Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, December 20, 1824, Image 2

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w calculator to predate. Wo will only Sft. there was a moral bounty in tlie spectacle —a touching uoiuniuuion of heart nail soul—a gushing of grateful fooling—a re ciprocation of affectionate sentiments— MO NO AS? T'.NP tv ■, KMnia; 5ll 1821 0. W o tiro n qur,l III to Anuounuo •lost: i *u Cl. M us a mint IJute or .1 it -ticc of till I’ca in tin - t District- -Cnpl T . G roSpll’s bei t. Th ■ f illptiiii” allies, U’ ITI on Saturday last c- led i .1 lioai'd ii T'i’>t CI S, tl the Suvaiu mil 1 e - V* vlnm. Mi V ()f .| -t Dll cc'trcf' i\l s itcr.ll. 2,1 •* M . Coo, Tr i\?urc M , .1 Lit,vi . \*. M .. 1!. Wall .Mrs. w n ituiioc M Sftott, Mrs. c. Howard M .. Amlors in, .Mrs. .N i colt, Al ■3. plllTO.lf Mi*s lli'irnsv, .M ss Vi allno ML3 Wayne. BP TTER Ll.VT ETHAN NE\ 12 H. t n tho House of Rcprcscntut tves on T 4 lav last ,AIr.F o«ter of’GreeiH ,laid on the tr hie a re solpti on relative to the: tti- |)il tod visit ofthc distinguished hero of '.he 1 evolutionary war, Gen. Im Faye to, to th e State of G COV£ a. Who ever is <lo Vsl V\ r hop. ■ will be b y imunim ou.s c on- \Vhiohcati l>c likohcil to nothin”, on oarlli, but-n merit injr of a fond ami and long ab sent father with grateful children. Never was any People more truly repre sented than thoseofihe United Stateshave been on this occasion. Per,this time, at ■ast, the •Jotorrcss aiul the People are ol no mind. There was. in the seene, a ombination of every thing to augment, ml not the slightest Circumstance to ilc- Jnmes Jnckmnn. a Painter by trade, and rmerly fi resident of this city, jumped it of the cabin windows of the steam •at Carolina on Wednesday last, on her passage to Augusta, and was drowned, A boat immediately went to his assistance, hut when within a few yards oY him, lie Ink to rise no more. Piiiow. Dee. 10 house or representatives. After t!u- presentation of sundry peti tions, the .Speaker laid hetoro the. House a communication Iroju the Department ot the Treasury, transmitting a list ot the balances on’the hooks of receipts and ex penditures, which appear to have been due or unsettled more than three years u-ior to the 30:h of September last; which ^MHi ^Borgia legislature l-yp i'K replied, in h tone wiiieh energy character and sensibility of feeling wen most interestingly blended, to the lollow was laid oa the table. On motion of Ellis, it was Resolved, That the Committee on the Judiciary he instructed to inquire whether it will not ho proper to pass an act supple mentary to the act, entitled “An act to alter the judicial-districts of Pennsylvania; to give the court to be held nt Williauis- poit a separ ue real, tint the process of that court mav (1 be made return able at Williamsport; todotuic the territo-1 They date from tlu Mr. Sneaker, and gentlomcn ot the > IloUSe of Representatives; While the People of the IT. States mid their honorable Representatives in t on gless have deigned to make choice of me, one of the Anuuieau veterans, to signify in his person their esteem tor our joint services and their n,ttOc!inie,nt to the prin ciples for which we have had the honor to tight and bleed, I am proud ami happy to share those extraordinary favors \wih my dear Revolutionary companions—yet, it would he, on my part, mieamlid and un grateful not to acknowledge my personal share in those testimonies of kindness* as they excite in my breast emotions which no adequate words could express. “My obligations to the United States, ir, far exceed any merit I might claim IN SENATE. Tcusuay, Dee. 7. Mr. Rn/.emna from the joint commit tee on Ranks, to whom was referred the imports and exhihitsof the ditVercnt Ranks ill this State in whie.h the Sigtr is a stock holder, made in conformity with the rc- -ffWjsfcJ iSKrTTATiYESv Monday,tbde. 0. IMr. Lumpkin from the ciffnuiittcc nn. pointed to draft articles of impcuel mi ' c .L against the Commissioners appointed sell fractions, presented the following rest! lution, which was read and agreed to h v the House, to wit: Resolved, That a committee be (positions of a resolution of tlm Legida- ted to inform the Senate, that «Ppoir tmr of this state, having had thy same un-1 commanded by the House