Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, December 23, 1824, Image 4

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s< Administrator’s sale. On (lie first Tuesday in January next, 'LL be sold at tho Court lldttie, in the County of Effingham, between the usual °Two negroes a Fellow and a Wench, named l.lovd and Fanny. And also all the right title , U ul interest of William Joseph Spencer, dec d, ot in and to n negro woman named Amy, and her son Tom, and the possession thereof. 1 lie above gold ns the property of Win. J. Spencer, dec u. by order of tlie Hon. the Judges of tho Court ol Or dinary for the County of Effinglimn, for the bene* lit of the heirs and creditors of the said deed. Conditions made known on the day of sale novif 2n!> o,/, n a,! ELIAS HEED, Adm'r. Sheriff's sales. On the first Tuesday In February next, W ILL be sold at the court house in the city of Savannah between the hours of 10 and 4 o’clock. IS negroes viz. Charlotte, Bnccus, Eve, Tennli, Titus, Sambo, Naro, Belinda, Dorcus, Isaac, Bess, Sippio, Cnrlus, Cloe, Peggy, Anne, Betty, nnd Monday, levied on by consent os the proper ty of N. G. Kuthcrford, under a fi fa on a forci lo- rare of a mortgage in favor of the Bank of Darion. ISAAC D’LYON, * c c. dec 4 230 City Sheriff's sales. On the first Tnrsdayin January next. 'tXT'ILL be sold before the Court House in the W City of Savannah between the usual hours ~<tf ten nnd three o’clock, Sundry articles of Tabic Linen, Bed Linen Plated Ware, Sic. Sic. levied on ns the property of Qrran Byrd to satisfy two executions for house rent in favor of Kleozer Early and asslgued to J B Herbert iv co. All that building on part of Trust Lot letter (A) Darby Word,bounded south by Congress street, 8 east by the residence of Geo. Millen, Ksq. west by the store occupied by .MayersSi Hamilton, north by one portion of said lot, levied on ns the pMpcr- ty of John Willson to satisfy an execution in fa vor of Ann It. Edwards for ground rent, dec 3 230 A. 1. D’LYON, c.s. Sheriffs sales—continued. Oil the firsI Tuesday in January next, W ILL be sold at the court house,in Savannah, between the usual hours of side, The following negros Dclila, and her 3 children, Lucinda, Mary ami Anthony, levied on iisthe property ot Eloninf Early, to salisly an exe cution in favor of the Bank of the United Slates A negro man named Joe, levied on as the pro perty ot Joseph C. Habersham, under a li la on torcclosurc in favor of Davis Si Berrien. The following Seven Negroes, viz: Tena, F.ster, Jacob, Sinah, Adam, Daphne and John, levied on os the property of Elizabeth Whiting, to satisfy* an execution in favor of Willis W. Franklin? against Augustus F. Durkce, and Elizabeth Whiting, The southern half of lot No. 32, Elbert Ward; southern half of lot No. 37, Liberty ward: Sold as tho property of tho late William Shaw, dcc’d, under a decree of the lion. Superior Court of Clint- ham Comity. Conditions, u credit of one mid two years—the purchaser giving bond and mort gage on the property. I. D’LYON, s, c. e. dec 11 230 City IMqyshaCt sales, O N tho first Tuesday in January’m front of the Court-House, between the usual hours, will be sold, the following property, if the taxes are not paid: Wharf lot No. 8, Washington wnrd, bounded east by lot No. 9, south-by Bay-street, west by lot No. 7, and north by Savannuh river, levied on as the property of the estate of Pot. Stanton, to sat isfy the city taxes of said estate fortho years 1821, and 1822, amount tax $99 and cost. Buildings on south hnlfof lot no.40 ; leviedon as tlie property of Benjemin Shcftall, to satisfy his city tnxes for the years 1823 and 1824. A- mount due $17 50, anil costs. Buildings on lot no. 24, Elert ward, levied on os the property of J. 1. Bulloch, to satisfy his city taxes for the years 1823 and 1824. Amount due $3343, and costs. doc 19 F. M. STONE. Marshal. LI m:\i.T it. EAT.TII, tin greatest of all rarlMv blessings. At 11ll: • f til,’ high I) propi ami Ibi' City Marshal’s sales—continued. On the first Tuesday in January next, XX 71LL bo sold before tlie court house in the VV city of Savannah, between the hoursof 10 and 4 o’clock, . Lots no. 29 mul 30, Columbia ward, <10 by 90 _ _ each 1 it bounded cast by "lot uo. 31, outh by a Sheriff's sale. lane, west by Habersham s£ nnd north by York On the first Tii'iday in February next, street, rc-cetm,.! u P m at he property of the cs TILL be sold ot Uie Court House between ta tc of F. Likin, tm-4 quarters rcntench lot. the hours often nnd four o’clock, the fol- Lotno.2o, Brown ward, 60 bv 90 feet, bound- Lowing three Negroes, viz: ed east by lot no. 24,*outhby Perry-, , west t.y Mary, otherwise known bv the name of Con- 1°‘-fo an «l ««£ by a lane, re-cn ercd upon stance, mid her two.children Lucy and Kcziah, I M ‘be property of C. H. Huydcn, fur 12 quarters leviedon under a forccli sure of