Win Shaw, decease*: TN this case, on thu JL ant's answer, that certain to this bill, residing in Scotln titled to a distribution of pa* estate of Win Shaw, deceased, and on motion, it i* ordered that *11 persons concerned do appear before the Superior Court of Chatham County in the term of January next, then and there to es tablish sucli their claims; ami in detank thereof, l(mt the undivided estate of the said Wm Shaw, lie distributed among the complainants agreeably to the decree of said Court and tln(t this raid In* published once a month until tin* expiration thereof. ■ -. -v ■'r’iXiifhr' ’ Extract from the minutes this 7th day of .Tune, 1824. A. B. FANNIN, Clerk. Juno 17 5t138 Superior court, Cliutlitun 'county Join* It etui! ^ Nathan Baker. ^ EAN tlie petition of Jno. Retail stating tha •y Nathan Baker dot on 1;.* m.- 1822. the t,etter to secure tlie puyn.i certain promissory notft of that date un of two ilfOnsand dollars, payahlr to tin lletan, or Order, on or In fore tlie Is! E; 1821. with interest at 7 per cent per a Ids indenture, under Ids seal, bearing os on said John , ; May, nn.o. by dale the tlie day anil year first aforesaid, mortgaged said John Retail, all the undivided moiety or half part of all that lot of land, situate, lying arid being in the city of Savannah, and known and distinguished in the plan thereof hy the numofer one (1) Tyi niinell tything Dnrliy w ard, - together w ith the niipurlenBiices, and further stating that the said promissory note remains whol.y unpaid, ftijd tlie said mortgage in lull force, and praying the fnrerlosure of tin- .mid mortgage. On motion 6F U\ \V. Gordon, attorney for the peliofief, it is indered thn1 the said Nathan Ba ker do pay into this court, within twelve mouths this date mien said 1 ppl million; T and to t .orth and aid *ver Superior court, (./'luitlmm cowiitv v . ’. f • . January Term, 1824 Aaron Cleveland nnd Susan Cl his wife, ) v :. ( Itutc A'isi. Jaeol^ Fiihm. J ^ ^N the petition of Vanin Clevehiml anil 8 "sail C. Ills wht sun C. Bona, Hie principal he Ft-id note nnd the cost of tli or in (lefaiitt thereof, that the e linn of the said Nathan linker i mortgaged premises, be thence fore Closed. \ id jt is further ordert d; that a copy ■ . this rule be served on the stii.l Niilltan Baker, at l-ast -i'/infmllts In fore the time appointed for the pAjTnrnt ol's '.id money Into court, or published in one of the public Gazettes of this state." nt least once in every iiihftfh, until the time np- poinleil for the paymenl 1 hereof, end that such further nnd other proceedings lie had ... arc prescribed by the statute In iucl provided. Extract from the minutes (hi ml A. B. FANNIN, Clerk. Ninenor cum - ! W’illianl Berlin Ob of Camdr Join i- pel Christophc little Abb:. ■1 lie slHting tiin county; niy Sadler ing that Jacob Falim, liefore flic. intermarriage or order in a note ni ham! d 81 Mi r>s in ol tin- | etiliimor-'. to wit: on llu- 2 - . il day of June said cm ntv, < 11 tin 9ll Oet< iher 822, in j 1 d sum 0-2I did in roiiiuurtion with . tie Joseph A. n|' Five Hum red Doll • IN. |» »y»ld e with i, tuv.*t Scott, execute a joint bond to the. in the penal sum of four 'thousand said Susan. C. dollars condi- from lli next eu * relate uing, on the did ruort irst (i \y oi u> t 'h .iiimtnry ■ said Hoi ihtMi ry hi.4 tioned for the payment of two tli msaud dollars heirs ail d nssi [titHMlfj .nre tii payment • •t the with interest from dnte, on . or b ‘tore the first note nforesaii with VI C -t on he same- * c»*r day of March then next, and that for the better lain tot ofdan . Own ..‘V»i slid heir •z part securing the payment thereof, t m sai 1 Ja6ob O. 1 ! ivgi lining at t m \\ c.t cm III V .«i 1JL did on the day and year first ufprr said make 111! 