of RcprSnil -TT-T-y,..lives, to impeach at tlic bar of the Sennit following report : 1 lmt it appears to your Mn Lhviifg, Samiiel Jackson, and FW eominiUee. that the allatrs ot the Planters’ ing F. Adrimi, commissioners ftontu'mid Ran* have been ably managed, and that by joint ballot of both branches of the tin- exhibit shews the Rank not only to be gislatfff'o for the dale of fractional sutoT-' ,ui', nit, hut ill a very prosperous coudi. j of divers high crimes and misdemeanor t ion. They consider the policy which 1ms to wit, of embezzling the public m nn « t ion. l ncy consiucv i ue pouey wmen mis | n, wit, of embezzling the public inorn^ been adopted by the State Rank as a good find propcYtv, and of altering public <och and sound one, and they believe that the ritics; and that the committee be dircctc, fimtitiitinn imrlnv tllri nrnsnnt mniintrp. it... n Institution under the present inaiingc- I in the nnmooftho House of R, | 1|r , ( ll , , motit merits tlic full confidence of , the tives, and in the name ofall the citizens 0 State—They would however observe, that this state, to impeach the said John Lew this Rank and the PlnntersVRank have ing, Samuel Jackson and FlemingF \d _1 B time when I have had failed to comply with that part of the re- rinri of malpractice in offico, and of diver ritil jurisdiction of the fioust hold at that j t |,c happiness to be adopted as a young j solution of the 23d Dec. 1823, which 10-I high crimes and misdomennors; and fm ;»nt. LOUISIANA. There is not a loop to hang a doubt noon'’ now. that the vote of Louisiana will he divided between Jackson and A ’auis. Wo have seen ft letter from N, w <) ; leans which states, that Mr. Clay’s prospects in Louisiana were defeated by a combination ofthc other candidates. The 'Jackson and Adams ticket had 30 votes— that for (’lav 23. This is alumodc New York. The letter, informs us, that Air. Adams will re.oivo four vote* and Gen. Jackcm one. This result will exclude Mr. ( lay from going into the House of Representative:;. — Tin: R EC F.PTION OF LA FAYETTE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESEN TATIVES. In succeeding columns, our readers will find an nceouat ofthc interesting ccr qanonv which took place in the National Assembly on the venerable and beloved I.,a Fayette presenting himself before that There is always something stirring in the Citv of New York to ex Ate public cu riosity, and Consequently give tho editors a subject for a lively column. The York ers have lati 1 y witnessed a boat race, caused hv a challenge < t Capt. Harris to the Whitehall boatmen. The latter were victorious’, which has produced great glee and fnerrimeot among the good folks of York. It is Mated tho concentre of spec tators that assembled on the Mattery, and lined tufc wharves on the North River, to witness, the race, than fifty timusau lace, <uul thus organized, to confer upon Sl ,idicr, a favored son of America. Titov quires that an exhibit of the mimes of the t hcr, that the committco do demand tha the same circuit court powers, as are I j iaV e continued to me during almost parties, makers und endorsers of had pa* I the said John Loving, Samuel Jndtsoi xerox'd by the court for that part of the k.iift, C cntury of constant affection and | per, bcnunually made to his Excollcncy and Fleming F. Adriun, lie soquestcrc Wftstcrh do trict of PdniraylVhnm, held nt confidence, and now, sir, thanks to your i tlio Governor. . sequcatctc from all olliees and appointments not nt dist riot of Ponnsylvdmn, to which the <» Tlie approbation of the 'American I her credit,.and to exhibit u wholesome and dom of the Senate, whether it might m territorial jurisdiction of the District I people und their Representatives, for my sound condition. They have examined ] he proper nt this time to take into custod Court hel'l ot Williamsport, may extend, conduct during the vicissitudes of tho Eu- the exhibit ofthc Augusta Rank, and take the bodies of the said John Lovitjg, Sami Air Cnndict, of New Jersey, moved. ro p,.;in Revolution, is the highest reward J much pleasure in stating, that said exhibit I Jahkson and Fleming F. Adrian, by ri that a messenger he sent to tho .Senate of | [ crmld receive. Yfcllmayi stund “ firm presents a very sound and prosperous I tue of .warrants