a mortgage os the 1 rea *- , , . Property of William H. Holland, to satisfy Gaudry I ffo* 3', L»bc ty ward, 60 by 00 fcot, bound w ti Dulaure. t.3 1. D’LYON, see. ed east by lot No. 30, south by a lane, west by lot No 32,and north by York-st re-entered upon ns property of the estate of John H. Deubcll, for 12 quarters rent. Lot No. 32, Liberty ward. 60 by 90 feet, bound ed cast by lot No. 31,’south by a lane, west by o’clock. All that parcel or tract of land in the county ot Chatham, State of Georgia, known in the plan of said county ns Garden Lot No. eighty, (80) east Containing 11.1 acres more or less,bounded on tiic north by tlie Thunderbolt Bond and lands of Jas, Bilbo, on the south by lands of Jno. Scrivcn, and on the west by a road leading to lands of Col Jas Johnstons and others, with tlie appurtenances thereto appertaining, leviedon as the property of I Thomas R. Broom, to satisfy a fi fu on a forcclo sure of a mortgage iu favor of Wm. T. Williams. , ^ Seventy-five acres oflnnd and improvements, I ‘Alt White Bluff di5t. Chatham County, levied on ns I the property of Jus. Govan, to satisfy an execu-f tiou in favor of Henry llnupl, et. al. A negro man named Lester, levied on as the j properly of John W omack to satisfy an execution In _ lever of Henry M'Alpin, vs. John Womackaml | V.’iii M. Craig, security, et al Tiu-ee hundred ami thirty acres of land more! or ltes, H bite BlatTDisl. in Chatham County, le-1 vied on ns the property of Clins. B. Jones to satis-1 [y an execution infavorofl'lios. Walton. Buildings on lot No.«), Spring Hill with tile nn- expired lease ofsaid lot, bounded south by lot No. 10, e.;l bylot No. 8, north byOake street, and I tvest-by Froiiklin-st. levied on by n constalilc B3 the property of Wn» Richardson to satisfy several •xpeutions in favor of Itichard It„\vcll et al and! tur ed over to me. I. D’LYON, sec dec -i 230 Administrator’s sale. \ 'i ILL bfe sold at the late residence of\Vllcn f Denmark, deed, late of Bulloch County, on the first Saturday in Febi jury next. the following tracts of land, amounting to 3,- C824 acres, situate in tlie County of Bullock nnd immediately on the MilledgeviUe road, thirty live Julies from Savannah, viz: Ohp tract containing one hundred acres, more or less, with a coinfortuble Dwelling House, kitch en, stables nnd corn houses—Fouit acres adjoining the ubov tlie former resident Denmark—on' this tract is a dwelling house, corn Sheriff’s sales. On thefirst Tuesday tn January next, ....... XT TILL be sold at Uie court house in the city of 1 ' v e»t Bnmd-st. and north by lork-st. re-entered \\ Suviinnali, between the hours of 10 and 4 upnonstUe property of the estate of Join 11. Deubell,for 12 quarters rent. Lots Nos. 17 und 18, Franklin Ward, 60 by 90 feet each, bounded cast by Jefferson st. south by St Julian-st. west by Franklin square, and north by Bryan-st. re-entered upon as tlie property of F S' Fell, for 8 qrs. each lot. F. M. STONE, c. m. dee 18 242 I1ALL & IIOYT, llPFEtt FOR SALE, HMDS, prime ond 2d quality St Croix Sugar 50 bbls " “ “ Sugar 70 bags prime green Coffee 30 crates blue and green edged Plates ' 10 tons Iron assorted 5 pipes Cognac Brandy 5 “ Holland Gin 8 ldids Jam. Rum half pipes,qr casks,and £ qr casks Wine 30 bbls Loaf Sugar 30 coils Bale Rope 200 Grindstones 2000 bushels Maryland Corn 800 “ Long Island White, equal to Geor gia Flint Corn nov 22 219 T rj| -jSENCE of Cinnamon, Peppermint, Anm- sced, C'lovo3, Lnyeudcr, Fennel aud Sassa fras 50 dozen p*logno Wafer For ale bv Dr. A. DE LAROCHE, Druggist, On the Buy opposite the Exchange, dec 1 227 hen it is and important to cleanse tlie Stomach 1< of redundancy o! bile. and nil iterqi- clous aud ruinous accumulations, the proprietors of LEE’S most o crl!ent VNTI-BILIOUS PILLS, would very respectfully advise tlu: use of several doses of them, und thereby in many instances pre vent head-aches, sickness at the stomach, oostL nato obstructions of the bowels, scorching fevers, LEE’S NERVOUS CORDIAL, nn excellent Medicine for all nervous affections, weakness, pains in loins, back, LEE'S ESSENCE OE MUSTARD, no medicine ever excelled this in curing rheuma tism, sprains, bruises, frosted feet. t\-e. Vo. I,Kirs AC UK \ M> !’K\ KK MUM'S, a never failing tare. LEE'S SOVEREIGN OINTMENT, warranted to cure the itch, by only one applica “lEE'S PERSIAN LOTION, nn ex cellent medicine for curing tetters, ring worms, prickly heat; softens the skin, and improves* tho complexion. LEE’S WORM DESTROYING LO ZENGES, a most powerful Medicine, removes and destroys nil kinds of worms. LEE’S KLIXER, nn invaluable medi cine, it never fails to cure tlie most violent cold, and affords iustant and great relief, in nil obstinate couriis, it also relieve* young children from chol- R LEE’S INDIAN VEGETABLE SPE CIFIC—An effectual cure for the Venereal and Gonorhstn. A, LEES’ TOOTH-ACIIE DROPSY which give immediate relief. LEE’S TOOTH POWDER—Which cleanses and beautifies the. teeth. LEE’S EYE WATER—A certain ure for sore eyes.’ LEE’S ANODYNE ELIXIR—For the cure of hend-aches. LEE’S CORN PLAISTER—For re moving and destroying corns. LEE’S LIP SALVE. Q7|Nnmeroiis cases of e'enzs could be annex ed, of tho happy and good effects that have fol lowed the use of the above JUSTLY CELEBRA TED FAMILY MEDICINES, but the publisher has not room for them in this paper. V Please to observe what ever, and where ever you buy none can be Lee’s Genuine Family Mcdi cines, without the signature of the proprietor, NOAll R1DGELY, Late Michael Lee Jp Co. Hie above famous fumily medicines are fei sale by DR. A. DELAROCIIE. Scnr. Druggist, Savannah Who has just received a fresh supply from Haiti more. oel 7 196 Lamp Oils, Lamp Wick, Glass- T IIE Subscribers have just received per ship Emperor, A general supply of IVinfer, Fall and Summer ftrained Lump Oil. Brcttaucd Socket Lamps Jupauiu Dish do Glass do do Peg do do Lafayette do Globe Lamp Glasses French Chimney do for Billiard Rooms and ' «.■* Theatres Lamp Wick of every description Together with ’J in Lamp Feeders, Tin Canisters for lamp Oil, and every other urticle suit able for the convenience of Light. The wliolo of which comprise a more complete assortment than has ever been exhibited in this city, and arc offered for sale at prices to correspond with tlie time The' public arc very respectfully invited to catl aud examine thorn. LAY fi HENDRICKSON, Chemists nnd Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. nov 11 210 1 iamsrsmw August ormijsr, H AS removed his DRUG STOKE, tollie corner f Bnmhton and Il'hitnkcr-Slrccts, opiiosite Col. Shelhnan's Mansion House, where lie exhibits for sato,u cholco assortment of Fresh Medicines and Garden seeds, and vnrltftt* other articles suiting Ins lino. Henh- status relating tho whole string of untiles of the tilings he offers, and only mentions a fow which are not commonly found in every Drug Store, viz: Fol. Snbinn, I’yrala Umliclliita, DegitnlisPurpurea, Scnllcnp, Hyssop, Germa’t Leopard's Bane, (arnica montane) Elecampane, (Inula Hulenium) Hops, Ergot, Tomtaut Beans, Squire's Elixir. Daffy’s Elixir, Ess. Mustard, Ess. Tyre, Jesuit Drop, Churche’s Cough Drops, Aromatic Vinegur, Toilet, Vegetable, and other Soaps, Macassar Oil, Phosphorus, Ox Mur. l’olasso, James’s Fever Powders, Infantile Powders, Read's Stiptic, Spirits Soap, Fumigating l'mlils, Pyrolfgmous Acid, Black Drop. Rosfieotingthe utility of this Inst article, lie refers to the inst, hut one. page of thcGcorglu ni\dSouth Carolina Ahnmiae, of this year. oct9 t!97 bom e ami ai jnill h; at ])!•. solo 11 Oik Ei t; The SUBSCRIBER, AS received by late arrivals, a complete ond general assortment of I n o N, hundred 1 bfoltaoslevery description,as also n fresh supply of lescribed tract, being SHIP (MIANDLERY, e oft he lav; Major Stephen ^uhich will he disposed of on the n.o»t accommo tract is a dwelling house, corn I liitlng terms. IN STORE, Fresh superfine FLOUR, mid h few thousand Of every variety nud Pattern „ ting terms ore House and kitchen with good stubles, xcellent stream and mill site, whereon a 11 ______ __ _ ?n lor many year , but out of repairs I lnislieU Virginia COlltf, of nil cxreVleut quality, ic mill stones and null irons Will he I The subscriber intends keeping a constant sup „ pi v of these articles. • WM. TAYLOR. tner tract adjoining toe above, whcrei y resided, containing five imudrc.l 17 n215 and ,. ; :irty acres, uitli comfortable buildings aud out booses, one other wood land tract containing Ohivni I uiidred acres, one lot in the firsj District Houston, coiiliiiiiing 202j acres, No. 116, one oth ' cv loWn the 8th district Early conlaining25Uu- cres, No. 231. '- ‘'Terms of sale, 12 months credit tvilb a mortgage on t 1 ’’ premises mid small notes and improved Seeuriiy. Sold by order of the Court of Ordinary Ot Bulloch County. Any person wishing lo pur ititt x hr-. CL. nil view the premises by application to the ROBERT BURTON, Adm’r MART DENMARK. Adm’x Fifty Hollars IvOAvanl, X /x .'ILL be paid for the npprehensiuii and do- > V livery ot the following Negroes to tbe Sub- scrilit-r3, liviug In Boarke Cnnty, or any safe Jail go wc can get them—or a liberal reward will be given for any part of them, to wit. Mo rattan a bright Mulatto man, about 35 years old, rather slender made and of keen .uppreheiisiolf, mid his wife Hannah a black woman about 45 years old, with a scar on one side of her face, the property of Joseph Hines—Ben an African about 45 years ol i,;si:in!l ond well set and tiled teeth, with a scar op pr.e ucm, nnd his wife Sylvia about 35 years of age,’pretty heavy to her height.—They took of 3 Children Bco, Dax’e nnd Hetty, (lie children of Ben anu'Sylvia, two of the children belong to the Estate of Smith Stringer, deed, tlie other child and Ben aud Sylvia to Abner Belcher. They VaHiinistrator’sHulc, the first Tuesday in January next, \ ___ !