Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, December 17, 1824, Image 3

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fee eft o; 01 0 JOSEPH G BLANCHE, FFERSfoi’ Halt:—Sugar 1st and 33 quality the IiOnfand I.titnp “ Molasses, Ceilcq, Pepper, l’imonto, Cognac Brandy, Holland tlluj Jam, mul Northern Kuril Rye Whiskey, .Northern Oin, Lamp Oil, Demijohns, iS’os- land'd Mackerel, in whole mul hull barrels u 3 “ in bbls. flour ill bbls. and halt' “ Buck Wheat Flour in bbls. mid half bbls. Salt in sacks, Iron, American and English White Lead Hints and Hitches Baron' PutyUcrin Kegs and Cannisters, or by Pound .mils in Kegs, or by the 11). Casks Cheese, boxes Cnndlcs, Ten, Lard, Butler, JEhue and Negro SHOES, 1st <[tiality. ! ALSO, A quantity of finejmd coarse CLOTHING. Together with n general assortment of ©iEWCiSITOia* And all other articles in the Grocory line dec 9 234 s Brandy, New England ltuin) Sugar, &c. nan Brandy 4 hhdaand^Ubbls. N.E. Rum 4 do prime St. Croix Sugar ij casks Cheese 2 bags Topper 2 do Pimento 1 chest Hyson Tea Georgia, Northern and SpermCandles, dif ferent sizes No. 1,2 and 3 Soup White aud fancy do ALSO, Cordage, Bale Rope, Russia Diapers and Sheetings Ravens Duck, Nalls, Wrapping Paper Playing Cards, Liquor cases, fee. Sic. for sale by L. BALDWIN (y* CO. dee 6 231 1’LAINS AND BLANKETS T "Domestic? (HPlniils ml Ghigkni >t 4 bales brown sfifitiogp 1 “ " Sheetings 3 *< bleached “ 1 ciue fancy AVimlsor So ID liluls N E. limn 2'. bills “ 10 ijr casks Currant Wine 7 lilids New Orleans Miil f- ft Sju.nSA S-gar.s 100 bill; i’ilol and Nuvv B . r il) M. I.ihlis. Tor sale bnv, by S. C. GREBM7, dee 141 IIi*237 Moore’s Wtk, Battalion Order lio Coiftpan tin* (iOlh Battalion are lie ordered to appear on the I .tal i’urade Ground on THURSDAY, !30th Dee. inst. at Ten i,’clock A. M. armed and eij'iipe.d according to law for drill By order of Is D'I.vom, J.f. Col. lit)III Battalion. (/, M. M. W. STEWART, Mi'/. 1st first. (1. .If. 10 235 S LaVE just received per ship Win Wallace. LEGHORNS. A gonerftl assortment f Misses,. Girls and Boy Yellow und W hite Leghorn Hats very Iqw.charged. PAPER HANGING. A very choice assortment of various pntfo n an4 prices from *174 ot». W §11, tier piece with bordcra to mutch; AMERICAN PLAINS. 4 bales of stout American Plalnk, very low’. also, . • Grundy’s anil Welsh Plains -j) 8-4 and P-4 London Duffle Blankets ‘ ? 12-4 aud .13-4 Rose do. 8-4, 9-4 and 10-4 Llneh Diapers 2 bales French Osnaburg Thread of a superior quality. * 7-4 Red Flannel at 31t dts Pluid Homespun at 12A 1 6-4 Mull Muslin at 374 " Merino and Cashmere Long Shawl#, Waist Ribbons, Linen Cmnhrid,. And Cambric Handkerchief* cheap, Chinchila Hat), Thread Laces and footings With a generalartd well selcrtcdassortmentof STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, Which they will sell low andona long credit, deed cx234 ©SiHSm OQ TONS, Carroll Custings; just received Jfy0 from Greenock via Charleston ;HE Subscribers have received by the late ar rivals from New-York and Liverpool, their FALL SUPPLY, consistIko of 6-4 and 0-4 London Duffle Blankets 6-4 and 14-4 Rose Blankets White, Mixt and Blue Plains, vcqy low 6-4 Blue and Allxt Cloths lor servants Fine White Welsh Flannels Do White, Blue and Red Yorkshire Very fine Scarlet Cloths and Cassimeres Superfine Cloths, Cassimeres and Sattinel Bombnzccns and Bombaeetts 4-4 aiid 6-4 Black, White and Pink Italian Crapes Caroline Plaids and Splisbury’Flon- uels Xlneu and Cotton Bed Tick 4-4 and 8-4 Counterpanes and Quilts Fine Printed Counterpanes, a new article Furniture and Garment Dimity Printed Cambrick ond Furniture Chintz Flue Irish Linen and Sheeting Linen Cambric and do Handkerchiefs