to be issued by the rest’. • immense—not less Mr. John ('. C the oonstftwioiml vott s, is of course of the United Sin aving recoiled of the electoral Vice President the ! . States, invitingtluil body to attend atK l erect,’’ when, in their names, and by I state of the affairs of said Rank, and fully | dent of the Senate, by the order or in the Chamber of Representatives, at 1 y 0 k, Mr Speaker, I nin declared to have, J complies with the requisitions of tlie reso- J tion of that honorable body; o’clock, to-day, on tho reception of Geh. hi every instance, biicn faithful to those I lution of the hist' Legislature. Your coin-1 Whereupon, ordered bytne'Sj Lafayette. * American principles of liberty, equality, mittce would recommend to tlie Legisla-J that the same committee who were appoi It was objected to the adoption of this and true social order, the devotion to which, ture tl:o appointment of n committee with 1 ted to draft articles of impeachment, motion, that the Senate had, yesterday, llB ft | ins been from my curliest youth, so I power to examine into the affairs of the compose that committee, mlt'. tu ned over to Monday. The qoos- ft shall continue to jie to my latest breath. I different Hunks, in which tho Statu is a I The elections, noticed in our last tion, was taken, and the motion passed in » Y ou imvc been pleased. Mr Speaker, j stockholder, to report to the next LegiHla-1 per, occupied nearly the remainder oft the affirmative. I to allude to the peculiar felicity of my sit-1 turc—They would also recommend the day. Ayes 90, Noes 09. untion, when, after so long an absence, 11 repeal of so much of the resolution of 1823, J Tuesday, Dec. 7 Seats were accordingly ordered for t lie , uu called to witness tho immense improve- «s requiroa the namosof individuals whose I The bill to appropriate monies for members of tho Senate, who shortly after mC nts,t.hc admirable communications, tho 1 debts muy be considered as bad or doubt* I political year 1825, was read the 3d entered, utid took t)ie places assigned I prodig'tmis ercations of which wo find nn I ful. , 1 and passed. them. example in this City, whose name itself Tho Senato passed a, resolution, requi- Mr. Burnsides from the joint commitl R r.CEPTiON OF LAE A A HTTE.; ; 3 n vcnernblc Palladium ; in a word, all ring their President to issue his warrants to whom was referred the resolution Ohio has given IG votes to Air. Clay for tin Presidency : and the same number to Air. Sanford of Now York for tljc A r icc I’l'cMdcncv. By a document which linsbeen laid be fore the Legis|atpre of South Carolina, it Fir tears that the expenditures of that State from the year 1700 to 1824, nrtiounf to twelve million throe hundred and ninety eight thousand 'three hundred nndlwcnty three dollars and seventy nine cuts, aver aging more than three hundred thousand loliars per annum. ...enlv-four Members of the House of I sertion of American Independence, reflect Jackson, nnd Fleming F Adrian, and cause j memborsof the House of Itepresentatii Representatives,’ and was introduced to j on every part ofthc would tho light of n them to be forthwith brought before the of this state, reported a bill to niter apt the House by Mr Alitelicll, Chairman of f ar P1I p n ri„ p political civilization. bar of tho Semite, to answer the charges of the 3d and 7th sections of the 1st aril the Committee. I “What better pledge can ho given of n preferred against them by tho House of of the constitution. On the GenoralV entry, the AleinhersJ p CrS cvering national love of liberty, when j RopresentoqJjes—and warrapls wore is- j • WtDNMOAY, Dee. & and persons admitted on the floor of the | those blessings arc evidently the result of I sued accordingly. I Air. Alycrs from the military commitl H u.