(*.i"giv tlie. Court House in the J broke loose n large Canoe on Tuesday tho 28tb . ii mill, the following property, September last, at Stephen’s Bridge, BiirkecCoun- n r) estate pf Andrew M’Leati. lali: of ty, mid we thing will aim down the Riverud' the 1 bounty, dec’d fiii tlie beijulitoftlieiicirs J .Mnvsiiy Country, below BayaUffiih; ns Ben war ors, pursuant to uii ord-r of Court. _ bought up there and hag oncemniiwuy and got hit , i il land, containing 8fX) acres adjoin-1 wife anil cjiildren back there and we’re apprehen ded and iiiit in Savannah Jail., not two years ago, —One ofthe men took off a Gun the other a Pis tol with them. or.t 14 180 JOSEPH HINES ABNER UELCI1EB. in,, iaiids jpf Francis Tufts, James Ilasco, and Ma lty Shares, known as Jonathan and John Fox’s tracts, about 12 miles from Savannah. One vacant lot in fee simple, situated in Ewens- burg, on Margurcl-st.Savannah, known by No. 28. One Ditto, also fee simple, situated in do. and known by the No. 21, with a dwelling house and Other improvements thereon. Due Lot in lUccborougli, Liberty county. i he porchascrs giving bond and inortgiigc, pay-, , . .. .... -Xiblc in ou.‘, two and three years,with interest from- v ’ h P fecl ^! s PV scdt " en^rage him will please date aud personal security. GEO. GLEN, tuake a »©P atk> " at 1,,c . Lowsew„f Mr . i>„„, rP Oct 30 201 Adm’r nst. Andrew MM.ano. Broughton and Drayton-Slreel*. 1 or nt the Furniture, Store »f Mr I. \V. MohbatX, iriiiltalccr-filrect. The subscriber tenders bis thanks to the citizens Rllif .subscriber informs Ids friends nod tin, JL inhabitants of Bnvanuali generally.that lie will give instruction? on the P/.'LYO TOUT I'..—Those LJUV them. 1 .at hi nfc' lit all times lie found at the Of- ce,ve, . i ’ W T w J”? k «‘»V fd®;, ami lice . . Mi ...... Davies V Berrien, situated in li.m- la » 9 profession, and he attention he ter’s buildings on the Bay. ' pledges 1. mself to pay (o hose who, may lie pin* JO^’iTTI V VII F'\’F BFV I et * his inst/ucUons, lie will receive a liberal vvwc. *» • x- v ' ‘ ‘ ’ t shuro of public patronage. Terms $25 per quarter. OT* PIANO FORTES tuned at the shortest notice. nov 16 i.214 IIENBY L. BRASCH Savannah, pet. 26,1821. 03*Tbe Constitutionalist, Georgia Journal,and AVusldngton News, are requested to give the uj 'Love 3 insertions n eekly. limiavvay O N tlie 2Gth ult. a yellow tcllow (nainedTOM) belonging to Prince Candy, a colored mnn *nd Cooper in this place. Tom is about 5 feet 10 inches high, visibly pitted in the face with gun powder, resembling small pox, and about 25 years old. Information Inis been lodged that he is har boured on board-a fishing smack o'ffTybee. _ A liberal reward will be given for the apprehen sion qf Torn, or sullieient testimony to convict those iji whose employ tie may now be. SAW’L STILUS, Guardian. Klcgaut & choice Perfumery, *&c T I1E Siilmcribcrs have received pr brig Ann. Schooner Intrepid nnd ship Corsair, u fresh supply of Choice Perfumery, consisting of Otto of Boses in clegaiit gilt bottles of vari ous patterns Mncnssur, Russia, Bears and Antique Oils Poinutum in rots nnd Bolls Rate, Orange flower and Lavender Water Rosc,Kciijuin, Musk, Olive, Yenncnlar, Pul pi, Vegetable, Ceylon, Bandana, TnmspnreiU, Variegated, nnd English Windsor Soaps, Wash Balls, Naples shaving Soup in Pots Shaving Cakes, 8,-c, Pocket, line teeth and dressing Combs, new Patterns Hair Powder nnd Powder Piiff9 Pocket Books and Pocuct Wallets, with nnd without springs T.n Fnyettc and Silk, Stocks, Elastic Wire and Coburg Stjffnors, Silver Wire Teeth Brushes with gill handles Tonngc Scrapers, Nuil, Cloth, Hair und Shaving Brushes, Cut Gi'a-s Smelling Bottles, Visiting Curds, Metnl Shaving Boxes, Floating Tapers of every description, ’J'onguin Beans, Mask, Carmine, Court Plaster, Snuff Boxes, Chamber Lights and Mn'lcbes, Segar Box es, &r. , ..V,” Wliich together with n very general and extensive assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicnls, Pa tent Medicines, bie. &e. All of which have been selected by n good judge, and are offered for sale at least 20 per ct. lowerllum has ever been sold > this'market for cash or credit. Purchasers w u’.d do well to cull and examine them. LAY &. HENDRICKSON 08 26 196 Valuable Medicine. A NTI-DISPEPTI€ PILLS, Prepared by Henry James. A N approved remedy for Dyspepsia, or Indi gestion, Habitual Cosliveuess, and Piles. It is well known that Dyspepsia is one of tlie most frequent nnd formidable diseases of our country. Its commencement is indicated in dif ferent putienta by Various symptoms, of which the most remarkable arc— Irregularity of th i bowels, obstinate costive ness, iieadaeli, commonly called nervous orsiek. ly bjjadacb, yellowness of the eyes and skin,acid! ty