Rich Shaded and Figured Silks Baruge and Colored Florence Ruruge Scarfs and Handkerchiefs Rich Cashmere Scarfs, Shawls and Hand kerchiefs Bobiuctt Veils and Thread Laces .4-4 and 6-4 Plain and Fig. Bobinetta do do Cambric and Jaconetts do do Nainsook and Book Muslin .do do Real India Jucouetts und Mull Muslins Flounce Robex and Inserting Trimming Rich Ball Dresses und Head Ornaments Silk, Cotton and Worsted Hose of all des- crlptions, With sundry other articles, too numerous to men tion. all of which will be sold on the most accom- .moilutiug terms, by WM. $• H. ROSE. oct2l cp193 ^N Invoice of 6-4 Cambrics, Shirtings, Garment Dimities, Fancy printed check Muslin. Fancy chintz printed Jaconet Muslin, Marseilles Bed Quilts, .Cambric Prints. Sic. For sale by J. B. HERBERT Si CO. dec 6 231 coffJee, " LANDING FROM BRIG GOV. HOPKINS. BAGS St. Domingo Coffee, which will be 1 X* / solo low for casli by North Side of Market-Square, next door to J. II. McKenzie's Hat Store. W HITE and coloured Plains London Duffle Blankets ■ ’ Best Russia Hemp Baggl ng ■English*Coal and White Lead London Porter, in pints and quarts Crates assorted Crockery Crates of Glassware and China And several other bulky Articles, For sale at reduced prices by nov 23 .0x226 ANDREA *,W LOW Sf CO. The Subscribers Continue the Commission Business in Liv erpool, under the Firm of ISAAC, LOW Sf CO. A™ will at all times make liberal advances on till isti 18 cil nli 5» 09 produce consigned to them for sale. Having ships regularly iu the Liverpool trade. »nd owning o convenient wharf, on w'l.dch there are roomy Fire-proof Stores, cotton will be re- . ceived and forwarded In their own vessels, or those to their address, free of any commission. Orders for merchandize, will be executed and • ® u v/ commission charged, when the payment is , Satisfactorily secured. A general assortment of British is just received, being bought with Money and se- lected by one,of the partnbvs, they will be furnish ed as loiv as by any regular importing House in the .United States, qndon a long oredit, for approved paper. ANDREW LOW St CO. oct 26 197 Planters Bank. T HE Direet*ra having declared a Dividend of ttvo and a half percentforthe last six months, the same will be paid on and after Thursday next. * J. MARSHALL, Cashier. dec7 m232 nt|7ia watchmaker", From RoskcU's Factory, Liverpool, Y> r.SIT.t TFULLY informs the pitfzons of'.Sft- »v vannah that he can repair Chronomelres, Longitude, Repealing,- Musical, Duplex, Patent, Jloriznu. (ll mill 11 L-mrlunffir ....ll Ilf 1 »Pni.T l , rti. IBt thb Jfeoit a/,anil nil kliuli of CLOCK Sand WATCH LS, with the utmost dispatch. p' His Shop is next door south of Justice Rus- Et‘11, Bull-Street, nov 25 222 FJ1 C TO It. I g/;. IJAllEsubscriber tenders his thanks to hisfriends led ri.» and the public for 3nent lie has received in the & l iberal encourage FACT OR A GE and COMMISSION BUSINESS, and trusts that by a strict attention to.tho interest at the Planter, he will merit, a continuance ofthoir patronage. For sale. •Grundy’s white Pluins Prime 42 inch Cotton Bagging. ELIAS FORT, Commerce Row. oct 3 18" P KRSONS having claims against the estate Charles AV. Tebeau, are requested to present them, und those indebted to make immediate payment to tbe Subscriber—accounts against the wad estato to be kit with Messrs S. C 4‘ bohenk. « F, E..TEBEAU, Admr Uo.1 )£f* Consisting of the lollowjng assortment, viz : 2000 Pols from \ to'30 gallons 800 American Spiders from 9 to 13 inches 60 Sets flat metal Weights from 1 oz. to ■ 4 lbs 120 London Skillet! from 1 to 6 quarts 1390 Comp Ovens frdm 9 to 18 Inches 130 uutinued Tea Kettles from 1 to 6 quarts For sale by F M'DERMOTT. dec 6 ii 231 YYanted