-.c, rose, and remaine l standing, un- j a virtuous resistance to oppression, had of | The bill, to repeal the net, to regulate the I reported n bill to alter nnd amend ani institutions founded on the rights of man J intercourse between the incorporated J to revise and consolidate the militia hi 1, in be- j an j the Republican principle of self-gov- j Ranks of this .State, and the Bank of tho passed 19 th Dec. 1818, which was re IV’ ..ft/. ., L* I ,\T - At..' (A .. . _ I _ — A.ilf L i, 11 I f T «1 aT ' .f V L a Wi* vt n line tliA t* O f \ I OA iftl* I itm fl # • tvi A The NationalInteliigcncdr commenting nn this subject thus beautifully expresses ftself—The spectacle which was yesterday exhibited on the rccoption ot'Gen. Lafav- rvTV. in the House of Ileprcsoptaliyes of the United States, like vhat in the Senate on ;lic preceding day, was one, to which no resemblance can be traced in history, an ! which will hcrcaftcy occupy cr.c of its most delightful pages. Resides the full,attendance of the Re presenjat iVos of the People, and the pre sence of the Semite, to whom seats were j assigned in the body of the House, the n- j verflowing Galleries, the wcll-filied scats occupied by the higher officers of the go vernment and other privileged persons,the assemblage of Ladies allowed for this day on!r to occupy tho vacant spaces ol the spit nd'ul Hall, attested the deep interest of the occasion. Here was no glistening pa rade- no gorgeous pageantry, no tinkling cymbal, no piercing clarion or mellifluous horn, to dazzle the eye, or astonish tlie flenses. It was a purely civil ceremony, mote congenial to patriot feeling, more in the character of our government and our People, than lias ever been witnessed Alice the day when \Y asjiington appeal* The Legislature of New Hampshire l.ot being able to uoitc in making a choice for U. S. Senator, there will be no election the pri sent session. CONGRLSSIONAL RETURNS. IVilkcs. County. AV.’C.Lvman, 290 IL It. Wilde, ? ( _ Baldwin County. - Wildo 2'»3 Lyirmn 159 Mr. AVilde’s present majority over Air. Lyman is more than 1000 votes. Up wards of forty counties still remain to be heard from, in two thirds which Air. AA ildc will receive large majorities. The Equistrian performers attached to the Savannah, Charleston and Augus ta Circus’ have arrived in Charleston from New York. 'J AVc learn by the National Intelligencer, that the Board of Commissioners, unde the article ofthc Treaty ol’Ghent, respec CMMfq. r . vMr 8PttAKRR then rose, ^ _ | . w half of the (louse, addressed the Nation’s cr nniont. No, Mr Speaker, posterity has IJ. States, and the branches thereof, so far the first time. Guest, in the following eloquent strain, I not begun for me—since, in the sons of as regards the demands which may be The bill to repeal the 9th section of adorned liy tlfofc graces of oratory for I JT) y companions nud friends, I find the made for specie by the latter upon the 3d article of the constitution of this sti which ho is distinguished: * . same public feelings, nnd, permit me to former, wns rend the 3d time and reject- and to alter and amend the law regt* ■ “GenUral: The House of Reprcscnta-| ft gd,,tho some feelings inmy behalf, which led—Yens 2l»‘Nays24 I tingthe granting of divorces, so os tives oftlic U. Suites, impelled olikeby its 11 have had the happiness to cxpcriencfe«in 1, Wednesday, Dec. 8. {make, the decision of the Superior coi own feelings nul by those of the whole their fathers. Q n mo tion of Mr. Gamble, the Semite “P 0 ” le S ul principles in such casts tin American People, could n..t have a^gmo! “ Sir, 1 lmvc been allowed, forty yca^Ucnnslderod so much of their journal as was lo4t. - .n. t , me a more gratifying duty than that of ago , before a Committeq^of a Congress of rc , tbd to tl|C rc j cction 0 f t h e bill to repeal i_ „ . ., ^ being its organ to present to you cordfftl thirteen States, to express tho fond wishes ■ t to rcKU ] ate the intercourse between . Mr * W*. ™» d 0n 1he “T® congratulations upon the occasion of your , 0 f an American heart. On this day 1 t , Rftnka ^ ^ ? g ar ds the demand lot spe- tlon ^ppropruite n snip lor t recent arrival in tire U. States, in com- have the lionor, and enjoy tho delight, to . ftn(1 t , je bil , wufj or d erc d to lie on the P t,se of collntm ?’ arranging nna . jm pliancc with the wishes of Congress, and congratulate tho Representatives of the LT^, 1 ing all papers relating to the original* to ie-urc you ofthc very high satisfaction [Union, so vastly enlarged, on tho renlizn-1 ' Thursday, Dec. 9. jtlcmcnt or political history of tins a which your presence affords on this early 1 tj on Q f those wishes, even beyond every .. , now in the Executive or- Sccrctarj theatre of your glory and renown. Al- human expectation, and upon the almost B‘11 introduced jnstonter, and read the gtat6 . s oJGce , though but few of the mcmiters who com- infinite prospects we can with certainty 1 tl ™S’ V1 f' ‘ 4ll . p n __ l Friday, Ucc. ill pose thus body shared with you in the Scipate. ^ rill Mr IIudson frora thc e ‘fS Mcl ° n War of our Revolution, all have a luiowl- •< Permit me, Air Speaker, and gentle- School Fund of the effunty of Lhathnra, g tat0 0 f the republic, to whom tins edge, from impnrtial history, or from faith- me n of thc House of Representatives, to 1 1,1 l “ c Savannah k rce ppnopt &ocietj. I ,. e( j a resolution to enquire luto tlie ful tradition, of u»e perils, the sufferings, join, to the expression of;those sentiments, 1 Friday, Dec. 10. dicncy of incrensing the tax oR free; and tlie sacrifices, which you voluntarily jo tribute of my lively gratitude, affection- Air. Gamble laid on the table tlie follow- sons of color, &c. <fcc. for tho piupo- iaicountercd, and the signal services, in J a t e devotion, ftnd piofound respect.” ; ing resolution: ' ; • J creating a'fund to. ho applied^ towaris captqted property, carried from the waters of the United States after the rati fication oftlic treaty ot Fence, 1111 • 1 < d in that city, pursuant to adjournment, on the s'th inst. Tlie definitive list of claims has been given in, und the hoard is pro ceeding in thc investigation.—Char. But. g resolution ; ... v«..— -rr ■ j America tuid in Europe, which you per- I After thc General and thc Alcmbcrshad | Resolved, That the frequency of visits removal from tho state of this pari formed for n 11 infant, a distant, and au | resumed their scats, and a short pause oc- j to the Penitentiary being productive of population, nintjc a Report, chsnpproi alien people: nnd all feel 11ml own the very Lurred, I insecurity, enormous waste of time, find I of such increase, it being msulticicii gjent extent ftf the obligations under which j Air Mitchell, the organ of thc Commit-j distracting the attention both of keepers effect that object, you ha ve placed our country. But tlie re- tco ,,f reception, moved nn adjournment. an d convicts, it is of vitnl importance to Air Hudson from the same commit lutions in whieh you have ever stood to the Tlie motion was agreed to, and the the prosperity of that institution tlmt Jt to whom was referred a motion tromu U. States, interesting and important os I House was adjouned to Alondny. should be restricted as far ns possible,nnd House of Representatives, rciaivo they have been, do not constitute thc only The Speaker then deccnded from thc the board of inspectors nre hereby autho- removal of the scat of governm m « 1 motive ofthc respect tind admiration which Chair, and most affectionately saluted the rised to adopt such measures as in their sented a ropori disapproving 01 g 1 * this House entertains for you. Your con- | General. His example was followed by discretion they innv deem proper for the ing at this time on the subject. M si.-teiic v orchavacter, your uniform devo- j tlie Membcrs of the House, individually, J purpose of remedying that inconvenience. Tile committee on 1‘inance tion to regulated liberty, in all thc vicissi- un d some time was spent in this agreeable J Saturday, Dec. 11. was referred m* tmrraspomuci tides of a long and arduous life, also com- manner before tlie General retired. The Senate took up and passed tlie bill Governor and the Solicitors 0 mauds its highest admiration. During all | —_ to regulate the intercourse between the and .Western Circuits, on the j General Lafayette will leave this City Banks incorporated by tlie General As-[the State’s claim against *°> B , neighbor- scmbly of the State of Georgia, nnd the Fleming F. Adrian and bainuu • 7ntiliiv> n*t An I „ 1* 4 L. ^ ¥T Clutnc n«w1 llin T? nn nolim? I Infn P/ltYtllfllSfllOllGl'S Ol linC/tlOIin *« M .. before the Congress ofthc United States, nt tlie close of thc Revolutionary AVar,and sum ndered to the Representatives ofthc J*e'»i)lc thc commission he had so faithful- ly-riiid gloriously discharged. That wa n .