Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, December 23, 1824, Image 3

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F? qty?; tlsori-'o him ttf require Donas of 8500 of peters, for his appearance at the M uniei- pal court. For want of bu il he was c6m- initted to prisoit.—Courier. From the AugustaConstitutionalist 21 at inst The Statc ofSouth-Cnrolinuis writhing iimler nn improper interference with one of Iter laws, by tlie Executive, of the Unjtcd. States and the British Minister. Tho Pres ident, Mr. Adams, and the English embas- f v, have, it seems, combined in n deuial.of \.et right to exclude the black's of other countries from her soil, and if their doc trines b« once adopted, the southern states can no longer belong with safety to the confederacy. We are eonlirtnod in the belief, by recent events, that the Missouri question U asleep but not dead, and n fa vorable moment is only wonting to briug it into fearful agitation. The Ohio proposition, upon which our excellent Governor hns remurked in his message to the Legislature, and the dis respectful interference with u municipal nna self-defensive regulation of South- Carolina, should put us upon our guard, if the Constitution be not strong enough to protect us from the uttocks of envy and fanaticism, lot us have uu amendment to 'that instrument by which the strength of , our own property shall be fully ascertained acknowledged. We arc glad to witness the calm and resolute spirit of our sister, and expect to l.joinherin an anti-adminisiratiihi protest, vlicu Jackson sliull be f resident—quod Dens avertat!—against his violent Tariff and “blood and carnage” measures S5L- W1V1E CONCERT will be hold at Lege'y ton iL Ilotr.n, THIS EVMmxa. ileo 2^ 246 Fresh Oummts tiiul {Spices. J UST an additional supply of Xante Currants; Nutmegs', Mace, Cloves, Cinnamon,' Ginger, Allspice, ‘ Black nndOiivaiic Peppery SuperiorLondon Mustard, Warranted b»ap and bump Sugar all of tho first quality and for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON. dec 23 24(1 Corner Congress f,- Whitalrr-sts. ~~" Fresh tteas. ■ ■ ■' ■ I MPERIAL, ) . Hyson and > Tons of a very superior riuiditv. Pochonc ) ' Just received,and for sale bv LAY k. HENDRICKSON, dor, S3 246 Shads Hnildin.Ts. Lust This Morning, “ I N the Market.House—rod Morocco Pocket Book, considerably worn, containing twenty, sis dollars, and soma change, and several papers, of no use to any person lmltlio owner. The find er will be suitably rewarded by returning il lo the subscriber or leaving itnt this Office, dec 23 m246 JOHN ROBINSON. j 'j/m j .1t t received per sh ..ter ir, from Nt w- i •]:. J7I LEGAN'I I.afayMteGl,, ■- Lamp* ) Vnrioii JLJ “ Plain’. . . k Pat*. > Munll Glass humps for candlesticks ) terns. Jupan Dish Tube Lumps u Socket “ : MMipWibkall kinds, Tin CrirjiStovs, from 1 to 3 gall's. Tin hump Feeders Urge and small, and 606 gall s. of Pure 6'PL’hM/O/L, for shIc low bv LAY & IIENDRICK.SON, •'jlfi'i, '* . . Druggists and Chemists, - ShM’s Buildings, dec 20 243 Bank of/the State* of Georgia. P APER falling due Oil baturdny, 25th Inst. Christinas day, must bn taken tip tho day previous. A. PORTER, Cashier, dec 23 240 Planters Ban!;. SFRITIS Bank will lie shut on SATURDAY 25th IL inst. Christmas day Paper fulling due on that day must in: taken up on Frldny. , dec 29 a245 J. MARSHALT., (’ashler. J’ORT OF SAVANNAH. Office Bank, United States, Savannah, 22d Dee. 1824. S ATURDAY next being Christmas day this of fice Will be shut. Notes or bonds falling due on tho 2ffth must be attended to on Friday tho J. HUNTER,‘(Wrier. 