immediately. f I1AYO Watting flirts from Id to 15 years of * to do the light work about a house,in a small family ; none need apply unless well recommend ed. Enquire at CAT HENDRICKSON'S, dec 15 239 Dltmters Bank. A N election will he held for Thirteen Directors . on the part of the Stockholders at the Bank on MONDAY 3d lanUary next. The poll will 'be open from 9 uulil two;and from three until five o’clock: J. MARSHALL, Cashier, dec 15 || 1239 . ■ \ VYOOD, F OR sale on Goodwins wharf; at the lowest vales nnd of the best quality on application to mu. J, Moore who solicits front his friends and form er customers nnd the public In general a share of ItfiSt WOOD. ri 'HE Subscriber offers for sale; best quhlity J. Oak and Hickory Mood at $3 75 on. the Wharf, or .*14 60 delivered. JOSEPH G. BLANCE, Williamson’s wliarf, • dec 9 ca234 Received per sloop Delight. ‘ ibf decti 1*231 S. C. GREENE. CHEAPER THAN EVER AT THE WWW S WiSlEs' B LUE SaUinelts very superior at 75 cents .Black narrow Cloth 624 “ Brown 6-4 Cloth very stout $1 M’hith Plains 33 “ , Colored and white Homespuns 12 J “ ; Fine white Flunncls 00 “ " Black and white t'nlicos 16 “ . Checks, Red Flannels Gnroline Plaids Tartan Plaids, Bonilmzctts, Gloves, Ribbons, Handkerchiefs, Stockings, With a number of other articles too tedious to mention ail equally cheap for cusb. uec 10 m*235 Fire find Marine Insurance. JAHE Subscriber continues to, receive propo- -1- sals, for Insurance) against fire and marine sisks, for the Charleston Fire and Marino Insur ance Company—Persons wishing to protect them solves against losses,, would do well to npply to this office, the stability-of Which is well known to ho undoubted—.the rofos'of premium, and the jiaymont of losses,- when tliey occur, most prompt* and liberal. Apply ip HOMES TUPPER, Age nt. dec 13 1.237 : . P thc Street and l.nne Committee for repairing nnd fut-nishitig . ...M — MBV ,^ —i materials for said repairs to the public Squares Of the city. FRED. DEnSLEB, ) o GEO.M1LLKN, > § den 11 2.36 W. C. M AY^E. ) ■ Oils. Lamp \ FRESH supply of pure ieinter, fall and ntm- T\jncr strained Spermaceti Lamp Oils, has been reed, per the ship William iVnllade, mid are offer ed for sule at the lowest city prices. I.AY fc HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. doc 10' 233 Leather.' PfA SIDES rigging and sole LEATHER just received uud for sale by • '■ firn n pnoMnrTJT r nov 26 GEO. D. CORNWELL, Exchange M'harf. M223 , For Sale, A SMALL AVGUSTA fiOAT, in goad order well Calculated for a wood boat, now em ployed as Fortei- nov 26 elf, lmrthen-from 25 to 30 cords. hpplyto K. TYNER, at Messrs Philbriek Serdnton's. m223 A,". ■ IWliite Lead, Piftty and Glass. p* kegs White Lead JL M 600 ib» Putty For sale by nov 13 An assortment of GLASS. A. 1)E LAROCHE, Opposite the Exchange. 16 Dearborns Patent Balances. rrnir. subscriber being desirous of closing a con- JL sigument of these Balances, offers tljem for sale at very reduced prices. Vegitahle “ Myrth “ Musk Low’s Oriental do. Violet Transparent “ Windsor ' “ tVasli Balls “. Sayohnette “ Hair Powder, Pomatum, Combs, Hair-Brushes, Clo'ath Brushes, Teetli “ Razors, Strops of Pomeroys & Ben jamin, , ■ . *, , Rogers Pen Knives, Ladies Pencil Cases Lead Pencils, Stc. For sale by Dr. DE LA ROCHE, nov 26 223 nov 13 m237 IIOMEti TUPPER. Georgia Syrup. tierces best quality—For sale 1 by -4 li J dec I l ‘ GAUDRY fe HERBERT. Just Received, f er ship Globe, from Philhdelphia, OFY bbls Pennington’s double refined LOAF SUGAR 25 “ dh single do do 15 “ do Lump Sugar 60 half bbls FLOUR For sale by GAUDRY Si HERBERT dec 2 r.22rt DISSOLUTION. T HE Partticrsliip 4‘eretoforo exlstingin this city between the subscribers under the firm