of stomach after eating, often called heart burn, flatulence or wind on tlie sloniucb, bitter taste in (lie iiionth iii the morning,lmlid breath,drowsiness after dinner, debility, lassitude, emaciation, da jiressioii of spirits, ^o- I’ilcs being connected with indigestion nnd cos tivencss, arc certainly and speedily removed by tlie pills. A supply of the above valuable Medicine has jilst been received from the Patentee, and can be obtained of the subscribers, xvlio have been ap pointed ngents fur the State of Georgia. LAY ti HENDRICKSON, Druggists and Chemists, Slmd’s Buildings. dec 7 232 Assize of Bread. T HE average price of Flour being $6 1-2 per barrel 190Tbs weight, the weight of Bread for tho present month must be cts. loaf 2 lbs. 13 oz. 0) “ “ ’ lib. Oioz. j Of which all Bakers and sellers of bread will take ; due notice. "'%'S M. W. STEWART, City Trcatuxer. dco 9 SM 1 JAJh HBLS. Hoxtlls Flour JLvFx.* 20,000 best Spanish Scgars 20 half bids corned Beef put up for families 20 do Goshen Butter 60 lings prime Green Coffee 30 bins do do do 20 boxes white Iluvnna Sugar 25 hltds prime St. Croix do ’ 60 bhls do do do 40 do do Muscovado do 60 do Rye Whiskey 10 hhds do do 6 do N. E. Rum 10 pines Cognac Brandy 6 (lo best Hollands Gin 40 bbls N. E. Gin 20 do prime Pork 60 do new Mackerel No. 3 60 boxes yellow Soap 40 do New Bedford Sperm Candles 20 kegs Shot, nssortod 100 do Duponts Powder 60 half kegs do do 10 lings Black Pepper 20 boxes fresli Chocolnto, No. 1 60 kegs Spiced Salmon With a general assortment of GROCERIES, GAUDRY h HERBERT. JKiNiNLY t-V DOUGLAS Anciau.y’s AViiauf, TTAVEJntely received and oiler for sale on ac XX cotmnodutlng terms,' Cognac Brandy, Holland Gin Jamaica nnd St. Croix Ruin 4 hhds N. E. Rum Wines, Coft’ec, Teas, Chocolate Sugars, Molasses Beef rind Pork Butter, Cheese and Lard 30 boxes Soap 10 .“ Tallow Candles 140 “ Sperm “ now 10 hhds best Sperm Oil Ilhds nnd bhls Train Oil 40 reams Wrapping ParicV 2000 lbs Codfish 20 bbls No. I Mackerel 20 <1 2 «• 20 « 3 « 15 Jialf bbls 1 10 « 2 n 10 bbls Rye and Corn Men! Pilot nud Groat Bread ■ 100ft lbs Hums Cordage, Corn Brooms— r Nails Thin and heavy Sole Leather for ships uso Flour in whole and hulf bbls. 250 blits Potatoes Glauber Salts, first qiial. iu bids nnd boxes Herring, Salmon, Tongues nnd Sounds Wtjite Beaus—Vinegar London and American Mustard Fine BOOTS nnd SHOES Course do do SEAMEN’S CLOTHING, And ninny oilier articles ut Retail, nov 23 Je221 DANCING ACADEMY A SSEMflfj YHAIjI.—Hr ought, on-street. T HE subscriber informs his friends nud patrons, that his room having been thoroughly clean ed ami repaired, his School for Young Misses and Masters is now open for tlie season. Having taken into consideration the present de pression oflmsincss nnd consequent scarcity of money, lie has determined to lower the price of tuition accordingly. The terms will hereafter lie TWELVE DOLLARS per quarter. A The school for gentlemen is also open in tlie evening. (D J Persons wishing to soo the subscriber will dense call ut ids dwelling, corner of Drayton and State Btrefcts. JOHN C. LEGE, nov I rjj2 Pure Calcined iUagneaia, a new Article. T HIS Medicine has been prepared by the New York Chemical Manufacturing Company, and is said to lie equal to the celebrated iirlicb. made by (he Messrs Ileiny’s. Many persons in this city who have used this remedy give it a de cided preference over all others. Families are solicited to give it a trial ns it comes much cheap- ei than Henry’s; Being neatly nut up in bottles at 374 cents each, and for sale only bv LAV h HENDRICKSON, Chemists and i)ruggis(s, ptmd’sBuiidina,, deq7 232 IN EQUITY. W- In tho Gth Circuit Court, II. S; i district op Gp,oro»a i (hints.—Iterloeutoru Decree. *’ A T P ro8ellt this Court cannot i, final decree, hut pwnarataiH ®!i to will order and direct that a h the register, to require and report tln.u.M ^ counts between the M'Kim.os and the n f T upon lm loan ot $50 000, nnd by doftol^ pcftrsby agreement, tho Bank Squarewas IS, ^ SpecIfioDlIy, Id pari, for tlmt loan of sales thereof! he so npXd ap ‘‘5? amuM t ills rnnelvnit 111 «l„. ... ■ * tllL nillouut, f-4 EORGTA, Ghsihr.m Countys-:E^t;,s ft«». «s j ’ JT Justices of the Inferior court sitting for ordina- j ry purposes. To nil whom it may concern. ,'Sfl- Whereas Linus l’. Sngemlinioistrator ofSpraguc Taylor, dceensiul, has petitioned the honora ble court of ordinary lo bo disebargcil from Ills Pd admiuistrationsliip. Those are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of tho said deceased, to file their objmitlone (if and they have) in tho oflire of tho clerk of tho court off or dinary, on or before the 13th day of January next ensuing the date hereof j otherwise letters tlismis* sory will he grunted to tlie applicant. Witness tho honorable Thomas N. Morel one I oi sates tnoreot, lie so applied, „ of the Justices of the said Court this 13th dny of Lallsrocelvod lit tho south ond of il„. ii 1 .’'