1 i: ok ngiug t * one ’ 111 v i i i i yes, then. run- certain indenture of mortgage, whereby he in^ ‘ »u li liiti ;*. (t on St. Mar\ ' Street, 'Mire mortgaged to said Susan C. ull thu t Jot Of ground north t* IJryn it ' t. «-t st to . ! ; 5 vs’ land lienee known and designated as Gm-di n lot nitiiibo: - south it tiie 1 egi ruling , wit VtliC margin a! helled thirty nine, No 39, and also, that adjoining halt to the 3 one 0 11 the si nth sldo ■ t fit M die str. -vs t>r part of nnothcrJot known as lot number forty Huy t. being a huiidn d fe ■t Ol . 1 r.mi two, No 42, containing together e glit and a bull' nsfimm. from thence dim (ly t 1 tl e fix cr Et. acres more or less situated to the Mist of the city Mnry.S Jogetl er i*’i «* It an biiiL, tiler ever* (’•ing of SnvHiuiah and bounded to the north west <d‘ thereto iat t 1, . ! i .-ui * • ier, Lot No 20, to the south and cnsl by lands be. to who 11 und t.-» uhh3‘ lo i. la- •‘d. longing to the estute of Hampton {JlUttrut: and the west by the public road leading / fEORGlA, Clmtham County.—Uy the lion. VjB the Justices of the Inferior.Court, silting for oedinarv purposes,■■ rjjfe-pfe bf"‘ ' * - ^^- To all whom it may concern. WJiereaaJohft M'Nish, administrator of Isaac. Baillon, dec.'has petitioned the honorable the' Court of Ordinary to be discharged from - his said administration. Npw these ore therefore to cite and 'admonish all ancEsingular the kindred mid creditors of -the. said dec.toJiie their objections,(if any tlicy. have) in the Office of-the .Clerk of the Court of.Drdina- rv, on or before the second day of May next, o- thertyiseletters disnilssory will be granted thu pe titioner. ■ v ■' : ■ ■■ ■' Wfiness the lion. John- P. Williamson one of the Justices of the said Court this second day of No, veoibe'r,-1824^pa v S, - Al. BOND, c.- c. o. ES nov » ] '203 ‘ tv y,Y-fWBI]h& p Effingham Superior Court, to the Jurors, Witnesses and Suitors in the same. Tft '.HR Judge of the Superior Cniii-ts of the East- X ern District.bavingbeencnliedtoa 'conveif- lion of the Judges at Milledgevillq, the Superior Court of Eflingham County will be adjourned, on tlie regular day of the Term, to the 13th of De- qeinber, of. which Jurors. Witnesses, and Suitors in the same Vvill'tnke notice, and give thpb - attend ancc accordingly. By order of his Hpnor James M. Wayne, Judge of the Superior Cott.l.. JNO. CHARLTON, nov 16 , 1213 Clerk- £ i EORGIA; Chatham County—Vy the nunortt- Mf hie the Justices of the Inferior court of Chath am county sitting Jbr ordinary purposes. , To till whom it may concern; Whearas Charles Gregory executor of Thomas G. Davis Iste of Chatham cuunty deceased lias petitioned the,Honorable the court of ordinary to be discharged from ills said executorship. These are therefore to cite and admonish all aud singular the kindred and creditors of the said ilei-rased, to file llieirobjeetions, if any they have, in the office of thu Clerk qf'the court of ordinary on 61: before the. Till day of .March next, otherwise letters - dismis$ory will be granted tlie petitioner. , Witness the honorable George I. Cope, one of the Justices of tlie snid court this seventh day of September, A. D. 1824. S. M. BOND, dc see sep 9 - 176 The Deliutcs'of the Session of Congress follow ing the next, anil ofthe first Session ofevery Con gress, w ill, il is supposed, fill about one thousand pages, or perhaps more, making one very large volume, or two of a handsome size—the first Ses sion of each Congress being nearly dofinle the du ration oft he second. The price of the Register forthe first Session of each Congress, bo its con tents more or less- than 1000 pages, w ill be fixed at five dollars to subscribers, and sixtonon-utbscri hers. Oct 12 l - 8£ Suxiim,s I’linacca. tllE Subscribers have just received from f’h-i!