of Petersen, Hammond 4* Co. expiresby its own lim itation on 1st January, 1825. - N. M PETERSEN. OG DEN HAMMOND, ‘ FRED. JAHNCKE - . By his Attorney .Oom-.s liAMstosn. All demnnds against the firm must, he.rendered, and all outstanding payments made to the .subsoil- "ber who is fully authorised to settle the same, doc6 231 OGDEN HAMMOND. THE CO-PARTNER8 HIP, of thissplnce M . Co WSt ’ | the 31st of August lust. TUGS. LANCASTER Pcii Attorney, J. If. Reid, JOHN.!). REID. The subscribcrwill continue.the business on his own account,,and ut,tcnd,to the settlement pf the affairs ofthi) lute firm. nov 20 ,n218 JOHN H. R1ED. A Plain Cook, YVasher &Troner hire by the year. For particulars, apply to T° dec 9 234 or pi W. T. WILLIAM The Paragon Toll Mill, "YTiyiLL beat Rice on the most accommodating YV terms. Applyfo HORACE KIRBY, Savannah, or to JACOB READ, Drakics Plantation, dec 13 237 Clerks Office, DECEMBER 10, 1824. N OTICE—On Thursday next an ejection for Health Officer nnd Harbor Master, for the City of Savannah, will take place, applicants will hand in their applications to the (dork, on cr be ll re that day SOLOMON C0U15N, c. c<fro tem. dec K> itip TTURNACULAR Soap, Rose do-Palm do. r Raudann do. Celon do. Almon do. Conipahy Orders. An Election is hereby or dered to beheld in Reynolds Square, on FRIDAY, the 24th ins.ant, for a l-’ifst and Lieutenant and En sign of the 4thHeat Ctjuraa* ny. The Poll will be opened at 11 o’clock, A. M. A. LAIN. ('apt. dec 6 4 th Boat Co. G.M. For Baltimore. The srhr. i o il Davie, Muster, Will Imvc immediate despatch For In-ighl or passage apply toCapt. D. oil hoard at Telfairs wliarf or lo , II ILL fk, HOYT, nov 30 226 YorfoUt and 1$ tUinwre. The schr. WATER BOBO, R. !!. Nye, Master. She is an excellent sea Vessel, of n- bout 50 tons Bnrtlteii. For freight or chatter, ap ply to .lenity and Douglass, or to the master oil board; at Jones’ upper wharf, dee 10 1.235 River. For St. Simons ami Turtle TllO tegular packet sloop i Avoim E. D Cornier, Master, Will -.ail on Monday next. I'orfroight ppiy on board, at Miiiigin’s wharf or ELIAS FORT. A 235 Squadron Orders A Croeoi’y tor Sale. 'Fite subscriber intends dt clining the Grocerv Bn>inr- 1 * t S •»»37 oi Savannah offers Ills remaining A.-I SA/Uk .Stock of 'Uquoits . I V/) GllOCi:- ItlP.S for sale, at the we\l known stand for the Grocery business, Corner of Bay and Barnard- Streets. The rent of the Store, (which w ill lie moderate to u good tenant) may be- known by application to Mestrs. Rkj Habersham, and for terms of the stock apply to the subscriber at tie; si t e, dec 14 238 U’lr.I.l AM SIMI’SON. ate* By Calvin G • ; A s'x.'V' • Baker, On MONDAY 120th hist, at ll o'clock) In front el his Auction store, A general assort meat of G R O C E R I E ALKO, At half past I l o'clock. Atliis Auction Store. /I general assortment of British and mcrican DRY GO O l> S, At.SO, In front of his Auction Store, ONE MULATTO WOMAN, about 35 year- of age. a good Cook, Washer li'Oner,—also, her child about 9 years of age, und ONE BLACK GIRL, about 16 years old a good House Servant, being purl of the personal dstate of Mbs Ann Morgan di ed. Sold by order of the executrix, dec 16 233 Postponed, Seth. Bv .1. B: Herbert «& co TO MORROW, It- th inst. at 11 o'clock. \S ill be sold before our store, 2<l boxes white liav. Sugar of a suporio'^ quflty Brown v; rms nt lime if sale. 22d NovEAinntt, 1824. T HE members of the corps of Georgia Hussars are ordered to assemble at the Court House in (hecity of Savannah on TUESDAY, the 28th dnyof December no^t, to elect a Captain to com- ntmid the said corps, in (lie room ot Capt. Stilus, resigned, and also to fill siiclt other vacancies as may lien occur. * • By