24th. dec 22 ' ARRIVED. Brig Francis, Robertson, Thomustown, 10 ds, i With Lime nod I-uinberto S B •Parkinuii. ) Schr Molly, , 7 doysfmRichmond—JloUi* and tobacco to Cutnraing ii Gwutlmicy. SloopDoliglit, Cooper.2 ds Cm Charleston,car- | go to Bulloch & Dunwody. Passenger's, Miss Crf- I jlcii, Miss Flannery,ltey Mr Meely,5lr Turnbull, , Mr M’Uiunis, and Mr Rocbo. Sloop Union, Sallowlch, 36 hours from Surtbu- rv—cotton to J A Maxwell.Bullocli Si Dunwody, ' llSi J Hubcrshain, E Reed, r.nd J P Williamson. Sloop Heruld, Heath,Charleston, 1 day, to Co hen Si Miller. Sloop Howard and Jumes, I,uce, Darien, 3 ds, •jvitli 160 bales cotton. BELOW, A Ship,name unknown. SAILED, Sloops Jno, Chevalier, for St Murys. Nancy, Bates, ..!* Darien. Tire ship Niagara, for this port In 8 ds, Whs left it Port-au-Prince, by the Jolin London, arrived at Nctv York on the 13th inst. in 22 days; The brig Chutham, llollund, for this port, salted from Boston, Oth inst. The light boat, at Cape Ilattcras, has been struck by lightning, but received no Injury. ARRIVED FROM TIIIS POUT, At Charleston, ou Monday, sclir Enterprise, Eld red, 1 day. . At Providence, 10th inst. brig Eagle, Cary. cleared For tius port. At Boston, 1 Ith inst. brig William. rior upo luc<) time mtln set. tl & in tli ld»D| ip «¥ iiioDI rives run cip&l lei w lojrlii W E are requested to Stuld that IIlniiv J. Val- eau, Is U candidate for Justice of the Peace in tho 3d District—Capt. Hayden’s beat, dec 20 243 “Yjt7\E ate requested to state, that James Emus* T V qkr, is n candidate for the Ollice of Tux Collector, at tire ensuing election, dec 7 232 . r> % <w* HaVE just received per ship Wm Wallace. LEGHORN^. A general assortment of Misses, Girls and Boyi Yellow and White Leghorn Huts very low charged. PAPER HANGING. A v6ry choice assortment of various patterns, und prices from 37*, ctr. to $1, per piece with borders to match. AMERICAN PLAINS. 4 bales of stout American Plains, very low. also, Grundy’s and Welsh Plains 8-4 and 9*4 London Duffle Blankets 12-4 und 13-4 Rose do 8-4, 9-4 mid 10-4 Linen Diapers 2 bales French Oauuburg Thread ofnsuperior quality. 7-4 Red Flannel at 314 ids Plaid Homespun at 121 1 6-4 Mull Muslin at 371 “ Merino andCushmere Long Shawls, - Waist Ribbons, Linen Cambric, And Cambric Handkerchiefs clicnp, Cliinchila Hats, Thread Lnees and footings With a general and well selected assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, Which they will sell low andona long credit, dec 9 i;a234 W E are requested to state,Unit Gkoiiue Mil- len, is a candidate, for the Ufiicc of Tax Collector at the ensuing Election, tier: II 230 • W E arc requested to state, that David Bill is n candidate, for tiro. Office of Tax Col lector nt the ensuing Election, dec il 236 I rtf- 1 rgini W E are requested to state, that Adam Cope, is a candidate, for the Office ot Receiver ol xTRcturns attire ensuing Election dee 11 230 WM. C. BARTON, I S a candidate for Justice of tire l*»uce in tho 2d district, Captain Giredon’s Boat, und solicits the suffrages of the Voters residing therein, dec 17 || 841 *OT'llT OF COMMON PLEAS AND OYER AND TERMINER. HIIS Court will meet on W FAMES DJI YNexl the 22d but. Jurors uud Witnesses will be punctual in their attendance, dec 18 242 ' BEN. SHEFTALL, Clerk relsUf iouht, j ad® ulnTTis j lotlbtij NOTICE. Small Family can be accommodated with genteel lodgings in a private family. Ladies will also be, received as boarderson ino- i terms. Apply to the Editor, 20 243 Wanted, AND tO purchase or Runt sufficient for twelve Working hands, enquire of L S D’LvomiEs(| Savannah; ! 20 m243 Ifis rc] !W08 kgoh\ supp fflettV! f the i • UTlifCl was ill| ■y of t' v ;y, cnll 'l'he Faragon Toll Mill, STTILL beat Rice on the most accommodating I T terms. Apply to • HORACE KIRBY-, Snvannah, or td i JACOB READ, Drakies Plantation, dec 1? 237 Independent Presbyterian Church. IlittsE personk who rented. Petys in this , Church at Auction on Friday the 3d inst.are wreby notified thut unless they. call, on the sub scriber and settle for the samenn orbeforeThurs- ny the 23d inst. they will again be offered for cat on FRIDAY, 24th inst, at 11 o'clock, at rhich time tire hell will be rdng; dec Y1 241 CALVIN BAKER; , Dfl? iihn D broi sixty* >n fro" 4} tieiO # umber, Factorage and com mission Business. HpUR Subscriber continues the Luniber, Factor- me und Communion Ihuincss, at his old ;«i»l near the Union Ferry Wharf, und tendenghis to ins friends and the publio. J c will also utlend to the UE-PACKING and ''(IMPRESSING of COTTON,his cotton press be "6 in complete order. PSO sot JNO. EVERINGHAM ibis sincere thanks to die Q 1 ' !