- T[ aftelphian fresh supply of this celebrated Me dicine, and lmvc made such arrangements ns to keep u constant supply of it on hand, l’erso’ns in want of t his article can depend iq»m its being ge/i- uiiie, as it comes direct front! Mr. Sxvninfi I.AY 4. HENDitiCi- - ON, Chemist ane D,rfige - isls ftdS’f fswiiiingi: oct " ' S" Skidaway island whereon a brick established and known by the name ot brick yard-* that there is now on the sai or mortgage Obligatory the sum of eigblei dred dollars with interest from the 2?d January 1823, and praying the foreclosin' equity of redemption ofthe said Jacob heirs, executors, administrators and a-s d to the said mortgaged premises—On W . W . Gordon, attorney for tin- petiom-rs— tt is ordered that the principal and jrtterest due on the snid bend or writing obligatory together 111 (lie cost of this application be pai ! into this cqurt within twelve months from this date, or in ciAe of default that the equity-of redemption of aid Jacob Falun, bis heirs, executors, adminis trators and assigns be from thenceforth forever foreclosed nnd that such fualher mid other pro ceedings be bud thereon, as nre pursuant to the lutute in sufth case made and provided—.And it Is further ordered that this rule be published in one of tho Gazettes of this state nt least once n monIh for twelve months, or tlmt a copy, be served on the defendant at least six month before tlie time appointed for the payment of the mon- y into court. Extract from tlie minutes, 15th .Tan. 1824. jail IB 12 JOB T.BO -LES. Chatham Superior Court, May Term, 1S24. EOT1GE .Tnbnstnn nrid others, c'ompjginunts X rs I’eter Vtudnirgh Livingston ami others, defendants, in eipiity in the Superior court, ot Chatham county, May term, 1824. It appearing to the Court by affidavit that Pe ter Vanburgli Livingston nnd Harriet E: Living ston, who m - e parties defendant reside beyond the state ofGcorgia, niid.within tlie United States on motion ofcoinpiuinnnts solicitor, it is ordered that the said deXcndant do respectively appear.and an swer the complaints bill within four month? from’ he dnte of this rule. And is further .ordered that this rule be published ohco ft week during four mnnlhsfrotn this date iu one of the public Gazettes of this State. . ; Extract from the Minutes. • A. B. FANNIN, Clerk j 11 Ilf! 8 134 q .y; Cam 'uperior Court. October Term, 1824. Nicholas J. Bayard ) . vs. > Rule Msi: Ray Sands ) O N the petition of Nicholas J. Bayard; stating that Ray Sands, on the fifth day of June eigh teen hundred nnd twenty-four, for the better sc:, curing the payment of Ins certain bond or writing obligatory, benring date the day and yeur afore said, wheretm he the said Ray acknowledged him- self held nnd bound unto the said Nicholas J. Bay ard, in tlie penal suin' of four thousand dollars- conditioned for the pnymet of one thousand do), lars oii or before the first day of Octoln r then next, and the further sura of oue thousand dollars on the first day of .Tanitary then .next, did mort gage all that tract, piece, or parcel of land, lying, being and situate on Cumberland bland in tin: county of Camden, ' and known by tlie name of Cotton Bluff, containing four lmiulred ami fifty acres, bounded on the north by lands of Shiercr, on tlie,south by lands of Nathaniel Green,; and on the west by salt marsh, together with tlie appurte' nances—aud further staling that the said sums of .money remained unpaid, and pray the foreclosure of - tfie equity of redemption of the said Ray. On motion of W. W. Gordon, attorney for the petitioner, i( is ordered flint the said Ruy Sands do pay into this court before tho expiration of twelve months fr6m this date, the said several sums 6f monoy in the condition of the said bond mention ed, together with the interest am! cost, otherwise that the oquWy 6f redemption of (he said Uav Sands his heirs, executors, administrators and as signs, of, m and to the said mortgaged premises, be thenceforth and forever foreclosed. And it is further