ordei- W. W. GORDON, Ad|t. Squad, fcitv. '1st DiY. G. M. kindness to the pupils that Imvc been placcdtihder his tuition, and their rapid progre-- in the several nov. 23 Plantation and Negroes for sale. The* Plantation belonging to the estate of the Into Fleming Akin, situated on the little Qgeec.hee, known by the nuuie of Menihall, con taining l-KHY acres—a large proportion of .Which is first quality Rice uhd'Cotton land, With convenient Dwelling, Ne- fiBSQ* gko und gin Houses—stables, litlilSg- corn nnd cotton houses in Complete order. Togctlier with n gang,)£twen ty prime fib Id hands—tor sale np6n veiy liberal terms. Application to be made tb Mr. James Brown op the place 3 place gf.o. w. McAllister, . Strathy Hull, Bryan county, or C.W. ROCKW’ELL&Co. 1* Savannah. nov 18 t!6 Plantation for Sale, The Plantation ontlic Augus ta Rond, six miles from Savnti- rfah, comprising fifty-two mid a half acres, about twenty of which Is'elear- and inclosed—Together with thfe buildings therpon, including a dweljing known as tlie Six Mile House, IjljHdjgl One of the best slanrison the Augusta Rdad for a Tavern, is offered Tor sale. low. Persons wishing to purchase will please apply lolho subscriber on tho premises. doc 44 238 C.’F.IIUNK Rice •and Cotton Fhmtations. For sale, the Finn- ration on which,-the' subscriber resides, called If-yj U<»rSs!fs^ and known by cvGr!?- ol Newton, having On it a well finished DweMlug MR. PHILtlPS, Of Rockville Academy, South Co TTAVING tiriived in this city, for tlie .LX of establishing aSttrooi. for VotiTitor sr.xr.s, he respectfully solicits the patronage public. The testimonials of his ability, attention 'linn. purposi brancltcsof their education, at the examination particularly iu the English Gratnmef, from the manner of his teaching it, will, lie earnestly hopes, ensure to him a portion of patronage. Terms of Tuition iu the following branches of education, $50 per Aandm-*.— English Grammar, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography, Astronomy, History, Rhetoric anil Composition, Na tural and Moral Philosophy, and the Belle In I f ees. French and Latin, if required, at an additional charge. IH Nuvigniien, the manner of measuring the dis- nuee ofthe Sun nnd Moon or fixed Stars ; the method of finding the longitude fay Lunar obser vations, and the latitude by double allitudaa, aim the variation of tlie compass, lauglit upoe reasona ble terms. Miss PiiiLi.trs will assist in the tuition of the young ladies entrusted to his care. Should Mr. PitiLtips be so fortunate as to n-eci with a vnli. i.-nt Mipprirt. ll i- hi- i■ 11<-■ 11io;i to open school oil'the third of.Tutiiuiry, and further will es tablish a Boarding School,upon the sinne teno ns those of his ncatlemy at Rockville, and niiisto to instruct in accomplishments requisite, will I provided. Any lady or gentleman wishing to honor hi with theirpatronage, will nave the kindness i veil'd thaircards to his present place of n-sidonq nt Capt. Douville’s Jolinston’s-Square, and he will immediately wait upon them. doc 9 *m234 A Gtrier a! assortment of GROCERIES, f 240 Jerms fiasli, Irund.j, Prt served Fruits, Claret I i hit,. Sweet Oil. Battles, ifc. By J. B. I Lpt'Hurl aV eo. OtiTHURSDAY, 22d inst. atl-l o'clock, will 1)9- sold on Bolton s \VhaH,(tiiidingfrom I'r. brig i.'Uni, capt. Bonvies,f:n Havre. 25 pipes Brandy, Olard Diqniy K. Co. with certificates ’ * 10 pipes Cognac Brandy 4 casks-Claret W ine. 12.boxes “ 25 bullies eaeli, 40 ‘I Preserved Fruit 12 qr casks Sweet Oil 200 Oil Baskets brttnvfi ' 24 coils SOOO Bricl i Cordial (Guignolet) inpty Buttles, 2U00 Cor!