“® friends and the publifc for past favours, ih ,,' ,"rforms them that he hns reinoved his Shop ° ’ f. jpi.L* ‘ Buildings, next door to Lay &. Hen- hav’COil kson s Druggist, where every thing in his line ft,,. raiule in most fashionable style nnd at |> reusonalile prices. Also, 1 military uniforms e 'ery description. / ♦12£H> JOHN M. cooper; a245 Fresh Currants, <$»e. Just Received. I BBL. Fte'sli Currants L 20 half bbls corn Beef for family use 150 .Smoked Touches 20U Pickled. .(* . 60 bbls Whiskey 50 *> N.E. Gin 30 “ “ Rum 10 tierces Georgia Svrep . For sale by UAUDRY& HERBERT, dec 22 t.243 from skip Oglethorpe, BOXES prime Djgby Herrings; 30 bbls St. Croix Sugar 20 d j Loaf and Lump Sugar 20 bagd Coffee 30 bl,h Baltimore Superfine and Canal Flour 29 do Whiskey . 5 do old 4th proof do 20 half bbls Hoof and Tongues 15 do No l lind 2 Mackerel 12 kegs No l and 2-Richmond Tobiftco TO kegs prime Goshen Butter 6 casks London 1’ortbr 6 blids prime retailing Molasses 6 bbls Sugar House do 4 doeen .1 ill's Pickled Onions 20 kegs cut Naill, assbr'.ed Jamaliia, W. I. and M. E. Bum Madeira mid TenerlffeWine Old Dish Whiskey hi Bottles, Teas Powder & Slnit,"Dcuiijnlins, Jugs, Sic. For sale bt) GEO. 1>. CORNWELL. dec 14 j"241 pflp- M ■vfP ■ ; ^ . mst. 1 and Office of the Marine and Fire In surance Company. SAVANNAH, Dee. 2d, IB?4. A N adjourned meeting of tin; Stockholders of this Institution will take plncn at its Offlco oil WEDNESDAY the 12th day of.lainiHry 'next, at which all persons interested uro dcsjred "to nt- tnnd, either personally or by attorney-—os matters of importance, in relation to the future operations of tho Company, will then bo discussed and de elded, persons representing stock, should lie he vested with full pywerto vote on all questions tlmt may arise, touching tho progress of toe insti tution. . GEO. SCHLEY, President, dec 3 229 Domestics, <.yc. /!* CASES Plaids and Ginghams 4 bales brown Shirtings 1 “ “ Shootings 3 “ bleached “ 1 enso fancy Windsor Soap 10 hhds N.E. Rum 25 bbls “ ■“ 10 qr casks Currant Wine (superior) 7 blids New Orleans Molasses 6 M. Spanish Sugars iOO bbls Pilot and Navy Brcud 6o M. Laths. For sale low, by S. C. GREENE, dec 14 || t*2:47 Moore's Wharf. Office of the Murine and Fire 1 in surance Conipanv. SAVANNAH, Dee. 2d, 1824,. X3ERSONS holding Bills of this' Company are JL requested lb ’present them for.puymenttortli- with,as it is ilcsiralilo that they xlionlid all be re deemed as early as may be convenient. GEO. SCllLEV, President. dec 3 229 3 law for drill. Col. 60f/t li 'JInlinii, G. M. M. W. STEWART, Jldj'i. til Tlcfft. G. M. 235 oiupariy prefers- An illoction ib‘lioroliy or- doroH to be hold* in Reynolds Kqunre, on FRIDAY, "the 24th injj.iiitt, for si First nnd Second ) .ietttrtt.Tnt and En- si$ii tif tlie 4thBeat Omniin- ny. The Roll wil l he opened at 11 o'clock, A. ,M;' A. BAIN. Cup*. dor. fi 4th, Bent Oo. G, M. For Ts(fvv-Torwv (EST \ B ■ If ■ f •> LINE.) The fust Sailing Pocket Ship jfcjggfc R M 1’ E II O R, ■A J. II., Master, vi'l meet with immediate despatch. For freight or p ssage liavingelegant accQinmodu- lion*, apply to Capt. U. on hoard at Jones’s upper wlinifor to HALL, HOYT, dec 17 241 ummm w - J- ^ 1, - , - B , [M iiyj. *>. slerlierttfecc. LCK/KING GLASSES. On WEDNESDAY, 20th Inst, nt 11 o’clock. . , J Will be sold before our store; - - - A11 invoice of superb Mantle and Pier Glasses direct from the man ufactory. Terms ra-h. -V iNxmitor’s sale, By J. B. Herbert Sf Co. Ontlic First Tuesday in January nmt. will be soli before the Court tfcnise, in this city, between the usual hours of 10 anil 2 o'clock, the following property, being the PERSONAL ESTATE of Win. Craig, dec. viz.