! nou ?' 0 * July, A. D. 1824. S. M. BOND, c c o. tlie time it was tukon possession o ’ ,, ("’ ? .inly 13 150 «nd to report also upon such other 1 hi 11,1 ' 4 \ EOittJIA, Clmtlmm County—% thc hon. 'the ll>0 «“>nplninaiits may insist upon a r (,ne!"il S i' U Irr Justices ofthe Inferior court, silting for or- m, » « fruial >? »«“« sum. ^per to b, dinaru purposes. l lmt hri enquire and report Ilm „,, m i To nil whom it may concern. j’hnmnP !* 8 '! t ,’ W actun, *y °Ut, with the hohleJ, Wliereas Alary E. Noiris, widow, bus applied Jj*®*’ 0 !’. •espeetively, amt iiiclj f ac( , | 0l|( | in , p to the honorable the Court of Or Unary of Clint- , ” ,u ll ° ,1L ' st aiul , ""W lido holder) tliarlif ham county for letters of guardianship on tho per- *°V c , nd 'y suggest; also t|i« son mul property of Jnmes A. Norris a minor un- l ■ ‘'“‘'’I’Uiimau orolthn 0 f tliem dcr fourteen yenrs of age ami orphan child of Bon- cnd °f dle bridge, from tlm q me .V Jamln B. Norris, dcc’d,.is nearest of kin. SiKT d - lC , 1 '-' uuU " f Kdalre These are therefore to cite nnd admonish the „ 1 ,VJ 1 „?5 1 t i d, *? p u,, y P 1 ' 11,1,0 ulhcei a\ their salt’ kindred and all pereons interested in tlie welfnre. J, °t uccountshctwoen lien.’ of the said orphan to file their objections, (if nny 5 1rl Cmnpnny j amUisn re- thcylmve.) to the granting of the guardianship of {!“!*‘bscouuts or charges, as tlm d e feu. the said orphan to the applicant in the clerk's of- , s ,. n su 85‘j s i m 'd give proof of, as p ro|tt . hue, of the court of ordinary, on or before the 22d o' 0 C0ln P ,l J ina nts or uitlior of them." day of January next; otherwise letters of guar- • 1 * ? , iansliip will be granted ‘' 0I, ?° lo take notice, that pursuant to Witness tho limioruhle John Cummin!?, one lerenco, I nm ready to receive the of the Justices of tlie said court, this 21st day of mn c ,?* ll a 9’ *tatamriuts of nceourits und other infoN tjr* «yr *• M - BoKD ’ •• -1 EOUGU—BuUoch Conhty—By the honora * lir< [nn C | yoVr obd’t.reTv'r^^ lhCt " )n ' VX hit the court of ordinary of tatd county. I f jrn nT , „„ T° all whom It .nny concern. Savannah, EN ’ Ch *’ Whereas Robert Burton, Rdinlmstratorof the I estate of Stephen Denmark deceased hath nppll-1 . .... ed to the said Court for letters dlsmissory from nf 7rC 1 cnn B * c ert«nno J by the books said administration. . ? l t , C n,| ’ My ' 'l lmt ,l 1 ' tount of ^ These arc therefore to clto nnd admonish all i.e un «» d ® e "»' sd ,y«t i tanpear s to and singular the kindred nnd creditors of tlie said ,, r p,„,.,„L*°V? V 1 ** “b”} -0 ‘Incretal order, th*t decenssed, to filo their objections (if nny they b’n,« mk jx” it ef ^ * also I* have) in the office ofthe clerk of this court with ^.Ij.ii 1 th, ; r f f< ?^ ‘^pcctfullyB. in the time prescribed by law, otherwise letters |J„oivn lo him i.v'i° brfjgp bills, t- make disinissory will be granted the upplicaut. i le i.i i „ tl Her or otlmrwiIse, the amovit Witness the honorable Shepherd Williams, one | . °‘‘before the lot of the Justices of said court, this 3d June, 1824. ELY KENNEDY, c c o b c. junc 4 132 G " EURGIA—Clmtlmm County—to ail whom it may concern. Whereas Caroline Mnstc.rson has applied to tlie Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Chuthum County, for letters of administration on the estate nnd effects of William Mnstcrson Monday in November next, the better to cnalflt bun to comply witn the above order. „ , . HENRY SHULTZ, Ilnmburgh, Oct. 20. Oct 29 200 170 18opt s JJEKSONS, indebted to the estalo of WSJ. heth Fell, lato of Chatliam county, deem ion tlie cstuto c d, are requested to mnke immediate payment It , , i . ,, Jl! 0 °f ??v,°n* I the subscriber, and those to whom tlie estate I nnli, stone cutter, deed, ns widow of the said dec. Indebted are requested to their demsn lhesc are therefore to cite and ndmonlsh alt and duly nuthentiented. PETER' SHICK. EPr singular the kindred nnd creditors ol the said doc. I July 13 ir»0 1 to file tlicir objections, (if any they hnvc) to the I -A". ; v i.* r— granting of the administration of the estate of the TV *. . ult f r . “I'pllcution will i« said deceased to the applicant in the Clerk’s Oillce k""'‘ " ^ pom t of the said Court, o,. or before the second day mvoS™’for ienvo to sell _ nil the real estate cl. of January next; otherwise letters of ndmlnistra- , r . .* [f* ,0 be sold tor fool tion will he granted. 1 bcncf “ ol thcn " a cr ‘” ,hor *- 1 Witness the lion. Edward Harden, one of tlie Justices of tho said Court, the 2d dny of Decern her, A. D. 1824. S. M. BOND, e c o. c. c. dec 2 227 junc 17 JOHN CUBBEDGE, Adm’r, 138 Bryan Co until, jVflNE mouths lifter date application will k 1 r made to tlie lion. Inferior court of Lilst| < EURGIA Clmtlmm County-By the lion', the I rate^’tod.lwtak !!T ^ I ,e " ontl * IT Justices ofthe Inferior court sitting for ordi-1 ^^Atoftho hT'Sil tors. E. WAY, Adm’r. nugSl * • — ofthe Inferior court silling for nary purposes. To nil whom it mny concern Wliereas Richard R. Cuylcr, executor of Wil , .