©.. dec 17 241 Terms at lime sale Executor's sale, % J. Ii. Herbert Sf. Co. Oiltlic l ies! Tuesday in January r.r.rt. will l>c. suhk be for- thn Court House ,in this city, between the usual hours of 10 nnd 2 o’cipcA’, the following property, Uiugtlir. PERSONAL ESTATE of Win. Craig, dee. viz.-— One Share Siiam-Boat Stork, and A E ( 1IZO ES, Saneho, Fortune, Jack, and Sylvia. Sold to/ per- flh' Hon. th-. Iafenor Court „i'd t,; /or deff. ecutor. Terms Cash. 17 215 JUG I Foyf t. V *' .It r m A, Chatlian . tins of the Life unity—By tin lion, tkt court silling for ord : ..e H w Il ls P. ? may cone.-r dmini -ir .t- r ctUioped tli e d)sehui-:;ei I from his istr and 1 Fire tu- 14000 CABANA SEGARS,justreceiv- nov 24 ’ ed and for sale by * ■ L *H13 221 J. B. IIERBEK T & CO. A SUI’PL 1 Fnglish Rose Watt r. lYol Lper Wm. a very superior for sole by Cl ',‘justfecd. ^ LAY k. HENDRICKSON, dec 10 235 Shad’s Buildings. London Mustard, W ARRANTED Genuine, reed, per ship Wm. Wt” * if * dwxwrr fallacc, and -for sale by LAY Si HENDRICKSON. Shad’s Buildings. dec 10 235 HR CROCKED ri^HE subscribers'^^continue to file orders,.for X CROCKERY'of any description on advan tageous terms. Persons Wishing to order for the Spring would do well to bund in..tlieir orders as early os,the month of Junuary. npv 25 222 , J. B,HERBERT fc CO. FILL be-given to a steady ;.iactive man, who ... ... ... . . . will, undertake to distribute tlie Savannah Republican -to its subscribers, in the-Western part of the .town. Apply tp the Editor, dec 8 233 Sjvaims Panacea, J UST received and for snle’by LAY & HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Sltkds buildings. —— A fresh supply ot LEES GE.YULXE BILIOUS PILkSjjust received from the Patentee, deb 4 V 30 B0X,!S Spanish Segars. ISOqr.Aojy.. . . ... . Just received per Globe and for Sale by deg 3 229 J. B; HERBERT k CO. White Lead. JUST landing from ship Emily, from Liverpool, large quantity of. WHITE LEAD, of tlie first quality, in 100 lbs. 50 lbs. and quarter kegs, for sale by A. BAIN, Corner of Broughton <$• Bull-streets, nov 18 16 House, with eight rooms, berides a basement Sto ry with four rooms; and a good Overseer House, Barn, Cotlqn House, and of her convenient build ings ; and a never-falling spring, of excellent wa ter. ALSO, The Two adjoining Planttv- tiohs called aud known by the nainesbfLAMnnTtiand Dr.xttI nufesT; each Itaving iinproveinbnta thereon- The tlii-ei;.plantations, are within seven miles Of Savannah, on the Great Ogcchec I^oad, and eon- luiii about two thousand and three hundred a- cres : about five hundred acres, of which is. prime rice land, within'Banks, andnbout five' hundred acres of cleared good cotton.and provision land. a greater part of which is enclosed by pretty good fences. The land will he divided" to suit a pur chaser if uesired. A part only of the purchase mo* ney will be required, and a liberal credit given for the balance, the purchaser securing payment by a mortgage. For forms and conditions en quire of V * GEO. JONES, dec 16 cx240 Notice. A N Election willbc held atlho Court House i tlie City* of Savannah, on SATURDAY, tie first day of January next for two Justices of th Peace for the Third Company Beat. Pollswill b oprned precisely at 10 o’clock. Three Freehoh! ers are competent to preside. JAMES MORRISON, - ) * '...'