— One Share Steam-IJoat Stock, and Four NEGROES, r Sanclm, Fortuno, Jack, and Sylvia. Sold by per- ■ mission of the Hon. the Inferior Court and by. r<hf of the Executor. Terms Cash, tiov 17 216 Cavalry Ordcrsi « em ■ W.JP - . * ** SA VANN AH, Dee. 18,1824. t N' obeiHenec. to squadron orders, the corps of Georgia Hussars will, assemble oif its purudo ground 011 TUESDAY28th inst. at 3 o’clock, P.M. m full uniform, armed and equipped and prepared to elect a Caplnlji und fill such vacancies us may then occur. . By order l.irnt. Sciii.kv, commanding- 1 dec 20 243 . M ACK AY, 1 st Serg’t O. H. Fire and. Marine Insurance. rut HE Subscriber continues to receive propo- .8. s.iS fyr Insurances against fire und. marine lish, fop the Charleston Fire and Marine Insur ance Company—Persons wishiiigto protect them selves agninst losses, would do welly to nppty to this office, the stability of which is well known to lie undoubted—the rates of premium low, and the payment of losses, when they occur, most prompt and liberal. Apply to • HOMES TUPEER, .dec nt. dec 13 1.237 WOOD, ] 7tOR sale on Goodwins whnifj at; the lowest . rates nnd of the best quality. niL application to ft’m. J. Moore who solicits from hie friends and former customers and thc public in general a share of patronage, dee 2 Jr227. V IN, [flo. Unudann do. Celon do. Almon do. Veglluble “ Myrth “ Musk “ Low’s Uricntal do. Violet “ Transparent “ Windsor “ Wash Balls “ Savoriiiettc “ Hair Powder, Pomatum, Combs, Hair Brushes, Cloath Brushes, Teeth “ Razors, Sirups of Pomeroys (c Ben* jainln, » Rogers Pen Knives, Ladies Pencil Cases Lead Pencils, Stc. For sule by Dr. DE LA ROCIIE. nov 26 223 The Subscuiehus Continue the Commission Business in Liv~. crpool, under the. Firm of ISAAC, LOW $ CO. A ND will at nil times make liberal advances on produce consigned to them for sale. 1 laving ships regularly in lUe Liverpool trade, and owning a convenient wlnfff, oil which there are,roomy Firc.-ptoof Stores, cotton will be re ceived ainl forwarded hi, their own vessels, or those to their address, free of any commission. Orders for merchandize, will be executed and only a commission charged, when the payment is satisfactorily sccuredi A general assortment of British mm is just received, being bought Willi Money and se lected hyone of the partners, they will lie furnish ed us low as by any regillar Importing House in tlie Uniteil States, and 011 a long credit, for approved paper. ANDREW LOW & CO. oct 20 197 Academy and Boarding School. M R. PHILLIPS hastiie honor to inform tlie public mid particularly those ladies and gen tlemen who intend placing their children under his luition-tbat lie will open SCHOOL on MOJY- DA Ythe 'M of January next, in the upper part of the House,,at tlie S. VV. corner of Col. Shad’s Buildings, Johnston’s Square, lee 21 . 244 FACTORAGE. T HE subscriber tenders iiis thanks to [ilsfriends nnd the publid for tlie liberal encourage ment he Ims received in tho FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BUSINESS, and trusts tiiatby a strict attention to tho interest of the Planter, he will merit a continuance ofthclr patronage. For sale* Grtindy’s white Plains Prime 42 inch Cotton Bagging. ELIAS FORT, Commerce Row. Oct 6 186 Savannah Female Asvluirt- A N Election for a Matron to this institution. will tuke place at tho Asylum House on -the first meeting iti February. Application for the above to be handed in, to the subscriber. By order of the board, E. M. LLOYD, Sdc'ry nov 12 211 JYotice. I/TT^HE subscriber having been admitted to prac- ii tiee in the Courts of. this Stole, is prepared to rcoetvo any business that may be confided to him at the office of Richard Ouyler, Esq. on the bay. CHARLES H. STARR, dec 17. 