-ecue of simple grandeur, which has rthilv eommemorated hv our his- ind our artists. But, besides thi ijiiaraeteristic, in the scene of j-esterday tlie re were a crowd of associated rceollec timis lushing oa the mind, which misan thropv itself could not repel, and which pure aationaliceling re veiled in. Who could have witnessed the introduc- ti a of that venerable man, whose we have all been taught to honor and rc- yere ; who could have listened to the ani mated aiul truly appropiate address of the Speaker of the House of Representatives to the present object of its respect and grateful attention; who have ecctuhot ven- eruble man, by an effort overcoming his Fcii“ibility, giving distinct utterance, in the ‘tccent so dear to thc memory of all Amer icans, to bis - fervent aspirations, without lecling bis heart melt within him under the influence of those sentiments the occa sion was calculated to inspire 1 If such there be, wc thank Heaven wc arc not a- tnoug thc number. Any attempt more ■particularly to describe the effect of Ibis scene,, would be to weaken the impressions which From tbcN. Y. Nat. Ado. 9th inst. Police.—AVe Jun e frequently recounted instances of tlicvigilonce of the Ncw-York Folicc; hut an event lately occurred, which nfirms, in thc strongest manner, thc opi nion generally entertained of the value of such on institution. A man residing in Pittsburg, and ac quainted with only 011c family in N. York, arrived here, hearing a draft for 2500 dol lars, which sum was paid to him. He im prudently went into a tavern in a remote street, and drank freely, fell asleep, and when he awoke he found that his bundle of money was taken from him. A.-hamed to avotv to his friends hist condition, and lass, he left the city; and at Philadelphia lie wrote a letter to his friend, informing him of his misfortune; hut could give him no particulars as to the persons supposed to lave robbed him. liis friend applied to he police, and a scrutiny was immediate! j made. _ Hays high-constable, having reason to suspect that a certain person likdeonnnit- ted the robbery, wrote to the authorities in Baltimore, where lie had gone, to arrest him ; and accordingly the person descri bed was arrested, with money answering thedesuriplion; hut howtoiind the loser—- they only knew his residence ; and wrote to the postmaster at Pittsburg to adver tise for a person who had lost $2500 in New \ r ork. The person soon presented himsejl and was sent to Baltimore to see the prisoner. Great part of fiis money was recovered, and the thief brought to this city to he tried. Here was a robbery committed, null yet without knowing the names of robber or thc recent convulsions of Europe, amidst, is after the dispersions of, every political j today, some visits in thc storm, the people of tho U. States lmvc' 1 —* —.:-..i--i- T *- J — H ever behold you true to your old princi les, firm and erect, cheering and anitna ting, with your well-known voice, the vo-1 opportunity of pnying his personal rc-| ter upon the former, and exempt the bills J Governor to prosecute rigidly 1 tarics of Liberty, its faithful and fearless Lpects to the Alonibers of Congress, after and notes of the Banks incorporated by such mnnncr as he nnyy dconi companion, 1 end v to shcd tlic lust drop of their arrival, and would have departed the General Assembly from bearing inte- I ducive to the interest ol tnc s n . ' ‘ " " ' for rest wlmn they shall be collected/acquir- The House tookmp and ngryeu rc-1 cd purchased or received in doposite by report of the committee on . ^ eeptiou of him by the two Houses, after Ticni. <-.r<Vio IT. Sintoo m* thn brnm*JiRs 1 tivn tr> the charges of Allen _ ■ T1 dulged, that Providence would allow tlie seeing which he have dohe injnstice to Coii- Patriot, after dcntli, to return to his conn- gress, and to his own feelings, had he uot try, and to contemplate the intermediate awaited their fulfilment, changes which had taken place—to view 1 AVe have authority for saying that it the forests felled, the cities built, the moun- was the wish of all thc Alilitnry Associo- tains levelled, the canals cut, the highways tions of the city,nnd the intention of some constructed, thc progress of lire arts, the I of them, to give thamost brilliant escort adv.'iiiccinent oflcarning, andtlieincroasc in their power to the Committees and to of ])o;nilation. General, your present I to tlie General, on his visit to Congress; visit 10 thc IJ. States is the realization of and the Brigudicr General was prepared thc consoling object of that wish. You are to order out all thc volunteer corps of his in tho midst of posterity! F.very. where brigade on the occasion; hut it was under- you must have been struck with the great stood to he the opinion of tliejj Legislative changes, physical and moral, which have Committees, that a military, display or dccuncd since you left us. Even this | escort, was uusuited to the purely civic very city, bearingu venerated name, alike natures of the visit of thc General to Con qnde; . eii to you and to us, has since cm-1 gross.