.sV’wki; • FRED’K DF.NSLER, | i * P.BRASCH, [i T. N. MOREL, G. IV. ANDERSON, JAMES iM'HENBY N. B, Qualification ol voters the-same THE AUGUSTA, Gc&rgla, ^ I S open under ihu superintemlnncc of Mr. COS- BEY DICKINSON and Mr. J. P, DENNEY, late of Savannah. . The House lias undergone repairs; the rooms are spacious and are refurnished. Persons can accommodated with single’rooms, and every ex ertion will bc made to render them comfortable. SAMUEL HALE, Proprietor, nov 30 1.126 : Poor House and Hospital. JfefL This Propertyjsci well, known rj’jyo as to need no dosqription “" ;l1 will lie offered at public sale with the out- --( and every thing belonging to it,.at tlie Court House on the first Tuesday in Januury next, if not prcvioa-ly disposed of at private sale. Applications in the menu time may be made tp either qf tlie unUersigneil Committees. G. W. OWENS, ( Com. ofthe FRANCIS SORltEL. j Planters Bunk. ,NORMAN WALLACE,) Com. 6f .Marine F. H.WELMAN. Fire Ins. Co. CALVIN BAKER, Auctioneer- dec 8'. 1233 * • To Rent. dec 10 Tlie three .story brick build ing on the Bay, hitely occttjtied by James Dickson 4" Co as a Whole sale Dry Oooil Starr. Apply to C.W. ROCKWELL CO . t . -v : . Some time in the early part of last week a BEAVER IIAT, trom a Negro Boy, the owner by prov ing property ami paying for this ad vertisement, may take possession of .the .same.— dec 8 TO BE LET. The STORE corner of Bay nnd Drayton-Streets, now occu pied by J." P. Setze. Possession may be Imd ou the 16th of this m. util. For further particulars, apply to Peter Dupnn. PETEK EVEN oct 19 11191 Fresh Prunes. 501! boxes fresh Prunes—just received pr brig ” ■ (i(fo $ ; /- . j Q}' ':* ‘ 'V.» J y-y' ;;; N. -..V H -for sale by GAUDRY & HERBERT. Office of the Marine ant surance Company. ' SAVANNAH, Dec.; A N adjourned meeting of tbe Stock this Institution will take place at on WEDNESDAY the 12th day of fa; nt which nil persons interested .ire desi tend, cither personally or by attono y— of importance, iu relntion to the future qn u- of the Company, will then be discussed an elded, persons'representing stoek, should I vested with full power to vote on all que that m-iyari-.qtom-biim list- pmuiv-s ofthe tution, GKO. SCHLEV, !’reri>.l den 3 229 d lo ; s matt. -lions insti- IS Memhers ofthe legislature—to’he a tm the Beat. dec 13 4237 j * ; tor dent of In Office of the Marino and Fife .'Miruuoo ('nmpanv. SAVANNAH. Dec. 2d, 1324. ■Y3ERSONSholding Bills of this Company ai i requested to present them forpaynmiitibilli Witli, (is it is.desirable that they should all be ro deemed ns early its may be convenient. GEO. 3CHLEI, Pn .ddcnt. dec .3 229 • ■ ' .: ' . , ■' Notice. . •"•'• T O enalile the assignees, of Mr. Wicmam Ttm- NEn,,to make at ati’early tieriod a final ilivi- detid; il is requested that all claims against him, bo presented to their agent Mr. Titomas G. Mu.- Ljm, by tbe FIRST DA Y OF JJUYUAR Y JVEXT, otherwise! be debared; It is hoped tuat those indebted will sec the necessity of making an immediate settlement'. . JAMI - M ill • in . GEORGE REL PII, JOHN II, REID, Assignees of tV. Tui-rier. nov S ' 253 ra^HF, subscriber informs his friends and the X inhabitants of Savannah generally .that he will gis-e instruction? on the PtAA'O FORTE.—Those who feel dis posed to encourage him will pleuse make application at the house of Air. Bkascii, Corner of Broughton and Drayton-Streets. or at the Furniture Store of Mr I. W; Mourall, Whitlakcr-Slreet. The. subscriber tenders his thanks tothe citizens of Savannah for the support he lias hitherto re ceived, and hopes; that from his knowledge, and experience'in his profession, au'd.the attention ho pledges himself to pay to those who may be plac ed under bis instructions, lie will receive a liberal share of public palrouuge. Terms $25 per quarter. , , . ,, |8 o, ( 03^ PIANO FORTES tuned at the v shortest notice. nov 16 r.214 HENRY L. BRASCIL ar lb I decea-.-d, u i“) in (he ofifa diunrv, on or be tlie date ; ltd admonish all t! cri lifters tin> their obfeetions (if und they the clerk of the court of or- Wjtnras tlie hu njjicrwise le e appjlcaiUi ary next, - uiuui.