1241 .. WOOD. T HE Subscriber offers for sale, best quality Oak and Hickory Wood at $3 76 on the Wharf, or l$4 60 delivered. JOSEPH G. BLANC K, Williamson's wharf. dec9 CA23-IJ H({Ua({ro]i Oitffij's • “2cl'Novi;MnEit, 18:44. rsrtHE members of tlie dorps ofQeo'.'gin Hussars .1- are ordered to esseidole 'at the Court House lo thc eity of SnvnniiHh on TUESDAY, tlie 28th day of December next, to elect a Captain to eom- nmnd the said corps, in tho room ot Capt. Stilus, resigned, and nlso to fill such other vacancies ns may * lien occur. By order W.W. GORDON, Adgt. Squad. Cav< 1st Div.U. M. nov 23 220 ■ CElLEBRATlONr T HE Offiucfs and Mefnbnrs of the Grand Lodge of Georglu, will assemble at the Grand Lodge Hail, in Savunnuh, On Monday, the htllh instant, ut NINE O’CLOCK i/i the forenoon, for the pur pose of celebrating the Anniversary of St. Jons Tire Evaxoklist. A procession will be formed, and an oration delivered by tlie ftev. A. Cahtf.u. Transient Brethren are requested lo join the subordinate Lodges, at their several Halls of meeting. . • . " O* The oration will be delivered nt eleven o', clock, at the Methodist Clturcli. The cltixcns art invited lo allcrid. By order of .Itimes Morrison, Most Worshipful Grand Master. Ii. il. FURTH, Secretary, a. 1. dee 17 241 NOTICE. OTILL bo sold ut the Pound on Ffi 'ay next 7y tho 24th hist, at 10 o’clock A. M. the fol lowing cattle if their owners do not tako them u-' ay before that day. One red cow with some white about her head has 110 murk nor brand. One black and white row witli one broken’ horn marked in one ear with a crop and saw teeth tho other car has 110 mark. V. M. STONE, c.jt lectio 243 Notice. A N Election will be held attha Court House in the City of Savannah, on SATURDAY, the first day of January next for two J Offices of the l’cueo for the Third Compa y Beat. Polls will be opt ned precisely at R) o’clock. Three Freehold ers ure competent to preside, .1 CUES MORftlSON.'l ' FRED 1C DENSLER, P.BRASCH, X. N. MOREL. , G. W, ANPERSON, JAMES aPHXNRY. j, N. B. Qualification ni vblcrs the same 11s for Members of (lie Legislature—to Tie a rcasdciit of the Beat. dee 13 *237 Genuine patent Family Medicines EES Pills Churches Ess .Mustard JLi Andcrsons do Chlngs worm Lozenges Hoopers do Thompsons teeth paste James do do eye water Churches cough drops Rogers veuetable Andcrsons do pulmonicdctergeiit Balsoin Honey Hearlem oil Audlcrs leimtivo British oil Opodeldock Henryscanc'd magnesia Squires elixir Batemans drops, i-o v Suits Lentons Can constantly be had atiiic store tit LAY Sr 11.ENDRICI SON, f i*lautation and Negroes for sale. The PhiRtntion hclonjjing to (lie estate of the late Fleming AklnJ situated on the little Ococcher, known by the name of McnihaU, cob* taiuing i 100 acres—a large proportion of whlcli is first quality Rice uml Cotton land, S Witli convenient Dwelling, No-. gm und qin Houses—stnbles, corn nnd cotton houses in complete order. Together, with a gan£ jl'twctir tyqirime -field hands—for sale upon veiy liberal terim. Apjilitation to be made to Mr. James Brown on the pluce v geo. w. McAllister, Stratliy Ilnil, Bryan county, or C. W. ROCKWELL L Co. Savunnuh. nov 18 *10, Fliuttetion lor Sale, The Flnnttition nnthe Augus ta Road, six miles from Savan nah, comprising fifty-two niid a half acres, about twenty of which is cleav ed and inclosed—Together with tho buildings thereon, including' u dwelling, ISStMfflL * tno ' vuas Rife House, |t)Ione of the beststamtson the Augusta JtHrflBft Road for a Tavern, is offered for sale low. Persons wisliipg to purclinso will please apply to the subscriber-on the premises.. i*c 14 238 ’ O. F. HUNK. GEORGIA—CHATHAM COUNyV. B Y virtue of an order of tlie Judges of the In ferior Court of raid County—it is ordered that ilit Election be held at the fienrgia Hotel, la the city of SHYanuah, on Saturday the 1st day of January next, for tiyo Justices of'the Peace, for the first beat Company—the company embrace all that section of said city, west of Montgomery street! extending froqj the river ns for suiilli as is incorporated—rl’oll