ordered, that Ibis rule be pub lished in one of the Gazettes of this state M ienst mice a,month for twelve moYitlis, or that a copy be sftrved oil the said Rny Sands, at leost six months befoi'&thc expiration of the time, appoint ed tor Hie payWcnl of the said money into court, und that such further proceedings be hod 11s are piirbiinf to the statute in such case made i od pro vided. Extract from the minutes, this ; 7th Or! 182 ). tm JOHN BAiLJ.iJ Clure; 1 1 mm u pttiil into tM? go art' this dutn, otbrj-v'se p.tioii ofthe mid J. hit cutqrs, adinin si: *i. 11 n ! tlicilC'- tore■ to ' ; , <_i| piocecdings take place asa il. red t),i-l this riti IIIOIlIl -ill ol ill? slit to (III an Jefferson, 1 'th Ma from the minutes JOHN R-Mt.J’.Y. i:p, 1824 f>> Arlvtirrilii/. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, > DISTRICT OF GFOUUl.l. 5 leurge ti'oodniff ami others, j vs. ! , rai Pieces of Mdhogartx - part cargo ? •• om ion. Skip Albion J In the Marshal of the District of Georgia^ GREETING :— L. S GEO. Gf.EN, Clerk. XTS7HERi:\S George Woodruff, I’m rink lions V 7 to:i and G"m - Ee Johnston an-i Jacob IV'ald- burg and George Vi aMImrgaml F.-lward P. 1‘ostell lmve e.-iiibitm: (heir libel op complaint in the Dis trict Court bf the United Stains forthe i'iji-ict of .-.. ..n -.:.i "'-ttingar.d propounding that hy 1 and exertion of the niana ■s of the said libellants, they served ph-res of Mahogtiny •k of the British ship Albion uke-.l in the gate of tile foui ■ las'. ; mul w’as driven on llu- of Saint Catherines, hi tin: x in:: 1. rehsonabin salvage o And w iiftres? the - Judge of the Dislriel afpi-t-said. hath .lie Twelfth day of Novem- •, to he riled to at la Jeorgm alqr ineaiis of gr< gers, and negio slave have save*! and prr wood, from t!/e wrec Which had been wrei tecntli of Septemhe.r hencij'Df the tslarid said District, and pr.r allow'ftiice tlieref 'Tm 1 the District Court fti ordered and directed her next, for ail per in the appear at the Court Hou e nan, ut ten o'clock of that *! iv. am any thp.v travc. why judg.-in nt sliou prayed : You are th’erefmv linrel y enjoinvd to cite aud admonish all | vpr, having, or pretending lo have, ot-interest, in or to the said Mal.i ngainst a? aforesaid, lo be, and u] so it anti place, aforesaid, 1 to hear, abide* by and perform suph’ judicial acts a.-, tire neces; required to be done in the proni to do and rent i* t- w hatojltolaw !d not puss ns authorised and r.rsdus. wdmte anv rialit,title, iga’iiy, libelled nr, at the time the Judge aforesaid, >rm .ill mid singular tceissary and by law rdnilses'; and further nd jifsticc slmll appertain,'qpder (!.<• paiij of the law nnd non tempt thereof, the 'absence and contumacy or them and nvi-ry of thorn in any \yise iiotwilh standing. And whal-ucver you slmll "do in thi premises you stall duly certify unto the said Judge, at tlie time and place aforesaid, together with these presents.'- Witness the Urn. Jeremiah Cuvier, Judge of liW said District Court this tu enty-nintii thiv uf (J* to iler out- thoii-un.d eight hundred and twenty- four. DA.VjF.8 3i BERRIEN, PrMors. Ail persqns interested hi the foregoiffg htoeition will take due notice. JNO. li. .MOL.CI , Oet 29 200 TyjTNE months after dale, application wit ±(i made to tho I1011. the Inferior Court an County, lbr tpftvx: to sell all the rfai 1 Sarah M‘iviiuily,Jate of Bryan 1 ounty the'Ijeneflt of'he, heir's and Jreditors of ftte be Bry fq d es- tale. JAMESi >UTL iiU, Ai'm'r. apil 2 7 Uatitiwi RY 1 luvin‘2 ti ic hi st week, A NEGRO '.Yorimn nameil 1 FJ.SY ' .. is a talk - black xvi Oman about tie jgi- ol ->0. UU.'I i as 11 thi: k white sk in Oi , film which entire Ivc'iv.-:- the loft ey by w hi^h -he cannot ' be . ' •! e . Ml irtie uhivly warm (1 a;. inst ftmploy- mg of haibou *1! 1 said ’.vend: and cr. the penalty of ; - -ai ntion 60V jff 1, J03 S FELOT. *