> art this \I. la --1 one lay of u t i;. >i;;.I Oc.u VA .heJirzs of the i. /: —l.y the they, luurt, sitting J or o/H /purposes To al wjibm it may 'concern. Whereas Mt*xaudcr Al. Taylor, administrator df^ John Scott, deceased, has petitioned the h-morsK-' fab- the Justices of the Interior court,to be discliat-^ ged from hi< said administration. aOIV til til and si aid dnee ••* tliel-e: • llo- kit: .1. to III. otheru : - W line Ot' till! J I Alay, A. cite and odmuuirlt and creditors of the jeetions, (ifapy they k s dliice, ofthe edtilt of ordinn- Ilie 61 Ii day of December next; . itismissory will be granted honorable Edward Hardqii. ono es ,.f tin- said court, this 6th day of* 1824. S. M. BOND, e c o. ’ th ble ih At i Hubert, e-eMo oi tstepln a i'emnark dei , d to the .-aid Court for ii-ttei *'.iid adiuiiiEtration. Tin st* are. therefe re to cite and singular the kindred nude decea-s-td, to tile tlieir oljjectinns (if have) in the office in ihe clerk of tills c in the. time prescribed by law, otlicra disntissofy v.ill be granted the applicant. Witness the honorable Shepherd V.'ildatns, ono of the Justices of said court, this 3d Jinie, 1324. Hi.A RENAT DY, c c o a c. id ad*- eidi .11 ililors of the ‘aid, v they i with letters EO -OhauTam County—to all whom it V*" may concent. Whereas Caroline MaAersou bus applied to tbe Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Chatham County, for left -rs of udiniiiisti-atUjn on the estato and effects of tYiiliani Masietson late of Savan nah; stone cutter, deed, as widow of tin* said dee. These are therefore to Vote ami ndinoiiTsh all ami singular the kindred and creditors of .the said dec. to file tlieir objections, (if any they have) to tin: granting of the administration of the estate ot tlm said deceased to the applicant in the Clerk’s Office of the siiid Court, on or Before the secoml day of January ftoxJ: otherwise tatters ol u.dininisiru* tion will lie granted. AVilness the Hon. Edwaru Harden, otu* of the Justices of the said Court, tlie 2d day of Decent- h I* I • hicli County—By the honortf of ordinary of said county. .■in ii may concern. inistvatorbf the ;ed hath app|i~ ismissory from her, A D. 1624. S'. M. BOND, c c o. r. c. dee 2 227 IGKG|A ( hatliam County—By the him. too s \ EOKGI, VX 'Jiisticrs ofthe Inferior .court sill'nig for ordi- 'Assize of Breads rjNHE average prictxOf Flour being ?s6 1-2 per barrel 190 lbs weight, the weight of Bread for tbe present lilonlli must be 124 ctB. loaf 2 lbs. 13 oz. G.j “ 1 lb. 44 or- Of which all Bakers and sellers of bread will take due notice. M. W. STEAVART, City Treasurer. deoO nary purposes, To ad whom it may concern. AVherous Richard It. Cnylcf, exrciilor ot AA il- liam Shaw deceased. Inis petitioned the lum. court of ordinary, to lie discharged iroin liis said exe cutorship. ' , These are therefore to cite and admonish all . .' and singular the kindred and creditors ol the f said deceased, to file their objections (if any they- have) in the office of the clerk of the court ot ordinary on or before the. 131(1 day ol Jami \ry next ensuing the date hereof, otherwise letters disinissory -will he granted to the petitioner AVitness the honorable Thomas N■ Morel, one of the Justices of the said Court, this 13th day of S M. BOND, c o o. jdfy 13 150 i A I.E persons having uemaiuts against Lite es tate ofthe late Hugh M-Call '’deceased, ire vccuestcd to hand them in for payment, and those indebted to said estate will please make imme diate. payment. TIIOS. M'CALL; 1 .. .. P. BRASCHj l jjily 13 150 'IV| INF, montlis after date, I shall apply to the ' xl bon. Interior court of Chatham countv. for leave to sell the real and personal property of Lacliia-nd'Hamilton McIntosh, deceased; for thtJ benefit of the heirs. SUSAN.A G.M’INTOSH, march 9 5(6