to open at 1(1 o’clock, A M JOHN G ARDNER, GEORGE SHICK, JOHN O. HOLCOMBE, A -I 7 S ROBERTS, WM.W. BLACK, HENRY IlAUl’T, Freeholders dye 18 241 NOTICE. A N Election will be held at the Market llousi* in Ellis' square in the pity of .Savannah oh SATURDAY the 1st dny of January next for two JiUtlccs of the Peace tor the Second Company Bent. Polls will heopeno precisely ut 10 6‘ clock. Three freeholders are competent to pre side. CHARLES GILDON, ~ FREDERICK HERB, JOHN WATERS, A SHEFTALL, JACOB SHAFFER, HUGH CASSIDY. j Qnhliflcations of voters the samu us for Mem. hors of the Legislature-*—to - be ■ a resident of tho Beat. d,ec-19 242' ' il ice and C otton Plantations. For stile, thc Plnn- tution on which tlio Classical and English RjRuHSf AlKtt- (TnilK subscriber informs bis friends aud the public that lie has removed lys Seniliiijry for jlhHiig Ladies and Gentlemen, to Congress Street, within’tvvo doors ofWbitukcr Street, and one of. Johnson’s Square, where he lies taken that large rdoni lately o enpied hy Messrs Charlton & Shi.i-tai.l, as a Law Ofiee.-^nnd can accommo-. date,a few additional pupils. Forterms apply to the subscriber, at (lie School Room. HENRY MACDONNELL. dec 21 |[o244 ^ Dr. A. De Laroehe, H AS on hand . < - * Syrup of Quinine “ Sudorific “ Sudorific (dilde ctlitlnier) •i of Lemon “ of Althea Robanti Syphilitic Together with a general assortment of Drugs m\d Medicines, which ho offers for sale on tlie most reasonable terms at iiis store opposite tlie Exchnngo. dec 1 227 subscriber resides, called (», and kuown liy the imme dGfj of Akwton, having on ir a well finished Dwe’llng House, with eight rooms, besides a bafeemeot Sto ry with four rooms p mid a good Overseer House; Barn, Cotion’llouse, nnd otli’dr Convenient .build ings ; and a never-failing spring of excellent wa ter. ALSO, The Two adjoining Planttv. tions called nnd known by tlie namesofI,AMBETjiand DkanForlst, each having iiifprovetnents thereon. The three jilantiitions are within seven lniles of Savannah, on tho Groat Ogecliee Road, and con tain about two thousand and three hundred a- cres about five hundred acres of which is prime rice land, within Banks; midabout five hundred acres of cleared good cotton and provision land, ir greater part of which is enclosedby pretty good fences. The land wilLbe divided to suit a pur chaser if uesired. A.pnrt only of.the purchase mo ney will be required, and a liberal credit given lor the balance, tlie purchaser securing payment by ampvtgagc. For terras and conditions en quire of - GEO, JONES dec 10 ca240 NOTICE. A N Election -will bo hold nt tlie house of W-,t Robf.utson, in the city of Suvnnnulion SAT URDAY the 1st Jun.nary 1825, for, two Juslltiejtof .the l’eace for the 4th Company heat. Polls will be opened at 10 o'clock. . E. JACKSON, WM, PARKER; JOHN MILLER, J WM. GASTON, JAS. S. BULLOCH, GEO. W. OWENS, I. DAVENPORT, 3 P. GUEUARD. . dec 244 - tliaiirei Saw Mill. f |NHE above Mill is now in complete order, and JL will cut and deliver ut Savannah, or ut the plantations on tho river, lumber of every descrip tion wanted. Apply to HORACE KIRBY, Savannah, of to JACOB READ, Drakfe’s Plantation, dec 13 237si||&tA§ 1 ■ • dec. . For Sale, A BOUT ten thousand feet White Oak Plank from two to four inches thick. ALSO, A quantity of Pine Wood, at reduced prices. dcc 8 232 D. A. STROBHAR. • Wanted to Hire. A FEW good Axmen by the inonth or year*— Apply to Wi Bird, or D. A Strobluir, Camp Jack, or to • R. Ar BIRD, ’ Wayne’s Wharf. • dec 7 232 Wanted Immediately. rrtVVO Waiting Girls from 10 to 15 years of age J.