— Jiam Shaw deceased, has petitioned thc hon. court I |\j months utter dutc l slmll apply (u lit - - said cxe- -*-* hon. Inferior court of Liberty county fr| §oP71 of ordinary, to be discharged from Ids cutorship. These arc tiiercfore to cite nnd admonish all and singular thc kindred nnd creditors of tlie said deceased, to file their objections (if any they have) In thc otfice of lire clerk of the court of ordinary on or before thc 13th day of January next ensuing tlie date hereof, otherwise letters disinissory will he granted to thc petitioner leave to sell the real nnd personal property tl WmL Baker, deceased, for tlie benefit of til heirs and creditors. qpril 7 89 TIIOS. B. BAKER, Adm’r. ■jVrlNE months niter date npplicution wifi' be -11 made to the hon. Inferior court of UuUocb county, when silting for ordinary purposes, for Witness tlie honorable Thomas N. Morel, one I leave to sell nil the real and personal estate of Al- of tlie Justices of the said Court, this 13th day ot I len Denmark, deceased, for the benefit of til July, A. D. 1824. S M. BOND, c c o. july 13 150 heirs and creditors. ROBERT BURTON, Adm’r. MARY DENMARK, Adm’i. fell 23 48 Bulloch Coim/y. INK muutli.s after the date hereof, apfiw I IN 1 tiou will be made to tlie Inferior coot G UUllGlA, Clmtlmm county—By the hon. the Justices ofthe Inferior Court silling for ordi nary purposes. To all whom it mny concern. Whereas WilUnm Davies, administrators of Alar-1 when sitting for'ordlnary purposes, for leave thn Johnson dec. has petitioned tlie hon. the court sell nil that lot or pnrt of ground in the district ri of ordinary to bo discharged from his siud nd-1 White Bluff, county of Cliathom, containing W ministration. ucres, mure or less,bounded northwardly undent Tlieso are therefore to cite mid admonish all I wardiy by binds Into Jolin Poullcfii, nnd south- and singular the kindred and creditors of said do I wardiv l.y lauds of Williams, belonging to thc a censed, to file tlicir objections (if nny they have) tnte oi‘Jnines Boyd, nnd to he soldfor the hem in the office of the clerk of the court of ordinn- fit of thc heirs’and creditors ofsaid estate, ry on or before the seventh day of March next; I ELIZABETH BOYD, Adm'i. otherwise letters disinissory will be granted the | mny 26 124 petitioner. Witness tlie hon. John P. Williamson, one of| *)L public is apprised,_ New Mackerel, Hum, Lard, $*c /4 <Th BARRELS Boston Rum 25 kegs Butter (fresh) 25 kegs new LeafLnrd 20 Imrrels No 1 Mackerel ’ 60 do No 2 do 100 do No 3 do Fresh nnd swim 30 .half do No 1 do ing 20 days since . 30 hall'do No 2 do 30 hnlfdoNn8 «lo I 600 reams, single, double size nnd iron mon gers Wrapping Paper JOOO reams Cap, Pot and Letter Paper RX1 rmckngcs Glass, of ait descriptions 30 boxes Windsor Glass 1(10 kef". Dupont’? and Chelmsford Gunpowder 2 crises Playing Cards lo eases l\ hiltcmorcs No 10 Colton Cards 100 hoses No 1 Soap 400 do smoked Herrings Landing from iultr.Ltuirol, and ship,.Chariot nnd for sale on accommodating terms by ROBERT S. GOFF. nov 13 m212 , , tlmt the subsciiil . ,, ,,, , r . —- lias titles to one Imif of a 60 ncrc tract« the Justices of the said Court, this 7th day of I , Iind on W |,Uo Bluff, adjoining Ids and Ian September, A. D. ISi/L I lately John Pouilen's, now John Morrill's, an| ... a. Al. BOND, c c o v c. I for Which the administratrix oftheluffrJolin Boyl "1^ ‘now applies for leave to sell as part of that cstn e y x EOIUSIA, Clmtlmm Comity—By tlie lion —his title's are of prior date und record- All per* VJF the Justices of the Inferior Court, sitting for sons are fore warned not' 1 ordinary purposes. 0 „ the premises. To all whom it may concern, I junc 17 M —fry 138 Whereas Roli-rt Scott has petitioned to thchon-1 ii : XNE mo'nths utter diite, application willSj V.iT *s Tr. J “r U rc L I\i INK months utter date, applicati omble the court of Ordinary i t Chatliam Conn- j\ ||10(lls l0 ,| lfi inferior court of J-HRnghai ty, for letters of luhmmstmlion on the estate ami „ n1y for , onvt . fc JI all the real property H llects of Edward Pciimnn, Into of London in t |, c estate of the late Rev. Jno. Hcffl .ngland, merclwnt, dec d, us principal creditor. I | v in" in said county, for the benefitH Tlieso me therefore to cite nnd admonish “H I the hcirsmid creditors. I ANN BECK, Adm'i. nnd singular thc kindred nnd creditors ofthe said dveensed, to file their objections, (if any they have) in tlie clerks office of tho said court., on or before the 8th day of January next; otherwise letters of administration will lie granted. Witness the Honorable Jolin Gumming, one of the Justices of tlie suid court, this tub day