—Yob Ini. Wth inst. erged from the forest which then covered Gen. Lafayette will return to the'city its site. I11 one res[:ect, you behold us in time to he present, at the comnicnce- unultercd, and that is in the sentiment of mont of the Columbian College, on the continued Jevotie.n to liberty, and of ar- I5ih instant, and on the 10th lie will de- dent affection and profound gratitude to part for Annapolis reaching the scat of your departed friend, tlie father of his IGovcrnor Spriggon that day uml Atjnap country, and to your illustrious associates, | oljs on the next perusal of the Address of the tbo j )ergou robbftl, the money wa&in part Tipper ani^thf Answer of Lafayette are J recovered, in the field and in th« Gnbinct, for the multiplied blessings which surround us, and for the very privilege of addressing you, which 1 now exercise. This senti ment, now fondly cherished by more than ten millions-of people, will he transmitted, with unabated vigor, down the tide of time, through the countless millions who are Five hundred students are said to h’c in the Medical Department of the Universi ty at Philadelphia, attending the winter lectures. Bv‘a notice in the National Advocate, we learn that that establislmiopt is to he sold by auction, nt the Tontine Coffee destined to inhabit this Continent, to thcii I j j () „ sn) New York, on the 15th inst. if not latest posterity. . ^previously disposed tif. thc Bank of the U. States, or the branches tivc to the charges. ... BaJ thereof, if the said Bank or branches Esq. against the Direct01 s o thereof shall demand tho same to be re- of Darien—Yeas 53, Nays- • , deemed in specie—Y r eos 23, Nays 22. - SATPW>^>,ffp| Air. Gamble called up bis rcsolutilm of Air Holt from thccommi * yesterday, which was read and ugreed to. reported articles of impeae » j p Air. Allen from tlic committee on Inter- John Loving,-Samuel Jat'^ » nal Improvements, &c. to whom was rc- ing F. Adridpi commission _ 0 flantli ferred the resolution from Senate, recom-joftlic late fractional sun c . s ff j mending the consideration of cutting a ca- high crimes and misdeait'*- nal from the Altamalia river to Bntaswick, were rend and agreed to. jp Rejioiti'il, tlmt they have had the same On motion, Messrs J*" ’ f C ,,0 under consideration, and are of opinion, I side, Kenan and Lumpkin, ^ ^ fl[ that the plan is practicable, and when car- oitsly ajipointcd managers o ^ rieil into effect, might'he of benefit to the the House, to conduct the Stall—They do not think it advisable, against said commissioners* however, to recommend the adoption of a - . T r rived a { ^ any inensures relative thereto. As soon | The George recently ar j, however, as a Board of Public Works be deuce has been absent * jjj e \ estahlishcd, they wouid recommend that years on a trading vovngc ^ > subject be laid before them for their Coast of America and wan 0 consideration al nn early period—which very remarkable, she has no was read and agreed to. | person by death. Air. Allen from llie'same committee, to — _ Vr - ra [hcr whom was referred thc resolution direct-j Quebec, Nov. 29. ^-' e )0 fjp®“? ing them to enquire into thc expediency of I tinuos very mild; there is. cutting a canal from the Altamaho-to Sape- jiutlio River, and vessels ii>'» 01 lo river, rcqiovtcd, that they Imvc perform ed tho duty assigned them, and are of.opi- nion that it would tit this time he inexpe-1 the country roads nre cN ^ dienl to adopt any specific course in rela tion to such contemplated canal, inasmuch as no general system of Internal Improve ment has been adopted*—which whs read and agreed to. t , 9 very .. sleighing '; w _ jifipU rivoi's fire j.rtU) K““ re ' l! '1 ty in Novcmlter. 'b-v^U - ^fn the time 265W Hiblcs, 6274 ^