- to do the light work about a house,in a small family-: none needapply unless well recommend ed. Enquire at LAY k HENDRICKSON'S, dec 15 239 Georgia Syrup g i'b tierces best quality—For sale by A *4 rice 1 t, GAUDRY & HRRBHRT FoorHouse and Hospital. This Property,so well know!) as to need no description, will IfjijSSW l ,e offered at public snle-wlth tlie cmt : IniildiLgs and every thing belonging to it, at the Court House on the Qi-sl Tuesday in January next, if npt pr.evioii-ly disposed of ut private sale. Applications in the meantime may be made to cither of the umlersigned Committees. G.W. OWENS; ) Com. of the FRANCIS SORREL. ( Planters Bank NORMAN WALLACE, ) Com. of Marine E. H. WELMAN. ( &, Fire Ins. Co. CALVIN BAKER, Auctioneer. der.8 *233 . dec 10 To Kent. The three story brick build ing on the Bay, lately occupied by James Dickson (y Co as a Whole sale Dry Good Store. Apply tp ^ C. W.ROCK4VELL4*CO. TO BE LET. , The Sl^OltE corner tif Bay and Drayton-Streets, now occu- E ied by J: P. Seize. Possession may e had on the 15th of this in nth. For further particulars, apply to Peter Dupon. PETER EVEN. 'tint 19 [|191 C MOCKERY* T HE subscribers continue to big orders for CROCKERY of any description on advan tageous terms. Persons wishing to order for the Spring would do well to haiid in their orders as early ns the month of January:' nov 25 .222 J. B. HERBERT & CO. A. Donald late of Savannah, in ’ Rotes, Due Rills, mid open Accoir.pts, are requested to make immediate payment to AND’W SMITH, novO tflW» Notice; 5?iT*ME folloubi-tenements hi the Exchange -IL are to be ieusod on TUESDAY 28th tns^. ut 11 o'clock for one year, viz :— The Bar and rooms tin the third floor, to be put up atone hundred and fifty dollars. And the eastern and western rooms at fifty dol lars each. a,Security for tlie rent will bo requ w iDc 21 241 FMSTQN uired. E, Marshal.. Planters Bank. N election will lie field for Thirteen Directors . on the part of the Stockholders at the funk on M.ONDAV 3d lunuary next. The poli will be open from 9 until twb.uiid front three until five. 0 clock. ■ J. MARSHALL, Cashier, dec 15 j|i239 CLIFTON MILL. * fSTiLF. subscriber’s Mill being in complete, order, L will beat rice on ’ns moderate 'terms ns any ob tlieV on the river; and every accommodation a# forded iiei-sons, who Send their crops to it. , The following are tlie present fixed rates: 9 pur ct tlie owner taking all the otfal 7 « « “ half “ “ 0 <* the Mill •' all “ Applv to Mr. Ouvcn Dudley at the Mill, or tp JOHN P; WILLIAMSON. ’ I dec 8 }r—tr233 Extract.from m Ordinance, Passed December 8lh, 180(5. A ND be it further ordained, That from niid nf- _/\. ter tho 24th. day of the month of December until the second day of January next, nnd ■ , cm ii succeeding year, not more than two negroes, or o.- iher slaves from one nhd the same pluntati'sn <wl be permitted to come within the limits of the ci ty on tiie,or night; mid if more than two negroes bqlongingto tlie same plantnUbn Shall be sect! or found within the limits of tlie city on any day or night froin the 24th of Dec. to the 2d ol January next.ensuing, even though they may have tickets llioy shall be. apprehended nnd im prisoned bjf the city mai'shnt, ortupcrihtendaiit <f£. the city watch, or any o»e of the members of tho, watch, or city constables, and shall remiiia lit prijf Son until discharged, and costs paid. SOLOMON COIIEN, e. pro. Ian-. dec 22 • ^ 246 -T;' ■ ' Fees 11 NOTICE. R ecorder City Treasurer Salary of $608 and City Murshal “ 600 Clerk of Council “ 400, Clerk ofC.'F. an ; O.T. ; Sheriff of “ tl “ Sup-ipljClty Watch $55 per n»>nth Diqiiup. “ V 45 “ lstScrg’t“ “ 25 “ " 20 “ « . o 25 “ " Messenger of Council 100 and Fees Sexton , ISO ,r ."Clerk of the Market Keeper oftiie Powder Magazine “ Conli-actot* for sweeping chimnies. City Scavenger, (by contract) 3 < ' Keeper of the City Clock, (by contract) Port \Varficns . |’eeS, ApjjiicaaLs for, any of-the above offices Will liana iii their applications to the Clerk oi Council on or before'the first regular meeting of Council in January next, as on that day the elections will lake place. SOLOMON COIIEN, dec 20 243 c. c. pro. tern. Bank State Georgia. SAVANNAH Dec. 18, 1S24. (fij^HIS Bank will elect a Teller, with a salary iL of §1440 to fill tho 'Vacancy occasioned by the resignation of J. P. llenry, on Friday t,ho.31st inst. -Bond, with two or more sufficient securi ties, lpr §15,000 will be required—applications must tie handed in, previous to the day of elec tion - wSH’ A. PORTER, Cashier. dec 18 . 