of Dec. A. D, 1824. S. M BOND, c to. dec 9 234 OUCH persons as design to attend tlie Singing KJ School to he taught by thn subscriber, or, nre disposed to encourage an attempt to improve the present state of Sacred,Music me informed that a subscription hook has been lett at tlie Rook Store of Messrs S C I Schenk. Should a sufficient number of subscribers offer previous to Thursday Oth December, the School will mmence on the evening of that day. nov:i i,224 L. MASON, N INE months after date, application will be made to the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court, for leave to sell the real estate of Willinn HOlchstrasses, deceased, for the benefit of thc heirs and creditors. JAMES MORRISON, Ad’mr. nov 5 206 f* rjnilE Sul. criber 1ms associated himself with .1. John J- Wadsworth, in the Commission busi ness, lit tills place, which will hereafter be con. ducted under the firm of BUSS Sf WA Dm IVOR TIT. ELIAS BLISS. . net 14 n189 fV INF. months nftcr date application will be ! x mudo to tho hon. Inferior eourt of Clmtlmm enmity, for leave to sell all that lot in Snvaunah known by the No. I, Ellis square, Decker ward, with tlie improvements thereon : and all tlmt lot in Savannah known by thc No. 23, in Liberty ward, with tlie buildings thereon, being thn real estate of John Smith, deceased, for the bene fit of tlie heirs. DERICK HERB tlm’r. may tM . to purchase or trcaparU R. F. WILLIAMS. 1 npril 16 TV| INK mouths alter date, I shall apply t« j*?l IN bon. the Inferior court of thc county of J finghnm, for leave to sell nil the real esti/e »«’l longing to Solomon Gnnnn.dec. of which all wn| ccrncd will take notice. ^ JOSHUA GNANN, udm’r march 4 62 >; licatia INK mouths alter date application «iN mu lie to tlie lion, the InferiorCourt of tlii I ham County, when setting for ordinary P' ,r P 0 ( ; G EORGIA Clmtlmm county—By the hon. the Justices of the Inferior court hf Chatham coun ty silting for ordinary ptuposcs. .... To ell'vl.o.,1 i| may concern. frw , pc^rmissmn'toT«cir'tl.e D followi.ig reul fsl« WhcrcM Wjlllnm DftVles administrator of Jn- for [, ie benefit of the heirs nnd creditors of I cob 1 ranklin Kent dee. has petitioned the hon. L „ (ate of N , S . Hayajd, deceased, viz : court of Ordinary to be discharged from ins said 0|le undivided fourth of n tract of. land, coo administration. , „ mining about 600 ueres, on Cumberlsml Ws*« lhesc are therefore to cite and admonish nil Camden County, known as Plum OrcbanM"" and singular, the kindred and creditors ofthe m , un dlvi^ fourtlr of a certain Tract ttl said deceased to file their objections fif nnv they , ituate(1 on sni d Island, containing atouf M* have,) in the office of the office of tlic Cferk of originally granted to Gen. the court ot ordinary, on or before the 7th dny of t09h (m [j bou J, d B ed on t l ie south hy the *a‘d W>«| March next, otherwise letters dismissory will be orchard Tract granted the oetitioner. Also, a tract'called Lottery Hill ™ Witness the honorable John P Wi mmson, 0 geechee Road, 3 miles from Savannah,cent. September' 1 i^D* 1824 J 1 ' ‘ * < 8y ° f in B uboui 600 ttcres ’ N ’ J ’ BAY ^^ „ lxr S- M. BOND,/: c o c c. J mHy 20 Wi P **• 1*5 ! I ■; p ....«, demaml* persons liftvins "ui'iy .clcmunw^ ^ the estate of Francis Jalintau, dec • it inay concern—\\nerens, wujmmr, Hunter | ure requested to deliver them in properly ' lms applied to Ihe Hon. the Court of Ordinary of | ed 0 „ orlmforo tho first day of Oct. next. J hrouglit forward befQre that « / Chatham County for letters of administration on I CO untsnot ncougiii torwaru ue»v‘<> : ' Mm SaSSewbaSSdln SAfe "fP* nnd creditors. ] j„i v qo 14P - These arc therefore to cite andadmonish all nnd Al' singular the kindred and creditors of the said de- A BE P c r»,°n^lda*)tadto th _ ( j c censed, to file tlicir objections (if nny tliey have) 1 dX ^ or Martin, late °1 bim ) to tlie granting of the administration ofthe estate | ure requested to mukc j ^ of the deceased to thc applicant in the Clerk’s Office of tlie said Court, on or before tlie seventh day of Jnntmry next; otherwiselcttersof adminis- j . mn y tration will be granted. Witness the 'Hon. John Cumming, one of thc Justices of tlie said Court, the Pth Dec. A. D. 1824. dec8 233 S. M.BOND,cc o RTF. BAKER, i j TV. II. MARTIN. 5 10 ^It2 Just Jicceivcd, Fer ship Globe, from Philadelphia, €>/\ bbls Pennington’s double refilled LOAF &\J SUGAR 25 “ do single do do 16“ do LumpBugar 60 hulf bbls FLOUR , For sale by GAUDRY lx HERBERT dec 2 am A hh person# haying ^ cep »e(i, A. tnte of the late Hugh M'Call nJlh0; requested to baud them i n for pay | [nro( l indebted to snid estate will Pjeas*' I mAm "BSscnf july 13 160 jVTINE months after .LY hon. Inferior court rtf Chatham f L leave to sell the real Mjd P®”®"®' ,’,1 for Lnchlnnd Hamilton McIntosh, deerns'-' benefit ofthe heir^^ ^ c.M'INTO^H ^ march 0 CD