242 : Bank of Darien, Dec. 14. 1^4. A. the individual stockholders for the ensuing year, will be held ut the Bunking house, on Mon day the 3- 1 January next. The poll will be opon- mfat9 o’cltick.A.Mi und closed at 2 o’clock,l’.M. EBEN. S. REES, Cashier. IT The editors of the Savannah Republican and Georgia Journal will insert the above until the election and tohvard their accounts to this Bank for payment. dec 20 243 . ... .... ^ Painting, Glazing, etc. T HE Subscriber continues to carry on the PA/JYTiJYG, GLAZING nnd GILDING business in all its different branches, ut Ids old Stand corner of Broughton and Bull-streets. lie keeps constantly on hand a general assort ment of , GLASS of all sizes. All kinds of PAINT OILS, H A. BAIN. nov 18 J6 A Plain Cook, -Washer •& troner rriO hire by tlie year; For particulars, apply to 1 WiX.WHJBAMS; deiGff 2B4 VJjt, ■ 1 ■ . iP Extract of an Ordinance, Pass; d the 17th December, 1817. TT7-E it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of J3 Use City of '''arunn ih, in 'Council Ar •mblca, and iiis hereby ordained by the an'.hinily of thf, same, Tiiuifrom and after the pass ng of, tills or dinance, it shall, lie the duty of the Marshal of tho city aforesaid and the constables thereof to itlfoitu uguinst all and every white person found within the limits of tho saidcity 'ditch prgltig or altcmpt- ing to discharge any gun, pistol, or other lire S ms crackers or other combustible preparation, 'n M tlie person so informed against- lie Spanish* d as, herein after mentiiiued. if a white perstin to be fined in a sum not exceeding Thirty Doilqi'S. : And bo it ftirlh r orduin il by III- aulke said, That it any perspn ofcojor be foul fending as afur Said such person of col- ceive coi'pofnl'puuiSbm nt not e sccedin es tq be inflicted by the ■— The City, ConStab!** < • 'oro. of- offic'ei in force the above sections i lerird to en- ;E. ii 'i-shal. KQ AT WALTIIOURVIhLE, LIBERTY COUNtt. nnHE Pulilio'are'respei'ii'iilly infonne'Lth.-.l the" .il Rev. Mr. Ripley Ims b \etl appointed I’riuci- pal of the abovb-named In-litution : Mr M, Jones having resigned. Instruction in tlie InauHie.. u- sually taught in Academics will corihenc*! on the firet AIONDAY in January next. Terms of Tuition} Latin and Greek Languages. §9 per quarter. English Grrtininar, Arithmetic, Geography, History, Com position', - - - §7.\ “ “ Spelling, Reading and Writing; 5 « “ S. J. .VXSON, Chairman. dec £2 r245 'of Covmhsiar.crsii. American Cough Drops# G?rpiHS'Medicin<J is a Safe niid certain Cure for AL Coughs, Colds, ASthmaS, aud Cons'imptions, in their early stages aud prepared entirely from Anierican Plants. Many persoiis in this City have, been greatly relieved from obstinate coughs by 'its use. A ;ap- 'ply has just been received, aiid for sale. bv. ■ LAY & HENDRICKSON Shad's Bitildliigs: dec 22 245 Lost.*. . Supposed to have been stolen, ] 7tROM the subscriber on the Evening of the 8th . inst. hetiveen the 6 and 7 mile posts, on the Louisville Road, a Black Morocco Pocket Book, containing a note of hand .given by Elijah l ox, for §195; dated sometime in 181U mui due in 1820; An execution against William Lee,-for House rent, in favor of John II. Morel!, Esq. and paid by Philip R. Douglass, and held- by him a- gainst said Lee, for §22 50. Also, articles of ft- greement with Ebin Jenckes for the hire of a ne gro woman Tamer, for tlie year 1823, amount §50. Besides several other notes, accounts, Use. which is not recollected, tliut can be of no use to any one but the owner. Whoever will return the said Pocket Book and ii contents, shell lx» liberally rewarded and no questions ashed. y ." JOHN DOUGLAS.-}, Louisville Road; H miles ijrnm $avh, dee 18 842